Main / Jan2017

Jan 20 17 - War by Art

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Sun Jan 15 14:20:29 EST 2017 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Sun Jan 15 17:42:03 EST 2017 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 20 17:49:24 EST 2017 ====

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 19:10:58 EST 2017

Lisa is receiving the map Keep level one...

[Master] Hello there

Lisa has received the map Keep level one.

[Lisa] Hello :)

[Lisa] Have you enabled the NASA Mars skill for Alexa yet?

[Master] Meant to ask you about Rapper

[Master] I have not yet

[Master] have you?

[Master] I saw it when they premired it

[Lisa] just saw it

[Master] and then forgot

[Master] until today

[Lisa] will do it tonight

[Lisa] :)

[Lisa] Rapper is not eating well today

[Lisa] I keep telling him to eat but he doesn't listen

[Master] wants more cheeseburgers

[Lisa] cannot haz cheeseburgers every day

[Lisa] so did you play back speech?

[Master] no

[Master] I just finished getting my steps actually

[Master] while listening to podcasts

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 19:15:51 EST 2017

TMO is receiving the map Keep level one...

TMO has received the map Keep level one.

[Lisa] good timing since you will not be stepping anywhere for a while

[Lisa] Hi TMO :)

[Master] hello TMO

[Lisa] today is penguin awareness day??

[Master] we might have one or two new people log in tonight around 8

[TMO] hello. and, as it turns out, goodbye again for a bit. have to go pick up daughter

[Lisa] I am aware of penguins every day

[Master] and I was not aware of that

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] we will be here when you return

[TMO] apparently she fell in mud atthe stock show, so will also have to shower her

[Master] they have hoses

[TMO] not the solution chosen by The Boss

[TMO] :)

[Master] chuckles

[Lisa] if only fell in mud is a good thing

[TMO] in a pig pen, so it may be worse

[TMO] bbl

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 20 19:19:22 EST 2017

[Lisa] yeah most likely worse

[Master] I am sort of just waiting till we see who gets in

[Master] Mario soon at least to have someone to talk with

[Master] because Branadarus talkign with the greek priestess might move the story along but would not be fun for you either

[Lisa] I would like to watch you talk to yourself

[Master] HAH

[Lisa] lol

[Master] but we can if you wish

[Master] I am just fidddling with the site

[Master] looking at the list of characters, training plans, etc.

[Lisa] so no new people?

[Master] supposed to be trying to log in at 8 was the message I got

[Lisa] whatever you want to do is fine

[Master] I can do some it in just a sec if you wish

[Master] let me finish this page

[Lisa] no worries

[Master] ok

[Master] all set

[Master] do you want to explore the statue and things you mentioned on teh site?

[Lisa] 2 of us rolled obs on it and couldn't tell anything ourselves - I was just thinking they might want to look at it

[Lisa] and we need to get our rope back before we leave

[Master] grins

[Lisa] we only really started talking

[Lisa] said hello and when we started the Ares thing we stopped for the night

[Master] pick up there?

[Lisa] sure

[Master] ask/talk away

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 19:45:42 EST 2017

TMO is receiving the map Keep level one...

TMO has received the map Keep level one.

[Master] welcome back

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I admit I am surprised to see actual people here. All we have been seeing are monstrous creatures of late.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (daughter all spic and span?)

[TMO] she's in the shower. will have to go help in a bit

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well, and these goblins.

[Female Priestess (Master)] I am surprised as well

[Female Priestess (Master)] I had no idea that our Prince was out adventuring in this area

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shurkural says you were looking for a spear of Air?

[Female Priestess (Master)] we thought this was wilderness territory that only beasts lived in

[Female Priestess (Master)] The Spear of Ares

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs "I don't think he knew he would be either"

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I go where my love leads me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We haven't seen any spears.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] and a sense of adventure

Branwyn (Lisa) looks to Tiberius and smiles

[Female Priestess (Master)] Ares is similar to your Brennios

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks over the visitors.

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Female Priestess (Master)] a warrior that has no good intentions

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hmmm ... Brennios.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That's the chaotic one isn't it?

[Female Priestess (Master)] Are you a follower?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Me? Oh no.

Female Priestess (Master) warm smile

[Female Priestess (Master)] I did not think that the PRince would be with an apostate

[Female Priestess (Master)] so you are here in a temple to Apollo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are quite correct and must know your Prince well.

[Female Priestess (Master)] That seems to have been defiled by these monsters

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Are we? The goblins destroyed the statue at the end of the platform and we couldn't tell who it was

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Destructive little beasts.

[Female Priestess (Master)] the infidels must have destroyed it in their scourge

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Goblin infidels?

[Female Priestess (Master)] Those who drove out the peaceful people living here

[Female Priestess (Master)] though you look strange as well, (directed at Ilero)

[Female Priestess (Master)] You are not from these lands any more than he is (pointing at Wu Sen Cho)

[Female Priestess (Master)] Where are you from Princess?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh if you must use a title, Marquessa please. And I am from Drillian,

[Female Priestess (Master)] You will be Princess soon if not already

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It looked to me as if whoever put up that winged demon statue was the one that destroyed the original one

[Female Priestess (Master)] I have not seen any statue

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Would you like to inspect it?

[Female Priestess (Master)] I would be glad to look'

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Who is supposed to be in possession of this spear now? It is a physical spear?

[Master] Female Priestess moved 25'01".

[Master] Branwyn moved 22'11".

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 2'00".

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 32'03".

[Female Priestess (Master)] The Spear is a symbol of Ares,

Female Priestess (Master) disparagingly, Men and their Spears

Ilero (TMO)] (sorry, was afk helping pup and daughter)

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Female Priestess (Master)] Where have the censors gone?

Female Priestess (Master) pointing to the pilnths

[Master] Female Priestess moved 4'06".

Ilero (TMO)] (got jobs at Fox)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have no idea. It was like this yesterday when we arrived.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol to tmo)

[Female Priestess (Master)] (groans)

[Female Priestess (Master)] This looks like it has been destroyed much longer than yesterday

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods.

Female Priestess (Master) nods in affirmation

[Female Priestess (Master)] (apparently beliving your story more now that she has seen this)

Ilero (TMO)] (how kind of her)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I tried to communicate with the goblins but founf it too time consuming. If you have a language spell perhaps the goblins might be able to tell you more.

[Master] Female Priestess moved 21'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I didn't mean it was destroyed yesterday. That is when we stumbled upon this place

[Ilero]] (TMO) accompanies the priestess on her investigation, since he hasn't had an opportunity to exercise his curiosity yet either.

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 31'00".

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

Female Priestess (Master) kneels and prays

Female Priestess (Master) pauses

Female Priestess (Master) stands up and looks at the pile of rubble and the winged statue

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 8'09".

[Master] Female Priestess moved 2'07".

[Master] Female Priestess moved 5'03".

[Master] Female Priestess moved 7'05".

[Ilero]] (TMO) moves around the statue

[Master] Female Priestess moved 9'09".

[Female Priestess (Master)] Why did you tie up this gargoyle?

[Ilero]] (TMO) gestures at the skeleton bones and goblin bodies. "Caution."

Female Priestess (Master) shrugs in semi agreement

[Female Priestess (Master)] If this is a real gargoyle it coudl snap this rope without trying

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "Not have better at time"

[Female Priestess (Master)] The marble mine I worked at as an acolyte had a problem with gargoyles

Ilero (TMO)] T'ink it real?

[Female Priestess (Master)] you need strong iron chains

[Female Priestess (Master)] Hard to say without awakening it

[Ilero]] (TMO) shakes his head.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Could you tell anything from the rubble here?

[Female Priestess (Master)] Do you want to?

Ilero (TMO)] Nope.

[Female Priestess (Master)] this looks like it was a statue of some sort

[Female Priestess (Master)] As a temple to Apollo it could be one of several things

[Female Priestess (Master)] the pilnths would be filled with censors, there would be brasiers and such for insence

Ilero (TMO)] (in Ilero's Observation rolls, has he found any identifiable bits like part of a face, or item being carried, or gender bit?)

