Main / Jan1714

Jan 17 14 - Long Live the King - The Enemy of my Enemy

[Master] Indigo moved 80'07".

[Master] Jilly moved 115'03".

[Master] Shurkural moved 128'11".

[Master] Miranda moved 132'04".

[Master] Leatherus moved 138'02".

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos moved 140'10".

JohnAA has joined the game on Fri Jan 17 18:27:31 EST 2014

JohnAA is receiving the map Pitted Terrain...

JohnAA has received the map Pitted Terrain.

[JohnAA] Marisu Spell Target moved 16'02".

[Master] Hello there sir

JohnAA is receiving the map Inkling...

[Master] Everyone should have their own Spell Target now

[JohnAA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnAA] hey

[Master] if you want one for hoffman let me know

JohnAA has received the map Inkling.

[JohnAA] what does it do?

[Master] just soemting for you to target for effects etc

[Master] TMO was working on effects earlier in the week

[Master] realized that it helps to have something to latch them onto

[JohnAA] wooo woooo woooo

[JohnAA] i am not trying anything tonight

[Master] are you interested in coming over for Game of Thrones when it starts in early April?

[JohnAA] no, heck no

[Master] are you caught up at all?

[JohnAA] do not watch

[Master] ok

[JohnAA] i like character development

[Master] it has TONS

[Master] it is a great show

[JohnAA] but a lot more character removal

[Master] nah

[Master] only one an episode or so

[JohnAA] and I have a hard time carring about any of them

[Master] and PCs only die once or twice a season

[Master] brb have to make pop corn and open wine

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 17 18:51:19 EST 2014

Lisa is receiving the map Pitted Terrain...

[JohnAA] Hi Lisa

Lisa has received the map Pitted Terrain.

Mike has joined the game on Fri Jan 17 18:52:01 EST 2014

Mike is receiving the map Pitted Terrain...

[Lisa] Hello :)

Mike has left the game on Fri Jan 17 18:52:38 EST 2014

[JohnAA] Was it something I said?

[Lisa] I think it was me

[JohnAA] you are scarry

[Lisa] apparently so

[Lisa] :)

[JohnAA] oh no a girl

[Lisa] we do think differently

Mike has joined the game on Fri Jan 17 18:54:41 EST 2014

Mike is receiving the map Pitted Terrain...

[Lisa] speaking of thinking differently - what was the meaning of the cryptic message from hoffman's mother?

Mike has received the map Pitted Terrain.

[Lisa] HELLO!!!

[JohnAA] at this point you do not know

[JohnAA] l)

[JohnAA] Mi Mike

[JohnAA] Hi Mike

[Mike] hey

[JohnAA] what bring you in today?

[Mike] just poking about

[Mike] was thinking of starting up again.

[Lisa] that would be great!

[Lisa] we've been getting in all sorts of trouble

[Lisa] as usual

[Mike] my chat window is weird.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mike] i docked it, but it keeps going away.

[Master] Welcoem sir

[Lisa] you still can't dock the stupid thing

[Mike] it seems to be tied to mouse position?

[Lisa] they never fixed it in all the time since you left

[Mike] hover at the botom and it apears?

[JohnAA] I alway have it as a seperate window

[Lisa] shouldn't be that bad

[Mike] and the window is tiny with a big icon window next to it. is there a way to change that?

[Master] I have Chat undocked

[Master] when you are clicked on the map hit the tilda

[Master] to turn off that icon bar at the bottom

[Master] is how I have it

[Lisa] I have it docked

[Master] BUT the important thing is welcome back

[Lisa] and when I select view chat history a new window opens

[JohnAA] I did not know this is THE MIKE

[Lisa] very much so!! :)

[Mike] there it is

[Mike] got it in a window

[Master] that is the best

[Mike] yeah. hey john

[Master] so Mike you will meet two new people tonight, Eric and TMO

[Mike] glad i'm not meeting TMI

[Master] Eric just was accepted in the fall, TMO has been here over a year

[Lisa] lol

[Master] both are great players,

[Master] Ilero (TMO) is a scout

[Lisa] is your map area fixed?

[Master] Eric is having fun playing Tristan, a gung ho Priest who is out to save the world

[JohnAA] I have a couple charters if you want someone to talk as

[Mike] nah. i'll just watch for tonight

[Master] and Mike did you want to bring back IMari

[Mike] get the lay of the land

[Master] chuckles

[Master] it will be very interesting for you then,

[Master] we have two story arcs running concurrently

[Master] starting off with Long Live the King

[Master] it is a story featuring Indigo

[Mike] with different characters?

[JohnAA] you have to see how much roleplaying has ben on the site

[Master] Primary characters in one story arc Henchmen in the other

[JohnAA] for the most part

[Mike] lisa, your fighter still alive?

[JohnAA] hee hee

[Lisa] he's not dead yet :)

[JohnAA] he is a Sir

[Lisa] Indigo still wears his raven feather under his shirt

[Lisa] he is a Queen'

[Lisa] s knight now

[Mike] cool.

[Mike] if anything, i want to bring finglass back. they high enough level for him, bob?

[Master] let me check on that

[Lisa] Branwyn just turned 10th and most others are 7 or 8th level now

[Mike] or just play anterias or val. they're lower level.

[Mike] cool.

[Mike] lisa, did you ever meet the first group of dragon slayers?

[Lisa] nope

[Mike] cool. now i definately want to bring in my old henchmen.

[JohnAA] I just told BOB I was ready to take that game off hold

[Mike] lol

[Lisa] nope

[Lisa] no - I came in afterwards

[Lisa] test

[Lisa] lost connection or something I think

[Lisa] huge lag

[Master] you are fine now

[JohnAA] if you bring back anyone, bring the party pack

[Master] Mike I think that Finglass is still too high level, he is 11th

[Master] Val would be the right level

[Master] or you could play Imari at an increased level

[Master] she would be 7th level now

[Mike] dunno. i'll see what happens tonight.

[Mike] i can see a couple ways to bring in my old henchies.

[Master] the group is doing very well

[Mike (to Master only)] testing

[Master] Branwyn is the Court Mage at Jistille, and is now a Marquessa

[Master (to Mike only)] yeap

[Master] Indigo is a Knight

[Mike (to Master only)] are they still going by the dragon slayers name?

[Master (to Mike only)] yes for the most part

[Master] this current Era picked up after they saved Missus Mosskin

[Master] the girl at the keep that liked Imari

[JohnAA] oh wow

[Master] they rescued her when she was "kidnapped"

[Mike (to Master only)] finglass could be concerned about this group going by his friends name. he's always been jealous that way.

[Mike] i remember her

[Master (to Mike only)] there is that

[Master] well she is teh QUeen now

[Mike] what level was imari when i left?

[Master] was 6th

[Master] would be mid way between 7 and 8 now

[Mike] okay. so about the same

[Mike] gratz on your main breaking 10th.

[Mike] lisa

[Mike] my first character died at level 8 i think.

[Master] so you have the Queen in your corner

[Lisa] I am surprised I haven't killed her yet

[Mike] he started at 7. =P

[Master] and have been out on a couple of missions for her

[Master] the current Era is a collection of story arcs that are each developed for a particular character

[Mike] who?

[Master] Long Live the King is Indigo / Lisa

[Master] Missus Mosskin, the girl that lked Imari back at Jistille way back when

[Master] do you remember Toybin?

[Master] the Knight you met up with at the SKull Church?

[Mike] vaguely

[Master] He is the Royal Consort ow

[Mike] i remember the name

[Master] now

[Lisa] clarification - surprised I haven't gotten Branwyn killed - not that she hasn't killed the Queen

[Mike] wasn't he a pompus ass?

[Master] LOL

[Master] LOL

[Master] on both of those

[Master] people like Toybin now,

[Master] for the most part

[Mike] heh

[Master] so the other story arc we will jump to tonight is The Enemy of my Enemy

[Master] which is Tristan (played by Eric)

[Master] and that is actually a return to Skull Church

[Master] Tristan is Kayugan

[Master] and is off to SKull Church to kick out an Archbishop of Hades who has taken over the church again

[Mike] does this one make brownies, too?

[Master] smile

[Master] no one knows

[Master] I doubt even John remembers that one

[JohnAA] no one is ging to ask

[Mike] lisa, in the first dragonslayers gampaign, bob has an archbishop of hades who is probably the nicest bob npc i've ever run into.

[JohnAA] vage, too many other memories interfering

[Mike] i'm pretty sure he made cookies or brownies or something.

[Lisa] lol

[Master] brownies

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 17 19:21:47 EST 2014

TMO is receiving the map Pitted Terrain...

TMO has received the map Pitted Terrain.

[Master] Welcome TMO

[JohnAA] Hello TMO

[Lisa] Hi TMO :)

[TMO] hey

[Mike] hello tmo

[Master] TMO this is Mike, Mike TMO

[Master] old returning player

[TMO] Howdy sir!

[Lisa] priests from hades making baked goods - seems an odd pairing

[Mike] well hades himself is into randomly bursting into song

[Lisa] that sounds fun

[Mike] you know, the disney one

[Master] that is weird huh Lisa, an evil priest carrying around a musical instument

[JohnAA] Oh, that is what I thought

[Master] but in any case

[Master] you are in the tiny hamlet of Inkling

[Master] you are at the Smith's residence

[TMO] who will Mike be playing this evening?


[Mike] i'm just observing tonight

[JohnAA] Oh, that is what I thought


[Master] there you go Mike

[Mike] cool.

[Shurkural (TMO)] Whatever floats your boat, sugar.

[Master] this story arc has things

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Qui should be on our map too)

[JohnAA] he is

[Master (to Mike only)] actually if you want to bring in IMari this is the group to do it with I had actually planned on using Imari for a story arc for SHurkural later on

[Shurkural (TMO)] (he's in the black on the right)

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel moved 148'03".

