Main / Feb1811

Feb 18 11 - Skull Church

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Feb 18 18:43:45 EST 2011 ====

[Master] Sorry for the late start, getting food and dealing with dogs, will be back up as soon as I can

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Feb 18 18:45:53 EST 2011

Kaz is receiving the map Catacombs section 1...

Kaz has received the map Catacombs section 1.

[Kaz] Hello hello, when you get back :)

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Feb 18 18:53:32 EST 2011

Lisa is receiving the map Catacombs section 1...

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] and back

[Master] and hello Kaz and Lisa

[Master] crazy way to end my day

[Kaz] Welcome back, and HI Lisa!!

[Master] feel very rushed

[Master] but we are now all set up

[Master] dogs walked and fed

[Master] I have food here and drink for me

Lisa has received the map Catacombs section 1.

[Master] and our two fearless leaders are here ready to go

[Lisa] Hello! :)

[Kaz] Guy will be in shortly

[Master] Hope you two have had a good week and a fun weekend planned

[Master] Mike was planning on being in, got a messae he was roped into a dinner

[Master] so not sure how soon he will be in if at all

[Kaz] okay

[Master] Have either of you been paying attention to John's story he is writing on the site?

[Kaz] off and on

[Lisa] I need to get back to it

[Master] he added more today

[Master] I have not seen the latest, just saw the updated pages

[Lisa] good

[Master] Ok,

[Master] so what did the two of you have in mind for tonight?

[Kaz] sleeeeeeeeeep

[Master] Kristelle XP award: 500. Next level in 24435.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 2754.

[Lisa] following line of caskets?

[Kaz] I'm thinking so. That's what we were doing last week.

[Kaz] Guy should be in in a few minutes.

[Master] I agree that is the immediate goal

[Master] is there a limit to how far you want to go? or will you decide that at the last minute?

Guy has joined the game on Fri Feb 18 19:03:14 EST 2011

Guy is receiving the map Catacombs section 1...

[Lisa] how long is this catacomb anyway?

[Master] you do not know that is why I ask

Guy has received the map Catacombs section 1.

[Lisa] it can'y go on forever

[Master] you found a turn to the right here, or at least a larger space with another row going in a different direction

[Lisa] Hi Guy!

[Kaz] Well, killing undead can only be good.

[Guy] sure it canlisa its a bob catacombs lol

[Guy] howdy all

[Guy] no marco

[Lisa] so it doesn't go straight any more?

[Master] it is goign straight but in a different direction

[Lisa] sigh

[Lisa] so there is only one way to go forward from here?

[Master] yes

Guy is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Guy has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Kaz] Bob, please put Foriso on the map with us

[Kaz] Thank you!!

[Guy] yeah you got me all alone with the waffler lol

[Master] sorry shoving my face full at the moment and using a mouse at the same time

[Master] grins


[Kaz] What's for dinner, Bob?

[Master] waffleman, burning up the cellar for some some time

[Master] and I think its going to be a long long time

[Master] till syrup brings me around to find

[Master] another man they think I am at home

[Master] oh no no no

[Kaz] His syrup of justice

[Master] I the waffleman

[Master] and gor Guy and Kaz I did get an email from Waleed (Lordz) that he is ok

[Master] and he thanked us for being concerned

[Kaz] Oh, good!

[Guy] cool

[Kaz] Glad he's alright

[Master] that was before the bullets today, so still keeping hope for him

[Guy] i didnt realize anything as going on there til i asked you about the email

[Master] grins, we are a spread out bunch sometimes, and it is hard to keep track of all the potential things everywhere

[Kaz] Seems like the whole Middle East is on a rampage, actually. Just from looking at various little blurbs all over the online news.

[Master] yeap

[Master] Libya is under possible revolt right now

[Master] Bharain is a mess

[Guy] what the heck is going on anyways i tried to read the stories but they dont really say much about why

[Master] for the most part people are hungry and tired of not having work

[Guy] oh its not a possible for libya its a definite now

[Master] Egypt for example, more than 50% of college grads can not find work at all

[Kaz] Gee, sounds like the US

[Master] much much worse

[Master] one person supporting families of 8 or 9

[Guy] all that oil and they are actually worse off than we are

[Master] and cost of food exceeding more than 50% of the household budget

[Kaz] Oh, the head honchos are doing great!

[Master] well Guy that is the problem all that oil money goes to soo few

[Kaz] It's the PEOPLE who have the problems.

[Master] BUT

[Master] not to bring down everyone

[Master] we can stage our own little revolt here

[Master] you can search out and remove the undead,

[Master] the necromancer,

[Master] etc

[Guy] how long before we have to meet up with the tree?

[Lisa] Should I poke my head in another coffin?

[Kaz] I must say, along those lines, that this crypt is a bit revolting.

[Lisa] not until the 15th

[Master] grins, I have maps with a scale on it now

[Master] it is 19 miles to the orchard house

[Master] so about 18 or so to the meeting place

[Lisa] how long does that take?

[Master] you can travel your movement rate in miles per day

[Master] sorry

[Lisa] please answer the question

[Master] twice your movement rate per day

[Master] so a move of 12 is 24 miles

[Master] Indigo has a move of 6 so 12 miles

[Kaz] Unless he rides piggyback

[Guy] so 3 days travel

[Master] However I will give you travel back to the orchard hosue this time as one day

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Feb 18 19:18:51 EST 2011

BiBo!!! is receiving the map Catacombs section 1...

[Master] becuase that is what I used for your outbound trip

[Kaz] Hey Marco

[Lisa] day and a half right?

BiBo!!! has received the map Catacombs section 1.

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Guy] yay its marco

[Guy] i guess youll have to move the waffler to the rest of us now bob lol

[BiBo!!!] howdy

[Guy (to BiBo!!! only)] i can play tuesday

[BiBo!!! (to Guy only)] cheers

[Master] and Marco what do you want to know from last week?

[BiBo!!!] everything after my internets disappeared

[Master] kaz?

[Master] Lisa?

[Master] anythign important happen after he left?

[Kaz] we kicked ass

[Master] we thought you just fell asleep Marco

[Kaz] no names, though.

[BiBo!!!] well, i waited an hour, then went to sleep

[Guy] well the goblins washed Scarlett's hair while the ghouls did her nails

[Kaz] LOL

[Kaz] All I can envision right now is a Bugs Bunny cartoon...

[Master] you do have one pilgrim paralyzed

[Master] and a dead ghoul

[Guy] only paralyzed? bah

[Kaz] And another pilgrim watching over the paralysed one

[Master] adn the continuation of the passage

[BiBo!!!] he'll get better

[Guy] not if foriso has any say in it lol

[Master] Pilgrim #8 moved 30'00".

[Master] Pilgrim #9 moved 33'00".

[Kaz] I'm not really sure how this map relates to where we were

[Kaz] where did we come from, Bob? North?

[Master] this is where you were on the other map

[Master] west

[Kaz] okay

[Master] the open coffin is just behind you on the edge of the map

[Master] the broken one is there with Scarlett and Foriso

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so are we starting now?)

[Master] that is what you see, Miranda and Indigo out front

[Master] the pilgrims following your lead

[Guy] throw the pilgrims out in front of us

[Kaz] Miranda is never out front. She's too squishy.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand moved 26'03".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she has the torch)

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Foriso out front for traps is an optoin, Miranda out front for turning undead is an option

[Master] Indigo for fighting, etc

[Kaz] I'm aware of that, but she's been staying just behind Indigo and Kristelle

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((indigo and foriso dont need light though

[BiBo!!!] you dont really have to be up front for turning do you?

[Master] it takes time to adjust your eyes

[Master] and Turning needs to be in the front rant

[Master] rank

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and Indigo is maladjusted)

[Master] can not turn something if you are hiding behind someone else

[BiBo!!!] it does? I always thought it was like a spell

[Master] nope

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((the undead need to be seen and see))

[Master] you have to present forcefully to the undead

[Master] grins there is a page on the site

[Kaz] Nothing to stop her stepping forward to do that. And she's not hiding behind anyone, just not in front of the front.

