Main / Jan0215

Jan 02 15 - Bag of Clouds

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 02 18:01:44 EST 2015 ====

Home-61445 has joined the game on Fri Jan 02 18:23:25 EST 2015

Home-61445 is receiving the map Northam...

Home-61445 has received the map Northam.

Home-61445 is receiving the map Minecrafter Cabin...

Home-61445 has received the map Minecrafter Cabin.

[Home-61445] Isla Falcon moved 20'03".

[John Anstett] has joined the game on Fri Jan 02 18:43:53 EST 2015

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Northam...

[John Anstett] has received the map Northam.

[Home-61445 (to GM only)] Character sheet for Isla Falcon modified: Languages - ADDED: Western Common.

[Master] Hey there John

[Master] Happy Christmas

John Anstett that is all over now

John Anstett playing on two computers now?

[Master] this is a new audtion

John Anstett oh, sorry, I'll behave

[Master] hah

John Anstett Hi BOB how are you today sir

[Corvus] (1d100) [1d100=65] 65

John Anstett hello Corvus

[Corvus] hi

Corvus is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Corvus has received the map New Residence first floor.

Corvus is receiving the map Minecrafter Cabin...

Corvus has received the map Minecrafter Cabin.

[Corvus] (1d100) [1d100=94] 94

[Corvus] (1d100) [1d100=35] 35

[Corvus] (1d100) [1d100=23] 23

[Corvus] (1d100) [1d100=35] 35

[Corvus] (1d20) [1d20=11] 11 (1d20) [1d20=2] 2

[Master] so that is a Potion of Gaseous Form, a Potion of ESP and a Necklace of Protection from Magic Missle

[Master] the Necklace has (2d12) [2d12=4,2] 6 beeds on it

[Master] so it will protect you from 6 more magic missles before it is used up

[Master] So John, Corvus is a new player who has (obviously) never played on a VTT or in 2nd edition

John Anstett VTT?

[Master] Virtual Table Top

John Anstett any rpg?

[Corvus] Deathwatch

[Corvus] horribly done though

John Anstett not famiilar with that one

John Anstett horible DM? or Horible rule system?

[Master] so John what does the new year look like for you?

[Corvus (to GM only)] Character sheet for Isla Falcon modified: Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: Potion of Gaseous Form, , , . ADDED: Potion of ESP, , , . ADDED: Necklace of Protection from Magic Missiles, , , .

[Corvus] I am back at the keyboard.

John Anstett snafu

[Corvus] None of us knew what to do, but he had us playing it like a bopard game.

John Anstett ah

John Anstett evr chatted in an on line room before?

[Corvus] I do a lot of online roleplay, but this is my first real tabletop one.

John Anstett ok, so no big deal

John Anstett most is just roleplaying

John Anstett once the character is set up, you almost do not need to know the rules

John Anstett and some rules are right at your fingertips

[Master] nods

[Corvus] Mhm

[Master] I had Corvus log in earlier this week to set up his character

[Master] will fit in nicely on the Bag of Clouds adventure

[Master] traditional zero XP set up

John Anstett i am sure

John Anstett i looked at character but cannot see class

[Master] and in case you missed it on FB John, Spring is potentally going to be rejoining

John Anstett interesting

[Master] and john going to load a couple of maps for you

[Master] the town of Northam there

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 02 19:00:50 EST 2015

Lisa is receiving the map Northam...

John Anstett Hi Lisa

[Master] and there is the cabin where you will be spending some time with the negociations

Lisa has received the map Northam.

[Master] and Hello LIsa

[Master] Lisa this is Corvus

[Master] Corvus Lisa

[Corvus] HIz

[Lisa] Hello :)

[Lisa] Happy new year to all!

[Corvus] You too

[Master] Happy Christmas, Merry New Year

[Master] was going to wait to see if Eric logs in early

[Master] texting him now

[Lisa] Are you sure about those travel times stil?

[Lisa] 14, 15, 16, 17

[Lisa] 4 days for each trip?

[Master] three

John Anstett he has an electric car now

[Master] checking now

[Lisa] yes but Shur and Tristan don't :)

John Anstett ;)

[Master] and fixed

[Master] arrived on the 16th

[Lisa] sorry Branwyn just really doesn't want to spend a beer fest with only Jennevive

John Anstett MJ is there

[Lisa] we need returning heroes

John Anstett she is a party animal

[Lisa] will she be returning to play?

John Anstett probably not

John Anstett but her character is there

[Lisa] I wish she would have been in for the temple adventures

[Lisa] Think she would have liked those more

[Lisa] we are a bit talky these days

[Master] chuckles

[Master] I like it when we moved out of the silent era and into the talkie era,

[Master] grins

[Corvus] *raspberry*

[Lisa] with the blood splatter era in between those?

[Corvus] XD

[Master] chuckles

[Master] the vampire wars are next?

John Anstett i always miss the blood spatter days

[Master] TMO will be in in a few minutes

[Lisa] not sure whose side I would be fighting on in that event

[Master] Eric had unexpected guests show up

[Master] he will try to make it in but will be late,

[Lisa] I hope he had the butler show them away

[Master] it would have been nice

[Lisa] too much downton abbey

[Master] Oh and I did not tell you Lisa or John

[Master] I am working on a segment for the Daily Tech News Show, the podcsat that Tom Merritt does

[Master] will do a 2-5 minute wrap up on Tech in the Real World, how people use stuff

[Master] from the library perspective

[Master] I have to put together a couple of them

[Lisa] nice!

[Master] show them what I can do see if they like it

John Anstett cool

[Master] grabbing a wine glass will be right back

[Master] you two can quiz Corvus

[Corvus] *Claps loudly in congratulaions*

[Master] find out all his details

[Master] grins

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] I'm not into an Inquisition - at least OOC - anything you wish to share?

John Anstett I as thinking the same think, but I was going to ask if he had any questions

[Corvus] Questions, no. but ask away. *swivels in desk chair with a Mexican Cola.*

John Anstett only question I can think of is "What is your quest?"

John Anstett brb

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] back

[Corvus] Food and drinks... nothing in this house. T.T

[Master] Inquistitor it is not a title it is a vocation

[Lisa] smiles

[Corvus] For this, vengence.

[Lisa] IC is a whole other story

[Master] That will be fun

[Corvus] She's hunting down an enemy from her past, and trailed him to Seagate.

[Corvus] Then lost it.

[Lisa] so corvus' character is entering Tristan's section and eric is a no show?

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 02 19:19:37 EST 2015

TMO is receiving the map Northam...

[Master] sadly true

John Anstett feel my pain

[Corvus] eeeeyup

[Lisa] how inconvenient

[Lisa] Hello tmo! :)

TMO has received the map Northam.

[Master] Hello TMO

[Corvus] oh wells.i saw late, so i'm good.

John Anstett hey TMO

[Corvus] *Raspberry*

[Lisa] (it's okay - I don't have a character in tmo's section either

[Corvus] I'll change styles when we start, no worries.

[Lisa] so we can see if these two can repair Imari's damage :)

[TMO] hola

[TMO] (Is possible I might get disconnected. Some folks are losing power in town.)

[Master] so John and TMO you were not here last session when Imari was leading the introduction into the town of Northam

[Master] we could pick up there

[Master] or we can pick up on the Tarangini as you are about to arrive in Domville

[TMO] (I saw she and Tristan both studied at the same Diplomatic School.)

[Master] you will not have Tristan

[Master] LOL

[Master] yeah

[Master] the wave a dagger around form of introducing your self

[TMO] (I have characters in both missions, so I'm game for either)

John Anstett so do I s

[Master] by the way TMO this is Corvus

[TMO] *Wave*

John Anstett so we should do the one that Corvus is in

John Anstett or will be

[Corvus] Need... Eric?

