Main / Jan0910

Jan 09 10 - Phoenix Era - creating characters

This is just a copy of the character creation session for one of the players and a test for a new player.

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Sat Jan 09 19:47:44 EST 2010 ====

[BOB] ] For John #8 moved 371'07".

[BOB] ] For Fritz moved 16'11".

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Fritz] has joined the game on Sat Jan 09 19:50:13 EST 2010

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[Fritz] ] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=6] 6, Roll #2: (d6) [1d6=6] 6

[Fritz] ] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=2] 2, Roll #2: (d6) [1d6=5] 5, Roll #3: (d6) [1d6=4] 4, Roll #4: (d6) [1d6=1] 1

[Fritz] ] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=3] 3, Roll #2: (d6) [1d6=4] 4, Roll #3: (d6) [1d6=2] 2, Roll #4: (d6) [1d6=2] 2

[Fritz] ] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=1] 1, Roll #2: (d6) [1d6=1] 1, Roll #3: (d6) [1d6=1] 1, Roll #4: (d6) [1d6=3] 3

[Fritz] ] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=3] 3, Roll #2: (d6) [1d6=5] 5, Roll #3: (d6) [1d6=2] 2, Roll #4: (d6) [1d6=1] 1

[Fritz] ] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=5] 5, Roll #2: (d6) [1d6=3] 3, Roll #3: (d6) [1d6=5] 5, Roll #4: (d6) [1d6=3] 3

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for For Fritz modified: Notes - ADDED.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] back

[BOB] nice

[Fritz] 12+6=18 5+4+2=11 3+4+2=9 1+1+3=5 3+5+2=10 5+5+3=13

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for For Fritz modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[BOB] Kaz ended up with a 6

[BOB] she put it in Charisma I believe

[BOB] and 18 in strength

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for For Fritz modified: Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 18 (10). CON: (C) : CHANGED: 11 (10). INT: (I) : CHANGED: 13 (10). WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 11 (10). CHR: (CH) : CHANGED: 5 (10).

[Fritz] Talking to my niece

[BOB] wonderful

[Fritz] :*)

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for For Fritz modified: Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 13 (18). DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 11 (10). CON: (C) : CHANGED: 18 (11). INT: (I) : CHANGED: 10 (13). WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 9 (11).

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for For Fritz modified: Ability Scores - WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 5 (9). CHR: (CH) : CHANGED: 9 (5).

[Fritz] hehehe there we go.... S 13,D 11,Co 18,I 10,W 5, Ch 9

[BOB] that should be interesting

[BOB] will make you be able to take a very big punch

[BOB] now to split

[Fritz] Yep.

[BOB] plus you still could roll the d4 if you wanted

[BOB] nor not

[Fritz] Oh yes...d4 and I subtract from one stat and add to another correct?

[BOB] not sure what to do with that

[BOB] nods

[BOB] you can't drop your wisdom below a 2

[Fritz] LOL

[BOB] grins

[Fritz] Sure why not...give it a shot...who knows make it even more interesting

[Fritz] ] Roll #1: (d4) [1d4=4] 4

[BOB] ufff


[BOB] take it from Intelligence and give it to strength?

[BOB] 17 str adn 18 con would be very tough

[BOB] just not many profieciencies

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for For Fritz modified: Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 17 (13). DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 7 (11).

[Fritz] How's that?

[BOB] sure

[BOB] 7 dex is not crippling

[BOB] just below average

[BOB] do not plan on using a bow, wry grin

[Fritz] Only to commit suicide

[Fritz] I had to set my stats before I subtract the 4 correct?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] now you can split them

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for For Fritz modified:

[BOB] Con can go up to a 19

[BOB] so you can split that if you like as well

[Fritz] difference is 4 or 2 points?

[BOB] 4 is the spread 1 or 2 up, then down

[Fritz] What is the weight allowance for 15 strength?

[BOB] max press is 170

[BOB] weight allowance is 55

[Fritz] Ouch that means I can't wear plate mail

[Fritz] unless I take a proficiency in that type of armor correct?

[Fritz] I mean spec...then that makes it weigh/encum 50% less, correct?

[BOB] you can wear it just not move at 12 when you do

[BOB] and yes,

[BOB] to the specialized in armor

[BOB] but you will not have that to start with

[BOB] you are part of a mercenary brigade

[BOB] quick moving lightly armored

[Fritz] What type of armor? Chain and shield?

[BOB] most likely yes

[BOB] will be working all that out on Friday

[BOB] getting stories and background organzied

[BOB] I need to build up some pages on teh site for things

[BOB] less than 10% is done so far

[BOB] all is in my head

[BOB] will be fun all around

[BOB] my first key decision is actually the date

[Fritz] Kaz split her strength how?

