Main / Jan1312

Jan 13 12 - Flower Power

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 13 17:56:08 EST 2012 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 13 18:13:35 EST 2012 ====

Guy has joined the game on Fri Jan 13 18:21:17 EST 2012

Guy is receiving the map grasslands...

Guy has received the map grasslands.

[Guy] howdy howdy

[Master] Hello Sir

[Master] Happy New Year

Dee has joined the game on Fri Jan 13 18:22:05 EST 2012

Dee is receiving the map grasslands...

[Guy] happy new year to you as well and Hi Dee

Dee has received the map grasslands.

[Dee] hello everyone.

[Master] we should have a new person looking in tonight as well

[Master] Lisa will be late

[Master] did you get the chance to look at the site over the break?

[Dee] I am actually early for once.

[Dee] looked at it a little, but have been mostly busy th work.

[Master] as long as everyone knows where you are and what you are trying to do

[Dee] something about collecting flowers, or did I glance thru the wrong part?

[Master] yes that is the right story arc

[Master] it is sort of funny in that only Branwyn and Indigo are still alive from when you got this mission

[Master] and your characters will help finish it and get the rewards

[Guy] foriso could have been still alive if i hadnt sacrificed him

[Dee] sorry I was out of the loop for so long, but it couldnt be helped.

[Master] chuckles, I have not forgotten about Foriso, some thread that will come back in the future

[Master] we should have two more sessions I think out here on the plains, then your journey back and then to the Jistelle Estates to finish

[Master] then the next story arc will be the last one of this Dragonslayer Era

[Master] will be a wrap up for fully training for everyone etc

[Master] then we start the next Era

[Master] I am looking at sometime in late Feb for that or Early March

[Master] all the story arcs are laid out now

[Master] should be fun

[Master] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] so what is your upcoming schedule looking like Guy?

[Dee] test

[Master] grins

[Master] yes you are still connected

[Dee] was eginning to wonder...

[Master] my latency issues are still there though, AT&T has my DSL down to a pitiful 1.5 today

[Master] supposed to be 3, which is bad enough

[Master] getting very tempted to switch, but do not want to go with cable if I can get LTE soon

[Dee] yeah, I got DSL too, but not sure what my connection is at right now.

[Guy] sorry wasnt looking at chat window

[Dee] but its betterthan dialup

[Guy] im off next friday but other than that i have no idea

[Master] not too bad then Guy

[Guy] we are down 3 managers right now and one of those was unexpected

[Master] I had them out a couple of months ago about LTE but not a good enough signal yet

[Master] but that would bump my speed up to the neighborhood of 50-60

[Master] and the best cable can do is about 20-25

[Master] and that does stink GUy

[Master] can you hire?

[Guy] we borrowed a manger from another store but other than that we are set for managers and we have too many crew for the business we are doing

[Master] ahh

[Master] all snowed in and no one moving? ;)

[Guy] when our busiest hour for a wedsnday is only 420 thats a problem

[Guy] not much snow around here at all

[Master] ouch

[Master] and that is good

[Master] Nyrma got a job offer in Conecticet

[Master] told them they would have to double the salary to put up with the snow

[Guy] lol

[Dee] I got plenty of snow here Guy, I can send you some...

[Master] and DING

[Guy] weeeeeeeee

[Master] you two feel comfortable with the evening's encounters?

[Dee] LOL are you kidding? Just the two of us??

[Guy] sure

[Master] grins, yeap

[Master] Viridis Dundragon XP award: 500. Next level in 21500.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 500. Next level in 29771.

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Jan 13 19:03:48 EST 2012

BiBo!!! is receiving the map grasslands...

[Master] Hello Marco

BiBo!!! has received the map grasslands.

[Guy] haha youre late lol

[BiBo!!!] only because I have been waiting for klooge to load up for the last fricken 10 minutes.

[BiBo!!!] stupid slow program

[Master] it is your java

[Master] when is the last time you updated?

[BiBo!!!] I swear that updates every day.

[Master] chuckles

[Master] one thing I do once in while is to uninstall everythign and then do a fresh install

[Master] but in any case

[Master] you remmber where you were when last we left our adventurers

[BiBo!!!] in a field of naked women

[BiBo!!!] topless anyway

[Guy] we just finished a fight with wolves and saw a giant flutterby

[Master] that is one way of remembers I suppose

[Master] so you have two teepees set up

[Dee] lol am glad Im not the only one who calls them by that.

[Master] and several shirts spread out to collect the dew so you can have water to drink in the morning

[BiBo!!!] what? naked women?

[Dee] no, flutterbys.

[BiBo!!!] have heard it before. still sounds as silly as the last person who said it

[Dee] I like it.

[BiBo!!!] whenever I hear someone say it, I picture it coming out of the mouth of a 3 year old girl

[Dee] Im always a kid at heart...

[Master] smile

[Wind Whistler (Master)] clears her throat

[Guy] we may have grown up but none of us ever grew old

[BiBo!!!] opposite man

[Wind Whistler (Master)] the men can sleep there, points to one

[BiBo!!!] you grow old, but dont grow up

[Wind Whistler (Master)] we will sleep here

[Wind Whistler (Master)] do not open your tent at all during the night

[Wind Whistler (Master)] no matter what you hear, or what you see

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Sarengar (Guy)] No guards?

[Dee] SO no watches then?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] unless something comes into your teepee you will be safe

[Sarengar (Guy)] all right

[Dee] If you say so...

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] (1d4) [1d4=1] 1

[Dee] ((Wait, Im not there...))

[Sarengar (Guy)] you heard her Llathandryll in the tent

[Wind Whistler (Master)] yes you are

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 13 19:15:18 EST 2012

Lisa is receiving the map grasslands...

Lisa has received the map grasslands.

[Dee] ah, okay.

[Dee] Hello lisa!!

[Lisa] Hello! :)

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((hiya lisa))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((howdy))

[Lisa] Dee! Missed you! Glad to see you back in action

[Lisa] And happy new year to all

[Dee] ((Thanks! Finally manages to free up some fridays!! Good to be back))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((yeah, happy new year to you too))

[Wind Whistler (Master)] so ready for the night's encounter?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (who rolled an encounter?)

[Master] Llathandryll moved 55'09".

[Master] Indigo moved 3'04".

[Master] Sarengar moved 9'02".

[Dee] Heh, stay inside your tents....

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((it was all marcvos fault))

[Master] Wind Whistler moved 16'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (am I sleeping? I hope)

[Master] Branwyn moved 4'03".

[Master] Viridis Dundragon moved 14'09".

[Master] so as you are trying hard to sleep

[Master] you can make a con check

[Master] unless you are goign to keep a watch anyway

[Master] inside of your ten

[Master] tents

[Sarengar (Guy)] not me

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Viridis Dundragon: CON check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: CON check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: CON check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: CON check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Llathandryll modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 18 (17). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 18 (17). Racial Abilities - ADDED: Sense secret doors.

[Master] so someone from each tent does wake up, even if Sarengar sleeps through an earthquake

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll: CON check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: CON check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] as you are laying there, you see shadows against the side of your teepee

[Master] large multi legged shadows loom over the walls

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] shadows as in the creature or shadows as in an actual shadow

[Master] too man arms and legs

[Master] many

[Master] and you do not know Llath

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((glad im sleeping lol))

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Rememering very well the words of Wind Whistler, Viridis remains in her tent.

[Master] the shadows move around the teepee, they seem to be circling you

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] never seen a shadow that looked like that, so must not be the undead creature

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe it's a spider

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] or a basilisk

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think basilisks have legs, do they?

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] *Whispers up a prayer to Zeus.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] they have tons of em

[Indigo (Lisa)] like a centipede?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] 6 or 8 I think

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oohhh maybe it's a giant centipede!

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] I thought a basilisk was a large lizard like creature....

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] it is

[Master] (wrong tent Dee)

[Master] grins

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] sorry

[Master] and the morning break

[Master] Time of Day: 06:00 AM. Day 27 See ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 27th, 339 SKR.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so we just let it wander around all night?)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] thats what we were told to do

Sarengar (Guy) yawns and stretches

[Master] dawn lights up the edges of the plains

[Master] Wind opens up the woman's teepee

[Master] then opens up the men's

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] strong wind

[Master] and carefull guides the collected dew from the stretched out shirts into a long hollow tube

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] *Goes to check out the tracks that were left behind in the night.*

[Wind Whistler (Master)] did you sleep well last night?

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] "Shadows and noises woke me up."

[Indigo (Lisa)] What was that thing walking around our tents last night?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "As well as can be expected."

[Sarengar (Guy)] what thing outside the tent?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] what did you see?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] does Viridis have tracking?

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] "Just shadows on the tent walls. Legs lots of em."

[Wind Whistler (Master)] oh, nothing to worry about then

[Indigo (Lisa)] Was it a spider?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I was thinking you might have seen a bison

[Indigo (Lisa)] What's a bison?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] but those are much more dangerous

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] ((No I dont.))

