Main / Jan2210

Jan 22 10 - Born in Fire

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 17 Ko ___ tre, Ze {Mid Summer} 17th, 338 SKR.

[BOB] Organizing things and will be back up

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Jan 22 18:24:05 EST 2010

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map.

[Kaz] Hello!

Death] has joined the game on Fri Jan 22 18:33:27 EST 2010

Death] is receiving the map Base Map...

Death] has received the map Base Map.

[Death] hi

[Kaz] Heya Mike, how's your today?

[Death] don't ask

[Death] i feel like punching half my children in the face.

[Death] repeatedly

[Death] so much hate

[Death] although my shooting people in the head has been going well.

[Death] i swear, violent games don't make people violent, life does. games give us an outlet

[Kaz] No kidding

[Death] hehehe. one guy in the party.

[Kaz] What grade do you teach?

[Death] fifth

[Kaz] AUGH

[Kaz] What an awful age. I don't blame you feeling that way.

[Death] it didn't used to be thisi bad... hell, last year was fine.

[Death] just this group of kids. totally insane.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.


[BOB] getting settled in

[BOB] food to order but other than that good

[BOB] talked to John today, he should be in

[Kaz] Hey Bob, thanks for fixing those tables. I was getting so frustrated.

[Kaz] Oh, good. How about Fritz? Beth? Lisa?

[BOB] no worries

[BOB] Lisa is a yes

[Death] saw all that work you did on the site. go you.

[BOB] what about Guy?

[BOB] reminded Beth that this is Friday, grins

[BOB] Fritz is in Haiti,

[BOB] on a relief mission

[BOB] at least I think he is there, I know he is in the middle of a big effort,

[BOB] organizing and working and planning, getting people over there, etc

[Kaz] Guy is working until 11 tonight.

[Death] boo

[Kaz] Wow, go Fritzie.

[BOB] that does stink

[Death] we need a gay elf here to fully round out the party.

[BOB] and just heard from Beth that she will be in

[BOB] when she gets home

[Kaz] Yeah, Guy's kinda irked. He's got off tomorrow, too bad they didn't switch those days.

[BOB] soon as John is in we can start,


[BOB] I do want to have you and mike (and john) test otu the character sheets

[BOB] Guy and Lisa had an issue last week with attacks

[BOB] want to make sure they are all fixed please

[Death] ] Imari moved 6'05".

[Death] Imari targets Kristelle. Distance: 7'01"

[Death] ] Imari: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=8] 18

[Kaz] I had a bit of an issue, too. Once I'd attacked with each weapon once, they all became unavailable.

[Death] ] Imari: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=10] 20

[Death] ] Imari: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=5] 15

[Death] ] Imari: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=20] -3. PROBABLY HITS Kristelle (AC FINAL: 10)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[BOB] I will start up combat just to test that

[BOB] Combat has begun!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 0

[Death] ] Imari: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Kristelle

[Death] ] Imari: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=11] 6. PROBABLY HITS Kristelle (AC FINAL: 10)!!! NOTE: Not available.

[Death] ] Imari: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=8] 9. PROBABLY HITS Kristelle (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Death] Attack: Dagger/Dirk:: is now ARMED.

[Death] Attack: "Spear, Long":: is now ARMED.

[Kaz] ] Kristelle: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=3] 13

[Kaz] Kristelle targets Imari. Distance: 7'01"

[Kaz] Attack: Bill-Guisarme:: is now ARMED.

[Kaz] ] Kristelle: Attack: Bill-Guisarme: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=1] 16. Probably MISSES Imari (AC FINAL: 10). NOTE: Not available.

[BOB] Mike thinks he might know

[Kaz] yeah, none of my weapons are available

[Death] i got it

[Death] the column that has #

[Death] needs to be --

[Death] it starts at 1, so when you use it, it goes to 0

[Death] but melee have infinite uses. that # comulmn is really only good for non-reusable or ranged stuff.

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Dagger/Dirk -- #: -- (+0), CHANGED: "Spear, Long" -- #: -- (+0),

[Kaz] you mean the # Atks column?

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Quarterstaff -- #: -- (1), CHANGED: Sling Stone -- #: -- (1),

[Death] no. just #

[Death] 8th column

[Kaz] oh, gotcha

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Bill-Guisarme -- #: -- (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword -- #: -- (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword -- #: -- (+0),

[Kaz] ] Kristelle: Attack: Bill-Guisarme: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=8] 9. PROBABLY HITS Imari (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Kaz] ] Kristelle: Attack: Bill-Guisarme: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=8] 9. PROBABLY HITS Imari (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Kaz] Attack: Bill-Guisarme:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Kaz] Attack: Long Sword:: is now ARMED.

[Kaz] Attack: Long Sword:: is now ARMED.

[Kaz] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=19] -2. PROBABLY HITS Imari (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Kaz] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=17] 0. PROBABLY HITS Imari (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Kaz] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=20] -3. PROBABLY HITS Imari (AC FINAL: 10)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[Kaz] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=20] -3. PROBABLY HITS Imari (AC FINAL: 10)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[Kaz] okay

[Kaz] Thank you. I'll fix Guy's sheet, too.

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Foriso Fairhand modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Short Sword -- #: -- (1), CHANGED: Sling -- #: -- (1),

[Kaz] or did you already?

[Death] did

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Foriso Fairhand modified:

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Dagger/Dirk -- #: -- (+0),

[Kaz] thank you

[Kaz] Beth's too?

[Death] yup

[Death] nope

[Death] she has no weapons

[Death] other than her, yup

[Kaz] never mind, I thought I'd gotten her weapon in there, but didn't. I'll take care of it.

[Death] so everyone on the table with weapons is ready to go

[Death] ok. you know what she's using?

[Death] what i need is armor

[Death] i'm thinking some +3 leathers.

[BOB] standard leather is perfectly fine

[BOB] although you can keep that +3 in mnind

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Aeiria modified: Weapons - ADDED: Long Sword, false, , , 0, , --, --, $atk, , , , , +0, $dmg, , , , , , 1d8, 1d12, 1d8, $thac0, , , , . ADDED: Spear; one hand, false, , , 0, , --, 1, $atk, , , , , +0, $dmg, , , , , , 1d6, 1d8, 1d6, $thac0, , , , .

[Kaz] how does a level 1 get +3 armour?

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: -2 (null). Shield Bonus:: CHANGED: -0 (null). DEX Bonus:: CHANGED: -0 (null). Magic Bonus:: CHANGED: -0 (null). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 8 (10). Magic Resistance:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Equipment - ADDED: Leather, 5 gp, 15 lbs., AC 8.

[Death] showing my tits

[Kaz] lol

[Kaz] Would a swamp-dweller be wearing leather, Bob?

[BOB] and you can have leather Kaz

[BOB] you are from Blackwater? or Drillian?

[Kaz] Because I'm thinking a nice, stylish gator suit should do the same.

[BOB] Drillian right?

[Kaz] Gah, I don't remember.

[BOB] ok, then it is Drillian

[Death] i'm gonna go with the skin tight leathers like in underworld.

[Kaz] Seriously Bob, that was two weeks ago.

[Death] mmmm.... kate's ass.... ::drool::

[BOB] and yes, leather armor made of aligator skin

[Kaz] I think that whatever I had chosen, there was very little already written about it.

[BOB] yes you are from Drillian

[BOB] I have it in my mind again now

[BOB] you are from southeastern

[BOB] where the mist is heavier than it is here where you currently are

[BOB] the Mist

[Kaz] Yes, it is Drillian. I went and checked. :)

[BOB] sorry capitalized

[BOB] and not this week but starting next week, the standard early bonus goes back into effect

[BOB] 1,000 XP divided by the number of people at the table, if 3 or under

[BOB] and then we start play

[BOB] looks like Lisa and Beth will rarely be here for that

[BOB] but Kaz, Mike, John, and perhaps Guy and or Fritz

[BOB] all the character sheets set up for weapons now?

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Equipment - ADDED: Leather - Alligator skin, 5 gp, 15 lbs., AC 8.

[Kaz] I don't know if Lisa's is set up with weapons.

[BOB] she only has a dagger

[Kaz] All she's got is a dagger, then?

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Detect Magic - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Detect Secret Passages and Portals -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Burning Hands -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Grease -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Spook -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Unseen Servant -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Kaz] okay, she's done, then.

[BOB] thanks

[Death] ] Branwyn casts a spell against : Read Magic: I can read magical writing for (1*2) 2 rounds

[Kaz] Kristelle no longer targets Imari.

[Death] ] Branwyn casts a spell against : Detect Magic - Wizard: For (2*1) 2 rounds I can detect magic in a 10'x60' path in front of me.

[Death] ] Branwyn casts a spell against : Burning Hands: A 5' 120 degre arc of flame bursts from my hands dealing (1d3+(1*2)) [1d3=3] 5 points of damage! Save for half.

[Death] ] Branwyn casts a spell against : Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing 1d4+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.

[Kaz] I put a one-handed spear for Beth.

[Death] Branwyn targets Miranda. Distance: 3'07"

[Kaz] I thought that seemed Athena-ish. But tell me if it should be something else.

[Death] ] Branwyn casts a spell against Miranda: Detect Secret Passages and Portals: I can search (1) 1 10'x10' areas. If they contain any secret doors or passages they glow for a turn.

[Death] ] Branwyn casts a spell against Miranda: Comprehend Languages: For the next (5*1) 5 rounds I can understand any one creature or text that I touch.

[Death] ] Branwyn casts a spell against Miranda: Feather Fall: For (1) 1 rounds the target falls gently so as not to go splat.

[Death] ] Branwyn casts a spell against Miranda: Grease: I make a 10'x10' square or 1 item slippery for (3+1) 4 rounds.