[BiBo!!!] huh. well I suppose I have about 0 experience turning undead

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 9'00".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 13'06".


[Master] Attempting to turn counts as an action, requiring one round and occurring during the character's turn in the initiative order (thus, the undead may get to act before the character can turn them). The mere presence of the character is not enough--a touch of drama from the character is important. Speech and gestures are important, so the character must have his hands free and be in a position of authority to attempt to Turn. However, turning is not like spell casting and is not interrupted if the character is attacked during the attempt.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand moved 6'06".

[BiBo!!!] um... what part of that says you have to be up front?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Indigo wants to look in a coffin if no one else wants to do anything)

[Master] position of authority

[BiBo!!!] I dunno that that necessarilly means up front

[Kaz] Then she needs to give the torch to someone else anyway.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (let the pilgrims hold it then)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ill brb need to get da noms))

[Kaz] Usually there is a scout up front. That's not a position of authority.

[BiBo!!!] but I am all for having a thief up front anyways. traps scare me more than undead

[BiBo!!!] unless they are the level draining type, but those probably wont get turned anyway

[BiBo!!!] least, not at our level

[Kaz] now I have the shivers. Thanks, Marco.

[Master] Indigo moved 12'09".

[BiBo!!!] anytype

[BiBo!!!] er, time

Indigo (Lisa) looks in coffin

[Master] observation?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he has none)

[Master] then an intuition check

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn, wanna look at this?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 21'07".

Branwyn (Lisa) follows Indigo and takes a peek inside

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master (to Lisa only)] this one looks clean like someone was sleeping in it, someone not undead

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hmmmm.....

Branwyn (Lisa) pats her hand around in the coffin

[Branwyn (Lisa)] For a coffin this far back, this one looks very clean

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It doesn't look like the one with the ghoul

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle moved 27'02".

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Hunh

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But one that maybe someone has slept in?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Empty, though?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (nothing else in there Bob?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not that I see

[Master] nope

[Master] just suspiciously clean

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Interesting. So, a different type of undead.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I just hope it's not that vampire the Paladins are looking for

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 8'08".

[BiBo!!!] some vampire legends claim that they are a tad on the ocd side

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Yes, I was hoping the same thing.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We might as well keep going. Who has the torch?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Miranda moved 36'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 11'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 11'10".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle moved 20'01".

[Priest #1 (Master)] would you get back here!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Who said that?

[Master] Knight? moved 2'02".

[Master] Priest #1 moved 2'00".

[Master] Priest #1 targets Knight?. Distance: 4'05"

[Priest #1 (Master)] adn you can see in the distance a torch glow and two men talking

[Knight? (Master)] Hello there!

[Knight? (Master)] HELLO

[Master] Knight? moved 1'10".

[Master] Knight? targets Priest #1. Distance: 2'11"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hello?

Kristelle (Kaz) peers at the glow down the crypt

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (are they talking to us?)

[Priest #1 (Master)] Look one more time, you come back with me

[Knight? (Master)] Look there, they are!

[Knight? (Master)] Just like I said they would be

[Knight? (Master)] see, I told you I knew what I was talking about

[Knight? (Master)] Hello there!

Kristelle (Kaz) raises an eyebrow and glances at Branwyn

[Knight? (Master)] You are the lady adventurers?

[Master] Knight? moved 27'08".

[Master] Knight? no longer targets Priest #1.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 2'10".

[Priest #1 (Master)] AAARRRRGGGGH,

[Master] Priest #1 moved 21'01".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Not all of us are ladies, and we aren't adventurers, to be exact.

[Master] Knight? moved 52'06".

[Priest #1 (Master)] Hello there

[Knight? (Master)] (oops)

[Knight? (Master)] Hello there

[Knight? (Master)] How are you today?

[Knight? (Master)] Bows to your group

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Baffled, frankly.

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Knight? (Master)] May I come forward?

Branwyn (Lisa) bows her head slightly in return

[Master] he is dressed like a knight

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ::tilts her head and eyes the group::

[Master] sort of

[Master] if you only had wood and cloth to make your armor out of

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Is your friend all right? It sounded as if he fell into a hole

[Master] he does have a nice sword

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And who are you? How did you get down here and where did you come from?

[Knight? (Master)] Oh him?

[Knight? (Master)] he did not believe me that you were coming

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And?

[Knight? (Master)] I told him you would be here, he said no, that I was crazy

[Knight? (Master)] and here you are

[Knight? (Master)] beaming brightly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But he yelled quite loudly. I hope you did not hurt him.

[Knight? (Master)] looking at Kristelle,

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] so are you a knight or an oracle?

[Knight? (Master)] oh no, he just stomped off

[Knight? (Master)] problly went back to complain about me again

Knight? (Master) shrugs

[Knight? (Master)] it is ok

[Knight? (Master)] I am a knight,

Knight? (Master) bows ddeply

[Knight? (Master)] and you must be the lady of the swamp

[Knight? (Master)] looking at Kristelle

[Knight? (Master)] I was told you were formidable

[Knight? (Master)] but not that you were beautiful as well

Kristelle (Kaz) raises an eyebrow at the 'knight'

[Knight? (Master)] I do like your armor, it is most fitting of your standing

[Knight? (Master)] and fame

[Master] Knight? moved 12'00".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] You must have me confused with someone else. I'm very not-famous.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] You are?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Red, did you ever hear of me before we met up? No, right? Totally not-famous.

[Knight? (Master)] the gypsies told me that you were in need of assistance

[Knight? (Master)] if they know of you

[Knight? (Master)] that means you must have some good standing

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The gypsies... oh, dear.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i is back)))

[Knight? (Master)] they woudl not send a knight off to help defend some woman of ill repute

[Knight? (Master)] so you msut need assistance

[Knight? (Master)] and I can see why

Kristelle (Kaz) quietly mutters, "Sure they would. Not that they did."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] the gypsies? did they say anything about a snake?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ... have you met gypsies before?

[Knight? (Master)] traveling with this, ummmm, looking at Foriso, he must be good for ummm

[Knight? (Master)] well at least this fine halfling looks like he can handle a fight

[Knight? (Master)] he must be your man at arms

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Im a scout buckethead

[Knight? (Master)] a scout?

[Knight? (Master)] really?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Tiptoes! Mouth.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yes really

[Knight? (Master)] most scouts I have met travel far out front of the group to find traps and ambushes

[Kristelle (Kaz)] In this crypt, we have decided to stay as much together as possible.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] how many have you met that are underground?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I wonder at you being down here basically alone. Or even at all.

[Knight? (Master)] Oh well I can see that you would want to be near such a lovely and beautiful woman as ... umm.. I do not know your name swamp warrior

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to Master only)] how common is the knowledge that sound is funny underground?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] call her Lady Muscles

[Knight? (Master) (to Guy only)] semi no many underground areas here

[Knight? (Master)] oh she must have a name

Kristelle (Kaz) sighs.

[Knight? (Master)] looks to Indigo

[Knight? (Master)] and you fine sir, what is your name?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to Master only)] would forisop know about it comeing from the hills like he did?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I am Indigo

[Knight? (Master) (to Guy only)] not really, at least not practiced at it

[Indigo (Lisa)] If you are a knight, who do you serve?

[Knight? (Master)] Hello Sir Indigo

[Knight? (Master)] Oh I am a Knight Errant

[Knight? (Master)] I am seaking someone to searve

[Knight? (Master)] and I am hoping to find someone worthy

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to Master only)] i was just wondering about telling the knight that we are together because sound travels strangely underground is why im asking

[Knight? (Master)] perhaps,

[Knight? (Master) (to Guy only)] you can say that certainly

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And what is your name?

[Knight? (Master)] would you Sir Indigo be the knight she needs?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Seems pretty errant....

