Jan 30 04 - Kapirimtiya Adventures
You have just entered room "Chat 152323501660046956."
Anstett Jr: ok,
iranon73: is it?
Lord BiBo: no
Lord BiBo: in no shape or form
iranon73: aw
Lord BiBo: bob keeps saying shipt
Lord BiBo: why, I have no idea
spc476: shipit? What? Is he a software company?
Lord BiBo: I guess
spc476: "It compiles? Ship it!"
spc476: http://www.steelwheels4x4.com/
Lord BiBo: alright, if you need one of those, you deserve to be shot
spc476: why?
Lord BiBo: no one needs a tank house
spc476: it gets 6mpg
Lord BiBo: not even the military
spc476: but it's so cool looking!
Lord BiBo: it reminds me of stripes
spc476: LOL
spc476: and it's only $550,000 (delivery included)
Lord BiBo: delivery BETTER be included
mkul316: hell no.
spc476: delivery shouldn't be included?
mkul316: hell no on getting the damn thing
Lord BiBo: the bathroom looks like a brewery
Anstett Jr: well, some of the areas where you would need it, ups might
not want to drop it off at the door
spc476: hey, you two are in college ... that should be a plus!
Lord BiBo: yeah, but do you want anything that was brewed in a toilet?
Anstett Jr: so we have no way of accessing any of the D&D files at the
Lord BiBo: the bathroom looks like some weird tenticle rape scene
waiting to happen
spc476: well, that's where the beer will end up anyway 8P
mkul316: i think i'll pass on that.
spc476: there's a mobile computer lab for auctoin at eBay ... only
$15,000 ...
spc476: enough seating for 21, plus electrical system to support
Anstett Jr: where is it now? and is it working?
Anstett Jr: does that come with systems inside?
mkul316: a portable lan party! sweet!
spc476: no systems, but it does work
Anstett Jr: two for sale
Anstett Jr: we could get teh matching set
iranon73: do they ship that, or just drive it to you?
spc476: Steelwheels they'll drive it to you ... the bus? I'm not sure
iranon73: wonder how they get back home...
spc476: fly I guess ...
spc476: or they tow a car along
iranon73: what if you livie in alaska?
spc476: I don't think they deliver there ... Canada and Continental US
iranon73: if they're gonna go to canada, they might as well add
in alaska
spc476: well, parts of alaska ... some cityes like Nome you can't drive
to at all ...
iranon73: cool
iranon73: i got my future place i wanna live now
mkul316: new plan. we buy the mobile lab and use it for
iranon73: i'm gonna move to nome, and pettition they add a 'g'
to the name
Lord BiBo: :-P
spc476: how how about it Bob? Get the bus?
iranon73: somehow, i doubt nyrma's approval
iranon73: but that's just a hunch
iranon73: i could be wrong
spc476: what's not to like? No one trumping into the house anymore ...
we can be as loud as we want ...
iranon73: i dunno.. something about $15,000
spc476: Pretty cheap actually ...
spc476: my car alone cost $22,000
iranon73: yeah, but i think bob's got enough cars for now
spc476: this is Murrika! You can never have too many cars! 8-P
spc476: And what better way to piss off the home owners association
than having this in the front yard 8-)
iranon73: isn't this the scene where the angry japanese girl in
the short skirt pulls a huge hammer out of nowhere and hits
you over the head with it?
spc476: I think so ...
iranon73: god.. i if i win one more game of spider solitare, i
think i'm going to kill myself
spc476: so make a point of loosing the game
iranon73: thats too easy
Anstett Jr: ok
Anstett Jr: so do you two want to play in the chat room
iranon73: i assume you're talking to me and fritz?
iranon73: i dont really care either way
spc476: or me
Lord BiBo: and sean
iranon73: oh
iranon73: ok
spc476: I don't mind ...
iranon73: i havn't got any dice though
spc476: where did we leave off last week? Chasing elephants if I
remember ...
Anstett Jr: yeah
spc476: that's okay ... just fake it 8-P
Anstett Jr: chasing elephants
spc476: "oh look! Another 20! What are the chances?"
spc476: Lorie: 50%
spc476: "Ah, that's right! How silly of me to forget" 8-)
Anstett Jr: I honestly am not sure, I pulled out a couple of board
games here, just in case,
Anstett Jr: or we can play here as chat
Anstett Jr: which would the two of you want?
spc476: how do we play Monopoly over chat?
spc476: Oooh ... I rolled a six! That moves me to Free Parking!
Woot! And i rolled doubles! Okay, I rolled a 5 ... I'll buy the
railroad for $200
Anstett Jr: well, Sean did you ever play black death with us?
spc476: no.
CaliCocoChanel has entered the room.
Anstett Jr: ok
Anstett Jr: so I think we should try to play here
spc476: ok
Anstett Jr: it will be balky
Anstett Jr: ok
Anstett Jr: so we are at the village
iranon73: what are we doing back there?
spc476: That word, ok. I do not think it means what you think it means
CaliCocoChanel: will you be taking me along?
iranon73: oh, and are you going to invite fritz back?
mkul316: hey lex
CaliCocoChanel: hey how are you?
mkul316: i see him in
iranon73: yes, hes in the chatroom
iranon73: but he's sleeping on the couch
iranon73: said for bob to call him
Anstett Jr: I do not have his phone number
iranon73: when we're ready
Anstett Jr: it is on the hard drive that is not availble right now
iranon73: hm
iranon73: that sucks
iranon73: ya know bob, i think you depend too much on your
iranon73: :-P
Aurora1116 has entered the room.
spc476: Hello ...
Aurora1116: Evening all
spc476: you missed all the fun ...
Aurora1116: Sorry I'm late... rough day at work
mkul316: hey lor
Lord BiBo: rough day here
CaliCocoChanel: i feel your pain Aurora
Aurora1116: I heard Bob's puter fell down and went
mkul316: yup
CaliCocoChanel: actually it bust into flames
Lord BiBo: it'd have to be solid to go boom
Aurora1116: My company is merging with another one...
lots of rumour mill... damage control, etc.
iranon73: out of curiosity, has anyone here not had a rough
mkul316: tho it's more of a melted throught the floor
Lord BiBo: it mostly melted and went squish
Aurora1116: LOL...
Lord BiBo: I didn't
mkul316: not really. just a hungry day
Aurora1116: Why did it melt and go squish?
Lord BiBo: I had a nic day
spc476: I didn't
Lord BiBo: english was canceled
Lord BiBo: and whenever english is cancelled, it's a good day
spc476: cool!
iranon73: i only had my philosophy class today
CaliCocoChanel: *burns an ephigy of my manager* burn ice queen!
iranon73: i'd have little to do without my english class
Aurora1116: Umm... what exactly happened to Bob's
iranon73: cpu was about 100 degrees
Aurora1116: Ouch... you definitely had it worse than I did
Aurora1116: Umm... what happened to the fan?
Lord BiBo: 140 ish
CaliCocoChanel: i am taking "Great Women Writers" for english
Aurora1116: I speak English...
mkul316: all three fans are blowing
iranon73: cool
Aurora1116: I speak French...
spc476: Can't be worse than my friend Mark ... he's now on heart
medication due to his job, and he's only 28
Aurora1116: I speak Spanish...
iranon73: bronte sisters and austen?
Aurora1116: Everyday
Aurora1116: ::blinks:: Mark? As is Siemens Mark?
Aurora1116: I'm sorry to hear that....
mkul316: i'm sorry lorie.
spc476: Yup, that's the Mark.
iranon73: i didn't have too much of a rough day myself, but i
gotta say, as much as i love cold weather... its starting to
bring me down
Aurora1116: Why are you sorry... I have a project with
South African clients... lovely people
spc476: Mark keeps finding security problem with the project, and they
keep yelling at him for not being a team player.
Aurora1116: Ugh... poor thing.
Grolduk: back heating up some pizza.
iranon73: on the brighter side though, its starting to get darker
later, so i can watch the sunset on my walk home from work
Aurora1116: It's summer in South Africa... it was 86 there
iranon73: damn them to hell
Aurora1116: ::nods:: Last week it was in the 90's all week
Grolduk: looking for my dice also
iranon73: its like those people we know in florida
spc476: oh .. that reminds me ... it's a bit hot in here ... let me turn odwn
th eA/C ... 8-P
iranon73: you know... the ones who suck?
Aurora1116: ::nods:: It was 2 at 5am when I got to work
this morning
CaliCocoChanel: Aurora- Il fait beau de savoir que quelqu'un
d'autre dans le groupe parlefrançais
spc476: is that 2F or 2C?
