Main / Feb0510

Feb 05 10 - Born in Fire

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Thu Feb 04 10:28:51 EST 2010 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Feb 05 18:34:53 EST 2010 ====

[BOB] ok testing

Player] has joined the game on Fri Feb 05 18:40:44 EST 2010

Player] is receiving the map map three...

Player] has received the map map three.

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Feb 05 18:42:35 EST 2010

Kaz] is receiving the map map three...

Kaz] has received the map map three.

[BOB] If you notice anything funky tonight let me knwo

[BOB] the references file fully reset it self

[BOB] when I opened up KLooge everythign was blank

[BOB] no campaign or anything

[BOB] which is horrible

[BOB] but obviously I make backups and we are good to go

[Mike] I hate redoing Klooge

[Mike] you have to redo all your chat stuff

[BOB] nods

[Mike] hey kazzy

[BOB] testing

[BOB] sucks, need to go change mroe settings

[Mike] i see that

[Kaz] Heya Mike, Hi Bob

[Kaz] sorry, I just got home like ten minutes ago. House is freezing, I'm starving... been a running-around day.

[BOB] ok


[BOB] still putting chat on my map

[BOB] no clue why

[BOB] it is at zero

[BOB] and NO chat on map

[BOB] this just sucks

[BOB] I will figure it out later i suppose

[BOB] so Kaz we are an hour and a half from Guy?

[Kaz] ish, yes

[BOB] Lisa sends her regrests, she is stuck in Atlanta's airport righ tnow

[Kaz] ugh, poor Lisa

[BOB] I IMed Beth

[BOB] to remind her

[Kaz] Weather here is pretty bad, the roads are VERY slippery. You might plan for Guy and I not to be here until 7:30

[Kaz] even if he gets off at 7... the roads pretty much suck.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] and Kaz

[BOB] next week the two of you are driving on Friday?

[Kaz] yes

[BOB] did either of you notice those two new maps?

[Kaz] no?

[BOB] grins

[BOB] I sent out the next two maps to you

[BOB] so you would have them in your cache

[Kaz] Sorry, I'm not at my best, at the moment.

[BOB] then replaced this one

[BOB] what is up?

[Kaz] just tired

[BOB] end of the week, middle of winter,

[Kaz] brain not in full comprehension mode. Maybe after I eat, it will kick into gear.

[BOB] can not imagine why

[Kaz] heh

[Kaz] driving my grasshopper all over the damned place so he can fill out job applications, while also running my own errands.

[BOB] oh?

[BOB] what is he applying for?

[Kaz] anything he can get. Not Guy, this is Brandon... we've kind of taken him under our familial wing.

[BOB] I did not think Guy qualified as a grasshopper anymore

[BOB] more like a groundhog perhaps

[Mike] sorry, i was doing dishes, starting dinner

[Kaz] LOL

[Kaz] Ooh, Mike... you do dishes?

[Kaz] You're hired. :D

[Mike] she cooks, i do dishes

[Mike] she scrubs the tub and shower, i clean the rest of the bathrooms

[Mike] she does the hard floors, i vaccuum the carpet

[Mike] i feel it's a pretty good division of labor

[Kaz] sounds fair

[Mike] and she makes my ren faire clothes. =P

[BOB] grins

[BOB] including the kilts?

[Kaz] ooooh

[BOB] do you have many ren fairs near you Kaz

[Kaz] no

[Kaz] ST Louis, I think is the closest

[BOB] oh man

[Kaz] I miss the one in Pennsylvania, it was amazingt.

[BOB] we have two regular ones, and a third now starting

[BOB] plus the scottish games

[BOB] all the carnies like starting here in the winter

[BOB] then heading north slowly but surely

[BOB] so there is your new safe house

[Kaz] Well, in AZ we would just go to the SCA stuff (plus the Ren Faire)

[Mike] cool walled town there

[Kaz] oooh, pretty

[BOB] that is the goal

[BOB] will RP why and how

[BOB] but that will be the home base for the next couple of adventures

[BOB] you two (and john, guy, lisa, beth) will be sure to tell me if you feel too railroaded

[BOB] I am trying to set up a couple of adventures for you

[BOB] based around an idea that will come out tonight and next week

[BOB] Mike seemed to have a similar idea on the site too

[BOB] but I do want everyone to feel they have input and that I am not forcing anything down your throats

[Mike] i did not! what?

John] has joined the game on Fri Feb 05 19:08:26 EST 2010

John] is receiving the map map three...

John] has received the map map three.

[Mike] happy belated birthday

[BOB] I like Mike's idea of being hobbits

[Mike] and thank you for waiting until after 7 to log in. =P

[John] my birthday is not belated?

[BOB] or is that benighted?

[BOB] and did you have a good one yesterday John?

[BOB] sorry did not make the dinner

[Kaz] heya John

[John] Hello Kaz and Mike, Oh you too BOB

[John] so when can we get a henchman?

[BOB] 3rd level

[John] perfect timming

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 690.

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 1190.

[BOB] you can of course get one perhaps earlier, depending on your actions, etc.

[BOB] but those are the NPCs that I create

[BOB] the one's that you create from scratch have to be one third your level

[BOB] so third is the first time you can do that

[BOB] so one thing I want to be sure everyone understands is that we will be keeping careful track of the encumbrance rules

[BOB] I know in the past they were glossed over becuase of your carrying capacities

[BOB] but now

[Kaz] okay

[BOB] they really matter


[BOB] so that you all have your adjusted movement rates correct

[BOB] the THAC0 adjustment and the movement adjustment might come into play

[Kaz] brb

[BOB] and then there is the encumbrance charts


[BOB] right now I do not think anyone is carrying anything that heavy, except Branwyn and her spell book

[BOB] but as you gather up gear to head out, you will want to make sure you are all paying attention

[BOB] and I did update the Party Pack

[Kaz] sorry, back

[BOB] so that you can add to that again

[John] we have a party pack?

[BOB] and welcome back Kaz

[BOB] we missed you terribly

[BOB] well you might have one now John

[BOB] the stuff you found in the first cellar

[BOB] plus you have a locked door

[BOB] so something must be behind that

[John] so we really are not going to be part of the company?

[BOB] of course your party pack right now might just be a single cloak

[BOB] tied up into a bundle

[BOB] so do the three of you know what your encumberance level is?

[Kaz] Offhand? I don't think so.

[BOB] how much are you carrying ?

[BOB] your movement is 12

[BOB] and your strength is?

[Kaz] 18

[BOB] 18 what?

[Kaz] just 18

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so you can carry up to 119 pounds

[BOB] and not be encumbered at all

[Kaz] mmm

[BOB] still move 12

[John] i am currently unencumbred

[Kaz] I have my weight allowance at 135

[BOB] yes

[Mike] i'm good.

[BOB] that is how much you can carry and still move 12

[BOB] under the most basic rules

[BOB] but your max press actually governs how much you can carry total

[BOB] and the encumbrance chart lays it out for you

[Kaz] okay

[BOB] in steps of each movement point

[BOB] you were going to say John?

[John] nothing

[BOB] and Mike and John, do you know how much more you can carry and still move 12?

