Main / Jan2513

Jan 25 13 - Everyone Knows

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 25 17:45:03 EST 2013 ====

Devin-67310 has joined the game on Fri Jan 25 18:00:22 EST 2013

Devin-67310 is receiving the map Crimson Inn first floor...

Devin-67310 has received the map Crimson Inn first floor.

[Master] what questions do you have about the game or about Klooge Devin?

[Devin-67310] Let me see what I remember, then I'll ask. :P

[Master] grins

[Master] feel free to practice Casting or attacking or anything on Toybin

[Master] and I will reset him at the beginning of the session

[Zbrox8] Grink targets Toybin of Castling. Distance: 3'04"

[Zbrox8] Grink: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] -1. HITS Toybin of Castling (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Zbrox8] where does the roll information show up?... there it is.

[Master] right

[Master] and when it is a Roll to DM only

[Master] the results still show up here in the chat history

[Master] that you can review afterward

[Zbrox8] so, of the 3 attack buttons, rightmost is large creatures, middle is SM/M, what's the left one?

[Master] far left is the attack button

[Master] the other two are for damage

[Master] middle for small medium

[Zbrox8] OOH. ok.

[Master] right is large

[Master] so you roll to hit

[Zbrox8] *makes notes in his head*

[Master] it tells you

[Master] if I do not correct you then you roll damage

[Zbrox8] Grink: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk: (1d4) [1d4=3] 3 added to: Toybin of Castling

[Zbrox8] Grink: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk: (1d4) [1d4=1] 1 added to: Toybin of Castling

[Master] exactly

[Zbrox8] and since I hit on tha tlast one, and he's a medium creature...

[Zbrox8] why did it roll twice?

[Master] because you clicked twice

[Master] it happens

[Zbrox8] as much of this is going to be me remembering my ADD rules.

[Zbrox8] I didn't intend o.

[Zbrox8] to*

[Master] I try to make it so you do not need to know the rules

[Master] only need to know the roleplay

[Master] Toybin of Castling's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 26 (-3) - Lightly Wounded

[Zbrox8] I know enough of the rules that it shouldn't be badeither way, its just been 10 years since I've played 2nd ed.

[Master] nods

[Master] there is also knockdowns

[Master] where you can knockdown your opponent with an attack

[Master] most people forget to roll them

[Zbrox8] where do you roll that? The arm icon?

[Master] no it is just a roll here in the chat for now

[Master] I have not built it into the icon bar yet

[Master] dice panel I mean

[Zbrox8] /roll

[Zbrox8] lol.

[Zbrox8] ok, how do I do a roll here then?

[Master] curly bracket, d8 curley bracket

[Master] (1d8) [1d8=6] 6

[Master] (3d6) [3d6=3,6,3] 12

[Zbrox8] (d8) [1d8=1] 1

[Master] exactly

[Zbrox8] (3d16+24) [3d16=11,15,2] 52

[Zbrox8] that all makes sense to me.

[Master] and it works with fractional dice too

[Master] (2d2.5) [2d2.5=1,1] 2

[Zbrox8] except it'll still only give you whole number results, I presume.

[Master] (1d35.6) [1d35.6=13] 13

[Master] nods

[Zbrox8] (2.3d7) [2.3d7=7,5; 1d2.0999999999999988=2] 14

[Master] it rounds automatically

[Zbrox8] I'm not sure what I just did, but I don't think it liked it.

[Master] another nice feature is when you target someone

[Master] it tells you the actual distance

[Master] taking into account altitude etc

[Zbrox8] Grink no longer targets Toybin of Castling.

[Zbrox8] Grink targets Toybin of Castling. Distance: 3'04"

[Zbrox8] very nice.

[Zbrox8] I assume there're elevation maps and everything for these maps?

[Master] it is on the icon

[Master] you can change your altitude

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 1'08".

[Master] Toybin of Castling targets Grink. Distance: 2455'00"

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 2'01".

[Zbrox8] I'm assuming you moved him straight up in some fashion.

[Zbrox8] Grink no longer targets Toybin of Castling.

[Master] with a 2d map like this jsut change the altitude of the icon to show the differenc

[Zbrox8] Grink targets Toybin of Castling. Distance: 2455'00"

[Master] comes into effect when people are flying etc most of the time

[Master] or on a roof

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 0'11".

[Zbrox8] Why are there large and small icons?

[Master] size of character

[Master] 2.5 is the standard human sized

[Master] the smaller ones are gnomes or halflings

[Master] larger ones for giants, etc

[Master] when you move

[Master] you should move along the map like normal

[Master] if you pause at turns, etc then it will keep track of your movement along the path

[Master] and show it to you dynamically as you are moving

[Master] so you know how far you can go in a round etc

[Master] Esmerelda moved 3'10".

[Master] Branwyn moved 37'11".

[Master] if you click on the map then hit your P button you bring up a pointer you can use to show people what you are talking about on the map

[Master] just a couple of things to play with

[Zbrox8] cool.

[Zbrox8] is there a "move history" I can see? My own trail, or the trails of teh people on the board and how they've moved?

[Master] no

[Zbrox8] and I assume we're dealing with 5' steps and 30' moves.

[Master] the distance you can move varies by race and other things like dex etc

[Master] and no 5 foot steps because you can see exactly how far you are moving along with the program

[Zbrox8] I had forgotten about dex variations. Where do I find all my character's stats?

[Master] you can move up to half your movement

[Master] and still get half your attacks

[Master] on the first page of the character sheet

[Master] and for the modifications

[Zbrox8] I am back at the keyboard.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] Oh... character sheets are tabs at the top of the page... awesome.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] that took a minute to find.


[Master] Grink is human so a default of 12

[Master] which is 120 feet

[Grink (Zbrox8)] 120 feet per... what? 'cause that seems way high.

[Master] round

[Master] when we are in combat

[Master] which is the next thing to show

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Grink (Zbrox8)] I'm taking a quick glance at the movement link.

[Master] by the way you should have your sound on for things like that

[Grink (Zbrox8)] it plays MUSIC!!!

[Master] grins

[Master] I use sound effects sometimes also

[Grink (Zbrox8)] my sound is on. no worries there.

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master] rol Init

[Grink (Zbrox8)] Grink: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=6] 14

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Grink

[Master] so now you get to roll your attack or move

[Master] move then attack

[Grink (Zbrox8)] as a theif, what is mele range? 5'?

[Master] yoiur weapon reach length

[Master] so with a dagger you can attack anyone you can reach, 5 feet is right

[Master] or you can throw it

[Master] and it will auto do the range modifiers for you

[Master] or if you have a bow, etc

[Master] halbards, etc

[Grink (Zbrox8)] the dirk can be thrown. I'm sure the Javelin can be too, although its range is not listed, and I can't tell if its listed, or if I actually have it.

[Master] if it is on your list of weapons you have it

[Grink (Zbrox8)] very nice.

[Master] there is an auto decrease for arrows, etc

[Grink (Zbrox8)] still looking for the reach number. lots of data, not enough width.

Guy has joined the game on Fri Jan 25 18:26:08 EST 2013

Guy is receiving the map Crimson Inn first floor...

[Master] treat it as 5 feet until otherwise needed

[Master] and Hello GUy

Guy has received the map Crimson Inn first floor.

[Master] and in your upper right you see a red button

[Master] that you click when you are finished with your turn

[Grink (Zbrox8)] I do.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] ok.

[Guy] hola

[Grink (Zbrox8)] the one next to the "init" number?

[Master] nods

[Grink (Zbrox8)] hello Guy.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] how do I know facing?

[Guy] howdy my fellow sicky lol

[Master] we go with teh idea you are always facing the person you are attacking

[Master] but Klooge will auto calculate flanking etc for multiple attackers on one icon

[Grink (Zbrox8)] but which way are THEY facing? I'd like to be able to attack from behind if I remember right.

[Master] you will have to say that you want to do that

[Grink (Zbrox8)] check.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] Grink moved 3'06".

[Grink (Zbrox8)] Grink: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 10. MISSES Toybin of Castling (AC FINAL: 5).

[Grink (Zbrox8)] aaannnddd... miss.

[Master] so click donw

[Master] done

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Toybin of Castling

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Attack: Long Sword: ((16-(d20+0))+1+1) [1d20=20] -2 [MODIFIED (+1)]

[Master] Toybin of Castling targets Grink. Distance: 0'10"

[Master] Toybin of Castling: Attack: Long Sword: ((16-(d20+0))+1+1) [1d20=20] -2 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Grink (AC FINAL: 7)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Guy] lol you need to forget to target more often bob

[Master] and there you see what happens when you roll a 20

[Master] it tells you to roll a bonus attack

[Grink (Zbrox8)] Crits.

[Master] right

[Grink (Zbrox8)] Meh. Its just a flesh wound.

[Master] just extra rolls for a to hit

[Master] no special damage charts etc

[Master] and when someone logs in late

[Master] they are one round behind

[Master] meaning the next round they can roll Init and participate

[Grink (Zbrox8)] Which will be mew most Fridays, I'm sure.

[Master] or log out early like Guy does often

[Master] which is why there are all the rules on teh site for that

[Master] and Guy did you notice that I added an RSS feed to the site?

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] You need a crickets sound effect for when the chat goes quiet.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] like now

[Grink (Zbrox8)] the timing on my end of that was just a little too creepy.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] I hit and it started.

[Master] I was letting the sound load for you

[Master] I can see on my end how things like maps and sounds are loading for people

[Master] Grink moved 1'11".

[Guy] not yet ive been doing early shifts so i havent looked at the site lately

[Master] Toybin of Castling's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (3) - Unharmed

[Master] Branwyn moved 24'02".

[Guy] and yesterday i went home sick and slept

[Master] sleep is good

[Grink (Zbrox8)] I kinda did that today. Left work early 'cause I feel like I hit a brick wall and it hit back.

[Guy] i got about 16 hours of it

[Grink (Zbrox8)] So, as a drop in character, how much of the story am I supposed to know?

