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Events of 17-8-1266 TGR - House Affairs

Events of 17-8-1266 TGR

Once Miranda get to shore and has a moment, she goes to speak to Branwyn. "you know, this is not exactly what I had trained Eddie for but now we are in the city, I really need to teach him a new trick. You should know he can track, maybe not as well as Shur, but depending on the situation maybe more useful. With your new position, I think it is important to teach him how to find you, even if you leave no noticeable trace. It's either that or you can keep him close to you and I can teach him to find Indigo or whomever you choose. We are both at your service" she finishes with pat on Eddie's head.

Branwyn looked down at Eddie and smiled. “I do like Eddie very much, but I’m afraid I can’t keep him near me all the time. I can’t bring him to audiences with the Prince, the Church, Council meetings and whatnot, so I do not think that would work. But if you can train him to be able to find me if I go missing, that would be wonderful. And I would be happy to spend time with him around the house if that is how it works.”

Pausing for a second, she looked back up from Eddie to Miranda. “I’d like you to come with me to the Mage Guild when I go. I’m not sure if you want to join or if that is what you were looking at for teaching opportunities, but it would be nice at least to visit if nothing else. Marisu can come too, but I’m not sure if they would let her actually join. I’m not sure how welcoming they will be to her. But for myself, this new position makes these guild things more important. Not only as one of many upcoming shows as the Ambassador, but I think we might be able to do a little sleuthing there as well. The way the last Ambassador died, it was either a mage’s work or someone who fervently wished it to look that way. Sizing up who’s who in the magical community will be beneficial to all of us.”

Miranda frowns then smiles as the conversation gets back on track. "of course you can't take Eddie with you to meetings, I thought he was one guard you might let in your room at night. As time permits, I will make sure Eddie knows your scent well. You are absolutely correct on the Mage guild. While I would like to make some spending money teaching, I could see it as a negoatition tactic, maybe teach as part of the membership. I would think you will have the power to negotiate as they probably want you as a member, but I will follow your lead."

"Miranda, you're the expert. I know nothing about training animals. I can barely stay atop my horse! You tell me what to do and I shall, as long as Eddie doesn't mind, of course. As far as the Guild is concerned, I only want you to teach if you want to." Branwyn smiled, "But if nothing else, we are going to a place of unapologetic magic. It should be fun. At least until they tell us what they want from us."