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Events of 10-9-1266 TGR - House Affairs

Events of 10-9-1266 TGR

As the group approaches the house after the Prince's meeting

As the four came in view of the notoriously haunted Ashgrove Manor that they now called home, Branwyn laid her hand gently on Philippe’s arm. “Before we enter, there are a few things I want to say quickly. First to Philippe, thank you for choosing the most beautiful gifts for the Prince. They were perfect and I appreciate everything you did to make this meeting successful. But I do think that you and I need to play a game. Every morning before I have my first appointment, I wish you to tell me something I do not know. It could be anything - something about the house, the staff, the city or people who live here. But it must be something helpful that I do not already know.’

“Marisu, I wanted to wait until we were out of the hearing of Lord Hightower, but I do agree with you completely about making sure everyone is prepared for the ball in time. You are in charge of taking everyone you feel needs extra help and work with them. That includes pulling them off guard duty if necessary. But as far as dress is concerned, I think we are pretty well covered. After a particularly tiresome meeting with Jennevive, I spoke with Atribella about a new dress for the ball for myself. I had an idea that I think will do nicely,” Branwyn said with a hint of a smile. “Everyone who was at Queen Wilamina’s coronation has suitable dress that no one in Terraguard has seen yet and Atribella has been tasked with working on additions for everyone that you can help her with. The only person off the top of my head that we might have to scramble for would be Imari. If something new cannot be arranged in enough time, she can always wear one of our dresses. I have a very nice burgundy dress that would look beautiful on her, but you and Atribella can work with her on that as well as the etiquette for anyone you feel is in need of some assistance.’

“Oh, and Tristan and Leatherus. Do you have suitable formalwear? I know I had sets on the list of all our men, but wasn’t sure how that had progressed. You did not attend the Coronation, so you should be the first priority. And do you play chess, Tristan? Perhaps we can see if the Prince would like some company on that score. I do not play well and would bore the man to death if I played. Just an idea of something we might broach at the ball.”

Marisu nods her agreement. "I'll certainly do my best, Branwyn. I was actually thinking Shurkural would be a good candidate also. Her ability to dance may make her popular, but we might want to have her try to restrain some of her ... other habits, or people might get the wrong idea about her purpose in our delegation, if you know what I mean."

Branwyn smiled. “I’m not worried about Shur. She’ll be fine. The only thing you might need to work on with her is her nerves. I’ve noticed that when she is in front of royalty she gets a bit tongue tied.”

She turned back to Tristan quickly as started in the front door. “Oh, I almost forgot I must answer that invitation and visit the Grand Celestry before the Prince’s Ball. I am certain that the Church leaders will be at the Ball and I don’t think we should be meeting them for the first time and have to explain how we were too busy getting ready for a party to pay our respects to the Church leaders. Jennevive must come with us as well. There is no avoiding that. We need to round up whoever wants to go and carve out a time.”

Tristan looks excitedly to Branwyn. "I couldn't agree more Branwyn. I have been trying to reach the Church for a couple days now though other obligations have kept me from getting there. To be honest, if I don't go see the church leaders soon it will look poorly on me. Especially with my own order. They don't respond well when lower ranking members do not make direct reports when possible. I really must report what happened during my mission at the temple as well as the offer made by the leaders of the Soumi faith. I should get their blessing before I make any decisions. Accepting their offer may be seen as heresy to some in my order. Obviously, we don't need to be branded as heretics while in the grandest temple city for my faith... As for my clothes, I'm sure the church will provide me with formal robes for the event. I'm sure Leatherus will need something as well. I don't see him as the type to have fancy clothes. I agree that Jeniveve will have to attend with us. When would you like to leave?"

"How does right after breakfast tomorrow sound?" she said with a smile.

Tristan responds excitedly, "Tomorrow would be great. I also have been meaning to talk to you about something. If you don't mind I would also like to place a protection blessing upon you and eventually all the group. It will let me know for a week's time if you are ever in any danger no matter the distance between us, even on separate planes of existence. Since things didn't go to well for the previous ambassador, I would like to be able to monitor your safety at all times. Should something threaten you, I will be able to see you in my mind's eye and be aware of what danger you face. There are limits to this blessing. Unless I recognize the surroundings, it will not show me where you are, only that you are in danger."