[Corvus] That's Tristan right?

[Master] yes

John Anstett need need?


[Master] how ever we have a grand traditiion of handling things when the player is not here

John Anstett or need to go forward

[Master] that is a close Tristan, wry grin

[Master] Ok so yes we will go with that

[Master] and we will pick up on the ship as you are about to come in

[Corvus] Not Isla by the way, that's Echo. Not of this world, age, or universe.

[TMO] (and, as a minor bonus, you'll have diplomatic character with you)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Miss Marisu

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] we will be arrive in an hour or so

[Corvus] Oh hey, the priestess.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] arriving

[Corvus] Oh it him, nvm

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] There is a small strong hold where the Duke wanted to meet

Marisu (TMO)] Oh, that's good. I'm looking forward to this.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I do so enjoy the journey

[Indigo (Lisa)] He didn't want to meet at his house?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] The problem is there might not be quite the warm welcome

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I do not know where his manor house is

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and I would not risk the Tarangini taking her down in an area that I am not sure of how friendly the people will be

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's not very nice, having us meet at a fort.

Marisu (TMO)] I understand. We'll do our best to handle the situation, no matter what it is.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm ... so how are we going to get down?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] we jump

[Indigo (Lisa)] Jump?

Marisu (TMO)] What?

Mistress Erindale (Master) LAUGHS

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] we will glide down lower and there should be a place to moor to the top of the tower

Indigo (Lisa) sighs in relief

[Marisu]] (TMO) sighs. "Oh! I had a sudden image of us leaping over the rails from up here."

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] but remember how the harbor master in Dryads Lair reacted to the idea of a ship coming in?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are they going to shoot at us? I thought they knew we were coming.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] i can fly down and ask if you want?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I hope they will not shoot Sir Indigo, and Miss Miranda you can do that?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I have a spell that will let one person fly for a bit

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] That would be very helpful if you can do that,

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] but will you be able to come back?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] how far can you go?

[Mistress Erindale (Master) (to Lisa only)] still here?

[Indigo (Lisa) (to Master only)] yes

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (6 turns, about an hour?)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (yes)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I think Tristain is too important to go first but maybe Marisu could fly for an hour or so

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] she is a but more well spoken

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] or yourslef as they know you

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I will not leave the Tarangini

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] not like that

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) looks at Marisu

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] If we dock as normal then I will go with your group

[Marisu]] (TMO) looks nervous. "I... suppose I can do that. I've never flown before. How do I control where I'm going?"

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (did you learn that Corvus, showing actios)

Marisu (TMO)] (going to reboot real quick. Everything running Real Slow here)

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 02 19:37:41 EST 2015

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) takes a moment

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] no to John I did not show him that

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] ( /me and then what you want to do)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (the ( ) means it is ooc)

[Corvus] (i know)

[Corvus] (And i saw no action taken aside from basic movements.

[Corvus] )

Mistress Erindale (Master) paces back and forth debating on sending someone down

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Should I be worried? They are expecting us right Mistress Erindale?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Yes they are expecting us

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and yes I am worried

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I am always worried when dealing with dirt people

[Indigo (Lisa)] Then you must get worried a lot!

Mistress Erindale (Master) warm chuckle

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I do not interact with dirt people very often

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] most of us do not

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sorry you don't like us much. Not all of us are bad you know.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I like what I know of you Sir Indigo

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] adn I do not think that all dirt people are evil, but I just to not trust them

[Indigo (Lisa)] They probably think the same about you. Because they don't know you and you don't know them.

[Indigo (Lisa)] No wonder you all have problems.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Are you sure that Sir Tristan is the diplomat and not you Sir Indigo?

Indigo (Lisa) blushes

[Indigo (Lisa)] No I say what i think too much for that.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] normaly, Indigo is who I would send first

[Indigo (Lisa)] But I'm not a bird to go flying around on my own.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] you are stong enough, you could carry someone I think

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll leave that to the magic people.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm not a pack mule either.

[Indigo (Lisa)] See Mistress Erindale? Definitely not a diplomat.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] so I guess it is up to me

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] very well

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I will bring us around

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] if we do not see any obvious weapons pointed at us

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] let me know when we are 15-20 mins away (based on my speed)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I will take you up on your offer

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I will get you within 10 minutes

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] then we will go around and come back 20 minutes later

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Thank you

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] who sould I ask for?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I do not know

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] you would just say you are here for the Negociation sessions

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I will wing it, so to speak

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] very well

Mistress Erindale (Master) deep breath

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] thank you

[Master] so the Tarangini comes over the hill

[Master] there is a squat square tower on the hill

[Master] with no weapons visible

[Master] a sloped roof

[Master] not an open parapet

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] That is unusal

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] What is the Duke's name?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] what is?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] there is no way they could launch something at us though an arrow slit like that

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Brandish is the family name

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] maybe, but maybe it was not designed with you in mind

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] If I run oout of time, I will just wave a white flg if it is safe for you to come

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] very well

[Master] she brings the ship down in a low swinging arc

[Master] and Miranda can fly off

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I will be back as soon as I can

[Indigo (Lisa)] Good luck!

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]] casts a spell against : Fly: I fly for the next (1d6+5) [1d6=5] 10 turns.

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) jumps off and flys down and lands a couple rounds from the front door

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] HO who goes there?

[Corvus] (saw it fyi)

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] (yes you should see most dice rolls Covus, only ones that you do not know the outcome as a character are to the DM only)

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 02 19:59:14 EST 2015

TMO is receiving the map Northam...

TMO has received the map Northam.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Hello, I am Miranda Page, I am here to introduce a member of the negoiations

TMO is receiving the map Tarangini...

TMO has received the map Tarangini.

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] You are here for the Duke?

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] He is down at the base of the hill

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] with your dead priestess

Marisu (TMO)] (Sorry, forgot this computer doesn't do anything 'real quick')

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] (quick update, Miranda flew down, no weapons visible talking with guard)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Sorry, I do not know what dead priestess you are reffering to?

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] The one you sent for the negociations

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] are you the sky witch?

[Corvus] /w Master Test

[Corvus] (failed)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] no, I am escorting the Priest the Duke requested

[Tower Guard #1 (Master) (to Corvus only)] like this is a whisper

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] slash and DM Corvus

[Corvus] (ty)

[Corvus (to Master only)] test

[Corvus (to Master only)] I'm coming up soon?

[Tower Guard #1 (Master) (to Corvus only)] yeap

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] Very well

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] so gather your people together and I will escort you down to the Duke

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] my people are on an air ship, may they dock at the tower?

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] yes, I thought you all flew about like you did?

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] I will wait here

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Thank you, we can talk more when we get back

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) nods and turns and flys back to ship

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] brings the ship around Miranda's flight path

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] The guard is expecting us

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] they are a little nervous, and they say there is a dead priestess but I did not want to ask more

Marisu (TMO)] A dead priestess?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and they accused us of killing her?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I had that feeling but I was talking to a guard, not the duke

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] we should have Sir Tristan speak with the Duke when we land

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and we can talk to who ever else is there

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Is he done with his meditating yet?

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) looks arround

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I just got back

Marisu (TMO)] Would you like me to go first to try and clear things up before Tristan gets involved?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (and there is an example Corvus of how we deal with characters when the player is not here)

[Corvus] (thanks)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I do not want to look like I am influencing anything Miss Marisu

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] *my characters have nature call quite a bit)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I will leave it to you

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I will accompany you to the ground then my crew will take the Tarangini back up

[Master] so all is ready to make the transition?

