Main / Feb2004

Feb 20 04 - Kapirimtiya Adventures

THE Sebrina (Barb) has joined the game.

[DM] hi there

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] g'evening

THE Sebrina (Barb) is receiving the map...

THE Sebrina (Barb) has received the map.

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] how florida?

[BiBo!!!] very floridian

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] i need to finish getting my dinner.... brb

(Kylia) has joined the game.

[DM] hi there

[(Kylia)] Howdy... just getting my dinner

[(Kylia)] How is everything

[DM] no prob

(Kylia) is receiving the map...

[DM] just getting set up here

(Kylia) has received the map.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] My NWP rolls aren't setup right for some reason... any ideas?

[BiBo!!!] hrmm.... lemme look at em, one sec

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Thanks Bibo... how are you tonight?

[BiBo!!!] dandy, the current incarnation of sarah is here

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::waves to the current incarnation of Sarah:: Sounds lovely

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Evening Ms. Barb. How are things in Georgia?

[BiBo!!!] ah, I see what's the problem, all of the modifiers have to have a + or -. if you just have a 0 in the modifier, it just tacks a 0 on the end of your number

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ahhhh... okies.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] but do I put a negative zero?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] or a positive zero?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::confused::

[BiBo!!!] shouldn't make a difference :-P

Lior has joined the game.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] LIOR!!!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Did you get to enjoy any of the thaw up there?

[Lior] yup

[Lior] its been in the fourties!

[BiBo!!!] ug

[BiBo!!!] coldness

[Lior] but only around nood till two oclock

[DM] wow positively warm by your standards

[Lior] and its gonna snow tonight i think

[Lior] and it supposed to freeze rain tomorrow

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] We had almost 60 today

[Lior] yeah, its tshirt and jacket weather

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has received the map.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] it's raining now and it might snow tonight

[Sadoya (Lior)] yaeh, its gonna snow for a bit

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] i'm back

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] hows everyone

[Sadoya (Lior)] my neck hurts

[BiBo!!!] want me to fix your profs lorie?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Good how are you?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Bibo, fixing now... thanks

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] trying to stay warm, but good

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Bibo.. can you take another look... even with the + and - they don't appear

[BiBo!!!] k

[DM] ok

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Cold streak down there?

[DM] so you guys should make sure everyone is set up right

Fritz has joined the game.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Evening Fritz!

[DM] get your sheets and such in order

[DM] I am going to input some more NPCs

Fritz is receiving the map...

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey friitz

Fritz has received the map.

[DM] only the ones we need for your encounters tonight

[Fritz] Hi everyone

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I hope you are all well

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] doing good here

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Not too bad here... I got an extra day off...

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] How are you doing Fritz?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Well my staff fired me today and monday because I have been an unusual bastard because I have been so stressed I have accidently taken it out on them.

Mike has joined the game.

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] not you??

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Wow... I wouldn't want to be you if the staff fired you

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That is why they fired me because usually I can handle alot of stress. It has just been astronomical lately. I lost my temper a couple of times and so they told me to take a couple of days off and I am taking one day off.

[BiBo!!!] hrm.... weird

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] One day is better than none.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Bibo, no clue huh

[BiBo!!!] nope, yours looks identical to mine, mine works yours doesnt

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey guys, i'm gonna be away for a sec

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Well I and an endocrinologist were supposed to prepare lectures to give to the public for a health fair tomorrow. The endocrinolgist called me today and sayed she couldn't make it.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I have to do all 4 lectures now

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Okay... well I feel a bit better that you couldn't figure it out.. I feel less stupid

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::frowns:: Bummer Fritz.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So that is what I have been doing all day and will have to do after we quit here tonight.

[DM] hey I gave lectures at Rob's kids school

[DM] from pre K up to 8th grade

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] sounds like a plate full

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] More like a smorgasbourgh

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::is frightened for the already neglected educationally children of Broward County::

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::giggles::

[Mike] i just taught a bunch of kids about perimeters.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] After this weekend I am calling it quits

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] /rofl

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] right.... i've known you too long to believe that one

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Perimeters? ::blinks::

[BiBo!!!] yep, add up the lengths of all sides

[Mike] yeah.

[BiBo!!!] perimeter

[Mike] you never learned about perimeters?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::frowns:: I know what they are silly Bibo... I wanted to know why Mike was teaching children about them

[BiBo!!!] cuz he's an education major

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Are those french meters? Paris Meters?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I thought you were moving to California and becoming a preacher.

[BiBo!!!] diameters

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] No those are French metres.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Those are dead meters right?

[Mike] i gotta get a degree first.

[BiBo!!!] it doesn't meter at all

[Mike] and then money to go to calli

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Ahhh cool Mike. You're a junior or senior?

[Mike] senior

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Brb gonna put a cd in my other computer since BOBISANEVILBUTT refuses to work on the sound issue for the game :*)

[Mike] but i've got annother year to go.

[DM] we will have sound one day

Sean has joined the game.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Im' happy to have no sound... I get to listen to Armchair Anarchist

[DM] spring break is coming and I will have a day or so to wrok it out

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Speaking of the anarchist himself...

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] It's the BEEKEEPER :)

Sean is receiving the map...

[Mike] one more semeter of class, then a semester of student teaching.

Sean has received the map.

Fritz has left the game.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Good luck with Student Teaching... I enjoyed mine more at the end

[El Fudge (Sean)] oooh ... Mike's gonna be a slave!

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Basic French can only be so enjoyable before conjugating "ALLER" gets old

Fritz has joined the game.

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[Fritz] doh got booted

[El Fudge (Sean)] ALLER oops, ALLER oopsie ...

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Listen Honey boy... shhhh

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Sean did you show them the photos of your townhouse.. I was shocked when I saw them online.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::taps the computer, thinks she's alone::

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] seems that everyone has gone elsewhere

[DM] no

[DM] working on loading the new map

[DM] not sure why it is not just coming up

[Mike] i'm here.

[Mike] sorta...

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] guys, I am hung here

[Sadoya (Lior)] wow, what an odd thing for bob to say as soon as i get back

[DM] I am going to log off, the IP will be the same,

[Fritz] my wife stole my Santana CD's

[DM] sorry

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Okay... I'll wait for your IM.

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] wanna borrow mine?

[DM] don'

[DM] don

[DM] don't wait

[DM] just log right back in

[Sadoya (Lior)] god.. i just payed 450 dollars to go see you guys

Mike has joined the game.