Aurora1116: Chouette Lexi!!!! Très bien parlé!
iranon73: f
Aurora1116: 2F/ -14 C°
spc476: hello
mkul316: parlay?
iranon73: hey, this is america, speak spanish
spc476: I can't see anything you guys are typing ...
Aurora1116: bueno pues Lior... Boston tenga mucho frio...
como Pittsburgh ;o)
Aurora1116: Sean... you can't?
iranon73: si, me estoy refriando
spc476: there werew a few blank lines coming through
Aurora1116: TEST FOR SEAN
spc476: i hear (or read) you loud and clear ...
spc476: very wierd ...
Aurora1116: Known bug in AOL 9.0
Aurora1116: AIM chatrooms
Aurora1116: Known bug in 8.0 Plus AIM Chatrooms
Aurora1116: They now have an AIM Chatroom response team
iranon73: yeah, that's cuz aol sucks
Aurora1116: That doesn't respond
spc476: nice to know they know about it ...
iranon73: ha
Aurora1116: LOL
spc476: but what are they waiting for? AOL 12.2?
Aurora1116: I've sent them no less than 8 messages in the last
three months and never received one resonse
iranon73: i like having no particular internet service provider
than my school
Aurora1116: err response
Aurora1116: I think after PenguinCon this year they might go
Linux ;o)
Aurora1116: I mean.. Microsoft wants to go Anti-Windows by
2005 right ;-)
spc476: well, Microsoft's biggest competetor is Microsoft ...
Aurora1116: Umm, Sean are there any yellow and black insects
flying around or in your apartment these days?
iranon73: are you going to any of the northeastern cons lorie?
spc476: outside ...
spc476: they've promised to keep the party noise down
Aurora1116: I'd like to... we have to see how I'm feeling in a few
CaliCocoChanel: Aurora- Hablo un poco español también. Si usted
sabe hablar francés usted sabe hablar español.
iranon73: no es tan cierto
Aurora1116: See Lior... she feels the love for you too :-)
Grolduk: back. Cant find my dice
iranon73: yo conosco muchas jentes frances que no hablan
spc476: Lorie has plenty to lend out
Disciple82 has entered the room.
spc476: Hatway isay ithway allay ethay Anishspay?
Aurora1116: claro que si Lior... claro que si
iranon73: i would say that about catalan, though, lex
Aurora1116: UGH CATALAN ::hides::
Aurora1116: Howdy Trevor
Disciple82: Hey
iranon73: hey, catalan should be your favorite language
Aurora1116: Welcome to Bob's Chatroom... where the streets
have no name
Disciple82: The world hates me, but I don't care.
iranon73: it sounds like french and spells like spanish
Disciple82: Except I'm hungry.
Aurora1116: ::shudders:: Thola ... Como esthas usthed?
iranon73: the world doesn't hate you, just the people that know
Aurora1116: The world hates you?
Grolduk: i will use the klooge dice
spc476: and we talk about $550,000 mobile homes ...
iranon73: thats not catalan, thats just spain spanish
Disciple82: No, people love me. Fate/karma/destiny/the world hates
Aurora1116: It sounds NOTHING like French
Aurora1116: Ahhh... well Karma you brought on yourself.
iranon73: yeah it does
Aurora1116: Fate and Destiny are a crap shoot
iranon73: at least when people in barcelona speak it
Grolduk: Are you sure about People?
iranon73: well... fate doesn't exist, you create your own destiny,
and karma isn't realized until your next life
Aurora1116: I'm usually not sure about most people, but I'm an
optimist ;o)
Anstett Jr: ok,
spc476: My karma ran over your dogma
spc476: (just love that line)
Anstett Jr: so now we can get started?
Aurora1116: Hi BOB...
Aurora1116: Sorry your puter died...
iranon73: no, we must make more language jokes and pop
culture references first
Anstett Jr: I do beleive that Lex wants to try out a new character, a
young lady from the village you are about to leave
Grolduk: Morns Bob's puter
Aurora1116: It kept it's honor and died in battle at least
iranon73: what are we doing back in the freakn' village?
Anstett Jr: is soooo hard
iranon73: it died of lung cancer
Anstett Jr: to give lex the chance to bring in her character
Anstett Jr: then on back to the elephants in the forest
Grolduk: I thought it was a brain tumor?
iranon73: great
Aurora1116: ::ponders:: is she going to want to join the
iranon73: no, i have the brain tumor
Aurora1116: If so, then yes, it will be difficult...
Anstett Jr: can not imagine why
Aurora1116: You know the answer to that question
iranon73: no one knows why anyone would want to join the
dragonslayers, but our characters always do
spc476: "Well, I see your group has no wizard."
spc476: "You seem like a trustworthy person. Will you join us in our
nobel quest?"
Anstett Jr: well she is a relatively simple village girl,
Anstett Jr: what is your quest
Grolduk: Not for long
CaliCocoChanel: (are you guys taking me w/ u?)
iranon73: so why do we want her with us?
Anstett Jr: what is your color
Anstett Jr: Lex, you will have to convice them in character to take you
out of the village
spc476: Red, no blue! Aieeeeeeeeeeeee!
iranon73: if she can fight, or has a death wish, i'm cool with
bringing her along
Anstett Jr: if they do not, you can still play lesani until another
character opportunity presents its self
iranon73: so long as she realizes her deathwish will be promptly
CaliCocoChanel: (who's in charge?)
Anstett Jr: haaaa
Anstett Jr: haaa
Anstett Jr: haaaa
iranon73: lorie usually
spc476: Bob
mkul316: i am
iranon73: but reign does all the taling
Aurora1116: ::looks at BOB and smiles::
iranon73: talking too
Aurora1116: ((Power is all perception really))
iranon73: we're actually kinda autonomous.. but we walk in
Grolduk: Points and bows towards Lady Kylia
Disciple82: They voices tell me what to do
iranon73: we just live at her place
iranon73: ::points at kylia::
Grolduk: Of course you have to talk thru me since she doesn't
speak your language
iranon73: actually, i wouldn't say that, as i've never lived there
iranon73: f
iranon73: and i'll point out any errors in translation
Lord BiBo: and I'll just quietly devour food in the corner like a rabid
CaliCocoChanel: *walks over to elandar* can i go to town with
Disciple82: What's your name, little girl, what's your name?
iranon73: by food, i'm sure you mean fruit bats, by which you
mean, villagers you've killed?
mkul316: sure
mkul316: what's your name?
Disciple82: Shouldn't you stay? little girl? Well there ain't no shame.
Lord BiBo: right now, anything will do
Aurora1116: ::looks at Reign and points at the girl:: What does
she want?
iranon73: hey, beast boy, she ain't gonna understand you
Grolduk: She wants to go to town with us
Aurora1116: Why?
iranon73: we're not going to town
Grolduk: Come here girl
iranon73: we're going to kill the elephant
Grolduk: What is it you want?
iranon73: stupid girl
Aurora1116: Can we just kill the elephant and go home
iranon73: we also have to go to the graveyard
Anstett Jr: the town would be fort thunder, the one you came from
iranon73: and get the magic items
Aurora1116: I'm over being sick... what ever this is... it's highly
Anstett Jr: back north, a few days
iranon73: we're not going back there
Grolduk: I am waiting for the girl
iranon73: not till we get the stuff
Grolduk: Come and talk to me young one they do not speak
your language
mkul316: ::takes the girl's hand and takes her over to
Grolduk: Waits with bullish paitience
Anstett Jr: the birds call in the distance
Anstett Jr: teh village warriors look off in the distance
Anstett Jr: the old woman glares at your group
iranon73: didn't she pass out?
Grolduk: Yea she is still passed out
Anstett Jr: she is laying onthe ground
iranon73: and get taken inside?
Grolduk: No they took her in the hut
Anstett Jr: I know,
Anstett Jr: she came back out
iranon73: you know... you gotta tell us these things
Grolduk: I put on my Raybands
Anstett Jr: and is laying on the ground, (making it up as I correct on
the fly)
mkul316: well, we've been gone for a night
Aurora1116: Great... glad she's still out
Grolduk: To protect myself from the glare
Anstett Jr: she is barely awake
Grolduk: ok girl talk or we walk
iranon73: get on with it
Grolduk: 5
Grolduk: 4
mkul316: (pokes lex)
Grolduk: 3
Grolduk: 2
Grolduk: 1
Anstett Jr: oh well,
Grolduk: ok little girl goodbye
iranon73: maybe she's afk
Anstett Jr: we move on, Lex can catch up later, she can use lesani as a
character for now,
iranon73: or something's wrong with her computer
Anstett Jr: I assume so,
mkul316: (i can lean her around like a labotomy victem)
mkul316: (er, lead)
CaliCocoChanel: (sorry what did i miss?)