[Indigo (Lisa)] there he is :)

[Mike (to Master only)] okay

[JohnAA] he is

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel moved 148'03".

[Lisa] Leatherus no longer targets Miranda.

[Master (to Mike only)] I will put her on the map invis until you are ready, then you can knock on the door of this house, you can describe your self and then ask for Indigo

[Mike (to Master only)] which quest does she tie into?

[Shurkural (TMO)] (so where do we begin? Indigo? Care to kick us off?)

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Indigo, make sure to tell Braywnn, I did NOT claim to be her

[Master (to Mike only)] a future story arc for Shurkural, she is a ranger, species enemy is werewolves, that is all I will reveal at this point grins

Indigo (Lisa) looks over at Miranda "I thought it was kind of funny. But I was surprised you didn't deny it."

[Master (to Mike only)] it is planned for after these two story arcs are done so a few months away in real time

[Mike (to Master only)] ah. okay.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think anyone would want to be her. She's always getting into trouble.

[Mike (to Master only)] sounds like this chick would go hand in hand with my hellsing idea for a character.

[Miranda (JohnAA)] I think you should take off your ribons for now

[Woman (Master)] are you sure I cannot get you anything else?

[Woman (Master)] Mr Dwarf sir?

[Woman (Master)] are you sure you do not want any rocks?

[Woman (Master)] I heard that you would like that

[Woman (Master)] I am not sure

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Stew smells good

Woman (Master) smiles

[Woman (Master)] offers up another trencher

[Woman (Master)] here have some more

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] No rocks

[Woman (Master)] I have plenty

[Woman (Master)] I am so happy to be honored with you Sir Indigo

Shurkural (TMO) clears her throat, definitely not laughing. "Where is the stream or well at? I'd like to refill my skin a bit, honey.

[Woman (Master)] Marquessa Branwyn

[Woman (Master)] it is very humbling to have you in our home

[Mike] okay, did i ever meed miranda?

[Mike] i know branwyn and indigo, but not sure of her

[Woman (Master)] (yes, has grown up and is trying to be a mage now rather than a cleric)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you should have - she was there from beginning)

[Miranda (JohnAA)] I never said I was Brawynn, and I ask you not to address me as her

[Mike] wait, john wanted to be a mage more than a cleric? will wonders never cease?

[Woman (Master)] OH right I am sorry Braaa.. Mss

[Woman (Master)] I know it is secret missin

[Miranda (JohnAA)] (just wait till she is a mage/priest)

[Miranda (JohnAA)] (dual class)

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's really not a secret

Woman (Master) embarssesed smile

[Mike] priest of mystra?

[Woman (Master)] I know she is a talkative little thing

[Woman (Master)] but she means well

[Miranda (JohnAA)] I did not say it was a secret, just not to make a big deal

[Indigo (Lisa)] And you have been so kind and we don't know your name.

[Woman (Master)] please do not turn her into anything unantural

Shurkural (TMO) chokes on her bite of food.

[Loptin (Master)] Curtsees

[Miranda (JohnAA)] I would not do that

[Loptin (Master)] Misstress Loptin at your Service Sir

[Loptin (Master)] Miss

[Indigo (Lisa)] This is very tasty stew Mistress Loptin.

[Smith (Master)] Are you bothering our guests dear?

[Loptin (Master)] Of course I am dear

[Loptin (Master)] I know you will not tell me anything later on

[Loptin (Master)] I need to find out now

Smith (Master) turns to Indigo

[Smith (Master)] and now you see where my daughter gets it

Indigo (Lisa) grins "It is not a problem. Questions are fine."

Loptin (Master) beams at Indigo and her husband

[Loptin (Master)] So tell me

[Loptin (Master)] what is it like to be small?

[Loptin (Master)] ;I mean you are so short

Miranda (JohnAA) smiles

[Loptin (Master)] and that person there, points at Foto

[Loptin (Master)] and even the dwarf

[Loptin (Master)] you are all small

Indigo (Lisa) looks at her confusedly

[Loptin (Master)] is that something that happens to you?

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's what you want to know?

[Loptin (Master)] or is it from?

Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA) shakes head

[Shurkural (TMO)] (mind if I just sit over here laughing my fool head off? Cause that's totally what I want to do)

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] You may as well ask what it is like to be human

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Life is what it is

[Shurkural (TMO)] (oh why must I be here with the non-snarky quick-witted one?)

[Mike (to Master only)] looking over her sheet again. i forgot how weird her spell list is. it's all random utility

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm ... it's just us. I can't run as fast as Leatherus but we all get by.

[Loptin (Master)] I thought maybe that being at Court did that to you

[Loptin (Master)] all the bowing

[Loptin (Master)] and bending

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

[Loptin (Master)] just keeps you shrinking down

[Shurkural (TMO)] But, it sure does make it roomier when we've got to share tents.

[Loptin (Master)] like you see in old people

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] How does your voice sound to you?

[Loptin (Master)] although you all look strong enough to eat an ox

[Shurkural (TMO)] Boulders for the dwarf.

[Loptin (Master)] Oh I hear my self just fine mr dwarf

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] How does your voice sound to you?

[Loptin (Master)] I dare say that most people round these parts can hear me

[Loptin (Master)] I think I sound like

[Smith (Master)] A sweet bird song in the springtime dear

Loptin (Master) blush

Loptin (Master) smiles and ducks her head

[Smith (Master)] Now

[Smith (Master)] go find our son who should have finished with those horses

[Smith (Master)] he must be talking to that pretty young girl Sir Indigo brought along

[Smith (Master)] and then go fetch your daughter

[Smith (Master)] it will take a fair shake to get things ready for the morning

Smith (Master) lightly swats her behind

[Smith (Master)] now scooot

[Loptin (Master)] PIP

[Loptin (Master)] and she runs off

[Mike (to Master only)] guess i'll enter whenever. any particular reason she'd turn up again?

[Loptin (Master)] sorry sir

[Loptin (Master) (to Mike only)] you knock, you ask for Indigo, you are looking for Shur (I will message you later the details on why but you are very interested in her and her skills right now) and you will go with Indigo to keep an eye on her

[Indigo (Lisa)] It is fine.


[Smith (Master)] Excuse me

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] This will not be good

Smith (Master) goes tot he door

[Indigo (Lisa)] The omens say that?

[Smith (Master)] opens

[Smith (Master)] looks out and frowns

[Smith (Master)] can I

Shurkural (TMO) puts down her plate.

[Smith (Master)] help you

[Smith (Master)] um sir? mamn?

[Smith (Master)] looks back over his shoulder

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] not hurtfull bad

[Smith (Master)] Sir Indigo is this person with you?

[Mike] I am back at the keyboard.

[Smith (Master)] tall, dark hair

[Imari (Mike)] I am looking for Indigo.

[Smith (Master)] dressed like a savage?

[Master] Imari moved 12'08".

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Like adarkness

Indigo (Lisa) looks over to see who he is talking about

Indigo (Lisa) a flash of recognition spreads over his face and he gets up and goes to the door

[Indigo (Lisa)] Is it? Is it really you?

Shurkural (TMO) makes sure her sword is within reach.

[Imari (Mike)] Who else would I be, little one?

Indigo (Lisa) grins, "Imari!!!!"

Indigo (Lisa) runs over and gives her a hug

[Master] Imari moved 9'06".

[Indigo (Lisa)] It has been so long! How are you here? Were you loking for me? How did you know?

[Smith (Master)] are you? I guess you know?

[Imari (Mike)] ::smiles and pats the halfling on the head:: "Hello. I am glad Partik has not yet taken you."

Eric W has joined the game on Fri Jan 17 19:51:03 EST 2014

Eric W is receiving the map Inkling...

[Imari (Mike)] I walked here.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh no! He watches out for me. So does Cahus

Eric W has received the map Inkling.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Hi Eric!)

[Imari (Mike)] I am looking for someone else, but heard that you were still here. So I came to see you.

[Shurkural (TMO)] (Hi Eric)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Walked from where?

[Smith (Master)] (Welcome Eric, Eric, this is Mike, an old returning player, Mike this is Eric our newest Dragonslayer)

[Imari (Mike)] ((hi eric))

[Eric W] Hi everyone. I'm still trying to get my youngest to sleep. It will be about another 15 -20

[Indigo (Lisa)] How did you hear we were here? We didn't even know we would be here until about an hour ago.

[Eric W] Hi mike!

[Eric W] are we playing Indigo's quest tonight

[Smith (Master) (to Mike only)] looking for a female ranger, traveling with a Prince from Blackwater, Indigo is a known associate)

[Imari (Mike)] You might say a bird told me.

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] (Hi Eric)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no - just until you came in)

[Smith (Master)] Eric when you are ready we switch to Enemy of my Enemy

[Eric W] ah ok give me a few.

[Indigo (Lisa)] This is great! Come and meet everybody!

[Imari (Mike)] I am looking for a female ranger who is travelling with a prince from the lands of Blackwater.

Indigo (Lisa) drags her by the wrist over to the table.

Indigo (Lisa) stops

[Imari (Mike)] I heard you might know of their whereabouts.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Really?

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods::

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm ... this is Shurkural then. She might be able to help with that.

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods to Shurkural::

Shurkural (TMO) stands up. "Anything I can help you with? "

[Imari (Mike) (to Master only)] do i know her name? that she's the one i'm looking for? and why am i looking for her?

[Smith (Master) (to Mike only)] nope

[Imari (Mike) (to Master only)] so why am i looking for her????

[Smith (Master) (to Mike only)] your telephone is ringing

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can we assume this is a small house and everybody just heard Indigo babbling away?)

[Smith (Master)] yes

[Master] Jilly moved 13'08".

