Main / Jul0105C

Jul 01 05 - Cleaned Version

mikE has joined the game

Fritz has joined the game

[Fritz] Howdy

[DM] hey

[DM] just finished getting everything in that I know of

[DM] so rar

[Fritz] Actually let me log off and go up and hook directly to my net work

Fritz has left the game

Fritz has joined the game

[mikE] hey fritz.

[mikE] guess what.

[Fritz] Do you have our characters Bob? I have some editing I need to do

Sean has joined the game

[mikE] bob's afk

[Fritz] ok

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] Where is Bob?

[mikE] ded

[Sean] Shake, shake, shake... Yes - definitely.

[Sean] Shake, shake, shake... Most likely.

[Sean] Shake, shake, shake... It is decidedly so.

[Sean] Shake, shake, shake... Ask again later.

[Sean] oh cool!

[Fritz] Whut?

[Sean] The Magic-8 Ball

[Fritz] oh

[Fritz] yeah

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok, back

[Fritz] Yea!!

[DM] now I have a few questions about what characters to actualy keep and those that are dupilcates

[DM] I will add in Fritzes first, putting them all in roadhaven,

[Fritz] Duplicates?

[Fritz] I see what you mean

[DM] next I will move the rest of the party

[Fritz] How the hell did that happen?

[Mobuto (Sean)] Mobuto: STR check: (d20) [4] 4. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against 11!!!

[DM] not sure, that is what we need to solve first

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: STR check: (d20) [18] 18. PROBABLY FAILS against 17

BiBo!!! has joined the game

JohnA has joined the game

[BiBo!!!] yo fellas

JohnA is receiving the map...

JohnA has received the map.

[Fritz] Yo YO Bro

[Fritz] john Howdy do

Paul Elvenstire (JohnA) is now controlling Paul Elvenstire

[BiBo!!!] got those icons doneified fritz?

[Fritz] No I didn't get a chance sorry

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

Alastair (BiBo!!!) has edited Alastair's effects.

[Fritz] Ok Bob get rid of Moradred but not WOLF MORADRED

mikE has joined the game

[DM] done

Alastair (BiBo!!!) has edited Alastair's effects.

[DM] ok, there you are Fritz

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Greetings and salutations!

[Fritz] I only said the wolf I hadn't checked the lion yet. but I guess it is ok

[DM] only got rid of two wolf characters I thought?

[DM] Lion is still there

[Fritz] No you did one wolf and one lion

[Fritz] forget it

mikE has left the game

[Fritz] anyway

[Fritz] Did you do anything to the charcter sheets?

[DM] check them to make sure Marco help frit with that

[DM] nope

[Fritz] Ok

[DM] I just imported what marco sent me,

mikE has left the game

[BiBo!!!] looks like it's right I guess

[DM] ok

[BiBo!!!] at least the wolf anyway

[JohnA] hello all, just got chat open

[Fritz] again John

mikE has joined the game

[Sean] Shake, shake, shake... It is certain.

[Sean] Shake, shake, shake... Yes - definitely.

[BiBo!!!] hates I this

[JohnA] again john what?

mikE has left the game

[Fritz] Of course I need to figure out why the game keeps adding altitiude to my character

Lorie has joined the game

mikE has joined the game

[DM] ok, so I have everyone's characters on the Base map now

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[DM] Hey Lorie,

mikE has left the game

[DM] you are loading, no worries

[JohnA] not all my characters

[Lorie] Do we pick a circle, any circle?

[DM] sure, why not

[JohnA] Lori, you can come to my circle if you want

[DM] we are getting everyone back to normal

[JohnA] HA!

[DM] and finishing any training etc.

[Lorie] Wow... I can't belive Luther Vandross died... only 54 :: sighs:: damn shame

[JohnA] who was normal

[DM] oh wow

[Lorie] Hmm... pick a circle, any circle

[DM] Marco will help anyone with XP issues, if they have all been assigned, etc.

[Lorie] Marco's character always reminds me of Devo with that Yellow circle

[JohnA] Marco I need more XP

[DM] then I will add in some more XP

[JohnA] you said Marco will help

Antarias (Fritz) is now controlling Antarias

[JohnA] he will add more

[JohnA] wooo hoooo!

[Fritz] Bob it wont let me save Antarias

[DM] you mean commit?

[Fritz] Yea commit

[DM] that just did

[Fritz] There that did it

Antarias (Fritz) is no longer controllingAntarias

[DM] talking here trying to get Mike to be able to log in just a sec

[Lorie] Can someone IM me when we're ready to start... and that blue splotch that just appeared is creepy

[JohnA] that's me

[JohnA] got a new digital pad

[DM] you can draw also Lorie,

[DM] the paint tools are active

[DM] right click on the map and you will bring up that dialog

[Lorie] Nifty Nifty

[DM] how is the resonse time for you Lorie?

[JohnA] so now we can do randow dungeons again

[DM] does it slow things down too much?

Client has joined the game

Client is receiving the map...

Client has received the map.

