Main / Jan1615

Jan 16 15 - Bag of Clouds - Who What Were

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 16 18:35:43 EST 2015 ====

Corvus has joined the game on Fri Jan 16 18:55:10 EST 2015

Corvus is receiving the map Northam...

Corvus has received the map Northam.

[Corvus] yo

Eric has joined the game on Fri Jan 16 18:57:11 EST 2015

Eric is receiving the map Northam...

Eric has received the map Northam.

[Eric] howdy

[Eric] I am back at the keyboard.

[Leatherus (Eric)] Bob are we starting with the werewolf arc?

[Leatherus (Eric)] So how are you doing Corvus?

[Corvus] Great

[Leatherus (Eric)] have a good week?

[Master] Hey Gues

[Master] Guyes

[Leatherus (Eric)] hey bossman

[Master] I think we will start with the Bag of Clouds

[Leatherus (Eric)] oh ok

[Leatherus (Eric)] That works for me

[Eric] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] it will be until sometime after 8 for Mike

[Master] no Lisa

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Since i'm sober now... maybe i'll do a little better job

[Master] chuckles

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Ya i read online she'd be gone

[Master] I am not sure about John

[Master] My dad is in the hospital

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I don't think I've ever played without her... Shes a staple

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ouch

[Master] I spent the day there

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] what happened man?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Is he going to be ok?

[Master] he coughed up some blood

[Master] he is on Oxegyn

[Master] so it is not great but it is not critical

[Master] he is in ICU because of the Ox

[Master] but overall will be fine

[Master] but I was off today and spent the day there with him and mom

[Master] John was working

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] did they say what's wrong? Coughing blood isn't like the sniffles

[Master] they did not know

[Master] so he is there over night

[Corvus] what's up?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] god man i hope he comes around. How old is he?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I'll keep my fingers crossed for you

[Master] and so Corvus, quick note, your alignment is not evil by the way, you could be chaotic neutral or chaotic good

[Master] and Dad is in his 70's

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol

[Master] thanks

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] that's not that old...

[Master] he has emphysima

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ouch...

[Master] from asbestos work he did

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] OUCH

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I'm sorry man

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] my wife's grandpa died from mesotheleoma

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] cutting asbestos panels in a mill

[Master] nods

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] That shit's no good

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] amazing how much of it is still out there

[Master] he worked in a factory in Detroit for years

[Master] where they used it for building

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I removed 250,000 sf of floor tile and the mastic under it

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] in the job in Lansing I am at

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] plus removed 21,000 LF of pipe insulation.. That's the nasty stuff

[Master] uff

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] it breaks into small fibers

[Master] yeap

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Did you know that lil white circle on the screen you used under your bunsen burner in Chem class is 100% asbestos

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] They still use it

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I still pull floor tiles out of schools every year

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] So are we waiting on TMO?

[Master] nah

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] oh

[Master] but you can

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] nah just checking

[Master] not forcing you two

[Master] but I do think you two should talk out of character also

[Master] about what you are trying to accomplish, etc

[Master] you Tristan sort of promised him a ride to Dryads Lair

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Ya been a busy week. I was going to post some OOC stuff on the site. Never got a chance

[Master] so posting it here will work well

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I promised Corvus' character you mean?

[Master] yes

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I kinda remmeber that conversation

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] That's when it started getting fuzzy

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I'm suprised how good my typing was on the site

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] :)

[Master] so the reason to discuss that

[Master] chuckles

[Master] you do remember how many people could go on the airship?

[Master] and how many you brought?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ugh

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] i do now

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] really bad night to be black out drunk....

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] So now I'm +1 on the bodies right?

[Master] yes

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Plus I have a dead priestess to return home

[Master] yes

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] so that's +2

[Master] well she counts as cargo

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] well then stuff Isla in cargo

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ;)

[Master] so there are options for you to explore

[Master] remember this airship also was in the river sailing

[Corvus] I am not cargo

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Is it weight? Why can we take cargo but not people

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] hehe

[Master] and or having someone left behind to help out with planning the defenses

[Master] it is weight

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ok

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] hmm

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Well if we're planning defenses Tristan would be the obvious choice

[Master] you do not know why the limitations

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] even though i realzied he's a shitty general

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ok

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] This is Tristan's mess... Is he a possible choice?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] to stay

[Master] of course he is

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ok

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] then he will stay

[Master] the players get to choose that

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ok

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] we'll have to RP that... He's not going to budge much on that

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] He was out played by the Duke on the alliance

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] He needs to regain some face

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Plus, if it comes while the group is heading back he would never forgive himself if one of the group was lost because of him

[Master] Tristan Elaire XP award: 750. Level-up!

[Master] Isla Falcon XP award: 250. Next level in 0.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] But that's his position

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] damnit let me fix that xp

[Corvus] It says my next level in 0

[Master] because you have no Next Level filled in

[Corvus] ?

[Master] I can fix that

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ok thanks. I was trying to find it online

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ouch

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] 110k huh

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] that'll take awhile

[Master] Isla Falcon XP award: 1. Next level in 63399.

[Master] Tristan Elaire XP award: 1. Next level in 46521.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol almost there

[Master] you do not want to say that around Lisa Eric, grins

[Corvus] YES!

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol ya

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 16 19:21:22 EST 2015

TMO is receiving the map Northam...