Grolduk: Ok good to have you back
Grolduk: I am the only one who speaks your language. please
tell me why you wish to come with us
CaliCocoChanel: (the girl or moi)
Anstett Jr: girl,
Grolduk: The girl
CaliCocoChanel: my family was attacked.... i am alone with no
where to go
Grolduk: You live here in the village little one stay with your
iranon73: go with us, and you'll probably be killed
iranon73: she can't understand me, but i'm saying that
Anstett Jr: (the headhunter area you just crossed through)
CaliCocoChanel: my people do not me to stay... they believe i am
bad luck
Grolduk: Ugly man said that if you go with us you will probably
be killed
iranon73: who said i'm ugly?
Grolduk: Why do they feel you are bad luck
CaliCocoChanel: what do your people in this land?
Grolduk: We are here to kill the elephant and to investigate
some areas
Anstett Jr: (remember the helmet Lior, reflects what they see)
iranon73: :-)
CaliCocoChanel: the elephant... many have attempted that task;
none were seen again
iranon73: its just a mask though
iranon73: we dont care much about being seen again
Grolduk: Look unless you have a very good reason to come
with us and someway to defend or protect yourself or add to
the party you are likely to just get yourself killed
iranon73: what have i been saying all along?
Grolduk: We are very good at killing and very bad at being
iranon73: (no, i'd say we're good at it)
Grolduk: No you are
Grolduk: O:-)
Anstett Jr: (by the way, the fortune that just came out of my cookie, "It
is up to you to create your own adventures today" honestly it did,....
tooo weird)
Aurora1116: ((Happy Year of the Monkey :-) ))
iranon73: yes, indeed
Disciple82: .
Grolduk: Show that one to Nirma and tell me about it
Anstett Jr: hmmm
Grolduk: Remember add "in bed" at the end of your fortune
iranon73: kink-ay
Grolduk: Well little girl? What do you have to say?
Anstett Jr: thought is was very appropriate given the computer
mkul316: ((kylia, kylia, look what followed me! can i
keep it? can I?))
CaliCocoChanel: all i can say it that i wish to travel with you... i am
able to cook and do other womenly tasks... i can also clean
weapons... please allow me to go
mkul316: ((other womanly tasks...))
Grolduk: No little one if that is all you can do that is to
dangerous. We clean and cook for ourselves. Why are you
considered bad luck and will the village abandon you?
CaliCocoChanel: (( cooking and cleaning perv boy ;-) ))
mkul316: :-P
iranon73: ((yeah, we're not about to bring anyone along who's
sole purpose is to be a matress))
Anstett Jr: that is the witches job anyway
CaliCocoChanel: my entire family was murdered by the evil tribe... i
am the only one who survived. The villagers believe the spirits of
my family follow me wherever i go; angry that i survived and they
did not
iranon73: you think they'd be happy.. carry on the legacy and so
mkul316: ((fritz, do we assume you're relaying this?))
Anstett Jr: go and wreck revenge on the tribe that killed us, and all that
iranon73: ha
Grolduk: What evil tribe? ((yes I am )) Is this tribe taking care
of you?
iranon73: she can find another group for that
mkul316: oh let her come.
mkul316: she sounds more useful than the other guys we've
Aurora1116: ::looks at Witchy Pooh:: Did I hear that she's
cursed and her entire family is dead
iranon73: she sounds like a waste of air
CaliCocoChanel: the tribe that eats there own kind; no the tribe
does not... the left me to starve
Aurora1116: but she wants to travel with us because she can
mkul316: and you're very concerned about protecting them,
iranon73: i like keeping the blood on my sword, thank you very
Grolduk: So this tribe is leaving you to starve and unless you
come with us you will likely starve to death?
iranon73: boo hoo hoo
CaliCocoChanel: i know i do not have a good reason for you to
allow me to go but please do not allow me to die
mkul316: see, it's up to us. How can you abandon her,
Grolduk: Lady Kylia I will take responcibility for her if this is
the case. I can not allow her to be abandoned
iranon73: its easy, you turn around and walk
CaliCocoChanel: i will do anything you can ask of me
Grolduk: You will be my servant?
CaliCocoChanel: * i think about it for a second* yes
Lord BiBo: ::sits up from her meal and picks her teeth::
Lord BiBo: I miss anything?
iranon73: this useless girl is going to be reign's servant
mkul316: wait, can she serve me too? I could use a servant
Aurora1116: ::frowns::
Disciple82: Huh?
Aurora1116: You have a servant ... your pixie
Disciple82: ((how old is this girl?))
mkul316: i'm not the one who was going to abandon me.
iranon73: if she doesn't come with us, apparently she'll die, and
this is tugging on everyoen's heart strings... seems silly to me
mkul316: she's not a servant. she's entertainment
Lord BiBo: hey now, if anyone's gonna be having a servant, it's gonna
be me
Grolduk: You may see some things that could scare most
people are you sure? I promise you I will do all in my power
to keep you safe and never harm you in any way but you
must obey me
Lord BiBo: and she'll be undead too
Aurora1116: ::shakes head:: I don't like this...
mkul316: ::shakes his head to the girl::
Lord BiBo: now who do I have to split in half?
iranon73: i'm liking shade's plan
iranon73: at least then she'll be harder to kill
CaliCocoChanel: my eyes have seen fear sir and i will do nothing to
disobey you
Lord BiBo: no, she'll be just as easy to kill, just people will be less
inclined to face her
mkul316: ((oh great, now she's stuck being the servant of
the lame paladin wannabe))
iranon73: thus harder to kill
Anstett Jr: interesting order of responses there
iranon73: its like coen.. if he's still alive, he must be hard to kill
mkul316: tell her she can be my servant but not have to
listen to me.
Grolduk: Turns to Lady Kylia::: On my honor mistress I can
not let this poor destitute waif stay here to die amongst a
people that wish her ill. If I can keep her safe till I can turn
her over to someone else I shall do so
iranon73: waif? is that a word?
Anstett Jr: (how old are you Lex, and do you have a name?)
Lord BiBo: yeah, it's a kind of cookie
Aurora1116: ::frowns:: I agree that we cannot leave her to die in
the wild; however, how do we know she doesn't have the
"fever" that we've contracted and traveling with her will make
it worse?
iranon73: that's a waifer
Grolduk: I know you hold my fealty but please understand
iranon73: or that she won't attract any fruit bats
Aurora1116: How do we know she's not a thief who will rob us
in the night?
mkul316: well, we've got the disease too, kylia
Grolduk: well if we have already contracted it and we cant cure
it what difference does it make?
iranon73: or in the day for that matter
CaliCocoChanel: (( i dont know how old the girl is... i need to find
her a name))
Lord BiBo: we don't and I don't buy the save me bit one bit
Anstett Jr: remember Lex you only see them talking you do not
understand thier language
Aurora1116: We have an entire party to consider ::motions to
the rest of the group::
Grolduk: Also these people haven't seemed to have been
iranon73: thank you for coming back into this shade, i was
battling against this alone
Grolduk: She says her group was killed by cannibals
Lord BiBo: if she is willing to sign a little contract, I can write one up
Disciple82: /me walks up and giggles. "Oooh, new playmate!"
iranon73: ::mutters:: good. maybe he'll break her
Disciple82: /me starts playing rock, paper, scissors with himself, his
brow furrowed in concentration.
Aurora1116: ((LOL Lior))
mkul316: ::pixie appears over the girls head and scowls at
the barbarian:: No! she's my new friend!
Anstett Jr: brb
CaliCocoChanel: * i stare at the people in a foreign tongue and she
jumps back when Disciple walks up*
iranon73: see what she's doing? she's causing contention in the
iranon73: i say we oust her
Anstett Jr: b
Aurora1116: ::frowns:: If you insist, I obviously cannot make you
do otherwise, but you have an entire party to answer to
should something go wrong... not just me.
Disciple82: /me blinks at Pixie... She my new friend! I found her first!
mkul316: oh, for once i'm actually in agreement with
Aurora1116: It doesn't look like they are interested in her
coming along... but I could be wrong.
Lord BiBo: write, now if you're willing to sign this contract ::pulls out a
piece of paper:: we can see what can be done with you
Grolduk: If We/I allow you to come with us, you need to be a
little bit more open with me as to why these people are
scared of you.
Grolduk: She is not sighning anything
mkul316: ::pixie grins and tosses a sleep dart from hand to
hand:: dont' make me stick you!
