Main / Jan1813

Jan 18 13 - Everyone knows

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 18 18:05:53 EST 2013 ====

[Master] walking the dogs and getting drinks I will be back up shortly

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Administrator-10457 has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 18:39:15 EST 2013

Administrator-10457 is receiving the map Blackraven Village overview...

Administrator-10457 has received the map Blackraven Village overview.

[Administrator-10457] Branwyn moved 15'01".

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] back

[Master] Hello there, David I take it?

[Administrator-10457] Yep

[Master] you can go to Edit and Preferences and change LOTS of things about Klooge

[Master] there is a setting for User Name so you can be David rather than administrator

[Master] down in the lower left corner of this map there is a "For David" npc for you to play

[Master] the settings I like to use are different than the Players side, mostly because I have two monitors to use here

[Master] and I track and see different things on my side of things

[Katrex] Ok

[Master] and what name did you want for your character?

[Master] for David moved 146'06".

[Master (to GM only)] Woman #4 moved 307'05".

[Katrex] I'll go with my standard pseudonym

[Master] so some of the chat functions

[Master] the forward slash and the person's name (not character) is how to whisper to someone here in chat

[Master (to Katrex only)] like this

[Master] you can do a slash me for emoting

Master moves around the room

[Master] and there is a Chat As on the list so you can talk as the character instead of as you

[Master] Branwyn moved 22'07".

[Branwyn (Master)] like this

[Branwyn (Master)] and you can see that each Character can have their own chat color so you can easily diferentiate things

[Katrex] Chat as is where?

[Master] I will send you a couple of maps now to preload them for you

[Master] there is a speech bubble on the toolbar up top

[Master] and if you right click on the character icon you have that option also

[Master] and now I will send you one big one that will take a moment to load

[Master] ok what map are you on now?

[Master] is that better for you?

Katrex has left the game on Fri Jan 18 18:55:08 EST 2013

Katrex has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 18:57:02 EST 2013

Katrex is receiving the map Blackraven Village overview...

Katrex has received the map Blackraven Village overview.

[Master] welcome back

[Master] looks like that one map was too big and the connection choked on it

[Katrex] Right

[Master] we will not be using that map for the next few weeks so we will work something else out for that

[Master] on your icon

[Master] what name did you want me to change it to?

[Master] and you can right click on it and view character sheet to see things there

[Master] there is a notes tab with the history to help get you started off

[Katrex] Hmm, call him Xan

[Master] there you go

[Master] I got two text messages from people saying they would be late

[Master] and with everyone in different time zones we have people logging in late and or leaving early

[Master] where in the world are you by the way?

[Katrex] Portugal at the moment

[Master] nice

[Master] I was just in Morocco for two weeks over the holidays

[Master] I have never been to Portugal

[Master] would be fun I am sure

[Katrex] Its nice. Notes tab?

[Master] view charcter sheet

[Master] you have several tabs there

[Master] on the far right is Notes

[Master] finding everything ok?

Guy has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:10:09 EST 2013

Guy is receiving the map Blackraven Village overview...

[Master] Hello there Guy!

[Master] Sarengar moved 46'07".

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:10:28 EST 2013

TMO is receiving the map Blackraven Village overview...

[Master] and presto

Guy has received the map Blackraven Village overview.

TMO has received the map Blackraven Village overview.

[Master] how are you two doing tonight?

[Master] you are both in Lords this season also right?

new guy has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:11:49 EST 2013

new guy is receiving the map Blackraven Village overview...

[Master] and Bill

new guy has received the map Blackraven Village overview.

[TMO] Yep. King of Sweden here. Looks like I'm going to have to deal with a Kobold incursion... bloody goblins don't know to stay in their place.

[Master] chuckles

[new guy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Guy] howdy

[new guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[new guy] hello

[TMO] hi-ho

[Master] how are you sir bill

[Guy] and ay I be the King o Scotland lol

[Master] oh man

[new guy] good enough

[Master] and I know that Alec is in

[Master] and I know that a new guy Simon is part of the season as well

[TMO] Awesome! So now I know who to negotiate with over the Orkney Islands!

[Master] Alec, Simon, Guy, TMO, Lisa and BOB

[Master] rounds out the six players in Lords this season

[TMO] haven't talked with him, but pretty sure my friend Jim isn't in, since he dropped out last game

[Guy] yell nivir get yer hands on me orkney isles

[Master] and back to our real game now, wink

[Katrex] /w master Well its not exactly the charecter I envisioned which means i have no idea how to roleplay him, But I guess its just a test session

[Guy] aye baron

[Master] Guy do you have any idea what is happening after missing a month?

[Guy] vaguely i know that sarengar is a father and im pretty sure hes a were gator

[Master (to Katrex only)] yes, this is just a test character and then the XP you earn with this one will be applied to your full PC when we create him

[Master] ok

[Guy] as soon as we find some water ill find out for sure lol

[Master] so Sarengar is with the group in the village now

[Master] you went there to see if you could maybe kidnap someone to get into the party or what ever

[Master] it turns out that everyone going to the party has already left

[Master] you talked with the glassblower

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] now Marco decided that you would attempt to break into the Mayor's house while he is gone to the Castle and the party

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((and he just blew bubbles in our general direction lol))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((why are we going to do that?))

[Master] points to Bill and TMO

[Master] they can try to explain

[new guy] I can't, don't ask me

[Master] lol

[TMO] because it's there, I think

[Master] you were given money by the chamberlain to stay at the Inn tonight

[Master] you can explore more here in town

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((thats sounds like a marco reason to be honest lol))

[TMO] I was trying to get caught up as well, last session, but never quite made it all the way

[TMO] and so tonight I have to leave in just a few minutes anyways, so I'll lose what headway I made last week. ;)

[Master] and by the way Katrex, this is GUy, TMO, and BIll, guys, this is Katrex, he is trying out our game

[TMO] *waves* Howdy!

[Master] he has an NPC to use to help him get acclimated

[Katrex] Hi

[new guy] Hello

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((hola, i know some spanish but no portuguese Im afraid))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((ill have to learn now :)

[Master] grins

[Katrex] Don't expect him to pull his weight I think hes mostly going to be a hide in the corner type charecter.

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((we can always throw him to feed the wolves lol))

[Katrex] Yeah maybe

[Master] smile

[Master] ok so moving on

[Master] you are in the town square there

[Master] Branwyn moved 293'05".

[Katrex] Xan moved 646'01".

[Katrex] Xan moved 1225'11".

[Katrex] Xan moved 1523'04".

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((no lisa tonight?))

[Master] she will be late

[Katrex] Xan moved 235'04".

[Master] what do you want to explore?

[Sarengar (Guy) (to Master only)] is that a fountain there?

[Master (to Guy only)] yes

[Master] there are notes on the significant buildings you noticed before

[Sarengar (Guy)] what do the notes say?

[Master] what each place is, grins

[Master] twon hall

[TMO] town hall

[TMO] locksmith

[Master] glassblower etc

[Sarengar (Guy)] oh i was thinking actual notes

[Master] you have not gotten into anythign but the glassblower shop yet

[Master] there is the "device" in front of the locksmith shop

[TMO] (not touching that thing)

[TMO] (1 - probably not good enough)

[TMO] (2 - even if I am, admitting it in front of the Mayor's house probably isn't a good idea)

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:28:55 EST 2013

BiBo!!! is receiving the map Blackraven Village overview...

[Katrex] Can xan be observing perched on one of the roofs?

BiBo!!! has received the map Blackraven Village overview.

[Master] sure

[Katrex] Xan moved 100'07".

[BiBo!!!] ((sorry Im late))

[Master] welcome Marco

[Master] and Ilero and Sarengar want to make obersvation checks?