Client has left the game

mikE has joined the game

[DM] that is how you can erase teh entire layer at once

The Anti-Sean has joined the game

mikE has left the game

Client has joined the game

Client is receiving the map...

Client has received the map.

[The Anti-Sean] Salutations and Greetings

[Sean] Greetings and Salutations

[Lorie] Greetings and Salutations

[Client] okay, klooge sucks majorly

[Client] but i think i fixed what the latest update broke.

[Lorie] There Kylia's Column Emporium and Waffle house is now open for business ;)

[DM] smile

[DM] you think you can draw and see drawings fast enought Lor?

The Anti-Sean has left the game

[Lorie] Honestly, I'm trying to decide. On my side there appear to be gaps in where I drew but I didn't stop moving the mouse when I was drawing

[DM] ok,

[Lorie] the new computer seems to have some difference in my connection

Sean is receiving the map...

Sean has received the map.

[DM] some of it is the level of zoom

[Lorie] When we get the new house hopefully we'll get DSL or the like

[DM] that is a good thing?

[DM] changed for the better I mean?

[Lorie] yes... in a positive light

[DM] cool

[DM] so we will leave the drawing up tonight and see how useful it is

[DM] Lor, look at the calendar of events, your one training session is almost over

[Fritz] You realize it increases lag

[DM] I mean it is over

[DM] yes Frtiz, drawing increases lag,

[Fritz] so why bother?

[DM] hoping that it does not make it too slow

[DM] to draw random dungeon rooms, etc.

[DM] hoping that it makes planing and such go faster also

[JohnA] design plans

[Fritz] The boards have pointed out that if you remove the player option it removes the lag.

[DM] true

[DM] I will turn that off now

[Fritz] If you plan ahead and draw you maps ahead, and make sure your NPC and monsters are done then it will also go faster

[DM] ok, turned off teh public game

[DM] that will take care of some lag

Laila (Fritz) is now controlling Laila

[Lorie] Hey all how do I remove the Paint tools from viewing?

[DM] ctrl p

[DM] is the short cut

[Lorie] not working for me

[DM] you mean to turn off the paint layer all together?

[DM] or not see the paint layer?

[Lorie] I have the Paint Tools "box" and since we aren't going to use it I was going to hide it

[Lorie] so that I am not "tempted"

[Lorie] :O)

[DM] it is up to me to enable,

[DM] I will leave it up

[DM] you can use or not use as you can control your little fingers

[DM] double check Kylia's sheet, and do you want me to add in anyone else for you?

[DM] Fritz will let me know when he is ready to discuss training

[Fritz] 5 min

[DM] take your time Fritz

[JohnA] did you players find any new potions?

[Lorie] Okay, it looks good on my side for know

[Lorie] err now

[DM] first part here is experimenting and palying

[DM] did you want me to add in wilson? gretchen? anyone else Lor?

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] I would say Wilson for the Moment... I don't have everything for Gretchen, Fiona or the others fleshed out in these sheets

[JohnA] You see that symbol on Paul's head

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] well I can add them for you for now if you want to flesh things out

[Client] paul's got crop circles!

[JohnA] fleshhy fleshy

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Client] finglass is looking to train in single weapon style. anybody know anybody?

[Lorie] Umm... I don't think any of my characters have that skill. Sorry

[Fritz] Reign

Laila (Fritz) is no longer controllingLaila

[Fritz] Ok to catch every up to date on what happened

[Fritz] I went and sold the magic items that were from the prime material plane and the gems and the art objects

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] by the way Fritz, adn Marco, you two should catch them up to everything that happened, out of character

[Fritz] I was able to remove 4 Mirrors of opposition without breaking them

[Fritz] That is what I am doing

[DM] nods,

[Fritz] 4 out of 15-20 don't remember the original number

[Fritz] Anyway

[DM] doing dinner here while you two go on about htis

[DM] this

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] We had those weapons that were not from the prime material plane

[Fritz] So Mobuto asked Alastair if he would go with him to Sigil and try and identify them and sell them there

[Fritz] He agreed and with Claw along I teleported us to the Abyss

[Fritz] We went to the planar door to get into Sigil and ran into a Molydeus Tanar'ri demon

[Fritz] Well we came within a hair of getting our heads cut off

[Fritz] Instead I got 2 vials of his blood and gave him 2 of the magic weapons.

[Fritz] Probalby the 2 most powerful by the way

[Fritz] sorry but it was that or Al and Mobuto were going to be conscripted into the blood war

[Fritz] Anyway we enter sigil and I of course get in a fight with an Imp

[Fritz] We then go to this Inn where they were going to charge me 100gp a night and Al 2 silver a night

[Fritz] He took the rooms so that he could at least identify the items.