[Female Priestess (Master)] incense

[Female Priestess (Master)] (no and no and no)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol to gender bit)

[Ilero]] (TMO) squats down and digs a bit in an area of the rubble. (brb)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well whoever was here before Medusa and her goblins cleaned out the temple of all its valuables

[Female Priestess (Master)] It has been over 400 years that this temple would have been openly active

[Female Priestess (Master)] perhaps your elven friends would know?

Female Priestess (Master) looks around

[Female Priestess (Master)] where did they go?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] One is very injured and his friend has been tending to him.

[Female Priestess (Master)] It is known that for centuries we held secret hold on parts of the hills

[Female Priestess (Master)] This temple was likely one of those places

[Female Priestess (Master)] If someone was hidden away I had thought it might be here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is interesting. Cordrawn Hills seems to be an atractive place for keeps and hidden temples

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We passed an abandoned village on the way here.

[Female Priestess (Master)] It is beleived that there is a direct link to Olympus hidden away here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] All the buildings standing but no sign of people

[Female Priestess (Master)] to the south there are the steaming festering swamps

[Female Priestess (Master)] that lead many to think there could be a way to Hades

[Female Priestess (Master)] there would be no good people here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] In the swamps?

[Female Priestess (Master)] they would have fled many years ago

[Female Priestess (Master)] but with a medusa here

[Female Priestess (Master)] perhaps some of the old powers are still around

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There are sirens and cyclops around as well if you haven't met them already

[Female Priestess (Master)] We have not

[Female Priestess (Master)] the fire swamps to the south of here across the river

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is fascinating. I come from land that is in swamps, but I have never seem ours on fire

Ilero (TMO)] (back)

[Female Priestess (Master)] The fire swamps are full of steaming pits, scalding water

[Ilero]] (TMO) sighs, hoping he doesn't find another saint, or worse.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hades is specifically Greek though is it not?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I mean ...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well ...

[Female Priestess (Master)] Is there another Hades?

Ilero (TMO)] (medusa, sirens, cyclops, this area is all very Greek)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you had to find a demon for some reason he wouldn't necessarily be in Hades would he?

[Female Priestess (Master)] a demon? no Hades is the home of devils

Ilero (TMO)] (sphiinx too, wasn't it?)

[Female Priestess (Master)] (yes)

Ilero (TMO)] (minotaurs?)

[Female Priestess (Master)] (bingo)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So demons are not in Hades. Only devils

[Female Priestess (Master)] Devils are from Hell, demons are from the Abyss

[Female Priestess (Master)] Hades is one of the levels of Hell

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I really think I need to be looking at the Abyss then

[Female Priestess (Master)]

[Female Priestess (Master)] Why would you want the Abyss?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] i have been getting an onslaught of unsolicited correspondence and may need to put a stop to it in the near future.

[Female Priestess (Master)] Ahhh

[Female Priestess (Master)] Devils are some of the worst

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ambassadors get too many scrolls as it is

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] The World of Darkness is a source of great torment

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But don't devils send letters rather than fires by post?

[Female Priestess (Master)] I suppose that it depends on who they are

[Female Priestess (Master)] Devils can be sticklers for their contracts

[Female Priestess (Master)] Demons are very chaotic

[Female Priestess (Master)] you asked about chaos earlier

Ilero (TMO)] You know Jennevive?

[Female Priestess (Master)] Who is Jennevive?

Ilero (TMO)] Not'er priestess. Just curious.

[Female Priestess (Master)] If you are looking to go to the Abyss

[Female Priestess (Master)] you need to be prepared for the chaos

[Female Priestess (Master)] better to visit Hades

[Female Priestess (Master)] I believed you wanted to test this statue?

[Master] Female Priestess moved 7'08".

[Female Priestess (Master)] /m estarts to untie the rope

[Ilero]] (TMO) backs up.

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 10'02".

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is now ARMED.

[Master] Female Priestess moved 2'04".

[Master] Female Priestess moved 10'08".

Female Priestess (Master) unties and drops the rope

[Ilero]] (TMO) slides his hand into the glove

[Female Priestess (Master)] Standing there

[Female Priestess (Master)] waiting

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How do we test it?

[Female Priestess (Master)] (Mario says about a half hour for him)

[Ilero]] (TMO) pets the back of it's neck and scratches it behind the ears with the Hand.

[Female Priestess (Master)] I would say hit it?

[Female Priestess (Master)] or that might work

Female Priestess (Master) shrugs

[Ilero]] (TMO) grins at Branwyn.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm not that interested but go ahead if you like

[Female Priestess (Master)] I am satisfied that this is not of interest in my quest

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think with all the commotion, if it wanted to move it would have by now

[Female Priestess (Master)] They do have a great store of patience

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods. He wonders what a gargloyle pet would have been like.

[Female Priestess (Master)] I supposed that happens when you are mostly stone

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So one last question - do you happen to know if Iggwilv would be in Hades or the Abyss?

[Female Priestess (Master)] Who is that?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh he wrote a little book that is causing a bit of trouble

[Female Priestess (Master)] THere are many demons and devils

[Female Priestess (Master)] if you are speaking of a specific one

[Female Priestess (Master)] When you return to a proper temple we can explore that for you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is a nice thought. Thank you for your help. Shall we return to Jilly's breakfast?

[Female Priestess (Master)] Breakfast would be nice

[Female Priestess (Master)] thank you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let us return to the others then

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Where do you plan to head next?

[Ilero]] (TMO) climbs up on top of the gargoyle looking for secret caches

[Female Priestess (Master)] We are in search of a magic weapon

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 15'05".

[Female Priestess (Master)] I am not sure where the next best place to look is

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Tiberius for a moment

Lord Branadarus (Master) raised eyebrow

Lord Branadarus (Master) shrugs, and nods at Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We happen to be looking for some lost weapons as well coincidentally

Ilero (TMO)] (did we ever search the upper floor(s)?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] (no)

[Master] Female Priestess moved 23'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We have heard rumors that the bugbears or their king may be in the area and have an assortment of weapons they have stolen

[Female Priestess (Master)] The beastmen are avoris

[Ilero]] (TMO) sits cross-legged on the goblin's head. "Branwyn."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (other than the medusa floor the 3rd floor round room and the roof?)

[Female Priestess (Master)] Averis

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Just a second. Excuse me

[Master] Female Priestess moved 54'01".

[Master] Female Priestess moved 66'00".

[Master] Female Priestess moved 103'08".

[Master] Female Priestess moved 108'05".

Branwyn (Lisa) heads back to Ilero and sighs to see him perched

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes?

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Ilero]] (TMO) points upward. "Was staircase up from snake lady. We not go up it."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I thought we did that. If there was a room we missed we should definitely look before we leave

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods.

[Master] (Branwyn did , Ilero di dnot)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe it has a spear and we will save the day

[Master] (tower room where the chest was)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thought we were all up there)

Ilero (TMO)] (oh. you said we didn't search the upper floors.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I am confused)

Ilero (TMO)] (me too)

[Master] you had the fight with the Medusa on the second floor

[Master] you walked aroudn that a bit

[Master] you went up the stairs

[Master] found the tower room with the two chests, back pack, etc

[Master] Lisa has thoughts on that

[Master] Branwyn, Indigo and Shur brought the stuff down

[Master] back to the first floor here

Ilero (TMO)] (she should stop that. women having thoughts is a dangerous precedent to start. ;) )

[Master] LOL

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh I thought we were all up there)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (see? thoughts bad)

Ilero (TMO)] (so the second floor has more to search?_)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (my thoughts was this was not the paladin keep and our Greek friends confirmed)

[Master] you looked in all the rooms, did not find antyhing

Ilero (TMO)] (so did we search the upper floors or not?)

[Master] and no to Lisa those two things are not exclusive of each other

[Master] and yes/no to TMO

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (looked to me that an adevnturer or someone found the keep and was transporting the chests we found)

Ilero (TMO)] (I are confoozled)

[Master] non thieves looked through the second and third floor

Ilero (TMO)] (did you move to Delphi, Bob?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (there is a small room that held nothing but two chests and a backpack)

[Master] looked in (LOL) rooms, picked up chests and brought them down, etc.