[DM] cool

THE Sebrina (Barb) has joined the game.

(Kylia) has joined the game.

Lior has joined the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

THE Sebrina (Barb) is receiving the map...

THE Sebrina (Barb) has received the map.

Lior is receiving the map...

[DM] I didn't know you were coming down Lior

Lior has received the map.

[DM] when

[Sadoya (Lior)] the fifth

(Kylia) is receiving the map...

[Sadoya (Lior)] so i'm gonna miss the game on that day has joined the game.

(Kylia) has received the map.

[Sadoya (Lior)] seeing as my flight is during all the hours of the game

Sean is receiving the map...

Sean has received the map.

[Sadoya (Lior)] oh, and i'm missing the game next week

[DM] ok

[DM] so did everyone make it back in yet?

Client has joined the game.

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Okay smurfs.. sound off.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Brainy?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Hefty?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Grouchy?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Jokey?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Smurette?

[El Fudge (Sean)] Sleezy

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Papa Smurf?

[Sadoya (Lior)] wait, which one am i?

[BiBo!!!] sassy

[BiBo!!!] grampa

[BiBo!!!] lazy

[BiBo!!!] handy

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Lior I see you as Vanity ::ducks and hides::

[BiBo!!!] haha

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey, just so long as you realize it takes work to look this good

Client is receiving the map...

Client has received the map.

[El Fudge (Sean)] Lior's ex used to be Prince?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Absolutely...

[Mike] who's client?

Fritz has joined the game.

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[Sarah] I am

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::waves to Sarah the present incarnation::

[Mike] where are we, anyway?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Who is Sarah?

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah? did i miss a memo?

[Sarah] Sarah #2

[BiBo!!!] the current gf of me

[Sadoya (Lior)] what're you doing here?

[Sarah] hello to you too :-p

[Sadoya (Lior)] i mean, hi and everything

[BiBo!!!] she's observing for the night

[Sadoya (Lior)] but what're you doing here?

[Sarah] i can drive :-p

[Sadoya (Lior)] thought you had no interest in this

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] oh hello Sarah

[Mike] trying to be a nerd.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Sorry Sarah... Bibo did'nt clarify

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] hi sarah

[Sadoya (Lior)] they're letting women drive again? ::ducks and covers::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I thought that was illegal?

[Mike] unfortunately, yes.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::looks at Lior frowns::

[Sarah] ren fair is tomorrow

[Sarah] so its easier to drive today

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey, i'm all for women's rights.. just not behind the wheel :-P

[Mike] women make the worst drivers.

[BiBo!!!] I'm all for women's rights as long as they aren't aimed at me

[BiBo!!!] she's got a mean left hook

[Mike] and nuclear commanders. never let a woman have access to the button.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] :( Wish I was going to Ren-Faire

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, me too

[Sarah] this is why mike isn't dating

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Me too

[Sadoya (Lior)] we gotta get together next year lorie, and go to the king richard's faire

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Okay... let me know when. I'll come up to Boston

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That's not fair

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Even if Sean says it's an evil place

[Sadoya (Lior)] its sometime in the fall

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I never get to do anything fun

[Sadoya (Lior)] sean is evil, so you have to consider the paradigm shift of his views

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] I am away from the keyboard.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yo tavern wench bring me more beer

[Sadoya (Lior)] you get to tell people they're sick... i can't imagine anything more fun

[Mike] dude! you OWN A BAR!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh yea I forgot

[Mike] that's not fun??

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, and you make em drunk

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Sean is a brave soul if you ask me. Sleeping in a townhome of bees gets the badge of courage from me.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Fritz, you can come to Boston too

[Mike] ::blink blink::

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, we can make a weekend of it

[Sadoya (Lior)] you guys can come up here and look silly hanging out with a teenager

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Actually that sounds like fun...When?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Hey I resemble that remark

[Sadoya (Lior)] we're well aware

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Santana Rocks!!!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I'll book it on the calendar and PDD can watch KID and Baby Peanut

[BiBo!!!] alright, so dead guy is alive again, wohoo!!!

[BiBo!!!] and tied up

[Sadoya (Lior)] they already have the dates for next fall

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] oh yeah some one remind me where we left off

[Sadoya (Lior)]

[BiBo!!!] you threw dead guy into camp

[Sadoya (Lior)] go there and check it out

[Sadoya (Lior)] it just may be feasable

[BiBo!!!] I tied him up and raised him

[BiBo!!!] we talk to him now

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] You raised the dead guy why?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Cause she can

[BiBo!!!] so we could ask him questions

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Umm... okay. Are we still here to look for treasure?

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] questions for me to answer

[El Fudge (Sean)] What's the meaning of life?

[BiBo!!!] yeah, but his body was sitting outside his camp, and he looks like he's from our neck of the woods

[BiBo!!!] so.... figure out who he is, why he's here, what killed him,, and why we shouldn't kill him again

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Okies...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] You handle it detective Shade

[DM] His name is Kevin Twillmass

[DM] remember, speak with dead

[DM] give me the exact question you want to ask

[BiBo!!!] he's alive

[BiBo!!!] raise dead

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] he is alive bob

[DM] ok,

[DM] sorry

[BiBo!!!] not speak with dead

[DM] missed that

[DM] working on too many things at one

[DM] his name is still the same

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] get your hanfd out of your pants Bob it will simplify things alot

[DM] yeh yeh

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Pss how was the trip to lover's island?

[DM] it ended up well

[DM] started bad

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Woops sorry to hear that.

[DM] but it ended well

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That is good. Does that mean you got lucky despite your faults?

[BiBo!!!] haha, smack

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] High 5

[DM] smile

[Sadoya (Lior)] oh yeah, that reminds me

[Sadoya (Lior)] my girlfriend came up randomly to visit me last weekend

[DM] very cool

[Sadoya (Lior)] this week's been so crappy it seems like that was a long time ago

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] That's nice to hear Lior.

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, she totally surprised me, set up a whole thing with my roomate behind my back

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] You mean she had a choice and rolled the dice and came up with snake eyes?