Lord BiBo: then she's not coming, I don't trust anyone who can't
defend themself
iranon73: right
Disciple82: /me scowls at pixie and stands in front of girl, arms
Lord BiBo: they're the ones who'll kill you in your sleep
CaliCocoChanel: they are afraid of me sir; i am being truthful
Grolduk: ::pulls girl aside to speak with her::
iranon73: i read their lips
Grolduk: YOu cant read my lips it is in a helm
iranon73: i can read hers
Grolduk: I pull a blanket over my head
iranon73: you wouldn'[t know i'm trying to read your lips
Grolduk: But you have to hear a language to understand it
Lord BiBo: ::uses esp on the both of them::
Anstett Jr: he has a point
Disciple82: ((he's got a point))
iranon73: damn
iranon73: what about the voice in my head that recites what
she's saying?
Lord BiBo: don't need to hear you to know what you're thinkin
mkul316: ::pixie turns into a bird and lands on reign's
Grolduk: I pull off the blanket and you see my helm still on
iranon73: ::to shade:: i can't believe he's going to bring her
along.. that's like carving a hole in your armor, it makes no
Grolduk: Ahhh but we get saving throws and magic resistance
Lord BiBo: he seems to like running day care
Lord BiBo: she can come so long as she stays between us and danger
mkul316: well, we havn't had a decent meal since we lost
the halfling...
Anstett Jr: saving throws would be useful in day care
iranon73: i dont mind the bearers... but some punk little girl isn't
going to help us in the least
Lord BiBo: if she lets danger get past her, she's out
iranon73: jesus saves... and takes 1/2 damage
Anstett Jr: lol
iranon73: she'd hopefully be dead at that point
Grolduk: Jesus saved and took full damage then had an
automatic resurection
mkul316: yeah, i want to be jesus as my next character.
spc476: I thought Jesus saves souls and redeems them for valuable cash
Anstett Jr: bejesus, save me bejesus
mkul316: he always has booze on hand.
Anstett Jr: ok,
mkul316: it's jebus bob.
Grolduk: Only at parties
Grolduk: and it is Jebus bob
Anstett Jr: and so back
Anstett Jr: Lex, are you traveling with this group?>
iranon73: no
Grolduk: She is whispering something in my ear
Anstett Jr: and then we can go blink back to the elepahnts
iranon73: ((no offense lex, its all in character))
Anstett Jr: lex?
Grolduk: one sec bob
Anstett Jr: oh, sorry
Anstett Jr: gotcha now
Grolduk: She is whispering sweet nothings in my ear
Anstett Jr: and the rest of you?
Lord BiBo: something tells me I'm going to be needing a boatdoken
Anstett Jr: any ideas?
mkul316: medoken!
iranon73: boatdoken?
iranon73: i'm wonder what we're going to baste her hide with
Anstett Jr: and about the language issue? Lorie is there any thing you
can do?
Lord BiBo: think 8-bit
Disciple82: botdoken is a reference to a webcomic.
iranon73: can anyone cast comprehend languages on all of us?
Grolduk: Boat token?
Aurora1116: I could cast fireball on her... then there isn't a
language barrier... and the conversation is over.
Aurora1116: But umm, well that would entail an alignment
iranon73: i'm thinking 8-bt, it was my first instinctual response
Lord BiBo: eh, if we can't understand them, they arent important
enough to listen to
Aurora1116: so ... no... no help here
iranon73: but i can't think of what it is
Lord BiBo: so speak common or we ignore you
Disciple82: That would take care of the basting problem too.
mkul316: it's when bm shoots the boat to the elf island
iranon73: right
Lord BiBo: ::puts on her ugly american shirt::
iranon73: cool
Aurora1116: I'm not going to an entire ISLAND of elves... the
ones we have are just enough, thanks
iranon73: speaking of shirts.. my roomate has a shirt that says
'go to hell... i'm reading'... and i want to kill him for it
Grolduk: Ok I have some more info for you all
Disciple82: I can make shirts with any logo anyone wants on it, for
Lord BiBo: I say we move on before fruitbats attack more unimportant
iranon73: she really has a deathwish?
iranon73: can you make black shirts?
Disciple82: Any color you want.
iranon73: neat... i dont know if peanuts wont get some weird
thing though if they get sent airmail
Grolduk: It seems that since her tribe was all killed that she
has been left with some gifts that may help us after all.
iranon73: like what? a girlde of powerword kill?
Anstett Jr: oh really?
Anstett Jr: do tell,
Grolduk: She has the gift of sight
Lord BiBo: this better be good
iranon73: so do i
Lord BiBo: lame
Aurora1116: Bob?
iranon73: i can see
mkul316: i wanna girdle of titan strenth!
Lord BiBo: we all can see
iranon73: probably has a boot of increased hindsight
Grolduk: She sees things that you and I dont see Deathbreath
iranon73: oh, so she's a druggy
iranon73: great...
Lord BiBo: I can see the future as well
iranon73: i dont want no acid heads in the party
Lord BiBo: ((and I'm not joking on that))
Grolduk: Only that someone is out to get you:-D
Lord BiBo: ((I really can))
mkul316: i can see into the future too. i forsee night will
fall in our future.
iranon73: i can see the past
iranon73: ooh
Grolduk: Well then why didn't you see we were going to get
diseased ?
Lord BiBo: you never asked
mkul316: exactly.
Grolduk: Right!!!!
Anstett Jr: brb
iranon73: right. so if i ask her my fate, what's she gonna say?
you will die?
iranon73: that's some strong magic of pointing out the obvious
Grolduk: Lady Kylia I promise that she does have a talent that
will help us. I have never lied to you.
Lord BiBo: what else has she got?
iranon73: but maybe you've been lied to
Grolduk: And it is not a minor one like cooking or cleaning
Grolduk: No she has no reason to lie about this talent.
iranon73: cooking is no minor talent
iranon73: but we can do that without her
iranon73: except that she's facing death if she doesn't, and a
slight protection from death if she does
Grolduk: ::I walk over to Lady Kylia and whisper in her ear::
mkul316: no we can't. I'm still feeling sick from last
night's dinner
Aurora1116: ::Looks at Reign and continues to frown:: I really
don't like this...
Disciple82: Sorry, was the rabbit souffle not good enough?
Lord BiBo: tell you what, if you pass a test we'll let you follow us
iranon73: i want you to stand on your head, and sing your
favorite song backwards, without hesitation
mkul316: walk in a straight line, hold out your arms and
touch your nose...
Anstett Jr: answer me these questions three
iranon73: we've done that joke toinght
iranon73: you';re not keeping up bob
Anstett Jr: yeah, yeah
Anstett Jr: it is worth repeating
CaliCocoChanel: * i sit and wait for the man to speak with me
Lord BiBo: if you can kill what I summon, you can follow ::grins
iranon73: :-)
iranon73: good plan shade
iranon73: i'm all for it
Lord BiBo: everyone here could do it, it's a simple test
iranon73: ::whispers:: its not gonna attack us after it kills her is
Lord BiBo: nope ;-)
Aurora1116: ::looks at Witchy Pooh:: She's not a lab test...
iranon73: we ain't in a lab
Lord BiBo: this isn't a lab test, its hazing
Anstett Jr: and what to they do for hazing at berkly there....
Aurora1116: ::frowns:: I'd rather we had nothing to do with her...
no spells, no summoning, we need to be on our way
iranon73: right
Lord BiBo: yeah, but I have a feeling she'll be following us like a tail
Aurora1116: All this talk is wasted on this debate... Reign will
do as he wishes, whether we approve or not
Anstett Jr: well, I wouln't go that far
mkul316: he's so bull headed.
iranon73: i think if you disapprove, he wont
Aurora1116: ::looks at BOB:: You're the GM ... no voice as a
player in character.
Aurora1116: SHHHHH
Aurora1116: :-)
Anstett Jr: grin
Aurora1116: ::hands Duct tape to SPC:: If you'd do the honours
Grolduk: ::Bows at Lady Kylia's feet:: Whispers something.
- Turns to the girl
- : You stay with me at all times. You do as
"I" say if you get in their way I will not be able to help you. If
you can in any way
Aurora1116: I have disapproved and he has decided to bring
her along
Aurora1116: ::shrugs:: As he did with the Barbarian
Disciple82: Huh?
Grolduk: Give us information or help us as we have discussed
you can come along as my vassal
Lord BiBo: and the bearers....
mkul316: ::shakes his head:: poor girl. she's doomed
Disciple82: /me bows to Lady Kylia dn swears allegiance.
Lord BiBo: ::mumbles something about there not being enough fruit
bats in this jungle::
Grolduk: And Sadoya don't forget
Disciple82: "I do whatever miss Kylia says!"
