Main / Jun0217

Jun 02 17 - War by Art

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 02 18:22:17 EDT 2017 ====

[Master] pacing and thinking

[Master] getting food and drinks

[Master] we should start on time

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 19:10:28 EDT 2017

Lisa is receiving the map forest 4...

Lisa has received the map forest 4.

[Master] Hello

[Lisa] Hello

[Master] just texted Carissa and Mario, TMO is next

[Master] Michael knows

[Lisa] good

[Lisa] Spring too?

[Master] yes

[Master] everyone now

[Master] grins

[Lisa] think I am free for the next few hours

[Master] wonderful

Spring has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 19:13:19 EDT 2017

Spring is receiving the map forest 4...

Spring has received the map forest 4.

[Lisa] Hi Spring! :)

[Master] Hello

[Master] and Spring did you get a chance to look at the site this week? your Kenna adventure is up now

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 19:14:40 EDT 2017

Carissa is receiving the map forest 4...

[Lisa] re-read that chat log - loved reading how little Kenna was taunting the dragon

Carissa has received the map forest 4.

[Lisa] Hi Carissa :)

[Carissa] Hi Lisa! :)

[Lisa] This has been the longest short week ever

[Spring] Hi BOB, hi LIsa, hi Carissa!

[Spring] heh, no i didn't get to the website this week

[Spring] is that a dead Howard Plum i see? omg

[Lisa] yes sigh

[Spring] :-(

[Master] Carissa is workign on a summary for the start of Galatea

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 19:17:40 EDT 2017

Carissa is receiving the map forest 4...

Carissa has received the map forest 4.

MarioCS has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 19:17:44 EDT 2017

MarioCS is receiving the map forest 4...

MarioCS has received the map forest 4.

[Lisa] I'm going to have Branwyn try to bring him back

[Spring] Hi Mario!

[Master] and yes the summar for War by Art from last week is very touching

[Master] hello there

Carissa has left the game on Fri Jun 02 19:18:00 EDT 2017

[Lisa] Depends on how fast we can get home, etc.

[MarioCS] Hello Hello!

[Carissa] Okay I swear this network card will meet an unpleasant end here soon.

[Lisa] Hi Mario :)

[MarioCS] wow, waht is something i said?

[Carissa] Hi Spring and Mario!

[MarioCS] hi!

[Master] so Mario is there a magical cut off date around June first?

[Carissa] Haha

[MarioCS] propbably, for summer season

[MarioCS] im not too keen on revenue mgmt

[MarioCS] butit makes sense

[MarioCS] is the Air Sea Show at that time next year?

[Master] not that I know of

[Master] and how much will you hate people if they stay at a Hampton Inn?

[Lisa] lol

[MarioCS] if we were to set up an official 'group' in a hotel, we could bet better rates, but we would be contracted to get a certain number

[MarioCS] trust me, when it comes to hotels, for what i use them for...a bed and a shower...i go fo rthe cheapest too

[MarioCS] even if it off brand

[Lisa] but we don't have to even think about that until next year

[Master] as of the current moment the plan is June 1st

[Spring] that can depend. some venues you need to book a year out, depending on local events

[MarioCS] Sheraton Suites Cypress Creek is an all suites property

[Spring] and June is wedding seadon

[Lisa] you don't have to book room blocks a year in advance

[Spring] season even

[Lisa] duck season

[Master] Nyrma has approved running the game out of the house

[Spring] hehe

[Master] LOL

[MarioCS] they are uysually cheaper on the weekends, as they are a corp hotel

[Master] playing on Friday the 1st and Saturday the 2nd

[Master] so people can fly in Friday morning and fly out Sunday if they wish

[Master] not 100 percent committed to that

[Lisa] or stay for mini vacation

[Master] but is seems to work for most people

[Master] and I agree with LIsa

[Lisa] I'll probably stick around for a couple extra days and go touristy

[Master] I am currently thinking of taking the week prior off and at least a day or two after

[MarioCS] so are the proposed dates June 1 and 2?

[Master] TMO has first dibs on one of the rooms here

[Master] yes to Mario

[Lisa] I've never been to Miami

[MarioCS] i can always put someone up as well

[MarioCS] you just have to be awake, and fairly decent by 9 am, as i need to start working

[Carissa] Do me a favor and reintroduce screwworms and work will fly me out and house me for free ;)

[Master] awesome!

