Main / Jul2905C

Jul 29 05 - Cleaned Format - Spider Lady Dungeon

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jul 29 18:46:01 EDT 2005 ====

BiBo!!! has joined the game

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

Fritz has joined the game

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

Mobuto (Fritz) is now controlling Mobuto

mikE has joined the game

[mikE] evening

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

[BiBo!!!] did you reduce any of those icons I've been using fritz?

[Fritz] No didn't have3 a chance to work on them this week. sorry

[BiBo!!!] np

[Fritz] Blame Bob he has me working on his skills sheet

JohnA has joined the game

[mikE] sdklfsda';klj

[mikE] hey john

[JohnA] hey

Paul Elvenstire (JohnA) is now controlling Paul Elvenstire

JohnA is receiving the map...

JohnA has received the map.

Sean has joined the game

Sean is receiving the map...

Sean has received the map.

Khan (JohnA) is now controlling Khan

[DM] ok

[DM] so we are doign the ordering thing and trying to make sure that everyone is set

[DM] Nyrma needs the laptop tonight juggling keyboards right now

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto follows Alastair.

[DM] so I do believe that we will be able to move along in a short bit

[Fritz] have a question. If I make myself giant sized, do my magic spells do more damgae?

[DM] no,

[DM] size matters not

[Fritz] ok just checking

[BiBo!!!] :-P

[BiBo!!!] nice try

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] did I miss anything at the end last week?

[BiBo!!!] bugs

[BiBo!!!] many many bugs

[JohnA] in the program or the game?

[BiBo!!!] program

[JohnA] did you kill them?

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] no wait Klooge is still here

[BiBo!!!] well, we tried, but you know how bugs have a habit of being stubborn

[DM] deletes 10K XP

[Wolf Moradred (Fritz)] Wolf Moradred no longer follows Laila.

[DM] so

[DM] getting started along here

Wolf Moradred (Fritz) is now controlling Wolf Moradred

[mikE] can't. it's not eight yet, and we havn't had three klooge issues yet.

[JohnA] hey, sh he can here you

[JohnA] hear

[DM] I am ready

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto follows Wolf Moradred.

[JohnA] for?

[DM] you to deside what you would like to do

[Fritz] Move what else

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Al, do we have a map of this place?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Fin?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Al?

[mikE] Yeah. but bob won't let us use it

[BiBo!!!] beats me

[mikE] because of klooge issues

[mikE] so once again klooge is penalizing us.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ooc So BOB we don't know where the dragon room is?

[mikE] nope

[DM] ok,

[DM] sending an image to your tree

[mikE] i would have suggested we use a pool to get in at an area near un explored territory

[DM] so there is not an image on your tree

[DM] and it is the map

[mikE] damnit.

[DM] without the obscurement

[mikE] fritz you still have our maps

[DM] how does that work for you all?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] this is the levell we are on, tks, it's beter than nothing

[mikE] i want my old maps to look at. so much easier to look at and plot our course

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Not on this computer

[mikE] never on the computer.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And Mobuto doesn't have them anyway

[mikE] i mapped a fair bit of it myself on paper, so not on the computer.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] So are we just going to explore?

[mikE] well, i'd give us a direction to go, but we don't have our maps here

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] it looks as if the big room is not on this level

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Look Mobuto is just following somebody move us crap are we going to stand here for 30 min deciding what to do?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] if you want to look for the dragon, we need to go down a level

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Go Al

[mikE] sorry we're going slow fritz, btu you've tied our hands here

[Mobuto (Fritz)] How did I tie your hands THIS TIME?

[mikE] you see, we used to have a whole set of maps. so now bob's trying to load all your cut up maps for us to figure out where we're going

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] What is BOB prepared for?

[mikE] so you'll have to be patient while we try to figure out where we are and where we want to go

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] (Jess)i wont get to talk a whole lot tonight, so i wanted to say hi

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] HEY! Jess projecting through BiBO cool!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm playing the part of ranma for tonight

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] tell bob we'll explore ths level if he has encounters ready

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Fine I will get all the old maps I can find and mail them back to Bob. Hope that speeds you people up in the future

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] (Jess) we werent sure that we'd hve time to pick up our computers tonight, so rob and i are both sorta sharing through bibo

[mikE] well, maybe since you have them, you can use them to speed up our movement rather than complaining that we're too slow

[DM] Fritz you just need to pick what you would like to work on

[DM] to continue to work on the maps is fine

[mikE] open up the maps and get us to un explored territory. probably down on level 3

[DM] finish the skills copy and past stuff

[DM] then finishing the maps woudl be good

[mikE] we know the dragon isn't lairing in any of the places we've been

[DM] for now Mike has every map that is done availblae to him

[Mobuto (Fritz)] NO let somebody else do the damn work and let me complain. Not waste all my time for everybody else to bitch and moan at me for a change

[DM] the issue Fritz is that it is not all done

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I will send you the maps and let somebody else work on them

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] BOB, if it not done it's fine. just tell us what we can do

[DM] for tonight

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I took alot of my personal time to work on the mpas you have

[DM] and as of this moment Mike can see all of them

[DM] if John or Fritz are ready I will send those images

[Mobuto (Fritz)] you sent maps to a professional in europe to get it done for Thedd dungeon and I don't see that they have been returned yet. So if people arent happy let them do the work

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I got the one off the tree fine, I'll follow where Mike wants to go

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am tired of wasting my friday nights hearing people whine about me all the damn time

[DM] Fritz do you want me to add those images to your tree or are you goign to let Mike pick the path

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so can we kick something now?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Let him pick the path

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Just move

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::wanders down the path::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] make it lighter

[Wolf Moradred (Fritz)] Wolf Moradred follows Alastair.

[DM] well now Mike is looking over all the maps to decide where to go

Wolf Moradred (Fritz) is no longer controllingWolf Moradred

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Bob do we need unexplorr ed space to get encounters?