[BOB] I do believe it is spear

[Death] ] Branwyn casts a spell against Miranda: Sleep: (2d4) [2d4=3,3] 6 hit dice worth of creatures fall asleep, no save.

[Death] ] Branwyn casts a spell against Miranda: Spook: If it fails its save, the target flees as fast as possible from the caster.

[Death] ] Branwyn casts a spell against Miranda: Unseen Servant: A little unseen force does stuff for me for (6+1) 7 turns.

[Kaz] Yes, she gets a spear and a sword

[BOB] ok, then long spear and long sword

[Kaz] I meant a one handed spear instead of a two handed or long spear

[Kaz] okay

[BOB] or standard spear

[BOB] do you know which she wanted?

[Death] i took a long spear, myself

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Aeiria modified: Weapons - DELETED: Spear; one hand, false, , , 0, , --, 1, $atk, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, $dmg, , +0, +0, +0, +0, 1d6, 1d8, 1d6, $thac0, , , , .

[Kaz] I don't know, and frankly, she was so exhausted that night that I doubt she could have decided.

[Kaz] I changed it to a long spear, and if she wants something different when she gets here, I'll help her change it.

[BOB] long spear makes good sense escpeiclaly with two characters having them

[Death] the long spear is more damage, but less versitile

[Death] with a standard spear, she can have a shield

[BOB] but can be used from the second rank

[BOB] so you can stand behind a fighter/ranger

[BOB] and both of you get to attack the same target

[Kaz] I'm just comparing her spell list to what you have on the site, Bob.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] it should be identical

[BOB] there is an Athena spell data list that you just import

[BOB] and it handles it all

[Kaz] Really? I just took all the spheres listed under her name.

[BOB] oh

[BOB] that works too

[BOB] but it is much easier now with the total lists

[BOB] you copy and paste from the site

[BOB] save it as a txt file

[BOB] then import directly into klooge

[BOB] all the spells in one click

[BOB] no double checking the minor sphere and erasing those over 3rd level, etc

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[Kaz] sanctuary is in there twice

[Kaz] and I think command is, too

[BOB] ok

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Aeiria modified:

[BOB] you can erase all of them over 1st level is you want

[BOB] but that might be a bit of overkill

[Kaz] I only put in the 1st level spells

[BOB] ok

[Kaz] but command and sanctuary are in two different spheres, so they appear twice. I removed the duplicates from her sheet.


[BOB] and there is Imari's family

[Death] yay, we get xp

[Death] we're 1/3 of the way to second level

[BOB] the Blackwing clan in the Swiftwing tribe

[BOB] and I said that was next week mike

[BOB] sory

[Kaz] lol

[BOB] I wonder where John is

[BOB] you two both feel good about the stats/mechanics for your characters

[Kaz] I bet he didn't make that left at Albuquerque...

[BOB] laughs

[BOB] I do believe you even spelled that right

[Kaz] I'll be irked if I didn't!!

[Kaz] And no, I'm a bit peeved about my 6 in Int. But I'll deal.

[BOB] that is ok

[BOB] story line?

[BOB] you feel ok about the backstory?

[Kaz] I don't really have one.

[Kaz] Do I?

[BOB] you are from a small village in the middle of the swamps

[BOB] have to take a small boat to get there?

[Kaz] I like it

[BOB] you are used to the Mist

Lisa] has joined the game on Fri Jan 22 19:27:17 EST 2010

Lisa] is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa] has received the map Base Map.

[Kaz] Hiya Lisa :)

[Death] i lisa

[Kaz] Have you done a write up about The Mist?

[BOB] only the bits in Drillian

[Kaz] k

[BOB] but for your purposes, actually your's and lisa's characters are both from Drillian so you live with it

[BOB] and hello Lisa

[BOB] the Mist is thicker and worse the deeper into the swamp you go

[BOB] it bocks the stars even where Branwyn is from

[BOB] and deeper in where Kristell is from only near full moons shine through

[BOB] letting Lisa get settled in

[Kaz] wow

[BOB] the Mist blocks teleportation/traveling magics

[Lisa] hello all!

[BOB] and divination magics

[BOB] Lisa, mike and kaz double checked your sheet

[BOB] now you just have to add in your new Lightning bug spell

[BOB] and will be all finished

[Lisa] that will be nice

[BOB] Mike has the book here to help you

[BOB] as I work on a couple of other things

[BOB] and you can test casting spells as well

[Death] okay, so go to your char sheet

[Lisa] I'm there - I entered the spell name

[Lisa] with level 1, cast level 1

[Death] okay.

[Kaz (to BOB only)] you have a village name for me, or am I on my own for that?

[Death] let me figure out the best way to type this up.

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Jan 22 19:33:41 EST 2010

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa] okay - thanks mike

[Kaz] Hey, Fritz! Hi :)

[Fritz] Hi. gonna be AFK for a bit.

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified:

[Death] a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6) [1d6=1] 1+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.

[Death] i think that's pretty good for a desc.

[Death] so copy and paste that into the expression column.

[Death] and 0 memorized, cost 1

[Kaz] should be ... Its damage

[Kaz] not It's damage

[Death] hey fritz

[Kaz] ((sorry)

[Death] no no, it's

[Kaz] It is damage can be transferred?

[Death] ignore kaz. she's stoopid

[Kaz] LOL

[Death] in russia it is can be beating you to a pulp

[Kaz] Mike, dude, you're a TEACHER!!!

[Death] meh

[Kaz] lol

[Death] i still have to think about its v. it's

[Death] hell, i'm still not solid on who v. whom.

[Kaz] who v. whom is a little more murky. I keep trying to find an easy trick for remembering that one. Have yet to find it.

[Death] well, it's whom when the direct object, right?

[Lisa (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- Expression: a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6) [1d6=1] 1+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6) [1d6=1] 1+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body. (), CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- # Memorized: +0 (), CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- Cost: 1 (),

[Lisa] I am done - thank you

[BOB] ok

[BOB] now to work on your casting

[Kaz] here you go Mike

[Kaz] As a ready check in such sentences, simply substitute the personal pronoun “he/him” or “she/her” for “who/whom.” If he or she would be the correct form, the proper choice is who.” If “him” or “her” would be correct, use “whom.”

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- Expression: a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing {1d6}+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6) [1d6=1] 1+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body. (a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6) [1d6=1] 1+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6) [1d6=1] 1+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.),

[Kaz] Maybe I'll actually remember this one.

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- Expression: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing {1d4}+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. (Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing 1d4+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.),

[Death] heh

[Death] so for the most part, in the predicate


[Kaz] They have three basic rules

[Death] to whom does this belong? because it belongs to him

[BOB] so lisa the info on how to cast

[BOB] you have to have your spells set up

[Kaz] He went with me. Who went with me? I went with him. I went with whom?

[BOB] meaning put in a number that you have memorized

[BOB] for now you can just put in 2 2 2 right down the list

[Death] that's the most easy to remember rule i've heard yet

[BOB] to see what it looks like

[Lisa] huh?

[BOB] mike

[BOB] can you exmplain my ramblings

[Death] under # memorized

[Death] put 2 for everything

[Lisa] mine is not to question why

[Death] oh, you'll die

[Death] never fear

[Kaz] Oh, it is, trust me.

[Lisa] that's a good reason

[BOB] this is just a test

[Death] yeah, i'd say that is one quote that totally doesn't work in bob's game

[BOB] then we will reset you for normal play

[Death] question why on everything

[Death] and then you die anyway

[BOB] so now that you have memorized your spells for the day

[Kaz] and more spectacularly

[BOB] you can target someone

[BOB] and then cast away at them

[Death] consider this game like the x files

[Death] question everything

[BOB] Mike or Kaz are better at explaining how to cast

[Lisa (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Detect Magic - Wizard -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Detect Secret Passages and Portals -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Burning Hands -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Grease -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Spook -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Unseen Servant -- # Memorized: 2 (+0),

[Lisa] trust no one?

[Death] well, only target someone if you're doing a damage spell

[Death] trust no one but me

[Kaz] ESPECIALLY not him.

[Death] shhh....

[Lisa] lol

[Death] ignore the voice in your head

[Death] listen to me. i'm your friend

[Kaz] which one?

[Death] would i stear you wrong?

[Kaz] all the time.

[Death] quiet down from the peanut gallery

[Lisa] how would I know?

[Kaz] So, Lisa, you target your victim...

[Death] because i told you so.

[Lisa] For Fritz targets For Fritz. Distance: 0'00"

[Lisa] For Fritz targets Branwyn. Distance: 13'00"

[Lisa] For Fritz no longer targets For Fritz.

[Lisa] oops

[Kaz] Sorry, you click on yourself, then target the other person

[Death] the spells will all deal the first number in the expression as damage

[Lisa] got carried away there

[Lisa] For Fritz no longer targets Branwyn.

[Lisa] Branwyn targets For Fritz. Distance: 13'00"

[Death] so even non damage spells that say for 5 rounds will end up dealing 5 damage to what you are targeting

[Death] it's half handy, half annoying

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Branwyn. Distance: 0'00"

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets Branwyn.

[Kaz] Are you having a hard time getting rid of the targetting arrow after you've targetted someone?

[BOB] I hit esc after I target someone to stop that arrow

[Lisa] yes - keep targeting wherever I go

[Kaz] yep

[Lisa] okay

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets For Fritz.

[BOB] now you bring up your dice panel

[Kaz] click on your target, move the arrow to a blank area, and hit escape

[Lisa] Branwyn targets For Fritz. Distance: 13'00"

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Branwyn. Distance: 0'00"

[BOB] it is ok to target your self to

[BOB] you might need to for a spell

[Lisa] I hit escape but kept doing it

[Kaz] click it onto a blank part of the map, and hit escape

[Kaz] Kristelle targets Foriso Fairhand. Distance: 1'10"

[Death] Imari targets Kristelle. Distance: 7'01"

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets Branwyn.

