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Freki Imsigull

I came across the character sheet for Freki while sorting some old files. Besides being on paper, typed with writing on it, checking off hit points and adding xp, it is a reminder of simpler times. It is remarkable how little information we needed to play. Sure I could not kill a Fire Giant in one shot or rain a fire of arrows, but it was fun playing all the same. I present to you, the first generation DragonSlayer.

Freki Imsigull (Hairy-Breeks) Human Warrior N-G (Neutral Good)

Str 11 Wt Al 40 Mx Pr 115 Proficencies
Dex 15 Open 6 Bend 2% Teaching
Con 15 SS 90% RS 94% Riding Land Based
Int 13 -1 to AC   Reading/Writing (W Com.)
Wis 12     Swiming
Cha 9 Max Hench 4/2 Amberdextrous
    1/1 Empty

Ht Pts (14) "-4, -2,-2,-15,-3 14-26=-12"

10 None
9 Dex Only
7 Dex & sws
4 armor only
3 armor & dex
1 armor, dex & sws
THAC? 18 Weapon Spd/Ptn Dmg
10 8 Lng Swd 5/+ 1d8+2/1d12+2 +1 to hit
9 9
8 10
7 11
6 12
5 13
4 14
3 15
2 16
1 17
0 18

Saving Throws 13 Paralyzation, Poison, Death Magic 15 Rod, Wand, Staff 14 Petrification, Polymorph 16 Breath Weapon 16 Spell

Experience Level: 3 Goal: 8000 Current: 4928 "1406+837" = "6365+450" "6815/2=3408"

Notes and comments

The "italics" are the hand written notes. Mostly the hit points and the xp, note how we used half xp to make a new character from the beginning. Some of the abbreviation may be unclear to newer players. At one point we used phases rather then rounds, so a weapond's "Speed" (Spd) was Very Fast, Fast, Average, Slow, or Very Slow. Similar to the Initiative modifier for character sizes we use now. They also had a "Pattern" (Ptn) that described how the weapon was used and where friendly should not stand. A long sword has a "plus" so you did not want to stand next to someone swinging a long sword. I am pretty sure "Hairy-Breeks" was part of his full name, but it has been so long ago.