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Events of 23-9-1266 TGR - House Affairs

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Events of 23-9-1266 TGR

Events of 24-9-1266 TGR

23-9-1266 TGR

Home and missing yet another adventure, Branwyn decided it was time to venture off into the city. At least to the Mage’s Guild anyway. “Philippe!” she called out as she grabbed her cloak and started heading down the stairs. “Do I have any appointments I need to be back for or am I free for the day?”

Phillipe looked down through the courtyard as Branwyn walked down the stairs.

"I was going to ask who you wanted to have over for dinner tonight with so many of the household gone away. There is no pressing correspondence that you will have to do this morning but later on this afternoon there is a set of expenses I would like you to approve."

"Fine. We will do expenses. I haven't thought about dinner yet. If I can't get the answers I want out of a book, I might invite a mage or two to dinner. But you know, Phillipe, other people in the house might want to invite guests. You should check with them too. You can invite the Captain of the Guard if you want and don't think the possible presence of mages will scare him. Should we segregate possible guests by class? I was going to say maybe invite that fellow Ilero was looking for but perhaps he doesn't want to dine with the Captain of the Guard. I'm afraid with our acquaintances we might only be able to have one guest at a time. Oh well, surprise me. I'm off."

24-9-1266 TGR

The group at home began filtering in to breakfast in the salon. Branwyn served herself a cup of tea and one of Jilly's scones and made herself comfortable on the sofa. Turning to Phillipe, she braced herself for the morning report. "Any scrolls this morning? We can do expenses as well if you would like."

Phillipe smiled at Branwyn. "After you missed out on the expense report last night I weighed the option of visiting your quarters after your investigations last night against the idea that I could simply present you with ledgers this morning to verify."

Seeing Branwyn's beginning scowl he continued unperturbed, "However I thought that this morning I would offer you the chance this morning to go over them. Then I was surprise by this."

He turns and gestures to Joseph who opens the door for a young man holding a scroll with a black ribbon.

"It seems that the mage's guild has sent their own scroll for you. Would you like to see what they have offered first?"

Branwyn's eyes lit up as she spied the lovely black ribbon. "Yes, please," she said eagerly. "Besides, we wouldn't want to keep this gentleman waiting. I'll just take a quick look at this and then I'll sit still and look over all the expenses you wish."

She reached her hand out for the scroll. "May I?" She slowly untied the ribbon and opened the scroll looking forward to seeing what news the Mages' Guild brought today.

Phillipe coughed and said, "Come In" and a young man stepped into the salon. "Marquessa Branwyn the Mysterious, this is Abe, the apprentice." The young man straightens up and then bows at the waist to Branwyn.

"I have been sent to serve you and answer any questions that you have."

Branwyn scans the scroll in her hand, reading "I have loaned you one of my apprentices to assist you in your research. He is to obey you in all things. I have promised him you would teach him one second level spell when you are finished with him. M"

Her eyebrows arched dramatically as she read the short missive. Her eyes darted quickly from the note to the young mage before her and back again. Pretending to be studying the scroll, her thoughts raced. She hadn’t expected a new spell or anything. But she had hoped it might be a summons by the Great Mage. Maybe a quest for a long lost item. Or a man in danger needing her skills to rescue him with a well-placed fireball or her jaws of death.

But this? Another servant of a sort. And someone else to teach at the end of all of this. Branwyn took a deep breath, resigned herself to the new situation and managed a smile.

“Well then, Abe the Apprentice. Welcome to Ashcroft Manor. Would you care for a bit of breakfast? Get yourself something to eat or drink and then have a seat and we shall talk. What are your specialties? If Midguard told you that I needed help with research, how do you think you may best assist me?” she asked expectantly.

Abe smiles hesitantly at Branwyn. "Thank you Marquessa Branwyn the Mysterious but I ate this morning before I left. I do not have any specialties other than wanting to learn as much as I can. I grew up the son of a priest of Aclim and was dragged around several Kingdoms as a young boy following my father. When I returned to the City two years ago I immediately went to the Mages Guild to apply for membership. I know how to read and write so if you want me to research I can do that for you."

He pauses "I am not sure if you want to know more but I am here to work for you until you release me back to the Mages Guild."

Phillipe smiles behind his back at Branwyn.

“First off, please just call me Branwyn. It’s shorter and much easier for everyone. I was not expecting you, and so I will try not to keep you too long from your studies at the Guild. Let’s start with something simple and see how you do with that and then we’ll see. We made contact with the spirit of Lorilien Farthorn last night. She’s of the Royal Family and she’s dead. Obviously. I would like to know more about her. When she lived. How she died. What she was known for, if anything. Things like that. Does that sound like something you can manage?” Branwyn asked.

She picked up her cup and a thought occurred to her. “You don’t happen to know any spirit summoning spells, do you? That would be most helpful.”

Abe looks at Branwyn cautiously, "Branwyn...(?) Lorilein Farthorn. You spoke with her? That means you were somewhere near where she died? I am sorry I do not have anything to do with spirits previously so I am going to learn lots of new things from you. I can tell you two things I know from my studies. She is the Aunt of King Farthorn the Tenth, King Francis Farthorn. Her daughter Princess Dasandri Farthorn was the Princess of the Principality of Dryads Lair who built the wall across the peninsula. I am sorry I do not know when she was born or died. I suppose if you talked with her we can say for certain she is dead... right?"

He nods, "I can look through the libraries to find out more for you. Do you have a library here?"

“This house used to be a royal palace and so I would assume that Lorilein Farthorn died here if she was the spirit that came to visit us last night. This house has been long rumoured to be haunted. Farthorn the Tenth was crowned … oh about 50 years ago I believe. I have no idea how old he was when he became king. And if Lorilein was his aunt then that would make her most likely 20 years older than the king roundabouts. So, most certainly dead. Besides, in my studies I did not see a way to call forth live spirits. That would be quite annoying for the subject. They are minding their own business, going about their day and Wham! They are called over to my house for a viewing and some questions. No, no. Only the dead will come when they are called in this way,” Branwyn replied.

“And yes, of course I have a library here. At the moment it seems that I am urgently needed for household accounting purposes, but Jilly takes care of my library when I am away and is familiar with it. She can show you around and answer any questions you may have. However, I do not believe that my library will be of much use. You should not be delving into my books on magic until after your tasks are completed and it is time for you to learn a new spell. I do have a great many books on local history, but therein lies the difficulty. My local history is Drillian’s local history and my information regarding Terraguard is quite limited. Phillipe, would you please get Jilly to give Abe a tour of the library and then you shall have my full attention on the financial matters, as promised.”