Main / Gelligaer


The village of Gelligaer is on the north section of the Great Trade Route just about 60 miles South of Wolfspack. This is the first strongly fortified settlement and is a key stopping point south. There are two large stone towers built into a stone wall surrounding the town.

The permanent population is only around 500 adults with most of those farmers but Gelligaer has two industries that help keep the town strong. One is the large merchant guild that profits from the constant flow of traffic of normal goods. There are also merchants in town who profit by hiring adventurers to obtain specific items for various customers. One of the key customers in this trade are the rulers of the village.

Gelligaer is ruled as a Magocracy. This stems from the original founders of the town who moved here from Rivertown. Currently there are three mages who rule the town as a counsel. One is a half-elf who has ruled for over 50 years. The counsel also runs one of the three magic schools in town. The congregation of magic users creates a need for many components to be procured and an active adventurers guild to work with the merchant guild is the result. There is also a scarcity of metals in the hills nearby the village so they must be traded for from dwarves in the hills or from farther away.

The population here tends to be of a higher level of experience than would normally be expected in a town of this size. The skilled trades are well represented with three blacksmiths (one of fairly poor quality) and additionally a weaponsmith and an armorer have forges in town. There are two inns and one bar in town, with the inns both having private rooms for rent as well at the traditional common room. The Red Dragon Inn and the Dragonstail Inn are popular adventurer hangouts with the Boarshead Tavern being the bar of choice for the locals.

The ruling counsel has strict controls on spell use and magic item creation in town. Even the sale or trade of any magic item is strictly controlled. For inhabitants the town has several nice features that would not be available outside of a very large and much wealthier city. Continual Light lamps for home use as well as on the street corners in the village help keep crime to a minimum. There are no thieves guilds in town, although a few independent operators scratch out a living. (The Law is hassling and merchants are in opposition in game mechanic terms) Each of the bars are equipped with comprehend languages to facilitate trade, and there are several businesses and homes with magic mouth and other similar minor magic.