[Katrex] Xan moved 374'07".

[TMO (to GM only)] Ilero: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[TMO] love to

[Master] love to make a sucessfull one some day too I bet

[Master] so Ilero is lookign at this device trying to see just how bad it can hurt someone

[TMO] Why should I break with tradition?

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((sorry trying to finish dinner as well))

[BiBo!!!] ((thats not a find traps roll?))

[Katrex] oh right yes... got to roll under, oh its been so long

[Master] so Xan is perched on the roof after following the group out to the village

[Master] no one seems to notice him watching them from above

[BiBo!!!] ((whos xan?))

[Katrex] Moi

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((thats because nobody ever looks up)))

[Katrex] Exactly. :p

[BiBo!!!] ((thats because if you do, then the bird poops in your mouth instead of on your head))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((get any more pats on the butt by school kids marco? lol)))

[Katrex] I think I might be missing something.

[BiBo!!!] ((it happens more often than you would think))

[Master] how so David?

[TMO] (getting ready to leave soon)

[Master] they are just plotting and or being quiet

[Master] nudges Marco to start talking

[BiBo!!!] ((I thought they were busy looking at a trap))

[BiBo!!!] ((was waiting for that to be resolved))

[Master] no the device outside the locksmith shop

[BiBo!!!] ((like I said, a trap))

[Master] they were making checks to see if they noticed the man on the roof looking down on them

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "So are you gonna pick that thing or not?"

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::looks around to see how many bystanders are watching::

Devin-05347 has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 19:41:10 EST 2013

Devin-05347 is receiving the map Blackraven Village overview...

[Sarengar (Guy)] Im not sure it works

[Ilero (TMO)] Not touching it in t'is lifetime. You touch it.

[Master] the town seems empty

[Master] people are either off to the Castle or inside

[Master] it is getting dark out

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "You are the one with the skills. If you are too unskilled to disarm this device that is so obvious that -I- can see it, then lets move on to getting into there." ::points to the mayor's house::

Devin-05347 has received the map Blackraven Village overview.

[Ilero (TMO)] (leaving now - off to dinner. whee)

[Master] welcome Devin

[Master] have fun TMO

[Sarengar (Guy)] wouldnt it be better to wait til dark?

[Master] hope you get to log in later when you get back

[Devin-05347] woah... it worked!

[Master] hang tight and watch Devin

[Master] we will get you all caught up

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "No one is around. It is pretty much dark."

[Ilero (TMO)] (Hi Devin! Welcome! And.. good bye! I'll try to IM with you later)

[Devin-05347] I can do that.

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((cya TMO))

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 18 19:45:01 EST 2013

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "We know the house is empty. Its time to do this."

Sarengar (Guy) goes over to the mayors house and knocks

[Master] Esmerelda moved 370'01".

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((i meant door not house))

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 320'10".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 365'04".

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 31'10".

[Master] there you go moving down the street just off the main square

[Sarengar (Guy)] no answer so i guess its safe to go in

[Master] was saying that is where you are

[Master] the mayors house is there on the left

[Master] outlined in black

[Master] the other houses are there on the street too

Androp Ilkep (new guy) shrugs and moves to follow

Katrex is receiving the map Blackraven Village overview...

Katrex has received the map Blackraven Village overview.

[Master] the path there continues to the foot of the hill and up to the church

[Master (to Katrex only)] if you want to sneak along between the houses, you can be there in the trees near the street to the church

Sarengar (Guy) tries the doorto see if its locked

[Katrex] Xan moved 32'08".

[Master] Sarengar moved 203'06".

[Master] Sarengar moved 208'08".

[Master] yes it is locked

[Katrex] Sounds like a plan/

[Master (to Katrex only)] lower right corner of the Mayors house map now

Katrex is receiving the map Mayors house...

[Sarengar (Guy)] ok somebody want to open the door or do we break it down?

Katrex has received the map Mayors house.

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 131'04".

[Master] Esmerelda moved 167'07".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::peers at the sneaky mcsneakerson::

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 186'11".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 148'11".

[Katrex] Xan moved 31'08".

Toybin of Castling (Master) looks at the three of you

[Katrex] Xan moved 105'04".

[Sarengar (Guy)] I mean we do have our own battering ram

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] is there a reason why you are trying to break into the Mayor's house?

Sarengar (Guy) points at toybin

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "We are looking for evidence."

[Katrex] wouldnt that be a little conspicuous?

Sarengar (Guy) peers around

[Sarengar (Guy)] who said that?

[Katrex] TYh

[Katrex] that was ooc

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((ah ok))

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] what sort of evidence are you looking for?

Androp Ilkep (new guy) glances at Toybin and then at the others, "I don't know why but I can try to kick it in if no one has any subtler means."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "It will be a lot easier to get our job done if we have plain evidence of wrongdoing or even just vampirism. We might find letters or something between the mayor and the folks at the castle. This whole monthly party thing seems way too suspicious."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Especially the part where you werent invited."

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] It seems to me that it is how a noble should act

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] we just showed up today, if we had arrived earlier perhaps we would have been invited

Sarengar (Guy) looks fo rthe moon

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he did pay for our lodging

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Surely if he was planning on welcoming you into the castle tomorrow, there would be no problem letting you attend the party tonight."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Even if we didnt spend the night."

[Katrex] Xan moved 24'07".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] We did not ask to attend the party

[Sarengar (Guy) (to Master only)] is the full moon tonight by chance?

[Toybin of Castling (Master) (to Guy only)] of course it is the first day of the month

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "No, but simple manners would be to invite your guests to a party you were having."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Not telling us to go bugger off in the Inn."

[Sarengar (Guy)] umm we may have a bigger probolem

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "They are hiding something. And this is the best place to look for evidence."

[Katrex] Are there any windows to the place openable ones preferably, that could maybe jumped to from a tree (perhaps grapling hook assisted

[Sarengar (Guy)] tonights a full moon

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Every bloody night is a full moon. I swear! What of it?"

[Master] it is a two story house, there are windows on the upper floor but they have their shutters pulled closed

[Sarengar (Guy)] so he throws a party every month on a full moon, and what did we follow to get here

Katrex looks around for other entrances

[Master] there is a walled area behind the house

[Katrex] What about chimneys, old houses had large ones I seem to remeber.

[Sarengar (Guy)] i wonder if everyone that was invited also was a were

[Master] the chimney is on the wall closest to you

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "everyone in town is invited at some point. I would be surprised if they were anything but food."

[Katrex] What do you mean by a walled area behind the couse, (something like a walled courtyard?)

[Master] yes

Katrex is over come by curiousity and tries to get atop that wall to get a better veiw

[Sarengar (Guy)] so we may have less time than we thought

[Katrex] Xan moved 2'02".

[Katrex] Xan moved 28'09".

[Katrex] Xan moved 42'06".

[Katrex] Xan moved 70'05".

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((brb))

[Master] Xan moved 27'11".

[Master] make a hide in shadows roll

[Master] and a climb walls roll

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I have been saying that forever. But anyways, lets just hurry up and get in here to see what we can find. Best to have as much of the story as possible."

[Master] Marco can you explain how best to roll those checks please

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am not happy about this idea of breaking into someone's house

Katrex jumps to the next tree to get a slightly better veiw, and then proceeds to try and get atop the wall

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] let alone the Mayor's house with no reason at all other than your own curiosity

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] we have no reason to believe that he is part of any nefarious plot

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (brb Nyrma just got home)

[Katrex] Sarengar [Hide in shadows]: (hideinshadows) [1d0=] -1

[Katrex] I am back at the keyboard.