TMO has received the map Northam.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] she'll be a thousand years old before her next one

[Master] she is still 73,000 away

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Hi TMO

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] holy crap

[TMO] almost forgot today was friday

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] that was what a year ago she leveled?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] how do you forget its FRIDAY

[TMO] babysitter called in sick, so I've been home all day. Felt like weekend

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol ahhh

[TMO] fixing dinners, bbs

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] damn a lot of my NWP's all have major negative modifiers

[Master] so still lots of things for you to work out on things for here in the hills before the 1st

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] yes

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] a lot

[Master] do you understand, or do you think that Tristan understands how the airships work with gems?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan would have no clue

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] magic

[Master] ok

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] do you understand what they use them for?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] As a PC i'm assuming a fuel source

[TMO] this will be interesting. Due to rearranging, but not completely, I'm temporarily at a standing desk.

[Master] nice TMO

[Master] I like working like that

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified:

[TMO] I'm not used to it yet.

[TMO] but I've been at it most of the afternoon, and haven't died yet

[Master] chuckles

[Master] just remember to keep on shifting around not locking the knees in one place for too long

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] just as a side note Bob... Tristan is going to send a note to the Church of the Defending Mage to ask on his messenger...

[Master] yes

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Ok

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I'm sure you vaporized him

[Master] that goes in the Diplomatic Pouches

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ok

[Master] you can write what ever you want

[Corvus] yO MO

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol

[Master] so Corvus do you have any ideas about dealing with a dragon?

[Master] what sort of options do you think you have?


[Corvus] Sorry, caps lock

[Master] what sort of research?

[Master] nothing to look at here in the camp

[Master] and while yes you all have some basic knowledge of dragons, etc

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I'd like to question the Duke or any of the men at the mine that have witnessed the attacks

[Master] there is still the idea of do you build up defences, do you talk to it, do you go on the offense?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] and lived

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] to see what kind of Tactics the dragon used

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] How big was it

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Etc

[Master] that is a good start, etc

[Master] brb as you three discuss

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Corvus] She has done research into greensd specifically

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Oh?

[Corvus] She knows how they're faught and has been in battle with one, but was not the slayer. just a sellsword

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] So she knows about dragons? I guess I'd have to see what Bob decides you're knowledge extends to

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] really...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] interesting

[Corvus] (She said that last time too.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] yaaaa I don't recall much

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] So give me a sec Corvus and then lets discuss IC

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] my wife just got home

[Eric] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] and back fully refilled on liquids

[Master] and yes to Corvus you have knowledge of a single Green Dragon that attacked a pirate group you were with, you know they have clorine gas as a weapon

[Corvus] sweet

[Eric] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] question bob... I'm still a slightly distracted.. but how does slow poison work if there is no poison. It never addresses that in the spell description

[Master] when cast it slows any poison the target encounters

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] it lasts for 7 hours and says the poison does not take effect for 7 hours..

[Master] so you know you are opening a lock you cast it on Marisu

[Master] she gets stabbed by a pin in the lock

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] so can you pre-cast that and in effect make them immune for 7 hours if you can then cast neutralize before the spell expires???

[Master] no poison save until the end of the 7 hours

[Master] right

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] wow

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] i didn't realize how sweet that was

[Master] there are many poisons that infect you but have no Effect until hours or days later

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ok give me 15 min or so to be social with the wife and help get the kids ready for bed

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] true

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] but I can neutrize poisons now

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] so the combo makes him formidible against creatures with poison attacks like a green dragon

[Master] that depends

[Master] but yes

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ok

[Master] saves are v breath weapon not poison

[Master] for a dragon

[Master] go be social

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] right but if they fail it's poison damage right?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol ok

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] i'll be back at 8

[Master] so TMO I am sorry I did not get to the password issue for you

[Master] as you saw above I have been a little busy today

[TMO] s'ok

[Master] is there anything in particular you are trying to get up on the site?

[TMO] ready to start the next games of Betrayal, and need to load up the maps and updates as the game goes on

[Master] ok

[Master] we will fix that tomorrow

[Master] I am working at Margate (the old library) tomorrow 10-6

[TMO] had 9 players sign up, for a 6 player game. So I split it into 2 games.

[Master] and have not much to do

[TMO] (y)

[Master] then off Sun and mon

[Master] and then down town from now on

[Master] not next Friday but the one after that I am in Tampa presenting at a library event up there

[Master] but should be playing remotely

[Master] and TMO did you have ideas from Marisu about the Emerald Sky treaty?

[Master] and Corvus sorry for the slower than normal start tonight

[Corvus] mhm

[TMO] she'd like to talk to the dragon, but talking is what she does

[Master] but that is teh first time anyone has suggested that

[TMO] no, she said something during the game last week

[Master] sorry I must have missed that

[TMO] np

[TMO] it was a very confused couple of sessions. ;)

[Master] grins

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] backish

[Master] excellent

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Ok so are we going IC?

[Master] I think it is appropriate

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Ok

[Master] you cna talk among your selves

[Master] then ask questions

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Marisu]] (TMO) straightens her dress.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 16'05".

Tristan Elaire (Eric) looks to Isla

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] With our business with this treaty complete, I have some questions for you

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] You brought the priestess back for proper burial

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] shit

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] one sec total melt down going on

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] br

[Corvus] I am back at the keyboard.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Yes.