[Knight? (Master)] Oh my manners,

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and buckethead if you knew anything about the underground you would know that sound travels funny down here

Knight? (Master) drops to one knee, holding out the hilt of his sword to Kristelle

[Knight? (Master)] I am Toybin of Castling and I will be your Knight today

Branwyn (Lisa) chuckles

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((He's a bin for storing toys?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Only for the day? How sad

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looking up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Aren't you the lucky one Kristelle

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at Kristelle "And I Tiptoes of the caves will be your day tonight"

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Sir Indigo? Lady Kristelle? are you escorting this witch to the priests?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] No witches among us, Toybin.

Toybin of Castling (Master) stands up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Witch?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] points to Branwyn,

[Kristelle (Kaz)] She's certainly NOT a witch.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] she is not a priest, she carries no holy symbols

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Hasn't turned anyone into a newt all month.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] she wears no armor

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] That is mistake number one buckethead

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looking at Sir Indigo and Lady Kristelle,

[Kristelle (Kaz)] She is a mage, and my friend.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you are very brave and valient for takign on such a fearsome task

[Kristelle (Kaz)] But not a witch.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] a mage, so she is a witch

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] There is a difference between mage and witch

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] yes a Mage is male and a Witch is female

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] and confusing the two will likely get you blown up or turned into a newt, depending on which you offend

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand moved 33'08".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I know that everyone knows that

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Oh, the famous 'everyone knows'.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] nods and smiles broadly, see I told you everyone knew

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Toybin, take a bit of advice... 'everyone' is often wrong.

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) gets right into the knights face "Never call her that again if you wish to keep all your parts"

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you are Lady Kristelle, the swamp warrior

Kristelle (Kaz) shakes her head.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] No 'Lady' about me. I'm not titled.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looks at Foriso calmly

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Sir, you are the Lady's companion so I suffer you her forebearance,

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but if you wish to keep all of your parts you should be much more careful

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] You have to sleep sometime I dont

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and Foriso feels the prick of a dagger at his stomach

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I have been on a quest

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and I will protect the Lady's honor and good name

Kristelle (Kaz) pulls her sword and puts it to Toybin's throat.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] You go too far.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Why is it that the more noble one claims to be, the more narrowminded they become?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (can't get to him unless you push Foriso out fo the way)

Kristelle (Kaz) pushes Foriso out of the way, THEN puts her sword to Toybin's throat.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] stands quietly

[Kristelle (Kaz)] You go too far.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] as you wish my Lady

[Kristelle (Kaz)] These people are my friends, my family. Understand?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he seems not as concerned about you as could be

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but I defer to my lady's judgement

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((how old does this guy look? Like a kid?))

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (no, late teens, prime adventuring age, looks like he has been around the block a couple of times)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] You are not insulting her yet buckethead but you are insulting my other sister.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((probably because he got lost on the way))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((LOL Marco))

[Kaz] Miranda targets Toybin of Castling. Distance: 9'04"

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] ?

[Kaz] Miranda no longer targets Toybin of Castling.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((meh, wanted to check his alignment, then realised I haven't got the spell yet))

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he is standing there patiently with Kristelle's sword at his throat

Kristelle (Kaz) takes a step back towards her friends and lowers the sword, but still holds it.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] What is your quest?

[Master] Foriso Fairhand moved 4'05".

[Master] Kristelle moved 6'09".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] to serve you

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I tired of court and set out to find someone worthy of serving

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((okay, we've got his name and his quest...))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] What...

[Kristelle (Kaz)] is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((whats his favorite color?))

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] So... what court did you serve?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I have seen them traveling very fast through the evening sky

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I served for Duke Uklo

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he was a good man, but there are not many chances at promotion at his table

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] so I asked for and recieved permission to leave and seek my fortunes

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((isnt that the guy that was giving weapons to the beasties in the swamp?))

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (no)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (check the drillian timeline, grins)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] My travels lead me through the swamps

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Master only)] cantrip a case of hiccups on this knight of ours please

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and I lost all my armor *hic*

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looks startled

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] sorry *hic*

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] My Lady, I came across *hic* some gypsies

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *hic*

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] what is this

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looking around

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *hic*

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Must be a witch.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Eyes light upon Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't see any witches

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *hic*

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] They are crafty like that

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looks at Scarlett

Kristelle (Kaz) scratches her cheek, using her hand to hide a smile.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] ccould *hic* you be a *hic* withc

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] wich

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] witch

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] grunt

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] swallows hard

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] I could be one, but I am not one.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looks to the ceiling and mutters a quick prayer

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] */hic*

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] swallows again

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] I do know some remedies for this curse if you would like me to try.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] My Lady, I appologize for my behavious

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *hic*

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Could it be too much drink good Knight?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] pulls a water skin

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Would you like me to see what I can do?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] uncorks it

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and takes a deep drink

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Let him suffer

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] ahhhhh

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] pauses

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and smile

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I appologize my Lady

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I do not know what happened

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((can I cantrip hiccups?))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Stay out of the wineskins and you wont have that problem

[Kristelle (Kaz)] There is no one here who needs be addressed as "My Lady", Toybin.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you have to make a proficiency check

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((but it is something possible through cantrip?))

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] a bashful grin, I have not earned the honor of other forms of address My Lady

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and yes to Marco

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Sir Indigo

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] how might I be of assistance to you with guarding the Lady

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ::non chalantly holds her breath and snaps in the knight's direction attempting to reinduce the hiccups magically::

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i cant imagine indigo is to happy about branwyn being called a witch :) ))

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Scarlet: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *hic

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *hic*

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] shakes his head again

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] takes a deep breath and holds it

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] holding

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] jaw clenched

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] holding

Kristelle (Kaz) manages to smother another smile.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *HIC*

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to Master only)] is there a pebble by me?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Oh, dear.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] WHOOOOOOSHHHH

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *hic*

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Yep, thats a curse alright

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am so sorry My Lady

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *hic*

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] steps back

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *hic*

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] lousy drunkard

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] reaches for his water skin again

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Tiptoes, really.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and takes a long drink again

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] you know you are making it worse right?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and you want to serve Muscles? the only thing you can serve is ale and wine

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] deep breath again

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] ahhhh

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] The water must be cursed. It was probably the gypsies

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We are wasting time.

[Master] Effect Torch for Pilgrim #1 has expired.

[Master] Time of Day: 01:37 PM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Ze {Mid Summer} 12th, 339 SKR.

[Master] Effect Torch for Toybin of Castling has expired.

[Master] Time of Day: 01:52 PM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Ze {Mid Summer} 12th, 339 SKR.

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 1'10".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ok ale wench get out of our way

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Tell me, Toybin, how did you get into this crypt? From where did you enter?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and his torches fizzles out

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looking at Kristelle,

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I was traveling north My Lady

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and I came upon this church on a hill, it looked very evil

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and I was told you might be in great danger

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] so I thought this might be the place you would be

[Kristelle (Kaz)] By the gypsies?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] yes

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and then I got here and the church was a mess

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] there were goblins and hobgoblins

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and I challenged a handful of them

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Scarlet: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] shrugged, well they were not much of a challenge

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *HIC*

[Kristelle (Kaz)] They never are.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] glares at Brawnyn

Kristelle (Kaz) sighs.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] grits his teeth

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] *hic*

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Enough with the hiccoughs, already.