[DM] not at al JOhn

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] hey guys, to make things easier, I'l move alistair along, we'll keep everyone else from moving that way we'll just keep that marching order and we don't have to go through the chaos of moving the entire party down the path

[DM] this is explored but not cleared

[DM] so you will have encounters

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] looks we are at at a door, can someone check for traps?

[Antarias (BiBo!!!)] Antarias no longer follows Alastair.

[Finglass (BiBo!!!)] Finglass no longer follows Alastair.

[Wolf Moradred (BiBo!!!)] Wolf Moradred no longer follows Alastair.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Isn't this the way to Reign's area Al?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Laila: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [15] 15. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against 20!!!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] not a clue mo, I've not spent much time down here. I see an elevator on this map, I'm heading towards it

[DM] Yes this is the area that Reign reworked Fritz

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I believe you are headed in that direction. I have visited him a few times and that is where you are going now

[DM] was it map 1 or map 2 for those adjustments

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, we can say hi if he shows up then I suppose. So, are there any traps on that door laila? Fudge?

[DM] no trap

[DM] is locked

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, feel free to open it up either of you

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Laila: Open Locks check:(d100) [25] 25. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against 25!!!

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ::OOC:: I would have to look at the maps to tell you bob, I have no idea by the number.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] It was a long time ago

[DM] I will add them to the tree for you to look at then

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto no longer follows Wolf Moradred.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto follows Mobuto.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] don't need to move your chars john, we're being representational

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto follows Alastair.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto no longer follows Alastair.

[DM] there you go Fritz take a look at those

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] aka, stay in the marching order, I'll move alistair along to show where we are

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto follows Alastair.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto no longer follows Alastair.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto follows Alastair.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] same to you fritz :-P

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or you can both ignore me

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] We do not know when we might encounter something

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Each area is diffrent for set up

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no, but when we do, we'll move you all in, dragging everyone along is cumbersome and draining to klooge

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] well try it your way

Lorie has joined the game

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] YEA!

[Lorie] Evening all ...

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] HELLO LADY!

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Hiya Lorie

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Is there a reason you stopped Al?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I hear god screaming

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Did n't see your message till I had moved Marco sorry. Also it also will cause problems

[Mobuto (Fritz)] But you will see that soon

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] oh well that's a good reason

[mikE] okay, i see where we go to the elevator. are we planning on going straight to the third floor?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] do I hear anything?

[mikE] assume the dragon is down deep?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I think so ... Bob has the maps on transparencies for that section ...

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] This elevator does not give you a choice if it;s like every other elev ator

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] speaking of which, how can kLoOge deal with that type of map?

[mikE] it doesn't.

[mikE] i'm going to attempt to map on the fly using paint tools.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] So God was not screaming?

[mikE] no we really see how great, or not so great, kludge is

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, god if you consider the gm as god

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] AHHHHHH, sorry I thought you were in character

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ;)

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I believe in BOB, I don't pray to him, except for D&D

[mikE] so how does this elevator work then, john?

[mikE] it decides what floor we go to?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I believe it just sorrt goes to a random floor

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] it moves randowm 1-3 levels up or do or so

[mikE] lovely.

[DM] Lorie is still loading the tree,

[DM] the icon size issues

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I was going to say we were close to the stairs, but this should be fun

[mikE] can we just keep pushing the button?

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] what button?

[DM] she has not tryed teh map yet

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] are we waiting, she will catch up?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think it shifts once an hour or something like that

[mikE] the hypothetical button that makes all elevators move.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] unless I'm thinking a different one

[mikE] once an hour? damn. that's even more unreliable than what we have.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] this will test what BOB is ready for

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he's ready for nothing, this is why nothing gets done, he just stalls to make it seem like we are the ones not moving things along

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] in reality, he isn't ready for us

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and never will be

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] because klooge disallows it

[mikE] yup.

[mikE] klooge doesn't like anything spur of the moment. must be planned out weeks in advance

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] you knopw he can see what your typing right?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] not right now he can't, he's afk

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] soone call me when we have an encounter

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] but then I never have any problem saying anything to anyone's face :)

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] call as on physical phone or make your computer ring?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] just kidding

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] So Paul, are all the ceilings in this place black voids? that's kinda creepy isn't it? Makes you feel like people are staring down at you from above doesn't it?

[DM] ok, food is ordered, laptp coming up online for Jess and Rogb

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I'm used to it

[DM] Lorie is at 90%

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] beter that the sky overhead in some ways

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] why's that?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] less things can fly at you. Outside you can have a army of invisible dragons flying overhead

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Unless your in a big cavern, not much gets over you

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] somehow I doubt we'd ever find an army of dragons. for one, the amount of food needed to sustain them would be enormous. for two dragons tend to be very solitary creatures in general.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] but you can picture my ppoint, Any flying invisible army can be deadly

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] sorry for the stttttuter

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (that's my next character for sure

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] true enough. But I have faith in god that such a thing will never happen. otherwise I will renounce my faith and go worship some other god.

Jess has joined the game

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] you are a lot of fun for a Palidan

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::glares upwards into the void in BOB's direction::

[Jess] and by some miracle, rob and i are now on a separate computer from bibo

[DM] I am watching the room here

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Are you ready BOB?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] And you are a lot of fun for a government official. I am so used to dealing with stuffy ones.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] (I think he types to keep us from revolting)

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I don't have a goverment, I just protect it

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (:))

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] i'm watching you

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Uncle Paul

[DM] waiting for Lorie to be totally ready

[Lorie] Okay I can see

[DM] now

[DM] before anyone moves anything

[DM] before anyone does anything

[DM] other than chat

[Jess] hi Lorie

[DM] I will tell you when you can do other things

[Lorie] Hi

[Jess] i missed your entrance, as i didnt have a computer

[DM] Lorie how many things do you have in your Images folder

[DM] Lorie, do you show wellplan 2?

