Main / Feb0813

Feb 08 13 - Everyone Knows

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Feb 08 12:41:03 EST 2013 ====

[Master] No Name #1 moved 22'07".

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Feb 08 18:37:08 EST 2013 ====

[Master] Servant #5 moved 13'00".

[Master] Servant #4 moved 8'03".

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Feb 08 18:53:03 EST 2013

BiBo!!! is receiving the map Temporary Guest rooms...

BiBo!!! has received the map Temporary Guest rooms.

[Master] hello there sir

[BiBo!!!] howdy

[BiBo!!!] just so you know, I will have to jet out early today. I should be good for at least 2 hours though

[Master] good to know

[Master] we will do Es first then

[BiBo!!!] minus the potty break I am going to take right now

[Master] go

[Master] Lisa will be late

[Master] no Devin

[BiBo!!!] okie doke

[BiBo!!!] ready to go

[Master] Lisa will be very late

[Master] just let me know

[BiBo!!!] looks like it is just me then

[Master] nods

[BiBo!!!] mwahahahahahaha!!!

[Master] chuckles

[BiBo!!!] alright, well then I suppose we might as well get started. whats going on?

[Master] you are at these doors

[Master] you were wandering through the prevous area without really searching things, just trying to find the next door

[Master] this map here

[BiBo!!!] and we have koorin's key, which seems to be working on all the doors thus far

[Master] Koorin is on the starting map for you

[Master] and then Es is on the next map

[Master] Koorin moved 3'02".

BiBo!!! is receiving the map dungeon level two south...

BiBo!!! has received the map dungeon level two south.

[BiBo!!!] Is this door locked?

[Master] yes

[BiBo!!!] try the key

[Master] does not work

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] good to know

[Master] do you have another way/idea for the doors?

[Master] or back north and explore? or?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] will koorin try to unlock them if I ask pretty please?

[Master] you could ask

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::walks over to koorin:: "Hey Koorin. Do you have a second?"

[Master] Esmerelda moved 79'10".

[Master] Esmerelda moved 143'10".

[Master] Koorin moved 5'01".

[Koorin (Master)] I am really up to my elbows with the soup course

[Koorin (Master)] but what can I do for you Esmerelda?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Well, there is a big door over there that this key doesnt work on. Think you can open it up? Maybe make sure it doesnt have any nasty traps on it while you are at it?"

[Koorin (Master)] which door? the secret one?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ".... yes. The secret one."

[Koorin (Master)] I do not know if the key works on that door but we can try

[Koorin (Master)] (DOH do not have that map, making it now)

[Master] Koorin moved 87'05".

[Master] Esmerelda moved 78'01".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] lol

[Master] Koorin moved 2'04".

[Master] Koorin moved 3'11".

[Koorin (Master)] Koorin walks up to the wall

[Koorin (Master)] I think the door is somewhere here

[Koorin (Master)] where did you see the keyhole?

[Koorin (Master)] did you try to knock?

[Koorin (Master)] I think that would work

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "No... we could try that."

[Koorin (Master)] KNOCK

[Koorin (Master)] KNOCK

[Koorin (Master)] KNOCK

[Master] Guard #4 moved 21'10".

[Master] Guard #4 targets Esmerelda. Distance: 0'04"

[Master] Guard #4 targets Koorin. Distance: 0'04"

[Guard #4 (Master)] Can I help you?

[Koorin (Master)] I wanted to see if my key opened this door

[Koorin (Master)] I guess it does, thanks!

[Koorin (Master)] Ok, Esmerelda? I need to go back to the soup

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Thanks."

[Master] Esmerelda moved 1'01".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::walks over to the guard::

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Hello sir. What are you guarding if I might ask?"

[Koorin (Master)] you and the other prisoners

[Guard #4 (Master)] You and the other prisoners

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Oh? Might I ask why that is? We seem to be allowed to roam freely."

[Guard #4 (Master)] you can go where you wish in those chambers

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Am I not allowed past you?"

[Guard #4 (Master)] but you are restricted from going upstairs without being accompanied

[Guard #4 (Master)] you can only go with a guard

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "So if I want to go elsewhere, you will be my escort?"

