Main / HomeBaseInDragonFen

Dragon Fen

Home Base in Dragon Fen

Dragon Fen Accounting Books - tracking the wealth and income of the Estate

Party Pack - Containers

Protectorate Supplies

This is the list of items that the group has at home rather than carrying around in the party pack.

These items may or may not be not owned by any one individual in the group and those that are individually owned are noted as being transferred to that character's possession and character sheet.

usually in the party pack

1 bone scroll case - just the case
Pot of grease and a brush
Room Scroll inscribed with an elaborate drawing of a doorway into 10-ft square room. It's lit with 2 beds, a table and two chairs, and food and drink for two on the table. On the far wall a pair of swords hang above a pair of shields
Ring of Mind Shielding


5,545 platinum pieces (27,725 gp)
14,537 gold pieces
1 electrum pieces
64 silver pieces
664 copper pieces
-30750 gp for building (does not include plans for Talwin)


Ruby (Fancy) - 100 gp
Quartz worth 10 gp
blue quartz 10 gp
Turquoise, worth 10 gp
Zircon (Semi-precious) - 5 gp
Tiger Eye Agate (Ornamental) - 10 gp
Hematite (Ornamental) - 10 gp
Rhodochrosite (Ornamental) - 10 gp
Rhodochrosite (Ornamental) - 10 gp
Chalcedony (Semi-precious) - 50 gp
Pearl - 15 gp
Pearl - 50 gp
13 ornamental gems, - 10 gp
rock crystal – 10 gp
obsidian – 50 gp
star rose quartz – 10 gp
sardonyx – 50 gp
hematite 10 gp
dusty rose color gem - 50 gp
Ruby - ornamental - 10 gp
Moonstone (Semi-precious)- 50 gp
Banded agate, brown, 50 gp
Moonstone 500 gp
Ruby worth 750 gp
Emerald 4,000 gp
Black Opal worth 1000 gp
Rock Crystal, worth 50 gp
Peridot – 100 gp
Small Freshwater Coral - 1,000 gp
Oriental Topaz (Gem) - 400 gp
Pearl, 1,000 gp
Peridot (Precious)300 gp
45 semi-precious gems 50 gp each - 2,250 gp
13 gems, 100 gp each
21 precious gems, 500 gp each - 10,500 gp
8 gems, 1,000 gp each - 8,000 gp
2 gems, 5,000 gp each
1 gem, 25 gp
11 gems - DM value hidden
5 gems at 500 gp each
41 gems at 100 gp each
13 gems at 500 gp each
8 gems at 1,000 gp each
Hematite, Gray-black – 10 gp - scrag
Carnelian: Orange to red-brown - 50 gp - Lich
Azurite: Opaque, mottled deep blue - 10 gp - Lich
Moonstone: White with pale blue hue - 50 gp - Lich
Rhodochrosite - 10 gp
Rock Crystal - 50 gp
Hematite, worth 10 gp
1,100 gp - gambling winnings
3,000 gp - rich trolls
500 gp - from home
4 gems at 100 gp each
Small Coffer: 17 pieces of 500 g.p. jewelry



