Feb 17 12 - Six Griffons Lodge
[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Feb 17 18:31:18 EST 2012 ====
BOB's laptop has joined the game on Fri Feb 17 18:48:18 EST 2012
BOB's laptop is receiving the map Second Floor...
BOB's laptop has received the map Second Floor.
[Master] you will note that the handout in Klooge says the bulk of the note is in a diffrent language
[Master] I just saved a litle time and said someone translated it
[Master] I hope to move this along becasue I got called into work tomorrow
[Master] and the Baboon character got away, you can talk a liitle more to the thief but he was not the brains of the opperation
[Master (to GM only)] Houfin Ghent moved 76'01".
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 5'10".
[Master] Fatima moved 7'08".
[Master (to GM only)] Archibald Topp #1 moved 1'01".
BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Feb 17 18:54:19 EST 2012
BiBo!!! is receiving the map Second Floor...
BiBo!!! has received the map Second Floor.
[BOB's laptop] howdy marco
Guy has joined the game on Fri Feb 17 18:55:26 EST 2012
Guy is receiving the map Second Floor...
[BOB's laptop] and welcome Guy
[Master] hello and hello
Guy has received the map Second Floor.
[BiBo!!!] I am here to heal whoever needs healing. got a job interview this morning so I wont be sticking around
[Master] ahhhh
[Master] Guy needs a lota help
[Guy] howdy all
[BOB's laptop] I am sure that Sarengar would like but it is still the same night
[Master] and his character is hurt too
[Guy] hey just cause im half alseep here doesnt mean i need help
[BOB's laptop] I cannot imagine a time when Guy does not need help ;P
[Guy] no lisa?
[Guy] usually need help forcing myself to go to work
[BiBo!!!] so whos manning the laptop?
[Master] BOB
[Guy] bob is
[Guy] john is DM
[BiBo!!!] oooh.
[Master] I was going to add a character just so I could speak as John
[Master (to GM only)] Archibald Topp #2 moved 4'10".
[BiBo!!!] Koorin casts a spell against : Orison: I can create (3+4) 7 (max 9) minor effects.
[BiBo!!!] hmmm... I cant remember if I cast spells or forgot to reset koorin. I think I just forgot to reset her because I dont remember casting anything yet
[Guy] lol
[Master] Sarengar's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (7) - Lightly Wounded
[Master] do you have Healing as a skill?
[BiBo!!!] yep, and herbalism and healthy cooking
[BiBo!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Koorin modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 4 (+0). CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 4 (+2).
[Master] can you roll please
[BiBo!!!] Koorin: Healing check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!
[BOB's laptop] and no word on Lisa so we do not wait
[BOB's laptop] TMO will be in at some point
[Master] so you know his is poison, that sapped his strength
[BiBo!!!] he who?
[Master] Sarengar
[BiBo!!!] sarengar was poisoned?
[BiBo!!!] k
[Guy] yup lost strength
[BiBo!!!] can I do herbalism to give him another save or something?
[Master] no sorry
[Master] you can roll an herbalism for more info
[Master] he also lost str to the shadowy ax thing
[BiBo!!!] Koorin: Herbalism check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!
[Master] but this is different
[Master] You fear it is perement
[Master] so what are you doing with the halfling in the closet
[BiBo!!!] koorin isnt gay
[Master] smile
[BOB's laptop] you did not read the website
[BOB's laptop] Sarengar is dancing with a dead halfling
[BiBo!!!] course he is
[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.
[Sarengar (Guy)] not me
[Sarengar (Guy)] Renden is the one dancing with the dead halfling
[BOB's laptop] I had him fall on me
[BOB's laptop] then I dumped him off to the side
[BOB's laptop] he is still jammed in the closet doorway
[Master] i just want to remind you there is a luncheon tomorrow
[BOB's laptop] the cook is dead
[BOB's laptop] so Koorin will have to pinch hit
[Master] dead body in kitchen, dining hall and closet, in front of the street
[Master] and a thief tied up that Indigo almost killed
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((so we gather up the bodies and put them by the back door for now
[BOB's laptop] Reneden can do that
[Master] Time of Day: 02:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] and the thief hostage? anything more than tie up for tonight
[Master] Mrs. Beeke moved 10'03".
[BiBo!!!] Koorin casts a spell against : Orison: I can create (3+4) 7 (max 9) minor effects.
[BiBo!!!] Koorin casts a spell against : Orison: I can create (3+4) 7 (max 9) minor effects.
[Sarengar (Guy)] make darn sure he cant go anywhere
[BiBo!!!] that should get renden and sarengar up to max
[Master] Sarengar's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (4) - Unharmed
[Master] Renden Ironbreaker's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 62 (10) - Lightly Wounded
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] After I am done hiding the bodies for Sarengar
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I will go back upstairs to sit on the thief
[Master] what room do you want him?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] th emusic room is fine
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I can guard the broken window
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and him at the same time
[BiBo!!!] have fun storming the castle guys I am off to get ready
[Master] good luck
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] have fun
[BiBo!!!] thanks. hope I do well
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] will be fine
[BiBo!!!] laters!
BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Feb 17 19:16:49 EST 2012
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] so Sarengar what is the plan?
[Sarengar (Guy)] watch the thief and try to get some sleep
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] you can sleep
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I am used to staying up watching out for you
[Sarengar (Guy)] hey this one isnt my fault
[Master] any research tonight or you need your sleep
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] what sort of research is possible/
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I cannot read
[Master] there is a libray that Topp uses for the new weapons
[Master] but you can do it in the AM or if someone shows up they can
[Sarengar (Guy)] ill look through the book on spears as im going to sleep
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] plenty of good axes here
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and you want a little pointed stick
[Master] and Heckat will read a bit to
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] might as well be attacked by a bannana
[Sarengar (Guy)] i dont use axes
[Master] so you fall asleep reading and dreaming of the spear of your dreams
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] yeah Sarengar thinks with his spear a lot
[Master] you feel better in the morning but not quite yourself
[Master] Topp arrives about 7:45
[Master] Time of Day: 03:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] Time of Day: 04:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] Time of Day: 05:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] Time of Day: 06:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] Time of Day: 07:15 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] Time of Day: 07:30 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] Time of Day: 07:45 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 13'04".
Sarengar (Guy) staggers out of the bedroom yawning
[Master] you hear him come in
[Master] Heckat comes up to you rather excited
[Heckat (Master)] Hey Sarengar, guess what
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] still have thief tied up in the music room
[Sarengar (Guy)] what?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] looks towards the library door
[Heckat (Master)] The mace they tried to steal, it's not what they think it is
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] if it is not a mace what is it?
[Sarengar (Guy)] what do you mean?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] it looks like a mace to me
[Heckat (Master)] according to the note they think they were stealing the Silvershower, which would be worth something
[Heckat (Master)] I mean I would like to have that mace
[Heckat (Master)] even though I don't use a mace
[Sarengar (Guy)] isnt that what they had?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] a mace is better than a spear
[Heckat (Master)] but I would probably give it to my mom
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] not as good as an axe
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] but still
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] why your mom?
[Heckat (Master)] she likes silver and maces, but that's mpt important
[Heckat (Master)] I just thought you should know this is not that
[Sarengar (Guy)] are you saying that this isnt Silvershower?