[Kaz] you actually have to click it to a blank area.

[Death] i right click an empty map space

[Kaz] Kristelle targets Imari. Distance: 7'01"

[Lisa] okay that worked

[Death] it makes the arrow go away

[Kaz] Kristelle targets Miranda. Distance: 2'09"

[BOB] then on your dice panel is the little wizard tab to see your spells

[Death] Imari no longer targets Kristelle.

[Kaz] All targets for Kristelle removed.

[BOB] and then click on a spell to cast it

[Lisa] how do I get dice panel up?

[Death] unless you're a mac user and have no right click

[Death] than i'll just be sad for you

[Lisa] no macs

[Kaz] right click on yourself and choose Roll Dice

[Kaz] rather, Open Dice Panel

[Lisa] got it

[BOB] dobule click on yoru self works too

[BOB] or clicking on the little dice tab on the icon if you are zoomed in close enough to see it

[Death] or when you have your character selected, on the bottom bar there are three icons, the red d20 at the top is for your dice rolling pane

[Death] the bottom one is to bring up your char sheet

[Death] the middle is for effects

[Lisa] okay

[Death] which as a mage you'll need eventually, but we'll cover that when we get there

[Death] if you survive....

[BOB] and Beth just sent word she can not make it tonight

[Death] .........................................


[Kaz] aww, man

[Death] ............................................................................................

[Kaz] :(

[Lisa] was waiting for evil laugh or something

[Death] lots of dots means very ominous

[BOB] ok, so lets see Branwyn cast

[Lisa] so dice panel is up - initiative next?

[Death] like a shrivelled, hawk nosed old man in a smoking jacket sitting in a wing back leather chair in front of a lit fireplace just staring at you over his steepled fingers

[BOB] nope

[Death] scary

[BOB] just spells for now

[Lisa] so little wizard guy?

[BOB] yews

[Lisa] ] Branwyn casts a spell against For Fritz: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (1d4) [1d4=2] 2+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- Expression: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing ({1d4}+1) points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. (Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing {1d4}+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.),

[Death] try that one again for me?

[Lisa] ] Branwyn casts a spell against For Fritz: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing ((1d4) [1d4=4] 4+1) points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.

[Death] damnit

[Death] bob, help me out

[Death] what brackets need to be around the full expression?

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- Expression: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing {1d4}+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. (Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing ({1d4}+1) points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.),

[BOB] (1d4+1) [1d4=3] 4+10

[BOB] try a differeent spell Lisa

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- Expression: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing {1d4+1} points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. (Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing {1d4}+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.),

[BOB] so you can see how they look

[Lisa] ] Branwyn casts a spell against For Fritz: Burning Hands: A 5' 120 degre arc of flame bursts from my hands dealing (1d3+(1*2)) [1d3=3] 5 points of damage! Save for half.

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Burning Hands -- # Memorized: 2 (+1), CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- Expression: a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing {1d6+1} points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6) [1d6=1] 1+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body. (a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing {1d6}+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6) [1d6=1] 1+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.),

[Death] try your lightning bug one for me

[Lisa] not on list

[Lisa] just noticed

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- # Memorized: 2 (+0),

[Death] try that.

[Death] you didn't make it memorized

[Death] it had a 0

[Lisa (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 2 (+0),

[Lisa] ] Branwyn casts a spell against For Fritz: Lightning Bug: a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6+1) [1d6=1] 2 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6) [1d6=1] 1+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.

[BOB] excelelnt

[BOB] and you see that as you cast them

[BOB] they disapear from your list

[BOB] so now just cast away

[BOB] to get them all back to zero

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified:

[Lisa] which list?

[BOB] the list of spells available to you

[BOB] on the dice panel

[BOB] just cast cast cast cast

[Lisa] they are still there

[BOB] and they will go away

[Lisa] ] Branwyn casts a spell against For Fritz: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (1d4+1) [1d4=2] 3 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.

[Lisa] ] Branwyn casts a spell against For Fritz: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (1d4+1) [1d4=3] 4 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.

[BOB] you have two of each memorized so far

[Death] ] Imari casts a spell against : Bless/Curse: For 6 rounds, attack rolls and saves vs fear receive a +1 bonus.

[Lisa] ] Branwyn casts a spell against For Fritz: Burning Hands: A 5' 120 degre arc of flame bursts from my hands dealing (1d3+(1*2)) [1d3=3] 5 points of damage! Save for half.

[Lisa] ] Branwyn casts a spell against For Fritz: Burning Hands: A 5' 120 degre arc of flame bursts from my hands dealing (1d3+(1*2)) [1d3=2] 4 points of damage! Save for half.

[Lisa] ] Branwyn casts a spell against For Fritz: Sleep: (2d4) [2d4=1,3] 4 hit dice worth of creatures fall asleep, no save.

[Lisa] ] Branwyn casts a spell against For Fritz: Sleep: (2d4) [2d4=4,4] 8 hit dice worth of creatures fall asleep, no save.

[Lisa] okay - I need to keep going?

[Lisa] I'm thinking I get it now

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so you can reset them all to zero

[Lisa] ] Branwyn casts a spell against For Fritz: Lightning Bug: a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6+1) [1d6=3] 4 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6) [1d6=1] 1+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.

[Lisa] so I have none?

[BOB] then pick the one spell you want to memorize for the day

[Lisa] and put in 1, correct?

[BOB] exactly

[Lisa] I'm so smart

[BOB] magic missle or lighting bug would be the two combat choices

[BOB] grins

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets For Fritz.

[Lisa] no idea what to pick

[BOB] Kaz? Mike? suggestions

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- Expression: a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing {1d6+1} points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body. (a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing {1d6+1} points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6) [1d6=1] 1+1 points of damage +1 per level of the caster up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.),

[Lisa] we are going to kill something tonight?

[Death] lightnint bug does more damage than magic missile at level 1

[Death] plus, it has some interesting possibly uses

[Death] but it's combat

[Lisa] but only works on one target

[Death] day to day, maybe read magic?

[Death] so does a level 1 magic missile.

[Death] you only shoot one until level 3

[Death] and it is d4 as opposed to d6 for the bug

[Lisa] missed that detail

[Death] at level 3 you shoot 2

[Death] at 5 you shoot 4, ect

[Kaz] Do you lean more to healing or to combat?

[Lisa] me?

[BOB] Mages do almost zero healing

[Kaz] wait, you're a mage... nevermind.

[BOB] grins

[Kaz] Sorry, I'm all confused.

[Lisa] with 3 clerics shouldn't I be more interested in killing? :)

[Kaz] Well, we have a cleric with little to no healing, I think.

[Death] that's me

[Death] no healing

[Kaz] But yes, you should be more interested in killing.

[Death] i just put you out of your missery

[Lisa] last rites for everyone

[Kaz] I think Beth is leaning more toward being a healer

[BOB] yes

[BOB] and John is too

[Kaz] Oh, he doesn't bother with last rites. He'll just put you down like a rabid dog, Lisa.

[Death] i'll slit your throat when you get hurt.

[Death] then you can be raised without any boo-boos

[BOB] Ok, so you all have your basic stuff that you have on, your armor, carrying yoru weapons

[Lisa] good to know

[Lisa (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: +0 (2), CHANGED: Detect Magic - Wizard -- # Memorized: +0 (2), CHANGED: Detect Secret Passages and Portals -- # Memorized: +0 (2), CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- # Memorized: +0 (2), CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: +0 (2), CHANGED: Grease -- # Memorized: +0 (2), CHANGED: Spook -- # Memorized: +0 (2), CHANGED: Unseen Servant -- # Memorized: +0 (2), CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- # Memorized: +1 (+0),

[BOB] Branwyn who is a bit obsessive about it, carries her spell book in a large backpack

[Lisa] who's obsessive?

[BOB] you are all out in the field to form up and meet with new head of your squad

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] so you can see where you are

[Death] in giant grass

[BOB] that area is where your Mercenary unit, the Dragonslayers Company is formed up

[BOB] to the south where that symbol is

[BOB] the swamps get much worse

[BOB] there is a small hamlet near by

[BOB] shown by the tavern on the map

[Death] great, always a tragedy.

[Death] now we know we're all gonna die.

[BOB] so now

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Yeah, get Mike into a tavern, and it's alllll over.

[BOB] the chat as feature comes into play

[BOB] anyone want to change colors?

[BOB] to make it easier?

[Imari (Death)] yes. i want to be black text on white background

[BOB] you can tell me and we can add it to your icon for you

[Imari (Death)] then no one will miss it

[Lisa] I'm confused

[BOB] Mike is set

[BOB] he will demonstrate

[Death] asdf

[Imari (Death)] asdf

[Imari (Death)] she's got pink text, because she's a girl.

[Imari (Death)] and girls like pink.

[Imari (Death)] and ponies

[Imari (Death)] and ribbons in their hair.

[BOB] in any case

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ewww

[BOB] the blue you have Lisa works well

[BOB] for Lisa

[Imari (Death)] tee hee hee. i'm a girl. my name is imari. i should be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.

[BOB] if you want a different shade to show when you are speaking as Branwyn we can set that

[BOB] or you can keep the same

[Imari (Death)] now lisa, the way i usually do it just so you know is me, mike types in all lowercase with no quotes

[Lisa] how do I switch to the character talking?

[BOB] click on your icon

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Tee hee hee. my name is Mike. I'm a dead man, I just don't know exactly when Kaz will actually plunge the knife in.

