Main / Feb2009

Feb 20 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Feb 20 17:11:46 EST 2009 ====

[BOB] Sorry it has been a day or two, but I was hit by a car on the way to work Thursday morning when I was riding my bike. Everything is ok, just a stiff arm. Getting back to normal over the weekend.

[BOB] I will be typing a little slower tonight because of this, so please be just a little patient **grins**

[BOB] and I promise that everything that happens tonight was planned months ago, not after the accident **laughs**

[BOB] I will be back by the screen by game time

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 17:29:14 EST 2009

Vicki] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Vicki] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[Vicki] Hi Bob. That's some laughter you got. :P

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map DDD.

Vicki] is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

Vicki] has received the map Robert-Overland01.

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Vicki] Hmm... guess I can't work on Min

[Vicki] I'll be back around game time

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

Vicki] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Vicki] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Refnara moved 31'03".

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 18:14:40 EST 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Kaz] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

Guy] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 18:15:09 EST 2009

Guy] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Guy] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[Vicki] Hi Kaz and Guy

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Guy] hiya

[Kaz] Hi hi

[BOB] hey there

[BOB] getting things organized here, typing slowly

[Kaz] afk while I go cook a gourmet, three-course meal

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] wonderful

[BOB] will be back in a bit

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

Death] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 18:31:38 EST 2009

Death] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Death] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[Death] hey guy

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] so we have half the group here

[BOB] and we can start soon

[Death] okay, so the complete fighter's handbook says that with two slots of two weapon and ambidexterity, you can fight with two medium weapons

[Death] it says to be at a 0/0 penatly with a m/s combo you need two weapon and ambidex.

[Death] since as a ranger you can fight at no penalty right off the bat, i would read that as you get a free 2 weap, ambi

[Death] which means you should only need to devote one more slot to 2 weap and fight m/m

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] hi Mike

[Death] hi

[Guy] hi and cool

[BOB] He is looking through books for you Guy

[BOB] plotting how to make a tweak for you

[BOB] and stay with your story

[Vicki] tonight I would probably do better at not talking, as I do have something else to do while watching the progress of tonight's game

[BOB] you can always ask in IM Vicki

[Guy] i can honestly say i dont care for the kits ion the rangers handbook

[Vicki] I found it to be useless to ask you in IM since you tell me to ask in Klooge, Bob

[BOB] no worries on Kits

[BOB] talking about proficienies

[BOB] with the broad group blades you can use any blade

[Death] there are few good ranger kits, i'll give you that. but they do have their places. i would suggest sharpshooter myself

[BOB] with the tight group Bows you can use any bow

[Death] it's a general kit, fin has it.

[Death] bonus to hit and damage with ranged.

[BOB] and beign from the Central Area you would have access to more bow weapons than a normal person

[Death] no real detriments

[BOB] the western Long Bow and Short bow

[Guy] i think i have both broad groub

[BOB] plus the horse bow of the horseman

[BOB] and the oriental bows, etc

[Death] okay, so bob said to fight m/m 0/0 you need ambi and 2 weap

[Guy] plus i can make bows

[Death] which means you would need to change a weapon prof and a non weap one.

[Guy] and like you said as a ranger with leather armor or less i fight as if i had them

[Death] at present you are fighting m/s 0/-2

[Death] bob said no.

[Death] i tried, but to him no penalties means m/s, 0/-2

[Death] now, i clearly see a - which means a penalty, but he doesn't agree.

[Guy] oh then im not reading the players handbook right then

[Death] no, you are. bob isn't. butt......

[Death] reaction adjustment

[Death] but you have no bonus... hrm.

[Death] i think you should be at 0/0 according to the phb

[Death] when bob's off the phone i'll debate more with him

[Death] i started a liam page btw

[Guy] uh oh im scared now

[Vicki] why does that not surprise me?

[Vicki] Guy, you must be special for Mike to start your pages for you... first Valgar the Confused, now Liam

[Vicki] lol

[Death] bob said that the -2 is in accordence to the new rulings made in complete fighter

[Death] that book states that any action on your off hand will have a -2

[Guy] oh and mike when you have to use 2 hands just to hold half hell no you wontgo out :P

[Death] so i can see how you start with a 0/0

[Death] then, using a sword in your left hand makes it -2

[Death] which means you need the ambidex to get rid of that -2

[Vicki] Rather than dealing with uber Anstett typing, we have Mike typing more for us... lol

[Death] and then you need an aditional 2 weap to use medium

[Guy] depends on the sword youre holding

[Vicki] and who says we're all right handed?

[Death] so it's up to you if you want to switch proficiencies or stick with a short sword

[Death] we do not have any magic short swords for some reason.

[Death] i could have sworn we had one or two lying around.

[Guy] well i have 1 slot still free just have to get rid of 1 thing

[Death] what slots?

[Death] i'm reading that you're full up.

[Guy] i still have 1 bonus slot still free

[Guy] shouldnt be

[Death] you start with 4 weap and get a new one every 3 levels

[Death] so at 7 you get 6 weapon proficiencies

[Guy] yup

[Guy] and 3 bonus for my int

[Death] those are non weapon only

[Death] i thought.

[BOB] Proficiencies page lists what you can spend on what

[Death] that's become his lazy answer to all questions

[Death] go look at the site

[Guy] lol

[Vicki] that's what I get a lot

[Death] the int slots can be used for fighting styles, but not weapons

[Death] so you can spend to non weapon slots as the ambidex and 2 weap

Christy] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 19:05:15 EST 2009

Christy] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Christy] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[Guy] well i can drop polearm since i can use any bow or sword

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 19:05:35 EST 2009

[BOB] Hey Crhsity!

[Christy] hello!

[Guy] hiya

[Death] yeah

deaf and not so mute] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 19:06:15 EST 2009

deaf and not so mute] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

deaf and not so mute] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[Guy] oh and bob if i have to roll up a new character again i want touse the way in the rangers handbook lol

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] grins

[Kaz] Hi everyone who came in since I left to make an amaaaazzzzzing gourmet dinner!

[Guy] so how many slots do i need to free up?

[deaf and not so mute] Hi Christy

[BOB] so Christy, the extreme short version : you went into the underdark, got to the city and used Plane Shift to get out and are now goign to go after some Gnolls

[Christy] i like short versions

[Christy] any dead?

[deaf and not so mute] Valgar and Tori

[BOB] the other short version: hit by car on thursday morning, I am typing slowly

[BOB] but otherwise ok

[Guy] bob is trying to be stephen king

[Christy] egads, hit by car?

[deaf and not so mute] huh?

[BOB] ridign the bike to work

[BOB] car ran red light

[BOB] I was in the cross walk

[BOB] only a sore arm to show for it

[deaf and not so mute] Klooge doesn't like me tonight, grr

Death] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 19:10:18 EST 2009

[BOB] Mike is restarting

[BOB] How are Hans and the kids Christy?

[Christy] little Hans is sick but everyone else is good

Death] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 19:13:34 EST 2009

Death] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Death] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[Christy] Hans has had to go back to commuting to DC daily so that has sucked

[Guy (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Liam Dugan modified: Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Polearm, Halberd, 1.

[Christy] I've been taking the boys to karate on Fridays, which is why I haven't been here. By the time I get back, bathe them, feed them and get them into bed, it's 10:00 and I'm too tired to even bother logging in. Sorry!

[BOB] smiles, is ok, glad you can make it tonight!

[Guy] ok mike i got ambidexterity

[Death] okay. but now, do you want two medium weapons, or a small and medium?

[Guy] how many slots is 2 weapon fighting? i couldnt find it

[Death] just one

[Guy] hmm i could probably dump weather sense for it

[Guy] where would it go?

[BOB] and are you BLIPPING to the Gnoll lair? or to the town? last week you had started to talk about blippign to the town to look at how many gnolls etc, but I think that you can just go with your strike force and jump right to the lair , you have mostly fighters and clerics

[BOB] hit and run

[Death] put it on weapons

[Death] you mean raze and run?

[BOB] well the idea is to get the sword and get out

[BOB] from the site : The group found out they needed to bring back a magical short sword named Jorkki. The name is inscribed on the blade and the hilt ends in a golden claw-shaped hand balled into a fist around three rubies two red and one black. It was being brought back by a dwarf who was ambushed by gnolls. The gully where the wagon train was ambushed is a one-day journey from the hamlet of Fortunado. The gnoll lair is another two days' journey, up into the mountains.

[Guy (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Liam Dugan modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Weather Sense, General, null, 1, $wi, -1.

[Guy] ok hows that look bob and mike?

[BOB] yes Guy

[Death] looks good to me.

[BOB] oh and Christy did you hear that Guy made it as a full Dragonslayer?

[Death] now you fight mo' betta

[Guy] yeah those bribes really paid off

[Christy] cool

[Kaz] Oooh, you get to go up against Mo Betta! He's really tough, too.

[deaf and not so mute] LOL

[Guy] ill just feed Mo the buig and everybody is ahppy

[Guy] just as soon as i learn to type

[deaf and not so mute] No worries, Guy... I know many who type like that

[Christy] sure, olts fo su do taht

[Guy] lol

[Kaz] Om ditr zo mrbrt ys;l ;olre yjsy

[Kaz] so there

[BOB] ok, so looks like this is the group

[BOB] are you jumping to the Lair or to the town?

[Death] let's kick ass

[BOB] as you said that last week I willlet you just jump

[Death] and with gnolls, we don't need to bother taking names

[Death] i'm fine just jumping in.

[Death] they're just gnolls

[BOB] but when you need to get back you ned Lorie or John here

[BOB] to use the gems

[Guy] we can just call them corpse 1 and corpse 2 and so on

[BOB] so Guy and Mike want to go to the Lair, Christy? Kaz?