[Fritz] The room was pretty nasty and I felt sorry for him so I let him come and stay with me in my Leomunds Secure Shelter

[Fritz] The katana and longsword are +2, and the sapara is +1. he looks at 6 daggers, they all appear to be +2. Was Alastairs divinations

[Fritz] The next day we went to the Great Bazaar and attacked the haggling with a relish...Well I did anyway

[Fritz] I specifically looked for items for Antarias, Finglass, Laila and myself as well

[Fritz] I got Antarias Nightblade the longsword is based on the astral, it's +3 there, +2 on the prime, half the damage dealt is healed of the user and it can cast darkness 3x a day)

[Fritz] I got Finglass - 30 +3 arrows if used on the astral plane. +2 if used on the prime material plane, 6 detonation arrows, 8 arrows of lightning +2 on astral, +1 on PM but keep same damage.

[Fritz] I got Laila - Wand of magic missles, to go along with the spider fang dagger I thought she should keep, as well as the shortswords of backstabbing

[Fritz] It will give her more ability with us

[Fritz] EL should also get -shortswords of backstabbing

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and then he tried to get me enrolled with the sigil guard!

[Fritz] hehehe I was gonna get there.

[Fritz] Well to get out we didn't want to have to face the Molydeus again. So I figured the best thing to do would be to join a faction.

[Fritz] I figured that Al, being the most opinionated would have the best chance of convincing one of the factions that we believed in their cause

[Fritz] I chose the Harmoniums as they are LG more L than G, and very strict.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] They're the bloody city guard!

[Fritz] Anyway I told Al alot what to say, but he forgot most of it by the time we got there

[Fritz] yeah yeah

[Fritz] So Al introduces himself as the paladin of Ogmus or whomever

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Oghma

[Fritz] Ogsmu

[Fritz] Yeah Oghma

[Fritz] that was it

[Fritz] And goes into this speal about "SMITING EVIL"

[Fritz] Well they obviously bought it hook line and sinker

[Fritz] I mean Alastair where do you come up with this stuff?

[Fritz] Anyway they immediately go into conscripting us into the city guard

[Fritz] so I had to fast talk us out of the guard and into just an allegiance with them

[Fritz] so they give us this here item that allows us to go thru this gate and "Poof" we are in Archon the holy plane of holy hell...sorry but all that white and straight marching it was kinda ..I dont know ... rigid and good

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Arcadia

[Fritz] So I then poofed us back home

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and the item was a daisy

[Fritz] Yea that was where we were

[Fritz] that was what it was.

[Fritz] I mean the City guards use a "Daisy". What a bunch of wimps

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] somehow I don't think they chose the key

[Fritz] A "Daisy" to take you to the super holy plane of lawful goodness

[Fritz] give me a break

[Client] damn daisy eaters

[Fritz] I bet the password is "Doily"

[Fritz] So here we are with the items and a bunch of loot

[Fritz] Total loot after selling everything came to 21019.8 gold

[Fritz] woops sorry

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] .8?

[Fritz] 105099 gold

[Fritz] that was split 5 ways

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] so the final GP number Marco? what should everyone add to their character sheets

[Fritz] Oh by the way the key through the abyss into Sigil is a black gem if you are interested

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what he says ::points to fritz:: he did the number crunching

[DM] want to be sure that everyone has some gold out of this for their own characters,

[DM] then the rest can go to the party pack

[DM] so that people feel free to use some gold on their own, but the majority is in the pack for the group to decide what to do with

[Fritz] I think it is important that we keep a good running count. I have been keeping a good record of everything and will be happy to continue to do so

[mikE] cool. i pass on that job to you.

[mikE] congrats. you're in charge of the party pack now

[mikE] i suppose i'll live to regret that later

[DM] I agree that someone needs to track that

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] fritz, you happen to know of any potions the party got this adventure?

[mikE] specifically, the ones i got from the lost people for all our food?

[Fritz] I will keep a running total of the gold we have as well as the items. No they never divulged that.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] gotcha

[DM] there is a difference between the note taker and the person carrying the party pack

[DM] just to be clear on that

[Fritz] I can do both

[Fritz] it is easier that way bob

[DM] but mobuto may not be the right person to carry the physical scroll

[Fritz] Is there a specific reason? As in to heavy?

[mikE] as in, you're not trustworthy.

[Fritz] I am not going to play him like that

[mikE] we wouldn't trust you with the life of a dead orphan. ;)

[Fritz] If I was then why would he go to all the trouble to outfit the party

[DM] I am saying that the size issue

[JohnA] falce sence of security

[DM] and the idea that being a mage,

[Fritz] He is inconspicous at only 2 feet tall

[DM] normaly the cleric or fighter has carried it because they go down last

[DM] in any case that can wait

[Fritz] I come back up if I go down

[DM] from these people here,

[DM] it seems that Sean is the only one that needs to worry about training issues still

[Fritz] I need to memorize some spells

[DM] looking for reign at the moment to determine the length of time for training finglass

[DM] you mean learn spells Fritz? or memorise?

[Fritz] Learn

[Fritz] sorry

[Fritz] Barb was hoping to join us tonight but I guess she couldn't make it

[Fritz] So what are we doing with the gold/xp

[mikE] hasn't bibo already done xp?