[Sadoya (Lior)] that's my view

[Sadoya (Lior)] but she said she had a good time

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Congrats bro

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, my boss at work told me to 'keep her around'

[BiBo!!!] haha

[DM] nice

[DM] your boss hitting on your girl

[BiBo!!!] that's accurate enough

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::smirks::

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, my boss wants to live vicariously through me

[DM] so the dead and now live guy

[Sadoya (Lior)] no, my boss is a woman, but it wouldn't surprise me if she was a lesbian

[DM] what do you guys want to ask him specificly?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Go detective shade ask your questions

[BiBo!!!] why he's here, what killed him,, and why we shouldn't kill him again

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Most of the women in my bar seem to be bisexual. They keep hitting on my wife and ignoring me....At least they have good taste

[BiBo!!!] that's not bi my friend

[DM] yes they do (as someone who has seen Fritz's wife dressed down)

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] They have boyfriends and husbands

[BiBo!!!] ah

[Sadoya (Lior)] then they're probably just talking shit about you guys

[Mike] can i come live in the back room of your bar?

[Mike] i can clean up and stuff.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] You should put a camera up in the ladies bathroom....YOu would learn alot there...It seems to be a regular place for couples of all sex to have sex

[DM] hmm

[DM] you could sell subscriptions you know

[BiBo!!!] and get arrested

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Any way back to the man....hehehehe Calico is on line

[Sadoya (Lior)] something tells me anything i would learn from people having sex in a public bathroom is not something my girlfriend would agree to

[DM] you never know

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] you never never know

Reign Tandem (Fritz) rofl

[DM] tricky posistions

[DM] etc.

[DM] great minds think alike

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] We had to put a rail in the bathroom so they would stop breaking the sink

[DM] lol

[DM] lol

[Sarah] ew

[DM] Sara gives a wierd look

[Sadoya (Lior)] you should just place an inconspicous sign that says there's a camera

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I am not joking this is real stuff

[Sadoya (Lior)] so that they might just happen to see it in the middle

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ewwwwwww TMI Fritz

[BiBo!!!] so.... kevin twillmass. Why are you here?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Public bathrooms are dirty enough as it is without any additives ;X

[DM] I was brought here as part of a group

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] The sad ones are the times when I finish a shot of tequila and the couple is already leaving the bathroom.

[DM] we were trying to steal some ivory from antoher group

[Mike] yeah, i wouldn't want to do it in there.

[DM] they were working with a native tribe

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What tribe?

[DM] Ayomi

[BiBo!!!] and who's this other group?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Genzunhite

[DM] they are a group that came out of Seagate

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] did they have a map with them?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::raises brow at the mention of Seagate::

[DM] they came searching for the elephant graveyard

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I try to detect evil Bob

[DM] no they have no map

[BiBo!!!] ::uses esp:: he lyin?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Kill him he is evil

[BiBo!!!] not yet, not done questionin him

Lesani has joined the game.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Someone remind Bob that I am not yet a Palidin and that he falls for the same joke every time

[DM] he says that they were attacked

[DM] by another group of adventurers

[DM] and they were also attacked by heyenas

[DM] Hello Lex,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Hiya Lex

[BiBo!!!] listen sweetie, I don't take kindly to liars, nor does the rest of this group. Now seeing as how I am responsible for you not being dead anymore, I'd think you'd be more appreciative. Especially since I can take that gift away easy enough

[Mike] they got hurt by the heyenas?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Welcome back

[Mike] hey lex!

[Alexis] hello all

Alexis has left the game.

[DM] yes the heynas kills three of them

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wimp

[DM] he looks at Shade

[DM] hmmm

[DM] I am not lying

[DM] I am here becuase I was killed by a poison dart

[DM] they left me to die

[BiBo!!!] have you seen a map or not?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I grab him by the shirt collar and lift him up in the air by one hand..."and I say we should do the same"

[DM] he has no clothes the are whole

[DM] no, I have not seen a map

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Then I do it by his neck like they do in the vampire movies that look so cool and the guy has his feet dangling on the ground...hehehehe...I love it when they do that

[DM] (smile)

[DM] ok he is dangling

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::frowns and just bides her time::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Then I drop him back to the ground after a few seconds

Alexis has joined the game.

[DM] he colapses in a pile

[DM] he looks up at you hurt

[DM] welcome back Lex,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] WB Lex

[BiBo!!!] now, might you have some information that we'd be happy to hear now?

[DM] we will take up a collection to get you a real ISP

[DM] Kevin looks up at Shade and Reign

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Get your character loaded Lex

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] WB Lex

[Sadoya (Lior)] hi lex

[BiBo!!!] he's got a rather bad temper

[DM] thank you very much for bringing me back to life

[DM] but can you cure this poison?

[DM] or are you just going to let me die again?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Sounds good to me

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Evil is as evil will be...dead when I am around

[BiBo!!!] you've got until that poison kills you to give us a reason to cure it

Reign Tandem (Fritz) turns and winks at Lady Kylia

[DM] he shudders

[DM] please?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Slow it maybe till we get more info but dont cure him

[DM] he looks at your group in disust

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Maybe we should just bleed him till all the poison runs out and then raise him again

[DM] I do not want to judge you

[DM] you did save my life, sort of

[DM] he shivers at your comment

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Talk why should we let you live....give us more info on your friends and the ones who attacked you

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Hurry you are the one running out of time

[BiBo!!!] ::whispers to the guy::

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey bob, can i read her lips?

[DM] The group that attacked us were the Ayomi, they are a tribe that lives on the plains

[DM] read whose lips?

[DM] oh,

[Sadoya (Lior)] nevermind

[DM] ummm, no

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] And they attacked you because they worked with the other group? And what happened to your friends?

[DM] they left me here for dead

[DM] we did not have a cleric

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] he died from the hyena attack

[DM] WB barb

[Mike] brab!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Who all was left alive in your party that you know of and what were they capable of doing?

[DM] there were three fighters

[BiBo!!!] if you won't talk I'll have to hurt you

[DM] kevin grimaces in pain at Shades touch

[BiBo!!!] ::points a wand::

[DM] fine

[DM] do what you must

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::wonders if all the NPC's are named Kevin now nd conveniently this one has no clothes either::

[Nyasha] :: sits in the corner silently watching this unfold ::

[BiBo!!!] haha

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::looks from Witchy Poo to Reign and back again:: Excuse me...

[DM] he sits up a little straighter

[DM] he looks at Shade

[DM] and at Reign

[DM] if you cure me of this poison, I will promise to help you find the remains of my group

[DM] the Ayomi will help us

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::slowly approaches the man and looks at him earnestly::

[DM] they will be able to provide the water and food we need to get around the lake

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] You wouldn't lie to us would you?