[Mike] i can carry up to 80 pounds

[John] 38

[BOB] why 80 Mike?

[BOB] your strength is?

[Kaz] he's BUFF!

[Mike] 16

[BOB] so if you are carrying 80 pounds you are actually moving 11

[BOB] and are lightly encumbered

[Mike] right.

[BOB] you have to carry less than 80 to still move 12

[Mike] i do believe that's what i said...

[Mike] i can carry up to 80 pounds

[BOB] AHH sorry thought you were syaing you can carry 80

[BOB] I see now

[BOB] you were right

[BOB] just want everyone to be aware

[BOB] it will be important

[BOB] for your mage

[BOB] maybe for your fighters

[BOB] everyone is a base 12

[BOB] and who ever has the party pack

[BOB] in a large sack or saddle bag, or what ever

[BOB] can just drop it in combat if needed

[John] but if we have a thief checking for traps or a halfling, we will all get to carry a lot more

[Mike] well, apparently kaz is the workhorse there

[BOB] yes to john,

[BOB] on the halfling

[BOB] but for the thief

[John] until we actual get a war horse


[BOB] it is just more time for checking for traps

[BOB] not actually slower movement

[BOB] it is spent sitting around, waiting, etc

[John] Miranda was desigend to work with a caravan, that was the impression I was given

[BOB] grins, yes

[BOB] that is what you expected

[BOB] there would be bearers or something to carry the Companies gear

[John] still would be nice if you can finsih the gods I mentioned so I can develop Michael

[BOB] I will do that as soon as I can

[BOB] just been crazy at work

[BOB] so I drop dead afterwards

[BOB] but the booksale is tomorrow

[BOB] so that should be the end of the craziness for now

[John] all books for sale?

[BOB] everything that is in the auditorium

[BOB] some kids stuff

[BOB] some dvds

[BOB] some vhs

[BOB] lots of large print, wry grin

[John] Laura asked if you still took VHS donations

[BOB] only if she melts them first

[John] ok

[John] are we waiting for Guy?

[BOB] I eliminated all the VHS out of the collection

[BOB] no

[John] or anyone else?

[BOB] if you are all ready

[BOB] we can roleplay

[BOB] was trying to make sure you were all set

[BOB] we are waiing for guy so you have a thief to open that door

[BOB] etc

[BOB] but that is an hour off

[John] I thing we can open the floor door

[BOB] ok

[BOB] idea?

[John] I posted about a spell I have that can raise strenght

[BOB] both Kristelle and Imari already tried

[BOB] they have to go up in level before they can try again

[BOB] Miranda did not try however

[BOB] if you want to do that yourself

[John] if I increase her strength, can't she try again?

[BOB] no

[BOB] and you have the two new maps now John

[BOB] did you see that Jiselle Estate Keep map?

[Mike] i'd personally like to know what is in the door and floor, but if no one else wants to wait for guy i'd understand

[Mike] not to mention, his open locks is abysmal

[Mike] find/remove traps even worse

[Mike] so i guess we might as well move on.

[BOB] if you have ideas to break in

[Kaz] I want to know. If his open locks fails, I can also try to bust it.

[BOB] I would suggest that you do try it out

[Mike] do any of the survivors have an ax?

[BOB] this is meant to be a "safe" way of testing abilities, etc

[Mike] we can just go all "here's johnny" on the door

[BOB] no axes handy

[BOB] the Corporal does not use one

[Mike] welp, i know the first thing i get when we go to town.

[Kaz] It's supposed to be a crappy lock, isn't it?

[BOB] it is a simple lock

[BOB] it does hold agains basic stuff

[BOB] if the three of you are ready to go

[BOB] we can walk through that area

[BOB] I am just trying to give you the advantage of the thief, as you will not have him next week

[Kaz] I don't mind waiting for him, for the lock. Is there anything we can do with the floor, then?

[BOB] John? Mike? ideas?

[Kaz] Meh, I have to leave in like five minutes.

[John] no

[BOB] do you know wha tyou have from the crates upstairs?

[BOB] it is in the chat log

[BOB] so you can take an inventory of what you can take with you,

[BOB] and the other thing to consider for John and Mike while Kaz is gone

[BOB] where are you going to sleep tonight?

[Kaz] the crates upstairs had... Fruit, dried meat, empty wineskins, wooden wine cups, cloaks, bolts of cloth

[BOB] grins

[BOB] thank you kaz

[BOB] go get him

[Kaz] see you guys as soon as I can

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] John and Mike you can make things go quicker later

[BOB] watches and where are you sleeping?

[BOB] the corporal already said to leave in the morning

[John] so you are considering the stone floor a bar to bend not a door to open?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] unless you have a different way of moving that stone

[John] is it attached?

[BOB] not that you could tell

[BOB] looked liek a large stone slab

[BOB] u

[John] is the corporal still here?

[BOB] yes

[Mike] well, i'd hope we are doing five watches

[Mike] the corporal had better take part

[BOB] he is bringin down the others he found

[BOB] Guy and Fritz

[Mike] does fritz stand watch if he's not here?

[BOB] no

[Mike] then why mention him?

[Mike] we'll have kaz, john, me, guy, and the corporal

[BOB] just to let you know he is one round behind

[BOB] yes

[Mike] so five watches, two hours each

[BOB] and you only need three watches

[BOB] of 4 hours each

[BOB] spell casters need 8 hours of sleep

[Mike] right.

[John] I'll take first

[Mike] except, we only have two spell casters here at the moment

[Mike] and five two hour watches gives everyone 8 hours

[Mike] with first and last having 8 uninterrupted hours

[John] can we do something first

[BOB] sure

[BOB] what did you want?

[John] any strong alchol up here?

[BOB] beer and wine

[BOB] no large casks fo spirits

[BOB] but there might be a bottle or two

[John] I was wondering if letting some sit along the crack of the stone would help any

[BOB] how so?

[BOB] you mean so it leaks in?

[John] any wear or deteriation, if only we had coke

[Mike] jeeze, bob. you need to watch more mythbusters

[BOB] grins

[Mike] alcohol has looser perticles than water

[John] does that help us?

[Mike] making it eliminate the friction coefficient better than water

[BOB] no

[BOB] sorry

[BOB] not enough of an effect to make a difference

[Mike] you'd be surprised

[Mike] i mean, how strong can the pages of a phone book be?

[Mike] stronger than a tank.

[Mike] oh yeah. the little things can do big things.

[John] ::ready for watch::

[BOB] was goign to do the door and or slab first before watches

[BOB] on the map, where do you want to spend the night?

[John] room where zomies were

[BOB] the fog room? the zombie room? upstoiars?

[BOB] ok

[Mike] we should spend the night in the fog room

[BOB] laughs

[Mike] it'll make the candles look like night lights

[John] does the corporl have any input?

[BOB] he is letting you work this out

[BOB] he is honing his weapons

[BOB] thinking

[BOB] trying to come up with a solution for you

[BOB] now that he is the leader by default

[Mike] this is where we need this one spell, war sphere i think

[Mike] it stands sentinel for eight hours

[Mike] so you don't need a watch

[Mike] anything crosses the border of the spell, it awakes everyone

[John] what level?