[Kaz] I'm cool with whatever they say

[Kaz] to a point

[BOB] ok

[BOB] lol

[Kaz] :)

[Death] tavern to seduce wenches

[Guy] im all for that

[Kaz] Yeah, that's beyond the point, Mike. Sorry.

[deaf and not so mute] Kaz, you have limits on what you're ok with?

[Kaz] *blink*

[Kaz] You think I don't?

[BOB] Christy ok with Tavern wenches? or go to the Gnoll lair first?

[deaf and not so mute] well, they don't have limits... LOL

[Guy (to BOB only)] where should i put my racial enemy?

[BOB (to Guy only)] in you rNotes section

[Guy] well i draw the line at seducing sheep but mike doesnt seem to have a problem with that

[Christy] I'm gonna pass on the wenches

[BOB] ok,

[BOB] so goign to put the relevant people on the entrance

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 146'08".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 139'00".

[BOB] ] Arilyn moved 101'00".

[Guy (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Liam Dugan modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 125'02".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 115'04".

Death] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 19:34:03 EST 2009

[Guy] would arilyn still be hurt after all this time?

[Kaz] No, we are all healed up

[Kaz] She should be 100% healed

[BOB] ] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 70 (2) by Master - Unharmed

[deaf and not so mute] As should Paul when he decides to return to the action

[Kaz] Thanks Bob

Death] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 19:34:59 EST 2009

Death] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Death] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[BOB] When they reach a bare outcropping of rock, they must turn right, following a faint trail until they reach a tree that has been blasted by lightning. The entrance to the gnoll lair is just up the hill. The skies are overcast and a light drizzle falls from the sky. As the PCs reach the lightning-blasted tree, the wind begins to pick up and the trees start to creak and sway. The solid gray clouds overhead break up and blow away.

[BOB] The entrance to the lair of Kurgahr's tribe is a 1O'-wide cleft that winds its way 200' into the mountainside before reaching the main cavern. At the 170' mark, the gnolls have blocked the passageway with a door; this door is ajar.

[Guy] gnolls. why did it have to be gnolls

[Kaz] *snerk*

[Death] why is the door a jar? shouldn't it be a door?

[BOB] swats her

[BOB] and him

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] so the set up in the passage way is ok with everyone?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (whos getting swatted now?)

[BOB] you don't have a real thief with you

[Christy] we can find traps the hard way, I guess

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I have a find traps spell))

[Death] then bust that shit out

Death] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 19:39:07 EST 2009

[Arilyn (Christy)] fantastic. I don't like the other plan.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra casts a spell against : Find Traps: For 3 turns I can detect traps in a 10'x90' path in front of me.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((well i do ms at 95% under normal conditions and 100% under good conditions

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Yeah, I wasn't a fan of that other plan, either))

Death] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 19:39:38 EST 2009

Death] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Death] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] moving out

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 15'00".

[Death] roll out!

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan moved 18'10".

[Arilyn (Christy)] kill 'em all!

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 9'11".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 12'00".

[BOB] so the door is slightly ajar,

[Moirra (Kaz)] but not trapped?

[BOB] looks like it is normally closed and locked

[BOB] large bar on the inside of the door, but it was not set and the door seems to have swung open in the winds from the storm

[Moirra (Kaz)] and no traps beyond it, I must assume at this point

[BOB] I will tell you if you see any

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] does this feel like a trap to anyone else?

[Death] nope

[Arilyn (Christy)] gnolls laying in wait?

[BOB] it is a week or so that they have taken the sword

[Death] because unless the gnolls are realy beholders in disguise, even if it is a trap they can't do anything to us.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, only one way to find out. Liam? Shall we continue?

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to BOB only)] my ac is still set at 10

[Arilyn (Christy)] let's go

[BOB (to Guy only)] you can change that

[BOB] Mike what is Guy's AC supposed to be?

[BOB] witht eh stuff you gave him?

[BOB] shoudl set that before I start biting him

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((well, there's a comment set to inspire confidence))

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Liam Dugan modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: 4 (null).

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] 4

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] bracers ac 6 plus ring protection 2

[Death] there ya go

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] let me reboot right quick

[BOB] ok, so going in

[BOB] will wait

Guy] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 19:50:25 EST 2009

Guy] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 19:51:07 EST 2009

Guy] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Guy] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[Death] so, guy... bob is telling me to put your story on the website

[Death] and say what your magic items were that you had stolen.

[Death] elven chain +5, two vorpal longswords +5, composite bow of heartseeking +5

[Death] anything else?

[Death] quiver of never ending

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((LMAO))

[BOB] throne of the gods while you are at it

[Guy] that sounds about right

[Death] no no, that wouldn't be in character for a ranger.

[Guy] except the elven chain was plus 6 not 5

[Arilyn (Christy)] hey, yeah, I had stuff stolen too...yeah...

[Guy] its still showing up as ac 10 though

[BOB] I will go with Elven chain (non magical) and a magical long sword and a ring of some sort

[BOB] it does not do the math for you

[BOB] have to type it in

[BOB] set now

[Guy] i tried and it reset back

[BOB] we might have both been editing?

[Guy (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Liam Dugan modified:

[BOB] I show ac 4 for you

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Liam Dugan modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: 0 (4). Shield Bonus:: CHANGED: 0 (null). DEX Bonus:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Magic Bonus:: CHANGED: 6 (null). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 4 (10). Magic Resistance:: CHANGED: 0 (null).

[Guy] it seems that death has the sheet locked

[BOB] fixed now

[Death] i did it for you since you had problems

[Guy] now its showing as 4

[BOB] death has an appointment with Liam

[Death] and you know you have problems when death is messing about

[Guy] klooge is a pain

[Death] yes. yes it is

[BOB] so Liam moves in? Moirra and the rest follow along?

[Death] now.....

[Death] death to gnolls

[Death] come in, come in gnolls

[Guy] yup ill move silently too

[Death] ] Finglas moved 20'10".

[Death] ] Antarias moved 16'10".

[Death] so, how does dragon fear sound to everyone?

[Death] we can just march through, anterias radiating dragon fear.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((scary?))

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 51'07".

[Arilyn (Christy)] good?

[Death] take the sword and leave.

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 62'03".

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 3'08".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 53'09".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 54'11".

[BOB] ] Arilyn moved 56'01".

[BOB] As you look into the cavern you can see that a very large number of Gnolls live in this wide cave. They sleep on crude beds made of pine boughs and blankets and keep the cave well stocked with food. The cavern has a 20' ceiling and is warmed by two fires that cast a dim, flickering light. Smoke is drawn out of the lair through a natural chimney in the rock. A large pile of firewood is stacked along one wall. The barrels and boxes stolen from the wagon train are piled in a loose heap against the other wall. As you move into the room your smell gives you away and the piles of gnolls stir in what appears to be a drunken stupor. As the Gnolls begin to wake and stagger towards you one of the large females stirs and says.....

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] ok

[Death] she says ok?

[BOB] your light does not quite reach

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((Next sailor please))

[Death] snicker

[BOB] to show everthing

[BOB] ] "Adventurers? Hmph. I thought they were gnolls from another tribe. I wish they were gnolls. Then I could go back to sleep. Oh well. I guess we can use some fresh meat"

[Death] any one of the gnolls have the sword on them?

[BOB] adn I need anyone with danger sense or observation to make a check for me please

[Death] ] Antarias: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Death] ] Antarias: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[BOB] Looting would help with that Mike

[Moirra (Kaz)] sec

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((how about survival lol)))

[Arilyn (Christy)] ] Arilyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[BOB] no to Guy

[BOB (to Christy only)] you think you see a small flash of red when you hear those words

[Death] what are your racial enemies guy?

[BOB (to Death only)] you think you see a small flash of red when you hear those words

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] dragons

[BOB] and everyone pause for a moment

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Pretty funny we all three rolled a 12))

[BOB] as I repeat what you heard

[Arilyn (Christy)] hey, what was that red thing?

[BOB] ] "Adventurers? Hmph. I thought they were gnolls from another tribe. I wish they were gnolls. Then I could go back to sleep. Oh well. I guess we can use some fresh meat"

[BOB] and now the fun begins

[BOB] YOU and all the one round behind people

[BOB] are now Gnolls

[BOB] you are not humans elves, etc.

[Death] i hate you bob.

[BOB] your class changes, etc.

[deaf and not so mute] *snickers*

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((What? I'm confuzzled. We're turned into gnolls?))

[BOB] so the quick rules

[BOB] yes

[BOB] you are all changed into Gnolls

[Death] she looted a fucking wishing ring

[Arilyn (Christy)] no thank you. I don't want to be a knoll.

[Death] so we need to kill her first, get the god damn ring and wish ourselves back.

[Arilyn (Christy)] they are ugly

[BOB] out of character for a bit till we straighten this out

[Death] and i am not redoing any of my stats.

[deaf and not so mute] Since we're out of character for a bit, I find this rather funny

[Arilyn (Christy)] someone wish me back please

[Death] well, we need the ring first

[BOB] so the rules are"

[Death] so go get that ring.