[Katrex] Um... Try that again

[Sarengar (Guy)] and we havent been happy with you since we met you

[Katrex] Xan [1d20]: (1d20) [1d20=13] 13

Androp Ilkep (new guy) snorts amused at Sarengar's comment

[Katrex] Xan [1d20]: (1d20) [1d20=2] 2

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "We have every reason to believe he is part of some nefarious plot! He chooses who goes to the castle! The castle is filled with what are fairly well rumored to be vampires. Something is wrong here. I rather look and be wrong than be ignorant of the situation before us."

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((the comments would have been even wors if my other character was still alive lol))

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] back

[Master] David, you click on your icon to bring up a dice panel

[Master] you will see there is a set of tabs

[Master] the first one is the weapon one

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] ((was good enough to illicit a response from Androop))

[Katrex] Hmm

[Katrex] I just did a flat roll instead

[Master] from left to right there is the anvil which is your skills

[Katrex] Didnt realice there was a panel also

[Katrex] Xan: Attack: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: (18-(d20+1)) [1d20=3] 14

[Master] the is the shield which is yoru saves

[Master] then there is a small blank one for thief skills

[Katrex] Oh missclick

[Master] then the arm making a muscle for attributes

[Master] then there is the shild with a hammer on it for weapon stuff

[Master] ifyou click on that blank middle one

[Master] you will see a list of yoru thief skills

[Master] you can just click on one to make that roll

[Master] and Devin have not forgotten you

[Master] just want you to absorb a few things and will get you better acclimated in a little bit

[Sarengar (Guy)] brb need to wash hands full of bbq sauce

[Katrex] Xan: Hide in Shadows check:(d100) [1d100=32] 32 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 60!!

[Master] exactly right

[Katrex] And climb?

[Master] yes please

[Katrex] How

[Master] same way

[Master] climb walls is on that list

[Katrex] Xan: Climb Walls check:(d100) [1d100=67] 67 - ROLL FAILED against 60!!

[Master] ok

[Master] so

[Master] Anrop, Sarengar, Esmerelda

[Katrex] Ah didnt think it would be... so non theifs cant climb?

[Master] as you are at the front door you hear a quiet UFFFFFF and a thump

[Master] like a body falling from the side yard

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((cant climb walls, no))

[Katrex] (grapling hook doesnt help?)

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((we can climb other things))

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((like trees or ladders))

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] ((so the noise comes from the side of the mayor's place?))

[Master] yes

[Master] yes to noise,

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((thieves can spiderman themselves up))

[Sarengar (Guy)] what was that noise?>

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 20:12:32 EST 2013

Lisa is receiving the map Blackraven Village overview...

Androp Ilkep (new guy) raises and eyebrow, loads his crossbow and goes to take a look at where the noise came from

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Sounds like probable cause. someone is robbing the place."

Katrex runes to get in cover

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::nods sagely::

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((hi lisa))

Lisa has received the map Blackraven Village overview.

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 83'01".

Sarengar (Guy) grins at Esmerelda

[Katrex] Xan moved 54'03".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Lets go in and find out who."

Sarengar (Guy) gets ready to break the door down

[Katrex] (so Gm grapling hooks no help or anything like that?)

[Devin-05347] [the voice out of the blue] So that I am not a complete stranger to everyone here, Hi, I'm Devin, and I got tagged by TMO as a possible new player for this. so... *waves wildly*

[Lisa] Hello :)

[Katrex] Yo

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((um. hi.))

[Lisa] (break door down?)

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((uh if tmo tagged thats gonna have to be strike 1 lol))

[Master] Grappling hook will help if there is something for it to grab onto, like a wooden wall or an overhang, in this case a tallish garden wall with nothing on the top

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((our thief isnt here, so unless you have knock handy, yes.))

[Lisa] (I do)

[Katrex] The wall has no top?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((then even better!))

[Master] no ledge on top, just goes up and stops

[Lisa] (koorin and ilero can't pick a lock?)

[Master] no koorin

[Master] no Ilero

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((ilero isnt here))

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((just us non thieves))

[Katrex] (didn't think that was a problm is hooks tendinded to brip in to the other side of the wall

[Lisa] (don't know what's happening but knock has to be better than breaking down the mayor of vamp village's door. point me in right direction and I shall cast)

[Master] Bran and Indigo on the map now

[Katrex] But ok

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((it is! thanks for being the gal with the spell! Theres the front door. Hopefully the spell unlocks any other locked things in the house too.))

[Master] either of them have observation?

[Master] and have Xan make a hide in shadows check

[Katrex] Hmm what about getting the hook in to the chimney wherever that is

[Master] that would work yes, there is a space for it to fall down into and a lip up top for the grate

[Katrex] Xan: Hide in Shadows check:(d100) [1d100=56] 56 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 60!!

[Master] so Xan is hidden in the underbrush there on the side of the house

[Master] seeing the rest of the group approach the house now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (range is not that great)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Branwyn,

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] do you really think this is a good idea?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((yeah, but it will at least get the door open.))

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] the young gnome there seems intent on breaking in

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but she has no good reason

[Sarengar (Guy)] oh be quiet you pompous windbag

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I do not believe you are the best judge of what is and isnt a good idea mr I am going to attack everyone on the road just because."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Toybin, breaking and entering is never my first choice but what else do we have to do this evening? And it might give us some information on the Count.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] we were are looking for a kidnapped princess

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I think that justifies certain activities

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We'll be in and out in a flash.

[Sarengar (Guy)] and Bran we really should hurry

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] we know she is not here

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at door and concentrates

[Sarengar (Guy)] theres a full moon tonight

[Master] Branwyn moved 120'06".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "No, but this would be the best place, other than the castle, to find evidence."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Knock: All locks in a (10*9) 90 square foot area are unlocked.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] ok

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] the shutters on teh second floor swing open

[Master] the front door opens

Sarengar (Guy) carefully goes inside

[Katrex] Shutters just magicly opened how handy and not at all circumspect Well I dont think xan will look a gifthorse in the mouth

[Master] Sarengar moved 6'00".

Katrex if the clear decides to go for the roof first, he can always drop in to the window later if need be. Grapling hooks away!

[Master] Sarengar moved 3'05".

[Master] Sarengar is on the inside map now

[Master] it is dark inisde the house

[Master] what do you want to do for light?

[Sarengar (Guy)] ummi dont need light

[Katrex] Gnomes op

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((half elf even better))

[Katrex] Oh half elf my bad assumed infravision

[Master] chuckles

[Master] as your eyes adjust

[Master] Sarengar moved 10'02".

Androp Ilkep (new guy) shrugs and stands by the entrance to the mayor's home keeping guard while the others look about

[Master (to Guy only)] you see doors on teh right and left and a large rug in the middle of the room



[Master] from the website for info on senses etc

[Sarengar (Guy) (to Master only)] i head for the door on the right

[Master] Sarengar moved 16'03".

[Androp Ilkep (new guy) (to Master only)] if everyone enters Androp will enter as well and close the door almost all tthe way and keep a watch out toward the street, that work?

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 10'01".

[Master (to new guy only)] very well

[Master] is anyone else going inside?

[Master] just hanging out on the street as Sarengar goes in?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::walks on in::

[Master] Indigo? Branwyn?

[Master] Xan needs a climb walls check

[Master] with a plus 10 for the grappling hook

[Master] to go up the wall and in a second floor window

Branwyn (Lisa) nods at Indigo to come on in

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 51'08".

[Katrex] e

[Katrex] was going to clim on to the roof first get a good look of the courtward and then drop down to get in throught t

[Katrex] the window

[Master] Ok

[Master] so same roll then but less chance of being found

[Katrex] e

[Katrex] was going to clim on to the roof first get a good look of the courtward and then drop down to get in throught t

[Katrex] the window

[Katrex] Xan: Climb Walls check:(d100) [1d100=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 60!!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ... hello?