Ilero (TMO)] (since we're being all Greek tonight)

[Master] but no one checked for secret doors, or traps or anything

Ilero (TMO)] (ah, so the amateurs looked, but we still need the pros to take a look?)

[Master] just look in with the continual light, and then back down

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (true - this place could have had multiple occupants over time)

[Master] yes to both

[Master] if you really want them to look

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (should have cast secret doors when I memorized it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that was the only room I would have done that for)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (maybe Ilero first in case it is a kayugan stash?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (then greeks if we want to show them)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can go back to breakfast if you wanted to go look Ilero.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Keep our guests entertained?

Ilero (TMO)] Hye go look 'round.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe take Shur at least?

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods. (I was just about to type that. ;) )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yell if you need us.

[Ilero]] (TMO) goes back to the room and summons Shurkural, then heads up the stairs.

Branwyn (Lisa) grins

[Master] (not goin to load that second floor map that caused problems that night will jump you to the third floor)

Ilero (TMO)] (thank you)

[Ilero]] (TMO) scuffs his boot across the floor. "Nice."

Ilero (TMO)] (floor isn't a magic eye pattern)

[Ilero]] (TMO) searches.

Ilero (TMO)] (what do you want e to roll?)

[Master] yes please

Ilero (TMO)] (what die?)

[Master] detect traps and detect secret doors

[Master] d12 for that

Ilero (TMO)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=6] 6

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Find/remove traps* check:(d100) [1d100=36] 36 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 40!!

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 18'11".

[Master] Right there in the center of the room

[Master] Ilero spots an irregular tile

[Master] lifts it up

Mario Laptop has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 20:55:29 EST 2017

Mario Laptop is receiving the map Keep level one...

Mario Laptop has received the map Keep level one.

[Master] and there is a small cylinder space hiddeen there

[Ilero]] (TMO) peers down in

[Master] using his light he can see that down inside is somethign that looks to be a wand

[Master] and Welcome Mario

[Mario Laptop] Hello Hello

Ilero (TMO)] (hi)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hi Mario!)

[Master] Ilero is debating doing somethign strange, or crazy

[Ilero]] (TMO) checks for traps on the wand

[Master] not sure which he will go for yet

Ilero (TMO)] (debating???? There is never a debate. :P)

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Find/remove traps* check:(d100) [1d100=64] 64 - ROLL FAILED against 40!!

[Master] will you go for strange or crazy?

[Master] you do not see any traps

[Ilero]] (TMO) pulls the wand out with the Hand.

[Master] will not fit down there to do that

[Master] not dexterious enough

[Ilero]] (TMO) contemplates.

[Master] When you are ready Mario

[Master] Kell is down stairs walking wounded

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Attack: Knife:: is now ARMED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (if you show it to branwyn she would do it)

[Ilero]] (TMO) checks to see if he can snag it with a knife and lift it out

[Master] no

[Master] not enough room

[Master] will have to reach in with fingers to pluck it out

[Ilero]] (TMO) uses the Force

[Master] LOL

[Ilero]] (TMO) uses the tips of fingers to try and grasp the very edge of it and pull it out.

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Master] dex check

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (*if you lose a magic wand because all of a sudden you want to be careful ....)

[Master] he is able to pull it out with his finger tips

[Master] LOL

Ilero (TMO)] :P to Lisa.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Mario Laptop] (i'm reading up, but not usre im caught up. is the spear actual or symbolic?)

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks it over for any clues or writing or symbols

[Master] you can guess it is for a wizard

[Master] beyond that no clue without detect etc

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (seems actual - there was a men and spears comment)

[Master] and good to know you did read the commentary on the site with Lisa and Carissa Mario :)

[Ilero]] (TMO) stashes it in a pouch and continues his search.

[Mario Laptop] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] i've been checking, expecting to see images...:op

[Master] LOL

[Master] I can only do that at home where I can upload to the server

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] lol, i'm kidding. sorta

[Master] but it will get done

[Master] i know

[Master] and I hear you

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] i send a new one every week, i keep working on them

[Master] and Ilero does not find anythign else in this room

Ilero (TMO)] (has the 2nd floor been searched properly?)

[Master] no

[Ilero]] (TMO) heads that way.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (is it worth Kel helping out, with just one hp?)

Ilero (TMO)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=12] 12

[Master] he cannot

[Master] he is walking wounded

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Find/remove traps* check:(d100) [1d100=65] 65 - ROLL FAILED against 40!!

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] ok, cool

[Master] tomorrow he can aftger he gets healed

[Master] but it brings up the problem of the sword

[Master] ...... attempting to take over..... dum dum dum

[Master] will let Mario think on that

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (ya, i have to start actually playing the sword)

[Master] when Ilero and Shur are back down stairs he can explain

[Master] what might happen, etc.

[Ilero]] (TMO) is on a totally different floor, and can't be backstabbed by evil intelligent sword bent on vengeance.

[Master] based on what is in Kel's bio

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] lol, um, ok

Kel (Mario Laptop) wracking brain, what could I have written?)

[Master] and did you see Mario your family tree is filling out on the Ancestry site?

[Master] and an hour and a half later

[Master] Ilero and Shur come back down stairs to the first floor

[Master] having searched the two upper floors

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Shurkural]] (TMO) swaggers and looks pleased, just to toy with everybody's emotions

Branwyn (Lisa) looks curiously

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Doesn't look like you found a spear on the second pass?

[Ilero]] (TMO) shakes his head. "Nah. Here, show you." He pulls her over to the side

Branwyn (Lisa) follows

[Ilero]] (TMO) hands her the wand. "Look wizardy."

Branwyn (Lisa) eyes widen "Oh yes! We will have to look at that later. Thank you for checking. Would you mind holding on to it until we can stash it quietly?"

autumndec-86197 has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 21:16:28 EST 2017

autumndec-86197 is receiving the map Keep level one...

autumndec-86197 has received the map Keep level one.

Ilero (TMO)] We need show t'em, so not t'ink we hold out?

[Master] and there is Autumn

Branwyn (Lisa) looks milldly disappointed "I suppose you are right"

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 1'05".

gsteiner-61176 has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 21:18:03 EST 2017

gsteiner-61176 is receiving the map Keep level one...

[Ilero]] (TMO) walks over to the group and shows the priestess the wand. "T'is not spear. Sorry."

gsteiner-61176 has received the map Keep level one.

[Master] and that is Greg

Branwyn (Lisa) mururs "Hope it isn't some wand of zeus or something"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hello Autumn and Greg!)

Ilero (TMO)] (I have a cousin named Autumn. That would be coincidental)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] Hello

[Master] you will have to ask her, she works in the Creation Station at Northwest Regional

[Master] Greg is in a Beatles band

[Master] among other things

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (too bad Spring isn't here)

[Master] grins, exactly Lisa

[Master] and Greg and Autumn take your time to absorb things

Ilero (TMO)] (nope. my cousin is in Lake Worth, FL, and is a photographer)

Ilero (TMO)] (at least, last I knew)

[Master] View and Chat History will show you the full nights chat

Lisa is receiving the map Keep level one...

Lisa has received the map Keep level one.

[Master] and feel free to type away to ask questions etc.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 11'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lord Branadarus moved 18'04".

[Master] Mario

[Master] you caught up now?

[Master] and have some ideas on what to tell the others? it seems TMO does

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] i think so, we are chatting w the priestess, and looking fo rthe spear

[Master] but also your sword... etc.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] that, no

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] im down to one monitor, and im at my moms, with the whole crew here

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] ugh

[Master] TMO can offer some ideas

[Master] grins

[Master] just want everyone to be aware

Ilero (TMO)] (I've never been possessed by my item before)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (brb)

[gsteiner-61176] Just trying to figure out how this platform Just found the chat window.. :)

[autumndec-86197] This is going to take a little bit of getting used to.

Ilero (TMO)] (aye, it does take a bit)

[gsteiner-61176] Also very laggy...moving the map, etc.

[Master] Mario is our second newest player, Carissa is the other

[Master] AHHHH you are on a mac,

[Master] I will pull up a link for you

Ilero (TMO)] (toss out any questions you have though, and we'll do our best to get you oriented)

[Master] I bes you do not have much memory allocated

[gsteiner-61176] IF you can allocate in software I can allocate more, but generally, The mac takes whatever is available as needed.