4-foot long magical giant dagger "Mick Giagger" +1, may be used as a long sword - N'laea holding
Magic Mace +1 - 5,000 gp
Magic mace +1 - 5,000 gp
human-size magic chain mail of floating - it does not count as metal when immersed in water
Crossbow of Speed - magic - 20,000 gp
Spear of Healing - magical - damage done with the spear heals the wielder - Zayden holding
Large shield - +1 shield of arrow attracting
human-size field plate armor +3 - Talwin holding
Mace non-magical 3,000 gp
Short spear glowing with a magical light, +1 and +2 against Bullywugs - 1,000 gp - Craigh holding
Magical ancient net with small silver badges at the intersections, with unrecognised heraldric images - gladiator style net used in ancient times for fighting (use in combat confined to humanoids) - +1 - 10,000 gp
20 spears and 4 battle axes - pirates - put into ship's hold (sell?)
Healing Potions - 8
Ointment of Far Seeing, works on the Elemental plane of Ice, in a large, bluish-white crystal box with an inscription on the lid that reads ICE; contents are a bluish-white salve that had no effect on Branwyn's finger or on the wooden table
Potion of Certain Death, honey-scented liquid in a plain fired-clay bottle with a wood stopper; if someone were to drink the full potion, it would be instant death with the person's soul ripped out and transported to some unknown place destroy for XP?
Potion of Vitality - lasts 7 days
Potion of Giant Control, Frost Giants - made 2
Oil of Elemental Invulnerability - 1
Ointment of Mage Smelling - made 2
Potion of Dragon Control III - made 2
Potion of Elemental Control - 1
Potion of Mirrored Eyes - made 2
Potion of Undead Control - not sure which - need Identify
Potions of Health - 7
Oil of Animation - would cover about 2 sq ft - made 2
Potion of Yellow Dragon's Breath, in a yellow crystal vial
Oil of Anger - made 2
Potion of Spirit Lifting - feel lighter than the physical body - made 2
Potion of ESP - 2 of Them
Potion of Ventriloquism - made 2
Oil of Armour - covers skin in armour-like toughness, enough to cover one person
Potion of Blindness - made 2
Potion of Animal Control (mammals/marsupials)
Potion of Zombie Control
Potion of Enlarged Muscles
Potion of Humanoid Control
Aleese's Philter of Overwhelming Love - made 2
Potion of Worm Calling - made 2
Mojo liquid - made 2
Potion of Climbing - made 2
Potion of Rainbow Hues - made 2
Cordial of Kindness - 1
Skunk Water - made 2
Potion of Crystal Dragon Breath
Potion of Bronze Dragon Breath
Potion of Thievery - made 2
Potion of Red Dragon Breath - made 2
Potion of Explosions
Potion of Mercury Dragon Breath
Potion of Comprehension - 1
Cordial of Glitz - made 2
Hypnotic Oil - made 2
Perfume Aroma of Dreams - made 2
Potion of Willpower - made 2
Potion of Diminution - made 2
Potion of Pain Suppression - made 2
Oil of Elasticity - made 2
Potion of Regeneration - made 2
Cordial of Physical Enhancement - made 2
Oil of Stone Giant Strength
Oil of Slipperiness - made 2
Potion of Protection from Magic
Elixir of Heroic Action – not for fighters - made 2
Potion of Water Breathing - 6 -- gave 1 each to Youtargim, Akilah, Craigh, Raelynn, Licornah, Bixi
Protection from Therianthropes
Protection from Cold - 2
Priest Scroll -- 3rd level Celtic only spell - Frenzy of the Celts - creates battle frenzied warriors
Protection from Genies
Scroll of Protection from Good
5th & 7th level mage spells - needs read magic
Protection from Undead
Blank scroll
Shield of Cahus - Kayugan priest scroll - 5th Level
Protection from Divination
Protection from All Traps
Protection from Magical Weapons
Protection from Plants
Protection from Acid - carried in bone scroll case

Magic Items, Ingredients or Tools

Ring of Spell Storing – need command word
Small cast iron potion pot - put potion & equal part pure water to get two potions - kept in Branwyn's Laboratory
pouch with graveyard dirt - taken at midnight during full moon
Set of magical Hinges for man-sized door {adds 3 pounds of space}
Ring of Male Control - only works when a woman places it on a man's hand then she has the power of Charm over him
Jar of ointment used for True Seeing 6th lvl mage or 5th lvl priest spell component - black priestess
Jotun Magical Ring – Wearer can speak in giant language
139 Greek Church scrolls
Purple bloody altar cloth with insignia pulled off
White altar cloth with ram's head on it
Pinchers - magical - meant to be used in forges to create magical items, immune to fire
Large magical crystal sphere - can see and send messages but can't hear subjects
Wand - Control Undead - Less than 12 charges - Command Word: o mortui oboedite
Large magical crystal sphere - Branwyn - can see and send messages but can't hear subjects
Wand - Control Undead - Less than 12 charges - Command Word: o mortui oboedite
Medallion with Continual Darkness spell cast on it
Fire gem
Magical tiny statue of shrew - Conjuration, Xanthippe of Annoyance
**Command word spoken, item turns into a giant shrew & makes a saving throw vs. spell. If the throw is successful, shrew immediately flees at its maximum movement rate. If the saving throw fails, shrew understands and obeys the user of the statue. If touched & second command word spoken, shrew returns to statue form. Otherwise, dispel magic is needed to return the creature to its normal inanimate state; remove curse does not affect it. A third command word turns the statue into an ethereal being resembling a human female. This being is immune to all attacks and has no attack forms itself. When created, however, it immediately begins loudly criticizing the user. All within 60 ft. understand the words. This speech can continue for any duration but the being returns to statue form on command of the user or if dispel magic is applied.
Magic Monocle to Identify - need to know Identify spell I believe but takes away the prep and recovery times and costs
Amulet of the Planes - to and from the Planes - Branwyn


