DragonSlayers - Non DragonSlayer Story
This Non DragonSlayer Stories was a story I started to write online to show that DragonSlayers did not only exist in D&D. Writer Notes
The Dragonslayer's had seen a lot. Their member had changed many times, but they were always true to the core. "Defend the helpless, destroy evil and those that opposed us and loot what we can" still echoed on. But now they were in a pickle. They had been dropped on a strange world, communications were down and their supplies were limited. Most of their mechs had taken some damage from rough landing and Gordon was in one of his moods again.
"I say we forget the job. We scout what we can and take anything not tied down."
Gordon was certainly not the leader, but his pilot skill and experience certainly made the others listen.
"Ah, pardon me. I think I figured out why we can't communicate." Eric eeked out.
"Simple words, for Gordon's sake." Lola chipped in.
"Well, ah, let's just say there is something in the air that blocks anything long range so no calls to or from orbit, but I can, um, adjust our equipment so sensors and local communications will be better." Eric said hesitantly.
"Cool dude, I am sure you can." Paul said cheerfully. "Your the best tech we have"
"He's the only tech we have." Gordon said regretfully.
Finally, Amanda spoke. "Everyone, listen. Job or no job, our goals are the same. Eric fix the sensors on Gordon's mech first. The rest of you stay sharp. Anybody who may have saw our landing may think we are easy prey. If they come, let not make it too easy on them. "
Part 2
Gordon did not like standing still. Even outside his mech, he was into running, swimming, any game that involved a ball. Inside his giant humanoid machine, he was even stronger and faster. His Griffin could almost fly. But for the moment, he had to wait. His thoughts drifted back to the time he spent in simulators, training oh so many years ago. His instructor said most pilots would never be good enough to properly use a jumping mech in actual combat. Certainly only the elite would be able to hit while jumping. Gordon still felt that eerie feeling the first time he jumped with a real mech, how the simulator just could not give the feeling of imbalance and floating, the most it would do is shake like the simulated mech was falling apart. He hoped someone was watching him now.
Just as the Grasshopper scout mech came running up the next hill, Gordon guided his machine in a text book demonstration. He jumped straight up from behind his clumping of trees, aimed his massive particle cannon and fired a single shot and landed gently without even seeing the results. But he heard the results. As clicks and beeps from the rest of the DragonSlayers. A direct hit to the head, the cockpit and driver was destroyed, but otherwise the mech was undamaged. A perfect addition if only they had a replacement cockpit.
"Next time, take out the legs." Lola whispered.
Part 3 (New 10/30/07)
Paul loved his Ostscout. It was the fastest mech there was. Sure it did not pack a big punch but that gave Paul a good reason to avoid the fight. He spent most of the time running and jumping to scout out where the enemy was and telling his team where to go. He was certainly not in charge; he was just the team’s information gatherer. At the moment, he was testing the range of the modified sensors, seeing what was around and as usual, having a good time. He was almost running too fast when an energy reading popped onto his screen. “Whoa… you guys are not going to believe this. You have got to check this out.”
Amanda tried to keep him focused. “Whatever it is Paul, it can wait, your starting to break up. Come back before we loose you.” As soon as she said that, she knew it was too late. The radio went dead. She knew the range of the sensor and the radios, now she just wish she knew what Paul had found.
Leading the DragonSlayers is never easy,Amanda thought to herself as she walked her mech, following the rest of the team. It's a balancing game between letting the individuals do what they do best and keeping them focused on the team goals. But, in general, the jobs came with clear objectives and rewards, so decisions were easy to calculate. Leaving the dropship undefended was certainly risky but with the current conditions, it was not going anywhere and without global communications, the only support she had was her team and one was already missing. Two clicks came through the coms and the team was in position. Amanda continued to walk, focusing on the sensors. There was no others signals beyond her team but as she contined to scan, she realized Paul had not found the limits of sensors, he found a void where sensor did not penetrate. Was it worth it to map the outside of the void to see how big of a search area they had or was it better to head in blind. This was one of those moment that would make her the hero or the heal.