Isla Falcon (Corvus) I look up from whatever I was twiddling in my fingers.

Marisu (TMO)] How smart are dragons? I've heard both mad beasts and cunning smart.

[Master (to Corvus only)] that was to you

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] backish again

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] yes they are.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] sorry the 5 year old is having a HUGE tantrum

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (go ahead TMO i won't interrupt)

Marisu (TMO)] Which one? Smart or animal?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] smart

[Marisu]] (TMO) nods. "If it's smart, we might be able to talk with it, reach an agreement so it leaves."

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] young ones are bold and brash though

[Marisu]] (TMO) shrugs. "Im young too. I can still be reasoned with. I think it's worth a try. And if it doesn't work, you can still try to stab it, right?"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] And what if it just decides to destroy you Marisu

[Marisu]] (TMO) smiles. "I don't have to be next to it to talk with it."

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I'm not sure if negotiations are the way to go

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Can it be trusted to keep any bargin you strike anyway?

Tristan Elaire (Eric) raises an eyebrow

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Oh?

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Young are greedy.

Tristan Elaire (Eric) nods to Isla

[Marisu]] (TMO) looks at the ground and shrugs. "I don't know. But how do I know the Temple and the Duke will keep their bargains?"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I have more faith in human kind than when dealing with an evil dragon

[Master (to Corvus only)] green dragons are supposedly evil but lawful

[Isla Falcon (Corvus) (to Master only)] Thanks, knew it was chromatic, not the other

Marisu (TMO)] Is that still true, after what we've found out about some of our fellow human kind?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] But I suppose if you have a way to reach it with out endangering yourself than it cant hurt

Tristan Elaire (Eric) shrugs

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] It will hold a bargain, should the price be good enough.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] until it wants more...

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] As I said, young. and older green would be far easier.

Marisu (TMO)] Treaties often only last until one side wants more between countries too.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] But I agree Marisu. We should at least try

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] if we can solve this with diplomacy it could save lives

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] perhaps give us more time to build a proper defense

[Marisu]] (TMO) nods. "And we are 'The Dragonslayers'. Our reputation could help hold it together longer, if we state we are willing to come back over a breach."

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] or to gather a proper force to bring our own attack

Tristan Elaire (Eric) nods "Very well how do you propose to speak with it?"

[Marisu]] (TMO) smiles slightly. "Magic. I can talk with someone I can see, so long as we speak the same language."

Tristan Elaire (Eric) nods

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] So you hide?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] and try to speak to it?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Do you speak the language of a dragon?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I know the one in the frozen wastes spoke common

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] what if the young ones dont

[Marisu]] (TMO) laughs. "Not likely! I have to hope it speaks my language."

Tristan Elaire (Eric) looks to Isla "did you hear it speak?"

[Master] (Marisu was not there for the wastes)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] no

Tristan Elaire (Eric) nods

Marisu (TMO)] If it doesn't, all we've spent is one spell.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] it was too busy killing us

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Then how do you get out safely?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Do you suggest we just wait for the first attack?

Marisu (TMO)] I can see a long way, Tristan. I don't really want to be close to it if I don't have to be.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] and there is no range limits to your spell? Some of the miracles Cahus grants me have limitations on distance

Marisu (TMO)] I don't want to tempt it into a fairy tale, "capture the princess" or anything.

[Master] smile

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] For attack... let it come to us. Lastthing we need is a dragon ion a head on assault.

Marisu (TMO)] (my bad, it does have a range. Was thinking it was unlimited, line of sight)

Marisu (TMO)] (line of sight has to be there, but the range is ~ 100 feet.

Tristan Elaire (Eric) nods to Corvus "I agree. A greedy dragon may not be hard to ambush if we present ourselves as a tempting target

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] mhm

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] that's not very far Marisu

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] It could probably spray us with a breath weapon from not much farther

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] and a flying dragon can close quick

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] An archer can fire farther that 100'

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] But we should keep that as a possiblity

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] What would you offer?

[Marisu]] (TMO) considers. "I'd start with finding out what it wants."

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] At this age, jewels

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Ok sorry guys give me a few i need to get the younger one down. The older one is still raising hell with my wife. I'm 2 red bulls in so I wont fall asleep

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I have been listenign to this

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and I have some questions of my own

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] when you say you need to get close to the dragon Countess how will you do that?

Marisu (TMO)] Please do join in, Mistress Erindale.

Marisu (TMO)] (I don't know. I'd been thinking unlimited range. :P)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] are you asking me to risk the Tarangini?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] While with a green dragon I understand we will not be dealing with the flames of a red dragon

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] but still how would I protect my crew

[Marisu]] (TMO) shakes her head. "No Mistress. I was thinking maybe from one of the buildings, so I could retreat quickly if I needed to.

Marisu (TMO)] But I'd have to pick a place it would come close to.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] We will have to make sure that Patron Tristan feels that would be appropriate for us in upholding our part of the Treaty

Marisu (TMO)] Can you fly higher than a dragon?

Mistress Erindale (Master) wolvish smile I am willing to try

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] diving can be a very powerful tactic in a fight

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] but the energy expended to regain that height is a problem

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] in a ship or by a dragon

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Do be careful captain. Dragons are beings of air, you are merely it's client.