[Guard #4 (Master)] I will if you want to go

[Guard #4 (Master)] I will have to get someone else first

[Guard #4 (Master)] doyou want to go out to the garden?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "That sounds lovely."

[Guard #4 (Master)] then I will come get you in a short while after I get a replacement here

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Okay."

[Guard #4 (Master)] will you be in your room?

[Master] Guard #4 moved 3'07".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I could just wait here..."

[Guard #4 (Master)] he has already closed the door again

[Master] he did not sound like he would be right back

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] hmmm...

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] any other doors of interest while I wait?

[Master] Esmerelda moved 4'06".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] other than the big locked one

[Master] you have the chamber to the south you walked through but did not explore or the rooms

[Master] there is the dinning hall area

[Master] to wait in if you do not want to wait in your room

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] Esmerelda moved 29'06".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Esmerelda modified: Misc. Attributes - Light Radius:: CHANGED: 60 (1.0).

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] are those things rooms?

[Master] open areas that you just walked on by quickly as you were heading for doors

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] nothing special occupying them?

[Master] you never even checked

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ;;checks::

[Master] smile

[Master] you go to the first one (starting upper right)

[Master] it has a set of buckets and wheelbarrows

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] why did you not list that among our assets?

[Master] smile I was hoping someone would get it

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] there better be cloaks in one of these rooms

[Master] the one across the hall is set up as a workshop

[Master] with a large thick wooden bench

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] what type of workshop?

[Master] only the bench is there

[Master] waist high for a human,

[Master] but no tools in this room

[Master] the next room to the south next to teh workshop

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] not even a desk or anything? Just a bench?

[Master] is filled with small chests on shelves

[Master] Esmerelda moved 10'09".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] oooh

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] are they open?

[Master] they do not seem to be locked

[Master] on the lower shelves you can see

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::checks them::

[Master] each seems to contain one or two chisels

[Master] some seem for wood

[Master] some seem for stone

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] no hammers?

[Master] none to be seen here

[Master] Esmerelda moved 14'01".

[Master] here in this room are some shelves of liquids

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] well, filed under good to know.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] oooh

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] can I see if i recognize any of them?

[Master] sure

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] Esmerelda: Alchemy check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Master] you fully understand that many of these things are acids

[Master] used to etch in stone

[Master] or to cleanse metals

[Master] etc

[Master] all are dangerous

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] about how much?

[Master] gallons scattered through several different jars

[Master] different types

[Master] there is a barrel of sand in the corner

[Master] typcially used to clear things

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] huh. I would expect something like soap or whatever. but okay.

[Master] soap is made of tallow and lye

[Master] which both disolve in acid

[Master] and lye is an acid in its self

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] I thought soap was a base

[Master] modern soap is

[Master] tallow is fat from animals

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] gotcha

[Master] however the next chamber over

[Master] Esmerelda moved 7'05".

[Master] has a set of metal measuring tools

[Master] rods and calipers etc

[Master] across the way is a set of shelves containing various hammers and mallets

[Master] Esmerelda moved 12'11".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Well, HERE are the hammers... They have a lot of them."

[Master] what other skills do you have that might help you?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] other than observation..... bookbinding? yeah I got nothing.

[Master] ok

[Master] so you do not know what these are used for other than the obvious

[Master] of hit something

[Master] Esmerelda moved 11'04".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] presumably they go with the chisels in the other room

[Master] this room has several locked chests

[Master] each chest has an obvious heavy padlock on it

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] padlocks? well that is nice.

[Master] the next room is empty

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] Well, as curiousity gets the best of every gnome, I shall go fetch some acid and get to work on removing padlocks.

[Master] ok

[Master] after picking out a small vial

[Master] and using it on one of the chests on the lower shelves

[Master] the lock does get eaten away

[Master] and eventually you get to open it up

[Master] inside are bars of silver

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ooooh

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] I work on other chests until they are all open or a guard gets here.