[DM] he shakes his head

Sadoya (Lior) raises an eyebrow at shade

[BiBo!!!] ::smiles nonchalantly::

[DM] he clutches at his sides,

[DM] looking for a weapon of some sort

[DM] then he lifts his hands

Reign Tandem (Fritz) whips out his Giant 2 handed sword and slices between the man's bare legs..."you better not!!"

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::pulls her sword::

[DM] holding them out and open

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::holds it as his thorat:: I wouldn't try that.

[Sadoya (Lior)] can we cut his fingers off?

[DM] flinches at the violence

Elyssa (Mike) drops twigs on the guy's head

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ((err throat))

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] You are poisoned my child...

[DM] he swallows

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] exerting such effort isn't good for your health

[DM] he nods

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I'll attempt to cure your poison but as the sun shines in the sky if you cross us... I'll take you out myself.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I promise you that the pain these two might cause you will pale with what I can do.

Sadoya (Lior) smiles

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::smiles at him again::

[DM] he nods

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Do we have an understanding

[DM] frowns

[DM] nods again

[DM] yes Mamm

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Make no mistake, I'm not an evil woman, but I don't take kindly to being crossed.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Is Alexis still with us?

[DM] looks up at you

[DM] glances around quickly

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ((Bob, I'll remove the poison))

[Nyasha] (( yes she is still here))

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I was wondering since you weren't answering me

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Reign... put your sword right here ::points her sword at his throat::

Reign Tandem (Fritz) I do so

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::as soon as Reign puts his sword at his throat, I put mine away (not on the ground near him) to take a closer look at his poison::

[DM] Kevin looks uncomfortable as Kylia touches him

[DM] flinching

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Hold still child... I need to look closely at the wound

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I can make it bigger for you Mistress if you wish

[Nyasha] :: walks over to DM to look closely at the wound ::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] (kevin the evil one)

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] AKA Bob hates to have his NPC's tortured and they always seem to develope pride and a strong will to die with dignity (again and again and again)

[DM] no

[DM] not this guy

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::chants a few words and gestures with her hands elaborately::

[DM] he is trying to live

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::stands and smiles:: there... much better no?

[DM] he has done anything you ask

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] /jk bob j/k

[DM] he looks at you

[DM] swallows

[DM] ahhh

[DM] swallows

[DM] yes mamm

[DM] much better now mamm

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::moves away from him and looks at Witchy Pooh with a smile::

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] He should be fine for travel

[BiBo!!!] in the morning anyway

[BiBo!!!] he's been mostly dead

[DM] Kevin looks at Reign

[DM] is there anything I can do for you

[DM] can I stand up now

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::walks over and whispers in her ear::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No you can't stand up...and the only thing you can do for me for the time being is sit there quietly before I undo everything my Mistress has just done for you

[Nyasha] :: backs away from DM cautiously as he speaks ::

[BiBo!!!] ::whispers back to kylia::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Just because we have given you aid doesn't mean we trust you

[DM] he blanches

Nyasha is receiving the map...

Nyasha has received the map.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So what class of character are you?

[DM] he looks up at you

[DM] I find traps

[BiBo!!!] So you'll be nice yes?

[DM] ahh,

[Sadoya (Lior)] cover your pockets

[DM] yes

[DM] I will try to behave

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I thought so....a thief and a pilfer and an assasin. Be glad I dont use you to find out if my sword is trapped

[Nyasha] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] ahh,

[DM] it isn't?

[BiBo!!!] we'll be splended friends ah?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'd like to see you try and lift it

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] It was an expression...but if you wish to find my guess. Reach for it and see what happens.

[DM] he looks up at Shade

[DM] I will try very much

[Sadoya (Lior)] if he travles with us, the elephants carry him with their trunks

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No tie him to thier tales

[Sadoya (Lior)] there's not enough tail to tie to

[DM] he looks at Sadoya,

[DM] then recoils in shock

[DM] feelling his face

[Sadoya (Lior)] do you have a problem?

[DM] looking at himself

[BiBo!!!] ::snickers::

[BiBo!!!] it's your face dear

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] We can tie a rope to the tale

[Sadoya (Lior)] if it makes you feel any better, we're all seeing the same ugly mug

Elyssa (Mike) appears on reign's head and asks, "can i keep him?"

[DM] he looks startled at her appearance

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Dead or Alive little one?

[Elyssa (Mike)] 'alive. to carry my stuff?

[Elyssa (Mike)] 'doesn't need his hands." ::snickers::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Sure but be careful he may try and keep it...although I but I pity what tricks you can do to him...I have no problems with it. Ask Shade and the Grand Lady.

[Elyssa (Mike)] ::giggle::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Who know how Shade's tastes run...He may not be very alive once she is done with him and I doubt if the Lady will have any pity on him a second time

[BiBo!!!] ::smirks::

Sarah has left the game.

[Elyssa (Mike)] ::pouts at shade:: can i keep him? pleeeeeeease?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Did we scare Sarah away ???

[BiBo!!!] I don't know, a human is a terrible responsibility

[Sadoya (Lior)] or just terrible

[Elyssa (Mike)] i promise i'll feed him.

[Elyssa (Mike)] i won't forget like i did with my squirel.

[BiBo!!!] You know what happened to the last one

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Feed him to what?

[Elyssa (Mike)] awww...

[Elyssa (Mike)] can i use him to feed my next pet then?

[BiBo!!!] no

Elyssa (Mike) sighs

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] She is trying to be more responcible Shade...Should we give her a chance to prove herself?

Elyssa (Mike) grins happily and nods

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What is the worse that can happen?

[Sadoya (Lior)] nothing worse than what he's been through

[BiBo!!!] you really think you can keep this one alive?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] He could be a raving lunatic that we have to put down or she will kill it on her own..

Elyssa (Mike) thinks for a moment then nods hesitantly to shade

[DM] Kevin just looks concerned as this talk goes on over his head

Nyasha has left the game.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Woops scared Alexis away also !!!

[BiBo!!!] fine, if you can promise you'll keep him alive, and he won't run away, I'll let you keep him

[DM] she has a horrible connection out there, she will be back most likely

[Elyssa (Mike)] yay!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wait...ask the Grand Lady...get her permission.

[Elyssa (Mike)] c'mon you! i'm gonna name you george now.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] She has the final say

[Elyssa (Mike)] can i kylia? pleeeeease?

[DM] looks at horror at the pixie

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Now now...George is such an unlucky name for your pets

[DM] no

[DM] looks at Shade

[DM] please

[DM] no

[Elyssa (Mike)] is bob better?