Marisu (TMO)] (yes)

Corvus is receiving the map Minecrafter Cabin...

Corvus has received the map Minecrafter Cabin.

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) floats alog with ship

[Corvus] (present)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (got it)

[Master] Tower Guard #1 moved 1'00".

[Master] Tower Guard #1 targets [Marisu]]. Distance: 6'00"

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] This is where the Duke is waiting for you

Marisu (TMO)] Thank you very much.

[Master] Tower Guard #1, Indigo, Mistress Erindale, [Miranda Paige]] and [Marisu]] moved 125'05".

[Master] Tower Guard #1 moved 133'08".

[Master] Tower Guard #1 no longer targets [Marisu]].

[Master] Tower Guard #1 targets Isla Falcon. Distance: 1'06"

[Corvus] I am back at the keyboard.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] brb

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I hear a presence outside and glance out the door.

Tower Guard #1 (Master) to Isla, guests for the Duke,

[Master] Tower Guard #1 moved 4'00".

[Tower Guard #1 (Master)] Sir, your negociators are here

[Master] Tower Guard #1 moved 12'09".

[Master] Tower Guard #1 no longer targets Isla Falcon.

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 6'01".

[Master] [Marisu]] moved 14'05".

[Master] [Marisu]] targets Tower Guard #1. Distance: 4'03"

[Master] Mistress Erindale moved 5'08".

[Master] Mistress Erindale targets Tower Guard #1. Distance: 2'00"

[Master] Indigo moved 7'09".

[Master] Indigo targets Tower Guard #1. Distance: 5'11"

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "Joy," Imutter, "more talking."

[Minecrafter Jorid (Master)] Welcome, This is Duke Brandish of Domville

[Minecrafter Jorid (Master)] and who are you?

[Master] Minecrafter Jorid moved 1'06".

Indigo (Lisa) bows

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (is this the guy I was talking to?)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (The two at the table I believe.)

[Minecrafter Jorid (Master)] Corvus has it right

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (i see the guard outside)

[Minecrafter Jorid (Master)] yes that guard outside is who escorted you down

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I'm just in the corner, muttering about more paperwork and such. btw, her voice is rough, beaten down by teh elements.)

[Marisu]] (TMO) steps forward. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Countess Marisu Doeskin of Drillian. We are escorting Sir Tristan of the Kayugan Church. He is in meditations right now, but will be along as soon as he is finished.

[Master] [Marisu]] moved 11'00".

Duke Brandish (Master) stands and bows

[Duke Brandish (Master)] Welcome Countess Doeskin

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I wave my hand in a circular mmotion. Hoping to hurry things along, though no one would probably notice me.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]] moved 5'00".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 11'07".

[Master] Tower Guard #1 moved 6'10".

Marisu (TMO)] (I'm drawing a blank on everyone's official titles. Can you introduce yourselves for me? Sorry ;) )

[Master] Mistress Erindale moved 6'07".

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Just Isla Falcon here.)

[Duke Brandish (Master)] So Countess, perhaps we can continue my game here as we wait

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) stands in corner with Isla

[Duke Brandish (Master)] I am sorry if Jorid left you in a bad posistion

[Indigo (Lisa)] (now you know how I feel sometimes)

[Minecrafter Jorid (Master)] grunts

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I merely grumble, but make no real actions.

[Master] Minecrafter Jorid moved 3'08".

[Master] [Marisu]] moved 6'00".

[Master] Minecrafter Jorid moved 11'02".

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) motions to Isla "You seem happy to be here"

Marisu (TMO)] (what is proper title for a duke? Sir?)

Indigo (Lisa) bows again "Sir Indigo a knight of the Queen of Drillian Sir."

[Master] Minecrafter Jorid moved 15'08".

[Master] Indigo moved 5'09".

[Minecrafter Jorid (Master)] This is the guard who brought in the dead priestess

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I leaned against the wall, arms crossed. I was a tall, fairly built woman. My skin shown sign of wear and my hair was silk and smooth. Black and shiny, it might have been a minor flaw of mine. My eyes were a fair sea green. I wore a simple silk blouse tucked into a pair of leather breaches, and are held up by a thick leather belt. Cuffed leather boots come up over the pants and to my knees. For simple protection, my thighs were protected by studded leather cuisses, and steel greaves and bracers. On top of that was a thick armoured coat. To the trained eye, one can see the hilt of a wicked looking cutlass, and a dagger sheath across my chest.

[Minecrafter Jorid (Master)] I am going to check on my workers, I trust that your Countess understands how to act aroudn the Duke

Marisu (TMO)] I'll do my best to behave, Sir.

[Marisu]] (TMO) smiles gently.

[Master] Minecrafter Jorid moved 14'08".

[Master] [Marisu]] moved 7'03".

[Master] Indigo moved 3'02".

[Master] so Marisu is at the chess board with the Duke

[Master] and Indigo and Miranda are with this new person

[Master] and Mistress Erindale is staying near the door and quietly listening

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I see them approach me and ask, "Yes?" I was obviously annoyed.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] you found the dead priestesss?

[Marisu]] (TMO) looks at the board. Is the game in progress, or are we starting from the beginning?

[Duke Brandish (Master)] we can continue from here

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "No," I explain, "I was excortin her when bandits attacked her."

Marisu (TMO)] (what skill should I use for playing?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (I propose a new stratgy,let the Duke win)

[Duke Brandish (Master)] (LOL)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (XD I love that refrence!!!)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I'm cracking up XD)

[Duke Brandish (Master)] (TMO unless you have gaming you are unlikely to know)

Marisu (TMO)] (she doesn't have gaming)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (it is what I do)

[Duke Brandish (Master)] (but youw ould just chat over the board perhaps)

Marisu (TMO)] (just a high Int score)

[Duke Brandish (Master)] (good enough to make a good showing)

[Duke Brandish (Master)] and Miranda and Indiog can quiz Isla for the moment

[Marisu]] (TMO) engages the Duke in conversation about the game and rules.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (you all catch what she said?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (escorting the Priestess?)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "No," I explain, "I was excortin her when bandits attacked her."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Who are you talking about?

[Duke Brandish (Master) (to TMO only)] letting them get Corvus into the mix, see how he does with the RP

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe you should have had someone to protect you instead of two ladies travelling by themselves.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] ahem

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I point to the attic. "Unless you have a strong stomach, do't go up there. She's been dead for almost six days," I replay.

Indigo (Lisa) makes a face

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I draw my dagger and start twirling it.

Indigo (Lisa) moves away from the evil sounding woman

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] do you know who she is

Marisu (TMO) (to Master only)] np. what's his background? phrases things like players on a text-MMO I was on years ago.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I put my dagger away satisfied.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] why were you bringing her here

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 24'04".

[Duke Brandish (Master) (to TMO only)] little real RP experience but seems to understand the idea and some experience with other games

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Patron Trisha Rosary, a priestess of the god, Alcim.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I say.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "I was to escort her to the fortress here for negotiations. That was all i was told, "I say.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (35 foot house.... that's big...)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Was she looking for the mining rghts or as a negoatiator?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "Something to do with sky Fey," I say calmly.

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) looks over at the Mistress

[Isla Falcon (Corvus) (to Master only)] Does my whetstone have limited usage?

[Duke Brandish (Master) (to Corvus only)] no

[Isla Falcon (Corvus) (to Master only)] thanks. :3

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] do you know who that is?

Marisu (TMO)] (if I may: /me says calmly, "Something to do with sky Fey.")

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I glance over to the mistress and point. "I'm going to guess the fey right there."

