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Jan 31 14 - Long live the King

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 31 13:45:03 EST 2014 ====

[Master] You are here Long Live the King moved 2'02".

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 31 14:17:52 EST 2014 ====

[Master] You are here Long Live the King moved 2'09".

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 31 18:42:54 EST 2014 ====

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 31 19:03:13 EST 2014

Lisa is receiving the map open terrain...

Lisa has received the map open terrain.

[Master] Do you think that was faster?

Lisa is receiving the map rocky outcropping...

Lisa has received the map rocky outcropping.

[Lisa] Hello

[Lisa] Yes it seems like it

[Master] good

[Master] going to try a new map for you

[Master] that looked good from my end

[Lisa] got it

[Master] do you have your speakers on?

[Lisa] yes

[Master] have one last test to torment you with

[Master] how long did that take to play?

[Lisa] no time at all to start

[Master] awesome

[Master] thank you

[Lisa] is annoying sound file

[Master] yes it is

[Lisa] thank you for picking that racket for a test

[Master] this map by the way is one mile equals 1 foot

[Master] I will put a marker on the map to show people that in a bit

[Master] chuckles

[Master] John just texted

[Lisa] one foot?

[Master] he will be a bit late, running late at a school event

[Master] sorry 1 inch equals 1 mile

[Lisa] much better

[Master] grabbing a drink will be right back up

[Master] back

JohnAA has joined the game on Fri Jan 31 19:29:39 EST 2014

JohnAA is receiving the map open terrain...

JohnAA has received the map open terrain.

[Master] hello there John

John Anstett hello

John Anstett hello Lisa

[Master] chuckles nice pre-edit john

John Anstett More links means higher ranking

[Master] LOL

[Master] so there is a new map

[Master] sending now

[Master] hope you are seeing a bit better in loading now

John Anstett] ] Character sheet for Hoffman modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: [[Hoffman? (Hoffman).

[Lisa] Hello!

John Anstett Boundry Map up

[Lisa] will grab some water - be back

John Anstett] ] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: [[Miranda Paige? (Miranda).

Mike has joined the game on Fri Jan 31 19:35:33 EST 2014

Mike is receiving the map open terrain...

Mike has received the map open terrain.

[Miranda ([John Anstett])] I agree with Qui Fon, there could be a path of some sort, even if it isa hidden temple. How much do we really know?

[Master] Hello Mike

[Mike] hey

[Miranda ([John Anstett])] Hey Mike

[John Anstett] is receiving the map rocky outcropping...

[John Anstett] has received the map rocky outcropping.

[Master] soon as Lisa is back

[Master] we can continue along the path

[QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] I was taken to this hidden outpost in the mountains once. If you know what to look for there was a path

John Anstett I know that was too many brackets, but the player changes when talking in character

[Lisa] back

[Lisa] hi Mike :)

[John Anstett] is receiving the map open terrain...

[John Anstett] has received the map open terrain.

[Mike] hey lisa

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Boundry Map...

[John Anstett] has received the map Boundry Map.

[Master] so the decision at the end of the week last week

[Master] was to move the wagon back to the road

[Master] and travel south

John Anstett yes

[Master] we cut off dicsussion at if you were going to go all the way south to Primsen

[Master] which would give you the south mark for your searching

John Anstett So if we hit Primsen, we have gone too far

[Master] right

[Master] so one idea is to go there and head north from there

John Anstett That's one

[Indigo (Lisa)] We can go down the road and see how it goes.

[Indigo (Lisa)] If we see snake head mountains or a visible path, we can check it out.

[Indigo (Lisa)] If not we can go to village and say we want to go jump in a lake if only we can find one.

[Master] (smile)

[[QuiFon Ruminell] ([John Anstett])] Seems we have our path for now

[Master] so you head south along the path

[Master] Mike, Imari is riding with the wagon? and Artiark is flying over the hills?

[Indigo (Lisa)] test

[Master] that did work Lisa

[Mike] she'll fly

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes thanks)

[Master] so it is midday

[Master] heading south

[Master] someone can roll the encounter check

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=17] 17

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I do hope we find a path before the next settlement

[Master] You are here Long Live the King moved 10'11".

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] and before we run into he Brotherhood or the Lizzard men

[Indigo (Lisa)] Running into the Brotherhood wouldn't be a bad thing.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Something tells me it will be hard to lie to them

[Indigo (Lisa)] They are usually too busy with their own missions to care about other people's.

[Master] so that is where you can make it by night fall

[Indigo (Lisa)] (any sign of a path as we moved forward?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (it's funny, I see a part of the path that looks like it is erased)

[Master] no

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (So are we "used to" the mist increase yet?

Yug has joined the game on Fri Jan 31 19:58:38 EST 2014

Yug is receiving the map open terrain...

Yug has received the map open terrain.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] yeh yug

[Master] yug yeh John

[Yug] hola

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hi Guy!)

[Master] so as test I will send everyone a new map

[Indigo (Lisa)] (i refuse to call you yug)

[Master] and that looks like it loaded very fast for everyone

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] oah

[Indigo (Lisa)] (map but no icons)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] w

[Yug] ((dont know why not yug is guy backwards))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh there we are)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (It looks like it has a side path

[Master] no you are not used to this level of Mist yet

[Master] that would be tomorrow sometime

[Master] OK

[Master] so watches for teh night

[Mike] i'll put up a fortification fi everyone wants

[Mike] and take last watch

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sure)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (it is best of a straight fighter take middle watch)

[Master] what size again Mike?

[Master] 20 or 30 foot square?

John Anstett Miranda on 1sr, Qui on 2nd, Brother on 3rd

[Mike] 30

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Sarengar with Miranda?)

[Master] Shurkural moved 19'04".

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 30'08".

[Master] Jilly moved 52'11".

[Master] Indigo moved 62'04".

[Master] Imari moved 47'11".

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos moved 45'07".

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 32'06".

[Master] Artiark moved 31'10".

John Anstett (sure)

[Master] ok so Miranda and Sarengar

[Master] someone roll please

John Anstett Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=9] 9

[Master] and so

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 4'10".

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 25'01".

John Anstett Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=11] 11

[Master] roll a d12 for me please each of you

John Anstett Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=2] 2

[Master] so Miranda is surprised

[Master] how about Sarengar

[Yug] (d12) [1d12=1] 1

[Master] very surprised

[Mike] {d12)

[Mike] (d12) [1d12=11] 11

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 31 20:08:29 EST 2014

TMO is receiving the map Roadside 1...

[Mike] i'm good.

[Master] chuckles Imari is asleep

[Master] so is Art

TMO has received the map Roadside 1.