Aurora1116: ::looks at the Barbarian and glares::
Aurora1116: ::looks at witchy pooh:: Aren't Barbarians
supposed to be fighters?
Lord BiBo: he fights
Lord BiBo: a lot
Grolduk: I will teach you our language as well little one
Lord BiBo: too much actually
Grolduk: Smells alot you mean
iranon73: what am i not to forget now?
mkul316: ::grins at the girl::
Aurora1116: butterflies and gets on the wrong end of spears
and Minotaurs?
Disciple82: /me sniffs armpits
Lord BiBo: I'm sure you've dealt with other fighters equally bright
Disciple82: /me spots a lizard and bounds off, chasing it at full tilt,
skidding as the lizard drts sideways.
Lord BiBo: dad knows I have
Aurora1116: ::frowns:: Oh well yes... but they actually didn't
bleed on me that much... dumb as rock fighters are good
fighters... are they not?
Lord BiBo: yes, if they know that they're supposed to
iranon73: guess i can forget anything i want then
Aurora1116: ::bobs head:: Well let us take our newest rock and
be on our way...
Lord BiBo: ::nods agreeingly::
Aurora1116: ::wonders what it would be like to be in an evil
party where she could turn the party into lizards and rats::
Aurora1116: ::gets a bad feeling about it and reconsiders.
Continues walking::
Anstett Jr: and fruit bats
Aurora1116: ::thwap:: You are the GM BOB you don't get to be
in my head either.
Grolduk: Bob I begin to teach her how to speak Wcommon
Grolduk: or Ecommon which ever
Anstett Jr: your wisdom?
Grolduk: More than yours my computer works
iranon73: dont eat the yellow snow
Disciple82: /me chases after the lizard, and it darts between Elendar's
legs, causing Sergoth to collide full tilt with him.
Anstett Jr: she knows ccommon, you would teach her wcomm
Grolduk: 11 or 12 I believe but I have the ring and part of the
description of the ring is it improves the users ability to
learn and teach languages
Anstett Jr: shakes his head, we can find that out later on a guess, it will
be 19 weeks minus your wisdom
Lord BiBo: can we watch her play with the elephants now?
mkul316: ::falls forward over sergoth, kicking him in the
face as he falls::
Disciple82: /me rubs head and gets up, darting after the lizard again,
which is tauntung him by sitting on a rock nearby and staring at him.
Anstett Jr: hmm, name of ring please? I will go look that part up, see
how to add that as a bonus
Grolduk: Phred is the name of my ring
Anstett Jr: shakes his head
Grolduk: Tongues
Anstett Jr: gotcha
Grolduk: O:-)
Aurora1116: ::walks::
Lord BiBo: hey little girl! look! a red tusked elephant! see if he wants
to play
iranon73: well.. if she's coming along, i guess some good's
gonna come out of it... it'll heighten the spread of things the
elephant has to hit
Grolduk: Walks with a light skip to his step and makes sure
that the girl (who still has no name) is nearby
Disciple82: /me notices lady kylia wandering off and bounds to her
side, weapon at the ready, glancing to both sides, looking for
enemies. Must protect lady Kylia!
iranon73: great, a skipping minotaur
iranon73: just what we need
mkul316: ::a small arrow comes from out of nowhere and
skewers the lizard::
Anstett Jr: Fritz you can learn the language easier, not easeir for you to
teach it
Grolduk: Ok it takes me 7 weeks then to teach her.
Anstett Jr: it would be half the time for you to learn it
iranon73: we aint spending 7 weeks out here, phred
CaliCocoChanel: (Hadiya... swahili.. a girl)
Lord BiBo: nope ::wanders with kylia::
Aurora1116: ::frowns:: You must learn to protect yourself
Serigoth, lizards and butterflies can be played with later.
Grolduk: Ok come with me Hadiya. Have you eaten lately
iranon73: if you han't dont get into the habit
CaliCocoChanel: no sir not in a long while
Aurora1116: ::shows him her sword:: I've practiced many years
and lost my share of battles...
iranon73: she's not having my rations
Disciple82: I do protect myself! But protect lady Kylia first!
Disciple82: /me resumes walking by her side.
Grolduk: Well here are some trail rations you can eat while we
walk. Here is a dagger and here is some water as well
iranon73: you know.. it seems kinda futile to protect those who
can kill you
mkul316: i'm not sure kylia needs protecting.
Aurora1116: ::speaks slowly:: I ... DO... NOT ... NEED... YOUR...
Lord BiBo: ::mumbles something about fighters who would bleed less if
they protected themselves::
iranon73: if i were you, i'd ask for her protection... not like you'll
get it
iranon73: but it would make more sense
Disciple82: /me looks kinda hurt, his lip trembles, tears come to his
mkul316: ::agrees with sadoya::
Aurora1116: ::looks at him:: You don't even wear any armor or
shielding... how would you protect me?
mkul316: by being a shield for you?
Lord BiBo: same way as the bearers
Aurora1116: ::frowns more and turns and gives Reign a look of
'I told you so' ::
Disciple82: /me nods vigorously at Elendar.
Grolduk: His smell mylady keeps most monsters at bay
iranon73: umm.. armor or shielding is not always necessary to
protect oneself
Anstett Jr: as we move forward to the night
Aurora1116: We'd do well with him in front against a Rust
Monter, of that I'm certain
iranon73: it keeps them in the middle of the ocean, never mind
the bay
Lord BiBo: oooooh
Anstett Jr: the three fighters return to the group from chasing the
elephants in the jungle
mkul316: ((zing!))
Lord BiBo: a fighter that ISN"T afraid of rust monsters
Grolduk: Also if he were downwind
Aurora1116: You must learn to protect yourself before you can
protect others (trying not to sound like Miyagi))
Disciple82: /me meat shield!
Lord BiBo: that's a rarity
Disciple82: I can protect myself! iranon73: he still has a sword
Aurora1116: ::looks at him doubtful:: how?
iranon73: or an axe or some metal weapon
Disciple82: /me breaks out his stone axe.
iranon73: wouldn't rusters kill that?
iranon73: hmm... well nevermind then
Aurora1116: Great.. you have an axe...
Aurora1116: what else do you have?
Disciple82: /me hefts his stretched skin buckler.
CaliCocoChanel: (( there is an error with my aim... brb))
iranon73: i can imagine opening his skull now and showing you
the cobwebs
Aurora1116: Great you have a buckler... what else?
Aurora1116: ::trying to get to a point::
Disciple82: /me blinks at Sadoya.
Disciple82: /me says I have the strength and skill to use em.
Aurora1116: ((LOL Lior))
iranon73: ::smiles at beast boy::
CaliCocoChanel has left the room.
Disciple82: And I can get mad.
iranon73: thats not a positive trait there, brainiac
Aurora1116: Impresive.. I can get mad as well... how does that
aid you in battle.
Disciple82: It makes me stronger, and tougher, and faster.
iranon73: it makes the enemy really annoyed
Disciple82: And makes me hit harder.
iranon73: so they kill him first, and leave us be
mkul316: ((don't get mad. get glad.))
iranon73: ((mike... die))
Lord BiBo: alright, it's bed time, watches?
Aurora1116: ::nods... thinking he's a less intelligent dwarf)) Is
your Father a King of a Forge by chance?
Disciple82: ((Fritz, little help here? I held my own against you))
Anstett Jr: it was teh first watch
mkul316: i'm with fudge.
Lord BiBo: right, I'm going to sleep then, second watch
Aurora1116: ((no way Trevor, you want to protect Kylia... you
need to find the light on your own))
iranon73: i'll take second
Aurora1116: I will take first watch.
Lord BiBo: first watch is over
Disciple82: First watch is passedx.
Lord BiBo: it's second watch
spc476: I gues that leaves third for us elves
Aurora1116: ((Great... I'm sleeping. No more chatter with
fighters than want to protect me :-) ))
Anstett Jr: so the second watch is up
Grolduk: ((This is Sergoth not Trevor, All they know is that you
got beaten by me, they need to see you prove yourself as
Sergoth, That is roleplaying. Reign knows you held your
Disciple82: ((poo on you Fritz))
Grolduk: I am second with Hidiya and whoever
Lord BiBo: dude, you were just in first
Grolduk: 8-)
Grolduk: I was
Lord BiBo: (first was the one we killed the elephants in)
Lord BiBo: ((or tried to))
iranon73: if she's on second watch, i;'m sleeping through the
Grolduk: We left them. oh ok. forgot..sorry
Anstett Jr: the second watch passes with no problems
Anstett Jr: the third watch,
mkul316: elf party!!!!!!