[Elyssa (Mike)] fine. you're bob!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] BoB is good...Bend over Boy.

[DM] wry smile,

[BiBo!!!] ::chuckles:: oh she's not so bad once you get to know her, give it a chance, you might end up liking it

[DM] Battery opperated Boyfriend

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] B end O ver B oy / oh that is even better

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::looks at Elyssa:: No, you may not keep him

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Shrugs

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] She's the boss

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Elyssa (Mike)] ::whines::

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So we leave him out here to die? I am down with that.

[BiBo!!!] don't worry about him, I'll take care of him

[DM] he looks back up at shade

[DM] please help

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Now if he gets to stay let the pixie have her Boy toy

[Sadoya (Lior)] you're looking at the wrong gal for help, buddy

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] He might live longer

Reign Tandem (Fritz) smirks

[BiBo!!!] you won't have to worry about further molestation from this group

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Just from you

[BiBo!!!] have a nap and we'll go for a walk in the morning

[DM] it is afternoon right now for the group

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Sorry Elyssa...Maybe you can have the next one....

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Or maybe Shade will let you borrow him sometimes

[DM] sorry, morning not night

Client has joined the game.

[Elyssa (Mike)] okay...

[BiBo!!!] alright, if it's morning, follow us, stay close to me, and you won't have to worry about a thing.

[BiBo!!!] maybe

[DM] he is walking wounded

[Sadoya (Lior)] good

Client is receiving the map...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Pssst I still think they should have let you have him Elyssa. Next time you really need to be more forceful...stand up for your right to own property

Client has received the map.

[Elyssa (Mike)] okay!

[Sergoth] Okay.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Howdy smelly and ugly!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wondered where you were

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] You missed the fun

[BiBo!!!] so, if you'll play nice nice, we have us a mountian to go to

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Lets start moving out

[DM] he has been reloading Klooge on the other computer, he has been following along

[DM] so do you want a fig for Kevin?

[BiBo!!!] sure

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Why dont you go ride on your new (part time) boy toy for awhile if Shade will let you Elyssa.

[Elyssa (Mike)] i don't think he's big enough...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ok you can keep riding on me then.

[DM] so Kevin is not able to walk on his own

[Sadoya (Lior)] on the back of the elephant

[BiBo!!!] that's fine, we have elephants anyway

[DM] you guys have the ablitity to move everyone now

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Fine....

[DM] just let me know what you are doing

[DM] moving out?

[BiBo!!!] sounds good

[DM] you will need to head east some more today remember

[DM] the jungle path cuts back to the southwest

[BiBo!!!] to the mountain!!!

[DM] away from where you are headed

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So you know the Ayomi?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Kevin?

[DM] yes

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Will they help us or just try and kill you again?

[DM] he looks unsure

[DM] they will help us

[DM] I think

[DM] I do speak thier language,

[DM] so we should be ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Where do they live? Good no one else here does

[BiBo!!!] do they live in the direction we're going?

[DM] they roam the savanah

[DM] they are nomadic

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ok lets head out

[DM] so moving out

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] traveling in a marching order you will determine later on

[BiBo!!!] sounds good, moving

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] anything before we move to the new map?

[BiBo!!!] not really

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] i have to go.... sorry guys, my mind is else where tonight... be back next week

[DM] I will move you guys to a quick marching order

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I watch this guy like a hawk...well a bull anyway

THE Sebrina (Barb) has left the game.

[DM] ok, so that is the rough order, you can modify it later on as need, ok with every one?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i dont like that i'm behind an elephant, but that's all right

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I am ok with that

[Sadoya (Lior)] i dont care what you're ok with

Fritz is receiving the map...

Lior is receiving the map...

Sean is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

Sean has received the map.

Lior has received the map.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i guess its night out

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

Trevor is receiving the map...

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Where did everyone go?

[BiBo!!!] to the black

[Sadoya (Lior)] anyone else just seeing black?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] me

Trevor has received the map.

[BiBo!!!] yep

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

[BiBo!!!] double click your name lorie

(Kylia) is receiving the map...

(Kylia) has received the map.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Is the Black Map supposed to be like Black light only cooler?

[DM] ok

[DM] sorry for the horrible map

[DM] but

[DM] this is what you are gong to have to live with for now

[Sadoya (Lior)] actually, i thought it was pretty cool

[DM] so this is a brush fire

[DM] sweeping accross the savanh

[Sadoya (Lior)] what are those creatures? or do we not know yet?

[DM] now, if you look at your characters

[DM] you do not know yet

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Sorry I temporarily moved Sergoth to read the wording

[DM] is ok

[DM] so

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Umm... who says I want to be that close to the monsters?

[DM] at your characters

[DM] this is what you get so far

[Sadoya (Lior)] we're really spreadout

[DM] you are crossing the savanah

[DM] and you see smoke

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I'm not sure we'd be that spreaout Bob

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] err spread out

[DM] you can change what you want as of now

[DM] will give you guys a few minutes

[Elyssa (Mike)] i say we just hide behind the ridge.

[DM] will do, jsut a sec

[Sadoya (Lior)] i was gonna start singing 'paint it black'

[DM] oh yeah

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Screen went black ok

[DM] will let you guys figure out just a sec

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Can you letme know when you're done a bit more... hard to tell where everyone is

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] You forgot kevin Bob

[Elyssa (Mike)] fritz, elyssa'll be on you, elandar next.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Gotcha she is on my head

[Sadoya (Lior)] are we waiting for you to do something, or are you waiting for us to do something, i'm confused

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Clean up bob

[DM] ok, do some more changes

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] You moved me again

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] :(

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Now I can't tell where I am

[Sadoya (Lior)] dammit fritz, stop moving

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] You were 180 yards away did you want to be that far?

[DM] you know you can center on any particular character you want to, just right click on that name

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets Kylia Wolfslayer. Distance: 61'00"

[BiBo!!!] if you right click on your name on the list to the left, then click on center on character, you can center on it

[Lior] Sadoya targets Reign Tandem. Distance: 12'06"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] you are 61 feet from the group

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Yes BOB but that wasn't my point... I moved myself to let other people move and then I wanted to move myself again

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I'm not 61 feet from the group... I'm 20 feet

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] you are 61 feet from me

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Fritz, I appreciate your help, but please don't my character for me. Thanks!

[Lior] Reign Tandem no longer targets Kylia Wolfslayer.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] no I am just pointing out you are 61 feet from me at the moment

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I'm 20 feet from Lexi's PC.