Marisu (TMO)] If you have spears, you can just drop them, right?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] ballistae to fire at it yes

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] nets can be very effective dropped from above onto flying creatures

Marisu (TMO)] I'm trying to think if there's anything light you can carry that you could dump overboard in a large amount. Darts, maybe? A whole bucket of darts falling on it from above could hurt, do you think?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I do think that would hurt, but the weight will become a problem and of course there can be no metal

Marisu (TMO)] Weight is why I was trying to think small. So you could carry more of them. But I doubt there are that many wooden darts quickly available.

Marisu (TMO)] I suppose you could carry some buckets of rocks...

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Scales of a chromatic are very strong.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Net is best.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] With hooks, to tear the wings.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] back

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] One problem with hooks are they are typically metal

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] The wings are only skin.

Mistress Erindale (Master) smiles

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] but getting the metal hooks up into the air will be difficult

Marisu (TMO)] Fishermen might have something we could use, at the docks in Dryads Lair.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tell me Mistress Erindale, is it the weight or is there an issue with iron itself?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] both

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] carrying metal up into the air takes extra energy

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and no ship can carry very much metal overall

Tristan Elaire (Eric) nods

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] How large is this dragon?

Mike has joined the game on Fri Jan 16 20:48:38 EST 2015

Mike is receiving the map Northam...

Mike has received the map Northam.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Hi Mike

Tristan Elaire (Eric) looks to Isla

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Yes

[Mike] holy crap was that a cluster ##$ of an evening

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] how large is this beast?

[Master] no one has seen this particular dragon

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Oh

[Master] at least in this group here

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ok

[Master] and welcome Mike

[Mike] so i take it i didn't miss imari's story line

[Master] no we stayed here

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Then we need to find out more about what the capabilites of a young dragon are

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] perhaps if we waited until a cloudy day we would have a chance to to hide the Terangini?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] that is also a key part of tactics of battle

Tristan Elaire (Eric) nods

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and when a ship can sail with a priest who can create clouds

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] obviously it becomes that much more deadly

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Is this a gift you possess Mistress?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] no

Tristan Elaire (Eric) frowns "oh"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I could check with the temple of Uthe

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] You want clear skies.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] As I said to the captain, we are merely teh sky's client's.

[Mike] Finglas can control weather...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] The Mother Godess grants some control over nature and weather to her priests

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] too bad Finglass is dead

[Mike] heisnotyourealiar!

[Master] chuckles

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Whatever we decide, we need more help

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] We need Branwyn

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Though

Tristan Elaire (Eric) recalls the last meeting with a dragon

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] perhaps not

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] She would just want to pet it and tell us how bad we are for wanting it gone

[Marisu]] (TMO) smiles.

Tristan Elaire (Eric) sighs "We will need to convince her to help if possible. Her spells are too great an advantage to ignore"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] That should be like moving a mountain. She can be so stuborn!

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (Yes the irony is not lost on me)

[Master] in an out of character comment though, she might not be able to get away from the city to do that

[Master] and laughs with Eric

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] True

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] But if I say her friend may be in danger of a dragon attack...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I will leave that to her

[Mike] if i recall correctly, a green dragon's breath attack is weakened by theh amount of armor you wear. do you have to fight it on an airship?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] and the (and the mysterious forces of the DM)

[Mike] or is that black? been so long since i faced a dragon

[Master] I will say that on the 1st is the day that the new bundle of communications comes from the Queen

[Master] they bring a pouch and take one back

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Well we need to get back and gather the others.

[Master] this is also true

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] We will need all the forces we can gather

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I have never fought a dragon

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Young or not

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I do not intend on underestimating this one

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] So that brings us to the limitation on hand

[Mike] yeah, if this is the same one i met, it had cool enough magic to make my mage want to be its apprentice.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] We can not bring us all back

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I will stay

Tristan Elaire (Eric) looks to the others

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I will help the Duke start setting up defenses

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I could leave a crewman to help you

[Mike] guys, i'm happy to try and plan a good attack strategy with you as a player since imari isn't there. but i've missed some of this story and am not sure what resources you have to figth with.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] so you are not alone

Tristan Elaire (Eric) nods that would be appreciated Mistress Erindale

Marisu (TMO)] I can stay too. You can finish teaching me Diplomacy in your spare time, and I might be useful in dealing with the Duke.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (that is part of it Mike, they will be heading back tot he City to get more resources including perhaps Imari, etc)

Tristan Elaire (Eric) nods "I will do what I can" Your spells could come in handy as well Marisu

[Mike] do we have an active party pack page on the wiki?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] yes

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] That leaves Miranda, Indigo, and as I promised Isla, you will go with the others


[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I will have Indigo take the body of the fallen priestess to be properly buried and given all the proper rites

[Marisu]] (TMO) sighs and looks at Miranda. "If we have time, maybe you can teach me the next bit of magic I need to learn, but I doubt we'll have time."

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] very wel

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Then it is settled. I shall give Indigo instructions to gather the others. Perhaps he can sway Branwyn to come...