[BOB] no magic users

[BOB] any magic use would become a witch doctor

[BOB] no priests

[BOB] all priests become Shamans

[BOB] if your god allows shamans

[Death] fin's does

[BOB] if not then you become a fighter

[BOB] no permanent changes to character sheets to make this easier

[BOB] your stats stay the same

[BOB] hit points, thaco etc.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Bob, is it listed on the priest page of the site, if the god allows shamans? How would I know?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] good then we are smarter than gnolls then

[BOB] yes to Kaz

[BOB] and yes to Guy

[Moirra (Kaz)] okay, afk while I look

[Death] okay. then fin will be shooting the gnoll bitch with a grapple arrow, ant will be poised to yank her to us.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i don't want to be an ugly knoll

[Death] one of you be ready to cut off her hand/finger, and the a fourth to put the ring on and wish us back

[Arilyn (Christy)] gnoll

[BOB] well that will not work quite yet Mike

[BOB] takes a round for your transmormation

[Death] it will as soon as you put us in combat

[BOB] and then you have a bunch of gnolls milling about

[Moirra (Kaz)] Bob, it doesn't say under Diancecht's page, that I can find

[Death] well the gnolls will need at least a round to bloody wake up and get on their feet anyway.

[Death] so we're even.

[BOB] so then no Kaz

[BOB] they are awakening when this happens

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] bob is it too soon to say i hate you right now lol

[Moirra (Kaz)] Logically, I would think he would allow it, but whatever.

[BOB] grins at Guy

[Death] so let's get this over with.

[deaf and not so mute] Guy, it's never too soon...LOL

[Death] guy, you good to unhand her?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] the bitch must die

[Death] rock on.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((( no hun im not talking about you this time lol))

[Moirra (Kaz)] We are experiencing operating difficulties. Please stand by.

[BOB] nods

[Moirra (Kaz)] Okay, he's dead now.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] dont think ill be sleeping tonight

[Moirra (Kaz)] I mean...

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] so moving on

[BOB] I still have story stuff happening

[Death] so... we're on pause?

[BOB] you have not seen who said that

[Moirra (Kaz)] okie dokies, unca gramma

[Arilyn (Christy)] this is terrible incentive to log in

[Death] is the story stuff happening elsewhere?

[BOB] you can not see the whole cavern

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] thats ok were still plotting your demise bob lol

[BOB] chuckles at Christy

[Death] because if the story stuff is happening here, i'm moving

[Death] and anyone logging in now is a round behind, technically, they're safe.

[Arilyn (Christy)] good incentive is like magic items that aren't cursed

[Arilyn (Christy)] lots of experience

[Death] talky time was before we got turned into bloody gnolls.

[Death] you lost all talky privlages.

[BOB] being gnolls allows you to get this story part

[Death] you must now relinquish the talky stick.

[BOB] so you can know how to recover the sword

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((mike leave bob and his stick alone))

[Arilyn (Christy)] err...what sword are we after?

[Death] and after all this is said and done. we're earth quaking the hell out of this place.

[deaf and not so mute] ((oh no... Mike's after Bob's stick again?))

[BOB] this way you do get to be a gnoll by pass a bunch of the guardian things for the sword

[BOB] so go with this for a bit

[Death] then get on with it.

[Arilyn (Christy)] yeah, yeah, yeah...

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'm a big ugly gnoll

[Arilyn (Christy)] yay

[BOB] Kurgahr asks which of the PCs is the representative for their tribe, then slowly circles that person, looking for any valuables or weapons. He begins the ritual exchange by stating, in a formal tone, "I welcome you, tooth brother (or sister), to my tribe:' He then leaps forward and uses his canine teeth to nip the PC hard enough to draw blood (for 1 hp damage). "Argh!" Kurgahr barks. "You are hurt! I will ease your pain:' He staggers over to the heap of boxes

[BOB] dan

[BOB] well that was after you stir up the whole mess of gnolls

[BOB] 70+

[BOB] chaos in the cavern for a moment

[BOB] then a huge leader comes up to you and

[Death] so fin will step forward as leader, then.

[BOB] Kurgahr asks which of the PCs is the representative for their tribe, then slowly circles that person, looking for any valuables or weapons. He begins the ritual exchange by stating, in a formal tone, "I welcome you, tooth brother (or sister), to my tribe:' He then leaps forward and uses his canine teeth to nip the PC hard enough to draw blood (for 1 hp damage). "Argh!" Kurgahr barks. "You are hurt! I will ease your pain:' He staggers over to the heap of boxes

[Finglas (Death)] all your sword are belong to us

[BOB] and Kurgahr gives Finglas a handful of gold coins

[BOB] and then he pauses

[BOB] seeming to wait for something

[Finglas (Death)] "Thank you for your gift. I bring you tribute?"

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to Death only)] should i just shoot him?

[Arilyn (Christy)] (are you supposed to bite him back?)

[Finglas (Death)] ::pulls out some crap ass gems and hands them over::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Yum, fnoll shoulder for brunch!))

[Finglas (Death)] ::pauses and nips him back::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((tastes better than gnoll shoulder, you know))

[Arilyn (Christy)] (bite him on the ass)

[Finglas (Death)] "Oh noes I have hurt you. Here."

[deaf and not so mute] ((LOL))

[BOB] he takes your gems,

[Finglas (Death)] you can has gemz

[BOB] adn then nips you back

[BOB] then runs off to grab a silver dagger

[BOB] bringing it to you

[BOB] obviously the entire group is fairly drunk from some large party

[Finglas (Death)] "You have had great victory?"

[BOB] many offerings to the goddess

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to Death only)] does lolspeak work on dogs?

[Arilyn (Christy)] (great, lucky you)

[Finglas (Death) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Finglas modified: Equipment - DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null.

[BOB] (food here, just one sec)

[Finglas (Death)] if i have to bite him again i'm going mike tyson on his ass

[Arilyn (Christy)] (gnoll shoulder? I hear it's good stuff)

[BOB] the Gnoll exchanges bites with you back and forth

[BOB] the value of gifts going higher

[BOB] until he calls out for Argor

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((just bite his throat out))

[BOB] a large female who brings over a ring with three rubies on it, all three black

[BOB] he hands it to you

[Finglas (Death)] are you fucking kidding me???

[Arilyn (Christy)] language dude.

[deaf and not so mute] ((black rubies?))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Oh maaaaaaaaan))

[BOB] do you have any other treasures we could give to the goddess?

[Finglas (Death)] stares stonily at the ring and silently passes it around.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((( bob you do realize we have to hurt you bad now))

[BOB] as he hands you back all the things you gave him, and he takes back all the things he gave you except the ring

[Finglas (Death)] okay.... i'm going to kill every gnoll here by the end of this.

[BOB] look out Moirra

[BOB] and Arylin

[BOB] Fin is goign to commit suicide

[Finglas (Death)] "You have won a great victory, I see."

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Yeah, Moirra might be following him.))

[BOB] Kurgahr howls loudly,


[Finglas (Death)] "With many treasures for the goddess."

[Arilyn (Christy)] (i'm getting ready to duck)

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((well i guess 2 days is a long time for a new dragonslayer to survive lol))


[BOB] Refnara should be pleased with us

[BOB] pauses slightly

[BOB] she has not fixed our wand yet

[BOB] but that will change soon

[BOB] she will be happy with us again

[Finglas (Death)] "Ah. Your wand. I'm sure she will with propper gifts."

[BOB] she will bite the moon again for us, so we can safely go out

[BOB] do you have soemthign to sacrafice to her?

[Finglas (Death)] "Yes. I have many things to sacrifice."

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to Death only)] dude we are thinking too much alike right now its scaring kaz lol

[Finglas (Death) (to Guy only)] lol

[BOB] lol

[Finglas (Death)] ::snaps behind his back at liam and points at a rock::

[BOB] shall we go sacrafice to her?

Liam Dugan (Guy)] hands Finglas the rock

[Finglas (Death)] "Oh yes. Let us go so she may once again bite the moon for us."

[BOB] Everyone must lay their weapons down

[BOB] unless you are giving them to her

Liam Dugan (Guy)] growls

[Finglas (Death)] grrrrr.... i will kill you bob.

[BOB] she liked the sword we gave her last time

[Finglas (Death)] ::puts them down::

[Arilyn (Christy)] (she can bite something. She's not getting my sword)

[BOB] (someone can stand guard outside over your weapons, that would be expected by a strange tribe)

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] i guard weapons

[Finglas (Death)] i'll leave ant, then

Moirra (Kaz)] lays down her mace, reluctantly

[BOB] ] Kurgahr moved 23'09".

[Finglas (Death)] you should come with us guy.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] grrrrr

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 26'01".

[BOB] Antarias targets Kurgahr. Distance: 4'10"

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 28'02".

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 29'03".

[BOB] ] Arilyn moved 18'04".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 19'07".

Liam Dugan (Guy)] puts down his weapons slowly

[BOB] Moirra goign in? or Aryilin? one standing guard outside?

[BOB] as the group of you with Kurgahr moves towards that other large door

[Moirra (Kaz)] I thought Ant was staying with the weapons

[BOB] who ever

[BOB] Kurgahr pulls out a fancy silver key from his pouch

[BOB] and opens the lock on the door

[BOB] Beyond the door is a cave with a 15' ceiling and a 10'·wide sinkhole in the floor at the far end.

[BOB] 1b the gnolls this cavern is obviously some sort of a holy temple.

[BOB] ] Kurgahr moved 40'07".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 36'01".

[Arilyn (Christy)] who's staying?

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 37'00".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 37'10".

[BOB] ] Arilyn moved 53'08".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 5'09".

[BOB] I have Ant back watchign the weapons

[Finglas (Death)] okay, i think i have a pretty good song and dance for us as our offering.

[Kurgahr (BOB)] Kurgahr asks which of the PCs is the representative for their tribe, then slowly circles that person, looking for any valuables or weapons. He begins the ritual exchange by stating, in a formal tone, "I welcome you, tooth brother (or sister), to my tribe:' He then leaps forward and uses his canine teeth to nip the PC hard enough to draw blood (for 1 hp damage). "Argh!" Kurgahr barks. "You are hurt! I will ease your pain:' He staggers over to the heap of boxes

[Finglas (Death)] just play along.