[Lorie] 6 folders with about 62 items in them

[DM] I mean in your character tree thre now

[DM] you have Images on the tree

[Lorie] no no wellplan 2

[DM] ok

[DM] how many things are on that list?

[Lorie] Okay yes Well plan 1 and 2

[Lorie] and I see SP Levels 2b, 1a, 2c, 3a, 1b

[Lorie] 2d

[DM] ok, so there is a bug

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] hello?

BiBo!!! has left the game

[DM] ok

[DM] now just a sec testing

[DM] looks like we found a bug that is what is slowing Lorie down

[DM] am checking it now

BiBo!!! has joined the game

[DM] now

[DM] I am sending the images to Fritz adn Johyn because they are the only ones wthout now

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[DM] John, when your files are done let us know

Jess is receiving the map...

Jess has received the map.

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] Bob should I bother loading the map?

[BiBo!!!] ::shrugs:: I've about as much a clue of what's going on as you guys do

[BiBo!!!] less maybe

[BiBo!!!] ::pokes at the elevator::

[BiBo!!!] ::plays the girl from ipanema::

[Jess] testing

[Jess] i am typing anything at all

[mikE] bob is trying to make a blank map image that we can map as we go

[mikE] since we're going to an unexplored area

[BiBo!!!] yay we broke him

[Lorie] Mike could you ask him if I should load the map then?

[BiBo!!!] he says "I wouldn't."

[Lorie] Okies... thanks Marco

[BiBo!!!] np

[BiBo!!!] so, in related news. Cats, are they really the other white meat?

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[BiBo!!!] wonder how many klooge death nights it will take to make bob's head explode

[DM] so Mike has the map, and the paint tools

[DM] he is practicing with drawing the new rooms our fo ryou

[DM] as you all enter the elevator

[BiBo!!!] you become stuck in a moment of time

[DM] Mike is getting set for the new level

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] so I'm all caught up, the door closes and.....

[DM] as you are about to come out of the elevator

[BiBo!!!] apparently the elevator now has a temporal stasis field trap in it

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] cool

[BiBo!!!] and we're all locked in this moment of time until someone can dispel it. we wake up a few thousand years later when magic has died from the world. some coal miners have pulled us out of the ground

[BiBo!!!] we become instant celebrities and spend most of the rest of our lives going from tv show to tv show until one day we are each assassinated by a fanatical fan

[BiBo!!!] and everyone lived happily ever after

[DM] so Mike will draw out the new rooms

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] WEeeeeeeeeeeeee

[mikE] what color do we want the floor to be?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] White

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[mikE] it's on a gray background

[BiBo!!!] okay, blue

[BiBo!!!] no brown

[mikE] except that's water color

[BiBo!!!] blue'll be water

[mikE] okay. brown.

[mikE] sdfklj;afsdjkl

[DM] ok the elevator closes

[mikE] okay. i think i'm ready at this point

[DM] the doors open and you see

[mikE] just so you all know, the scale of the map we're using is that one pixel = 5' square.

[Lorie] When can we see the map?

[mikE] never. i'm gonna map it just for me.

[DM] map is going out now

[mikE] no one else can see it.

[mikE] it's all mine. my precious

[DM] you are in the 20 by 20 elevator

[DM] coming out

[DM] this one time

[mikE] already, i see that we'll have problems making doors.

[DM] after we are done with this elevator then we will deal with the issues of hwo can actualy fit in there

[Lorie] :: thwaps Mike ::

[Lorie] Thanks Bob

[DM] ok, so next

[DM] picking Lorie to roll the cration stuff

[DM] this is totally unknown territory

[DM] and Roll Lorie

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] wide blue yonder

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [2] 2

[DM] again

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [7] 7

[DM] a Capital A only means roll again Lorie please

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [3] 3

[DM] and a number after is which kind of dice 2 for 20 and 1 for percentage

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [15] 15, Roll #2: (d20) [1] 1

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d100) [85] 85

[DM] d20 A

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [19] 19

[DM] thank you

[DM] A

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [5] 5

[DM] everyone roll a d12

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d12) [5] 5

[BiBo!!!] Roll #1: (d12) [4] 4

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d12) [1] 1

[Jess] Roll #1: (d12) [6] 6

[mikE] Roll #1: (d12) [1] 1, Roll #2: (d12) [9] 9

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Roll #1: (d12) [12] 12

[Jess] Roll #1: (d12) [3] 3

[Jess] that was for me

[Jess] Moradred

[DM] Fritz's control of Mobuto has been revoked.

[Mobuto (BiBo!!!)] Mobuto no longer follows Alastair.

[DM] ok, so Finglass and Fudge both suddenly look over to the right side and go Look, there is a secret door there

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] each charactre?

[DM] at the 30 foot mark continuing down the hallway 30 feet beyond again

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I have true seeing seeing so i see too'

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I am taking care of one of my children( probably Miranda)

[DM] Mike is sketching on graph paper then putting up on Klooge for you

[Lorie] Okay... Alyssa calling... BRB

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

[mikE] yellow secret door area

[Jess] the elevator plays a rather terrible version of the bohemian rhapsody

[DM] 5 foot wide but it is 5 feet up in the air

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] check for traps on the secret door

[DM] how tall are you fudge?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] average hight for an elf

[BiBo!!!] oh, sweet

[BiBo!!!] need a boost?

[BiBo!!!] I'm casting fly on him

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Fly: Fly like an eagle!

[DM] so the door opens

[DM] and Lorie, roll 2 d20 and 2 d100

[DM] Jess you take this one

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] brian is married and has a kid on the way

[BiBo!!!] again?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] news flash

[BiBo!!!] he get married because of the kid?