[Jilly (Master)] Hello

Jilly (Master) stops

Jilly (Master) stares and thinks for a bit

[Jilly (Master)] wait a minute

[Jilly (Master)] I know you

[Imari (Mike)] ))sorry

[Jilly (Master)] you are

[Jilly (Master)] ummmm

[Imari (Mike)] ((window weirdness))

[Jilly (Master)] who?

[Jilly (Master)] Indigo who is this?

[Jilly (Master)] I remember her

[Jilly (Master)] she used to come to the keep with you

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's Imari silly!

[Imari (Mike)] Are you the ranger who travels from the lands of Blackwater?

[Jilly (Master)] OH RIGHT

[Jilly (Master)] me? no silly I am Jilly

[Jilly (Master)] remember? I showed you were Acien lived?

[Jilly (Master)] and you fought the goblins

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods:: I remember.

[Jilly (Master)] and you camped outside

[Jilly (Master)] you liked my sling skills

[Imari (Mike)] Is the old tree still there?

[Jilly (Master)] where would he go?

[Imari (Mike)] I would like to see him. If I have the time.

[Imari (Mike)] Have you been practicing with your sling?

[Jilly (Master)] we are not going home for a while

[Jilly (Master)] we are on a mission

[Jilly (Master)] OH yes

[Jilly (Master)] I work for Branwyn now

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hunting expedition

[Jilly (Master)] I keep her things clean

[Jilly (Master)] organize her books

[Jilly (Master)] cook

[Imari (Mike)] Really? That is good.

[Jilly (Master)] run erands

[Jilly (Master)] so you are here for a ranger?

[Jilly (Master)] like who?

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods::

[Imari (Mike)] One who hunts a werewolf.

[Jilly (Master)] I would like to meet a ranger

[JohnAA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Jilly (Master)] that would be nice

Indigo (Lisa) nudges Killy "you have met a ranger silly.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Jilly)

[Jilly (Master)] I mean someone other than Sir Mosskin

[Jilly (Master)] silly Indigo

[Jilly (Master)] everyone knows him

[Indigo (Lisa)] You HAVE!

[Jilly (Master)] but I would like to meet a different ranger

[Jilly (Master)] who?

[Jilly (Master)] one of those theives that stole the tulips?

[Indigo (Lisa)] You HAVE

[Jilly (Master)] where one of them a ranger?

[Jilly (Master)] wre

[Jilly (Master)] were

Indigo (Lisa) mutters "silly Jilly"

[Jilly (Master)] that is what my brothers say all the time

[Imari (Mike)] ::leans on her spear and lets the two talk patiently::

Miranda (JohnAA) shakes head

Shurkural (TMO) is not looking as friendly as she normally does. She got serious bad vibes off the warning when Imari showed up, so she's acting like she's expecting trouble)

[Jilly (Master)] so are you hungry Imari?

[Jilly (Master)] I can go help get some food for you?

[Indigo (Lisa)] SHURKURAL is a ranger!!! And she's right there!

[Imari (Mike)] Food would be good.

Jilly (Master) stares at Indigo

[Jilly (Master)] blinks

[JohnAA] I am back at the keyboard.

Indigo (Lisa) points in exasperation

[Jilly (Master)] then laughs

[Jilly (Master)] NO WAY

[Jilly (Master)] Shur is a lady

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Let me guess, Priest of Death?

Shurkural (TMO) waves at Jilly while watching Imari.

[Jilly (Master)] and she is a lot of fun

[Jilly (Master)] no way she is a ranger

[Jilly (Master)] rangers are all hunting and trapping and talk with animals

[Imari (Mike)] ::looks at Shur closely, ignoring the others::

[Jilly (Master)] Shur si sweet

[Jilly (Master)] everyone likes Shur

[Shurkural (TMO)] Thank ya, Jilly, sugar. That's awful sweet.

[Indigo (Lisa)] What does that have to do with anything?

[Jilly (Master)] well not everyone likes Sir Mosskin

[Jilly (Master)] he is a bit cranky sometimes

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't know any rangers I don't like if I think about it.

[Jilly (Master)] and he bosses p[eople around

[Indigo (Lisa)] But Imari wants to talk so you be quiet and est stew

[Indigo (Lisa)] (eat)

[Jilly (Master)] and he has been awefully fussy after the Queen made him a Sir instead of just Master

[Jilly (Master)] oh I do not need to be quiet

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Do you eat stew?

[Jilly (Master)] I already ate

Indigo (Lisa) sits her down

[Jilly (Master)] I had some out back with the son

[Jilly (Master)] he was cute

[Indigo (Lisa)] Then just hush up for a minute

[Jilly (Master)] he tried to talk to me about where we are going, who you are

[Jilly (Master)] lots of things

[Jilly (Master)] I am being quiet

[Indigo (Lisa)] please?

[Jilly (Master)] I can be louder if youwant me to Indigo

[Shurkural (TMO)] (now we know what happened to the boy taking care of the horses. ;) )


[Indigo (Lisa)] NO

[Imari (Mike)] ::raps her spear butt against the floor at Jilly's feet::

Jilly (Master) JUMPS

[Imari (Mike)] ::still looking at Shur:: Are you the one who hunts the werewolf?

[Shurkural (TMO)] Yep. But I ain't from Blackwater.

[Imari (Mike)] ::leans in:: But you hunt the werewolf?

Shurkural (TMO) taps the blade of her sword. "Sure thing, sugar. Family tradition, y'know?"

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods slowly, and tilts her head. Her eyes focus on empty space for a few heartbeats::

Shurkural (TMO) checks Imari out for were-sign.

Indigo (Lisa) thinks hard for a moment, trying to remember

[Imari (Mike)] ::sits down at the table:: "Jilly, would you please get me some of the stew you mentioned? I am hungry."

Jilly (Master) yess um

Indigo (Lisa) thinks didn't Miller say someone was hunting werewolves?

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] The Brotherhood

Indigo (Lisa) thinks some more

Shurkural (TMO) nods. "Yep. That's what he said alright."

[Miranda (JohnAA)] But we realy should not be getting off task

[Shurkural (TMO)] You can use were-hide for armor same as other stuff.

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] This does seem a mite bit bad timming

[Smith (Master)] If I may ask please

Shurkural (TMO) shrugs. "Don't know what's going on yet, honey. Might not have anything to do with us, right?"

[Smith (Master)] you are not hunting werewolves here tonight are you?

[Miranda (JohnAA)] not here [Shurkural (TMO)] Hadn't planned on it, sugar. Unless some are hiding in the bushes over there.

Smith (Master) stares at Shur over at Imari, back at Shur

Smith (Master) coughs

[Smith (Master)] Sir Indigo I trust a Queen's Knight knows how to deal with such things

[Imari (Mike)] ((Imari has a silver dagger pendant pretty plainly in view, BTW))

[Shurkural (TMO)] (thank you)

[Miranda (JohnAA)] They will fighre it out soon enough

[Shurkural (TMO)] (like I said, she got pretty spooked by the doom saying when Imari showed up. ;) Especially since you're looking for her)

[Smith (Master)] (and Mike is doing well considering it was June of 2011 the last time he played her)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are there werewolves here?

[Smith (Master)] Are there werewolves?

[Smith (Master)] I did not know

[Imari (Mike)] ((for those of you who aren't lisa Imari is a barbarian with a black raven tattooed on her face, like you are looking down at it in flight. the wings cover her eyes and the tail goes over her nose, beak to her forehead. she's got lots of black feathers all over her stuff))

[Smith (Master)] I have not heard of them

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Smith "There's were everything!"

[Shurkural (TMO)] I hadn't seen any sign of it, no. But I wasn't looking specially for it.

[Imari (Mike)] ((she's got a spear, bow, and two knives. one of them looks pretty fancy, one practical))

[Shurkural (TMO)] (Shur's got a bow and a broadsword)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and you say Branwyn is scary)

[Shurkural (TMO)] (bastard sword, sorry)

[Shurkural (TMO)] (and dagger and short sword)

[Smith (Master)] (hmmmmm, Shur might figure out where she is from but nothing else seeing she is a barbarian)

[Smith (Master)] Leatherus (Eric's character) would have no clue

[Smith (Master)] Shur can make an Intuition check

[Smith (Master)] brb

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: INU check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] But Imari, besides Shur, here's Brother Foto, QuiFon, Leatherus and you should remember Miranda from way back

Indigo (Lisa) points to everyone in turn as he goes

[Smith (Master)] b

[Indigo (Lisa)] You just surprised me when you described Shurkural!

[Smith (Master) (to TMO only)] shur understnads that Imari is a barbarian from Carnak the lands west of the central mountains,

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods to each in turn::

Miranda (JohnAA) waves

[Shurkural (TMO) (to Master only)] isn't Drillian west of the central mountains too?

[Smith (Master) (to TMO only)] no Drillian is on the East side, Carnak on the West side, deep forests, hunting groups with no permanent homes, etc

[Shurkural (TMO) (to Master only)] okay

[Imari (Mike)] I am Imari. Old friend of Branwynn, Indigo, and Miranda. We were soldiers of a sort, together.

Indigo (Lisa) looks over at Smith and then back at Imari, "We're on an important hunting expedition right now...."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Aligators and stuff.

Shurkural (TMO) sits back down again and leans against the wall. "Yeah, but we've got all night to listen, sugar. We wasn't going nowhere until morning, right?"

[Imari (Mike)] I see. I think I will join you.

[Miranda (JohnAA)] [Indigo (Lisa)] Right! We're going to sleep in the stables tonight and won't have to bother anybody.

[Smith (Master)] NO NO

[Smith (Master)] you have my room

[Smith (Master)] I will sleep here

[Miranda (JohnAA)] you must have a big room

[Smith (Master)] and the children will sleep in the stables

[Miranda (JohnAA)] if you think we will all fit

[Smith (Master)] well it is large enough for three

[Smith (Master)] on the bed

[Imari (Mike)] I will sleep in the stables.

