Main / Jan1808

Jan 18 08 - The Dragon! The Dragon! The Dragon!

[mikE of DOOM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 18 19:07:19 EST 2008 ====

BOB has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:07:47 EST 2008

BOB is receiving the map Dragon-Cave...

BOB has received the map Dragon-Cave.

BOB has left the game on Fri Jan 18 19:08:02 EST 2008

BOB has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:09:44 EST 2008

BOB is receiving the map Dragon-Cave...

BOB has received the map Dragon-Cave.

Arilyn has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:10:42 EST 2008

[Arilyn] hello!

[mikE of DOOM] hey

[BOB] hello there

[Arilyn] so...just me so far hmm?

[BOB] Lorie is trying

[mikE of DOOM] lorie's having problems logging in

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:12:09 EST 2008

[BOB] is Hans home?

[BOB] I know Marco is not going to be on

[BOB] have not seen Kaz yet after coming back

[Arilyn] Hans is still in Japan

[Lorie] Evening Christy!

[BOB] so iffy if Hans makes it, and no Marco

[Arilyn] hey there!

[Arilyn] Hans is going to try and log in.

[Arilyn] he has to stake out a location where the internet works

[Lorie] It's got to be difficult

[Lorie] How are you managing with the kids?

Lorie is receiving the map Dragon-Cave...

Lorie has received the map Dragon-Cave.

[Arilyn] we're doing okay. i'm exhausted but we're okay.

[mikE of DOOM] might i suggest duct tape?

[mikE of DOOM] it'll keep them still, and you won't be as tired. =D

[mikE of DOOM] you can even make it a gaime. whoever stays hung up on the wall longest wins

[Lorie] Are they excited for High School Musical Around the World tonight?

[Arilyn] they don't know HSM. I haven't let hem watch it

[Lorie] Ahhhh...

[Arilyn] I just don't see what a 6 yr old will get out of a movie about high schoolers

[mikE of DOOM] you could let them watch schindler's list. it's educational

[Lorie] Gotcha...

[Arilyn] and I like the duct tape idea but I understand you can be arrested for that sort of thing

[mikE of DOOM] well... call it a vacation.

[BOB] only electrified duct tape

[BOB] regular duct tape is just a warning

[BOB] or you can say it is a habit he brought home from Japan

[BOB] and Korea

[mikE of DOOM] okay, now do you guys have any ideas of what you're going to do about this situation you're in?

[BOB] and it is a cultural issue, they have to adjust their thinking to match your way of life

[Arilyn] i alreadt told ypu guys my plan...

[mikE of DOOM] at this point, you just lost one of your not confused people, and he was the one holding hans down.

[Lorie] Well... I think we need to review the rules. Since we were told not to attack anything

[Lorie] So... attacking goes against the rules

[mikE of DOOM] yup. damage to the cave/contents is a bad thing.

[mikE of DOOM] yup.

[Lorie] clearly the drow aren't following the rules..

[mikE of DOOM] oh, there's no restrictions on them.

[Lorie] So... I have two options... continue to hack

[Arilyn] i'll be wandering or whacking people randomly

[mikE of DOOM] and even if there were, would that really suprise you if they broke the rules?

[Lorie] and I die...contingency kicks in and I go back to Roadhaven

[mikE of DOOM] yeah. at this point you won't survive.

[Lorie] No...not surprised in the slightest

[mikE of DOOM] with you two, only lorie coherent...

[Lorie] Option 2... to hell with the rules (since I'm not LG) and I kick some drow ass

[Lorie] (apologies to Christy for the language)

[mikE of DOOM] hah.

[Lorie] Since we aren't going to have more players... I don't have a lot of other options

[mikE of DOOM] brb

[Lorie] They are going to take me down first and then go after the rest of the party

[Lorie] And Mike will have accomplished the one goal BOB gave him of killing Kylia... :: Much rejoycing ensues from the group ::

[Arilyn] hans will be logging in shortly

[Lorie] Did I miss anything in my assessment of the situation

[Arilyn] he just called me and is getting his stuff together to go find a place to set up.

[Arilyn] he said it looks like the hotel internet is back up so he'll probably only have to go to the lobby

[Arilyn] the signal is too weak in his room to stay on

[Lorie] okies

[Arilyn] Japan in like a third world country

[Lorie] He's confused as well...

[Arilyn] yep, so he won't be much help right now

[Arilyn] try a little of that super drangonslayer diplomacy

[Arilyn] uh, wait...

[Arilyn] we don't really have those skills in abundance

[Lorie] Mike / BOB -- I can't seem to open my character sheet. Am I doing something wrong?

[Arilyn] are they really set on killing us?

[Arilyn] maybe they just wanted to get you in the dark for "other" reasons :)

[Lorie] Ha.

[Arilyn] pinch a drow behind and pretend that's what you wanted the whole time.

[mikE of DOOM] back

[mikE of DOOM] we had to go watch the 7th annual ninja parade

[Arilyn] ninjas on parade?

[Arilyn] is that televised from Key West? All the weird parades seem to happen there.

[Arilyn] San Francisco?

[mikE of DOOM] i'm not intent on killing anyone. lorie is insisting on taking a joke seriously and personally

[mikE of DOOM] modesta, ca

[mikE of DOOM] it was very successful, and once again not one ninja was seen

[mikE of DOOM] they were able to sneak past everyone on the parade route this year.

[Arilyn] tose are some sneaky ninjas

[mikE of DOOM] i really would have rather you guys though of a less violent, less dying method for this

[Arilyn] we can still pull it off

[Arilyn] maybe...

[mikE of DOOM] i can open it. it should be fine...

[Lorie] No violence has been done on OUR part

[mikE of DOOM] have i mentioned how much i hate klooge yet tonight?

[Lorie] so finding a non-violent approach will continue with what we were already doing

[BOB] networks, not Klooge

[Arilyn] not yet, but it's early

[mikE of DOOM] non violent doesn't just mean sit there and get killed either.

[Lorie] I can't access my character currently, so can't look at my spell list

[mikE of DOOM] can you roll dice from it? move it around?

[Lorie] In doors, as an elemental priest are a bit limited

[Lorie] no

[Lorie] I can't open my character sheet, can't move her, can't target

[mikE of DOOM] you should be able to access your spell list from the dice roller

[Arilyn] well I, for one, do not want to sit and be killed but I am confused so I don't have much to say about that

[mikE of DOOM] huh

[mikE of DOOM] can you open anyone elses?

Arilyn is receiving the map Dragon-Cave...

Arilyn has received the map Dragon-Cave.

[Lorie] Nope

[Lorie] I just tried Lyl, Moirra and Percy

[mikE of DOOM] can you christy?

[Arilyn] I can open mine and Lorie's

[mikE of DOOM] bob can too

[BOB] I can show the character shee

[mikE of DOOM] unless bob has something up his sleeve i'd suggest quitting and reopening

[Lorie] very strange

[mikE of DOOM] that fixes half the klooge problems

[Lorie] Fair enough

[Lorie] I can just log

[mikE of DOOM] ok

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jan 18 19:37:27 EST 2008

Percival has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:37:35 EST 2008

[mikE of DOOM] hey hans

[mikE of DOOM] how're you?

[BOB] hello Hans, how is tomorrow looking?

[mikE of DOOM] have fun playing with bibo in tokyo?

[Percival] It seems as if I only get dial-up speeds here at the Air Force hotel...