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 33'04".

[Master] I am here, I saw Xan's roll

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] weird, my last message didnt go through

[Master] Sarengar is moving

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((wait a second.... all demi-humans with infravision are non-warm blooded?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (testing)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I have no map)

[Master] Guy you have the inside map right?

[Master] Xan I will not put you on a new map we will jsut keep you there for now

[Master] but you did make it inside

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, are all cold blooded?))

[Master] no to Marco

[Sarengar (Guy)] yeah

[Katrex] Yep cold blooded heartless bastards!

[Master] if you are looking at the extrodinary senses,

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((according to that, anything with infravision is not warmblooded))

[Master] it says that most ultravision is the innate magical ability that several demi human races have

[Master] right

[Master] Infravision is only non warm blooded

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((wait, we have ultravision?))

[Master] gnomes have ultravision

[Master] yes, chuckles

[Master] that was clarified long ago

[Master] you really should read the site more often ;)

[Sarengar (Guy)] lol

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] (I thought ultravision was the special magical vision that could see anything))

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((including magical darkness and invisibility))

[Master] last change was in spring of 2011 or earlier there was a change in spring of 2012 when you were having an underwater adventure and we clarieifed something

[Master] so Marco what map do you have right now?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((inside, I think. lots of icons about))

[Master] ok

[Master] Lisa?

[Master] it does seem like my connection is really slow tonight for some reason

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (inside mayor)

[Master] ok

[Master] so we will keep it on this map for simplicity sake

[Master] Sarengar and everyone inside the house

[Master] make an alertness check

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and so I can't see anything?)

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] Androp Ilkep: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master (to new guy only)] you hear someone moving around inside the house, upstairs

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((huh. I have gone so long without observation that I just assumed I dont have it. lol))

[Androp Ilkep (new guy) (to Master only)] there is no light inside the house though right?

[Master] and no to Branwyn unless someone lights up a lamp or soemthing

[Master (to new guy only)] correct

[Sarengar (Guy)] oops no alertness just observation

[Katrex] Xan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Oh shoot. You cant see in here can you? Well, it wouldnt hurt to have a lookout in case someone shows up while we do our search."

[Master (to Katrex only)] you hear people moving around downstairs, you are in a dark room the only light very feignt moonlight coming in the open window

Androp Ilkep (new guy) speaks quietly in an effort that his words are only heard by those around nearby him in the room, "There is someone or something moving around upstairs"

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "We know that."

[Indigo (Lisa)] We do?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Why would we break into a house when they are home?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "There was the "oof!" earlier."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "He is probably a thief."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Someone is breaking into the Mayor's house at the exact same time we are?

[Katrex] (how you know my guy is upstairs?)

[Katrex] (id assume i have to make a move silently check)

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((from the failed climb earlier))

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Yep, thats what I said earlier."

[Master] Xan can make that move silently check

[Androp Ilkep (new guy) (to Master only)] too many wizards in Oz it seems tonight... thanks for the whisper about someone being in the house but it seems some in the party know everything and then some are going to contest everything

[Master] there is a check box to send it only to the GM

[Indigo (Lisa)] Should we kill him?

[Indigo (Lisa)] We can tell the Mayor we saved his house!

[Katrex] Xan: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=85] 85 - ROLL FAILED against 75!!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Better to catch him than kill him I would think."

[Master (to new guy only)] it is a bit chaotic and David is new and we will see how he fits in

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 17'00".

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 20'06".

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 37'01".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "We dont want to explain a murder."

[Indigo (Lisa)] I suppose.

[Katrex] Can Kat hear what they're saying?

[Katrex] Xan even*

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Anyways, lets go. Maybe the Mayor's office is upstairs too."

[Master (to Katrex only)] Xan is in a small room upstairs, seems to be a bedroom of some sort, small bed, chest etc and yes you can hear noise make a hear noise check to see if you can make out actual words

[Indigo (Lisa)] (probably - Indigo is not good at whispering)

[Katrex] Xan: Detect Noise check:(d100) [1d100=47] 47 - ROLL FAILED against 35!!

[Master] so Xan hears noise but cannot make out what they are saying

[Master] Sarengar is in a large dinning hall

[Master] seems to be the main area of the house

[Master] large table several chairs and extras around

[Indigo (Lisa)] (nothing in front room but a rug?)

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] Esmerelda moved 27'00".

[Master] side boards with stuff

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] Esmerelda moved 48'02".

[Katrex] If I hear people coming upstairs Im going to climb up to perch atop the door is possible

[Master] main room has the large rug in the middle

[Master] no one has seen any stairs yet at all

Indigo (Lisa) wander over and lifts up rug to see if there's a trapdoor

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 17'07".

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 38'05".

[Master] near Esmerelda there is a large tapestry on the wall

[Master] showing an eagle hunting a rabbit

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::looks behind the tapestry::

[Master] there is a door to the right of the tapestry

[Master] and there is a set of stairs going up to the left of it

[Master] behind the tapestry is a spear on the wall

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] does it look like it was hidden there or what?

[Master] under the rug where Indigo is there is a small door

[Master] the spear looks like it is on hooks there on the wall to be easily pulled down

[Indigo (Lisa)] I knew it!

[Katrex] Oh dear gotta go afk. Lets make a hide check and hopefully can just wait incognito

[Katrex] Xan: Hide in Shadows check:(d100) [1d100=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 60!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] No one has rugs except to cover trap doors

[Master] but it is out of site because of the tapestry

[Master] David there is an Away bottom on the toolbar too

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 80'03".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "hmmm... Well, I dont need a spear, and havent seen anyone else using them, so no need to steal it." ::she says to herself then walks over to check on indigo::

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Find something?"

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Indigo pulls up the corner of the rug and shows Esmerelda the small trap door underneath

[Indigo (Lisa)] Do you think the trapdoor's trapped?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "The ole trap door under the rug routine eh? Well, it IS called a TRAPdoor.... but that could just be a coincidence"

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "It's probably fine. I doubt they expect anyone to be searching for it."

[Master] Esmerelda moved 33'10".

[Master] Sarengar moved 50'09".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Lets give it a try."

Indigo (Lisa) leans down to open trapdoor

Indigo (Lisa) gives it a pull

[Master] Branwyn moved 81'05".

[Master] Branwyn moved 84'11".

[Master] and POOOOOF

[Master] Branwyn and Sarengar from over at the stairs

[Indigo (Lisa)] (branwyn can't see anything unless she lights up this place - was not doing anything with her at the moment)

[Master] Branwyn moved 62'01".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but okay sure - she likes a good POOF as much as the next mage)

[Master] sorry Branwyn Toybin and Androp at the door

[Master] Sarengar at the base of the stairs

[Master] Indigo and Esmerelda can make a saving throw versus poison please

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 7!!

[Master] the group at the door cannot see in the dark so they only hear

[Master] a POOOF

[Master] then a THUD

[Master] as a body hits the floor

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] Esmerelda: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Master] and a coughing from someone else

[Master] Sarngar?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((lol, and I have so much worse a save for that too))

[Master] so Esmerelda sees a puff of smoke/gas come up

[Master] and Indigo takes a whiff and keels over

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::coughs a few times then looks at Indigo:: "Well, that's a good sign. They dont trap places unless they want to keep people out for some reason."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] Esmerelda: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] checking for pulse and whatnot

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Androp "they're going to call the whole village's attention making all that noise"

[Master] ok

[Master] so yes he is breathing

[Master] the cloud is disapating

Androp Ilkep (new guy) shrugs, "Probably"

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((sorry im lagging bad tonight

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((he needs to make a save?))