[Smith (Master)] we have stopped letting our daughter sleep with us

[Smith (Master)] (LOL dead silence)

[Shurkural (TMO)] (normal stuff for the times)

[Indigo (Lisa)] We have lots of hunting plans to make and don't want to keep you up with our talking.

[Shurkural (TMO)] (communal beds were warmer on cold nights when you don't have the blanket technology we have now)

[Eric W] Ok im back

[Indigo (Lisa)] It would make me feel a lot better if I knew you were comfortable.

[Smith (Master)] excellent Eric

[Master] so we can work out those details on the IN Character thread

[Indigo (Lisa)] A favour for a Queen's knight my good sir?

[Eric W] sorry I'm all allone at home with 2 insane little ones. One is still up but he goest to be easier

[Master] you have a place to stay

[Master] but the demon child is in bed?

[Eric W] no. That one is still up but he's been insanely good tonight so i'm keeping my fingers crossed

[Master] nice

[Master] so Eric this is Mike

[Master] he plays ( at least for now) Imari

[Master] a barbarian priestess who used to travel with the group

[Imari (Mike)] ((greetings. I am Mike, Bane of BOB))

[Master] so when you are all in it will be very fun for Letherus

[Indigo (Lisa)] lol

[Miranda (JohnAA)] (;))

[Master] as noted above he has been away since june of 2011

[Shurkural (TMO)] (ooo... I haven't earned any titles like that.)

[Master] took a few nights off ;)

[Imari (Mike)] (( i got lost))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (well now you have a goal)

[Master] LOL

[Master] SO

[Miranda (JohnAA)] (his computer crashed)

[Eric W] Nice to meet you Mike!

[Eric W] ya just a few

[Master] questions about Long Live the King before we switch over?

[Eric W] I will read the log and catch up

[Master] all out of character now

[Master] nah not yet

[Master] later

[Lisa] none for me

[Master] by the way Marco got engaged officially yesterday/today

[Master] in case you did not see,

[Lisa] send my congrats and good wishes

[Lisa] that is really nice

[Master] TMO you understand what is happening?

[Eric W] Don't really know him too well but that's awesmoe

[Master] with Long Live the Kind?

[Master] King

[Master] Eric any questions?

[Master] Mike?

[JohnAA] What is your quest?

[Eric W] no I don't know Marco that well

[Master] who am I? what am I doing here?

[Eric W] LOL

[Imari (Mike)] well i have no idea what's going on but i'm apparently following indigo and shur

[JohnAA] What is your favorite color?

[Eric W] Who will he play for my quest?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] we will talk if we can ever get into the stables

[Master] in the In Character thread Mike you will have lots of chances to figure out

[JohnAA] ;)

[Master] plus you will see part of what I have in store for this story arc

[Master] there will be audio clues for things

[Master] I will warn everyone when I am about to play them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we have been doing lots of roleplay on site these days)

[Master] it is an excellent thing

[Eric W] Ya it's been a lot of fun

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 250. Next level in 121966.

[Master] Tristan Elaire XP award: 250. Next level in 18662.

[Master] Hoffman XP award: 250. Next level in 8861.

[Master] Ilero XP award: 250. Next level in 10567.

[Master] so new map for different story arc

[Master] This one is called The Enemy of My Enemy

[Master] and Mike there is not a good NPC for you to take over there yet

[Shurkural (TMO)] back

[Master] however by next time we play there I should have something cooked up for you

[TMO] (yeah, I'm caught up as much as I can be)

[TMO] (still don't know why Imari was looking for her, but that's because it hasn't been said yet. ;) )

[Master] grins, it is how I stitch story arcs together

[Mike] she's looking for a good time

[TMO] (I suppose he could probably play Ilero? Maybe? Not sure if that's a workable idea or not.)

[Eric W] Nice transition

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (barnabas)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can you do a Scottish accent Mike?)

[Master] LOL

[Master] and I have a plan no worries

[Master] let us pick up at the campsite

[TMO] I *never* worry when the DM has a plan.

[Master] bows

[TMO] I panic.

[Master] see Mike they learn early

[Mike] lol

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Yea, I do not have to cut the fire wood


[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Shall I take second watch?

[Mike] don't worry. when he's got a plan all you gotta do is turn left when he was counting on you turning right.

[Eric W] keep that axe sharp!

[Master] Ilero moved 5'03".

TMO is receiving the map open terrain...

[Master] new map loading

Lisa is receiving the map open terrain...

[Master] Ilero moved 21'02".

TMO has received the map open terrain.

Lisa has received the map open terrain.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ilero moved 42'07".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hoffman moved 18'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Marisu moved 25'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 19'07".

[Master] so everyone settled in?

[Master] you have the new map?

[Master] Eric how big is that protected area that Tristan set up?

[Eric W] Yep i'm here

[Eric W] one sec checking

[Eric W] 50' radius

[Master] Mike sent you the overview map

[Eric W] but i'll keep it tight

[Master] to remind you of what this place looks like

[Mike] yay generic map!

[Master] grins

[Master] so Tristan there is your campsite

[Master] go on and cast that spell

[TMO] (it's not a Magic Eye!)

[Master] the shaded area is the protected area from the spell

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] Tristan Elaire casts a spell against : Create Campsite: Tiny invisible servants run about and setup a campsite for me in a 50' radius area or less.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified:

[Master] those are shrubs around the landscape

[Ilero (TMO)] (just shrubs)

[Master] there are no trees visible around

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] This is very nicely done Tristan

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I appreciate the idea of you controling things, bending them to your will, forcing your self on them to do your bidding

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (Mike just watch the interplay between Jennevive and Tristan then try to figure out which is the evil one and who is the good one)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] umm thanks Jennevive. Please make yourself comfortable around the fire

Aunt Jennevive (Master) smiles

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] bring her Lyre back out and starts to play a soft tune

[Mike] kill them both and let god sort them out

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] are you sending Ilero out on his scouting mission right away?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] or will you let him eat with us first?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I beleive that Branwyn said somethign about a farmhouse to investigate?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] (no after camp was set so he can find his way back)

Marisu (TMO) puts the horses out on a long line to forage. She slips Zephyr a sugar cube while the other horses aren't looking.

[Marisu (TMO)] (note: IRL, I know nothing about taking care of horses.)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Hoffman you were saying that we should go through the caves if we wanted to just attack?

Hoffman (JohnAA) sharpens axes

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] It's oneway

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] catapult would be nice

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If we are just going to attack, we better start with anyone living in the farmhouse.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] but that is not on our list of assets

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you have seen this farmhouse before Branwyn?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And hope that they are as truly evil as you both say.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] perhaps you could show us what it is like?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Ilero could go investigate

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] Laughs Branwyn the destroyer of northern cities is concerned with a few innocent casualties?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] well I do not doubt that any Priest of Hades has good intentions towards either Tristan or myself

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes. If it is inhabited by people from the church they will most likely notice a party riding by.

Aunt Jennevive (Master) looks shocked at Tristan

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I have heard it said Good people worship evil priests

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] er Gods

Branwyn (Lisa) turns sharply to Tristan "Do you really want to have that discussion again?"

[Aunt Jennevive (Master) (to Mike only)] Tristan is refering to She Said Yes!!! and adventure where they saved santa claus by letting a white dragon attack a town that was under siege by canibals,..... see you missed some fun adventures

Tristan Elaire (Eric W) laughs "no really no..."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then you shouldn't bring it up.

Ilero (TMO) prowls around the outside of the circle, getting an idea of the terrain.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] I just find it an amusing curiosity that is all

Tristan Elaire (Eric W) nods "it is forgotten"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There is a trap door in the farmhouse that leads to the caverns that connect to the church.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If they see us go by they can send someone through to warn the church.

[Ilero (TMO)] Spell, maybe?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] at least there was last time you were here

Branwyn (Lisa) shrugs "As a murdering mage who cares not for innocents, the logical thing to do would be to kill anyone residing there before they could warn anyone."

Ilero (TMO) shrugs. "Hokay."

Branwyn (Lisa) crosses her arms and stares into the fire

Hoffman (JohnAA) looks at Brawynn

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Sometimes we kill people because we cannot help it

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] On that we agree Jennevive

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] That sound like a job for me more than llero

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it is up to you to decide if you need to do so

Marisu (TMO) goes to sit next to Branwyn in silent support.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Branwyn, do you think you could help us understand this Farm house a bit better?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] maybe you could draw a map for us?

Hoffman (JohnAA) watches

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] perhaps Ilero and Hoffman can use it to see if there is a way to prevent anyone in the farm house from helping the church

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] I still have reservations giving away our position

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can't draw very well.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But you can't get to the church without going by the farmhouse.

[Hoffman (JohnAA) (to Master only)] have you tried putting page references into the chat like Hoffman ?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm not trying to be argumentative, but this is what it is like.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I did not think it was so important when I thought we were talking first, but if we draw weapons first. This is important.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] At least it seems to be.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (bob can you show the overview map with the roads and the farm and church?)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master) (to JohnAA only)] in the chat long on the site you need to add the extra bracket to make it work but it is just a bit of time to do that

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] what woudl you suggest Branwyn? I would like to hear it

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] sent to Lisa

[Marisu (TMO)] What if we could go silently by the farmhouse so no one could hear us?

[Hoffman (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hoffman modified:

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (the paint layer is now enabled for Lisa to use to attempt to draw the farm house, or you can use drawn objects of rectangles to show things

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok - it does look like there is a different way possible? when we went through we ran into farm and then boom there is church)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (bob - is there a different way?)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (go in through the nose)

[Marisu (TMO)] (eww)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (better than up the,,,,)

Eric W is receiving the map Skull Church overview...