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Fey*

[Isla Falcon (Corvus) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Isla Falcon modified: Encumbrance Totals - ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: Necklace of Protection from Magic Missiles 6x. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED:

Indigo (Lisa) getting so angry he is about to make an outburst

Indigo (Lisa) gripping his one sword tightly looking around

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Am I missing something? Is that slang?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Isn't the mistress a Fey? I was told she lived in the sky and flew at times. Distant kin to elves if I recall...)

[Duke Brandish (Master)] (Isla has never met anyone from the skies before so it would be unclear to her about origins, etc)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (I thought she was just a human that lived in the air)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (But she would have heard stories, and could have assumed that.)

[Duke Brandish (Master)] (all valid speculation and topic of conversation)

Marisu (TMO)] How does the little horsey piece move again?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (XD)

Duke Brandish (Master) chuckles lightly,

[Duke Brandish (Master)] I am certain you are toying with me Countess but that is fine

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) glances at Indigo

[Duke Brandish (Master)] However I am a married man so I am immune to some of your wiles

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] was it something i said?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "no," I reply, "She lives in teh sky, among teh other beast of many legends. They are Fey, are they not?"

Duke Brandish (Master) reaches over and picks up a knight and gives example moves then puts it back

[Marisu]] (TMO) smiles at him. "Just a little, Sir. It's been a while since I've been able to just sit and talk with someone on a topic that probably won't start a war or some other horrible fate."

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I make no obvious motion of noticing the halfing.

[Duke Brandish (Master)] I doubt that we will start a war over a chess board

[Indigo (Lisa)] LOOK! You don't just let a lady get killed by bandits and then just dump her body in a corner like a sack of flour for a week! Who are you people? I'm getting Tristan. We have to bury her or take her home.

Marisu (TMO)] I dearly hope not.

Indigo (Lisa) stomps out of building

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 26'09".

[Master] Indigo moved 20'03".

[Master] Mistress Erindale moved 4'10".

[Master] Indigo moved 6'07".

[Marisu]] (TMO) glances up at the outburst.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "Fool." I mutter. My tone dropped, like I was affected by the woman's death.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 27'04".

[Duke Brandish (Master)] (that wa a window ;) )

Marisu (TMO)] (Indigo just dove out the window?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he can fit through windows)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] figures

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (uyp)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (brb, getting a drink.)

Duke Brandish (Master) cocks an ear

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] well Isla, please do not assume all Air people are the same

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] brb

[Duke Brandish (Master)] I hear the workers comeing out of the mine, I will be back

[Master] Duke Brandish moved 25'10".

[Master] Duke Brandish moved 37'11".

[Master] Duke Brandish moved 61'11".

[Master] Tower Guard #1 moved 12'01".

[Master] Minecrafter Jorid moved 20'10".

[Master] The Duke abruptly leaves

[Master] leaving your group in the room with Isla

[Indigo (Lisa)] (kill her)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I have returned.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] well Isla, please do not assume all Air people are the same

[Marisu]] (TMO) eavesdrops on the conversation.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "All beings have there beliefs landwalker," I retort.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] are you a landwalker?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] no never mind

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I laugh heartily at the joke. "No, I am a sailor. I am here looking for someone, but i have lost theiir trail. i took the esort job for the gold."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] you were escorting on land?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hope she wasn't paid in advance)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "Yes." I get up and walk to the chair to the west.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (no.)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Isla Falcon moved 25'02".

Indigo (Lisa) looks around to tell Trustan about the dead Kayugan priestess)

Indigo (Lisa) taps his foot impatiently

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (do we know she is Kayugan)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (they said she followed Aclim)

[Master] no one has asked the only person who is Isla

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Mistress Erindale do you know of this priestess

[Master] but Isla did say that part that Lisa mentioned

[Master] and no Mistress Erindale does not know anything about this apparently

[Indigo (Lisa)] (indigo is going to warn Tristan of the dastardly dealings so he is prepared when he enters the room)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]] moved 15'00".

[Master] Duke Brandish moved 27'07".

[Master] Duke Brandish moved 36'07".

[Indigo (Lisa) (to TMO only)] are you going to try to save the new guy? :)

[Master] Duke Brandish moved 58'02".

[Duke Brandish (Master)] So Countess Marisu

[Duke Brandish (Master)] are you prepared to start the negociations

[Duke Brandish (Master)] I am very disapointed with this

Marisu (TMO) (to Lisa only)] Marisu wasn't part of the conversation, she's not completely sure what's going on)

[Duke Brandish (Master)] the first person they send dies

[Duke Brandish (Master)] then the second one is too timid to even come into the room

Marisu (TMO)] I hadn't heard that they'd sent someone, to be honest.

[Duke Brandish (Master)] Perhaps you can find a way to negociate for them

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I will speak with the Mistress

Marisu (TMO)] I can certainly try, Sir. Where should I start?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]] moved 15'09".

[Duke Brandish (Master)] I want to know what they are offering in exchange for our mining efforts

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Mistress, are you afraid to comeinside or do you feel it is against protocal

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I take a flask and drink from it.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] why would I be afraid to come in? no one has invited me in, and I can hear just fine from here

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] it is not my fault the Duke wants to cast aspirsions on your priest

[Indigo (Lisa)] (what is she a vampire needing an invitation?)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "They were not paid thugs," i call out loudly.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "Just random bandits we came across, and one got a lucky shot at her."

[Marisu]] (TMO) nods. "An excellent place to start. Mistress Erindale, what is your Temple offering?"

[Marisu]] (TMO) trying to keep the conversation on track.

Marisu (TMO)] ( ;) )

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (Erindale is not actually inside she it out by the door talking to Miranda)

Marisu (TMO)] said she could hear just fine... guess Marisu will go walk over there and ask then)

Marisu (TMO)] (work work work. :P )

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Maybe we need to stall a bit, clear up this dead preistess thing first?

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]] moved 21'05".

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] if we can priove you had nothing to do with it, it may give us a clean slate to start from

Marisu (TMO)] Mistress Erindale, before I get started, did you know anything about another Kayugan priestess being sent here?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I growl and shake my head.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I know that the previous negociator did not arrive, that is why I came to find another Priest from Dryads Lair

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] but you knew someone was sent

Marisu (TMO)] Ah, I understand now.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that was way more than 6 days ago)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] of course I knew someone was supposed to be the negociator

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she came for a new priest before we even arrived)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (timeline does not match)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (unless she's been left to rot in a corner for longer than 6 days as they said)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I was told 6 days.)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] how did you know the previosu negociator did not show up?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I was told by the Duke's men

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I prop my boots onto the desk and start sharpening my dirk.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] how long ago were you here

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I have not been here at all

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I look up and point to myself.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] this was the first time coming here

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] but how far away did you last see the duke's men

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] There was a message that the negociator did not arrive and that I would need to find a new one, if I could find anyone appropriate

Marisu (TMO)] (how many days has it been since Erindale first came to visit us? Her very first visit, when she just left a message)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] 10-9-1266 TGR meeting with mystery lady1, 2, 3 regarding Bowl of Winds in Meeting Room - Branwyn, Ilero & Imari

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I look over to the duke and ask, "May I go now?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Look! Mistress Erindale came looking for Branwyn last month before we even arrived!

[Master] Time of Day: 02:25 PM. Day 16 Mid ___ tre, Ohm {Early Winter} 16th, 1266 TGR.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Philippe told her to come back after Branwyn got here.

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's been about a month since she's been looking for Branwyn

[Indigo (Lisa)] So this ... this ... person is either lying or has no idea what they are talking about.

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) goes back to talk to isla

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]] moved 16'10".

Marisu (TMO)] Maybe a second priestess was sent after the first disappeared?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Excuse me, Isla ?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't know who the dead lady is inside, but you don't just leave someone lying around in the corner to rot and don't care about it.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] sorry you are in the middle of this

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I imaginae you want to get back

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] maybe we can work toghter to resolve this

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "Yes i do. What do you want to know?"