"Do you mind if I place this upon you?"

“It’s just a spell? I don’t have to wear anything, do I?” Branwyn said carefully, not at all sure she was ready for constant monitoring. “And it triggers when it senses I am afraid or triggers when there are dangerous things around me? That could make a difference on whether you get a message. Perhaps we can give it a try for a week and see how things go.”

Tristan smirks. "It is just a spell. It does not track you in any way. It just alerts me when you are in physical danger. That way I can alert the others and Cahus willing, I can pick out your location. I do not control what is seen as physical danger. It is left to the discretion of the gods. It is like a scrying spell that is triggered when you are threatened. It is just a safety protocol. I'm sure you can handle yourself, but I'm sure the last Ambassador thought the same..." With that being said Tristan casts his blessing.

Branwyn’s mouth opened and shut but no sound came out. She managed to weakly nod her head and then turned and entered the house.

Tristan grabs Branwyn on the shoulder as she turned to leave. Frowning he says, "Wait, you were going to say something. You gave me permission right? I did not want cast this without your permission. Understand, this does not track you. It only helps me protect you. Please, do not let your confidence or pride prevent others from making sure you succeed here. We all have skin in this mission Branwyn."

Branwyn nodded again and finding her voice, she rambled, “No, I wasn’t. I mean, yes, I’m fine. I did say that, didn’t I? It’s fine. You just ... ummm … surprised me is all. I wasn’t expecting you to really do it right now. So if I get into trouble, a warning beacon will go off in your head. I think I just need to get used to being the one who’s getting protected. It’s all a bit odd, isn’t it? Maybe I should try not to think about it. Well, and try not to get into any trouble too. That would probably help.”

Tristan sighs, relieved that he did not offend her. "I must be honest, I have studied this miracle in some of the tomes at the church before we left, as I thought it would prove useful should any of us get into trouble. I have not used it myself, but those who did wrote of a mental vision of the person they were trying to protect. You see many in our order often end up as guard captains for devout royalty who understand the powers the gods grant their devout followers. This book was written by one such man and he described the sensation as an extremely brief, excruciating headache followed by a vision of the blessed person in their surrounding and situation. He wrote that it will not tell me where you are, but with luck we can pick up clues from your surroundings. Again, I know you can take care of yourself Branwyn. But perhaps the last Ambassador shared the same confidence you have. It didn't work out too good for her... I would be devastated if any of you fell when there was a chance I could do something to help..."

Dinner Conversations on 10-9-1266 TGR

Joseph and Phillipe bring everyone into the main dining room for dinner after a full day of meetings. Jilly is there to start serving. Atribella is serving drinks. A time for everyone to be together and discuss the events of the last day or two.

Hoffman raises his hand and clears his voice to garner attention. "I hope it's ok if I start, it may not be the most important news of the day, but something I would like to make sure everyone know; we have a reliable source that says this house is haunted. I will be taking the lead but I need everyone to let me know of any strange or unexplained occurrences in and around the house, this includes the staff as well. i do not want anyone to panic or over react, I just want everyone to know." Hoffman sits and looks for reactions.

Ilero nods. "Is good. Hye not fond undead already." He looks around the rest of the table to see who will speak next.

Marisu folds her napkin on her lap. "Yes, that sounds very good, Hoffman. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know and I'll be happy to do it."

Branwyn laughed. “I heard the same thing from Lord Sam Hightower, Prince Loplin’s adopted son. He told me he even snuck in here and spent the night before we moved in hoping to see something.” Branwyn looked over at Shur and smiled, “And no, I didn’t think it appropriate to ask whose bedroom he slept in. I would be very interested if anyone actually sees a ghost.”

She took a sip of wine and said, “I am interested in how the meeting with the Captain of the Guard went. Do we have a new friend there and did he have any insights on the city we should know about?”