[gsteiner-61176] have 14GB


[Master] Greg, Klooge is set as a default to only 256 K

[Master] you can up it to a full gig

[Master] the bottom of that page

[Master] has the file to edit to change it

[gsteiner-61176] Aha.. That would do it.

[Master] will have to change the file then log out and log back in

[Master] to put the change into effect

[gsteiner-61176] k. hang on.

[Master] no worries

[gsteiner-61176] What's the pref file called?

[Master] kLoOge.Werks.l4j

[Master] In your Klooge.werks folder (the main folder you installed Klooge in) there is a file called kLoOge.Werks.l4j Open/edit that file with wordpad and change the two lines of -xmx and -xms I recommend putting in -Xmx1024m and -Xms512m Then just hit save (no need to change the file name) When you open Klooge it will use these new values and we should have fewer drops.

[Master] and Autumn are you there too?

[autumndec-86197] I'm still trying to find my character

[Master] grins

[Master] there is one calle Female Priestess

[autumndec-86197] Ok

[Master] if you do like the idea of playing the priestess of Athena

[autumndec-86197] I'm cool with that

[gsteiner-61176] Well, that file doesn't exist... at least not in the application diretory. Unless it's burried in a sub directiory. Looking for it now.

[Master] there are the three NPCs there to create what you like

[Master] did you get a chance to skim the chat file from last week?

[autumndec-86197] I think I got about half way through before work got busy

[Master] not too worried about continuity errors at this point

[Master] really? you think work is more important than the game?

[Master] geezze guys

[Master] I thought i knew her better

[Master] :)

Ilero (TMO)] (sigh. she has so much to learn)

[autumndec-86197] I'm trying to get a promotion, I have to at least fake it until I get it :-)

[Master] LOL

[Master] which is even better because she would be working with me if she gets it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] b

[Master] so LIsa you have Ilero and Shur there, Kel is fidgeting in the corner with Indigo

[Master] soon Greek Priestess will be played by tall dark and fit Autumn

[Master] and Greg will be playing one of the other two

[autumndec-86197] lolololol

[Master] and Mario?

[Master] you are up to try to talk to Branwyn

[Master] explain what the heck is happening

[autumndec-86197] Um, I zoomed out on my map and now I have a purple circle and I can't zoom back in.

[gsteiner-61176] Ok, Mac is different. Have to edit the info.plist file, which I've found and opened in my editor, but there are no -Xmx or -Xms entries at all. Found the VMOptions, but those entries are not there. May have to add them custom, but have to figure out which of the predefined options is appropriate to use.

[Master] There is a character now called Priestess of Athena for you Autumn

[Master] and Great there is one called Warrior

[gsteiner-61176] working on it. Mya have figured it out.

[autumndec-86197] Thanks

[Master] both are just place holders for what you will play

[Master] TMO and Lisa and Mario can help you with navigating

[Master] zoom in on the map

TMO is receiving the map Keep level one...

TMO has received the map Keep level one.

[Master] and then how to center on your character

[Master] and there are always 4 or 5 ways to do somethign in Klooge so you will find your best way for you

[Master] based on yoru set up

[Master] I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts

[gsteiner-61176] relaunching.

gsteiner-61176 has left the game on Fri Jan 20 21:39:56 EST 2017

[Master] I deleted your purple area of effect you drew Aut

[Master] which is what the new nickname is for now, grins

[autumndec-86197] Thank you

gsteiner-61176 has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 21:40:37 EST 2017

gsteiner-61176 is receiving the map Keep level one...

gsteiner-61176 has received the map Keep level one.

[Master] and I just resent the map

[Master] so you are more zoomed in now I think

[Master] priestess is there

[Master] etc.

[autumndec-86197] Hooray!

[Master] how did that work Greg?

[Master] right click and chat as to talk as her Autumn

[Master] and the warrior is out by the front door still for Greg

[Master] and there are no real stats for those characters, we will add those later on after you settle in

[Master] will let you roleplay on the play

Ilero (TMO)] (all 18s!)

[autumndec-86197] That sounds great

Mario Laptop has left the game on Fri Jan 20 21:42:25 EST 2017

[Master] mario is out and back in shortly

[gsteiner-61176] Nope. Didnt work.. .Still laggy as @#$ lol Added two additional entries into the JVM OPTIONS... -Xmx1024m (and) -Xms512m No difference.

[Master] hmmm

[Master] lag is usually associated with map size

[Master] down in the lower left

[Master] you see the trash can?

[Master] you can click that to clear the cache

[Master] near the mini map

[gsteiner-61176] yep. just clicked.

Ilero (TMO)] (brief overview: priestess and her companions came upon us in this keep in the middle of the night. you're searching for the Spear of Ares, and were suspicious we were after it too, or had defiled this temple. Later you recognized Lord Branadarus, and saw that the damage to the temple had been done a long time ago.)

[Master] the bar to the left shows how much memory you have dedicated to it

[Master] thank you TMO

[gsteiner-61176] Showing 235 of 630MB.

[gsteiner-61176] Sorry, 282 of 630

[Master] yeah so you are at the minimum

[gsteiner-61176] MB

[autumndec-86197] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] once you figure out that file you can up those numbers

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] I think I have the chat figured out now

[Master] that looks better Autumn

[Master] and also slash and the name is whisper to only that person

[Master (to autumndec-86197 only)] like this to you only

[Master (to gsteiner-61176 only)] to you only

[Master] slash DM to me

Ilero (TMO)] /master to talk privately at Master

[Master] well there you go

[Master] but feel free to openly ask questions,

[Master] you have lots of them

[Master] and many people can help

[Master] Lisa ? did you want to do anythign with that wand in front of others?

[Master] and open for any other questions

[Master] and yes to Autumn and Greg, LOTS to absorb

[Master] but you will find we are more interested in good fun roleplay and teamwork than anythign else

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I thought Ilero was going to announce the wand)

[Master] that is what I was waiting for

Ilero (TMO)] (he did)

[Master] the wand and which ever else

gsteiner-61176 has left the game on Fri Jan 20 21:50:12 EST 2017

[Master] Autumn and Greg you have a phone ringing on your tool bar

[Master] if you do not have your sound turned on

[Master] as an example of a private message that does not appear in the chat log

[Ilero]] (TMO) walks over to the group and shows the priestess the wand. "T'is not spear. Sorry."

[Master] as an example of sound clues for the new people

gsteiner-61176 has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 21:52:30 EST 2017

gsteiner-61176 is receiving the map Keep level one...

gsteiner-61176 has received the map Keep level one.

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] It can still do damage

[Master] (and yes I have not given any of the three of them a name so you can feel free to invent one)

gsteiner-61176 has left the game on Fri Jan 20 21:53:22 EST 2017

[Master] and also these do not have to be the characters you end up playing full time, just a chance for you to test out our game

Branwyn (Lisa) splutters "And it could be quite useful too"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can take it and put it away and make sure it doen't do any damage.

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] arches eyebrow "do you know what it does?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will take full responsibility

gsteiner-61176 has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 21:54:44 EST 2017

gsteiner-61176 is receiving the map Keep level one...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It's magic. I can figure it out later.

gsteiner-61176 has received the map Keep level one.

[Master] slash me to emote

Master nods approvingly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (branwyn is a mage and is practically drooling over a new magic item)

[Master] (and LOL the Florida Grand Opera tonight presented From Russia with Love.... )

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] (Ha!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how appropriate)

[gsteiner-61176] K. I've managed to bump up the memory to 1024 min and 4096 max. Showing "395MB of 1.3GB (Max 3.56GB)" but still quite laggy. May have unrealistic expectations of the software.