[Heckat (Master)] Nope
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] who would know this is or isn't?
[Heckat (Master)] see, it only has one silver coin
[Heckat (Master)] anyone who can read
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] you think that old guy was wrong in his research?
[Sarengar (Guy)] so is this listed at all?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] or that he missed that detail?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] or that he is intentionlly misleading people?
[Heckat (Master)] I did not find out what is is, just what it is not
[Heckat (Master)] well...
[Heckat (Master)] I..
[Heckat (Master)] ..why would he do that?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] if I knew that a magic mace was not the real thing but I had just paid to aquire it I might keep quiet about it until I figured out what to do
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] maybe even stage a scene with a ghost to cover my tracks
[Sarengar (Guy)] and hiring somebody to steal it would do the trick
[Archibald Topp (Master)] what did I miss
[Archibald Topp (Master)] as he comes walking up the back steps
[Master] Branwyn moved 53'08".
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] points dramatically at Archibald in my best Sarengar impression
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] the JIG IS UP
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] You stole the mace
Sarengar (Guy) slaps Renden across the back of the head
[Archibald Topp (Master)] Excuse me
[Sarengar (Guy)] What the dwarf means to say is we found out about Silvershower not being real
[Archibald Topp (Master)] Are you sure?
[Sarengar (Guy)] Im afraid so
[Heckat (Master)] ::shows him book::
[Sarengar (Guy)] the key was the silver coin
[Heckat (Master)] well I'll be
[Sarengar (Guy)] what?
[Heckat (Master)] I am surprised
[Heckat (Master)] I will have to find out what it is, but there is so much to do before the luncheon
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Koorin is goign to cook
[Heckat (Master)] have you found a solution to the bigger issue
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Llath can clean up
[Heckat (Master)] namly the haunting
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] there was no ghost
[Sarengar (Guy)] well Im thinking the haunting was more to cover up the theft attempt
[Archibald Topp (Master)] (sorry, that was Topp)
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] pretty weak ghosts
[Archibald Topp (Master)] How does that work?
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((i figured lol))
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] the rats at the theatre are tougher
[Sarengar (Guy)] well you will be needing a new bartender
Sarengar (Guy) hands over the note
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Sarengar is pretty good at drinking, maybe he can be bartender for you
[Archibald Topp (Master)] ::reads:: oh dear
[Archibald Topp (Master)] You can't think that Ghent is capable of summoning these shadow creatures?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] hiring them? or summoning them?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] looks over at Sarengar, summoning?
[Archibald Topp (Master)] I would not put the thief past him, but how is Dalby involved
[Sarengar (Guy)] I dont know if he can summon them or not but it is possible for him to hire somebody that is able to summon them
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I thought they were just wimpy magic users
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and Dalby is not involved, Dalby is dead
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] he cannot have anything to do with this,
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] unless he is a zombie I suppose
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] is he still in the kitchen?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I stacked him by the back door
[Archibald Topp (Master)] I saw him dressed all in black, why would he be here and dead if he is not involved
[Sarengar (Guy)] He was the inside man, the one who was to steal the mace if the actaul thieves failed
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] but he is dead
[Sarengar (Guy)] unfortunately something got to him first and drained him
[Archibald Topp (Master)] and all for naught
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and here is an actual thief
[Archibald Topp (Master)] You truly think the haunting is over?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] shakes the trused up thief
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] no one threw anything at me all night
[Archibald Topp (Master)] Did he verify your theory
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] looks at Sarengar
Sarengar (Guy) thinks for a moment
[Sarengar (Guy)] I dont believe we actually asked him
[Dark Creeper (Master)] I ain't saying nuttin till I get my morning brew
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] see he knows you so well Sarengar
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] wanting a drink already
[Master] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I could pour you a drink, looking into the thief's eyes
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] a good long hot drink
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] or you could answer the old man's quesions
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] questions
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and Archibald's to
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] too
[Dark Creeper (Master)] well maybe a question or two for a chance to loosen these ropes
[Sarengar (Guy)] I might be agreeable to that
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I fogot how to untie things, maybe you can refresh my memory
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] first answer the man's question
[Dark Creeper (Master)] (what is your quest?)
[Sarengar (Guy)] We can always tie a rope around your neck if all else fails
[Dark Creeper (Master)] no no, I can talk, whatch wana know?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] what are you supposed to steal?
[Dark Creeper (Master)] that whacha call silver mace thing
[Dark Creeper (Master)] and we did thill this medling kid intrupted us
[Archibald Topp (Master)] I realy must thing started, let me know what you find out, but please stay up here as I do not want to explain your presents to the guests
Sarengar (Guy) laughs
[Sarengar (Guy)] Who hired you
[Archibald Topp (Master)] ::he walks off::
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Llath can help you dispose of the bodies
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] or Korrin
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] but I am not sure I would eat lunch if she does
[Archibald Topp (Master)] I have some workers commin, thank you
[Sarengar (Guy)] You might want to ask Ghent about Silvershower and see what he says
[Dark Creeper (Master)] so about these ropes
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] who ask Ghent?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] you think Archibald should be doing the questioning?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I am sure I can convince him to come talk in private
Sarengar (Guy) ties a rope around the thief's neck and loosens some of the other ropes
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] a chance to meet the great Sarengar,
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] points at the thief
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] yeah that;s right
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] this here is the famous Sarengar Swiftbreeze
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] he is used to performing in front of packed houses
[Dark Creeper (Master)] and i should know him from where?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and now you get a private performance
Sarengar (Guy) sighs and shakes his head
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I am sure your boss Ghent will enjoy one too
[Dark Creeper (Master)] go ahead and dance for me
[Dark Creeper (Master)] no matter
[Dark Creeper (Master)] never care much for you twinkle toes
[Sarengar (Guy)] Im not a dancer I am however the man who has a rope tied around your neck
[Sarengar (Guy)] so who hired you
[Dark Creeper (Master)] I ain't dying like me friend there but what you want from me
[Dark Creeper (Master)] I was told Ghent, I don't know the guy
[Dark Creeper (Master)] the note said there was some strange thing going on and so it would be easy, in and out
[Sarengar (Guy)] where were you supposed to take the mace after you stole it
[Dark Creeper (Master)] few blocks away, but that was last night
[Dark Creeper (Master)] i'm sure he'll think we failed or run off with the thing
[Dark Creeper (Master)] so I'm in no good shape either way
[Master] Time of Day: 08:15 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Sarengar (Guy)] well theres always the navy
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] you can put your mind at ease
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] So Sarengar, we can hold him here, when Ghent shows up tell him he has a visitor upstairs
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I will bring him up here to meet you
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and you can show Ghent this guy
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] then we hit Ghent on the back of the head and we are done
[Sarengar (Guy)] wait you said you were told ghent hired you?
[Sarengar (Guy)] who told you that?
[Dark Creeper (Master)] my dead friend on the street, showed me the note
[Dark Creeper (Master)] i can read a bit
[Sarengar (Guy)] so you dont know for sure that it was ghent that hired you
[Dark Creeper (Master)] gotta do somthing to better myself
[Dark Creeper (Master)] maybe some other guy wanta pretend to be Ghent, don't see why
[Sarengar (Guy)] somethings not right
TMO has joined the game on Fri Feb 17 20:06:01 EST 2012
TMO is receiving the map Second Floor...