"Well at this point we have a business arrangement." Hoffman stated reluctantly. "I was not prepared to be host, myself. I plan on going to see him on a more casual meeting to get to know him and get more information on the haunting. Maybe someone else can get a "word on the street" story, but I would not think I will bother the Prince or his household."

“About the haunting? I completely agree, please don’t approach the Prince or any of the Royals about this. If you ask me, it is nothing more than silly stories. But if there are ghosts here, they are most likely the Prince’s relatives and so it might be a somewhat of a touchy subject,” Branwyn said, and then gave a nod over to Marisu.

“Speaking of touchy subjects, Marisu may be approaching some or all of you regarding preparations for the ball. I hope you will cooperate with her in anything that she asks. But as far as the Captain is concerned, you could always invite him to dine with us some evening soon. It would be a nice gesture and not put all of the hosting duties on your shoulders. Philippe could send an invitation.”

Branwyn paused to eat a bit more of her dinner and then asked, “Does anyone else have any interesting news? I know Tristan has some, but I am not sure he is ready to share just yet. And we are making a trip to the Grand Celestry tomorrow after breakfast. Anyone that would like to come should be ready. It should be like no temple anyone here’s ever seen before and well worth the trip I imagine.”

Ilero lifts his hand a bit. "Yah. Just let you know, hye start trying find contacts today. May take some time, but hye find as soon as can. Hye try keep low profile in political stuffs, so can maybe be free to go in lower circles wit'out recognition. Tailor make good outfit so clothes be what people see at events, not face."

Branwyn grinned. "I can hardly wait to see it. You have much better duties I think. You get to make contacts over a glass of ale in a tavern and I sit with tiny sandwiches in drawing rooms. I haven't said much about the visit with the Prince since there isn't too much to tell. I hope the Ball will be more enlightening. Prince Loplin is the King of Terraguard's nephew, not his son. Lord Sam Hightower is another nephew of the King and has been adopted by Prince Loplin. The Prince views Sam as his son and they are quite close. It seems that royal politics is very dangerous over in Terraguard and the Prince and Sam feel that they are safer here with no designs on the throne.'

"Lord Sam is quite the charmer and is very anxious to meet all of us. Anyone that comes in contact with him will be immediately put at ease with his welcoming manner. I have been thinking about having him be my means of introduction to the City Council. It appears that he deals with them on a regular basis and would be the perfect solution for attending a meeting without showing favoritism to any individual members. I plan on asking him at the Ball if he would mind escorting a small group of us. Take us in hand so to speak. Nothing else happened today?"

Marisu smiles at the group. "If anyone has any questions or worries about the Ball, please come to me at any time. I'll use Philippe as my resource on local style and taste. I guess my first question to everyone is, is there anyone who doesn't want to go to the Ball for any reason? Ilero, you've already ordered an outfit, but if you're worried about being recognized, we could always say you were sick and couldn't attend. You're already staying in the background some, and this might help you keep a low profile."

"Imari, Galdek, Shurkural, will you be comfortable in this kind of setting? I imagine it will be about as far as possible away from what you're used to at home. Let me know if I can help you prepare for it. Ilero, I assume that if you do attend, you'll probably try to wallflower as much as you can, since you want to keep a low profile? We could also send you home early. Say there was an urgent message or task."

"We want to use this Ball to present the best possible face to local Dryads Lair nobility. Drillian appears to be an influential neighbor, so the Prince's Ball in our honor will probably have many of the top nobility and power brokers of the city attending it. Even if they're just curious to see us. We want to make as many friends and as few enemies as possible. If you're in a conversation you're not comfortable with how its going, it's easy to come up with a quick excuse to break it off. Perhaps something like 'Excuse me please. I see Marquessa Branwyn calling me over. I'll be back as soon as I can.' Or if I'm nearby, introduce me and I'll try to steer the conversation to something else. If all else fails, most of these people like to talk about themselves and and who they know, and how smart they are. Ask them what they do, or to tell you who some of the people around you are. The more they talk, the less you have to say. And afterwards, anything you can remember that they tell you I'd like to hear. Most of it won't be helpful to us, but you never know when someone might let a pearl slip from their lips."