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay, I will leave myswoed

[Kurgahr (BOB)] sorry

[Kurgahr (BOB)] ok, next bit of story time

[Finglas (Death)] yay?

[BOB] ] Kurgahr enters the smaller cave on his hands and knees and crawls to the rear of the cavern. In the dim light cast by the fires behind you, it is just possible to see the outline of a wide, jagged hole in the floor. Your sensitive noses twitch as you catch a faint odor of rot. Kurgahr leans over the hole, cups his hands around his mouth, and chants loudly: "Oh Refnara, goddess of fear and dread. Your servants come trembling into your chamber. We beg you to appear before us and tell us what we must do to appease you so that you will bite the moon and return darkness to the skies:' For several minutes, there is nothing but silence in reply. Then you hear, echoing up through the hole, a distant noise that sounds like high pitched screaming. After a moment or two it stops. Suddenly, Kurgahr scrambles backward from the hole. Something is stirring below. With a frenzied fluttering of wings, half a dozen bats fly out of the hole. They whirl around the cave, then disappear into the darkness at the ceiling. A rustling sound comes up from below, and a faint purple glow begins to fill the hole... Slowly, the head of a woman rises through the center of the hole. Her hair is stringy and her dark eyes hold a burning intensity. What little you can see of her neck glitters brightly; it looks like she is wearing a tight wide necklace of red and black gems. Elsewhere, every inch of her skin and hair glows with an unearthly purple light. The rest of her body is lost in the purple glow that fills the hole below her. The woman's head bobs gently at the center of the hole as her hungry gaze lingers momentarily on each person in the room. At last she opens her mouth, revealing wicked fangs. When she speaks, her breath carries the rot of the grave. "Treasure and meat;' she hisses. "That is what I crave. You must bring me more:' "Did the sword not please you, O Great Goddess?" Kurgahr asks. The woman's face darkens with a frown. "You must do better than that' Kurgahr begins to tremble. "But the wand .. ?' "More meat!" the goddess shrieks. "More treasure!" "But the moon .. :' Kurgahr whispers. "You will bite away the moon?" "I will bite away the moon:' she answers. "And you will find me more treasure. And meat:' "0 mighty Refnara:' Kurgahr answers, nodding obediently, "your fear drives us onward. We will do as you demand:' Refnara nods and smiles wickedly. Then, with a rustling sound, her head sinks quickly back into the hole, and the dim lavender glow fades away. Kurgahr ushers his tribe out and closes the door to the inner cavern.

[BOB] ] Finglas, Liam Dugan, Kurgahr, Arilyn and Moirra moved 46'03".

[Moirra (Kaz)] gimme an hour to read that

[Kurgahr (BOB)] It is on the map near the hole also in an easier to read Note form

[Finglas (Death)] okay... so did we see the sword?

[Kurgahr (BOB)] no

[Kurgahr (BOB)] it must be back down that hole

[Finglas (Death)] so it's probably all down in that hole.

[Kurgahr (BOB)] Kurgahr has the key in the pouch on him

[Finglas (Death)] son of a bitch. i guess we get to kill a god. or wannabe god anyway.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] and lots of gnolls

[Kurgahr (BOB)] the crowd of gnolls is grumbling now, wantign to go back to sleep

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((can we tell if that was actually their god, or if it was an illusion?))

[Finglas (Death)] oooh yes..... lots and lots of gnolls......

[Kurgahr (BOB)] wry grin for Kaz, a priest or magic user would have a spell to tell that,

[Finglas (Death)] by the way, just so you all know, my candid approach is refreshing in bed.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((/facepalm))

[Finglas (Death)] well i'm a priest

[Kurgahr (BOB)] ok, so you have your own small new little gnoll tribe here, you can huddle in a corner and make plans

[Kurgahr (BOB)] figure out what you want to do and how to do it

[Kurgahr (BOB)] need to get through that door to get into the temple area

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] kill all gnolls

[Kurgahr (BOB)] you can talk among your selves, keeping the other gnolls out of hearing

[Kurgahr (BOB)] I will be right back

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Finglas (Death)] how many gnolls are in this here cave?

[Finglas (Death)] he says 70+

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] the dragonslayers will be able to change their name tio the gnoll slayers

[deaf and not so mute] How did this get blocked?

[Finglas (Death)] so... bob thinks we can't kill all the gnolls...

[Finglas (Death)] that's... 10 for each of us?

[Finglas (Death)] i bet even without spells we can do it in a few rounds.

[deaf and not so mute] more, Mike... there's 7 people but not all are cut out to fight

[deaf and not so mute] not to mention there's some a round behind

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ant should be able to handle about half

[Finglas (Death)] yup. guy and i are still on the same page. lol

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] and liam and fin should be good for quite a few with bows and more with swords

[Finglas (Death)] they are 2 hd creatures.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((And if Moirra is a fighter instead of a shaman, she should do pretty well))

[Finglas (Death)] we get heroic fray with that.

[Finglas (Death)] indeed.

[Finglas (Death)] and they're not tanks at 2 hd.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] id be shocked if we couldnt kill them all

[deaf and not so mute] now that you pretty much figured and explained to me the strength we really have, I'd be shocked too

[Finglas (Death)] yeah

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] liam has the worst ac at 4

[Finglas (Death)] bob's practically begging me to not go the combat route

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] so i just have to stay back and use my bow

[deaf and not so mute] it's been a while since we had combat

[Finglas (Death)] he says we might need one alive. he's begging for the no genocide path.

[Finglas (Death)] let's leave key boy alive, then.

[Finglas (Death)] kill everyone else.

[Finglas (Death)] with the god damn wishing bitch first.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] dude we are thinking too much allike

[Finglas (Death)] death has come on dark wings

[deaf and not so mute] sounds like fun, go for it

[Finglas (Death)] any other ideas?

[deaf and not so mute] you have weapons handy?

[deaf and not so mute] what's blocking the path inside?

[Finglas (Death)] really, unless we want to make a sacrifice and try and fast talk the goddess i see fighting in our future.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((less talk, more kill))

[Finglas (Death)] i suppose we could kill the goddess first, and intimidate the gnolls

[deaf and not so mute] well, I'd say break down the door and kidnap the goddess if you can... LOL

[deaf and not so mute] that works too

[Arilyn (Christy)] think the goddess is the one that wished us into knolls?

[Finglas (Death)] bob brings up the point they're going ot be sleeping and drunk

[Finglas (Death)] so we don't have to fight.

[Finglas (Death)] we kill them in their sleep

[Finglas (Death)] nah. it was the female with the ring on her finger.

[Finglas (Death)] three wishes, three rubies, all used up now.

[Finglas (Death)] but we could fast talk the key out of the guy in his drunken stupor

[Finglas (Death)] and go kill the goddess quietly.

[Finglas (Death)] up to you guys.

[Kurgahr (BOB)] justa sec want to read it all

[Finglas (Death)] if bob's a real bastard we're going to have to wish our way out of our gnoll problem.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((CAN we kill the goddess? Seriously.))

[Finglas (Death)] psh. yeah.

[deaf and not so mute] anyone able to sneak the key off the gnoll?

[Finglas (Death)] it's a "goddess"

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] if not we can have lots of fun trying

[Moirra (Kaz)] ahh

[Finglas (Death)] she's a physical entity based here with the gnolls.

[Finglas (Death)] anyone a st:tng fan?

[Kurgahr (BOB)] ok back and read

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] provided she is a real deity

[Kurgahr (BOB)] which ep are you thinking Mike?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] yup

[Finglas (Death)] the one with the devil

[Finglas (Death)] it was all smoke and mirrors.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] wow one i didnt see

[Finglas (Death)] i'd put my money down that this is the same situation.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I remember that one

[Finglas (Death)] fill in the not so nerd. =P

[Moirra (Kaz)] where she used some kinda weird code with her eyelids

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] hey i missed some because of work

[Finglas (Death)] my girlfriend had me watch all the seasons.

[Finglas (Death)] so is it kill them all or do it quiet like?

[Arilyn (Christy)] brb-gotta make sure the kids aren't flooding the bathroom

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] i say kill them all

[Finglas (Death)] 2 for kill them all

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ok kill all but 1

[Kurgahr (BOB)] you want to sneak through the cavern while they sleep slitting throats?

[Finglas (Death)] hrm......

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I am MUERTE!! ... Okay there, Morty))

[Finglas (Death)] i'll count that as three for kill them all but one

[Kurgahr (BOB)] ok,

[Kurgahr (BOB)] so goign with the story telling flavor for this adventure

[Finglas (Death)] railroad! we're being railroaded!!!!

[Kurgahr (BOB)] you split up and move around the cavern killing gnolls quickly and viciously

[Finglas (Death)] will anyone out there give me a choo-choo?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] BOOOOOOOOO

[Kurgahr (BOB)] about 5 minutes into your swath of blood the gnolls wake up

[Kurgahr (BOB)] and start to growl

[Kurgahr (BOB)] a fight breaks out

[Kurgahr (BOB)] but they have no armor on

[Kurgahr (BOB)] or weapons

[Kurgahr (BOB)] you have yours

[Finglas (Death)] "He did it!" ::points::

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] even better for us

[Finglas (Death)] "Go kill him!"

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Maybe a hockey fight could break out instead? We have a puck...))

[Finglas (Death)] finally, a stand up fight.

[Kurgahr (BOB)] you take some damage in the fray, but you manage to kill off most of them

[Finglas (Death)] death to them all!

[Kurgahr (BOB)] leaving only three females and three males huddled near the chimmney

[Finglas (Death)] if we had any priests left we could have MC'ed one ot do the killing for us.

