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Jul 24 15 - Fool Me Twice - Klooge Meltdown 2015 part 2 - First night with Tabletop Connect

  • This is a cleaned up version as best as I could with just gameplay included

Klooge chat log

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jul 24 18:16:37 EDT 2015 ====

Dinner with Lord Sam Hightower

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Brawnyn? who would you like to have at dinner with you?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Lord Sam did not specify anything, he simply requested dinner with you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Anyone who would like to attend is fine. If he needs time in private we can arrange that later.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I cannot imagine what he wants though

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] He is a bachelor

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] could that be it?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Unless he is disturbed about the frozen mage in the garden

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would doubt that Phillipe. I am sure Prince Loplin would be doing any arranging on that score and Sam would be quite left out of the matter.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I had forgotten about the frozen apprentice

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] should we have either of your new ones attend?

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "I haven't"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No. They can stay downstairs.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] After the questioning from this morning,

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] did you want either Joseph or Atribella to attend?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I wish them to carry our their normal duties. Nothing has changed.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] very well

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] dinner will be served in a hour Jilly assures me

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] she believes she has it timed to just after Lord Sam's arrival

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sure she shall do her best.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We will hope that he is not late then

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh and you must send a note to Midguard at the Guild tomorrow. I have another library appointment the day after next and I would like one of the scrolls that Midguard had promised if possible.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Oh?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] which scroll shall I tell him you wish? or would I understand?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] perhaps Joseph should relay the message?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He should understand. He is making me Dispel Magic scrolls.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Joseph can go, yes.

Branwyn (Lisa) checks her hair in the glass

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] Branwyn,

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] May I present Prince Sam

Sam (Master) smiles and bows

Branwyn (Lisa) curtsies "Lord Hightower, welcome"

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] Dinner will be served momentarily, I set a tray of drinks in the courtyards Ambassador

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods, but doesn't bow::

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Atribella

[Sam (Master)] Thank you Branwyn

[Sam (Master)] It is good to get out of the Palace, thank you for inviting me to dinner

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is our pleasure. I do not think you have been here since we have moved in. Do you like what we have done with it?

[Sam (Master)] It is very nice to see the old place cleaned up and being used again

Sam (Master) glancing around the courtyard, quirking an eyebrow

[Sam (Master)] where do you keep your hippogriff? Imari

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you do remember meeting Imari at the ball? Imari, Lord Sam Hightower.

[Sam (Master)] /smiles

[Sam (Master)] she is a bit memorable

[Imari (Mike)] "Hello, Sam."

[Sam (Master)] I do not remember the last barbarian that stayed in the city

[Imari (Mike)] "You don't remember me?"

[Sam (Master)] I remember you

[Sam (Master)] I mean I do not remember a barbarian before you

[Imari (Mike)] ::quirks an eyebrow:: "I'll have to give you something to remember me by tonight, then."

[Sam (Master)] of course the hordes that sweep in from the north

[Sam (Master)] but those are near Blackmorn

[Sam (Master)] and the northern reaches of the Kingdom

[Sam (Master)] looking at Imari expectantly

[Sam (Master)] where do you keep your hippogriff? Imari

[Imari (Mike)] "In the stables."

[Sam (Master)] How do you keep it away from the horses?

[Imari (Mike)] "We lock up the horses."

[Imari (Mike)] "And we feed him regularly so he knows he doesn't have to eat the horses he sees here in the city."

[Sam (Master)] I have considered the idea of having a detail of guards mounted on some aerial beasts

[Imari (Mike)] "Artiark is very helpful. He makes a good scout and hunter on long journeys."

[Sam (Master)] the King has his Royal Order of the Griffon

[Imari (Mike)] "Yes. They don't seem to like Artiark very much. He had a run in with one recently."

[Sam (Master)] are there issues with mixing them?

[Imari (Mike)] "Fortunately for the gryphon he is well behaved."

[Imari (Mike)] "Oh yes. You don't."

[Sam (Master)] so then I suppose it would not be appropriate to use hippogriffs for such a tasks

[Sam (Master)] perhaps you can suggest an alternative?

[Imari (Mike)] "Not with the gryphons."

[Sam (Master)] looks around at the group,

[Imari (Mike)] "Why not get more gryphons?"

[Sam (Master)] those are the King's prerogative

[Imari (Mike)] "So he holds the sole right to use a gryphon? How foolish."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sure the King has his reasons.

[Sam (Master)] I do not believe it is his alone, but it would be provocative to create a similar type of force

[Imari (Mike)] "That is like a chief not allowing his warriors to use an axe because only he is allowed to use one. his tribe would be taken over in their first battle."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] An axe is more basic of a tool than a gryphon and so I am sure that Terraguard is secure

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Sam (Master)] The King does have the power of connections

[Sam (Master)] there are currently two? perhaps three wars that I know of in the Kingdom

[Sam (Master)] as long as the King's lands and messengers are not molested he allows them to happen

[Imari (Mike)] "That seems to be one or two too many wars at once. Who is conspiring against him?"