"Remember to use their titles when you address them, unless they tell you not to. If you can, remember who asks you to drop the title and tell me after the Ball. Usually that indicates they're friendly to us, and they're probably people we'll want to stay in touch with after the Ball. If you have a title or rank, make sure to use it in introductions. That will give other people an idea of where you stand in the social pecking order, and they'll be more likely to treat you as an equal."

"Philippe and I will arrange for barbers to come in for haircuts and shaves for each of us. We'll need to be as clean and presentable as we can for this. We'll also make sure everyone has a suitable outfit to wear. For those of you who haven't already obtained one, of course."

She smiles again. "Remember I'm here to help you, so please ask me anything you like, and I'll do my best to get you an answer."

Tristan stands and begins with a blessing of the meal then says, "As Branwyn mentioned, tomorrow morning we are going to the Grand Celestry." Looking to Hoffman he nods and adds, "I hope everyone will join us tomorrow for a tour regardless of your beliefs."

"The temple is said to be one of the most magnificent structures around. For me, this is a holy pilgrimage finally achieved and I would be honored to share it with my friends." With a slightly more sober tone he adds, "There has been talk of a holy crusade starting. If these rumors prove true, my order will be called into this war. I have a duty to my God to answer this call. I do not ask any of you to join me, but know that should Cahus see to it that I survive, I shall return to all of you as quickly as possible..." Sitting down he looks around the table slightly ashamed for possibly leaving the group waiting for a response.

Branwyn smiled and nodded in encouragement to Marisu's contributions and gave an uncharacteristic pout in response to Tristan's message. "And I thought you were going to tell them about your upcoming airship adventure..."

Tristan coughs and looks embarrassed "Yes of course... I wasn't sure you wanted the others to know now... Forgive me Branwyn." Standing again he adds, "Branywn has been requested to send a religious emissary to bless a treaty between the Duke of Domville and the Temple of Air and Light. She has graciously requested that I aid with this. This is another great opportunity to help increase the clout of the Ambassadorship as well as with Branwyn herself. I am able to take a couple people with me. Though everyone here is needed I wonder if anyone would like to join me. We will be taking an airship after the ball with the Prince's ball. Hoffman, I thought perhaps you would like to join me and see a new part of the world? I could always use someone there to watch my back in case something does go wrong. Marisu, your charm has proved invaluable so far. I would really love it if you joined me as well to perhaps cool a situation if it gets out of hand. Hoffman, I'm sure Leatherus could handle your duty as head of the guard for the short time we are away."

Marisu nods. "Of course, Tristan. Unless Branwyn needs me here for something, I'll do what I can to help out."

Hoffman looks over to Miranda and then to Branwyn and finally settles back on Tristan. "I am honored to be asked and if you and Branwyn think it best, I will go. But in general, I can only help with certain kinds of danger and issues, mainly involving combat. Miranda here might be more valuable in some situations including replacing me with the ghost investigation if I go with you. I .. Or rather we ( motioning to Miranda) would leave it up to you"

Jilly comes through with a plate of tarts. She passes them out one to each person as she goes around the table. Coming to Indigo's space she has two left. "What happened to your friend Indigo? I brought one for him, do you want it instead?"

Tristan takes a bite from his tart and replies, "I shall leave that decision to you and Miranda." Looking to Indigo he adds "Would you care to join me friend on an airship ride? Having one of the Queen's Knights present may add a bit of clout to our visit."

Looking to Phillipe he adds, "Phillipe, please send a messenger to Mistress Erindale at her airship. I would like to invite her to supper tomorrow evening. That way I can introduce myself and discuss the matters of the treaty. I would also like all of you to join us so I can introduce the party that I shall be bringing with us. If she would prefer to have us visit her on her airship, I would be glad to make the trip at her convenience."

