Main / Jun0107

Jun 01 07 - What do you call an Undead Elf?

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 01 18:09:13 EDT 2007 ====

John has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 18:16:19 EDT 2007

John is receiving the map Crypt Home...

John has received the map Crypt Home.

[John] Paul Elvenstire moved 31'05".

[John] Kit moved 32'05".

Beth has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 18:22:29 EDT 2007

[DM] you can load the map beth

Beth is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Beth has received the map Crypt Home.

[DM] john seems to be ok with it

[John] was I suposed to ask?

[DM] no John

[DM] I think the issues are solved

[DM] I tighted things up a bit

[Beth] seems to have loaded fine for me, albeit rather small

[John] or at least at bay

[John] shift arrow up

[John] to enlarge

[John] map

[John] that is

[Beth] ah, ok

[John] so far the monsters seem like 2nd level

[Beth] k, I need to get water, and see what I can find for food

[John] that scares me

[Beth] heh, this is a bad sign

[Beth] ::chuckles:: yeah

[DM] off to capture my own food

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] I am away from the keyboard.

SPC has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 18:46:01 EDT 2007

Bunny has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 18:46:43 EDT 2007

SPC is receiving the map Crypt Home...

SPC has received the map Crypt Home.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] hey guys

[DM] missing Mike and Marco tonight

[DM] the map seems to be working fine

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

[John] BOB scared them away with 1st level monsters

Bunny is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Bunny has received the map Crypt Home.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well, they still have 10 minutes to show up.

[DM] no, they will not be here

[DM] they are out

[DM] but Lorie, Christy, Hans, etc should be here very soon

[John] so we need to hury if we want to do anything evil

[Beth] back

[Bunny] So, are those goblins advancing, or just standing around?

[DM] so far they are just standing there

[Beth] it looks like they are crowded/congregated there in the one area

[DM] but they just came out of what must be a doorway back there

[Beth] anyone speak goblin?

[Bunny] Probably Ramone.... sigh....

[Beth] we really need to do this without killing any of them

[Bunny] Because?

[Bunny] Aren't they monsters?

[Beth] because we already killed their emissaries and we need to know what they want with us

[Beth] ::shrugs:: not all monsters are bad

[Beth] and there are such things a temporary truces

[Bunny] K. Can they overwhelm us with sheer numbers?

[Bunny] How big is a goblin?

[Beth] heh, I doubt that, but they aren't that tough

[Beth] at least these don't seem to be... not really a fair fight

[John] well, they may speak Human

[DM] goblins are about 2-4 feet tal

[John] Common

[Beth] one blow from Sweetums would be overkill

[Bunny] Well, Sweetums is pretty darned effective against the centipedes!

[John] the centipeeds are more dangerous

[Beth] so, we try to talk to them... I'll try if you want...

[DM] lol. just got a message from someone else asking why we were not playing, becuase my status message

[Beth] lolol

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I want to take care of the centipeeds 1st

[Beth] heheh, well that's kind of a given lol we KNOW they're dangerous

[DM] I take it no one here does speak goblin?

[Beth] lemme look, but I don't think so

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] might be able to

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] let me check

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] not today

[Beth] my sheet doesn't seem to list any racial abilities OR languages

[Bunny] Goblins aren't woodland creatures, are they?

[Beth] um... no

[Bunny] Yeah, well, that's all I can talk to, besides other druids...

[DM] you have to spend the slots to learn goblin

[DM] beth

[Beth] other than that I have esp, but it's not a spell I memorized

[DM] adn the perils of a mage,

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] again, young ladies, centipeeds more dangerous

[Beth] I don't even have common listed, Bob

[DM] ok, then you should have W Comm listed

[DM] everyone gets that for free

[DM] well

[DM] actuall

[DM] Enya gets C Comm for free

[Beth] I don't know why I didn't take any language slots :(

[Bunny] Hey, Paul, I'm with you. Sweetums needs to start swingin' that big axe of his!

[DM] the two languages are about 40% compatable

[Bunny] So, ya think I could talk with them?

[DM] Enya and the rest of the group get along mostly

[Kira (Beth)] will try after we deal with the centipedes

[DM] the languages I mean

[Bunny] Sign language, if nothing else...

[Kira (Beth)] I'm hoping one of them speaks common... they often do

[DM] but would be best if you took W Comm, surprised if you do not have it

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kira modified: Languages - ADDED: ** New **.

[DM] ok, so food is cooking here, ready to start?

[DM] want to go to combat mode?

[Kira (Beth)] I don't recall even looking at languages

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I am good to go at the moment

[Sweetums (SPC)] I'm game

[DM] everyone understands the situation?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Centipedes to the south, goblins to the east

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I do not think we do

[Kira (Beth)] then DEATH TO THE CENTIPEDES!!!

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] what else is new

[DM] grins

[Sweetums (SPC)] we're attacking the centipedes, because we might be able to parlay with the dragon

[Sweetums (SPC)] oops, goblins.

[Kira (Beth)] kill the centipedes, try to talk to the goblins

[DM] ok,

[DM] is anyone approaching the goblins at all?

[DM] or are you going into that room and shutting the door before they can move?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] not I

[Kira (Beth)] I am watching them

[Bunny] Not at this point. Just keeping an eye on 'em.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] but I am a round behind

[DM] you can be there right now Pual

[Bunny] Are those other two doors still open behind us? I seem to be behind one...

[Kira (Beth)] just because I think we need to talk and not kill doesn't mean I'm willing to turn my back on them

[DM] they are open if you are holding them open

[DM] but they do close

[DM] you have time for everyone to get into the foyer room

[DM] before the goblins make any moves

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Kit moved 89'07".

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 96'09".

[Bunny] Enya moved 22'00".

[Kira (Beth)] well, then maybe that's what we should do... since we dont want them at our backs unwatched

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] No, do not let the door close behinde us

[DM] so far you are all in the hallway

[DM] Arilyn moved 1'06".

[Kira (Beth)] so we shall all step into the room and close the door behind us? and what if they try to bar the door on us?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Sweetum, you feel like holding the door, and the goblins if needed?

[DM] does that help

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well, do you want me to do that, or take care of the centipedes?

[Bunny] Percy's inside.

[Kira (Beth)] sweetums is our best shot for killing the centipedes quickly

[Sweetums (SPC)] Great. He's probably centipede bait by now

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] well we don't need a lot of damage, how many attackes do you get?

[DM] no you froze at that point last week

[Sweetums (SPC)] Two, unless I get attacks of opportinity, then eight.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ok, I'll have kit watch the door

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] have fun

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 34'09".

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 19:11:55 EDT 2007

[Sweetums (SPC)] So can I swing, Bob?

[DM] so you want to be in teh room then? close the door behind you and guard it against the goblins?

[DM] in just a sec Sweetums

[Sweetums (SPC)] I'm confused ...

[Kira (Beth)] Can they bar it from the outside and keep us in?

[Sweetums (SPC)] What exactly are we trying to do here?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] kill the centipees asap

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I was waiting for int to move

[Sweetums (SPC)] Okay, but what's with this door business?

[Sweetums (SPC)] We're not even in combat yhet.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I want open, unless someone gves me a good reason to close

[Enya (Bunny)] Trying to decide whether to close it or not. Could get stuck in there...

[Kira (Beth)] if we shut it behind us, I don't want the goblins to try to bar the door on us and keep us trapped inside

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I want to keep an eye on them

[Sweetums (SPC)] Which way does the door open Bob?

[Enya (Bunny)] Kit's gonna watch the goblins, right?

[Kira (Beth)] ok, so we leave it open

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] they are acting supcious

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ci1

[DM] outwards Sweetums

[Sweetums (SPC)] Into the room, or into the corridor?

[Sweetums (SPC)] into the cooridoor, okay.

[DM] into the corridoor

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] do we move before it?

[Sweetums (SPC)] And we're not acting suspicious?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we can do what ever we want

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we are the DragonSlayers

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] most of us anyway

[Sweetums (SPC)] I'd rather Bob know what we're doing before he has us attacking the undead at night

[DM] you look like you are invading the place

[Kira (Beth)] lol, yes... but there may be more adventure in letting the goblins live than in killing them

[Sweetums (SPC)] while we're attacking the undead during the day.

[Enya (Bunny)] ::hangs head::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] they invited us

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] suposivly

[Kira (Beth)] which is why we should not kill them

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I understand your concern

[DM] I just want to be sure that you have your group where you want

Christy is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Christy has received the map Crypt Home.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] can I move

[DM] if all in the same room or both teh room and the hall

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Kit moved 34'06".

[DM] you can defend the doorway and keep it from hoping

[Kira (Beth)] both

[DM] opening

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Kit moved 21'07".

[Kira (Beth)] heheh... do doors hope?

[DM] or defend the corridoor somehow

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 14'09".

[DM] swats her

[Kira (Beth)] ::giggles::

[DM] and welcome Chrsity

[DM] an ETA on hans?

[Christy] hey there-about 9. I think that's going to be the norm from now on

[DM] ok, thansk

[Christy] he did tell me that he wants to move back to hallway to help with goblins and that John or I could usen his character if we need him

[DM] so if everyone is ready I will start up the combat for the centipedes to come attack you?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] if they have to

[DM] he is one round behind

[DM] so no worries for him

[Christy] okey-dokie

[DM] Sweetums moved 2'10".

