Main / Infiltrator

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Elven Kits


The Infiltrator is the very model of an elf scout. Whether in urban or wilderness situations, the Infiltrator is the master of stealth and disguise.

Infiltrator will gain information simply for the sheer joy of knowing it. Although this is a typically elven trait, only the Infiltrators go to such an extent to learn a secret.

Observation, Tightrope Walking.

Language, Reading Lips.

choose whatever equipment they like.

Infiltrator is that he has no distinctive appearance. Elves can, by word of mouth, sometimes find out who the Infiltrators are, but only if the Infiltrator wishes to be found.

of bonus nonweapon proficiencies. Please note that some of these appear in The Complete Thief's Handbook. These all enable him to carry out his job more effectively, and he is so practiced in these proficiencies that he gains a +1 bonus when he uses one of them.

When an Infiltrator wishes to appear as a member of another race, he can usually pass himself off as a tall dwarf or a short human with only a -4 penalty. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the Infiltrator obtains in his most expensive class. That is, it increases when he reaches 10,000 experience points in all three classes, making the Infiltrator a 4th-level fighter/4th-level mage/5th-level thief. Note that this applies only to the bonus proficiencies given by the kit; it doesn't apply to either the recommended or the character-chosen proficiencies.

The Infiltrator also gains a +10% bonus to the two thief skills of his choice. This is a one-time only bonus and cannot be changed later in the Infiltrator's career.

people that he may begin to lose his own sense of identity. Even the reverie, which ordinarily reinforces an elf's identity, may not help prevent his sense of self slipping away.

Therefore, for each level an Infiltrator acquires, he loses 10% from his ordinary resistance to charm-related and sleep spells. This decreases his 90% resistance downward, to a minimum of 30%. Thus, until the point when the 8th level is achieved, Infiltrators will lose 10% of their resistance at each level.

Such loss of self means that the Infiltrator will never be as sure of himself as an ordinary elf, although his sense of self will still be stronger than that of a human. Unless he is acting a role, the Infiltrator will be somewhat unsure of himself and may question his own motives.

money can be spent however desired.