Phillipe smiled and shook his head in negation to Jilly's attempt to get him to take a tart. "I am on duty".

Phillipe looks over at Tristan. "I am sorry Sir Tristan that I do not have any information about Mistress Erindale. She came to the residence asking for the Ambassador's assistance. I told her that she would have to return when she was here. Misstress Erindale has not told me where she is staying other than what she said to Branwyn about staying on her ship on the river. If I hear anything else I will report it to Branwyn in the morning.

Branwyn rolls her eyes and pushes her plate away from her. "Philippe, do I have to go outside and look up? Mistress Erindale is on an airship waiting for Tristan. She is either in the air and therefore a message might be difficult without magic, or she has docked the ship but just prefers to sleep there rather than here. In which case, anyone should be able to find her dirigible and give her a message. I would be more than happy to take an evening stroll to the shipyard for you if you would like."

Indigo, who had meanwhile been debating whether it was appropriate so far from home to take the extra tart and not speaking, sensed a bit of sharpness in Branwyn's tone and so decided an extra tart might be nice about now. He waved at Jilly and said, "I'll take the Gold Hills Ambassador's tart please!"

Then he turned to Tristan and said, "Sure, I'll go with you. I liked the other airship we were on. Even when we were attacked by air pirates!"

Phillipe looked startled at Branwyn's comment. "She has a dirigible? I do apologize but it must be invisible as I have not seen nor have I heard any reports of such a thing near the city. That must be quite a sight indeed.... well if it is invisible I suppose it is not a sight as it were." Phillipe looked over at Indigo, "Sir Indigo you fought air pirates? That seems rather dangerous. Also if I may inquire, the Gold Hills Ambassador? Was I supposed to be expecting him for dinner tonight?" Looking back at Branwyn, "I am sorry if I missed an invitation you sent out. I will work on that at once."

Ilero listens to the discussion. "Hye try take message to priestess tomorrow, Tristan. In morning tailor come back, but after t'at hye go explore docks, look for ship. She say she float in like normal to avoid attention. Hye go see if can pick out boat wit' odd shape or balloon attachments. Indigo, hye can borrow you for boat knowledge? If she in air or away from dock, hye maybe able message to it anyways."

Tristan looks to Ilero, "I appreciate that Ilero."

Leatherus looks up from his meal, "Would you like me to accompany you Ilero? It sounds like you are going to some dangerous areas." Cracking his knuckles he adds, "I find most common thugs think twice when my sword and I wander about. Besides, I'm horribly bored just babysitting this place... I could use fresh air. I won't get in the way."

Ilero nods. "Sure t'ing, Leat'rus. Hye not expect trouble, but no harm be ready for it. Indigo, not wear knight cloze. Rough outdoor cloze best. So we not look like diplomats. Hye try avoid t'at if can."

Branwyn looked back and forth at the men making their plans who were clearly ignoring her. She muttered to herself under her breath, “But I said I would go. The shipyards aren’t that far away. We could take care of this whole thing right now, but oh no, it’s probably too dangerous.” She reached for her wine glass, turning it towards her only to find it empty.

Placing it back down on the table, she sighed. Then a thought struck her. ‘Did someone say something about another Ambassador?”

Indigo swallowed a large bite of his dessert and said, “I did! I’m eating his tart. He had to go and couldn’t stay for dinner. He sends you his regards. He’ll be back again sometime though. I told him we should go out to a tavern and find friends. He doesn’t have a lot of people here like we do. You’ll like him.”

For the second time today, Branwyn found herself surprised and at a loss for words. She looked at Indigo and then over to Marisu and Philippe and shook her head. “You want to take the Ambassador to a pub in town and go drinking?”

“Yup!” Indigo said, having another bite.

Shurkural grins. "And he's a cutie too. He's got a real silver tongue on him, and he's good with the flattery, but he doesn't seem fake with it, if you know what I mean. Sincere, I guess. Or at least not just going through the motions. Kinda like a cross between me and Marisu there, a bit."