[Master] you know the basic reason everyone is on this quest

[Master] Grink joined up with the group at the Vilmar Estates

[Master] a citadel the group visited while on the search for the Queen Presumptive

[Master] Guy and Lisa know the most about the story

[Grink (Zbrox8)] And if I remember correctly, there's something about Vampires and Were Wolves, and the group is trying to work out who is what and who to kill?

[Grink (Zbrox8)] The mayor maybe being a were wolf was the last thing I remember from last week.

[Master] one of the towns they visited along this journey

[Master] was a town of weres

[Master] so Marco is jumping at shadows

[Master] he is guessing that because "everyone knows" that Count Drake is a vampire that there must be werewolves here too

[Grink (Zbrox8)] Everything I was hearing last week was giving me the impression that nobody was really sure of ANYTHING, and they were just making guesses.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] It almost sounded like a comedy of errors.

[Master] that sounds exactly like how the group thinks a lot of the time

[Grink (Zbrox8)] especially with the little exchange of weaponry right near the end.

[Master] grins

[Guy] mostly we are trying to save one of the women who is in the running for the heirdom

[Master] Missus Mosskin

[Master] who is the daughter of Lord Mosskin which Branwyn is the Court Mage for

[Grink (Zbrox8)] so, DID anyone think to look in a window at the governor's mansion last week? or was the front door and the roof really first on the list?

[Guy] well you know the adage about plans never last against the first contact with the enemy

[Master] seriously they did break in first without looking in any windows

[Guy] we make it soimple and dont plan lol

[Grink (Zbrox8)] *facepalm*

[Grink (Zbrox8)] I can't exactly blame them too badly though.

[Guy] hey part of it was toybins faults

[Grink (Zbrox8)] one of my more recent group burst through the front door of a boarded up church just to be met by something on the order of 40 orcs.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] we won... we're not sure how.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] and the GM wasn't fudging for us.

[Guy] if he hadnt been with us sarengar wouldnt have been quite so eager to break in

[Master] you will find this is very life game in that there are consequences, people die all the time

[Master] I do want fun good stories

[Guy] ive had 2 characters die so far

[Grink (Zbrox8)] I probably would've gone around the side of the building and looked for an open window too.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] I *am* a theif.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] let everyone crate a diversion at the front, I'll go steal the good silver from the back.

[Master] you are also a priest

[Grink (Zbrox8)] I saw I had a level of Cleric.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] And because its divine spellcasting, I don't have to memorize... what's my spell limit?

[Master] there are notes on the history tab of his character sheet

[Master] explaning everything

[Grink (Zbrox8)] *reads the new tab he didn't know existed*

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 25 18:51:58 EST 2013

Lisa is receiving the map Crimson Inn first floor...

[Grink (Zbrox8)] so... ended up at a safe house... and then with this group?

[Grink (Zbrox8)] did they break into the safe house and get Grink out?

[Master] yes this group actally attacked the thieves guild

[Grink (Zbrox8)] good to know.

[Master] and also in a separate incident got thrown in jail

[Master] for being in the sewers poking around

[Grink (Zbrox8)] And I'm naked with 2 daggers and a gavelin.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] javelin*

[Master] you have clothing just no armor

Lisa has received the map Crimson Inn first floor.

[Master] Branwyn is the high level mage of the group, highest level character and only one with a title

[Master] Toybin is a Knight of the Court but is an NPC

[Lisa] and doesn't seem to be around when these ridiculous things happen

[Lisa] Hello all

[Grink (Zbrox8)] Hello Lisa

[Lisa] will have to run downstairs for a bit when called

[Grink (Zbrox8)] What rediculous things? breaking into jails and accusing mayors of being were wolves?

[Guy] hi lisa

[Guy] toybin is not well liked with the group lol

[Lisa] I did accuse the mayor of being a werebear

[Master] that was a different town

[Lisa] but not the thieves guild

[Grink (Zbrox8)] Oh, so you were around for something like that.

[Grink (Zbrox8)] Why is toybin not liked?

[Grink (Zbrox8)] is he just a butt?

[Lisa] nor would I have forcibly broken into the mayor's house in vamp village

[Grink (Zbrox8)] but if I remember... you're the one who cast "knock" to open the door.

[Lisa] cannot believe I logged in and you and marco were going to do that Guy!

[Lisa] eek

[Master] Toybin is a very straight forward sort of person

[Master] LOL

[Master] Devin has you there LIsa

[Lisa] about?

[Master] you being the one to cast knock

[Grink (Devin)] I'll brb.

[Lisa] that particular mayor WAS a werebear

[Guy] hey i wouldnt have been eager to do it if it wasnt for toybin

[Devin] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] lol

[Master] but that was two or three towns ago!

[Lisa] blame it on toybin

[Master] Toybin was there to watch over you not to help you break in

[Master] Toybin, Androp and Branwyn never did go inside

[Master] nor Grink

[Master] who we will say was here at the Inn sick

[Devin] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] the plan was to sneak in look for evidence and get the hell out

[Grink (Devin)] am I the only one who reads "toybin" as "toy bin" and wants to pull cool shiney toy-like objects out of his pockets?

[Lisa] not wake up the masses

[Master] one of the insults Guy uses is Toybox

[Guy] lol

[Grink (Devin)] I might have to pick his pockets, just to see what's in them and give it back.

[Lisa] not sure I want to dig into Toybin's pockets

[Grink (Devin)] by the way, I never play a character who ISN'T insatiably curious, and nosey.

[Master] very good traits with this group

[Devin] Grink targets Branwyn. Distance: 4'06"

[Grink (Devin)] Grink moved 6'00".

[Grink (Devin)] do I have a pick pocket roll?

[Grink (Devin)] Grink casts a spell against Branwyn: Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Grink (Devin)] Grink casts a spell against Branwyn: Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Master] it is on the thief tab

[Grink (Devin)] or is it just a ... damnit!

[Grink (Devin)] that wasn't supposed to happen.

[Master] there is a thin tab between the arm for your abilities and the shield for your saves

[Grink (Devin)] theif tab?

[Master] it has no symbol on it

[Grink (Devin)] Grink: Pick Pockets check:(d100) [1d100=19] 19 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 85!!

[Grink (Devin)] found it!

[Master] exqactly

[Grink (Devin)] what'd I get? what'd I get?

[Master] Lisa?

[Guy] lol

[Master] string of nothing!@

[Master] bat guano


[Master] smile

[Master] for your spells

[Grink (Devin)] *adds it to his lint ball collection*

[Master] you need 8 hours of sleep each night

[Master] then you can rememorize your spells

[Master] for Priests you do not need to pick your spells out ahead of time like a Mage

[Lisa] sorry

[Master] you get to cast on the fly what ever spell you have available

[Devin] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] probably got a cricket

[Grink (Devin)] how many spells a day do I get?

[Master] 3 first level spells

[Grink (Devin)] and do I have any "at will" spells?

[Master] you never had any training in higher level spells

[Grink (Devin)] cantrips, if you will.

[Master] that would be a no

[Grink (Devin)] ok

[Master] although you could learn the Cantrip proficiency

[Master] anyone can

[Master] for future character development

[Master] you will play Grink for now

[Master] see how you like the group over time, how things adjust

[Grink (Devin)] sounds good to me.

[Master] if it all works out then you get to create a full PC from scratch

[Grink (Devin)] I'm just trying to get as much information as I can so I don't interrupt play with more questions, although I'm gonna do that anyway, I'm sure.

[Master] but if you like Grink you get to keep him

[Master] that is what Bill did with Androp actually

[Master] Androp was an NPC

[Master] that grew on him

[Master] and ask lots of questions

[Grink (Devin)] we'll see. I was thinking about making a theif.

[Master] you can ask here in the room in whisper if you think it will interupt

[Grink (Devin)] there's a whisper mode? or is that the direct messaging thing I was doign last week?

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 500. Next level in 60998.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 72614.

[Grink (Devin)] and half the questions will be to the group anyway.

[Master] the direct message from last week works with any player

[Master] but you can hit the slash adn the players name here

[Grink (Devin)] Grink moved 18'05".

[Devin] Grink no longer targets Branwyn.

[Master (to Devin only)] and it only goes to that player

[Master (to Devin only)] although it does show up in the chat log later on

[Grink (Devin) (to Master only)] I think I got it.

[Master] which is good when people want to review what actually happened

[Lisa] any word from John lately?

[Devin] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] which is one reason the chat goes quiet sometimes

[Devin] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] as people are talking back and forth in whisper

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] and no nothing from John will text him now

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((or people are falling asleep lol))

[Grink (Devin)] And I use this like this, right? *pulls out the Javelyn and holds it like a T-ball player lining up for a swing*

Lisa or your can type /me and it comes out white

[Master] as an emote

Grink (Devin) eats a cookie

[Master] if you pick a Chat As color I can change it for you

[Master] not sure if you can do that your self or not

Lisa hands Grink some milk

[Master] and so

[Master] Watches for the evening?

[Grink (Devin)] chat as color changed.

[Master] nods and I can tell the difference too

[Grink (Devin)] I'll watch the bartender for a chance to nab a bread roll or two.

[Master] Toybin will take the middle watch for the spellcasters

[Master] he did two watches last night and needs a bit more rest

[Master] do you even remember last night? Lisa might

Lisa sniff sniff - usually Indigo's watch :(

[Master] Grink moved 24'05".

[Lisa] remember what?

[Master] LOL

[Grink (Devin)] I don't believe I do.

[Master] what happened last night, the attack and all the blood in the other room?

[Grink (Devin)] gah! hand of god, HAND OF GOD!

[Lisa] yes

[Grink (Devin)] what room?

[Lisa] some unidentified beastie came in the neighbor's room killed him and dragged him off except for a large pool of blood and a foot

[Lisa] we are at an inn

[Lisa] this would be in the room next to our set

[Master] the one with the door closed now

[Master] you are guessing that the blood has been cleaned up

[Grink (Devin)] the upper left on the map?

[Master] correct

[Grink (Devin)] check

[Master] Esmerelda moved 34'07".

