Main / Feb2610

Feb 26 10 - Digging Deeper

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 05:15 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Ze {Mid Summer} 20th, 338 SKR.

Guy] has joined the game on Fri Feb 26 17:55:46 EST 2010

Guy] is receiving the map Base Map...

Guy] has received the map Base Map.

[Guy] now this will be a first lol

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Guy] afk

Death] has joined the game on Fri Feb 26 18:12:11 EST 2010

Death] is receiving the map Base Map...

Death] has received the map Base Map.

[Imari (Death)] testing

[Death] testing

[Guy] back to your red Mike?

[Death] death with red is the craptop, white mike is the pc

[Death] death was waaaaay back and i just never changed it. weird.

[Death] in between finglas 1 and finglas 2

[Guy] kaz wont be in at all tonight shes sick in bed

[Death] i played a mage who had a chance to go schizo with every spell, and i made 8 different personalities, one was a priestess of hel who thought she was the actual death

[BOB] darn sorry for that

[Death] that's what laptops are for.

[Death] we need our leader

[Death] i guess lisa can be second in command.

[Death] 'cuz i ain't following that pointy eared bastard.

[Guy] she says we can have WWKD

[Guy] rofl

[BOB] We can wait till next week to make sure that Kaz has Kristelle's sheet updated

[BOB] she did make level

[BOB] Mike needs to finish his

[Guy] lisa and john going to make it in?

[BOB] Lisa will have not heard from John

[Guy] oh and kaz says hello and sorry she cant be in

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 3000 (1500). Next LevelC1:: CHANGED: 3000 (1500). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 2 (1). Cleric: (CL) : CHANGED: 2 (1).

[BOB] have not heard from Beth either

[Death] poor kazzy.

[Guy] shes trying to keep it from becoming bronchitis

[Death] you know what prevents bronchitis?

[Death] no bronchial tube.

[BOB] hot tea

[Death] tell her richard would agree with me.

[Guy] lol

[BOB] Guy cna you take a look at the Leveling page and see if you can find anythign I missed


[BOB] is it part of Chapter 1

[Guy] I take it you read looking for group as well

[Guy] all right bob

[BOB] yes he does

[BOB] Mike and Kaz both do

[Guy] so do i

[Guy] the only thing i can see is attack per round, you have it for the warrior but not anybody else

[BOB] becaue no one else gets it

[BOB] only warriors get more than one attack per round

[Death] because otherwise they'd be completely useless rather than mostly.

[Guy] ok so you changed that for your game?

[BOB] no

[BOB] double double checking now

[BOB] yeah I am right

[BOB] only warriors get multiple attacks per round

[BOB] and only fighters get to specialize

[BOB] on teh Weapon Proficiency page there is a list of the various types of skill levels


[Death] untrue, specialty priests or custom priests/thieves can specialize.

[Guy] rangers and pallys used to get multiple attacks as well

[BOB] yes

[BOB] Warriors - fighters, paladins, rangers, berserkers all get multiple attacks per round

[Guy] im not used to playing a non ranger lol


[BOB] grins

[BOB] and thieves do not get to specialize

[Death] rangers are the baby version of specialty priests

[Guy] in that case looks like you got it all

[BOB] and only very specific priests get the weapon specialiazation

[Death] we want to fight, but want kinda want spells, too.


[Death] except they never get any useful spells because they are gimped on that front

[Guy] most of my rangers tend to avoid the spell side of it

[Death] so they're just fighters with some parlor tricks at high levels

[Death] priests can do it all, baby.

[Death] just pick the god that works best.

[Guy] did you see what they did to the rangers when 3rd edition first came out?

[BOB] yeah another reason I did not change

[BOB] they tried to make every class to everything

[Guy] well they got enough complaints that they had to come out with 3.5

[Death] the monks were like a demigod class

[Guy] rangers, barbarians, bards all got major upgrades

[Death] i don't know why you'd play any other fighter. their fists did more damage and status problems than most magic weapons

[BOB] grins, I have a monestary nearby

[BOB] but totally different type of monk

[Guy] 3rd edition is when everybody can get more than 1 attack per round

[Death] because the game is just a combat monster build.

[Death] char gen was very formulaic or you couldn't fight the big monsters.

[Death] no random sages of astronomy

[Death] or brewmeisters

[Death] because those proficiency slots were needed for combat related proficiencies

[Guy] now i never had that problem

[Guy] but then I always played rangers and i always came up with something non combat

[BOB] and I am trying hard with our new start to provide lots of non-combat venues

[BOB] for the characters that survive this and the next story arc they should be 3rd level, maybe fourth

[BOB] will be fun

[Death] fun he says

[Guy] oh great Mike start planning your next character Bobs gonna kill us all lol

[BOB] lots of possiblities

[BOB] grins

[BOB] ] Pending XP award: 500.

[BOB] ] Pending XP award: 500.

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 250.

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 590.

[Death] woo woo

[Guy] i think im the only lvl 1 left lol

[Death] half the party is still 1

Lisa] has joined the game on Fri Feb 26 19:04:05 EST 2010

Lisa] is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa] has received the map Base Map.

[Death] hey lisa

[Guy] Hi Lisa

[Lisa] hi!

[BOB] hey there

[Guy] Mike elected you as second in command

[BOB] missed the early bonus by 4 minutes,

[BOB] and Kaz being out means you are in command

[BOB] will let you settle in

[BOB] then we will move towards the forest

[Lisa] in command?

[Guy] your the boss tonight

[Lisa] wonderful! :)

[Lisa] that's what I get for being late?

[Death] well, technically, you've got seniority in this campaign so far. lol

[BOB] chuckles

[Guy] hey you survived a bob combat solo that makes you leader material

[Death] it's fun being leader. everyone questions your actions and motives and say they would have done better.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] can't wait!

[Death] why are you waiting?

[Death] if i was waiting i'd wait better

[Death] n00b

[Branwyn (Lisa)] this is going to be fun

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] you say that now but just wait

[Branwyn (Lisa)] but I don't wait as good as Mike

[Death] no one does.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] mike only acts like hes waiting

[BOB] ok, so ready to get started?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] we're waiting

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((rofl))

[Jilly (BOB)] (oh man)

[Jilly (BOB)] Hey Guys!

[Jilly (BOB)] so

[Jilly (BOB)] where are you from?