[DM] Kira moved 1'04".

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 39'06".

[Sweetums (SPC)] @!#@#Q$#Q$@#$#$

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 8'02".

[Sweetums (SPC)] There we go.

[DM] that is where everyone wants to be?

[DM] Combat has begun!


[Sweetums (SPC)] Yup

[Sweetums (SPC)] WWQERQQWR@#@#!@#% @#%

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire: Initiative:(d10+10) [3+10] 13

[DM] Centipede #46: Initiative:(d10+0) [6+0] 6

[DM] Centipede #25: Initiative:(d10+0) [4+0] 4

[DM] Centipede #26: Initiative:(d10+0) [7+0] 7

[DM] Centipede #27: Initiative:(d10+0) [6+0] 6

[DM] Centipede #28: Initiative:(d10+0) [2+0] 2

[DM] Centipede #29: Initiative:(d10+0) [8+0] 8

[DM] Centipede #30: Initiative:(d10+0) [2+0] 2

[DM] Centipede #31: Initiative:(d10+0) [4+0] 4

[DM] Centipede #32: Initiative:(d10+0) [1+0] 1

[DM] Centipede #33: Initiative:(d10+0) [3+0] 3

[DM] Centipede #34: Initiative:(d10+0) [8+0] 8

[DM] Centipede #35: Initiative:(d10+0) [8+0] 8

[DM] Centipede #36: Initiative:(d10+0) [7+0] 7

[DM] Centipede #37: Initiative:(d10+0) [9+0] 9

[DM] Centipede #38: Initiative:(d10+0) [7+0] 7

[DM] Centipede #39: Initiative:(d10+0) [1+0] 1

[DM] Centipede #40: Initiative:(d10+0) [2+0] 2

[DM] Centipede #41: Initiative:(d10+0) [7+0] 7

[DM] Centipede #42: Initiative:(d10+0) [1+0] 1

[DM] Centipede #43: Initiative:(d10+0) [10+0] 10

[DM] Centipede #44: Initiative:(d10+0) [3+0] 3

[DM] Centipede #45: Initiative:(d10+0) [6+0] 6

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Kit: Initiative:(d10+10++0) [7+10+0] 17

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Initiative:(d10+10-+2) [1+10-2] 9

[Christy] Arilyn: Initiative:(d10+10-+0) [8+10-0] 18

[DM] Goblin #1 moved 14'09".

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Initiative:(d10+20-+3) [8+20-3] 25

[Enya (Bunny)] Enya: Initiative:(d10+10-+0) [6+10-0] 16

[DM] Goblin #1: Initiative:(d10+0) [10+0] 10


[DM] INIT: 1 GOING: Centipede #32

[DM] Centipede #32 moved 14'09".

[DM] ans swing

[DM] Sweetums?

[DM] as they go into your range

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bob, I"m trying to figure out what the fuck is going on

[Sweetums (SPC)] klooge is being ... annoying

[DM] ok

[DM] we will pause for a sec

[DM] until you get it straightened out

[DM] not a problem

[Sweetums (SPC)] what the hell is happening right now?

[Sweetums (SPC)] which one do I target?

[DM] the one that just moved onto your circle

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay

[Sweetums (SPC)] Do I REALLY have to target this damn things?

[DM] no

[DM] but you have to decide if you are attacking them

SPC has left the game on Fri Jun 01 19:25:52 EDT 2007

[DM] you get your grand melee attacks

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] oops

[DM] nods

[DM] when he gets back he will see this

[Enya (Bunny)] Sweetums crashed.

[DM] the grand melee attacks are one per level

[DM] plus normal attacks

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Arilyn (Christy)] what does that do?

[DM] instead of only one attack

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] more attacks when fighting small creatures

[DM] when you are so over the level of the oppoenent you get to really lay into them

[Arilyn (Christy)] ah-so Sweetums can kick some tiny tail

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you can too

[DM] waiting for Sean, it is ok, we can go slow to get this right

[DM] any fighter can

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] people might be surprised when I cast

[Enya (Bunny)] Does each one have to be indivicually targeted, then attacked, then target then damage etc. etc.? Or can a buch of them at once?

[DM] normally yes to that

[Arilyn (Christy)] please-I have fireballed the party

[DM] but because these have so few hitpoints

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] this is a pain in the but combat,

[DM] and he does so much damage

[DM] will not put that step in this time

[Arilyn (Christy)] i don't think you can really surprise us all that much

SPC has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 19:29:38 EDT 2007

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] wall of fire would be nice

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Sweetie

[Enya (Bunny)] So if Sweetums gets, say, eight attacks, can he get eight centipedes at once? That'd be great!

[Arilyn (Christy)] let me see what I have

[SPC] So can I just do, say, 10d20 and see how many I hit?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] depened how they are grouped, Iwas considering a lightning bolt

[DM] aqctually no

[SPC] Since the assumption is, I get some many attacks of opportinity a

[DM] re-read the rule to be clear

[DM] you get double the number of attacks

[DM] of your primary weapon

[Arilyn (Christy)] have lance of disruption

[SPC] um bob ...

[Arilyn (Christy)] have web

[Arilyn (Christy)] have vitrioloc sphere

[SPC] if they move into my threat range, I get attacks of opportinity, like last week, right?

[DM] right

[SPC] so how many swarm up?

[DM] over 30

[SPC] okay, so I get 8 attacks as they swarm up, right?

[DM] right

[SPC] That's 8d20

[DM] but that will negate all your attacks

[DM] if more get through to you

[SPC] so now attacks of opportinity negate regular attacks?

[DM] you only get one atack of opportunity per level

[DM] they are not unlimited

[SPC] Right ... I'm level eight.

[DM] so 8 + normal atacks

[SPC] that's eight attacks as they swarm past , right?

[DM] not past, into your range

[DM] if it was past you then you woudl not get any

[SPC] past, into my range, what ever the fuck it is bob.

[DM] as you are blocking them

[DM] so you roll the 10d20

[DM] to see if you hit all ten attacks

[SPC] So it is 8d20 or 10d20?

[SPC] Because I'm confused now.

[DM] 8 attacks of opportunity, plus your 2 normal attacks

[SPC] are you mixing my attacks of opportunity with my normal attakcs?

[DM] yes

[SPC] hello?

[DM] that is what I said up above about heroic fray

[SPC] about what?

[SPC] That's the first mention of "heroic fray" I've seen.

[DM] you get double your normal attacks

[DM] but your attacks of oppotrunity come off that total also

[SPC] so how does that affect what I"m trying to do now?

[DM] you normall get two attacks

[DM] so you get 4

[SPC] yes.

[DM] but the first 8 attacks of opportunity count against that

[DM] so what you want to do to get the most attacks

[DM] is 8 attacks of OP

[DM] and 2 normal attacks

[DM] which is the 10d20

[SPC] Okay

[DM] then the rest of the centipedes wll be up on you attacking you

[SPC] (10d20) [(4+8+8+13+11+6+4+15+13+3)] 85

[DM] those are all kills

[SPC] Okay.

[DM] Centipede #32 moved 17'06".

[DM] INIT: 1 GOING: Centipede #39

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] How far can they move and still attack?

[DM] Centipede #39 moved 31'04".

[DM] INIT: 1 GOING: Centipede #42

[DM] Centipede #42 moved 42'07".

[DM] INIT: 2 GOING: Centipede #28

SPC is receiving the map Crypt Home...

SPC has received the map Crypt Home.

[DM] Centipede #28 moved 18'05".

[DM] INIT: 2 GOING: Centipede #30

[DM] Centipede #30 moved 43'08".

[DM] INIT: 2 GOING: Centipede #40

[DM] Centipede #40 moved 49'01".

[DM] INIT: 3 GOING: Centipede #33

[DM] Centipede #33 moved 49'04".

[DM] INIT: 3 GOING: Centipede #44

[DM] Centipede #44 moved 62'10".

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #33's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-12) - Dead

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #32's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-12) - Dead

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #42's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-12) - Dead

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #39's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-12) - Dead

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #40's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-12) - Dead

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #44's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-12) - Dead

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #30's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-12) - Dead

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #28's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-12) - Dead

[DM] INIT: 4 GOING: Centipede #25

[DM] Centipede #25 moved 52'07".

[DM] Centipede #25 targets Sweetums. Distance: 5'03"

[DM] Centipede #25: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(5)] 15. Probably MISSES Sweetums (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] INIT: 4 GOING: Centipede #31

[DM] Centipede #31 moved 37'07".

[DM] Centipede #31 targets Sweetums. Distance: 5'03"

[DM] Centipede #31: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(5)] 15. Probably MISSES Sweetums (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] INIT: 6 GOING: Centipede #46

[DM] Centipede #46 moved 45'08".

[DM] Centipede #46 targets Sweetums. Distance: 6'09"

[DM] Centipede #46: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(13)] 7. Probably MISSES Sweetums (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] INIT: 6 GOING: Centipede #27

[DM] Centipede #27 moved 33'09".

[DM] Centipede #27 targets Sweetums. Distance: 3'07"

[DM] Centipede #27: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(14)] 6. Probably MISSES Sweetums (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] INIT: 6 GOING: Centipede #45

[DM] Centipede #45 moved 50'04".