[Master] so is Shur

[Master] and Hello TMO

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hi TMO!)

[Yug] I am back at the keyboard.

[TMO] (howdy howdy)

[Mike] you said each of us

[Sarengar (Yug)] (((hola tmo))

[Master] brb Nyrma just got home

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] That is a lovley song Sanagar

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] You sound like you miss your boat verry much so

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[TMO] (did I miss anything important?)

[Sarengar (Yug)] nothing more peaceful than being on a boat

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (why else would we be surprized?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you fell asleep?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (I was thinking maybe "in bed")

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but Saranger singing I love my Canoe works very nicely)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (he is a rock star)

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((opera star you mean lol))

[Master] b

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (I am thinking more like A Knights Tale, but ok)

[Master] and a save v spell for each fo you now please

[Indigo (Lisa)] (did not miss anything - we travelled down the road and saw nothing)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]]: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Sarengar (Yug)] Sarengar: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[TMO] (Shur still a round behind?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she's asleep like the rest of us)

[TMO] (kk) zzzzzzzzzzzzz

[Master] yes to SHur

[Master] OK

[Master] so you have two guards out there that are surprised

[Master] then are cast upon and fail

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (bad night was had by all)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (this should get interesting)

[TMO] (anybody read Dork Tower?)

[Master] used to

[Master] so

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((yup))

[TMO] (I like today's)

[Master] passing info to Sarengar and Miranda only for a few then they will communicate to you later

[Master (to [John Anstett] only)] Miranda is held and sees a group of Lizard men and humans come out from the underbrush

[Master (to Yug only)] Sarengar is held and sees a group of Lizard men and humans come out from the underbrush

[[John Anstett] (to Master only)] k

[Master (to [John Anstett] only)] you watch as they gather up your horses and the wagon and take them away

[Sarengar (Yug) (to Master only)] so i can still yell correct?

[Master (to Yug only)] you watch as they gather up your horses and the wagon and take them away

[Master (to Yug only)] no

[Indigo (Lisa)] (okay with Shur taking 3rd watch with Imari and Foto? some kind of fighter type on all three then)

[TMO] (fine by me if fine by BOB)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not that it made much difference to have one for the 1st watch hee hee)

[[John Anstett] (to Master only)] just let me know when I can move, that that I will

[Master (to [John Anstett] only)] you are panicing as you see one of the humans has a Red Cloak on and seems to be directing the two groups

[Master (to Yug only)] you are panicing as you see one of the humans has a Red Cloak on and seems to be directing the two groups

[Mike] imari is a priest

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes and Shur is a ranger so we wouldn't have two priests only on that last watch)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (unless you object)

[Master (to [John Anstett] only)] he walks up to you and whispers in your ear, Remember I could have done worse, I did not kill your friends or steal your other things

[Master (to Yug only)] he walks up to you and whispers in your ear, Remember I could have done worse, I did not kill your friends or steal your other things

[[John Anstett] (to Master only)] stares out

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((all hail the equuscorn))

[Master (to [John Anstett] only)] this will wear off in a few hours, may the fastest team get there

[Master (to Yug only)] this will wear off in a few hours, may the fastest team get there

[Master (to [John Anstett] only)] then everyone disapears into the brush or down the road

[[John Anstett] (to Master only)] I thought it was turns

[Master (to Yug only)] then everyone disapears into the brush or down the road

[Master] and so

[Master] waiting

[Master] waiting

[Indigo (Lisa)] (if they don't wake us up would anyone get up for the next watch?)

[Master] after about a half hour both Miranda and Sarengar can "move" again but they are tied up

[Master] you can both call out or do what you wish

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) hope over and kick Indigo

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] WAKE UP


[Master] Miranda sees that everyone else in the group is also tied up

[Master] they are all still sleeping up to this point

[Master] but yes you can yell and hop and such

[Master] and anyone can make a check to wake up now that Sarengar is yelling

[Master] basic Con check

[Indigo (Lisa)] (fortification failed too I suppose)

[TMO] Shurkural: CON check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Brother Fotopoulos: CON check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: CON check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master] Shur wakes up, she is tied up


[Mike] Imari: CON check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Master] same with Foto and Indigo

[Master] Imari is still sleeping at this point

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: CON check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Master] make a check for Art Mike

[Master] see if she wakes up

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) starts wiggling to get out of binds

[Indigo (Lisa)] (how are we tied up? hand and feet or hands only?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I am so sorry Indigo

[Master] hands tied together feet tied together

[Master] but not tied to each other

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can't you cantrip and untie these knots?

[Master] you can roll around an move

[Mike] Artiark: CON check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) gets Indigo's sword and hold it out for Indigo

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] You first

[Shurkural (TMO)] What happened here? I miss a party?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] It seems to be old friends week

[Indigo (Lisa)] (how are you doing all this hopping and grabbing all tied up?)


[Indigo (Lisa)] (I was going to ask if any of our stuff was still here)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (Bunny Hop?)

[Master] sure

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I don't cantrip

[Mike] really? the red cloak again?

[Mike] i thought we killed him

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] We should have

[Master] so yes it takes a little while but

[Mike] did we ever finish an adventure?

[Master] Miranda can hold the sword

[Master] Indigo can cut himself free

[Master] then free the others


[Master] and Mike that is the Enemy of My Enemy story arc

[Master] to go back to Skull Church

[Master] where perhaps Lisa, John were thinking that Red Cloak might be involved

[Master] grins

[Indigo (Lisa)] What happened?

[Master] so Sarenagar and Miranda?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (I am sure he is working for the vampires

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Well mr red cloak decided not to kill us

[Shurkural (TMO)] (Flowers they were hoping they'd killed him)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] just wanted to give him and his Lizzard fiends a little head start

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are you sure it was him?

[Sarengar (Yug)] very sure

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] well I could not move, but I could see

[Indigo (Lisa)] And he just popped out of nowhere and tied you up?

[Sarengar (Yug)] i wasnt able to move or speak

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] He cast hold on me while I was..... distracted

[Shurkural (TMO)] Can we untie while we talk please? My leg's startin to cramp up.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh .. sorry.

Indigo (Lisa) walks around cutting everyone's bonds

[Indigo (Lisa)] How many lizardmen were with him?

[Shurkural (TMO)] Thanks, sugar.

Jilly (Master) OUCH OUCH OUCH

[Jilly (Master)] they took the wagon!

[Jilly (Master)] they took the horses!

Sarengar (Yug) growls

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] It was dark, I could not move and they all look the same

[Indigo (Lisa)] Did they take the spyglass?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn will kill me

[Jilly (Master)] NO

[Jilly (Master)] it is here

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] there were afew humans and some Lizzardmen

[Sarengar (Yug)] they took the wagon and horses

[Jilly (Master)] I sleep with it

[Indigo (Lisa)] How about the chest?