[Jilly (BOB)] picks up a leaf and twirls it in her fingers

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] A place far far away twinkles

[Imari (Death)] "Carnak."

[Jilly (BOB)] is that the far far away place that my mom threatens to send my brothers?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] no thats even farther away,I used to get threatened to be sent there too

[Imari (Death)] ::chuckles::

[Jilly (BOB)] and how come you are with a bunch of girls tip toes?

[Jilly (BOB)] none of my brothers want to hang out with my sisters

[Imari (Death)] because they thought he was a girl when he signed up =P

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] well Im letting them protect me

[Jilly (BOB)] that is nice of them to do that

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Hey I keep telling you that I was wearing a robe not a dress!

[Jilly (BOB)] so you are going to be soliders here for a while?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] for a little while at least

[Jilly (BOB)] (she is leading you out along a path through the farm fields towards a smudge in the distance

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (( hey what happened to our fearless second in command?))

[Imari (Death)] "What is that smudge there, Jully?"

[Imari (Death)] nah, she's just still waiting back there

[Imari (Death)] but i'm so good i can wait while we go.

[Imari (Death)] that's why i'm the best

[Jilly (BOB)] that is the Valoris Wood

[Jilly (BOB)] it is a pretty big place

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] any spiders?

[Jilly (BOB)] tons of huge hairy ones

[Jilly (BOB)] my brotgher told me that they come out at night

[Jilly (BOB)] and take away little boys and girls

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] hides behind Imari

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ok im ready for the forest

[Imari (Death)] ::sighs::

Jilly (BOB)] pulls a sling out of her belt and picks up a stone

[Jilly (BOB)] idely twirling her sling with a stone in it

[Jilly (BOB)] chatting away as you walk through the fields

[Jilly (BOB)] so you know Ancien? you are going to help him?

[Imari (Death)] "We were told to go see him. But I have never met him."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] We dont know Ancien yet but yes we are going to try and help him

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What kind of trouble is he in?

[Jilly (BOB)] I don't know I know that there was a bird that went by to the Laird

[Jilly (BOB)] was a raven I think

[Jilly (BOB)] maybe a crow

[Jilly (BOB)] like you, points to Imari

[Jilly (BOB)] can you fly?

[Jilly (BOB)] I thought maybe you were walking back rather than flying or somethin'

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Right up your alley Imari

[Imari (Death)] "No, I cannot fly."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Unfortunately Feathers here is like a chicken,neither one can fly

[Jilly (BOB)] do I have to feel sorry about hitting birds now?

[Imari (Death)] "How do you know the bird was visiting the lord?"

[Jilly (BOB)] whirling her sling around her hand

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Maybe someday She will be able to fly though but a chicken never will.

[Imari (Death)] "Elf, I have tried to be polite. Use my name."

[Jilly (BOB)] well my brother who is working for the smith at the Lairds stables

[Jilly (BOB)] she saw a bird flying into a window there

[Jilly (BOB)] and no one ate it

[Jilly (BOB)] and it flew away

[Imari (Death)] "You do not have the right to name me in any manner, let alone a familiar one."

[Imari (Death)] "Did your brother see a message on it?"

[Jilly (BOB)] he didn't say

[Jilly (BOB)] I guess it coudl be one of those magical birds

[Jilly (BOB)] that becomes a beautiful woman

[Imari (Death)] "I doubt the lord is a believer to warrent a messanger from Partik."

[Jilly (BOB)] from who?

[Jilly (BOB)] Particcc?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Would Partik be the only one to use a bird like that as a messenger?

[Jilly (BOB)] Oh lots of famous people use birds like messengers

[Jilly (BOB)] and she quickly rattles off four nursery story characters

[Imari (Death)] "Partik is my god."

[Jilly (BOB)] and don't forget that raven that stole the grapes from the fox

[Imari (Death)] "The raven. He flies souls to the beyond."

[Jilly (BOB)] he was a pretty smart one

[Jilly (BOB)] souls?

[Imari (Death)] ::smiles:: "Yes. Ravens are smart."

[Jilly (BOB)] I guess they aren't very heavy for a Raven to carry them

[Imari (Death)] ::chuckles:: "No, child. Not heavy at all."

[Jilly (BOB)] do little people's souls weigh less than big people's?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] hmm

[Imari (Death)] "No, a soul's weight depends on what a person has done over their life time."

[Jilly (BOB)] so if they aint done anything then they are light and easy to carry?

[Jilly (BOB)] so the Lairds soul must weigh a whole lot

[Imari (Death)] "Have you ever done something that makes you feel so good inside you feel as if you could fly?"

[Jilly (BOB)] sure

[Jilly (BOB)] twirls on her toes

[Imari (Death)] "That is what makes your soul light."

[Imari (Death)] "Goodness and joy."

[Jilly (BOB)] if I spin really really fast I get dizzy and it feels like I am flying

[Jilly (BOB)] is that what you do?

[Jilly (BOB)] (the forest is getting closer as she rambles on)

[Imari (Death)] ::chuckles:: "When you grow up, different things make you feel that way."

[Jilly (BOB)] and then CRACK

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] like teasing someone you trust

[Jilly (BOB)] the stone flys from her sling and knocks a hedgehog dead next to a bush

[Jilly (BOB)] she runs over to pick it up

[Imari (Death)] "And what will you do with that?"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Nice shot

[Jilly (BOB)] this will be lunch

[Jilly (BOB)] my brothers always say to watch out for lunch and dinner

[Jilly (BOB)] you can never have it too early

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You know how to cook that thing?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I bet you dont miss very often either do you Twinkles?

[Jilly (BOB)] shoves it into a large belt pouch

[Jilly (BOB)] I guess so, cooking is just putting stuff on a fire

[Jilly (BOB)] I can make a fire

[Jilly (BOB)] most times at least

[Imari (Death)] "You would do well in Carnak."

[Imari (Death)] "Perhaps you should go instead of your brothers."

[Jilly (BOB)] (and the forest is clear now you can tell there are trees)

[Jilly (BOB)] are my brothers going to Carnak?