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets Kylia Wolfslayer. Distance: 61'00"

[Sadoya (Lior)] oops sorry

[Sadoya (Lior)] didn't mean to do that

[Lior] Sadoya targets Reign Tandem. Distance: 6'09"

[Fritz] Reign Tandem no longer targets Kylia Wolfslayer.

[Lior] Sadoya no longer targets Reign Tandem.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I want to cast spells that require some distance

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Check you distance again by targeting Lorie just to make sure

[(Kylia)] Elephant, female #2 targets Kylia Wolfslayer. Distance: 48'10"

[(Kylia)] Elephant, female #2 no longer targets Kylia Wolfslayer.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I'm happy with where I am. Thanks.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] 48 feet away...ok

[DM] so this looks good to everyone now

[DM] ready to move along

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] are we there yet?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Clean up bob El still has a shadow figure

[DM] done?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Where is kevin bob?

[DM] sorry, missed him earlier

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] are we there yet?

[El Fudge (Sean)] Is Kevin Bob anythng like Silent Bob?

[DM] so

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] he's said too much to be silent bob

[DM] moving

[DM] moving

[DM] moving

[Sadoya (Lior)] but silent bob's real name is kevin smith... so...

[Sadoya (Lior)] welcome to georgia

[Sadoya (Lior)] this is some strange fog of war we have going on here

[DM] ok,

[DM] so you are not confused, there is no lake that way

[Sadoya (Lior)] is there a sign that says 'no lake that way'

[Sadoya (Lior)] cuz that would be suspicious

[DM] you smell smoke

[DM] you are at this point

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] ::points to the sign that says 'NO LAKE THAT WAY' ::

[DM] and

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Roll #1: (d100) [17] 17

[DM] the smoke is decending

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] woah

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] the smoke is floating down?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] that's weird

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Which direction

[Sadoya (Lior)] is it windy?

[Elyssa (Mike)] and the smoke falls...

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I guess the smoke failed it's to hit on the sky

[DM] and you see this along the edge of the ridge

[DM] and yes the smoke seems to be following along the ground and not imeadiately rising to the sky

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What do we see? or can we not tell from here

[DM] I have revealed a bit more

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] I can see, I'm on the ridge.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No what are they?

[DM] Wemics

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yeah, the ground said it conveniently

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I know I am roleplaying

[Sadoya (Lior)] wutzawemic?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Witchy Poopoo want to take a look at the fire and smoke it seems to be a bit strange? DM what direction is the wind blowing?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::sighs:: sure

[DM] the wind seems to be still right now

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] I can see everything, I elft you guys and headeds straight for the ridgewhen I sw smoke..

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I'll be right back

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Dimension Door: (MR: (d100) [57] 57)

[Sadoya (Lior)] jeez, always the one for a fancy exit

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Put Elyssa on my head bro

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I can move 40 at a trot correct?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] How far can we move bob? 5 X our movement or what?

[DM] well

[Sadoya (Lior)] do we see that guy approaching?

[DM] you have the Leader of the Wemics approach

[Sadoya (Lior)] or thing

[Sadoya (Lior)] cuz i'd be moving with reign

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] How far can I move bob?

[DM] combat movement times 5 in feet

[El Fudge (Sean)] I think you can move Bob about five feet backwards ... he's in a rolling chair

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] hat is 200 for me then?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I mean 100

[DM] ok

[DM] movement in the game

[DM] you can move during normal non combat time at your movement rate in 10's of feet

[DM] a movement of 12 equals 120 feet

[DM] but

[DM] during combat

[DM] your combat movement changes for the combat rounds

[DM] you can move your combat movement

[DM] which is computed slightly different

[DM] that number is how many 5 foot squares you can move

[DM] so it can be that you move faster in combat than in regular time

[DM] the problem is that combat movement is fatiguing

[DM] so you should be marking off one fatigue point for each segment of movement

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] but right now we don't have segments

[DM] we are getting there on that

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] so that's a bit tricky to calculate, don't you think

[DM] so you can move your combat movement times 5 feet in a round

[DM] that is quite a bit, but remember your combats are normally fairly short

[DM] this time however

[DM] you may have a bit to worry about

[DM] you have the Wemic leader in front of you

[DM] his name if Brul

[DM] he is the leader of his pride

[Sadoya (Lior)] what does a wemic look like?

[DM] he says that they have been fleeing this fire

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] liontaur

[Sadoya (Lior)] ahh ok

[DM] they have all of thier cubs and females

[Sadoya (Lior)] intelligent too i see

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] imagine centaur, only lion

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] instead of horse

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, i got it

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] The fire seems strange. There is no wind yet the smoke does not rise and the fire appears to be going in this direction?

[DM] yes

[DM] the fire has been chasing us across the plains for the past two days

[DM] we will try to hold up ahead near the stream

[DM] the cubs can not take much more

[DM] can you please help us

[DM] is there anything you can do?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Aye we shall help

[DM] (ok, now off to Marco's area) pause

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] How many cubs do you have

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] kk pause

[Male #5] who are you and are you here to help us? he asks Shade

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I am Shade, and that depends on what help you need

[Male #5] he looks back at the flames licking along the ground

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] what started that? it looks strange

[Male #5] yes it is not like a natural fire

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] then what started it?

[Male #5] we are not sure

[Male #5] ok, pause and back to Fritz and the groups

[Brul] Brul,

[Brul] we have 5 cubs that are too weak to fight

[Brul] our females are still strong,

[Brul] there are a dozen of then left

[Brul] I only have 8 of my warriors left

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Would they be willing to ride on the back of the elephant....shit we are in trouble bob.....the elephants go wild as soon as Shade is greater than 30 yards away

[Brul] uh, I know

[Brul] and the fire is not helping matter either

[Brul] ok

[Brul] so now what?

[Brul] is your group going to help?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] How heavy are your cubs?

[Brul] you can likely make the other side of the stream

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yes we shall help

[Brul] the cubs are man sized creatures

[Brul] the adults are larger than man sized,

[Brul] equal to Reign in size and bulk

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Few of us can carry the cubs except the elephants...Some of us are resistant to fire and should go see what is causing it and try and stop it. I could probably do that. I will take 4 of my people with me the rest will go with you and your pride to safety

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::summons 3 water elementals tells them to sic the fire and heads back to the group::

Reign Tandem (Fritz) shouts "SHADE...GET BACK HERE PRONTO"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Elandar you have a sword like mine correct?