[DM] Centipede #45 targets Sweetums. Distance: 7'08"

[DM] Centipede #45: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(8)] 12. Probably MISSES Sweetums (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM (to GM only)] INIT: 7 GOING: Centipede #26

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #26 moved 50'02".

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #26 moved 3'06".

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #26 targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 30'03"

[DM] Centipede #26: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(15)] 5. Probably MISSES Paul Elvenstire (AC FINAL: 1)

[DM] INIT: 7 GOING: Centipede #36

[DM] Centipede #36 moved 63'01".

[DM] Centipede #36 targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 30'02"

[DM] Centipede #36: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(16)] 4. Probably MISSES Paul Elvenstire (AC FINAL: 1)

[DM] INIT: 7 GOING: Centipede #38

[DM] Centipede #38 moved 47'06".

[DM] Centipede #38 targets Sweetums. Distance: 5'03"

[DM] Centipede #38: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(17)] 3. Probably MISSES Sweetums (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] INIT: 7 GOING: Centipede #41

[DM] Centipede #41 moved 42'09".

[DM] Centipede #41 targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 30'07"

[DM] Centipede #41: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(2)] 18. Probably MISSES Paul Elvenstire (AC FINAL: 1)

[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Centipede #29

[DM] Centipede #29 moved 49'07".

[DM] Centipede #29 targets Sweetums. Distance: 4'06"

[DM] Centipede #29: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(6)] 14. Probably MISSES Sweetums (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Centipede #34

[DM] Centipede #34 moved 60'03".

[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Centipede #35

[DM] Centipede #35 moved 55'05".

[DM] Centipede #35 targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 30'01"

[DM] Centipede #35: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(12)] 8. Probably MISSES Paul Elvenstire (AC FINAL: 1)

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Kira

[Enya (Bunny)] Can a giant just step on these aggravating little creatures??

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] fewer attackes

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] unless you have that skill

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 16'11".

[Kira (Beth)] can I see through the door from where I am?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] the door is open

[Kira (Beth)] since we're holding it open?

[DM] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] so you can see through the door way

[Beth] Kira follows Centipede #29.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] she joined the other side

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Oh no!

[Beth] Kira follows Kira.

[Beth] Kira follows Kira.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ;)

[Beth] Kira targets Centipede #29. Distance: 21'09"

[DM] she is skitso now

[Kira (Beth)] bleh

[Kira (Beth)] heh, I've always been schizo :D

[Kit (John)] Kira, are you shhoting at Sweetum?

[Kit (John)] with an arrow?

[Kira (Beth)] not at, but you're right, it is 'toward'

[Beth] Kira no longer targets Centipede #29.

[Kit (John)] might want to do a called shot

[Beth] Kira targets Centipede #38. Distance: 23'01"

[Kit (John)] but that is just me

[Beth] Kira targets Kira. Distance: 0'00"

[Kit (John)] not wanting to hit the big guy

[Enya (Bunny)] Like "fore!" ?

[Beth] Kira no longer targets Kira.

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Attack #1: Shortbow: (19-(d20++2)) [19-(18+2)] -1. PROBABLY HITS Centipede #38 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Damage v SM: Shortbow: (1d6++2) [6+2] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Centipede #38

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #38's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -6 (-8) - Dying

[Kira (Beth)] two shots, right?

[DM] right

[Beth] Kira targets Centipede #31. Distance: 29'02"

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Attack #1: Shortbow: (19-(d20++2)) [19-(7+2)] 10. Probably MISSES Centipede #31 (AC FINAL: 9)

[Kira (Beth)] oh, well, at least I got one

[DM] hit done

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Centipede #37

[Kira (Beth)] no

[DM] Centipede #37 moved 62'03".

[DM] Centipede #37 targets Centipede #29. Distance: 3'01"

[DM] Centipede #37: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(16)] 4. PROBABLY HITS Centipede #29 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Centipede #43

[DM] Centipede #43 moved 61'05".

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Goblin #1

[DM] Goblin #1 moved 12'01".

[DM] aouelaekrj alku llooo weoruee andeda

[DM] from the goblin in the hall

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[DM] and Sweetums needs to save versus Poison

[Arilyn (Christy)] great-we killed the ones that spoke common

[John] Paul Elvenstire targets Centipede #35. Distance: 30'02"

[Kira (Beth)] heh, prolly

[John] Paul Elvenstire targets Centipede #36. Distance: 30'02"

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [8] 8 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[John] Paul Elvenstire targets Centipede #41. Distance: 30'06"

[Sweetums (SPC)] Nice knowing you guys

[DM] that is actually a make

[Arilyn (Christy)] can our druid cure poison?

[DM] you get a +4 to these

[DM] still up

[Kit (John)] Paul Elvenstire: Magic Missile: 5 missiles hit for (d4+1) [4+1] 5, (d4+1) [1+1] 2, (d4+1) [3+1] 4, (d4+1) [3+1] 4, (d4+1) [3+1] 4

[DM] five different ones john?

[Enya (Bunny)] I got healing. What level is that?

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #36's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-5) - Dying

[Kit (John)] yes

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #41's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-5) - Dying

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #31's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-2) - Disabled

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #34's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-4) - Dying

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Enya

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #43's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-4) - Dying

[DM] so Enya, are you moving into the room?

[DM] or dealing with the goblin?

[DM] or?

[DM] Centipede #37 targets Sweetums. Distance: 5'07"

[Enya (Bunny)] Enya moved 28'04".

[Arilyn (Christy)] can anyone here speak goblin?

[DM] Centipede #25 moved 1'04".

[Bunny] Enya targets Enya. Distance: 0'00"

[John] no

[Enya (Bunny)] Enya moved 18'01".

[Arilyn (Christy)] let's wave and smile for now

[DM] so we have 8 centipedes left

[DM] 2 on paul, 6 on sweetums

[Enya (Bunny)] Kira moved 1'00".

[Enya (Bunny)] Enya moved 0'11".

[John] please don't block the door

[Bunny] Enya targets Centipede #26. Distance: 5'05"

[John] incase Arilyn want to join the fun

[Bunny] Enya no longer targets Enya.

[Enya (Bunny)] Enya: Attack #1: Sling Bullet: (16-(d20+0)) [16-(11+0)] 5. PROBABLY HITS Centipede #26 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'll join the centipede party if Kit watches the goblins

[Enya (Bunny)] Enya: Damage v SM: Sling Bullet: (1d4+1) [4+1] 5 added to: Centipede #26

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #26's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-5) - Dying

[DM] and Enya's first kill

[Arilyn (Christy)] so Enya-don't block the door

[John] I am on it

[Enya (Bunny)] How many attacks?

[Arilyn (Christy)] yay Enya!!

[DM] one attack

[Enya (Bunny)] Can I get another one? No?

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Kit

[DM] next round Enya

[Kit (John)] putting hands up to moion the goblins to stop, looking confused, one hand to ear

[Arilyn (Christy)] Enya, can you scooch over just a little?

[Kit (John)] no habla shrimp

[Kit (John)] in drow

[DM] you can get by arilyn

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Arilyn

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn moved 31'07".

[Christy] Arilyn targets Centipede #27. Distance: 5'03"

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)) [13-(12+0+2+1)] -2. PROBABLY HITS Centipede #27 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Damage v SM: +2 Longsword Elaris: (1d8++0+2) [1+0+2] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Centipede #27

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #27's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-3) - Dying

[DM] INIT: 25 GOING: Sweetums

[Enya (Bunny)] Enya moved 12'08".

[DM] you used all your attacks this round already

[Enya (Bunny)] That better?

[Sweetums (SPC)] So, using those heroic attack stuff, I get four attacks, right?

[Sweetums (SPC)] no. okay.


[DM] on the ten as the approached

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay

[DM] you can drop the halberd and use your axe

[Sweetums (SPC)] fine whatever bob.

[DM] INIT: 4 GOING: Centipede #25

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 01 20:00:40 EDT 2007

[DM] Centipede #25: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(18)] 2. Probably MISSES Sweetums (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] INIT: 6 GOING: Centipede #46

[DM] Centipede #46: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(8)] 12. Probably MISSES Sweetums (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] INIT: 6 GOING: Centipede #45

[DM] Centipede #45: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(6)] 14. Probably MISSES Sweetums (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Centipede #29

[DM] Centipede #29: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(4)] 16. Probably MISSES Sweetums (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Centipede #35

[DM] Centipede #35: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (20-(d20)) [20-(1)] 19. Probably MISSES Paul Elvenstire (AC FINAL: 1)

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Kira

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 2'08".

[Beth] Kira targets Centipede #37. Distance: 20'04"

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Attack #1: Shortbow: (19-(d20++2)) [19-(5+2)] 12. Probably MISSES Centipede #37 (AC FINAL: 9)

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Attack #1: Shortbow: (19-(d20++2)) [19-(14+2)] 3. PROBABLY HITS Centipede #37 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Damage v SM: Shortbow: (1d6++2) [1+2] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Centipede #37

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #37's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-3) - Dying

[Kira (Beth)] I"m gettin one at a time for you Sweetums!

[Kira (Beth)] :D

[DM] click done

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Goblin #1

[DM] please

[Kit (John)] he says please?