[Wind Whistler (Master)] (then Viri does not find any tracks)

[Wind Whistler (Master)] Bison are big bulky animals

[Wind Whistler (Master)] they are dangerous in groups

[Wind Whistler (Master)] have to be careful

[Indigo (Lisa)] like horses?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] so I want you to be on teh look out today

[Indigo (Lisa)] horses are pretty big

[Wind Whistler (Master)] the same size as a horse yes

[Wind Whistler (Master)] but much heavier

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and definately much meaner

[Indigo (Lisa)] I will watch for them then

[Wind Whistler (Master)] watch the skies for the butterflys

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Sounds like a dwarven date I woke up with once."

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I am hoping that one will lead us to your flowers

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] *Nods*

[Wind Whistler (Master)] she pulls her shirt back on

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and starts taking down the teepees

[Wind Whistler (Master)] bundling one up and giving it to Sarengar

[Sarengar (Guy)] and maybe we can catch you a buterfly

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] *Will help her

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and then the other one to hand to Indigo

[Wind Whistler (Master)] there are horses out here too Indigo

Sarengar (Guy) takes the bundle

[Wind Whistler (Master)] if you see any of them be sure to warn us

[Wind Whistler (Master)] the more notice we have the better

[Indigo (Lisa)] The horses we had weren't that bad. Just hard for me to climb on to

[Wind Whistler (Master)] well these horses will have others riding them

[Indigo (Lisa)] Too bad I am no good at observing things. But I will try.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] who may or may not be welcoming to us as we travel through the land

[Indigo (Lisa)] Too bad Branwyn didn't bring the spyglass

[Wind Whistler (Master)] what is a spyglass?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looks at Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Like you wanted to be carrying that around with everything else!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh, it's a long tube with a lens on it that allows you to see things far away.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You can see things close up that can't see you. Can come in quite handy

Branwyn (Lisa) grins "We got ours from some pirates!"

[Master] Wind Whistler: Attack: Short Bow: (20-(d20)) [1d20=8] 12

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and THUNK

[Wind Whistler (Master)] she suddenly runs over and picks up a rabbit

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looks back at Branwyn, what is a Pirate?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((ac 12 rabbit. must be diseased))

[Master] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 27 See ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 27th, 339 SKR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A thief who sails and attacks other ships, basically

Sarengar (Guy) watches the sky for buttterflies

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Nice kill there. You are quite the huntress.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (breakfast?)

[Wind Whistler (Master)] Oh we call them Coyote

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thieves?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] the ones who sneak in steal things and sneak away

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And how does your village punish coyotes?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] not much reason for a coyote to use a canoe , why do they use ships?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] Oh we catch them take what is ours back

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and then take somethig of theirs to make up for the trouble

[Sarengar (Guy)] theres a lot more water where we come from

[Wind Whistler (Master)] how much water could there be? the rivers are broad enough for several canoes across

[Master] Wind Whistler: Attack: Short Bow: (20-(d20)) [1d20=18] 2

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well you can escape faster in a ship

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] waters that stretch so far you cannot see the other side.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and another rabbit

[Wind Whistler (Master)] she looks at the group

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I suppse you will need at least one more

[Sarengar (Guy)] some of the rivers hold ships that are bigger than a house

Wind Whistler (Master) laughs joyfully, that is a very funny story

[Wind Whistler (Master)] a house on the water

[Wind Whistler (Master)] who would want to live in a place that is all wet like that?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] shakes her head

[Wind Whistler (Master)] you demons do have it very hard

[Wind Whistler (Master)] no wonder you want to escape

[Master] Wind Whistler: Attack: Short Bow: (20-(d20)) [1d20=5] 15

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and a third rabbit

[Wind Whistler (Master)] she ties the legs together and carries them over her shoulder

[Wind Whistler (Master)] she is watching the horison

[Wind Whistler (Master)] horizon

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and glancing up into the sky

[Master] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 27 See ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 27th, 339 SKR.

[Master] the mornign wears into the day

[Master] nothing on the horizon to show where you are, where you have come from

[Sarengar (Guy)] someday you should visit my home and i will show you that i speak the truth

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looks at Sarengar in horror,

[Wind Whistler (Master)] leave the land? visit hell?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I would not want to be punished that way

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I woudl rather throw my self off of a cliff

[Wind Whistler (Master)] before taking a punishment like that

[Sarengar (Guy)] trust me i feel the sam about being here

[Wind Whistler (Master)] do you? I can find a cliff for you

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Sounds liek you are made for each other."

[Master (to GM only)] Butterfly targets Koorin. Distance: 148'00"

[Wind Whistler (Master)] (1d12) [1d12=12] 12

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and Koorin is not surprised

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] walks in silent contemplation, watching the skies for clouds and signs.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] so you get to see the butterfly suddenly swoop out of the sky and attempt to pick Koorin up

[Master] Butterfly moved 155'09".

[Master] Butterfly targets Branwyn. Distance: 1'09"

[Master] Sarengar, Indigo, Grevic Rowan and Llathandryll moved 51'09".

[Master] Wind Whistler moved 12'07".

[Master] Viridis Dundragon moved 6'00".

[Master] Branwyn moved 11'06".

[Master] Grevic Rowan moved 22'02".

[Master] Grevic Rowan targets Butterfly. Distance: 6'08"

[Master] Indigo moved 9'08".

[Master] Llathandryll moved 4'09".

[Master] Sarengar moved 8'04".

[Master] Llathandryll moved 15'06".

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((jeebus. How does something that big sneak up on us in a field of nothing but clear view?))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((just like the fighters of old straight out of the sun))

[Wind Whistler (Master)] so far only Viri and Wind were watching and yes to Guy

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((i was watching too i thought))

[Wind Whistler (Master)] but you do get one ranged attack on it before it makes its attempt

[Wind Whistler (Master)] everyone can make the attempt

[Dee] Viridis Dundragon targets Butterfly. Distance: 11'10"

[Wind Whistler (Master)] spell or weapon

[Wind Whistler (Master)] but only ranged

[Guy] Sarengar targets Butterfly. Distance: 15'11"

[Wind Whistler (Master)] spear, arrow, etc

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Attack: Spear; one hand:: is now ARMED.

[Sarengar (Guy)] net?

[BiBo!!!] Llathandryll targets Butterfly. Distance: 8'00"

[Wind Whistler (Master)] will be a thown attack

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Viridis Dundragon: Attack: Spear; one hand: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 3. HITS Butterfly (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and yes to Guy

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] hm... where is koorin

[Wind Whistler (Master)] nicely done Viri

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Net: ((15-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=4] 12 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Butterfly (AC FINAL: 4).

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Viridis Dundragon: Damage v SM: Spear; one hand: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Butterfly

[Wind Whistler (Master)] roll for damage

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll: Attack: Sling Bullet +1: ((19-(d20+0))+1+2) [1d20=4] 18 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Butterfly (AC FINAL: 4).

[Wind Whistler (Master)] spear hits the butterfly, the net falls to the ground

[Master (to GM only)] Butterfly's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (-4) - Lightly Wounded

[BiBo!!!] Koorin targets Butterfly. Distance: 2'02"

[Wind Whistler (Master)] Indigo? Branwyn?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Attack: Short Bow: ((18-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=20] -1 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Butterfly (AC FINAL: 4)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Attack: Short Bow: ((18-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=12] 7 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Butterfly (AC FINAL: 4).

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Damage v L: Short Bow: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Butterfly

[Master (to GM only)] Butterfly's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Wind Whistler targets Butterfly. Distance: 12'08"

[Master] Wind Whistler: Attack: Short Bow: (16-(d20)) [1d20=17] -1. HITS Butterfly (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Master] Wind Whistler: Damage v L: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: Butterfly

[Master (to GM only)] Butterfly's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-5) - Heavily Wounded

[Wind Whistler (Master)] Bran? Indigo?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (forgot to reload spells - sigh and Indigo can't reach)

[Wind Whistler (Master)] you can reload now then cast

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (now that we are in combat can I pick spells? lol)

[Wind Whistler (Master)] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry - don't usually forget)

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I did not remind everyone

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you shouldn't have to)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Llathandryll modified: Spells - CHANGED: Spectral Force -- # Memorized: 1 (0), Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 4 (3).

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Burning Hands -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: +2 (+0),

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Butterfly. Distance: 13'05"

Redshirt-54131 has joined the game on Fri Jan 13 19:59:06 EST 2012

Redshirt-54131 is receiving the map grasslands...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Butterfly: Lightning Bug: a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6+1+1*8) [1d6=2] 11 points of damage up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.

[Master (to GM only)] Butterfly's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -6 (-11) - Dying

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and suddenly the butterfly CRASHES to the ground

[Sarengar (Guy)] (((ok we are all safe because the monsters all go after redshirts lol))

Redshirt-54131 has received the map grasslands.

[Master] and Hello Redshirt, nice name

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hello )

[Master] the butterfly crashes in front of Koorin

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] hello redshirt.

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((howdy))

[Master] Redshirt, click on the map and hit enter to be able to type in chat

[Master] and click on a name of a person on the list to private message them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (or view chat history)

[Master] thank you Lisa

[Master] Wind Whistler moved 13'09".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 7'11".

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looks down at the butterly

[Wind Whistler (Master)] pulls out a knife and CUTS the wings off

Sarengar (Guy) gathers up his net

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] *Retrieves her spear*

[Indigo (Lisa)] (how big are the wings?)