[mikE] snicker

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] no

[Jess] Roll #1: (d20) [13] 13

[Jess] Roll #1: (d20) [18] 18

[Jess] Roll #1: (d10) [6] 6, Roll #2: (d10) [4] 4

[Jess] Roll #1: (d10) [1] 1, Roll #2: (d10) [8] 8

[Jess] Roll #1: (d100) [100] 100, Roll #2: (d100) [84] 84

[Jess] Roll #1: (d100) [63] 63, Roll #2: (d100) [6] 6

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d34) [13] 13

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d3/4) [1/4] 0

[mikE] (1d71) [68] 68

[DM] drawing now

[DM] just a moment,

[DM] it is a large hexegonal room, mutiple exits

[DM] the biggest problem you have at teh moment is this room opens up 5 feet up in the air

[DM] how are you all going to get up there

[DM] and Fudge I need remove traps roll please

[DM] for the one that you find inside

[BiBo!!!] fudge can boost us up easily enough, I mean he HAS a 18 str

[BiBo!!!] and he's flying

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Traps: (1d100) [43] 43 -- Traps don't bother me!

[DM] ok

[DM] so you find a large vat of oil that is poised to pour over you from this room

[DM] it is about 500 gallons

[BiBo!!!] hot

[BiBo!!!] yes?

[DM] not hot

[BiBo!!!] well, I suppose we could get that down and take it back home. oil is valuable, especially with gas prices as they are

[BiBo!!!] how heavy is 500 gallons of oil?

[DM] heavy

[BiBo!!!] 2-3 pounds a gallon maybe?

[BiBo!!!] sound about right?

[DM] at least likely more

[BiBo!!!] okay, so 4 pounds a gallon, that's only 2000 pounds

[BiBo!!!] we could move that

[mikE] yellow doors, extensions are corridors

[BiBo!!!] okay, so it's 8 pounds a gallon, that's only 4000 pounds

[BiBo!!!] we could move that

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] pint's a pound 'whole world round ...

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] Sorry... back

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] front

[Jess] i dont think we can move that

[BiBo!!!] sure we can

[DM] ok, so continueing where and what are you doing?

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] im not moving it for you

[BiBo!!!] I could reduce it down to about oh, 400 pounds

[BiBo!!!] we can move 400 pounds

[mikE] a few of us can carry that.

[DM] not sure you actually can

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] why?

[DM] reduce it that is

[mikE] sean and anterias can probably get it

[BiBo!!!] hell, I could take it back to kylia's keep in a sec with teleport, be back in no time

[BiBo!!!] why not?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] And what would we do with 4,000 poinds of poisoned oil?

[Lorie] Feed it to the dragons?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Oh.

[mikE] cook for our enemies with it?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Poised.

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Heh heh.

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] So what would we do with 2 tons of oil? Open a McDonald's franchise?

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] lol

[mikE] either way, does it matter at the moment?

[Lorie] Umm... sure, in Thedd?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Get your McDragon burgers here?

[BiBo!!!] it's oil, it's valuable, you can cook with it, keep yourselves warm with it, defend a keep with it

[mikE] just look at it and say, "that's a big damn pot of oil!"

[Lorie] We could give it to the Archbishop of Hades in his coffee ;)

[mikE] i think we should use it to deep fry peasants.

[mikE] that could be fun.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] anything in the room?

[Lorie] :: whispers:: You're a cleric

[mikE] or have a village wide oil balloon fight

[mikE] okay, so we deep fry the peasants after declaring them witches. happy?

[DM] I will say for know that you can reduce it for now, not actually satisfied at the moment,

[BiBo!!!] just the large pot of oil that bob is trying to say I can't reduce

[BiBo!!!] his arguement is the oil wont reduce, even though if you shrink a potion the potion inside will reduce

[BiBo!!!] and potion is magical fluid, oil is not

[BiBo!!!] it's the silliest arguement I have ever heard

[DM] but the potion bottle is closed, this is like shrinking a bowl of water

[mikE] so we cover it.

[mikE] ta da!

[BiBo!!!] which you can do perfectly fine

[DM] if you shrink the bowl, the water should slop out

[BiBo!!!] no, the water reduces too

[DM] in any case

[mikE] go go winter blanket!

[DM] if it is that important, you can shrink it down fine

[DM] you have a large cauldron of oil

[DM] so 400 pounds now

[DM] reduced

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] that is a lot of oil

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] and i am not carrying it

[BiBo!!!] yay, between two of us we can move it into the scroll of shelter, it'll stay small long enough to leave it in kylia's keep

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Area of Effect: 1 creature or object Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] do i look like a packmule?

[Lorie] wb Fritz

[Lorie] :: tilts head :: Close... more fur

Wolf Moradred (Jess) grins at the pretty priestess

[BiBo!!!] or I can teleport it back easy enough

[BiBo!!!] either way

[Lorie] :: looks at the Wolf :: I'd put those teeth away if I were you ...

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] go teleport away so we can move on

[BiBo!!!] ::teleports there and back::

Wolf Moradred (Jess) tucks tail between legs

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] any exits to the room

[DM] four john

[DM] two doors two corridoors

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I look down the corridor going west

[BiBo!!!] okay, I left it in your courtyard, I'm sure someone'll put it in a kitchen or something

[DM] d20 Lorie

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] should I roll?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Roll #1: (d20) [10] 10

[Lorie] Thanks Lorie :)

[Lorie] :: snickers ::

[DM] goes 30 feet then has a (1d20) opening on the left side

[Lorie] You roll now John

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Roll #1: (d20) [20] 20

[mikE] hey lor, i think you should look into that laser shaving thing. you've got a five oclock shadow, and then some

[DM] groans

[DM] ok,

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] wooo hooooo

[DM] and groans at mike too

[DM] roll again

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Roll #1: (d20) [1] 1

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] gotta love it

[DM] sighs

[mikE] snicker

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] A?

[DM] ok, so 30 feet down the corridor opens up 40 feet wide then continues 30 feet beyond

[mikE] eh?