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes head

[Kristelle (Kaz)] So, who was your companion?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Please My Lady

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I did not have a companion,

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I was busy defeating goblins by my self

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You just said you did!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Who was the man who was recently with you?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Liar

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] when I was hit on the head from behind

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] at least I must take it was that because I next woke up in these crypts

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and a priest was tending to my head

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looks at Branwyn and Foriso

Kristelle (Kaz) frowns.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] do you actually acuse me of lying to My Lady?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] of such perfidy?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] How have I lied?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Are you really that stupid to ask that when you obviously heard what was said

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Why would a priest who is from this church "stomp off" and not greet the visitors to his catacombs?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] in my short time with you glaring at Foriso, you have not had a kind word to anyone, and in fact seemt o try to order My Lady around, so yes I do question your use of the language

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looking at Branwyn

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he did not want me to greet you

Kristelle (Kaz) shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he wanted to wait for you to stumble upon them

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Them?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Upon who?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and I said I would come meet you

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looking back and froth at the group

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] My lady,

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Actually i havent had a kind word to say to you my brother and sisters know me well enough

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] who shoudl I speak to?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] who speaks for you,

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I speak for myself.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] is she your herald?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Each of us speaks for themselves.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] No, she is my friend, my sister.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((and yes foriso is actually including scarlett in that ))

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] head bowed briefly

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Who else is with this priest, Toybin?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am sorry My Lady, this is much more difficult than I thought it would be

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I was looking forward to meeting you, perhaps in my day dreams doing you some service

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] what is your brain starting to hurt from actually having to use it?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and confidently being allowed with you

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Approaching a group of warriors in a dangerous crypt will never be easy for anyone, Toybin.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The fact is, there are many undead and evil creatures down here, so we are wary. Unless you are one of them, you should be wary, too.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I have been abel to handle those I come across

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] as I must be to serve you My Lady

[Branwyn (Lisa)] As Kristelle's faithful herald, tell her who is with the priest!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Please, tell me of the Priest and the people with him.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looks at Indigo, softly, Is this how all her knights are treated?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] yes My lady

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I know of at least three priests, but I would think that there are more

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I have not left these crypts, but I know they have ways out

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I discovered the goblin cave break out this morning

Indigo (Lisa) glares a Knight waiting for a sign that he may kill him

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Did they give you any hint of what deity they serve?

[Indigo (Lisa)] So it's just a bunch of priests down there?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are they all scarred and disfigured?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I have never heard of the name of any deity

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and no Sir Indigo, they do not seem to be

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] None that I saw were disfigured

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, we have two choices. One is to venture forward and figure out what the heck is going on.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The other is to repair back to the outside and figure out if we really need to pursue this right now.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They did heal this knight and did not attack him.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] If i may offer a question My Lady?

Kristelle (Kaz) nods at Toybin.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] what are you doing here in such an evil place? what are you in search of?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks at Kristelle "Hey Muscles if he wants to serve so bad send him to the Keep and let him serve Lord Mosskin

Kristelle (Kaz) looks briefly at Foriso with an interested expression.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looks stricken

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] then recovers to a blank face

[Kristelle (Kaz)] *turning back to Toybin* We should probably get back outside and settle the questions. Collect the pilgrims as we go, of course.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((the last part said to Branwyn))

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] how shall I serve you My Lady?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I do not know the other end of these catecombs, there is a flat blank wall

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Come with us outside.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] in the room they end in

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The other end... the way you came from?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but i know there are the steps upward

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and the goblin tunnel

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Ahh, the way we came from.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 27'07".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I have not ventured up the stairs, I only found them this morning

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Walk with me, Toybin.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle moved 33'09".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 37'02".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Miranda moved 37'07".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Okay pilgrims, time to go back upstairs and get some air

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 22'04".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Indigo moved 46'03".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Or you can stay down here and play withy the ghouls

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Foriso Fairhand moved 48'04".

Lisa is receiving the map Catacombs section 1...

Lisa has received the map Catacombs section 1.

[Master] Pilgrim #1 moved 5'06".

[Master] Pilgrim #12 moved 9'11".

[Pilgrim #1 (Master)] Oh Look they are comeing back!

[Pilgrim #1 (Master)] what did you find?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ummm... a knight in splintered armor

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Sir Indigo, does the lady always travel with so many attendants?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] they seem to be a bit impractical to bring to such a dangerous place

Kristelle (Kaz) rolls her eyes skyward as though pleading for patience

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) starts to laugh at the question

Indigo (Lisa) groans, "I am not an attendant!"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Toybin, none of these people are my 'attendants'.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I do not have attendants.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] no no not You Sir Indigo, you are a Kingith

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but these

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] gestures at the pilbrims

[Kristelle (Kaz)] These people are pilgrims, travelers on a holy mission.

Indigo (Lisa) laughs at the thought

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] those are ghoul bait or at least theyu would be if I had my way

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] ahhh and you are protecting them ! Very noble of you My Lady

[Kristelle (Kaz)] This church was originally dedicated to their goddess.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Let's get outside now.

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) makes a rude elvish gesture at the knight and heads for the outside

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Miranda moved 62'00".

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((elves have rude gestures?))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand moved 96'05".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((why not?))

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((I kinda picture elvish as japanese. rude just isnt built into it))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle moved 81'05".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((hey it sounded good or i could have said dwarvish or halfling))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Really? Japanese?

[Master] Pilgrim #8, Pilgrim #9, Pilgrim #4 and Pilgrim #7 moved 74'05".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he's only half elf so he can be rude 50% of the time)

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 85'06".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((sounds like half a plan, Lisa))

[Master] Branwyn and Indigo moved 86'04".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (rofl)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((orcs are where the rude gestures are at))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but who wants to be an orc?)

[Master] Pilgrim #1 moved 30'10".

[Master] Pilgrim #12 moved 27'05".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((so true ))

[Master] Miranda moved 35'11".

[Master] Pilgrim #1 moved 34'04".

[Master] Pilgrim #12 moved 34'02".

[Master] Foriso Fairhand moved 35'04".

[Master] Pilgrim #8, Kristelle, Indigo, Pilgrim #9, Pilgrim #4, Toybin of Castling, Imari, Branwyn and Pilgrim #7 moved 29'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #7 targets Foriso Fairhand. Distance: 22'05"

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #7: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 7. MISSES Foriso Fairhand (AC FINAL: 4).

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((wheres red 5?))

[Master] and from behind the coffin a goblin short sword comes flying out at one of the pilgrims and misses both him and Foriso

[Master] and clatters to the floor near by

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] What the??

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] AHHHHHHHHHH

[Master] Pilgrim #12 moved 5'02".

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] Foriso make a dex check

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) draws his sword "Come out from back there"

[Master] Pilgrim #12 moved 11'01".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle moved 14'11".

[Master] Kristelle moved 14'04".

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] :: glances a the shortsword:: "Youre doing it wrong."

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] Ok so you do not fall over as the pilgrim barrels on right over you

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] Branwyn can make a dex check now

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Stupid bloody pilgrim

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] and the pilgrim lands in a tangled mess with Branwyn at Kristelle's feet

[Master] Pilgrim #12 moved 2'00".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 6'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ohhh! Get off me!

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] Toybin JUMPS up next to Kristelle

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] dagger in one hand long sword in the other

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] crouched and protecting

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Damn it!

Branwyn (Lisa) pushes pilgrim away from her and tries to get back up

[Master] Time of Day: 02:07 PM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Ze {Mid Summer} 12th, 339 SKR.

Kristelle (Kaz) grabs Branwyn's arm and pulls her up.

[Master] after a moment you manage it

[Kristelle (Kaz)] All pilgrims, kindly step to the side.

[Master] Pilgrim #4 moved 4'09".

[Master] Pilgrim #7 moved 5'06".

[Master] Pilgrim #8 moved 7'08".

[Master] Pilgrim #9 moved 3'09".

[Master] Pilgrim #1 moved 3'01".

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] but but but

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] there is

[Kristelle (Kaz)] There is what?

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] .... something....

[Pilgrim #12 (Master)] I don't know

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Something - where?

[Master] Pilgrim #12 moved 1'07".

[Master] \Toybin looks at Kristelle, then sheathes his dagger and takes the pilgrim by the arm and pulls her out of the way

[Master] Pilgrim #12 moved 7'02".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, thank you.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((brb))

[Master] looking at Branwyn starts to speak and then clamps his mouth

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((who does, Bob? The pilgrim or the 'knight'?))

[Master] the knight

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles, "oh speak! You'll be fine"

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I was only goign to ask if you were ok, but I do not know how to address you

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] if you are the Lady's companion

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but you are a

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] swallows

[Kristelle (Kaz)] A mage, yes.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] But she prefers to be called Branwyn, you see.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I am fine. Thank you for asking.