[BOB] ] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 58 (-12) by Master - Lightly Wounded

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((the burden of civilisation is upon them))

[Finglas (Death)] ::Looms::

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (-12) by Master - Moderately Wounded

[Finglas (Death)] "Now tell me about your goddess."

Guy] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 21:04:59 EST 2009

Death] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 21:04:59 EST 2009

deaf and not so mute] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 21:05:02 EST 2009

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 21:05:05 EST 2009

Christy] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 21:05:06 EST 2009

[BOB] ] Finglas's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 65 (-12) by Master - Lightly Wounded

Death] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 21:05:11 EST 2009

Death] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Death] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

deaf and not so mute] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 21:05:33 EST 2009

[BOB] ] Moirra's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 28 (-6) by Master - Lightly Wounded

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 21:06:09 EST 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Kaz] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

deaf and not so mute] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

deaf and not so mute] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

Guy] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 21:06:40 EST 2009

Guy] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Guy] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[Kurgahr (BOB)] so in the chaos of the fighting of Gnoll on Gnoll

[Death] hot gnoll on gnoll action!

[Death] "Tell me about your goddess."

[Kurgahr (BOB)] most take some damage

[Finglas (Death)] "If you please me, you may live to see tomorrow."

[Guy] bahh

[Kurgahr (BOB)] and we are at this point now

[BOB] Kurgahr targets Antarias. Distance: 3'00"

[BOB] ] Kurgahr moved 5'02".

[Finglas (Death)] "If not, I give you to him." ::points at Liam::

[Kurgahr (BOB)] what do you want?

Guy] growls

[Finglas (Death)] "We want the sword."

[Kurgahr (BOB)] but Refnara has it

[Finglas (Death)] "Get it for us and you live."

[Kurgahr (BOB)] trembles, I can not

[Finglas (Death)] "What are her powers?"

[Kurgahr (BOB)] she will kill anyone who enters her temple

[Guy] "I kill now"

[Kurgahr (BOB)] she can bite the moon, make it dark for us to raid with ease

[Finglas (Death)] "We are more powerful. She is a false god."

[Finglas (Death)] ::pulls out some continual darkness::

john] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 21:10:03 EST 2009

john] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

john] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[Finglas (Death)] "I too can make the darkness"

[Finglas (Death)] "Does that make you fear me?"

[Kurgahr (BOB)] you can not bite the moon

[Finglas (Death)] ::while in darkness using his see in dark ring, walks to the gnoll and grabs him by the throat:: "It should."

[Kurgahr (BOB)] John!

[Kurgahr (BOB)] the short story for you

[Kurgahr (BOB)] Paul is here, he is a Gnoll warrior, you just slayed most of an enemy tribe

[Finglas (Death)] he's a gnoll warrior/witch doctor bob.

[deaf and not so mute (to john only)] Hi

[john] personaly?

[Kurgahr (BOB)] yoru group John

[Kaz] ((Hi John))

[john] /def ;et me guess

[Guy] yeah we got gnolled

[Finglas (Death)] we got turned into gnolls by a friggin wishing ring

[john] hello all

[Kurgahr (BOB)] will pause to let John catch up and chrsity to beom back

[Guy] hi john

[Finglas (Death)] AND the ring is out of it's bloody wishes

[deaf and not so mute (to john only)] go ahead and guess if you wish

[john] I am not here to play, just a drive by

[Finglas (Death)] what a playa

[deaf and not so mute (to john only)] damn klooge booted me and so I was to change my name if I wanted back in

[Guy] bah

[john] ok, so we are actual gnols, I did not polymorph

[john] go on, just watching today

[Guy] coward lol

[deaf and not so mute] ((got wished into gnolls))

[Finglas (Death)] "What are your god's powers, maggot?"

[john] you said most the bad guys are dead

[Finglas (Death)] we left a handful alive to bully and torture.

[Kurgahr (BOB)] and their goddess

[Guy] plus their "goddess"

[john] all of us with one wish, that is one powerful lugi

[Finglas (Death)] so i'm thinking we cut out their tongues.

[Finglas (Death)] drag them tied into the goddess's chamber

[Guy] cut their thraots

[deaf and not so mute] ((wishing ring... rubies black now))

[Finglas (Death)] tell her about how they wanted to kill the goddess since she wouldn't fix the wand and bite the moon

[Finglas (Death)] tell of how we are the last ones left

[Finglas (Death)] and we beg her mercy.

[Guy] then we kill her

[Finglas (Death)] we may get a good cheap shot at her in the proceedings

[Finglas (Death)] at least we'll get a surprise round

[Finglas (Death)] if we're lucky it'll be enough to put her down.

[john] You want to take on a goddess?

[Finglas (Death)] if we're not... ehn. we'll deal with it.

[john] are you nuts

[Finglas (Death)] it's a local gnoll goddess.

[Finglas (Death)] how real do you think she is?

[deaf and not so mute] ((general idea is she's a false goddess))

[Finglas (Death)] she actually physically lives here.

[john] she is probably Mercedes

[Finglas (Death)] oooh. i'm scared.

[Finglas (Death)] then she dies twice.

[Finglas (Death)] i'll raise her and kill her again.

[Kurgahr (BOB)] Mercedes is in Roadhaven

[Finglas (Death)] hell, i'll do it once a day.

[Finglas (Death)] it'll be fun.

[Finglas (Death)] cut out her heart.

[Finglas (Death)] just like in angel

[deaf and not so mute] hmm

[Finglas (Death)] keep a pile of them in her room so she gets to see them when she is raised each day.

[Finglas (Death)] so, we like the plan?

[Finglas (Death)] want to try and get more info first?

[Guy] more kill less talk

[Finglas (Death)] bob's not being very chatty.

[Kaz] ((I do want to know how long she's been around))

[Finglas (Death)] Okay, bob, moirra asks that.

[Kurgahr (BOB)] Letting you guys talk it out

[john] go for it, I'll watch your back

[Finglas (Death)] "How long has she been here?"

[Kurgahr (BOB)] setting up a couple of things

[Kaz] And how did she make herself known to you?

[Finglas (Death)] hard to talk it out with a mute prisoner...

[Finglas (Death)] we should kill him and maybe the rest will wag their tongues better

[Kurgahr (BOB)] Refnara has been here for many years, but she has only recently made her prescense known here to all gnolls

[Kurgahr (BOB)] my grandfather was a shaman to her

[Kurgahr (BOB)] and my father

[Kurgahr (BOB)] and now I am her voice

[Kurgahr (BOB)] but she must be angry with me

[Kurgahr (BOB)] becasue she will not renew my wand

[Finglas (Death)] "What powers has she shown you?"

[Kurgahr (BOB)] that gives us so much power

[Finglas (Death)] "What is your wand?

[john] if I power it, will you follow me?

[Kaz] Has she always looked the same, or did she recently change?

[Kurgahr (BOB)] he points to the piles of furs they sleep in

[john] :;searches furs::

[Kurgahr (BOB)] there is a wand there,

[Kurgahr (BOB)] one of the females SNAPS at you as you rummage through the bedding

[Kurgahr (BOB)] she has never revealed her true form to us

[Kurgahr (BOB)] until she gave us this wand for our raids

[Guy] can i shoot her?

[Kurgahr (BOB)] but all the stories are the same, she is Refnara

[Kaz] How long ago did she give you the wand?

[Kurgahr (BOB)] 8 or more Moons

[Kurgahr (BOB)] (was that at me Guy? you can if you want)

[john] are your are sure your using this right, what is the command word so I can test it

[Guy] that was ooc actually


[Kurgahr (BOB)] is the command

[john] and what is it suposed to do?

[Kurgahr (BOB)] it makes all who hear it run away or fall down in terror

[Kurgahr (BOB)] at the might of Refnara

[john] well then I can't test it here, lets go talk to her, maybe we can work things out

[Finglas (Death)] yeah. talk.

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[john] ::puts wand in pocket::

[Finglas (Death)] lol. glad you're just stopping in john.

[Finglas (Death)] not gonna play, eh?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] "no talk more kill!"

[Kurgahr (BOB)] small growl in the back of his throat

[Kurgahr (BOB)] watchign teh wand disapear

[Kurgahr (BOB)] why your tribe wear funny things like that

[john] Point the way, togheter we will get this all worked out

[deaf and not so mute (to john only)] sounds like you're gonna play to me, LOL

[john] ::gestures for them to lead the way::

[Kurgahr (BOB)] are you taking Kugahr with you?

[Kurgahr (BOB)] or just takign the key?

[john] I was going to have him take point

[Finglas (Death)] what do you think john?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] we can always just take his corpse

[john] but Iam not playing

[Finglas (Death)] uh huh...

[john] easier to shoot him in the back if you want

[Finglas (Death)] we know where we're going.

[Finglas (Death)] right through that door

[Finglas (Death)] no traps or crap

[Finglas (Death)] been there already

[john (to Death only)] you can change your name

[Finglas (Death) (to john only)] i know. but i like being death. makes me more intimidating

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas moved 30'04".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias moved 26'02".

[Kurgahr (BOB)] you enter the chamber,

[john] then make your call, I do not know how evil they are

[Kaz] ] Moirra moved 33'01".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan moved 39'05".

[Kurgahr (BOB)] Refnara does not come out

[john (to deaf and not so mute only)] you can change your name

[Kurgahr (BOB)] Kurgahr says she does not answer any calls

[Finglas (Death)] "She answered you earlier."