[Master] Time of Day: 08:30 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Hello there TMO
TMO has received the map Second Floor.
[Sarengar (Guy)] Hey Tmo
[TMO] howdy, folks
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] John is the Guest DM tonight, wrapping up his adventure
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] he used Heckat earlier to give us some info
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I am playing an NPC
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Guy can fill you in
[TMO] ok
[Dark Creeper (Master)] (hello)
[Sarengar (Guy)] we are questiuoning a thief right now
[TMO] Where were you on the night of April 14th?!?
[Sarengar (Guy)] sorry tryingto eat wings at the same time
[TMO] np
[Dark Creeper (Master)] I could use ona those
Sarengar (Guy) move the thief closer to the window
[Master] Dark Creeper moved 24'07".
[Sarengar (Guy)] since you dont seem to know anything worthy of our time im going to let you go
[Master] Dark Creeper moved 10'11".
[Master] Dark Creeper moved 16'10".
[Sarengar (Guy)] the same way your friend went
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] just give me the word and I will drop him
[Dark Creeper (Master)] much abligede
[Dark Creeper (Master)] no need I gotta rope
[Sarengar (Guy)] oh and did i mention you wont need a rope
[Dark Creeper (Master)] that little dude does't know when someone is running away
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] if he can't sing then he can't fly
[Dark Creeper (Master)] what else can i say
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] that Indigo is a very good swordsman, that is what you can say
[Dark Creeper (Master)] Sure sure, best swords man in all of river's bend
[Sarengar (Guy)] since you dont know anything you arent much use to ue
[Dark Creeper (Master) (to TMO only)] you can speak as Heckat
[Sarengar (Guy)] so i see no need to let you stay alive to rob somebody else
[Dark Creeper (Master)] That not right, we live in a civilized city
[Dark Creeper (Master)] I have the right to live, i donna mean you harm
[Sarengar (Guy)] ive just come back from "over the bridge" what do i care about civilized?
[Dark Creeper (Master)] well then you certainly don't have nuttn to fear from me
[Dark Creeper (Master)] just think of my kids if I don't come home
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] happy they don't have to share their meal with you anymore?
[TMO] anything in particular I should know before I jump in?
[Sarengar (Guy)] what about the innocents you will harm if we let you go
[Master] Time of Day: 08:45 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Dark Creeper (Master)] You have my weapon, now I know better
[Sarengar (Guy)] time to see if you can fly
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] look you reformed him Sarengar!
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] he knows better now then to steal from you
[Dark Creeper (Master)] to tmo: bit of a mystery, finding out where these hauntings are coming from
[Dark Creeper (Master)] ::falls to knees and prays::
[Sarengar (Guy)] unless you can think os something we want to know you are going to practice flying
[TMO] was Handout 3 deciphered already?
[Master] ::mumbling prayer to self::
[Master] yes
[Master] well no
[TMO] drat. there goes my chance to look smart. :P
[Master] the books are still stacked
[Master] no one figgured it out
[TMO] Steel Drawn, Blood Seeking
[Master] or did much with it
[Master] thank you
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] show us the error of our ways Heckat
[TMO] mind you... I have no idea what it MEANS...
[Sarengar (Guy)] (nice one TMO i never even noticed it))
[Master] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] so Topp brings up a few works to fix the windows
[Master] and says he is going to wokr on some last minute research
[Archibald Topp (Master)] did you stack these books up?
[Sarengar (Guy)] Topp does Steel Drawn, Blood seeking mean anything to you?
Sarengar (Guy) shoves the thief a little closer to the window
[Archibald Topp (Master)] not that I can recall, in refrence to what
[Sarengar (Guy)] Heckat discovered it
Heckat (TMO) shrugs. I like books and puzzles. And this was both.
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I did not stack the books
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I thought they were like that
[Sarengar (Guy)] none of us stacked the books the shadow babboon did
[Archibald Topp (Master)] something or someone wants blood, clearly the haunting is getting worse
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and she is good at puzzles, points at Heckat, so maybe
[Archibald Topp (Master)] A baboon?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] every time we pulled out a weapon we killed something
[Sarengar (Guy)] a shadow creature that took the form of a baboon
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] except him, points at the thief
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I can change that if you want
[Archibald Topp (Master)] maybe Heckat can join me for a little more research before the luncheon?
[Archibald Topp (Master)] I hope there will be no more killing
Heckat (TMO) eyes Topp a bit warily. "Well, that depends on what kind of research you want to do."
Sarengar (Guy) looks at the thief
[Sarengar (Guy)] looks like he just saved your worthless life
[Sarengar (Guy)] you had better thank him
[Archibald Topp (Master)] I have a few books specificly on weapons maybe it will tell us something
[Dark Creeper (Master)] Thank be to God he has seen the light, I may go now?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] first you have to fix this window
[Heckat (TMO)] Okay. I've been looking at the weapon on the wall in the music room, but haven't uncovered any links yet.
[Heckat (TMO)] *weapons
[Heckat (TMO)] (I have discovered that I have a half dozen copies of the handouts open though)
[Master] so Topp goes in the other room and the worker are fixing the window with new help
[Master] it happens
[Master (to GM only)] Dire Rat's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (20) - Dying
[Master] Time of Day: 09:15 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] while they are working anyone still in the music room here a little shout
[Master (to GM only)] Dire Rat's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 24 (25) - Lightly Wounded
[Master] the workers scream and point to a large mean nasty rat
[Master] Dire Rat moved 6'01".
[John (Master)] I truned arround and t was there, kill is
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 12'05".
[Master] Combat has begun!
[Master] ROUND: 0
[Master] Indigo moved 6'08".
[Master] Indigo no longer targets Dark Creeper.
[Guy] Sarengar targets Dire Rat. Distance: 16'01"
[Master] Indigo moved 12'07".
[Master] Indigo moved 22'00".
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=2] 11
[Master] Dire Rat: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat is in another room, right?
[Master] Renden Ironbreaker moved 25'02".
[Master] Renden Ironbreaker targets Dark Creeper. Distance: 6'02"
[John (Master)] yes, but you can can roll
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16
[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Sarengar
[Sarengar (Guy) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Sarengar modified:
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Light Crossbow: (15-(d20+1)) [1d20=9] 5. HITS Dire Rat (AC FINAL: 7)!!! NOTE: Not available.
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Damage v SM: Crossbow Bolt: ((1d6)+1) [1d6=1] 2 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Dire Rat
[Master (to GM only)] Dire Rat's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (-2) - Moderately Wounded
[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Dire Rat
[John (Master)] and it changes form to humanoid and attcks
[Master] Dire Rat moved 16'10".
[Master] Dire Rat targets Renden Ironbreaker. Distance: 4'07"
[Master] Dire Rat targets Sarengar. Distance: 0'09"
[Master] Dire Rat: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 3. HITS Sarengar (AC FINAL: 6)!!!
[Master] Dire Rat: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk: (1d4) [1d4=2] 2 added to: Sarengar
[Master] Sarengar's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 31 (-2) - Lightly Wounded
[John (Master)] and 1 point of strength
[John (Master)] unless you save vs magic
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!