[Imari (Death)] "In character I use capitalization, punctuation, and quotes."

[BOB] then the chat bubble on the toolbar up above

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=1] 9

[Imari (Death)] because i'm too lazy to switch chat as on and off, and i like to make a lot of comments as we play.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] oops

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Bob, how do I show you what colour I want?

[Imari (Death)] so quotes and caps means in char

[BOB] Mike will have to help,

[Imari (Death)] you don't. just hope he gets it right. lol

[Imari (Death)] what colour do you want?

[Imari (Death)] snot green?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] anything is fine

[Branwyn (Lisa)] you took the girl color

[Imari (Death)] puss yellow?

[BOB] test that Lisa

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Mike, it's a light purple. 204, 153, 255

[Branwyn (Lisa)] thank you

[Imari (Death)] bob and i decided lisa will be lilac

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Bob, do you use a black background?

[Imari (Death)] yes he does

[Imari (Death)] black like his soul

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Oh, maybe I should pick another colour. This is too close to Lisa.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Imari (Death)] black like the color fox won't allow the screen to fade to

[BOB] so now each of you can chose

[BOB] test and we can alter as you wish

[Fritz] Hello all. Sorry I haven't been on. I am PURTY busy.

[BOB] grins, I told them Fritz

[Imari (Death)] we can altar, also. we got enough priests

[BOB] doing very good things

[BOB] just don't lose my maps!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Okay, mike, change mine please? 204, 204, 204. It's a silvery grey.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Welcome back Fritz

[Fritz] LOL...I won't I have to look for them but I haven't taken the time. I am 90% positive I have them (just like you are)

[BOB] grins

[BOB] I know

[BOB] jsut stay safe your self

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for For Fritz modified: Personal Information - ADDED: Van Gorsen. ADDED: Fritz. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED:

[BOB] and I think all three characters are set now

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map.

[Imari (Death)] yeah. hope you took the improved evasion talent fritz

[Imari (Death)] avoid those area affect tremmors

[BOB] brb bathroom break

Fritz] is receiving the map overland map...

Fritz] has received the map overland map.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Lisa, when I'm in character, I usually type without quotes. When I want to say something out of character, I usually do as such: ((hey, my dice are rolling badly))

[Fritz] Ok Night all.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I haven't been doing that right now, because... frankly, I'm too lazy at the moment.

[Imari (Death)] night fritz

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Night Fritz, be safe

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Jan 22 20:23:21 EST 2010

[Imari (Death)] yeah, you'll have to get used to our little ways

[Branwyn (Lisa)] sounds good

[Imari (Death)] an old player bibo and i used quotes, everyone else uses parentheses to be ooc

[Branwyn (Lisa)] was thinking changing with icons would be a hassle

[Imari (Death)] and bibo is like my gaming god. i do what he does.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] lol

[Imari (Death)] he exploits every game he plays to death.

[Imari (Death)] sometimes, he literally breaks the games with his exploitations.

[Imari (Death)] it happened more than once.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] hahaha

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so we have a nice color scheme for everyone?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Yes

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Guy will have to do his next week

[BOB] and away we go

[Kristelle (Kaz)] but I like the dusky colours

[BOB] you are out on the edge of the campsite

[Imari (Death)] i still think kaz should go with 153, 183, 0

John] has joined the game on Fri Jan 22 20:26:05 EST 2010

John] is receiving the map Base Map...

John] has received the map Base Map.

[BOB] the distances on the map are not to scale

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope the grass isn't either

[Imari (Death)] hi john

[BOB] this is just an overland

[Imari (Death)] honey, we been shrunk

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Hey there John :)

[John] hello all

[Branwyn (Lisa)] hi John

[BOB] and someone has their point up

[Imari (Death)] bwahahahaha

[Imari (Death)] i will speak in bold from now on.

[Imari (Death)] BOLD CAPS FTW

[Miranda (John)] so diffrent than the city

[BOB] Ok, so starting off


[Imari (Death)]

[BOB] &&&&&&&

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] FLEDGLINGS

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Line up

[Imari (Death)] oh noes! the &'s of doom

[Miranda (John)] ::lines up::

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Corporal ANtero calls out to your group

Kristelle (Kaz)] walks to her place in line, eyes darting about as she tries to take stock of her companions

[Imari (Death)] ::walks into line calmly::

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Now I am your new squad leader for you fledglings

[Imari (Death)] ::leans on her spear, watching the black feathers tied under it's tip flutter in the breeze::

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I thought we should get to know each other a bit, find how who we have in our little group

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I am Corporal Antero Hortswaff

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I come from a small town in Blackwater

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] the same town in fact that our Segent Snowfoot comes from

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I want you to know that she assigned you to me

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] so that we could work together and find out just how well you will fit in Dragonslayer Company

[Death] I am away from the keyboard.

Kristelle (Kaz)] tilts her head to the side, watching the Corporal as he talks.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] as you know we have been hired by a local Earl here in Drillian to help fight an outbreak of bully wugs

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Now I am sure that not all of you knwo what bully wugs are

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] but that is ok

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] you follow order and everythign will work out

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] first I want to hear what each of your names is, where you come from

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and to make this interesting

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I want you to tell me two things,

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] one the truth and one a lie,

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] points at the ranger

[Miranda (John)] besides ouor name and where we come from?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] so you

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] no you

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] points that cleric

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] what is your name?

[Miranda (John)] Miranda

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and where are you from Miranda?

[Death] I am back at the keyboard.

[Miranda (John)] Looseend

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] very well, I see you are a priest of some sort,

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] who do you worship?

[Miranda (John)] You expect me to lie about that?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] wry grin, I hope you can tell us the truth first

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] then you can give us two facts about your self, one true one a lie

[Miranda (John)] Idun, but then you know when I will be lying

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] nods, good point

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] glad to know you can think through a problem

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] it will help you go far with this Company

[Miranda (John)] I have an older brother name Michael

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] so now two things about your self,

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] ok

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and something else

[Miranda (John)] I like animals

[Miranda (John)] and plants

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] veyr well

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] looks over at the ranger

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] what is your story?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] My name is Kristelle, I'm from a village deep in the swamp.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] do you specialize in anyting Kristelle

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] yoru armor looks unique

Kristelle (Kaz)] smiles.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It's alligator.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] a good sized one I take it,

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] nice work, should serve you well here in the wet

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It was. Fed us for a while.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] nods,

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Thank you.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] so two things Kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, I'm not very fond of reptiles.

[Miranda (John)] clearly

[Imari (Death)] and she's a lesbian. which one's the lie?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I've seen some lovely sunsets, back home.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] chuckles

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((oh, shut it. :-P))

[Imari (Death)] bow chika bow wow

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] well , looking around at the Mist, I can guess which of those is which

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] looks over at the mage

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] what is your name?

[Imari (Death)] tim! go with tim!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn from Roppenmere

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((lol))

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] good to have you on board Branwyn

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Roppenmere is where?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] thank you sir

[Branwyn (Lisa)] in Drillian

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] nods, good so you might know some of the locals

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] (you won't, you are from a day or three east of here )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] perhaps

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] so two things from you Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I love swamps and my master was a great wizard

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] nods, very good

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and how are your spells?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] you more of a tinker mage? or a combat wizard?

[Imari (Death) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Spells - CHANGED: Zone of Sweet Air -- Expression: Gas can't enter an area of up to 10' cubes for the next turns. (Gases are kept out of a {$L*10} ft cube for turns.), Notes - CHANGED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I do not tinker

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] very well

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] looks over at the priest

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I can see you are from Carnak

[Imari (Death)] ::nods::

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] what is your name and which of the spirits do you favor?

[Imari (Death)] "I am Imari Blackwing, of the Swiftwing tribe. I follow Partik, the Raven."

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] nods,

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] keep your dagger to yoru self, unless you are damn sure Imari

[Imari (Death)] ::smiles slightly and nods::

[Imari (Death)] "I will let the other priest look at them first."

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] nods, I served with another Raven

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] he was a good man

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] looks around

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] so

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Imari

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] what are your two things

[Imari (Death)] "Well, now they seem silly as you know. But I do not know how to read or write, and I eat brains."

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] smiles, impressive

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] looks around at the group of you

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I know you might be thinking that you are all assigned to my squad because you are females

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and Sergant Snowfoot being a woman

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] let me tell you

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Dragonslayer Company does not care

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] we all bleed the same

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] we all heal the same

[Imari (Death)] except the elf. he bleeds flower petals.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] we will overcome

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and we will all drink

[Imari (Death)] s/he i should say

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] do you have any questions before we start training today?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] the Earl expects us to be ready to fight this afternoon

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] of course the Fledglings will be on the outskirts of this

[Imari (Death)] ::straightens up at that::

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] we will run errands, etc. but we are a key part

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and we need to be ready

[Kristelle (Kaz)] No questions yet, Corporal

[Miranda (John)] i'm not exactly hear to fight

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Branwyn, what spells do you have prepared today?

[Imari (Death)] sir, no sir is the correct way of addressing him.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] looks at Miranda

[Miranda (John)] I was thinking more the patch up when you all are done fighting

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] that is a key thing too Miranda

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lightning bug, sir

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] very good,

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] what exactly is lighning bug Branwyn? for those of us with less arcane knowledge?

