Main / Invoker

Schools - Mage - Chapter 2


A specialist in the schools of Invocation and Evocation. Invokers are natural leaders: fearless, inspiring, and authoritative. Their courage on the battlefield is without peer, and they perform as aggressors alongside the most able fighters. Since they are introspective, soft-spoken, and emotionally distant, invokers seldom establish strong personal relationships.

Invokers will live anywhere they can maintain their privacy. Common people willingly leave them alone, fearing their power and even regarding them as dangerous, and invokers do little to dispel this reputation. They shun material possessions, needing only enough funds to finance their research. They primarily earn money as teachers, though they will occasionally sign on as members of adventuring parties in order to find treasure

Allowed Races: Only humans are able to incorporate the complimentary energies necessary to master the spells of this school. Therefore, only humans are eligible to become invokers.

Ability Requirements: Because of the powerful energies involved, a lifetime of casting invocation/evocation spells is extremely stressful to a wizard's health. A minimum Constitution of 16 is necessary to specialize as an invoker.

Saving Throw Modifiers: All opponents modify their saving throws by -1 when attempting to save against an invocation/evocation spell cast by an invoker. An invoker adds a +1 bonus when saving against invocation/evocation spells.

Bonus Spells and Acquired Powers: An invoker can memorize an extra spell at each spell level, providing that at least one of the memorized spells is from the school of invocation/evocation. When an invoker reaches 17th level, he gains an additional +1 bonus when saving against invocation/evocation spells or against magical devices duplicating the effects of these spells. With his natural saving throw modifier, this effectively raises his bonus to +2. When an invoker reaches 20th level, he gains another +1 bonus when saving against invocation/evocation spells, effectively raising his bonus to +3.

Oppositional Schools: The invoker is denied access to spells from the schools of enchantment / charm and conjuration / summoning.

Ethos:The schools of evocation and invocation attract the most serious-minded, intense, and determined wizards. Most are single-mindedly devoted to the mastery of their craft. Invokers of good alignment devote themselves to using their skills to promote goodness and eliminate evil, willing to sacrifice their lives if necessary. For evil-aligned invokers, the magic of invocation is the key to their ascendancy; to them, good is weakness and evil is strength. Because specialists of this school are men and women of extreme philosophies, invokers of neutral alignment are rare.