[Master] you have 11 days until the dragon is due to arrive

[Master] it is 2-3 days to the City adn then the same back

[Master] it is the 17th

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] As well as speak with the temple. Perhaps they can spare some priests to help defend one of their faithful

[Master] you have the big Festival in the City on the 23

[Master] 22

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (I will draft something on the site Bob)

[Master] 22-9-1266 TGR Feast of Broodhoy - 3 seats at noble table - access to feast for everyone who wants to come

Marisu (TMO)] (oh foo. Marisu probably needs to be at that)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (Tristan must be there)

[Mike] i wonder if that potion of death will work on a dragon


[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (it didn't have any limitations stated)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (not a bad idea)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Not sure what a dragon's death save is

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] but not a bad use of it

[Mike] we could invite it to treat with us at a banquet

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] douse a worker in it and send him walking?

Marisu (TMO)] (Yes, I'm sure the paladin-wanna-be would be okay with that!)

[Mike] if it makes the save we could just pull a red wedding

[Master] smiles

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (poison vs evil... Im ok. I'm not a paladin. So I have some flexablilty in my morals thank you :)

[Mike] lol

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] So time is a precious commodity

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] You should leave with haste

[Master] that is also an OOC thing to work out before you make IC choices

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (yes)

[Master] if you want Marisu and Tristan in the City on the 22nd

[Master] you need another way to get them there if not on the airship

[Master] you have 4 and a half days

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Ugh

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Well that's tight

[Mike] can imari cast on the wing?

[Master] you can get to the City with no problems becuase you got the treaty done quickly

[Master] depends on the spell Mike

Marisu (TMO)] (Marisu is less useful than Branwyn vs the Dragon, for sure.)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] We need help from the others. We brought the diplomacy group not the combat one

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I'm combat.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I also need to check on the what the Duke has available for forces

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] indeed you are

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] but not tested amongst this group Isla

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I understand that.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] You are welcome to join us if you wish

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I would not turn away a willing fighter

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Yes

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (Do you want to do some of the IC stuff here or online Bob?)

[Master] either is fine

[Mike] imari could have a wind servant just fly the potion down the dragon's gullet...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (nice idea Mike)

[Master] so I see this as Marisu and Tristan with choices of A - get to the City and make some sort of sacrafice to do so

[Master] or B one of them stays

[Master] or C both stay

Marisu (TMO)] is this the Drillian ceremony, or the Dryads Lair one?

[Master] Dryads Lair one

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (I need to stay to help prepare. It would be a given for him. Missing a feast day would not even be an issue compared to a battle vs a dragon. What better way to test his faith)

Marisu (TMO)] ok, so less important she attends

[Master] 16 days after the dragon date is the Drillian event

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (though Branwyn will kill him)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] (Someone should offer marriage to the dragon, make the first draonborn for this world.)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (lol)

[Mike] there are half dragons. do they count?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] So I will stay. Anyone else is welcome to do so. Their efforts will be appreciated. But someone needs to go back. Bring the priestess, ask for help from the temple, get the others)

[Master] Temple of Air and Light is too far away to get to and back

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I'm taking about the Clestory

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lots of priests there

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] perhaps even a paladin who'd like to test his mettle

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] :)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] This Duke is a faithful man

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I'm sure his piety hasn't gone unnoticed

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] or maybe it has

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (I'm just gathering whatever I can to help me here)

[Master] I am listening, grins

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (ya that's about it. I'm going on a fishing trip)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (damn maybe i need to go back)

[Master] I am not saying yes or no

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (I understand. It would be a gamble either way)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (I will stay. I'll send...ugh...Jennevive to ask for help)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (nothing like owing that creature a favor)

[Master] chuckles

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (in my opinion, we can do a lot of the logistics on the site if everyone else wants to move on with the werewolf arc Bob. I know Mike doesn't have a character for this one)

[Master] this is true

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (but I'm down for whatever)

[Master] I can handle either

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (please anyone else can speak up :)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I have a character at both locations so I'm game for either)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (or maybe i'm the only one here....)

[Master] LOL

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Well that silence isn't very reassuring

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] :)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] MARCO

[Master] he is in Japan

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol

Marisu (TMO)] sorry, multi-tasking

Marisu (TMO)] chat is normally on top, but got temporarily displace

[Mike] sorry, are we going to switch?

[Master] we can

[Master] ready TMO?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol yes lets switch

Marisu (TMO)] matters not to me

Marisu (TMO)] I have irons in both fires

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] we can handle the logistics and begging for help online

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I'm going to be in a hotel the next 3 weeks

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] starting Monday so I will have free time

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] (we left off after talking to the witch, right?)

[Master] at the witch yes

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (I'm a little behind this arc. Can i get a quick cliff note?)

[Master] Shurkural (TMO)] So.. umm.. the caves? Can you tell where they are? Shurkural (TMO) (to Master only)] not sure how she'll react. this is new territory for me and her [Amber Thorne (Master)] They are outside of town in the hills, about two or three miles to the north, you can follow the river road Shurkural (TMO)] Any idea if there's a wolf or werewolf of any kind in the area? Any dangers we should know about? We really do appreciate yer help. [Amber Thorne (Master)] unless Laika lets one of her beasts escape again there should not be anything too dangerous about [Amber Thorne (Master)] not here in town Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 12!! Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 10!! Shurkural (TMO)] Okay.. well... thanks, I guess! See you round maybe, sugar. Thanks again!

[Master] that is how you ended it

[Master] Shurkural (TMO)] I guess we go north, see if we can find any tracks or anything. We've got three things, the boys, the sheep, and the caves. The caves are the only one with a location to go to.