Marisu flinches very slightly at the comparison and covers it by taking a bite of her tart.

Branwyn smiled at Shurkural. "Then it sounds like I will like him. But maybe we can start by having him meet us here first for the formalities and then later we can take him out drinking," she said and then looked up at Philippe. "Can you please send a note with my apologies for not being available yesterday along with an invitation for another visit to the Ambassador to Gold Hills, Philippe? What was his name?"

"Jondar!" said Indigo with his mouth full.

Miranda goes from puppy dog eyes to emotionless to confusion as she looks at Hoffman. Hoffman looking confused as if he is suppose to read Miranda's mind until he hears that Indigo is going. He turn to Tristan and the group. "Well if Indigo is going than clearly my place is here. Miranda shall join you on your little adventure. Indigo, you can have my tart if you wish, I know how traveling meals are never quiet like a home cooked meal."

Imari smiles at Branwyn. "Bran, dear, don't worry about formalities. Hoffman and I handled that already. Jondar is much like you in the fact he detests formalities. If he and Indigo want to go for a men's night out on the town, Jondar is fine with it. As long as he is true to his word, he will be a good friend for us to have here. He seems sincere in his words, so he is either a very good liar, or just what he says. I did not test the truth of his words with my magic, I thought that might be rude, but if you wish it, next time we meet I can."

"Marisu, I will be fine at this ball. You do not need to get me anything, but please make sure Guldek (or whatever his name is) bathes. And when he is bathing, steal his clothes and clean and perfume them. I will not have his bad habits embarrassing us at the ball."

"I will of course come on another airship ride. I did enjoy the last one. It would be nice to have some company on a flight for once. Speaking of, Bran, would you like to accompany me on a flight after dinner? We can get you strapped into Artiark and we'll fly you down to the docks to deliver the message. Would be nice to get out of the house for a bit. This diplomacy thing is fun to play at, but I would like to get out and stretch my wings a bit."

{space for a response to above if wanted}

Phillipe waits for Branwyn to finish dinner and walks with her up to her rooms. "I am sorry for not having more assistance with you about the airship problem. I had heard the story of you fighting battles in the clouds but I admit that I thought it was at least partially embellished by the tellers. I was not aware that I would need to be ready for such things. I have striven to find the right path for what to bring you and what to have the staff handle for you. It has been enlightening these past couple of days to see how vastly different your life is than what anyone else could dream of."

Phillipe pauses at the door to Branwyn's suite. "I took the liberty of having your tub filled withhot water for you to bathe in before you rest for the evening." He gives a small smile and bows his head. "Have a good night ambassador."

Events of 10-9-1266 TGR

After the trip to the mages guild, Miranda is less confident they will give her the respect she feels she deserves and finds time to talk to Joseph, out side of ear shot of Branwyn while Branwyn is off visiting the Prince.

"So you seem to know more then I thought, sorry about that. I bet you are the right one to help me and maybe I can help you. I am not sure what my days will be like here, there is so many people with titles and tasks but none do me. Do not get me wrong, I like it, I really do, but I want to earn my keep and a little more than pocket change to continue my studies. It is clear the Mage Guild will not look at me as an asset. What do you think, is there someplace where my skills might be marketable?

"There are always places that want help from a mage in the City", Joseph says. "There are people who need proper assistance with things. Then there are the people who want help with other less proper things."

He looks at Miranda carefully,

"What sort of magic do you have to offer people? There are those in the Knife that would pay well for a curse."

Miranda shakes her head "maybe it is me." she mumbles to herself. Then she tries to focus on Joseph and implant her thoughts as she speaks. "Magic is the power to do so much, there is more to learn then can ever be taught. I may not be as powerful as Branwyn or those mages at the Guild, but I understand the fundamentals and I will be an excellent teacher once I am given the chance. And while I am a mercenary, I have my honor, I am not looking to get in with the wrong crowd." Miranda pauses to let her words and thoughts sink in and go back to her happy spot before she continues. "While teaching magic is one of my goals, I have more to offer. I have experience taking care of children, from when I was young and now that I am more experienced, I can teach a few things that many sophisticated and wealth parents want their children to learn, reading and writing, horse back riding and even swimming. Maybe even some grown ups may want to learn. My point is, is there another guild or place of learning besides the mages guild? " She stopped, thinking she was done, then spoke again before the inevitable. "And if I want to meet the underbelly of the city, I would not be asking you. I have a much more familiar contact, if I wanted to go that way.