[Kurgahr (BOB)] I ca nnot presuem that she wil be at my beck and call

[Kurgahr (BOB)] we do not have any treasure to sacrafice here

[Kurgahr (BOB)] she might come out later, or tomorrow

[Kurgahr (BOB)] she wanted us to go raid

[Finglas (Death)] "But we do have meat."

[Kurgahr (BOB)] so she is not expecting us

[Kurgahr (BOB)] for two or three days

[Finglas (Death)] "Throw some bodies in."

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] "oh smelly goddess come play"

[deaf and not so mute (to john only)] can't figure it out?

[john] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 39'11".

[Finglas (Death)] no response to the bodies?

[Vicki (to john only)] how about now?

[john] /deaf sorry you look like Tori to me

[Vicki (to john only)] I am... LOL

[Kurgahr (BOB)] the temple remains quiet

[Kurgahr (BOB)] the hole is dark going down, but when you peek over the edge it seems to be about 20 feet down to the floor

[Kurgahr (BOB)] of another cavern

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] "she smelly and afraid"

[john] so you put your treasure down this pit?

[john] as a sacrifice

[Kurgahr (BOB)] Refnara takes it

[Finglas (Death)] fine. put a rope down.

[Finglas (Death)] climb down.

[john] ::follows finglass::

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((but hes not playing))

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas moved 48'01".

Kaz] carefully climbs down the rope behind Paul

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias moved 48'09".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan moved 49'09".

[Kaz] ] Moirra moved 60'04".

[BOB] Arilyn targets Kurgahr. Distance: 4'02"

[BOB] Arilyn no longer targets Kurgahr.

[BOB] ] Arilyn moved 123'06".

[Vicki] ((no, guy... he isn't *snickers*))

[john] i have not rolled one dice yet

[Vicki (to john only)] but Tori's dead, soon I'll be Min

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((nobody has))

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 97'05".

[BOB] ] Moirra, Liam Dugan, Antarias and Finglas moved 33'02".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias moved 20'10".

[Kurgahr (BOB)] Kurgahr stays uptop

[Finglas (Death)] like hell

[Kurgahr (BOB)] he will not desecrate his goddesses temple

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] uh uh

[Finglas (Death)] fine

[Finglas (Death)] then anterias ties him and the others up

[Finglas (Death)] they will not get away

[Finglas (Death)] or loot the goods.

[Kurgahr (BOB)] he is ok with that

[BOB] there si a large number of Bats in this cavern

[Finglas (Death)] or maybe we should just let liam kill them

[BOB] and for some reason a small number of them glow with a faint purple light

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (( he likes me he really likes me (flutters his eyelashes) ))

[Finglas (Death)] should we kill them as we go?

[john] the bats?

[Finglas (Death)] the purple ones at least

[Finglas (Death)] not normal, that

[BOB] the bats yet

[BOB] yes

[john] you can shoot as your climbing

[john] you want to piss them off

[Finglas (Death)] ] Liam Dugan moved 36'10".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas moved 48'00".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias moved 24'10".

[Finglas (Death)] any preferences?

[BOB] Moirra can make a wisdom check

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to BOB only)] what about tracking?

[BOB (to Kaz only)] the purple glow on the bats is the same that the goddess had around her when you saw her earlier

[BOB (to Guy only)] go on and make a check

[john] left, but i am follwoing you

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[BOB (to Kaz only)] see I had faith in you

[john] i guess let is less down

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz) (to BOB only)] :D

[Moirra (Kaz)] Those glowing bats, how odd.

[john] or did me land and this is true left or straight?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Wasn't their "Goddess" glowing purple just like that, earlier?

[john] i was not here, but if you insist

[Finglas (Death)] "Yes."

[BOB] (Note on the map near the hole if you wish to review)

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[BOB (to Guy only)] large body has moved down teh path here to the north and to the west, but to the north more recently

[Finglas (Death)] bob, if you want your hole reviewed go see a proctologist

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] "north is the right way"

[Finglas (Death)] too the lake!

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((to the neighbors!!))

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan moved 34'03".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas moved 59'06".

[john (to Death only)] you know what we are going after?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan moved 38'02".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias moved 65'05".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Bob, are we able to get close enough to the bats to give them a good looking over? Or is the ceiling too high?

[BOB] ceiling is about 15 feet tall in this portion

[john (to Death only)] do you know what "she" is

[BOB] and you suddenly get SLAMED

[BOB] as you enter this cavern

[BOB] make a percentage roll

[Finglas (Death) (to john only)] nope

[BOB] the first two in

[Finglas (Death)] (d100) [1d100=4] 4

[Finglas (Death)] so ant and liam?

[john (to Death only)] I'll let you be surprised

[BOB] yes

[BOB] Liam

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (d100) [1d100=40] 40

[john (to Death only)] they never saw her feet or legs

[Finglas (Death) (to john only)] as paul if he knows he should share

[BOB] so Ant and Liam are ensnared in invisible webs

[Finglas (Death) (to john only)] and as you, you're not officially playing, so it's not officially metagaming

Liam Dugan (Guy)] growls

[BOB] and are being hauled up towards teh ceiling

[Finglas (Death)] ::sighs:: "Again."

[Finglas (Death)] ::shoots them::

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] we able to use weapons?

[BOB] yes to guy

[john] so we are walking , no longer climbing

[BOB] this needs to be played out

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] now then do we have a target lol

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] you guys beter be quick

[BOB] you can target them

[Finglas (Death)] no rounds?

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] i think I just figured out what the mistress is

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 14'09".

[Finglas (Death)] then we kill them.

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 12'00".

[Guy] Liam Dugan targets Cave fisher #2. Distance: 70'02"

[BOB] you can just target

[BOB] you go first

[BOB] then them

[Finglas (Death)] because we click and click and click.

[BOB] back and forth

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] you know she is not human, or not full human

[Death] Finglas targets Cave fisher #3. Distance: 56'04"

[BOB] they might live, or kill someone

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] how close are we?

[BOB] Liam and Ant are dangling in the air

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas: Attack: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: ((10-+0-(d20+0))-10-1-1-2-1) [1d20=16] -21 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Cave fisher #3 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] melee or ranged?

Christy] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 21:55:37 EST 2009

Christy] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Christy] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] no rounds ?

[BOB] less than five feet from them melee

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas: Attack: Speed shot #2: ((10-+0-(d20+0))-10-1+1-2-1) [1d20=9] -12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Cave fisher #3 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[BOB] the rest are 15 feet or so away when they are on teh floot

[BOB] no bow attacks there

[Guy] Liam Dugan no longer targets Cave fisher #2.

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 40'07".

[BOB] you would have to go into the cavern first

[BOB] which puts you into teh webs

[Guy] Liam Dugan targets Cave fisher #2. Distance: 70'02"

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] guarding this passageway for now

[BOB] you can not see them unless you are in the cavern

[BOB] and there is a stalagmite there also

[Finglas (Death)] and they're on the cieling

[Christy] well crap. I picked a great time to come back in

[BOB] chuckles at christy

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Attack: Long Sword +1:: is now ARMED.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand +1:: is now ARMED.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Long Sword +1: ((20-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=1] 20 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Christy] I had to put the kids to bed and one kid is sick and needed a nebulizer treatment

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] Fin without a bow what will he do

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand +1: ((20-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=3] 18 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] need help over there?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ok wait a second how the hell does a 20 and an 18 miss?

[BOB] you can go intot he cavern and attack

[Christy] hey John!

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] hey Christy, Long time

[Death] Antarias targets Cave fisher #3. Distance: 70'02"

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias: Attack: Nightblade: ((12-(d20+0))-2-3-3) [1d20=10] -6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Cave fisher #3 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias: Attack: Nightblade: ((12-(d20+0))-2-3-3) [1d20=16] -12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Cave fisher #3 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias: Attack: Shield Bash: ((12-(d20+0))-3) [1d20=20] -11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Cave fisher #3 (AC FINAL: 4)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[BOB] but can not see the cave fishers from outside

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias: Damage v SM: Nightblade: ((d8)+8+3+2) [1d8=6] 19 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Cave fisher #3

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias: Damage v SM: Nightblade: ((d8)+8+3+2) [1d8=5] 18 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Cave fisher #3

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias: Damage v SM: Shield Bash: ((1d3)+8) [1d3=3] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Cave fisher #3

[Christy] kids, you know. they sure do suck the life outta you!

[BOB] ] Cave fisher #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -26 (-48) by Master - Dead

[Christy] it's all good though

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] hey bob i think my combat setup is screwed up

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] Do you have a web cam at home Christy?

[BOB] Liam you rolled a 1 and a 3

[BOB] so you hit AC 20 adn AC 18

[Christy] yes I do

[BOB] Mike will check your sheet for you

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] how does an 18 and a 20 become a 1 and 3?????????

[BOB] John? what are you doing?

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] I need to set up my camera and let me kids talk to your kids, just for fun

[Finglas (Death)] that's not your rolls you were reading, it's the ac hit

[BOB] Moirra? Arylin?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ok im totally confused now

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] what is the questions?

[Christy] that would be cool. I have never actually used the webcam. I have a Dell and they are built in

[BOB] are you three going into the cavern and attacking?

[Finglas (Death) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Liam Dugan modified: Combat - Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 13 (20).

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] yeah but now i cant use my long sword or my bastard sword

[BOB] your thaco was wrong Guy

[BOB] roll again

[Moirra (Kaz)] Are the things close enough to the floor to attack? Because I'm not throwing my mace.

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] if only you knew someone who knew computers

[BOB] and no to Moirra

[Finglas (Death)] you might want to actually put in a thac0 on your sheet next time. =P

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] oh and by the way everyone, I bet 5K in xp we run into a hag

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] bob remember the problem i had with valgar and his weapons not showing up on the dice roll screen

[Christy] are we still gnolls?