[Grink (Devin)] Am I needed to take a watch?

[Grink (Devin)] Grink moved 17'04".

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((if toybin is taking a watch whos watching toybin?))

[Lisa] I'll take first

[Master] Toybin slept on the floor in the hall last night

[Lisa] and we always need people to take a shift

[Master] hime and INdigo were on watch when the screaming started

[Grink (Devin)] As

[Master] Branwyn moved 4'03".

[Master] Branwyn moved 12'03".

[Grink (Devin)] As long as I get some sleep, I believe I will be ok, and can take a watch, but spellcasting restoration might be requried.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will stay with Indigo and let you know if there are any changes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You can take third watch with Sarengar

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Toybin

[Sarengar (Guy)] Indigo be careful of the toybox I dont trust him one bit

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (indigo is unconscious)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] snoring away under some sort of sleep

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((oh i thought he was over that((

[Master] not yet

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no - this is a big deal - he won't wake up)

[Master] it has been a couple of hours now

[Master (to GM only)] Mayor Krik moved 30'01".

[Master (to GM only)] Deputy Holin moved 27'03".

[Grink (Devin) (to Master only)] choosing spells, I do that at the beginning of a day, not necessarily as I cast them, yeah?

[Master (to GM only)] Sheriff Crief moved 35'02".

[Master] at the beginning of the day you top up your spells so that all your slots are full, Lisa can help show you how to do that

[Grink (Devin)] cool.

[Master] during the day you just pick a spell off the list to cast, no prior memorization needed

[Master] that is the difference in Priests and Mages

[Master] Mages need to pick at the beginning of the day what they will cast that day

Mayor Krik (Master) POUND POUND POUND

[Grink (Devin)] so, I have 3, and I can cast them as required throughout the day, any of the spells on my last.

[Grink (Devin)] list*

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Barnicot open up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I didn't roll a mayor encounter)

[Sarengar (Guy)] lol

[Master] Time of Day: 11:39 PM. Day 1 Trall, Ze {Mid Summer} 1st, 342 SKR.

[Grink (Devin)] (Where is he knocking? front door?)

[Mayor Krik (Master)] (you hear this from downstairs)

[Master] Barnicot moved 20'02".

[Master] Barnicot moved 2'02".

[Barnicot (Master)] Yes Mayor Krik

[Mayor Krik (Master)] You have some hoodlums and thieves staying here at the Inn I take it ?

[Barnicot (Master)] no your honor only old widows and orphans

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((hey toybin resembles that remark lol))

Mayor Krik (Master) laughs

[Mayor Krik (Master)] you know you are the only inn for strangers in town

[Mayor Krik (Master)] who is staying here tonight?

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((who all is awake?))

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I had a break in at my house tonight while I was gone to the party

[Mayor Krik (Master)] (Branwyn so far)

[Mayor Krik (Master)] (is almost time to wake up Toybin)

[Grink (Devin)] (I assume I am not)

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I brought Sheriff Crief with me to arrest them

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I presume they are staying here with you?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] damn brb

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Barnicot (Master)] Mayor you know I would never knowingly shelter any thief

[Barnicot (Master)] and I would not protect one from your judgement

[Barnicot (Master)] I do have a group of travelers here tonight

[Grink (Devin)] (Barnicot likes us, I take it... either that or somehow he doesn't know we're here)

[Barnicot (Master)] they were here last night too

[Barnicot (Master)] a Knight of the Court

[Barnicot (Master)] tells me they will be moving up to the castle tomorrow with the Count

Mayor Krik (Master) snorts

[Mayor Krik (Master)] You will believe anything sometimes I swear Barnicot

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Pardon Mr Mayor but he is right, there is a knight in town,

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I heard them talking at the Castle about making changes to the rooms for him

[Mayor Krik (Master)] very well

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say that a Knight of the Court would not be breaking into my house or assaulting my children

[Mayor Krik (Master)] but you have other people staying here do you not

[Barnicot (Master)] Yes Mayor

[Barnicot (Master)] do you want to go up and speak with them? or should I bring them down here?

[Mayor Krik (Master)] no we will go up

[Mayor Krik (Master)] catch them red handed with any stolen goods they have

[Mayor Krik (Master)] come on sheriff

[Master] at the end of the hallway Branwyn sees the three men come up the stairs

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 10'07".

Toybin of Castling (Master) stretches

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] there is no change in Indigo Branwyn, he is still asleep

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looks at the group of men at the end of the hall and steps forward

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Can I help you gentlemen?

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 7'05".

[Master] Branwyn moved 2'11".

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Who are you sir night?

[Mayor Krik (Master)] he says with a sneer

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 25 19:38:40 EST 2013 ====

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am Sir Toybin of Castling a Knight of the Queen's Court and who are you?

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I am Mayor Krik of Blackraven and I am here to investigate

Devin has joined the game on Fri Jan 25 19:42:00 EST 2013

Devin is receiving the map Crimson Inn first floor...

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 25 19:42:19 EST 2013

Lisa is receiving the map Crimson Inn first floor...

Devin has received the map Crimson Inn first floor.

Lisa has received the map Crimson Inn first floor.

[Master] sorry about that guys

[Master] Guy is logging back in now

Guy has joined the game on Fri Jan 25 19:44:06 EST 2013

Guy is receiving the map Crimson Inn first floor...

Guy has received the map Crimson Inn first floor.

[Master] OK all set?

[Master] Lisa are you caught up on what you missed?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry had to get ice- rammed toe into box in dark and is killing me)

[Master] oh no!

Devin casts heal

[Guy] broken toe?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (with mt luck)

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] it is just a flesh wound

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ( happened two min ago)

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((ouchies))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good evening Mayor. Here to investigate that gruesome murder that happened here last night?

Mayor Krik (Master) looks over at the Sheriff

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was wondering when Barnicot would send for the authorities

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I do not know anything about that but I will ask Barnicot after we are done here

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] we are here tonight about a break in at the Mayor's house

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Really? That's awful.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] a group of strangers broke in

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] assaulted the Mayor's children

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Someone attacked children?

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] a poorly attempted theivery

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] we need to see everyone here on this floor

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 8'09".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 7'03".

[Master] Deputy Holin moved 3'08".

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 5'03".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 5'05".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Everyone is asleep, but I can get them.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] We can come with you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Toybin why dont' you talk to the officers.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] This door first please

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 2'07".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Branwyn, that is the woman's bedroom

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] perhaps you should go in with them

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] warn them

[Master] Branwyn moved 10'01".

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers to Tioybin "Get Indigo under the bed"

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 5'08".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 10'08".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] "i'll help you"

Branwyn (Lisa) walks over to let the Sheriff in

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] knocks on Sarengar's and Grink's door

[Koorin (Master)] is it time to make breakfast already?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Come right on in and meet the ladies

[Master] Branwyn moved 4'07".

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 1'05".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 6'04".

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 4'10".

[Koorin (Master)] HEY! you did not tell me you were inviting people over

Sarengar (Guy) yanws and says "whats going on?"

[Devin] I am back at the keyboard.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks out into hall, "You too Deputy, come on in"

[Koorin (Master)] Branwyn you really should tell me these things, I need to get more supplies if I am goin to serve more people

Grink (Devin) stretches "Yeah, what's with all the noise?"

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Stay right there at the end of the hall Holin, make sure no one comes up or goes down

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] now

Sarengar (Guy) looks around for Treble

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] we have a complaint that someone broke into the Mayor's house last night

Branwyn (Lisa) shrugs "As you like."

[Sarengar (Guy)] did Treble get out or somethinhg?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] the Mayor is here with teh Sheriff

Sarengar (Guy) rubs his eyes "so why ask us?"

[Mayor Krik (Master)] my daughters swear they saw a goblin

[Mayor Krik (Master)] and an orc

[Mayor Krik (Master)] and someone disturbed my sleeping trap

[Sarengar (Guy)] do i look like a blasted orc or goblin?

[Mayor Krik (Master)] (you are not there Sarengar)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well a goblin and an orc should be easy enough to spot.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] (although you can hear voices through the thin walls)

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((make up my mind lol))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (toybin came into your room)

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I do not believe that there would be an Orc or Goblin here at the Inn

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] but a halfling or a gnome might look like a goblin to a young girl

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] in the middle of teh night

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] or maybe someone cast a spell on them? looking at Branwyn

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] to change what they look like?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hmmm, perhaps. What in the world would look like an orc except an orc?

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] If I were the Court Mage I am sure I could make a human look like an Orc

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] or vise versa

Sarengar (Guy) gets up and heads to the door

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If I was going to change someone into something for a burglary, aclumsy orc is that last thing I would choose.

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 5'10".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] whispoers to Sarengar I will stay with Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (do I have mage in neon lights over my head?)

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 5'07".

[Master] you are dressed in robes, you have a dagger, you do look like a mage to anyone who is familiar with them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But seriously gentlemen. We are expected by the Count at his castle tomorrow.

[Master] that or a priestess

[Grink (Devin)] (You can always tell a mage on sight. They're the only ones who wear those dresses and look smart)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you think we would spend the night before our appearance running around breaking into people's houses?

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I want to look at everyone here first before making any decisions

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] let us see who is in the other rooms

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 18'07".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] In or out of my robe?

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 5'08".

Sarengar (Guy) walks out the door

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 14'04".

[Master] Sarengar moved 8'05".

[Sarengar (Guy)] whats is going on around here?

[Master] Branwyn moved 6'05".

[Grink (Devin)] Grink moved 18'08".

[Grink (Devin)] What is with all the noise out there?

[Mayor Krik (Master)] He looks like he might be an Orc

[Sarengar (Guy)] cant people get some sleep around here?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The Sheriff wants a closer look at me and he couldn't wait until morning.

[Grink (Devin)] Ooohh, Sheriff... naughty boy!

[Sarengar (Guy)] did you say something troll?

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I will ask you to treat the Mayor with some respect, who ever you are

[Sarengar (Guy)] i will give it the same respect he gives me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think he was talking to his friend. Not the Mayor

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sarengar would NEVER disrespect the Mayor.