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Reign, you and I could prolly carry a cub each. [Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] no. you've got one like mine.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Exactly... I was planning on taking Elandar and Lady Kylia and Elyssa and Sadoya if he has any protection from fire to see what is causing problems with the flames...I was hoping you would carry a cub and Shade could direct the Elephants to carry 2 each

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Elandar and I can try and put out the flames with our swords

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] We are also resistant to fire

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] its magical, fritz. we can't put out magical fires that way.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i have no protection from fire

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Lady Kylia could back us up with healing if we needed it or counter...We can put out wall of fires my friend check the sword

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Then help them get the cubs to safety

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] isn't it only natural?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] The 4 of us will have to do it...Elyssa will be our scout

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] you're right, fritz. any fire the book says

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] I can carry a cub if needed.

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Infact, I'd dive in and grab one. I must save the ship.. er.. lion things!

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] what is there to scout? look, there's a wall of fire.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] 50% chance of extinguishing ANY fire in which it is thrust...check page 1371

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i did. i said you were right. look up.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] There maybe something controlling it for it to act so funny

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I see...sorry

[Sadoya (Lior)] you can bet there is

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yep so hopefully her invisibility and steath will help. What do you say? Does it sound like a plan?

[Brul] ok

[DM] the fire wall advances

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] nah, anything that can control fire can see invisibiliy in bob's world

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i don't think elyssa's gonna willingly go into the fire. at this point, she'd ride on the broom, away from the fire

[DM] the wemics are slowly moving towards you

[Sadoya (Lior)] how are the elementals doing?

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] but elandar's all for extinguishing it

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Well lets go and find out. She can fly high above the fire that is what I am looking for

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Milady will you join us?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Fire is your area of expertise after all

[Sadoya (Lior)] she starts fires

[Sadoya (Lior)] doesn't put them out

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I can put out fires thank you very much

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] See told you so

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I have made friends with nature

[DM] rolls his eyes behind her back,

[DM] oh, hi lorie

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] :-P

[DM] the wall of fire advances

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Let us go but quickly

[DM] the water elementals seem to battleing something

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ok lets move out...Me and Elandar and Lady Kylia with Elyssa flying high above us looking to see if she sees what started or is controlling the fires

[DM] the fires are burned out

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What water elementals?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Witchy Pooh summoned 3

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Well the rest of you take the cubs lets go

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Allons-y

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Thats 2 rounds of double movement for me bob

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] I'm on top of it, I'm already conversing with the pack telling em I'm here to help, and grabbing a cub.

[DM] so

[DM] fritz and mike are where they should be

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Elyssa was on my head and is now ready to go up high in the air

Trevor has left the game.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Giant 2 handed sword out and attempting to extinguish fire

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Lady Kylia are you coming?

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey bob, are we going to start this battle today, or is the rest of the night going to be logistical stuff?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] It wont take long trust me

[DM] you are in the middle of the battle right now

[DM] for the group that is there at the fire wall

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What do we see Bob?

[DM] you see three water elementals

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] a fire elemental...

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] see it moving?

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] and attacking?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Shhh let Bobisanevilbutt tell us

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] How far across does it span BOB? We should be able to see more now right

[DM] surrounding a large fire elemental

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] no, he told me to tell you.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh what is he doing?

[DM] so you see the fire wall now

[DM] the smoke is laying on the ground

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Do we roll for the fire Bob We start when it is 10 feet away

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] lorie, we'll need a zone of sweet air, i'm thinking

[DM] ok, right now it is about 25 feet away

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Back up... I'd like to cast Wall of Ice

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] okay.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Let us try and extinguish it

[DM] it moves about 5 feet per round

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] lets let her do it first.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ok

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] her wall is better than our ten feet a pop.

Nyrma's Laptop has joined the game.

Nyrma's Laptop is receiving the map...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Cast away

Nyrma's Laptop has received the map.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Bob, that's 110 feet at 10 feet in height. it will last

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] until the fire burns through it I guess

[DM] ok

Sean has left the game.

Mike has joined the game.

Nyrma's Laptop has left the game.

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] but it takes 3 points of damage per inch

Mike has left the game.

BiBo!!! has left the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

Mike has received the map.

[DM] the wireless is resetting

[DM] everyone is back now

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

Nyrma's Laptop has joined the game.

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] the fire is advancing

Nyrma's Laptop is receiving the map...

Nyrma's Laptop has received the map.

[DM] lorie

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Normal fires do not hasten the melting of the wall of ice

[DM] the sizes of your wall of ice?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] 110 feet long and 10 feet tall

[DM] standing? or falling downward

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] standing

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Lorie are you casting it at the set of flames infront of us so that I could run around them and attack the elemental if I wished?

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] I'm casting it starting at the edge of the flames towards the top of the screen (or left if you look at it) for 110 yards across

[(Kylia)] Kylia Wolfslayer targets fire #19. Distance: 70'07"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Perfect I can then run thru the gap and attack the elemental then bob

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Do you see my targeting? that's where I'm starting the wall...just at the edge of that

[DM] yes

[(Kylia)] Kylia Wolfslayer no longer targets fire #19.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yeah I saw it

[DM] I can see the target

[DM] I am trying to draw the wall for you

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets fire. Distance: 36'01"

[Fritz] Reign Tandem no longer targets fire.

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets fire. Distance: 18'07"

[DM] Fritz, to move there you will be moving through the wall of ice

[Fritz] Reign Tandem no longer targets fire.

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets fire. Distance: 8'00"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] no I shouldnt

[DM] yes

[DM] Lorie cast wall of ice across the fire wall

[DM] you moved into the fire wall

[DM] where the elementals are

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Take me back and I can run around it

[DM] as soon as I can fix the drawn item there

[Fritz] Reign Tandem no longer targets fire.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] cure the freezingness[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] testing

[Nyrma's Laptop] Testing

[DM] ok

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] laaaaaaaag

[DM] so

[DM] back

[DM] so that is the size of the wall of ice

[DM] only on a diagonal

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I thought she said it was 110

[DM] yards

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Lord

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] And if there is still fire within my reach (cant tell from my obscured view of the map) I'll cast it again farther down to ensure that the fire won't hinder our progress much

[DM] ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So that is 330 feet then

[DM] so the the map is slithtly altered to show the effects now

[DM] the wall of ice is there

[DM] quickly melting

[DM] the elementals are on teh other side of the wall

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That about covers the entire wall of fire

[DM] most of the fire is out now

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] yay

[DM] so you have that small fire line still there on your right

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] at this point

[DM] new round, and the wall of ice melts away to a puddle

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I charge the fire elemental

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] that last bit looks like it just is gonna nose dive into the river

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i'll go after the elemental

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets fire. Distance: 9'00"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Initiative Bob?