[DM] aoeurel aoeureor oaeuroeu

[DM] one of the goblins from the back starts forward very slowly

[Kira (Beth)] I see I hear I obey?

[DM] almost crawling

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[Kit (John)] Paul Elvenstire: Attack #1: Scimitar +3/+5 vs Spirits: (11-(d20+3)) [11-(8+3)] 0. PROBABLY HITS Centipede #35 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[DM] Goblin #13 moved 7'09".

[Kit (John)] Paul Elvenstire: Damage v SM: Scimitar +3/+5 vs Spirits: (d8+3) [4+3] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Centipede #35

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #35's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -5 (-7) - Dying

[Kit (John)] need I roll additionla attacks

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Enya

Bunny has edited For Mike's effects.

[Kit (John)] did we bring the scroll of pieace with us?

[Enya (Bunny)] ast R

[DM] drooling over the smell of cookies here

[Bunny] Enya targets Centipede #29. Distance: 19'02"

[Enya (Bunny)] Enya: Attack #1: Sling Bullet: (16-(d20+0)) [16-(10+0)] 6. PROBABLY HITS Centipede #29 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[Kira (Beth)] ::pouts:: ::wants a cookie::

[Enya (Bunny)] Enya: Damage v SM: Sling Bullet: (1d4+1) [3+1] 4 added to: Centipede #29

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Kit

[DM] christy is having issues getting back in

[Kit (John)] waving hands to shoo them back

[Kit (John)] not threating, which is hard for her

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Arilyn

[DM] Arilyn targets Centipede #25. Distance: 4'06"

[DM] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)) [13-(8+0+2+1)] 2. PROBABLY HITS Centipede #25 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[DM] Arilyn: Damage v SM: +2 Longsword Elaris: (1d8++0+2) [4+0+2] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Centipede #25

[Kit (John)] put up one finger, not the middle one

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #25's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-6) - Dying

[DM] INIT: 25 GOING: Sweetums

[DM] Arilyn targets Centipede #45. Distance: 7'11"

[DM] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)) [13-(8+0+2+1)] 2. PROBABLY HITS Centipede #45 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[Kira (Beth)] heh, they probably want to know why we're killing their livestock

[DM] Arilyn: Damage v SM: +2 Longsword Elaris: (1d8++0+2) [8+0+2] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Centipede #45

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #45's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -8 (-10) - Dying

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #29's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-4) - Dying

[Sweetums (SPC)] (d20) [2] 2

[DM] so just the one on sweetums

[DM] that is a hit

[Sweetums (SPC)] does a two hit?

[Sweetums (SPC)] oh really?

[Sweetums (SPC)] cool.

[DM] ac 9

[Sweetums (SPC)] squish then.

[DM (to GM only)] Centipede #46's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -8 (-10) - Dying

[DM] Combat has finished.

[Kit (John)] did we bring the scroll of pieace with us?

[DM] no

[DM] Goblin #13 moved 4'02".

[DM] Hellloo?

[Kit (John)] miss Druid, certainly you can communicate peace

[Kit (John)] who is saying hello

[Kit (John)] or is that just the tone of the gibberish

[DM] the second goblin back

[Sweetums (SPC)] She's currently checking to see what she can do about my poisonous bite (I'm guessing that's why I made the save)

[DM] ok, need to reset here, they are not able to log in

[Kit (John)] Yes brave Goblin, please we come in peace

[DM] will save this and shut down

[DM] be right back up

[DM] sorry for the delay

[Kit (John)] otay

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kira modified: Languages - DELETED: ** New **. ADDED: Western Common.

Beth has left the game on Fri Jun 01 20:11:58 EDT 2007

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 01 20:12:35 EDT 2007 ====

Bunny has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 20:12:53 EDT 2007

Bunny is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Bunny has received the map Crypt Home.

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 20:13:27 EDT 2007

[John] Yes brave Goblin, please we come in peace

John has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 20:13:35 EDT 2007

John is receiving the map Crypt Home...

John has received the map Crypt Home.

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 20:14:15 EDT 2007

Lorie is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Lorie has received the map Crypt Home.

Beth has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 20:14:15 EDT 2007

[Bunny] Can I do Healing or Herbalism to see if Sweetums is poisoned? If he is, I have Neutralize.

[DM] yes you can do that

[Bunny] Which one?

[DM] brb, letting everyone get situation bring Lorie up to day

[DM] herbalisim

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] Oh Lady Kyla, please tell me you can speak to Goblins

[Lorie] You need both Bunny

[Lorie] Not just one

[Lorie] :: blinks and gives Paul a strange look ::

[Lorie] Golbins

[Lorie] surely you are kidding

[Bunny] Enya: Healing check: (d20) [15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Bunny] Enya: Herbalism check: (d20) [14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

SPC has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 20:16:43 EDT 2007

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

Christy is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Christy has received the map Crypt Home.

[Bunny] Crappy rolls! If somebody can determine if he's poisoned, I could try Neutralize.

SPC is receiving the map Crypt Home...

SPC has received the map Crypt Home.

[John] did you bring the letter of peace?

[Lorie] Letter of peace... :: pauses :: Sure, I have it

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] sure

[Lorie] Why wouldn't I have brought some cryptic letter addressed to only to me

[Lorie] ((:: waves at everyone ::))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] well why would youlet them walk into a room full of garbage in a goblin lair

[Beth] ((waves back at Lorie))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] exercise?

[Bunny (to DM only)] Bob, just for grins, how would I cast Neutralize Poison?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] There are some goblins who no longer feel at home

[DM (to Bunny only)] you target sweetums, then go to cast spell and pick it off the list, but wait to do that

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you know how i feel, what Kit would do

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] but you were invited

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] maybe they will recongnise you?

[Bunny (to DM only)] I was just asking about procedure. I'm gonna wait til somebody tells me if he's poisoned or not.

[Christy] brb-need to put Abigail to bed

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::chough::

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] we might not understand them, but at least they are talking and not attacking

[DM] we hide here?

[SPC] Should I be concerned about this centepede bite?

[Goblin #13] we hide here?

[Lorie] :: looks at the Druid :: well, is he poisoned?

[Lorie] He usually is...

[Kit (John)] one said hello, so there may be hope

[Kira (Beth)] they speak common???!!!

[Lorie] Near death actually...but since we have a druid now, we're good

[Bunny] Dunno. Both my checks failed.

[Lorie] Hello? They said hello?

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Sweetums. Distance: 44'04"

[Kira (Beth)] well, they said something about hiding

[Goblin #13] (well one of them has said "hello" adn "we hide here"

[Kit (John)] o goblin why

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 41'02".

[Goblin #13] not exaclty shakesphere

[Kira (Beth)] Why are you hiding?

[Kit (John)] to goblin

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Healing check: (d20) [19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 18!!

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Herbalism check: (d20) [1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Goblin #13 (to Lorie only)] not poisoned

[Goblin #13] we hide

[Kit (John)] have master?

[Lorie] :: shrugs :: You look okay to me...

[Goblin #13] you talk to mistress

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer no longer targets Sweetums.

[Lorie] Mistress?

[Kira (Beth)] Why hide?

[Lorie] Hide?

[Lorie] She going to kill you when she realizes you let me in?

[SPC] Well, it does sting quite a bit?

[Kit (John)] to Kylia: we can only hope

[Goblin #1] aoieyurep aoeureor EORUEORIEUREO EOUREORUEE

[Goblin #13] NO NO

[Lorie] Nice

[Goblin #13] Ohhh

[Goblin #13] I I I I i

[Goblin #13] um

[Goblin #13] um

[Kit (John)] thanks Kylia

[Lorie] Nope... you're fine

[Goblin #13] I

[Goblin #13] we hide

[Goblin #13] you talk

[SPC] If you're sure.

[Kit (John)] ok go hide

[Lorie] There's a lot of you..and only a few of us

[Lorie] :: holds up all fingers for them ... 4 for us ::

[SPC] (and with that, I'm going before I toss this computer out the window---@#@!#@ klooge)

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Um, Lady Kylia

SPC has left the game on Fri Jun 01 20:25:03 EDT 2007

Goblin #13 turns

[Lorie] Have I left you dead before Sweetums?

[Goblin #13] HIDE HIDE HIDE

[Goblin #13] Goblin #30, Goblin #19, Goblin #20, Goblin #17, Goblin #18, Goblin #23, Goblin #24, Goblin #21, Goblin #22, Goblin #27, Goblin #28, Goblin #25, Goblin #26, Goblin #31, Goblin #29, Goblin #3, Goblin #4, Goblin #2, Goblin #7, Goblin #8, Goblin #5, Goblin #6, Goblin #11, Goblin #12, Goblin #9, Goblin #10, Goblin #15, Goblin #16 and Goblin #14 moved 14'00".

[Lorie] Yes... Sir Paul

[Goblin #13] and teh door slams

Beth is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Beth has received the map Crypt Home.

[Goblin #13] leaving the two of them out here with you

[Goblin #13] one obviously the leader

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 23'05".

[Goblin #13] and one barely able to speak W Comm

[Goblin #13] Goblin #13 moved 4'10".

[Goblin #13] Goblin #1 moved 4'06".

[Lorie] :: looks at the leader :: Well... where is she?