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 4'05".

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((yes he would lol))

[Grink (Devin)] (They don't need to know that... although I'm glad I do)

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] if you could please move out of the doorway

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] so I can check your room

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 5'02".

[Sarengar (Guy)] I wouldnt look in my pack if I were you

Branwyn (Lisa) runs down hall behind Mayor

[Master] Branwyn moved 25'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 26'11".

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 1'06".

[Master] Sarengar moved 4'04".

[Master] Grink moved 4'01".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 5'05".

[Mayor Krik (Master)] and who is in here? Toybin is it? and who is that?

[Grink (Devin)] What exactly is it you're looking for, mr. sherrif man?

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I am looking to see if I find anything suspicious

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] so far your group fits that description

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (where is mayor exactly?)

[Grink (Devin)] I'd say showing up several hours after dark and barging in on people sleeping is quite suspicious.

[Sarengar (Guy)] have you looked in a mirror lately?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (Mayor is in the doorway to Toybin and Indigo, Sheriff is in teh doorway to the other men's room)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] This is Sir Indigo Mister Mayor

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Master only)] cantrip coughing fit on Sarengar

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he is a little under the weather

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers "Oh no"

Sarengar (Master) COUGH COUGH COUGH

[Sarengar (Master)] Sarengar is suddenly seized with a fit of coughing

Branwyn (Lisa) walks into Indigo's room

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 5'05".

[Grink (Devin) (to Master only)] REALLY want to pick the mayor's pocket. KNOW its a bad idea. *bites bottom lip*

Sarengar (Guy) if the sheriff opens my pack treble will bite him

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Sir Indigo is a brave warrior Sheriff and Mayor

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he would not ever hurt any children

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 2'01".

Mayor Krik (Master) sniffs

[Mayor Krik (Master)] then wake him up and let him tell me that himself

[Grink (Devin)] So, Sheriff, you still haven't told us what you're looking for. We might be able to help you find it.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] so far I have a mage who can change a human into an orc and a halfling into a goblin

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He has a fever. This is the first he's been asleep in hours. I will not wake him.

[Sarengar (Guy)] you are an idiot sheriff

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] and so convinent that there is a halfling and human right here

[Mayor Krik (Master)] he will wake up

[Mayor Krik (Master)] here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I most certainly cannot change a human into an orc and a halfling into a goblin and change them back again all in the same day.

Grink (Devin) snorts "That woman couldn't turn bread into crumbs. I don't know what you're talking about"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am not that powerful.

Mayor Krik (Master) holds out a packet to Toybin, here sprinkle this

[Sarengar (Guy)] sheriff if you are through then get out

[Sarengar (Guy)] and take that pathetic excuse of a mayor with you

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] who are you that you think you can insult me?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sarengar STOP IT

[Mayor Krik (Master)] what is wrong Sir Toybin?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo is ill and he is the one we should be concerned with.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] don't want to wake up your halfling goblin?

[Mayor Krik (Master)] just a sprinkle of this power will help him wake up

[Sarengar (Guy)] trust me sheriff if you truly are a sheriff then you are a walking insult

[Mayor Krik (Master)] or remove the sleeping power he breathed in when he broke into my house

[Sarengar (Guy)] Indigo wouldnt break into anybodys house

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I can say honestly that Master Indigo did not break into your house Sir Mayor

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will swear to that

[Sarengar (Guy)] for once Ill agre with Toybin

[Mayor Krik (Master)] care to explain his stupor then?

[Grink (Devin)] You didhear the nice lady say he's sick, didn't you?

Toybin of Castling (Master) looks at Branwyn, then slowly continues

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] let us say that Master Indigo is a very honorable man

[Sarengar (Guy)] its from a diesease hes been suffering from our travels

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and also a very curious person

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I would offer as a possible idea that he would be the type of person who if he was walking in town

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and seeing a door open,

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] would naturally investigate to see if anything was wrong

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but as I said before he would never attack or assault any children

[Mayor Krik (Master)] that is a fine story Sir Toybin

Mayor Krik (Master) looking at the rest of you

[Mayor Krik (Master)] so who wants to tell me the truth

[Mayor Krik (Master)] or shall I have you all brought down to the jail

Sarengar (Guy) walks back into his rooms and picks up his cutlass

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 5'05".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Mayor, this is all my fault and you may take me to jail for all of it.

[Grink (Devin)] Grink moved 6'01".

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I would suggest that no one start showing off any weapons

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Toybin if Sarengar lifts his sword, take care of him, will you?

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 2'01".

[Sarengar (Guy)] I would suggest you shut up and get out of here

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Yes Lady Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] In fact, if you would take me out of here, I would be happy to explain everything.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I would like to solve one mystery at a time please

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] we know now that your friend Indigo here, is he a knight also Sir Toybin?

[Grink (Devin)] As far as I can tell, there's only one mystery to solve

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 5'06".

[Grink (Devin)] Why you're here interrupting us in the middle of the night.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] No, Master Indigo is a good man, he has not yet been knighted though

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but I trust him with my life

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] so we have a halfling who was in the Mayor's house,

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] knocked out by his sleeping trap

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] but that means there is at least one more person involved

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He did nothing wrong. I am the one who unlocked your door.

Mayor Krik (Master) points to Sarengar, he acts like an Orc I can see why the children would mistake him for one

[Sarengar (Guy)] your mother was an orc

[Mayor Krik (Master)] AHHH HAAA!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes?

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Lady Branwyn, unlocking the door is not a trustworthy act but you do not look like an orc

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] and Mister Mayor we will take her for questioning but I will point out that there are other suspects here to question still

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I told you if you would let me explain I would do so. Let us go downstairs to the tavern. Let Barnicot get us some drinks and I will explain all.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I owuld rather do this here, where we can all see each other

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Mister Mayor again I will give you my word

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] the Mysterious Branwyn, she did not ever enter your house

[Sarengar (Guy)] and Id rather not see your face any more now get out of my room

[Branwyn (Lisa)] All right. But I am responsible for everything that has happened.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] and that is enough out of you

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] points to Sarengar

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] you are coming with us

[Sarengar (Guy)] no im not

[Sarengar (Guy)] Im going back to bed

Sheriff Crief (Master) raises an eyebrow

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] you will be coming with us

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I am placing you under arrest

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If we did not feel we were in dire circumstances, I would not have done what I did. There was never any intent to take any possessions from your Honor the Mayor. Nor did we intend to harm anyone.

[Sarengar (Guy)] yourre welcome to try

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Sarengar you should go with them

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] it will only be worse if you cause problems

Toybin of Castling (Master) looks at Branwyn for direction

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sarengar is not responsible for anything except for being an insolant fool

[Mayor Krik (Master)] are you telling me he was never in my house?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you will let me finish then you may arrest me.

[Sarengar (Guy)] Ill agree to the insolant part but thats all

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] is very quiet

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I am trying to save you here)

Sarengar (Guy) goes back and sits on his bed and picks up his pack

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is true that we have an appointment with the Count tomorrow.

Toybin of Castling (Master) siezes the chance

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Yes

Sarengar (Guy) opens it and peers inside

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is very important and I am feeling quite desperate that we succeed in our journey.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] the Mysterious Branwyn and I both have appointments with teh Count

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] we must go there tomorrow

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] perhaps if we can come to an understanding

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have been trying to gain information and everywhere I turn, I am shut out.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] if you are insistent in keeping someone

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] is there a chance it could be at the Castle instead?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I just thought ... just thought

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That perhaps the Mayor might have some information that would be helpful in our search.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I do not very much care

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I know you do not.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I do not want my house and children's safety violated

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I am responsible.

Sarengar (Guy) mutters something under his breath

[Mayor Krik (Master)] no one in this village would ever dare to enter my house in such a manner

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I understand that.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] so tell me now, who was in my house

Mayor Krik (Master) points to Indigo

[Mayor Krik (Master)] obviously the halfling there

[Mayor Krik (Master)] and who else?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No one who was not there at my direction.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I told you. I am responsible.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I do not care for such distinctions Mage,

[Mayor Krik (Master)] if I chose to hold you responsible that is up to me

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I want answers, truthful ones

Sarengar (Guy) pulls a sleepy treble out of his pack and walks over to Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was Indigo and myself then.

[Sarengar (Guy)] Bran watch over Treble for me

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Sir Toybin

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I suppose on a bad day I could look a bit orc like.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I trust you to tell the truth no matter how hard it is for you

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] who entered the Mayor's house

[Sarengar (Guy)] Toybin just shut up and dont say another bloody word

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It does not matter!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was me, wasn't it Toybin.

Sarengar (Guy) hands Treble to Branwyn and the walks over to Indigo and picks him up

[Grink (Devin)] Grink moved 4'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What are you doing?

[Sarengar (Guy)] You dont need me to meet with the count, I dontr do well with vampires

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Mister Mayor, Sheriff, I cannot say who is or is not responsible for this, you have to make that decision,

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but I will say that myself, Branwyn, Grink, Androp, and the rest did not enter your house

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Yes it was Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] TOYBIN!

[Sarengar (Guy)] and I went in and carried him out

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Yes it was Sarengar and Esmerelda as well

[Sarengar (Guy)] nobody messed with anyt children though

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but no one else entered

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and I know of no assault on anyone

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] nor anything that was taken

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((I really hate toybox and im going to kill him very soon))

[Master] (LOL)

[Sarengar (Guy)] Im impressed toybin you managed to lie rather well

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] So we will take Sarengar, Esmerelda and Indigo to the jail to keep you until morning

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo is not conscious and did nothing wrong.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I did not lie in the least Sarengar

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I told you this was all my doing.

[Sarengar (Guy)] Dustbin Id avise you to shut your mouth before i ram my cutlass down your throat

[Branwyn (Lisa)] None of them could have entered the house if it wasn't for me.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] you will all come quietly

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] and peacefully

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] put away your weapons

[Sarengar (Guy)] shut up sheriff

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (seriously?)