[Jilly (BOB)] I thought only barbarians lived there

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] chuckles

[Jilly (BOB)] but my brothers are barbarians

[Jilly (BOB)] at least that is what my older sister says

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] People sometimes say things that dont make much sense

[Imari (Death)] "Yes, only we live there. Though we do not consider ourselves barbaric."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Carnak is more civilized than any elven city

[Jilly (BOB)] (brb, restroom then we arrive)

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Jilly (BOB)] as you get closer to the forest Jilly looks around

[Jilly (BOB)] Ok, so here you are, I guess I will see you later on,

[Jilly (BOB)] will you be at the feast?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Good Hunting Twinkles

[Jilly (BOB)] (first day of every month is a feast)

[Imari (Death)] to recap: we walk into the woods to get to this dude's city?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] We might be but we will have to wait and see

[BOB] you were told to go visit Ancien in the Valoris wood

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are not going to take us to him?

[Jilly (BOB)] Me? no

[Jilly (BOB)] I am not allowed in teh Wood

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How then shall we find him?

Jilly (BOB)] shruges

[Jilly (BOB)] I guess if you call out fo rhim

[Jilly (BOB)] my ma told me to bring you here

[Jilly (BOB)] and she told me to be quiet and don't to nothing foolish

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thats right leave the foolish stuff to me.

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] winks at Jilly

Jilly (BOB)] giggles

Jilly (BOB)] twirls

[Jilly (BOB)] see you soon I hope

[Jilly (BOB)] waves

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] waves

[Jilly (BOB)] and starts off towards the farmstead again, looking along the path spinning her sling

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thats a good kid

[Imari (Death)] does the road keep going?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Guess we won't be having hedgehog for lunch

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Anything happens to her on her walk home and i swear by Partik I will hunt down and kill whoever did it.

[BOB] there is the path

[BOB] it goes into the Wood

[BOB] and also along the outside fo it

[BOB] skirting the edge where the fields meet the trees

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] So do we go into the woods or stay outside?

[Imari (Death)] i bet bob wants us to go in, but he lives along the edge

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((lol))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I say we enter if we want to find this Ancien

[Imari (Death)] ::nods:: "Very well."

[BOB] ] Kristelle and Aeiria moved 8'05".

[BOB] ] Jilly moved 15'06".

[BOB] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 8'08".

[BOB] ] Branwyn moved 13'09".

[BOB] ] Imari moved 8'01".

[BOB] you start into the Wood

[BOB] the path winds a bit is more of a game trail

[BOB] it goes in for a couple hundred yards and then reaches a small pool by a stream

[Imari (Death)] is it a magical pool by a stream?

[Imari (Death)] where faries dance in the moonlight?

[BOB] there is a small stone altar, or what might be an alter,

[BOB] worked stone in a square shape

[BOB] three foot on a side cube

[Imari (Death)] markings?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I dont remember anything about an altar being mentioned

[BOB] no carvings

[BOB] (observation if you want)

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[BOB] your ranger can tell you ..... oh she is not here, sorry

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Imari (Death)] not the most observant thing on earth

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] can i use int or wis?

[BOB (to Guy only)] no, those just give you the general things

[BOB (to Lisa only)] Branwyn notices that the top of the square is very clean like it has been swept off or polished and the sides have not

[BOB (to Lisa only)] and you see deep gouges in the earth around the stone

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It appears that the top of the altar has been polished

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There are also deep gouges in the ground around the altar

[Branwyn (Lisa)] From spears or torches maybe?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Some sort of ritual must take place here

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yeah but is that a good thing or a bad thing?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't see any blood

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That could be a good sign

[Imari (Death)] "If this is a place of the gods, we would be best if we don't disturb it."

[BOB] huuuurrummmmmmm

[BOB] huuuurrrrrruuuummmmm

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I dont know much about the Gods but I do know that .... What was that??

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] draws his sword.

[Imari (Death)] ::looks at the cube::

[Imari (Death)] is it buzzing?

[BOB] you hear a grinding noise through the trees around you,

[Imari (Death)] is it the first cellphone of the gods set on vibrate?

[BOB] make an intuition check for that Imari

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((rofl))

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: INU check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[BOB] (deep rumbling voice) Who visits Valoris?

[BOB] /mike the cube seems to be still

[Imari (Death)] it's a little man in the cube

[Imari (Death)] pay no attention to the man in the cube

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((lol))

[Imari (Death)] "We come from Lord Mosskin."

[BOB] huuurrrummmm,

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Valoris Onod Ancien moved 21'01".

[BOB] ] Valoris Onod Ancien moved 4'05".

[BOB] and who are you little ones?

[BOB] as suddenly one of the large oaks overlooking the pool moves to block your path back out

[Imari (Death)] ::blinks and looks up, then bows::

[Imari (Death)] "I am Imari Blackwing."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ummm Imari that tree just moved?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We are from the Dragonslayer Company and we are here to lend assistance to Ancien

[BOB] the top of the tree rustles and you hear the cries of several birds

[BOB] I have no dragons to slay today

[BOB] welcome Blackwing

[BOB] and a branch moves over your heads

[BOB] who are you hasty people? to come into Valoris?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] shudders but doesnt try to hide

[BOB] Ancien is I, and I am Valoris

[Imari (Death)] "A great spirit of the forest."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Nobody said anything about talking and moving trees

[BOB] you say Arahael quick bow, long stride, far seeing, Mosskin sent you?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lord Mosskin said you needed our help. We do not mean to intrude upon your Wood.

[BOB] well that is good

[BOB] I can use someone who is a bit hasty

[BOB] I have a problem in the roots of the forest

[BOB] and I need someone small and quick to go in

[BOB] Arahael said he would come

[Death] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] he is always quick on his feet

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Your roots?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Wh what k kind of trouble?

[BOB] Have you replaced your trees?

[BOB] You can't take my flock, you need to replace any you steal

[Death] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] hurrrrummmm

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I dont understand

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sure we won't take your trees

[Imari (Death)] "I do not think Mosskin is going to be hasty anymore, Great Spirit."

[BOB] A branch passes over Branwyn, leaves tangling into her hair,

Branwyn (Lisa)] stands still

[BOB] Arahael quick bow, long stride, far seeing, Mosskin is coming?

[BOB] Or are you here for Arahael quick bow, long stride, far seeing, Mosskin sent you?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] he sent us

[BOB] a large branch sweeps over the square stone and a large wooden bowl is left on the top

[BOB] you must be thirsty, all the small little ones are always thirsty

[BOB] the top of the three twists a slight bit

[BOB] Hurrrrummm,

[Imari (Death)] "Is drink from the pool not permited?"