[Vicki] I'm gonna head out, I'm getting really sleepy.

[Vicki] Good night, y'all.

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] ttfn

[BOB] yes everoen is still a Gnoll

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] im having the samne problem

[Christy] bye

[BOB] night Vick

[BOB] grrrr

[Finglas (Death)] hag. whee.

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 22:03:21 EST 2009

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] was that grwol in character or out?

[Christy] I have to say that I am with Vicki. I am exhausted. I'm just not able to make it much past 10 lately.

[Finglas (Death)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Long Sword +1: ((13-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=4] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4). NOTE: Not available.

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] that is new

[Christy] I'll do my best to be here next week. Don't get me killed.

[BOB] ok,

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] Catch you when I can

[BOB] Try again Guy

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night christy

Christy] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 22:04:36 EST 2009

[Moirra (Kaz)] night Christy

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Long Sword +1: ((13-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=3] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] do I have to roll dice?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand +1: ((13-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=5] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ok, so Guy is fixed

[BOB] and yes to Paul

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] opps

[BOB] you are a figure

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] don't make me log off

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] 2 magic weapons and neither one can hit???

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] I am guarding for the hag

[BOB] grins, you rolled a 3 and a 5 guy

[Finglas (Death)] you have no bonuses

[Finglas (Death)] not specced in any weapons

[Finglas (Death)] no str bonuses

[BOB] and Mike says you need to embrace the cave fisher and start a new character

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] definetly gonna use the rolling method in the rangers handbook next time

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] how big is the cave fisher?

[BOB] man sized

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 71'01".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 5'09".

[Moirra (Kaz)] Mike, you mean there were supposed to be additional information filled out for his weapons?

[BOB] ] Arilyn, Refnara and Moirra moved 96'03".

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Refnara moved 49'00".

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] fin you do anything yet?

[Finglas (Death)] no

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] i can cast fly if you need to get up there and kill it

[Finglas (Death)] he's supposed to have better stats

[Moirra (Kaz)] Ahh

[Finglas (Death)] and be specced on a weapon or two

[BOB] is fly available to witch doctors Paul?

[Finglas (Death)] he has no stat bonuses and with weapon groups, nothing is specced for bonuses.

[Finglas (Death)] he's working off solely his base thac0

[Moirra (Kaz)] He HAD specialisations, and you guys talked him out of them.

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] I think I can still cast spell I know

[Moirra (Kaz)] lol

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] heck the troll is casting spells

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] we are just polymorphed right

[BOB] no wished into Gnolls, every 24 horus you could forget you were anythign else but a Gnoll

[Finglas (Death)] I didn't!

[BOB] no mages, no priests

[Finglas (Death)] i got him to dual wield.

[Finglas (Death)] maybe someone else did.

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] do I still have my magic items?

[BOB] Mages become witch doctors

[Finglas (Death)] he lies

[BOB] Priests become shamans

[Finglas (Death)] you are a witch doctor

[BOB] and yes you have your magic items

[Finglas (Death)] you get 1-3rd level magic john

[Finglas (Death)] he said mages get turned into witch doctors

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] then I change myself into a human with wings

[Finglas (Death)] priests into shamans if allowed

[BOB] and Guy you have a fine character,

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] the cave fisher likes him

[BOB] jsut need to shake it out on an easy rn first

[BOB] the dragonslayers have this little test, they call it the kobioshimaru

[BOB] they have everyone go on one the first adventure

[BOB] Cave fisher #2 targets Liam Dugan. Distance: 70'01"

[BOB] ] Cave fisher #2: Attack: Pinch: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 7. Probably MISSES Liam Dugan (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] and anyone else can attack that cave fisher back now

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] no I turninto pne of those humanoid spides climb up the wall and hit the cave fisher with my sword

[john] Paul Elvenstire targets Cave fisher #2. Distance: 25'04"

[john] Paul Elvenstire no longer targets Cave fisher #2.

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Attack: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits): ((11-(d20+0))-3) [1d20=2] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[john] Paul Elvenstire targets Cave fisher #2. Distance: 25'04"

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] oh you mean the adventure nobody survives unless they cheat

[BOB] chuckles

[john] Paul Elvenstire no longer targets Cave fisher #2.

[john] Paul Elvenstire targets Cave fisher #2. Distance: 25'04"

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Attack: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits): ((11-(d20+0))-3) [1d20=7] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Damage v SM: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits): ((d8)+3) [1d8=1] 4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Cave fisher #2

[BOB] ] Cave fisher #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 18 (-4) by Master - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] anyone else?

[BOB] Liam?

[BOB] make your attacks

[Finglas (Death)] can anterias climb up the webs and attack it?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand +1: ((13-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=12] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[BOB] no, if you get cauth in the webs you need to do a bend bars to get away

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Long Sword +1: ((13-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=2] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Damage v SM: Bastard Sword; one hand +1: (1d12) [1d12=7] 7 added to: Cave fisher #2

[BOB] so Ant is wrapped up and can not move away yet

[BOB] ] Cave fisher #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 11 (-7) by Master - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] ] Cave fisher #2: Attack: Pinch: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 7. Probably MISSES Liam Dugan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] no I have rolled and now I have to open a book

[BOB] and your attacks on it Liam and Paul

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] someone is going to die for this

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Long Bow: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 5. Probably MISSES Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand +1: ((13-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=14] 0.0 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Damage v SM: Bastard Sword; one hand +1: (1d12) [1d12=5] 5 added to: Cave fisher #2

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Attack: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits): ((11-(d20+0))-3) [1d20=2] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Attack: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits): ((11-(d20+0))-3) [1d20=4] 4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Cave fisher #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Damage v SM: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits): ((d8)+3) [1d8=6] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Cave fisher #2

[BOB] ] Cave fisher #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-14) by Master - Dying

[BOB] and the two cave fishers fall to the floor dead

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] do we have make a bend bars check to get away?

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] hey rander, can you track things arround here?

[BOB] yes

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Bend Bars/Lift Gate check: (d100) [1d100=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 7!!

[BOB] LOLthere you go

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias: Bend Bars/Lift Gate check: (d100) [1d100=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 60!!

[BOB] Liam walks away easily

[BOB] and Antaria pulls out also

[Finglas (Death)] pull out! don't get her knocked up

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (((too bad ants dad didnt lol)))

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] ranger, before we go any further can you try tracking?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] "I was"

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to Death only)] consider that partial payment for liams page lol

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] thiught I had complete Humanoid? digital, now I need to get an actual book

[BOB] chuckles at John

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] did you notice any big snake tracks?

[BOB] Liam says both right and left passages show recent markings

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to BOB only)] use tracking again?

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] from snakes?

[BOB (to Guy only)] you can't tell which is fresher,

[Finglas (Death)] the man apparently likes his snakes.

[Finglas (Death)] probably in trousers

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] "they both seem to have been used recently

[Finglas (Death)] "Let's just continue north."

[Finglas (Death)] "How big can it be down here?"

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] ::shakes head::

[Moirra (Kaz)] brb

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] "do you really want to ask that?"

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 48'08".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias moved 76'01".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas moved 90'06".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias moved 20'05".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas moved 10'06".

[BOB] As soon as they enter this cavern, the PCs begin to smell a strong, putrid odor coming from the passageway beyond.

[Finglas (Death)] looking for webs and fishers

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan moved 48'10".

[Paul Elvenstire (john) (to BOB only)] where do I see what a witch docotr can do, complete mage?

[BOB] There isa loud screaming of some kind as soon as your lights enter this chamber

[BOB] 'The echoing noise of the chirping is 80 loud that it drowns out all sounds inside the cave or

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan moved 36'03".

[BOB] within 20' of it, making speech and vocal spellcasting impoesible.

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] good mornign sunshine

[Finglas (Death)] shriekers?

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Finglas (Death)] do we see what is making the noise?

[Moirra (Kaz)] back

[BOB] cave crickets

[BOB] 8 of them

[BOB] man sized crickets

[Finglas (Death)] ew. fugly.

[BOB] loudly chirping and buzzing

[Finglas (Death)] send in the exterminators.

[Finglas (Death)] do they fight back?

[Finglas (Death)] or just die like cattle?

[BOB] and you hear a slithering then a roar comeing from the far passageway

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 13'10".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 93'08".

[Finglas (Death)] it's the lion snake

[BOB] and yes they will fight if attacked

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] back out of room

[BOB] but they will not attack you first

[BOB] what do you do?

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] back out of room

[BOB] go forward? stay? or back up?

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias moved 38'06".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas moved 3'07".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 46'02".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 14'06".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Antarias moved 52'11".

[Finglas (Death)] using ant as a pointer for the whole group

[BOB] so that cavern to the west is where you heard that noise from, the roar and slithering from

[BOB] I think we should pause here perhaps?

[BOB] or?

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] and let me know what spell I have, yes

[Finglas (Death)] lol. okay.

[BOB] ok

[Finglas (Death)] then i'll say good night to everyone

[Finglas (Death)] good session

[BOB] so pause here, pick up with big fight next week

[Finglas (Death)] we got farther than bob expected us to.

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] and I should be fighter/witchdoctor

[BOB] then we will see

[Moirra (Kaz)] Night Mike

[Moirra (Kaz)] okay

[Moirra (Kaz)] Night John

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night mike

[Moirra (Kaz)] and Bob :)

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] good night all, sorry I could not be here tonoght

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yeah, it's a shame we didn't get to see you

[BOB] grins at John

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night bob and paul

[BOB] thank you all

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Feb 20 22:30:38 EST 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Gnoll Lair...

Fritz] has received the map Gnoll Lair.