[Wind Whistler (Master)] drags her fingers along a wing and then drags her fingers across her face, spreading the color like glitter

[Sarengar (Guy)] That should help you quite a bit shouldnt it

[Master] about 5 to 6 feet across

Redshirt-54131 has left the game on Fri Jan 13 20:03:41 EST 2012

[Wind Whistler (Master)] smiles at Sarengar

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are we going to carry those with us?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I wish we could

[Wind Whistler (Master)] but we will have to leave the wings, they will go bad too fast

[Wind Whistler (Master)] but we can take the body with us

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 13 20:04:23 EST 2012

TMO is receiving the map grasslands...

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and Hello TMO

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yuck! Won't it rot?

TMO has received the map grasslands.

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((howdy))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Not if you eat it first."

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] ((Hello there!))

[Master] was that a quick redshirt change to a gold shirt?

[Master] and yes it was I can see

[Master] will let other's help out

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Under Edit, hit preferences, then check the dock chat box. it will make it easierto type for you.

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] also make it easier to see the chat history.

[Master] Wind looks over at the rest of the group

[Wind Whistler (Master)] that was very well done

ZAR has joined the game on Fri Jan 13 20:08:49 EST 2012

ZAR is receiving the map grasslands...

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] "Koorin,are you okay?"

ZAR has received the map grasslands.

[ZAR] sorry im late

[ZAR] oooo pretty buttfly GOTTA DIE

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I think so. It didnt really get much of a chance to get close to me."

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I think it came for you because you look like a good target and the other one like you is shiny

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looking at Indigo

Indigo (Lisa) looks down, "Sorry. I forgot to put my cloak back over my armor"

[Sarengar (Guy)] Indigo , you and Koorin should stay close to us to keep the butterflies from carrying you off

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] how much i missed?

[Indigo (Lisa)] But you wanted a butterfly so it is not all bad, is it?

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] you missed my awesome spear throw, and a well aimed spell.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I thought I WAS close..."

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] sorry

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] why is my guy greyed out

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] whats does thatmean

[Wind Whistler (Master)] thyere you are tony

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] ok thnx!

[Wind Whistler (Master)] nods at Indigo

[Wind Whistler (Master)] it is a very good thing to bring one town

[Wind Whistler (Master)] down

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are you going to eat it? Is that why you want the body?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I only know of two warriors who have ever captured one alive

[Wind Whistler (Master)] they do not live long in captivity

[Indigo (Lisa)] You would have to have a very large cage

[TMO] I have found the chat function. Be afraid!

[Wind Whistler (Master)] (chuckles)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yay)

[Sarengar (Guy)] Indigo could you imagine going into battle riding a war butterfly

Wind Whistler (Master) blinks and looks at Sarengar

[Wind Whistler (Master)] really?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think I would like to ride one

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looking at Indigo

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] TMO, any other questions dont hesitate to PM me,and Ill help.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] that would be very brave

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I didn't much like Llathandryll's flying spell. Though it did help us.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] you have flown?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looks over at Llath

[Wind Whistler (Master)] what else do you demons do?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Lots of things." :grins:

Wind Whistler (Master) shakes her head

[Wind Whistler (Master)] we need to be moving along

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] *Keeps an eye on the sky.*

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looking over at everyone

[Wind Whistler (Master)] we must be close, they guard flowers

Indigo (Lisa) pulls his cloak over his armor

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are we taking the body?

[Dee] I am away from the keyboard.

[Sarengar (Guy)] lets get the flower we need and get back to the river where its safer

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ha! Pirates, wraiths and those scrab things

[Indigo (Lisa)] The river isn't very safe

[Sarengar (Guy)] but it is home

[Master] Baldwins Ironweed.jpg moved 2'03".

[Wind Whistler (Master)] that is what you are looking for by the way

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we are out picking flowers, btw)

[Wind Whistler (Master)] Wind says yes, we are taking the body

[Dee] I am back at the keyboard.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] the wings will fall apart in a hour or two

[grasslands (Master)] and a rumbling shakes the ground

[TMO] test

[Indigo (Lisa)] (how big is this body? can we even carry it around?)

[grasslands (Master)] the body is about 4-6 feet long

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] A== TMO

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Sarengar

[Indigo (Lisa)] Think you might have to take care of this

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's as big as I am

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((brb need more pizza))

[grasslands (Master)] chuckles

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sure escape when heavy lifting is required)

Sarengar (Guy) picks the carcass up and c arries it across the top of his pack

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thank you)

[Master] TMO Heckat is on the map for you to use to chat etc

[Master] there is a notes tab on the character sheet to explain her backstory

TMO is now controlling Heckat

[Master] and I will grab a drink quickly as you try to figure out what you are doing about the rumbling

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] Grevic Rowan moved 35'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope that rumbling isn't the bison that Wind Whistler told us about

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Whatever bison are

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Its probably Sarengars stomach."

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((back))

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #20 moved 50'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #19 moved 43'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #18 moved 35'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #17 moved 31'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #16 moved 26'09".

[Heckat (TMO)] is there an Initiative tab?

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #15 moved 22'05".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #14 moved 19'06".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #13 moved 15'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #12 moved 17'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #11 moved 21'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #10 moved 28'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #9 moved 32'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #8 moved 39'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #7 moved 33'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #6 moved 45'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #5 moved 38'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #4 moved 24'05".

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((what do you mean?))

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #3 moved 38'08".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #2 moved 18'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #1 moved 12'08".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (right click on character name the roll dice and that window will open)

[Master (to GM only)] Wolf #4 moved 4'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Wolf #3 moved 27'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Wolf #2 moved 42'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Wolf #1 moved 4'00".

[Sarengar (Guy)] not my stomach rumbling I thought it was yours Indigo

[Heckat (TMO)] just not sure how I know the order of play? Who do I follow?

[Master] Bison #13, Bison #17, Bison #16, Bison #6, Bison #18, Bison #7, Bison #14, Bison #3, Bison #4, Bison #15, Bison #5, Bison #11, Bison #2, Bison #1, Bison #12, Bison #8, Bison #19, Bison #9, Bison #20 and Bison #10 moved 15'01".

[Heckat (TMO)] or is it free-for-all at this stage?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Not mine!

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] Grevic Rowan moved 71'09".

[Master] Grevic Rowan moved 60'07".

[Master] Butterfly moved 136'03".

[Master] so that everyone is clear

[Master] you do hear and feel the rumbling

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] when we get into a fight you will roll init, the init will automatically take care of that for you.

[Sarengar (Guy)] initiativbe is for combat

[Master] and then Wind and Viri point to the northwest

[Master] and there is a low dark smudge on the horizon

[Wind Whistler (Master)] GUARD!

[Wind Whistler (Master)] BISON!

[Wind Whistler (Master)] CIRCLE TIGHT

[Heckat (TMO)] cool. i am an admin on a text mmorpg, and the default there for rp is to have a posting order so it doesn't get too chaotic. :)

[Wind Whistler (Master)] Grins at TMO, we are very chaotic sometimes

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Viridis Dundragon moved 9'04".

[Master] Baldwins Ironweed.jpg moved 37'10".

[Master] Wind Whistler moved 8'00".

[Wind Whistler (Master)] GET BEHIND ME! FORM A WEDGE

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ::does as told::

Indigo (Lisa) runs to get behind wind whistler

[Wind Whistler (Master)] everyone can move

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 11'05".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 4'04".

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "No problem getting behind you, nor forming a wedge there."

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] Grevic Rowan moved 21'09".

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 33'03".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] :: does what shes supposed to do ::

[Heckat (TMO)] [sings] Run, run, run for your life!

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 18'06".

[Master] Baldwins Ironweed.jpg moved 108'00".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((in come the baldwins!))

[Master] and the Bison are rushing towards you,

[Master] you do spot the two wolves on the two edges that are driving them

[Master] you can see they are rushing foward, with smaller must be younger ones in the center of the group


[Master] Bison #15, Bison #17, Bison #16, Bison #6, Bison #18, Bison #7, Bison #14, Bison #3, Bison #4, Bison #5, Bison #11, Bison #2, Bison #1, Bison #12, Bison #13, Bison #8, Bison #19, Bison #9, Bison #20 and Bison #10 moved 23'06".

[Master] Bison #14, Bison #17, Bison #16, Bison #6, Bison #18, Bison #7, Bison #3, Bison #4, Bison #15, Bison #5, Bison #11, Bison #2, Bison #1, Bison #12, Bison #13, Bison #8, Bison #19, Bison #9, Bison #20 and Bison #10 moved 52'11".

[Wind Whistler (Master)] as this point the herd is about 120 yards in front of you

[Wind Whistler (Master)] scale on the map is in yards at this point not fee

[Wind Whistler (Master)] feet

[Wind Whistler (Master)] if you have anything to do at a distance you can attempt it

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] (I assume that river isnt actually there?))

[Wind Whistler (Master)] it is a small stream, but yes it is there

[Wind Whistler (Master)] you have been following various little brooks

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Grevic and then waves her hand and cantrips a bush on fire

[Wind Whistler (Master)] THANK YOU GREVIC!