[Master] no to Sarengar needing a save

[Master] he is at the base of the stairs

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((well, thats good))

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((you passed!))

[Master] and sees Indigo and Esmerelda get caught up in that cloud

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you weren't that close - Bob just thought Sarengar might care that Indigo hit the floor)

[Master] and Indigo fall to the floor

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 41'01".

[Sarengar (Guy)] is he ook?

[Master] and Devin be sure to ask any questions you have

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "He's probably just sleeping. I think."

[Master] about game mechanics or using Klooge, etc

[Devin-05347] I think I'm getting enough information to start understanding what questions I might need to ask. :P

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "He's breathing at least."

Katrex has left the game on Fri Jan 18 21:05:33 EST 2013

[Master] players see things differently in Klooge than I do so people can help you with what you want to see etc

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Anyways, lets see what all this gas trap is about."

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((oh there is one thing about bob you should know ))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you will let Indigo know when he regains consciousness?)

[Master] (and Katrex/David in case you did not notice is in Portugal so his time zone is radically different )

[Master] so far Indigo is out cold

[Indigo (Lisa)] zzzzzzzzzz

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "It probably will wear off in a few minutes. Unfortunately we have no healer handy to take a better look at him."

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so we have no priest and no thief - guarantees we will get into much trouble)

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "The trap is probably a one time thing, but just in case it isnt, stand back while I try the door again."

[Master] Indigo moved 15'00".

[Master] Sarengar moved 19'07".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((how does this door open? you just pull it open or does it have some sort of knob or ring or what?))

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] small indentation with a lip to pull up with

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((okay...))

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::makes sure everyone is clear, then opens the door::

[Master] and there is a PSSSSTTTT

[Master] but no puff of smoke

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Well, thats good."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::checks inside::

[Master] a small glass jar inside a tight compartment

[Master] empty

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "A glass jar? A lot of trouble to hide a jar... Especially an empty one."

[Sarengar (Guy)] i wonder if whatever caused the smoke was in there

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] does it look like the jar was attached to the door in some way?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] maybe we should go back to the inn now

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] we can carry Indigo

[Master] would need a find traps check to know how it works

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "What are you talking about? There is still a thief here! and we still havent checked the mayor's desk or super secret safe."

[Sarengar (Guy)] you go ahead and we will be sure to let everyone know just how much of a coward you truly are

[Master] but there is no room except for the jar in that space

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] any secret compartments?

[Master] none that you see

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] is the jar closed?

[Master] no it is open

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Carry Indigo? What happened?

Branwyn (Lisa) peers into doorway

[Sarengar (Guy)] indigo is asleep

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Sarengar brought his limp body out here to the door

Androp Ilkep (new guy) keeps a watch on the street

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] soemthign happened in there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Asleep? Are you sure?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Weeird." ::pockets the jar to examine later::

[Sarengar (Guy)] hes not dead thats for sure no matter what the idiot in armour thinks

Branwyn (Lisa) leans down and shakes Indigo to try and wake him

[Master] Time of Day: 06:42 PM. Day 1 Trall, Ze {Mid Summer} 1st, 342 SKR.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] does not wake

[Sarengar (Guy)] there was some kind of gas that knocked him out

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So he might be poisoned and die

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (where is Koorin btw?)

[Master] at the Inn waiting to make you dinner

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::ponders:: "If I was a super secret safe, where would I be?" ::heads towards the stairs::

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Pehaps Toybin is right and we should get Indigo back to the Inn. You can stay here is you want.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Will you help me carry him Toybin?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I can do that for you Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you

Toybin of Castling (Master) lifts Indigo in his arms

Branwyn (Lisa) calls back into the house "Remember this is an information gathering mission and not a steal everything that's not niled down mission. I'd not like to see you in jail like I did at the Citadel. I can't get you out here"

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Androp "Try to keep them out of trouble!"

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::heads upstairs:: "I dont know what you are talking about, but I already didnt steal the magical spear behind the tapestry."

[Master] Sarengar moved 1'07".

[Sarengar (Guy)] magival spear?

[Master] Esmerelda moved 48'09".

Branwyn (Lisa) heads out with Toybin and Indigo

[Master] Sarengar moved 46'08".

[Master] Time of Day: 06:57 PM. Day 1 Trall, Ze {Mid Summer} 1st, 342 SKR.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Esmerelda modified:

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] so ANdrop by the door

Androp Ilkep (new guy) shrugs, "Like I can do that"

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::goes up::

[Master] (keeping same map for ease of us the second floor is the same shape)

[Master] up on the second floor is a short hallway leading to the front of the house

[Master] a set of windows that are open straight ahead

[Master] looking down over the street Androp is down below

[Master] to the right is a hallway down the middle and a set of doors on both sides of the hallway,

[Master] several rooms it appears to be

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 18'05".

[Master] on the left is a another same hallway forming a four way intersection

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] checking rooms for what looks like an office

[Master] with three doors on that side

Androp Ilkep (new guy) moves to the inside and closes the door, keeping it open slightly so he can peer out onto the street as needed

[Master] so are you goin gdown the right cooridoor with many doors? or the left with the three doors?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] left

[Master] No Name moved 1'04".

[Master] Esmerelda moved 57'04".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] first door I come to

[Master] Sarengar moved 49'03".

[Master] Esmerelda moved 5'00".

[Master] just to be clear for you

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] peek in

[Master] the first room seems to be a largeish bedroom

[Master] and someone is snoring inside

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] probably not the mayor's then. i close and move on

[Master] the room across the hall

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] peek

[Master] can either of you move silently?

[Master] I am guessing not

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] like a duck

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] rangers can

[Master] (1d20) [1d20=19] 19

[Master] and that would be a no

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=9] 18

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=2] 11

[Master] you hear a couple of SHRIEKS

[Master] female voices

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] sarengar should have move silently

[Sarengar (Guy)] i think i can

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] not that it matters



[sleepy man (Master)] huuuhh

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "well. THAT's suspicious."

[sleepy man (Master)] whaaat

[sleepy man (Master)] What are you yelling about?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::bursts in:: "Who's coming?! I am here to save you!"

[Woman #2 (Master)] AAAHHHHH

[Woman #2 (Master)] A monster!

[Woman #2 (Master)] A GOBLIN!!!!!

[Woman #2 (Master)] AHHHH

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Where?!"

[Woman #2 (Master)] HELP

[Woman #2 (Master)] HELP

[Woman #2 (Master)] INtruders!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I'll get it!"

[sleepy man (Master)] Hey Hey!

[Master] you hear fumbling around in the room acrdoss teh hall

[Master] Sarengar what are you doing?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Dont you guys worry, I will take care of the goblin for you!"

[Sarengar (Guy)] sorry i dont have move silently or hide in shadows

[Master] it is still dark

[Master] you hear fumbling

[Master] two girls still shrieking in the one room

[Master] across the hall a man fumbling and getting up

[Master] what do you two do

[Sarengar (Guy)] im going to wait by the door and try and use the hilt of my dagger to knock out the man coming out the door

[Master] ok

[Master] Sarengar moved 13'10".

[Master] there you go,

[Master] you can try

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::looks around for a goblin::

[Guy] Sarengar targets sleepy man #3. Distance: 221'00"

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] ((crap... I need to take off guys... sorry))

[Master] good night Bill, see you next week

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((Yeay for having a wisdom of 7. Oblivious to the world around her.))

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((laters!))