[Master] nice

[Master] and perhaps, it is a decade old Greg, grins

[Master] but it will also get better

[Master] as you sync about a gig of info over time

[gsteiner-61176] Feels like I'm chatting on AOL in 1997 :)

[Master] LOL

[gsteiner-61176] True, if it's downloading that will definitely slow it down. Hadn't considered that.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (shouldn't be that slow - I always reboot before fridays, clear temp internet files - doesn't some of it have to do with Internet speed? I don't download stuff during Klooge either)

[Master] it is also true it is not the most elegant program, but it works for us, till a replacement comes, and it is platform agnostic which is important to me

[Master] true to lisa

[Master] Klooge works well on DSL still

[Master] but moving forward for a bit

[Master] Greg you have a Warrior there, but it can be anythign you wish

[gsteiner-61176] Don't have much experience with other platforms, but I was looking at MapTools for my campaigns. Also Java and multi platform and very cool tools... but haven't tested it in real time.

[Master] was just a placeholder

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what does wand look like?)

[Master] the wand is wood, old and slightly slimy, from being hidden away for such a long time

[Master] but not obvious markings on it

[Master] Time of Day: 08:52 AM. Day 10 Fin ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 10th, 1266 TGR.

Branwyn (Lisa) frowns looking at it "Let me clean that up a bit"

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] (so to emote I do / then me, is that right)

[Master] you can guess that it is magical after looking it but need an identify to know more

[Master] yes to Autumn

Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197) sighs

[Master] Mario is having issues at home trying to get back in, his brother and sister in law (my sister) are there

Branwyn (Lisa) takes it and wipes it off on the goblin bedding

[Master] distracting

[Master] they should know better

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That's a bit better for now.

[Master] give me a d100 Lisa so I can check on a list

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=59] 59

Ilero (TMO)] (genie pops out)

Ilero (TMO)] (Hey! Where's my lamp?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] sorry d1000

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (d1000) [1d1000=65] 65

[gsteiner-61176] Hm... Autumn is not experiencing the lag I've got on her laptop. Seems to be limited to my desktop for somer reason. I'm going to transfer over to my laptop and see how it works.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not much difference)

[Master] and yes to Greg, and heh to Lisa actually the exact same

[Master] so the description would be of a bluish old ash wooden wand

[gsteiner-61176] Be back in a bit!

gsteiner-61176 has left the game on Fri Jan 20 22:07:06 EST 2017

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (good luck)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thanks)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So ... priestess. I hate to bother you with this, but would any of your party have healing abilities?

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] (I'm assuming since I'm a priestess, I can heal, right?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Our priests are very devout and sometimes they go into hiding to pray and we can't seem to find them anywhere.

[Master] (actually not all priests can heal, but yes your particular goddess grants healing spells)

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] (well that just happens to work out :-))

[Master] (and Lisa is doing a very nice job of roleplay describing the One Round Behind rule)

Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197) nods "I do heal"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We ran into some centipedes last night and my friend Indigo got badly injured

[Master] and Lord Branadarus is your Prince of your home Country

[Master] and Branwyn is his Princess

[Master] well it is complicated, grins

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you could assist, we would be happy to pay you what you feel is appropriate

Ilero (TMO)] (not yet - they're still only engaged)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (his fiancee)

[Master] HAH she admits it!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] only took me two years to get there

[Master] grins

[Master] Indigo moved 7'04".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she doesn't want to be tied down)

[Master] Shur will be glad to do that for you

gsteiner-61176 has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 22:11:00 EST 2017

gsteiner-61176 is receiving the map Keep level one...

gsteiner-61176 has received the map Keep level one.

Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197) bows head "I do not need payment for helping one who is injured"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol I am sure she would)

Ilero (TMO)] (Shur looks innocent)

[Master] HAH

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] (so how should I go about healing)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you. And if you wish to join us looking in our quests for missing weapons we shall assist you in your travels as well

[Master] and Autumn, I leave it up to all players on if they require a tithe for healing, or anything

[gsteiner-61176] Still testing...

[Master] so you are free to do what you wish

[Master] and to heal

[Master] your spells are on your character sheet

[Master] I will let Lisa describe how to do it

[Master] she does lots of spells as a magic user character

autumndec-86197 is now controlling Priestess of Athena

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (well it's hard since your char sheet is not loaded with spells)

[Master] and Greg, feel free

[Master] yes her sheet is loaded with spells Lisa

[Master] Athena Spell list loaded for her

Mario Laptop has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 22:13:51 EST 2017

Mario Laptop is receiving the map Keep level one...

[Master] just no other stats

autumndec-86197 is no longer controlling Priestess of Athena

[Lisa] oh lovely

Mario Laptop has received the map Keep level one.

[Master] welcome back Mario

[Lisa] (Hi mario)

[Master] and this is Autumn and Greg

[Master] did you get rid of your pesky sister in law?

[Lisa] Autumn and Greg this will apply to both combat and casting on someone

[Lisa] first you would target

[Master] (they do not have weapons on their sheets yet)

autumndec-86197 is now controlling Priestess of Athena

[Lisa] R-clk your char name on the left bar

[Mario Laptop] (i may be missing something, but i didnr find anything pertaining to the sword

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Shi'Nyenze. Distance: 2'09"

autumndec-86197 is no longer controlling Priestess of Athena

[Lisa] click target and then move the cursor on who you want to cast on anc click on them

[Master] for Mario from Kel

[Master] Despite its best efforts, Tebhouldrin has not yet been able to overpower Kel nor Vornadrin.

[autumndec-86197] Priestess of Athena targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 3'09"

[Lisa] for me then I have to click on an empty space on the map and it esc to stop targeting thing

Ilero (TMO)] (Vornadrin?)

[Lisa] tmo - better way?

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 1'01"

[Master] and Autumn, you targeted Ilero, and Indigo needs the healing the halfling over by Branwyn

[Master] smaller icon

Ilero (TMO)] (right-click on open space to stop targeting)

[Master] Indigo moved 1'01".

[TMO] [Ilero]] no longer targets [Shurkural]].

[Master] Indigo moved 1'02".

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Priestess of Athena. Distance: 3'09"

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Goblin Statue. Distance: 0'08"

[autumndec-86197] It won't stop targeting, I tried that and now it has a mind of it's own

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 1'01"

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Wu Sen Cho. Distance: 5'07"

[Lisa] Priests use the Orison spell for slow healing

[Master] click on a blank space and then hit ESC on your keyboard

Ilero (TMO)] (actually, left click to target and keep targeting. right click to end target selection)

[Master] is how I stop targeting

[TMO] All targets for [Ilero]] removed.

[Master] but there are always at least two ways to do things in Klooge

[gsteiner-61176] switching to my laptop brb

gsteiner-61176 has left the game on Fri Jan 20 22:18:46 EST 2017

[Lisa] Then R-clk on your icon and click Roll Dice

[autumndec-86197] right clicking is not cutting it to quit targeting

[Lisa] Open dice panel

[autumndec-86197] Priestess of Athena no longer targets [Ilero]].

[Master] try left clicking on a blank space on teh map

[autumndec-86197] never mind lol

[Master] grins

[Lisa] you'll get it

[Master] you mean you have not mastered Klooge in only an hour? shame on you :)

[Lisa] Try opening the dice panel - we will work on targeting later

gsteiner-50038 has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 22:20:14 EST 2017

gsteiner-50038 is receiving the map Keep level one...

gsteiner-50038 has received the map Keep level one.

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] Which of your friends am I to help?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Me please!

Ilero (TMO)] (the bleeding ones)

[Master] laughs at TMO

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I think Kel is klost cause until tomorrow)

Ilero (TMO)] (in parentheses is OOC chatter)

[autumndec-86197] Priestess of Athena targets Indigo. Distance: 4'08"

gsteiner-50038 has left the game on Fri Jan 20 22:21:29 EST 2017

[Indigo (Lisa)] (perfect)

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] Priestess of Athena casts a spell against Indigo: Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Master] bingo

[Lisa] Your totally there

[Master] Now here is the thing, Orison heals based on yoru level

[Master] we are going to say you are 5th level for now

[Master] Lisa will describe how to get to spell descriptions to read the details of each spell

[Master] but you get at least three first level spells

[Master] so you can do that two more times

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] (Do I have to keep targeting

[Lisa] so orison for 5th level wouuld be 5 pt +2

[Master] and I know you heal at 7 HP per spell

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (7) - Massively Wounded

[Master] and you can cast two more

[Lisa] (he'll need a couple to get him down or you can try to cast a heal moderate wounds and hope for a good dice roll

[Master] and then deal with higher level spells

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets Shi'Nyenze.