[Goblin #1] adhd

[Goblin #1] ahdfd

Goblin #1 bows

[Lorie] :: taps foot ::

[Goblin #1] aerjerlj

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Boss?

[Lorie] Mistress...

[Goblin #13] we hide, you talk

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] elf?

Goblin #13 bows

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs ::

Goblin #13 nods

Goblin #13 noding quickly

[Kira (Beth)] how bout, you take we talk?

Goblin #13 shivers

[Goblin #13] no no no

[Goblin #13] no

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Um, lady Kylia

[Kira (Beth)] where find mistress?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yes Sir Paul

Goblin #13 points to the door to the foyer

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] do you worry that Roadhaven is mostly unguarded?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] It's making you nervous that the CE are nervous?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] All the time Sir Paul.... all the time

[Bunny] I am away from the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Oh, I see the door

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Lady Kylia, ths way

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 63'06".

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] do we have a ... trap specialist in the party?

[Kira (Beth)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 69'04".

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Kira not Kylia

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Where did I go?

[Kira (Beth)] oops

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs: sorry about that, the icons are tiny and I grabbed the wrong one

[Goblin #13] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 2'00".

[Kit (John)] we talk, you hide

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 75'10".

[Goblin #13] no traps

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 16'08".

Goblin #13 bows

Goblin #13 scurries backwards

[Kira (Beth)] is it locked?

[Goblin #13] Goblin #13 moved 53'02".

[Goblin #13] Goblin #1 moved 47'03".

[Goblin #13] yes

[Kira (Beth)] knocks on door

[DM] no answer

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] will pick it then

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I think we are expected

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] this is just a test

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Kira: Open Locks check:(d100) [72] 72 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 80!!


[DM] unlocks

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: rolls eyes ::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Test...

[Kira (Beth)] still it is polite to knock if you think someone might be home ::grins::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] or delaying tatic

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I have Dragonslayer funerals to plan... tests aren't on my agenda

[DM] by the way do you like the look of this map?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] sure...what's the creepy green stuff in the corner BOB?

[Kira (Beth)] steps back to let Kylia and Sir Paul deal with opening the unlocked door

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] it looks like a map we have

[DM] chuckles

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 19'11".

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I open the door

[Bunny] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] Paul Elvenstire moved 4'09".

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 21'05".

[Bunny] Um...funerals for whom?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I am right behind you Kira

[Christy] for us of course

[Bunny] That bad, huh?

[Kira (Beth)] do I need ot check the hallway for traps bob? or is it a given with the door check?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Oh...Fiona didn't show you the Graveyard...that's part fo the tour

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: makes mental note ::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Well... we're on a good streak, no deaths for 3 weeks

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I think have a bulletin board somewhere with the stats :: ponders ::

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs:: and now we're jinxed

[Arilyn (Christy)] has it been 3 already?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you walk, if there is a trap BOB will roll

[Kira (Beth)] :D

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 128'03".

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] and if you fail, I will save

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 50'10".

[DM] adn a closed locked door

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 98'04".

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] That's what I'm afraid of

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 59'05".

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn moved 74'11".

[Kira (Beth)] checking

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 26'05".

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [56] 56 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Bunny] Enya moved 65'11".

[DM] no traps

[DM] but it is locked

[Kira (Beth)] picking

[DM] and because you did wel enough on your traps

[DM] wiat

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn moved 42'04".

[DM] you see that this is a weird lock

[Kira (Beth)] waiting

[DM] takes two sepreate keys to unlock

[Kira (Beth)] um... hhhmmm

[DM] you can do it

[Kira (Beth)] odd looking thing here...

[DM] but will be a -25%

[Kira (Beth)] ::eyes::

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Kira: Open Locks check:(d100) [46] 46 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 80!!

[DM] CLICK opens

[Kira (Beth)] ::smiles:: whew!

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 19'01".

[Kira (Beth)] After you, Sir Paul :)

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I open the door

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 5'08".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 13'11".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 23'01".

[DM] When the door is opened immediately a dual bar with spikes swings down from above the door. They stop just short of hitting anyone in the doorway but now the force anyone to crawl underneath or try to squeeze between the two horizontal bars. The spikes glisten with a gel or ooze of some sort.

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn moved 31'09".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 13'07".

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 17'00".

[DM] Looking through the doorway you can see a small checkerboard painted onto the floor of the room. 1 foot squares of alternating Red and Gold. The gold squares gleam of metal and the red looks to be dried blood. On the far wall a door with a large silver cross embossed on it is closed with a heavy beam barring it from being opened.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Kira

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] hold up

[Arilyn (Christy)] that must be the playroom

[Kira (Beth)] yeah... interesting

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 25'00".

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] not too close yet

[Bunny] Enya moved 105'05".

[Kira (Beth)] heh, a careless thief is a dead thief

[Kira (Beth)] surveys teh room

[Kira (Beth)] from the doorway

[Kira (Beth)] anyone got something they don't care about losing?

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 20:41:37 EDT 2007

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] where did I put that goblin

[Kira (Beth)] I oculd toss it into the middle of that area and see what happens

[Kira (Beth)] heheh...

[Bunny] Too bad Ramone's not here to cantrip up a rock.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I have a few tricks

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Orison: "Range: 10 yds The most humble of priestly spells is the orison, a brief prayer or invocation of a minor nature. Because an orisons is not even on par with other 1st-level magic, I memorize a number of individual orisons equal to (3+13) [3+13] 16:9 when I devote a 1st-level spell slot to orison. Unlike cantrip, an orison must have a specific effect, although I need not decide which incantation I will use until I actually cast the spell. Regardless of the prayer chosen, the orison’s duration is never more than (13) [13] 13 unless otherwise specified."

[Arilyn (Christy)] paul or I can do that

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Did you say rock?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] no I do not dabble in those minor magics

[DM] the every resourceful lady kylia

[DM] give her a hand folks

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Yea

[Kira (Beth)] claps

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] tap tap tap

[Arilyn (Christy)] whoo-hoo

Kaz is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Kaz has received the map Crypt Home.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: snorts :: You have done enough dabbling lately

[Bunny] Nice!

[Bunny] Nice!

[DM] so Kira has a rock

[Bunny] Chuck it in there, see what happens.....

[Kira (Beth)] Tosses rock and steps back just in case

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 4'05".

[DM] it skips off of a couple of squares but nothing happens

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] BOB do I see anything diffrent with True Sight

[Arilyn (Christy)] could be something triggered by living things

[Bunny] Completely off the square?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Doesn't weigh enough

[DM] nothing differnt with true sight

[DM] and it skitters across several squares

[Kira (Beth)] well... hmmmm bigger rock?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] what is the lighting been besides ours

[DM] nothing, no lights here

[Bunny] Could we pick it up and try again? Maybe only one square triggers.... whatever.

[DM] except what you bring

[Kira (Beth)] I have a light spell

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] and if I have infravision, it works with Clairvoyance

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Is my Evil O Meter going off?

[DM] nope

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] to me or her?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: ponders ::

[Kira (Beth)] well, maybe nothing is turned on in there....

[DM] to the evil o' metere

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] casting polymorph self to a farie

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Lady Kylia, let me check things out first

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 01 20:49:08 EDT 2007

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: ponders :: ummm.... hold on

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 30'10"

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer no longer targets Paul Elvenstire.

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 30'10"

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I can fly over, look if not get into the next room

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Prayer: "By the power of these words, grant favor to my allies. In a 60 foot radius, for (13) [13] 13 rounds all those friendly to me gain +1 to attack, damage, and saving throw, while all my enimies get -1 penalty to attack, damage, and saving throw. If chant is cast during the same time this increases to +2/-2."

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 20:50:44 EDT 2007

Christy is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Christy has received the map Crypt Home.

[Bunny] Is it me, or is this chat room unusually slow tonight?

[DM] a bit slow

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((not just you...a bit of lag here ))

[DM] but lots of thinking going on

[Christy] i keep getting booted out

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] well, looks like a trap to me

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] (( :-P There is real lag silly BOB ))

[Bunny] Uh, no, I meant when it showed something.

[DM] yes on all accounts

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns ** LOOKS ** like a trap? Are you kidding

[Christy] how's Sean doing?

[DM] wow, John, that might rival Robert

[Bunny] Sean is frustrated with kloOge.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire: Polmorph Self: Poof

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] form of a pixie

[DM] ok

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer no longer targets Paul Elvenstire.

[DM] too bad Death is not here

[Kira (Beth)] ROFL

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] can I fly under without touching

[DM] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] the floor or the goo on the bars

[DM] you can fit between the bars

[DM] but

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 14'04".

[DM] teh goo is semi dripping

[Kira (Beth)] hhmmm, I could change to a bat

[DM] you will time it

[DM] and have a 95% chance of not touching anything

[Bunny] I could change to a gecko...

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] close enough

[DM] you can make that roll then

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I do thusly

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Roll #1: (d100) [12] 12

[DM] very good

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 15'02".

[DM] nothign happens as you fly in

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 13'11".

[DM] and around

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] anything more on the other door?

[DM] nothing

[Bunny] Big silver cross?

[DM] there is that

[DM] sorry

[DM] just the room description stuff nothing else to see

[Kira (Beth)] nothing to see here, move along, move along...