[Guy] Sarengar targets Bison #17. Distance: 137'09"

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((small as in it wont matter to the stampeed?))

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] can I see the lead bison?

Wind Whistler (Master) thrusts an arrow into the flames and then fires it towards the bison

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and yes as in small that anything larger than a rabbit can cross easily

[Master] Wind Whistler targets Bison #16. Distance: 132'06"

[Master] Wind Whistler: Attack: Short Bow: (16-(d20)) [1d20=8] 8. HITS Bison #16 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] yes to Viri

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Light Crossbow: (15-(d20+1)) [1d20=12] 2. HITS Bison #17 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Sarengar (Guy)] sm or l?

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] cast control animal on it and force it to steer away, hoping the rest will follow.

[Master] ok

[Master] cast away

[Master] Bison #17 moved 8'03".

[Master] Bison #16 moved 7'10".

[Master] Bison #17 moved 4'10".

[Master] L

[Dee] Viridis Dundragon targets Bison #17. Distance: 130'07"

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Damage v L: Crossbow Bolt: ((1d6)+1) [1d6=2] 3 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Bison #17

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Viridis Dundragon casts a spell against Bison #17: Control Animal: I force an animal to do my bidding for (5) 5 rounds.

[Master (to GM only)] Bison #17: No adjustments made.

[Master] Bison #17, Bison #6, Bison #18, Bison #7, Bison #3, Bison #4, Bison #5, Bison #11, Bison #8, Bison #19, Bison #9, Bison #20 and Bison #10 moved 43'03".

[Master] Bison #16, Bison #14, Bison #15, Bison #2, Bison #1, Bison #12 and Bison #13 moved 45'06".

[Master] Wolf #2, Wolf #1, Wolf #4 and Wolf #3 moved 23'02".

[Master] Wolf #2 moved 15'08".

[Master] Wolf #4 moved 26'11".

[Master] Wolf #1 moved 34'10".

[Master] Wolf #3 moved 46'06".

[Master] Bison #17, Bison #6, Bison #18, Bison #7, Bison #3, Bison #4, Bison #5, Bison #11, Bison #8, Bison #19, Bison #9, Bison #20 and Bison #10 moved 40'10".

[Master] Bison #16, Wolf #2, Wolf #1, Bison #14, Wolf #4, Wolf #3, Bison #15, Bison #2, Bison #1, Bison #12 and Bison #13 moved 41'04".

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] and the herd splits in two

[Master] one part heading around you

[Master] under the leadership of the controled bison

[Master] the other smaller group gets seperated out by the wolves

[Guy] Sarengar no longer targets Bison #17.

[Guy] Sarengar targets Bison #17. Distance: 102'09"

[Guy] Sarengar no longer targets Bison #17.

[Master] who trail them off the other way

[Master] Time of Day: 03:00 PM. Day 27 See ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 27th, 339 SKR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Nicely done Viri

[Master] eventually both groups pass out past your line of march

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] that was close.

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] thank you Branwyn.

[Heckat (TMO)] I was preparing a Scare spell to frighten them away from us, I hoped...

[Indigo (Lisa)] I didn't want to fight all of them but it would have been nice to see one or two of those bison up close

[Master] Koorin XP award: 250. Next level in 5812.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 21583.

[Master] Llathandryll XP award: 500. Next level in 12420.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 500. Next level in 29271.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 250. Next level in 29606.

[Master] Viridis Dundragon XP award: 500. Next level in 21000.

[Master] Grevic Rowan XP award: 250. Next level in 0.

[Master] Heckat XP award: 250. Next level in 0.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I bet they are yummy."

[Wind Whistler (Master)] they are good eating

[Wind Whistler (Master)] is why the wolves are chasing them

[Indigo (Lisa)] You always think about what something is going to taste like

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "You dont?"

[Wind Whistler (Master)] (and well done TMO for a first encounter)

[Sarengar (Guy)] I agree with her this time Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] well maybe ... but no I wanted to fight one!

Sarengar (Guy) shudders about agreeing with Koorin on anything

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "No no. Then you will end up getting the meat all dirty. No fighting."

[Indigo (Lisa)] We'll see if we see one by himself

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] "ering the rumbling they were making, I dont think I want to fight one just yet,"Consid

[Indigo (Lisa)] You have to fight and kill one if you eventually want to eat it

[Indigo (Lisa)] unless you wait til one dies of old age

[Sarengar (Guy)] I bet the hides would make good protection or blankets

[Wind Whistler (Master)] yes they do Sarengar!

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Theres a difference between fighting an animal and killing it for food."

[Wind Whistler (Master)] traders actually ask for them

[Sarengar (Guy)] how do you keep them from stinking though?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] salt

[Wind Whistler (Master)] lots of salt

[Wind Whistler (Master)] rub the hides in salt and set them in the sun

[Wind Whistler (Master)] it dries them out

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Viri scans the direction the wolves went.

[Sarengar (Guy)] interesting I wonder if that would for all hides

[Heckat (TMO)] That sounds .... salty.

[Heckat (TMO)] Makes me thirsty just hearing about it.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] be careful with our water

[Wind Whistler (Master)] we do not have much and we will have to refill at the next brook

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Whats wrong with that stream?"

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::points::

[Master] it is not deep enough, and it is not flowing well

[Master] those are signs that drinking from it can make you sick

[Sarengar (Guy)] would you like to imagine what the bison that went upstream are doing in that water ?

[Master] what do you demons do for water in hell?

[Heckat (TMO)] Okay..! I'm not thirsty anymore!

[Master] Wind Whistler moved 13'08".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Mostly we just pull it out of a well, river, or summon it out of the air."

[Sarengar (Guy)] just like being on a ship you have to be careful of your water

[Wind Whistler (Master)] summon it out of hte air? you mean rain?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Why? You are surrounded by fresh water on a river."

[Master] as you continue to walk out across the plains

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Rain or magic. Both are okay."

[Sarengar (Guy)] because some of the rivers arent moving fast enough and again it can make you sick to drink from it

[Master] the sun is slowly sinking down towards the horizon and you can tell that you are heading south

[Master] Time of Day: 06:00 PM. Day 27 See ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 27th, 339 SKR.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "You know I can purify water right?"

[Sarengar (Guy)] no i didnt know

[Indigo (Lisa)] I thought all you could do is cook and heal people

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] ((I think I can too.

[Indigo (Lisa)] oh and get caught in traps

[Indigo (Lisa)] good to know

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Well, cooking tends to need water and water is best when not poison."

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's true

[Sarengar (Guy)] easy Indigo Im sure youve been trapped before

[Indigo (Lisa)] I got trapped in an ankheg once

[Indigo (Lisa)] He swallowed me

[Indigo (Lisa)] That was not fun

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Wait... when is the last time I got trapped?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] I was just thinking about all those traps in the forest on the way to the witch

[Indigo (Lisa)] Or was that Belros?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I am much better at remembering my own stories

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Oh. you mean get rid of traps."

[Sarengar (Guy) (to ZAR only)] dude you need to speak up more, do some roleplaying. It makes the game more fun.

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] "Watches the skies for impending butterflies.

[Heckat (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Heckat modified: Spells - CHANGED: Armor -- # Memorized: +01 (+0), CHANGED: Scare -- # Memorized: 01 (0),

[Heckat (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Heckat modified: Spells - CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Armor -- # Memorized: 1 (+01), CHANGED: Friends -- # Memorized: 1 (01), CHANGED: Scare -- # Memorized: 1 (01),

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I think we are close

[Wind Whistler (Master)] to where I saw some of the Ironweed before

[Wind Whistler (Master)] we should be able to spot it in the morning, they open up in the sun, and then close up in the dark

[Sarengar (Guy)] lets hope they are still there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Wonderful! I can't wait to see them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And don't be so gloomy Sarengar. We shall find them. I know it

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] So we getting ready to make camp then?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I think we should

[Wind Whistler (Master)] tonight again do not leave the teepee

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Nods. Lets get to it then,before it gets too dark."

[Wind Whistler (Master)] we want to be on guard

Sarengar (Guy) pulls the bundle off his back and hands it to Wind Whistler

[Wind Whistler (Master)] busys herself setting up the teepees

[Indigo (Lisa)] Shouldn't I waiit outside the teepee on watch? I didn't like seeing creatures that close outside the other night and not be able to do anything about it.

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] we still have the rabbits?

[Master] no you ate those for lunch

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] kk

[Sarengar (Guy)] If she says its safer inside then we need to stay inside

[Master] she does not have any other food with her but some jerky

[Indigo (Lisa)] I guess so

[Wind Whistler (Master)] Indigo you will be safe inside

[Wind Whistler (Master)] if you are inside then you are not an animal

[Indigo (Lisa)] Nothing ever comes inside the tents?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] so anything intelligent will know that

[Wind Whistler (Master)] oh no, animals might try to get inside the teepee

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and then you can go after them

[Indigo (Lisa)] But after they are inside they are very close

[Indigo (Lisa)] and it is hard to wake Sarengar up sometimes

[Wind Whistler (Master)] LOL

[Sarengar (Guy)] If there was any real danger I would wake up

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] ((Can I use Locate object to see if there is one close by?