[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Renden Ironbreaker
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker moved 9'10".
[BOB's laptop] Renden Ironbreaker no longer targets Dark Creeper.
[BOB's laptop] Renden Ironbreaker targets Dire Rat. Distance: 1'01"
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker: Attack: Dwarven Battle Axe: ((20-(d20+0))+1+2) [1d20=17] 6 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)] [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Dire Rat (AC FINAL: 7)!!!
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker: Damage v SM: Dwarven Battle Axe: ((1d10)+2) [1d10=6] 8 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Dire Rat
[Master (to GM only)] Dire Rat's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 14 (-8) - Heavily Wounded
[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Heckat
[Heckat (TMO)] (does she know combat is happening?
[Sarengar (Guy)] Attack: Cutlass:: is now ARMED.
[John (Master)] you hear a comotion in the other room
[John (Master)] sounds of battle
[Heckat (TMO)] and there's been plenty of violence already, so she'd suspect something was up
[John (Master)] true
[Heckat (TMO)] (about how far can she move?)
[John (Master)] 120'
[John (Master)] or 60' and attack
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 16'00".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 34'09".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 40'09".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 45'07".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 49'01".
[Heckat (TMO)] Attack: Dagger/Dirk, hurled:: is now ARMED.
[TMO] Heckat targets Dire Rat. Distance: 7'05"
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat: Attack: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: (18-(d20)-4) [1d20=16] -2 [MODIFIED BY SHOOTING INTO MELEE (-4)]. HITS Dire Rat (AC FINAL: 7)!!!
[John (Master)] wow
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: (1d4) [1d4=2] 2 added to: Dire Rat
[Master (to GM only)] Dire Rat's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (-2) - Heavily Wounded
[Heckat (TMO)] I wasn't sure how (un)safe that would be...
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((nice one))
[Heckat (TMO)] Is that one of those things that I should Never Do Again?
[John (Master)] I was hoping you missed and hit someone else, but it took a mod to make sure no one did
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] chuckles, I think as long as you keep hitting they will be ok with it
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((just have to be careful is all))
[Heckat (TMO)] I've forgotten how to end my turn
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] the red dot
[Master] ROUND: 1
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] beingo
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] bingo
[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Sarengar
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Cutlass: ((15-(d20+1))+1+2) [1d20=6] 11 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)] [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Dire Rat (AC FINAL: 7).
[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Dire Rat
[Master] Dire Rat: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 17. MISSES Renden Ironbreaker (AC FINAL: 10).
[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Renden Ironbreaker
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker: Attack: Dwarven Battle Axe: ((20-(d20+0))+1+2) [1d20=12] 11 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)] [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Dire Rat (AC FINAL: 7).
[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Heckat
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 9'03".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 18'02".
[John (Master)] guy you get an attack of opp as it turns and attacks the dwarf
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Cutlass: ((15-(d20+1))+1+2) [1d20=2] 15 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)] [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Dire Rat (AC FINAL: 7).
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat: Attack: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: (18-(d20)-4) [1d20=16] -2 [MODIFIED BY SHOOTING INTO MELEE (-4)]. HITS Dire Rat (AC FINAL: 7)!!!
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: (1d4) [1d4=4] 4 added to: Dire Rat
[Master (to GM only)] Dire Rat's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-4) - Heavily Wounded
[John (Master)] you should be a hit guy, that should be a back attack
[Master] ROUND: 2
[John (Master)] roll for samage please
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Damage v SM: Cutlass: ((1d8+1)+1) [1d8=4] 6 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Dire Rat
[Master (to GM only)] Dire Rat's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-6) - Massively Wounded
[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Sarengar
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Cutlass: ((15-(d20+1))+1+2) [1d20=13] 4 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)] [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Dire Rat (AC FINAL: 7)!!!
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Damage v SM: Cutlass: ((1d8+1)+1) [1d8=2] 4 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Dire Rat
[Heckat (TMO)] sry for slow - was checking if she got multiple attacks
[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Dire Rat
[Master (to GM only)] Dire Rat's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-4) - Dying
[Master] Combat has finished.
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker moved 3'02".
[John (Master)] it is dead
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] stomps on it to be sure
[Heckat (TMO)] Kill it again!
[Heckat (TMO)] With Fire!
Sarengar (Guy) slumps to the ground as his strengths fades
[John (Master)] workers catch their breath
[Master] Time of Day: 09:32 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[John (Master)] but then back to work
[John (Master)] anything else?
[Heckat (TMO)] Attack: Dagger/Dirk, hurled:: is NO LONGER ARMED.
Heckat (TMO) lets the manly men clean up the dead icky disgusting rodent.
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] looks at the thief
[Sarengar (Guy)] Renden we have a problem
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] was that a friend of yours?
[John (Master)] It is actualy a humanoid shape now, like the ax and the baboon
[John (Master)] shadow like
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and what sort of problem Sarengar?
[Sarengar (Guy)] I dont think I have the strength for many more fights like that
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I thought there were no more ghosts
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] where did this one come from?
[John (Master) (to Guy only)] you got most of your str back last night
[Sarengar (Guy)] I dont think its a ghost
[Heckat (TMO)] (what do these shadow things look like?)
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] what did Heckat say about needing blood?
[Heckat (TMO)] "Steel drawn, blood seeking."
[Heckat (TMO)] Attack: Khopesh:: is now ARMED.
[Heckat (TMO)] Attack: Khopesh:: is NO LONGER ARMED.
[Heckat (TMO)] Attack: Khopesh:: is now ARMED.
Sarengar (Guy) puts the mace back where it belongs
[John (Master)] in the dark they look like shadows of humans, undefined features, black but two arms, legs and a head
Heckat (TMO) kneels down and pokes the body with her blade, now that it's no longer an icky nasty disgusting filthy RAT.
[Heckat (TMO)] (is it solid, or insubstantial?)
[John (Master)] sold but no bone structure
[Heckat (TMO)] Eww... squishy.
[Heckat (TMO)] (does she know any relevant lore?)
[John (Master)] not as bad as slime or pudding, unless you want to really poke it and see
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((brb))
[Heckat (TMO)] (I don't see any Lore skills in her Profs tab)
[John (Master)] make a roll on legand lore
[John (Master)] just roll percentage
[John (Master)] get low
[Heckat (TMO)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=21] 21
Heckat (TMO) gets down.
[John (Master)] you have heard of this type of haunting before
[John (Master)] something summons these creatures
[John (Master)] with what you know about this lodge, you would assume it is some sort of weapon summoing them
[Master] Time of Day: 09:47 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Heckat (TMO)] How many of these weapons have you boys been manhandling and ogling over?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] only the axes
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] well Sarengar was playing with his spear
[John (Master)] well the haunting stared a few days ago so
Heckat (TMO) gives Renden a dirty look.
[John (Master)] they did not start it
[John (Master)] Topp hopes they end it
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] We didn't start the fire
[John (Master)] before noon
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] but in any case
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] what is the last weapon to come in before the hauntings started then
[Heckat (TMO)] Do we know if anyone moved or touched any of the weapons a few days ago?