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] (Am I doing this at will, or do I have to wait for a round)

Ilero (TMO)] (we only do rounds during combat)

[Master] at will right now, but very good question, in combat, round by round, out of combat, we are looser

[Master] so you can cast Orison again now

[Master] two more times

[Master] then I will apply the healing

[Master] and you can try one of the higher level spells if you wish after that

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] Priestess of Athena casts a spell against Indigo: Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 16 (7) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] one more

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] (Should I use the Orison, or go for something higher)

[Master] orison one more time

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] Priestess of Athena casts a spell against Indigo: Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Master] because you know you have 3 first levels

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 23 (7) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] so now Lisa will describe looking at the character tree over on the left side of the screen

[Master] to see how wounded people are

[Lisa] and we drain characters of all spells on their first night as an intiiation

[Master] cuckels

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] (lol)

[Master] 5 points to LIsa

[Master] TMO I would have expected that from you

Ilero (TMO)] (sorry)

[Master] grims

Ilero (TMO)] (I am a disappointment)

[Master] lol

[Lisa] the numbers after the char names on the left show how many hp the have currently / how many total

[Lisa] so Kel has 1 hp out of 42

Ilero (TMO)] (brb - family just got home)

[Lisa] almost dead

[Lisa] branwyn is healthy at 37/37

[Lisa] good way to tell who needs it most

[autumndec-86197] Ok, pretty straight forward

[Lisa] Kel at 1 is special as he was almost dead and he has to wait a day before his body can take any more

[Lisa] do you have your char sheet tab up?

[autumndec-86197] I do

[Master] right click and view charccter sheet

[Master] not the dice panel

[autumndec-86197] I know!! >:-(

[autumndec-86197] lol

[Lisa] If you open that and go to the Spell tab you can hover the cursor over the spell descriptions to read a little more about your spells

[Master] grins, sorry

[autumndec-86197] Ok, cool

[Lisa] or R-clk on one and click show description to see the whole spell details

[Lisa] Like range - that is important

[Master] one reason to use Klooge is it has 90% of the rules built in for us

[Lisa] some spells you have to touch or be close to to cast, etc

[Lisa] no pesky books for us :)

[autumndec-86197] We have all of the 3.5 books in pdf form on a dvd we found in a thrifted book

Greg has joined the game on Fri Jan 20 22:33:13 EST 2017

Greg is receiving the map Keep level one...

Greg has received the map Keep level one.

[Master] this is 2nd edtion from the early 80's

[Lisa] that's nice

[Lisa] I have the mage books from Bob in pdf

[Master] I do have most of the books in PDF for you as you wish

[Lisa] there is just so much stuff

[autumndec-86197] No matter what version, there is always so much

[Master] plus 24 years of campaign building roleplay

[Master] heck LIsa has 6+ years under her belt

[Master] welcome back Mario

[Master] and I onlymention that Greg and Autumn to show you have lots to contribute, becauase a lot of it is player generated

[Master] I build a back ground and let the Players develop it

[Master] so to get back to Spells

[Master] Autumn you can cast two more 2nd level spells and 1 3rd level spell as you wish

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] (I can throw a cure moderate in Indigo's direction

Ilero (TMO)] (back)

[Master] the cure light wounds is 1d8 points of healing, while your Orison does an automatic 7 points of healing

[Lisa] he would appreciate it as we hope to hit the road soon maybe

[Master] cure ight takes 1 round orison takes 7 rounds

[Master] so you do not do Orison in the middle of combat

[Master] so go and cast which you wish

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] Priestess of Athena casts a spell against Indigo: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=7] -8 points.

[Master] and Greg you can let me know any ideas you have for a charcter to play

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 31 (8) - Moderately Wounded

[Lisa] ohh thank you!

[Priestess of Athena (autumndec-86197)] (he's still dealing with technical issues)

[Lisa] so sorry for that :(

[autumndec-86197] I'm having no problems what so ever, but he's having all the problems. /shakes fist COMCAST!!

Ilero (TMO)] (Thanks Obama!)

Greg has left the game on Fri Jan 20 22:39:42 EST 2017

[autumndec-86197] I'm going to duck out for a minute, while he resets the modem. BRBD

[Master] ok

autumndec-86197 has left the game on Fri Jan 20 22:40:01 EST 2017

[Master] Mario?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shall we look at the map and make sure we are heading in the right direction for keep 3?

[TMO] [Ilero]]: Orienteering check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I don't think he wants to tell us)

[Master] you did the middle one first

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I think he wants to turn all demon evil and make us kill him)

[Master] then the one to the far right

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Master] only other one is in the woods

[Mario Laptop] im back

[Mario Laptop] i read what you said about teb, yes, he has not been able to overpower Kel or his dad Vorn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Is the Brandish cabin on the way to the next one?)

[Mario Laptop] ...yet

[Master] chuckles

[TMO] (afk to put daughter to bed)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] and no to Brandish cabin as you do not know where that is, but the hunting cabin is there at current posistion bag of clouds

[Master] grins

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we were there at the b-day game)

[Master] that is the Domvile hunting cabin

[Master] Brandish was not mentioned

[Master] that is the Paladin family

[Master] but I can see how you can confuse it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but that is his mine and his domville isn't it?)

[Master] the Duke of Domvile,

[Master] his cabin his mine

[Master] Brandish is the family name of Art

[Master] and his father Shoe

[Master] and his grandfather Paint

[Branwyn (Lisa)] but also the current duke

[Master] Art is the paladin you were in search of and apparently found his scroll, treasties on war

[Master] no current duke is a Domvile

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes - all I'm asking is will we see a cabin milestone on the way to forest new fanger

[Branwyn (Lisa)] danger

[Master] you can detour to that yes

[Master] easy enough

[Master] on this map

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (it looks like a straight line to me)

[Master] bag of clouds point

[Master] you can wander through the hills to get to it yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but this is why I am not holding the map)

[Master] you got to this point fromthe center circle

[Master] grins

[Master] brb restroom

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (someone who knows where they are going can lead)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (mario - not wanting to rush you out. did you want to talk about the sword to let us understand?)

[Mario Laptop] (i dont think I now enough about Teb to play it properly. i dont know how it would behave when it sees magic, or will it try to sell us out in sneaky times

[Mario Laptop] ive been torn w how to play it since i rolled it

[Mario Laptop] i have a background story but its not in stone

[Branwyn (Lisa)] okay - anything you want

[Branwyn (Lisa)] you can have it change over time maybe

[Lisa] like you never talked to it before so it acts one way

[Lisa] then you start talking to it and it can change more

[Lisa] or not

[Lisa] would be funny if it started nice and then got tired of people talking to it all the time and got grumpier over time :)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mario Laptop] i imagine kel has had it for a while, so he would be familiar with it, but I, ME, have no idea how t oplay it. When can it see? if its all the time, we can use it for watches

[Mario Laptop] it watches, we sleep, it screams out, we wake up

[Lisa] that would be useful

[Mario Laptop] does it hate all MUs, or just the one who made it be captured?

[Master] all

[Lisa] that takes care of that

[Mario Laptop] aha!

[Mario Laptop] one question solved.

[Master] checking to see how long Kel has had it

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[TMO] (back)

[Master] it is the year 1266 and Kel got the sword in 1225 so he has had it for 41 years now

[TMO] for me, I would imagine the sword's personality wouldn't change, since it's not a real person

[TMO] and his father had it before him

[TMO] ?

[Mario Laptop] agreed...

[Mario Laptop] the big question i have been wrestling is, What personality would it have?

[Mario Laptop] and how would it behave in certain situations?

[TMO] what do you know besides it hates Magicusers?

[Master] and those dates added to Kel's time line

[Master] Autumn and Greg are attempting to get back, but modem issues now that they reset it

[Master] wry grin

[Mario Laptop] i developed a backstory on who is in the sowrd, and how it was done, and why

[Master] good

[Mario Laptop] but the task has been completed

[Mario Laptop] so now the person in Teb is 'stuck'

[Mario Laptop] how would it behave? thats where i have drama

[Master] drama is good

[Mario Laptop] when bran casts a spel, will it call out?