[Fritz] Not with the gold

[mikE] we're just going to spend it all on xp?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well it's 1 gold 1 xp, so split the gold and do the math

[DM] Reign's wisdom is 11, so it will take 8 weeks for him to train

[mikE] 8 weeks??? stoopid cow

[DM] I will add the XP at that point

[Fritz] Only split it with the PC's right?

[DM] first decide what goes to the individuals, and what goes to the party pack

[DM] and we will go from there

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sounds good

[Fritz] Then it was 5 pc's and the total is 21019 if split 5 ways even

[mikE] okay. so i'll just put them all into finglass, i guess.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so fin, mobuto, laila, kylia, and fudge?

[Fritz] That was how I did it. Then nothing in the party pack?

[mikE] no gold, you mean?

[DM] you can assign some gold to people adn some to party pack

[Fritz] Well you each get 21019 gold but the party pack gets 0

[Lorie] I just want 10% of my share for the church and the balance of mine can go in to the party pack

[DM] the party pack gold will still earn XP for the same people

[Fritz] oh ok

[JohnA] Lorie, certainly you need money for somethng?

[JohnA] Your lands could use more troops

[Lorie] The 10% that goes to my church will help fund a lot of the things we'll need.

[JohnA] You can make scrolls or something

[Lorie] I'd rather that the party pack is there for those who need it

[JohnA] need, no one needs nothing

[Lorie] I could make scrolls

[JohnA] Holly Water?

[JohnA] Healing potions ?

[Lorie] I could do all of those

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'd like to learn a few spells, 3 if possible

[mikE] hey fritz, will reign train fin? bob's making us hash it out.

[JohnA] I could see the party paying for it if it's for the party but getting everyone to agree might take too long

[DM] I will let Fritz talk as Reign for the training setup, it would take 8 weeks. It would be 7 weeksn adn 700 gp for the average person on teh street to do the training

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] one of which I'm semi sure we have in the party pack, the other 2 I'd have to research

[DM] Lorie did you note on Kylia's sheet that you now have hearldy?

[Fritz] Does anyone have the list of potions

[DM] and you are continueing onto Leadership? did you want to change that?

[Lorie] :: nods :: And Leadership

[mikE] no. i thought someone else wrote them down.

[Lorie] No... I think I want that... I remmeber it from your list (that spreadsheet you had with the "oddball" stuff of NWP's)

[Fritz] Finglass is the one that treated Reign like shit. You have to go to him and see if he is holding a grudge

[Fritz] I wasn't there for that adventure

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] hey lorie do you happen to have the party pack excel sheet thing handy that you could im me? I'd like to see if one of the spells I'm looking for is in it

[Finglass (mikE)] Okay, he goes out back and looks for Reign.

[Lorie] Nope... sorry on the other computer. I sent it out to everyone. I might be able to get in the old puter and try later

[DM] I do not have that listed in my list of skills right now,

[Lorie] But it hasn't been very nice lately, so don't hold your breath :: frowns ::

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d3) [3] 3

[DM] are you thinking of the thing for leading troops?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no one here seems to have it handy, everyone's on diff comps it seems

[Lorie] :: ponders:: Maybe it was in Battlefate

[Fritz] woot my first decent hit die roll on this stupid system

[Lorie] err the Battle system

[Lorie] Marco, let me take a look and have a heart-to-heart chat wtih my old puter

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I don't think leadership is a prof, it's a 3e feat, and it's a point thing you can get from the player's option stuff at char creation

[Fritz] I have a list of spells what are you looking for?

[Lorie] If it cooperates, I know it's there

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] cone of cold

[Lorie] Not a spell Fritz... it was a NWP

[JohnA] lori fritz is answering marco

[Lorie] Okies...sorry

[Lorie] Hmm, okay Bob well if it doesn't exist then I was sniffing glue that day and I'll have to consider something else. Not sure what though

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think you may have it confused, I'm pretty sure it's not a nwp

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it's a few other things

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] but not a nwp

[DM] gotcha Lore

[Fritz] Yes sorry was afk

[DM] know exactly what you mean now

[DM] yes to the battle system thing

[Brad Johnson (JohnA)] Brad Johnson: (d20) [10] 10

[Fritz] we have it. I just went up a level suwheat

[Finglass (mikE)] Roll #1: (d20) [6] 6, Roll #2: (d20) [13] 13

[Lorie] :: nods :: So I can't use it here, right?

[DM] yes you can, it gives you something like a bonus to those around you in skirmish combat,

[DM] which is what dungeonering is

[Lorie] Okay...

[JohnA] so it is no good in our game

[JohnA] but you can have it if we ever do that again

[Lorie] Well, at least I wasn't completely imagining things, just not playable. I guess I'll need something else.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] bob's seeing if it can do something helpful

[DM] I do not have it handy at the sec, but I know what lorie means

[DM] it is playable, more for leading troops into battle and morale for NPC's rather than affecting PCs

[DM] depends on if you want that or not

[DM] it does not affect PCs only NPC and massed troops

[JohnA] shound effect followers which are PCs

[DM] followers yes

[Lorie] But not out of battle then?

[DM] Lorie, did you want to take it? wait?