[John (Master)] i take it you go back and talk to topp?
[Heckat (TMO)] (you mean he can't hear me through solid walls?)
[Heckat (TMO)] (stupid npc...)
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] lol
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 19'05".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 25'06".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 31'09".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 48'00".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 56'07".
[Heckat (TMO)] Attack: Khopesh:: is NO LONGER ARMED.
[Heckat (TMO)] Topp.. I am thinking this has something to do with one of the weapons here. Did you get a new weapon a few days ago, or did someone move or touch one of them?
[Heckat (TMO)] Anything unusual?
[Archibald Topp (Master)] not that recent, maybe a month ago we got a couple
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] follows after Heckat
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((sorry my stomach just started doing loops)
[Archibald Topp (Master)] the mace and the ax about the same time, and the short sword
[Archibald Topp (Master)] (sorry Guy, hope it was not the roleplaying doing that)
[Sarengar (Guy)] (((nah something i ate))
[Master] Time of Day: 10:02 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] so one of those three weapons
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] they wanted to steal the mace
[Sarengar (Guy)] and leave my spear out of this Renden
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] but they have the wrong one
[Sarengar (Guy)] youre just jealous because the ladies love me
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] maybe heckat can help you find out what is wrong with your spear
[Master] so what do you want to look for Heckat?
[Heckat (TMO)] You don't tend to think of maces as being 'drawn'. Axes maybe. Swords, more typically. What is the short sword?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and axes are hoisted not drawn
[Master] you can read hand out 4 in the music room for a full descriptiuon without typos
[Master] that is all Topp knows at the moment
[Heckat (TMO)] Soft Kiss?
[Master] he will research with you for a bit before he has to handle the expected guests
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] are we going to question Ghent by himself up here first?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] or what?
[Heckat (TMO)] (who?)
[Master] Topp
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] the guy that thief said hired him
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] points over at music room where he left the thief
[Master] when you look for him the thief is missing
[Master (to GM only)] Dark Creeper moved 9'04".
Heckat (TMO) nods. "Yup. Never take your eyes off them thieves.."
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] why do you think they hired me to watch over Sarengar
[Heckat (TMO)] Well, I guess, is there anything we can look at to research Soft Kiss quickly? Or would we be better off trying to take it out of the building?
[Master] but yes, Topp says Soft kiss was aqquired last but they were in the process of accuiring the other tow about the same time
[Archibald Topp (Master)] i will do what I can before the luncheon, but this is why I hirred you
[Heckat (TMO)] Or we can do all three to be more sure.
[Archibald Topp (Master)] now I am short to servants
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Koorin will help
[Master] Time of Day: 10:17 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and Llath is a nice butler slash coat rack
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] no worries
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and now that Heckat is here to read for us
[Archibald Topp (Master)] can I count on your descression?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I will wait and bring Ghent upstairs to meet Sarengar
[Heckat (TMO)] Wait... Soft Kiss is an elf blade... There are 3 books in this stack on Elven weapons
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] he will want the chance to meet the famous singer
[Master] we can just click off time and make a roll
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] then when he is here
[Master] just need to know who is reading?
[Sarengar (Guy)] the only one who can read lol
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] can Sarengar read?
[Heckat (TMO)] (Heckat has a 15 in Common)
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((sarengar can read the weather signs and the wiond traces but not books))
[Heckat (TMO)] Central Common
[Heckat (TMO)] And also W Comm
[Master] it looks like just Heckat, they are in common of some sort so we will roll in an hour or so
[Master] Time of Day: 10:32 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] fatima call up so Topp knows she is here and Topp goes down to let her in
[Master] Fatima moved 50'02".
[Master] halfling moved 16'06".
[Master] Mrs. Beeke moved 17'09".
[Master] handout 1.jpg moved 43'09".
[Master (to GM only)] John moved 48'00".
[Master (to GM only)] man with glasses moved 3'03".
[Master (to GM only)] Houfin Ghent moved 6'01".
[Heckat (TMO)] there's actually more books here that might be applicable than just the three Elf weapon books. But those are a good place to start. I need a cliff notes version.
[Master] so you are alone when the workers come in to fix this window
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 7'08".
[Master] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
Lisa has joined the game on Fri Feb 17 21:24:46 EST 2012
Lisa is receiving the map Second Floor...
[Master] woo hoo
[Heckat (TMO)] (why did that statement make me very wary? :) )
[Master] just in time
Lisa has received the map Second Floor.
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] hello
[Master] the works do not have icons so they can not be important
[Heckat (TMO)] (any time the DM points out that a character is *all alone*, something bad happens
[Master] workers
[Master] then it is working
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((yay its lisa ))
[Master] giving Lisa a sec to catch up
[Lisa] (hello! thought you would be done and we would be back in Jistelle)
[Master] I wanted to at least hurt indigo first
[Heckat (TMO)] (Hi! No, the boys have been having too much fun killing 'ghosts')
[Lisa] (hurt indigo? what did he ever do to you?)
[Master] just want him to feel alive
[Master] you bleed just to know your alive
[Lisa] (oh - does he look dead inside?)
[Master] just a song
[Lisa] (yes - was just singing in my head now that you have mentioned it)
[Master] so you are in the library doing a little research
[Lisa] (can someone sum up in 3 lines so I don't have to read 2 hrs of chat please?)
[Master] you know the weapond Ghent is afer is a fake so you put it back
[Heckat (TMO)] (we think one of the weapons is summoning ghosts)
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((the stack of books was a message))
[Master] the thief got awway after another battle with a rat/ghost
[Lisa] (what? Indigo can't turn his back for a second)
[Master] and besides the two workers, you are alone and asked to stay upstairs
Heckat (TMO) stays upstairs and out of sight of the hoi polloi.
[Sarengar (Guy)] /((i was tempted to throw him out the window and see if he could learn to fly))
[Lisa] (is it really 11 am?)
[Sarengar (Guy)] yup
[Master] yes, you are rested but not sure if you have much time to study, unless you want Heckat to research by himself
[Lisa] so lunch will be ready any moment
[Heckat (TMO)] *herself
[Master] sorry
[Heckat (TMO)] TMO is him. Heckat is her.
[Heckat (TMO)] :)
[Master] happens to me all the time
[Lisa] (can I memorize spells while people are busy?)
[Lisa] (did I get enough sleep?)
[Master] a hour or so of time earlier
[Master] how much time do you need
[Master] no one woke you so should be no issue
[Master] you had the comfy bed
[Lisa] (okay - I will shop for spells for the day while everyone carries on)
[Lisa] (I appreciated the comfy bed)
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 27'11".
[Master] so Ms Heckat was ready to roll to see what she found after the first hour
Sarengar (Guy) heads to see how heckat is doing
[Heckat (TMO)] what should I roll?
[Master] d20
[Master] low
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat [1d20]: (1d20) [1d20=19] 19
[Heckat (TMO)] /10
[Lisa] (lower than that)
Heckat (TMO) figures out after 45 minutes that the books weren't actually in code. She was holding them upside down.
[Master] you can roll a legend lore again too as you are a bard
[Lisa] (lol)
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat [1d100]: (1d100) [1d100=73] 73
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((rofl nice one))
Heckat (TMO) has an aneurysm.