[Sam (Master)] not against the King, against each other

[Imari (Mike)] "Your king lets his subjects fight amongst themselves?"

[Sam (Master)] I know the Duke of Sothby has attacked the Earl of Warnen

[Sam (Master)] there are at least two or three countries involved in that war

[Sam (Master)] beyond those principles

[Sam (Master)] and of course Mercenaries,

[Sam (Master)] nods at Branwyn

[Imari (Mike)] "Well that seems counter productive for a king to let his own lords fight like that."

[Imari (Mike)] "If they have quarrel with each other they should deal with it in a duel."

[Sam (Master)] It does keep them balanced against each other and not able to take out their aggressions on the King's lands

[Sam (Master)] oh I am certain that there are those that do

[Imari (Mike)] "That is the best way. Then the king doesn't lose armies to two men fightint like children.'

[Imari (Mike)] "If the lords would dare to rise up, the king should take care of them."

[Imari (Mike)] "I know you are adopted into his family, but this king sounds very strange."

[Sam (Master)] If someone were to rise up to the King he would put a very heavy foot down I am sure

[Sam (Master)] laughs,

[Imari (Mike)] "If the barbarian chiefs acted like this, the tribes would fall apart in a generation.'

[Sam (Master)] I am not adopted into the King's family

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers "adopted by the Prince"

[Imari (Mike)] "Aren't you the prince's adopted son?"

[Imari (Mike)] "And the prince is son of the king. I learned how that went from the Queen of Drillian."

[Imari (Mike)] "Her son is prince."

[Sam (Master)] That might be how they do things in a small kingdom

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sorry I did not explain better, Imari. The Royal Family is more confusing than the one for Drillian I am afraid.

[Sam (Master)] here in Terraguard there is a much different way

[Imari (Mike)] "As I said. strange."

[Imari (Mike)] "Too many rules and intricacies. I prefer things simple. Life is easier that way."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lord Sam is of royal blood, just not the biological son of Prince Loplin.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That was my mistake and I apologize.

[Sam (Master)] Imari,

[Sam (Master)] My Father Prince Loplin

[Sam (Master)] is the nephew in law to the King, King Farthorn X

[Sam (Master)] My Father being the Prince of Dryads Lair does not mean anything to the succession

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And your father does not seem to want it in any event.

[Sam (Master)] The King's sister is another Prince

[Sam (Master)] his brother is one

[Sam (Master)] so both of those would likely get the Crown over my Father

[Sam (Master)] although they are both older than he is

[Sam (Master)] Does that make things clearer Imari?

[Imari (Mike)] "No."

[Sam (Master)] what would you like me to explain then?

[Imari (Mike)] "Nothing. It is a strange way of sorting things that I do not need to understand."

[Sam (Master)] the King has been on the throne for 50 years now

[Sam (Master)] his golden jubilee was this past Spring

[Sam (Master)] just prior to your coming to the city

[Imari (Mike)] "I'm sure that was exciting."

[Sam (Master)] I had wondered what Ambassador Waverlyn was going to do for the event

[Sam (Master)] then she died so suddenly just before hand

[Branwyn (Lisa)] All of the celebrations would have been at Terraguard City at the King's palace?

[Sam (Master)] yes

[Sam (Master)] all the key ones of course

[Sam (Master)] we hosted a grand feast at the Palace here

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] Dinner is ready to be served Ambassador, Lord Hightower

Atribella Olivin (Master) leads everyone to the dinning hall

Jilly (Master) hurrying in with a tray, sees Branwyn and slows to a calmer walk

Jilly (Master) bobs a little curtsey

[Jilly (Master)] Branwyn, My Lord

[Jilly (Master)] here are some small treats to try

Sam (Master) smiles and picks up a small bird off of the tray

Sam (Master) looking, then looking down at Jilly

[Sam (Master)] Is this really?

Jilly (Master) bobs, smiling,

[Jilly (Master)] I found out that

[Jilly (Master)] well I knew you liked

[Jilly (Master)] OH please try it see if I did it right

Sam (Master) POPS the bird in his mouth

[Sam (Master)] soft crunch

[Sam (Master)] closes his eyes

[Sam (Master)] It is masterfully done

[Imari (Mike)] ::eats::

[Sam (Master)] I loved these when I was younger

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sam, I must say I was surprised that you asked to see me here instead of having me attend you at the palace.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You wish to tell me to stop attending city council meetings?

