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Events of 5-10-1266 TGR - House Affairs

The Much Dreaded Morning Meeting {5-10-1266 TGR}

Branwyn settled into her chair with a cup of tea, bracing herself for the announcements that were soon to follow while the others also settled into their usual places in the salon. She looked over at Phillipe and asked, "You did send the note to Midguard to come this morning? We should get going if we want to finish with business before he arrives. Oh, and do we have any scrolls from home?"

Phillipe sets down his tea and picks up the basket.

"First Branwyn here are your letters from Queen Willimina Mosskin. These arrived in the post yesterday. I expect that we will get them closer to the first of the month in the future, these were delayed by that horrible snow storm on the lake." He hands over a scroll to Branwyn, to Ilero, to Jennivive and then hands a second to Branwyn. "Would you like to keep Indigo's? Or would you prefer I keep it with the rest of your correspondence until he arrives?"

{diplomatic pouch returned}

“Oh please wait for Indigo to return so you may hand it to him. I am sure he shall enjoy receiving his own scroll at the morning meeting, “Branwyn replied, opening hers and reading it silently. She waited for the others to read theirs and then read hers aloud for the room to hear. “See! All we have to do is find out who killed Mistress Waverlyn and we may all go home. Perhaps we shall try for another séance this week.’

‘Before Phillipe hands over more scrolls, I will give short update on the coming festivals. I have taken Hugh’s suggestions as well as some of mine and Phillipe’s and I think we have arrangements well in hand for the Mourning of Megrim. Phillipe will be giving you two invitations each to give to whomever in the City that you wish. Just tell him who you are giving them to and he will handle the rest. I’m planning a bit of a surprise that might help not only to boost the party attraction factor for the household, but it might, if we are all paying attention, help with the murder investigation. For the Feast of the Basket on the 25th, Imari has so kindly offered to plan that one. So speak with her if you have any suggestions and hopefully she will update us as to her arrangements so we may be prepared. If anyone wants to share their letter from home, just join in,” Branwyn said with a smile and then looked back over to Phillipe.

Ilero reads over his scroll and wrinkles his nose. He shakes his head. "Is not much. Just wants know if has progress yet." He rolls the scroll back up and fiddles with his mustache while thinking. "Hye guess has little bit progress. And must make code for anyt'ing sent back."

Phillipe smiles at Branwyn's proposal. "With the masks that you will be giving out invitations will be interesting. Will we be giving out the masks at the door after verifying who is who? or will they get the mask with their invitation?"

As he let the group think on the implications of that he brought out two purple scrolls.

"This one is from the Prince, with an offer of a dinner he is hosting for an elven ambassador. He says that you are the most eminently qualified other ambassador to have at dinner. I imagine that you would like to also have the elven ambassador here for a dinner as well after the Prince does? The Prince's dinner is on the 8th."

"Also this one comes from Prince Sam, he is asking for an invitation for a private meeting with you here at the residence as your earliest convenience. Shall I pen a note with an invitation to dinner tomorrow night?"

Leaving the basket of other scrolls at his feet, he gestures towards the door. "Also Midguard the Magnificent has sent over a new apprentice for you. He comes with an assistant who is apparently named Useless?"

Gestures for an old man to come into the room. He bobs his head and swallows, "hummm, ccookk, yes I am here for Branwyn. I was told she needed an apprentice, some one, haaaack, some one who would not be so hasty and COUGH, was a little more expendable as Midguard implied. I am Johan. "

Branwyn looked at the two mages in a state of shock and put down her cup, shaking her head in disbelief.

“Please, wait. I can only do one thing at a time. It is nice to meet you Johan. But would you two mind terribly waiting for a few moments? There is some household business we need to take care of and then we shall be with you shortly. Hopefully,” she said, looking at Phillipe, “after Midguard himself arrives.’