[Imari (Death) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 3 (+2). Spells - CHANGED: Zone of Sweet Air -- Expression: Gas can't enter an area of up to 10' cubes for the next turns. (Gases are kept out of a {$L*10} ft cube for turns.),

[Miranda (John)] ::looks on with curiosity::

[Branwyn (Lisa)] it is a missile of electrical energy

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] nods, impressive

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I take it I should stay out of any water?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] (he is wearing Chain Mail)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] that would probably be a good idea

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] ok

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] so you know our redevous point is Old Millers tavern

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Old Man Miller invited us there, Captain Lukincha knows him from long ago

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] you do know your chain of command right?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] you report to me

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] then to Segent Snowfoot

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] then to Captin Lukincha

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] then of course to the old dragon himself Cornell Floyfish

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] if at any time in the battle you need assistance you call out to me

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] we are a team

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] we stick together

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] we will get through this togther

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] all good?

[Imari (Death)] huzzaaaaah......

[Branwyn (Lisa)] yes sir

[Imari (Death)] ::nods::

[Miranda (John)] sure sure

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Yes, indeed.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] ok

[BOB] and so

[Miranda (John) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: Level 1 -- Maximum: 3 (4), CHANGED: Level 1 -- Current: 3 (4).

[BOB] over the next hour or two he leads you through some basic commands

[BOB] teaches you the general history of the Dragonslayer Company

[BOB] you are here to serve the Earl in a fight with Bullywug

[BOB] any questions?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] what's a bullywug?

[BOB] mansized frog like things

[BOB] head of a frog on a small mans body

[BOB] can leap like a frog

[Imari (Death) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified:

[Imari (Death)] leap buildings in a single bound?

[BOB] and sorry just realized something is missing, need to add it

[Imari (Death)] who has the pointer?

[Imari (Death)] whoever's mouse is a pointer, hit p

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think I do

[Imari (Death)] click on map and hit p, that is

[Imari (Death)] otherwise you just type in the chat pane

[Branwyn (Lisa)] sorry - don't know how I did it

[Imari (Death)] it happens

[Imari (Death)] it's like the klooge right of passage. screw up the targeting and get stuck on the pointer.

[Imari (Death)] kaz still does it. =P

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((almost every session, yep!!))

[Miranda (John)] so anyone here think were missing a fighter or two?

[Miranda (John)] no offence ranger

[Miranda (John)] sorry Kristle was it?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] and no offense taken.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The swamps are not a place to be taken lightly.

[BOB] (sorry back)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((brb))

[Miranda (John)] i thought I'd be traveling with a buch of big strong men

[Branwyn (Lisa)] maybe you'll find one in the tavern

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((back))

[BOB] ok

[Miranda (John)] fining them not a problem, keeping them on the path, that's another story

[BOB] so you all have a better idea now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] true

[BOB] any more questions?

[BOB] ] Branwyn moved 118'10".

[BOB] ] Imari moved 150'05".

[BOB] ] Kristelle moved 148'10".

[BOB] ] Miranda moved 216'01".

[BOB] ] Corporal Antero moved 58'09".

[Miranda (John)] (can I change my character now?)

[BOB] no

[Miranda (John)] (moving on then)

[BOB] so

[BOB] as the afternoon wears on

[BOB] Corporal Antero mutters something about it taking too long

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] normally we are moving by now

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] we should be moving into the swamps

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] wonder what is happening

[Miranda (John)] how many more people are here besides us

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] (everyone have their sound turned on?)

[Miranda (John)] not yet

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((yes))

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Corporal says, there are about 300 total troops involved

[Miranda (John)] ] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=2] 2

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] on both sides

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] if the numbers of bully wugs are to be beleived

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] but they almost always just fade into the swamps after a few good wacks

Lisa] has left the game on Fri Jan 22 21:08:37 EST 2010

[Kristelle (Kaz)] 'Scuse me, Corporal?

Lisa] has joined the game on Fri Jan 22 21:09:06 EST 2010

Lisa] is receiving the map overland map...

Lisa] has received the map overland map.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] ok

[BOB] Combat has begun!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 0

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=5] 15

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] so Init from everyone please

[Lisa] ] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=8] 16

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=6] 16

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] ok

[BOB] ] Red Dragon moved 134'05".

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and a loud roar, then lots of screaming

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] as suddenly from over a small hill

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] a huge ancient red dragon appears

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] dwarving all those around it

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] it flys up

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] pauses in mid air

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] then starts its plumett towards your group

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Corporal Antero screams at you

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] RUN RUN

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] GET TO THE TAVERN

[BOB] ] Red Dragon moved 198'03".

[BOB] ] Corporal Antero moved 298'06".

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and as I click off

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: Miranda

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] if you are goign to run to the tavern you can move to that icon

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] if you want to do something else

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 241'05".

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] let me knwo

[BOB] ] Miranda moved 579'10".

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and John click done please

[Miranda (John)] i can only run 240

[BOB] if you are

[BOB] not to scale

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 554'09".

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Imari

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 515'04".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((maybe someone should give that dragon some directions... he's gotta be lost))

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Branwyn

[Lisa] ((what do I do?))

[Imari (Death)] run to the tavern, apparently

[Imari (Death)] click and drag your icon

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((If you want to run to the tavern, you click on your icon and drag it there))

[Miranda (John)] clearly this is a test

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 544'04".

[Lisa] ((thanks))

[Lisa] ((and our corporal is stuck in the grass?))

Kristelle (Kaz)] looks out the door of the tavern at the Corporal, wondering why he isn't following

[BOB] ] Kristelle moved 1'02".

Kaz] is receiving the map Old Man Millers tavern...

Kaz] has received the map Old Man Millers tavern.

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] ok,

[BOB] so teh Corporal pushes you inside

[BOB] then runs towards the back room

[BOB] YANKS up a trap door

[BOB] and yells at you to get down

[Miranda (John)] ::hurries to trap door::

[BOB] you all pile down into the cellar

[BOB] it is dark

[BOB] looking around

[BOB] the corporal quietly calls out

[BOB] anyone have a torch?

[BOB] a light?

[Miranda (John)] can I cast faries fire if i can't see?

[BOB] SHit, I can not beleive that someone got old Libellula Saturata out there

[BOB] (yes to John)

[BOB] (on your self or touch)

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] (and you hear a WHOOOOOSH

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] DAMN it

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I bet that is the roof of the tavern

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] shit

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] looking around

[Miranda (John)] maybe we should stay quiet

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] anyone have a light

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] or a way of making light?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Ranger you have a flint?

[Miranda (John)] I can make you glow?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Mage can you do anything?

[Miranda (John)] come closer

[Imari (Death)] this is where you can use cantrip

[Imari (Death)] cantrip up a little light or something

[Lisa] ((how do I do that?))

[Lisa] ((pretty poor excuse for mage))

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] (just say what you want to do, then we see if you need a check to make it happen)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((you'll get the hang of it))

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] (nah, you are learning)

[Lisa] ((just don't know mechanics))

[Lisa] I want to use cantrip to bring a light to the room

[Lisa] ((Okay - what are the magic words?))

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Ok, so now you just roll a proficiency check

[Miranda (John)] right click on your charater name to bring up the dice panne;)

[Miranda (John)] pannel

[Lisa] ] Branwyn: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] you get 4 per day plus one per level, then each one after that is a -1 to your check, so you could do somewhere around 20 of them a day

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and there you go

[Lisa] let there be light

[BOB] ] Branwyn moved 2'00".

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] so branwyn has a small glow about her hand now

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] shows out about five feet

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] similar to what a magic weapon would be

[BOB] ] Pending XP award: 100.

[BOB] ] XP award: 100. Next level in 2400.

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] and 100 XP for first skill use

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] so you can now see a bit around you in the cellar

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Corporal Antero says, "check around, lets see what is down here"

[Miranda (John)] ::looks arround for torch or scrap of wood:;

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] who would want to hire her to come after us

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] (there are some crates you can see on the edge of yoru light and that doorway

[Miranda (John)] You know that dragon?

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] yeah

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] or at least know of her

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] she is a legend

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] Libellula Saturata must be a couple hundred years old

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] or more

[Lisa] tries to open crate

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] I find it hard to belive the Cornell would let us get into a battle with her

[Corporal Antero (BOB)] someone double crossed us

Kristelle (Kaz)] goes to help Branwyn open crates

[Imari (Death)] "What are we looking for?"

[Lisa] something to have better light here

[BOB] ] Corporal Antero moved 8'03".

[BOB] the Corporal climbs the ladder

[BOB] looking down at you

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 2'00".

[BOB] I am goign to check on teh rest of the squad

[BOB] I will send them down to you if I find them

[BOB] I will be back

[BOB] stay safe

[Lisa] bring a torch

[Miranda (John)] sure sure

[BOB] get deeper under ground if you cna

[BOB] see if there is another cellar,

[BOB] find some supplies

[BOB] climbs the ladder

[BOB] opens

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 9'11".

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 12'07".

[BOB] the trap door adn a wave of heat comes down

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 16'10".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 11'11".

[BOB] he covers his face and slips out

[Imari (Death)] "May Partik cary you on swift wings."

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 6'07".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((ks this an open crate?))

[Imari (Death)] ::begins opening what crates she can see

[BOB] you see those crates

[BOB] and yes to Kristelle

[Miranda (John)] I can make wood burn longer if someone can light it

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 1'06".

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 2'02".

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 5'06".

[Lisa] ((So I can use cantrip again on the crate?))

Kristelle (Kaz)] looks in the open crate and finds... ??

[BOB] (if you think you need to yes, you can always talk it out with each other)

[Miranda (John)] ::tries to open own crate::

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 3'11".

[BOB] Kristelle has an open crate

[BOB] looks like fruit inside

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 4'06".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((are those pears?))

[BOB] Miranda has a sealed crate in front of her

[BOB] Combat has finished.

Kristelle (Kaz)] turns to the closed crate and goes to open that one.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 2'05".

[BOB] and Miranda what do you have to open it with?

[Miranda (John)] nothing good, quarterstaff if need be

[Miranda (John)] ::shakes case::

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((are they sealed, or just covered?))