[Marisu (TMO)] (we'd have to dig a long way to reach that)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] the farm house is at the base of the hill

[Eric W] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] oops

[Master] it is ok Eric

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (okay - until bob answers this may be irrelevant)

[Master] anyone can look at it

TMO is receiving the map Skull Church overview...

[Master] you know there is the tunnel from the farm house into under the church

[Master] there is the caves into under the church

[Master] there is the path up the hill to the church

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (when we went last time you were guiding our route - now we can decide and go differently?)

Eric W has left the game on Fri Jan 17 21:06:12 EST 2014

[Master] yes

[Master] last time you visited the farm house first

[Master] you could skip that if you wanted

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (okay then scratch the whole farmhouse thing)

[Master] they will see you coming

[Master] on horseback etc

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I thought that was the only way in)

[Master] Lisa is right about that

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Marisu (TMO)] (test))

Eric W has joined the game on Fri Jan 17 21:07:37 EST 2014

Eric W is receiving the map Inkling...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the map I was remembering was more of a close up map)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so forget all of that as long as nobody minds someone possibly seeing us coming)

Eric W has received the map Inkling.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] well if we are not going to attack the first, it does not seem to matter

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 17 21:09:29 EST 2014

[Master] Lisa sending you the close up farmhouse map

[Master] Branwyn moved 15'02".

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I am just a little confused

[Eric W] Sorry all my computer crapped on me...

[Master] you are ok ERic

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we are going to attack first though aren't we?)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Are we going to sneak up and talk to them?

[Master] Lisa you see that?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (right - that is what I remember and then when we left that we were sent front of church)

[Master] right

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 17 21:10:51 EST 2014

TMO is receiving the map Inkling...

[Master] you went up the path

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (illusion of we are here and then there in an instant)

[Eric W] I'm on the other game... Is that were we are?

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Tristian, I did not think you were prepared for sneaking nor attacking first

[Mike] waaaaiiiit a minute. is this the church where i screamed to kill the priest and no one listened to me?

[Master] Open Trerrain Eric

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Master] yes to Mike

[Eric W] I'm not exactly what you'd call nimble Hoffman


TMO has received the map Inkling.

[Master] grins

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (but it;s a diffrent priest)

Eric W is receiving the map open terrain...

Eric W has received the map open terrain.

[Mike] don't care. i still feel vindicated.

[Master] and good again TMO

[Master] chuckles

[Eric W] same love for death

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] That is not the point and you know it

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Do not let your uneasy partnership make you forget who you are

[Master] and by the way Mike that was four years ago, and many story arcs

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (4 TGR?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Anyway, there is a trapdoor to the church through the farmhouse.

[Master] and in true Dragonslayer form, they never came back to finish off cleaning out the church

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is a way in for us or for people who may live there and see us.

TMO is receiving the map open terrain...

[Master] Branwyn can tell you about what you left behind

TMO has received the map open terrain.

[Mike] i remember that. it was the era of incomplete quests.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We did not use another way in or out except for the passage in the church itself or the one in the farmhouse.

[Master] there is Branwyn's rough drawing of the farmhouse for you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Whatever you decide to do, you should know that it is there.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And there was much left behind becuase we had to leave to meet Ancien and Toybin got in the way and we didn't want to meet an entire horde of goblins.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she is channelling Indigo)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] But now it would be no big deal?

[Eric W] The farmhouse would be a great entrance. I imagine the cave will be warded. At least, that's what I'd have if this was my church. I bet the secret tunnel is the way for them to get in and out.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There were some strange priests down there talking with Toybin. He was not afraid of them but they would not let us pass acertain point.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We did not push the issue. We were looking for a necromancer. We found one and he ran away.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at Hoffman

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You were so angry with me that trip.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I did not know you, nor myself, as I do now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was running into groups of frogs, stepping on glyph stones, touching bloody altars.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I caused all sorts of trouble on that trip.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Brawynn the troubble finder they should call you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is appropriate

[Master] (and so anything before watches? who is where? doing what?)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I would like to reast if I will be on second watch

[Eric W] Has Illero returned?

[TMO] (Ilero on second watch as normal, I assume?)

[Master] yes

[Master] he scouted and came back reporting that the area was clear

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (tristan and jennevive should take a watch)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (cept for the evil priest that charmed him)

[Ilero (TMO)] Is all clear.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (or bad idea?)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (great for RP, bad to BP)

[Eric W] LOL bad idea

[Eric W] I will take first watch. Jennevive should take 2nd (when does she prey night or dawn?)

[Master] grins she prays in the morning, and preys all day long

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she needs to rejuice her spells)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (she still is a priest, so 3rd) [Eric W] lol nice answer

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Which do you want me to take?

[Master] Mike you paying attention?

[Eric W] Ok Marisu and I will take first since she is the less experienced

[Eric W] Illero and Hoffman 2nd

[Eric W] Bran and Jennevive last

[Eric W] work?

[Marisu (TMO)] Oh! Oh.. okay. Sure.

[Mike] yup

[Master] sure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sounds good to me.

[Master] ok

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] /lme lays down

[Master] so first watch

[Master] Marisu and Tristan

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 25'03".

[Master] I think that Tristan has some things to ask talk about with her first

[Eric W] Not it...

[Master] before I have you roll

[Eric W] Not really... I just wanted to make sure I watch over the "weakest" in the group

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] talk to me Tristian, so I may sleep well

[Eric W] Unless i'm forgetting something

[Eric W] (LOL)

[Eric W] Thanks

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] just kidding

[Master] smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she might want to talk to him)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I have already found my piece

Eric W nods to Hoffman

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] just kidding

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I have already found my piece

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] my happy place if you will

Hoffman (JohnAA) rolls over and sleeps

[Eric W] Then shall I roll or did Marisu have something to discuss?

[Master] I think TMO is dealing with his own children

[Master] so go on and roll

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ( I have free range children, so no problems here)

[Marisu (TMO)] (go ahead and roll)

[Eric W] d100?

[Master] d20

[Eric W] (d20) [1d20=1] 1

[Master] SO

[Eric W] told you

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] WOOO HOOO

[Master] Marisu

[Eric W] never let me do that

[Master] you and Tristan are out walking about the perimiter

[Master] looking out over the camp

[Mike] DRAGON!

[Master] make an alerness check

[Eric W] Tristan Elaire: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master (to Mike only)] here it goes

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] WOOO HOOO

[Marisu (TMO)] (no alertness, but have Observation)

[Master (to Eric W only)] you hear wings buzzing up above

[Eric W] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] oh man

[Master (to GM only)] Valedianna moved 128'04".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] Do I see anytni ng?

[Marisu (TMO)] (how close are we to the church?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and youreally don't want to wake the spellcasters who must fight in the morning)

[Master] Tristan sees a man sized person with wings, looks female, flying over head

[Master (to Mike only)] you are on the map and do what you wish

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] I'm going nudge Illero

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (do you beliee in Angels?)

[Mike (to Master only)] dont' see me

[Master (to Mike only)] upper right of the camp

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] Can I make out anything more than that?

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: INU check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (did you want to heal before you sleep?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] just man sized humanoid flying

[Mike] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] armed

[Valedianna (Mike) (to Master only)] the icon on the left is gray

[Master (to Mike only)] we shall see if things need to be adjusted

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but our campsite is camoflauged is it not?)

[Master] yes it is

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] yes 50% of not being seen

[Master] is why the horde of goblins walked right on by

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] LOL

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::The figure spirals down to the ground behind the trees to the north::

[Master] that was the other thing to mention

[Master] (shrubs, no trees)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] So we're in a field basically?

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::shrubs, not trees::

[Master] yes

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::She walks around the shrubs now with a cloak with a hood covering her from head to toe::

[Valedianna (Mike)] Hail the camp!

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] Ok I'm going to wake Bran quietly and ask her if she can tell what it is

[Master] are you sure?

[Master] she will not get her spells back

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (seriously?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (or she will not be taking 3rd watch)

Marisu (TMO) motions Tristan to stop. "I'll talk. You get ready to wake folks if necessary."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hoffman and Ilero can do 2 watches, right? :) )

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] OH

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((i must be a mage. i too need 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep to function))

[Master] chuckels

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] Nevermind then

[Marisu (TMO)] Marisu moved 23'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you can wake us if you need us, but we can't take 3rd watch is all)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] I'll arm my self

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] Ah ok

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] sorry

[Valedianna (Mike) (to Master only)] what's the kingdom they're based out of?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] Does it appear to be buzzing around us?

Marisu (TMO) speaks quietly, but so that her voice will carry to the person. "Who are you?"

[Master (to Mike only)] Drillian

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] or flying by

[Marisu (TMO) (to Master only)] she readies her sound barrier spell.

[Valedianna (Mike)] I'm a traveller. My name is Val. I've been er, walking a really long time. Are you guys friendly?

[Marisu (TMO)] Usually. But this could be hostile territory. How do we know you're friendly to us?

Tristan Elaire (Eric W) looks to our new guest. Depends

[Valedianna (Mike)] Because I haven't attacked you yet? Gods, I hate this stupid mist.

[Valedianna (Mike)] I'm getting close to Drillian, right?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] /nods

Tristan Elaire (Eric W) nods

[Valedianna (Mike)] You guys have a big camp. You have any food with you? I'm travelling light and am pretty hungry. Thought I'd be there by now.

[Marisu (TMO)] Yes, you are. Come ahead, but stay away from the sleepers please. Off over here. My friend over there will keep an eye on us both.

[Marisu (TMO)] Marisu moved 25'11".

[Valedianna (Mike)] Yeah, okay. Dont' need to disturb anyone.

[Valedianna (Mike)] I usually just teleport everywhere. Poof! There you are, you know?

[Valedianna (Mike)] Or maybe you dont' since this stupid mist blocks teleportation.

