Main / EventsOn8-9-1266

Events on 8-9-1266 TGR from - House Affairs - City Excursions

Events of 8-9-1266 TGR

Ilero dresses in his working woodland outfit and cloak, as he doesn't want to look like anyone notable in the district's he's liable to be visiting tonight. He hangs the Hand on a hook on the back of his belt hidden underneath his cloak. He then puts the glove on his right hand and tucks it into his belt. This way he hopes to have it ready to use at a moments notice without it being obvious to anyone. As he's naturally left handed, his right hand can just rest idle and immobile unless needed. A dagger is strapped into his left thigh as an obvious deterrent for those who might be tempted to consider him an easy mark.

Ilero's plan for the evening is to find someone able to get a message to this Master Kolpin. He doesn't really have any idea who or where the man is. He thinks the man probably is associated with the thieves guild in the city, but he might not be after all. He heads into the lower sections of town and visit some taverns and ask the bartender if they know if someone who can take a message to Master Kolpin. Ilero doesn't know know how many places he'll have to visit. The man could be pretty unknown in town, or he could be very well known.

Ilero reasons that the first place to start his search is along the area that Phillipe spoke up when he complained of the people around his temporary lodgings. On the edge of the Diplomatic Quarter and the Navy Yard. Easily finding the inn, Ilero begrudgingly agrees with Phillipe's assessment. In Ilero's time with the Dragonslayers even a swamp hold had more character than the buildings in this area. Perhaps they were straighter here in the city but they were close enough to touch each other.

Ilero entered the tavern next to the inn and bought a drink at the bar to hear the local chatter. He was slightly surprised to hear Branwyn's name being mentioned in several of the conversations. It appeared that there was speculation on how long her barbarian act would last in the city. Chatter about the noise the hippogryph made and the sight of it flying over the city seemed to be partially amusement and some disdain for showing off. Ilero decided to not mention he was part of the household quite yet. He did ask the barkeep if he had heard of a Master Kolpin.

"Master Kolpin you say? Not sure that I have heard of any Master Kolpin, unless you mean old Ned Kolpin. He runs a tailor shop a few blocks away. He caters to a richer clientele that it looks like you can afford though mate".

"Is possibly him. Hye given message to bring, but know just name." Ilero sighs and takes a drink from his mug. "T'is very big city. Hye not t'ink it be so hard find one person. Much easier at home. Smaller towns, less people. Everyone know everyone." He slides a silver coin over to the barkeep. "Many t'anks, Sir." He tilts his head at the people discussing Branwyn. "Hye see t'at hippogryph t'is morning. Wondered what people t'ink about it flying round city like t'at. Hope it not cause problems."

The bartender palms the coin, "Oh I think that people always need something to talk about. Where are you from? I don't think I have heard an accent like that before. You come in on a ship from somewhere out east? Wolfspack or some strange place like that?"

Ilero takes another drink to finish it off before answering. He wipes his mouth off on his sleeve and nods at the man. "Ya. Just got here not long ago. Still learn hye way around some." He stands up and slides the empty mug back at the barkeep. "T'anks again." Ilero nods his thanks as he says this, then turns and walks out of the tavern and back onto the streets. Could be the tailor shop was a front, or possibly a relative. Or even a false trail.

He stops in a convenient place to think over his options, leaning against a wall. As he thinks, he watches the throngs of people walk by. He'd been in a couple large cities before, but never found himself feeling all that comfortable in the crowds, and it's no different here. Even dressed rather plainly he feels awkward and out of place, and it feels like everyone is both staring at him and ignoring him at the same time. Out in the swamps and woods he'd spent most of his time in these last few years, you could get a feeling when someone was looking at you, but here that sense was going non-stop. There was always someone looking at you, even if just for a moment.

So, Ned Kolpin the Tailor. Just a couple of blocks from a tavern in the seedier part of the city, but selling to more upscale customers. Ilero taps the fingers of his right hand against his belt as he thinks, feeling the Hand mimic the movements between his back and the wall. It wasn't too far after dark, the shop might still be open. Ilero rehearses a couple of possible lines in his head for different situations that might happen, then heads off to try and find this tailor shop.

Ilero takes note of the directions that the bartender gave him. He walks down the main street the bartender indicated. Ilero quickly realized that he could see the ravens nest on top of the ambassadors house across the narrow river as he came to the bridge that was just west of their residence. As the street wound around Ilero came up right on the corner of the residence. He shook his head at the circles he was making and turned west again. A block and a half down he came to a cluster of shops on the corner. There was a hanging sign with a threaded needle next to a cobblers sign and sign showing four feathers out in a flourish.

Ilero looks at the signs curiously. The needle and shoe signs were obvious, but what did the feathers mean? A store that sold birds? A housecleaners that specialized in dusting? Somebody reselling the hippogriff's feathers as they fell off? Or one of those exotic places that had dancing ladies using feathered fans? Ilero shrugs his shoulders and tries to peer in a window before moving on to the tailor's shop. At the tailor's shop he checks to see if the shop is still open, and if it is, he'll go inside.

