Main / Feb1805S

Feb 18 05 - Told in Story Form

When last we left the party... Paul walked into a Gelatnous Cube to get a moving sword and was paralyzed, Fin pulled him out with a trick arrow. Mo killed the cube with a couple spells. Laila? slowly picked up the treasure, except for the sword. Once Paul was able to move, he picked up the sword. Everyone tried to take the sword from him so Paul set it down to let Mo look at it. Mo pulled typical Fremlin trickery so Paul picked up the sword again. Fin put a blanket over the sword and there was a struggle then POOF. Paul and Fin disappeared from the party.

Will Fin Survive? Will Paul ever stop being the ho of the party? and how the heck is the party going to off this bloody island? Check back in a month, and see!