Joseph chuckles, "I am sorry Miranda. I was not aware that you already have contacts in the Knife. That is very impressive for being in the city for such a short time. It sounds to be that you are in search of a noble family that is looking for a young governess. I am certain that Atribella can help you find a family that in search of someone like you. Traditionally bringing in someone from outside the city is an unusual choice but I am certain that Atribella can help you find the right fit."

Joseph paces the room just a bit. "Perhaps you can answer me some questions Miranda. It appears that I am now an apprentice to Branwyn the Mysterious and I could use some pointers."

Miranda smiles "I will only say do not get emotional and stay focused"

and I know I talk too much and ask too many questions but is there another guild in town besides thieves and mages?

Joseph startles at that question. "Of course there are dozens of guilds in the City. There is the porters guild, the silver guild, the weavers guild, the dyers guild, the tailors, so many different guilds it would be hard to know all of them. The major guilds all gather to sponsor various city council members for election. Why do you ask?"

"thank you for your wonderful insight .I will handle it from here. good luck on your training with Branwyn. Miranda goes to look for a nice bar to get a drink.

After the events of Nov1414 later the day of 11-9-1266

Miranda waits for Branwyn to return from her trip and tries not to confront her too suddenly. "I had hoped to have a more personal conversation about my decision not to go to the church. You know where I am from and where I am coming from with regards to Religion and the Arcane Magic. I find it hard to believe you still doubt your ability of Ambassador with all you have done and been through.

I realized how well you have 'handled' me thoughout our journey and wish to repay you by taking some load off. If not for the important side quests happening, I would like to prove to you and to others my skill in training Joseph on your behalf. Certainly you can not let yourself get tied up on such a ... well for lack of a better word..mundane task. I get the chance to teach and you can contine to be free to do what you need to for Queen and country.

“Miranda, you know better than anyone that I am no teacher. But, Joseph is listed at the Mage’s Guild as my apprentice and so I am responsible for him. He was also the one who was supposedly alone with the former Ambassador before she suddenly caught fire. I need to know what he can and cannot do and why he wanted into the Mage’s Guild.”

Branwyn shook her head and continued, “I will be working with Joseph first thing tomorrow morning and I ask that you do not interfere. The first lesson is mine. After that, you can take over from there. And unless he confesses to the Ambassador’s murder, I promise that you will have him in one piece. But I will tell you what I think. I think he only knows a few cantrips. If that is the case, I am the only one that can help him along with that since no one else seems to have wanted to learn the skill. But we shall see.”

Miranda acknowledge and nods understanding to Branwyn then excuses herself. She considers her options and goes to find Marisu. "Excise me, Marisu, do you have a moment? I was thinking I might be busy, but it looks like I will have time to go to the ball after all. Now the only problem is I have nothing to wear. Can you help me?"

Marisu smiles at her, "Of course, Miranda." Marisu takes a step back and looks Miranda up and down. "Let's see.. Looks like you're a different size than me, so we can't loan you one of mine and have it look right on you. So, we'll need to get you in with the dressmaker for a quick measuring... We'll take one of the boys with us so we can go to her shop and not wait for her to come here. Be thinking what color you want. Although she's a bit picky, so she may try to overrule your choice." Marisu links her elbow with Miranda's and guides her down the hallway. "Come on, no time like the present, right? And the sooner we get to her, the less she'll be able to gripe about the timeline." Marisu smiles over at Miranda. "Dressmakers are all like that. Never happy, and it's always your fault. They all seem to forget they're being paid for their time. Let's go find Hoffman and see who's available to escort us into town."