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] how long were you escorting the Priestess?

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]] moved 13'11".

Marisu (TMO)] Pardon me a moment, Mistress Erindale. I will be right back.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I pause, thinking for a moment and then say, "We were on the road for a month or two I believe, (correct if wrong). We were a couple days out and camped for the night when the bandits attacked. They were not hired thugs I promise you."

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (yes to that time line)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] When you said sailor, did you mean wate ship or air ship?

[Marisu]] (TMO) walks over to the Duke. "Pardon, Sir. I was under the impression that you wanted a Kayugan negotiatior. Are you sure I'm an acceptable intermediary for you? I'm happy to serve if so, but I just wanted to make sure first."

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so the first time anyone knew there was a problem was 6 days ago when she died?)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (4 days

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] We were 23 days out)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] 2*

[Duke Brandish (Master)] I do not care who negociates, but the treaty must be sworn over and affirmed by a Kayugan Priest or Priestess

[Indigo (Lisa)] (even worse)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (maybe she was running late)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (he clearly has little patience)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but if so - how would she know to get a replacement a month ago?)

[Marisu]] (TMO) nods. "I understand. Very well, I will be happy to handle this part of the negotiations between you then. Thank you."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (i see your point)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "I sail teh seas woman, not the air. Though I have fancied a contract for one."

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]] moved 10'10".

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] so after a month of traveling, the most you can tell us is the God she worshiped?

Marisu (TMO)] Sorry, quick question, that's probably already been asked. How many days ago was the Priestess killed?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (6 XD)

Marisu (TMO)] I see. Thank you.

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]] moved 16'02".

[Marisu]] (TMO) moves back to Mistress Erindale. "Pardon Mistress Erindale. When were you told that the previous negotiator had failed to show up?"

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "She talked of Alcim, and her church. All very boring to me." I wave my dirk in the air absentmindeldly.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Three months ago

[Marisu]] (TMO) nods. "Interesting. May I ask who told you?"

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I got a message from teh Duke's men saying that the necogicator they had chosen was dead

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and that I needed to find another one

[Marisu]] (TMO) purses her lips, thinking.

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]] moved 13'05".

Marisu (TMO)] (she's getting her exercise)

Marisu (TMO)] (walking in circles around the room)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "Oh food." I get up and wander to the food.

Marisu (TMO)] Duke Brandish, Mistress Erindale says she got a message from your men three months ago that her negotiator had failed to show up."

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Isla Falcon moved 20'10".

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] well isla, if you are looking for a chance to ride a air ship, perhaps I should introduce you to someone with an Air Ship/ Are you interesred?

[Duke Brandish (Master)] I sent that message out earlier than that,

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I look abck over my shoulder and say, "Sure."

Indigo (Lisa) draws his sword

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (can I take a perception to hear that?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (maybe Trisian is #3)

Marisu (TMO)] But if this Priestess was only on the road for a month, how is that possible? Or was there a previous negotiator that hasn't been mentioned yet?

[Duke Brandish (Master)] I had heard that the Ambassador had a keen mind, and liked chess

[Duke Brandish (Master)] (not to Isla, did not hear anything through walls )

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Acknowleged.)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok - I get it - we are in wonderland where time as we know it is meaningless)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (his stupid ambassador was at branwyn's party)

Indigo (Lisa) paces around waiting for Tristan

[Duke Brandish (Master)] (Marisu asked if there was a previous negociattor that had not been mentioned yet, you got your answer)

Marisu (TMO)] (I did?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] give me a sec Isla, I will talk with our contact

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I nod and take a morsal.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (the dead ambassador was coming to this shack?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]] moved 8'01".

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]] moved 14'05".

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (To Domville, this was he meeting place though.)

[Master] (those are flowers Isla, and you should not be touching the Duke's possesions, wry grin)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Excuse me Mistress, I am sorry about Tristian, his Religon does come first

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I think we should escort you in so you can meet the Duke but want you to feel comfortable

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] do you feel the Due should invoit you in personaly?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Why do I need to meet with the Duke now?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] if Tristan is not here

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] what good will that do?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] you do not have to, I was just asking

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] The person doing the negociating should be inviting the peopel to the table

Marisu (TMO)] (I am still not seeing where Marisu got an answer to her question. :) )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I thought you did)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] But if this Priestess was only on the road for a month, how is that possible? Or was there a previous negotiator that hasn't been mentioned yet?

Marisu (TMO)] (yes, that was the question. No answer to it yet)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Duke Brandish (Master)] I had heard that the Ambassador had a keen mind, and liked chess

[Indigo (Lisa)] (dead ambassador - why he set up chessboard)

Marisu (TMO)] (I thought he was talking about Branwyn)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (branwyn doesn't like to play chess)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I thought you could be a part of the conversation and maybe help us find out from your side

Marisu (TMO)] (Waverlyn? How did she get involved in this?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (because the duke lives in 3 months ago land and not in the present apparently)

Marisu (TMO)] (okay, maybe I'm catching up...)

[Master] I think you need to huddle and figure out what you know what you want to know and who and how to ask to get those questions

[Master] then go back in character

[Indigo (Lisa)] (AND he should probably fire HIS ambassador who could have told him the news)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] the escort is a little hostile but if she understands your position, maybe we can work together

[Master] John are you asking Erindale to come help you find out what from her side? and why would she care about some escort knowing what her posistino is?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] "Mmm, venison." i take a platefull and head back to the seat where I sit, one leg over the other.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (rather then asking one then the other, I want them to be in the same room, she does want the negoiations to suceed)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Isla Falcon moved 21'01".

Marisu (TMO)] (ok, here's what I've got. 3 months ago Duke Brandish sends a message saying the negotiator didn't show up to Erindale. Apparently was expecting Ambassador Waverlyn in person. 1 month ago this priestess was dispatched, and killed 6 days ago. Isla brought the body the rest of the way. 1 month ago Erindale approached us the first time as a replacement.)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that has everything to do with the duke and nothing to do with the escort service)

Marisu (TMO)] (what am I missing?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (the Why)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I was the priestess' escort )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (everyone leaving a corpse to rot in a room for a week and no one is even noticing the stench of the room?)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (The replacement was dispatched from wherever, I was a freelancer. and it's preserved quite well. Isla made sure of that.)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she carries formaldehyde?)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Lot's of flowers and canfdles and such, as well as sealed off with wet wrags and anything else she could get.)

Marisu (TMO)] (if the Duke is religious enough to demand a Kayugan intermediary, I figured he was religious enough to take proper care of the priestess' body.)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (Miranda does not generaly voluntair for the dirty work)

Marisu (TMO)] (I assumed though, never checked)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (This is what our Fearless Leader told me.)

[Master] yes to Corvus and Isla doing what she could to preserve the body, which should be a huge hint to people that she even brought the body here rather than burying it,

[Master] and yes no one went any farther than "dead priestess? how disgusting! and it stopped right there

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Yeah, i wanted the reward for honoring the holy body. XD)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (I woould think a priest should look at the body first)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she doesn't seem the type to take care of things like that)

[Master] and so it makes it a more interesting question to ask why

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Think of the stench, and the possible reward involved.)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she didn't correct indigo's outburst)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and who'

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (had no reason to. i learned long ago, let the hobbit do, what the hobbit wants to do.)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (who's going to pay for a dead priestess that wasn't kept alive?)