[Master] what is the range on it?

[Sarengar (BiBo!!!)] "Your definition of real danger is a bit skewed."

[Master] and what are you trying to detect?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((er...

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] no idea why that did that))

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] the flowers at 110 yards.

[Master] you can try that

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] stupid random klooge shortcuts

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] can I wait tillmorning?It lasts 8 hours,hate to waste it

[Master] sure

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] kk


[Master] for a quote from Llath and Sarengar

[Master] on danger

[Master] anyone doing anything for dinner?

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((rofl))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] koorin of course makes something

[Sarengar (Guy)] eating hardtack and crue

[Master] out of?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] grass if she has to :)

[Master] chuckles, a thin but flavorful broth of grass soup

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no one has hunting skills except our guide)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] thats what vegetables taste like anyway

[Master] Wind is busy scooping out the inside of the butterfly carcass

[Master] leaving only the hard outer shell

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yuck)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (which part does she want?)

[Master] only the shell

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] and more importantly why? I thought she brought it along for food

[Master] the guts she just leaves on the ground

[Indigo (Lisa)] (there's dinner)

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] ((BRB gotta let the dog out))

[Wind Whistler (Master)] how come none of you have a dog?

[Wind Whistler (Master)] LOL as I was saying that

[Dee] I am away from the keyboard.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looks at the rest of the group

[Wind Whistler (Master)] most of the demons I help have animal familiars

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that was in IC question?)

[Wind Whistler (Master)] (yes)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I've never thought about it. I guess we travel too much for familiars. And I have never worked with one.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Well, animals tend to require taking care of and I am not the taking care of pets sort."

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Besides, do you know how traumatizing it is to have a familiar die? And they WILL die. They die constantly. I really dont know why anyone has one."

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I helped a wizard once he had a toad

[Wind Whistler (Master)] it was easy to take care of

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Dee] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't think I would like to have a toad

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "People often die when their familiars die. That is not a risk I am willing to have."

[Wind Whistler (Master)] it just seems weird that you do not have even a dog or a cat

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "I mean a toad lives what? 2-3 years?"

Wind Whistler (Master) shrugs,

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "You dont have one either."

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I only catch them

[Wind Whistler (Master)] we have dogs in the village

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then you should get a parrot. They live a long time

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I think turtles live a long time too

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Unless the parrot lives a few hundred years, it is still far less than me."

[Sarengar (Guy)] turtles can live hundreds of years

[Heckat (TMO)] I have heard tales of giant turtles living for generations

Sarengar (Guy) nods at Heckat

[Sarengar (Guy)] most of those tales are probably true

[Wind Whistler (Master)] one demon told me that the world rides on the back of a giant turtle

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "And a turtle... well its a turtle. A more boring existance I can not imagine."

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "A giant turtle and 4 elelphants I hear."

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Unless you are a dragon turtle...

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] then its not boring.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] a dragon turtle? I know about turles, but do dragons really exist in hell?

[Heckat (TMO)] Or a winged flying turtle.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let's not talk about dragon turtles

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Unfortunately yes."

[Sarengar (Guy)] oh they exist

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Grins

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Koorin was cooking the meat from one of them for weeks."

[Sarengar (Guy)] they are hard to kill but they do taste good when cooked

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "I never want to see another one again."

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I would guess they must be fairly big, at least 4 feet acrss I suppose

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Hey it was yummy!"

[Sarengar (Guy)] you mean you dont want to see the one coming up behind you?

[Sarengar (Guy)] try closer to 30 or 40 feet

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Yes, but 3 meals a day for weeks on end... it is not the healthiest of diets."

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Hey, the road is not a grocery store. You eat what you can get!"

[Master] Time of Day: 08:00 PM. Day 27 See ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 27th, 339 SKR.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "I know... but really how many different ways can you COOk dragon turtle?"

[Wind Whistler (Master)] it is time to stay inside

[Wind Whistler (Master)] boys over there

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "At least 47."

[Wind Whistler (Master)] girls with me

[Sarengar (Guy)] we know and girls over there

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looks at Koorin

[Wind Whistler (Master)] 47 ways to cook turtle?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "We had a lot to cook."

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Viridis Dundragon moved 12'09".

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Viridis Dundragon moved 16'10".

[Sarengar (Guy)] turtle soup, turle gumbo, baked broiled fried butterflied

Sarengar (Guy) heads into the tent listing all the different ways to cook turtle

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 19'08".

[Master] Sarengar moved 14'08".

[Master] Grevic Rowan moved 21'01".

[Master] Llathandryll moved 5'09".

[Master] Indigo moved 12'00".

[Master] Branwyn moved 15'02".

[Master] Koorin moved 7'00".

[Master] and are you doing a watch inside the teepees?

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] Grevic Rowan moved 26'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hey! Get out of the girls tent!

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] wind doesnt suggest it particularly right?

[Sarengar (Guy)] naw just gonna sleep

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] Grevic Rowan moved 19'10".

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] yeah, just try to sleep.

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] oops thougwere were goign somewhere

[Heckat (TMO)] *hits Grevic with a handy stick*

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] Grevic Rowan moved 7'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Grevic Rowan (ZAR)] Indigo moved 25'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and don't get Indigo in trouble either)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 26'06".

[Master] is up to you, she does not suggest it

[Heckat (TMO)] I have more sticks, and I'm not afraid to use them!

[Sarengar (Guy)] Indigos doesnt ned any help getting into trouble

[Master] but you do get the impression she does not really think you can handle things on your own

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Indigo will stay up for one watch - he is curious)

[Master] so partway through the night, again anyone not on watch can make a con check

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: CON check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Viridis Dundragon: CON check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Master] TMO that is on your dice panel

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: CON check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: CON check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: CON check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll: CON check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Master] will let others explain how they do it

[Heckat (TMO)] how do you tell it it's a stat check?

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] its under the strong arm.

[Master] oops puppies need to go

[Indigo (Lisa)] right click on character

[Master] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] are you at dice panel?

[ZAR] excuse me i gottat use the bushes

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 15'05".

[Heckat (TMO)] Roll Dem Bones window is open

[Indigo (Lisa)] click on flexed arm

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] thats for general dice

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] that isnt your dice panel

[Indigo (Lisa)] then click on CON

[ZAR] *slaping noise

[Heckat (TMO)] only flexed arm I'm seen is Attributes on character sheet

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] close that and rigth click on your character on the map.

[Sarengar (Guy)] thats the one

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat: CON check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] right click character => roll dice => dice panel

[Heckat (TMO)] found it!

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] thats where all the important dice rolls are

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Good Jo!

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] the button on the top of the screen you almost never use

[ZAR] *clap clap clap

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] job

[Heckat (TMO)] that makes perfect sense to me. :P

[Master] getting colder outside is down to 66 now

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] heh, its 20 here.

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 15'07".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] I am going snowboarding tomorrow

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] first time

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] more accurately described as falling down a snow covered mountain with a piece of wood strapped to my feet

[Master] and grevic are you going out of the teepee/

[Master] ?

[Master] you see the shadows on the sides of the teepee again

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((talk to me when to get to 18 bob then you can talk cold lol))

[Heckat (TMO)] feels blue.

[Master] grins

[Indigo (Lisa)] you look blue

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] feels targeted.

[Heckat (TMO)] It must be too cold. I'm freezing to death!

[Master] shadows on the side moving around

Branwyn (Lisa) nudges Viri to wake her

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 11'06".

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Grevic Rowan. Distance: 2'11"

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 11'04".

[Master] Shadows #1 no longer targets Grevic Rowan.

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 19'10".

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Sarengar. Distance: 6'02"

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 31'06".

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 6'01"

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 10'11".

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Grevic Rowan. Distance: 5'05"

Sarengar (Guy) sleeps through it again

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 8'02".

[Master] Shadows #1 no longer targets Sarengar.

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 15'09".

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Heckat. Distance: 5'00"

[Master] Shadows #1 no longer targets Grevic Rowan.

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Koorin. Distance: 4'07"

[Master] Shadows #1 no longer targets Llathandryll.

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 32'06".

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Branwyn. Distance: 6'03"

[Master] Shadows #1 no longer targets Heckat.

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Viridis Dundragon. Distance: 3'00"

[Master] Shadows #1 no longer targets Koorin.

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 45'10".

[Master] Shadows #1 no longer targets Branwyn.

[Master] Shadows #1 no longer targets Viridis Dundragon.

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 54'10".

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Branwyn. Distance: 6'01"

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Heckat. Distance: 2'07"

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 67'11".

[Master] Shadows #1 no longer targets Branwyn.

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Koorin. Distance: 5'01"

[Heckat (TMO)] throws a stick at the shadow on the teepee wall.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] the heck is going on?

[Master (to GM only)] Shadows #1 moved 7'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (It's scanning us)

[Master] Time of Day: 06:16 AM. Day 28 Fin ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 28th, 339 SKR.

[Heckat (TMO)] What was that? Did I scare it off?