‘First, Phillipe, the masks are optional for the guests. I’m certainly not going to be wearing one at this event. Guests will enter and if they wish to feel the fit of their death mask a bit prematurely, they may try one out for size. It fits with the theme. But no one should be walking into the party already wearing one. So we should all be secure.’

“Then please send our acceptance to the Prince. Is this a dinner in which only I can go, or may I bring a certain number of people with me? As far as inviting the Elven Ambassador here, don’t you think it prudent that we see how the initial dinner goes first? He may wish to have nothing to do with us. I have never met a full born elf before. He might not like us mere humans much. And of course, send word to Sam … Lord Hightower for tomorrow night. Did he say what he wanted to see me about?”

"I believe that the invitation was for you. As the Ambassador you can always bring your staff with you, there may not be a place at the table for them. Similar to when I accompany you to your affairs. I would suggest extending the invite promptly in case you wish to meet with the eleven ambassador and they are taken up by other engagements. I am not privy to Lord Sam's thoughts on meeting with you."

"Midguard the Magnificent is supposed to be here after your morning meeting. Apprentice Johan and Useless were sent over early as they are part of your household now. Like Abe was. I will bring additional bedding downstairs for them, now that you have two."

“I do not wish to bring anyone to the Palace and find that they couldn’t come in. Although if anyone would like to take a chance on it, they are welcome to come with me. In that case, Phillipe, go ahead and send an invitation so that we may entertain the Elven Ambassador at the residence. I suppose if they find the prospect unappealing, he or she shall decline. Do you know anything about this Ambassador?” Branwyn asked.

“And as for new members of the household, I do not believe that this is a matter that has been decided at all. I have not asked for apprentices and given what has happened to the last one, I think this is a perfectly horrid idea. We shall talk to Midguard about it when he arrives. Any other business?”

"Abe was sleeping downstairs in the basement. We can move that space for Johan and Useless." glances over, with a raised eyebrow as in really? Useless gives a small shrug of resignation. "Of course we can situate everyone comfortably."

"There has not been any word from Indigo or Tristan. I am not certain how soon they could arrive. I have not asked for any auguries, unsure if you wished to take that step yet."

"Of course there is the City Council Meeting on the 10th. If you are going to be doing magical research, "glances over at the two apprentices" then you should send a representative in your place. I would suggest that the two more likely people to take your place would be Jenevive or Imari."

"I have arranged for you to visit the Royal Library again on 8th where you can transcribe your findings. I thought that would give you a day or two to review your previous work. I have also started to ask about the ability to take a book from the library but it seems that will not be allowed. Nor can you take in supplies to transcribe your spell work there. Perhaps you have other means of persuasion? "

“This is getting ridiculous,” Branwyn said with more than a hint of exasperation in her tone. “I’m not making any decisions about new apprentices until we speak with Midguard about the books. And as far as the library is concerned, we are there to read the books for the Royal Librarian and hence the Royal Family. How can we transcribe the books for non-mages if we are not allowed to take notes? Illporn didn’t say anything the last time we were there and so I shall speak with him when we return. I believe you are mistaken in your understanding of the situation.’

‘In regards to Indigo and Tristan? Phillipe, you worry too much. Kenna and Marisu have said that the rest of the group was travelling home by foot and by boat. This will take some time. No need to go magically spying on their progress. I am sure they are just fine.’

‘And as far as the City Council is concerned, I went to a meeting. I hardly think I or anyone else in the household is expected to attend every single one of them. That is silly. But if this is indeed expected, I do not wish to have Jennevive representing my interests.” Branwyn looked over to Jennevive with not a shred of remorse for her candor. “No offense, Jennevive, but if I let you go, who knows what obligations you will get me into? No, Imari or Marisu may decide which one of them wishes to go. If indeed we do have to show up at every single meeting. I will ask Lord Hightower when I see him tomorrow. I’ve said it before but I really don’t understand how anything of substance occurs in this city. Between the weekly council meetings and 250 feasts there is no time to do anything productive,” she ended in futile complaint.