Grolduk: Friggin fairies
mkul316: ::disco ball lowers from the trees::
Grolduk: YMCA
iranon73: yay fritz
Grolduk: It's fun to play at the YMCA
Anstett Jr: and inthe middle of the music
Anstett Jr: the elves hear a noise in the jungle
Anstett Jr: sounds like a tree crashing
spc476: oh great ...
Grolduk: Rock and Rollers coming over to kick some ARSE
iranon73: its a construction worker, and india, a police man...
mkul316: okay.
spc476: I guess if we weren't here,the tree would fall silently ...
mkul316: kicks the barbarian
Disciple82: /my gurgles.
spc476: from about how far away does it sound?
Disciple82: /me wakes up
Anstett Jr: it sounds like it is about 100 yards away
iranon73: holy sonar batman
mkul316: a tree fell over there. ready to fight?
Disciple82: Whaddya want elf?
Lord BiBo: holy rusted metal batman!
Anstett Jr: the jungle grows silents
spc476: do I hear anything getting closer?
mkul316: i'll just use my thirty second lock decoder!
Grolduk: Wow I wondered where they grew
iranon73: i thought silence was an act of removal, not
something you can grow into
spc476: and what's the jungle look like in the directoin of the sound
iranon73: it looks dark
iranon73: as its night out
Anstett Jr: no sounds
Anstett Jr: quiet
Grolduk: ::snores::
spc476: do I see anything moving in the directoin the sound came from?
Disciple82: Can I go bak to sleep?
Anstett Jr: no
spc476: /me klonks the barbarian in the head so he falls back asleep
Anstett Jr: no sounds at all
mkul316: if you want, but i'm letting elephant step on
Anstett Jr: then slowly
spc476: any *movement*?
Anstett Jr: slowly the sounds start back up
Anstett Jr: birds,
Disciple82: I don't see or hear anything.
Anstett Jr: insects
Anstett Jr: you hear a lion roar
mkul316: ::pixie flies off to investigate::
spc476: I thought the lion sleeps at night ...
Anstett Jr: it is back to normal now
Anstett Jr: see back to normal
spc476: in the jungle, the mighty jungle ...
Lord BiBo: no
mkul316: ::shrug:: oh well. thought we'd see some action.
Disciple82: ((Die Sean, just die))
Lord BiBo: see if it was a normal thing, they wouldn't have a song
about it
spc476: LOL
Lord BiBo: just that one night he was sleeping
spc476: ah
Aurora1116: ((Die SPC? Nah... that's his shining personality
coming through. Nicely played! ))
Disciple82: I'm feeling stabbity today.
Anstett Jr: and the night ends
iranon73: i feel stabbity every day
mkul316: ((and night falls *crash*))
Grolduk: Whats stabbity?
Lord BiBo: it's what happens to stupid fighters
iranon73: its like when you wanna stab stuff
Grolduk: ahhh
Grolduk: Sergoth come here
iranon73: you know, its usually bm who would feel stabbity
Grolduk: oopps
Lord BiBo: aw! you stabed ALL of my ketchup packets! ketchup is
Disciple82: I'm feeling BMish today.
Disciple82: I wanna destroy the world.
Disciple82: I woke up on the wrong side of the alignment line today.
Lord BiBo: I don't because then I wouldn't have people to kill
Lord BiBo: it's like using the armageddeon spell in ultima
Disciple82: You know, te witch makes a good point.
Grolduk: Off we go to follow our tracks in the light of day
Lord BiBo: sure you can kill everyone in one go, but then there's
nothing else to do
spc476: well, first can we investigate the area we heard the sound from?
Grolduk: Sounds good
Anstett Jr: if you want to try that
Anstett Jr: who is going to be doing the tracking?
Anstett Jr: to the sound
Disciple82: I can.
spc476: How hard can it be to track through 100 yards of jungle?
Grolduk: With broken trees
Anstett Jr: if you knew which way it was, would be easier
spc476: um ... we could tell which directio the sound came form, right?
spc476: from
Anstett Jr: the pixie came back and said she did not find anything
Disciple82: Does a 4 work for my tracking check?
Anstett Jr: no fallen trees
Disciple82: Elendar pointed out the direction when he woke me up.
Anstett Jr: yes you can track into the woods
Anstett Jr: you go in about 100 yards
Disciple82: Onward!
Anstett Jr: make a save
Grolduk: Who and vs what?
Anstett Jr: I had said it out loud
Grolduk: 15
spc476: all of us?
Anstett Jr: ok
Disciple82: Just me.
Anstett Jr: only the barbarian
Anstett Jr: he makes his save
spc476: ok
Anstett Jr: he falls into a pit, but grabs a vine before hitting bottom
Lord BiBo: ::snickers::
Lord BiBo: stupid fighter
Disciple82: (You all hear a yell)
mkul316: hehheh. good for the pixie, bad for you
Disciple82: Hey you guys!
Disciple82: A little help here?
iranon73: i drop a rope down
Grolduk: Sends the Pixie since he asked for a little help
Lord BiBo: ::goes to cut the vine but realises she doesn't have a knife::
mkul316: (pixie) flies out and back to the group giggling
"he fell in the hole::
Disciple82: /me climbs up the rope and thanks Sadoya
Disciple82: Hey! I found a trap!
iranon73: good beast boy
Lord BiBo: we have a new thief then
iranon73: go hunt yourself a reward
Disciple82: /me preens.
mkul316: he's got a 100% on find traps
iranon73: i wrap my rope back up
Anstett Jr: no tracks, just a pit
Anstett Jr: at the bottom is a carcass
Anstett Jr: no head
Grolduk: How wide and how deep?
Anstett Jr: four footed animal
Anstett Jr: the pit is about 25 feet deep, and about 20 foot across total
Anstett Jr: irregular shaped
Grolduk: Looks like a man made trap for a carnivore
Grolduk: Move one
Disciple82: Any pointy things at the bottom?
Grolduk: move on
Anstett Jr: yes
iranon73: wonder if that was the lion that roared
iranon73: but i was sleeping at the time so iw ouldn't know
Anstett Jr: so going back to the journey to the south, along the edge of
the jungle
Grolduk: Wasting daylight and hitpoints move on.
Anstett Jr: moving
Anstett Jr: walking
Anstett Jr: waling
Anstett Jr: wailing
Anstett Jr: in the distance
Anstett Jr: as the screams of some beast
Lord BiBo: well, we don't want to go that way then
iranon73: when is there not a wail or a scream in the distance?
iranon73: or is that just me?
iranon73: that keeps hearing them
mkul316: no, it's me too.
Disciple82: Lets just keep walking.
mkul316: bob's always telling us of noises in the distance
Disciple82: Unless it sounds like the scream of a hapless young female,
then I suggest we go rescue her.
Aurora1116: Doppler aside, is it in the direction we're headed...
(I know it's a dumb question but I have to ask)
Anstett Jr: it sounds like it is coming from the plains to your left, (the
east) and sounds like a animal in pain
iranon73: doens't bother me
Disciple82: I wonder who set those traps?
Disciple82: Er, trap.
Aurora1116: Okay folks... heading through the jungle is not
really a good plan. Let's keep moving
Lord BiBo: probably the natives
Lord BiBo: they eat
Grolduk: Keep moving
Aurora1116: or some hapless young female in need of
barbarian rescues
iranon73: :-)
iranon73: go beast boy go
Disciple82: /me looks confused.
Aurora1116: we're valking...
Disciple82: Why wopuld a hapless women-girl set a trap for herself?
Grolduk: Valking valking
Grolduk: vootsteps vootsteps
Anstett Jr: who is in front?
Grolduk: me
Disciple82: I'm confuzzled.
Lord BiBo: who's on second
Disciple82: I'm behind him, in front of Kylia.
Disciple82: Well, somewhere ahead of her anyway
iranon73: i guess i'm taking the rear then
Lord BiBo: I thought kylia always mans the rear
Disciple82: Maybe not RIGHT in front.
Grolduk: You are a fairy
Disciple82: Wouldn't want to block her line of sight after all.
Aurora1116: ::not near Sergoth fearful of his "protecting"::
Grolduk: Or his smell?
Lord BiBo: at least it's always been tradition
Grolduk: Dont block her line of sight
Aurora1116: ::would like be in the back... hopeful for it in fact::
Disciple82: ((That's what I just said Fritz))
iranon73: ok then
Grolduk: I know I was reiterating
iranon73: i would rather be right behind reign
iranon73: so long as that little turd isn't around me
Disciple82: So, next to me?
Disciple82: Hiy comrade.