[John] I'll be happy to get Nap

[Mike] i forget. but i don't think anyone here has war

[BOB] you?

[BOB] I think you do

[Mike] if i do, i don't have the spell yet

[BOB] and yes you do have that sphere mike

[BOB] thoguth so

[BOB] thought

[John] sounds like a warD spell though

[John (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified:

[BOB] so move to the fog room? for the door? or is that the plan to sleep there?

[BOB] ] Corporal Antero, Imari, Aeiria, Branwyn and Kristelle moved 67'06".

[BOB] ] Imari moved 8'09".

[BOB] ] Aeiria moved 12'02".

[John] one last idea to share, if it is still early

[BOB] it is

[BOB] pleanty fo time

[John] well I have watched too much Bones

[John] we soak the wood arround the lock with alchol and burn it off

[John] the fire should stay local enough for us to put out with a cloak

[John] we can have some slt handy to put out

[John] salt

[John] or the like

[BOB] all valid john

[BOB] just not sure if you have all the tools

[BOB] you have some alcohol

[BOB] and a cloak or two

[BOB] beyond that

Mike] has left the game on Fri Feb 05 20:16:17 EST 2010

Mike] has joined the game on Fri Feb 05 20:16:46 EST 2010

Mike] is receiving the map map three...

Mike] has received the map map three.

[BOB] so any other plans?

[BOB] you like where you are?

[BOB] ] Branwyn moved 13'06".

[John] no

[BOB] oh?

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] Hey, we're back

[John] rather be in a real inn

[John] or home

[Kaz] Guy will be a few minutes while he gets Klooge going

[John] heck, how about with a caravan

Guy] has joined the game on Fri Feb 05 20:21:49 EST 2010

Guy] is receiving the map map three...

Guy] has received the map map three.

[Mike] hey guy

[Kaz] So, Kristelle is fine with doing middle watch, if we do three four-hour shifts. That way the spellcasters can sleep.

[John] hello guy


[BOB] grins

[BOB] you ready for that door? you know what is happening?

[Kaz] he's reading back

[Guy] ok im set i think

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so the four of you, plus your Corporal

[BOB] you have that door there, then the fog, and the locked dooe

[BOB] door

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Hey Corporal what kind of outfit are you running here?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] excuse me?

[Miranda (John)] ::smirks::

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I mean dragons flying aro9und roasting everything and everybody the only safe place is in a burning building

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Im not so sure I signed up for this kind of insanity

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] well that is not exactly how I expected this battle to go either

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] as far as I can tell most of the Company is wiped out

[Miranda (John)] does that mean we don't get paid?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] we will figure that out later

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] right now I want to see what else you found down here

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] then I want to figure out the rest of my plan

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I will tell you all about it when I feel I know it well enough

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] will make a scrap of a map for you while you investigate that room

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] oh great we got a woman with a crow on her face, another with muscles upon muscles, and yet a third one worrying about getting paid without any upstairs work first

[Miranda (John)] Hey, I;m no happie than you

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((sorry john i could not resist that one lol))

[Miranda (John)] at least moeny is a reason to care

[Miranda (John)] (bring it)

[Mike] ::glances at the half elf:: "And one half breed. Belonging to neither of his people."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] revenge is a much better reason for caring

[Miranda (John)] you want revenge on a dragon who just took out the company, call me when your done

Kaz] rolls her eyes

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] who cares about a dragon right now

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Whenever you're all done with the drama?

[Miranda (John)] who are you going to take revenge against?

[Mike] "Are you the one who is supposed to be able to open this door?"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] we have about as much chance againts a dragon as a worm in a fish pond

[Mike] "Or are you the one who will shout the alarm in the night with your overly active mouth?"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] let me look at this door

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((is the first door the locked one?))

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] no

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 15'00".

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] the one inside with the fog

Kristelle (Kaz)] opens the door to the fog room

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It's just through here.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 38'08".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 27'00".

Kristelle (Kaz)] points at the lock

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] interesting room

John] is receiving the map Old Man Millers tavern...

John] has received the map Old Man Millers tavern.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] the fog isnt poisoned?

[Miranda (John)] miranda is on the wrong map

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It's an illusion.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 43'10".

[BOB] there you go john

John] is receiving the map map three...

John] has received the map map three.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And thanks to Imari for figuring it out, too.

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 15'01".

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] begins to examine the door and lock

[Mike] ::nods to Kristelle::

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] hmm

[BOB] (anyone have any help? )

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to Mike only)] aren't you going to talk all pink and pretty? *flutters eyelashes*

[BOB] LOL at Kaz

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I don't think I have any way to help))

Mike] has left the game on Fri Feb 05 20:39:18 EST 2010

[BOB] ] Kristelle moved 39'04".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((Bob im examining for traps first))

[BOB] ok

[BOB] remember you send that to the GM only

Mike] has joined the game on Fri Feb 05 20:39:47 EST 2010

Mike] is receiving the map map three...

Mike] has received the map map three.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=47] 47 - ROLL FAILED against 25!!

[BOB] traps are GM Locks are to everyone

[BOB] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 95'04".

[BOB] ] Kristelle moved 35'04".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=90] 90 - ROLL FAILED against 35!!

[BOB] ] Imari moved 13'00".

[BOB] ] Miranda moved 6'10".

[BOB] ok, fixed the movement issue

[BOB] sorry folks

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 11'08".

[BOB] guy test one more roll for the traps to the GM please

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Guy's frozen))

[BOB] just to show you know how to do it grins?

[BOB] ok

[BOB] will kick him ?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((since you moved him, he can't do anything. Yeah, Kick him, please.))

Guy] has left the game on Fri Feb 05 20:41:32 EST 2010

[BOB] Kaz, Mike try to move your icons

[BOB] ok

Guy] has joined the game on Fri Feb 05 20:41:59 EST 2010

[Mike] slow, but working

[BOB] so no issues then

Guy] is receiving the map map three...

Guy] has received the map map three.

[BOB] yeah I am not sure what is up with my system

[BOB] after we are done will check that out

[BOB] brb rest room

[Guy] ok back

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((It's mad at you. You forgot its birthday.))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((How does he roll to GM only?))

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] blinks

[BOB] who's birthday?

[BOB] oh

[BOB] gotcha

[BOB] and you should be able to pick that off the dice pane

[BOB] John? Mike? a little help?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=3] 13

[BOB] obviously I do not see anything that is for GM only

[Kristelle (Kaz)] sorry about that

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I see it

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to GM only)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=30] 30 - ROLL FAILED against 25!!

[BOB] excellent guy

[BOB] thank you

[BOB] so now that we know the rolls

[BOB] I will give you a new chance at the open locks

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Under the blue bar on the dice panel, Bob

[BOB] that is rolled in the open

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] she tells me to look for the blue bar

[Kristelle (Kaz)] it's a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttlllllllllle dot that you click

[BOB] rolls my eyes

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((so i try to f/r traps again?))

[BOB] Traps is done

[BOB] now the lock

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=64] 64 - ROLL FAILED against 35!!