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) looks for spell books

[Jilly (Master)] and the chest is there

[Jilly (Master)] points

[Jilly (Master)] all your valuables are there in the center of camp

[Jilly (Master)] but your food stores, your camping gear,

[Jilly (Master)] all that is gone

Jilly (Master) stamping my foot

[Shurkural (TMO)] That's awful weird.

[Jilly (Master)] Who would do that?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Did they continue down the road or go off into the hills?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] he is egotistical

[Shurkural (TMO)] Who robs people of all the cheap stuff and leaves the valuables?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I saw some go towards the road and some into the bush

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm surprised they didn't just kill all of us and get it over with.

[Sarengar (Yug)] he was making a point that he will get there before us

[Shurkural (TMO)] Lemme check that for you, honey. Checks for tracks.

[Indigo (Lisa)] He said that?

[Shurkural (TMO)] (*checks for tracks*)

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Sarengar (Yug)] yes

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] He told me it was a race

[Indigo (Lisa)] And how many were with him? 12, 20 ?

[Master (to TMO only)] Shur sees that there are three separate sets of tracks, some go south with the wagon wheels, some go north and some go west into the hills

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] maybe

[Indigo (Lisa)] Which?

[Master (to TMO only)] there is a mixture of lizard men tracks north and west wagon and human going south

[Indigo (Lisa)] Were you asleep?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I am sorry I don't have your night vision

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I was held by a spell

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I could not move

[Sarengar (Yug)] it wasnt just lizards there was humans wih him as well

[Shurkural (TMO) (to Master only)] rough count?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I only saw what passed in front of my face

[Master (to TMO only)] more than a dozen less than a score

[Indigo (Lisa)] But you have no idea if it was a couple or an army. This is not good.

[Shurkural (TMO)] About 15-20, I figure.

[Master (to TMO only)] of each

[Shurkural (TMO)] (correction coming from GM)

[Indigo (Lisa)] And they split up and went in tow directions?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (two)

[Shurkural (TMO)] Three directions, actually.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] from what i saw, but after they left my sight, they could do anything

[Shurkural (TMO)] And about 15 went each way. Big group.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I was so wooried you would be taken

[Indigo (Lisa)] Did our horses and the wagon go in one path or did they split those as well?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I wish I was taken

[Indigo (Lisa)] Then I'd be there to kill them!

[Sarengar (Yug)] thats why they used magic my friend so we couldnt kill them

[Shurkural (TMO)] Wagon and human footprints went south. The lizards split up, some went north and the rest went that way, *points west* into the hills.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I am sorry Indigo, but I think we need to go West

[Indigo (Lisa)] To where?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] come first light

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] follow the Lizzardmen

[Indigo (Lisa)] I think we should continue with the plan.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] clearly you were right

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] they are looking for the same shiled

[Indigo (Lisa)] They don't know where they are going any more than we do.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm not going to chase a bunch of stupid lizardmen just because they ran off in one direction.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] But the main reason we ket to the road is becasue of the waggon

[Shurkural (TMO)] And one batch of lizards went north too, don't forget.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I am soory,

[Indigo (Lisa)] They don't know where they are going. If they did they wouldn't have split up.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] we should make sure we make it through the night first

[Indigo (Lisa)] We had the voice messages. We don't know if anyone else has ever heard them.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I think we still know more than they do.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] ::deep breath:: It is your call, you know what is best

[Mike] well you could fly south and see how many are with the wagon if you wake up imari

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] do you wish to leave now or wait till daybreak?

[Indigo (Lisa)] We might as well wait until morning. We can't catch horses on foot so it makes no difference leaving now or then.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I am sorry

[Indigo (Lisa)] No need to wake people and tell them there;s no breakfast,

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I will make this up to you

[Mike] hipogryphs fly...

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's not your fault. Red Cloak is a powerful necromancer.

[Mike] you know, faster than horses walk

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes but there are 7 of us)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (8 now actually)

[Mike] we don't know how many of them or how far they got

[Mike] could ferry people ahead and ambush

[Shurkural (TMO)] Driving a wagon at night ain't easy.

[Shurkural (TMO)] Some people may see in the dark, but horses can't, I figure.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I am sure any mage worth calling himself one can make a light source.

[Indigo (Lisa)] If you want to chase them down that is fine.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Wake her up and we'll see.

[Indigo (Lisa)] But I think we still have the advantage and I am sure we will run into one of these groups soon enough.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I hope your right, I trust you but the odds have changed

[Indigo (Lisa)] The Queen told us people were after it.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I just don't understand why he didn';t just kill all of us and get it over with.

[Indigo (Lisa)] That was not a smart move.

[Sarengar (Yug)] only 7 for a bit i gotta call and ill try to get back in if i can

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] He will regret ti

[Indigo (Lisa)] We are much better to him dead.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (take care)

[Master] (quick and safe Guy)

Yug has left the game on Fri Jan 31 20:53:07 EST 2014

[Indigo (Lisa)] (bye Guy)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I will remind him of that

[Shurkural (TMO)] Well, y'know, let's not be too forceful about that. Or next time he might just go ahead and do it.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm just saying he should have.

[Indigo (Lisa)] If he wants the shield and everything.

[Master] I will allow Indigo to make an intuition check

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] in this case he may still need us

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: INU check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (uh oh another Indigo vision)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (inner Procog)

[Master (to Lisa only)] in all the encounters you have had or heard of with Red Cloak, he has actually never killed anyone, cursed, etc but never actually killed anyone

[Indigo (Lisa) (to Master only)] so he's really mr nice guy

[Master (to Lisa only)] LOL LOL did not say that

[Indigo (Lisa) (to Master only)] then should not ask for a red cloak versus branwyn score card

[Master] laughs at Lisa

[Master] LOL

[Master] at Lisa's comment to be more correct

Indigo (Lisa) now that he thnks about it "Well Red Cloak hasn't killed anyone I've heard of."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] He uses people, they are just assest to him

[Indigo (Lisa)] He put those nasty boils all over Branwyn and put me to sleep and attacked me with tentacles, but haven't seen him kill anyone.

[Master (to Lisa only)] even Indigo, captured, sold into slavery, but never actually tried to kill him

[Indigo (Lisa)] (well not in that case - he was making money off the deal)

[Master] so the decision is : wait till mornign when everyone is rested or leave right now

[Master] then go south and stick to the plan or chase west

[Shurkural (TMO)] (or north)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (I think Indigo left it up to Shur to wake Imari and ask her)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I will stay with Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] So do you think we should send Imari off in the middle of the night? If Shur says about 15 in each direction then we know that already.