[Master] and in the morning

Sarengar (Guy) yawns and stretches

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope so. That was very strange

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe wind whistler will finally tell us about these shadows

Sarengar (Guy) nudges LLathandryll awake

[Sarengar (Guy)] wake up

[Wind Whistler (Master)] comes back with her long hollow tube of water for everyone

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Why?"

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Sarengar, "I can't believe you slept through it again!

[Sarengar (Guy)] its morning

[Sarengar (Guy)] through what?

[Indigo (Lisa)] The shadows!

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Who's mourning?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] It was creeping around the tent

[Sarengar (Guy)] did it get in?

[Indigo (Lisa)] No

[Sarengar (Guy)] then we are fine

[Heckat (TMO)] I threw a stick at it.

[Indigo (Lisa)] You still should have seen it

[Sarengar (Guy)] next time sleep it will do you good

[Wind Whistler (Master)] lol

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh! What did it do when you threw the stick? Did you hit it?

[Heckat (TMO)] Sticks - a thousand uses, and we're discovering new ones every single day.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] grins

[Sarengar (Guy)] elf on a stick

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Heckat (TMO)] They call those 'kabobs' in other lands.

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Jalepeno- on a steek

[Wind Whistler (Master)] groans

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((llathandryll dungweaver,,,,,, on a stick))

[Wind Whistler (Master)] OK so moving on

[Wind Whistler (Master)] breaking camp early while it is still barely light

[Wind Whistler (Master)] Wind quickly gathers up everythign and parcels it out again

[Wind Whistler (Master)] then heads out east into the sun

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Nice and refreshed, casting myspell.

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((brb))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and my character sheet is locked - have not had that happen in a long time. brb)

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 13 21:49:26 EST 2012

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] its because someone is controlling a character.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] Wind looks at Viri, what are you doing?

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 13 21:50:02 EST 2012

Lisa is receiving the map grasslands...

[Master] TMO's control of Heckat has been revoked.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and it was TMO I cleared it

Lisa has received the map grasslands.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] TMO there is a bug in Klooge that when a character is controled it sometimes locks character sheets

[Wind Whistler (Master)] some day should be fixed

[Wind Whistler (Master)] controling is not needed, anyone can use a sheet without controling it

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Looks at wind. "Im making our job a little easier."

[Heckat (TMO)] I borked it, eh? I'm good at that.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] how are you doing that?

[Lisa] (still locked - tis okay I am just down one spell)

[Lisa] (will fix next week)

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] well, I can now detect any Item I choose if it is within a certian range of me.

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] so I am looking for the flowers.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I can always cast for you LIsa, just tell me what you want to do

[Wind Whistler (Master)] I can override it

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((back))

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looks at Viri that is handy I suppose

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thanks - hopefully will not need it)

[Master] Baldwins Ironweed.jpg moved 245'10".

[Master] Indigo, Branwyn, Heckat, Wind Whistler, Viridis Dundragon, Shadows #1, Grevic Rowan, Koorin, Sarengar and Llathandryll moved 119'08".

[Master] Baldwins Ironweed.jpg moved 61'11".

[Heckat (TMO)] feels strangely moved.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and then Viri and Wind both point to the east

[Wind Whistler (Master)] there

[Wind Whistler (Master)] as Viri, Indigo and everyone looks down along the grass

[Sarengar (Guy)] were wolf?

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] yep, there is one, over there.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and Wind looks up at the large 15 foot tall plant

[Master (to GM only)] Shadows #1 moved 98'07".

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Tell me we arent supposed to drag THAT halfway across the world."

[Master] Indigo, Branwyn, Heckat, Wind Whistler, Viridis Dundragon, Grevic Rowan, Koorin, Sarengar and Llathandryll moved 24'02".

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] watching the skies.

[Wind Whistler (Master)] Wind points, there you are Ironweed

Sarengar (Guy) looks up at the plant and whistles

[Master] Koorin moved 26'02".

[Master] Heckat moved 31'04".

[Master] Branwyn moved 29'00".

[Master] Viridis Dundragon moved 29'05".

[Master] Wind Whistler moved 35'03".

Sarengar (Guy) goes over to the plant and see how strong it is

[Master] Sarengar moved 42'06".

[Master (to GM only)] Shadows #1 moved 14'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Shadows #1 targets Sarengar. Distance: 4'05"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And there is no tree nearby to ruin the flower for us

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 1'08".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no trees?)

[Master (to Guy only)] you shall not harm her

[Master] no no trees anywhere on the horizon

[Master (to Guy only)] you hear that in your head

[Master (to TMO only)] this is what a whisper is like

Sarengar (Guy) get a funny look on his face and looks around

[Master (to TMO only)] is is the forward slash and the name of the person you are sending to

[Sarengar (Guy)] we may have a problem

Branwyn (Lisa) follows Sarengar over to the flower

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 21'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What's the problem?

[Master (to Lisa only)] you will not harm her, is what you hear in your head

Branwyn (Lisa) looks around confused

[Master] Time of Day: 09:16 AM. Day 28 Fin ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 28th, 339 SKR.

[Sarengar (Guy)] i was just informed that we shall not harm her

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Harm who?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That's what I heard

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 5'10".

Branwyn (Lisa) walks over to the flower but does not try to touch it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 27'07".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is quite pretty

Sarengar (Guy) pushes gently on the flower

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 11'11".

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 38'01".

[Master (to ZAR only)] you will not harm her, is what you hear in your head

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Viridis Dundragon moved 33'08".

[Master (to Dee only)] you will not harm her, is what you hear in your head

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 26'09".

[Master (to TMO only)] you will not harm her, is what you hear in your head

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Wind Whistler, are there any legends about this flower? About not picking it?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((so is this one giant flower, some sort of 15 foot tall bush or what?))

[Heckat (TMO)] I hear it, too. Strange...

[Master] it is a large plant, about 15 foot tall, with a flower at the top like the picture, the flower is abgout 4 - 5 foot across

Wind Whistler (Master) shakes her head, it is just a flower

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ancien never said anything about this flower being so big

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and you all hear a HISSSSSSSSing noise that that comment

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 4'08".

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Branwyn. Distance: 3'01"

[Wind Whistler (Master)] and a large creature comes up out of hte grass around the flower suddenly in front ofyou

[Wind Whistler (Master)] looking like the shadows on the teepee walls

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 7'10".

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's it! That's the thing Sarengar!!

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan targets Shadows #1. Distance: 2'00"

Branwyn (Lisa) Looks at the shadow

[Master] are you really targeting it Grevic?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "The thing?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Are you the thing that puts word in my head?


[ZAR] kill it !

Branwyn (Lisa) does not move to harm it

[Master (to Lisa only)] you will not harm her

[ZAR] thats so barbarian liek "U IN MY FOO?"

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((sos this mean we can make thrikreen pcs now?))

[Master] LOL

[ZAR] "u in my head foo"


[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are the flower's protector?

[ZAR] *stares the monster down

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((Race Unlocked: Thrikeen))

[ZAR] love thrikreens

[Master (to Lisa only)] I am a protector of all

[ZAR] thrikreen monk

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is an important duty

[Sarengar (Guy)] You all right Branwyn?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((I HATE monks and everyone who thinks they are a good idea in a dnd campaign))

[ZAR] too bad for u

[ZAR] monks rock in adnd

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((they make absolutely no sense in the setting))

[ZAR] bull

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We do not wish to harm the flower. but we need some to help a friend who may die without it

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 7'04".

[ZAR] u just have a problem wiht imagination

[Branwyn (Lisa)] May we take part of the flower to protect another life?

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((save the arguing for later or take it private))

[Heckat (TMO)] Attack: Dagger/Dirk, hurled:: is now ARMED.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((its clearly an asian character in an european fantasy world. It is totally stupid))

[Sarengar (Guy)] Easy everyone do not make any hostile moves let Branwyn talk to it

[ZAR] u have no imagination

[Master (to Lisa only)] she is not to be harmed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I understand that.

[Master (to BiBo!!! only)] plenty of monks in my world Oooohmmm, Oooohm, meditating in monestaries, not that silly oriental thing

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But plant grow back again. It is what they do. We would never cause irreparable harm

[Heckat (TMO)] thie whispers aren't whispery. :)

[Master] grins at TMO you are seeing them float on the map?

[Heckat (TMO)] or, I'm suddenly telepathic.

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] i see them too.

[Master] most people have the chat delay set to zero

[Master] which means that they disapear quickly

[Master (to Lisa only)] you should not take her

[Heckat (TMO)] nah, I'm just seeing the supposed-to-be private messages. I suspect folks are using the wrong \ or /

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((no thats another klooge bug lol))

Branwyn (Lisa) reaches her hand out slowly "I will not harm her. I wish only to take a small part to save another"

[Master] only I am sending private, the rest are sending open as they are talking out loud

[Heckat (TMO)] Oh, cool. Nevermind! Back to the game now!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You understand that don't you? There are those that I must protect as well

[Master (to Lisa only)] why would you take

Branwyn (Lisa) her hand reaches the flower and she gently touches it and waits

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Part can be made to medicine.

Sarengar (Guy) moves slowly up to stand by Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This flower can heal others

TMO is now controlling Heckat

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 7'02".