[DM] when you go to that 40 foot wide opening

[DM] you see collumns down the center of that coridoor

[DM] that goes down 60 feet

[DM] now letting Mike sketch that

[DM] then you can set your selves up

[DM] at that opening

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] but still continues west

[DM] yes 30 feet

Wolf Moradred (Jess) nudges Ailea and Laila and asks if they want to ride for a while

Laila (Jess) says yes and waits for Moradred to kneal so she can climb up

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] kneals for the girls to get situated

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Al, I say we go west, what about you?

[BiBo!!!] sounds good to me

[DM] ok, well i did say to set up at that opening,

[DM] but feel free to keep on walking right by

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] well nevermind the bit abou Ailea, i guess i forgot that she's away

[DM] makes it easier on me

Wolf Moradred (Jess) stands up slowly to avoid dropping Laila

[Sean] I am away from the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ok set up

[DM] Kahn?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ready as ever

[DM] so

[DM] around the back of the second collumn down

[DM] you hear a little squeek as the party comes into view

[DM] and a goblin appears

[Goblin] I am back at the keyboard.

[Goblin] dont' eat me

[Goblin] don't eat me

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] welcome back

[Lorie] :: eyes up the Columns and tries to estimate its work for Column Emporium ::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Say Hi AL!

[BiBo!!!] Alright. who's casting monster summoning?

[mikE] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] :: looks at the Goblin :: Anyone want BBQ?

Goblin on his knees

[BiBo!!!] silly goblin, you taste vile. why on earth would I eat you?

[Goblin] please don't eat me

[BiBo!!!] the wolf might eat you

[BiBo!!!] but I won't

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Its an illusion, look arrounf

[Goblin] (not an illusion, a real goblin)

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] let me get up ther

Wolf Moradred (Jess) licks chops andstares

[Lorie] ((Says you Goblin ))

[BiBo!!!] sure, go on ahead ::flattens against the wall to let him pass::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Anyone else moving or sayong anything?

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] It is not an illusion

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] tks

Wolf Moradred (Jess) stalks toward the goblin, whispering to Laila to hold on tight

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

Goblin squeeks

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] :: holds fast and waits to see if there are more goblins ::

[Goblin] please don't eat me

[Goblin] please please please please

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I look down the corrador, do I see anything else?

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] give me one good reason

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I look around to see if I see any magic or illusions or invisible (other than myself).

[mikE] where are the rest of your clan?

[Goblin] (nothing out of the ordinary)

[Goblin] I don't know sir

[Goblin] I don't knwo

[Goblin] I swear I don't know

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you are one stupid goblin aren't you. we said we wouldn't eat you.

[Goblin] please don't eat me

[Goblin] please don't eat me

[Lorie] :: looks at the Goblin :: Why are you alone?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Staying alone the back wall I want to see if I can see behind the column, at least more of them

[Goblin] /quivers

[Goblin] I was left on guard duty

[Goblin] please please plesae he mutters to himself

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you're not much of a guard if you sit here quivering in fear

[Goblin] no sir

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] What are you guarding?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what are you guarding against? sick goblins?

[Goblin] not a good guard at all

[Goblin] not a good guard at all

[mikE] you know, they probably left you out here to die.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so why are you guarding at all?

[Goblin] to watch anyone going down this corridor

[mikE] sent you here to guard forever so you would not be a pathetic useless drain on the clan's food.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Do I see anything diffent from this point?

[Lorie] Okay, so you watch us.. what do you do now?

[Goblin] No to paul

[Goblin] and he says,

[Goblin] ummmm

[Goblin] I am here to watch

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I put my hands up and say we ae not going to eat you

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] watch what?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] and I slowy aproach

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] for who??

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] (I think he just likes to watch)

[Finglass (mikE)] ::he's a voyer::

[Lorie] ((::ewww :: ))

[Goblin] swallows

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I don't wanna know

[Goblin] and mutters, please please please

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (he's not moving?)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Do I see any magic on the goblin or in the room?

[Goblin] no magic

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I do a detect evil on the goblin

[Goblin] not moving

[Goblin] kneeling on the ground just by one of the collumns

[Goblin] evil

[Goblin] duh

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I do or do I?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I sudden run arround the collum

[Goblin] No magic around anywhere


[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] alright, you just keep watching paul alright?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ::And the music stops:: everybod pick a seat!!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Attack #1: Colada: (17-(d20+6)) [17-(16+6)] -5

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Damage v SM: Colada: (1d8+6) [8+6] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so's the goblin dead?

[Goblin] did you just really do that?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] One can only hope

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he's evil

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yes I did

[Goblin] ok dead

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Muhahahahaha

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Finally some action

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Not gonna eat him though, cuz I said I wouldn't ;)

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] true to his word

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] lol

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I look for anything invisible

[Goblin] ok so ?

[Goblin] nothing

[Finglass (mikE)] woo hoo! 1 xp!

[Finglass (mikE)] score!

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] split 10 ways

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Treasure?

[Goblin] a hand ful fo copper pieces

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] maybe a dirty copper?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sweet! a rich goblin!

[Finglass (mikE)] ooooooh....

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] my habd or a giant hand?

Laila (Jess) yawns and idly scratches Moradred's ears

[Goblin] a goblin hand

[Finglass (mikE)] a god's hand

[Finglass (mikE)] john, you doing the party pack now?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] so 1, ok West thieves check for traps

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] No,

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] no time

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am not putting "a hand full of copper" in the party pack you can have it

[Laila (Jess)] lol

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I wouldn't bother to pick up a couple of pennies

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] chop chop, I would like to kill another goblin tonight

[Finglass (mikE)] and get another handfull of pennies!

[Lorie] :: snickers :: one goblin John?

[Laila (Jess)] i think it's gonna rain

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, to the west?

[Laila (Jess)] i heard thunder

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] One more !