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] why am i moving?

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] will you stop playing with my character please? it's rather annoying whoever is doing it.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Natural Fighting: (d20) [7] 7 must be less than (19+6) [19+6] 25 to succeed.

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf targets fire. Distance: 16'08"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob is doing it

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] he wasn't before

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Wild fighting: (d20) [13] 13 must be less than (18+5) [18+5] 23 to succeed.

[Fritz] Reign Tandem no longer targets fire.

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets fire. Distance: 10'02"

[Fritz] Reign Tandem no longer targets fire.

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets fire. Distance: 7'00"

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Initiative?

[DM] ok

[DM] just to be clear here

Sean has joined the game.

[DM] the two of you are piling into the middle of a fight between four elementals

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yep

Sean is receiving the map...

Sean has received the map.

[DM] ok, roll int fritz and mike

[Sadoya (Lior)] very epic music bob

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Initiative: (d10-2-2) [9-2-2] 5

[DM] Roll #1: (d10) [5] 5

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf: Initiative: (d10-2) [7-2] 5

[DM] INIT: 5

[DM] GOING: Elandar Silverleaf, Reign Tandem

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +6 giant 2 handed sword hits AC: (14-(d20+13)-3) [14-(4+13)-3] -6

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of -6 (probably) hits fire

[DM] everyone goes at teh same time this round

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Initiative: (d10+0) [1+0] 1

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage [L]: +6 giant 2 handed sword does ((3d6*2)+16) [((6+4+3)*2)+16] 42 damage

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack: Frost Brand +3/+6 (R) hits AC: (13-(d20+5)) [13-(3+5)] 5

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf's attack of 5 misses fire

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +6 giant 2 handed sword hits AC: (14-(d20+13)-3) [14-(11+13)-3] -13

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of -13 (probably) hits fire

[DM] Roll #1: (d20) [6] 6

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack: LongSword +2 (L) hits AC: (13-(d20+4)) [13-(20+4)] -11 [CRITICAL HIT]

[[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf's attack of -11 (probably) hits fire

Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage [L]: +6 giant 2 handed sword does ((3d6*2)+16) [((3+5+6)*2)+16] 44 damage

[DM] Roll #1: (d20) [17] 17

[DM] Roll #1: (d20) [3] 3

[DM] Roll #1: (d20) [2] 2

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf: Damage [S/M]: LongSword +2 (L) does (1d8+5+5) [3+5+5] 13 damage

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +2 Mithril Horns on Helm hits AC: (14-(d20+5)-3) [14-(3+5)-3] 3

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of 3 misses fire

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack: LongSword +2 (L) hits AC: (13-(d20+4)) [13-(20+4)] -11 [CRITICAL HIT]

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf's attack of -11 (probably) hits fire

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] score!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Crap Bob add +6 to the damage Idid

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack: LongSword +2 (L) hits AC: (13-(d20+4)) [13-(10+4)] -1

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] double crit!

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf's attack of -1 (probably) hits fire

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf: Damage [S/M]: LongSword +2 (L) does (1d8+5+5) [3+5+5] 13 damage

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] Elandar Silverleaf: Damage [S/M]: LongSword +2 (L) does (1d8+5+5) [7+5+5] 17 damage

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] bob add +6 to the damage I di please

[DM (to GM only)] fire's hit points adjusted to 7 (-43) - Massively Wounded

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I have one more set of attacks at the end of the round bob and I am at an AC of -2

[DM] ok,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So I did 92 points of damage by myself Bob....

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] And I have one more set of attacks to go

[DM] Roll: (3d8) [(4+1+7)] 12

[DM] so the fire elemental hit you fritz, for 12 points of damage

[DM] and then the fire elemental dies

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] kk

[DM] and now the water elementals

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] and now the water ones. what do they do at this point?

[DM] attack

[DM] ok,

[DM] so we can pause this right here

[DM] we will finish this fight next week

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] night all.

[DM] start of the round

Mike has left the game.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I have one more set of attacks bob

[Sadoya (Lior)] all right, have a good night guys

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Okay... night all

[DM] ok

[Sadoya (Lior)] see you in a couple of weeks

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Have a great week ::waves::

Trevor has left the game.

Lior has left the game.

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets Water Elemental #1. Distance: 7'10"

[Kylia Wolfslayer ((Kylia))] Talk to you soon Lior

BiBo!!! has left the game.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)-3) [14-(9+10)-3] -8

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of -8 (probably) hits Water Elemental #1

(Kylia) has left the game.

[DM] that is a hit

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What size?

[DM] large

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage [L]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((3d6*2)+13) [((2+1+5)*2)+13] 29 damage

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +2 Mithril Horns on Helm hits AC: (14-(d20+5)-3) [14-(8+5)-3] -2

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of -2 (probably) hits Water Elemental #1

[DM (to GM only)] Water Elemental #1's hit points adjusted to 10 (-29) - Massively Wounded

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage [L]: +2 Mithril Horns on Helm does ((2d6)+10) [((1+1))+10] 12 damage

[DM] what was that last attack?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yep

Sean has left the game.

[DM] I thought you only had the last swing of the sword? you missed withyour horns on the fire elemental

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] My +2 helm from my natural attack

[DM] but you did that against the fire elemental

[DM] you only get that once per round

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No I get extra attacks from wild fighting that is why I get a minus 3 to my hit and a minus 3 to my ac

[DM (to GM only)] Water Elemental #1's hit points adjusted to -2 (-12) - Dying

[DM] ok

[DM] we will call it paused at this point then

[DM] and pick it up next week

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I actually get 4 attacks wth my sword and 2 attacks with my helm

[DM] hope things go better for you thre

[DM] ok

[DM] we will work out all the

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So I have one more sword left but That is ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I can only do this a couple of times a day and then I am majorly fatigued after each fight

[DM] next week we will work everythign out

[DM] yeah

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] kk. Take care

[DM] the wall of ice saved you guys

[DM] made it much much easier

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ya

[DM] have a great weekend

[DM] relax

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Going to work now

[DM] have a great time

Fritz has left the game.