Main / Jan2706

Jan 27 06 - Mist Wars

x[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 27 16:11:00 EST 2006 ====

x[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 27 18:16:13 EST 2006 ====

x[DM] ==== Gaming session has been running for 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minute and 40 seconds ====

xBiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 18:25:44 EST 2006

xmikE has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 18:26:09 EST 2006

xLorie has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 18:45:56 EST 2006

xLorie is receiving the map crypt...

xLorie has received the map crypt.

x[Lorie] Okay... BRB

xmikE is receiving the map crypt...

xmikE has received the map crypt.

x[Lorie] anyone else coming tonight?

x[DM] Sean is attempting to update

x[DM] he is here

x[mikE] so are we ded yet?

x[DM] not at all

x[DM] so far lorie, we have finalized

x[Lorie] finalized what?

x[mikE] my tree

x[mikE] the fertalizer will be treant poo

x[mikE] and we have to get an old lady gypsie to take the first trip.

x[Lorie] :: makes a hex sign :: No gypsies for me ... icky

x[Lorie] next we'll need a circus performer too :: shudders ::

x[DM] not that yet

x[DM] did you have another interesting idea to replace the gypsy with?

x[DM] bring up speak and we can talk to you while sean goes through his misery of updating

x[Lorie] blink dogs :: smirks ::

x[Lorie] hold on...heating tea. Want to wait until I have tea

x[DM] cool idea Lorie,

x[DM] both the tea and blink dogs

x[mikE] green tea.

x[mikE] green tea is good.

x[Lorie] no green tea with lemon

x[DM] hmmmm

x[mikE] ew.

x[Lorie] Earl Grey is making me queasy

xSean has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 19:08:26 EST 2006

x[BiBo!!!] ::waves:: hi sean!

x[Sean] Well ... that wasn't as bad as it could have been

x[Sean] Hi.

x[Lorie] Evening Sean...glad to hear that Ian is home and getting better

x[Sean] Thanks.

x[mikE] ian's the daughter, right?

x[mikE] iansmerelda?

x[Sean] *Thwap*

x[DM] you know they just might read this one day

x[mikE] hey, every kid has these things.

x[mikE] the pictures they never show.

x[Sean] The entire hospital staff kept calling them girls.

xSean is receiving the map crypt...

xSean has received the map crypt.

x[mikE] aksldjfaskldjfa;lskdjfalskjdfaljsdfasjdf;aklsjdf;alksjdf;lkajs;ldkjfa;lskdjf;alskdjf;alskjdf;askjdf;alskjdf;alsjkdfas;lkjdfa;lsdjf;asdjfa;sldjfa;sljkdfa;lskjdf;alsjdf;alsjdf;alskjfda;slkjfd;al

x[Lorie] hello??? i can't hear anyone

x[BiBo!!!] you can't?

x[BiBo!!!] mike says you ended the call

x[BiBo!!!] and don't appear online

x[BiBo!!!] least on google talk

x[mikE] having google talk problems, lro?

x[mikE] i don't see you on google talk anymore.

xLorie has left the game on Fri Jan 27 19:21:19 EST 2006

x[mikE] asdasdf

x[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 27 19:41:01 EST 2006 ====

xBiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 19:45:20 EST 2006

xmikE has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 19:46:47 EST 2006

xmikE is receiving the map crypt...

xmikE has received the map crypt.

xSean has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 19:47:17 EST 2006

x[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 27 21:29:45 EST 2006 ====

xSean has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 21:31:16 EST 2006

x[Sean] hello?

xBiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 21:34:30 EST 2006

x[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 27 22:02:54 EST 2006 ====

xSean has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 22:05:07 EST 2006

xmikE has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 22:06:58 EST 2006

xBiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 22:07:27 EST 2006

xLorie has joined the game on Fri Jan 27 22:09:19 EST 2006

x[BiBo!!!] b

x[BiBo!!!] b

x[BiBo!!!] b

x[BiBo!!!] b

x[Sean] n

x[Sean] n

x[Sean] n

x[mikE] k

x[mikE] k

x[mikE] k

x[Lorie] Hey everyone...

x[mikE] are we there yet?

x[mikE] or are we just ded?

x[DM] I can see that lorie

x[BiBo!!!] so... can we get started?

x[mikE] nope.

xLorie has left the game on Fri Jan 27 22:16:15 EST 2006

x[mikE] it's just about time to wrap up

x[DM] but I still see your connection as ??

xmikE has left the game on Fri Jan 27 22:19:01 EST 2006

xSean has left the game on Fri Jan 27 22:21:45 EST 2006

xBiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Jan 27 22:21:54 EST 2006