[DM] the cross is actual silver etched into the door

[Kira (Beth)] :D

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs :: Umm yeah, do we really want to open a door with silver on it?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] is there a hook for the bars to connect to if we picked them back up?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] There is a reason it's there?

[DM] the bar is resting on "hooks" but you would lay it on the ground or prop it up if you took it off

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you were invited

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head :: Silver Etching... I'm not sure about this...

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I am open o sugestions

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I can summond some monseter to see what happens

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I can cast Knock, but not sure it will work

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] heck I can conjur an element and real cause havoc

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] For being invited we don;t seem welsomed

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: ponders :: Hmmm... well those bars... that goo isn't a good thing.. not sure how the rest of us should get through

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I was thinking of knocking

[Kira (Beth)] any way of banishing the goo?

[Arilyn (Christy)] yes, whoever invited us has a thing or two to learn about hospitality

[Kira (Beth)] burning it away?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] conjr water?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] maybe fire

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] but what do we have

[Bunny] I am away from the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I think I will know, if you do not mind Lady Kylia

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] knock

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods ::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 2'09".

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I knock on the wood, hard as I can

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Hello!

[DM] spell or real knocking?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] physical

[DM] no answer

[Arilyn (Christy)] reminds of Finding Nemo and trying to escape the sharks

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] is the square in frontog the door gold?

[DM] yes

[DM] and red

[DM] the pattern allows you to stand on either one

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] is there anything on the celing above the red squares?

[DM] nope

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fish are friends...not food!

[DM] plain grey worked stone

[Arilyn (Christy)] can you come back later? we're trying to escape here.

[DM] never seen it,

[Arilyn (Christy)] WHAT???

[Arilyn (Christy)] never seen Nemo? It is too funny.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs :: What's your name? Emo? Elmo? Nermal? Nemo!

[Arilyn (Christy)] BIbo? Fabio?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I want to try and lift the bar

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] sorry no chance

[Arilyn (Christy)] try not to touch he gooey stuff

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Ok everybody

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I am going to summon a friend

[Kira (Beth)] what is the estimated weight of the bar?

[DM] 10 pounds?

[DM] is wood with some spikes

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] as a pixie?

[Kira (Beth)] ah, ok

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] sounds much bigger

[Arilyn (Christy)] it's good that you have friends that come when you call.

[Kira (Beth)] ::chuckles:: forgot about that part

[Arilyn (Christy)] or...someone else could try

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I want to try and open this door across the way unless you want to try

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I am sure we are making a big thing out of BOB

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] i mean nothing

[Arilyn (Christy)] I can teleport and fly if that helps

[Bunny] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] then sure, fly 1st then teleport here and open the door

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I don't mind

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 5'09".

[Bunny] Can somebody set fire to that wooden bar? It would do in the goo, too.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i can make fire too.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] sound like a job for Lady Kylia

[Arilyn (Christy)] burn baby burn.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Go ahead Arilyn

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] i think your fire is too big and round

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] hers in straight up and down

[Arilyn (Christy)] that will probably work better

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] but are they wood?

[Bunny] Yup. With spikes.

[Arilyn (Christy)] wood burns, spikes fall

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Faerie Fire: "Outlined objects or creatures are visible at 80 yards in the dark, 40 yards if the viewer is near a bright light source. Outlined creatures are easier to strike, thus opponents gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls in darkness (including moonlit nights) and a +1 bonus in twilight or better. Note that outlining can render otherwise invisible creatures visible. However, it cannot outline noncorporeal, ethereal, or gaseous creatures. Nor does the light come anywhere close to sunlight. Range: 80 yds. Duration: (4*13) [4*13] 52 rds. Area of Effect: (10*13) [10*13] 130 sq. ft. in a 40-ft. radius.Saving Throw: None

[Bunny] Goo evaporates!

[DM] um that will not burn anything

[DM] that only illuminates

[DM] rememorize and try again

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I think you meant Flame Strike?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs :: I did

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I was clicking through the list of spells

[Kira (Beth)] ::chuckles::

[Arilyn (Christy)] they are close alphabetically

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Flame Strike: "Hold still, this will only hurt until the burns heal! (6d8) [(2+3+1+5+2+1)] 14"Range: 60 yds. Area of Effect: 5 ft. radius x 30 ft. column

[DM] ok, the wood incinerates, and the spikes paritally melt along with some of the gold squares

[DM] you can rememorize that one spell too Lorie

[Bunny] What about the goo?

[DM] anyone can pass the doorway in a moment

[DM] the goo is gone

[DM] evaporated

[Bunny] Cool!

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] stay on the gold squares

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I woould sugest one at a time

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kylia Wolfslayer modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 7 (6).

[Bunny] Person, or square?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] one person, till we see what happens

[Arilyn (Christy)] I think I'll fly

[Arilyn (Christy)] and who's going first?

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::where's that paladin?::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Laday Kylia, if you like I can cast Impr Spider Climb on you?

[Bunny] I'm new. Want me to try it?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] well maybe the trap specialist

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((BOB, Air walk will work outside only, correct?))

[DM] yes

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kira should go first

[Arilyn (Christy)] can I give someone a lift?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] so we know how we are going to die

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 4'05".

[Kira (Beth)] well, I can go first on foot or change to bat and fly

[Arilyn (Christy)] can you check for traps while you're a bat?

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 01 21:23:33 EDT 2007

[DM] no

[Kira (Beth)] can't I check? I wouldn't be able to disarm them, but I could see them?

[DM] you needs hands and eyes, human eyes

[Arilyn (Christy)] you can borrow my cape if you promise not to die in it

[Enya (Bunny)] I have an idea that stepping on those squares is gonna make something happen...

[Kira (Beth)] seems like you made that ruling in the chaos dungeon

[DM] you can fly and do it

[DM] but not be a bat and do it

[Kira (Beth)] bats see perfectly well they are not blind

[DM] and GOD what is the world coming too that BETH has been here long enough to go after me

[DM] lol

[DM] lol

[DM] lol

[Kira (Beth)] LOLOL

[Kira (Beth)] well, I've been here about a year :D

[DM] no no bats checking for traps

[Enya (Bunny)] Way to go!

[DM] people flying yes

[Kira (Beth)] ::pouts::

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs:: I can't fly as a human

[Kira (Beth)] I can't check traps as a bat

[DM] you can FIND traps

[DM] coughs

[Kira (Beth)] guess I'll go die and let the worms eat me

[Bunny] I am away from the keyboard.

[Arilyn (Christy)] wait-he said you can find traps as a bat

[Kira (Beth)] BOB... doesn't CHECK FOR traps, mean FIND traps?????

[DM] no

[DM] checking uses thief skills

[Kira (Beth)] ooooh, you mean finding them the hard way

[DM] when the rocks fall on you you FIND the trap

[Arilyn (Christy)] that sounds like the hard way and we can all find them that way

[Kira (Beth)] ::eye::

[Kira (Beth)] fine... before i cross the room I check for traps

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'll let you borrow my cape and you can fly around CHECKING for traps as a human

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [62] 62 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[DM (to Beth only)] no traps,

[Kira (Beth)] no traps as far as I can tell... so...

[Kira (Beth)] here goes

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 28'11".

[Kira (Beth)] checking door for traps

[DM] ok

[DM] nothign happens so far as you fly

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[DM (to Beth only)] no traps

Client has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 21:31:12 EDT 2007

[Kira (Beth)] ok, no traps that I can find... is it locked?

[DM] yes to locked

[Kira (Beth)] picking

Client is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Client has received the map Crypt Home.

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Kira: Open Locks check:(d100) [92] 92 - ROLL FAILED against 80!!

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] still the bar

[DM] ok, so the door is still locked,

[DM] and yes the bar is still there

[Kira (Beth)] ok, can I remove the bar?

[DM] yes you can

[DM] is about 25#

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] set it on a gold square

[Kira (Beth)] did my trap check include the bar?

[DM] yes

[Bunny] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] then I remove it

[DM] ok

[Kira (Beth)] and set it along the wall away from anything that looks dangerous or unknown

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] tough lock huh?

[DM] that includes Paul? wink

[Kira (Beth)] ::grins:: of course!

[Kira (Beth)] and I will try the lock again

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [55] 55 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Kira, are you trying to tell me, there are no traps on the floor?

Client has left the game on Fri Jun 01 21:35:30 EDT 2007

[Kira (Beth)] not as far as I can tell

[DM] you can not try the lock again

[DM] until you go up one level

[DM] sorry

[Kira (Beth)] tthhhhbbbbbtttttt

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Ok I got it, I think

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire: Knock: open says me

[DM] clikc and the door opens

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 8'04".

[Enya (Bunny)] Man, talk about looking for zebras...

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Arilyn, can you ferry peope over

[Kira (Beth)] musta been another double lock... losing 25% of my ability bites

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] yea, right

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire moved 15'02".

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 41'04".

[Kira (Beth)] how 'bout that... another door

[Enya (Bunny)] Well, whaddya know. Another door.

[Kira (Beth)] ::chuckles::

[John] Arlyin?

[Enya (Bunny)] Oops. Can't type fast enough!

[Arilyn (Christy)] yes?