[mikE of DOOM] cheap military

[Percival] Howdy!

[Percival] yeah...

[BOB] if that is what tomorrow land is like I want to go to frontier land instead, at least we get river rafts

Client has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:40:03 EST 2008

[Client] Hi gang, it's Kaz

[Client] Sorry I'm late

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:40:34 EST 2008

[Arilyn] hello all!


[BOB] where have you been sense I have been back?

[Vicki] hi

[Kaz] Right where I always am!

[mikE of DOOM] hey kaz, hey vicki

[Kaz] Welcome home [Vicki] sorry I'm late

Vicki is receiving the map Dragon-Cave...

Vicki has received the map Dragon-Cave.

Kaz is receiving the map Dragon-Cave...

Kaz has received the map Dragon-Cave.

Percival is receiving the map Dragon-Cave...

Percival has received the map Dragon-Cave.

[mikE of DOOM] okay, so kibitz

[mikE of DOOM] think of something that doesnt' involve dying

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so the drow need someone to talk to them

[BOB] and convince them we are only here to steal and not to kill?

[Vicki] who can?

[Kaz] we're not here to steal, either

[Kaz] why does it keep wanting to make me do italics?

[Kaz] every time I hit the enter key, I get the italics code

[Vicki] I don't see in italics

[Kaz] I'm not typing italics, I'm backing over the code

[Arilyn] we're only here to...what are we here again?

[BOB] is the I button depressed?

[BOB] ---->

[Kaz] *hufflemutter*

[Vicki] we're here to get the dragon i think

[Kaz] thanks Bob

[Arilyn] for what?

[Kaz] no, we're here to talk to the dragon, I would say

[Vicki] ((pardon, but I'm just a bit disoriented))

[mikE of DOOM] you're here for a goblet it is in possession of

Percival Walking around, admiring the way the rough-hewn walls are so evenly striated...

Percival hmmmmm...

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

Percival What was I doing here? Can't remember... Can't focus...

Moirra (Kaz) lunges to grab Percival's hand again and keep him away from possible traps

[Moirra (Kaz)] Please! Just stop this, there's no need to fight.

[mikE of DOOM] arylin is the one you need to worry about now

[mikE of DOOM] she's not got ramone to hold her in place anymore

[Arilyn] I believe I was lst trying to whack someone

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I can't really do much about Arilyn, she'd kill me))

[BOB] ok, so Lylyyn know what the cup looks like

[BOB] make her invis

Percival Go help her. I'm fine. I'm just going to look at these rocks over here...

[BOB] and send her in to pick it up

[BOB] her and Val can go in and get it

[Arilyn] Ramone was holding me

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((the problem with that, is that now it's part of the dragon's loot, and we'd be stealing it))

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] who and val?

[BOB] borrowing

[BOB] not stealing

[BOB] taking it out to have it polished

[BOB] appraised

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((they don't mean to return it, so it's stealing))

[BOB] and then bring it back in better shape

[BOB] Lyly is not wacko right nwo right?

[BOB] Kylia Val Lyl

[BOB] the rest are eating the paint chips?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Moirra's fine))

[Arilyn] just me and Percy

[Arilyn] gotta get some kids into pjs-brb

[Arilyn] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] so this is easy

[BOB] talk to the drow

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] how?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I just tried to get them to stop fighting. No response.))

[BOB] show them the nice dragon snack all wrapped up in shiney armor for him

[BOB] you are just waiters bringing lunch

[BOB] the drow let you by

[BOB] and then you deal with the dragon later

[BOB] drow first

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] oh ok

[BOB] firery death later

[BOB] Kylia is ok with that right?

[BOB] "pretending" to have Percy snacks

Percival Which way do we go? That way? ::pointing east::

[Moirra (Kaz)] No, Percival, come back this way.

Percival Looking up to ceiling. Who is that?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Who, Percival?

Percival There's that voice again!

[mikE of DOOM] we're not doing anything yet guys.

Percival Looking behind himself.

[BOB] I think after this bit do healing and then the dragon

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] That's Moirra.

[mikE of DOOM] i'm letting you come to a decision, then we'll start the combat again

[BOB] ok, so Moirra can move forward, and get at least one more in her radius

[BOB] while she talks

[Percival] Well let's do it already. We've spent 3 player hours on 3 character rounds...

[BOB] Lyly can grab Percy

[mikE of DOOM] okay...

[BOB] is that good all around?

[mikE of DOOM] percy wanders

[Percival] Testing

[BOB] Lyl you grab Percy?

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] in the dark?

Percival has left the game on Fri Jan 18 20:02:09 EST 2008

[BOB] Marco

[BOB] Polo

[BOB] Marco

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] ok...

[BOB] Marco

[BOB] Polo

[BOB] you can get it done

Lyllyllyn (Vicki) sighs

[BOB] and Moirra can talk and help

[mikE of DOOM] "Wait? Fine. I'll humor you since we can kill you at any point right now. What can you have to say that we will care about?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] This is silly. We're not here to interfere with you, or whatever it is you're doing here. So why don't you go do whatever you're doing, and we'll do what we're doing?

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 20:05:03 EST 2008

[Moirra (Kaz)] There's no need for fighting, and it's not what we're here for.

Lorie is receiving the map Dragon-Cave...

Lorie has received the map Dragon-Cave.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Hi Lorie))

Percival has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 20:05:43 EST 2008

[mikE of DOOM] "Then why are you here? You are in the great Fyren's lair, you set off our traps, and you insult us like we were common slave stock like yourselves."

[mikE of DOOM] "Are you here to offer yourself to his service?"

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] Easy. Easy. We came here with dragon snacks.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Look, I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you over who holds what status. We're have private business with Fyren, which may involve a tasty morsel or two.

[mikE of DOOM] "Hah. So you offer yourselves to him as food. I would not have expected that from anyone, even surface dwellers."

[mikE of DOOM] "What do you have to pay the fee to have a sitting with him?

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] What do you care?

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] a fee?

Percival has left the game on Fri Jan 18 20:10:33 EST 2008

[mikE of DOOM] "I care because you need to pay it to me."

[mikE of DOOM] "With it, we will garauntee you safe passage to the dragon, without it we cannot let you pass."

[Moirra (Kaz)] A fee?

[Moirra (Kaz)] And what will you give us as a receipt to prove we paid such a fee?

[Lorie] :: shakes head ::

Lyllyllyn (Vicki) starts rummaging through her bag... "looking" for something, feeling around in her bag, grasping items and putting it back.

[Moirra (Kaz)] And if we do not see Fyren after all, will you refund our fee?

[mikE of DOOM] "Your lives?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] *chuckles*

[mikE of DOOM] "Fine. We will return your fee if you do not see the dragon."

[Arilyn] ::we are really really good at that diplomacy thing::

[mikE of DOOM] "Now, what is your offer?"

[Lorie] :: thinks these are evil creatures... no honor, no duty to be honest ::

Lyllyllyn (Vicki) graps a hold of what feels like a bottle

[Lorie] :: pulls out red disks ::

[Arilyn] ::hey, whatever happened to the gnome box?::

Lyllyllyn (Vicki) pulls it out of her bag

[BOB] lol

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] This...

[mikE of DOOM] "What is in the bottle?"

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] (btw that was grasps)

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] I believe that is the wine bottle.

[mikE of DOOM (to Lorie only)] how much gold do you show them?

[BOB] (nice touch Lor, and I can bring that box back anytime you want.... )

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] It is kind of hard to see exactly what that is.