[Moirra (Kaz)] You could have really been helpful with the cave fishers.

[BOB] I wonder what will happen

[BOB] Hey Fritz

[Moirra (Kaz)] Hiya Fritz

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] BOB, what rules are you using for witch doctors? in complee wizard?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] hi fritz

[BOB] yes

[BOB] to John

Death] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 22:31:24 EST 2009

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] hello fritz, by fritz

[Fritz] Hello

[Fritz] by

[Fritz] bye john

[BOB] Mike just logged out

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] I was kidding

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Game ended early?

[BOB] they aer at the beginning of a big fight

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] you doing ok?

[BOB] so start that first thing next week

[BOB] and by the way Fritz, Rave is now a Gnoll

[BOB] a warrior gnoll,

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] LOL I know

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Whu?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] rofl

[BOB] grins, another reason to Pause

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] most powerfull wish spell ever

[BOB] John wants the right stuff for his witch doctor gnoll that Paul has become

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] why would one of us do that?

[BOB] you DO need to read the chat log

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] we didny

[Moirra (Kaz)] None of us did it, a gnoll did.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Unthinkingly, I doubt she realised what she had.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well I just got on didn't have time to read when someone was saying "Bye"....

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Now you say I am a gnoll?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Can I polymorph myself back?

[BOB] you are a warrior gnoll, no kits, etc. so unless Warriors get Polymorph ... wry grins,

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] think you can undo a wish>

[BOB] no pixy magic,

[BOB] but it will take some doing next week

[BOB] you should be able to deal with teh Goddess next week

[BOB] and then

[BOB] what to do

[Moirra (Kaz)] I need to go... you guys have a good night

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Goddess?

[BOB] can imagine you all popping back into Roadhaven as Gnolls

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] so know we know why it's called to bite at the moon

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 22:37:07 EST 2009

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] wait

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] GODDESS?

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] no Hag

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] As in a female god?

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] acts like goddes to the gnolls

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] hey fritz kaz said we can give you a call and explain it all if you want

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Oh...Tomorrow maybe...I am sick so fell asleep waiting to play. Just woke up pissed at myself. Now forsure since I missed so much

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] BOB still do not see any detail on Witch doctor

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] From Humanoids?

[BOB] will look it up for you John

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Bob how you feeling?

[BOB] I am ok

[BOB] a little sore

[BOB] a bit tired

[BOB] but overall ok

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Yea, I bet. I was shocked when you called me and told me what happened to say the least

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Miriam sends a prayer your way.

[BOB] thanks

[BOB] was just a weird thing

[BOB] paramedics said I tried to stop the truck with my arm

[BOB] is why I wretched my arm

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well I guess I get no credit for showing up if the game is over?

[BOB] I popped it back in at the scene of the accident

[BOB] sure you do Frtiz

[BOB] everyone who loggs in gets

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] OK so when did you become so strong...?

[BOB] lol

[BOB] when I did that they told me. "Okk, you need to sit down"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Remember ring of strength is a FANTASY

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] how the hell did you manage to pop it back in

[BOB] they put me in the ambulance

[BOB] I was raising it up

[BOB] to show I was not hurt

[BOB] and just grabbed it

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] yeah that could do it lol

[BOB] and JAMMED it back down and in

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] OK Mel Gibson.... I am impressed

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] thats gotta hurt just as bad though


[BOB] it was interesting

[BOB] I sat in teh ER for a couple hours

[BOB] I told the docs I need to get back to work

[BOB] have to teach at 10

[BOB] they laughed

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (d12) [1d12=5] 5

[BOB] until they figured out I was serious

[BOB] accident at 7

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] ok, not that I don't want to be a witch doctor but it is a priest subclass

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Do me a favor though don't try and dodge any bullets or fight a guy by the name of Jet

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] lol

[BOB] taught at 10 and again at 1

[BOB] then came home

[BOB] took today off

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] did you get a new bike yet?

[BOB] working tomorroiw adn sunday

[BOB] bike was only scrapped up

[BOB] is al good

[BOB] just can't ride this weekend

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ok does this mean I have to play Danny Glover?

[BOB] keeping my arm in my sling for the most part

[BOB] slept in it all last night

[BOB] debating on that tonight

[BOB] likely will

[BOB] for the rest fo the weekend

[BOB] just to be sure

[BOB] but it is only sore from lack of movement I think

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] If you get sore in spots use ice

[BOB] will do

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] can we get back to this wish thing

[BOB] sure John

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] If you mix an ice bag with 4 parts water and 1 part rubbing alcohol and put it in the freezer it gets super cold but wont harden...

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] it still is just polymorph other, or we would no longer be us

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Takes longer to freeze but works well

[BOB] chuckles, I only have real alcohol,

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] LOL

[BOB] is a wish John

[BOB] not polymorph

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] You really are trying to be Mel Gibson aren't you

[BOB] I just modified it for game play

[BOB] rather than remake everyone's sheets for one or two nights

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Wish is a higher spell than polymorph

[BOB] My guess is you come up with a way to undo it next week

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] but wish only copies other spells

[BOB] and you al go back to normal

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] So what are our new stats?

[BOB] I ruled same stats, same weapons and equipment

[BOB] just classes changed

[BOB] because gnolls have diferent ones

[BOB] and no other languages etc. gnoll

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] we already had the discussion about other races being mages

[BOB] you all speak gnoll

[BOB] adn nothing else

[BOB] other races can, but Gnolls do nothave that ability

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] gnow way?

[BOB] Fighters,

[BOB] thieves

[BOB] witch doctors

[BOB] shamans

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] so I am a gnoll thief?

[BOB] only things allowed

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Bounty hunter is a thief

[BOB] nods, but a gnoll thief gets hide in shadows only

[BOB] and backstabbing

[BOB] limited detect traps, etc.

[BOB] is ok

[BOB] it it a story thing

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ok. Well glad you are doing ok....I will call you tomorrow bob and check up on you

[BOB] I am sure you will reverse it next week, and everything got back to normal

[BOB] wanted to shock everyone a bit

[BOB] and I think I did that

[BOB] grins

[BOB] right Guy?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] LOL

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I can't wait to read the chat log.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] hey bob gnolls CAN be clerics

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] just limited to lvl 9

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] well since it is done for the night going to go drink so me nyquil and go to bed

[BOB] we don't have Clerics

[BOB] we have Priests

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night fritz feel better soon

[BOB] Priests are speciality Clerics

[BOB] night Fritz

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] so there is nothing more to do or say

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Night all...

[Paul Elvenstire (john)] good night all

[BOB] in the Players Handbook

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 22:51:12 EST 2009

[BOB] night John

john] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 22:51:21 EST 2009

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] im looking in the book of humanoids

[BOB] is why they can cast on the fly

[BOB] nods,

[BOB] is one of the changes I made to the Players Handbook

[BOB] they ahve it set up for generic clerics

[BOB] I did away with that

[BOB] everyone has to be a specific priest of someone

[BOB] which controls your levels, etc.

[BOB] and the Gnoll gods only have shamans

[BOB] like the Celtic gods only have priests

[BOB] and no shamans

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] at least gnolls get tracking

[BOB] so in a more rural setting the holy men are actualy witch doctors

[BOB] if there are no religious trainings around

[BOB] and yes

[BOB] I don't expect the group to stay Gnolls for long, but everyone has somethign they can use or do as a gnoll

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] just means im a fighter instead of a ranger right now

[BOB] as part of the group

[BOB] nods,

[BOB] you are actually a key way back too

[BOB] Moirra has not

[BOB] and Liam has not

[BOB] they have a well of wishes

[BOB] in a dungeon near Roadhaven

[BOB] that gives you one wish in a lifetime

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] so does this mean i have to hack into your klooge and change things so everybody reveres me as an uber powerful ranger? lol


[BOB] I would go write up something on your page though on teh site

[BOB] before Mike gets too carried awy

[BOB] and I was serious you can have that elven chain

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] i have the book about the kobiyashi maru somewhere

[BOB] and magic long dword

[BOB] and a ring of something

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] sweet

[BOB] as magic items that you owned

[BOB] you can work out how they were stolen

[BOB] put it on the site

[BOB] and make it part of the adventure to get them back

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] when i was captured by the drow

[BOB] what ever you wish

[BOB] you have a week to figure it out

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] there a ring of multiple wishes with full charges lol


[BOB] yeah right

[BOB] thinking there might be some ranger thing

[BOB] rather than simple protection

[BOB] like a survival one, no need for water

[BOB] or something like that

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ill look at the dmg

[BOB] or if you come up with a new one

[BOB] with in reason

[BOB] somethign that fits the character, story line,

[BOB] celtic area or the Semphar area

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] so no ring of wishes with 20 charges huh

[BOB] is like Turkey

[BOB] grins

[BOB] carry a ring of 30 wishes with you, all burned out by your indisive teenage daughter

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] problem solved i have no kids lol

[BOB] he loves me

[BOB] le loves me not

[BOB] he loves me

[BOB] he loves me not


[Liam Dugan (Guy)] yeah those aremnt wishes :P

[BOB] I wish billy would take me to the prom

[BOB] I wish joey would notice me

[BOB] I wish ben was taller

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] seriously though ill take a look and see what i can find

[BOB] sure

[BOB] story is important

[BOB] and Mike will talk about splitting your stats

[BOB] I told him to post it on the site

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] the problem is is my stats were all middle of the road

[BOB] you can tweak a bit to get a bonus or two

[BOB] without hurting your self

[BOB] in any case

[BOB] have a great night

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] you too no fighting cars anymore

[BOB] chuckles, yeah

Guy] has left the game on Fri Feb 20 23:03:03 EST 2009