Branwyn (Lisa) ignores but enjoys Toybin's discomfort

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Pardon me, Bran...

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] shall I go investigate this intrusion My Lady?

Kristelle (Kaz) steps around her and edges forward a bit.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle moved 13'01".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 12'04".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((did the sword come from the North tunnel?))

[Master] apparently

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #7 moved 1'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #6 moved 2'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #5 moved 2'00".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #4 moved 1'09".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Who throws a sword? Really.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] desperate creatures My Lady

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Or dumb ones.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (its just sitting in the middle of the room?)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] or those who are trying to distract us from...

[Kristelle (Kaz)] No, they're not really desperate until they've started throwing shoes.

Toybin of Castling (Master) suddenly lookign around behind

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (yes sword is laying there near where Toybin is now)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Miranda spins around and looks back where the group just was.

[Master] nothign there

Indigo (Lisa) walks up to see if sword looks like his goblin sword

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 4'10".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((back))

[Master] Indigo can make an knowledge check

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: KNO check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Master] yes similar in style and type but his is far far superior

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ::shrugs and glances down the tunnel the sword came from::

[Master] (can not see the tunnel Marco, it is in the dark you only know it is there because you were there before)

[Master] you can not see beyond your torch glow

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] :: lights a torch and peers with that::

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Miranda moved 11'08".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] somebody give buckethead a torch so he can make himself useful

[Master] Scarlet moved 6'00".

[Master] there is Scarletts torch

[Master] Time of Day: 02:22 PM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Ze {Mid Summer} 12th, 339 SKR.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand moved 11'04".

[Master] Goblin #7, Goblin #6, Goblin #4 and Goblin #5 moved 21'02".

[Master] Goblin #7 targets Foriso Fairhand. Distance: 0'10"


[Master] screaming as they swarm over the coffin and attack foriso

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Goblin invaders

[Master] make a surprise check Foriso, d12

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Oh, for.... *shudders as the echoes of the screeching goes down her spine*

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (1d12) [1d12=10] 10

[Master] ok, you are not surprised

[Master] so you get yoru dex to yoru AC

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((how do you surprise someone while you're screaming out loud? Just sayin'...))

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] you go BOO

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] they go AH!

[Master] you get to attack each of them once becuase you have your short sworrd out

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] like that

[Master] any of them that survive that get to try and pin you down

[Guy] Foriso Fairhand targets Goblin #6. Distance: 0'05"

[Guy] Foriso Fairhand targets Goblin #7. Distance: 0'10"

[Master] so roll your attacks

[Guy] Foriso Fairhand targets Goblin #4. Distance: 0'09"

[Guy] Foriso Fairhand targets Goblin #5. Distance: 0'05"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Attack: Short Sword: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 9. MISSES Goblin #5 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Attack: Short Sword: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 4. HITS Goblin #4 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Goblin #4

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Attack: Short Sword: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 14. MISSES Goblin #7 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-4) - Heavily Wounded

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Attack: Short Sword: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 2. HITS Goblin #6 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Goblin #6

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-4) - Disabled

[Master] zOK

[Master] so now they get to attempt to pin you

[Master] Goblin #7: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 12. MISSES Foriso Fairhand (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] checking, that might be a hit

[Master] with two people assisting

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] does armor matter in a pin?

[Master] no, only a plus 2 so that is a miss

[Master] you are still surrouned by them

[Master] but they fail to drag you down

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i thinhk heavier armor actually helps them in a pin attempt))

[Master] yes to Guy

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10++2)-10) [1d10=9] 11 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #5: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=2] 2 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #4: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=10] 10 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #7: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=7] 7 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=1] 11

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=2] 10

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Miranda: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Scarlet: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 2 GOING: Goblin #5

[Master] Goblin #5: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 7

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((and since I wear leather my armor doesnt hlp them at all))

[Master] Goblin #5 targets Foriso Fairhand. Distance: 0'05"

[Master] Goblin #5: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=11] 11 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES Foriso Fairhand (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Goblin #7

[Master] Goblin #7 moved 23'06".

[Master] Goblin #7 no longer targets Foriso Fairhand.

[Master] Foriso AoO

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=2] 10

[Master] you can attack #7

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Attack: Short Sword: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 1. HITS Goblin #7 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Goblin #7

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-1) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Foriso Fairhand

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Attack: Short Sword: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 2. HITS Goblin #4 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 added to: Goblin #4

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-6) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Goblin #4

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 31'09".

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Goblin #5. Distance: 1'03"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 12. MISSES Goblin #5 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle moved 19'04".

[Kaz] Kristelle targets Goblin #5. Distance: 1'03"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle: Attack: Iluminator: ((15-(d20+1))+1+1) [1d20=8] 8 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Goblin #5 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: ((15-(d20+1))+1) [1d20=5] 10 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Goblin #5 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Indigo

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((WOW))

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 18'09".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I guess all my good dice went into my init rolls))

[Lisa] Indigo targets Goblin #5. Distance: 1'08"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=15] -4 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Goblin #5 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=1] 4 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Goblin #5

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=16] -5 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Goblin #5 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-4) - Heavily Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=5] 8 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Goblin #5

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -6 (-8) - Dying

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 1'03".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Masterfully done Sir Indigo!

[Indigo (Lisa)] It was only a goblin, but thanks I guess

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Excellent as usual, Indigo. Let's get these pilgrims upstairs, everyone.

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) smirks ats toybin "See buckethead we can handle ourselves just fine"

Indigo (Lisa) looks down to see if goblins were carrying anything

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 Cp pieces total

[Indigo (Lisa)] (joy)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Riches, indeed. Indigo, if you like that short sword, it is yours.

Kristelle (Kaz) points to the well-crafted goblin sword with her chin.

Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head quickly

[Indigo (Lisa)] Mine is much better!

Kristelle (Kaz) smiles.

Indigo (Lisa) coughs, "but thank you though"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((sorry, had them backwards. I thought the one thrown was nicer than Indigo's. My bad.))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i cant belive i was a combat monster there))

[Master] Time of Day: 02:38 PM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Ze {Mid Summer} 12th, 339 SKR.

Toybin of Castling (Master) looking around warily

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] We need to head for the tree and rather quickly

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we have plenty of time)

[Master] brb drinks

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I want to go see the priests down there and let Kristelle and Toybin have some alone time)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ooooooh muscles and buckethead)))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Oh, look!! Over there!! It's a DEAD GUY))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((hey i know to turn down the thin mint ))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (aren't you curious about priests or is it just me?)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Actually, I'm curious about the priests, too. But I wanted to get the whole situation straightened out with Toybin, too.))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((dont forget foriso is scared of the tree so he want to get there and get his favor done as fast as possible and get as far from the treant as he can lol))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (scared of a little tree?)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((trees burn easy))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((trees dont walk and talk in the gold hills lol))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Bob, can the group figure out where the entrance to the goblin cave is situated, as far as if it's under the church or just under plain earth?))

[Master] you would guess somewhere outside the boundries of the church walls

[Master] just based on the length of the staircase

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((thank you))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (aren't these from the same group as we saw under the farmhouse?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I thought these caverns connected to those somehow)

[Master] that is your current working hypothysis

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((doesn't mean it's right))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (would have been nice if those goblins were carrying a map)

[Master] lol

[Master] Time of Day: 02:53 PM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Ze {Mid Summer} 12th, 339 SKR.

[Master] so everyone is back upstairs in the church proper

[Master] all straightened out and dusted off

Kristelle (Kaz) looks at Toybin in the light shining in from through the windows

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ::dust dust ::

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I used lemon-scented pledge on Miranda. She likes to smell all pretty.))

