Main / Isofir


Evil has lurked among the land since the beginning of time. Masking itself as good and unlimitedly destroying. It is the same hate, greed, lust and fear that was created with the earth. Men have been bold enough to try to destroy this perversion of life, but they have failed or fallen into it's shadow. He resisted evil's seduction and paid for it dearly. Some say his story is just myth, but I believe, not because I want to, but because I need to believe, that if man was strong to overcome it once, they will be strong enough to overcome it again.

This is the story of life, a sword and the lust for both. Isorfir appeared to be your most common of people. He did not come from mythical greatness and he wasn't sired by a god or great love affair. He was simply a wizard who had the audacity to do something great. Isorfir came from a very poor farming family. While he was a child it became apparent that Isorfir was destined to be a wizard. They quickly sent him off to study under the local wizard. Though his family taught him quite a bit the wizard taught him integrity, courage, and a love of humanity. He taught him what true bravery was, and how to forgive his enemies. Isorfir was always a good person, but under this wizard he became great.

Aras, a very powerful dark wizard, unleashed a great unnamed evil from the East onto the people of this area. It began to slowly infect the people. Neighbors turned against neighbors, brother against brother. He watched, in perverted happiness, as the people slowly turned to darkness, relishing in torturing and hurting everything. Those who resisted this great evil fought it bravely, but did not realize this evil could not be fought with their normal weapons. This was a special and eerily powerful foe and power must be used to defeat it. Isorfir took it the task upon himself to kill the evil that lurked in every corner.

He began crafting a sword from the rare metal encased in the center of the great mountain. He locked himself in his shed for many days, not stopping to eat or even drink. His family mocked him, but he knew he was doing something great. He finally finished and put it down for a moment to admire his work. The blade almost glowed from the power encased in such a thing. The hilt looked as if a dragon had wrapped itself around it. In it's claws contained a drop of his blood encased in a clear stone. Knowing after he defeated the great evil; this sword would be more than likely disappear, he placed a curse on it. Only his ancestor who was pure of heart and honest of intention, would be able to use this sword to it's potential. All others who dared to use it would be driven to madness and tormented until death. He packed up the sword & supplies then began his journey towards the fortress of the wizard. A small army marched in the same direction, so Isorfir followed them.

Though he had absolutely no experience in warfare, he valiantly marched on finally creeping into the chambers of the wizard in an attempt to kill him. The wizards dueled for hours, until Isorfir was exhausted, but Aras was still strong. He stood over Isorfir, taunting him as he prepared to kill him. In a moment of pure clarity, Isorfir threw his sword at Aras; thinking, at least he made an attempt before he died. He watched as his sword glowed, and in an instant beheaded Aras. A horrible green light shot from him body and encased itself in a small pebble. In it contained all his malice and disgust for mankind. Isorfir laid on the ground, inches from death. Feeling the warmth slip slowly from his body. Suddenly, there was a great flash of light and a lady standing over him; she offered him a reward for his work, enteral life.

Without thinking Isorfir accepted, and immediately found himself growing stronger. As he stood up, he realized something wasn't right; he felt, not like himself. A deep seeded anger began to grow inside of him, his eyes glowing red with rage, "Damn all those who did not believe in me!" he growled, grabbing his sword and leaving the chambers. What he did not realize is that he was not meant to survive; and that though she had saved his life she had turned him into a monster to do it. As he walked, he heard the yelling and tormenting of voices in mind. Desperate to escape this pain, he dropped his sword a river and ran, seeking comfort in a cave and that is where our tale ends.