Lord BiBo: so.... bob... speak
Grolduk: For you then the expression Sergoth "Fire in the
Hole" could be a painful connotation!!
Disciple82: Lets kill stuff.
mkul316: i'll be in front of kylia then, if she's bringing up
the rear
iranon73: :sneers at sergoth::
mkul316: i seem to be rear guard most the time
Anstett Jr: as the group moves forward, you see a hole in the ground
Lord BiBo: reign's in front, hurt him
Anstett Jr: up ahead
Anstett Jr: nothing stirs, no sounds
Aurora1116: ::wonders why SPC isn't in front... he usully does
the trap checking... we get bonuses with him in the front::
Lord BiBo: well would you look at that, I never seen a hole in the
ground before
iranon73: no spoons
Disciple82: I dart up and peer over the edge, my insatiable curiosity
Disciple82: What do I see Bob?
Grolduk: :: Slight push from Reign:: oops sorry Sergoth my
spc476: spc isn't in front because I don't want to get stuck with the
business end of the native life ...
iranon73: after i save him, now i want to push him in
Anstett Jr: it is mostly empty, with two skeletons at the bottom broken
Aurora1116: ((Fair enough Sean... you're a good trap detector
with out springing the traps))
iranon73: mostly empty, nor not nearly full?
Lord BiBo: what kind of skeletons?
Grolduk: Sergothan Skeletons or human skeletons?
Anstett Jr: no telling
iranon73: aww.. please tell us
Lord BiBo: I happen to have anatomy
iranon73: i've got an anatomy too
Disciple82: Any skulls? I have enough experience with hunting it'd tell e
Anstett Jr: a pile bones
Grolduk: I bet I am the best at it!!!
Lord BiBo: ::looks at her list of proficiencies she pretends to have::
mkul316: so, moving on?
Anstett Jr: no whole skulls
Aurora1116: move on...
Grolduk: Traveling on
Disciple82: Phooey
Disciple82: K, moving.
Disciple82: Around the pit.
Lord BiBo: hong kong phoey
iranon73: did you have to make that clear?
Disciple82: Yes.
iranon73: no, i'm moving right through the pit, bob
Disciple82: It's not always obvious with sergoth.
Disciple82: He might try to leap across after all.
iranon73: i'm not saving your ass twice in one day
Grolduk: If life is a bowl of cherries why is Sergoth always in
the pit?
Disciple82: He's feeling lazy today.
Lord BiBo: yeah, but he didn't
Lord BiBo: forward
Grolduk: Forward
Anstett Jr: the party moves on
Aurora1116: yes...
Anstett Jr: you are beginning to approach the area where Olingata is
known to be
iranon73: this everlasting always moving party gives me
douglas adams flashbacks
Anstett Jr: and then you all feel slightly weat
iranon73: like bread?
Anstett Jr: weak
Lord BiBo: damn wheat
Aurora1116: ::Laughs at Lior. I'm re-reading HHGTTG::
Anstett Jr: and some of you look different
iranon73: great
spc476: heh ... I just took over hhgproject.org from a friend ...
Disciple82: Different how?
iranon73: my mask is just a mask?
Disciple82: Different as in special, or different as in, wacky?
Aurora1116: ((No magic zone ))
Grolduk: I try and make my stick into a sword
iranon73: shade is lizardy?
Anstett Jr: exactly
spc476: I've got a bad feeling about this
iranon73 has left the room.
Grolduk: Chicken
Anstett Jr: lol
Grolduk: Now he leaves
mkul316: hehhehheh
Aurora1116: Okay... let's move along a bit faster and see if we
can find a better area...
Anstett Jr: (lex is redownloading AIM by the way, )
Anstett Jr: moving along
iranon73 has entered the room.
Disciple82: /me feels his axe not feel so spiffy, gets uncomfortable.
Grolduk: you are dead
Anstett Jr: feels the same
iranon73: sorry about that, my keyboard slipped
Disciple82: Yeah, sure.
mkul316: uh huh...
Grolduk: yea riiighhht
Lord BiBo: ::glances at the rejects:: the first of you to even THINK the
word demon gets to meet the fruitbats
iranon73: glad you all agree
Aurora1116: great... we're valking...
Aurora1116: we're valking
iranon73: devil
Grolduk: vootsteps vootsteps
Lord BiBo: devil is fine
Anstett Jr: the bearers look at the group of you strangely
Lord BiBo: no offense from devil
iranon73: i hate it when my mask doesn't work
Grolduk: Pulls out his BIG KOPESH
Disciple82: Ooooh, lizard lady! /me notices Shade for the first time.
Lord BiBo: lizards are green
Anstett Jr: marching forward
Lord BiBo: I'm not
Grolduk: My Kopesh is the bigest Kopesh in the group!!!
iranon73: she's red, no?
Lord BiBo: yes
Disciple82: Lizards can be red.
Disciple82: Think slamanders.
iranon73: stop showing off your kopesh
Anstett Jr: ouch
Anstett Jr: you are moving along
Grolduk: :-P
Anstett Jr: 100 yards
Anstett Jr: still no change
Anstett Jr: that is the length the last one lasted
Anstett Jr: this one seems to be different
iranon73: this god had bigger feet
Disciple82: Well, we keep going?
Disciple82: Can't last foreever.
Anstett Jr: keep going
Lord BiBo: he was shufflin his feet this time
iranon73: doin' the cha cha
Anstett Jr: after abotu 300 yards the magic returns
Disciple82: Maybe this was a favorite stomping gorund.
Anstett Jr: you go forward
Grolduk: Bob what is our sight distance?
Anstett Jr: and it blinks out again, and on again
iranon73: thems some big shoes that god's got to wear
Lord BiBo: ::reads the bearers minds to make sure none of them are
thinking demon::
Anstett Jr: in teh space of 15 feet
Grolduk: Before we go any further
iranon73: this must be the tread or the arch of his shoe
Lord BiBo: ore the crack between his toes
Anstett Jr: you can see about 2 miles to the east (your left) and about
500 yards to the west at teh most, quite often much much less
Anstett Jr: lots of clumps of trees
Grolduk: How about in front and in back
Anstett Jr: same
Grolduk: Same what?
Anstett Jr: you are moving along the edge of the forest
iranon73: jungle
Disciple82: Not forest.
Grolduk: no what is the sight distance please
Disciple82: I'd get my terrain bonus if it was forest.
iranon73: wow...the lion sleeps tonight just came on my
Disciple82: But Noooooo.
Disciple82: Between 500 yds and 2 miles Id assume.
Anstett Jr: the distance is the same, as the trees get clooser, and you
move farther away,
Anstett Jr: you are kind of skirting the edges
Anstett Jr: so sometimes you can see quite a ways as you move further
Anstett Jr: and sometimes less as you move back towards the edge
Grolduk: ok is there any way we can take a minute or 2 to cut
down some small trees and mark the boundaries of the
magic and dead magic areas here?
Anstett Jr: sure
Anstett Jr: you mark out the small one?
Disciple82: /me stands in the magic area and hacks away at a willow.
Grolduk: Ok that way if we need to make a run for a magic
area we know how far we hav to go
Anstett Jr: you are in a magic area rigth now
Anstett Jr: you just came out of the long one
Disciple82: Well, those htin ones that look like willows.
Grolduk: ok I assume in about 15 yards we hit a magic dead
area so we mark that
Disciple82: Bob confirms they're there.
Anstett Jr: and crossed two small ones
Anstett Jr: going backwards you mean?
Grolduk: No forward
Anstett Jr: as you move forward,
Anstett Jr: the magic continues
Anstett Jr: I will let you know if it stops again
Anstett Jr: so you can mark it
Grolduk: ok thanks
Disciple82: /me carries branches to mark a he goes.
Lord BiBo: ::makes a note on her "when I become a god to do list::
make sure other gods wipe their feet
Anstett Jr: so you move forward
Anstett Jr: the bearers look around nervously
Disciple82: Can we get to soemthing interesting bob?
Anstett Jr: no
Anstett Jr: the bearers are not
Lord BiBo: ::tsks:: stupid gods leaving tracks everywhere
iranon73: this is gaming, you expect fun and excitement? ha!
Anstett Jr: (thinking about which monster to use right now, rather than
the elephant
iranon73: how about we just get to the elephant?
Anstett Jr: will take a while to finish that,
Disciple82: Cthulu appears.
Anstett Jr: ok
Disciple82: We all fail our SAN checks.