[BOB] and no

[BOB] so you know that you can not open this lock

[BOB] you can try again next level

[BOB] thank you come again

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] hmm this locks going to take a little bit more than i can do for you right now

[BOB] ok, so ideas on getting through this door?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (((doh I just thought of a proficiency i should have taken)))

[Mike] traps, maybe?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] maybe Muscles over there can bust the door open

[Imari (Mike)] although i suppose you'll be an expert at finding traps

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Im more an expert at getting out of a bad situation

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((locksmithing))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((What kind of lock is it? Just a regular, built into the door, lock? Or like a padlock?))

[BOB] normal built into door lock

[BOB] a simple lock

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((And what if Kristelle simply got pissed off and kicked it as hard as she could? What roll is that?))

[BOB] your open locked doors roll, which you do not have

[BOB] so you need to do something else

[BOB] attack the door for example

[BOB] cut it break it burn it, etc

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Bill-Guisarme: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=5] 12

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Attack: Bill-Guisarme:: is now ARMED.

[BOB] ac 10

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'm just hitting buttons all over the place.

[BOB] so you need to roll higher than a 10 on your to hit rolls

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Attack: Long Sword:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Attack: Long Sword:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[BOB] but you have the chance of breaking your weapon

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((hey bob wouldnt that be an open doors check for str?))

[BOB] as it is not being used

[BOB] and yes to guy ,that is what Kaz was asking about, open doors, but this is a locked door so need a higher strength

[Miranda (John)] there is open doors, then there is open locked doors

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i just read a little bit closer on the open doors))

[BOB] ok, so any ideas from anyone?

[BOB] I do promise you have good stuff on the other side of that door

[BOB] is not a waste

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] why not burn the door down?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Yeah, I"m going to swing my polearm at the door.))

[John] gave my ideas already, the serrious ones at least

[BOB] ok, so make that roll Kaz

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Bill-Guisarme: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=6] 11

[BOB] letting you as a group solve these things

[BOB] that is a hit

[BOB] damage?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((MED OR LARGE?))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Bill-Guisarme: (1d10) [1d10=5] 5

[BOB] med

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so you did manage to do damage

[BOB] and you did not harm your weapon

[BOB] you can roll again if you like

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Bill-Guisarme: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=2] 15

[BOB] ok

[BOB] and damage

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Bill-Guisarme: (1d10) [1d10=7] 7

[BOB] and the door shudders and colapses upon itself

[BOB] afterall this is a normal door and not a full blown dungeon door

[BOB] and you avoided harming your weapon this time

[BOB] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 3'11".

[BOB] ] Kristelle moved 2'10".

[Imari (Mike)] woohoo

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'd have done it sooner if I'd realised the Innkeeper was a dirtbag.

Beth] has joined the game on Fri Feb 05 20:59:27 EST 2010

Beth] is receiving the map map three...

Beth] has received the map map three.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((Hiya Beth!))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Hey Bethie!))

[Beth] Hi, everyone :)

[John] hello beth

[BOB] Hi Dr Nick

[Beth] I be tired girl tonight.

[BOB] so you see that room in front of you

[BOB] 6 crates and one chest

[Beth] yes

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to Beth only)] *hugs for tired girl*

[BOB] the crates are similar to upstairs, nailed shut

[BOB] the chest does have a lock built in

[Beth (to Kaz only)] hugs back:: :)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((OF COURSE it does))

[Beth] anybody got a nail puller? lol

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((is it locked though?))

[BOB] someone will have to go in to see

[BOB] ] Aeiria moved 17'00".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 21'06".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 2'09".

[John] ] Miranda moved 7'09".

[BOB] ok, you can send me a find traps roll if you like Foriso

[John] holding door open

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to GM only)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=59] 59 - ROLL FAILED against 25!!

[BOB] door is broken into bit, nothing to hold up you can see in easily

[BOB] and you do not find any traps in the room as you move over to the chest

[John] ] Miranda moved 10'11".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 17'03".

[John] ] Miranda: Attack: Quarterstaff: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 1. PROBABLY HITS Crate #4 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

Kristelle (Kaz)] works on prying open a crate, while Foriso looks at the chest.

[John] ] Miranda: Damage v SM: Quarterstaff: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Crate #4

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((im checking out the lock on the chest))

[BOB] quarterstaff breaks the crate open rather than prying it open, so it falls apart

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Did we do that upstairs? To hits and damage on the crates?))

[BOB] ok to Foriso

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to GM only)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=37] 37 - ROLL FAILED against 25!!

[BOB] no to kaz you pried the lids off so you could close them again

[Aeiria (Beth)] ] Aeiria moved 9'03".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] anything?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Okay, I'm prying lids off.))

[Aeiria (Beth)] ] Aeiria moved 17'08".

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Aeiria (Beth)] Guess I'll try prying this one open

[BOB] Assorted Holy Symbols over a dozen

[BOB] that is what Miranda finds inside

[BOB] and Foriso you do not find any traps on the chest

[Aeiria (Beth)] ::looks up:: Holy Symbols?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ok

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to GM only)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=24] 24 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 35!!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=66] 66 - ROLL FAILED against 35!!

[Imari (Mike)] "Odd."

[BOB] Kristelle finds Daggers 12 Short Swords 6

[John] as Miranda "oh great, just what I need"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((guess its my night for lousy rolls))

[BOB] Aeiri finds Large Sacks (20) Small Sacks (20) Belt Pouches (20)

[Aeiria (Beth)] What do I find in the sacks and pouches?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] All this stuff will be very helpful.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 5'05".

Kristelle (Kaz)] pries up another lid

[BOB] nothign in the sacks, looks like this is just a bunch to be sold or used later

[John] Miranda asks to a belt pouch

Beth] has left the game on Fri Feb 05 21:08:15 EST 2010

[John] and a small sack

[BOB] Kristelle finds Copper Pieces 1 gold bar

[BOB] the crate has a lot of copper in it

[BOB] and a single gold ingot

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Interesting.

Beth] has joined the game on Fri Feb 05 21:09:11 EST 2010

Beth] is receiving the map map three...

Beth] has received the map map three.

[Beth] ::hands Miranda a pouch::

[Imari (Mike)] cool

[BOB] still have 5 and 6 to go

Kristelle (Kaz)] holds up the ingot, sifts through the coppers a bit

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 14'02".

[Beth] :: and a small sack::

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] somebody want to open this chest?

[BOB] Backpacks 2 Saddle Bags 1

[BOB] in Kristelle's crate

[Imari (Mike)] worst thief evar

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Sure thing, Foriso

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Maybe someone can do something to the lock with a dagger?

[Beth] ] Aeiria moved 6'01".

[Beth] ::pries at chest::

[BOB] and Aeiria finds Arrows, 20 bow string sealed in wax, 2

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] what makes you so sure Im a thief?

[Beth] ] Aeiria moved 11'08".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 11'01".

[BOB] I would say the evidence points against him being a thief so far

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (( no doubt lol))

[Imari (Mike)] it says so on your char sheet

[Imari (Mike)] and i set up your skills for you. lol

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((AHA! It's MIKE'S fault!))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((hey now lets not bring facts into this

[Imari (Mike)] he's the one who picked the points, not me!