[Arilyn] ::yeah, let's get 'em drunk!::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((gnome box? Scary.))

[Lorie] /mike of doom 2 coins only

Lyllyllyn (Vicki) rumages through her bag again

[mikE of DOOM] "You do not even know what you offer? What supidity is this?"

[mikE of DOOM] "And the fee will be much more than two coins."

[Lorie] :: looks at them :: Stop with the charade already

[Lorie] Can you truly and honestly offer us safe passage?

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] I do know what we have to offer. I cannot see it

[Lorie] What reassurance have we from someone who attacks a prietess

[Moirra (Kaz)] Of course they cannot.

[Lorie] And as for what I offer... believe me, I know it's value

[mikE of DOOM] "What do we care about your gods?"

Lyllyllyn (Vicki) grasps a hold of something else...

[mikE of DOOM] "You are an enemy. Would you spare our priesteses?"

Percival has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 20:17:26 EST 2008

[Moirra (Kaz)] I am no one's enemy.

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] This feels like a bread loaf.

Lyllyllyn (Vicki) pulls it out.

[mikE of DOOM] ::drops the darkness::

BOB has left the game on Fri Jan 18 20:18:00 EST 2008

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] Would you rather this instead?

[Lorie] Fair enough. :: puts away the coins :: Then I have nothing to offer

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, not that I know of. Even Brother Felden let me tend him when he was ill, and he was mean.

[Lorie] :: begins looking at her wounds ::

[Lorie] I'll just be over here, mending my wounds ...

Lyllyllyn (Vicki) looks at the bottle

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] Yep, that's our wine bottle.

[mikE of DOOM (to Lorie only)] how much are those things worth? bob has no idea

[Moirra (Kaz)] You know, you have already spilled blood of our party. I think that should be payment enough for you.

[mikE of DOOM] "You won't cast any spells or we will attack."

[mikE of DOOM] "None of you are dying. You can survive to the conclusion of our business."

[Lorie] Funny... I didn't cast spells and you attacke

[Lorie] attacked

[Lorie] I want to tend to my wounds and you threaten to injure me further.

[mikE of DOOM] "Your blood is of no value to us. Give us a worthwile offer or our parley will be at an end."

[mikE of DOOM] "We do. If you take offence then come at us again. I can garauntee you won't come out of it alive."

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] You're holding the wine bottle, and I've got a bread loaf in my hand... Do you want more?

[Arilyn] ::uh-oh, I have real kid wounds to attend to-brb::

[mikE of DOOM] "Wine and bread? Hah."

[Arilyn] I am away from the keyboard.

[Percival] ::fyi, I'm going to be coming out of my confused state about a round ago....::

[mikE of DOOM] go ahead.

[mikE of DOOM] i suppose if we go by strict round talking rules we've just spent turns talking. =P

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] That's not enough?

[Percival] "Excuse me, what's going on here?!"

[Percival] ::lifting visor to helmet::

[mikE of DOOM] "You were offering us insulting offers to pass."

[mikE of DOOM] "A pittance of money and bread and wine."

[Percival] ::fyi, it's difficult for me to type because I've actually got my laptop on my lap::

[mikE of DOOM] "Give us something of value or you won't pass."

[Lorie] :: sighs ::

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] What is of value?

[Percival] "Why would we be offering you *drow* anything, anyway?"

[mikE of DOOM] "Because we will kill you otherwise."

[Percival] "This is a dragon's lair."

BOB has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 20:24:54 EST 2008

Moirra (Kaz) shrugs.

[Moirra (Kaz)] They're just bullies anyway, Percival.

[Percival] "Does the dragon approve of your presence here?"

[mikE of DOOM] "Yes, we are aware of that. I'm glad you have figured that out."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Like little children.

[mikE of DOOM] "Do you think we would be here if he didn't?"

[Lorie] Yes

[mikE of DOOM] "Could you move into a dragon's cave unwanted? Especially this one? I think not."

[Percival] "Well, then, what is this toll you speak of?"

[Lorie] You're evil and have no respect for others rules and laws

[mikE of DOOM] "It will ensure your safe passage to see the dragon."

[Percival] "Dear Priestess, let us hear these drow."

[mikE of DOOM] "And we respect those with power."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Bullies usually do.

[Percival] "So what do you require? Obviously we have considerable resources."

[mikE of DOOM] "Fyren is the power in this area, and we have an arrangement with him. We see that he is not undully bothered by the filth of the surface world."

[Percival] "Understood."

[mikE of DOOM] "Something of value."

[BOB] if we promise to take a bath?

[mikE of DOOM] "There are several of you, two coins will not be enough."

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] ((lol))

[Percival] "Okay, give us a moment, please."

[Percival] ::to Dragonslayers only::

[Percival] "What do these guys want? It's worth it to complete this quest, is it not? We're not supposed to kill anyone in here."

[Lorie] :: doesn't blink :: How many coins

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] I think they want one of us...

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival] "To do what?"

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] hold us?

[Arilyn] ::can I be unconfused now too please?::

[Percival] ::yeah, it's been enough rounds::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((If Percival is, then you must be, too))

[mikE of DOOM] yeah.

[mikE of DOOM] to christy

[Arilyn] ::thank you!::

[mikE of DOOM] "Give us twenty for safe passage."

[Percival] "Okay, they want something *valuable*"

[BOB] so not the paladin

[mikE of DOOM] lol

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] lol

[Percival] ::to dragonslayers::

[Lorie] 13

[Moirra (Kaz)] DOH!

[Percival] "20 what?"

[Arilyn] ::oohh..haggling. I am so not good at that::

[mikE of DOOM] "Of the drow coins you carry."

[mikE of DOOM] "I don't even care where they came from."

[Arilyn] ::we have drow coins?::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((we have drow coins?))

[Lorie] you heard my number

[Lorie] ((yes))

[mikE of DOOM] "Two? No. It is twenty. This is not a market place."

[BOB] yes to Christy, Lorie pulled another rabbit out of the history of the dragonslayer trick bag

[mikE of DOOM] "We have stated our fee."

[Lorie] I have stated mine

[Arilyn] ::well what other use do we have for drow coins if not to pay the stupid drow?::

[Lorie] Yes yes...please tell me again how you'll kill us all dead

[mikE of DOOM] "Then you will not have passage. Go away."

[Lorie] Okay...

[mikE of DOOM] Drow #4 moved 48'11".

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] What if one of us stayed to ensure the dragon is not to be harmed?

[mikE of DOOM] Drow #2 moved 26'00".

[Arilyn] ::offer them 13 coins and a lap dance::

[mikE of DOOM] Drow #1 moved 23'07".

[Lorie] ((Clearly they all failed business school ))

[mikE of DOOM] Drow #3 moved 38'01".

[Lorie] ((And they know nothing of laissez-faire economics ))

[mikE of DOOM] when's the last time you ever haggled with a toll booth operator?

Percival has left the game on Fri Jan 18 20:32:33 EST 2008

[mikE of DOOM] one dollar please

[Lorie] ((Toll booth rates are posted...))

[mikE of DOOM] how about a quarter? i mean, the road has some rough spots, ya know?

[Lorie] ((available in various locations... not so much here ))

[BOB] how about we leave Arilyn for the lap dance and as security deposit and no gold

[Arilyn] the toll booth guy doesn't live underground and threaten to kill you

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((back in a minute))

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

Percival has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 20:33:13 EST 2008

[mikE of DOOM] well, welcome to the nasty world of dungeons

[Lorie] ((:: points at her health :: not so much in the mood to cave in to bullies ))

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] Leave Arilyn?