Anstett Jr: so you are traveling
Disciple82: Not that I'm sane anyway.
iranon73: wrong game trev
Anstett Jr: and you see some movement out on the plains
iranon73: and there's no way to make a san check vs cthulu
Anstett Jr: comeing towards you
Lord BiBo: lions
Anstett Jr: from behind
iranon73: and tigerS?
mkul316: tigers
Disciple82: pats lior on the head. I realize that dear.
Lord BiBo: and bears
mkul316: oh my!
Anstett Jr: trying to sneak up from behind, with the wind
Lord BiBo: prolly just hyenas
Anstett Jr: largish, shapes
Anstett Jr: hyenas
iranon73: you know, i never foudn the wind to be very sneaky
Anstett Jr: about 12 of them
Grolduk: Reverse party!!! Ho I shout!
iranon73: it was always just there and annoying
Disciple82: They must have caught my scent!
Lord BiBo: hey look, see? I can tell the future
Aurora1116: How many could I get at once?
Anstett Jr: they are fairly spread out
Anstett Jr: about 100 yards or more from end to end
iranon73: so's a fireball
Aurora1116: hmmm. ok
Anstett Jr: looks like they are trying to encircle you
Disciple82: /me runs to stand in between party and hyenas, a
psychoticly gleeful look in his eye.
Disciple82: Sergoth SMASH!
Anstett Jr: they hesitate now that you have stopped
Lord BiBo: have fun, when you're tired, tag me and I'll take care of
Anstett Jr: they shuffle a little
Anstett Jr: and sit down
Lord BiBo: ::rests on her broom::
iranon73: i get me sword ready
Anstett Jr: waiting for you to start movinging again
Disciple82: /me licks his lips and howls at them.
iranon73: so how about we quit the foreplay and just go attackth
Grolduk: Stands to the left of Lady Kylia. They do hit and run
tactics attacking stragglers and strays
Lord BiBo: ::watches the massacre to be from on high::
Anstett Jr: they are about 300-500 yards away right now
Grolduk: We might as well keep moving they will stay that far
away for awhile
Anstett Jr: only with teh pixies help do you know where they are
Disciple82: So is Lady Kylia going to summon more fire?
iranon73: and if they try to hit, at least me, they'll probably miss
Anstett Jr: they shuffle around a bit
Disciple82: So, we keep moving?
Anstett Jr: anxious
Anstett Jr: afraid to come in too close
iranon73: good, hope they stay afraid
Aurora1116: move...
iranon73: lets move on
Grolduk: Move on
Disciple82: /me howls again, loud as he can, and moves on with the
Grolduk: Watch the rear of the group that is who they will
attack so I move to the back as well
Grolduk: I saw this on the discovery channel
Grolduk: 8-)
iranon73: guess i'm in the lead then...
mkul316: ::you all hear a roar from about fifty yards in
front of the hyenas::
Disciple82: /me mutters somehting under his breath about metagamers.
Lord BiBo: we're nothing but mammels
Grolduk: Bob told us we could use other knowledge blame
Anstett Jr: so the group is stalled
Anstett Jr: waiting
Anstett Jr: watching
Disciple82: No, we kept walking.
Grolduk: Valking valking
Anstett Jr: the heyenas bark some
iranon73: no bob, we've been walking
Grolduk: vootsteps vootsteps
Anstett Jr: ok
Anstett Jr: so the person up front now is?
iranon73: mer
iranon73: me
iranon73: :-)
Disciple82: I go back up front also.
iranon73: you can stay in the back, beasty
Grolduk: I am the Butt defender!!!
Disciple82: I go up front.
iranon73: that's good fritz, that's really good
Grolduk: I mean rear defender
Disciple82: Or actually, off to the jungle side.
Disciple82: Left I think.
Lord BiBo: ::is glad she flies::
Aurora1116 has left the room.
Grolduk: Dont forget to drop her when she hits a dead magic
zone bob
Anstett Jr: I will
Grolduk: :-D
Grolduk: I will catch you witchy Poopoo O:-)
Disciple82: Correction, right side, near jungle.
Grolduk: move along bob
Lord BiBo: oh, you can touch me if you like ::smiles sweetly::
Anstett Jr: debating geography here, jsut a sec
Anstett Jr: so you are moving along
iranon73: north is up
Anstett Jr: you look back
Anstett Jr: the hyenas are still following along
iranon73: but not in anger
Anstett Jr: they get closer
Anstett Jr: suddenly,
iranon73: holy heynas batman, they're gaining on us
Anstett Jr: sadoya make a surprise check
iranon73: makes it
Anstett Jr: yeah right
iranon73: you can roll it for me
iranon73: as i am sans dice
Anstett Jr: will do
Anstett Jr: and you did make it
iranon73: see
Grolduk: I get a plus 6 to my surprise check
iranon73: i can tell the future too
Lord BiBo: LOL
Anstett Jr: well,
Grolduk: /rofl
Lord BiBo: he didn't even roll
Anstett Jr: actually Reign
Anstett Jr: you are not surprised either
Anstett Jr: by the sudden rush of the heyenas rushing forward
Grolduk: Yep i was ready for them
Anstett Jr: the group finds it self
iranon73: i hold my sword out and spin around in a circle
Anstett Jr: with about a dozen hyenas cutting off the rear
Lord BiBo: ::yawns and watches::
Anstett Jr: the jungle close on the right
iranon73: ::sniffles and yawns::
iranon73: ::does the morpheus 'bring it on' pose::
Anstett Jr: and as sadoya spins around
iranon73: ya know, i was joking
iranon73: but anyway
Anstett Jr: she sees another group of hyenas leap up from thier hiding
place in front of the party
Lord BiBo: lets not imitate bad movies
Anstett Jr: 6 in this group
Anstett Jr: but they are very close
Lord BiBo: since imitation is the most sincere form of flattery
Anstett Jr: about 10 feet away
Lord BiBo: and the matrix deserves none
iranon73: or mockery
Anstett Jr: so we start next week
iranon73: the first one was good
Grolduk: At least matrix 3 doesn't
Anstett Jr: with the big fight,
spc476: yea big fights ...
iranon73: havn't seen 3, but 2 sucked
Lord BiBo: the first was okay
Anstett Jr: who ever is here at 7 gets to fight 18 hyenas
Lord BiBo: it was bearable
spc476: and hopefully Bob will have a workin gcomputer
iranon73: i win
Lord BiBo: 2 and 3 were abysmal
Anstett Jr: god I hope so
Disciple82: First one ruled. 2nd one was lots of neato eye candy with
no substance, third was craptasitc.
Anstett Jr: I have a shipping quote,
Anstett Jr: and they should be ehre on monday
Grolduk: Are we quitting with 20 mn to go? I can kill a one a
Anstett Jr: I show about 5 min to go fritz
Anstett Jr: 10:54 on my computer
Disciple82: I show 15.
iranon73: so, two hydrogens are walking down the street. one
says to the other, i think i lost an electron. the second says,
are you sure? the first replies, yes. i'm positive.
Anstett Jr: slap
spc476: I show 7 minutes
Grolduk: I have 15 oh well
Disciple82: I just read that joke somewhere.
spc476: and my clock is synced to an atomic clock
iranon73: i show nine, three and thirteen
iranon73: i have 3 clocks staring at me all with diff times
mkul316: and on that note lior,
mkul316: good night.
Anstett Jr: at least you will always be somewhere ontime
Anstett Jr: have a great night everyone
mkul316 has left the room.
Anstett Jr: this went much better
iranon73: thats not couinting my pocketwatch
Grolduk: Buh bye
Anstett Jr: Fritz,
iranon73: bye everyone
Grolduk: yes
Anstett Jr: I will try to email you a backup of the Klooge files
Anstett Jr: it is about 35 megs
Disciple82: Please.
Anstett Jr: what do you think the best way to do that is?
Anstett Jr: Zip?
iranon73: and back up your friend's phone numbers man
Anstett Jr: I did have it onthe palm,
Anstett Jr: just forgot about ti
Anstett Jr: it
iranon73: i figured you would
Grolduk: Sure That would be best but talk to me on the phone
so I turn off my office computer so it wont go there
Anstett Jr: ok
Grolduk: That way I can make sure I load it on this one
Anstett Jr: will try later on this week
Grolduk: Sounds good
Anstett Jr: I will make a CD backup
iranon73: nighty everyone
Anstett Jr: and if I get the chance will call you one night
iranon73: dont anyone wall into any dark holes
iranon73: and hope to see everyone next week
Grolduk: Sure anytime
Anstett Jr: have a great night everyone
Grolduk: You too
iranon73 has left the room.
Grolduk has left the room.
spc476: Good night
Disciple82 has left the room.
Lord BiBo has left the room.
spc476 has left the room.