[DM] yes to out of battle,

[DM] but in a leading troops kind of way, like training them, organizing them, recruiting them

[JohnA] Lori, my Lt Brad is a trainer and has the skill Artilist if you need someone to learn that?

[Lorie] nope... not what I wanted.

[Lorie] That would have been more Electra's bag

[DM] ok

[DM] so training issues with the rest?

[Fritz] I have to train 5 th level spells

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you got up to 9th level? neat

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I can train you for that

[DM] ALastair? wisdom of?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] 13, so 6 weeks

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Nice I also have a 20th level master ghost mage as well to train me

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Come join the dark side

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes my master

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'll train you in exchange for paying for my research :)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] We have alot of 5th level spells. He will train me for free. He likes my company

[Mobuto (Fritz)] So Lorie did you decide how much you are putting in the party pack?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] SEan? Mike?

[Lorie] I've decided to keep it all for now then and revisit contributions later

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Sounds good

[Lorie] John reminded me of some things I could spend gold on .... but Bob... please make sure that 10% goes to the Church fund

[DM] you can track that

[JohnA] is bob your god too?

[DM] just make a seperate account

[Finglass (mikE)] fin'll just throw it all in the party pack, i suppose. then he'll withdraw 700 for training.

[DM] and track how much you add to it,

[DM] don't worry about spending it, that will take care of its self

[Lorie] Can we talk about how to do that later. I have the calc done already

[DM] sure

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am keeping track of what he put in.

[Finglass (mikE)] just for the record, fin needs his 4000+ xp for the gold and his 4000 xp for the monster sheets

[Finglass (mikE)] now it's in chat history and BOB can't screw me out of it.

[Finglass (mikE)] +10% for high wis

[DM] I will reset the XP in a moment

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I have been setting my own

[DM] you can't

[Finglass (mikE)] well, now that everyone seems to be keeping it all, i suppose i'll keep it, too

[DM] I do not have that option set

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Why not? I adjust it on my character sheet

[DM] which is the wrong thing to do, and does not show up in the record

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Just like we did in the old days

[DM] except for the DM only chat stuff

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I right it down in my notes

[Mobuto (Fritz)] write

[Mobuto (Fritz)] sorry

[Mobuto (Fritz)] How else would I know I went up a level?

[DM] if I add it correctly it goes in with the prpper notations, etc.

[Lorie] I will be giving some of the gold to the PP ... but probably next week ... I need to calc costs for the other things :)

[DM] that is an issue, I admit, that is what Sean is dealing with now

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I will as well give to the PP

[Mobuto (Fritz)] So lets just do it the old fashion way

[DM] not watching the tool tip that shows how much you need for teh next level

[Mobuto (Fritz)] that is why I created the different notations

[DM] and one of the things that is broken I think, because it shoudl be asking me which field to add it to

[DM] we will get to that later on

[DM] I just got the new def file at what 5:30?

[DM] will work on things like that over teh week

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I did it like 5 weeks ago? We had this discussion like 5 weeks ago?

[DM] no, I just got the new def file from you this afternoon,

[DM] deal with those issues later

[DM] rigth now lets deal with training

[Finglass (mikE)] wait wait wait

[Finglass (mikE)] xp first

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok I have been training at the wizard

[Finglass (mikE)] because then fin will need MORE training

[Mobuto (Fritz)] There you have it bob

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Now we discussed the issue about doling out XP weeks ago

[DM] so far I have the number of 21019 for GP to each of the five,

[DM] and Mobuto, Kylia and Finglass have said they are keeping all of it, and will donate to the party pack later

[DM] Laila will keep hers for now also

[DM] ok so that is the full XP for the gold added to each character sheet

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [5-1] 4

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d100) [3] 3

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d100) [27] 27

[DM] ok, so all the XP values are reset now to include that GP award, I did not add the GP to the sheets, each person needs to do that indivually, what you are keeping and what goes to teh party pack

[DM] Lorie, did you want to do your training for that empty slot now? taking a single slot proficiency

[DM] want to place that in the calendar now, you can say exactly what it is next week or so?

[Lorie] Bob, I'm not sure what I want in its place at the moment

[DM] Thank you fritz and Lorie

[Lorie] we can put it in the calendar

[DM] ok, will put it in the 7 week slot as a normal training

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d10) [7] 7, Roll #2: (d10) [7] 7, Roll #3: (d10) [2] 2, Roll #4: (d10) [6] 6

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll: (4d10) [(7+1+9+7)] 24

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll: (5d10) [(5+9+6+9+4)] 33

[Lorie] It might be less.. I honestly don't know what I want

[DM] well standard training will be 7 weeks, and we will be advancing at least 8 weeks in a minute

[DM] and you can say what it is later on

[DM] before we use it in play next week

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] anyone ned any building done?