[Mario Laptop] if im sneaking, will it call out?

[Mario Laptop] can it pull a shift?

[TMO] Oh, it's an actual person in there

[Mario Laptop] can it see in the sheath?

[TMO] ?

[Mario Laptop] yes, in my back story

[TMO] k. what race?

[Lisa] test

[TMO] I can use my random NPC generator to make up some, if you think that might help.

[Master] just waiting for Mario

[Mario Laptop] Elf warrior

[TMO] low-level, high-level, good, evil, race, etc. Give me whatever info you have on the person in there and I can generate something that might help

[Mario Laptop] that would be awesome, TMO

[Mario Laptop] thank you!!

[Mario Laptop] high level, good, warrior

[TMO] first roll would NG+ archer type (15 dex, 9 st)

[TMO] got to put son to bed though. Be back in a bit

[Master] Lisa you comfortable with pushing out of the keep and into the wilderness again?

[Master] you want to go in the direction of the last keep you found? or try for the new path through the hills towards the cabin?

[Lisa] whatever the best way to get to keep 3

[Lisa] we don't have to side trip to the cabin

[Master] faster to go back to keep number 1

[Master] becasue you know the path

[Master] then along the edge of the woods

[Lisa] I just thought it was on the way

[Master] you can

[Lisa] and we've killed almost everything there

[Master] not a problem

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] except the cyclops - stealing their stuff issue

[Master] Mario your hotel burned to the ground? so not opening next week?

[Mario Laptop] lol, no, its just not ready to open, so when it is, the regular trainers can go, not my circus or monkeys anymore

[Master] Autumn said it was fun while it lasted but the modem is dead

[Master] so they will not be back in tonight

[Master] but will be next week is the plan

[Lisa] ouch

[Master] I teased that it could not handle Klooge

[Lisa] glad they will be back though

[Master] so we will all be here next week? because we will not be playing on the 3rd

[Master] but I am up for a replacement game as we will be missing two games in Feb

[Master] I can post that in the Players Thread

[Master] but we hae time tonight

[Master] to move on out if you like

[Master] but first I think talking about the sword

[Master] Kel can talk about the perils

[Master] Mario and TMO as players know what intelligent swords could do

[Mario Laptop] Bobby, maybe i can speak w you this week to get answers...

[Master] ask away

[Mario Laptop] i certainly dont want to disturb

[Master] I am here with a glass of wine and Delta Rae

[Master] and Lisa and TMO can help contribut

[Master] e

[TMO] back

[TMO] ok, Mario - what would be the best way to share random NPCs with you?

[Mario Laptop] i have an email.

[TMO] the program is in Excel - converting it to text for the website is actually a bit of a pain.

[TMO] ok - I can save off individual sheets for your review

[Mario Laptop] thank you SO much!!

[Master] but overall TMO and Mario explain to Lisa who has never seen this

[Master] what intelligent weapons can do

[Lisa] calculus?

[Master] so she can give help with roleplaying it, grins LOL

[Mario Laptop] basically, they have a personality, so they are an actua character

[Mario Laptop] they should have three attributes, INT, CHR, and...

[Mario Laptop] CON? bob?

[Master] Charisma

[Master] Int Wis CHa

[Master] the three mental ones

[Mario Laptop] in certain situations, the weapon can try to overpower the weilder,

[TMO] right.

[Mario Laptop] and mold the user to do the weapons, will

[Lisa] if you are holding it can it drag you around against your will?

[Mario Laptop] i dont hink it can move

[Master] Mario makes that choice

[TMO] Mario - I decided to add levels to the NPC. It chose Ranger. What Favored Enemy should I put?

[Mario Laptop] Magic User, i imagine

[Master] yes

[Lisa] Branwyn

[Master] LOL

[Mario Laptop] lol, not JUST Bran

[Mario Laptop] it also has an ego

[TMO] have you already got the stats for teh sword?

[TMO] or should I take whatever this thing happens to roll up?

[Mario Laptop] Kel doesnt know its stats

[TMO] but Bob does?

[Mario Laptop] Bob would, I imagine, so he can roll checks

[Mario Laptop] to see if it overpowers Kel

[Master] I have not made those checks yet

[Master] letting Mario have most of the input

[Master] The item can also be used by any character whose alignment corresponds to the non-neutral alignment portion of the weapon's alignment (i.e., chaotic, evil, good, or lawful). Thus any chaotic character can use a weapon with chaotic neutral alignment. Any character whose alignment does not correspond to that of the weapon, except as noted by the asterisk above, will sustain points of damage equal to the number of ego points (see Table 119) of the weapon. This damage is suffered every time (or for every round) the character touches any portion of the weapon unless the weapon is in the grasp or possession of a character whose alignment is compatible with the weapon.

[Master] Only after all aspects of a weapon have been determined and recorded can the ego rating of a weapon be found. Ego, along with intelligence, will be a factor with regard to the dominance of weapon over character,

[Master] When a weapon possesses unusual characteristics, it has a personality, which is rated by combining its intelligence and ego scores. The weapon will, of course, be absolutely true to its alignment, and if the character who possesses the weapon is not, personality conflict—weapon versus character—will result. Similarly, any weapon with an ego of 19 or higher will always consider itself superior to any character, and a personality conflict will result if the possessor does not always agree with the weapon. The personality score of a character is: Intelligence + Charisma + Experience Level Note that the personality score is reduced by one for every group of hit points of damage taken equal to the character's average number of points per level. Divide the character's total hit points by his level (round up). For example: A fighter of 7th level has 53 hit points: 53 divided by 7 equals 7.6. Thus for every eight points of damage he suffers, his personality score will be lowered by one. Whenever personality conflict occurs, the weapon will resist the character's desires and demand concessions such as: 1. Removal of associates, henchmen, hirelings, or creatures of alignment or personality distasteful to the weapon. 2. The character divesting himself of all other magical weapons. 3. Obedience from the character so weapon can lead the expedition for its own purposes 4. Immediate seeking out and slaying of creatures hateful to the weapon 5. Encrustation of pommel, hilt, scabbard, baldric, or belt with gems and a special container made of precious substances for its safekeeping. 6. Magical protections and devices to protect it from molestation when not in use 7. That the character pay it handsomely for all abilities and powers the weapon is called upon to exercise in behalf of its possessor 8. That the character carry it with him on all occasions 9. That the character relinquish the weapon in favor of a more suitable person due to alignment differences or conduct Any time the personality score of a weapon exceeds the personality score of the character who possesses it, the weapon will dominate its possessor, and it can force any or all of the above demands or actually cause any of the following actions: 1. Force its possessor into combat 2. Refuse to strike opponents 3. Strike at its wielder or his associates 4. Force its possessor to surrender to an opponent 5. Cause itself to drop from the character's grasp Naturally, such actions are unlikely where the character-weapon alignment and purposes are harmonious. However, the weapon might well wish to have a lesser character possess it so as to easily command him, or a higher level possessor so as to better accomplish its goals. All magical weapons with personalities will desire to play an important role in the success of activities, particularly combat. Such weapons are rivals of each other, even if of the same alignment. They will be aware of the presence of any similar weapon within 60 feet, and try their best to lead a possessor into missing or destroying the rival unless this is totally inimical to its nature—a holy avenger, for example, would certainly not allow destruction of any other lawful good weapon and might encourage their discovery, even at the risk of having to face grim odds to do so. Weapons of this nature will never be totally controlled or silenced by the characters who possess them, even though they may be heavily outweighed by personality force. They may be powerless to force their demands, but they will be in there plugging. Even a humble +1 weapon of unusual nature can be a vocal martyr, denigrating its own abilities and asking only that the character give it the chance to shatter itself against some hated enemy, etc. Note: Most players will be unwilling to play weapons with personalities as the personalities dictate. It is incumbent upon the DM to ensure that the role of the weapon is played to the hilt, so to speak, with the DM assuming the persons of the weapon if necessary.