[John] ::wanders over and take a dagger::

Kristelle (Kaz)] takes a belt pouch, pours some coppers into it...

[John (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Equipment - ADDED: Belt pouch, , , . ADDED: small sack, , , . ADDED: dagger, , , .

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I wonder why there is but one gold ingot in with a crateful of coppers.

[Imari (Mike)] i'll take a large sack, and put all the food in the cloak into it

Kristelle (Kaz)] begins to dig through the coppers, to see if there is anything hidden under.

[Beth] /Aeiria keeps a belt pouch

[BOB] I added the small belt pout to Kristelle's sheet

[BOB] so that everyone can see hwo that works

[BOB] there is a data list of the various items

[BOB] and how much they each hold

[BOB] 12 coins in a small belt pouch for example

[Beth] ::hands Imari a large sack::

[Imari (Mike)] what size belt pouch?

[BOB] they are all small belt pouches

[Imari (Mike)] okay, then i'll wear a couple. lol

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I don't see it, Bob))

[BOB] just remember the weight issues

[BOB] on your equipment page

[Imari (Mike) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Carrying Capacity - ADDED: Belt Pouch, Small (4"×6"×2"), 12, 0. ADDED: Belt Pouch, Small (4"×6"×2"), 12, 0. ADDED: Sack, Large (2'×2'×1'), 600, 0.

[BOB] carrying capacity

[Kristelle (Kaz)] You sure you did it on mine?

[BOB] I can see it there now

[BOB] belt pouch small, 4" x 6" x 2"

[BOB] 12 coins max

[BOB] and what do you want to do about that chest?

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Carrying Capacity - ADDED: Belt Pouch, Small (4"×6"×2"), 12, 0.

[BOB] take it? or break it?

[Imari (Mike)] break it

[John] can I try and break the lock without breaking the chest in pieces like the crate

[BOB] no

[BOB] lock is part of chest

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((How sturdy is the chest?))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((is it even really locked?))

[BOB] you never tested

[John (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Carrying Capacity - ADDED: Sack, Small (1'×1'×8"), 288, 0. ADDED: Belt Pouch, Small (4"×6"×2"), 12, 0. Equipment - DELETED: Belt pouch, , , . DELETED: small sack, , , .

[BOB] you just tried to unlock it

[BOB] BUT yes it is locked

[Beth] any magic users with open locks?

[BOB] she is stuck in Atlanta

[BOB] flights delayed

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((I use a dagger to try and pry it open))

Kristelle (Kaz)] counts out the number in their group, and fills that number of small belt pouches with coins, then hands one to each person.

[John] thank you

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Aeiria (Beth)] Thank you, Kristelle

Kristelle (Kaz)] takes an empty pouch, too, and follows Imari's example of putting her cloakful of food into a large sack.

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=20] 20

[BOB] it makes its save

[Aeiria (Beth)] ((it?))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((the lock))

[BOB] the lock versus the crushign blow

[Aeiria (Beth)] ((ah))

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] mutters about stubborn locks and keeps trying.

Kristelle (Kaz)] looks over the chest ((what's it made of? HOw sturdy does it look?))

[BOB] wood, looks a bit better quality than the doors

[BOB] less than the crates

[BOB] sorry Crates are less than doors, chest is better than door

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((k))

[Imari (Mike)] hit it again

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i try prying again))

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=14] 14

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] No stupid lock is going to beat me

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=12] 12

[BOB] the lock stays

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Wealth - ADDED: copper coins, 12 coins, .

[BOB] and the dagger does not break

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (( I keep trying))

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=5] 5

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=19] 19

[John (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Wealth - ADDED: copper coins, in belt pouch, .

[BOB] the lock SNAPS open

[BOB] and the dagger stays in one piece

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I told you that no lock would beat me!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (( i open the chest))

[BOB] Contents: suit of chain mail, human sized short sword, the name Ear engraved on the pommel with a small ruby on the end ring, gold scroll with a faitly glowing apparently magical ring/lock around it

Kristelle (Kaz)] clasps Foriso's shoulder and gives him a small, congratulatory shake.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well done.

[John] (clearly a master lock pick)

[Imari (Mike)] "Step back, please."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (( i guess i need an off night on rolls once in a while))

[Imari (Mike)] ] Imari moved 32'07".

[Miranda (John)] Looks at Imari

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 13'07".

[Aeiria (Beth)] ] Aeiria moved 11'01".

[Imari (Mike)] ] Imari casts a spell against : Detect Magic - Priest: For 1 turn, I can detect magic in a 10'x30' path.

[BOB] the gold ring and the scroll both glow with magic, the short sword, the chain mail do not

[BOB] will let you debate, off to get drinks

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Imari (Mike)] what schools?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Ill take the sword if nobody wants it

[Imari (Mike)] "Corporal, the ring and scroll are magical."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] You arent to bad to have around Crow girl

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] You and Muscles that is

[Imari (Mike)] "Imari."

[Imari (Mike)] 'And Kristelle."

[Miranda (John)] wait unitl you need to get healed

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Aeiria (Beth)] lol

[BOB] Ok, Mike you do not get schools, sorry I messed that up the first time, the priest version does not detect the school only intensity

[Imari (Mike)] oh, okay.

[Imari (Mike)] what intensity?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Why you gonna charge me sorry I dont go upstairs for "healing"

[Miranda (John)] just saying you will be happy if i am arround

[BOB] moderate on the ring, dim on the scroll

[BOB] you get intensity and sphere if aplicable

[BOB] wizards get school

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] At least Mouse over there has a pretty decent bite with that spear

[Imari (Mike)] okay. so if i get no sphere i can infer that it is wizardly magics?

[BOB] no

[BOB] all magic items have a school

[BOB] onlypriest spells have a sphere

[Imari (Mike)] "The scroll shows a dim aura, the ring a bit stronger."

[BOB] roll percentage Imari

[Imari (Mike)] (d100) [1d100=33] 33

[BOB] no extra details

[BOB] 10% chance per level you get something

[BOB] so is anyone able to? wants to use that chain mail?

[BOB] and or take that short sword?

[BOB] and then you have the two magic items

[Miranda (John)] did someone grab the gold?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((Ill take the short sword))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I put it back on top of the coppers in the crate.

[BOB] that is a ring, gold, not any gold

[Aeiria (Beth)] I can take the sword if no one wants it

[BOB] but there is that gold ignot if you want to take that

[Miranda (John)] the gold ingot from the crate

[Aeiria (Beth)] oh nvr mind lol

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((That's what I was referring to John))

[BOB] so Foriso or Aeiria both can use the short sword?

[Miranda (John)] I'll carry it for the party

[Imari (Mike)] "We should take the ring and scroll to determine what they do."

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I wonder why it's been named 'Ear'

[Aeiria (Beth)] I'll pass if Foriso wants it

[Imari (Mike)] "And I suppose the gold bar and coppers. The inn keeper won't need them if he's dead."

[Aeiria (Beth)] true

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to Beth only)] theres still the chain mail

[Aeiria (Beth)] Can I wear mail?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, we should take as much of it as we can, and the food, too. Who knows what we'll need over the next days?