[Lorie] No.

[Lorie] We leave no one

Percival is receiving the map Dragon-Cave...

Percival has received the map Dragon-Cave.

[Lorie] They prey on fear

[mikE of DOOM] i'd say you're more not in the position to antagonize them...

[Lorie] They fancy themselves someone

[Lorie] I can leave

[Arilyn] I don't trust them to not kill anyone we leave

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] Well look at lyllyllyn's health

[Lorie] We followed the rules given to us

[Percival] to dragonslayers: Let's give them what they want if we have it.

[Lorie] negotiation with bullies wasn't in the list

[BOB] ask them to come with you?

[mikE of DOOM] you're not exactly negotiating from the position of power

[mikE of DOOM] well then attack them lorie.

[mikE of DOOM] watch what happens

[Percival] "If we don't have everything they want, let's give them the equivalent."

[Lorie] As I've already told you Mike... you gave us the rules and we followed

[Lorie] I'm not breaking them

[Arilyn] ::we can always come back and kill them later::

[Lorie] ((We have enough coins... but it seems wrong to do this. Today's lunch money becomes next week's lunch money))

[Percival] "Yes, we can always get it *back*"

[mikE of DOOM] you coming back here next week too?

[Arilyn] ::how often are we going to be coming back here for lunch anyway?::

[Percival] "I will personally ask the dragon for the permission to get the money back"

[Lorie] ((So then you all want me to just give them the money?))

[Lorie] ((Evil = Evil ))

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] well, they respect the dragon...

[Arilyn] ::if these are the dragon's guys, then we'll have made him happy, if not, then we offer to kill them for him::

[Percival] "Think of it as a temporary arrangement."

[Percival] "Yes to what Arilyn just said."

[Percival] "If they are acting without the permission of the dragon, we come back here and deal with them."

[Lorie] :: shakes her head in complete disgust and rummages in her bag and hands Percy the 20 red disks ::

[Percival] ::sheaths sword::

[Percival] ::takes coins::

[Percival] ::Hands coins in direction of drow::

[Percival] ::walks slowly toward them::

[Arilyn] ::if they renig on the deal then I say we kill them and forget the whole dragon quest::

[mikE of DOOM] ::smiles broadly:: "Wise choice."

[Arilyn] ::or we could go after the dragon!::

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] ((we can't))

[Percival] "If I find out from the dragon that you are deceiving us, I will come back and deal with you."

[mikE of DOOM] ::takes the coins and steps aside, motioning to the passage behind him::

[Percival] ::handing coins to drow leader::

[mikE of DOOM] "We are not decieving you."

[Percival] Percival moved 66'03".

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] Lyllyllyn moved 1'09".

[mikE of DOOM] "Why lie to you when we can just as easily kill you?"

[Arilyn] ::I sure hope these fine upstanding drow aren't messing with us::

[Percival] "Very well."

[Percival] "Here are your coins for our safe passage to the dragon."

[Arilyn] ::for the price, we should get a map to the dragon::

[mikE of DOOM] You are ushered through another cave which is clearly their living quarters, richly appointed furnishings fill the cave, and then lead you to yet another passage behind a curtain.

[Arilyn] ::and I think we should be on the lookout for ambush from behind::

[Percival] very good, Arilyn

[Percival] you take the rear, okay?

[Arilyn] sure

[mikE of DOOM] As you pass through that passage an enourmous cavern opens before you, filled with all amounts of treasure, and in the center lying with one eye half opened like a cat watching a mouse lies an enormous red dragon

[mikE of DOOM] Drow #4, Drow #3, Drow #2 and Drow #1 moved 177'04".

[Arilyn] ::ooohhh....::

[Percival] ::feeling a little uncomfortable, to be honest with you...::

[Arilyn] ::kind of wishing we weren't caled the DRAGON slayers::

[Percival (to mikE of DOOM only)] you want to move our chars for us?

[Percival (to mikE of DOOM only)] or you want us to do it?

[mikE of DOOM] Combat has finished.

[mikE of DOOM (to Percival only)] you do it

[mikE of DOOM] go ahead and move.

[mikE of DOOM] they're not going to stop you. they are showing you right to what you wanted.

[Percival] Percival moved 103'09".

[Percival] Percival moved 14'02".

[Percival] Percival moved 64'11".

[Percival] Moirra moved 204'10".

[Percival] Lyllyllyn moved 200'11".

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] back

[Moirra (Kaz)] sorry

[Percival] Wait a sec. Can Lyllyllyn take any more healing?

[mikE of DOOM] she can take as much as you want to give her.

[Percival] What about Moirra?

[mikE of DOOM] but before you start casting any spells, you're standing in front of an ancient red dragon.

[Percival] Let's do some healing, eh? I didn't notice until I started moving people.

[Percival] Okay. Got it, DM.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((it's kinda too late))

[Percival] Bad idea to start casting right now.

[mikE of DOOM] the drow don't let you sit around for that. they're kind of pushing you along.

[mikE of DOOM] move along move along, nothing to see here

[Percival] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 162'04".

[Percival] Lyllyllyn moved 9'00".

[Percival] Arilyn moved 199'08".

[Arilyn] i think I'd ix-nay on the casting for now.

[Percival] Can somebody else to the moving, please? I am on a laptop without a mouse.

[Percival] Percival moved 133'05".

[Percival] Percival moved 33'08".

[Percival] Percival moved 39'11".

[Lorie] Arilyn moved 157'05".

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra moved 186'11".

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 177'06".

[mikE of DOOM] lol. so am i

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] Lyllyllyn moved 217'10".

[Lorie] ((sorry Christy, Moved you versus me ))

[Percival] Percival moved 110'07".

[mikE of DOOM] the dragon opens his eyes and lifts his head to tower above you on the end of it's long neck.

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] Lyllyllyn moved 101'02".

[Arilyn] it's okay-take me with you!

[Percival] Percival moved 56'02".

[Lorie] Arilyn moved 290'07".

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 252'06".

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra moved 178'04".

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] Lyllyllyn moved 61'04".

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra moved 44'08".

[mikE of DOOM] It scrutinizes you and snorts dismissively. "Are you what has been making such a noice in my home?"

[mikE of DOOM] "Why do you come here and why shouldn't I kill you where you stand?"

[Percival] "We come to you, powerful dragon, with a message from an old ally"

[Percival] ::anybody remember what that is?::

[mikE of DOOM] "I am bored so I will listen to your petty excuses for bothering me before I kill you."

[mikE of DOOM] "I have no allies. I already know you are lying."

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] Someone's father?

Arilyn has left the game on Fri Jan 18 20:47:34 EST 2008

[BOB] remember this is just a get teh goblet,

[BOB] no telling who or why

[Percival] "Perhaps a better way to say it is that it is someone with whom you have made an agreement"

[Percival] "We need a goblet. A particular goblet."

[BOB] to complete our collection

[mikE of DOOM] "And so you want me to give up a piece of my horde? Just like that?"

Moirra (Kaz) steps forward

Arilyn has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 20:49:42 EST 2008

[mikE of DOOM] ::peers at Moirra::

[mikE of DOOM] "You have something to add little priestess?"