[Sarengar (Guy)] night

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] ((I'll see you next week, take care))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] *Goodnight)

new guy has left the game on Fri Jan 18 21:38:49 EST 2013

[Master] so Sarengar can roll his attack

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Miscibil: ((14-(d20+1))-2) [1d20=9] 2 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS sleepy man #3 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] roll damage

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Damage v SM: Miscibil: ((1d8+1)+1+2) [1d8=8] 12 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: sleepy man #3

[Master] so 12% chance you knock him out

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((thats a big dagger))

[Master] you can roll the percentage

[Sarengar (Guy)] (d100) [1d100=69] 69

[Master] so no

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((aww... thats not enough damage to just knock him out anyway?))

[Master] you do do (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 point of damage

[Master] so you have a man in the hallway with you

[Master] it is dark

[Master] he does not see you clearly

[Master] the girls are screaming

[Master] they canot see clearly

[Master] only shadows

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (12 damage with hild of dagger?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hilt)

[Master] 2 actual damage from it

[Master] the 12 was for the percentage to knock out

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((1d8 I think is wrong if that is just a dagger. thats lonsword damage))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh sorry - not paying attention)

[Master] in any case

[Master] what are you doing?

[Master] three people awake now

[Master] you hear other movement in the household

[Sarengar (Guy)] i shove the guy back into the room and shut the door

[Master] make a to hit roll

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Miscibil: ((14-(d20+1))-2) [1d20=7] 4 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS sleepy man #3 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] ok

[Master] sleepy man #3: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] sleepy man #3: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] make a strength check

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: STR check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::looks at Sarengar:: "The ladies inside say there are goblins about. We should be careful."

[Master] you beat his roll

[Master] you shove him inside and pull the door closed

[Sarengar (Guy)] lets hget out of here

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((looks like your muscle is wrong, it shouldnt be 6 less than your strength no matter what you do to it))

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "But shouldnt we fight off the goblins first?"

[Master] so standing in the hallway debating?

[Sarengar (Guy)] no

Sarengar (Guy) grabs esmerelda and picks her up and flees

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Sarengar, Androp Ilkep and Branwyn moved 94'00".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "This is not the way to pick up girls!"

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 111'06".

[Master] Branwyn moved 27'04".

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 26'07".

[Master] Sarengar, Androp Ilkep, Toybin of Castling and Branwyn moved 647'00".

Lisa is receiving the map Mayors house...

Lisa has received the map Mayors house.

Lisa is receiving the map Blackraven Village overview...

[Master] are you heading out of town ? or trying ot find a place in town to hide?

Lisa has received the map Blackraven Village overview.

[Sarengar (Guy)] heading for the inn

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] Why hide? there are goblins to trounce!

[Sarengar (Guy)] its not goblins we are after

Guy is receiving the map Blackraven Village overview...

Guy has received the map Blackraven Village overview.

[Master] Time of Day: 07:57 PM. Day 1 Trall, Ze {Mid Summer} 1st, 342 SKR.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "But the people in the mayor's house could be in danger...."

[Sarengar (Guy)] they were in no danger but we were

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "From goblins? Please!"

[Sarengar (Guy)] I hate to tell you this but they thought you were the goblin

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Oh dont be silly. No one would ever mistake ME for a goblin."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Goblins are short!"

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "And ugly!"

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "And smelly!"

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "And they talk with bad grammar!"

[Sarengar (Guy)] a human who cant see in the dark like we can would mistake you for a goblin

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "But surely they would be able to smell the difference if nothing else."

[Master] you are all gatehred there on the pier next to the inn of the crimson tears

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Well, if they all get eaten by goblins, its all on your head." ::yawns:: "I'm sleepy."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You caught up to us quickly. Find anything?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Goblins!"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Goblins?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "They invaded the mayor's house and we had to go."

[Sarengar (Guy)] the house wasnt as empty as some people thought

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I guess npt. Did you kill the goblins?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Yeah, I wanted to save them from the goblins, but he thought we should just leave."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Them?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Hope they got to their magic spear in time."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Oh the ladies in the house."

[Sarengar (Guy)] Im carrying the goblin

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Unless its an invisible goblin, I dont know what you are talking about."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The family was there! I hope they didn't see your faces too closely. I am glad you got out of there.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Now we have to take care of Indigo. I'm worried about him.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Give him some of Koorin's cooking. He will be fine!"

[Sarengar (Guy)] they didnt see us

[Sarengar (Guy)] it was too dark

[Master] are you goin into the main hall there or up the stairs in the back to your rooms?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::ponders::

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We need to take Indigo to Koorin

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((he bob, could I make an alchemy check to see if there is any chemical residue on the jar that I might recognize?))

[Master] Indigo and Toybin of Castling moved 22'01".

[Master] moves into the bar area

Toybin of Castling (Master) places Indigo up on the bar, laying him out on his back

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 21'04".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Koorin!

[Master] you can make that check when you have time

[Master] Sarengar moved 20'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Come on Indigo, please wake up for me.

[Master] Esmerelda moved 24'06".

[Master] Koorin moved 8'01".

[Master] Koorin no longer targets Barnicot.

[Koorin (Master)] Oh hi Branwyn!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((now is not that time?))

[Koorin (Master)] I did not think you were coming for dinner after it got dark

[Koorin (Master)] (if you want to do that here in teh bar sure)

[Koorin (Master)] what are you doing TOybin?

[Koorin (Master)] why is Indigo sleepign on the bar?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((eh, its a jar, no reason for anyone to think anything of it))

[Koorin (Master)] did you let him drink too much ?

[Koorin (Master)] you should know better than that Toybin!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] Esmerelda: Alchemy check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 2'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No! He breathed in some kind of gas.

[Master] Koorin moved 2'03".

[Koorin (Master)] Gas?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] From a trap

[Koorin (Master)] who farted?

[Koorin (Master)] OH

[Koorin (Master)] a trap where?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "A trapdoor"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We just found one

[Koorin (Master)] I guess it does not matter, there are traps everywhere

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Barnicot

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes just a random trap

[Koorin (Master)] did you know that there is way to make a trap out of the mustard plant?

[Master] Barnicot moved 7'09".

[Master] Barnicot targets Indigo. Distance: 5'05"

[Master] Barnicot targets Branwyn. Distance: 5'10"

[Master] Barnicot targets Koorin. Distance: 0'10"

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "That must be a deliscious trap."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Think it was from the gypsy camp

[Barnicot (Master)] your rooms are still ready

[Master] Koorin moved 3'08".

[Master] Koorin targets Barnicot. Distance: 4'03"

[Master] Koorin targets Indigo. Distance: 0'07"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I would love to come across a trap that suddenly serves me cake and tea."

[Master] Koorin: Herbalism check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Master] Koorin: Healing check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Koorin (Master)] He has a sleeping potion in him

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I once made a trap by putting a bucket of water on top of a door. Mustard would have been more interesting."

[Koorin (Master)] he will be ok eventually when he wakes up, might have a headache

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank goodness

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "But more expensive.... I wonder how much a bucket of mustard would cost?"

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Do you know Koorin?"

[Koorin (Master)] a bucket of mustard would be very expensive

[Koorin (Master)] they are very tiny seeds

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "It would be hilarious to see someone getting covered in a bucket of mustard...."

[Koorin (Master)] it would take a whole lot of them to fill up a bucket

[Koorin (Master)] unless it was a small bucket I suppose

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "We could add sausages to the bucket."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "That would help take up space and give something to go with the mustard."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm surprised you wouldn't be opposed to it as a serious waste of cooking items.

[Koorin (Master)] Sarnegar?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Hey, she was the one who mentioned the mustard trap."

[Koorin (Master)] I think that it would be much meaner to make a bucket fall on someone's head filled with spiders

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "But then you have to worry about keeping the spiders alive. Mustard doesnt die."