[BOB] closed crates are sealed

[Kristelle (Kaz)] okay

[BOB] largish iron nails

[Imari (Death)] ::pries into one with her dagger::

[BOB] which one?

Kristelle (Kaz)] uses the blade of her polearm to pry open a lid.

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 1'10".

[BOB] Kristelle and Imari open their crate

[BOB] to uncover salt pork

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, it'll help if we're stuck down here a while.

[Miranda (John)] ::taps on floor with staff::

[Imari (Death)] ::sighs::

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 8'06".

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 7'01".

Kristelle (Kaz)] moves to another crate and uses the same method of opening.

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 7'00".

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 9'07".

[BOB] Imari opens that crate to find empty wine skins

[Lisa] uses dagger to open crate

[BOB] Kristelle opens hers to find onions

[Miranda (John)] ::taps floor in here::

[BOB] Branwyn finds flour

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 15'04".

[BOB] Miranda you think this is a solid flor around here fo far

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 5'11".

[Imari (Death)] ::moves on to the next one

Kristelle (Kaz)] moves on to another crate

[BOB] Kristelle finds wooden wine cups in that crate

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 5'01".

[Lisa] opens crate if not opened already

[Miranda (John)] (stone or wood floor?)

[BOB] Imari finds some cloaks in that casket

[BOB] stone floor through here

[BOB] branwyn finds some leeks

[BOB] now remember if you are not within 5 feet of branwyn you are in the dark

Kristelle (Kaz)] pulls out some of the wooden wine cups and puts them in the center of the floor, then puts a wooden lid in the middle of another part of the floor.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Can someone light these up?

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 7'07".

[Miranda (John)] Can someone light the wood from the crates? after I cast on it

[Kristelle (Kaz)] In fact, Branwyn, can you make these cups glow? Then we can each have our own light.

[Lisa] I'll use cantrip on the cups to light them

[BOB] ok

[Miranda (John)] Let's not light up right under the trapdoor please

[Lisa] ] Branwyn: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[BOB] one check per cup you want to make

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Thank you.

[Lisa] ((3 more?))

[BOB] that light lasts for (1d8) [1d8=4] 4 rounds

[BOB] yes to LIsa

[Lisa] ] Branwyn: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

Kristelle (Kaz)] picks up the glowing cup and moves to another crate.

[BOB] so one failed

[BOB] you can try again

[Lisa] ] Branwyn: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 12'11".

[Lisa] ] Branwyn: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 9'07".

[Lisa] hands cups to Miranda and Imari

[BOB] anyone carrying a cup can change thier light radius to 5

[BOB] (does everyone know how to do that?)

[Lisa] (no)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((no))

[BOB] (I did Bronwyn, but it is on the character sheet, first page

[BOB] lower right section

[Imari (Death) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Misc. Attributes - Light Radius:: CHANGED: 5 (1.0).

[Miranda (John)] (i'll continue without a light)

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 13'11".

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 4'03".

[BOB] Imari and branwyn

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 10'07".

[BOB] you see those barrles there

[Miranda (John)] (feeling arround the wall, tapping staff)

[BOB] and behind them is a set of stairs

[BOB] that goes down

[Imari (Death)] ] Imari moved 4'09".

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 11'08".

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 20'00".

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 3'02".

Kristelle (Kaz)] tries to open the last crate

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 9'07".

[BOB] has several large bolts of cloth

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 1'02".

Kristelle (Kaz)] examines the casks to see what is in them

[Imari (Death)] "There are stairs here, going down."

[BOB] the look like water, or ale

[Miranda (John)] Where are you?

[BOB] in the other area where Miranda is are some wine bottles

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 27'11".

[Lisa] should we go down the stairs?

[Miranda (John)] that's what the corporal said

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 10'08".

Kristelle (Kaz)] fills some empty wineskins with water and ale, snatches a cloak and wraps up some food in it, using loose ends to tie it around her back

[Miranda (John)] moves towards light

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 3'11".

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 15'06".

[Miranda (John)] ] Corporal Antero moved 2'07".

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 14'05".

[Lisa] it's dark down the stairs

Kristelle (Kaz)] gives the white bags a quick check

Death] has left the game on Fri Jan 22 21:53:31 EST 2010

[BOB] ] Branwyn moved 11'08".

[Miranda (John)] anything I can help with

[BOB] Pause there Lisa

[BOB] Mike needs to catch up

[BOB] and the general paranoia of venturing down a strange set of stairs

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((in the meantime, you can tell me what's in the white bags))

[BOB] the white bags contain oats

[BOB] and another full of walnuts

Death] has joined the game on Fri Jan 22 21:54:44 EST 2010

Death] is receiving the map Old Man Millers tavern...

Death] has received the map Old Man Millers tavern.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Anyone else want to grab some stuff? We don't know where we

[Kristelle (Kaz)] 're going.

[Miranda (John)] ::gets 1 cubic foot of wood from crates::

[Death] i think i'm back

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((welcome back)

Kristelle (Kaz)] shrugs, then grabs another cloak, again fills it with some food and loaded wineskins of water and/or ale, and ties it up so there are loose ends.

[Lisa] anything you want me to take Kristelle?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] You want to tie this on so it's on your back?

[Lisa] sure

[Kristelle (Kaz)] If we don't need it, we can always bring it back.

[Death] ::also wraps supplies in a cloak::

[Lisa] takes wrapped up cloak

[Miranda (John)] (BOB, can I light a few boards with Orison as one fire then cast Firelight on whole fire, then divide into torches?)

Kristelle (Kaz)] grabs another cloak and drapes it over her shoulders.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And if we do use it, well, we'll pay for it.

[Lisa] with what?

[Miranda (John)] ::gathers boards from crate top into fire

[Kristelle (Kaz)] With what we earn?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] There's always a way.

[BOB (to GM only)] ] No Name #8 moved 4'10".

[BOB (to GM only)] ] No Name #7 moved 4'06".

[BOB (to GM only)] ] No Name #6 moved 6'00".

[BOB (to GM only)] ] No Name #5 moved 4'05".

[BOB (to GM only)] ] No Name #4 moved 3'04".

[Lisa] I hope we're getting paid for this

[BOB (to GM only)] ] No Name #3 moved 3'06".

[BOB (to GM only)] ] No Name #2 moved 3'05".

[BOB (to GM only)] ] No Name #1 moved 2'00".

[Lisa] I'm broke

[BOB] and yes to John

[BOB] on the torches

[Miranda (John) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified:

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda casts a spell against : Log of Everburning: Burning wood remains burning for (1) 1 hours.

[Miranda (John)] sorry wrong one

[BOB] and by the way the name of this story arc is up now

[BOB] Born in Fire

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda casts a spell against : Log of Everburning: Burning wood remains burning for (1) 1 hours.

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda casts a spell against : Firelight: A fire burns cooler and brighter with no smoke for (4+(1\2)) -1 hours.

[BOB] so how bright is that now John? what is the radius?

[Miranda (John)] so we each have a torch like light

[BOB] ok

[BOB] torches have a 15 foot radius

[Miranda (John)] twice normal radius

[BOB] how many?

[BOB] so 30 foot

[BOB] not bad at all

[BOB] 4 of them?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((do we change our light effect?))

[Miranda (John)] sure

[BOB] yes you can do that your selves

[Miranda (John) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Misc. Attributes - Light Radius:: CHANGED: 30 (1.0).

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 23'02".

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Misc. Attributes - Light Radius:: CHANGED: 30.0 (1.0).

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Misc. Attributes - Light Radius:: CHANGED: 15 (5).

[Lisa (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Misc. Attributes - Light Radius:: CHANGED: 30 (1.0).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 17'08".

[Miranda (John)] Come on Kristelle, I'm not leaving without you

[BOB] so who is going up front?

[BOB] and what order down the stairs?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'm here.

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Misc. Attributes - Light Radius:: CHANGED: 30 (15).

[Death] I guess I'll lead.

[Miranda (John)] don't you ranger times like to lead?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I was going to say, I probably should))

[Miranda (John)] types

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 8'10".

[Miranda (John)] i bring up rear

[BOB] ] No Name #6, No Name #1, Rat, small, No Name #2, No Name #5, No Name #4, No Name #3, No Name #7 and No Name #8 moved 5'05".

[BOB] you hear noises in the hall ahead of you

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 25'09".

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 27'03".

[Death] yeeeehaw

[Death] killing rats in the inn cellar

[BOB] ok,

[Death] we're real level 1's now

[BOB] ] No Name #6, No Name #1, Rat, small, No Name #2, No Name #5, No Name #4, No Name #3, No Name #7 and No Name #8 moved 5'06".

[BOB] Combat has begun!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 0

[BOB] ] Kristelle moved 8'10".

[BOB] Ok, letting everyone catch up again

[BOB] there seems to be some lag

[Lisa] ((so this would be dagger time?))

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 11'11".

[BOB] Mike and John you can both move to the corner there

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Jan 22 22:13:37 EST 2010

[Miranda (John)] your pretty agressive for a mage

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda moved 37'04".

[Death] ] Imari moved 33'11".

[Miranda (John)] you don't have to kill them, just scare them away

[Lisa] can't let Kristelle fight rats by herself

[Miranda (John)] ::yells: SHOO SHOO

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[BOB] (leting Kaz get her self back in, but yes everyone can roll Init)

[Miranda (John)] ::waves big stick::

[Death] ] Imari: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=5] 15

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Jan 22 22:15:47 EST 2010

Kaz] is receiving the map map three...

Kaz] has received the map map three.