[Master] all very good conversations to have

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I think we have our direction.)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (unless there is a dead or alive poster - not seeing the value in the dead part)

Marisu (TMO)] (how many months since Waverlyn was killed?)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Then ask. ;#)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] ;3

[Master] four

Marisu (TMO)] (sorry, I still have trouble with timelines. ;) )

Marisu (TMO)] (so, if Duke was expecting Waverlyn, he sent the message to Erindale when he heard Waverlyn was dead. Next question is, who dispatched the priestess?)

Marisu (TMO)] (that was 2 months after Erindale contacted us)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (That i do not know.)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus) (to Master only)] Who?

[Master (to Corvus only)] you do not know

[Isla Falcon (Corvus) (to Master only)] alright.

Marisu (TMO)] (the question after that is who killed her, of course. But no one here knows that probably)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I do!)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] ;3

Marisu (TMO)] (so we'll hold off on that one till later)

Marisu (TMO)] (you know who sent the killers?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] ( this all makes me want to question the Duke, but that seems bad if we want to negoiate)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I only said it twice

Marisu (TMO)] (you said they weren't thugs)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Bingo. Why don't you pause and listen to her words, instead of being latently hostile

[Indigo (Lisa)] (corvus said random bandits but no one asked how she knew that unless she asked them to lunch after they murdered the priest and they had a chat)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Another question, time for 20Q

[Master] [Marisu]] moved 19'06".

[Master] Mistress Erindale moved 34'07".

[Master] Indigo moved 8'06".

[Master] Isla Falcon moved 25'10".

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] We ready?)

[Master] So when you are ready to begin again, the Duke is working on something inside with Minecrafter Jorid

[Master] Misstress Erindale is pacing around out in the yard stretching her legs

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Isla Falcon moved 3'01".

[Master] you can all be cathered there outside the door

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I sit.

[Master] the four of you

[Master] Duke Brandish moved 8'07".

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] so Isla, let me introduce you to Sir Indigo

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] The halfling.

[Indigo (Lisa)] The knight

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Does not change your race, but continue.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I have nothing to say to you.

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) shakes haed

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *I yawn and shrug* Okay?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Isla, do you not like making friends?

[Marisu]] (TMO) sighs. "We got off on the wrong foot here."

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Friends die or betray you later. There are only aquaintances.

Marisu (TMO)] A cheery outlook.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] ok, so business only

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] may I ask who hired you?

[Marisu]] (TMO) nods in agreement.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] The church of Kayughan, they wanted their Patron safe.

Marisu (TMO)] Was it the Priestess herself, or someone else?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] which branch? what area?

Marisu (TMO)] (sorry, jumped over you John)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] A member of the church.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (np)

Marisu (TMO)] (missed you were typing)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *I shrug.* Not my business.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Billy Jeans... Not my girl~)

Marisu (TMO)] Okay, so we don't know who sent her. I missed the Priestess' name. What was it?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I hink i spelt that wrong...

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Patron Trisha Rosary

[Marisu]] (TMO) thinks for a moment. "I don't think I've heard the name before. Miranda, Indigo? Have you?"

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) shakes head

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] So then I guess the only other thing you may know is about the people that killed her, what can you tell us

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Just bandits. i managed to hold off the group and told her to run. I slain them and went to find her. Another ran from the brush so i killed him too. I found her face first in the dirt with an arrow in her back.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] The one running had a bow in his hand.

Marisu (TMO)] (phone)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] no symbols or colors to identify who they were working for?

[Master (to Corvus only)] no insignia from any country you know

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Yeah, it was the same on them all, but to the nine planes should i know.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] what was the same, what did it look like

[Isla Falcon (Corvus) (to Master only)] Make it uup?

[Master (to Corvus only)] sure

[Isla Falcon (Corvus) (to Master only)] What is an enemy church?

[Master (to Corvus only)] Greek

Marisu (TMO)] (back)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] A circle, with an arrow going up to teh left, an agnle.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] angle*

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]]: Local History check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

Marisu (TMO)] (not sure how huge the penalty will be on that roll)

Marisu (TMO)] (since she's not local)

[Master] I will say that it does not sound like any noble that you would have heard of, perhaps a religious symbol

Marisu (TMO)] (kthx)

Marisu (TMO)] We'll have to ask and see if anyone knows that symbol then. It's tempting to try and link it all to some grand conspiracy, but the simplest answer is that it was just bandits.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I want candy... one OLLLLD song.)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] so Marisu, do you think we have to solve this before we can negoiate?

Marisu (TMO)] Solve it? I don't think so. But we should at least be clear on what happened first. I was distracting the Duke and missed part of the conversation, so now I'm trying to catch back up.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] yea, I have some questions that maybe only he can answer, but that seems dangerous to the negoiation

[Indigo (Lisa)] If you were hired by the Kayugans from somewhere you won't say and she and you do not belong to the Duke, why are you still here?

Marisu (TMO)] Ambassador Waverlyn was apparently the first negotiator. When Duke Brandish found out she was dead, he sent a message to Mistress Erindale to get a new one. She came to us. Then one month ago someone hired Isla here to bring Patron Trisha Rosary here, possibly just as leftover orders from when things were arranged with Ambassador Waverlyn. Then she was killed about the time we left to come here or a few days before. And here we are.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Are you sure

[Indigo (Lisa)] (duke sounded like he was still expecting waverlyn)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I figured returning a Patron so they can be sent to their home church would procure a reward.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] was Waverlyn a Priest?

Marisu (TMO)] No, but she had ties to the church.

Marisu (TMO)] At least, I haven't heard that she was.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Then why didn't you leave with her? Whys did you spend a week here? I still don't understand.

[Master] (you know she was not)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I understand, and feel that makes the most sence.

Marisu (TMO)] (dude, we've been so confused tonight I'm not sure what MY class is anymore. :P)

[Master] chuckles

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I get the feeling Isla is doing what we would do. I am sure Tristian will want to return the body to the church

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I stayed for you guys, so i can get compensation for my service. i even returned her body so it can be returnerd.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (waverlyn lived in a sea of kayugan priests - if she was sending one wouldn't it have been one from dryad's lair?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] So you brought this priest from Dryad's Lair to here?

[Master] (no was from the NE)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (see! that nakes no sense that waverlyn sent her)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (must have been someone else)

Marisu (TMO)] (possible she just asked for a priest and the heirarchy picked one close)

Marisu (TMO)] (*shrug*)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I'm just here for the food.)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (and money.)

Marisu (TMO)] (the cookies are pretty good)

[Master] (or someone with Religion could make a check on the symbol that Isla told you was on the people who killed the Priestess)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we need eric)

Marisu (TMO)] (was thinking that was the people not here... but. *looks at Miranda*)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I cannot even think like a priest at the moment and I never studied religon

Marisu (TMO)] (ah, too bad. So, yep, we need Tristan for that then. Or Mistress Erindale perhaps)

[Master] Tristan it would be then, sorry

Marisu (TMO)] (the Duke might know if they're local. But it's a stretch)

Marisu (TMO)] (no worries. It's a detail we can save for later)

Marisu (TMO)] (guess the last thing we should tackle is the hostility between Isla and Indigo? How would be the best way for you two to bury the hatchet? Short of actually burying it, of course. ;) )

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (you mean in his chest right? She saw a hatchet coming in. ;3 )

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] ( JK )

Marisu (TMO)] (Our hatchet guy is on the other mission. ;) )

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (nods)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (XD)

Marisu (TMO)] (besides, Indigo can't do that to you. You're not big enough to swallow him whole. :P )

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (LOL)

Marisu (TMO)] (he's killed several critters by gutting them from the inside. We even have instructions to not attack after he's been swallowed, since it hurts him)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (wow...)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Isla, what happens with you now, aside from getting paid or not

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I'm cracking up here.)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I will resume my hunt.