[Koorin (Master)] so do you want dinner now?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Yes. Something with mustard if you have it."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But no spiders

Sarengar (Guy) puts Esmerelda down and sits down in a chair

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Toybin, let's get Indigo upstairs.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Ooooh... we could have dogs in the room. They would go CRAZY if there were mustard and sausages about."

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will stay with him up here while you eat

[Master] Time of Day: 08:12 PM. Day 1 Trall, Ze {Mid Summer} 1st, 342 SKR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you. I will bring you something for later.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am not certain that this was a good night

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] it seems to have barely avoided major problems

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Really? I am very certain this was not a good night.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] is this what you really do on a regular basis?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No it is not.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Really? I thought it was a great night! Glass blowers, goblins, gas traps and now mustard!"

[Master] Branwyn moved 15'04".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "What else do you want in life?"

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (that was upstairs)

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Some people are just hard to please I guess."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And we learned absolutely nothing.

[Koorin (Master)] so sit down and eat!

[Master] Koorin moved 10'06".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "But we had fun doing it!"

[Master] Branwyn moved 8'11".

[Master] Sarengar moved 2'03".

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 29'06".

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "At least I did."

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::sits and waits for her food::

[Sarengar (Guy)] sorry all but i need to get to bed

[Master] Time of Day: 08:27 PM. Day 1 Trall, Ze {Mid Summer} 1st, 342 SKR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] eat you dinner first

[Guy] that was meant for ooc sorry

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (then I guess you're excused :) )

[Master] smiles

[Master] night Guy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] have a good week

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Goodnight

[Master] write lots of letters

[Guy] night all, no clue if ill be in next week or not

[Guy] no schedule yet

[Master] so Koorin brings out a fish stew

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((laters!))

[Master] just a touch of spice

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ::peers at the stew:: "Is this good with mustard?"

[Master] lots of little bits of fish in the broth

Guy has left the game on Fri Jan 18 22:14:34 EST 2013

[Koorin (Master)] I do not think you have mustard on the brain

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "It would be hard to get it in there."

[Koorin (Master)] I think you should eat and enjoy

[Koorin (Master)] if you eat everything I have desert for you tonight

[Koorin (Master)] I make puff cake

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What's puff cake?

[Koorin (Master)] it is a great round puffy cake

[Koorin (Master)] it is hollow inside

[Koorin (Master)] and you fill it with wondeful things

[Koorin (Master)] but there is no wonderful things here in this kitchen except for fish

[Koorin (Master)] and I did not think a fish puff cake would be the kind of thing you wanted to eat

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hmmm. Think I'll pass on the cake.

[Koorin (Master)] so it is just hollow

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Is THAT good with mustard?"

[Koorin (Master)] no

[Koorin (Master)] hollow is empty

[Koorin (Master)] mustard does not go with empty

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "I mean could you fill the empty with mustard and have it be delicious."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So maybe we can take a look at the ghost caverns in the morning before we have to be at the Count's castle.

Koorin (Master) brings over a large bowl of the fish stew

[Koorin (Master)] you can take this upstairs for Toybin and Indigo if he wakes up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] When he wakes up you mean, right?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Sure why not. That sounds like adventure!" ::eats her stew but is somewhat disappointed by the lack of mustard::

[BiBo!!!] I am away from the keyboard.

Koorin (Master) shrugs,

[Koorin (Master)] I am sure he is just sleeping

[Koorin (Master)] but I do not know what to do to wake him up

[Master] ok so everyone heads upstiars

Lisa is receiving the map Crimson Inn first floor...

Lisa has received the map Crimson Inn first floor.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] thank you

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] takes a spoonful

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he has not woken up yet

[Master] Esmerelda moved 20'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This does not make me happy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sleeping in here tonight

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Koorin doe snot know what to do?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No. Just that he's asleep and he should wake up eventually.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It's only been a few hours.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] There was that druggist in town, maybe we can get help there?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (almost three hours so far)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This late?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am not sure

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] do you think we should wait till morning?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know. If it was one of my sleep spells he'd be back awake by now.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you watch him, I will run over to the druggist and see if he is there. Want to come Esmerelda?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It can't hurt to try.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (forgot marco was away)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (it is just over a mile away to the town just so you know)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and while we wait

[Master] Devin

[Master] how are you enjoying so far tonight?

[Master] questions about Klooge? or about the game overall?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (kind of scattered night)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I can start walking and if Esmerelda wants to come with me she can be there)

[Devin-05347] I'm still a bit curious about the user controls, as I don't have a character to give me access.

[Devin-05347] but I'm following along.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can you take grink?)

[Master] sure I can put him on for him

[Devin-05347] who is grink?

[Master] Grink's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 25 (5) - Unharmed

[Master] Grink: No adjustments made.

[Master] Grink moved 9'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ( was kind of a temp character I noticed on the side - doesn't belong to anyone)

[Devin-05347] also, how do you talk OOC or as your character?

[Master] there in the hallway now

[Devin-05347] that works too.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] right click on grick and pick chat as

[Branwyn (Lisa)] grink

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] "Wont the druggist be closed now?"

[Grink (Devin-05347)] Check check

[Lisa] (that's what I thought)

[Lisa] (think Bob just wants us running around undeadville after dark)

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] ((can I make an alchemy check to see if I can think of some sort of sleeping potion antidote? Some sort of super coffee?))

[Master] yes druggist is closed, is up to you if you want to try to wake them up etc

[Master] but right now we can help Devin learn a thing or two through Grink

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Grink. Distance: 1'07"

[Master] let me check Alchemy for you

[Lisa] Branwyn: Attack: Cold Iron Dagger: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] -1. HITS Grink (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Lisa] Branwyn: Damage v SM: Cold Iron Dagger: (1d4) [1d4=1] 1 added to: Grink

[Master] while Lisa beats up on Devin

[Lisa] education?

[Grink (Devin-05347)] Moooooommmm! she shot me!

[Grink (Devin-05347)] Grink moved 20'02".

[Grink (Devin-05347)] Grink moved 32'07".

[Master] chuckles

[Devin-05347] Grink targets Branwyn. Distance: 9'06"

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets Grink.

[Devin-05347] Grink no longer targets Branwyn.

[Devin-05347] Grink targets Grink. Distance: 0'00"

[Devin-05347] Grink targets Branwyn. Distance: 9'06"

[Devin-05347] Grink no longer targets Branwyn.

[Grink (Devin-05347)] its not keeping the target.

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Grink. Distance: 9'06"

[Devin-05347] Grink targets Branwyn. Distance: 9'06"

[Lisa] It's weird

[Master] that would be a no to marco, need access to a lab

[Devin-05347] Grink no longer targets Grink.

[Lisa] after you target move cursor to a blank spot on page then hit the escape key

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Sarengar. Distance: 735'01"

[Devin-05347] Not something I would've worked out on my own, thanks.

[Lisa] no idea why but it works

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets Sarengar.

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets Grink.

[Devin-05347] Grink no longer targets Branwyn.

[Devin-05347] hrmmmm... *futzes*

[Devin-05347] Grink moved 12'02".

[Devin-05347] Grink targets Branwyn. Distance: 4'00"

[Lisa] to hit open the dice panel

[Lisa] click on the shield tab

[Devin-05347] I had done that. I'm looking for attacks and whatnot.

[Lisa] under the initiative button should be some weapons

[Devin-05347] shield check.

[Lisa] axe does the hit

[Devin-05347] Grink: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=9] 17

[Master] by the way there are videos you can watch on the Klooge site that explain a lot of these sorts of things

[Lisa] then 1st sword is sm/med damage

[Lisa] 2nd is large damage

[Master] but I think it is good to work with other players for what works for them

[Lisa] who's going to watch a Klooge video?