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[mikE of DOOM] "Does you god wish this of you?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] Pardon me for interrupting, but I would never expect a dragon to give away a piece of his hoard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] But, perhaps...would you consider a trade?

[mikE of DOOM] ::blinks slowly::

[mikE of DOOM] ::raises a great claw in front of Moirra and scratches his chin thoughtfully::

[mikE of DOOM] "Which goblet do you desire?"

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lyllyllyn (Vicki)] ((brb))

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[Percival] ::looking at Moirra expectantly::

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, my companion here can say which it is.

[mikE of DOOM] ::Val steps forward::

[Percival] ::does anybody remember?::

[mikE of DOOM] snicker

[mikE of DOOM] you're lucky i'm so nice

[BOB] val does

[BOB] Lyly does

[Percival] a-ha, mr. dm...

[Valedianna #1 #1] "It's a silver goblet that you would have aquired two centuries ago. It is of elven make, dedicated to Sahanine Moonbow."

[mikE of DOOM] "Ah. Yes. That one. Amusing that you come to trade for that."

[mikE of DOOM] "I in fact recieved that in a trade from the drow for a piece of art dedicated to Lloth."

[mikE of DOOM] "Very well, since I am in a good mood, and stand to gain from this I will make a deal with you."

[mikE of DOOM] "You will have one week to bring me treasure back worth twice what the goblet is worth."

[mikE of DOOM] "Come back within that time with what I ask and it is yours."

[mikE of DOOM] "Otherwise, it would be wise not to come back at all."

[Percival] "Is there anything in particular that you want?"

[mikE of DOOM] "I will leave instructions with the guards to take you safely to the outside."

Moirra (Kaz) makes a small noise in her throat

[mikE of DOOM] "Coins, art, it doesn't matter. The value is what I care about."

[Moirra (Kaz)] I was going to make an offer, but it is worth more than what you ask. I guess it wouldn't be a fair trade, then.

[Arilyn] shh!

[mikE of DOOM] "Make it pretty and I will be happy. The goblet is a nice piece. It adds something to that mound it sits in."

Percival raising eyebrows

[mikE of DOOM] "Oh ho!"

[mikE of DOOM] "I see. Then what were you to offer?"

[mikE of DOOM] ::leans down and squints at Moirra, only yards away from her::

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, you see...

[mikE of DOOM] ::his hot, fetid breath washes across her::

[mikE of DOOM] "Yes..?"

[BOB] (is she a virgin? offering a first chance? that would be worth a goblet I would think)

[BOB] (ducks)

[BOB] (runs)

Moirra (Kaz) pulls out her mace and holds it out.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((EWWWWWWWWW))

[mikE of DOOM] ::His tail swishes once on his bed of gold, scattering uncountable amounts of coins and gems across the cavern floor::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Run faster, Bob))

[mikE of DOOM] what is your mace?

[Percival] ::yes, what *is* your mace?::

[Moirra (Kaz)] This is, well, a family heirloom, given to me by the father I should have had. It is my greatest treasure, and parting with it would bring me pain beyond measure.

[mikE of DOOM] is it especially ornate or just sentimental?

[mikE of DOOM] magical?

[Moirra (Kaz)] So I offer you this mace, and my pain for the parting.

[Percival] "I cannot allow you to make such a sacrifice, Moirra."

[Percival] "We will return to the dragon in one week with his treasure."

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((magical))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((perhaps not especially ornate, but sentimental beyond all reasoning))

[mikE of DOOM] ::the dragon studies it and his lips curl into a wicked smile::

[Percival] "He searches for baubles that are less meaningful than valuable. Keep your enchanted mace."

[mikE of DOOM] "Very good, little priestess."

[mikE of DOOM] "No paladin. The offer was made, and I will accept."

[Percival] ::oh, man.::

[Percival] "I see and understand."

[mikE of DOOM] "Take the goblet, it is yours." ::holds out his claw to Moirra::

[Arilyn] so now we don't have to come back, right?

Moirra (Kaz) trades weapon for goblet, not bothering to hold back the tears

Percival Sighs...

[BOB] My mentor - nay, hero - was Pwyll, for he had saved me, had brought me to a life I loved instantly. He was unfailingly kind to me, but was possessed of a mighty temper that was frequently turned on those who loved nothing more than to maim and injure. Bullies and the like, mainly. And when the bully was not as cowardly as he seemed, well... Pwyll would brandish a truly wicked looking mace, and they would turn tail and run.

[mikE of DOOM] "Who knows. Mayhaps I will look forward to your decendants or accolytes coming back to trade for this."

[BOB] I was not with him when he died; I was out in service, as I should have been any other day at that time. It seemed almost fitting that I should return to the temple and find that Pwyll had died quietly. The priest who had been with him beckoned me to follow him to Pwyll's tiny room. I went to my mentor and sat beside him, praying for his soul to find the peace he deserved. When I finished, I kissed his forehead and turned to find that Willem had Pwyll's chest open. From it, he took that terrible mace, and held it out to me.

[BOB (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Notes -

[Moirra (Kaz)] Perhaps, some day, but probably not.

[Arilyn] poor Moirra...we can come back with treasures to trade

[BOB] Those are from her character sheet

[mikE of DOOM] ::laughs deeply and sets the mace atop the mound where the goblet was::

[mikE of DOOM] "Now go little people while I am amused by my new bauble."

[Arilyn] ::well, he IS EVIL, after all.::

[mikE of DOOM] ::waves dismissively at them and studies his new treasure.::

[Percival] "Very well, dragon. Know that I am displeased with your choice."

[Arilyn] ::and don't let the dor hit 'cha...::

[Percival] ::Motions to rest of group to leave::

[mikE of DOOM] "Know that I don't care and grow tired of you. Leave."

[Percival] ::Turns to leave::

Moirra (Kaz) holds the goblet close to her and nudges Percival to come

[Percival] Percival moved 87'08".

[mikE of DOOM] ::lashes his tail against the floor::

[Percival] Moirra moved 116'01".

[Percival] Lyllyllyn moved 94'07".

[Percival] Arilyn moved 131'04".

[Percival] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 131'06".

[mikE of DOOM] ::the drow await your return and will take you safely to the outside::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((and out we go))

[Percival] ::Glaring at the drow::

[mikE of DOOM] ::snickering at the glares::

[Arilyn] ::sniffs and whispers to Kylia "I think I smell those elderberries you were talking about"::

[Percival] ::Exuent Dragonslayers::

[Lorie] :: says nothing and hopes the drow follow ::

[Percival] "If I ever meet you on the surface, it will not go well for you, Drow."

[Moirra (Kaz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Weapons - DELETED: Footman's Mace, 0.00, null, --, null, $atk+2, $dmg+2, 1d6+1+2, 1d6+2, 1d10, $thac0, $thac0, null, null, null. ADDED: , , null, , null, , , , , , , , null, null, null. Notes -

[mikE of DOOM] okay, so you guys are returnign right to the elves, ya?

[Percival] Yep.

[BOB] healing first?

[Arilyn] I would love to go back to the elves!

[Moirra (Kaz)] healing's a good idea

[Lorie] why heal now

[Lorie] we've been bleeding for rounds

[mikE of DOOM] hey, not my fault.

[mikE of DOOM] she's been mostly dead for weeks

[Arilyn] i think it was prudent to not cast around the dragon

[Percival] Exactly, Arilyn

[Arilyn] but let's heal now and then head off for the elves

[Percival] Great idea...