Spyglass, worth 2,000 gp {carried separately in its tube} Carried by Indigo
Chalice of Charon the boatman, used to drink the waters of the river Lethe; carved from tooth of Tiamat (priceless artifact)
Collection of Maps
A dozen sheets of magical origami paper in a flat wooden box, possibly from Kara Tur
Map of Lake around Rivers Bend
Goblet -- 5 gp
Book - "Mastering the Art of Seduction"
Book - "Gardening Secrets of the Dark Forest"
Book - Calibrating Entry into the Planes via Amulets
Book - Tulip Varieties and where you can find them
Book - Domville family history, from when Duke thought his daughter was going to be new Prince of Dryads Lair
Mirror - 15 gp
Small silver bracelet – with brooms engraved on it – 500 gp
Set of six-sided platinum dice 2,400 gp
Silver adorned dress boots typically worn by The Brotherhood – 200 gp
Cup (art object) – 600 gp
Bone dagger with gem infused into it - 1,200 gp
pipe carved of red dragon's tooth - 8,000 gp
Gold goblet with figures on it - 600 gp
Fancy Chair - 4 gp
Scepter - 100 gp
Gold plated large chest - 594 gp
Bracelet with inlaid jewels - junk, not worth anything
Diadem – 110 gp


Hourglass wood – from a mythical tree on another plane of existence
Plan for goblins to kidnap Demitrius and take him to the goblin city where Black Cloak would come to retrieve him
Journal starts: In the year 341 the queen grants the Quellcon family the rights to stead in the Craniate Wastes
Accounting book of the history of Dragon Fen - Near the end there is a picture of Branwyn on a X cross with no hands or feet with some symbols written on the page facing it – tries to charm person that looks at it. Need to cut the pages out of the book and burn them
Book listing parishioners who have been in the church over the last year - Check mark next to most of them and a second check mark next to most of the ones with a single check
Plans and cost estimates for the Black Cloak's moat; dealt with goblin called Gagilkop to get his slave labor
Scrolls for a new Quest - Aman al-Raqib is saying that he researching into the past have unraveled the mystery of MarRek who died at least 10 centuries ago and it says that his prophesy has merit and the land might be spared the devastation that awaits it if a party of heroes can recover the Sphere of Power. It continues to implore that adventurers come to Bralizzar to undertake a quest to stop the Evil One from breaching his bonds. Place the 5 gold cubes in a particular pentagram arranged in a specific order to create a gateway.
5 Gold Cubes in an oblong box

Can be Appraised Now

4 gems - Giths - need appraisal
3 gems - Pandemonium
Earring - giant barracks
Gold chain with fire opal - non magic

Holding for Appraisal - Emerald at 9th Level

  • 2 gems - attacking tree
  • Scythe - poisoned blade
  • Gems - 4
  • Small Aquamarine
  • Earrings
  • Banded Agate (Ornamental)
  • Bloodstone (Semi-precious)
  • 2 gems - ghast
  • Golden Earring - art object
  • 2 gems - Purple worm - can be sent to Ilero now
  • 44 gems - Protectorate Era