[Devin-05347] I think I will... now that I know they exist.

[Lisa] you would be the first :)

[Devin-05347] No worries, I'll fill you in when I'm done.

[Lisa] but in dice panel you can click on other tabs and see what's there

[Devin-05347] Grink no longer targets Branwyn.

[Devin-05347] Grink targets Toybin of Castling. Distance: 3'04"

[Devin-05347] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] there's one for proficiencies, saving throws etc

[Devin-05347] V

[Devin-05347] ooh... Lisa... View > preferences Check "Sticky Targeting"

[Devin-05347] :D

[Lisa] lol

[Devin-05347] Grink no longer targets Toybin of Castling.

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Toybin of Castling. Distance: 2'07"

[Devin-05347] and no, I'm not looking at the videos... yet.

[Lisa] wow

[Lisa] that worked

[Lisa] no escape button

[Devin-05347] /bow

[Master] laughs

[Lisa] sweet

[Master] Grink XP award: 250. Next level in 0.

[Devin-05347] WOOO LEVELUP!

[Lisa] now you really have to watch the videos and report back

[Master] some of the videos are from 2005

[Lisa] that's no good

[Master] the most recent is 2010 I think

[Master] but certain things have not changed

[Master] and there are tons of things that are not in them

[Devin-05347] Depends on hwo much the software has changed in that time.

[Lisa] trhat one probably is unless it's the 3.5 version or whatever

[Master] all are 3.2 and beyond

[Devin-05347] I may just look at youtube and find 3rd party videos too.

[Master] was then that we got the videos

[Master] that would be amazing if there are any out there

[Master] I have never thought to check

[Master] goes scrambling as you two try combat out

[Master] and spells

[Master] Grink has spells too

[Devin-05347] Grink targets Branwyn. Distance: 4'00"

[Devin-05347] Grink casts a spell against Branwyn: Bless/Curse: For 6 rounds, attack rolls and saves vs fear receive a +1 bonus.

[Devin-05347] Grink casts a spell against Branwyn: Animal Friendship: I convince an animal that I want to be friends.

[Master] no no youtube videos out there

[Devin-05347] drn.

[Devin-05347] how do I change my username on this thing?

[Devin-05347] *pokes around*

[Lisa] scroll down in edit preferences

[Lisa] Session name

[Lisa] so for next week - we will wait til morning if Indigo is not awake we can go get the druggist

[Zbrox8] aaannnddd, everything reloaded. did it work?

[Zbrox8] wooooo!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] cuz this is better?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] anyways, yeah, druggist if he doesnt wake by morning

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] best not to go before then unless we want people asking questions about how he got sleep potioned

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] especially if it will just wear off on its own

[Lisa] or I might just have kiss him and see if that works. But I think that is more enchantment and not poison gas.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] you would have to be a princess

[Master] true love

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] it only works if you are a princess

[Lisa] yes I would like to avoid town if possible

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] and true love

[Lisa] or Indigo is a princess - he's the one asleep

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] anyways. guess that is it for us then? I suppose I should do some last minute practice for tomorrow

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] going to a national karate tournament in Chiba

[Lisa] whats tomorrow?

[Master] chcukles

[Master] and you are participating?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] yes

[Lisa] lol

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] in the heavy weight division

[Lisa] no he is going to practice watching karate

[Lisa] good luck!

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] I will do my best to kill as many of my opponents as possible

[Lisa] your hands are lethal weapons

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] its funny, my teacher runs away whenever we are sparring. says that my light strikes are too dangerous

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 18 22:53:31 EST 2013

TMO is receiving the map Crimson Inn first floor...

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] I think he is just being a wimp from years of training elementary school kids

TMO has received the map Crimson Inn first floor.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] a black belt should be able to take a kick to the gut. I dont care if it makes you fly 2 meters in the process.

[TMO] still online?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] I knocked him through the window yesterday. that was kinda cool

[TMO] y'all are playing late

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] we were just about to disappear

[Zbrox8] Right now, I think they're mostly teaching me how it all works.

[Zbrox8] and talking about karati.

[TMO] that sounds about right. ;)

[Zbrox8] Grink casts a spell against Branwyn: Command: I command the target to follow a single round action. Those with 13 intelligence or more or 6 hit dice or more are entitled saves.

[Zbrox8] Branwyn no longer targets Toybin of Castling.

[Zbrox8] Grink no longer targets Branwyn.

[Zbrox8] wait... why am I allowed to affect other players?

[Master] anyone can use any icon

[Master] it is the honor system to not mess with someone else's character

[Zbrox8] that WAS unintentional... but I figured there'd be more player to icon control involved.

[Zbrox8] *shrug*

[Master] there is a control icon option but it is broken

[Master] the next update should fix it

[Zbrox8] they should fix it!

[Master] he was holding off on the next update because of D&D Next

[Master] but that is delayed now too

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] um.... hasnt it been broken for like 10 years?

[Master] two things we want fixed for our game, the Control Icon and Resize the chat window

[Master] no it broke two updates ago

[Master] Resize chat is coming back next update he thinks

[Master] it is hard, it is one guy programing in his spare time

[Zbrox8] wait, resize chat isn't working? I don't seem to be having any problems.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] what I want fixed is the way that the focus from chat changes whenever you move something on the map

[Master] grins

[Zbrox8] but I'm using the "chat history log" thing for my chat window too.

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] here I am chatting and boom all my letters are suddenly keyboard shortcuts

[Master] used to be able to have the chat box be any size you want AND the map be any size you want while they were both docked

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] HATE that

[Master] and that is a windows function Marco not Klooge

[Lisa] more a docked chat issue

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] that is just a lazy way of saying its not my problem

[Lisa] I used to have the chat box docked under the map across my screen

[Master] I think there is no way to change it under Java

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] the program should operate properly on any platform it is supported by

[Master] but in any case

[Zbrox8] BiBo, I think you've come across the fundamental error in computers. Assumptions of standardization.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 100. Next level in 9742.

[Master] Toybin of Castling XP award: 150. Next level in 0.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 200. Next level in 73114.

[Master] Esmerelda XP award: 200. Next level in 2447.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 200. Next level in 61498.

[Master] Androp Ilkep XP award: 200. Next level in 515.

[Lisa] I'm heading out. See you next week.

[Master] I think we will use Grink for you next couple of sessoins Devin

[Master] soyou have someone to speak with

[Zbrox8] so, speak with? or play with?

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] laters

[Master] play

[Master] as an NPC

[Zbrox8] sweet.

[Master] then later on create your own PC

[TMO] I'm only going to be half session again next Friday

[Lisa] Good luck tomorrow Marco. Send many people flying out windows

[TMO] another basketball game

[Master] grins

[Zbrox8] *does the theif dance, pocketing anything smaller than his own head in the process*

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 18 23:02:12 EST 2013

[Esmerelda (BiBo!!!)] will do my best

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Jan 18 23:02:40 EST 2013

[Master] and the log out button is on the far left of the icon bar

[Zbrox8] oh, do I have to log out now?

[Master] I hope that we will have our sessions run a little longer over the next few months also

[Master] grins,

[Master] I am going to shut things down for the night

[Master] save the chat etc

[TMO] g'night

[Zbrox8] Next week I'll probably be later than today. I expect I'll be working to 4:30 or so Central time.

[Master] ok

[Master] no worries pop in when you can

[Zbrox8] g'nite to anyone who is left.

[Master] is easy now that you ahve had a full session like this

Zbrox8 has left the game on Fri Jan 18 23:04:25 EST 2013

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 18 23:04:32 EST 2013

XP awarded