[Shurkural (TMO)] (really? hadn't realized that was aimed at me)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (maybe not, that is how I took it)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I meant anyone that wanted to go hunting at night)

[Shurkural (TMO)] I think we'd be better off waiting til morning. We can see what we're doing, and we've still got the spyglass to see 'em from a long way off. Plus we can't be ambushed as bad in daylight.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] ( I vote for wait till morning)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay then you go back to sleep and we will try to get through the rest of the night.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll wake Qui up to watch with me.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I still think he should do the Nap thing and let me stay up

[Indigo (Lisa)] No you have watched enough. Sleep

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) sulks off to bed .... alone

[Master] (chuckles I do not think that Indigo has an ironic bone in his body but that was darn nice)

Indigo (Lisa) nudges QuiFon for his watch

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] Evening

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] Quiet night

Shurkural (TMO) tries to go back to sleep. "Wake me if I'm needed, sugar."

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] ?

Indigo (Lisa) tells QuiFon everything that happened

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thanks Shur.

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] Damm this Mist

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] I can not belive I did not see that comming

Indigo (Lisa) looks shocked at QuiFon

[Indigo (Lisa)] No one saw it coming.

[Indigo (Lisa)] And it means no breakfast.

[Indigo (Lisa)] And we have to walk

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] Oh, I think we will eat, maybe not just as well

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] And now we will travel the hills quicker

[Indigo (Lisa)] But maybe if we are closer to the ground we may see a path.

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (Think I have all my low rolls?)

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (or do you want to try?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] They have more of them and they are just going everywhere at once

[Indigo (Lisa)] That means they are even more lost than us.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=3] 3

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] I knew we would find a path, but did not think we would be following someone

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh bad news)

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (Guess not)

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 24'10".

[Master] Sarengar moved 35'09".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (maybe will kill some breakfast)

[Master] Indigo moved 34'05".

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 22'05".

[Master] roll a d12 please Indigo and Qui

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=4] 4

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (think we heard us?)

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=6] 6

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (he)

[Master] Cat #5 moved 3'02".

[Master] Cat #5 moved 7'04".

[Master] Indigo spots a large feline form in the brush across the roadway

[Master] seems to be watching you

Indigo (Lisa) nudges Qui again and whispers "Look at cat, Over there"

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] looks carefull

[Indigo (Lisa)] Never had a cat for breakfast.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Not sure that would be good.

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (I take it it is looking our way)

[Master] yes

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (can we just cast?)

Indigo (Lisa) gets his swords at the ready

[Indigo (Lisa)] Stay close, Cats can drage either of us away if they want to.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (drag - bad typing)

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] I am hopping to scare it off

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay

[Master] yes to casting

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] [QuiFon Ruminell]] casts a spell against : Wyvern Watch: "A wyvern like haze guards a 10' radius area for up to 8 hours. If an intruder enters the area, it attacks. The intruder must save vs spell or be paralyzed for (5) 5 rounds or until the caster releases him."

[Master] where do you want that?

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] half way between it and us

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] I still can not measure

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] make sure it is 15 feet away from us

Indigo (Lisa) looks over at Qui "You made more Mist!"

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] good, thks

[Indigo (Lisa)] :)

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] I am sure the cat may know better

[QuiFon Ruminell]] ([John Anstett]) waiting and watching

[Master] just waiting

[Master] grins, cats can be patient

[Indigo (Lisa)] (turns on can opener)

[Master] LOL

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (we go no more food)

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (What is the weather like?)

[Master] slightly muggy

[Master] feels like it might rain in the morning

[Indigo (Lisa)] (great so Shur can try and track in mud and we all get drenched)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (just a nice topper to a lovely evening)

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (not enough for call lightning?)

[Master] you can always try

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well at least we won't wake anyone up fighting the cat.

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] Yea, I dont want to kill it

[Indigo (Lisa)] You might when we get hungry tomorrow.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I should stop thinking about breakfast. It makes me hungry.

[Indigo (Lisa)] An aligator would be good.

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] You want to take turns so we do not get tired of staring?

[Indigo (Lisa)] No we need to be extra careful and pay attention. Those lizardmen might come back.

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] I want to watch the rest of the camp

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] not jsut stare at a cat

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] but one of us should keep track if the cat

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay you look at the camp and I'll look at the cat and the road.

[Master] an hour goes by

[Master] cat is still there watching waiting fixated on Indigo

Indigo (Lisa) tosses one of his swords in the air and catches it

Indigo (Lisa) makes a face at the cat daring it to come closer

Indigo (Lisa) looks down the road into the darkness

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] You know, time would go by a lot faster if we did kill the cat.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We'd be busy.

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] if you want

[Indigo (Lisa)] Waiting takes a long time.

Indigo (Lisa) jumps up and down and slashes his swords in the air and looks for a reaction from the cat

John Anstett [QuiFon Ruminell]] targets Cat #5. Distance: 56'11"

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] [QuiFon Ruminell]] casts a spell against Cat #5: Faerie Fire: I outline several creatures in magical light for (5*4) 20 rounds.

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] how is that?

[Mike] or we can just click off time until the cat does something

[Master] (1d20) [1d20=9] 9

[Master] it flees

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] ooopps

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh, it went away.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh well.

[Indigo (Lisa)] That was a pretty light though.

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] thanks

[Master] and nothing else stumbles into camp

[Master] third watch

[Master] now to explain to Imari what happened

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 27'02".

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Ah, what a quiet night

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] How are you Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm fine. Shur can tell you what happened.

[Shurkural (TMO)] O_O

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] oh

Shurkural (TMO) throws a small dirt clod at Indigo.

[Mike] I am back at the keyboard.

[Imari (Mike)] "I see."

[Indigo (Lisa)] What? It's your turn.

Yug has joined the game on Fri Jan 31 21:43:10 EST 2014

Yug is receiving the map Roadside 1...

Shurkural (TMO) laughs. "Of course it is, sugar. Okay, here it is... We're walking hungry today, until I can bag us something. Seems some guy in a red cloak done stole our wagon and horses and food in the middle of the night."

Yug has received the map Roadside 1.

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Not THE red Cloak?

[Shurkural (TMO)] I wouldn't know, honey. Never seen him before, didn't see him this time.

[Yug] im baaaaaaaack

[Shurkural (TMO)] *I* was asleep.

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] (yeeeaaa!)

[Yug] only a medical assist

[Yug] I am back at the keyboard.

