Main / Herbalist

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Elven Kits


Even when these priests have run out of healing spells, they are not useless as healers. The elf Herbalist can soothe fevers and mend wounds with the utmost ability and speed.

are not nearly as effective outside this terrain.

lasso, net.


equipment as anyone else.

appearance. They seem to be unassuming and scholarly fellows, unprepossessing in nature and dedicated to their art.

can restore 1d4 points of damage to a wounded creature if they can reach it within four rounds after being wounded. Under the Herbalist's ministrations, the creature will recover twice as fast than it normally would (see the Player's Handbook, p. 59).

Herbalists are very knowledgeable about the various herbs found in their domains. They can locate even the hard-to-find ones, although that might take some searching. Their herb lore is unsurpassed, except by druids.

A Herbalist can, at 5th level, identify plants and pure water without error, so long as the items are within his chosen terrain. This makes the Herbalist's task much easier and means that there is little chance of inadvertently poisoning a friend.

Finally, Herbalists can add a new terrain every five levels. That is, if they have traveled far enough outside their own terrains that the DM feels they warrant an additional terrain, they may take one. The new terrain confers all the abilities mentioned above, although they must again work through five levels before they can identify its plants without error.

when they venture beyond that field, they may make mistakes. When outside their chosen terrain and attempting to heal a friend nonmagically, Herbalists must make an Herbalism proficiency check at -2. Failure indicates the possibility of having picked a poisonous plant (25% chance).

Herbalists may never brew poison. Although they have the knowledge necessary to do so, they feel that their skills are better suited for healing than for killing. The only time they will experiment with poison is to test antidotes against it. Any Herbalist who brews poisons for use against others loses all the abilities in this kit.

restrictions on how the money may be spent.