[Percival] I can lay hands for 16 HP

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] sorry guys, I need to go

[mikE of DOOM] okay. go ahead and cast your spells.

[Percival] Bye, Vicki!!

[mikE of DOOM] bye

[Arilyn] bye Vicki!

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jan 18 21:14:04 EST 2008

[Arilyn] okay, so the plan is now to...?

[BOB] heal?

[BOB] then blip?

[Percival] yes and yes

[BOB] depends on who is doing the blipping I suppose

[mikE of DOOM] i would assume lorie woudl be doing the blipping

[Kaz] Moirra targets Lyllyllyn. Distance: 12'03"

[mikE of DOOM] unless someone else has a control stone to a dimemsional pool that we don't know about

[Arilyn] i can't blip

[Percival] Percival moved 15'11".

[Percival] Percival targets Lyllyllyn. Distance: 5'05"

[Percival] ::Closes eyes and prays, stretching hands out to Lyllyllyn::

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra: Cure Serious Wounds: You're healed (-2d8-1) [-(7+6)-1] -14 points.

[Percival] ::Um, I may have already cast my spell for the day. I don't remember what day it was that I last laid hands::

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Kylia Wolfslayer. Distance: 0'00"

[mikE of DOOM] well, really when you go back to the elven temple they can heal you

[Percival] sounds good, dm

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Cure Moderate Wounds: Feel the power of Gobinhiu and be healed (-(d10+1)) [-(9+1)] -10

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Cure Moderate Wounds: Feel the power of Gobinhiu and be healed (-(d10+1)) [-(5+1)] -6

[mikE of DOOM] Valedianna and Antarias moved 60'09".

BOB is receiving the map BaseMap...

BOB has received the map BaseMap.

[mikE of DOOM] Valedianna moved 5'05".

[mikE of DOOM] Antarias moved 4'04".

[BOB] Moirra moved 8'07".

[BOB] Arilyn moved 6'10".

[BOB] Percival moved 6'06".

[BOB] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 8'11".

[BOB] Ramone moved 10'08".

[BOB] Kira moved 11'05".

[BOB] Lyllyllyn moved 10'01".

[mikE of DOOM] Kira, Lyllyllyn, Ramone, Kylia Wolfslayer, Percival, Arilyn and Moirra moved 39'04".

Kaz is receiving the map BaseMap...

Kaz has received the map BaseMap.

[mikE of DOOM] okay, moved everyone back to the base map

[Moirra (Kaz)] I have NO clue how to get rid of the blue circle

[mikE of DOOM] you enter the city triumphantly to a couple of elven youths looking at you stragely as you walk down the street.

[mikE of DOOM] Some other elves nod to Lyllyllyn in recognition. Give you guys some looks.

[mikE of DOOM] No one cheering. No rose petals to carpet your path. Welcome back.

[mikE of DOOM] By the time you return the sun is setting and people are moving about on their ways home for the night.

[mikE of DOOM] Lyllyllyn leads you straight to the temple and the high priestess greets you with Anterias by her side.

[mikE of DOOM] The priestess smiles warmly at you all.

[mikE of DOOM] "I am glad you have returned safely."

[Arilyn] well, I need to go deal with a temper tantrum-wall kicking and what-not. I'll be back

[Arilyn] I am away from the keyboard.

[Percival] Nodding

[mikE of DOOM] ::Val moves away from the group and stands behind her brother::

[BOB] chrickets

[mikE of DOOM] ::you hear crickets chirping outside::

[mikE of DOOM] ::cheep cheep::

[mikE of DOOM] ::cheep cheep::

[Percival] ::ah, the sounds of nature::

[BOB] get a bargain at teh swap shop

[BOB] cheap cheap

[mikE of DOOM] ::the crickets pause for a moment, then resume::

[mikE of DOOM] ::a whipoorwil calls somewhere in the forest::

[mikE of DOOM] ::A mother calls for her child to come home::

Moirra (Kaz) nods stiffly to the priestess

[Percival (to mikE of DOOM only)] you did a good job, man, but I gotta log out. you have a great night.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I do hope you will devise a better security to hold your treasure safe.

[Percival (to mikE of DOOM only)] I know Bob makes it look easy a lot of the time, but I'm sure it's not

[Percival] Good work, everybody. I've got to get going. I'll see you next week, when I'll be broadcasting live from our home in Virginia!

[mikE of DOOM] "Then you got it back?"

Percival has left the game on Fri Jan 18 21:29:37 EST 2008

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((home is such a lovely place))

[Moirra (Kaz)] You doubt?

Moirra (Kaz) shrugs and holds out the goblet.

[mikE of DOOM] "Ah. Well, I wasn't sure."

[mikE of DOOM] ::takes it with a grateful smile::

[mikE of DOOM] she's not a mind reader. jeeze.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((why the hell not?))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I thought elf priestesses knew EVERYTHING))

[mikE of DOOM] "I hope that it was not too hard to aquire. This is very important to us."

[BOB] lol

[BOB] not difficult at all, only our blood sweat tears and pieces of our soul

[Antarias] "Well done. I thank you."

Moirra (Kaz) closes her eyes for a moment, then looks expressionlessly at the priestess.

[Antarias] "I appriciate this greatly."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Indeed. Guard it well, and treasure it deeply.

[BOB] use it wisely

[BOB] not for the next weekend kegger

[Antarias] "Will you stay the night with us or do you need to return to Roadhaven?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((ROFL!))

[Moirra (Kaz)] As ever my Lady wishes.

[Antarias] "The priestess was telling me that one of the elves here is readying for his passage onward. This goblet was needed and you returned it."

Moirra (Kaz) turns and bows to Kylia

[BOB] bad chicago song

[BOB] stay the night

[Lorie] :: shudders at the Memory of Chicago 19 ::

[Antarias] ::smiles at Kylia:: "Can Wilson hold down the fort for one more night?"

[Lorie] I would prefer to return to Roadhaven

[Lorie] :: points at bleeding wounds ::

[Antarias] ::the priestess calls for acolytes to heal the party::

[Lorie] :: refuses healing ::

[mikE of DOOM] "We would like to honor you with a feast."

[mikE of DOOM] ::the priestess stiffens visably.::

[Lorie] I appreciate your kindess and generosity... but I should really return to my temple

[mikE of DOOM] "I see."

[mikE of DOOM] "Very well."

[Lorie] surely, were our roles reversed you'd do the same

[mikE of DOOM] "A leader should always practice grace, Lady Kylia. Anterias, come with me. We have important matters to discuss now about your problem."

[mikE of DOOM] ::bows to the group and turns to leave::

[mikE of DOOM] ::Anterias looks between the two priestesses and grimmaces. He follows the elf deeper into the temple.::

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

Moirra (Kaz) steps up beside Kylia.

[mikE of DOOM] ::Val shakes her head and snorts, leaving out the front.::

[Arilyn] i'm hungry. we ca't stay for he feast?

[Lorie] I don't want to stay here...but fine

[Lorie] stay

[Lorie] :: shakes head ::

[Arilyn] i think the elves here can do some pretty good healing

[Lorie] :: goes off to wander ::

[Lorie] I don't want their help or healing

[Lorie] Their help got us nothing

[Moirra (Kaz)] I do not think I can bear to look at them.

[Lorie] Enjoy the fesast

[Lorie] feast

[Arilyn] got something against them we should know about?

[Lorie] Nope

[Lorie] :; points at wounds :: I think this is enough

[Arilyn] i am so confused

[Lorie] Enjoy the feast Arilyn

[Arilyn] we agreed to this quest, didn't we?