[Master] grins

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Okay, Toybin, here is how things are.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'm not a knight, I don't have servants or attendants.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] These are my friends, my family, and we are equals.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We are a mercenary company, not a group of knights.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I do not ask you or your companions to be Knights, although Sir Indigo seems to be a fine example of one

Kristelle (Kaz) smiles at Indigo.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and if you say they are your friends I will protect them only slightly less fervently than I protect you My Lady

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] But I am not 'My Lady'. I am Kristelle.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] ducks his head, I have not earned that honor My Lady,

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] perhaps I may in teh future, but I can not say that

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, I want you to call me Kristelle. Certainly not your Lady.

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) throws a dwarvish rude gesture at toybin

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you insist and I will call her Branwyn

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but you, no I can not,

Kristelle (Kaz) sighs.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] a Knight would not

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Would you call a farmer's wife 'My Lady'?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I would honor her as best I could, perhaps Mamm

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Then call me 'Miss'.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thats because some knights are nothing more than empty headed popinjays

[Kristelle (Kaz)] If you cannot manage 'Kristelle'.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will try

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Thank you.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Exactly how long were you planning on following Miss Kristelle around serving her, if I may ask.

Kristelle (Kaz) turns to Foriso, narrows her eyes, and growls at him.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and yes buckethead I do mean you when i say that. Ill try not to use big words near you anymore.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] as long as I have legs to follow

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] all I asked for was a worthy leige to follow for my quest and I have been blessed to been granted this boon

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Toybin, I am no one's liege.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That long. Hmmm....

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at Branwyn

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I have not the right to be called such, and it would be seen as an insult to someone who actually was a liege lord.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I know you are most humble almost as much as you are beautiful

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but I know in my heart that I will serve best by serving you

Kristelle (Kaz) shakes her head. "Poor boy's got a touch of bad eyesight. Pity."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] can we please leave him here Muscles?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, then. Priests or Goblins?

[Master] Pilgrim #8 moved 45'02".

[Master] ahhh, ahhh,

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Tiptoes, stop hating everyone. It's tiring.

[Master] pointing towards the doors

[Master] what are those?

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #14 moved 78'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #13 moved 73'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What are what?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Doors

[Pilgrim #8 (Master)] umm no those things moving

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle moved 29'00".

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Automatic doors?

[Master] Ant, worker #12, Ant, worker #11, Ant, worker #10, Ant, worker #9, Ant, worker #7, Ant, worker #8, Ant, worker #6, Ant, worker #5, Ant, worker #3 and Ant, worker #4 moved 56'11".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Interesting. Why are ants coming in here?

[Master] Ant, worker #12 moved 11'10".

[Master] Ant, worker #11 moved 23'11".

[Master] Ant, worker #10 moved 24'04".

[Master] Ant, worker #9 moved 33'02".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Large ants, for that matter.

[Master] Ant, worker #8 moved 26'07".

[Master] Ant, worker #12 moved 16'05".

[Master] Ant, worker #7 moved 9'08".

[Master] Ant, worker #6 moved 15'09".

[Master] Ant, worker #5 moved 8'06".

[Master] Ant, worker #4 moved 14'06".

[Master] Ant, worker #3 moved 19'07".

[Pilgrim #8 (Master)] Those look like really large ants,

Kristelle (Kaz) nudges past the pilgrim and motions him to get back.

[Pilgrim #8 (Master)] are they dangerous?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] lets not worry about the why, and more about the what to do about them

[Pilgrim #8 (Master)] they look dangerous

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) shoves the pilgrim out of his way and moves forward

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Then you shouldn't be standing there, you fool! Get back.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle moved 4'06".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 36'06".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand moved 40'03".

[Master] Pilgrim #8 moved 57'07".

[Master] Pilgrim #8 moved 78'01".

[Master] Pilgrim #8 moved 9'10".

[Master] Pilgrim #4 moved 21'06".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Idiot knight stay outr of the way

[Master] Pilgrim #7 moved 26'02".

[Master] Pilgrim #1 moved 24'02".

[Master] Pilgrim #12 moved 39'11".

[Master] Pilgrim #9 moved 37'09".

[Master] Imari moved 43'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 36'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 35'07".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Miranda moved 1'00".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((is there a place for Miranda to put the torch down?))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((something that will hold it upright))

[Master] n top of the altar?

[Master] no holder

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Miranda moved 7'01".

[Master] but she can lay it there

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Let them all come in and Ill take care of stopping them

Kristelle (Kaz) puts the torch on the altar but doesn't move too far away from it.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Miranda moved 1'07".

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((god this program is irritatingly laggy....))

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) glares at toybin "and you stay out of my way"

[Master] it looks like the ants are just nosing around the entrance, following scent trails

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand moved 33'02".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he is frustrating but as your friend should I go defend him My Lad .... My Mis.. Miss?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((lol))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] He is mostly capable of defending himself, Toybin.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] barely shrugs, looking at Indigo and his swords, then back and Foriso,

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] stands ready next to Kristelle

[Master] Time of Day: 03:08 PM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Ze {Mid Summer} 12th, 339 SKR.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] several minutes go by

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] the ants are still just nosing around

[Master] making no attempt to move in a particular direction

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 20'08".

[Master] Ant, worker #14 moved 9'06".

[Master] Ant, worker #13 moved 9'11".

[Master] Ant, worker #3 moved 13'01".

[Master] Ant, worker #12 moved 7'09".

[Master] Ant, worker #7 moved 11'03".

[Master] Ant, worker #11 moved 20'03".

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] So... are we killing them?

[Master] Ant, worker #9 moved 9'01".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I think this explains how the goblin bodies upstairs were cleaned away.

[Master] Ant, worker #5 moved 17'07".

[Master] Ant, worker #6 moved 11'01".

[Master] Ant, worker #8 moved 7'05".

[Master] Ant, worker #10 moved 6'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yuck!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] They don't seem particularly threatening.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] aaaaaah!!! this chat is popping all over the place. really hard to follow

[Kristelle (Kaz)] But who am I to say? Consensus? Kill or ignore?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We can't have giant ants running around all over the church

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can probably put a number of them to sleep

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i think i may be done, i ate too much and now im just miserable))

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] then do thusly.

[Master] you are always miserable but we like you anyway

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Speak for yourself, Bob.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] :D

[Guy] i even get to play next week too

[Guy] BOTH GAMES!!!!!!

[Master] excellent

[Kaz] But I must say that I'm kind of bleah, myself. We played "shift this section" again at work today. And by "We', I mean ME.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I'm sorry - guess Scarlet and I will just have to kill all the ants)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] tag team time

[Kaz] Have at it, you two.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh - maybe I can cover Toybin in honey and draw all the ants in to him)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] we can let splinterskin be our meat shield

[Kaz] LMAO

[Kaz] Night all, and sorry I'm bailing early.

[Master] night you two

[Guy] or maybe this would be a good stopping point for the night (flutters eyelashes)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no fair we have to quit early)

[Kaz] I know Guy really wants Foriso to web those ants

[Master] chuckles

[Guy] lol

[Kaz] night

[Guy] actually i do

Kaz has left the game on Fri Feb 18 22:09:53 EST 2011

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what does Marco want?)

[Guy] if you do fight them then good luck

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I know you do)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((Ive got sleep too.))

[Guy] night all

[Master] chuckles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wimps!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] goodnight

[Master] is ok, lisa can hang out with me

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((we sleep what we can and tell meatsheld to distract the rest)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh! I thought you meant you wanted to sleep)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] oh no. its noon for me :)

[Master] ahh yes I did too Lisa

[Master] and when did that matter for you Marco?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] and I slept last night

[Master] you could sleep 24 7

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] key distinction

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] me?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] no way. I hate sleep

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] I try not to go more than 5-6 hours a day

[Master] I do remember several late nights at the old house

[Master] Scarlet moved 41'06".

[Master] Kristelle moved 29'07".

[Master] Foriso Fairhand moved 63'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you can fireball them too right?)

Guy has left the game on Fri Feb 18 22:12:53 EST 2011

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] well, I can flaming sphere them

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] not quite the same

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] but probably will do the job

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but send flames in their general directions :) )

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] okies, I will roll a ball of fire all over their little anty bodies.