As Ilero steps through the doorway he sees a small room with a statue of a man to the left and a counter straight ahead. A small bell tingles as he walks in. The curtain behind the counter opens and a gentleman looks out, "Can I help you?"

Ilero glances around, 'Hye told to come h're for cloze?' he says to buy some time.

The gentleman looks Ilero up and down, "Yes I would say that indeed you need to purchase much better clothing than that. Perhaps we can help you, if you have the means to purchase such clothing?"

Ilero looks down at his clothing. "T'ese good work cloze, yes. But not so good maybe in town? Hye referred here by Orlin, say it good place get new cloze. He not say how much cost t'ough. He say, 'Ilero, if in Dryads Lair and need cloze, go see Master Kolpin. He get you set good.'" Ilero looks back up. "Well, he not say like t'at. Hye told hye talk strange."

"Yes you do talk strange", he said with a chuckle. I am glad to know that previous clients are referring people to me, that is very nice to hear. So what sort of clothes are you looking for? Are you sure you can pay for them?"

Ilero nods. "Hye understand. How much one good set cloze cost? Shirt, pants, maybe cloak, like t'at? If hye not have what needed, hye not bot'er no more." He looks around. "Is too bad, poor Orlin, t'ough. He fall off horse. Bad fall. Sorry if he good customer yours."

Nodding distractedly as he sizes up Ilero. "I can set you up with a good pair of everyday clothes that will allow you to blend in a bit better in the city. They will not be the most stylish however you are not meeting the Prince or anything like that are you? A simple change of clothes for you should cost only twenty silver. Yes that is higher than other's might say, and you can of course go to the Traders Quarter and find cheaper simple clothes. However I will point out that those need to be replaced far too often and my goods are made with the gentleman in mind."

Ilero grins and looks at the man, "Not meeting Prince tomorrow, no. T'at next month, hye t'ink." He nods once. "Twenty silver good enough. All up front, half front, half when done, or all when done?"

His eyebrow goes up, "Very well Sir Ilero you said? One set of city clothes. Do you have time for a sitting today? We can get this started immediately. Where are you staying in the city?"

Ilero looks at him. "Hunh. Most people t'ink hye joke." He shrugs. "Ya. Hye gots time if you does. Hye stay not far from here." He takes off his cloak and sneakily stashes the Hand in its folds when he lays it down. The glove controlling it is stuck through his belt so it can be recovered easily. "Is any ot'er Kolpin's in town? Hye gots message for one, but not know which one. Person expecting it, but only way hye gots knowing right Kolpin is t'ey know name who it from. Also gots poor Orlin's last words."

The tailor pulls out a tangle of string from his pocket and somehow unravels it into several measuring lengths as he quickly flits around Ilero standing there. Leg, inseam, arm, waist, chest, neck are all marked off quickly and professionally. "Do you want a matching glove to this one so it is not quite as noticable that you have it on?" he murmurs in Ilero's ear as he measures. "I would not worry about finding the right Kolpin as much as finding the right time and place" he continues slightly louder in a normal voice to match Ilero's.

He steps back and surveys the bolts of fabric and leather in the room then holds up a deep blue and drapes it over Ilero's shoulder. "Purple is of course reserved for the Royal Family however this would make a nice addition to your wardrobe I think.

Ilero considers the blue cloth for a bit, giving himself time to think. After a longish bit, he nods. "Ya, good ideas. Hye not normally like blues, t'ey stand out too much in woods. But no woods here. And times and places sometimes want standing out." He watches the man work and write down the various lengths. "How long take? Can send message when ready and hye come back, or can bring to me, eit'er good by me."

"I will be glad to send one of my apprentices to your place when everything is ready later on this afternoon."

Ilero nods and collects his things. "T'ank you. Hye will wait till t'en. Hye sure all will be excellent, yes?"

"Yes it will all be good. But I do need to know where to send my apprentice around to Sir Ilero. He can bring you a message when your final fitting will be needed."

Events during Oct 31 14

Ilero finds another tavern to sit and listen in for a few hours while he waits for afternoon to come. Besides eavesdropping on neighboring conversations, he spends the time thinking about the upcoming private meeting with Master Kolpin, pre-planning as much of it as he can, and trying to come up with possible responses to things that may come up. Given his rather dubious track record at acting spontaneously without taking time to think, he feels its better to be as prepared as possible.

After a few hours and the lunch hour have passed, he heads back to the mansion to await the arrival of the tailor.

Ilero arrives a the house with Phillipe and the cook frantically looking for him. Phillipe runs up to him and takes him by the arm. "Please Sir Ilero, if you are going to have visitors please let someone know where you are so we can fetch you when they are here for you. I sent the apprentices back to Master Klopin twice with the news you were not home yet. I will have them attend to you in your rooms as soon as I can arrange it. Please stay there."