[Master] it will take a LOT of acid

[Master] after you get one of the other chests open it has bars of gold inside

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] I would use hammer and chisel, but thats a little tricky to do one handed

[Master] nods

[Master] and you are not tall enough to get to the ones on higher shelves

[Master] after all most an hour of exploring

[Master] you hear the guard calling for you

[Master] while you are waiting for one of the locks to be eaten through by acid

[Master] Esmerelda moved 5'03".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Coming!"

[Master] Guard #4 moved 17'09".

[Master] Guard #4 moved 44'06".

[Master] Time of Day: 02:00 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 02:15 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 02:30 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Master] Guard #4 moved 37'01".

[Guard #4 (Master)] What are you doing in here?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I was bored and there were all these boxes so I wanted to see what was in them. And you guys so conveniently left me all this acid to play with so I thought you guys left it here as entertainment."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "It was very kind of you."

[Guard #4 (Master)] HEY!

[Guard #4 (Master)] you cannot do that!

[Guard #4 (Master)] the artists will be very upset

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I cant? Why not?"

[Guard #4 (Master)] and I am sure the Chamberlain will not like you messing around with these things

[Master] Guard #4 moved 27'06".

[Master] Guard #4 targets Esmerelda. Distance: 0'11"

[Guard #4 (Master)] reaches out to grab your shoulder and pull you back

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "But it was all just out here within easy reach. I just assumed that I could make myself at home."

[Guard #4 (Master)] this is for the family crypts

[Guard #4 (Master)] youa re not part of the family

[Guard #4 (Master)] I do not know what family you are part of but I cannot think that you are allowed in here doing this

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Well, you should put up a notice or something so such confusion does not happen in the future."

[Guard #4 (Master)] only staff is downhere most of the time

[Guard #4 (Master)] lets get you out of here

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "So, does that mean I am staff now?"

[Guard #4 (Master)] before anyone comes down here and sees this

[Master] Guard #4 moved 40'00".

[Master] Guard #4 no longer targets Esmerelda.

[Master] Esmerelda moved 36'05".

[Master] Esmerelda targets Guard #4. Distance: 3'00"

[Master] Guard #4 and Esmerelda moved 18'11".

[Master] Guard #4 targets Esmerelda. Distance: 3'00"

[Master] Guard #4 moved 1'03".

[Master] Guard #4 targets Esmerelda. Distance: 1'10"

[Master] Guard #4 moved 9'04".

[Master] Guard #4 no longer targets Esmerelda.

[Master] Esmerelda moved 8'00".

[Master] Esmerelda targets Guard #4. Distance: 0'07"

[Guard #4 (Master)] you wanted a chance to go outside?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "That would be lovely."

[Guard #4 (Master)] I will take you up to one of the guard towers

[Guard #4 (Master)] that will give you a chance to look outside

[Master] Guard #4 and Esmerelda moved 18'04".

[Master] Guard #4 targets Esmerelda. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] Guard #4 moved 11'04".

[Master] Guard #4 no longer targets Esmerelda.

[Master] Esmerelda moved 12'01".

BiBo!!! is receiving the map dungeon level two east...

BiBo!!! has received the map dungeon level two east.

[Master] this room has stairs going up in a large circlular tower

[Master] there are double doors to the "ne"

[Master] (brb Nyrma just got home)

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::takes a look around:: what are those star things?

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] stautes

[Master] the guard leads you up

[Master] you go up one level

[Master] and then another level

[Master] and then down a hallway

[Master] make an observation check

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] Esmerelda: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Master] as you are being lead down the hallway you hear the voices of your friends behind one of the doors

[Master] but the guard does not let you stop

[Master] and he leads you to another tower

[Master] and then up again

[Master] and then finally after going up 6 different levels you come out into the fresh air

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "So... mr guardsman? Do you have a name? Or something you would prefer I call you?"

[Master] Rando is fine with me

[Rando (Master)] from here you can see the entire town,

[Rando (Master)] you can see both bridges and the town beyond the river

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Okay, Rando. I am Esmerelda. Or you could call me Esmerelda the Mesmerizingly Amazing Mirage Maker for short. Do you come up here often?"