[Imari (Death)] ::drinks from the bowl::

[BOB] You can drink from the pool

[BOB] (the bowl is empty)

[BOB] (just a large wooden bowl)

[BOB] So when you are ready to help call out to me and I will come

[Imari (Death)] ::fills it in the pool and drinks::

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Ladies Im sorry,I can handle seeing a lot of strange things but trees that walk and talk are too much.

Branwyn (Lisa)] scoops up some water from the pool and drinks

[Imari (Death)] "Afraid of trees? And you join a fighting company?"

[Imari (Death)] "Partik save us from fools."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I grew up in the hills and never saw any trees like that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Neither have I but I think we should help him

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I didn't understand how we are to enter his roots though

[Imari (Death)] "The Corporal told us to do as Mosskin bid us, and he told us to come here and help Ancien."

[Imari (Death)] "He said the roods of the forest. Perhaps not his actual roots."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I may act the fool, and annoy you with the nicknames but no matter how scared I am Ill not run away.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So shall we call him?

[Imari (Death)] ::nods::

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] maybe the roots of the forest is where the forest first sprang from?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He said he was the forest

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I guess we shall find out

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ancien! We are here for you

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] The tree above you sways and bends

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] huuuuurrrrummmm

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] so hasty

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] you are here to help me

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] Arahael quick bow, long stride, far seeing, Mosskin will be proud of you?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We hope to make him proud

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] gggrrrooooannn groooaaaannn

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] very true young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] see Im not the only one who likes nicnames

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] Ancien creaks a bit more as he slides to the side of the pool again

[Imari (Death)] "If you could understand the difference, I would try and explain it to you."

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] the path out of the forest is open again now

[Imari (Death)] ::sits down at the waters edge and touches the pool with her finger tips::

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Youre just jealous that you didnt get a nickname like Sparks did

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (rolls observation on Ancien)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB) (to Lisa only)] there must be at least half a dozen birds nests in his upper branches that all seem to have young birds in them

[Imari (Death)] "If the Great Spirit of this forest deigned to name me, I would be honored."

[BOB (to Lisa only)] and there seem to be no scars on his trunk like most other trees

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are most kind Ancien to let so many birds nest in your branches

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you care for them?

[BOB] huuurrrmmmm I can not enter the deep forest till the young ones have left the nest

[BOB] but I must tend to my roots before they damage them too much

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] who damages them?

[BOB] young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye sees the problem Ancien must crumble in his roots

[BOB] the slippery goblins are digging deeper in my roots

[BOB] and with the frogs now I must do something

[BOB] or theyere will be fire and axes

[BOB] before I can reach them

[Imari (Death)] ::nods:: "In the deep forest are goblins and the frog people. But you will not endanger the young ones in your branches?"

[BOB] Imari blackwing cautious one sees the problem of protecting the weak ones

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] hmmm how long have the goblins been there?

[Imari (Death)] "And why?"

[BOB] not long timid shy one, only a year or so

Branwyn (Lisa)] reaches out to touch the remarkably smooth bark on Ancien's trunk, thinks better of it and pulls her hand back

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Are there many goblins in the deep woods?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] so it may not be a full camp yet

[BOB] Imari blackwing cautious one young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye timid shy one will you go to fix my rots?

[BOB] roots

[Imari (Death)] "I will, Great Spirit."

[BOB] there are fewer than the leaves of the birch in winter

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] gladly will i help remove the goblins

[Branwyn (Lisa)] As will I

[BOB] Ok

[Imari (Death)] ::traces the shape of a raven in the pool:: "And may Partik watch over us and lend us the swiftness of his wings."

[BOB] have to go get more water, if anyone else needs a quick drink

[BOB] then we dive ito the forest

[BOB] if you have any questions for Ancien before you head off think of them now

[BOB] brb

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (( what about asking why they suddenly started this))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((the goblins?))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (yeah))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((do you just kill goblins or talk to them first?))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((usuallu kill them))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((and its like i thought goblins dont normally live in the forest))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((poor Kaz keeps missing the fighting nights! :( ))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((shes sick right now trying to avoid bronchitis))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((that sucks!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((hope she feels better soon))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ill tell her tomorrow when i talk to her))

[Imari (Death)] i'm going to ask what we need to do to clear the roots

[Imari (Death)] kill gobs and frogs or just one faction?

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] sorry a coughing attadck

[BOB] better now

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((you getting sick again Bob?))

[BOB] and he is still here to ask any questions

[BOB] nah, just getting better

[BOB] coughing up the last of the congestion

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((lovely))

[BOB] ready with questions?

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] Huurummm

[Imari (Death)] "Great Spirit, what do we have to do to clear your roots? Should we kill the goblins and the frogmen both?"

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] (birds singing in his branches) Huruarumrrm,

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and why are goblins in the deep forest now?

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] the slippery goblins should be gotten rid of

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] if you wish to kill them I leave that to you

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] they have not used axes or fire yet, so I have let them live

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] but they are multiplying now and the frogs were there last moon

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] there is an old human shelter I crushed

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] when I moved the forest south

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] that is where they are now

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] under there

[Imari (Death)] "Perhaps searching for something of value left behind."

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] only small hard things, nothign of value

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] or being forced to search for something

[Imari (Death)] "I wish I knew more of the history of this area, then."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] small hard things? you mean like colored stones

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] some stones, some rocks, several human things,

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] all blades and axes are rusted away

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] buried deep

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] holds up Ear

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] nothign of value

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] like this stone here?


[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ear has a gem in the hilt right?))

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] (yes a ruby)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I dont use my blade on innocents

[Imari (Death)] ::places a hand consolingly on Ancien's roots::


[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I dont harm living trees nor do I hunt animals

[Imari (Death)] "May we take the fallen branches if night falls? Or should we make no fire in your wood, Great Spirit?"

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] no flame

[Imari (Death)] ::bows her head:: "As you wish."

[Imari (Death)] "And we should not need to hunt. We have brough food of our own."

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] Haaaruuummm

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] goood good

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I use my blade to defend myself and others and only then.

[Imari (Death)] what time is it really?

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] if you travel this path, then take the right fork it will lead you near the old ruin

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 09:15 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Ze {Mid Summer} 20th, 338 SKR.

[Imari (Death)] "We will try to move the goblins without violence, Great Spirit, but I doubt they will go peacefully."