[Master] then you chose to go back to the inn because night was coming

[Mike] and it is dark and full of terrors

[Master] smile

Shurkural (TMO)] (no need to be out in unfamiliar territory at night if we don't have to)

Shurkural (TMO)] (and Ilero greatly approves of heading back)

[Mike] so sleep sleep sleep click?

[Master] you can

[Master] or talk at the inn/bar

Shurkural (TMO)] (shall we do a bit of chatter?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (what characters do we have active with us tonight?)

[Mike] imari for me

[Master] Imari, SHur, Ilero, Leatherus

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (Leatherus)

Shurkural (TMO)] (coo')

Shurkural (TMO)] Well, any ideas bout tomorrow? Only thing I got is go to the caves.

[Eric] I am back at the keyboard.

[Leatherus (Eric)] (i'm a little behind this arc so I'm gonna tag along and add in when I can)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] nini

[Mike] eh, we're in a town where we dont' know who hired us to kill a werewolf and no one seems to know much about it

[Leatherus (Eric)] (you leaving Corvus?)

[Mike] there MIGHT have been a rabbit or goat or something killed by a wolf by some caves

Shurkural (TMO)] There's a missing boy too, isn't there?

[Mike] i said or something, didn't i?

[Master] chuckles

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] /ooc

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] yeah

[Master] you did good in your story arc Corvus

[Leatherus (Eric)] (ok good night man...good having you here again)

Shurkural (TMO)] (cya)

[Master] and we will slowly bring these two back into one again

Shurkural (TMO)] (yes, boy disappeared, but burgermeister never gave his name.)

Shurkural (TMO)] (asked, but he never answered)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] thanks for inviting

Shurkural (TMO)] (thanks for coming)

Corvus has left the game on Fri Jan 16 21:50:44 EST 2015

[Master] and so at the bar

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 29'02".

[Master] Imari moved 11'01".

[Master] Galdek moved 10'06".

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 23'00".

[Master] For Spring moved 30'11".

[Master] Artiark moved 28'00".

[Leatherus (Eric)] Leatherus moved 30'05".

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] so did you folk have a good day in town ?

[Shurkural]] (TMO) looks at the others, then back at him. She leans in over the bar toward him. "Oh, it was interesting. This is a nice town you got here."

[Mike] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Shurkural (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Imari (Mike)] "Give me some food and wine, please."

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks at the others in the inn to see if anyone triggers his paranoia like they did this afternoon.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] Why thank you

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] and I can bring out some stew for all of you

Shurkural (TMO)] That'd be right sweet of you, honey.

[Leatherus (Eric)] I'll take two bowls! I'm starving

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] chuckles

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] I will bring out the kettle for you

[Leatherus (Eric)] and a big spoon

Theris Tenhammer (Master) goes int o the back room

[Ilero]] (TMO) sits with his back to a wall.

[Leatherus (Eric)] (FYI i've got a crazy day tomorrow so I'm gonna probably gonna log with-in the hour)

Shurkural (TMO)] (ok)

Theris Tenhammer (Master) comes back out with a small kettle and several wooden bowls

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] tosses out bowls onto the table

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] drops a long chunk of bread for you to break apart into spoons

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] and then starts filling up the bowls with stew

Shurkural (TMO)] Thanks sugar. Oh, hey, before you go, one quick question. The burgermaster said something about some boys seeing a wolf, and then one of the boys later ran away. Do you know the boy's name?

Shurkural (TMO)] And maybe the other boys' too?

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] The only boy I have notice missing around these parts lately is Branan but he ran off on a barge for the City I thought?

[Shurkural]] (TMO) shrugs. "Maybe so. Who was his friend?"

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] He had a couple of the older kids

[Imari (Mike)] "I wonder if this is all just a scare. Normal wolf and a boy who went to the city."

Shurkural (TMO)] Maybe. I'd be happy if it is.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] I have not heard of a wolf near town in at least a couple of years

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] Laika has always done patrols to make sure nothing too dangerous is out there

[Imari (Mike)] "Maybe that's why everyone is so scared."

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] I did not think that everyone was that scared

[Imari (Mike)] "Not really, I suppose. But someone was scared enough to hire us."

Shurkural (TMO)] Where can we find Branan's family and friends, just so we can chat and make sure there's nothing to worry about there?

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] oh he did not have any family

Shurkural (TMO)] What happened to them?

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] his father was killed in the attack on town a dozen years ago

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] and his mother died a couple of years ago

Shurkural (TMO)] Oh, that's too bad. How old was he?

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] oh 15? maybe?

Shurkural (TMO)] Yeah, that's about 'run away to the city' age.

[Imari (Mike)] "If he is out there I hope Partik looks down on him. And if he is dead, I suppose I still hope Partik finds him."

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] now if I knew you were in the city I would have run there too

[Shurkural]] (TMO) smiles at him. "We just got there too, so you'd have had to wait a while, sugar."

Shurkural (TMO)] We came up from Drillian.

[Ilero]] (TMO) takes a drink and then spoons some stew into a bowl.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] where is drillian?

Ilero (TMO)] (south west, right?)

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] (yes but outside of Terraguard)

[Imari (Mike)] ::points:: "That way."

Shurkural (TMO)] Small Kingdoms, south west, I think.

[Imari (Mike)] "White a ways away."