[Sarengar (Guy)] Bran keep your appointment with the count

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Deputy make sure you gag Sarengar and the gnome

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] we cannot be too sure which is which

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((im about to head to bed and needed a way to bow out))

[Master] before you do Guy

[Master] question

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you will use the powder on Indigo to wake him?

[Master] (yes he will wake him now for you )

[Sarengar (Guy)] Ill go peacefully but you will not putr a gag on me

[Master] what do we do about esmerelda

[Master] Marco is not here, so one round behind

[Master] but she is going to jail

[Master] do we ?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what?)

[Master] any issues with meeting out justice without Marco here?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are taking me as well

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((hes the one that got us into this mess lol))

[Master] if Marco were to try and reisist arrest ?

[Sarengar (Guy)] No Bran we will be all right

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that we cannot say)

[Grink (Devin)] (At this point, it seems very much like the entire group is going to jail... wether they were involved or not... wouldn't that involve Esmerelda?)

[Sarengar (Guy)] watch Treble and keep your appointment

[Master] yes to Devin if the entire group was

[Master] but they are taking away only the three of them right now

[Grink (Devin)] (I'm misreading then.)

[Master] was getting to the point of them telling Bran to show up in the morning

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (branwyn is trying to go to jail)

[Grink (Devin)] (that I had spotted.)

[Master] Ok so everyone is ok with Es goin to jail

[Master] and taking what ever punishment is given out

[Master] even if the Player is not here

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((but for now imm doen my head is really hurting and im feeling achy))

[Master] go Guy

[Sarengar (Guy)] id say yes

[Master] want to be sure because this will affect you too

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (get better!)

[Master] as you log out

[Master] go feel better

[Sarengar (Guy)] yall have a good nightand ill be in late next week

Guy has left the game on Fri Jan 25 20:37:49 EST 2013

[Lisa] (if it were me I wou

[Lisa] ld expect it)

[Master] Time of Day: 06:23 AM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Master] so morning comes

[Master] Branwyn leaves the Inn bright and early

[Master] to go to the jail to meet the Sheriff and Mayor

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 7'02".

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 7'08".

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Good Morning Sir Toybin, Misstress Branwyn

Grink (Devin) under his breath "typical."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good morning Sheriff

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I did not catch your name?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] My apologies for last night

[Grink (Devin)] Master Sheriff. I do assume you mean my name and titles?

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] If you have them yes

Sheriff Crief (Master) looks over at Toybin

[Grink (Devin)] Just "grink" will do for now.

Toybin of Castling (Master) shrugs,

[Grink (Devin)] (not a fan of authority figures... prefers to play games. :P)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I have not traveled with Mister Grink for long but from what I have seen he has been loyal to Mistress Branwyn, which is good enough to me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How is Indigo?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he is awake

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] sorry

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] He is awake

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] he is very sorry about what he has done

[Grink (Devin)] I hope he got a better night's sleep than we did.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank goodness! May I see him?

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] he is very unsure of what happened

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] in a moment

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I want to confirm with you the details of what happened

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I told you this is all my fault.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] we can go in my office

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 12'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Certainly

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 28'06".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 21'01".

[Master] Grink moved 21'01".

[Master] Branwyn moved 30'06".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 31'05".

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] so the Mayor and I have spoken again this morning

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] we have confirmed that there is almost nothing missing from his house

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Almost?

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] in fact only one small item

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] a jar of sleeping potion that was stolen from his trap

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] set to catch any mischievious or overly curious children

[Grink (Devin)] That makes me curious.

Branwyn (Lisa) grumbles under her breath "I told them"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And whoever has taken it will return it I am sure.

[Grink (Devin)] If the jar was stolen, how did you know the trap had been sprung in the ifrst place?

[Grink (Devin)] I'm not denying it was, just... curious.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)]

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] (sorry TMO logging in)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol - think Indigo is pretty good evidence)

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I know that your group broke in

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] the details are not totally solved yet

[Grink (Devin)] (Yeah, but befor they saw him, they came accusing. And I'm being nosey)

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 25 20:48:02 EST 2013

TMO is receiving the map Jail+ground+floor...

[Mayor Krik (Master)] It is a rather clever trap if I do say so myself

[Mayor Krik (Master)] only if the rug has been moved

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (have at it. I am sure there is another cell for you if you would like it)

[Mayor Krik (Master)] and the trap door opened

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (just not one for me for some reason)

[Grink (Devin)] (lol)

[Mayor Krik (Master)] does it spring on the trespasser

[Grink (Devin)] But then, how do you set such a trap?

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I have the locksmith set it for me

[Grink (Devin)] If you can't get at it unless the rug has been moved, and the door is open, setting it must be quite a chalenge.

TMO has received the map Jail+ground+floor.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] that is his job

[Mayor Krik (Master)] (and putting Ilero on the map

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hi TMO)

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] as I was saying

[Grink (Devin)] I'd love to see the workings of this thing someday. It'd be wonderful to see such an... ingenius... device.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] we know a couple of things now

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] that the gnome was inside the house

[TMO] (howdy howdy)

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] she stole the jar from the trap

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] we know that Sarengar was in the house

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] we know that Indigo was in the house

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] we do not have any evidence for anyone else being in the house

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] and Sir Toybin has given his oath that no one else entered

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I have heard Misstress Branwyn's protestations that this is all her fault

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] and I have heard Sir Toybin's pretestations of her innocense

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] innocence

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] sigh

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Oh please let us move on with this Sheriff, these people have appointments

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] very well

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Mister Grink is it?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good morning Mayor

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I take it by your garb that you are a priest?

[Grink (Devin)] Aye, that would be me.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] you can do healing ?

[Grink (Devin)] (That's a really good questoin)

[TMO] (do I want to know what happened?)

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Grink (Devin)] (Am I right in assuming I have no healing spells?... odd for a preist)

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] (if you do not have Cure Light wounds then you can not heal)

[Grink (Devin)] I am afraid that is a skill I have not learned from my order.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] (priests are by sphere given by gods everyone is slightly different)

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Very well

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I have fetched your other priest for you as well

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] she insisted on the prisoners having a good breakfast

[Koorin (Master)] I am not happy that you have so few supplies in your kitchen mister sheriff

[Koorin (Master)] but I was able to make up a few small treats for you and your guests

[Koorin (Master)] Hello Ilero, Hello Branwyn, Hello Grink

[Koorin (Master)] you are looking much better today Grink

[Koorin (Master)] I toldyou my soup could cure anything

[Grink (Devin)] It does seem to have worked wonders.

[Koorin (Master)] (Koorin is a halfling cook/priest/thief that has been with the group forever, she was a henchman but is now an NPC)

[Grink (Devin)] (who is this guy?)

[Grink (Devin)] (Thank you)

[Ilero (TMO)] Hello, Koorin. You is well?

[Grink (Devin)] I'll have to get some of that from you to keep around in case of... emergancies.

[Grink (Devin)] Grink moved 1'10".

[Grink (Devin)] Grink moved 3'11".

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Priestess Koorin I invited you here not for the breakfast but for your healing abilities

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I am pleased that you are able to do so for your friends

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 24'03".

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] if you will come with me

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 7'04".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 7'01".

[Master] Koorin moved 13'08".

[Master] Ilero moved 24'01".

[Master] Branwyn moved 24'02".

[Grink (Devin)] Grink moved 6'08".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 25'06".

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 12'08".

[Master] Deputy Holin moved 7'02".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 17'01".

[Master] Koorin moved 16'02".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 18'11".

[Master] Branwyn moved 14'05".

[Master] Ilero moved 7'09".

[Master] Grink moved 14'04".

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 7'08".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 17'05".

[Master] Koorin moved 19'03".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 18'04".

[Master] Branwyn moved 29'09".

[Ilero (TMO)] (are we being put in jail?)

[Master] Ilero moved 15'05".

[Master] Grink moved 22'03".

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 16'06".

[Master] Deputy Holin moved 6'10".

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] you are being taken to the jail where your friends are

[Grink (Devin)] (Some of us were last night. We're meeting up with them... I think)

[Ilero (TMO)] (someone's brilliant plan to break into the mayor's house paid dividends, eh? ;) )

[Master] so what do you want to know TMO before Lisa comes back?

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ilero (TMO)] (I assume it was the breaking into the Mayor's house that did it, and they got caught? Who all was it?)

[Master] Branwyn cast Knock

[Master] Indigo Esmerelda and Sarengar went in

[Master] Esmerelda and Indigo investigated a carpet over a trap door

[Master] Indigo got put to sleep by a gas trap

[Master] Semerelda and Sarengar went upstairs

[Master] encoutered screaming girls in one room

[Master] a boy came out of another room

[Master] Sarengar pushed him back into the room

[Master] then they all left

[Master] Devin was here, is that sound right?

[Grink (Devin)] as best I remember, yeah.

[Grink (Devin)] then there was some general retreating.

[Ilero (TMO)] (a good overview, thanks)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I though Sarengar pushed an old man - a boy is a little better)

[Grink (Devin)] and last night, the mayor, sheriff and deputy came knocking on inn room doors. Branwyn tried to go to jail, but was protected by her title. Esmerelda, Indigo and Sarengar ended up being implicated, and are now in jail cells. Its still about 6:30am the next morning... and I'm still trying to get ahold of my character in my head.

[Grink (Devin)] And you slept throught he whole thing.

[Ilero (TMO)] (it's his sense of self-preservation)

[Grink (Devin)] (it worked)

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 10'11".

[Master] so Es, Sarengar and Indigo are there in their cells

[Ilero (TMO)] Hye see you found new rooms for night.

[Master] Indigo looking sheepish

[Grink (Devin)] (and I REALLY want to pick the Sheriff's pockets and see how long it takes him to notice his gun is missing)

[Master] Sarengar looking surly as always

[Ilero (TMO)] (gun?)

[Ilero (TMO)] (O_O)

[Master] and Es trying to smart talk her way out of everything

[Grink (Devin)] (or game-day equivelent)

[Master] all three of them are bound

[Master] both Es and Sarengar are gagged

[Master] Deputy Holin moved 9'02".