[Goblin] going west

[Goblin] d20

[Goblin] Lorie

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Roll #1: (d20) [18] 18

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I bet her

[DM] dead end

[Lorie] Thanks Lorie.. you rock!

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Ok South

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Tks

[DM] 30 feet more and it ends

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Do I see any secret or hidden doos

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] doors

[DM] no

[DM] not going thre John

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] SO we have finished this whole section yea !!!

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] East!

[Lorie] Wow... does anyone else wonder where the monsters are? Why it's so "clean"?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, west was easy, anything south?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ok South!

[DM] roll

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [4] 4

[DM] A

[DM] again

[Finglass (mikE)] because it's a BOB dungeon, lor

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [20] 20

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] we need a room for encounters or a 20 for wandering

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] on the first roll

[DM] so this cooridor ends in a wall

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Al , I'm so pround of you for keeping your word

[DM] with a large door in the middle

[DM] about 15 feet tall and about 15 feet wide

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] DOOR set up, Thieves

[Lorie] Yeah... :: snirks :: A paladin that keeps their word is a first around here :: turns and heads back the other way

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm just that kind of guy. honesty is a virtue

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I was going to punch him, was not worth the blood

Wolf Moradred (Jess) i could have just eaten him, saved everyone the headache

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] you can still

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] nah, he's cold now

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] snicker

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ( I take it Mike is sketching?)

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] i'm sure there will be other things to eat

[DM] no thre is the door what do you do?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] EL can you check for traps?

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] check traps

[Laila (Jess)] er, that would be me

[Laila (Jess)] unless fudge wants to?

[Laila (Jess)] Laila: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [57] 57. PROBABLY FAILS against 20

[DM] nope

[Laila (Jess)] sorry should have gone to gm, forgot

[DM] you don't find it

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] thats why we ask EL

[Finglass (mikE)] eeeeexactly

[DM] no trap

Laila (Jess) turns and says "Oy, Fudge! Traps!"

[Sean] I am back at the keyboard.

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I didn't find an

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] any

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] locked?

[DM] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] EL?

[DM] assume they are locked at this point

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] while you are there

[Mobuto (Fritz)] PBob just to clarify am I standing behind a collumn at the moment?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] sure make an a$ out of me

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Pick locks: (1d100) [66] 66 -- Click-it's open now!

[DM] ok

[DM] unlocked

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] AL? you strong man you, open that door

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] heh, sure

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] need help?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Open Doors check: (d20) [4] 4. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against 10!!!

[DM] open doors check yes

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] apparently not

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] woo hooo

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Roll #1: (d20) [3] 3

[DM] and behind the door

[DM] Joahn

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Roll #1: (d20) [13] 13

[DM] 10 by 10 room with a pillar in it

[Lorie] no Joann is your sister... John is your brother :: snicker, snicker ::

[DM] and please save for spell Al

[Lorie] :: marvels :: OOooh.. a pillar

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] made it

[DM] yeah right

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Magical Spell save: (d20) [16] 16. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against 4!!!

[DM] and then you close the door

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what? you don't trust my luck?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] what you see?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Mo go see what is in there

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] why did I shut the door?

[DM] evil glliph

[DM] on the pillar

[DM] you made your save you get to either close the door to stop them from needing a save

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] evil pillar

[DM] or can stare at it and see what happens

[DM] no exits

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I hate pillars, they are no good

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Is that all that was in the room?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] didn't see any exits to that room, so either it's a treasure room or something

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] don't suppose we have anyone who's morally questionable to take a better look at that glyph? I have a feeling that the glyph and I have a moral conflict

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] or just a trap w/o treasure

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I asked Mo already

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Paul is morally quesionable, send him in

[Laila (Jess)] in bob's dungeon, paul is prolly right

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] No has questioned my morals, just reasons

[Lorie] Anyone cast protection from evil?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] You are the "Great and Powerful Paul"!!!! I am just a small tiny weak frail hedge mage compared to you remember.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I have it on now, Al hold the door and let me look, EVERYONE ADVERT YOUR EYES

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] um, sure.

Laila (Jess) closes her eyes

[DM] double doors actually

[Lorie] :: turns and looks at the columns again, wondering if she could put them in her keep ::

Wolf Moradred (Jess) closes his eyes

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, I'll stay behind the door and see how dead you become

[Finglass (mikE)] i am averting my eyes, oh lord

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we'll fix you post mortem

[Finglass (mikE)] i suppose we can bless him if he'd like

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] sure sure

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Continues to look at the column he is standing behind....Hmmmm these would look nice in Kylia's Keep

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Door Open? True Seeing on? Protection from Evil up.

[Lorie] :: shrugs and ponders praying or doing something cleric-icky to help Paul :: Hmmm, nah, he'll be fine

[DM] ok, you open the door

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Is yoiur protection from evil lubricated?

[DM] you see a pillar

[DM] with the evil gliff on it

Wolf Moradred (Jess) snickers

[Mobuto (Fritz)] glyph even

[DM] yeah eyah

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no no, it was made by goblins, it's a gliff

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] loll

[DM] make a save versus spell Paul

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Paul Elvenstire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [2] 2. PROBABLY FAILS against 8

[Mobuto (Fritz)] buh by


[Lorie] Why can't it be a Glyph?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] bye even

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] A typical

[Laila (Jess)] twas nice knowing you

[Finglass (mikE)] can i loot his body yet?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ::Waves::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Me too

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Loot loot

Wolf Moradred (Jess) says a silent prayer of farewell

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::prepares for his gollum-like dance::

[DM] ok

[Lorie] :: frowns and thinks evil thoughts about the looters ::

[Finglass (mikE)] i have been waiting to loot paul's body since the anniversary game... ::drools::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ::My precious::

[DM] so Paul shrieks and runs in fear

[Laila (Jess)] WAIT A MINUTE! I"M the thiefy one, I should get to loot

[Mobuto (Fritz)] /rofl

[Lorie] CASTING !