[Imari (Death)] "We will most likely need to kill the hasty beasts. We may use our weapons in that case?"

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] Haarrrruummmm, slippery gobls are hasty nasty quick

[Valoris Onod Ancien (BOB)] they are not part of me, Valoris needs no goblins

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] sheathes his sword

[BOB] ok

[BOB] any other questions?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((nope))

[Imari (Death)] to battle!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((lets fight and die!!!! lol))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hmmm, where was that fork again?)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((by the knife))

[BOB] so you have a map

[BOB] you can see partially through the trees

[BOB] and you can see someting through a clearing up ahead

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((nice map))

[BOB] scale on the map is correct

[BOB] what do you want to do?

[Imari (Death)] geeze, guy. everyone knows the fork goes by itself on the other side of the plate from the knife and spoon.

[Imari (Death)] raised in a barn?

[Imari (Death)] win the fight and get the lewts

[Imari (Death)] do we see any movement?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((Ill use Basement cat for the win!!))

[BOB] no it is mornign

[BOB] nothing moving that you can see, at least nothign large

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ill try moving silently ahead a little bit))

[BOB] make that roll to me only Guy

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((awesome, Metal Shop is playing a lot of Maiden tonight))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to GM only)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=29] 29 - ROLL FAILED against 20!!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ok

[BOB] so you move through the woods a bit

[BOB] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 29'03".

[BOB] are you goign straight to the ruins?

[BOB] or?

[BOB] grins, looking for some guidence and planning here

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (((just scouting ahead))

[Imari (Death)] i'm thinking we stop at a starbucks on the way

[Imari (Death)] there's gotta be one around here somewhere.

[Imari (Death)] we should move ourselves now, bob?

[BOB] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you see anything Foriso?

[BOB] letting you figure out how to proceed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 17'07".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They're probably all underground

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] maybe maybe not

[Imari (Death)] maybe they went home

[Imari (Death)] there was no punch or pie

Death] has left the game on Fri Feb 26 21:10:46 EST 2010

Death] has joined the game on Fri Feb 26 21:11:20 EST 2010

Death] is receiving the map FOREST WITH RUINS 2...

Death] has received the map FOREST WITH RUINS 2.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((can you keep sneaking up closer or do we just have to go in and check it out?)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((both))

[BOB] he made his roll to move silently, you can just move forward at your pace

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((youre joking I made that roll?????)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh - so he sneaks and we stomp) :)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 28'11".

[BOB] you rolled your move silently and you can now move, I will tell you if you actually make sound etc. grins

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((kaz says thank you Lisa))

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 19'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((smiles))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i can make that roll but i cant make a higher percentage roll))

[Imari (Death)] tap tap tap

[BOB] waiting on you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((You're doing good - keep going O Silent One))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 24'01".

Death] has left the game on Fri Feb 26 21:17:03 EST 2010

[BOB] (he wll be right back)

Death] has joined the game on Fri Feb 26 21:17:22 EST 2010

Death] is receiving the map FOREST WITH RUINS 2...

Death] has received the map FOREST WITH RUINS 2.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((mike having trouble?))

[BOB] and now all is good?

[Death] hopefully

[BOB] so moving forward

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 24'08".

[BOB] quiet ruins in the forest

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 22'01".

[BOB] birds and squirrels active around you

[BOB] no smoke or other signs of life here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 31'02".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i wait for the others to catch up))

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 31'03".

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] whispers "It seems peaceful right now"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good - then we should get closer

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 37'10".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((she wins 1 fight and suddenly shes Cynthia Rothrock lol))

Branwyn (Lisa)] looks around cautiously

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 33'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] observation on the ruins

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Imari (Death)] yay! i made it

[Imari (Death)] twice!

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=7] 17

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=6] 11

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (does this mean you're seeing double?)

[BOB (to Lisa only)] you smell something a bit rancid and you spot a small pile of feathers and bones near the base of the wall of the ruins

[Imari (Death)] two boobs are better than one

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What is that hideous stench?

[BOB (to Death only)] you hear a distant buzzing of bees but they do not seem to be closing in near you

[Imari (Death)] you've discovered princes?

[Imari (Death)] ::sniffs::

[Imari (Death)] do i smell anything?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ?me walks around to see a pile of rotting bones and feathers from the carcass of a dead bird

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Imari you probably don't want to see this

[BOB] Branwyn can make an intuition roll

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 39'05".

[Imari (Death)] "It is a dead bird. It happens to all creatures."

[Imari (Death)] "Probably eaten by the goblins or frogs."

[BOB] Imari can make an Intuition roll too

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: INU check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[BOB (to Lisa only)] looks like an owl pellet, (regurgitated leftovers) but it would need to be a 5 fot tall owl to have that much in it

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: INU check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: INU check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[BOB (to Death only)] that looks like owl pellets (regurgitated bones) bout would have to be a giant owl, at least 6 foot tall

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The more I look at this the more I don't want to.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Something wrong?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It looks like some giant owl vomited its dinner by this wall here

[Imari (Death)] "Giant owl."

[Imari (Death)] "Not vomit, just an owl pellet."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It must be some big owl to leave this kind of a mess

[Imari (Death)] "Natural, but still not something I wish to encounter."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((Even worse))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But no sign of goblins

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Could the goblins have tamed an giant owl?

[Imari (Death)] ::shrugs::

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then we most definitely need to handle this situation before nightfall and the owls emerge

[Imari (Death)] "I do not know enough of them to have an answer."

[Imari (Death)] "Then I would guess we need to go in."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] We need to be very careful going in

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Is there a door to this shelter or just a hole in the ground?)

[BOB] just what you see there, crumbling roof and walls

[BOB] gaping hole in the wall

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] wish me luck Im going in

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 26'03".

[BOB] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 6'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 34'08".

[BOB] Owl targets Foriso Fairhand. Distance: 0'08"

[BOB] Owl targets Branwyn. Distance: 5'00"

[BOB] Owl no longer targets Branwyn.

[BOB] Owl targets Branwyn. Distance: 4'06"

[BOB] Owl no longer targets Foriso Fairhand.

[BOB] Owl no longer targets Branwyn.

[BOB] Owl targets Branwyn. Distance: 4'00"

[BOB] Owl no longer targets Branwyn.

[BOB] Owl targets Foriso Fairhand. Distance: 1'11"

[BOB] Owl no longer targets Foriso Fairhand.