Ilero snorts quietly. "He say ready in afternoon. Hye come home in afternoon. Is good he quick, but... eh." He shrugs his shoulders. "Pliss give Master Kolpin apologies for keep him waiting. Hye not intend such. Hye try make sure not happen again."

Phillipe comes to Ilero's room with three young men and the tailor Ned Kolpin. "Master Ilero, I must apologize for the delay in your final fitting. My apprentices did not find you in the City or we would have done this earlier. Please stand here." Points at the floor.

As Ilero raises an eyebrow then steps forward the tailor tosses down a large golden hoop onto the ground. Ilero cautiously steps inside. Kolpin gestures to his apprentices who take up places around the hoop. "Please close your eyes Master Ilero" then he squats down and picks up the hoop. "One, Two, Three" and all four of them lift the hoop straight up into the air. Ilero watches carefully but does not notice any difference.

The tailor then reverses and the hoop slowly is lowered to the ground.

"Very well Master Ilero. That will cover us for the future. For now we still need to get you ready for the ball. I have heard that you are attending with your companion Shurkual? I have chosen the blue that we spoke of this morning. I can suggest a dress maker for her that can make a complimentary gown."

He then opens up a case and pulls out a shirt, pants, and jacket. He holds them up to Ilero to show him.

Then the tailor snaps his fingers and two of the apprentices spring up to Ilero and start removing his clothing while the other brings over the shirt and pants.

Ilero nods. "T'at sound fine. Yes, Shur need matching dress if able. Hye was t'inking about clothes for ball. Tell if it sound right. Hye need be able move around town like did today. Hye not able hide accent, unfortunately. So hye t'ink we give people something else to notice first. What if dress up real fancy, like fop or peacock? People see clothes, not notice plain person inside. T'en hye able dress normal and go anywhere needed wit'out problem."

Events during Nov 07 14

Events of 8-9-1266 TGR

Tristan spends the morning polishing his chainmail armor until each link appears to sparkle. He puts his armor on and attaches his mace at his side. He completes his dress as he puts on his dress tabard with the holy symbol of Cahus, the clenched fist holding a rod, embroidered on it, and his steel holy symbol around his neck. He takes a few moments to reflect upon the grandness of today's task. He will be make his first pilgrimage to the Grand Celestry, the holiest of all temples for his faith.

Stepping out into early morning, he breathes in deeply the crisp morning air. He whispers to himself "Today will be a fine day, a fine day indeed...and I have you to thank Lord Cahus. Please grant me the humility and wisdom needed to give you the worship you deserve."

With that silent prayer, he steps out from the villa and makes his way towards the Grand Celestry to speak with the head of his order, inform him of the happenings in that area, and pay his respect at the center of his faith.

Tristan makes his way down the main street leading away from the Diplomatic Quarter towards the Temple Hill portion of the city. As he starts up the street he sees Branwyn and Miranda heading off into a side street up ahead. As he starts to call out to them there is a tap on his shoulder. Quickly turning he spots Atribella standing there holding a basket. "Sir Tristan would you accompany me please through the Traders Quarter to the Market? I would like the company of someone as imposing as you when we go past the Knife."

Tristan smiles to Artibella, "Of course child it would be my honor. Tell me, what brings you out so early. It is not yet dawn. Surely your duties do not call you out of bed at this hour?"

Quietly as they walk he casts "Blessed Watchfulness" upon himself and a light spell on his holy symbol to light their way and reduce the shadows. He takes her arm and walks with her. Always keeping his mace hand free scanning the streets for any potential trouble as he has now assumed responsibility for her safety...

"Tell me child is your soul preserved by the rightful gods? You do attend the services in this wonderful place do you not?"

She smiles up at Tristan, "I am very happy with the state of my soul thank you. It is often the state of my body that I am concerned about. I am going out to the market early to find the best value that I can for the house. Phillipe has always been a bit parsimonious with the household funds. With Branwyn the Mysterious now as Ambassador it seems she will allow him to spend a bit more money. Of course with all these people to feed we will have to sort out something. Jilly is a very talkative person but I am not sure if she is familiar enough with the city yet to go out shopping for us on her own. The rest of your group so far seem to be very nice. Of course the smelly people upstairs are not really that sociable. But Branwyn seems nice if a bit mysterious." she stops, "Hah! That was not what I should have said."

Artibella guides Tristan down the roadway and around several carts.

Tristan rubs the back of his neck embarrassed. "Yes of course your soul is safe. Forgive me Artibella sometimes I pry when I should not." Placing his hand on his mace he looks around the carts for any threats. When everything looks safe he continues, "My companions all truly mean the best. They each have their strengths that make our group complete. Tell me what do you know of the priests in this city. Are they received well by the ruling class? Are there any who challenge the orders of the priestly caste in Dryads Lair? After I see you safely to the market I intend on visiting the Grand Celestry..." He looks to the massive temple complex on the hill.

Events during Oct 31 14