[Ilero (TMO)] (anybody have artist skill to get this on paper?)

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] so you can see that your friends were treated fairly overnight

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I have agreed with Sheriff Crief that Mistress Branwyn may or may not be at fault

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I believe she is

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo are you all right? I'm so sorry.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I told you I was.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] but I have been persuaded that she should be treated with the respect of her office and handed over to the Count for his own decisions

[Ilero (TMO)] (Lady Branwyn, Mad Burglar Mage)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can I take jail over vampire verdict?)

[Grink (Devin)] (and all she stole was a jar. an EMPTY jar)

[Grink (Devin)] (and it wasn't even her)

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Master Indigo here

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Mister Sarengar

[Mayor Krik (Master)] and Miss Esmerelda

[Mayor Krik (Master)] fall under my jusisdiction however

[Mayor Krik (Master)] and I have decreed that the traditional punishment for burglary be metted out to each of them

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Mister Mayor

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] please if I may

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] it is apparent that Master Indigo did not participate

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] as I positited last night

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he was only a curious individual who entered

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he did no damage

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] touched or saw anyone

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 1'09".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 2'05".

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Priestess Koorin if you would please

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 9'06".

[Master] Koorin moved 5'10".

[Master] Sheriff Crief targets Esmerelda. Distance: 0'04"

Sheriff Crief (Master) reaches out and holds Esmerelda on the bench, and says to Koorin, be quick

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Koorin looks confused

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] then FLASH

[Ilero (TMO)] Please. What is traditional punishment? Hye hope not bloody.

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] and with a muffled scream

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] there is a bloody stump on teh ground as Esmerelda's hand comes off

[Ilero (TMO)] Yes. Bloody...

[Master] Koorin targets Esmerelda. Distance: 1'06"

[Master] Koorin casts a spell against Esmerelda: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=1] -1 points.

[Grink (Devin)] Is it just me, or is this a bit severe for a missing JAR?

[Koorin (Master)] WAIT

[Koorin (Master)] wait

[Koorin (Master)] what !

[Koorin (Master)] hey

[Koorin (Master)] BRANWYN@!@!@@@

[Koorin (Master)] what

[Koorin (Master)] quickly bandanging up Esmerelda and her now missing hand

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Mayor, you can't do this.

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 8'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I told you that I was responsible.

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 8'08".

[Master] Sheriff Crief targets Sarengar. Distance: 847'00"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] NO!

[Master] Koorin moved 6'11".

[Master] Koorin moved 11'01".

[Koorin (Master)] wait wait

[Mayor Krik (Master)] If you are responsible Mistress Branwyn, that is a matter for the Count to decide

[Mayor Krik (Master)] people to not break into the Mayor's house and walk away

[Grink (Devin) (to TMO only)] How would the group feel if I held the Mayor up with a knife to his kidney?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then wait until I have spoken with him.

Ilero (TMO) eyes Deputy Holin in case we're about to stage an insurrection.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Mister Mayor if I may

[Grink (Devin)] Grink moved 4'03".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] yes you found the jar on Esmerela

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He may deem the Court Mage to Mosskins' hand is a better prize

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I do wish we could have spoken before you started carrying out your punishment

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] this

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] for Master Indigo he did nothing

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he has been a good friend

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he does not deserve this

Mayor Krik (Master) looks at Toybin

[Mayor Krik (Master)] And mister Sarengar? Mistress Branwyn?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I have placed my life in Branwyn's hands many times

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I beleive in her and will fight for her

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] pauses

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I have traveled with Sarengar for several weeks now

[Ilero (TMO)] (I don't remember how to whisper Devin. Do it if you feel you must. I am just following the others clues)

[Ilero (TMO)] (why is my computer ringing?)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] forward slash and the player name

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and that is someone sending a private message click on the phone

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to TMO only)] like this

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am not as confident of Sarengar's character as other's are

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but you can't see the command - oops)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] if Branwyn says to spare him then I would agree with her

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you insist on taking anyone's hand it should be mine

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I will not be doing that

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I will however be persuaded

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then you shall spare the others?

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I shall not take Indigo's hand based upon Sir Toybin's testimony

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 8'02".

[Master] Sheriff Crief targets Indigo. Distance: 1'01"

[Master] Koorin moved 10'09".

[Koorin (Master)] wait wait

[Koorin (Master)] if you need to wait for me to help out

[Koorin (Master)] if you are letting him go

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Break it

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] nods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] NO

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] and STOMPS

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] SNAPPING Indigo's arm

[Indigo (Master)] screams

[Master] Koorin targets Indigo. Distance: 3'01"

[Master] Koorin casts a spell against Indigo: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=1] -1 points.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Whya re you doing this when this is my fault. How many times do I have to tel you.

[Koorin (Master)] it is ok it will be ok

[Koorin (Master)] it will heal

[Koorin (Master)] keep it close

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Toybin. Cut off my hand in this office right now.

[Koorin (Master)] ILero give me

[Koorin (Master)] I need a splint

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Right Now!

[Koorin (Master)] NOW

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 11'09".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 8'08".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There will be justice

[Branwyn (Lisa)] done correctly

[Mayor Krik (Master)] If there will be justice to you then that will be the Count

[Mayor Krik (Master)] you did not enter my house

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Toybin do it.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I will not pass judgment on you

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Mistress Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then I shall tell the Count.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I cannot

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will stand with you before the Count

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Grink, Ilero

Ilero (TMO) draws one of his knives, then detaches the sheath it was in and tosses it to Koorin. "Hold, I find cloth to tie with"

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and describe what happened here

[Grink (Devin)] Branwyn?

Branwyn (Lisa) holds out arm

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do it.

Toybin of Castling (Master) shakes his head sadly

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I cannot

[Branwyn (Lisa)] My blood will be on their floor

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] we must have an audience with teh Count first

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] only he can make that choice

[Grink (Devin)] Its not your blood that should be on their floor, m'lady

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And we will take my hand to the Count

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] we cannot do that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is how his minions render jsutice.

Ilero (TMO) crosses over and hands Koorin one of his shirts and holds the sheath in place while she ties the shirt around it.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I have not decided how we should act towards this Sarengar

[Master] between Koorin and Ilero they bind up Indigo's arm well

[Master] with the quick healing the bones will knit

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Wait for the Count's judgment on me then.

[Master] he will be unable to use his right arm for a few weeks at least

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are punishing people who only did my bidding.

[Master] or until he gets a high level heal spell cast on him

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is not right and you know it.

[Master] Esmerelda we will see what happens to, she has lost the hand permantly

Ilero (TMO) takes another shirt and wraps Esmerelda's severed hand in it and stores it in his pack.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we can't put it on ice?)

[Master] mid summer no ice to be had

[Master] high level magic might help

[Master] depends on when

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Now for Mister Sarengar

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I would like to cut off his hand like the other burglar

Branwyn (Lisa) tries to push past them into the cell

[Mayor Krik (Master)] (into which cell?)

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Es adn Indigo are open

[Devin] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((Sarengar's)

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Sarengar is still locked

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (okay in front of door)

Grink (Devin) pulls a dirk, holding it within his sleeve

[Master] Branwyn moved 7'00".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] in a low voice

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] please Branwyn

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero moved 22'02".

[Ilero (TMO)] (moving to where he is to pick up the hand)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] we do not need to have to explain more to the Count

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Sheriff Crief, do you like the way that Sarengar treated you last night?

[Mayor Krik (Master)] I rather disliked his tone of voice

[Branwyn (Lisa)] NO

[Grink (Devin)] Mayor, I would strongly suggest you wait for the count to decide.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] PLEASE

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Mister Mayor I did not like it but I am used to hearing such things before we bring someone in

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Please do not do this

[Grink (Devin)] (I'm assuming the mayor is facing the cell?)

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] (looking at Branwyn and the Sheriff

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Mistress Branwyn, your loyalty to your friends is admirable

[Mayor Krik (Master)] and your stubborness at insisting on your guilt will puzzle the Count as much as it does me I can assure you

[Mayor Krik (Master)] however it does not remove any guilt of action from these three

Lord Luud has joined the game on Fri Jan 25 21:35:13 EST 2013

Lord Luud is receiving the map Jail+ground+floor...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But it IS my fault.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] this Sarengar is your friend?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They behaved foolishly but they would not have been there if I had not bid them.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes

[Mayor Krik (Master)] so your choice of punishment for him would be?

[Mayor Krik (Master)] shall I cut off his hand for stealing? for assaulting my son?

[Grink (Devin)] A night in a cell is probably quite an approriate punnishment.

Lord Luud has received the map Jail+ground+floor.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] shall I cut out his tongue for his offensive language to me and my sheriff

[Mayor Krik (Master)] (Hello Luud, welcome to teh dragonslayers)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Leave him in the cell for a period of time.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Please do not do either of the things you suggest.

[Lord Luud] Hi it is Fritz!!!! Hello. Hope all is well

[Mayor Krik (Master)] WOW

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero moved 7'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He has little control over his tongue which is his misfortune, but when he raises his voice in song it is most beautiful.

[Mayor Krik (Master)] (WOW WOW WOW)

[Mayor Krik (Master)] perhaps then that is our answer

[Lord Luud] Yea yea yea

[Lord Luud] Wut up BOB?!??!?

[Mayor Krik (Master)] (just a sec Fritz)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we can take a time out)

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Sheriff Crief

[Mayor Krik (Master)] if Mistress Branwyn feels his voice is so sweet

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It would be a crime to dprive the world of his gift

[Lord Luud] Can't stay. Going out. Had to say hello. Happy NewYear

[Mayor Krik (Master)] perhaps we can take his hearing instead

[Lord Luud] Call you Tomo0rrow

[Mayor Krik (Master)] (yes I will be at work call)

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Good to see you!

[Lord Luud] kk

[Mayor Krik (Master)] to know you are alive!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not dead is always good)

[Lord Luud] 8*P

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 6'03".

[Master] Sheriff Crief targets Sarengar. Distance: 847'00"

[Master] Koorin moved 5'02".