[Master (to TMO only)] she would recognize her accent as not being from Drillian or the Small Kingdoms, some place far far east of here

[Valedianna (Mike)] I haven't had to travel this far on my own in... well, ever. I really didn't think it would take this long.

Marisu (TMO) smiles. "Handy if you can do it. I normally live outside the Mist, but I've still never teleported anywhere. Please, have a seat. I'll get you something to eat."

[Valedianna (Mike)] Thanks.

[Marisu (TMO)] I'm Marisu. What brings you out this way this late at night?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] What brings you here Valendianaa?

[Master (to Eric W only)] she looks a bit strange to you, not a normal person, does she really have wings? or what is that?

[Valedianna (Mike)] I'm travelling to Drillian to try and find some people.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (the next time we split the party, we need to have an all girl party)

[Master (to Eric W only)] and yes you are in the middle of Drillian so this person is obviously not from around here

[Master] LOL

[Marisu (TMO)] (we could do it. I'm just wondering what substance I was on when I created two teenage girls)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] And who do you seek? We are from those parts?

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ( I always wonder)

[Valedianna (Mike)] I'm looking for a bunch of idiots who call themselves the Dragon Slayers.

[Hoffman (JohnAA) (to Master only)] too easy

Tristan Elaire (Eric W) raises his eyebrow "idiots you say? I have heard they are fierce fighters. Why is it you seek them?"

[Valedianna (Mike)] I can't believe I fl- walked all the way here from ElvenStier.

Marisu (TMO) tilts her head a bit to the side. "Sounds familiar. I think I've heard of them. From south of here, I think. Why are you looking for them?"

Tristan Elaire (Eric W) looks closer at her. (do I see any wings??)

[Valedianna (Mike)] Because they're using OUR name. Well, my brother's group's name. I guess I hang around with them sometimes.

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((covered with a greatcloak))

[Valedianna (Mike)] I suppose it could just be a bunch of would be adventurers trying to sound scary. Could be an honest mistake, but if they're impersonating us, they'll have a lot to answer for.

[Marisu (TMO)] Well, I think they've been using it for quite a while. Is it a problem if two groups far apart have the same name?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] (oh great is this going to be a biker war...Do I have to eat my tabard?)

[Marisu (TMO) (to Master only)] Has Marisu heard of this other group?

[Valedianna (Mike)] Yeah. We're known all over the place. And if this group is doing something stupid, they could ruin our name before we even get there.

[Master (to Eric W only)] this is the Dragonslayers Company a registered Mercenary Unit who has been around for over 75 years, the other group must be the imposters

[Valedianna (Mike)] I'm just supposed to scout them out. See what they're doing and report back.

[Master (to TMO only)] never this is the Dragonslayers Company a registered Mercenary Unit who has been around for over 75 years, the other group must be the imposters

[Valedianna (Mike)] We heard one or two of them got big enough to be all friendly like with some new queen out here.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (we have a rep?)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (brawynn will be soooo upset)

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((you're royal retainers aren't you?))

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((just immagine how Kylia's reacting!))

[Marisu (TMO)] Oh yes, they're quite well known. And they've been around since before my father was born.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] I'm sure when you find them you will see there was an honest mistake. Offers a seat by the fire. Please join us.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (not so Mysterious)

[Valedianna (Mike)] They a bunch of geezers?

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (I can see the next aniversary game already)

[Valedianna (Mike)] Or just long lived?

[Marisu (TMO)] Oh no. I saw some of them at the coronation. They're all young looking.


[Valedianna (Mike)] Huh. Elves? Dwarves?

[Marisu (TMO)] But the company has been around for ages.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Company? Don't tell me it's some millitary unit?

[Hoffman (JohnAA) (to JohnAA only)]

[Master (to TMO only)] remember dwarves are legends have not met Qui yet

[Valedianna (Mike)] If I fle- walked all the way out here for some military company... I'll beat him.

[Marisu (TMO)] Something like that, I think. Mercenaries, maybe? I'm not for sure.

[Master] (John you added an extra period there but yes that would be right)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (I saw)

[Valedianna (Mike)] His god won't save him from me. I'll kill him, have him raised, then beat him to death again!

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (tired)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (and near blind)

[Master] brb

[Hoffman (JohnAA) (to JohnAA only)] MercenaryUnit

[Valedianna (Mike)] Mercenaries? Oh fabulous. Even better. Military group without the class.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (You having fun yet Mike?)

[Valedianna (Mike)] I suppose I should keep going since I'm so close, but I have half a mind to turn around tomorrow morning. You dont' mind if I sleep here, do you? You've got a nice fire.

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((yup))

[Marisu (TMO)] Well, they have enough class to be special guests at the Queen's Coronation. And at least one of them is nobility, I'm pretty sure.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (thought so)

[Valedianna (Mike)] Nobility. Pft. So's my brother and he isn't all that special.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Hell, he basically just built his city in the middle of an empty forest and everyone started calling him Lord.

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::waves her hand in the air like she was waving away a puff of smoke::

[Master] b

Marisu (TMO) laughs quietly. "Well, our nobility has been around just a bit longer than that. So hopefully it means a bit more. But I'm sorry you came all this way for nothing.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Not that there's anything wrong with Greenborough. It's a nice place. Don't get me wrong.

[Hoffman (JohnAA) (to Master only)] did you fake the roll for this encounter?

[Master (to JohnAA only)] nope

[Valedianna (Mike)] Yeah. me too. Say, whatare you guys doing way out here anyway?

[Marisu (TMO)] Oh, we're just travelling cross country between towns.

[Valedianna (Mike)] I mean, I didn't just land myself in the middle of a bandit camp, did I?

[Valedianna (Mike)] Not that I have anything against bandits. Hard working folk. Very misunderstood.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] No we are no bandits

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (hee heee)

Marisu (TMO) laughs again. "That would be a pickle, wouldn't itt. But I promise you we're not bandits, Val."

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] brb

[Valedianna (Mike)] Well, I hope you don't mind but I"ll just sleep over there. And set up a ward. No offence.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (look at Tristina, does he look like a bandit, maybe The Bandit, but not a bandit)

[Marisu (TMO)] None taken. And no offence if we keep an eye on you as well, I hope? Rest well!

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((not sure how to do a proper roll anymore but..))

[Valedianna (Mike)] /roll d100

[Valedianna (Mike)] nope

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (d100) [1d100=77] 77

[Master] curly bracket

[Master] d whatever

[Master] end curly bracket

[Valedianna (Mike)] (d100) [1d100=64] 64

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (d123) [1d123=116] 116

[Master] or use the dice panel

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::pulls out a scroll and reads it, then curses silently and pulls out another one::

[Valedianna (Mike)] (d100) [1d100=9] 9

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::the scroll glows as its effect takes place::

[Valedianna (Mike)] See? Warded. I'll know if you come near now.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Just gonna go to sleep now. No funny business, okay?

Marisu (TMO) nods cheerily. "You have my word, Val. Sleep well, you're in safe hands."

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((let's just say Fin gave her some scrolls with that spell that wakes you if a circle around you is entered. forget what spell it is specifically

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] sorry back

[Marisu (TMO)] (that's okay. That's the kind of situation Marisu was made for)

[Marisu (TMO)] (People Skills!!!)

[Master] and then nothing else

[Master] I want to see Marisu and Tristan wake the next watch

[Master] and explain this to them

[Marisu (TMO)] Marisu: Fast Talking check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (I was ready for that

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (but now you ruined it)

[Master] smile

[Master] go for it

[Master] then a d20

[Master] then wake branwyn and explain this to HER

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] LOL

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ah, Tristian, I just did a head count and we have an extra one

[Marisu (TMO)] (LOL)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] did I miss someting

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Did you want me to kill one of them?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] Indeed we do Hoffman! We have a guest. Keep an eye on her.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] lol

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] your choice

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] no no

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] HEr, sure no problem

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] just watch her. she may be an ally. We do not know yet

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] Perhaps Cahus has sent me assistance on my quest

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] don't tell me, I don't know I don;t have to tell Brawynn

[Master] Hoffman won't do it Ielro will!

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] lol yes let Illero he has a way with words

[Marisu (TMO)] Just tell her I'll explain in the morning, Hoffman. I talked with her, and she seemed okay. She's looking for the Dragonslayers. So we'll see if anyone knows where they are once we're all awake.

Marisu (TMO) smiles and winks.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ah, she found some of them, does she know that

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] do you?

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] not me but you know

Hoffman (JohnAA) points to Brawynn

Marisu (TMO) blinks at the wonderful subtlety of Hoffman's mind.

[Master] claps

[Tristan Elaire (Eric W)] (lol)

Hoffman (JohnAA) scratches he head, confused again

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] sleep well, most likely kill sothing in the morning

[Master] very nice

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (d20) [1d20=2] 2

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (and maybe tonight)

Marisu (TMO) nods. "Yes, I'm hoping she'll know something she can tell Val in the morning that will put her on the trail.

[Master] so

[Master] checking my list

[Marisu (TMO)] But I thought it best not to wake her right now.

[Master] did not plan on two extrordinary encounters for the evening

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((The last of the pumpkin beer. le sigh))

[Master] got it

[Master] Mike, Val is protected from anything? or just warded? so she gets a warning

[Marisu (TMO)] (wyvern watch, maybe?)

[Valedianna (Mike)] yeah. just a warning

[Master] Skunk #2 moved 29'02".

[Ilero (TMO)] Crazy people here.

[Master] and Val is woken by her warning permemiter

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Hoffman: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Master] and Ilero can check also

[Valedianna (Mike)] Quick as she can she takes to the sky

[Master] Skunk #2 moved 10'01".

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] Skunk #2 moved 3'00".

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Night Vision check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[Master] Skunk #2 targets Valedianna. Distance: 1185'00"

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((god damnit pepe!))