[Sarengar (Yug)] yeah it was that blackhearted pirate in the red cloak

[Shurkural (TMO)] But he's kinky, I'll give him that much. He's good and subtle with knots.

[Shurkural (TMO)] I never even stirred.

[Imari (Mike)] "I will be back." ::goes to check on the ride::

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Well I guess I will have to be extra carefull tonight

[Shurkural (TMO)] (she recognizes skill when she sees it. ;) )

[Sarengar (Yug)] (( so shur is into bondage huh lol))

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] I hope you do Imari

[Shurkural (TMO)] (well, she's at least a bit familiar with it)

[Master] encounter roll

[Master] Mike?

[Imari (Mike)] (d20) [1d20=2] 2

[Master] chuckles

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] (WOOO HOOOO)

[Master] checking notes

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] (we are going to run out of encounters)

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #21 moved 4'07".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #20 moved 10'02".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #19 moved 10'05".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #18 moved 18'10".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #17 moved 10'11".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #16 moved 14'00".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #15 moved 5'04".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #14 moved 6'00".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #13 moved 4'10".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #12 moved 3'10".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #11 moved 5'02".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #10 moved 9'02".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #21 moved 6'02".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #9 moved 16'03".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #8 moved 13'01".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #12 moved 3'05".

[Master (to GM only)] farmer #21 moved 14'10".

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 23'09".

[Master] Imari moved 33'10".

[Master] Shurkural moved 24'10".

[Shurkural (TMO)] (we're down to rabid gophers and baby Deep Ones)

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos moved 19'01".

[Shurkural (TMO)] (I'm hoping for rabid gophers)

[Master] so as Shur is watching the road

[Master] she sees a large group of people walking

Shurkural (TMO) watches the road.

[Master] they are carrying bags, etc

[Master] slowly walking, stumbling

[Shurkural (TMO)] (zombie carpetbaggers!)

[Shurkural (TMO)] Umm.. guys? You might want to take a look at this. /points

Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett]) whispers should we warn them of the Wyvern Watch?

[Imari (Mike)] ::isn't exactly paying attention at the moment::

[Master] farmer #18, farmer #17, farmer #14, farmer #13, farmer #8, farmer #19, farmer #12, farmer #11, farmer #20, farmer #16, farmer #21, farmer #15, farmer #10 and farmer #9 moved 23'11".

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] you want me to go talke and you cove me?

[Shurkural (TMO)] (they look regular human, or zombie?)

[Imari (Mike)] farmers of the ded

[Master] normal human, just very tired and slouching forward

Shurkural (TMO) thinks she remembers somebody saying red cloak was a necromancer, and she's *pretty* sure that means zombies.

[Imari (Mike)] or ghouls

[Imari (Mike)] or ghosts

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Brother Fotopoulos moved 11'07".

[Imari (Mike)] lots have demon in their wheel house

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Good evening, early morning fellow travlers

Shurkural (TMO) tries to puzzle that one out.

[Master] farmer #21 moved 2'01".

farmer #21 (Master) AHHH

[farmer #21 (Master)] Who, where?

[farmer #21 (Master)] OH

[farmer #21 (Master)] quinting

[farmer #21 (Master)] looking for the voice

[farmer #21 (Master)] Hello?

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural moved 11'09".

[Shurkural (TMO)] We're over here, sugar.

[farmer #21 (Master)] (they are carrying torches is how you saw them, but you are in the dark)

[Shurkural (TMO)] (thought it was morning daylight)

[farmer #21 (Master)] (not yet, time up on calendar is set to the other story arc)

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] We just want to warn you , we have some protect up so did not want you to be startled

[farmer #21 (Master)] ah

[farmer #21 (Master)] who are you?

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] just travelers, my name is Brother Foto

[farmer #21 (Master)] where are you?

[Sarengar (Yug)] (((we are serial killers lol)))))

[Imari (Mike)] how's the bird?

[Imari (Mike)] still alive?

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] just up the roa a bit

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] d

[farmer #21 (Master)] Artiark is good

[Imari (Mike)] now that there are no horses i'm bringing him back to the camp

[Sarengar (Yug) (to Mike only)] the bird is the word

[Imari (Mike)] Imari moved 34'08".

[Imari (Mike)] Artiark moved 45'06".

[Imari (Mike)] Imari moved 36'06".

[Imari (Mike)] Artiark moved 41'00".

[Imari (Mike)] "Travellers. You look tired. What has caused you to travel all night?"

[farmer #21 (Master)] who is there,

[farmer #21 (Master)] they start to cluster together

[farmer #21 (Master)] where are you,

[Imari (Mike)] Imari moved 17'08".

[Imari (Mike)] Artiark moved 21'10".

[farmer #12 (Master)] its ghosts I tell you

Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett]) whispers "do not scare them

[farmer #12 (Master)] the hills are haunted

[Imari (Mike)] "I am here. Why do you travel all night? This is not the normal way to go."

[farmer #12 (Master)] a barbarian!

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods:: "Some call my people that."

[farmer #12 (Master)] don't hurt us

[farmer #12 (Master)] we are poor

[farmer #12 (Master)] we have fled our homes

[farmer #12 (Master)] we have been pushed on

[Imari (Mike)] "We do not have anything to give travellers as all our food was stolen by a goblin, but I can give you the blessings of Partik."

[farmer #12 (Master)] we only look for a chance to start over

[Imari (Mike)] "Who has taken your homes from you?"

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] (lizzard men)

[Sarengar (Yug) (to Master only)] who all is awake?

[Imari (Mike)] (led by a goblin)

[farmer #12 (Master) (to Yug only)] only Imari, Foto and Shur

[farmer #12 (Master)] the dragon

[farmer #12 (Master)] at least I say it is a dragon

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] (not goblins)

[Imari (Mike)] "A dragon? What color?"

[farmer #12 (Master)] no one has seen it

[farmer #12 (Master)] we came from Weedwater

[farmer #12 (Master)] the guards in Primsen pushed us out

[Imari (Mike)] "So the guards from Primsen pushed you out of your homes because of a dragon that you have not seen?"

[farmer #12 (Master)] no, we left our homes in weedwater before they were destroyed

[Imari (Mike)] "By the dragon, or the guards?"

[farmer #12 (Master)] the dragon

[Imari (Mike)] "That no one has seen?"

[farmer #12 (Master)] we traveled north to PRimsen

[farmer #12 (Master)] they would not let us stay there

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] (it cant be an important town, it does not have a page on the webdite)

[Imari (Mike)] "Why not?"

[farmer #12 (Master)] they said that we had no family there so we could not stay

[farmer #12 (Master)] (LOL at John)

[Imari (Mike)] "They only allow families to live in that city?"