[BOB] Owl targets Branwyn. Distance: 3'07"

[BOB] Owl no longer targets Branwyn.

[BOB] Owl targets Branwyn. Distance: 0'02"

[BOB] Owl no longer targets Branwyn.

[BOB] ] Owl moved 76'04".


[Imari (Death)] whee

[BOB] as you enter the darkened area

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 32'03".

[BOB] a giant 6 foot tall, 8 foot wingspan owl suddenly flys out of the rafters

[BOB] circles you quickly

[BOB] then glides off into the forest

[BOB] as your eyes adjust to the dim light inside

[BOB] you see three walls still standing holding part of the roof up

[BOB] but the upper floor is all sagging down

[BOB] and the ground is littered with droppings, bones, and broken branches

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((oh did it ever get settled as to exactly how infravision works?))

[BOB] yes it is on the site

Death] has left the game on Fri Feb 26 21:37:21 EST 2010

Death] has joined the game on Fri Feb 26 21:37:34 EST 2010

Death] is receiving the map FOREST WITH RUINS 2...

Death] has received the map FOREST WITH RUINS 2.


[BOB] a quick look around inside shows that if there is anything under this ruin no one has gone there in many years

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Doesn't seem like much of a goblin hideout

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ould it be the owl thats causing the trouble?

[Death] "If the Great Spirit said goblins, I am sure there are goblins."

[Death] "Perhaps they are under there somewhere? A basement?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Death] "With numbers and not bothering the owl overmuch, they might not raise it's ire. It did not attack us, after all."

[BOB (to Lisa only)] you are fairly certain nothing has been moved around in here recently, only the piles added too

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It doesn't seem like anything's has been moved here

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((now I remember a proficieny you forgot Bob))

[BOB] (oh?)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((search))

[BOB] (there is looting)

[Death] so is the a visible way down?

[BOB] no

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] how does the looking for secret or concealed doors work for half-elves in your campaign?

[Death] ] Imari moved 27'04".

[Death] is that a cellar door?

[BOB (to Guy only)] is an automatic roll if they are in the area, or if you are looking specificly for htem you have a better chance

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] I want to search for one

[BOB] no to Mike, that is just a fallen part of wall

[BOB] ok to Guy

[BOB] and that is a no

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ok

[Death] "Perhaps there are different ruins?"

[BOB] Reason check Imari

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I knew we missed that fork in the road!)

[BOB] grins there you go

[BOB] you never got to the fork in the path yet

[BOB] this is just on teh path

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (((roflmao)))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((brb))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] /afk

[Branwyn (Lisa)] so onward then

[BOB] ] Bee moved 184'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] there doesn't seem to be anything here of value

Lisa] has left the game on Fri Feb 26 21:48:43 EST 2010

Lisa] has joined the game on Fri Feb 26 21:49:06 EST 2010

Lisa] is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa] has received the map Base Map.

[Death] okay... that was weird

[BOB] and there you are

[BOB] at the fork in the road

[Death] at a new house?

[BOB] you can see how it goes to the right there

[BOB] and continues through the trees to the top (sort of see that part)

[Death] so the fork doesn't go to that house

[BOB] there is a clump of large bees in a tree nearby

[Death] it goes past it?

[Death] to a different map?

[BOB] yes it goes along side of it there

[BOB] farther into the forest now

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ok back))

Guy] is receiving the map FOREST WITH RUINS 2...

Guy] has received the map FOREST WITH RUINS 2.

[BOB] looks to be a similar type of dwelling like you saw before

[BOB] but this is definately a different place

[Death] okay... go thief boy

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ok lets try again with the sneaking))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to GM only)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 20!!

[BOB] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 170'04".

[BOB (to Guy only)] you sneak up to the side wall and you hear two what must be goblins bickering back and forth in quiet grumbling tones

[Death] are you supposed to run when sneaking? lol

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] any clue as to how many? or at least an approximate number

[BOB (to Guy only)] you only hear two voices

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((when I sneak I sneak fast))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((lol))

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 11:15 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Ze {Mid Summer} 20th, 338 SKR.

[Death] are we safe to move up?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] can i combine hide in shadows with move silently?

[BOB (to Guy only)] yes

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((sorry looking up some info right quick))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] ok i try it

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to GM only)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Hide in Shadows check:(d100) [1d100=62] 62 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[BOB (to Guy only)] ok so you flatten your self up against the wall

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] im wanting to try to peek in and see exactly what we are facing

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((btw - I am working with sleep & lightning bug spells today))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((thanks Lisa I had forgotten what spells you had))

[BOB (to Guy only)] ok, you get to peek around/through a crack and can see two goblins sitting on the ground in front of a hole that slopes down into the ground

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] ok i move silently back to the others

[BOB (to Guy only)] ok

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((roll again bob?))

[BOB] no need

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 168'10".

[BOB] and suddenly Foriso pops out of the bushes right in front of Branwyn and Imari

[Death] stab

[Death] reroll a new char

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] shhh keep the noise down

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What did you see up there?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I saw 2 goblins for sure but there could be more down the hole

[Death] ::nods::

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] if we stay quiet we might be able to sneak up on them

[Imari (Death)] "Then our task is at hand."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] They were arguing about something

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sounds like a good plan though I cannot move as quietly as you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think we can handle two goblins

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Its the goblins you dont see that are the trouble

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 127'08".

[Imari (Death)] "Let us deal with these two, then."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 132'00".

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] readies his sling

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can you sneak up close enough to hear what they're arguing about?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] it was too low wheni was here last

[BOB (to Guy only)] you don't speak goblin either wry grin

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] how do i know what language it was? you said it was low grumbling tones

[BOB (to Guy only)] was not in w comm which is what you speak

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] i just figured i could make out the words just the tone

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] couldnt

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] is Imari coming?

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 130'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then we probably cannot reason with them to leave

[BOB (to Guy only)] right only a general tone no real words, but you don't speak goblin anyway

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Somehow I dont think that will be an option

[BOB] (and remember you are only 70 feet away from the house right now as you are talking quietly among your selves)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ok moving silently again to get to a spot where i can use my sling))

[BOB] make that roll

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i was afraid you were gonna say that))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to GM only)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=31] 31 - ROLL FAILED against 20!!

[BOB] ok, and the other two?

[BOB] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 79'07".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 42'03".

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 38'04".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 40'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 11'02".