Branwyn (Lisa) grins

Sam (Master) laughs

[Master] I came because you invited me to come

[Sam (Master)] I came because you invited me to come

[Jilly (Master)] I am glad you liked the jellied sparrows

[Jilly (Master)] the main course is on the table for you now in the dinning room,

[Jilly (Master)] this way

Branwyn (Lisa) glances at Phillipe questioningly

Branwyn (Lisa) pulls him aside as the others enter the dining room

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) whispers to Branwyn

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I thought he was saying he wanted to come?

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers "But he sent you a message he wanted a meeting?"

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) whispers yes

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) keep him talking, maybe we can find out why

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Why does no one just say what they wish to when they wish to? It would make things so much easier.

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head, puts on a smile and enters the dining room

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And what is our magnificent chef serving this evening?

[Imari (Mike)] "Should I be blunt about it, Bran?"

[Jilly (Master)] Our first course was jellied sparrows

[Jilly (Master)] our next course is duck stuffed with acorns

[Jilly (Master)] then we have a course of poached greens

[Jilly (Master)] It really is too bad that Indigo is not here, I would guess he is not eating these

[Jilly (Master)] like he should be

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am at a loss to what to be blunt about. But I beginning to have a sneaking suspicion that the bluntness needs to be directed more in the direction of home.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Jilly.

[Jilly (Master)] for desert we have a trifle

[Sam (Master)] You have a delightful staff Branwyn

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "They are treasures."

[Sam (Master)] Are you going to be visiting the library again soon I hear?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The day after next actually.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope we have not caused to much of an uproar with our presence.

[Sam (Master)] I think that the palace needs a good uproar once in a while

[Sam (Master)] far too many boring balls

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I do think the end results will be quite satisfying to the Royal Librarian.

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There are books just sitting there attacking people that need to be opened.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well I should like to think they need to be opened.

[Sam (Master)] I always thought that it was the other way around? for us to devour the books?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What good is a spell book that remains shut for decades?

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "I'm afraid that would only make these books angry."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You and Prince Loplin will be attending the Mourning of Megrim feast here at the manor?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I do hope so.

[Sam (Master)] I expect that I will attend in his place

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He shall not come? You were both invited.

[Sam (Master)] He spends it with his parents

[Sam (Master)] Father has his own un requited love in his past

[Sam (Master)] I have attended once

[Sam (Master)] but I have attended to other invitations over the last couple of years

[Imari (Mike)] "It will be lovely to have you here."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Don't we all have at least one lost love?

[Sam (Master)] I suppose I have been lucky

[Sam (Master)] that I have had enjoyable times with women

[Sam (Master)] but I have not had any heartbreak

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then you have not found love to lose.

[Sam (Master)] have you lost a love Imari?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps lucky in one sense but unfortunate in another

[Imari (Mike)] "I don't grow attached to men. They are just flesh and will pass away to the other side."

[Sam (Master)] so you are attracted to other women?

[Sam (Master)] they turn to dust also

[Imari (Mike)] "We are just flesh as well."

[Imari (Mike)] "Though, there is one man I am rather attached to. I hope to eat his brain some day."

Sam (Master) blinks

[Sam (Master)] is that a saying for what?

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Imari (Mike)] "Ah, sorry, a barbarian custom you would find odd."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Anyone I know, Imari?

[Imari (Mike)] "But he is the wisest of Partik's priests and to gain his wisdom would be a blessing."

[Sam (Master)] so you would join with him? would he move here to the City to be with you?

[Imari (Mike)] "I only hope I am strong enough to gain his gift before Partik calls him home."

[Imari (Mike)] "No, he would be dead. Why on earth would you eat the brain of a living man?"

Sam (Master) pauses in his eating

[Imari (Mike)] ::furrows her brow and shakes her head::

[Sam (Master)] I can see how that would be very appropriate for a barbarian actually he says with a little thought

[Sam (Master)] you would eat their brain while they are alive

[Imari (Mike)] "You may call us barbarians, but that would be barbaric."

[Imari (Mike)] "I don't think any of us would even consider doing that. Shameful."

[Sam (Master)] I have heard the tribes on the great plains let giant insects eat their enemies

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But when you said you were attached to him I thought you meant you wished to be with him in life and then later do the death brain ritual.

[Imari (Mike)] "You do not torture. Not even your foe. If they meet you in battle and fall, then they have earned a clean death by their honor."

[Imari (Mike)] "Oh, no. He is my teacher, not my lover."

[Imari (Mike)] ::laughs:: "I think if I tried it would send him to Partik early."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ahhh, okay.

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Imari (Mike)] "If he could even rise to the challenge."

[Sam (Master)] this is very interesting

[Sam (Master)] thank you for this tonight Branwyn, Imari

Branwyn (Lisa) coughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are most welcome here any time.

[Imari (Mike)] "You are welcome. I enjoy a dinner where Jilly is quiet."