[Lorie] :: turns and takes her leave to wander ::

[mikE of DOOM] ::Lyllyllyn frowns:: "I daresay it is too late after a refusal like that. If you wish to leave so badly I will show you out."

[Arilyn] and we had to figure that going to seea RED dragon would pose some threat of physical harm correct?

[Arilyn] I mean, we're not THAT stupid.

[mikE of DOOM] well.... cough

[mikE of DOOM] =P

[Arilyn] yeah, I know

[mikE of DOOM] they let me run an adventure

[Arilyn] i was hoping...

[mikE of DOOM] don't get your hopes too high there christy.

[Moirra (Kaz)] (heh))

[mikE of DOOM] okay, then that ends my little turn at the wheel.

[Kaz] Nicely done, Mike :)

[mikE of DOOM] you all go home and the little clerics that could swarm and heal heal heal

[Lorie] :: claps ::

[mikE of DOOM] chanting all the time "leader, leader, leader, leader"

[Arilyn] thank you Mike!

[Arilyn] so now what? :)

[BOB] &&&&&&&&

[BOB] So

[BOB] Everyone is back in Roadhaven

[BOB] and everyone sleeps in the next day

[BOB] is fully healed

[Kaz] And there was much rejoicing

[Kaz] (yay)

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so the next thing is the typical normal 'morning report'

[BOB] from Wilson

[Arilyn] it should be weekend update with Wilson

[Mal] Welcome back.

[Mal] ::chitters happily::

[Mal] "I've organized our library"

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] It is... it is good to see you, Mal

[Arilyn] "awesome"

[Mal] "It is impressive. You should come see it. I had to have more shelves made with all the books we took from that dead mage."

[Mal] "Dead mage books are the best."

[Arilyn] anything good in there?

[Mal] "And I put in better lighting and desks."

[Mal] "All sorts of things. He even has an origional copy of the treatice on celestials written by the priest Daun Periawn"

[Mal] "I was more interested in his books on dragon lore personally."

Moirra (Kaz) twitches

[Mal] "Did you know that there's an ancient red dragon not a teleport away?"

[Mal] "I wonder if he would teach me spells like the green one would."

[Mal] "I could make a life of that. Learnign dragon spells."

Moirra (Kaz) looks blandly at Malagorn.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I wish you the luck of it, then.

[Mal] "Thank you!"

[Moirra (Kaz)] So, were there any Herbals in the lot?

[Mal] "By the way, I don't know where they came from, but we have piles and piles of brownies in the kitchen."

[Arilyn] oohh, I am so there!

[Arilyn] we dn't have any place to be today do we?

[Mal] "Not that I know of. I spent all the time I can remember in the library."

[Mal] ::chitters wearily::

[Moirra (Kaz)] All the time you can REMEMBER?

[BOB] Wilson waits quietly in the corner

[Arilyn] hmm..all the time you can remember?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Brownies...

[Moirra (Kaz)] oh, dear.

[Arilyn] did we warn Wilson to watch Mal?

[Moirra (Kaz)] I don't think so.

[Arilyn] and whoever else walks out of his room?

[Mal] "Well I think I worked through a few nights or something. I'm missing a day or two. Nothing important. Happens all the time. Must make sacrifises for magic."

[Moirra (Kaz)] So, how many piles of brownies, and how high are the piles stacked?

[Arilyn] can someone get us some brownies while we listen to the morning report?

[Mal] lots

[Mal] there was a brownie makin machine on the loose

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, I can well imagine.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I shall get some brownies, Arilyn, you listen to the reports with Lady Kylia.

[BOB] Wilson says he can wait

[BOB] please be comfortable

[BOB] not too many horrible things

[Arilyn] i'm sure the brownies will make the report that much more interesting

Moirra (Kaz) returns after several minutes bearing a platter of brownies and stunned look.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so

Moirra (Kaz) murmurs to Arilyn, 'EVERY available space is covered with piles of brownies. Brownie-making-machine, indeed!'

[BOB] three new births to the villiagers

[BOB] a new leather worker moved into town

[BOB] one loner went back behind the wall and was not heard from again

[BOB] and three requests for aid from the Dragonslayers and one complaint about them

[BOB] a merchant demanded compensation for the Dragonslayers taking his goods

[BOB] says they left a symbol there

[BOB] when they took them

[BOB] the Library in Wolfspack has a quest they would like to hire the Dragonslayers for

[BOB] and there is a generic quest posting that was brought to our attention about Fire Giants

[BOB] I thought it might be soemthing that you would like

[BOB] pauses and looks at the group

[Lorie] Wilson, speak with the priestess about blesses and gifts for the new parents.

[BOB] nods and takes notes

[Lorie] Arrange a meet and great with the leatherworker

[Mal] "Giants? I've never met a fire giant before."

[BOB] done, he is of good quality but nothing special

[Mal] "I bet they have all sorts of interesting insights to magic."

[Mal] "Think they'd be interested in sharing knowledge?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] Not usually, but who knows.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Perhaps if you offer them some brownies...

[Lorie] Ummm... I'd like to hear more about the theft of goods...

[Lorie] I'm curoius about the "symbol" used

[BOB] it is a medalion

[BOB] with the intertwinned dragons

[BOB] it looks legitamate

[BOB] the cost of his goods was not that great

[Lorie] Let's plan to send a note to the Wolfspack libarians

[Lorie] And tell me of this random Fire Giant quest.

[BOB] but I told him I would not pay him anything without him meeting with Lady Kylia

[BOB] what note would you like me to send to the librarians?

[Lorie] Ask them to send a representative to meet with the mages and discuss their quest in more detail

[BOB] we have that

[Lorie] or propose a neutral meeting site if that would be easier

[BOB] they have an overdue book

[Lorie] oh excellent.

[BOB] they wish you to retrieve for you

[BOB] for htem

[BOB] them

[BOB] it is a simple recovery mission

[Mal] snort

[Lorie] :: frowns ::

[Arilyn] do they typically hire out for overdue books?

[Lorie] Simple recovery missions have a way of going poorly with our group Sadly

[BOB] they have already agreed that they will not hold you responsible for any damage to anything except books in the household of the person

[BOB] nods,

[Lorie] :: makes a passing glance at Moirra ::

[BOB] I asked about problems with guards

[Lorie] I am feeling that this is an impersonator

[BOB] they said you could "do with them as you see fit"

[BOB] impersonator of?

[BOB] who?

[Lorie] the person who took the goods

[Lorie] or :: sighs :: someone not in their right mind ::

[BOB] They did mention the mission you did for the Druids of Hallstatt with the tax situation

[Lorie] :: sighs ::

[Lorie] Ahhh...

[Moirra (Kaz)] What types of goods were taken?

[BOB] and the druids in Wolfspack thought you might like to take on this mission

[Lorie] Well then...