[Finglass (mikE)] especially after watching the golumn dance from him.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Hold Person: Wait! Where are you going? Don't move a muscle

[Finglass (mikE)] damnit!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] remove fear works well too...

[DM] make or fail that save john

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Glad I can entertain

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Paul Elvenstire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [2] 2. PROBABLY FAILS against 8

[Mobuto (Fritz)] dud ge raise his skirt when he ran like a girl?

[DM] lol

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] wow, klooge hates you

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Did he raise his skirt like a girl when he ran?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] There is got to besomething Fritzs did to my saves

[DM] ok, so you go SLAM to a hault

[Mobuto (Fritz)] /rofl

[Finglass (mikE)] no remove fear here

[DM] halt

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I understand (AGGGGGHHHHHH Wham!)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] There is a orison that gives you a second chance to resist fear

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] does that mean the glyph's been discharged?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] SO Al closes the door we wait for the fear to run out?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Oooh Paul has a discharge

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I guess his protection was very good

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] an evil one

[Mobuto (Fritz)] wasn't

[Mobuto (Fritz)] that is

[Lorie] I don't have remove fear... but, could I use Cloak of Bravery to negate the fear instead?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I say we close the door, remoe the hold on paul and listen to the resulting carnage ...

[Lorie] :: blinks eyes and smiles hopefully ::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that'd work

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] that hurt my brain

[Lorie] If so, then I do thusly...

[DM] was that at me? feel free to try Lorie

[Lorie] Yes Bob...

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] remove fear first

[DM] ok

[Lorie] It doesn't show up on my to roll spell list... but I cast that

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] good thing I don't have fly on now

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (looking up spell?)

[DM] yes

[DM] looking up cloak and discussing ways aroudn the glyph

[Mobuto (Fritz)] but you look ridiculous with your dress held up like that!!!!

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well I had the erase spell but no longer memorized

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Paul Elvenstire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [6] 6. PROBABLY FAILS against 8

[Lorie] :: turns :: I can make you one to match your complexion Mo if you think it will look better on you

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, so fudge can disable magical traps for a few rounds

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] had to make sure

[Mobuto (Fritz)] /rofl

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] It's a trap, so I can disarm it for a few rounds, take a look around

[DM] ok

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] see if there's anything of interest

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] at least it's not another 2

[DM] so the cloak of bravery spell fails

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he can disable the glyph, and while it's down, we can cast dispel magic on it

[Lorie] Umm... how can Fudge do that suddently?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he always could. he's done it many times

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] without looking at it

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Bob confirmed that the glyph is a trap.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it's a trap

[Lorie] Ahhh, okay...sorry the text made it sound like a recent development.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] a magical one

[Finglass (mikE)] should i do the orison, lor?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] And I can disarm (at 105%) magical traps.

[Lorie] Mike, you want to try that... go ahead.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] if he faills his roll it'll affect him

[Mobuto (Fritz)] But not from a distance Bob

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] but he's got a fairly hig chance

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] the hig huh

[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: Farie Fire: Just what we need, faries AND flamers.

[Finglass (mikE)] there's an orison.

[Finglass (mikE)] so he gets a second chance.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Now he gets another save

[DM] for fudge to disarm the trap

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and it's activated by sight, so if he needs to get close enough to touch it, he can look at the ground until he gets tthere and do his spell filcherness

[DM] he will have to look in the room

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no he won't

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] see previous statement

[DM] do his super thiefy stuff and hope he disarms

[DM] if he doesn't he automatcially fails

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] fair enough

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] do your roll

[Lorie] Can Alastair cast a bless while I hold Paul (cast cast two spells )

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] on fudge?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] It is a glyph and not a symbol correct?

[DM] yes glyph

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it's not gonna help him, 95%+ is always a fail

[Lorie] (I can't cast that is...)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] then he can do it.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and he's got it at 105%

[Lorie] okies

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Here I go ...

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] can't cast bless anyway

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I guess this counts as two encounters, that makes it a typical night

[DM] John you did not make your second save? that one you rolled before was for the cloak spell

E. L. Fudge (Sean) waits around for Paul

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I failed the glipf and hold, I did not know you were asking me for a save

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Paul Elvenstire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [11] 11. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against 8!!!

[DM] yes the Orison from Finglass

[DM] there you go

[DM] not feared

[DM] still held

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] do I get a second for the hold??

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Traps: (1d100) [12] 12 -- Traps don't bother me!

[DM] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Paul Elvenstire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [11] 11. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against 8!!!

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No only for the fear bob

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] that is a powerfull orison

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d4+1) [3+1] 4

[Mobuto (Fritz)] the orison only works for the fear

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] it's disabled for our rounds

[DM] ok, so yes to Al to try to dispel

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] four rounds

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Dispel Magic: Just say no to (9-11+1d20) [9-11+11] 9 level magic.

E. L. Fudge (Sean) takes a look around the room

[DM] and looking for the orison, but Kylia can just drop the hold anyway

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] the glyph still there?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] /making sure to take less than four rounds to do so

[DM] yes it is there

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you wanna give it a try kylia?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or finglass even?

[DM] 10 by 10 room, a pillar fills most of it

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] looking around the room

[DM] red

[Lorie] Yes, I can try and dispel

[DM] (sighs, I creatd this trap soooo long ago we were using Dwarven Forge red pillars at teh time)

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] is there anything else in the room?

[DM] no

[DM] nothing else in the room

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] so we move on

[Lorie] Umm, that spell disappeared from my list too... so here it goes via manual roll

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay, I leave the room.