[Master] Oppps

[Lisa] too much

[Master] When a weapon possesses unusual characteristics, it has a personality, which is rated by combining its intelligence and ego scores. The weapon will, of course, be absolutely true to its alignment, and if the character who possesses the weapon is not, personality conflict—weapon versus character—will result. Similarly, any weapon with an ego of 19 or higher will always consider itself superior to any character, and a personality conflict will result if the possessor does not always agree with the weapon. The personality score of a character is: Intelligence + Charisma + Experience Level

[Master] Note that the personality score is reduced by one for every group of hit points of damage taken equal to the character's average number of points per level. Divide the character's total hit points by his level (round up). For example: A fighter of 7th level has 53 hit points: 53 divided by 7 equals 7.6. Thus for every eight points of damage he suffers, his personality score will be lowered by one. Whenever personality conflict occurs, the weapon will resist the character's desires and demand concessions such as:

[TMO] the random NPC generator uses Pathfind rules, Mario, so it won't line up exactly with our rules. But it will give you a good guideline

[Master] 1. Removal of associates, henchmen, hirelings, or creatures of alignment or personality distasteful to the weapon. 2. The character divesting himself of all other magical weapons. 3. Obedience from the character so weapon can lead the expedition for its own purposes 4. Immediate seeking out and slaying of creatures hateful to the weapon 5. Encrustation of pommel, hilt, scabbard, baldric, or belt with gems and a special container made of precious substances for its safekeeping. 6. Magical protections and devices to protect it from molestation when not in use 7. That the character pay it handsomely for all abilities and powers the weapon is called upon to exercise in behalf of its possessor 8. That the character carry it with him on all occasions 9. That the character relinquish the weapon in favor of a more suitable person due to alignment differences or conduct

[Mario Laptop] I think i can have answers after I speak w you , Bob. i have a list of questions...

[Master] Any time the personality score of a weapon exceeds the personality score of the character who possesses it, the weapon will dominate its possessor, and it can force any or all of the above demands or actually cause any of the following actions:

[Mario Laptop] thats totally cool

[Mario Laptop] thanks TMO

[Master] 1. Force its possessor into combat 2. Refuse to strike opponents 3. Strike at its wielder or his associates 4. Force its possessor to surrender to an opponent 5. Cause itself to drop from the character's grasp

[Master] Times New Roman

[Master] Naturally, such actions are unlikely where the character-weapon alignment and purposes are harmonious. However, the weapon might well wish to have a lesser character possess it so as to easily command him, or a higher level possessor so as to better accomplish its goals. All magical weapons with personalities will desire to play an important role in the success of activities, particularly combat. Such weapons are rivals of each other, even if of the same alignment. They will be aware of the presence of any similar weapon within 60 feet, and try their best to lead a possessor into missing or destroying the rival unless this is totally inimical to its nature—a holy avenger, for example, would certainly not allow destruction of any other lawful good weapon and might encourage their discovery, even at the risk of having to face grim odds to do so.

[Master] Weapons of this nature will never be totally controlled or silenced by the characters who possess them, even though they may be heavily outweighed by personality force. They may be powerless to force their demands, but they will be in there plugging. Even a humble +1 weapon of unusual nature can be a vocal martyr, denigrating its own abilities and asking only that the character give it the chance to shatter itself against some hated enemy, etc. Note: Most players will be unwilling to play weapons with personalities as the personalities dictate. It is incumbent upon the DM to ensure that the role of the weapon is played to the hilt, so to speak, with the DM assuming the persons of the weapon if necessary.

[Master] There you go

[Master] all the info you need Mario

[Master] now ask away

[Mario Laptop] i have a list of Q's at home, ill send an email.

[Master] ok

[TMO] what level should I take him up to, btw, before he was killed and captured in the sword?

[Master] or post on the site

[Mario Laptop] i did read all this, online on one of many websites

[Mario Laptop] 7-8

[Master] so everone can see it

[TMO] k, am at 7 now

[Mario Laptop] ah! thats an idea for sure

[Mario Laptop] i did read Fritz's entry for his intelligent weapon

[Mario Laptop] a captured person who wend insane in the weapon

[Master] that is one option

[Master] does not need to be

[Mario Laptop] Teb isnt insane

[Mario Laptop] but he's kinda upset

[Mario Laptop] Can the soul be removed from the sword?

[Master] yes, but then it becomes a normal weapon, with the basic plus to hit

[Mario Laptop] so if Teb's mission is over, why wouldnt he want to be removed and travel to Elf Heaven?

[Master] good point

[Master] and so why did your father not do that?

[Master] is he an asshole?

[Mario Laptop] hmmm...

[Master] or just greedy

[Mario Laptop] rofl, no, i dont remember him being that

[Master] or afraid to let go of power

[Master] or

[Mario Laptop] im trying to mae a cohesive story, wth no plot holes, and that is driving me berserk

[Master] afraid to break the curse, so gave it to his son to deal with?

[Mario Laptop] make*

[Master] HAH

[Master] there are always holes

[Mario Laptop] i have started a back story at least three times

[Master] you can have three

[Master] the real one, the one you tell strangers, and the one you use as cover in the shadow guard

[Mario Laptop] i came up w one that's part cheese, but all solid

[Mario Laptop] all except why hasnt Teb asked to be removed

[Master] or why everyone has ignored him

[Master] like Obama, do not give me all this power with Drones, I do not want it, .....

[Master] oh I do not want to give it up now

[Master] grins

[Mario Laptop] lol

[Master] but Lisa is very good at on the fly stories

[Master] so you have help

[Mario Laptop] so is Lisa going to play teb?!

[Lisa] lol

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] no

[Mario Laptop] grrr

[Mario Laptop] ok

[Master] I want to see Mario play Teb

[Mario Laptop] i do tooo!

[Lisa] it will be fun

[Master] you do great with your stories and stuff you make up

[Mario Laptop] i know

[Mario Laptop] i know, it will be fun*

[Master] how will a sword get shoe polish in his hair?

[Master] the world is waiting

[Mario Laptop] lol

[Lisa] it doesn't have to be a big thing at first

[Lisa] you can have him make odd random comments

[Lisa] warm into it

[Lisa] :)

[Master] the only thing that I am keyed on right now

[Master] Kel is at walking wounded

[Master] does this make him more susseceptable to being over whelmed by the sword?

[Lisa] so we are dumping him in the cart

[Master] Note that the personality score is reduced by one for every group of hit points of damage taken equal to the character's average number of points per level. Divide the character's total hit points by his level (round up). For example: A fighter of 7th level has 53 hit points: 53 divided by 7 equals 7.6. Thus for every eight points of damage he suffers, his personality score will be lowered by one.

[Mario Laptop] Tanks TMO, i received your email fo rthe dropbox. Thank you so much

[TMO] no problem. There are 3 ranger builds there at the moment

[Lisa] so if Kel knows he is in danger of sword overthrow he should tell us ...

[Lisa] maybe give it to Shi to hold next week?

[Mario Laptop] Maybe Kel has never gotten this low on hp...

[Lisa] true

[Master] who ever he gives it to will make a check

[Lisa] not until he met us :)

[Master] lol

[Lisa] something for us to be proud of

[Mario Laptop] lol

[Mario Laptop] its all his own fault, for falling off the table

[Lisa] it happens

[Lisa] I have to head out though

[Lisa] Have a great night everyone :)

[Master] have a great night everyone

[Mario Laptop] we're packing up here as well good night

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 20 23:47:56 EST 2017

[Master] we will play next week then not the next

[Mario Laptop] i will be here next week but not Feb 10, ill be in DC, training meeting

[Master] so what does that matter?

[Mario Laptop] thank you bob, and TMO!!

[Master] grins

[Mario Laptop] JoAnn is coming up fo rthe weekend

[Master] so she can go to the museums

[Master] while you are playing

[Master] smile

[Mario Laptop] or yell hateful things at the White House

[Master] this is also possible

[Master] have a great nigth you guys

[Master] see you soon

[Mario Laptop] bye all

[Master] talk on the site

Mario Laptop has left the game on Fri Jan 20 23:49:44 EST 2017

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 20 23:49:56 EST 2017

XP awarded