[BOB] yes of course Lady Kylia you would never steal someone's good from them

[BOB] which is why I insisted he talk with you

[BOB] he did not stay

[Lorie] Well... I don't believe other members of the group would steal either

[Lorie] ... not even Ramone

[BOB] so I do not think it is a matter to really consiter

[BOB] consider

[Lorie] ... or Kira

[BOB] blinks

[BOB] looks at Mal

[BOB] then looks back at Kylia

[Lorie] :: says nothing more ::

[BOB] I just bring it to your attention

[Lorie] Yes, please invite him to the Inn for dinner.. .and we'll try and resolve the matter

[BOB] to let you know what has happened

[Lorie] Unless he's drow

[BOB] no he was human

[Lorie] Excellent

[BOB] he did not stay

[BOB] he left two days ago

[BOB] so there should be no problem

[Lorie] Oh, let's make a note to check on the happenings near the former Thedd in the next 2 moons

[BOB] puzzled, yes I will have someone scry there

[Arilyn] I hope Steve the Pirate didn't come around while we were gone. He's always on the lookout for...plunder.

[Lorie] :: turns :: Mal, have you sent word to Sir Paul about the Library progress?

Moirra (Kaz) reaches for another brownie and, meeting only the metal of the platter, turns to stare at Arilyn

[Arilyn] yeah, brownies make this sooo much more fun

[Mal] "Of course. I tell him all about my studies."

[Mal] "He's not a bad mage himself you know."

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Moirra (Kaz) tiptoes off to re-fill the platter with chocolatey goodness

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] Wilson looks at the group

[BOB] would you like details about the library quest? or the fire giants first?

[Lorie] :: turns to the group ::

Moirra (Kaz) quietly slides the filled platter back on the table

[Lorie] :: waits to hear their thoughs / opinions ::

[Mal] ::Mal just futzes through a book he's got with him::

[Arilyn] who got here first?

[BOB] the library book was the day before yesterday the giants were today

[Arilyn] okay, what's behind door number 1?

[BOB] the book?

[Arilyn] sure

[BOB] it is a library book that was checked out from the Wolfspack library

[BOB] they have a 10,000 GP holding fee on it

[BOB] but they want it back

[Moirra (Kaz)] Oh my.

[BOB] and he has not returned it

[BOB] she

[BOB] sorry

[Moirra (Kaz)] What is this book, do we know?

[Arilyn] so it's a book worth at least 10,000

[BOB] she has several books from them

[BOB] so the mission is to go after her,

[BOB] bring back the book

[BOB] but not harm the other books she has

[Arilyn] and She is...?

[BOB] anything else is fair game

[Moirra (Kaz)] Do they want just that book, or all their books?

[BOB] just a wizard

[BOB] just the one is what they are looking for

[Arilyn] and the book is...?

[BOB] they are thinking that the dragonslayers invading and getting it back

[BOB] after what happened to the mage who you got the taxes from

[BOB] well

[BOB] you know

[Moirra (Kaz)] No more overdue books

Moirra (Kaz) nods at Wilson

[Arilyn] will teach the next book stealer a lesson...yeah, yeah, yeah

[Arilyn] so what's the book?

[BOB] the book is the "Joychuckle list of healing minerals to be used in mermaid cultures"

[BOB] a very obsure text

Moirra (Kaz) sits straighter in her chair

[Moirra (Kaz)] Healing minerals? Mermaid cultures?

[BOB] especially this far fromany ocean

[Mal] the easiest way of doing this would be to construct a spell that uses the book as a component

[Arilyn] do we know what other books this wizard checked out?

[Mal] that way, we can summon the book to us

[BOB] no on the other books

[Moirra (Kaz)] Do we have any information about this wizard?

[BOB] she is living in the Bronda Hills

[Mal] that's not too far away

[BOB] she is a member of the Wolfspack Adventureers' guild

[BOB] she can cast teleport

[Arilyn] do we have a name?

[BOB] Ronald

[BOB] Veronalda

[BOB] is her real name

[BOB] but everyone calls her Ronald

[BOB] because she hates Vero

[BOB] and Vera

[BOB] she has been known to kill visitors to her home

[Moirra (Kaz)] Nice host.

[BOB] she has a variety of spells

[Arilyn] of course. they never send us to any nice people.

[BOB] but beyond that I did not ask for more

[Moirra (Kaz)] Nice people don't need to have us sent after them.

[BOB] Wilson looks at Arilyn, if they were nice they would not need Lady Kylia's assistance

[Arilyn] exactly

[BOB] nods at Moirra

[Arilyn] it would be nice if someone just invited us over for tea.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Lady Kylia, I believe that you could kick her teeth in without harming any books.

[Lorie] We tried that...

[Arilyn] and didn't want to kill us or have us kill anyone else.

[Lorie] wouldn't remember.

[Lorie] But once upon a time...there was a beholder...

[BOB] Tea with the Beholder

[BOB] grins

[Lorie] :: stops herself :: nevermind...

[Lorie] Sorry... okay then... where were we

[BOB] his brother is still living out back

Moirra (Kaz) mutters, 'Kicking teeth in...'

[Arilyn] uh, books, uh, get it back, blah, blah,blah...she'll try to kill us, yada, yada, yada

[Lorie] Well ... I see

[Lorie] She sounds lovely

[Arilyn] what's the offer?

[Lorie] What sort of adventuring guild member wizard is she

[BOB] the other interesting is the Giants

[BOB] that is a simple crush them now before they get powerful,

[BOB] they are fire giants, so they do need smiting

[BOB] I believe she is simply a mage for hire

[BOB] she provided services to adventuring groups who need help and takes a share of the treasure

[Mal] so she'd be working for us for free

[BOB] ??

[BOB] anyone?

[Moirra (Kaz)] No, Mal, she's not working for us.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Although, it's a way to get in the door, so to speak...

[Arilyn] okay, any other pertinant information?

[BOB] we could dig up some mor eif you decide you want to tackle that insteadof the giants

[Arilyn] so give us ghe skinny on the giants

[BOB] OOC - you have two choices, dungeon to explore and retrieve the book or simple invade attack kill a nest of fire giants

[BOB] pick which you would like to do first

[BOB] then the other will be available after that is finished

[Arilyn] mmm...dungeon sounds more interesting to me

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm flexible

[Arilyn] have we caught up with all the stuff we've agreed to do lately?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] you are free to chose

[Arilyn] cool

[Mal] wow. no outstanding debts

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yeah, treasure that feeling while you've got it, hehe

[Arilyn] so Lady Kylia, what's your preference?

[Lorie] I've none

[Lorie] Choose as you wish

[BOB] pure combat?

[BOB] or explore

[Arilyn] i vote for explore

[Mal] exploring will be fine.

[Mal] are we going to have any down time?

[BOB] as much as you need

[Mal] this would be a good time for christy to learn any new spells she wants

[BOB] Kaz what is your choice?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Either is fine. So, exploring works for me.

[Arilyn] I'd love to learn a new spell. any suggestions?

[BOB] ok then

[BOB] so we start next week with the full description, small amount of planning spell learning tick off a bit of time then the mission

[BOB] I will have the full maps and such up and ready

[BOB] as to spells

[BOB] to learn

[BOB] there is a list on the website of all the spells in the dragonslayers' library

[Arilyn] i will look over that


[BOB] any spell in those books is available

[BOB] and if the roll to know is made just takes a handful of days

[BOB] rather than weeks

[Arilyn] I am going to say good night then. 4 kids by myself-I'm so tired!


[Mal] night

[Lorie] Good luck and take care

[BOB] sweet dreams all

[Arilyn] have a good week!

[Moirra (Kaz)] Night

[Lorie] Good night Kaz and BOB

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jan 18 22:53:37 EST 2008

Arilyn has left the game on Fri Jan 18 22:53:42 EST 2008

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jan 18 22:53:55 EST 2008

BOB has left the game on Fri Jan 18 22:54:03 EST 2008