[Master] Time of Day: 11:15 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] so Fatima comes up with a few sandwiches
[Sarengar (Guy)] Hows the research coming?
[Heckat (TMO)] Badly. I haven't found anything.
[Fatima (Master)] I thought you might want something, hear you had an eventfull night
Sarengar (Guy) grins at Fatima
[Sarengar (Guy)] The cavalry has arrived with food
Heckat (TMO) takes a sandwich. "Thank you. I 'm starving."
[Fatima (Master)] are you as good with an ax as you are with your voice?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] did Koorin make these?
[Fatima (Master)] she help
[Sarengar (Guy)] I dont use an axe I prefer a nice cutlass
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I thought you liked your spear?
[Fatima (Master)] ::looks at dwarf:: so you would use an ax
[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- # Memorized: +1 (+0), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: +1 (+0), CHANGED: Unseen Servant -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Continual Light - Wizard -- # Memorized: +1 (+0), CHANGED: Knock -- # Memorized: +1 (+0), CHANGED: Whip o' Pain -- # Memorized: +2 (+1),
[Fatima (Master)] i hear there is a nice hand ax in the other room
[Sarengar (Guy)] axes are for silly short bearded jesters
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] hefts his own small axe
[Fatima (Master)] ju
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I would like to carry around my normal dwarven battle axe
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] but the city guard tends to frown upon it
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] so I just carry this little thing and say it is part of his costume
[Fatima (Master)] my dad would never want to see weapons just hanning on the wall
[Sarengar (Guy)] whos your dad?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] well I thought they were all bolted down?
[Fatima (Master)] but I should go
[Fatima (Master)] no one famous like you
[Master] she sets the plate down and scurries away
[Master] yes they are all locked
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] looks at Sarengar, she seems much more chatty today then yesterday
[Sarengar (Guy)] yes she does
[Sarengar (Guy)] Im curious to know who her father is
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] go ask
[Master] so reading and eating? anything else
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] you have to know who to appologize to later on anyway
[Sarengar (Guy)] what do i need to apologize for?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I am sure you will find some reason
Heckat (TMO) opens another book.
[Heckat (TMO)] If I don't find anything, would you two like to see if you can figure out how to get those 3 new weapons down off the walls?
[Sarengar (Guy)] why dont you go study the axes Renden maybe you will learn how to actually use one
[Master (to Lisa only)] ready to walk in?
[Sarengar (Guy)] we can try the chime the thieves had
[Master] Time of Day: 12:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] Time of Day: 12:00 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Master only)] sure - sorry it's been a long long day
[Master (to Lisa only)] me too
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] waits in the music room for any sign of Ghent
[Master] you hear guests starting to arrive, but not as well as the widow is fixed
[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Master only)] then I am very sorry :(
[Heckat (TMO)] and now she can no longer have children
Branwyn (Lisa) slowly wakes up and then realizes what time it is
[Master (to Lisa only)] whenyou walk in to the libray, you notice a plate of snadwhichs and a key under the plate
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo! What are you doing in here? How could you have let us sleep so late!
[Master] you are so funny TMO
Indigo (Lisa) yawns, "Sorry, I was especially tired I guess"
[Master] window is fixed
Indigo (Lisa) both get up and go into the library
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 13'01".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 9'02".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 20'06".
[Heckat (TMO)] (I go for the automatic fire method of humor. If I make enough jokes, 1 or 2 of them are bound to be funny. And the rest are usually forgotten.)
[Indigo (Lisa)] Look! Sandwiches!
Heckat (TMO) pushes the plate toward Indigo. "Dig in. There's plenty."
[Sarengar (Guy)] Look whos finally gotten up
Indigo (Lisa) hurries over to the plate of sandwiches and grabs two
[Sarengar (Guy)] you missed all the fun
Indigo (Lisa) after Heckat pushed the plate he sees a key lying there
[Master] Houfin Ghent moved 17'05".
[Master] Houfin Ghent targets Koorin. Distance: 4'02"
[Master] John moved 25'04".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Mmmm! What's the key for?
[Master] man with glasses moved 31'08".
[Master] old man moved 30'03".
[Heckat (TMO)] What key?
[Indigo (Lisa)] That one
[Sarengar (Guy)] what are you talking about?
Indigo (Lisa) point a sandwich at the key that was under the plate before Heckat pushed it at Indigo
[Master] Koorin moved 36'06".
[Master] Llathandryll moved 41'10".
[Master] Llathandryll targets Fatima. Distance: 2'06"
[Indigo (Lisa)] If there's a key, must be a lock around here somewhere
Heckat (TMO) looks at the key. What kind of lock does it look like it fits?
[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn you have to come get a sandwich!
[Sarengar (Guy)] I wonder if thats the key for the weapons
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] lock up your women, Sarengar is back in town
[Master] all the weapons in the magic room are locked down
[Master] music room
[Master] as well as each door
Sarengar (Guy) picks up the key and heads for the music room
[Master] want to roll no Heckat?
[Master] Time of Day: 12:15 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 33'10".
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 48'02".
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 60'09".
[Heckat (TMO)] another reading roll?
[Master] it's been another hour give ir take eating
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat [1d20]: (1d20) [1d20=16] 16
[Heckat (TMO)] le sigh
Heckat (TMO) has never been so tempted to burn books before.
Sarengar (Guy) walks over to Soft Kiss and looks for a lock
[Master] make a reading check
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat: Reading/writing C Comm check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!
[Heckat (TMO)] See? THERE'S the low roll
[Master] one sec guy
[Sarengar (Guy)] k
[Master] heckat finds a mention of the haunting with reffrence to the weapond needing to be used to end the summonings
Heckat (TMO) whoops for joy!
[Master] and Sarengar trys the key and it does not match the lock on the Soft kiss
[Sarengar (Guy)] hmm
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] the axe Sarengar
[Master] Time of Day: 12:30 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] she was interested in the axe
Heckat (TMO) takes the book to the music room.
[Master] Houfin Ghent moved 41'01".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 16'06".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 35'00".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 41'00".
[Master] man with glasses moved 52'10".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 65'03".
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] plus that thing turned into an axe
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] that would be my first guess
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] but you do think small
[Sarengar (Guy)] whats up Heckat?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] so I get it with the short sword
[Master] man with glasses moved 35'10".
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 41'10".
[Sarengar (Guy)] the key doesnt fit the sword
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] at least it is better than your spear
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] looking at top of stairs, waiting for Ghent
Sarengar (Guy) ignores the dwarf
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker moved 13'09".
[Master] and you hear some walking up the stairs
Heckat (TMO) reads the section again, looking for details on teh weapon to be used.
[Sarengar (Guy)] did you find something?
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] someone's coming
[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 29'11".
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] think guys
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 34'07".
[Heckat (TMO)] I think so. A weapon is used to stop the summonings.
[Sarengar (Guy)] hmm
[Sarengar (Guy)] and fatima mentioned axes
Sarengar (Guy) tries both axes
[Heckat (TMO)] Try the axe lock
[Master] the key works on Vaporblade
[Indigo (Lisa)] (silver shower is a command word with conjuration - that have a lock?)