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (new guy bait)

[Master] so what you see is a giant skunk as big as a person come wandering out of the shrubs, goes up to Val and starts sniffing around for food or what ever

[Master] Val panics and ZOOOMS flying into the sky

[Master] which Ilero and Hoffman see

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (was I suposed to watch her or just keep an eye on her?)

[Ilero (TMO)] T'at's new...

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Oh sure

[Master] and now there is a giant skunk out there nosing around

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] you tell Brawynn, not me

[Master] and apparently looking to come towards you

[Ilero (TMO)] Hunh..

[Master] what do you want to do

[Ilero (TMO)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is now ARMED.

[Ilero (TMO)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Growl

[Ilero (TMO)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is now ARMED.

Ilero (TMO) grabs some food and chucks it over by the skunk, away from the camp.

Hoffman (JohnAA) walks over stomping and growling

[Master] (1d20) [1d20=3] 3

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] /stops when see llero has it

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] handled

[Master] and the skunk turns and raises its tail at Hoffman

Ilero (TMO) tries to slide the Hand to the other side so it can drag the food farther away from the camp once the skunk is interested in it.

[Master] then moves over towards the food

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] starts to hummm

Hoffman (JohnAA) steps back

[Master (to Mike only)] and no not pepe just coincidence but good to have to explain what that outburst was about, grins

Ilero (TMO) slowly pulls the food farther away from the camp.

[Master] ok

[Ilero (TMO)] (I love the Hand)

[Master] so

[Ilero (TMO)] :D

[Master] Val sees a giant skunk come up to her

[Master] then a silver metal hand floats out

[Master] carrying food to the skunk

[Master] and then dragging it away from your camp

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::circles overhead::

[Ilero (TMO)] Best not mess wit' skunks.

[Master] and yes Hoffman and Ilero see your new aquaintance flying in circles over the camp now

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] sure sure, little diffrent then the frogs from the swampls

[Ilero (TMO)] Frogs not stink.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] no and they do not fly

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::lands:: Listen you two, I made a deal with the last guy on watch. You don't bother me, got it?

[Ilero (TMO)] True. What friend doing now?

[Master] you can wake branwyn and jennivive when you are ready

[Ilero (TMO)] Hokay. You camp clear now.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I tend to bother people at first but it can wait till morning

[Valedianna (Mike)] Uh... Okay? I think? ::lies back down::

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] it's your turn to wake Brawynn

Ilero (TMO) grins widely in the dark. "Fun!"

[Ilero (TMO)] (brb - only a sec)

[Ilero (TMO)] (back)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (are the wings always visible?)

[TMO] Ilero targets Branwyn. Distance: 2'01"

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((well, she covers them back up with the cloak

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((and they're bat wings, not feathered))

[Ilero (TMO)] Wake, Branwyn. Time for watch.

Branwyn (Lisa) stretches and rolls over "Already? All right. Thanks"

[Ilero (TMO)] Gots company.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What do you mean?

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] well your awake, night night

[Ilero (TMO)] Lady came after dark. Marisu talk her. She say Marisu explain in morning. Lady sleep outside camp. She flies. G'night.

Aunt Jennevive (Master) yawn

Branwyn (Lisa) stands up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Flies?

Aunt Jennevive (Master) looks at Branwyn

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I know he is hard to understand sometimes

Ilero (TMO) gestures upward. "Zip. Skunk come by, wake her."

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] did he say there is a lady that flys sleeping outisde?

Branwyn (Lisa) nods

[Ilero (TMO)] She sleep again now.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] are you sure it is not a dragonfly Ilero?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] did you put her to sleep?

[Ilero (TMO)] Nope.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] perhaps we should?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you let a stranger walk up to our camp and just to to sleep next to us?

[Ilero (TMO)] She say has ward

[Ilero (TMO)] Nope.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] against us?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] this is better and better

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] next I suppose you offered her breakfast

[Ilero (TMO)] Yep. G'night.

[Ilero (TMO)] Nope.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well if she has stayed through two watches and has done nothing she can stay through a third I suppose.

Aunt Jennevive (Master) looks at Branwyn

Aunt Jennevive (Master) opens mouth

Aunt Jennevive (Master) closes mouth

Aunt Jennevive (Master) shrugs

Hoffman (JohnAA) peeks to see reaction

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There's going to be enough killing soon enough.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you want to put her out that's fine, but I am saving my energy.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I suppose I will follow your lead

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Besides, if you don't mind, there's something I want to show you.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you seem to have a way of

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] yes?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] These priest scrolls work like magic scrolls do they not?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A priest can just use it even if they aren't of that church?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] well they are magic if that is what you mean

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] OH

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] no

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] well

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] which is it?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I would venture that it is complicated

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] there are spells that are unique to a church

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No surprise there

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] that are closely guarded secrets not let out to others outside the faith

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] others that are common to all faiths

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] baptisim for example

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I have blessed several people and brought them into the light

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (some just use fire, some water)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] as I am sure that others do

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] why do you ask?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] so if I had a greek scroll that could possibly help us, no one could use it but Greeks? You couldn't read it and have it work?

Aunt Jennevive (Master) eyrow quirks up

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] eyebrow

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it would depend on the spell

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I would have a chance at making it work most definately

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Mage scrolls are much friendlier. Open read and cast.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] ahhh but only a Mage can use your scrolls where as most Priest scrolls are for anyone to use

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] protection from cold, from heat

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] etc

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Want to take a look? I swear I hand this scroll to every priest I meet an no one will even look at it.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] /smiles

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I have no fear of any magic tainted by the blasmemous

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] what is this scroll?

[Ilero (TMO)] (scroll of illiteracy)

Branwyn (Lisa) goes over and digs around in chest until she finds it.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Here it is! Here, take a look.

Branwyn (Lisa) holds out scroll

[Valedianna (Mike)] oh this will be fun

[Ilero (TMO)] ("As you read this scroll, you wilx lxse xhe axilxxy xo xexd axx wxxtxxn xxxx.")

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (searching for that one, do you know when you found it?)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (funny)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sorry I don't remember. We find a lot of scrolls you know.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] LOL

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It has been a long time.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (is this the third encounter?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we haven't rolled yet - just want someone to pretty please read the scroll)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (Qui would)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (it could be a sinking church church scroll)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (he has find traps)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (kill the archbishop of your choice scroll)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (carefull what you wish for)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (or could be an ice tea recipe - but we won't know until we read it)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] ok

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I have it

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (you may just get it)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] opens the scroll and starts to read

Branwyn (Lisa) watches Jennevive intently

[Valedianna (Mike)] brb

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (she was not on our side anyway)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] this is very interesting

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it is a spell called Searing Song

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it seems to be from a God of Music

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] perhaps Apollo?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I would have to consider who does such things

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No idea.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it is very unique and powerful but limited

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it does less than the damage of one simple cure light wounds spell

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But this could cause damage with sound. Do you think tristan or you could cast it if wanted?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] however it is sound so it penetrates any and all magic barriers

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh so it is not very useful.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] even those that would normally prevent sound like silence

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] well

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sarnegar always said some opera singers could sing and break glass. I wonder if this would do that.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it would be useful to penetrate prepared defenses

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] that woudl force the caster to take damage

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and force them to drop their defenses

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it is an interesting spell

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is interesting. We should tell Tristan in the morning. You and he could cast from this scroll, correct?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I do believe that he could cast this spell

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it is not somethign I am familiar with the detailed workings of

[Valedianna (Mike)] back

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good. Then you can explain it to him in the morning. He will be very pleased.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And perhaps you and he can mend fences a bit.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (HA!)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I would prefer there be no fences between us

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I am hopeful that he will see reason when this is all over

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] we need to respect each other's right to live

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I believe he has a future in the church

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm sure we will all be having a long talk when this is over, but no sense worrying about it until then.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] IF he can learn to accept that not all will be like him

[Valedianna (Mike)] if you mend fences, doesn't that actually BUILD the fence between you?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm not entirely sure we will all be alive to have a conversation tomorrow night.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I intend to be alive

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and I expect that you will too

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is my plan, but you never know.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] a plan works only when you insist that it does

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But a well placed spell can blow the best laid plans all to hell.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] but if your plan is to be flexible and overcome?

[Ilero (TMO)] (spoken like a true mage)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] smile

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] shall we wake the others?

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (I plan on going to bed)

Branwyn (Lisa) looks out at the sky

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (and now would be the time for you to roll a d20 lisa)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=5] 5

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] LOL

[JohnAA] just waiting to see if there is an encounter

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you guys just want it to happen tonight

[Master] OK

[Master] so

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not especially)

[Master] only a 20 percent chance the goblins find you on teh way back in (1d100) [1d100=57] 57

[Master] and no

[Ilero (TMO)] (throw a carrot at them. worked last time)

[Master] you see them heading back towards the church

[JohnAA] just waiting to see if there is an encounter

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how many?)

[Master] and they contindue past you

[Master] at least 20 maybe as many as 50

[JohnAA] I missed that , I was disconnected for a min

[Master] Time of Day: 07:19 AM. Day 4 Ced ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 4th, 343 SKR.

[JohnAA] what just walked by

[Ilero (TMO)] 20-50 goblins

[JohnAA] ok

[Master] and it is morning

[JohnAA] it's morning, I can go to bed

[Master] Eric you back yet/

[Lisa] Ilero no longer targets Branwyn.

[JohnAA] good nught all

[Ilero (TMO)] (gnite)

[JohnAA] night

[JohnAA] day

[Branwyn (Lisa)] goodnight John!

[JohnAA] week

[Master] Branwyn can talk to Val now

[JohnAA] year

[Master] see you on the site John

JohnAA has left the game on Fri Jan 17 22:59:38 EST 2014

[Master] so Mike

[Master] Val wakes up in one piece in the morning

[Master] with Tristan, Ilero, Marisu, Branwyn starying at her

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::stretches:: Thanks for the camp. I don't suppose you could spare some breakfast?