Jilly (Master) SMACKS Imari on the back of the head with a spoon

[Jilly (Master)] NO trifle for you

Jilly (Master) stomps off

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Sam "You must treat Jilly right and eat your greens if you wish to have dessert, Sam."

[Sam (Master)] I see

[Imari (Mike)] "I think I will take her for a flight on Artiark. Dangling upside down from his talllons."

[Master] &&&&&&&&&&&

Tabletop Connect Chat log

  • Who needs questions when Bob has all the answers?

Sam: I do not need a private meeting, I suppose anything I say will be shared afterwards

Sam: I do not like to have secrets if I can help it

Sam: So that you understand that this is a personal issue and not one for the crown. I have a curiosity about my parents. I have heard that you were a good investigator Branwyn and that your team might be able to find out some things about my past for me.

Sam: Who's murder did you solve?

Sam: So I am not aware of any murders that I or my parents were involved in, but maybe that is why no one ever talked about them in the past, and now it would seem inappropriate for me to be exploring that.

Sam: I can reassure you that I did not kill the ambassador, he says with a smile

Sam: I cannot ask the Librarian, he would undoubtedly mention it to my father and I do not want to cause him any concerns, or have him think I am ungrateful

Sam: Yes that is a good way of saying it

Sam: What I know of my parents is simple. My mother died when I was only a year old. I was told she did not know my father. But it always seemed a bit odd that I am not certain of her name.

Sam: The only clue I have is Ronwith.

Sam: Branwyn, I cannot do that to my Father, to ask him about the past. I do not want to hurt his feelings or cause any issues, what if there is a reason I was an orphan. Or was I a bastard. I suppose am I a bastard, he says with a wry grin

Sam: Branwyn, I do not know who my father was. That is partially why I feel I have to be circumspect

Sam: No please do not do that. I would not ask you to do that FOR me and I would not think it could be productive. If there was something he wanted me to know I would guess he would have told me by now

Sam: That is one reason I suppose, if I am a bastard then whose bastard am I?

Sam: I am not saying NOT to ask my Father. I am only saying that I am not going to ask you to ask my father, does that make sense?

Sam: That is a name on a shirt that I have from when I was a babe. I believe that it is a last name, but I have no word on that.

Sam: there are some families that I have heard of with that as a last name

Sam: looking at Branwyn, the shirt was red I believe but now it is an old rust color. I have the shirt still, but I would not trust asking a priest here in the City. They are the ones that gave me away I think.

Sam: What I do know of the story is that my Father was given me as a babe to take care of and he has raised me as his own. This is why I came to you and your investigating.

Sam: Thank you. I should let you go back to your night. Thank you for a wonderful evening

Investigating the Staff Regarding the Murder of Mistress Waverlyn

Joseph: I do not know of anything else to tell Branwyn about the Ambassador's death that I have not already told her

Phillipe: I am certain that I know things that will help Branwyn figure out who killed the Ambassador but I do not know what those things are

Atribella: l am certain that I have told Branwyn all of the details that Branwyn has asked me for. Marisu, I am trying to be as forthright as I can, I saw how upset Branwyn got about Joseph, and i want to be clear for her. Marisu does that answer your question? I do not know of anything that I should tell you Atribella

Atribella 7/24/2015 10:51:27 PM: I think that the best I can say is that I do not think that anyone has yet looked for what killed the Ambassador

Joseph: Yes I have had poison before

Phillipe: Yes I have had poison before

Atribella: The only poison I have had before was what the ambassador requested I get for her

Atribella: I did what the Misstress asked of me. Two different times she had me find something for her. Both times I brought it to her and I presumed she used it. I do not know who she wanted to use it on. She asked for things that could go into food or drink.

After Dinner with Lord Sam Hightower

And so sitting around in the Salon after dinner

BOB: Phillipe asks if you want him to stay

Phillipe: Smiles and nods at Branwyn, Yes and I want to give you the space to speak with each other. I am here to answer questions if you have them, but I would like to go to bed. With no appointments tomrrow I am planning on doing a bit of inventory.

Phillipe: It is not an easy task I am certain. If someone did want to hide who he was, I would ask why ? Who would be able to convince Prince Loplin to bring a child into his household?

Phillipe: Prince Loplin was never married, his parents did not have any other children

Phillipe: Very well

Phillipe: I know that Jennevive had an appointment at the Celestry tonight, she said it was an all night vigil, that I was to send Kenna if she was needed for an emergency. She has been here during most of the days, she typically goes out to meet with priests as she knows you do not wish to have them here in the house.

Phillipe: I can ask her to attend the next session with the spells if you like

Phillipe: And I do believe she is hiding things, not out of spite but that she believes you do not need to know

Phillipe: I will say that i have never heard that name mentioned in regards to Prince Sam

End of chat