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] None here, thanks

[DM] ok, so the quick update here, (and I will update the calendar file in a moment after I finish this) is the date to start is 8-6-1255, kylia is finishd training for her new "blank" skill on 9-8-1255

[DM] finglass is finished with single weapon style on 17-8-1255

[DM] Fudge is finished with two levels of thief training on 26-10-1255

[DM] so the magic users know how much time they have for spells,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (5+d6-1) [5+4-1] 8

[DM] and such

[DM] ok, the calendar document is updated

[DM] with the date this training started and the current date we are on

[DM] so Fritz, Marco, John, work out your spells and such please

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (5+d6-1) [5+3-1] 7

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (5+d6-1) [5+4-1] 8

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Don't forget my search 4 a familiar

[DM] a total of 126 days

[DM] you will have to decide how many days to committ to that Fritz, and how much to commit to spells,

[DM] your search for a psuedo dragon is not a typical thing you might want to deal with spells first than that

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (5+d6-1) [5+6-1] 10

[Finglass (mikE)] i'd search for a tiny tim to be my orphan.

[Finglass (mikE)] they always get the pity vote

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] oh there's plenty of time for me to do my research. takes me 85 days for the 3 spells, but I need access to a library that can do 5th level spells for one of the 3

[JohnA] it would be much easier to polymoph something/one into a psuedo dragon

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yeah, but they dont' get abilities

[Finglass (mikE)] "God bless us, everyone!"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] They do eventually

[DM] a 5th level library is availab eat wolfspack,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (4+d6-1) [4+2-1] 5

[DM] it will cost

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (4+d6-1) [4+2-1] 5

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (4+d6-1) [4+5-1] 8

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (4+d6-1) [4+5-1] 8

[DM] a lot, and you have to join the mages guild

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (4+d6-1) [4+2-1] 5

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] definition of a lot? would it be cheaper to upgrade our library?

[JohnA] Fritz did you Mo pick up any research books to add to the library?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I get an automatic spell. how does that work?

[JohnA] durring training

[DM] without that detail on the library I would guess cheaper to upgrade library

[Mobuto (Fritz)] yes

[DM] but that will take several months

[JohnA] aka Ghost mage's

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] pick a spell of your specialty that you've seen that you automatically know without having to do any research or checks

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No a wid mage's spell book

[Mobuto (Fritz)] wild

[JohnA] he should have some cool spells, even better

[Mobuto (Fritz)] How do i get a new 5th level spell?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well your training will give you one

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ok

[DM] when you train for 5th level spells you get one of the Player Handbook ones

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and levelling you get one spell of any level you like

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] with automatic aquisition

[DM] has to be a common spell

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes it is

[Mobuto (Fritz)] out of PH

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] technically has to be a spell you've seen used

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (4+d6-1) [4+3-1] 6

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] doesn't technically have to be common

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (4+d6-1) [4+6-1] 9

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (4+d6-1) [4+5-1] 8

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (4+d6-1) [4+6-1] 9

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (3+d6-1) [3+6-1] 8

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (3+d6-1) [3+6-1] 8

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (3+d6-1) [3+6-1] 8

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (3+d6-1) [3+3-1] 5

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (3+d6-1) [3+5-1] 7

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (3+d6-1) [3+5-1] 7

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Roll #1: (d100) [65] 65

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Roll #1: (d10) [9] 9

[DM] Lorie at this point you have the training done for Kylia

[DM] and anyone of your followers who needed anything

[Lorie] No, no training required for my followers at this time

[DM] when you pick that skill let me know

[Lorie] Okay

[DM] Fudge is done, Finglass is done, Laila is done, Paul is done, his followers are done,

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I need 3300 gp for 2 spells, since we don't have a library for 5th level spells that last one will have to wait, it'll take me 4 weeks plus 4 days to do all that

[DM] so you still have 74 days to use up if you want

[DM] Paul and Mobuto will be taking all the time they can i assume

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I can make scrolls or something I guess if anyone wants me to do that

[JohnA] I think when I find the note I spent all my money and I will be done

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Wait we have spells of 5th level you can copy

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I can copy spells I guess

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Tell me what you want and I will tell you if we have it

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] oh, I thought you meant for the library

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] the 5th level spell I want to research doesn't exist, it's a new spell

[JohnA] Fritz do you the updated library?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, can I use the 3300 gp then?

[DM] then the other point of buisness is what to do next week,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes I will be doing that as well in the future

[DM] the chaos second level?

[Finglass (mikE)] dun wanna

[DM] or a new small adventure

[JohnA] soory do you have?

[Finglass (mikE)] i hate that place

[DM] I have been thinking of

[DM] or?

[JohnA] are those our two options?

[JohnA] Thedd, Thedd

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] where's the small adventure at?

[DM] no thead yet

[DM] almost

[DM] not quite there yet

[DM] the small adventure is in the hills northeast of the Protectorate

[JohnA] I'm going to pack up, get to bed so I can wake up with my kids

[DM] it is a small little thing about a mage collecting elementals

[Finglass (mikE)] can we go to transylvania?

