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She wasn't a witch, John. I mean, she CLEARLY outweighed that duck by ten pounds or so. Also, that was a fake nose that Toybin put on her, and talk around the village is that he dressed her like that while we weren't looking.


I believe part of this initial issue is the thought that just because "Combat has begun" the the party has to be in combat mode. It is really just that actions have to be laid out round by round and segment by segment. That being said when BOB has one of his NPCs attack another one of his NPCs, it is hard to avoid combat. The fact that no one died taking on an unexpected flying dragon is something you can brag about. I am just a little disappointed that Fortiso could not kill the witch a little more sneaky.


hey i'm perfectly happy with the paladins testing foriso to see if hes evil, he did what he felt needed to be done to protect his family and if some knight got his knickers in a knot then oh flipping well. Toybin insulted branwyn not once but several times merely because shes a female mage and that alone was enough for foriso to hate him. and while Foriso doesn't care for paladins which is more a class feud than anything else he would trust being put to the test by them and if need me abiding by their decision. One way or another this needs to be taken care of and toybin needs to be given his walking papers.


I agree that Toybin can cause quite a bit of damage to our reputation. I understand that a knight, like a paladin, most often has a very black or white point of view, which is part of what creates the problem between us.

A few things that strike me, in reading the abbreviated log Lisa put together. First, when Toybin rushes out to the Priestess and Bob is asked why we're in combat, he states that it's because Toybin rushed forward to attack someone. After all is said and done, Toybin denies he was attacking the Priestess. If he did not, why were we in combat? Like Lisa says below, it was pretty muddy. As far as the body slam is concerned, the chat was such a mess (no one's fault), I didn't even see the Priestess take damage. As it is, though, she took a bare minimum of damage, as though the dragon was not trying to hit her. Collateral Damage? To me, her getting hit so minimally doesn't prove the dragon wasn't somehow 'with' her, whether it controlled her or she controlled it.

It is painfully clear that we gave her every chance to speak up, and she refused to do so. Whether or not she initially meant to attack us, she didn't hold back when sh webbed us, which basically held us in place long enough for the dragon to throw a hurting on three Dragonslayers.

I agree that we need to do something about Toybin. I am against killing him for practical reasons. He is a respected Knight, he is not evil, and killing him would be a huge mistake. Part of me welcomes bringing this issue to the Paladins. If we are able to get them to see that there is no right or wrong, and that we did what we felt was necessary for our survival based on how the situation presented itself to us, then the issue is dropped and Toybin can go on his merry way and sulk. Foriso is not evil and did not kill the Priestess out of malice. He should be able to pass any test they give.


3/26/11: Below is a summary of what happened in the priestess/dragon encounter from the chat log. I have included my thoughts where appropriate in brackets [xxx]. Feel free to add your own if you want so we can get a picture of what really happened and what we were all thinking.

This thing with Foriso and Toybin has the potential for spinning way out of control and I think all of us, including Bob, need a cheat sheet on what happened as opposed to what we remember happening. I know I was surprised in places as I read it again.

Left unchecked, Toybin could cause a lot of damage to our reputation with NPCs in the area. Killing Toybin would be serious business though. Fun to talk about maybe, but not necessarily the proper solution. No matter who was right or wrong (if you can even classify it as such – I think it was pretty muddy and any one of us at that point could have been the one to strike the final blow) we need to mitigate the situation with Toybin. It would be a shame to be greeted with the same kind of trepidation everywhere that we just got walking into Miller’s or if the higher ups in the Company come down on us. I’m also going to be posting some IC chat in the tavern this week.


Kaz rolled for an encounter in the middle of some out of character conversation.

Priestess says, “Hello”

Toybin yells, “AHHH it’s a witch!”

[Lisa Note: No indication was given that priestess magically appeared. Like most encounters we are walking and suddenly we see something that begins the encounter.]

Kristelle calls out greetings to priestess.

Toybin targets Priestess.

Combat begins.

Players ask why we are in combat and are told “because Toybin rushed forward to attack someone who suddenly appeared 20 feet out of your camp.”

Players try to stop Toybin from attacking.

Priestess casts web over all of us. Branwyn and Imari escape and Foriso moves forward and suggests starting the meeting with the Priestess again.

Dragon appears and flies in low over the scene.

Branwyn holds and Indigo addresses Priestess that we mean her no harm. Kristelle asks Priestess who she is and offers to make Toybin apologize.

Priestess ducks to ground in a ball. Foriso asks her to talk to us to resolve this. Branwyn, Indigo, Miranda, Kristelle & Scarlet drop to the ground too. Toybin moves to protect Kristelle.

