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Events of 22-10-1266 TGR - House Affairs

Dinner Conversations on 22-10-1266 TGR

After dinner Miranda tries to find a time to talk to Branwyn alone. "You may have heard, but I want to tell you officially Hoffman and I are a couple now. It is a significant change in our relationship and we are still not sure how it will affect the group. Both Hoffman and I are still loyal to you but he has pledged that I am now his primary duty. I want to be able to be the same to him so I must ask.. ::deep breath:: I need you to release me from my contract from the DragonSlayers. ::looks her in the eyes hoping for a positive reaction::

Branwyn smiled at Miranda. “Yes, I heard that you and Hoffman were involved when you two did not return from the ill-fated dragon affair in Domvile. You two could have come to me sooner or to the household, for I would have offered you my congratulations. I am pleased that you happy, Miranda, I can see it in your eyes.”

“As far as the DragonSlayers are concerned, I have never deemed this as indentured servitude,” Branwyn thought for a moment and looked off in the distance. “Hmmm… I suppose I shall find out for certain when I retire and inform Sergeant Snowfoot. But as far as I am concerned though, you have done much more than anyone could ever expect in service to that organization. You may consider yourself free from all obligations to the DragonSlayers and to me for that matter, if you feel it a burden.”

“All that being said, cutting ties with the DragonSlayers does not mean cutting ties to anyone in the household. Neither does you and Hoffman committing yourselves to each other, for that matter. You are always welcome to be with us, adventure with us, anything that you like, on your terms. I do miss you both. Nothing has really changed here at all. I am continually getting into trouble and putting myself in dire peril. The group is continuing to take adventures to escape the tedium of the city and the demons trying to kill me. There is a nice group heading out into the Blumm Woods tomorrow morning in search of a unicorn hair, for instance.'

"But what are your plans? I heard that you and Hoffman have taken a residence in the city so that you may have more privacy, but do you mean to make Dryads Lair your home? I would like to hear about you and what you both plan to be doing.”

"No, no of course. You have always been kind Branwyn. This is more of a technicality, more for Hoffman and the mucky mucks, which is why I was hoping for something in writing. We have not moved out, we just got a room to share some alone time that just does not happen in this house. We have to work on the housing arrangements but not much more will change. We feel our vacation is done and just need to decide which project to handle for you, most likely the haunting as it concerns security and Hoffman started inquiring before we went to Domvile. We have our own options on what happened in Domvile, but only if you want to discuss old news. We plan on taking more charge on what we do for you, including adding to your daily reports. ::winks and smile::

“If Hoffman would like you to have something in writing then I shall have Philippe draw up something tomorrow and we may both sign it,” Branwyn replied, bristling a little bit.

“If you wish to further the investigation into our mysterious hauntings, then you should probably know what happened recently. A few nights ago we found a dead frozen girl in our fountain. No tracks anywhere around her. It was as if someone froze her somewhere else and teleported her directly into our fountain. The girl’s name was Buttercup and she said a man in a blue cloak froze her. Next, we held a séance to see if any of our ghosts knew of anyone in a blue cloak. A spirit came to us and said that his master, Chornlin the Chosen One, had an apprentice with a blue cloak. That should help give you a bit to go on. I started an inquiry at the Guild, but my apprentices did not think that asking more than one question at a time was a wise idea or some such nonsense and they followed up on a different matter for me. None of us have seen one spirit visit us voluntarily, but we have had three séances here at the house and have called a different spirit each time.”

"Thank you and Thank you. I will let you get back to what you need to do. Have a great evening and a better tomorrow." Miranda says with a nod and takes her leave to her room to make notes and plans.

After a bit Miranda returns with a puzzled look. "Branwyn, did you mean to say she is alive and you talked to her or that you talked to the dead?" No, of course, speak with dead.We are on it.

Branwyn looked up from her book in surprise. "I'm sorry, Miranda. I thought you had left. Yes, Seremella cast a speak with dead spell upon the girl after we investigated the scene. She was quite dead."

Branwyn meets with Useless in the evening {22-10-1266 TGR}

After dinner and while the rest of the group continued to discuss the upcoming unicorn hunt, Branwyn signaled to Useless to follow her into the salon.

“Come and sit with me please,” she said and patted the sofa cushion next to her. She watched as Useless tentatively took the proffered place on the sofa.

“Did I do anything wrong?” he asked nervously.

“Quite the contrary. You have been quite helpful and very loyal to this household and to me. I wanted to thank you for that. And to correct a misdeed if I can. I want you to know that I do not take on apprentices voluntarily. I do not have the temperament for it and am so busy with my own projects that I rarely have the time to devote to those that seek it. I have no experience with the process as I have never apprenticed under anyone. My teachers were sought for limited periods of time. They taught me a spell and how to advance in my own training and then sent me on my way. In other words, I do not know how to do this.’

“You were sent to me the day that we lost poor Abe and I wanted you to act expediently and with more skill than you possessed at the time. And hence Midguard and I have saddled you with the name Useless. But that is far from the truth and the name now pains me to hear it and I do not wish to use it. Please accept my apologies and for I am truly sorry for placing such a moniker upon you. I would like you to tell me what you should like us to call you from this night forward.”

He sits and thinks for a moment. "I understand the frustrations with Midguard. He never did like me and only accepted me because of my father's money. I do have skills and I would like to learn more. I think that there is more happening here in the residence then was happening at the Guild. I would like to stay here and continue to learn with you and the other people who live here."

"The name that my father gave me is Howard. My family name is Purple. The name that I have given to the Guild was Howard Plum so that others would not know of my family connections. I want to be known for my skills and not for my name."

He takes a breath, "I understand you do not want to have deception but I would like to continue to use Howard Plum as my name here with the Guild and in the residence if I may."

“Howard Plum it shall be. I shall keep your confidence and I thank you for telling me. I do appreciate knowing in case it shall ever be an issue. If I know, I should be better able to help if ever you should need it. You shall be properly introduced at the next morning meeting. I hope you and Johan have been making use of the library. It shall get much quieter in the house again tomorrow and you two should have more time to further your studies,” Branwyn replied.