[farmer #14 (Master)] They are getting too many refugees they say

[Imari (Mike)] "Ah."

[Imari (Mike)] "This does sound like a real problem."

[Imari (Mike)] "Please, wait for four hours, and my companions and I will be on our way. Then you can stay in our fortification for the day. Rest up in a little bit of safety."

farmer #14 (Master) murmmers between teh group

[Master] farmer #14 moved 10'03".

[Master] farmer #14 targets Imari. Distance: 6'01"

[farmer #14 (Master)] Thank you for your kindness

[Imari (Mike)] is he thanking me with an attack?

[farmer #14 (Master)] we do not have much to share but we will

[farmer #14 (Master)] some of us thought it best to travel at night and rest during the day

[Imari (Mike)] "We do not require what little you have. We are capable of hunting for ourselves on our journey. Partik's wings will take us where we need to go."

[farmer #14 (Master)] to avoid other travelers on the road

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods:: "Though there is a chance you find other dangers at night. There are dangers either way, I suppose."

[Master] so waiting till morning

[Master] and everyone is awake

[Imari (Mike)] "Come this way, but try not to wake my companions. It has been an eventful night."

[Master] and it is the morning on the 8th

[Master] everyone is awake

John Anstett I am going to call it a night

[Imari (Mike)] night john

John Anstett have fun

[Master] there is a large number of farmers resting along the side of the road

[Master] Night John

[John Anstett] has left the game on Fri Jan 31 22:14:15 EST 2014

[Master] anything in particular anyone wants to ask?

[Master] or just let them rest here as you head south?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we are all awake?

[Master] yes

Sarengar (Yug) looks around at the farmers

[Shurkural (TMO)] (I'll let one of the brainy characters ask questions)

[Sarengar (Yug)] when did we get guests?

[Imari (Mike)] "They are travellers. They are staying in the fortification when we leave."

[Imari (Mike)] "They have been driven from their homes by the threat of a dragon."

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think the fortification really works

[Sarengar (Yug)] hmm

[Indigo (Lisa)] We all got tied up in it.

[Sarengar (Yug)] why not send them back to the manor?

[Indigo (Lisa)] What manor?

[Sarengar (Yug)] doent you still live at the farm with that nice widow?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well, yes, but that is all they way back in Jistelle!

[Indigo (Lisa)] If they can make it there I am sure they would be welcome.

[Sarengar (Yug)] Jistelle would be a good place for them and probably safer as well

[farmer #13 (Master)] Where is this Jistille you talk about?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well, you would have to go north on this road to Ponce and then northwest through about 4 ot 5 towns and then north again until you reach Jistelle.

[Indigo (Lisa)] It is many miles.

[farmer #13 (Master)] north of Ponce?

[Indigo (Lisa)] much further than that, yes.

[farmer #13 (Master)] isn't that out of the Mist?

[Sarengar (Yug)] its a far journey but it wouldbe a good place to set up new lives

[farmer #13 (Master)] how can you live in someplace that bright?

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

[farmer #13 (Master)] don't you get burned up?

[Indigo (Lisa)] The Mist is lighter but certainly not gone.

[Imari (Mike)] "Not by a dragon like here."

[farmer #11 (Master)] I told you the Mist covers the world

[farmer #13 (Master)] we could

[farmer #13 (Master)] I suppose

[Indigo (Lisa)] I would start at Ponce and try your luck and see as you go. There are lots of small towns and villages that may welcome you.

[farmer #13 (Master)] it might not be too far

[Sarengar (Yug) (to Master only)] rivers bend isnt in the mist is it?

[farmer #13 (Master) (to Yug only)] no

[Sarengar (Yug)] actually the mist doesnt cover the world

[Indigo (Lisa)] By any chance did you see a large party with a wagon on the road as you passed?

[Sarengar (Yug)] my home is free from it

[farmer #13 (Master)] yes there was a group like that

[Indigo (Lisa)] Did they stop you or say anything?

[farmer #13 (Master)] no they were hurrying south

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are there a lot of guards in Primsten?

[farmer #13 (Master)] no not a lot

[Indigo (Lisa)] And whose guards are they? Is there a Lord or Count there who pays for them?

[farmer #13 (Master)] just the normal ones I guess

[farmer #13 (Master)] there is a duke

[farmer #13 (Master)] but he is never there

[farmer #13 (Master)] it is up to his Major Domo to run the city

[Imari (Mike)] totally a vampire

[Indigo (Lisa)] You don't happen to know if there is a lake around here do you?

[farmer #13 (Master)] there are a couple in the hills

[Imari (Mike)] "Or mountain with a snake head?"

[farmer #13 (Master)] where the streams pool up before them come down

farmer #13 (Master) shakes head looking at the others

[farmer #13 (Master)] mountains don't have heads

[Imari (Mike)] "A rock snake head anywhere?"

[farmer #13 (Master)] shakes head

[Indigo (Lisa)] If we wanted to get to the lakes should we keep going south a bit first or just head out west?

[farmer #13 (Master)] sorry

[farmer #13 (Master)] I guess I would go south

[farmer #13 (Master)] there is an old mining road

[Indigo (Lisa)] Really?

Indigo (Lisa) perks up a bit

[farmer #13 (Master)] it is about half a day between here and Primisen I guess

[farmer #13 (Master)] not really sure

[farmer #13 (Master)] there is a sign post

[farmer #13 (Master)] not sure what it says

[farmer #13 (Master)] I can't read

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you very much!

Indigo (Lisa) looks at the others "A signpost!"

Indigo (Lisa) thinks for a second. "That might not be good after all."

[Imari (Mike)] "I'm guessing there isn't a sign post to a lost temple."

Shurkural (TMO) shrugs. "No idea, honey. We're going that way anyways, right?"

[farmer #13 (Master)] there isn't any lost temple

[Indigo (Lisa)] But it might be to the mines!

[farmer #13 (Master)] that is a story they sell foolish kids on

[farmer #13 (Master)] they go looking and just get in trouble

[farmer #13 (Master)] if there was a temple someone would have found it by now

[farmer #13 (Master)] a big thing like that would stick out

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yup. We'd be happy finding a lake.

Indigo (Lisa) digs in his pouch and pulls out a gold coin

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you for your help. Please take this to make sure you can get food and lodging when you need it on your travels.

farmer #13 (Master) eyes grow big

[farmer #13 (Master)] we can't take that

[farmer #13 (Master)] people woudl think we stole it

[Indigo (Lisa)] There are many of you to feed. And you may be in for a long journey.

[Indigo (Lisa)] No one one will care if you are using it to buy something.