Dragon hits Miranda, Imari & Scarlet with acid.

Branwyn hits dragon. Indigo runs south. [Lisa Note: Since Indigo cannot hit dragon, I thought it might be a good idea to spread out, so bunches of us don’t get hit at once like what had just happened above.]

Imari hits dragon. Kristelle says, "Looks like the dragon is your buddy, lady, eh” and hits Priestess.

Priestess attacks Foriso with a dagger but misses hitting him. Foriso hits Priestess.

Toybin puts a dagger to Priestess’ throat and orders her to surrender to Kristelle or die.

Dragon swoops over the scene again but does not attack.

Branwyn hits dragon again. Indigo seeing that part of the group is attacking the priestess, returns to that area so he may be there if needed, but was too far away to act further.

Kristelle states, “Toybin, were she going to surrender, she'd have done so already.” She hits Priestess even though Toybin has dagger to her throat, and Toybin raises no objections.

Priestess says, “My life is on your head Knight,” and gets on her knees.

Foriso tells her to call off the dragon. He targets dragon but holds action.

Toybin yells to duck and tries to protect Kristelle. Dragon swoops down and slams into the group. [Lisa Note: This was very confusing in the chat log and during the game. It appears that the mass attack function in Klooge was not working for Bob and so it went through in pieces. I pasted in the chat log for that section and edited a bit to try to shorten it up a little. To me at the time – I was not convinced that the Priestess was hit.]

[Master] Young Black Dragon #4 targets Kristelle. Distance: 5'11"
[Master] Young Black Dragon #4 targets Toybin of Castling. Distance: 5'02"
[Master] Young Black Dragon #4 targets Foriso Fairhand. Distance: 1'11"
[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and yes that is a dragon goign SLAM into the group
[Master] Young Black Dragon #4: Attack: Bite: (9-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 5. MISSES Foriso Fairhand (AC FINAL: 4).
[Master] Young Black Dragon #4 targets Indigo. Distance: 2'07"
[Master] Young Black Dragon #4 targets Priestess #2. Distance: 3'00"
[Master] Young Black Dragon #4: Attack: Bite: (9-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 3. HITS Priestess #2 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!
[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] i dont get to go?
[Master] Young Black Dragon #4: Attack: Bite: (9-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] -3. HITS Priestess #2 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!
[Toybin of Castling (Master)] just a sec
[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you will get to at the same time tryign to figure out why the attacks are not spreading out
[Toybin of Castling (Master)] everyone should get one attack
[Master] Young Black Dragon #4: Attack: Bite: (9-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] -9. HITS Kristelle (AC FINAL: 7)!!!. HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 4)!!!. HITS Toybin of Castling (AC FINAL: 5)!!!
[Toybin of Castling (Master)] OK so it goes WHAM onto the ground crushing everyone then springs back up into the air again
[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Foriso gets to do his attack on it at the same time
[Toybin of Castling (Master)] everyone else that was hit takes
[Imari (mikE)] that's a weird attack.
[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] im webbing it
[Master] Young Black Dragon #4: Damage v SM: Bite: (3d6) [3d6=1,3,3] 7 added to: Kristelle, Indigo, Toybin of Castling
[Imari (mikE)] why would it body slam us when it can just strafe us again?
[Master (to GM only)] Toybin of Castling's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (-7) - Lightly Wounded
[Master] Kristelle's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (-7) - Lightly Wounded
[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (-7) - Lightly Wounded
[Master (to GM only)] Priestess #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-7) - Massively Wounded --]

Foriso casts web at Dragon, but Dragon makes its save. The web falls on the group again.

Branwyn hits dragon. Lisa asks if anyone objects to Indigo killing Priestess. Bob says that Toybin does and that he will try to block Indigo. Kaz acknowledged that Priestess surrendered to Toybin. Player animosity towards Toybin escalates. Indigo ends up taking the magical net out of the sack for his action.

Mike suggests that “killing her might make the dragon go away, release its hold on her or something.” [Lisa Note: I thought priestess was controlling the dragon and this was as a valid theory.] Mike asks who he should attack. Lisa asks him to attack the dragon since Imari had spells that could hit it. Imari hits the dragon.

Kristelle says “Toybin, I just need to point out that you're not exactly part of this unit. You might want to remember that.”

Foriso attacks Priestess. Toybin yells, NOOO!!, attempts to block the hit, but fails and Foriso kills the Priestess. The dragon still flies overhead.

Miranda starts to chant. Toybin “ROARS in anger, turns to Kristelle, ‘HE KILLED HER!!! She surrendered!”

The heavily wounded Dragon flies away and combat is finished.