[Master] what is the range? and are you getting closer?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Hey Toybox. You said you want to be a knight?"

[Master] only those couple inside

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how many does that work on at a time?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] I can roll it 30 ft a round, not sure the range, one sec

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will guard you as the Lady, as Miss requires

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 26'06".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 21'02".

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] 10 yards it seems

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] so I will have to get closer

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 8'03".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Toybin is 30 feet in front of you

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Alright, well, we are about to roast those ants. We need you to keep them from getting too close to us. Can you do that?"

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] where will you be? it would be better to pick a spot where we could funnel them together

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] this open church is a bit harder to defend all at once

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but with Sir Indigo by my side I am sure we can do well enough

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Well luckily most of them are outside by the door, if we keep them in that area, it should be alright I think."

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Thats about the best we are going to do from what I can tell, unless you have a suggestion?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (what if Indigo and Toybin attacked the two on either side of the doors and maybe the commotion would draw the rest into the doorway?)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] (is the door closeable?)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] no there is no actual door left, it is in pieces on the ground

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no it got knocked down)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looks at Indigo, your call Sir Indigo, you want the right or left?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Alright, then you two get stomping and lure them as close together as possible without letting them come further in if possible and I will roll some fire over their backs

[Indigo (Lisa)] I shall take the left

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10++2)-10) [1d10=6] 8 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Press them together and cook them up like... waffles"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=6] 14

[Master] Ant, worker #3: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] Ant, worker #4: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Ant, worker #5: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] Ant, worker #6: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] Ant, worker #7: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Ant, worker #8: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master] Ant, worker #9: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master] Ant, worker #10: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Ant, worker #11: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Ant, worker #12: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Master] Ant, worker #13: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Ant, worker #14: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Scarlet: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 8 GOING: Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 51'02".

[Lisa] Indigo targets Ant, worker #14. Distance: 2'10"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=3] 8 [MODIFIED (-2)]. MISSES Ant, worker #14 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=16] -5 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ant, worker #14 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (large?)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] no

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=5] 8 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ant, worker #14

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] they are giant ants but still small creatures

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Ant, worker #6

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #14's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-8) - Dying

[Master] Ant, worker #6 moved 16'03".

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Ant, worker #3

[Master] Ant, worker #3 moved 9'08".

[Master] Ant, worker #3 targets Indigo. Distance: 3'03"

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Scarlet

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] how far away am I? the measurement tool is being wonky

[Master] 70 feet from the door right now

[Master] 30 feet behind Toybin

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] I will follow behind toychest when he moves

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Ant, worker #7

[Master] Ant, worker #7 moved 23'10".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Ant, worker #9

[Master] Ant, worker #9 moved 5'05".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Ant, worker #8

[Master] Ant, worker #8 moved 20'05".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #10

[Master] Ant, worker #10 moved 17'10".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hold until ants are done moving)

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #4

[Master] Ant, worker #4 moved 18'01".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #13

[Master] Ant, worker #13 moved 19'11".

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Ant, worker #12

[Master] Ant, worker #12 moved 17'04".

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Toybin of Castling

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 25'11".

[Master] Toybin of Castling targets Ant, worker #13. Distance: 0'00"

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Attack: Long Sword: ((16-(d20+0))+1+1) [1d20=14] 4 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Ant, worker #13 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Attack: Dagger/: ((16-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=18] -1 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Ant, worker #13 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Damage v SM: Dagger/: (d4) [1d4=1] 1 added to: Ant, worker #13

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Ant, worker #14

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] can I move up behind him now?

[Master] yes

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ant, worker #11

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Scarlet moved 51'10".

[Master] Ant, worker #11 moved 10'02".

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Ant, worker #5

[Master] Ant, worker #5 moved 10'03".

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] INIT: 8 GOING: Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hey! my held action)

[Master] oops sorry

[Master] go first

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Sleep: (2d4) [2d4=2,2] 4 hit dice worth of creatures fall asleep, no save.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that was a lousy roll)

[Master] those two

[Master] sleepy ants

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 13'06".

[Lisa] Indigo targets Ant, worker #13. Distance: 1'02"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2+2) [1d20=18] -5 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)] [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ant, worker #13 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=5] 8 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ant, worker #13

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 4 (-8) - Heavily Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2+2) [1d20=15] -2 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)] [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ant, worker #13 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ant, worker #13

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Ant, worker #6

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-6) - Dying

[Master] Ant, worker #6 moved 18'10".

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Ant, worker #3

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Scarlet

[BiBo!!!] Scarlet targets Ant, worker #12. Distance: 29'01"

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] I am gonna center a flaming sphere there, then roll it on the 3 on the stairs

[Master] ok

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Scarlet casts a spell against Ant, worker #12: Flaming Sphere: For (3) 3 rounds a 3 ft radius sphere rolls around where I tell it to go and deals (2d4) [2d4=4,2] 6 points of damage to those it touches and (1d4) [1d4=4] 4 points of damage to those it's within 5' of it. Save for no damage.

[Master] Ant, worker #11: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Master] Ant, worker #12: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Ant, worker #6: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Ant, worker #5: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #11's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-4) - Moderately Wounded

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (-6) - Moderately Wounded

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (-6) - Moderately Wounded

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-6) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Ant, worker #7

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Ant, worker #9

[Master] Ant, worker #9 moved 18'11".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Ant, worker #8

[Master] Ant, worker #8 moved 24'04".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #10

[Master] Ant, worker #10 moved 13'07".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what is range on magic missile? my book is not on this machine)

[Master] Marco ? I will check

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry I'll move my books by next week)

[Master] 60 yards +10 yrds per level

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] like 120 ft or something

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] yeah, pretty fat

[Master] it is here on Klooge

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] far

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] pretty much if the target is on the map and you have a line of sight, you can hit it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thanks - 2 on #12 and 1 on #6)

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Ant, worker #12. Distance: 58'09"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Ant, worker #12: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (1d4+1) [1d4=3] 4 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #4

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-8) - Massively Wounded

[Master] Lisa for any spell you need info on

[Master] you go to spells on your sheet

[Master] edit the sheet

[Master] then click on the spell you want

[Master] there is a drop down for Info

[Master] give the full book description of hte spell

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (was expecting it to be locked by now - did not even try)

[Master] Ant, worker #4 moved 20'10".

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Ant, worker #12

[Master] Ant, worker #12 moved 13'02".

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Toybin of Castling

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 20'10".

[Master] Toybin of Castling targets Ant, worker #12. Distance: 0'00"

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Attack: Long Sword: ((16-(d20+0))+1+1) [1d20=9] 9 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Ant, worker #12 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Attack: Dagger/: ((16-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=20] -3 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Ant, worker #12 (AC FINAL: 3)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Damage v SM: Dagger/: (d4) [1d4=4] 4 added to: Ant, worker #12

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] actually the easiest way is to hit ctrl+d and type in the spell descrip

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-4) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ant, worker #11

[Master] Ant, worker #11 moved 15'00".

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Ant, worker #5

[Indigo (Lisa)] Nicely done Toybin!

[Master] Ant, worker #5 moved 15'09".

[Master] ROUND: 3

[Master] INIT: 8 GOING: Indigo

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Thank you sir Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 30'06".

[Lisa] Indigo targets Ant, worker #6. Distance: 1'11"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=20] -9 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ant, worker #6 (AC FINAL: 3)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ant, worker #6

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=4] 7 [MODIFIED (-2)]. MISSES Ant, worker #6 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 4 (-6) - Heavily Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=16] -5 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ant, worker #6 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=1] 4 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ant, worker #6

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-4) - Disabled

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Ant, worker #6

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Scarlet

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] rolling the fire out to the two ants outside

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #11's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-6) - Massively Wounded

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-6) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Ant, worker #9

[Master] Ant, worker #9 moved 25'03".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Ant, worker #8

[Master] Ant, worker #8 moved 15'04".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #10

[Master] Ant, worker #10 moved 1'09".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Branwyn

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 64'09".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #4

[Master] Ant, worker #4 moved 18'07".