[John] can you ferry people over , just in case

[John] While Kira keeps checking for traps

[DM] normal floor in this hallway like the rest were

[Arilyn (Christy)] sorry-not paying attention

[John] looks normal

[John] no

[John] problem

[Arilyn (Christy)] I cannot fly w/o the cape but I can teleport. However-that's only 1/day

[John] Paul Elvenstire moved 22'07".

[John] ok, Kira give her back her cape

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 38'09".

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] make her first Arilyn

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] please

[Kira (Beth)] huh???

[DM] ok, so Aryln ferries everyone over?

[Enya (Bunny)] Enya moved 36'00".

[DM] all are on thsi side of the checkerboard now?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] BOB and Christi thinks you fly with the cape

[Kira (Beth)] yep, I give her back her cape

[DM] what abotu sweetums and kit?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] COOL

[Arilyn (Christy)] sounds like a plan

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Kit is staying

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] until she hears otherwize

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] sorry i am being paged

[John] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] ok,

[DM] Kira moved 39'10".

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 66'00".

[DM] Enya moved 45'03".

[DM] Arilyn moved 94'08".

[Kira (Beth)] did I already check this door for traps?

[DM] Sweetums moved 196'08".

[DM] yes and no traps

[DM] and yes it is locked and no you did not yet

[Kira (Beth)] ::chcukles:: ok

[Enya (Bunny)] Scary, all being in a little narrow passageway like this.

[Kira (Beth)] yeah...

[Kira (Beth)] ok, I knock

[DM] no answer

[Enya (Bunny)] Gimme my trees, any day.

[Kira (Beth)] knock once more

[DM] crickets

[Kira (Beth)] pick lock

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)]'s not scary until the ceiling falls in and the rogue goes smoosh

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] That was scary

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs ::

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Kira: Open Locks check:(d100) [90] 90 - ROLL FAILED against 80!!

[DM] Blackie go smoosh

[Kira (Beth)] ::chuckles::

[DM] and not unlocked

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((LOL))

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs:: these damned double locks are gonna be the death of me

[DM] perhaps someone else has Knock?

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 21:48:04 EDT 2007

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Oh I have in door knockdown

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :O)

[DM (to Beth only)] you know those are normal locks that you are just having a hard time with? only the one to that checkerboard room was a double one

[Enya (Bunny)] What's it made of?

[Arilyn (Christy)] i have knock once today

[DM] wood bound in iron

[Enya (Bunny)] Too tight an area for more fire, huh?

[Arilyn (Christy)] i can Knock it open if you want

[Kira (Beth) (to DM only)] that just figures...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] go for it!

[Enya (Bunny)] What's behind door number three?

[DM] In the middle of this room is a large thick stone pillar going to the ceiling. There are small openings like holes at various highes spaced around the collumn. Around the base of this pillar is a pile of chared bones and wood. On the left wall are several hooks that hold manacles. There is a small cask that holds long metal rods, and another that that has damaged scorge along with several wooden rods.

[DM] and Christy can click off your knock

[Arilyn (Christy) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 3 (4). Spells - CHANGED: Invisibilty -- # Memorized: 1 (2), CHANGED: Knock -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

Kaz is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Kaz has received the map Crypt Home.

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Knock: a

[Arilyn (Christy) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Knock -- Expression: open sesame! (a),

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] BRB

[DM] so any ideas?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay...back

[Kira (Beth)] hhmmmmm

[Kira (Beth)] checking room for traps

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [50] 50 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[DM] none

[Enya (Bunny)] Nowhere for anything to hide. Unless in the holes...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 10'11".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 12'11".

[Kira (Beth)] brb

[Beth] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 21'06".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Since Kira examined teh room

[Arilyn (Christy)] what's the green dot on the map?

[DM] someone was using the pointer

[Enya (Bunny)] Someone still is!

[Arilyn (Christy)] brb-kids need some attention

[DM] tehre you go turned it off

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] My money is on JOHN

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :)

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 1'01".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 16'06".

[Enya (Bunny)] Enya moved 42'10".

[Enya (Bunny)] Ah, I can breathe again.

[Enya (Bunny)] Can you see inside any of those holes in the piller?

[DM] if you go up to it

[DM] you can look around it

Bunny has left the game on Fri Jun 01 22:03:16 EDT 2007

[DM] grins

[DM] Lor?

[DM] Kaz?

[DM] beuler?

[Kaz] I'm here

Bunny has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 22:04:57 EDT 2007

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay since i'm the only one here

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] wb Bunny

[Kaz] Quiet, but here :)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: waves at Kaz ::

[DM] any questions Kaz?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay...I'm looking at holes

[DM] want to know what is happening> or why?

[DM] and Kylia looks around the pillar, the various holes

[Kaz] Well, yeah :) Would be nice to know

[DM] some actually go right through

[DM] others are just hollow like slots to put things in

Bunny is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Bunny has received the map Crypt Home.

[DM] what questions do you have Kaz?

[DM] this is a good time to ask

[Bunny] I am back at the keyboard.

[Bunny] Think I'm frozen. Can't get map...

[DM] youa re not frozen

[DM] can see you here Bunny

[Kaz] Well, wondering where they are, for one... and why.

Bunny has left the game on Fri Jun 01 22:07:43 EDT 2007

Bunny has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 22:08:06 EDT 2007

[DM] Lorie, care to explain that one?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] they?

[Kaz] you

[Kaz] they being the PC's

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] We're in a goblin lair

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Invited here from our nearby Keep (aka Roadhaven) based on an offer of peace from the Goblins via their Undead Mistress

[Kaz] ahh, okay

[Kaz] And what are you now looking for?

[Kaz] Anything in particular, or just exploring?

Bunny is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Bunny has received the map Crypt Home.

[Bunny] I am back at the keyboard.

[Bunny (to DM only)] Still can't get map.

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 70'00".

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] back

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] We're trying to find the Mistress in question who invited us

[Bunny (to DM only)] and my typing doesn't show up on my chat window.

[DM (to Bunny only)] ok

[DM] hmm Bunny sems to have an issue with the map

[Kaz] Okay, thank you. :)

[DM] can you see this bunny?

[Kaz] Can I roll some dice now?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: blinks :: Only if they are pretty

[Kaz] *huffs*

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Klooge dice are ugly and Christy and I have a rule about pretty dice only

[DM] lol

[Kaz] I only use the most beautifulestest dice ever.

[DM] oh gods

[Kaz] They are on my desk.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Are they pink, purple and shiny?

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] *GASPS!*

[Bunny (to DM only)] Okay, whatever you did, it's back.


[Arilyn (Christy)] sparkley?

[Kaz] Well, one of my sets is

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] How many sets do you have ?

[Kaz] I mean... my set... I don't have more than one set. No. Not at all.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] It's important

[Kaz] Ummmmmm

[Kaz] I gotta think, hang on.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You only have ONE set :: sighs :: Sorry Christy... no potential

[Arilyn (Christy)] one set? just one set.

[Bunny (to DM only)] Trying to decide if it's just me. Can't see my typing in chat window. Looooong hourglass....

[Arilyn (Christy)] how does that happen?

[DM] to bunny: it is showing up here for me

[Kaz] Ummmmm, yeah. Just one. I certainly don't have at least seven.

[DM] try to just type

[Kaz] And I don't know why you would think that.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Only 7 sets... still really really sad

[Arilyn (Christy)] even 7...

[DM] the KEG O' DICE

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I have 7 sets on bbay dice

[Kaz] Yeah, well. I live in a really small town and there aren't any gaming shops about.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i love my baby dice

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] GenCon... URN o DICE

[Kaz] And, you know, buying dice online? I can't do it. I gotta hold them.

[DM] christy tell her what we made you do

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head :: Touch them? You Zap the luck!

[Arilyn (Christy)] I don't remember

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: points at dice bag :: Put them back in and redistribute luck

[DM] we sent chrsity to a local game store

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Just don't let the player behind Sweetums touch your dice...he's a luck zapper

[Kaz] Nah, they're in a case. How does that zap the luck?

[DM] to test their dice before she could buy any

[Arilyn (Christy)] i know that I rolled most of my dice before I bought them. Duane had much patience with me

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] In a case... ewwww

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] they have to breathe...mix with other dice

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: Rolling them is important

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Especially in sets

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 01 22:16:52 EDT 2007

[Kira (Beth) (to DM only)] I am SOOO not going to tell them I haven't a die in the house ::chuckles::

[Arilyn (Christy)] rolled every one in each set before purchase. Poor Duane.

[DM] sorry but Kurris is not goign to change the dice colors anytime soon

[Bunny] :sighs: I'd love to see dice...

[Kira (Beth) (to DM only)] I have some, but Mike still has them... they glow in the dark

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kurris is a sad sad man

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] No love for dice

[DM (to Beth only)] but they will see this, you shoudl mention your glow in the darks

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] He probably thinks FUDGE is a good system

[DM] lol

[DM] lol

[DM] I have my undead glow in teh dark pizza delivery man here still

[Kira (Beth)] I have glow in the dark dice

[DM] ok

[DM] so any ideas on what to do in this room?

[Bunny] Ahhh, you're killin' me!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Me too

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I have neon pink and yellow

[Bunny] Yum! I want dice!

[DM] or moving on to the next door?

