Main / Huntsman

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Elven Kits


Although some call them bounty hunters, the Huntsmen know better. Their chief joy in life is the hunt, and they have trained themselves in the ways of life: fighting and stealth.

down errant wrongdoers and bring them to justice. He can be good, evil, or neutral; he may ethically bring criminals to face the law or hunt them just for money. Whether he is good or not good, his motivation is more the thrill of the hunt than material gain.


Intimidation, Juggling, Jumping, Running, Set Snares, Tumbling.

He carries only those things he cannot quickly and cheaply replace and is usually prepared to make the things that cannot be easily replaced. His most valuable piece of equipment is his mind.

and Hide in Shadows skills; this applies to both city and wilderness settings. Because he has spent so much time learning stealth, this is in addition to his regular modifiers for high Dexterity and race.

The Huntsman also takes a smaller penalty to his Tracking proficiency than other nonrangers. His life has been spent in the hunt, and he therefore is more familiar with the signs of the forest than many others.

not regarded well. His trade is in flesh, and people dislike his company. He receives a - 2 reaction penalty when dealing with good-aligned people. In evil society, they hate him, even if he is evil, because he and his kind are responsible for the capture of friends and allies. He receives a -2 penalty there as well.

The Huntsman may never take the Read Languages ability available to most thieves. His style of life does not require learning new languages and, indeed, forces him to be constantly on the move. He has not the time.

spend this money however he wishes.