[Sarengar (Yug)] Indigo hes right

Sarengar (Yug) takes his pouch and puts several silver and copper coins into it and hands it to the farmer

[Sarengar (Yug)] there that should be much better for you to travel with

[farmer #13 (Master)] bless you

[farmer #13 (Master)] thank you

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you Sarengar. I have spent many of my silver already.

[Sarengar (Yug) (to Master only)] 20 of each

[Master] You are here Long Live the King moved 11'04".

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] so heading south

[Master] Qui gets some strange stares

[Master] but the group continues along

[Master] and along

[Master] and farther than you would expect

[Master] they said half a day

[Master] then it does occur to SHur inparticular

[Master] they were not considering the difference in speed

[Master] for Foto, Qui, Indigo,

[Master] so longer than midday

[Master] it is almost a full days travel

[Shurkural (TMO)] Signpost!

[Master] late afternoon you come upon

[Imari (Mike)] dat's some nice perspective

[Master] and so?

[Imari (Mike)] what's it say?

[Master] who can read?

[Imari (Mike)] imari can

[Master] it is not on her sheet

[Master] Indigo can't

[Master] Shur can't I don't think

[Master] Sarengar?

[Master] or does he only read music?

[Imari (Mike)] says at the bottom

[Imari (Mike)] read/write western common

[Master] ok

[Imari (Mike)] y'know, in the languages box

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] I was looking on the proficiency tab

[Sarengar (Yug)] ony music

[Master (to Mike only)] one of the notices says, "You are entering the Domain of the Duke of Undar"

[Imari (Mike)] how does a detatched mercenary band read their orders?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (go wake John up)

[Imari (Mike)] "We are entering the domain of the Duke of Undar."

[Sarengar (Yug)] there are mages that can read

[Imari (Mike)] "No hidden temple."

[Master (to Mike only)] the other notice says "searching for hardy adventurers for a dangerous task, ask at the Inn for Rondelle

[Imari (Mike)] "Someone is also looking for adventurers for a dangerous task."

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's what it says on the sign?

[Imari (Mike)] "Should we go find where the rivers start?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (is there a path where the signpost is pointing to?)

[Master] yes it points alogn the main roadway that you are on

[Master] and then it points westward into the hills

[Master] there is a trail there, looks to be rarely traveled

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Any wagon or people tracks that way Shur?

[Master] but it is somethign you could take a horse down

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh well)

[Master] but not a wagon

[Master] or at least if you took a wagon down it it would be very tight

[Indigo (Lisa)] when he comes back she can check for tracks

[Master] you have an hour or two before you have to make camp

Indigo (Lisa) mutters "Bet Red Cloak read the sign"

[Indigo (Lisa)] OR maybe it was dark and he was in too big of a hurry because he's stupid and didn't kill us and he never saw it!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Is there a place to camp by here?)

[Master] you can make a place easily enough

[Sarengar (Yug)] (( i just thought of something))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (are the signs really parchment nailed to a post or carved in?)

[Master] really sheepskin nailed up

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((shurukal can track to the waters edge and then sarengar can take over tracking lol)))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (smiles - if we can just find Sarengar some water...)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay. I think we should make camp here.

[Imari (Mike)] are there any permanent signs on the post?

[Master] none

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Sarengar and Imari "Can either of you reach the signs and take them down? We can mark the one going down the main road and the one one going off the path differently and when Miranda catches up she can read them to us

[Indigo (Lisa)] That way no one else can read them first.

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Sarengar (Yug)] ill try

[Imari (Mike)] "I just read them to you."

[Master] (brb restroom break)

[Sarengar (Yug) (to Master only)] how high are the signs

[Indigo (Lisa)] The signpost had a want ad on it?

[Imari (Mike)] "if you don't want anyone else to read them we can jsut take them down. But they dont' seem potentially dangerous to our quest."

[Imari (Mike)] "Well Partik didn't tell me that."

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

Indigo (Lisa) tries to reach up and pull the signs down

[Master] b

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't want to leave any clues.

[Master] anyone can reach them

[Master] they are only at eye level for a human

[Indigo (Lisa)] (even Indigo?)

[Master] and Shur cannot tell if anyone has gone up this trail recently

[Master] sure Indigo can reach the bottom of them and with his strength can yank them off the post

Indigo (Lisa) pulls off the sign pointing to the main road

Indigo (Lisa) then takes out a dagger and marks it with two wide lines

Indigo (Lisa) reaches up and takes the one pointing to the path and marks it with one squiggly line

[Indigo (Lisa)] There! Now we have it and no one else does.

[Indigo (Lisa)] But if the farmers were right this is probably the mining road.

[Shurkural (TMO)] (back in a few - story time for the kiddoes)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can we see anything mountain wise through the spyglass here?)

[Master] no

[Imari (Mike)] so another set of encounters?

Indigo (Lisa) Indigo's stomach rumbles loudly as he looks for a good spot to make camp

[Master] if youa re staying here at the cross roads for the night yes

Indigo (Lisa) thinks he will even kill a cat if he finds one

[Master] or if you want to go up one way or the other

[Master] depends on how visible you want to be

[Imari (Mike)] i'd say off the road

[Imari (Mike)] can i hunt for a bit on the bird?

[Master] sure

[Imari (Mike)] you said we had two hours?

[Master] nods

[Indigo (Lisa)] I agree. Let's go just a little ways down the path but not too far.

[Imari (Mike)] anyone else have herbalism?

[Imari (Mike)] i'll take that as a no. i guess all food gathering is up to me. hooray

[Master] so Imari has hunting:?

[Imari (Mike)] nope. but she's got an animal that has some natural insticts.

[Master] nods

[Imari (Mike)] i'm thinking she's just along for the ride and make sure she doesnt' eat everything

[Master] so you go out on a circlular pattern

[Master] to go try and find something large enough for Art

[Master] what is the rest of the group doing? staying or movign up the path?

[Sarengar (Yug)] (((i have survival)))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (up the path a bit)

[Master] ok

[Master] Sarengar can make a check

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((i have a penalty for my check since its not an aquatic terrain)

[Sarengar (Yug)] Sarengar: Survival check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Master (to Yug only)] that is what you see as you go off the path a bit searching for food

[Sarengar (Yug)] hey Indigo ,Imari you want to come here for asecond

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Imari is up flying around

[Imari (Mike)] i cant hear you

[Indigo (Lisa)] What is it?

[Sarengar (Yug)] I found a tree

[Indigo (Lisa)] Is it trying to eat you?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Or dropping stinky fruit on your head?