[Marisu]] (TMO) looks puzzled. "Hunt? Something else I missed?"

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] for what or who

bryonlanderman-82083 has joined the game on Fri Jan 02 22:28:19 EST 2015

bryonlanderman-82083 is receiving the map Northam...

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (you did not read the bio?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (smiles)

bryonlanderman-82083 has received the map Northam.

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]] targets Leatherus. Distance: 4'02"

Marisu (TMO)] (I must have missed it on the NYTimes Bestseller list. :P )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hello lord byron)

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 10. MISSES Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5).

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] -3. HITS Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 13. MISSES Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5).

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 3. HITS Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] -2. HITS Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 3. HITS Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 11. MISSES Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5).

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -4. HITS Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 3. HITS Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -4. HITS Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -4. HITS Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 4. HITS Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[bryonlanderman-82083] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 6. MISSES Leatherus (AC FINAL: 5).

bryonlanderman-82083 has left the game on Fri Jan 02 22:29:14 EST 2015

[Indigo (Lisa)] eager one

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (WAT)

[Indigo (Lisa)] lol

Marisu (TMO)] (That was amusing)

[Master] booted him

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (So someone used their head?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (i did not have a password, why oh why would you change that)

Marisu (TMO)] (Leatherus is tough. And Ilero is weak. He can take it)

[Master] have not needed it for a while

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (still do not, that was funny)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no big thing - and we continue)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you were hunting someone?0

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] A specific sailor, killed my crew, and i want my due.

[Marisu]] (TMO) shakes her head and mutters, "Please don't say Sarengar. Please don't say Sarengar..."

[Indigo (Lisa)] One sailor killed your whole crew?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] *LOL)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus) (to Master only)] should I?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] where are you going to look next?

[Master (to Corvus only)] no that was an inside joke, but you can say that you are looking for a pirate captain

[Isla Falcon (Corvus) (to Master only)] and where to go with them.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] A specific Pirate captain. he fled inland from Seagate.

[Master (to Lisa only)] Indigo knows a certain former pirate that could help find a name

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Lost him there.

[Marisu]] (TMO) looks relieved.

[Indigo (Lisa) (to Master only)] Indigo's on friendly terms with a pirate?

[Master (to Lisa only)] Joseph

[Indigo (Lisa) (to Master only)] okay - not sure Indigo knew that

[Master (to Lisa only)] plus Indigo's general dislike of Pirates overall

Indigo (Lisa) grudgingly "If you tell us his name maybe we can check and send a message somewhere to you"

Marisu (TMO)] Isla, when you get a chance, not right now, but before we all leave, I'd like you to do a sketch of the symbol on those bandits. It's probably nothing, but I'd like a copy of it for my notes, just in case it turns out to be important for something later.

[Marisu]] (TMO) smiles at Indigo.

Indigo (Lisa) kicks at the dirt in front of his feet

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] His name was Rakshire.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *I give a nod of thanks, sincerely.*

[Indigo (Lisa)] All right. We'll ask at home.

John Anstett well i am well past my bed time

John Anstett thanks all

[Master] have a good night John

Marisu (TMO)] (gnight John)

John Anstett have a good eveing, weekend, year

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (nini)

[John Anstett] has left the game on Fri Jan 02 22:39:57 EST 2015

Marisu (TMO)] Out of curiosity, how did you move the Priestesses' body by yourself for 6 days?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Her horse.

Marisu (TMO)] Oh, that makes sense. I had this image of you carrying it over your shoulder the whole way.

Marisu (TMO)] My imagination is running wild with me today.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Indeed. Am I done here, can I be paid?

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

[Indigo (Lisa)] We flew on an airship. We have no coins.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] The I will accompany you until i am paid. Whether it is by you, or through plunder. *My choice of words strikes a cord to teh knowledgeable.*

[Indigo (Lisa)] We didn't hire you. Why should we pay you? Maybe you should return to the place that hired you and ask them for money.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Though it seems like you failed at your job and I don't see why anyone should get paid for not doing theur job properly.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *Shrugs.* Still means i am coming with you. and for the journey and change of pace. I was huntiong the man.

Indigo (Lisa) laughs again

[Indigo (Lisa)] There is only so much room on the ship and you won't fit.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Plus I sat though this horseshit

[Indigo (Lisa)] We don't owe you anything.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I can always chuck you off.

[Marisu]] (TMO) sighs.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'd like to see you try

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I have experience in that.

Indigo (Lisa) draw second sword

[Indigo (Lisa)] Come on now

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *Draws my cutlass and backs up.*

[Marisu]] (TMO) steps between them.

[Lisa] Indigo targets Isla Falcon. Distance: 22'03"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 18'11".

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Isla Falcon moved 2'01".

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]] moved 6'01".

[Indigo (Lisa)] I think you should go back home

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I can already see the two becoming best of friends. Watch it happen.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] )

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I think the hobbiot should shut their trap.

Marisu (TMO)] We are here on a diplomatic mission for Mistress Erindale. Maybe we should get to work.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I think Marisu should get out of the way and I'll take care of this person who lets priestesses and her very crew die.

[Indigo (Lisa)] She hasn't protected anyone that I can see.

[Marisu]] (TMO) turns to Isla. "You're acting foolish, Isla. Please stop trying to antagonize Sir Indigo."

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I've done no such thing.

Marisu (TMO)] Telling someone to shut their trap isn't really a friendly gesture.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] She was tryiong to my effort a charity case.

Marisu (TMO)] Especially not someone you are apparently expecting to pay you for a task.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I need funds.

[Indigo (Lisa)] You better take her inside Marisu. I'm waiting for Tristan out here.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] and I took the job for funds. i failed, but I am still entitled to compensation for the journey.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We didn't hire you!

Marisu (TMO)] That's between you and your employer, Isla.

[Master (to TMO only)] Tristan would perhaps feel more obligated

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] From whatever blasted church they are in. how should i know?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Take her inside

Marisu (TMO)] We're here on a diplomatic mission, not to make enemies, but the Dragonslayers is a mercenary company, and they will fight if brought to it. You should take some more care.

Marisu (TMO)] Patron Tristan is in the Church. He would probably have contacts that might be of use to you.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We aren't taking her with us!

Marisu (TMO)] But picking fights with his companions is a poor way to go about it.

[Indigo (Lisa)] She said everyone betrays people

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] * I shake my head and sheath my sword.*

[Indigo (Lisa)] She will just go stabbing one of us in the back

[Marisu]] (TMO) turns to Indigo. "Tristan is here, Indigo. She doesn't necessarily have to go with us to talk to him. From there it's up to him."

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm not sleeping with her around.

[Marisu]] (TMO) smiles at Indigo. "I trust you to keep us safe, Indigo."

[Indigo (Lisa)] She'll try and stab someone in the back she will.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] i have no reason to.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I am not a heartless bitch, just a cold one.

Marisu (TMO)] (back in a sec)

Marisu (TMO)] (need to read son a chapter of his bedtime story. Can I leave you two without coming back to a bloody mess?)

[Master] chuckles

[Indigo (Lisa)] (probably not)

Marisu (TMO)] (have we used this map before? Getting a sudden Deja Vu going)

[Master] no have not used this before

[Master] go read

Marisu (TMO)] (let's hear it for random brain misfirings then)

Marisu (TMO)] (it'll be a few minutes. He gets a chapter out of a Hardy Boys book each night)

[Master] good

Marisu (TMO)] (biab)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] We have no quarrel. Sheath your swords.

[Indigo (Lisa)] They will stay out as long as I feel like they should be out.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Go inside and I might put them away.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Wasn't our host busy?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *I tilt my head as I say this.*

[Master] (yes the Duke, not someone that Isla would want to be interupting)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Then you shall have to live with me being on guard with you.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *I shrug and lean against the wall.*

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Isla Falcon moved 7'01".