[Imari (Mike)] quite

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] I thought there was only savages out in teh Small Kingdoms

[Shurkural]] (TMO) grins at Imari.

Shurkural (TMO)] (and Galdek, if we have him)

[Imari (Mike)] "We don't like to go into Drillian much. The myst is an evil thing."

Shurkural (TMO)] (HEY! MYST was wonderful!!!)

[Imari (Mike)] lol

[Imari (Mike)] read the books if you liked the game that much. they're pretty cool.

Shurkural (TMO)] (have them)

Shurkural (TMO)] :D

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] so if you are from so far away why are you here

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] I thought that you said someone hired you for a werewolf?

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] they sent a message all that way?

Shurkural (TMO)] We were asked to come look and see if there was one. We're in Dryads Lair. We work for the Ambassador who just got there.

Shurkural (TMO)] I don't know if they meant to ask the last ambasador or us.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] Who is the Ambassador?

Shurkural (TMO)] Branwyn the Mysterious.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] The Mysterious?

[Imari (Mike)] Branwyn the Destroyer.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] that sounds like a Mage

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] that sounds like a fearsome mage

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] or maybe a witch?

[Imari (Mike)] (she's related to Rimo.")

Shurkural (TMO)] (had some of those books too)

[Imari (Mike)] lol

Shurkural (TMO)] (liked the movie, too)

[Imari (Mike)] haven't seen it. didn't know it existed.

Shurkural (TMO)] (80's movie, iirc)

Shurkural (TMO)] (Fred Ward)

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] So if you are working for a witch then you must have been hired by Amber Thorne right?

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] she always wants to size up new mages

Shurkural (TMO)] Nope, the burgermaster sent it.

[Imari (Mike)] "Ah. Then she must be disappointed. We left our mage at home."

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] Or maybe she was relieved he says conspiratorialy

[Shurkural]] (TMO) smiles. "What's she like? Amber Thorne?"

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] stand offish

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] if it is magic you can bet she knows something about it

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] but she always seems like she is trying to nail you to the wall with her eyes

Shurkural (TMO)] She sure acts weird.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] she is not nice and friendly like Laika is

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] the two of them are the people who have lived here the longest

[Imari (Mike)] "Well, do you know anything about the caves we are going to investigate tomorrow?"

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] Amber has been here longer than I have

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] caves?

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] I have a cellar if that is what you mean

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] but there are no caves in town

[Imari (Mike)] "Not in, but I guess from that answer you do not."

Shurkural (TMO)] Two or three miles outside.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] oh then you would want to ask Laika about that, she is always traveling out on the boundries

[Imari (Mike)] brb. swtiching computers

Mike has left the game on Fri Jan 16 22:24:31 EST 2015

Shurkural (TMO)] I'll give it a try in the morning then.

[Leatherus (Eric)] I think I'm going ot call it guys

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] (have a good night Eric, see you during the week)

Shurkural (TMO)] Anything else out there we should be watching for? Sounds like Laika keeps most of the dangerous stuff away on her own.

[Leatherus (Eric)] I should be on next week. I'll plan on doing a good amount of posting

[Leatherus (Eric)] night all!

Mike has joined the game on Fri Jan 16 22:26:26 EST 2015

Mike is receiving the map Northam...

Eric has left the game on Fri Jan 16 22:26:29 EST 2015

Mike has received the map Northam.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] I have not seen anything come into town other than maybe a fox or a deer in at least a year or two

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] I have heard that there are other things in teh forest but they are afraid to come near town

Shurkural (TMO)] Well, if we're lucky, this whole thing'll turn out to be a wild goose chase.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] Laika can tell you

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] she is always taking her dogs out there for training

[Mike] I am back at the keyboard.

[Imari (Mike)] "Think we'll still get paid?"

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] people come from quite a ways to buy her trained dogs

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] I heard that a Duke commissoned her for his warhorse this fall

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] (sorry Spring)

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] supposed to be coming here for her to train

Shurkural (TMO)] (brb phone)

[Imari (Mike)] the longer this phone call takes, the worse it gets in my immagination.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] chcukls

[Imari (Mike)] soon it's going to be the doctor telling him he has cancer on some amputatable body part.

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] TMO you are needed at the White House now, the President will not take no for an answer

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] the asteroid is getting closer

Shurkural (TMO)] (wife is away at a conference. she was calling to say goodnight to the kids)

Shurkural (TMO)] (back)

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] that is just as important

[Imari (Mike)] well that's a bit more mundane that what we had going on

Shurkural (TMO)] I'm good at mundane!

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] and this makes the 29th different page that that word will be on

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] make me wonder, who else uses that word that often?

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] so I checked on how often we use it

Shurkural (TMO)] anybody who plays Shadowrun

[Imari (Mike)] now i want to start using weird words that will only appear on one page

Shurkural (TMO)] I've got one. "Coolth"

Shurkural (TMO)] it's the opposite of warmth

Shurkural (TMO)] but we kept warmth and discarded coolth

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] that will be unique I will say

Shurkural (TMO)] Can you feel the coolth coming from the fridge?

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] shakes my head

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] but one that I thought of is coprolite

Shurkural (TMO)] yay fossilized poop

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] and by the way we are closing in on 3,000 pages

[Theris Tenhammer (Master)] sometime later this year I would guess

Shurkural (TMO)] arg. yelling at kids is fun

Shurkural (TMO)] they're supposed to be picking up, and they just go around looking for things to pick up, without actually doing it

[Imari (Mike)] i get tired of doing it around four hours into the day

[Master] so anything else before sleeping and morning?