Items Held By Characters

Thistle holding +1 magic dagger
Thistle has Ring of Fire Resistance
Branwyn holding silver dagger worth 2000 gold and could be made into a magic item
Branwyn holding +2 Magic dagger
Branwyn given locket by Thyme
Branwyn bought silver bracelet just because it was pretty
Ilero - Polished steel shield in a beautiful blue color and is very light – lighter than any metal shield should be – Ilero took it for the moment
Ilero - Magic gauntlet and steel hand – you put your hand in the gauntlet to control the steel hand
Ilero - Oil of Unlocking
Branwyn's secret library - Thin red leather volume with crossed spears on the front, Title: A Counting of the Northern Armies and Their Leaders
Indigo & Shur each have a small bronze replicas of the Cowles shield
Marisu - Gold and silver worked ring -- 2 gp doesksin signet - Marisu
Marisu - Four silk scrolls in a wooden box, possibly from Kara Tur The scrolls are long silk rolls wound on ornate teak spools. The spools fit tightly into matching carved boxes, inset with gems and brass chasings. There are four scrolls per box and each scroll is a treatise, diary, notebook and spellbook - Marisu
Kel - using a magic bow that gives +0 to hit/+ STR Damage bonus to arrow damage found in the Bugbear Keep magical weapons room during War By Art campaign
Shi'Nynze - Ellidor's Bow; elven and magical +1 to hit & +1 damage
Shi'Nynze - 10 +1 arrows (started with)
Shi'Nynze - Wand of Wonder - 57 charges (started with)
Jilly has a large carving knife found in Medusa's Keep
Shi'Nynze - Arrow of Adhesion
Hugh Pack: Empty Book, Two Scrolls of Vellum Parchment, Charcoal Stick, Ink and Pens, Small wooden box, Canvas bag (medium), Leather water bag, Fist sized rock, Oilskin blanket, 2 glass vials in leather pouch, small cloth rag, string, however much obsidian I can carry with me on the way out of the city.
Ilero - 4 emeralds - currently stashed in a hidden place in the embassy/his pockets?
Marisu - small crossbow with 4 magic bolts - Marisu
Hugh - magical long sword +2 - Hugh
Ilero - Ring of Thief Negation - Ilero
Wu Sen Chu - Wand of Rust - with gold at both ends - Alteration have command word, but only Wu Jen can use
Mara exchanged a +1 mace for a Magic Mace +3
Mara - took Broken bracelet to keep and fix
Neith - Light spell cast on Large Quartz, transparent pale blue, worth 50gp
Miranda - Given to her by Hoffman Gold ring with large sapphire - non-magic, not appraised
N'laea - Flaming Long Sword - possessed - can find any gem anywhere within 20 yards, type of gem at 50 paces - flame turns on and off in combat - Branwyn currently has control - must make d20 ego roll
Craigh - Dice of Certain Wagering – They roll whatever number you want them to
Ink - 2 bottles - worth 400 gp each -- Split Emerald and Bixi
Cloth of polishing -- anything polished with the cloth gains a plus 1 for the next turn or hit, or a cup is now magical for ten rounds (need testing, not sure what that would do) - N'laea
Boots of Comfort – for any human, comfortable like slippers, but made of hard durable leather - Lanek
Quiver of 11 +2 magic arrows - N'laea
Bixi - Rod of Strength - Use the command word to increase the wielders strength by 2 for one turn, can be activated 3 times per day; or acts as a club +2
Fire gem - Branwyn

Items Used or Lost – already taken out from our stocks

Spells for Howard and Branwyn - 6,100 gp
Gems for pearls for 2 Identify spells - 200 gp
Ring of Undead Control, glowing as an evil item or cursed - given to Drayven
Gave gypsies 1,000 gp for 2 barges
Spent 15,724 gp on 1st round of building
Spent 13,000 gp on library maintenance
Spent 13,200 gp on training
Spent 25,000 gp on spellbooks - 3 for dreams, 1 for Branwyn and 1 for Miranda
Spent 600 gp on Miranda spell research
Spent 500 gp on Potion of Health; Branwyn made an extra one
Spent 300 gp pearl on Identify spell
Spent 203,000 gp on final building effort - used writ, platinum pieces & yarn ball
Spent 62 gp worth of daggers, darts, silver arrowheads, leather armor, and art supplies
Spent 800 gp to repair Branwyn's lab after recent "mishap"
Spent XXX gp on latest training
Garnet (Fancy) - 500 gp - Craigh scrolls
Gown of the elven goddess Sehanine Moonbow's avatar – Acts like a Gown of Displacement. Returned to goddess
Teleport Dart - whoever is hit with this dart gets teleported to a random location with a 45% chance of landing safely - Talwin - Lost
Talwin - Broadsword - magical - +2 - 8,000 gp - destroyed

Branwyn's Library