[Miranda (John)] how far to the next location?

[Aeiria (Beth)] We've got all these small and large sacks

Kristelle (Kaz)] mutters to Imari, 'He won't need them if he's alive, either. I'm ready to kill him for consorting with undead.'

[BOB] yes Aeiria can wear chain mail

[Aeiria (Beth)] ::nods at Kristelle in agreement:;

[BOB] ] Corporal Antero moved 35'10".

[Aeiria (Beth)] I guess I could take that if no one wants it

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Aeiria, you should probably wear the chainmail.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I would say that we should plan on bunking down in these rooms tonight

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] is there anything we should bring from downstairs?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Foriso, you could probably make the best use of a short sword named 'Ear'. I hope.

[Aeiria (Beth)] okie dokie. Too bad it's not mithril

[Miranda (John)] diner?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I will leave a guard at the bottom of the stairs (Fritz's one round behind character) to warn us if anyone comes down, but we should do watches here

[Miranda (John)] and breakfast

[Aeiria (Beth)] ::chuckles:: I hope that's not because all it cuts is ears lol

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] (My goal is to have all your weapons named eventually)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] If thats the case Ill throw it at the bloody dragon and it can cut those ears

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] (especially the magic ones, not that Ear is magical)

[Imari (Mike)] "I wonder if you can do anything about it, but there is a trap door of some sort farther into the cellar."

[Aeiria (Beth)] ((hopefully with more imaginative names ;) ))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((you mean like Draigbwa?)))

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] exactly

[Aeiria (Beth)] heheheheh

[Miranda (John)] with the swords and dagers we can scrape away at the stone

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((thats the only thing i miss about stopping the other campaign I loved the idea behing that bow)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] That sounds like a good start, Miranda

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and the Corporal shows you this map he was sketching

Kaz] is receiving the map map three...

Kaz] has received the map map three.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I think that the best thing is for us to head for the Jiselle Estate

Beth] is receiving the map map three...

Beth] has received the map map three.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Arahael Mosskin lives there

[Miranda (John)] how far away is it?

[Miranda (John) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] he has always been a solid presense

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] resending to everyone again

[Imari (Mike)] "What does that mean to us?

[Miranda (John)] (i got it)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] hes no elf is he?

[Aeiria (Beth)] ((we're supposed to be on the escape map?))

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] yes

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((yes, Beth))

[Aeiria (Beth)] ((kk))

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I put in the hills we will have to avoid

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and the swamps and lakes

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] there is a cleft also

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] there are some other problems

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((bob youre doubling up ))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] what are the stars?

[Miranda (John) (to BOB only)] any holy symbls of value, gold or Silver?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] those stars are the giant ant nests that frequent this area

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] the path I sketched out

[Miranda (John) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Any elves in the area?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] avoids those

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] no thank god

[Miranda (John)] is there a reason we need to cross the first lake, rather then go arround it

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] too bad they make good firestarters

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] that is the easiest way through,

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] is a short ford across

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] rather than stray too close to that cleft, where trolls are

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and to the other side with the ants

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] they might not sound like much

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] but a swarm of ants can devour a man in no time

[Miranda (John)] how far is it all together?

[Imari (Mike)] ::puts the ring and scroll into her sack, fills her pouches with copper coins::

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] 6 or 8 hours

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] it is about 6 miles

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] will take us some time to cross that

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] the battle is mostly over

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] we lost

Kristelle (Kaz)] shakes her head sadly

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] big surprise there

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] so we will have to aoivd

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] but I think we can do this

[Imari (Mike) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Wealth - ADDED: Copper, 24, 0. Magic Item Summary - ADDED: Magical Ring, Inn cellar, . ADDED: Magical Scroll, Inn cellar, .

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] when the other side brings a dragon to the fight its almost a sure victory for them

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] (I am sorry, if I called those green things hills, they are swamps, quicksand, etc.)

[Miranda (John)] maybe we should wait a day to make sure the dragon is long gone

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] the dragon is gone, I saw it fly off to the west, back towards her home

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] at least I hope she was going home

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] maybe we should find out who betrayed us

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] but was not near by

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] how many people knew that the dragonslayers were in the area?

[Corporal Antero (BOB) (to Guy only)] anyone invovled in the battle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Corporal, you said the Jistille estate?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] yeah

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I have not been there

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] sorry i meant this spot right here at the inn

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] but I know my sergant has been

Kristelle (Kaz)] smiles

[Corporal Antero (BOB) (to Guy only)] you were not at the inn, you ran here when the dragon attacked the rest of the company

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] How sure are you about the welcome we will get at this estate?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Mosskin will welcome us, I'm sure.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I can hope we will be welcomed

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] oh?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] why do you think that Kristelle?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] He was my father's mentor, in fact. I am sure he will help us.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] we can always get work as a unit

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] oh?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] really?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] do you know him?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I've never met him, but my father told me about him.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] well your father's tales, Sergeant Snowfoot's stories

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] maybe they add up to at least a chance to get hired as guards

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] People change Muscles he may not be the nice person in your stories anymore

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] but we still need to get there

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and there is a lot of ground to cross

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, Tiptoes, I'm not worried.

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] chuckles

[BOB] Ok

[BOB] so character sheets updated?

[Miranda (John) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Notes - CHANGED.

John] has left the game on Fri Feb 05 22:03:12 EST 2010

[BOB] weight and encumbrance checked?

[Aeiria (Beth)] ::chuckles quietly::

[BOB] and then watches

[BOB] and we can work through the night

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Just so that you know, Tiptoes, my name is Kristelle and this (motions to Aeiria) is Aeiria.

[BOB] the calendar is right

[BOB] not sure why the time is not displaying in teh chat room right now

[Aeiria (Beth)] ((sorry I got here so late, but, I need to leave early too :( have to go refill a prescription before the pharmacy closes))

[BOB] but klooge is very wonky tonight

[Aeiria (Beth)] yes, it is lol

[BOB] glad to have you when we can beth

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((NO worries, Beth, it was good to see you at all.))

[Aeiria (Beth)] I'm thinking of putting klooge on the laptop so I can log in from the shop if it's slow

[BOB] next week will be continuing the escape path

[BOB] that sounds great

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Foriso Fairhand modified: Weapons - DELETED: Short Sword, true, null, null, 0, null, --, --, $atk, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, $dmg, null, +0, +0, +0, +0, 1d6, 1d8, 1d6, $thac0, null, null, null, null. Wealth - ADDED: 12 copper coins, , . Carrying Capacity - ADDED: Belt Pouch, Small (4"×6"×2"), 12, 0. ADDED: Belt Pouch, Small (4"×6"×2"), 12, 0.

[Aeiria (Beth)] ok. I'll see you guys next week

[BOB] waves

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Night hon

[BOB] Mike you all ready?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Did John leave, or just have computer issue?))

[Aeiria (Beth)] ::waves::

[BOB] I think both

Beth] has left the game on Fri Feb 05 22:06:24 EST 2010

[Imari (Mike)] yeah. getting tired

[Imari (Mike)] did someone grab the gold bar?