Shurkural (TMO)] I don't think so

[Imari (Mike)] nope

[Master] Time of Day: 07:28 AM. Day 18 See ___ tre, Ohm {Early Winter} 18th, 1266 TGR.

Shurkural (TMO)] do you want to call it when I have to put the kids to bed, or wait for me?

Shurkural (TMO)] I read to them, so it'd be a few minutes

[Master] I think we should call it, I bet Mike is getting stiff

Shurkural (TMO)] want to call it now, or do a bit?

[Master] but I do want to make sure you knwo the plan for starting next time

[Master] with this story arc

[Master] are you going to talk to anyone first? or just go out to look for the caves?

[Imari (Mike)] i'd say let's head out at first light

Shurkural (TMO)] yes, head for caves first, since we don't know how long that will take

[Imari (Mike)] we've talked to most of the people i'd say.

Shurkural (TMO)] better chance of coming back in daylight

Shurkural (TMO)] or, do we want to check with Laika before we go?

[Imari (Mike)] eh. if there's a werewolf in the cave do you think that'll change things/

Shurkural (TMO)] so, caves first then?

[Imari (Mike)] i'd say we go, and then maybe we'll find something that gives us new questions to ask

Shurkural (TMO)] okie doke

[Imari (Mike)] or just find the wolf and take care of it

[Master] ok

[Master] so the morning and head out into the woods

[Imari (Mike)] apparently we need to finish this and get back to the city to go deal with a dragon

Shurkural (TMO)] woo!

[Master] well actually

[Master] there might very well be an airship swooping down out of the skies to attack you

[Master] or perhaps pick you up to give you a ride home

Shurkural (TMO)] that's why we have metal arrows

[Master] so hard to tell the difference as they are coming in

Shurkural (TMO)] ;)

[Master] grins

[Imari (Mike)] or maybe it's just steampunk santa here to give us goodies

Shurkural (TMO)] I've been a good girl Steampunk Santa!

Shurkural (TMO)] Wanna see?

[Master] chuckles

Shurkural (TMO)] (now I feel dirty)

[Master] go put your kids to bed

[Master] I will clean up here

[Master] and play with the dogs for a bit

Shurkural (TMO)] level my people up!

[Master] last day at Margate library tomorrow

[Imari (Mike)] that a sad thing?

[Imari (Mike)] or are you just excited for the new place?

[Master] Much more excited for the new job

[Master] it is system wide

[Master] I will be making choices that will affect the library system for the next few years

[Imari (Mike)] the pictures make it look like the library is a place worth visiting. not just a bunch of books down at that branch. oh, are we takig the night off for jamaica?

[Master] come on down

[Master] yes

[Master] I have to work that night at the event

[Master] feel free to come on down

[Master] and I can give you a tour of the Creation Station too when you want to come down on a weekend

[Master] I will be working most Saturdays

[Imari (Mike)] cool. that will be fun

Shurkural (TMO)] bit out of my reach, unfortunately

Shurkural (TMO)] worked in the library in college

[Imari (Mike)] if not in the next couple weeks it'll be after ren fair

[Master] will let you know when I am in TX

Shurkural (TMO)] I miss ren faires too

Shurkural (TMO)] I miss a lot of things here.

[Master] I am in Tampa, Orlando and Miami over the next four months

[Master] you do not have Ren Fairs?

Shurkural (TMO)] not here. Dallas has them I'm sure, but that's 4.5 hours away

[Master] Austin has to have them right?

Shurkural (TMO)] Austin is 6 hours

[Master] or is that farther away

[Master] ah

[Master] you need to build one your self then

Shurkural (TMO)] I'm over in the western podunk place with nothing nearby

[Master] Mike can help with that

[Master] he knows lots of gypsies

Shurkural (TMO)] yes, because cowboys love Ren Faires. ;)

[Imari (Mike)] skarborogh

[Imari (Mike)] or however you spell it is one of the biggest ones.

[Imari (Mike)] not sure where in the state that is

Shurkural (TMO)] Kansas City had a pretty good one

Shurkural (TMO)] I picked up a few things from there

[Master] Leatherus XP award: 100. Next level in 419.

[Master] [Shurkural]] XP award: 250. Next level in 35877.

[Master] Imari XP award: 250. Next level in 32009.

[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 250. Next level in 22148.

[Master] Isla Falcon XP award: 200. Next level in 63199.

[Master] [Marisu]] XP award: 250. Next level in 8422.

[Master] Tristan Elaire XP award: 300. Next level in 46221.

[Imari (Mike)] i want to see the mariland one. known as one of if not the most beautiful fairgrounds in the country

Shurkural (TMO)] haven't spent any time in Maryland. Driven through it from DC, but that's it

[Imari (Mike)] welp, i'm bushed. so i'll see you two next week.

Shurkural (TMO)] second week of April I'll be out a session, I think.

[Master] have a great night guys

Shurkural (TMO)] I think I'll be at a conference over friday. If so, won't be on. If I'm back before then though, I'll attend.

Shurkural (TMO)] g'night!

Mike has left the game on Fri Jan 16 22:57:14 EST 2015

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 16 22:57:22 EST 2015

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