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Toybin of Castling

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 4'00".

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Attack: Long Sword: ((16-(d20+0))+1+1) [1d20=17] 1 [MODIFIED (+1)]

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-9) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ant, worker #11

[Master] Ant, worker #11 moved 15'05".

[Master] ROUND: 4

[Master] No ants near teh entrance now, are you pursuing outside and down the hill?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes - stupid ants think they can run away from me!)

[Master] ok

[Master] INIT: 8 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 33'06".

[Lisa] Indigo targets Ant, worker #11. Distance: 2'10"

[Master] no attacks this round

[Master] you moved over half

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sigh)

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Scarlet

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] sending the fire over towards the 2 on the graves

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] probably wont reach this round, but maybe next

[Master] it makes it to the first set of graves this round

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Ant, worker #9

[Master] but that is all you can see, you need to move forward

[Master] so see beyond that

[Master] Ant, worker #9 moved 84'08".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Ant, worker #8

[Master] Ant, worker #8 moved 74'02".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #10

[Master] Ant, worker #10 moved 3'02".

[Master] those two are burrowing into a grave

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 51'09".

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Ant, worker #11. Distance: 3'06"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 13. MISSES Ant, worker #11 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #4

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Toybin of Castling

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 16'10".

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Attack: Dagger/: ((16-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=15] 2 [MODIFIED (+1)]

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-11) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ant, worker #11

[Master] Ant, worker #11 moved 11'03".

[Master] and he is 25 feet up the tree now

[Master] ROUND: 5

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] they are all dead inside Sir Indigo, what is next?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can Indigo reach him?)

[Master] INIT: 8 GOING: Indigo

[Master] can he climb?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] sure, hes a ninja

[Master] lol

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ant is only quarter way up - he can't take a swipe at him?)

[Master] 25 feet up

[Master] Indigo does not have a weapon that reaches 25 feet

[Indigo (Lisa)] (stupid ant)

[Master] chuckles

[Master] you have driven them away from the entrace to the church

[Master] next week you can go farther afield if you wish

[Indigo (Lisa)] (okay I'll just move in case flame sphere doesn't take out those other two)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 59'11".

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Scarlet

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] and fire should be reaching them now

[Master] you can not see them from there Scarlett, you need to move out to the steps

[Master] but that drops concentraion

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] aka, it stops moving

[Master] nods

[Master] right near where Indigo is now

[Master] he avoids it he knows what it is

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] okay, then I walk out, but its duration expires

[Master] ok

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Scarlet moved 60'11".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Ant, worker #9

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Ant, worker #8

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #10

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Branwyn

[Master] those two look like they are about a foot or two into the ground now

[Master] digging down into the grave

[Master] the others have dispearsed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but I can't get all the way other there and still try to hit them)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 57'07".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #4

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Toybin of Castling

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 65'08".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ant, worker #11

[Master] ROUND: 6

[Master] INIT: 8 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 33'04".

[Lisa] Indigo targets Ant, worker #4. Distance: 3'01"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=20] -9 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ant, worker #4 (AC FINAL: 3)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ant, worker #4

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=13] -2 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ant, worker #4 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=2] 5 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ant, worker #4

[Indigo (Lisa)] (dead?)

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-12) - Dying

[Lisa] Indigo targets Ant, worker #10. Distance: 5'06"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=5] 6 [MODIFIED (-2)]. MISSES Ant, worker #10 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Scarlet

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] the one in the tree is unharmed?

[Master] yes

[BiBo!!!] Scarlet targets Ant, worker #11. Distance: 223'10"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he is almost dead)

[Master] oh yes sorry Maroc

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Scarlet casts a spell against Ant, worker #11: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing 1d4+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. So assuming they are all going at one character for now, they deal (2d4+2) [2d4=2,3] 7 damage!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no - look at him)

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #11's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -5 (-7) - Dying

[Master] dead now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] I dont see status messages for anything

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] all I get is names

[Master] and marco you and Lisa need to corordinate those Magic Missls

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ant, worker #10

[Master] yours does the number of them correctly her does not

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (if I click on them a window pops up with them)

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Branwyn

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] yeah, me too. it just says their name though

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (there's no status bar under their picture?)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] nope

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 44'01".

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] only the pcs

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Ant, worker #10. Distance: 0'11"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 13. MISSES Ant, worker #10 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Toybin of Castling

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 33'06".

[Master] Toybin of Castling targets Ant, worker #10. Distance: 0'08"

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Attack: Long Sword: ((16-(d20+0))+1+1) [1d20=19] -1 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Ant, worker #10 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d8) [1d8=7] 7 added to: Ant, worker #10

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #10's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 7 (-7) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Attack: Dagger/: ((16-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=11] 6 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Ant, worker #10 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] ROUND: 7

[Master] INIT: 8 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=11] 0 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ant, worker #10 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=5] 8 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ant, worker #10

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((+16-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=15] -4 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ant, worker #10 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Master (to GM only)] Ant, worker #10's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-8) - Dying

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=5] 8 [MODIFIED (+3)]

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] still 2 more

[Indigo (Lisa)] And next week we can see if they were randomly digging or there was a real tunnel they were trying to get to

[Master] they are gone

[Master] they wandered away

[Master] and they only got abotu 3 foot down

[Master] not even down to the body yet

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] they were being pests or they would have been more agressive

[Master] so you will have to keep on digging

[Indigo (Lisa)] so randomly digging

[Master] if you disturb them in their nest they will be agressive

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] maybe trying to hide

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] but didnt get down enough

[Indigo (Lisa)] last time we saw goblins and red cloak they had used a bunch of ants to dig tunnels for them

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] grave dirt is probably easier to dig through

[Indigo (Lisa)] thought they belonged to goblins

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] maybe these were wild ones?

[Indigo (Lisa)] probably

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] they certainly didnt seem to be working with any sort of organized purpose

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] just sort of wandering around

[Indigo (Lisa)] oh well they are dead now

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] indeed. xp!

[Master] grins

[Master] Rp for the night?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Kaz

[Master] lol

[Master] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] Though Toybin was masterful

[Master] she said if you did not say anyone to give it to you

[Master] why thank you,

[Indigo (Lisa)] he was funny

[Indigo (Lisa)] but it does seem like we shall have to cut his legs off if we don't want him following us around any more

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] welps, i suppose I should get showered and do something about my llaundry

[Master] chuckles

[Master] have a great day Marco

[Indigo (Lisa)] bye Marco!

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] oh he can follow all he likes as long as he is pointing his sword at our enemies

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] the problem will solve itself sooner or later

[Indigo (Lisa)] Foriso will kill him

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] nah, he is just all bark and no bite

[Indigo (Lisa)] lol

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] threats are like greetings to him

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] you say, hello nice to meet you, he says I am going to stab you in the face buckethead

[Indigo (Lisa)] ROFL

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] his troll in my game isnt much different ;)

[Indigo (Lisa)] and on that note I will say goodnight!

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] nightys

[Indigo (Lisa)] See you next week :)

[Master] when you have a moment you should look for the Insult Forum on the site Marco

[Master] Guy and Mike trading barbs

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] theres an insult forum?

Lisa has left the game on Fri Feb 18 23:17:03 EST 2011

[Master] grins

[Master] you really need to read

[Master] there are over 2,000 pages now

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] there needs to be some sort of update e-mail thing so I am reminded to go back to it

[Master] I asked about that before

[Master] the concensus was there are too many updates for it

[Master] sometimes 15-20 pages get updated in a day

[Master] but I could look into doign some sort of digest

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] could be a daily summary like yahoo groups does

[Master] nods, would have to program it somehow

[Master] will consider

[Master] have a great day!

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] you too!

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Feb 18 23:18:57 EST 2011

XP awarded (Feb 25 11) Kaz RP of night