[Sarengar (Yug)] no but i think you might find it interesting

[Imari (Mike)] you found a tree. glad you got that survival skill

[Indigo (Lisa)] I hope it's not another sign

[Indigo (Lisa)] Come on Shur, let's go look.

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((( hey now i found a tree with a penalty to my survival check ))

[Shurkural (TMO)] (Shur doesn't have survival... but she is a ranger)

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((sarengar is a ranger as well but he is a specialized ranger))

Indigo (Lisa) goes and looks at tree

[Indigo (Lisa)] Why are we looking at a tree?

[Master] yes the scale on that image is correct

[Master] that opening is about ten foot across and the tree is over 100 feet tall

[Master] it is a huge massive thing

[Shurkural (TMO)] (so the question isn't how did Sarengar notice it, but how did everyone else *miss* it?)

[Master] it is off the path

[Master] you have to be out looking for other things

[Shurkural (TMO)] (100 foot tall?

[Shurkural (TMO)] :D

[Master] you are a couple hundred yards up the path

[Shurkural (TMO)] (I'm just teasing)

[Master] grins hard to spot one tree in the forest

[Shurkural (TMO)] Wow. Big tree there, sugar. Think we can get a good view from up top?

[Sarengar (Yug)] I dont know but theres a good size opening at the bottom

[Sarengar (Yug)] I wonder if this is the temple

[Shurkural (TMO)] Weirder things have happened, I'm sure.

[Indigo (Lisa)] No. The temple entrance looks like a bird's beak open with rocks that look like eggs on the outside.

[Imari (Mike)] Finglas' temple is a tree

[Indigo (Lisa)] But we should look and see if there is another swarm of birds or something worse in it.

Indigo (Lisa) takes out his belt buckle of light and walks up to the large opening in the tree and peers in

Shurkural (TMO) gets her bow ready.

[Shurkural (TMO)] Attack: Short Bow:: is now ARMED.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hellllooooooo!!

[Master] Indigo moved 1'00".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohhh look! There's crates in here.

[Indigo (Lisa)] And barrels!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Wonder if this is a storage tree.

Indigo (Lisa) calls out again "hello! Anybody in there?"

[Master (to Lisa only)] a slight echo back

Indigo (Lisa) walks back out

[Master (to TMO only)] a slight echo of Indigo's voice comes out of the tree, but maybe not the entrance?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Didn't hear anything. But there's stuff in there!

[Indigo (Lisa)] maybe we can sleep inside it and no one will see us.

[Shurkural (TMO)] Hmm... hold on a sec, sugar. Think I heard something...

[Indigo (Lisa)] and maybe there's food and supplies....

Shurkural (TMO) goes around the tree to the right, holding her bow ready.

[Master (to TMO only)] Shur circles the tree slowly but does not find anything

[Master] Shur goes around the tree slowly

[Master] Indigo moved 5'00".

[Master] Shurkural moved 45'08".

[Shurkural (TMO)] Funny. Thought I heard your shout from round behind, like there was another exit.

[Master] Shurkural moved 65'10".

[Master] Shurkural moved 100'07".

[Master] Indigo moved 7'08".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe there is. I don't want to go too far inside until Imari comes back or she might not know where we went.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she is hunting, correct?)

[Master] yes

[Master] how long will you wait?

[Sarengar (Yug)] I wonder whats in the crates

[Master] it is getting closer to the time to start setting up camp

[Indigo (Lisa)] Until she comes back. If she is flying then she will not know where we went.

[Master] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] Or Shur and Sarengar can go in and Indigo will wait for Imari.

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((ill go in wht the heck))

[Shurkural (TMO)] Sure thing. We won't go too far in, just a bit of looking around.

[Indigo (Lisa)] If we all go in, without the horses, we disappear.

[Master] and light source?

[Master] it is dark in there

[Imari (Mike)] so do i find anything?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Here, take the belt buckle.

[Master] (1d20) [1d20=13] 13

[Master] yes Imari and Artiark manage to snag a deer

[Master] only one though

[Indigo (Lisa)] (nice!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (too bad you can build a fire inside a tree)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can't)

[Imari (Mike)] woohoo! we'll only eat half the deer at most, so art can have the rest

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((why cant you? if you keep it small you can start a fire))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can you cook an entire deer over a small fire?)

[Imari (Mike)] only gotta cook half of it

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((you cut it up))

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((you can also smoke it))

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((its amazing what you learn by watching survival shows lol))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not sure about the fire thing in a place with no chimney and made of wood but sure, Indigo will sit by the door)

[Sarengar (Yug)] ((the door is a big enough opening for the smoke to go out))

[Shurkural (TMO)] (Shur has fire building - she can do it safely

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Fire-building check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master] so yes Shur can get that fire going

[Master] where do you want to so it?

[Master] right there at the entrnace?

[Master] or?

[Shurkural (TMO)] (probably in just a bit, to reduce visibility outside and increase light inside.

[Master] Shurkural moved 1'06".

[Master] Shurkural moved 2'09".

[Master] there?

[Master] just want to make sure

[Shurkural (TMO)] (that looks fine)

[Shurkural (TMO)] (we far enough in to get eaten there?)

[Shurkural (TMO)] (tree silhouette looks like one of them floating brain thingies)

[Master] grins

[Master] just want to know where everyone is, as things happen

[Imari (Mike)] well i'll set up a fortification around the front of the tree

[Indigo (Lisa)] (if we are all together then we should all be inside)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 33'04".

[Imari (Mike)] Imari moved 16'10".

[Imari (Mike)] Imari moved 21'07".

[Imari (Mike)] and definately be outside the tree

[Master] Indigo finds a large pile of leaves and scraps of fur

[Indigo (Lisa)] \We could probably sleep on this.

Indigo (Lisa) looks at the crates in the back

[Master] remember next week you will be abel to log in and talk abotu things

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 5'01".

[Master] discuss and work on what ever you want

[Master] I will not be in until late

[Master] after 10

[Imari (Mike)] okay. i'm heading out. night, all

[Master] so we will have teh bonus game on Saturday the same time as normal

Mike has left the game on Fri Jan 31 23:49:41 EST 2014

[Sarengar (Yug)] night mike

[Lisa] Okay

[Shurkural (TMO)] g'nite!

[Sarengar (Yug)] ill hopefully make it both night

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 31 23:50:17 EST 2014

[Lisa] Goodnight

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 31 23:50:44 EST 2014

[Sarengar (Yug)] night all time to deal with a snow rain mix and the possibility of another call

[Master] ufff

[Master] have a safe night

[Sarengar (Yug)] ill be so glad when winter is over

[Sarengar (Yug)] you too

Yug has left the game on Fri Jan 31 23:51:29 EST 2014

XP awarded