[Master] and Sarengar is holding another ax
Sarengar (Guy) takes the axe off the wall
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] vaporblade? you could have read that name to us Sarengar
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] maybe disapearing axes, people, vapor
[Master] (you missed it Lisa the silver is not what they thought it was)
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] maybe even you could have figured out what it was
Sarengar (Guy) examines the axe
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] and spins back to the top of the stairs and sees......
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 6'04".
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 10'03".
[Master] so you hear some talking in the main stairwell
[Master] it's a nice hand ax
[Heckat (TMO)] Should we get out of here?
[Sarengar (Guy)] let get to the library
[Indigo (Lisa)] (is the first time anyone's seen Topp today?)
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] no
[Heckat (TMO)] (no.)
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((we saw him earlier
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 21'09".
[Master] no, he was researching a little and went back down to get ready
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 10'03".
Heckat (TMO) goes through the wall...
[Master] is everyone going to the library?
[Master] old man moved 12'04".
Sarengar (Guy) as he passes the others "get to the Library"
[Master] Houfin Ghent moved 12'02".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm confused. Everyone keeps running from room to room and not seeming to do anything.
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] you told me to meet Ghent here
[Heckat (TMO)] It was Colonel Mustard!
[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think I am going to stay here and play some music
Sarengar (Guy) hides the axe by his side
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 17'05".
[Master] old man moved 15'11".
[Master] Houfin Ghent moved 17'10".
[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 1'11".
Branwyn (Lisa) sits down at organ and presses some keys
[Master] Dire Rat moved 24'03".
[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm going to get another sandwich
[Master] is that where you want Indigo?
[Master] ok
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 36'04".
[Master] where do you want Renden?
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 6'03".
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I had said I would meet Ghent
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] so at door to music room for now
[Master] the old man is talking Ghents ear off, those that can hear or see
[Master] Topp comes up back stairs and askes the group to let them have the music room to themselves
[Archibald Topp (Master)] if you do not mind?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not at all
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] does Topp and the old man look alike?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 14'11".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 26'11".
[Archibald Topp (Master)] no, just using the same icon
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (they are twins aren't they?)
[Archibald Topp (Master)] the old man is much older and grayer hair
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] ok, then goes to the servants room there at the back stairs
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker moved 8'04".
[Master] they enter the room and close the door
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] wishes he had hear noise so he could listen through the keyhole
[Master] anyone doing anything?
[Sarengar (Guy)] there is something very wrong here
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 13'08".
[Master] old man moved 15'07".
[Master] Houfin Ghent moved 16'08".
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((im examining the axe))
[Master] feels very good in your hand, well balanced and sharp
[Master] lisa, are you staying in the hall?
Branwyn (Lisa) walks over to door to see if she can hear anything
[Sarengar (Guy)] very nice, i see why dwarves like them
[Master] observation?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sure why not? nothing better to do:) )
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 5'04".
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((who?))
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hope it was me)
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!
[Sarengar (Guy)] just inc ase it was me lol
[Master (to Lisa only)] you hear little talking , too quiet to make out then the sound of metal on metal
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ooh sounds like weapons
[Master] You are focused on the ax
[Master] then Branwyn sees Topp open the door
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((you didnt say who is why i rolled lol))
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 6'11".
[Master] old man moved 4'01".
[Master] Houfin Ghent moved 5'07".
[Master] Houfin Ghent targets Branwyn. Distance: 4'00"
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hello!
[Archibald Topp (Master)] we will be going now, thank you
[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 4'05".
[Master] old man moved 8'03".
[Heckat (TMO)] back. sry bout that
[Master] Houfin Ghent moved 5'00".
[Master] Houfin Ghent targets Branwyn. Distance: 2'03"
[Master] Houfin Ghent targets Renden Ironbreaker. Distance: 3'11"
[Heckat (TMO)] had to put son to bed
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you have a problem Mr. Ghent?
[Master] and they start down the hall
[Master] he gives you a dirty look
Branwyn (Lisa) gives him one back
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker moved 2'09".
[Master] and you piss him off just enough
[Master] Combat has begun!
[Master] ROUND: 0
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] oh ok
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that didn't take much)
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19
[Master] he is a dwarf
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((gee and i thoughtg i was the troublemaker lol))
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=3] 11
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=4] 13
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=5] 3 [MODIFIED (-10)]
[Master] old man: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16
[Heckat (TMO)] I don't know anything is going on yet, but I don't know it FAST
[Master] Houfin Ghent: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18
[Master] Archibald Topp: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12
[Master] your in the libray so you do not know yet
[Master] ROUND: 1
[Heckat (TMO)] yup. just putting myself into the rotation
[Master] but you hear a ruckuss
[Master] INIT: 3 GOING: Indigo
Indigo (Lisa) puts down his half eaten sandwich "Sounds like something's going on. Again."
Indigo (Lisa) steps out into the hall
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 14'00".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 33'10".
[Indigo (Lisa)] (is that plausible after hearing a ruckus?)
[Master] you know Branwyns tendcies to find troubble
[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Branwyn
BOB's laptop is receiving the map First Floor...
BOB's laptop has received the map First Floor.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh Mr. Ghent. Why get yourself so upset? I just asked if you has a problem? You look a little irritated is all. Nothing to get worked up about
[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Archibald Topp
BOB's laptop is receiving the map Second Floor...
BOB's laptop has received the map Second Floor.
[Archibald Topp (Master)] I agree, you all should just back away, your not members
[Archibald Topp (Master)] and he starts to wave you back
[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Heckat
Heckat (TMO) sighs and gets up. "I hope it's not another icky nasty filthy disgusting dirty rat."
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 15'11".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 30'07".
[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Sarengar
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 16'03".
[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: old man
[Master] old man moved 3'11".
[old man (Master)] lissten to your elders we don't want no troubble
[Master] old man moved 3'06".
[old man (Master)] you all back there just go back to where you were
[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Houfin Ghent
[Houfin Ghent (Master)] the dwarf pushes topp asside and swings at Brawyn
[Master] Houfin Ghent moved 1'09".
[Master] Houfin Ghent targets Branwyn. Distance: 0'09"
[Master] Houfin Ghent targets Renden Ironbreaker. Distance: 2'01"
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 2'01".
[Master] Houfin Ghent: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 11. MISSES Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6).
[Master] Houfin Ghent: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 14. MISSES Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6).
[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Renden Ironbreaker
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker moved 5'04".
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker moved 5'07".
[Master] you are blocked at the moment as the hallway s a bit crowed
[Master] unless you want to do somethng about that first
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] was pushing through to that spot
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I figure if they are old men, then I should be able to just shove them out of the way with a strength check
[Master] Houfin Ghent moved 1'05".
[Master] Renden Ironbreaker moved 1'11".
[Master] the old man will ket you through
[BOB's laptop] Renden Ironbreaker targets Houfin Ghent. Distance: 0'06"
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 0'11".
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker: Attack: Dwarven Battle Axe: ((20-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=6] 15 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Houfin Ghent (AC FINAL: 10).
[Master] ROUND: 2
[Master] INIT: 3 GOING: Indigo
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 5'09".
Indigo (Lisa) waves his sword up and down a bit, "I think you better go downstairs before your lodge loses a member"
[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Branwyn
[Master] thinking?