Lord Luud has left the game on Fri Jan 25 21:41:00 EST 2013

[Koorin (Master)] wait wait wait

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No not that either!!

[Koorin (Master)] again you have to rush to things

[Koorin (Master)] you have to give me warning

[Koorin (Master)] you will seriously hurt them!

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] YANK

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] SLASH

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They ARE seriously hurting them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] STOP

[Master] Koorin targets Sarengar. Distance: 847'00"

[Master] Koorin casts a spell against Sarengar: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=3] -3 points.

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 6'04".

[Mayor Krik (Master)] Sheriff Crief I consider this matter closed

[Mayor Krik (Master)] if these people do not cause further problems in town they are free to come or go as they please

Branwyn (Lisa) bursts into tears at the sight of her friends

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 8'03".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 8'01".

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 16'00".

[Master] Mayor Krik moved 24'01".

[Master] Deputy Holin moved 7'04".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (was that one ear or two?)

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] Sir Toybin

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] (one ear)

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I turst that you will be a man of your word and bring your group to the Count today

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] I will give you some time to collect your selves here

[Sheriff Crief (Master)] do you wish an escort to the Inn or Castle?

[Ilero (TMO)] (literally)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] No Sheriff

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will ensure we reach teh Castle today

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] we do not require any escort we can assist them

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] if we may have a moment alone please

Sheriff Crief (Master) nods

[Master] Deputy Holin moved 6'04".

[Master] Sheriff Crief moved 13'09".

[Devin] I am away from the keyboard.

Toybin of Castling (Master) blows out a hard breath

Branwyn (Lisa) pushes at Toybin angrily

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Why didn't you do it?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] because we are honor bound to present to the Count

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you would have just done it this might have been over sooner.

[Ilero (TMO)] Don't be stupid, Branwyn. T'at would have helped not'ing.

Ilero (TMO) shoves his way past to collect Sarengar's ear.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] it would be worse if we do not do the honorable thing

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can present to the Count with no hands if I have to.

[Devin] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero moved 12'00".

[Grink (Devin)] Losing your hand would've simply put us in a more difficult position.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Indigo will be whole soon enough

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But it would have stopped them.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Sarengar is lucky to have his tongue after his actions

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and I do not know the gnome so I am unsure if she is lucky or not to only lose a hand

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] it would not have stopped the Mayor from giving his punishment

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] it is his right to do so

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But it should have been my punishment

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I dislike saying this

[Ilero (TMO)] It probly will be. Your turn not here yet.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but you might very well have to suffer some punishment also

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I cannot say what Count Drake will say or do

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sure I will.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I tried to protect them as best I could

Ilero (TMO) checks to see if it's safe to cut Sarengar free, or if he's likely to go on a rampage as soon as i do.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (they are all passed out from shock)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] they will wake with another cure light or with time

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But whatever happens, make sure the others are not there for it.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] what do you mean Branwyn?

Ilero (TMO) releases his bonds and makes him more comfortable on the bed.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't want them there for what happens to me.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You either really.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am not certain I will have much say in such a thing

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] what do you want to tell the Count when we arrive at the Castle?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The others are too wounded to attend a verdict on my actions. Should be simple enough.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will have to tell him what the Mayor said

[Devin] I am back at the keyboard.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but that does not need to be in public

[Grink (Devin)] Might they have a better means of healing at the castle?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am not sure Grink

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Koorin is a very resourceful pirestess

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They would have to be inclined to offer them.

[Grink (Devin)] I do apologize for questioning your abilities Koorin, but it does not seem that you can re-attach arms and ears.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Everything is ruined.

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero moved 8'09".

[Koorin (Master)] This is worse than any of the battles we fought together Branwyn

[Grink (Devin)] (What is the power structure around here? where does the count fall in reference to the mayor?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] At least if I can keep the Count occupied with my transgressions, perhaps you can find Wilamina, Toybin.

Ilero (TMO) unties Indigo carefully, lays him out and tries to bind his arm to his torso so he doesn't bang it while he's out.

[Master] the Count is the ruler of the Ghostwood Domain

[Master] of which there is this town, Blackraven Village

[Master] and a few other small places

[Ilero (TMO)] (Count is most likely a vampire)

[Grink (Devin)] If we plead our case, he may assist in righting the wrongs that were done, and bring this mayor off his high horse a bit.

[Master] There is the map Devin

[Grink (Devin)] (thanks)

[Master] the Castle is there on the promitory

[Master] overloking the village, etc

[Master] you have not met the Count yet

[Master] but Lisa knows the history of Drillian

[Grink (Devin)] But a count that doesn't maintain control of the people under his command isn't a very good count... and I'm betting this one doesn't want to be thought of as an idiot in power.

[Master] and Branwyn understands the idea that the Count is one of the ruling families

[Master] there are guard booths at teh entrace to the Domain

[Master] stopping casual visitors from entering

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (or this is his lands and thieves stupid enough to get caught should not be tolerated. Doesn't sound so unreasonable to me)

[Ilero (TMO)] T'is not unusual punishment for t'ieves. T'e only unusual part is swiftness of sentence, not'ing else.

[Grink (Devin)] Theives? of what? a jar?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you and marco are going to get along spendidly)

[Ilero (TMO)] It was Mayor's house. How much secret information in t'at house? No need to steal items.

[Ilero (TMO)] Punishment is for breaking in, not for jar.

[Master] one of the key problems is that everyone knows that there is only one place in town to stay

[Master] and that is at the Inn

[Master] so anything unusual happens and it is easy to find someone

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I told them not to take anything.

[Grink (Devin)] (are you being someone right now?)

[Master] (I am not, just talking to help everyone understand)

[Grink (Devin)] (okily dokily)

[Master] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ilero (TMO)] (it's actually kind of unique seeing a town where there's actual consequences for PCs actling like typical adventurers)

[Ilero (TMO)] (hey, we can do whatever we want, 'cuz we're PCs!)

[Ilero (TMO)] :D

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] back

[Master] wry grin

[Master] the problem is that you are back in civilizied lands

[Master] the Count is one of the nobles that will be at the Coronation in two weeks

[Master] out in teh swamps you can insult a knight and get away with it

[Grink (Devin)] (coronation?)

[Master] grins

[Master] the girl you are trying to rescue Dev

[Ilero (TMO)] (insult? Is that all we did to him?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we're supposed to be there too)

[Master] is supposed to be crowned Queen at midummer's day

[Master] the 15th of this month

[Master] now the morning of the 2nd

[Grink (Devin)] (Well, either way, Guy and whoever plays Esmerelda are going to be very surprised when they come back to the game)

[Master] you have every reason to believe that she has been kidnapped by the Count

[Master] and yes I agree

[Grink (Devin)] (If I could type faster, things might've turned out a little different. :P)

[Master] Branwyn did a nice job of persuading him not to cut off a hand or his tongue

[Ilero (TMO)] (I have a nice chewing out brewing in my head for when we're not in official custody any more. ;) )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (for?)

[Master] you are here collecting your thoughts and selves before heading to the Inn and the castle

[Grink (Devin)] (In Grink's mind, how likely would he be to be able to pickpocket the sheriff's badge without getting noticed?)

[Master] zero

[Ilero (TMO)] (just in general. and I may not give it. It might be moot now)

[Master] no visible badge that you saw

[Ilero (TMO)] (and you're only a 5th level thief. :P You're no Shadowspawn or Grey Mouser.)

[Grink (Devin)] (Well.... keys? weapon? something akin to his office?)

[Master] keys yes

[Grink (Devin)] (that MAY not stop me)

[Master] but he hand them on his belt or in his hand

[Master] would be very hard to snag them

[Ilero (TMO)] (although your PP skill is much higher than mine)

[Master] and what would you do with them if you got them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] you are not attached to your hands either?

[Master] wry grin

[Grink (Devin)] (I am... for the moment. that may change if I get caught)

[Grink (Devin)] (I'm trying to get into the character's head, and part of that is understanding his skill levels, and confidence)

[Master] I would offer that after seeing this current display of authority you would want to behave for a while

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would think

[Grink (Devin)] I do, overall, tend to agree.

[Master] at least not do things just to show off just now

[Grink (Devin)] but it doesn't mean the desire isn't there.

[Master] nods

[Master] so any last questions before heading back to the Inn?

[Ilero (TMO)] (None for me. I am carrying multiple body parts)

[Ilero (TMO)] (A different experience)

[Grink (Devin)] (I'm good)

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 3'04".

[Master] Robert one of our old players played a character named Henin

[Master] who thought it was good luck to collect a body part from each new foe he beat in combat

[Master] was carrying around a very odd ball collection in the end

[Master] before being used as a paddle ball by a green dragon

[Ilero (TMO)] (trophies are unusual, but not unheard of. Carrying PC body parts is really different)

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 25 22:14:36 EST 2013

Lisa is receiving the map Crimson Inn first floor...

[Grink (Devin)] I hope the green dragon kept a body part.

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 25 22:14:52 EST 2013

Lisa has received the map Crimson Inn first floor.

[Master] better now Lisa?

[Master] Time of Day: 09:52 AM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Lisa] (yup - got locked up)

[Master] so back at teh Inn

[Master] gathering your things together

[Master] Toybin takes Branwyn aside

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Mistress Branwyn

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] please be calm when we meet the Count

[Grink (Devin)] (Why can't I see anything on the map?)

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] do not presume that he will know what happened

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Think I'll try to kill him or something?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Grinks is on Inn map now Dev, try loading that

[Grink (Devin)] (it worked, thanks)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Branwyn, I think that you will try to take too much responsibility

[Ilero (TMO)] (we had to blindfold him so he wouldn't see anything incriminating)

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] We have suffered losses

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Everything is my responsibility.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] rightfully so or not

[Grink (Devin)] (And yet he STILL pick pocketed the hand and ear off Ilero)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and that might be so in your mind

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is the truth.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but in the eyes of the Count he may see things differently

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] did I lie to the Mayor about Indigo?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Look, we have a much larger mission.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No but you do not lie.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will not jeopardize you getting Wilamina back over this.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I believe that you are as important to finding Wilamina as I am

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I would not have come to you otherwise

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But if the Count wishes to extract any more punishment, he can do it to me and you can carry on.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I appreciate that, but I will not have them be harmed further.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But you need not worry. I shall not go on a crusade for justice when we need the Count not to kill us outright to get Wilamina back.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] good

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] then let us gather our friends and try to make a present able entrance

[Master] as you enter the hallway you hear Indigo groan in pain

[Master] Koorin moved 19'00".