[Master] brb

[TMO] Heckat targets Shadows #1. Distance: 6'03"

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Branwyn (Lisa) reaches for her dagger at her belt

Branwyn (Lisa) slowly slips it out and brings it up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Just a small cut

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Just a little bit to help protect another

Branwyn (Lisa) waits for a second

[Shadows #1 (Master)] holds out a long spear like weapon with a large multi pronged sharp edge

[Shadows #1 (Master) (to Lisa only)] you stink of meat you are not a friend to her

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 3'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sorry that I do not please you. I would like to be her friend

[Heckat (TMO)] takes a step to the left, just in case she needs a clearer line of sight.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would do her honor by using part of her in so noble a cause

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We do not want to fight you for you are good and honest

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But we do need her help

Branwyn (Lisa) raises the dagger higher and closer to the petals

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You will see. She will be fine.

[Shadows #1 (Master)] (which dagger?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the dagger I said I pulled off my belt way back)

[Heckat (TMO)] ooc question - how did you make your action look different?

[Shadows #1 (Master)] chuckles, Bran has how many different daggers

[Shadows #1 (Master)] slash me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh sorry - the magic one)

[Sarengar (Guy) (to TMO only)] us /me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (been using that one lately)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will not hurt you

Heckat (TMO) holds a dagger carefully in a loose throwing hold.

[Heckat (TMO)] ooc: thanks!

Shadows #1 (Master) watching

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Just a small bit. I promise

Branwyn (Lisa) reaches out to cut a section of petals

Sarengar (Guy) slowly draws his cutlass ready to protect Branwyn if needed

Branwyn (Lisa) cuts the section by her hand and then pulls back

[Master] still watching

[Branwyn (Lisa)] See? Your flower is still here. I did not hurt her

[Master (to Lisa only)] she is hurt, you do not hear her

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I cannot hear her. Can I help her?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sorry she is hurt

[Master (to Lisa only)] she is in pain,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can I ease her pain. We have priests. Can they help your flower?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She is too beautiful to be in pain

[Master (to Lisa only)] she is not mine, no one can own another

[Master] (can you priest help?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I only meant she is the one you protect.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Koorin and Viri

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can you do anything for a flower in pain? I hurt her when I cut her

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know how to help her

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Looking....

[Sarengar (Guy)] maybe a heal spell?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I dont know if healing spells work on plants or not."

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Never tried before."

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I suppose I could."

[Master] anyone have the plant sphere?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] if we stay here tonight I can cast accelerate plant growth on her in the morning and she might heal faster

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (knew I should have memorized that this morning anyway)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((no plant sphere here))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not that a 5 foot high plant necessarily needs to accelerate its growth but ....)

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] nothing here, mostly weather and animal.

[Heckat (TMO) (to GM only)] Attack: Dagger/Dirk, hurled:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Master] so what is the plan?

[Heckat (TMO) (to Guy only)] slowly sheathes her throwing dagger and picks up her pipes instead, idly tapping a rhythm on them with her fingertips.

[Heckat (TMO) (to Guy only)] oops

[Sarengar (Guy) (to TMO only)] lol

[Master] slowly sheathes her throwing dagger and picks up her pipes instead, idly tapping a rhythm on them with her fingertips.

Heckat (TMO) slowly sheathes her throwing dagger and picks up her pipes instead, idly tapping a rhythm on them with her fingertips.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would like to stay here and try to help in the morning. If you want to start heading back I will catch up.

[Indigo (Lisa)] You aren't staying her by yourself! What are you thinking?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Isnt it morning?"

[Master] yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes but I did not memorize my plant growth spell this morning)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I thought about it and rejected it)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((you have a wizard spell for plant growth?))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((huh. didnt even know there WAS one. seems so priesty))

[Master] grins, they found it in the sky castle where the garden had gone wild

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we found it in a very overgrown garden in lsnaty castle)

[Master] the Norjak adventure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (slanty)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((gotcha))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((next lvl i get acces to plant sphere))

[Master] trivia anyone remember why Norjak?

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((not anymore ))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (why the name or why the garden?)

[Master] the name

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 14'11".

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] Sorry guys, But its time for me to leave.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (norjack was the plane jijacking case where the guy jumped out of plane with bunch of cash and was never heard from again)

[Master] have a great night Dee see you next week

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (cannot type - hijacking)

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] you next week.ep, se y

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goodnight Dee!)

[Master] and yes to Lisa the DB Cooper case, the only unsolved skyjacking in the US, only one of two ever in the world

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((night dee))

[Master] Ok

[Viridis Dundragon (Dee)] night everybody!!!!

[Heckat (TMO)] g'nite. pleasure meeting you

[Master] so you are going to stay here during the day to guard the flower and heal it when you have the spell?

[Sarengar (Guy)] i guess so

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I would like to)

Dee has left the game on Fri Jan 13 22:40:09 EST 2012

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Since the whole point of this is to help heal nature and we hurt part of it AND Shadow dude did not run me through with his pitchfork, I think it is the least I can do)

[Master] very well

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry Bob)

[Master] so we can pause here, pick up the guarding next week and then the travel back

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((what you appologising for?))

ZAR has left the game on Fri Jan 13 22:41:14 EST 2012

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((travel back? dont we still have one more flower to find?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he said very well like I was screwing something up)

[Master] and we can take a moment to work with TMO about how to use Klooge

[Master] out of character

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we already found wild indigo)

[Master] yes to Lisa you have your Indigo and No to Lisa you did not screw up

[Master] was just looking at the clock and thinking this would be a good break point

[Guy] we found the indigo rightg away

[Master] and TMO can ask questions easily and openly

ZAR has joined the game on Fri Jan 13 22:42:43 EST 2012

[Master] and you can quiz him

[Heckat (TMO)] why isn't blue called green?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] actually it is here in japan

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] well opposite

[Guy] because green isnt called blue

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] green lights here are called blue lights

ZAR is receiving the map grasslands...

ZAR has received the map grasslands.

[Master] did you want to try out a combat sequence TMO? to see how that works?

[Heckat (TMO)] I think I have the marginal basics of the program. At least enough to rp a little bit. Combat is probably something that someone will have to hold my hand through the first time.

[Heckat (TMO)] sure, that'd be fine

[Heckat (TMO) (to GM only)] Attack: Dagger/Dirk, hurled:: is now ARMED.

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 41'04".

[Master] Shadows #1 no longer targets Branwyn.

[Master] Shadows #1 no longer targets Sarengar.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] guess I will go do my laundry. see you next week

[Lisa] Bye Marco !

[TMO] Heckat no longer targets Shadows #1.

[Master] night marco

[Guy] dont feel bad it took me quite a few combats before i got the hang of it

[Guy] night marco

Heckat (TMO) waves.

[Master] Lisa and Guy can give their pointers on what works best fo rthem

[Master] just remember that targeting is the key

[Master] lots of things use the Targeted icon

[Master] to complete the action

[Heckat (TMO)] should I target the thrikeen, or do you have a different one for me?

[Master] now I will start up combat so you can go from the beginning

[Guy] i usually right click on my cion and hit target

[Master] we will use the Keen

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 16'01".

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Heckat. Distance: 17'04"

[Guy] Sarengar targets Shadows #1. Distance: 31'03"

[Lisa] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=7] 15

[Master] Shadows #1: Initiative: ((d10+10+)+10) [1d10=4] 24 [MODIFIED (+10)]

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Jan 13 22:47:28 EST 2012

[TMO] Heckat targets Shadows #1. Distance: 17'04"

[Guy] Sarengar: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=10] 19

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Shadows #1. Distance: 33'10"

[Lisa] Branwyn: Attack: Whip o' Pain: ((18-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=5] 15 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Shadows #1 (AC FINAL: 5).

[Heckat (TMO) (to GM only)] Heckat: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Heckat

[Master] and now TMO you go

[Heckat (TMO) (to GM only)] Heckat: Attack: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: (18-(d20)-2) [1d20=14] 2 [MODIFIED BY RANGE INCREMENT (-2)]. HITS Shadows #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] see how Klooge handles the range issues, etc

[Master] if you get a natural 20 will tell you to roll again for the critical

[Master] and yes that is a hit so you can roll for damage now

[Master] then hit done

[Heckat (TMO) (to GM only)] Heckat: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: (1d4) [1d4=1] 1 added to: Shadows #1

[Master (to GM only)] Shadows #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 51 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Lisa] the hit just flashed on screen for me - did not show up in chat log

[Guy] same here

[Master] yes it did only go to the GM

[Heckat (TMO)] it said I hit, but I never saw roll stats either

[Guy] ok

[Master] you must have that checked on your dice panel

[Heckat (TMO)] I clicked on the Roll to Hit button for my weapon

[Master] you can uncheck that and roll again to see how it works in the chat log TMO

[Guy] the button on the far right of your dice panel should be blue instead of red

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat: Attack: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: (18-(d20)-2) [1d20=16] 0 [MODIFIED BY RANGE INCREMENT (-2)]. HITS Shadows #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] exactly

[Heckat (TMO)] thar we go

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: (1d4) [1d4=2] 2 added to: Shadows #1

[Master (to GM only)] Shadows #1: No adjustments made.

[Master] then hit next or done

[Master] what does it say on your side?

