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Flash Forward

by John Anstett

The show starts with the world blacking out and seeing 2 minutes of their own future, not quite a year from then. Many did not see a future, which was determined that they would be dead. Some saw bad things they wanted to try and avoid, some saw good thuings they could hardly imagine how it would happen. Centering arround an FBI agency and almost self appointed lead to research how it happen and who and why and more importnatly, will it happen again.

While the story is more of a cray crime investigation with lots of twists, the constant intrest for me is what people would do if they though they new thier fates.

One guy kills himself becasue he knew he was going to accidently kill a single mother. In the end, another agen kills her the same way.

Another agent, who found out how he was suposed to die, acted invincible in his attempt to find out who and stop his own murder. At this point he has survived past his death date and is hutting someone who is killing people who survied past their expected death.

Another major theme is a relationship of and agent and his wife, in a troubbled but mostly happy relationship. The agent's glimps of the future saw him drinking while he has been recovering sober for years and his wife saw herself with a man she never met but with who she was varry happy with. The black out actual brought the mystery man to her and the bizzard triangle of what is going to be started.

So they try and change the future, certainly somethings change, but "Fate" and other people, seem to want to help things work out like they are suposed to.