Diary of Freki Imsgul - Notes
I never thought much of this diary, though BOB appreciated it and Rob thought it quite funny at the time. Reading it now, it is much less impressive, with so much information missing.
The first few memories are of how BOB had charts for everything. The first post was about his chart for the weather. Freki was determined to be the X number son, so he was delegated to take the beer run.
I did not put a lot of names in, I guess I could say it was in character, and maybe it was.
The dates and the new year celebration points out BOB's calender and another computer chart for determining gem values and the contest program. I guess back then computers rolled better for me.
That rolls right into my first BOB rant. When I got the gem I specifically talked to BOB on the side and asked BOB if we had to role play it out or just "click" get the gem back to dad. Clearly I misunderstood BOB because the next I knew the gem was gone and BOB was snickering. Lesson learned: What BOB giveth, BOB can take away.
There was a lot of characters added and at first level, we clearly did not get much done and spent a lot of time healing. Traveling also took a great part of the game.
While the current set up allows much more detail in history, I recommend you keep a journal for your character, just make sure you have the reading and writing proficiency.