[Lisa] there is a red dot next to name in combat box

[Lisa] click on red dot when done

[Heckat (TMO)] where is Next or Done

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Branwyn

[Guy] we dont have either one bob

[Heckat (TMO)] that must be it

[Master] grins

[Lisa] smiles

[Master] see, I have arrows to move forward or backward through the combat sequence

[Lisa] Branwyn: Attack: Whip o' Pain: ((18-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=15] 5 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Shadows #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] plus one for rounds, etc

[Lisa] Branwyn: Damage v SM: Whip o' Pain: (4d4) [4d4=3,1,4,1] 9 added to: Shadows #1

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Sarengar

[Master (to GM only)] Shadows #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 42 (-9) - Lightly Wounded

[Guy] we have to click on the red dot in the combat bob

[Guy] Sarengar: Attack: Light Crossbow: (15-(d20+1)) [1d20=18] -4. HITS Shadows #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Heckat (TMO)] no ammo for thrown weapons?

[Guy] Sarengar: Damage v L: Light Crossbow: ((1d1-1)+1) [1d1=1] 1 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Shadows #1

[Master] you can set it and it will work

[Master] INIT: 24 GOING: Shadows #1

[Guy] lol i rolled corssbow dmg instead of the bolts

[Master] # of atks on your weapon

[Master] fill in the number you have of what ever

[Master] and it counts down as you use them

[Lisa] was thinking that was low

[Master (to GM only)] Shadows #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 41 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Shadows #1: Attack: Glaive: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 13. MISSES Heckat (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Heckat

[Master] try a spell this time

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat casts a spell against Shadows #1: Scare: Creatures who are of 6 hit dice or less fall to the ground in fear. Elves, half-elves and priests are allowed a save.

[Master] there you go

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Branwyn

[Master] and if it is a damage spell it will auto do that for you based on level etc

[Master] Shadows #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=7] 19

[Master] and so on

[Lisa] Branwyn: Attack: Whip o' Pain: ((18-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=18] 2 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Shadows #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Lisa] Branwyn: Damage v SM: Whip o' Pain: (4d4) [4d4=4,4,2,2] 12 added to: Shadows #1

[Heckat (TMO)] Smite the hideous monsters!

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Grevic Rowan

[Master (to GM only)] Shadows #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (-12) - Moderately Wounded

[ZAR] Attack: Composite Long Bow for Elves:: is now ARMED.

[Lisa] How come when it doesn't count I am doing serious damage?

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan: Attack: Composite Long Bow for Elves: ((20-(d20+2))+1) [1d20=3] 16 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Shadows #1 (AC FINAL: 5).

[Master] lol

[Lisa] I can't hit the broad side of a barn in real combat

[Master] Lisa runs the combat happy mage

[Master] she got in the habit of lower level attacking everything hand to hand

[Lisa] Normally Branwyn does enjoy running into the middle of things

[Guy] and i cant hit with a magical cutlass yet i can hit with a normal crossbow lol

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat has no armor. Fringes of fighting is good.

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan: Attack: Composite Long Bow for Elves: ((20-(d20+2))+1) [1d20=13] 6 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Shadows #1 (AC FINAL: 5).

[Master] so questions TMO?

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Heckat (TMO)] None immediately springs to mind.

[Lisa] I am glad we did not kill shadow dude

[Master] TMO's control of Heckat has been revoked.

[Heckat (TMO)] Do you have any for me? Since none of you know me from Adam.

[Lisa] I missed what you guys were talki8ng about though. You know what he is?

[Master (to GM only)] Shadows #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 52 (23) - Unharmed

[Master] Shadows #1 moved 46'06".

[Master] Shadows #1 targets Grevic Rowan. Distance: 2'03"

[Guy] its a thri-keen

[Lisa] what is that?

[Guy] kind of like a praying mantis

[Master] questions for TMO? is it TMO like TeeBow? ;)

[Lisa] I am sorry I was trying to type and talk to it and so wasn't focusing on the OOC chat

[Heckat (TMO)] I must have clicked on something. Used to be click&drag moved the map. Now it's selecting a box

[Master] yes you can do that on the map to draw an item etc

[Heckat (TMO)] I pronounce it as the letters, TeeEmOh. But most folks say Teemoe

[Lisa] but it is a protector of nature? that is its job?

[Heckat (TMO)] how do I get it back to scrolling?

[Guy] not always

[Master] just hit esc

[Master] or click on the map

[Lisa] it is good?

[Master] I use my arrow keys on the map to move around

[Heckat (TMO)] Heckat moved 18'07".

[Master] right left up down

[Master] and hit shift to zoom in or out

[Heckat (TMO)] middle clicking grabs the map for scrolling

[Master] and Thri-keen in my world are obviously different than the traditional ones

[Guy] they are normally and i do stress normally chaotic-neutral

[Master] they normally live in deserts

[Master] hunter gatherers

[Lisa] well this is prairie

[Lisa] it's close

[Guy] deserts of savannahs

[Guy] or not of

[Master] and other questions for TMO?

[Guy] and this is kind of like a savannah

[Heckat (TMO)] they (and everything else) were also psionic in that one campaign world

[Guy] dark sun

[Master] no psionics in my world

[Master] spell like powers

[Heckat (TMO)] Dark Sun. Yah, I noticed that in your pages.

[Guy] psionics are too hard to play and really kind of overpowering

[Heckat (TMO)] from the little I've played with them, agreed

[Guy] and lisa the xp for combat would have been nice

[Lisa] fyi - this is my first foray into D&D so many creatures I have never seen before. So I am always asking questions like this

[Master] you did get XP for the bison

[Lisa] I know! You want the XP

[Lisa] but I just didn't have the heart to just kill him

[Guy] and TMO if you ever have questions later you can always whisper them to one of us we will try to answer them for you

[Guy] not as bad as i did before i leveled

[TMO] Will do. Do you normally start right on schedule at 7pm EST?

[TMO] or does it normally take a bit?

[Master] for the most part, starting on time as any game does

[Master] wry grin

[Master] but you are welcome to show up when you can

[Master] you are in a different time zone

[TMO] start at 2, start playing at 4?

[Guy] i have a ways to level before i get greedy about xp lol

[Master] so if you show up at 8 my time is just fine,

[Master] Lisa is out in California

[Master] Guy is late a lot

[Master] or leaves early

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] only when he's working

[Guy] or unfortunately isnt able to show up at all

[Master] is the one round behind thing

[TMO] yeah, I have an hour commute, so I often don't get home until after 7 est.

[Master] no one can use your character if you are not here

[TMO] I am CST, btw.

[Master] so you cannot die under normal circumstances

[Guy] not even with your permission

[Master] if you are not here, etc

[Guy] same here

[Master] and if you log in in the middle of combat

[Master] the next round you can take an action

[TMO] okay

[Master] roleplaying like you did is what is important

[Guy] even the silly things

[Master] do you have a particular class or race you like to play?

[TMO] that's actually the easy part for me. text-based rpg is almost completely that. The statting part is very basic and plain.

[Lisa] say thief

[Master] lol

[TMO] I can certainly play a thief. They're one of my more commonly played classes

[Guy] remember my first night Bob and the whole argument with mikes dwarf and valgar lol

[Master] Lisa has been asking for a thief since Guy's last character died

[TMO] I'm sensing a certain risk to the profession...

[Lisa] one that can appraise things

[Guy] hey foriso died a noble death

[Master] and yes TMO this tends to be a more realistic game, characters die

[Guy] this is my 4th character

[Master] there are mechanics for how to start up a new character mid stream etc

[Guy] although Liam is technicallyh still alive

[Master] there is raise dead etc, just expensive

[TMO] my old group we didn't die very often, mostly because making a new char was a day or two process.

[Guy] the longer you play the faster you can create a new character

[Master] grins, the old days of playing Traveller, the only character creation process where your character can die before you even start play

[TMO] Oh, we had about 60 years of gaming between us. We just REALLY had fun making characters. :D

[TMO] my first game was the red box in '80

[Guy] i think me and bob have that just between the two of us lol

[Master] I started in 1979

[Master] not this game, grins

[Master] but we have been around for a while, May 1993 was the first game for this campaign

[Guy] i think i started in 82 or 83

[TMO] we could never keep a campaign going long term. It might last several months, then it would peter out and someone would get a game idea and ... new character time!!!

[TMO] I am a good player, but a lousy DM.

[Master] good players are hard to find

[TMO] good DMs are harder

[Master] I try

[Lisa] Bob is a very good DM

[Master] but I think we are done for the night?

[Master] shhhh

[TMO] alrighty, need to go put El Son to bed.

[Master] see everyone next week

[Lisa] but he is the only DM I know so....

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] Nice to meet you

[TMO] Ciao. Thanks for inviting me to drop in!

[Lisa] hope to see you next week :)

[TMO] good to meet all of you too. I hope this works out for us

[Lisa] Goodnight all

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 13 23:17:26 EST 2012

[Guy] night all

Guy has left the game on Fri Jan 13 23:18:16 EST 2012

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 13 23:18:19 EST 2012

ZAR has left the game on Fri Jan 13 23:20:00 EST 2012

XP awarded