[BOB] she did not

[BOB] kept it the same with both

[BOB] 18 15

[BOB] not a big enough roll to make a difference

[Fritz] interesting as a ranger she could have done great with a split since she needs light armor for a 2 weapon attack.

[BOB] would have still been the same number

[BOB] the split only moves by 10%

[BOB] so down by 15 and up by 15

[BOB] only 30% and needs 51%

[Fritz] 18 strength split 15/19 would have been great

[BOB] just bad luck

[BOB] can't

[BOB] 18 15

[BOB] 18 25

[BOB] 18 35

[BOB] etc

[BOB] goes by tens

[Fritz] ? really? I thought if you split you go up an entire point. That is the only stat that you could do that in. If you stop at an 18 then you do the 10's

[BOB] nods,

[BOB] 18

[BOB] 18 10

[BOB] 19 20

[BOB] 18 20

[BOB] jsut like a wish

[BOB] can bump it up by 10% each wish

[Fritz] So I can split my 17 strenght 15/19

[Fritz] ?

[BOB] no

[BOB] you can go to 18

[BOB] then 18 10

[Fritz] Ok so you are doing it differently

[Fritz] no prob

[BOB] only on execeptiona strength

[Fritz] do I get to roll for percentage then since I have an 18?

[Fritz] If I had an 18

[BOB] so yo uare better off just going

[BOB] 16 and 18 10

[BOB] because lowering to 15 only brings you to 18 20 whcih is no different

[BOB] you don't get a full roll just the bump of the 10%

[Fritz] Ok. Different than book. Didn't know. So will do that

[Fritz] What does that give me for atta and dam

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for For Fritz modified: Ability Scores - STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 16 (10). MUSC: (MU) : CHANGED: 18 10 (10). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 7 (10). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 7 (10). Health: (HE) : CHANGED: 17 (10). Fitness: (FI) : CHANGED: 19 (10). Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 8 (10). Knowledge: (KN) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Intuition: (IU) : CHANGED: 5 (10). Willpower: (WI) : CHANGED: 5 (10). Leadership: (LD) : CHANGED: 9 (10). Appearance: (AP) : CHANGED: 9 (10).

[BOB] the 18 10 will give you a plus + attack and +3 damage plus bump the max press up to 280

[BOB] open doors is a 12

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for For Fritz modified: Ability Scores - Attack Adjust: (ATK) : CHANGED: +3 (+0). Damage Adjust: (DMG) : CHANGED: +3 (+0). Max Press:: CHANGED: 280 (null). Open Doors:: CHANGED: 12 (null).

[BOB] and those are all on the site

[Fritz] Ok. Will work on rest later. Thanks. Have a good weekend.

[BOB] in teh character creation

[BOB] thanks

[BOB] you too

Fritz] has left the game on Sat Jan 09 20:37:34 EST 2010

[BOB] let me know if you hear anything

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Wed Jan 13 19:19:27 EST 2010 ====

Player] has joined the game on Wed Jan 13 19:20:22 EST 2010

Player] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Player] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] ] Imari moved 37'03".

[Player] ] Imari moved 108'05".

[Player] ] Imari moved 121'11".

Player] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Player] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] This is chat

[BOB] this is more chat

[Player] this is not chat

[Lisa] hello

Lisa] has left the game on Wed Jan 13 19:34:11 EST 2010

Lisa] has joined the game on Wed Jan 13 19:36:49 EST 2010

Lisa] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Lisa] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[Lisa] something

[Lisa] what happened?

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 15 11:58:26 EST 2010 ====

[BOB (to GM only)] ] For Fritz #8 moved 213'06".

[BOB] ] Foriso Fairhand, Imari, For Kaz, For Fritz and For Lisa moved 58'02".

[BOB] ] Imari moved 19'11".

[BOB] ] Foriso Fairhand moved 14'02".

[BOB] ] For Lisa moved 8'09".

[BOB] ] For Lisa moved 22'10".

[BOB] ] For Kaz moved 9'05".

[BOB] ] For Fritz moved 5'09".

[BOB] ] Imari moved 1'05".

[BOB] ] For Lisa moved 9'09".

[BOB] ] To get Map moved 13'07".

[BOB] ] For Lisa moved 12'00".

[BOB] ] To get Map moved 1'00".

[BOB] ] To get Map moved 1'09".

[BOB] ] To get Map moved 1'07".

[BOB] ] To get Map moved 15'10".

[BOB] ] To get Map moved 5'06".

[BOB] ] To get Base Map moved 51'03".

[BOB] ] To get Base Map moved 1'05".

[BOB] ] For future use moved 24'09".

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 15 16:14:37 EST 2010 ====