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Events of 22-9-1266 TGR - House Affairs

Dinner Conversations after the Feast of Broodhoy during Bag of Clouds

Events of 22-9-1266 TGR

Phillipe looks in on Branwyn as she is changing after her attendance at the Feast. "Branwyn? I wanted to know if you would like me to have the Ambassador from Domville attend tonight's dinner again? Or if you had any other guests you would like to invite?"

Branwyn quickly pulled her dress up to cover herself. “Knocking would be nice.”

She thought for a moment and then sighed. “Yes, I suppose we should have that ridiculous man over one more time. It will give the others a chance to ask him any questions they may have and we can confront him about his impending gnome difficulties. But we must get rid of him right after dinner. We shall need privacy for us to talk and make the final decisions as to who is returning to help Tristan.”

"Very well, I will have him for dinner and then provide a reasonable reason for him to leave afterwards. I will speak with his secretary to arrange a reason for him to return home."

Please send Atribella for me if you need anything else before dinner."

"Why does everything need to be so convoluted? It seems much more complicated and, frankly, unwise to tell another Ambassador's secretary we want him out of our house at a certain time, when you could instead come in to the dining room after dinner and explain that I am urgently needed on some business and we need to cut the evening short. Humble apologies, hope we can make it up to you next time, and so forth. Similarly, it would have been far wiser for you to come out and tell me not to wear nice shoes for the Broodhoy feast since a crowd of pushy drunken citizens were going to be spilling ale all over them in their mad rush to get ever drunker in the name of some silly feast day. Especially when I asked you multiple times if there was anything I should know about this before we left."

"Very well. I thought it would be better to have the Ambassador need to leave rather than you leave the dining hall. Just in case he decided to stay and talk with your other guests after you left."

Phillipe says with a wry smile, "I have been telling you something new every day just as you asked. Jennevive made sure that you were protected and in a good spot for the revels of the feast. There are several places that host obviously throughout the city. She was careful to pick the place where you would be behind a bar and have senior people from the Priesthood there with you. You had mentioned you wanted to be with the Prince so that made the arrangements a bit easier. I think that if Tristan had been here Jennevive might have been more tempted to find a less controlled environment. There are temporary shrines that pop up throughout the city on some feast days. Almost every tavern or spot on the street where you can put up a board over two barrels becomes a place to celebrate."

Phillipe coughs lightly, "You have not made your commitment yet to the next Feast of Broodhoy, which is the wine festival. Perhaps you could talk that over with Jennevive and see if she has other alternatives for you on that day."

"Oh yes, Jennevive's protection. I expect you to save me from Jennevive's protection. You should know by now that we can trust her only about as far as we can throw her," Branwyn said and then paused and looked up at the ceiling as if calculating something in her head.

"Strike that. I can throw Jennevive much farther than I can trust her. Tristan will be back for the next Broodhoy bash. He can go in my place. We are already doing two religious celebrations here at the villa next month. I think I will be doing more than my duty. Now, this dress either needs to come on or off, but I can't just stand here holding it up all day. If you will excuse me, I'll get dressed and see you at dinner, Phillipe. Thank you."

Phillipe bows and closes the door. "Dinner will be in two hours. I have Joseph ready at the front door for people to arrive."

(If I may interject)

Hoffman drags Leathrus to Brawynn the morning (before the air ship leaves)

"I am sorry for the hour but a was so anxious to leave to deal with the Dragon, I forgot my duties here. As it turns out, Indigo is going so I am letting you both know I am putting Leatherus here in charge in my absence. As always Brawynn, I am not concerned with your personal safety and most of the people let are guards or staff, so I expect the primary goal is not to patrol so much as to stay with the staff as much as possible with occasional check in's with the city guards at the entrances. Is that acceptable Brawynn and do you have any questions for me before I leave Leatherus?"

Branwyn nodded, “That’s fine with me. I’m happy that it’s not just Jennevive and me all by ourselves this time. I’ll leave you and Leatherus to sort out any details you need.”

Hoffman slaps Leatherus on the shoulder, hurting his hand but refusing to show it. "See, I told you she trust you. Maybe now you get a license to carry weapons in the city for when you go shopping with the staff. Just behaive, please"