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 52'02".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((too bad i dont speak goblin i could have tried using ventriloquism and got them fighting each other lol)))

[Guy] Foriso Fairhand targets Goblin #2. Distance: 20'10"

[Imari (Death)] or lure them out here so guy could backstab one

[BOB] it is your move right now

[BOB] you can decide what you want to do then we roll Surprise and Init

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((I can throw my dagger so I don't have to get so close))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((backstab is only for melee weapons right?))

[BOB] dagger can be thrown about 30 feet, and yes only melee weapons

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 2'09".

[BOB] you can see that Foriso;s target is about 20 feet away

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I'm close enough)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ok im gonna attack with my sling))

[BOB] nods

[BOB] both of you at once?

[BOB] what is Imari doing?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] sure

[Imari (Death)] holding action if they suck it up and the gobs come out

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((we aiming at the same goblin?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (should I target the other one?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (which is better?)

[Imari (Death)] i'd say one each? maybe you get lucky and take them both down.

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Goblin #1. Distance: 26'07"

[Imari (Death)] and i'll run in and attack whatever is standing to finish the surprise round

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((umm my sling damage is wrong))

[BOB] Ok, so we roll surprise on both sides,

[BOB] oh?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (1d1-1)

[BOB] that is because it is the sling

[BOB] are you using a Sling stone? or Sling Bullet?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] bullets

[BOB] those are on the weapon list as well

[BOB] Mike will help you with that with setting it up for how many you have

[BOB] a small belt pouch holds 6 bullets or 12 stones

[Imari (Death)] you need to add sling bullet/stone to your equipment

[Imari (Death)] attack with sling, do damage with stone/bullet

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=6] 6

[BOB] Their surprise roll is 6 so they are surprised

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=3] 3

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Foriso Fairhand modified:

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Attack: Sling Bullet:: is now ARMED.

[BOB] your surprise roll is 3 and you are not surprised

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Attack: Sling: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 7. Probably MISSES Goblin #2 (AC FINAL: 6).

[BOB] so you each get one attack

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 8. Probably MISSES Goblin #1 (AC FINAL: 6).

[BOB] then we go to Init

[BOB] and Imari

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=10] 18

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=2] 14

[BOB] Combat has begun!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 0

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=4] 14

[BOB] ] Goblin #1: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[BOB] ] Goblin #2: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i thought there was a bonus to hit with surprise?))

[BOB] now guy and lisa you can rol Init

[BOB] have to wait for combat to start for it to count sorry

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=5] 13

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=7] 19

[BOB] ] ROUND: 1

[BOB] ] INIT: 12 GOING: Goblin #2

[BOB] ] Goblin #2 moved 6'02".

[BOB] jumps up and looks around, then sees the half elf standing there and moves to attack

[BOB] Goblin #2 targets Foriso Fairhand. Distance: 4'04"

[BOB] Goblin #2 targets Branwyn. Distance: 4'07"

[BOB] ] Goblin #2 moved 13'01".

[BOB] ] Goblin #2: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 17. Probably MISSES Foriso Fairhand (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Goblin #2. Distance: 4'02"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 1. PROBABLY HITS Goblin #2 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Damage v SM: Pointy: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Goblin #2

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Goblin #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-2) - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: Imari

[Death] Imari targets Goblin #2. Distance: 12'03"

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 4'03".

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=15] 2. PROBABLY HITS Goblin #2 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Damage v SM: "Spear, Long": (3d6) [3d6=4,2,2] 8 added to: Goblin #2

[BOB] ] INIT: 19 GOING: Foriso Fairhand

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Goblin #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-8) - Dying

[Guy] Foriso Fairhand targets Goblin #1. Distance: 25'04"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Attack: Sling: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 4. PROBABLY HITS Goblin #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Damage v SM: Sling Bullet: (1d6+1) [1d6=4] 5 added to: Goblin #1

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Goblin #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-5) - Heavily Wounded

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Damage v SM: Sling Bullet: (1d6+1) [1d6=3] 4 added to: Goblin #1

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] huh

[BOB] ] INIT: 19 GOING: Goblin #1

[BOB] discarded that second damge

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((hmm if you hit enter after rolling dmg you roll it again))

[BOB] heads he flees tails he attacks

[BOB] ] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Tails

[BOB] Goblin #1 targets Foriso Fairhand. Distance: 4'11"

[BOB] Goblin #1 targets Branwyn. Distance: 5'00"

[BOB] ] Goblin #1 moved 25'00".

[BOB] ] Goblin #1: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 12. Probably MISSES Foriso Fairhand (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] ROUND: 2

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] stupid goblin

[BOB] ] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 13. Probably MISSES Goblin #1 (AC FINAL: 6).

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: Imari

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 8'00".

[Death] Imari targets Goblin #1. Distance: 4'09"

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=9] 8. Probably MISSES Goblin #1 (AC FINAL: 6).

[BOB] ] INIT: 19 GOING: Foriso Fairhand

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] dropping sling and drawing sword

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ] Foriso Fairhand: Attack: Short Sword Ear: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 10. Probably MISSES Goblin #1 (AC FINAL: 6).

[BOB] ] INIT: 19 GOING: Goblin #1

[BOB] ] Goblin #1: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 9. Probably MISSES Foriso Fairhand (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] ROUND: 3

[BOB] ] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 15. Probably MISSES Goblin #1 (AC FINAL: 6).

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: Imari

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=20] -3. PROBABLY HITS Goblin #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Damage v SM: "Spear, Long": (3d6) [3d6=1,2,3] 6 added to: Goblin #1

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=10] 7. Probably MISSES Goblin #1 (AC FINAL: 6).

[BOB] ] INIT: 19 GOING: Foriso Fairhand

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Goblin #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-6) - Dying

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((sweet we rocked lol))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((has anybody noticed that i have the lowest HP but the best AC? lol))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can we search the bodies?)

[BOB] sure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (do I just do it or is it observation?)

[BOB] you can just do it

Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] wipes off his sword and puts it away, then picks up his sling

Branwyn (Lisa)] leans down and looks at dead goblins to see if they were carrying anything

[BOB] There is a large metal cow bell, likely some sort of alarm, and each of them has a short sword and a small belt pouch with some dead mice in it, and one also has (1d4) [1d4=1] 1 copper pieces in his pouch

Death] has left the game on Fri Feb 26 22:42:52 EST 2010

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((thats major wealth for a goblin))

Branwyn (Lisa)] picks up pouch with dead mice

[Branwyn (Lisa)] In case we run into that owl again?