[BOB] ok, so you want last or first watch Mike?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Yeah i think Stairs took it

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'm thinking that you and I should take the backpacks, Imari (as the strongest)

[BOB] Branwyn has a backback too, but her spell book is in it

[Imari (Mike)] first i guess

[BOB] and takes up the whole thing

[Kristelle (Kaz)] One of us should take the Ingot.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Bob, I was referring to the two backpacks we found))

[BOB] nods


[BOB] you can start off the new one

[BOB] if you have anything you want to share

[BOB] so who is second watch?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I am

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=28] 28

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Ill take last watch

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I don't need 8 straight hours.

[BOB] ok, so nothing happens on the first watch

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=64] 64

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified:

[BOB] and nothing happens on the second watch

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=58] 58

[BOB] and nothign on the third watch


[BOB] we did skip over one minor thing

[BOB] light

[BOB] what are you using?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] dont need it

[BOB] your torches burned otu just as your watches started

[Kristelle (Kaz)] we've got the torches, and when we were last upstairs, I broke up another crate cover for more.

[BOB] so Imari needed

[BOB] ok

[Kristelle (Kaz)] So we would have lit the torches off the dying ones.

[BOB] but they only last 30 minutes each

[BOB] you would make a campfire?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] we could do that, too

[BOB] out of the crate?

[BOB] that would last for 6 hours

[BOB] still not quite enough

[Kristelle (Kaz)] break up one of the crates down here, or even two of them.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so you can make the light last through the night

[Kristelle (Kaz)] so... the crate lasts 6 hours, then we have plenty for more torches.

[BOB] so morning comes

[BOB] Irmari needs to pray for spells

[BOB] 10 minutes per level

[BOB] for each spell

[BOB] so how long Mike?

[Imari (Mike) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 3 (+1).

[Imari (Mike)] 20 min

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so at about 30 minutes after

[Imari (Mike)] i'm nodding off here. gonna go to bed

[Imari (Mike)] night all

[Imari (Mike)] sorry i can't stay.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] NIght Mike

[BOB] night

Mike] has left the game on Fri Feb 05 22:14:42 EST 2010

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so Ithink that the two of you should check the sheets

[BOB] organize the gear etc

[Kristelle (Kaz)] sounds good

[Kristelle (Kaz)] did I miss anything, talking about the goods upstairs?

[BOB] check weight etc

[BOB] not that I can remember

[BOB] but I left it in teh chat for that reason

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'm going to go check, back in a few

[Kristelle (Kaz)] okay, the stuff I missed was mainly foodstuffs. Flour, leeks, onions, oats, and walnuts.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] How much of this stuff can we actually take? I'd hate to show up empty-handed.

[BOB] that depends on your sacks, etc.

[BOB] and how much weight you want to try and take on

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And Beth got... Chainmail?

[BOB] yes

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Now, if her armour weights 40 lbs, I have to put that under encumbrances, too, right? It doesn't auto fill.

[BOB] coorect

[Kristelle (Kaz)] (so, value = 40 lbs, or just 40)

[BOB] jsut 40

[Kristelle (Kaz)] how much do copper pieces weigh?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] or is it negligable when you've only got 24 copper?

[BOB] 4 coins to the pounds

[BOB] no matter the type of coin

[Kristelle (Kaz)] okay

[Kristelle (Kaz)] so 24 coins is 6 pounds?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] FOR REAL?

[BOB] nods

[BOB] they are big things

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Aeiria modified: Wealth - ADDED: Copper Coins, 24 coins, . Encumbrance Totals - Armor:: CHANGED: 40 (null). Equipment:: CHANGED: 13 (null). Carrying Capacity - ADDED: Belt Pouch, Small (4"×6"×2"), 12, 0. ADDED: Belt Pouch, Small (4"×6"×2"), 12, 0. ADDED: Sack, Large (2'×2'×1'), 600, 0. Equipment - ADDED: Chain mail, 75 gp, 40 lbs., AC 5.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] what is the base weight allowed?

[BOB] on the encumbrance chart

[BOB] max

[BOB] max press is the maximum weight,

[BOB] and weight allowance is what you can carry and not be encumbered

[Kristelle (Kaz)] and how does strength adjustment come into it?

[BOB] it doesn't

[BOB] that goes into movement


[BOB] the stamina adj helps with movement

[BOB] the balance adj helps with movemnt

[BOB] and encumbrance affects it

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'm sorry, I'm confused

[Kaz] I'm doing the Encumbrance Totals on the Equipment tab.

[BOB] nods

[BOB] you only need a total weight

[Kaz] Okay, so I don't need the stuff under that?

[BOB] nope

[Kaz] (and the total weight is what is actually on the person)

[BOB] right

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Aeiria modified: Encumbrance Totals - Magic Items:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Wealth:: CHANGED: 6 (null). Total Weight:: CHANGED: 59 (null).

[BOB] onloy what you are carrying other than standard normal clothing

[BOB] so armor, weapons, etc

[Kaz] Okay

[Kaz] it's missing something, because some of us are carrying food.

[BOB] that is wealth

[Kaz] mostly fruit and salted pork, and a couple of wineskins.

[BOB] anything other is wealth

[Kaz] So, I don't know how to do that, weight-wise.

[BOB] small belt pouches

[BOB] you know how much that holds,

[BOB] actually it is likely easier for you to start with your sacks, backpacks, etc

[BOB] figure out what you can hold

[BOB] how much you can actually carry

[BOB] then decide what to put in them

[Kaz] large sack = max weight/volume = 600

[BOB] nods

[Kaz] 600 what?

[BOB] so 600 coins

[Kaz] six hundred of any given item?

[Kaz] actually, then, food should go into the small sack.

[BOB] everythign is measure in how many GP you can put in it

[BOB] I will move that chart to the website for everyone

[BOB] over the weekend

[BOB] to make it easier

[Kaz] I'm still confused on how to figure out how much the food weighs.

[BOB] it is not how much the food weighs

[BOB] it is how much you can have in the sack

[BOB] so 6+00 GP

[BOB] is 150 pounds

[BOB] so you have 150 pounds of what ever in there

[BOB] but do you have anyone to carry that

[Kaz] but she's not going to carry 150 pounds of food around.

[BOB] nods

[Kaz] She's got a small sack with some miscellaneous food items in it.

[Kaz] So, can I call it, I dunno, ten pounds of fruit and such?

[BOB] sure

[Kaz] which is probably still a lot, but I'm doing Beth's and she can change it if she wants to.

[BOB] if you can carry it wil not hurt

[BOB] as long as you know you can always drop it also

[Kaz] right

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Aeiria modified: Encumbrance Totals - Wealth:: CHANGED: 16 (6). Total Weight:: CHANGED: 69 (59). Carrying Capacity - DELETED: Sack, Large (2'×2'×1'), 600, 0.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ok im done,i is tired and i smell like mcdonalds

[Kaz] Kristelle will probably carry more, because she can

[Kaz] I'll work more on the sheets, unless you want to call it a night, Bob.