Rando (Master) looks at Es

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Esmerelda modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Rando (Master)] I only come up here when I am on duty up here

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I see. Might I ask what your orders are for us?"

[Rando (Master)] we each rotate through various duties

[Rando (Master)] for you and your friends?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Yep."

[Rando (Master)] I am supposed to watch to make sure you are ready for dinner tonight

[Rando (Master)] the servants will have your clothes cleaned for you

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Thats it? Just watch us and make sure we get dressed?"

[Rando (Master)] I will have other guards to help guide you to the dinning hall

[Rando (Master)] we were told that you are criminals but not dangerous

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "It was all just a big misunderstanding. Unfortunately I was a little out of it at the time so I could not properly explain. We are not really criminals at all you see."

[Rando (Master)] you are missing a hand

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "The dangerous part is debatable I suppose. But definately not criminals."

[Rando (Master)] that tells me you are a criminal

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Well yes, due to a misunderstanding."

[Rando (Master)] I suppose if you are very careful someone might believe you in the future

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I was just so in shock at being blamed for criminal acts, that I could not properly explain myself at the time."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "And by the time I got my thoughts together, it was too late."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I mean REALLY, do I LOOK like a goblin?"

[Rando (Master)] I have never seen a goblin

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Well, if you imagine a goblin, would I be what you imagine one to look like?"

[Rando (Master)] but I have seen lots of thieves with only one hand

[Rando (Master)] you sort of look like a female

[Rando (Master)] are there female goblins?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "That is an excellent question. I imagine there must be. They are probably like female dwarves and look like the males."

[Rando (Master)] there is no such thing as a dwarf

[Rando (Master)] that is just a story for parents to tell their kids

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Sure there are. Why would you think that?"

[Rando (Master)] I have never seen one

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Nor have you seen goblins. But I know they exist."

[Rando (Master)] I suppose that goblins exist because I have heard of soldiers fighting them

[Rando (Master)] some of the guard has fought them

[Rando (Master)] and something nastier called orcs

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I have seen both goblins and dwarves. Orcs too for that matter."

[Rando (Master)] the worse are the bullywugs

[Rando (Master)] they seem to be everywhere

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Ugh.... I hate frogs."

[Rando (Master)] when you want to go back to your room

[Master] Time of Day: 02:45 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I heard some voices that sounded familiar as we were coming up here. Do you mind if we go check there?"

[Rando (Master)] I was not told you can go anywhere else in the castle

[Rando (Master)] we were told that you are allowed to get some air when accompanied by a guard

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Were you told that I couldnt go there? I thought you were just told to watch us and make sure we are ready for dinnner."

[Rando (Master)] but you are not allowed to go elsewhere in the Castle

[Rando (Master)] I do not think that the Chamberlain would think you should be visiting others

[Rando (Master)] after dinner maybe you can ask him if you are allowed to

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Would I be allowed to knock on the door and let them know that I am alright?"

[Rando (Master)] of course you are alright

[Rando (Master)] they saw you come into the castle, you all got here together

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "What I mean is are they barred from coming here?"

[Rando (Master)] from coming up here? I do not think so

[Rando (Master)] they could come down to see you if they wanted to

Rando (Master) looks at you with the expression, as why would they want to do that

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I am a little curious though. Am I a prisoner or not? I mean I am a little restricted, but mostly allowed to roam about. What exactly is the story with that?"

[Rando (Master)] we do not have many prisoners here in the Castle

[Rando (Master)] where you are being housed are normally servants quarters

[Rando (Master)] most of the guests we have are housed in the nicer rooms on the first and second floor

[Rando (Master)] but there are some in the towers too

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "So.... where are the servants?"

[Rando (Master)] they got pushed into other rooms

[Rando (Master)] and the other guests took over all of the other rooms too

[Rando (Master)] so some of the servants are in the barracks now too

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "So, what can you tell me about the fine folks who live in this castle?"

[Rando (Master)] the Chamberlain keeps a tight ship

[Rando (Master)] there are many servatns

[Rando (Master)] I think there must be as many guards

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I was kind of meaning the masters of the place."