[Lisa] ] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=8] 16

[Kaz] ] Kristelle: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=5] 15

[Miranda (John)] Wave fire at them, it should scare them off

[Miranda (John)] (this is a roomy cellar)

[BOB] ] No Name #1: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[BOB] ] Rat, small: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[BOB] ] No Name #2: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[BOB] ] No Name #5: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[BOB] ] No Name #4: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[BOB] ] No Name #6: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[BOB] ] Rat, giant: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[BOB] ] No Name #3: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[BOB] ] No Name #7: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[BOB] ] No Name #8: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[BOB] ] Rat, giant #1: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[BOB] ] INIT: 11 GOING: Rat, giant #1

[BOB] ] Rat, giant #1 moved 26'06".

[BOB] ] INIT: 13 GOING: No Name #5

[BOB] ] No Name #5 moved 5'06".

[BOB] ] INIT: 13 GOING: No Name #3

[BOB] ] No Name #3 moved 10'08".

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: No Name #6

[BOB] ] No Name #6 moved 4'11".

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: No Name #4

[BOB] ] No Name #4 moved 9'09".

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: No Name #2

[Miranda (John)] how big are the rats?

[BOB] ] No Name #2 moved 6'05".

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: No Name #8

[BOB] ] No Name #8 moved 9'09".

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Imari

[BOB] there are two giant rats ( over 2 foot long) and the rest are normal rats, about 6 inches long

[Death] ] Imari casts a spell against : Anti-vermin Barrier: For (1) 1 hours, vermin are repelled from an area consisting of a (1) 1 ft cube.

[Death] nevermind

[Lisa] ((so can I cantrip a loud noise to scare them away?))

[Death] clicked wrong spell, then realized the spell i want is sixth level

[Death] arg.

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] lol

[BOB] (and yes you can try that Lisa)

[Death] i guess i'll just hold action.

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Kristelle

[Miranda (John)] (I only added 1st level spells)

[BOB] and Lisa you have several options

[BOB] when it is your turn

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Imari modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: +3 (+2).

[BOB] you can cast a spell you can attack you can move, you can use a proficiency like Cantrip

[Lisa] ((tell me when it is my turn))

[BOB] you can talk it out what you would like to do when your turn comes

[BOB] right now is kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((just a sec, I'm having issues.))

[BOB] you see the counter near the top?

[BOB] and why should now be any different Kaz? :P

[Kaz] Kristelle targets No Name #2. Distance: 19'02"

[Miranda (John)] (personal or Klooge?)

[BOB] that is 19 feet away Kaz what are you attackign with?

[Kaz] Kristelle targets No Name #4. Distance: 18'10"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((going to run up))

[BOB] ok

[BOB] you can move up to half your movement and still attack

[BOB] so only 20 feet

[Miranda (John)] ::shudders in fear, thinking f the ants::

[BOB] for ease of use you can just use the sword you have on yoru sheet

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 19'04".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=18] -1. PROBABLY HITS No Name #2 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=3] 14. Probably MISSES No Name #2 (AC FINAL: 10).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=14] 3. PROBABLY HITS No Name #2 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] that was NOT what I wanted to do.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] One at one, one at the other.

[BOB] you only get one attack a round

[BOB] unless you have two weapons

[BOB] are you swiging a sword and a torch?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I have two weapons

[Kristelle (Kaz)] yes

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so we will go with the first two attacks then

[BOB] a hit with the sword

[BOB] and a miss with the torch

[Kristelle (Kaz)] okay

[BOB] roll damage

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((b ut you can't tell me that fire wouldn't scare him a little))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d12) [1d12=2] 2 added to: No Name #2

[BOB] ] No Name #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-2) - Dying

[BOB] and next

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Branwyn

[Lisa] do you think if I cantrip a loud noise I would scare them away?

[Lisa] or should I just attack with my dagger?

[Lisa] or just decide myself and see what happens?

[Death] you don't have many hp

[Miranda (John)] (c) works good

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((you could try either one. The loud noise might work, and it keeps you away from them.))

[Miranda (John)] but (a) is more advisable

[Lisa] ((do I need to get closer?))

[BOB] (to attack yes, for antrip no)

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 0'11".

[Miranda (John)] (I am going to blow my last spell for the day, so who knows)

[Lisa] I will cantrip a loud frightening noise

[BOB] anyting in particular?

[Lisa] ] Branwyn: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Lisa] (I was supposed to be specific?))

[Miranda (John)] (pst say large cat)

[BOB] (it helps)

[Miranda (John)] (or BOOOOOOM)

[Lisa] go with large cat

[Lisa] ((roll again?))

[BOB] (no, it just helps for the overall feel if you can desribe thigns well)

[BOB] ] No Name #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[BOB] ] No Name #2: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] No Name #5: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] No Name #4: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] No Name #6: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] No Name #3: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[BOB] ] No Name #8: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Good work, Branwyn!

[BOB] ] No Name #6, No Name #2, No Name #5, No Name #4 and No Name #8 moved 20'05".

[Kaz] Kristelle no longer targets No Name #4.

[BOB] and Lisa you click done on the combat tracker

[BOB] ] INIT: 17 GOING: Rat, small

[BOB] ] Rat, small moved 8'05".

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Rat, giant

[BOB] ] Rat, giant moved 29'04".

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: No Name #1

[BOB] No Name #1 targets Kristelle. Distance: 4'11"

[BOB] ] No Name #1 moved 11'09".

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=5] 5

[BOB] ] INIT: 19 GOING: No Name #7

[BOB] No Name #7 targets Kristelle. Distance: 4'03"

[BOB] ] No Name #7 moved 15'09".

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=13] 13

[BOB] ] INIT: 20 GOING: Miranda

[Miranda (John)] the ones that ran are off the board?

[BOB] not yet but they will be

[Miranda (John)] can a take a step adjustment and still cast

[BOB] small step yes

[Miranda (John)] just out of range

[BOB] no more than a foot or two, what spell/

[Miranda (John)] animal frendship on the giant rat infront of Kristelle

[BOB] ok

[Miranda (John)] 30 ft range, save or has to listen to me for 30 min

[John] Miranda targets Rat, giant. Distance: 31'09"

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda casts a spell against Rat, giant: Animal Friendship: I convince an animal that I want to be friends.

[BOB] ] Rat, giant: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Miranda (John)] I want to make this cut rat here my friends, no one is going to hurt you

[BOB] ] ROUND: 1

[BOB] Ok, so everyone knows where we are? what is happening?

[BOB] Mike did you want your action before the next round starts?

[Death] i'll just wait if he's trying ot make friends

[BOB] ] INIT: 11 GOING: Rat, giant #1

[BOB] Rat, giant #1 targets Kristelle. Distance: 4'03"

[BOB] ] Rat, giant #1 moved 19'01".

[BOB] ] Rat, giant #1: Attack: Bite: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 19. Probably MISSES Kristelle (AC FINAL: 10).

[BOB] ] INIT: 13 GOING: No Name #5

[BOB] No Name #5 targets Kristelle. Distance: 4'05"

[BOB] ] No Name #5 moved 20'06".

[BOB] ] INIT: 13 GOING: No Name #3

[BOB] No Name #3 targets Kristelle. Distance: 4'05"

[BOB] No Name #3 no longer targets Kristelle.

[BOB] No Name #3 targets Kristelle. Distance: 5'00"

[BOB] ] No Name #3 moved 10'00".

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=1] 1

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=13] 13

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: No Name #6

[BOB] No Name #6 targets Kristelle. Distance: 4'11"

[BOB] ] No Name #6 moved 20'03".

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: No Name #4

[BOB] ] No Name #4 moved 18'06".

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: No Name #8

[BOB] ] No Name #8 moved 19'01".

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Imari

[Death] " I guess they don't want to be friends."

[Death] ] Imari moved 8'04".

[BOB] (they are attack Kristelle but just missing her)

[BOB] it is a called shot to hit a rat with a missle weapon

[BOB] if you are next to her with a melee weapon

[BOB] it is still a caled shot

[Death] Imari targets No Name #3. Distance: 8'00"

[BOB] but not as bad

[Death] Imari no longer targets No Name #3.

[Death] ] Imari moved 9'06".

[Death] Imari targets wriggly. Distance: 11'08"

[Death] Imari targets Imari. Distance: 0'00"

[Death] ] Imari moved 2'09".

[Death] Imari no longer targets Imari.

[Death] Imari no longer targets wriggly.

[Miranda (John)] you named my rat already?

[Death] ] Imari moved 7'04".

[Death] Imari targets Rat, giant #1. Distance: 4'01"

[Death] ] Imari: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=4] 13. Probably MISSES Rat, giant #1 (AC FINAL: 10).

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Kristelle

[Kaz] Kristelle targets Rat, giant #1. Distance: 0'00"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=6] 11. Probably MISSES Rat, giant #1 (AC FINAL: 10).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=9] 8. PROBABLY HITS Rat, giant #1 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d12) [1d12=5] 5 added to: Rat, giant #1

[BOB] ] Rat, giant #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-5) - Dying

Kristelle (Kaz)] mutters, 'Try to bite me, will you..."

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Branwyn

[Lisa] I'm going to cantrip my large feline again to make them back off a bit if not for good

[Lisa] ] Branwyn: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[BOB] ] No Name #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] Rat, small: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] No Name #5: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] No Name #6: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] wriggly: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] No Name #3: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] No Name #7: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] Rat, giant #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] Rat, small, No Name #1, No Name #5, No Name #6, wriggly, No Name #3, No Name #7 and Rat, giant #1 moved 17'03".

[BOB] (click next)

[BOB] ] INIT: 17 GOING: Rat, small

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Good job! Rotten little pests...

[BOB] ] Rat, small moved 17'10".

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: wriggly

[BOB] ] wriggly moved 1'06".