[Kira (Beth)] mine are pink, yellow, blue and green

[Kira (Beth)] and glow in the dark

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 22:19:29 EDT 2007

[DM] kira? unlock the door?

[Kaz] Oy frickin' vey

[Kira (Beth)] yes, sir

[Bunny] See what happens when you get all women playing?

[DM] chuckles, you do realize that?

[DM] John is away from the keyboard

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Kira: Open Locks check:(d100) [87] 87 - ROLL FAILED against 80!!

[DM] adn 5 women logged in

[DM] and poor kira is cursed

[DM] door is still locked

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Don't look at SPC's dice...they are not pretty dice...I gave him some UDB candidates))

[Kira (Beth)] wtf?????

[DM] you can roll those so you can see them Beth

[DM] a bad streak for you

[DM] three doors in a row

[Kira (Beth)] I had to have rolled OVER 80 3 different times!!!!!

[Kira (Beth)] I haven't missed a door or a trap in months!

[Bunny] SPC has dice???? Ohhhhhhhhh....

[DM] anyone have open locked doors strength?

[DM] or want to call john

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: raises hand ::

[Arilyn (Christy)] hans is logging in

[Arilyn (Christy)] he can open doors

[Bunny] What's it made of? I could change it to wood, and then we could burn it down. Or, we could... knock on it?

[Arilyn (Christy)] being a hill giant and all

[Kira (Beth)] I knocked on it twice

[Kira (Beth)] nothing the first time and crickets the nest

[Arilyn (Christy)] no one has answered so far

[DM] Knock is the spell

[Kira (Beth)] next even

[Bunny] This one? Musta been when I was having chat problems.

[DM] knock is using your knuckles

Kaz is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Kaz has received the map Crypt Home.

[Bunny] OH, yeah. Crickets. I'm a door behind. (And behind a door...)

Hans has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 22:24:31 EDT 2007

[DM] welcome Sir!

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 01 22:24:39 EDT 2007

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: waves :: Hey Hans :)

[Kira (Beth)] Hiya, Hans!

[Bunny] Sir Percival! Greetings!

Hans is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Hans has received the map Crypt Home.

[DM] percy is on the map now

[DM] Kaz is throwing her computer out the window

[DM] told her it is everyone this week

[Kira (Beth)] ::giggles::

Hans has left the game on Fri Jun 01 22:27:07 EDT 2007

[DM] christy are you ok there?

[Kira (Beth)] well, I hope we get there soon, cuz I need to go in a bit

[DM] want this door and one more if you can

Hans has joined the game on Fri Jun 01 22:27:56 EDT 2007

[Kira (Beth)] and I hope this dratted streak quits

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'm good-Hans is having problrms

[Bunny] So, is it a wooden door?

[DM] Percival moved 45'04".

[DM] yes they all are

[DM] wooden with iron bands

Hans is receiving the map Crypt Home...

Hans has received the map Crypt Home.

[Bunny] Ah...

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival (Hans)] still waiiting for map...

[DM] so Sir Percy can roll your open doors?

[DM] want me to roll for you Hans?

[DM] can anyone see this?

[Kira (Beth)] see what?

[Arilyn (Christy)] i see you

[Bunny] Me, too.

[DM] Percival: Open Locked Doors check: (d20) [2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 6!!

[DM] so there you go

[DM] door is open

[Kira (Beth)] ;

[Kira (Beth)] Wow! wtg, Percy!

[DM] Kira moved 6'09".

[DM] Percival moved 6'11".

[Bunny] Good. I was planning to summon some termites to eat our way in. this is Waaaaay better.

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 25'06".

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [87] 87 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[DM] no traps

[Bunny] Yay!

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Open Locks check:(d100) [18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 80!!

[DM] now the open doors?

[Kira (Beth)] 'bout damn time

[DM] Two large chests rest in the middle of this room. One is made of iron, one is made of wood. The chests and floor are all covered in a fine layer of dust with no footprints tracked across.

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 2'11".

[DM] Chests moved 2'02".

[DM] Chests moved 8'01".

[DM] there you go

[Percival (Hans)] test

[Kira (Beth)] um... guys... the chests in here move of their own accord

[DM] yes Hans we see you

[DM] that was the room description

[Kira (Beth)] said chests ::grins::

[Percival (Hans)] Percival moved 46'06".

[Percival (Hans)] Percival moved 54'10".

[Kira (Beth)] Percy! where you going??? I was just kidding!!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 23'02".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 29'05".

[Kira (Beth)] sheesh... try to have a little fun...

[DM] lol

[Bunny] /Kira Boy, I wish I could type faster. You said exactly what I was thinking, about the chests and about Percy. Looking forward to meeting you in Orlando.

[Percival (Hans)] Percival moved 53'11".

[Percival (Hans)] Percival moved 63'05".

[Kira (Beth)] ROFL

[Percival (Hans)] Percival moved 12'08".

[Kira (Beth)] me too

[DM] Kira make a traps check for teh floor of that room please

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [62] 62 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[DM] ok, nothing on the floors

[DM] does not include the chests

[Bunny] You go, girl! You're on a roll now!

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 11'06".

[DM] adn do you want to wait till next week for those?

[Percival (Hans)] Percival moved 4'01".

[DM] or next session I should say?

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [90] 90 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[DM] or do it now

[DM] grins

[DM] guess not

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 13'04".

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [55] 55 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Bunny] No more doors?

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn moved 95'08".

[Kira (Beth)] ok, we can open them later, but I wanted to at least get the traps out of the way

[Kira (Beth)] are they locked?

[DM] there is that one unknown door back in the foyer area near the rags

[DM] and yes both chests are locked

[DM] and no traps on either

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Open Locks check:(d100) [68] 68 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 80!!

[Kira (Beth)] Kira moved 13'05".

[Bunny] Ohhh, yeah. That one....

[Percival (Hans)] Kira is literally on a roll...

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Open Locks check:(d100) [57] 57 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 80!!

[Kira (Beth)] heh

[DM] you missed her failing on three doors in a row earler Hans

[Percival (Hans)] It's nice to have targets of 80, 85 and 95!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] she's been busy tonight

[Kira (Beth)] :D

[Percival (Hans)] Kira's chance to shine. Gotta love it.

[Kira (Beth)] ::chuckles:: not as busy as my first night on

[Kira (Beth)] Trial by fire... Chaos Dungeon

[Kira (Beth)] thirteen steps

[Kira (Beth)] all with traps

[Bunny] Gotta go now. Bye, everyone!

[Arilyn (Christy)] bye!

[DM] waves

[DM] see you in orlando

[Kira (Beth)] Bye, Bunny!

[Percival (Hans)] Bye, Bunny!

[Bunny] G'night!

[Kira (Beth)] lol, Bob, it's still 2 fridays til Orlando

Bunny has left the game on Fri Jun 01 22:41:24 EDT 2007

[DM] but in Peurto Rico next friday

[DM] no game

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay night all

[Kira (Beth)] oh

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] take care :: waves ::

[DM] waves Night lories

[Arilyn (Christy)] bye Lorie

[Kira (Beth)] ok, night Lorie!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Buen Viaje BOB

[DM] we can wrap it up here I guess

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] y Besitos a Nyrma

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Night Hans and Christy!!!!

[DM] and start with opening the chests next session

[Kira (Beth)] probably a good play

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jun 01 22:42:11 EDT 2007

[DM] adn then go back to that other door

[Kira (Beth)] yes... I think she's there cuz the goblins pointed at the foyer...

[DM] any questioss?

[Kira (Beth)] ::shakes head::

[Kira (Beth)] wonders what a questioss is

[DM] sighs

[Arilyn (Christy)] no but would you like to give random answers?

[Kira (Beth)] ::snickers::

[DM] 42

[Kira (Beth)] 64


[Percival (Hans)] Good night!

[Kira (Beth)] ::giggles::

[DM] thansk for joining in Hans

[Kira (Beth)] ok, good night all :)

[Percival (Hans)] Yeah, sorry so late!

[DM] it is ok,

Beth has left the game on Fri Jun 01 22:43:59 EDT 2007

[DM] we might run later next seesion from orlando

[DM] try to finish this place that night

[DM] have the hotel ball room

Hans has left the game on Fri Jun 01 22:44:24 EDT 2007

[Arilyn (Christy)] no game next week?

[DM] right

[DM] not sure about net access

[DM] from there

[Arilyn (Christy)] right

[DM] but then we will from Orlando

[DM] the goal is to have the players computer up on the big screen

[DM] will be interesting I bet

[DM] Kaz, and a couple of other people who want to look in on this

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] chuckles at John

[Arilyn (Christy)] hey-just in time to say goodnight

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] no one dead

[DM] nope

[Arilyn (Christy)] unless you want to exploren with just me :)

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] just logging off

[DM] Hans saved teh day

[Arilyn (Christy)] opened a door!

[DM] Kira missed three doors in a row

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] saw that much

[Arilyn (Christy)] well I don't want to be last out so goodnight!

[DM] and Kaz likes the group

[DM] you missed that john

[DM] you and 5 women

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] boy is Kaz sick

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] So

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] they were not telling me what to do

[DM] grins

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] that was a plus

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] good night

[DM] night

John has left the game on Fri Jun 01 22:49:07 EDT 2007

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 01 22:49:09 EDT 2007