[Ilero (TMO)] (has Marisu had time to fill Branwyn in?)

[Master] no

[Master] she can do so now

[Marisu (TMO)] Good morning all! Can I introduce you to Val? She came by after dark last night. She didn't seem an immediate threat so I let her sleep on the edge of our camp rather than wake everybody up. She's looking for the Dragonslayers. Apparently, her brother is the head of another Dragonslayers to the east, and he thinks our Dragonslayers are copying him. So, I thought once everyone was awake, we could maybe give her some idea where to find the real Dragonslayers? Maybe in Jistille, you think? Or somewhere else?

[Marisu (TMO)] (WALL OF TEXT!)

[Marisu (TMO)] (tl;dr)

[Master] chuckles

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Marisu with confusion

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We are nopt copying anyone and there is not one Dragonslayers unit.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We don't have time for this.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not today.

[Marisu (TMO)] I told her the Dragonslayers was old and not copying anyone.

[Master] Miranda XP award: 150. Level-up!

[Master] Shurkural XP award: 150. Next level in 7430.

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos XP award: 100. Next level in 377.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 150. Next level in 42652.

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel XP award: 100. Next level in 6313.

[Master] Imari XP award: 200. Next level in 15653.

[Master] Ilero XP award: 200. Next level in 10367.

[Master] Marisu XP award: 150. Next level in 2200.

[Master] Tristan Elaire XP award: 200. Next level in 18462.

[Master] Hoffman XP award: 200. Next level in 8661.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 200. Next level in 121766.

[Master] Valedianna XP award: 150. Next level in 36113.

[Marisu (TMO)] And I thought waiting until everyone was awake was better than waking people up.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you! I'm glad you didn't wake me up for that.

[Valedianna (Mike)] We? Wait, YOU'RE the dragon slayers? You don't look like much of a mercenary unit.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Though you sure sound like Kylia...

[Valedianna (Mike)] just what the world needs.

Branwyn (Lisa) turns her head and looks over to see who is speaking

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We may not look much like a mercenary unit because you are only seeing half of us at the moment.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you are?

Marisu (TMO) turns around. "Let me introduce you to the real Dragonslayers Company. Marquessa Branwyn the Mysterious. Sir Tristan Elaire of Cahus. Prince Ilero Sauscha of Blackwater. Hoffman. And me, Marisu.

[Marisu (TMO)] And Aunt Jennevieve of Brennios.

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::gets up and dusts herself off:: I'm Valedianna, member of the Dragon Slayers based out of the Wolfspack area.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Once some of you got those fancy titles we started hearing about you out our way. We've had problems with mistaken identities before.

[Valedianna (Mike)] So my brother, one of the leaders sent me otu to find you guys and see who you were.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Make sure you weren't pretending to be us.

Marisu (TMO) fades off to the side, her primary role done. Now to let the important people talk.

[Marisu (TMO)] Marisu moved 20'00".

[Master] (See Trade Wars Era from 2009 for some details)

[Valedianna (Mike)] Mari there made it sound like you were a military unit. I was about to just go home without worrying about it.

[Valedianna (Mike)] But now I feel like I better do a thorough job of it.

[Master] (sorry 2008)

[Valedianna (Mike)] (god, was it that long ago?)

[Marisu (TMO)] (back when I was still in daipers, eh?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We are a military unit of sorts. A detached mercenary unit of Dragonslayers Company.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This was not a name we gave ourselves.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Well, I suppose that's not so bad. We don't come this way due to the mist I suppose. So we never heard of you.

[Marisu (TMO)] (I need something cool to call Hoffman next time Marisu is called upon to do introductions)

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((just call him the Hoff))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I, for one, was hired by Sergeant Snowfoot to be part of Dragonslayers Company. This was the name we were given.

[Valedianna (Mike)] ((all dem germanic based ladies will swoon))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (poor guy needs a title)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I for one have never even slain a dragon.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So if you are intent to have the name returned to you that is fine with me.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Friends and foes know where to find me if they want me.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Wait, wait, wait, you belong to an army called the dragon slayers, who haven't ever slain a dragon?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Me personally? No.

[Valedianna (Mike)] That's, uh, kind of false advertizing, isn't it?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have fought them off. But killed? No.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hoffman is our Dragonslayer.

[Valedianna (Mike)] He's killed one?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] much to my chagrin, yes.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Well, where you guys heading?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] To the church up the way there.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Oh. Mass. Right. Sounds... fun?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There will be blood spilled, perhaps you should go to the Jistelle Keep. Tell Medoro to take care of you until we return.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Blood? You guys doing sacrifices?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do I look like a priest?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I do not perform sacrifices.

[Valedianna (Mike)] No, but neither do half the priests back home.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So ilero told me you could fly?

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::shrugs:: Yeah.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You do not look like a mage. What sort of creature are you?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you don't mind me asking.

[Valedianna (Mike)] I'm a winged elf.

[Valedianna (Mike)] You know, the Avariel?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So you are like a huge fairy?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well you aren't huge. but compared to little fairies ....

[Valedianna (Mike)] Yeah.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you have come to kill dragonslayers that steal your good name?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If that is the case, can you wait until tomorrow to try anything?

[Valedianna (Mike)] Not so much, no. Just check you out.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is a relief.

[Valedianna (Mike)] I'll let my brother know what's going on, then him and Kylia and Paul will make the big decisions.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at Valedianna

[Valedianna (Mike)] They don't really go for the whole killing thing.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Unless they have to.

[Valedianna (Mike)] They they tend to level cities. Once it was by mistake.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are really talking to the wrong person.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Althought Kylia and Finglas might come bluster about at you if they don't like what you're doing. They're like that.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You should find Sergeant Snowfoot and ask why she gave us this name. It was not a name of our choosing.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Paul will probably just shrug and go back to studying. He's pretty easy going.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Listen, I just flew a loooooong way. I think I'll just follow you and see what you're about. I don't really feel like trying to find anyone else at the moment.

Marisu (TMO) is relieved that her second attempt at helping the group didn't blow up like the first one did.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is really not a good day for this ....

[Valedianna (Mike)] Well not if you're going to sacrifise, no. I gotta say, that's going to be a black mark in their books.

[Valedianna (Mike)] They're both priests. Of the good variety, you see.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is really not a good day for this ....

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lagging again)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You will need to speak with Tristan. He is on a holy mission and I do not want to do anything without his approval.

[Valedianna (Mike)] So he's the one doing the sacrificing? Is it vergins?

[Valedianna (Mike)] I bet it's virgins.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks over at Ilero and Marisu "Why were you looking so tentative over there? There won't be any battles until we get to the church. Promise!"

[Valedianna (Mike)] nothing sacrifices like a good virgin. Although I've always wondered why. Does their blood taste better or something?

Branwyn (Lisa) looks over at Valedianna "worse than virgins. greeks!"

[Valedianna (Mike)] Battles? What kind of crazy church do you go to?

[Valedianna (Mike)] And before you ask, no I'm not a virgin.

Marisu (TMO) keeps quiet.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is not our church.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But it is requested that we remove some undesirables who have taken residence there.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So here we are.

[Marisu (TMO)] (hint: mercenaries)

[Valedianna (Mike)] Ooooh. So you're going to kill the poor priests at this church?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (this is not a DS mission)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not this time - this is a holy crusade)

[Valedianna (Mike)] Yeah, that's not going to be a good mark for you, either.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (fight the infidel and so forth)

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Please talk to Tristan.

[Marisu (TMO)] (oh, that'll make things better!

[Master] lol

[Marisu (TMO)] :D

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Indigo's is a DS mission as the Queen has called them)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (tristan's higher up's called him personally and we are in for support)

[Marisu (TMO)] (we're just here to plunder for our friends)

[Marisu (TMO)] (and Jennevieve)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (her too)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How far away is Wolfspack from here?

[Master] (thousands of miles)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you travel such great distances by yourself. You must be pretty capable of handling trouble.

[Valedianna (Mike)] Couple thousand miles or so.

[Valedianna (Mike)] ::shrugs:: I can get away from it pretty qucik.

[Master] just under 2,000 miles as teh crow flys

[Marisu (TMO)] (grumps that she's the same level as Ilero, but nearly double the HP)

[Master] not sure if Eric is going to make it back

[Master] do you want to call it a night here?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] sounds good

[Master] and pick up in the morning the next time with this story arc?

[Marisu (TMO)] (works for me too)

[Lisa] we need him at this point

[Marisu (TMO)] (can do the conversation with Tristan on the site)

[Master] yes

[Lisa] Jennevive can explain the scroll to him on the website

[Valedianna (Mike)] ok.

[Master] Mike you saw there is an RSS feed now too

[Valedianna (Mike)] nope

[Master] is on teh Updates Page

[Master] lots of fun stuff there

[Master] good to have you back

[Lisa] It was such a great surprise!

[Lisa] so you will be in next week?

[Valedianna (Mike)] probably.

[Valedianna (Mike)] i might be late

[Valedianna (Mike)] we usually do happy hour till 7.

[Valedianna (Mike)] well, order our last beer at 7, so 730

[Valedianna (Mike)] then home is 15 minutes away.

[Lisa] that fits in with about the time Eric makes it in

[Lisa] so will coincide well

[Master] Ok will save this and close down

[Valedianna (Mike)] cool cool. well i'm wiped. night all.

[Master] night everyone

[Lisa] goodnight!

Mike has left the game on Fri Jan 17 23:46:26 EST 2014

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 17 23:46:33 EST 2014

[Marisu (TMO)] gnite!

Eric W has left the game on Fri Jan 17 23:46:34 EST 2014

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 17 23:46:40 EST 2014

XP awarded