[DM] sure

[DM] that is a long way off but yeah

[JohnA] good night all

[Lorie] Night John ({{) -1

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Spent 9600 on spells

[DM] ok

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Roll #1: (d2) [1] 1, Roll #2: (d2) [2] 2, Roll #3: (d2) [2] 2, Roll #4: (d2) [1] 1, Roll #5: (d2) [2] 2, Roll #6: (d2) [1] 1, Roll #7: (d2) [1] 1, Roll #8: (d2) [1] 1, Roll #9: (d2) [1] 1, Roll #10: (d2) [1] 1, Roll #11: (d2) [2] 2, Roll #12: (d2) [1] 1, Roll #13: (d2) [2] 2, Roll #14: (d2) [2] 2, Roll #15: (d2) [2] 2

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Roll: (15d2) [(1+2+1+2+1+2+1+2+1+1+1+1+2+2+2)] 22

JohnA has left the game

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Roll: (29d2) [(2+2+1+2+2+1+1+1+2+2+1+2+1+1+1+2+1+2+2+2+1+1+2+2+2+2+1+2+2)] 46

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Roll: (43d2) [(2+1+1+2+2+2+2+2+1+2+2+1+2+1+2+1+2+2+2+2+2+2+1+1+2+2+2+1+2+2+2+1+2+2+1+2+1+1+1+2+1+1+1)] 69

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Roll: (9d2) [(2+2+1+2+1+2+2+2+1)] 15

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 152 days

[Mobuto (Fritz)] If I did it correctly

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Wait divide that by half

[DM] ok

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 76 days

[DM] ok, so you have 50 days left

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Research check: (d20) [8] 8. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against 19!!!

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Can I spend the rest of the time looking for my familiar?

[DM] how are you doing that? do you have a ranger?

[DM] or tracking? a spell to find one?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Are their any markets that might sell them?

[DM] not that you know of

[DM] the most likely place you know of to find one is on teh other side of the moutains near Hallstatt,

[DM] which is Druid lands

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well I first will collect alot of delictible small meats and pies that I think it might like.

[DM] ok,

[DM] just a sec, john is leaving let me see him out

[Mobuto (Fritz)] k

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d10) [4] 4

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d20) [2] 2

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d2) [1] 1

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d2) [1] 1

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d2) [1] 1

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d2) [2] 2

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d-4) -1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d-.0) -1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d4) [4] 4

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm gonna spend some time teaching claw a few languages

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d4) [3] 3

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d{d4) -1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (dd4) -1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ({d4) -1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ({d4) -1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d4) [3] 3

mikE has left the game

[Lorie] We're done for the evening I guess?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] beats me

[Lorie] just wondered since John left and Mike logged off

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so I'm teaching claw central and eastern common

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] because I can

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] they're quitters

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you don't wanna be a quitter

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you're better than that

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] stronger faster, you have the money and technology

[DM] ok

[DM] back sorry abotu that

[DM] was there anything you wanted Lorie?

[DM] we were workign on things still they are both done, so they left

[DM] is there any request from you Lorie?

[Lorie] Nope... nothing in particular at this time I guess

[DM] ok,

[DM] wanted to be sure you are up to date with anything I can do for you

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] how about we go on a ride to ::closes his eyes and points at the world map:: there

[Lorie] I'm not sure where we are heading... so not sure what to plan.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, now we can make suggestions

[Lorie] I'm going to log off I guess if there isn't anything else on tap for the evening.

[Lorie] Happy 4th of July all

Lorie has left the game

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I will teleport with Ailea to Halstatt. We shall enter the forest. I will and I do mean this in all honesty keep broadcasting my thoughts that I am looking for a psuedodragon companion. Not a pet. One to be my familiar and companion. I will treat it well and protect it. Keep it fed and in comfort. I will use the amulet of animal speech to ask the local animals we come by if they have seen or know the location of a pseudodragon. I will ask Ailea to use her magic and her ability to comune with the wild and call on animals to search the forest.

[DM] ok,

[DM] want to add anythign else to that?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I will be honest about my adventures and how I have helped my companions and how I am looking to further aid

[Mobuto (Fritz)] them and others

[DM] I will take that into account and come up with a percent chance per week of that working

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and a quasit shows up to be your faithful companion, until he decides to kill you or something

[DM] we can to that in email

[DM] just let me know what kind of things you want to "trick out with"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ? what do you mean?

[DM] besides broadcasting your thoughts,

[DM] such as using spells?

[DM] or ?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Like bless spells. Speaking to the animals so that they will go and notify the pseudodragoan as well

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] better yet, you get a psuedo familiar

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that would be cool

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 8*P

[Mobuto (Fritz)] She has the ability to commune with rats and wolves and hawks and will ask them to give her information and look through thier eyes as well

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] oh come on you totally want a psuedo familiar

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] they are nifty

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'll give the info to bob so he can give you one :)

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] She will use the spell call animal and bring different animals to us and send them out searching and looking as well as summon animal

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Summon them to look and search for us

[Mobuto (Fritz)] and report my desire to the pseudodragon as well as to come and get us

[Mobuto (Fritz)] locate animals and plants as well

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Call pack as well to get some additional aid

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] oh come on, who cool would it be to have an ever vigilant familiar that never sleeps and never needs to eat. come on you know you want a pseudo-familiar