[Finglass (mikE)] no dispel magic here

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] not worth dispelling it

[Lorie] okay

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] EL South west door if you please

[Laila (Jess)] Wait, Sir Paul, what scared you?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] His reflection I do believe milady

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] any objections? It's just Magic, sick trick

[DM] bathroom, brb

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Laila (Jess)] I think Sir Paul's reflection would scare me as well, Sir Mobuto

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] so Mike, sketch away

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] EL roll to check for traps, Diarm and unlock if we all are in agreement

[Lorie] I agree

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yep

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yeppers

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] and no traps

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] is the door locked?

[DM] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] lori, behid door #2 we find......

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Pick locks: (1d100) [99] 99 -- SNAP! There go my lock picking tools!

[DM] doh

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] @#$#$#

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [10] 10

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] never mind

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so it's locked?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Lady Laila?

[Finglass (mikE)] eh, try the other door. they probably open into the same room.

[Laila (Jess)] ok

[Laila (Jess)] Laila: Pick Pockets check:(d100) [48] 48. PROBABLY FAILS against 25

[Laila (Jess)] sorry, wrong button

[DM] and NO

[Laila (Jess)] damn

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, next door

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Open Doors check: (d20) [6] 6. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against 6!!!

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Muhahahhahaa

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] :-P

[Finglass (mikE)] door's wood ya know

[Finglass (mikE)] burn or hack it down. no biggie

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] you want me to open it:)

[DM] that won't work against a locked door Mo

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I smash it with my mighty strength

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::snicker::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ::Flexes Muscles::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] GRRRRRRRRR

[Lorie] I can open a locked door

[Lorie] :: flexes her girly muscles at Mo ::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sounds good, open it

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ouchy wowow

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Open Doors check: (d20) [19] 19. PROBABLY FAILS against 16

[Lorie] Hmm... let's try this again

[Finglass (mikE)] anterias can probably get it even if it's locked

[Mobuto (Fritz)] GRRRRRRRRR

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Open Doors check: (d20) [11] 11. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against 16!!!

[Finglass (mikE)] Roll #1: (d20) [3] 3

[Mobuto (Fritz)] GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ::Flexes Muscles::

[Finglass (mikE)] 3 beats my ten.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I knew you looked familar

[DM] ok, so the dwarf puts his head into it an d

[DM] pop

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, so anterias goes crashing into the room

[Finglass (mikE)] so he forced it.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Roll #1: (d20) [19] 19

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Roll #1: (d20) [11] 11

[DM] sadly

[Laila (Jess)] does Antarias get hurt?

[Finglass (mikE)] there's nothing there that bob gets to kill him with

[DM] there is a 10 foot wide cooridor going south

[DM] it goes about 10 feel and then opens into a pit

[DM] about 50 feet deep

[Laila (Jess)] oops

[DM] and about 30 feet across

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Can your Dragonfly?

[DM] continues along

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] EL should still be flying

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he should, unfortunately it's antarias crashing through the door

[DM] so I will let Antaias make a dex +2 to stop before the pit

[DM] the cooridoro continues afterwards another 30 feet long

[Finglass (mikE)] Antarias: DEX check: (d20) [11] 11. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against 14!!!

[Finglass (mikE)] woot. eat it

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] so next door?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, we can get past that pit if we want

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I can telekinesis everyone across the pit

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] see?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] easy peasy

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Ok we do so

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] at the end of the corridoor, we roll?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Ring of Telekinesis Sustained Force: Range 200 yards. A sustained force enables me to move a weight of 500 pounds a distance of 20 feet per round.

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] how much do i weigh?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we could stone shape a bridge I suppose

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 480 if I remember something like that

[Mobuto (Fritz)] we did it in the abyss

[Finglass (mikE)] or we can just build a bridge out of it

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] anything in the pit?

[DM] spoikes

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] no bodies or possible treasure?

[DM] the have little split ends at the end

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] or those like sporks, but sharper?

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] bad hair?

[Finglass (mikE)] so they don't use conditioner?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, can we stone shape a bridge?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] So that's a no, ok I can cast wall of stone if you realy want

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or that

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] either works

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] new floor, have to check the size but we can move on?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm sure you're high enough level to make a floor here

[Finglass (mikE)] yep. she's bridged bigger in the memorial

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Why bother I just telekinesis everyone over and move on

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] yea, not sure if it fills the pit r just covers it

[DM] covers

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I think Khan is more than 500 lbs, not sure

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, if there's no pit, we don't have the danger of falling in it should we say, get feared again

[Finglass (mikE)] because it's easier to walk across than have to be ferried?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] WHO ME?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, pit's done

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] So lor, want to roll?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [8] 8

[DM] A 2

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d100) [15] 15

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [6] 6, Roll #2: (d20) [12] 12

[DM] no again d20

[DM] thank you

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Mike please fill in the pit please

[DM] so after the pit

[DM] the corridor goes 30 feet

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Wowzers 4 hours later and we went against a bowl of oil, a goblin and a glyph of warding. Damn what a night!.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] So Who took off the spells for the pit?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] paul

[DM] then splits into a T

[DM] on the right is a 5 foot wide cooridoor

[DM] and the left opens up into a chamber

[DM] and roll

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [3] 3, Roll #2: (d20) [2] 2

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] chamber chamner chamber

[DM] Roll #1: 9, Roll #2: 3

[Lorie] Roll #1: (d20) [13] 13

[Lorie] Sorry meant to roll once

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] maybe there is a maid in there?

[DM] so no surprise on either end

[DM] as you come upon a 20 by 30 chamber, exit 10 foot wide on the far wall

[DM] in the middle of the chamber is a large swirling mass of fire

[Laila (Jess)] fun

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] What color?

[DM] and we stop here

[Laila (Jess)] good night everybody

[DM] pick up next week with saves versus

[Wolf Moradred (Jess)] night

[DM] and go from there

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yay

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I made it

[DM] have fun

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what happens?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] tata

Fritz has left the game

[DM] night all

JohnA has left the game

[Jess] I am away from the keyboard.

Jess has left the game

[Lorie] night

Lorie has left the game

BiBo!!! has left the game

Sean has left the game