[Koorin (Master)] He is awake Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not sure how that will happen. Can Koorin do anything else before we go?

[Master] Koorin moved 11'11".

Branwyn (Lisa) tears welling up again as she rushes over

[Koorin (Master)] the three of them are stable

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 43'03".

[Koorin (Master)] they will not bleed or take more damage

[Koorin (Master)] but they will all need time to heal properly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.

Indigo (Lisa) weakly, "know better than to open doors without Koorin checking for traps. My fault"

[Ilero (TMO)] (I blame Bibo. And he's not here to defend himself, so ... bonus!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was a stupid idea in the first place. I shouldn't have let you go in"

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 33'00".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 38'01".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Just take it easy and heal for me. You have to be all well before we see Anastasia

Ilero (TMO) hears voices in the hall and goes tot he door.

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero moved 11'05".

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll be fine. Still have good arm. See?

Indigo (Lisa) tries to smile for her

Koorin (Master) POINTS into Toybin's direction up at his chest

[Koorin (Master)] YOu should not go places without me

[Koorin (Master)] you should know better by now

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Well I do believe we will need to take you with us to the Castle

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] perhaps you will be abel to help there

[Koorin (Master)] OH the Castle! I bet they have a HUGE kitchen there

[Devin] I am away from the keyboard.

[Koorin (Master)] much much better than this tiny thing

[Koorin (Master)] I am sure we can make some wonderful things there

[Koorin (Master)] do you think they will let me use their kitchen?

[Koorin (Master)] oh of course they will

[Koorin (Master)] they always need help in the kitchen

[Koorin (Master)] rigth Branwyn?

[Koorin (Master)] You will tell them I have to be in the kitchen

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm not so sure about that. But I will try.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I think we should gather our things and head out

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] if we get there by noon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You can find out much information in the kitchen.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] we can all get some rest before the evening meal

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] good enough?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then let us go.

[Master] so do you want the map of the guard gate right now?

[Ilero (TMO)] We still got t'at stuffs gnome hid for us?

[Master] or do you want the Castle maps first thing next week ?

[Master] I will try to send the castle views to Devin

[Master] so he sees the outside portion

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We should. I haven't taken mine out of the bag she hid the items in.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So we should be fine walking into the castle if the decide to check us again.

[Ilero (TMO)] We wants to keep t'at bag handy, yes? Anyt'ing else we needs before going up t'ere?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think we have to take everything unless we want to pay for another night at this Inn.

[Ilero (TMO)] Good idea. Hye give Koorin the hand and ear to safekeep. We gots anyt'ing hye can use to be alert and observe good? T'at probably best use for me, since hye no front-line fighter, and sneakery less useful on vampire home turf.

[Master] sending birds eye view to everyone

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "You want to be in charge of the spyglass?"

[Ilero (TMO)] Hye doubt hye good enough to sneak past vampires anyways.

[Ilero (TMO)] Hye doubt hye good enough to sneak past vampires anyways.

[Master] TMO ? you still with us?

[Ilero (TMO)] (think so. long pause there for that comment to go through)

[Master] ok

[Master] resent everyone back to Inn map

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he's been talking)

[Devin] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Dev what map do you have up?

[Grink (Devin)] (Appologies. being sick sucks)

[Master] no worries

[Master] it has been an eventuful night

[Master] I think we can pause here

[Master] we will pick up next week with each of you in your rooms in the castle

Devin is receiving the map birds eye view from drawbridge...

Devin has received the map birds eye view from drawbridge.

[Master] it will give you a bit of time to figure out what is going on before the big dinner

[Master] do you like that map Devin?

Devin is receiving the map Crimson Inn first floor...

[Master] see what you are getting into now?

[Ilero (TMO)] (I think I'm lucky I wasn't here last week. Ilero would have had to go along with the group even though he didn't see much reason or purpose to the break in. ;) )

Devin has received the map Crimson Inn first floor.

[Master] Androp and Branwyn stayed outside

[Grink (Devin)] (my map i scurrently the Inn)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can you see in dark?)

[Master] did you see the birds eye view of the castle?

[Ilero (TMO)] (Night Vision skill)

[Grink (Devin)] no, I didn't.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (also - might have been another idea to talk to the house residents rather than scare them and run)

[Master] ok will see what to do about that map later this week

[Master] and I agree with Lisa there were lots of other ways of handling things at the Mayor's house

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (indigo was gassed and Branwyn took him back to Inn to take care of him)

[Ilero (TMO)] (of course, having someone with actual sneak skills might have been more useful)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that too)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] but person came into hallway - what do you do?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] could have talked to them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] but choice was to shove them back into the room and shut the door in their face

[Lisa] then run away

[Grink (Devin)] People were too amped up on the idea of were wolves.

[Ilero (TMO)] (lol)

[Lisa] so mayor came home to freaked out kids

[Lisa] werewolves?

[Grink (Devin)] or vampires. that's what I was seeing last week.

[Grink (Devin)] "What's going on here? were wolves? vampires? pack meeting?"

[Lisa] I missed that

[Grink (Devin)] that may have been before you logged in, Lisa

[Lisa] guess so :)

[Master] at least next week you will be at your goal

[Lisa] kind of

[Master] inside Count Drake's castle

[Grink (Devin)] then we kill everyone and save the princess!

[Grink (Devin)] except that she's probably in another castle.

[Lisa] I see as goal as opening hatch and seeing soon to be princess and announcing we are here to rescue her

[Ilero (TMO)] (I hope not. We've done that once already)

[Master] no this is the third place you have looked

[Master] she will be here

[Master] you just have to find her

[Master] and rescue her

[Lisa] getting in door of 6 story castle is not goal to me

[Ilero (TMO)] (although she was at the last castle, she just ... left precipitously)

[Grink (Devin)] (Isn't that what always happens?

[Grink (Devin)] )

[Master] looks at Indigo, aren't you a little short to be a storm trooper?

[Lisa] lol

[Grink (Devin)] "For a girl? That was good for rambo."

[Ilero (TMO)] apparently J J Abrams to direct next Star Wars movie.

[Ilero (TMO)] or so I hear

[Lisa] yeah

[Grink (Devin)] I was not happy to read that.

[Lisa] didn't think it would be allowed to do both series

[Ilero (TMO)] will have to wait and see what happens. People come and go off big projects all the time.

[Grink (Devin)] I hadn't even thought of that.

[Lisa] he did do a good job with Star Trek

[Lisa] I thought so anyway

[Master] is there one or two new trek movies?

[Ilero (TMO)] good movie, although I left theater mildly nauseous

[Grink (Devin)] I enjoy it. But I don't think its nearly as epic as SW: 4, 5, and 6

[Ilero (TMO)] Sherlock is the villain in the next one.

[Grink (Devin)] there's only one, the second one comes out this summer.

[Ilero (TMO)] Benedict Cumberbatch.

[Grink (Devin)] this summer, right?

[Grink (Devin)] I like him.

[Lisa] think so

[Master] Sherlock is a fun show

[Master] Elementary I mean

[Master] have not seen Sherlock

[Grink (Devin)] Sherlock is better, but much along the same veins as Sherlock.

[Ilero (TMO)] last I read, they hadn't announced the character he's playing. General consenses seems to be Khan.

[Grink (Devin)] Sherlock is just more indepth.

[Ilero (TMO)] I haven't seen Elementary yet. Need to netflix it

[Grink (Devin)] I don't believe Netflix has Elementry yet.

[Grink (Devin)] it DOES have Sherlock

[Ilero (TMO)] probably not. Season 1 may still be playing

[Grink (Devin)] it is.

[Ilero (TMO)] that's how we watched it

[Master] amazon might have it not sure

[Lisa] I have to go get more ice and stare at my newly painted walls

[Devin] Naw, they have the same library.

[Master] good night Lisa

[Lisa] have a great week

[Ilero (TMO)] here, put this hand and ear on the ice

[Lisa] goodnight :)

[Devin] g'nite Lisa

[Master] we will see everyone during the week I hope

[Master] grins at TMO

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 25 22:54:23 EST 2013

[Devin] I keep looking at my spells wondering if I could use "purify food" on those to keep them fresh.

[Ilero (TMO)] I had forgotten about the long dry spell at the beginning of Lords while the Council did it's thing. ;)

[Master] chuckles

[Master] it is totally up to those on the council how long it takes

[Ilero (TMO)] it probably can't hurt, Devin

[Devin] I mean... I wouldn't eat it, but they'd be food to SOMEONE.

[Master] nods

[Master] I think that there will be some consternation next week

[Master] Marco will not be happy

[Devin] I agree.

[Master] Guy will be frustrated

[Ilero (TMO)] yarp

[Devin] Idon't know who Marco is... but I agree.

[Master] this is the first time that a character has been affected when the player is not here

[Master] except when everyone did something together like travel etc

[Devin] here's a question. Would any of them have fought back?

[Ilero (TMO)] they were trussed and gagged

[Master] is why I gave Guy that chance at the Inn

[Devin] they had to get there somehow. :P

[Master] Marco could have tried something with illusions

[Master] as she is an illusionist

[Devin] I guess its Marco I'm curious about then.

[Master] yeah

[Master] it is a very tough call

[Ilero (TMO)] mostly his fault they were there though, right?

[Master] very much so

[Master] if Lisa was not there with the knock then Marco would have had someone break the door down physically

[Master] which would have caused different reactions

[Devin] and if marco just lost an ear, or a toe, that's on thing, mostly ignorable in gameplay, but a hand?

XP awarded