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] how cool even

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it even knows the language of every human and demi human race

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] perfect translator

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] only hit by +2 weapons

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it'd eat a pseudo dragon for lunch!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] :)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] She will use her spirit powers to commune with the animal spirits as well

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok,

[DM] got that Fritz

[DM] will increase your chances,

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] of getting a pseudo familiar :)

[DM] what are you going to do about the Druids?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] technically I suppose you could have a pseudo dragon pseudo familiar

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you know you want one of those

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well I don't know anything about them. I don't if they are good or bad. ::Do I know about the druids?::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] oh they're very good :-D

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and all you need to do to get one is make a quick trip to ravenloft ;)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ::Does Mobuto know anything about the druids?::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] bob says no

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Riiiiiiigggghhhhtt!!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] pseudo familiars are basically more powerful versions of familiars that take over their wizard masters and kill their companions

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Then I don't worry about them. But I will point out to the animals that I am not here to hurt them or anything, and I have no need to burn wood or hunt for food

[DM] well these are not druids (small d) like Kylia, these are Druids (capital D) that have human sacrifice still and change animal form

[DM] and they are the ones that are at a low level conflict with the druids of Wolfspack

[DM] which are opposed to Kylia,

[DM] Kylia has worked out an uneasy truce

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ::Does Mobuto know this?::

[DM] she knows from kylia's talks about politics, that is where she was training this past couple of months

[DM] she split some time between Hallstatt and Mactirr

[DM] to balance her aligencies

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Other than that he knows nothing about sacrifice and stuff?

[DM] nope

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] kill some birds, pour their blood upon your face then burn the corpses as you dance in circles, you'll have a pseudo dragon in no time

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ailea will probably spend most of her time in animal form so that should help. And well I look like a 2 foot tall animal and not very appetizing so we shall see what happens

[DM] ok then

[DM] I have everything I need here in the chat then

[DM] will do a little with the def file over the weekend

[DM] and get it back to you fritz

[DM] and will post emails about the rest

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Why send it back to me?

[DM] needs a small change want you to have the latest version

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What do you want changed?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] It may or may not be something I have already done or tried or am working on.

[DM] coding issues

[DM] to make it compliant with proper XML

[DM] Sean and I were talking about some things

[DM] it is really minor

[DM] but will mean that Word and other editors will be able to edit it also

[DM] we will talk to Kurris about making it an offical change for everyone

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Oh . ok. Well I also need to send you the other files etc. I edit it in word anyway

[DM] but as a word doc, this will allow you to edit as XML, and the benifits of that

[DM] such as collapsing sections of code

[DM] and highligting tags, etc.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well I don't know what that means since I am not a computer person

[DM] nods, I know which is why I did not ask you to tackle it

[DM] we have it now we think

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] collapsing sectons of code is what you get when the code is not up to code

[DM] will be easier in the long run

[DM] groans at that bad geek pun

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What I did was figure out what we needed. Looked at a bunch of examples within the program and then just rewrote everything to our specifications.

[DM] and now we should run

[DM] yeap

[DM] you did great

[DM] not touchign the things that you did so far,

[DM] it is mostly stuff that kurris has not done becasue it is a coder issue and not a game related issue

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am sure you guys could do a better job. go right ahead. I am not trying to be proud. Just didn't want you to waste as much time as I did, do to my lack of knowledge

[DM] no, you know more than I do at this point

[DM] it took me what? 6 weeks to get to this

[DM] you have done a lot

[DM] we all thank you for that

[DM] no worries there

[DM] John was impressed tonight

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Question did you add our time away in the abyss to the calendar?

[DM] yes

[DM] the current calendar in klooge is up to date

[DM] and I will update that again before we play on Friday

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Man is there anyway I can speed up Ailea's library? At this rate she will 15th level by the time it is built to accomidate 3rd level research spells

[DM] sorry, that is the fastest way, libraries take a long time, that is why they are so valuagble

[DM] John and Marco were talking about that tonight too

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Hmmm maybe we should go and steal one?

[DM] John and I will work out what the DS library contains and is worth now after this last round of additions

[DM] lol

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] nah, she won't get any xp for a long time while the library will continue to grow so you'll have a library for 9th level spells before you get to your next level ;)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I will send you a copy of the spells we got from Majike.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] or I will just make a list available for everyone to use

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I think I have the original spread sheet

[DM] great that will help

[DM] put it on the list if possible,

[DM] that way john will have it too

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Marco what about the potions?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Will do

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] the food ones?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] yea

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, I have the logs so I guess I could look it up

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] don't suppose you know what week you weren't there?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok send it to me and I will divvy them up. Uhmmm yea. April 29 I believe

[DM] ok, need to wrap up here,

Sean has left the game

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] 2 x Extra Healing, 1 x Invisibility, 1 x Flying, 1 x Healing

[DM] see you guys online over the week

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] may 20 apparently

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Or may 20

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yep night night

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] got the potions then?

Fritz has left the game

BiBo!!! has left the game