Main / Enchanter

Schools - Mage - Chapter 2


The Enchanter is a specialist in the schools of Enchantment and Charm. Most enchanters see themselves as protectors of the helpless and advocates of the weak, but there are some who see their mastery of enchantment magic as evidence of their inevitable ascendance in the world. Notably, there are ample numbers of good and evil enchanters, but few neutral ones. Fond of the simple life, enchanters usually live in modest homes in small villages. They spend much of their time tinkering with magical potions and devices, commonly earning money as counselors, teachers, and farmers.

Allowed Races: Humans, half-elves, and elves can all become enchanters.

Ability Requirements: Since influencing the will of others is in part a manifestation of the caster's personal charm, a wizard must have a Charisma of at least 16 to specialize as an enchanter.

Saving Throw Modifiers: All opponents modify their saving throws by -1 when attempting to save against an enchantment/charm spell cast by an enchanter. An enchanter adds a +1 bonus when saving against enchantment/charm spells.

Bonus Spells and Acquired Powers: An enchanter can memorize an extra spell at each spell level, providing that at least one of the memorized spells is from the school of enchantment/charm. When an enchanter reaches 17th level, he acquires immunity to all forms of charm spells. When an enchanter reaches 20th level, he gains the ability to cast a special free action spell once per day. The enchanter can cast this spell on himself or any creature he touches. No material components are required for this spell and the casting time is 1; the enchanter merely touches the subject to be affected and concentrates. When enchanted with free action, the subject is able to move and attack normally for one hour, even under the influence of a spell that impedes movement such as web or slow. The spell negates the effects of hold spells. Underwater, the subject moves at normal surface speed and inflicts full damage with weapons, provided that the weapon is wielded and not hurled.

Oppositional Schools: An enchanter cannot learn spells from the schools of invocation / evocation or necromancy.

Ethos: With their high Charisma, enchanters tend to be the most physically attractive and personable of all the specialists. They are sensitive, passionate, and caring. They believe in the sanctity of life and share the druid's love of nature. Enchanters are commonly the voice of reason in adventuring parties. They are often able to devise options and solutions that have eluded their companions. They are excellent team-players, superb negotiators, and shrewd bargainers. They enjoy fine arts and good conversation, and are fascinated by magic in all its forms. It is not unusual for an enchanter to acquire dozens of close friends. Though deeply romantic, enchanters often marry late in life, as they are reluctant to settle down with just one person.