[Rando (Master)] I do not see the Master very often

[Rando (Master)] he is on the outlooks sometimes but of course I do not talk with him

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Can you tell me anything about him?"

[Rando (Master)] he is tall,

[Rando (Master)] I have only heard him speak two or three times

[Rando (Master)] he addressed the guards a couple of months ago when some of us went out to fight on the border

[Rando (Master)] he is the Master,

[Rando (Master)] shrugs

[Rando (Master)] what is there to say?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I hear he has a party every month. What is the story with that?"

[Rando (Master)] he opens the Castle to the townspeople once a month

[Rando (Master)] he invites at least a dozen of the them and hosts a ball

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Just a dozen? I would have thought that such a place could host far more than that."

[Rando (Master)] the main dining hall does not seat that many

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Still, when I think of a ball, I think of large groups. 50 or 100 or more."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Not something as intimate as a dozen."

[Rando (Master)] I do not think there has ever been that many people here

[Rando (Master)] not in the time that I have been here,

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Why not?"

[Rando (Master)] I do not know

[Rando (Master)] there is room in the chapel area for more people than there is in the dinning hall

[Rando (Master)] that is where the Master addresses the guards most often

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I hear he has been the master for a great long time. Is he an elf?"

Rando (Master) looks confused

[Rando (Master)] he is the Master,

[Rando (Master)] I do not think his father or mother was an elf

[Rando (Master)] can he be an elf if they were not?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "No. Probably not. Short of sorcery I suppose."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "He is human then?"

[Rando (Master)] isn't everyone?

[Rando (Master)] other than people like you I mean

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I hear tale that he has been master for hundreds of years. Surely that must not be true."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Humans dont live that long."

[Rando (Master)] I do not know about that

[Rando (Master)] I have only been here for two years

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I see. Do you ever watch these balls?"

[Rando (Master)] I have never been invited

[Rando (Master)] we should start back now

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Okay. See you."

[Master] Time of Day: 03:00 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Rando (Master)] he leads you over an archway

[Rando (Master)] to a different tower

[Rando (Master)] and then down

[Rando (Master)] so you can be outside longer

[Rando (Master)] then down and down and down again

[Rando (Master)] until you come out into the guardroom again

[Master] Rando and Esmerelda moved 26'10".

[Rando (Master)] I will be back to get you just after 6

[Rando (Master)] your clothes should come about 530 or so

[Master] Time of Day: 03:46 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Rando (Master)] so you have just under two hours to go

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] check the last of the rooms I guess

[Master] ok

[Master] Esmerelda moved 68'10".

[Master] the far two rooms have stone in them

[Master] slabs of stone to make markers

[Master] some marble, some granite

[Master] all brought in from far away

[Master] if the quality is any indication

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] is that the last of the rooms?

[Master] the others all seem to have similar tools

[Master] they are all for workign with metal or stone

[Master] doing engraving etc

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] what about that one area where there is a room missing. any secret doors there?

[Master] you can check

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] I do so

[Master] d12

[Master] need a 1

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] (1d12) [1d12=4] 4

[Master] so no you do not find any secret door there

[Master] Time of Day: 04:01 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] guess I will sit around and wait. ((I should probably get going though))

[Master] ok

[Master] you did very well

[Master] found several of the hidden things

[Master] and I got a text from Lisa that she will be in in a little while

[Master] so she can pick up where you left off

[Master] have a great day!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] good. good luck to her then!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] you too

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] laters

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Feb 08 21:03:17 EST 2013

[Master] Esmerelda XP award: 1000. Next level in 914.

[Master] Esmerelda XP award: 250. Next level in 664.

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Feb 08 22:18:56 EST 2013

Lisa is receiving the map Temporary Guest rooms...

[Master] Hello there

Lisa has received the map Temporary Guest rooms.

[Master] Time for your group Lisa is just after 2

[Master] so you are about 2 hours behind where Esmerelda is now

[Master] I will let you go skim the earlier chat to see what they found

Lisa has left the game on Fri Feb 08 22:24:59 EST 2013

XP awarded