[Master] he can't talk untill his turn
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Now Now Indigo. I'm sure Mr Ghent will be going down to lunch shortly. Won't you Mr. Ghent. You aren't seriously going to knife me in the hall here are you?
[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Archibald Topp
[Archibald Topp (Master)] Please everyone just lower your weapons and back away
[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Heckat
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat casts a spell against : Friends: I gain (2d4) [2d4=1,2] 3 points of Charisma for (1d4+5) [1d4=3] 8 rounds
[Heckat (TMO)] Hey now, folks! Let's not start shedding blood all over the carpet here. After all, you never know whose blood it wind up being.
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 9'03".
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat: CHR check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!
[Heckat (TMO)] (success with the extra 3 pts)
[Archibald Topp (Master)] yes yesm will take into account
[Heckat (TMO)] (if I can do all that in 1 turn)
[Master] we are being generous with talking at this point so sure
[Heckat (TMO)] talking is a free action, after all. ;)
[Master] click next please
[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Sarengar
[Heckat (TMO)] OOPS. *blush*
[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 8'10".
[Sarengar (Guy)] whats going on here
[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: old man
[Master] ::looks at Ghent:: Seems like it is time to leave
[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Houfin Ghent
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] lets him pass
[Master] ::growls::, and slowly backs up deffensivly
[Master] Houfin Ghent moved 7'07".
[Master] Houfin Ghent no longer targets Branwyn.
[Master] any actions?
[BOB's laptop] Renden Ironbreaker no longer targets Houfin Ghent.
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker moved 4'07".
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] Renden Ironbreaker moved 11'07".
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] I will let them pass
[Master] letting them leave?
[Master] Archibald Topp moved 2'07".
[Master] old man moved 7'10".
[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Master only)] cantrip sneezing fit on Ghent as he walks away
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] then duck down the servants stairs to watch from the back of the dinning room
[Master (to Lisa only)] roll?
[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Master only)] is the little things that amuse me
[Master (to Lisa only)]
[Master] Combat has finished.
[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Master only)] at 8th level? :)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!
[Master (to Lisa only)] sorry, newbe at this
[Master] so Ghen starts sneezing as they walk away
[Sarengar (Guy)] What was that all about?
[Master] they disapear arround the corner, you hear them go down stairs
Branwyn (Lisa) calls out loudly "Have a pleasant lunch Mr. Ghent. See! I thought you were not doing well"
[Master] Time of Day: 12:47 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Master] and a few minutes later Renden comes back up stairs
Branwyn (Lisa) turns to Indigo, "i think not fighting him hurt him more than if I would have stuck him with my dagger"
[Renden Ironbreaker (Master)] They are gone, but one strange thing
[Branwyn (Lisa)] I really did not like that man.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] What is it?
[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 5'01".
[Renden Ironbreaker (Master)] I did not see Topp with him, there was someone else with the old man and Ghent
[Sarengar (Guy)] what do you mean?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] How could that be?
[Renden Ironbreaker (Master)] there was two dwarfs and the old man
[Sarengar (Guy)] look in the music room somebody
[Renden Ironbreaker (Master)] may Topp is still downstairs and I missed him, just seemed strange
Indigo (Lisa) walks into music room
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 11'02".
[Renden Ironbreaker (Master)] Sarengar notices the silver mace is missing
[Sarengar (Guy)] ((you mean Indigo))
[Renden Ironbreaker (Master)] yes Indigo
[Master] Time of Day: 01:02 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 9th, 339 SKR.
[Indigo (Lisa)] Hey Sarengar! Did you take the mace and the axe or just the axe?
[Renden Ironbreaker (Master)] and the luncheon is in full swing
[Sarengar (Guy)] Just the axe why
[Indigo (Lisa)] There was a mace here before but it's gone
[Sarengar (Guy)] I didnt see anybody with a mace did any of you?
[Renden Ironbreaker (Master)] i will post a full summary but if you want to do anything before the lunch is over, let me know
[Branwyn (Lisa)] They were doing something with weapons in there
[Branwyn (Lisa)] But how can you sneak a mace out without one of us seeing it?
[Sarengar (Guy)] you shouldnt be able to
[Sarengar (Guy)] unless you use magic
[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is true
[Renden Ironbreaker (BOB's laptop)] or a coat?
[Sarengar (Guy)] or a coat
[Sarengar (Guy)] I was too far back I didnt notice if any of them had a coat on
[Master] I would say with the trafic Branwyn may not have had a good look at Ghent's back
[Master] but no instant replay
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ghent didn't seem like the magic type
[Sarengar (Guy)] we know he wanted the mace that he thought was Silvershower
[Master] i will do a full wrap up on line, but feel free to thik about it. this way BOB can start off next week
[Heckat (TMO)] I was too busy trying to spare the staff some extra carpet cleaning to notice. I'm sorry.
[Master] thank you for having me
[Lisa] Bob? where will you be?
[Heckat (TMO)] Sorry I missed most of it. It seemed interesting.
[Sarengar (Guy)] you need to get back in here and play
[Master] (still john)
[Master] next week I will be BOB
[BOB's laptop] I will be here
[Lisa] But you have to finish the story
[Master] i will need a break after this at least
[Sarengar (Guy)] and im keeping the axe lol
[BOB's laptop] reallY?
[Lisa] jeez! how many weapons can you carry!
[Master] I have too much to post here and I have to work in the morning
[Master] it will all be on line by Monday
[Lisa] no worries
[Lisa] hope you will be back playing with us soon
[Master] thank you, I will see
[BOB's laptop] we will start off next week by working on the XP update
[BOB's laptop] then we can help TMO create his character
[Sarengar (Guy)] i have enought to level
[BOB's laptop] and travel back to the Jistille Estates
[BOB's laptop] then the week after we should finish Flower Power
[BOB's laptop] and start Burst of Building
[BOB's laptop] nods at GUy
[Heckat (TMO)] I shall be a ninja paladin sorceror!
[BOB's laptop] lol
[Heckat (TMO)] With Guns!
[Sarengar (Guy)] rofl
[Lisa] lol
[Master] but not in this world
[Master] dream a little dream
[Heckat (TMO)] I fight for Good, striking evil in the back from the shadows, cloaked in magic, dealing death with six-shooters
[BOB's laptop] Lisa will be happy with someone who can pick locks, find traps and appraise your found items
[Sarengar (Guy)] lol
[Lisa] I don't need a lock pick
[Heckat (TMO)] Six Shooters of Justice!
[Sarengar (Guy)] im off yall have a good night and ill be in early next week
[Master] good night all, till we meet again, enjoy
[Heckat (TMO)] g'night
[BOB's laptop] night
[Sarengar (Guy)] night john
[Lisa] Thanks again John
[Lisa] Goodnight! see you in a couple of weeks
BOB's laptop has left the game on Fri Feb 17 23:02:17 EST 2012
Lisa has left the game on Fri Feb 17 23:02:26 EST 2012
Guy has left the game on Fri Feb 17 23:02:26 EST 2012
[Heckat (TMO)] ciao
TMO has left the game on Fri Feb 17 23:02:32 EST 2012
first draft and XP awarded