Death] has joined the game on Fri Feb 26 22:43:49 EST 2010

Death] is receiving the map Base Map...

Death] has received the map Base Map.

[Death] or just get hungry

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((do we wantto stop here before we go into the hole?))

[BOB] yes

[BOB] good point to pause

[BOB] and head down next session

[Branwyn (Lisa)] yes

[BOB] you three will all be here?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I dont want to push my lukc with my rolls anymore lol

[BOB] plus Kaz? maybe Beth?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] should be

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I will be here for sure and Kaz is hoping to be here

[BOB] sounds good

[BOB] RP award for the night?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Mike or Guy

[Death] lol. give it to guy. he needs the xp. =P

[Branwyn (Lisa)] how much does a pouch full of dead mice weigh?

[BOB] half a pound at the most

[Guy] i was gonna say maybe a tie between us mike

[BOB] ok, so to Guy for tonight

[BOB] good job all

[Guy] its fun playing a CN character

[BOB] Guy you need to start your character page !

[Death] night all.

Death] has left the game on Fri Feb 26 22:48:42 EST 2010

[Guy] I did I thought

[BOB] and you can post in the In character section as well

[Guy] or do you mean on the wesite

[BOB] on the website

[BOB] grins

[Guy] Kaz is the writer im just the crazy person lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] and pouch weighs?

[Guy] but we will get something up there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] trying to be responsible

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Kaz did all my weights before

[BOB] half a pound total pouch and mice

[Branwyn (Lisa)] thank you

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Encumbrance Totals - Wealth:: CHANGED: 35.98 (35.48). Total Weight:: CHANGED: 38.98 (38.48).

[Guy] and you didnt have to use your spells Lisa

[Branwyn (Lisa)] can I pick up that dagger I tossed next week or is it lost since I missed?

[BOB] you can pick it up next week

[BOB] or try to at least

[BOB] just remember that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm glad - think we will run into a bigger group below

[Branwyn (Lisa)] okay

[Guy] if we dont ill be surpriseed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] will John be back?

[Guy] hopefully we will have our ranger next week

[Branwyn (Lisa)] that will be very good!

[BOB] I have no clue on John

[BOB] I am sure he will be reading this though

[Guy] in that case

[Guy] John get your butt back here!!!!!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol!

[BOB] ] XP award: 100. Next level in 150.

[BOB] ] XP award: 100. Next level in 490.

[BOB] ] XP award: 100. Next level in 1150.

[Guy] 2 fights and no deaths Bob

[Branwyn (Lisa)] can you explain how creatures choose to attack who?

[Guy] most creatures tend to attack the closest target

[Branwyn (Lisa)] how come they kept picking on Foriso?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] bad luck?

[BOB] ] XP award: 10. Next level in 140.

[BOB] ] XP award: 10. Next level in 480.

[BOB] ] XP award: 10. Next level in 1140.

[Guy] the more intelligent ones use better tactics

[BOB] they hate elves

[Branwyn (Lisa)] but they had to move up to us

[BOB] so the first one saw him and attacked him

[BOB] then got over whelemed

[Guy] I was closest to them and yeah they have the same feelings towards elves that foriso does lol

[BOB] the other one was going to run adn warn the others

[BOB] but then he got hit

[Branwyn (Lisa)] okay

[BOB] so I flipped a coin to see if he would attack or run away

[BOB] and he chose to attack for revenge

[Branwyn (Lisa)] glad he stuck around

[BOB] goblins are not very smart

[Guy] that coin toss really helped us

[Branwyn (Lisa)] so I just need to always stand behind Guy

[Guy] if it had been orcs or hobgoblins one would have attacked and the other would have sounded the alarm and then attacked

[BOB] or in front of Imari

[BOB] she has the polearm that can reach right past you and hit them

[Guy] of course if we face orcs ill be getting attacked again beofre the rest of you

[BOB] but at the mage most of the time you do not want to be on the front line

[Branwyn (Lisa)] another elf thing?

[Guy] yup

[Branwyn (Lisa)] but without fighters I have to be there

[Guy] orcs and elves hate each other worse than arabs hate the jews

[Branwyn (Lisa)] not good

[Branwyn (Lisa)] was a fun night

[Guy] and everybody but elves consider half-elves to be elves

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I consider you an elf

[Branwyn (Lisa)] so proves your point

[BOB] ] XP award: 150. Level-up!

[Guy] which makes foriso's hatred of elves to be fun to play

[BOB] and congrats to Guy

[Guy] oooh

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yay!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Very good

[BOB] by one goblin's worth of XP

[Guy] lol

[BOB] you can add your HP now if you want

[BOB] then deal with the rest later

[BOB] or do it all later

[BOB] at the beginning of next week

[Guy] d8?

[BOB] nods

[BOB] no

[BOB] d6

[Guy] (1d8) [1d8=1] 1

[BOB] so re roll that

[Guy] ouch

[Guy] (1d8) [1d8=4] 4

[Guy] oh d6?

[Guy] ooops

[BOB] no re roll for a d6

[Guy] (1d6) [1d6=5] 5

[BOB] chuckles

[Guy] even better lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Okay - going to take my dead mice and call it a night

[Guy (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Foriso Fairhand modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 15 (8). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 15 (8).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] goodnight!

[BOB] night

[Guy] night Lisa

Lisa] has left the game on Fri Feb 26 23:05:32 EST 2010

[Guy] that helps on the HP side

[BOB] yeah

[Guy] im up to 15 now

[Guy] i forgot i actually had a con bonus to my HP

[BOB] is a good thing

[Guy] and i cant do anything else really until i can train my thief abilities

[BOB] nods

[Guy] i cant believe i made all those rolls tonight

[BOB] grins wait till you read the log,

[BOB] you really only made one key one

[BOB] you flubbed up a couple

[Guy] i feel better now i think lol

[Guy] ok im off now have a good night Bob and see you next week

[BOB] night see you during the week

[BOB] hope she feels better

[Guy] same here

Guy] has left the game on Fri Feb 26 23:09:13 EST 2010

Experience Awards: Mike, Lisa, Guy: 100 each for roleplaying Guy 150 for roleplayer of the night