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Isla Falcon moved 15'11".

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Sir... Indigo, was it?

[Indigo (Lisa)] What?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] How did you become a knight? Not many halflings reach that.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Beacuse I am a sword master and I have served my Queen loyally and bravely. I have honour and I can be trusted.

[Indigo (Lisa)] You wouldn't understand.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] How many times have you sailed.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Many. I do not count.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] O(ften, or when you need to?

Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head "What does this matter? When we need to sail we sail."

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] So you have not known what it means to be among a ship's crew then, have you.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I have been on a crew.

[Indigo (Lisa)] My first voyage I was captured by pirates and sold to a necromancer.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] You didn't sail since then?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] in a crew at least?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] AFK

[Indigo (Lisa)] From then on out we sailed on ships we hired or I worked with Sarengar as captain. But not a crew like a trade or military type crew again.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Did your ship ever get attacked?

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Marisu (TMO)] (blood?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Constantly

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not yet)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] You deffended valiantly i assume?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Of course. We all did.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] So you have sailed for many years, you should know a sailor's greatest fear when on board a ship, out in the expanse.

[Indigo (Lisa)] dragon turtles?

Marisu (TMO)] (good. She doesn't have a spell to clean blood out of her dress)(

[Indigo (Lisa)] (cantrip will do :) )

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Ah yes, those are nasty. But avoidable. The pirate I am after, I said her killed my crew. I said that friends only die or betray you.

[Marisu]] (TMO) listens quietly to the conversation.

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]] moved 2'11".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes. If that is what you think then it means that you are not capable of being one either.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Pirates are bad, We kill pirates. But that does not mean that friendship is impossible.

Marisu (TMO) (to Master only)] heh. Just realized, you said Isla is 18. That still makes him older than all my characters except Ilero. ;)

Marisu (TMO) (to Master only)] *her

[Corvus] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] (by the way Corvus incase you did not notice, you can see when each player is typing next to their name so sometimes people wait until they see everyone finished)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] We were in a denser fog than usual, early morning. I liked to ascend to the crow's nest for the morning, to think. I found the lookouts dead body. Next moment our ship was sheared in two by another. They had a massive ram on the front o her bow. i dived off and joined in the fray. Our ship was gone, no matter what, but i hunted down teh boarders. i must have killed a dozen, but then another ship rammed us, a barge. Unloaded another dozen pirates. i grabbed the first crewmate I could and dived overboard. He drowned.

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's horrible. I am sorry for that.

[Marisu]] (TMO) frowns in sympathy.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I know of defeat knight, I know of pain. The pirate who killed the lookout, I found to be our second.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Only reason i am on land.



Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head "then maybe you shouldn't act like you don't care about anything when you really do."

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (404)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] My next view is the next paycheck now.

[Indigo (Lisa)] And just because one person betrayed you and pirates acted like pirates doesn't mean that everyone in this world cannot be trusted.

[Master] (you have to copy and paste into your browser, unless you set up a browser inside of your Klooge preferences, but later on the link will work from the chat log)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] You don't attack fellow pirates.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Believe mem if I had coin I would give it to you so you can go be angry at someone else.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (I did copy paste.)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Right over his head huh?

Marisu (TMO)] (it worked for me. You probably just didn't get all of it off the right side of the window)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Then take me with you. i might stumble upon him in our journeys.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I was typing and missed that last line - sorry happens sometimes)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Then take me with you. i might stumble upon him in our journeys.(

Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head again "I don't want to take you anywhere with us."

[Indigo (Lisa)] We have to trust each other to make this work and if you can't trust us, we will never be able to trust you.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] You can trust me not to stab you in the back.

[Indigo (Lisa)] You see, that's the problem. I don't.

[Indigo (Lisa)] You said you don't attack fellow pirates, meaning you are a pirate?

Marisu (TMO)] I'm not a warrior, so I don't know how well this would go over, but would you trust her if she surrendered her weapons for the trip? And, Isla, would you trust us enough to do that?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *scoffs and shakes my head. *I undo the buttons and walk up to you, pressing your swordtip against my blouse.*

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Isla Falcon moved 5'00".

[Indigo (Lisa)] You sail around robbing and killing people and one day you got it back at you. Or did I misunderstand you

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I never killed any but the most difficult. I only enjoyed the thrill. in fact, most of us just incapitated our foes.*

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I trust you, will you trust me?

[Indigo (Lisa)] So you sailed around robbing people. Like the pirates that put a dagger to Marisu's throat.

[Indigo (Lisa)] She might have a problem trusting you too.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] True, i may have been a pirate, but only for the plunder. We did not do merciless killing. *I glance to the other.*

[Indigo (Lisa)] I was plunder to pirates. So forgive me if I am not sympathetic to your cause.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Go back to your wall.

Indigo (Lisa) steps back

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 2'10".

[Master] Ok

[Master] so I think this is a good spot to pause in

Marisu (TMO)] (yep)

[Master] we can hope that Eric is in next week to continue this

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *I turn and with a hidden smirk I return to my wall.*

[Master] or that TMO is in to pick up on Shur's adventure

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Isla Falcon moved 5'07".

Marisu (TMO)] (afaik, I should be available)

[Master] excellent

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *redoing my armour.*

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (That all for me?)

[Master] Indigo XP award: 200. Next level in 27844.

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] XP award: 200. Next level in 6672.

[Master] [Marisu]] XP award: 250. Next level in 8872.

[Master] Isla Falcon XP award: 150. Next level in 0.

Marisu (TMO)] (anything I need to upkeep on my characters?)

Marisu (TMO)] (should probably do her spells)

[Master] so Corvus you have a good night?

[Master] better understanding of the group dynamics and roleplaying?

[Lisa] that was quite an explosive backstory you got there

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] A little bit more yes. mind helping me lvl up real quick/

Marisu (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Marisu]] modified: Spells - CHANGED: Sound Bubble -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Shocking Grasp -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Master] leveling up how?

[Master] you should be set

[Corvus] oh right, auto

[Master] grins

[Corvus] the ram was from John Flannagan, Zar'rock

[Corvus] the base was the same though

[Master] and Corvus has no clue who Waverlyn is or what that means to the group

[Master] I did not tell him any more than his characte was escorting a priestess who died

Marisu (TMO)] makes sense

[Lisa] well it was a complete mess with the timeline

[Corvus] yup

[Master] yes it is

[Corvus] Not for me

[Lisa] you really need to wait to have eric here if you are going to play the mind games

[Corvus] two months, travel, 6 days dead

[Master] LOL

[TMO] we moved from more straightforward adventures to a complicated diplomatic tangled mess.

[TMO] ;)

[Lisa] I still don't think it makes any sense

[Master] there are clues there

[Corvus] yay for first rp done right!

[Lisa] how long has duke been waiting in this hut when he has a grand manor somewhere

[Lisa] lol

[Corvus] *victory dance*

[Master] there are some things to tweak Corvus but you did good for interacting with characters with a long and detailed history

[Corvus] naturally

[Master] next week we will pick up here and or the other arc

[Master] where you and Lisa do not have characters

[Corvus] now where the fuck is my pencil

[Master] but you can compare notes in the background

[Corvus] found it

[Master] so I will shut this down

[Master] and head off to bed

[Corvus] nini

[Master] have a great weekend everyone

[Lisa] goodnight all :)

[TMO] gnite

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 02 23:47:37 EST 2015

[TMO] see you next week

Corvus has left the game on Fri Jan 02 23:47:40 EST 2015

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 02 23:47:57 EST 2015

XP awarded