[Miranda (John)] come here

[BOB] unsure where to go

[BOB] ] wriggly moved 21'00".

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: No Name #1

[BOB] ] No Name #1 moved 19'00".

[BOB] ] INIT: 19 GOING: No Name #7

[BOB] ] No Name #7 moved 23'10".

[BOB] ] INIT: 20 GOING: Miranda

[Miranda (John)] you don't want to hurt us,I'll get you some good food

[BOB] ] ROUND: 2

[BOB] everyone set? any questions?

[BOB] the cantrip is scaring them away, but it only lasts for the round, just not that powerful, but it is keeping them at bay for the most part

[Miranda (John)] not I

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((just waiting for the big shoe to drop))

[BOB] ] INIT: 13 GOING: No Name #5

[BOB] No Name #5 targets Imari. Distance: 4'10"

[BOB] ] No Name #5 moved 18'09".

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=20] 20

[Miranda (John)] (some one go get some food)

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=1] 1

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=11] 11

[BOB] ] Kristelle's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Aren't you carrying some? DIdn't you take provisions?))

[Death] rats die easier in video games

[BOB] Lisa just so you know if you roll a natural 20 on an attack you get to roll again

[Lisa] I have food wrapped up in the cloak Kristelle gave me

[BOB] is why that rat attacked twice

[BOB] ] INIT: 13 GOING: No Name #3

[Miranda (John)] (I figure we would go get some when we needed it)

[BOB] No Name #3 targets Imari. Distance: 4'09"

[BOB] ] No Name #3 moved 12'11".

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=17] 17

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: No Name #6

[BOB] No Name #6 targets Imari. Distance: 4'05"

[BOB] ] No Name #6 moved 18'09".

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=20] 20

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=1] 1

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=1] 1

[BOB] ] Kristelle's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: No Name #4

[BOB] ] No Name #4 moved 16'03".

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: No Name #8

[BOB] ] No Name #8 moved 16'11".

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Imari

[Death] Imari targets No Name #5. Distance: 4'03"

[Death] ] Imari moved 7'08".

[Death] ] Imari: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=18] -1. PROBABLY HITS No Name #5 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Death] ] Imari: Damage v SM: "Spear, Long": (3d6) [3d6=2,6,4] 12 added to: No Name #5

[BOB] ] No Name #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-12) - Dead

[Death] hopefully they don't have more than 12 hp's

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Kristelle

[Kaz] Kristelle targets No Name #6. Distance: 0'02"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=1] 16. Probably MISSES No Name #6 (AC FINAL: 10).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=8] 9. PROBABLY HITS No Name #6 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d12) [1d12=12] 12 added to: No Name #6

[BOB] ] No Name #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-12) - Dead

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Branwyn

[Lisa] ] Branwyn moved 19'03".

[BOB] No Name #3 targets Branwyn. Distance: 2'05"

[Lisa] Branwyn targets No Name #3. Distance: 2'05"

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets No Name #3.

[Lisa] Branwyn targets No Name #3. Distance: 2'05"

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets No Name #3.

[Lisa] Branwyn targets No Name #3. Distance: 2'05"

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Branwyn. Distance: 0'00"

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets Branwyn.

[Lisa] ] Branwyn: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d200)) [1d200=182] -162. PROBABLY HITS No Name #3 (AC FINAL: 10)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[Lisa] ] Branwyn: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: No Name #3

[Miranda (John)] woot

[Miranda (John)] oh well

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((nice!))


[Death] looks good to me.

[Miranda (John)] d200 helps

[BOB] I will count that as a hit

[BOB] Mike will check that

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I thought that had been fixed, lol))

[BOB] ] No Name #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-1) - Disabled

[Lisa] why did it do that?

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified:

[BOB] ] INIT: 17 GOING: Rat, small

[BOB] ] Branwyn: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d200)) [1d200=112] -92

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((it's set up wrong. It's supposed to be a d20, not a d200))

[BOB] ] Rat, small moved 16'10".

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: wriggly

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda: Attack: Quarterstaff: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 13. Probably MISSES wriggly (AC FINAL: 10).

[Miranda (John)] ] Miranda: Attack: Sling Stone: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 10. PROBABLY HITS wriggly (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Miranda (John)] just checking

[Miranda (John)] not hitting

[Miranda (John)] let me get you some food

[Miranda (John)] points to cloak

[Lisa] hands Miranda some food from her cloak

[Lisa] wish we found cheese up there

Kristelle (Kaz)] shrugs.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] They're scavengers. They'll eat anything.

[Death] ] Imari: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=19] -2

[Death] ] Imari: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=13] 4

[Death] ] Imari: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=10] 7

[Death] ] Imari: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=13] 4

[Death] ] Branwyn: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d200)) [1d200=72] -52

[Death] ] Branwyn: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d200)) [1d200=71] -51

[Miranda (John)] magic drk?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((hehe))

[Lisa] ((Bob won't tell me how to fix it))

[Death] ] Branwyn: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d200)) [1d200=179] -159

[Miranda (John)] just roll d20 for now

[Death] ] Branwyn: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d200)) [1d200=128] -108

[Lisa] ((okay - will for next turn))

[BOB] you did roll yoru attack already and you hit and killed it

[BOB] Mike and I are looking at what in the world is going on

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified:

[BOB] and wriggly moves forward slowly towards Miranda

[Death (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Dagger/Dirk -- # Atks: $atk (1), CHANGED: Ankus -- #: -- (1),

[BOB] nose twitching

[Death] ] Branwyn: Attack: Ankus: (20-(d200)) [1d200=62] -42

[Miranda (John)] take out knockdown

[BOB] wriggly targets Kristelle. Distance: 4'07"

[BOB] wriggly targets Imari. Distance: 4'09"

[BOB] wriggly targets Branwyn. Distance: 4'09"

[BOB] wriggly no longer targets Branwyn.

[BOB] wriggly targets Branwyn. Distance: 4'08"

[BOB] ] wriggly moved 13'03".

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: No Name #1

[BOB] ] No Name #1 moved 13'10".

[BOB] ] INIT: 19 GOING: No Name #7

[Miranda (John)] ::gives food from cloak, throws some to other rats too::

[BOB] ] No Name #7 moved 11'10".

[Lisa (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[BOB] ] INIT: 20 GOING: Miranda

[Miranda (John) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Dagger/Dirk -- Knockdown: ($thac0), CHANGED: Ankus -- Knockdown: ($thac0), Notes - CHANGED.

[Miranda (John)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Ankus: (20-(d200)) [1d200=56] -36

[Miranda (John)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d200)) [1d200=99] -79

[BOB] John anything with Miranda?

[Miranda (John)] throwing food

[Death] i need to drive home.

[Death] night all.

[Death] stupid klooge.

[BOB] ok

[Miranda (John)] choq

Death] has left the game on Fri Jan 22 23:09:47 EST 2010

[BOB] wry grin

[BOB] ] ROUND: 3

[BOB] and we can pause here for the night

[Lisa] ((did the food do anything?))

[BOB] pick up next week here in the middle of combat

[BOB] and you will find out when wriggly moves again

[Lisa] smiles

[BOB] first Miranda thoows it

[Lisa] tune in next week

[BOB] grins exactly

[Kristelle (Kaz)] hehe

[Miranda (John)] night all

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Night John

[Lisa] goodnight!

John] has left the game on Fri Jan 22 23:11:24 EST 2010

[Kaz] Lisa, having fun?

[Lisa] kinda sorta

[Kaz] :)

[Lisa] will be better when I know more what I am doing

[Kaz] When you get into the swing of things, it's a real blast

[BOB] you did just fine Lisa

[Kaz] I thought so, too.

[BOB] the attack thing is a crazy unknown

[BOB] it is not affecting anyone else

[Lisa] just feel kinda stupid - had all this food and was stabbing rat with 200d dagger :)

[BOB] grins, you live and learn

[BOB] or die and learn

[Lisa] yes

[BOB] and you made it through your first night

[BOB] both Marco and John had characters die the first night they ran them

[Lisa] there's always next week!

[BOB] this is more of a shake down cruise for the group anyway

[BOB] simple creatures to test out how things work

[BOB] then tougher challenges to come

[Kaz] Well, most people don't just feed rats, you know.

[Lisa] lol

[BOB] of course, starting with an ancient red dragon

[BOB] grins

[Lisa] good idea though

[Kaz] I lol'd when I saw that, Bob

[BOB] good

[BOB] was sure guy woudl say I was trying to kill everyone

[Kaz] Was really tempted to stand my ground and try to talk to it. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

[BOB] Mike wanted to disbelieve

[Kaz] I thought that, too. That it might be an illusion.

[BOB] shrugs you will not know

[BOB] but you are starting off well

[BOB] two rat bites so far

[Kaz] Yeah

[Kaz] *sigh*

[Kaz] I can't imagine why I could just kick the little shits into a wall.

[BOB] you can try

[BOB] any hit on them kills them

[Kaz] eh

[Kaz] I'll see you next week Lisa. Good night, both of you. :)

[BOB] night Kaz

[Kaz] I'll let Guy know what happened tonight.

[Lisa] goodnight!

[Kaz] :)

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Jan 22 23:17:58 EST 2010

[Lisa] so can we fix my dagger?

[BOB] I want to save and close out

[BOB] then bring it back up later on to test that

[Lisa] okay

[BOB] might just be a quirk

[Lisa] bye then

[BOB] or it is somethign on your character sheet's first page

[BOB] nods

[Lisa] was doing it last week too

[BOB] ok

[BOB] good to know

Lisa] has left the game on Fri Jan 22 23:19:02 EST 2010

Experience Awarded Mike, Lisa, John, Kaz : 100 each for roleplaying
Kaz: 125 for NWP input