[BOB] I am here for you

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] have a good night Bob

[BOB] I am looking over adventure notes

[BOB] night Guy

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] oh Ill be in late on the 19th

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] im working till 8 so ill miss most of the night but I will make it in

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so niether of you next week

[BOB] then late the week after

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] nope

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and yup at least for me

Guy] has left the game on Fri Feb 05 22:49:48 EST 2010

[Kaz] how much does a gold ingot weigh?

[BOB] 25 pounds

[Kaz] oy

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Wealth - CHANGED: copper coins -- Carried: 24 coins (12 coins), Encumbrance Totals - ADDED: 15. ADDED: 23. ADDED: 0. ADDED: 61. ADDED: 99. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: Carrying Capacity - DELETED: Sack, Large (2'×2'×1'), 600, 0.

[Kaz] Lisa never chose armour

[Kaz] Or did she just not put it on the sheet?

[BOB] she can not wear it

[Kaz] oh, okay

[Kaz] so, she's just in standard clothing?

[BOB] yeap

[BOB] ] Branwyn moved 47'04".

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Wealth - ADDED: Copper coins, 24 coins, . ADDED: Food - Assorted fruits, vegetables, meat, filled wineskins, 30 lbs worth, . Encumbrance Totals - Armor:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Equipment:: CHANGED: 1 (null). Magic Items:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Wealth:: CHANGED: 36 (null). Total Weight:: CHANGED: 37 (null). Carrying Capacity - ADDED: Belt Pouch, Small (4"×6"×2"), 12, 0. ADDED: Belt Pouch, Small (4"×6"×2"), 12, 0. ADDED: Sack, Small (1'×1'×8"), 288, 0.

[Kaz] Okay, I gave Lisa some of the 'loot' and whatnot. She's nearing her weight limit, so if she wants to carry less of something, she can. Or if she wants to switch something out.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] we need to add in her spell book too I bet

[Kaz] I think so, yeah. Damn, I'll have to adjust her food, then.

[BOB] spell book weighs in at 25 pounds

[BOB] they are masive things

[Kaz] eek

[Kaz] okay, I'll fix her in a minute.

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Foriso Fairhand modified: Wealth - DELETED: 12 copper coins, , . Encumbrance Totals - ADDED: 15. ADDED: 4. ADDED: 0. ADDED: 36. ADDED: 55. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: Equipment - ADDED: Leather, 5 gp, 15 lbs., AC 8.

[Kaz] okay, so the spell book goes under 'Magic Item Summary'?

[BOB] it can

[BOB] it is not a magic item per se

[BOB] but it is likely easier to organize there

[Kaz] Equipment, then?

[Kaz] okay

[Kaz] Eh, I'm putting it under wealth, lol

[BOB] ok

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Wealth - CHANGED: Food - Assorted fruits, vegetables, meat, filled wineskins -- Carried: 10 lbs worth (30 lbs worth), Encumbrance Totals - Wealth:: CHANGED: 41 (36). Total Weight:: CHANGED: 42 (37).

[Kaz] should I put some of this stuff on Fritz, too? The food and coins?

[BOB] no

[BOB] not yet

[BOB] it might be a couple more weeks

[Kaz] okay

[BOB] I just was placing him at the scene

[BOB] sort of unfair for him to not get the chance to be involved in the beginning

[Kaz] no problem.

[Kaz] I know

[Kaz] Well, if that earthquake hadn't happened... want me to take it up with Mother Nature?

[BOB] grins

[Kaz] I just wanted to make sure he has the same opportunity to share in what we have right now. Not fair if he misses out on getting bags and copper and food.

[BOB] grins

[Kaz] And weapons... and and and

[BOB] I am sure that he will be crushed to miss out on small belt pouch of Copper Pieces

[Kaz] lol

[Kaz] at level 1? We each need all the help we can get, who are you kidding?

[Kaz] Do I need to do John's and Mike's? Or will they do their own next week?

[BOB] I would do it for them

[BOB] so that they have it at the start

[BOB] will be just the two of them

[BOB] with Lisa

[Kaz] Okay

[BOB] they will go out of the tavern

[BOB] then start towards the estate

[Kaz] I see John put the ingot on Miranda's sheet, but I've put it on Kristelle's. Miranda's strength is only 9.

[BOB] I would take it off of her sheet

[Kaz] Off Miranda's...

[BOB] and leave a note on the site for him

[BOB] in character

[Kaz] yep

[BOB] about why

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Carrying Capacity - CHANGED: Belt Pouch, Small (4"×6"×2") -- Load: 0 (12).

[BOB] I have an old GWbasic program

[BOB] that does all this weight stuff for you

[BOB] need to one day figure out if it will be able to convert into a plug in for Klooge

[Kaz] Miranda wears no armour?

[Kaz] Yeah, that would be neat

[BOB] I do not hink Miranda can

[BOB] for her Goddess

[Kaz] okay, just making sure

[BOB] by the end of this race to the Estate

[BOB] will see what everyone can do

[BOB] then we start the new story arc when you are there

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Wealth - DELETED: copper coins, in belt pouch, . DELETED: gold ignot from inn, , . Encumbrance Totals - Armor:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Equipment:: CHANGED: 5 (null). Magic Items:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Wealth:: CHANGED: 16 (null). Total Weight:: CHANGED: 21 (null). Equipment - CHANGED: dagger -- Weight: 1 (), DELETED: holly symbol, , , .

[Kaz] How much do the ring and scroll that Imari took weigh?

[BOB] ring is 1/2 pounds

[BOB] same fro scroll

[BOB] actuall no

[BOB] scroll is 1 pounds sorry

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Encumbrance Totals - ADDED: 15. ADDED: 10. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED:

[BOB] and I just always add that s

[BOB] is a pity

[Kaz] lol

[BOB] do did you actually read the info from the Estate?

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Wealth - CHANGED: Food, assorted fruit, vegetable, meat, filled wineskins -- Carried: 30 lb worth (), Encumbrance Totals - Magic Items:: CHANGED: 1.5 (null). Wealth:: CHANGED: 36 (null). Total Weight:: CHANGED: 62.5 (null).

[BOB] and the links?

[BOB] and you like the story line?

[BOB] or at least back story

[Kaz] Yes, I read the info for the Estate - there isn't much there :)

[Kaz] And I do like the back story

[BOB] good

[BOB] goign to expand on the estate over time

[Kaz] cool

[BOB] I plan on it being your base of operations for an adventure or three

[Kaz] oh, neat

[BOB] so almost done?

[Kaz] have to fix one quick thing on mine, then yes, done.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] do it right

[BOB] no worries

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Wealth - DELETED: Food - assorted fruit, salt pork, veggies, 30 lbs worth, . Encumbrance Totals - Equipment:: CHANGED: 24 (23). Wealth:: CHANGED: 81 (61). Total Weight:: CHANGED: 120 (99).

[Kaz] Okay, all done.

[Kaz] I'll wish you a good night... Good night!! :D

[BOB] sweet dreams

[Kaz] you, too

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Feb 05 23:34:39 EST 2010

Experience Awarded: John, Mike, Kaz, Guy, Beth: 100 each for roleplaying Guy: 100 for Roleplayer of hte night Kaz: 50 for character sheet input end of night