[Lisa] LOL

[Spring] whee!

[Master] they are working on that in the Keys right now

[Master] on eradicating them, so you can come double check

[Carissa] I know! I'm so mad. They added the account but never sent me down.

[Carissa] I was waiting for it, volunteered and all, but I think it's mostly done.

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 19:26:13 EDT 2017

TMO is receiving the map forest 4...

TMO has received the map forest 4.

[Lisa] Hi TMO :)

[MarioCS] Hey TMO

[Carissa] Hi TMO!

[Spring] hi TMO!

[TMO] 'ello chaps!

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Spring and Husband have the other room as of right now here

[TMO] We're under a thunderstorm right now, and apparently power has flickered a couple of times before I got home. If I vanish, that's why.

[Master] but that might change

[Master] depending on how people want to do things

[Master] TMO Nyrma agreed you have first dibs on a room here next June

[Master] I know it is a long way off

[Master] but it is important to me that the six of you get the best posible chance to enjoy this

[TMO] thank you!

[TMO] does it have a seaside view and room service?

[Master] the Hampton Inn I mentioned is only 1 mile from the house as well

[Master] LOL

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] yes there is a room, you can service it as you wish and I have dubbed it the Key West room

[Master] for the paint job in there

[Master] shells etc.

[Master] Mario can answer for it

[TMO] drunken party coeds?

[Master] THAT is across the lake

[Spring] i rather like hampton. my former workplace had a standing deal with them'

[Lisa] puppies

[Master] although they have mostly grown up now

[Lisa] free breakfast

[Master] This is true in both places

[Lisa] lol

[Master] the plan is to have a breakfast/brunch here Saturday morning

[Master] like we did for the 10th annivesarry, Mario was there

[Master] I think Spring missed that one

[Spring] i just now saw about johnny and i having dibs. thanks! thatg's very kind

[MarioCS] Westrin Ft Lauderdale is 89$nt, with Explore Friends rate

[TMO] I snore, fair warning. :)

[TMO] if you wish to change your mind now.

[Master] and more to keeping towards tonight's goals, Raise Dead is 1 day per level, so minimum level is 9th so 9 days dead can be done, more than that will require talking about it

[TMO] although if I'm very very lucky I'll have lost *all* the extra weight and be super skinny and not snore no more.

[Master] beyond the already need to talk about raising him in the first place

[Master] and thank you Mario

[Carissa] Is raising dead evil or just...a thing?


[Lisa] It's a life choice

[Spring] it's against my religion

[Lisa] death choice?

[TMO] literally

[Spring] heh

[Carissa] Haha

[Lisa] we will probably have to get the greeks to do it

[Lisa] branwyn's been brought back once

[Master] which will mean going some place other than Dryads Lair

[Lisa] oh don't tell me that branadaerus can't hook branwyn up with a greek priest

[Carissa] Just wait until night. Another mysterious one might pop up.

mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 19:35:43 EDT 2017

mharm-15549 is receiving the map forest 4...

mharm-15549 has received the map forest 4.

[Master] Branwyn visited Turndale right?

[Spring] i take it back, this dcument seems to indicate that it's not

[Master] and LOL at Lisa

[Spring] hi Mochael!

[Spring] or even Michael!

[Carissa] Hi Michael!

[Lisa] Hi Michael :)

[Carissa] Or Muchael?

[Master] Spring, there is more on each Religion's page and yes Kayugan does not normally come back

[mharm-15549] I prefer Michael, but you know. I've been called worse. :)

[mharm-15549] Next week will be in Denver for an internship. Probably wont be online

[Master] that stinks

[Carissa] I'm curious to what elves would think on it. They seem more hardlline to me. Probably should finish reading what Mario put up.

[Lisa] that's nice though

[Carissa] Good time for Denver. And Michael it will be! No guarantees, though. Typos are abound.

[mharm-15549] It does, but hey, i get to travel so thats cool. Probably a hell of al lot better then Phoenix right now. :0

[MarioCS] Hi Michael

[mharm-15549] Los to Carissa. You're talking to the worst offender :)

[mharm-15549] Hey Mario!

[mharm-15549] *:p;

[mharm-15549] *LOL

[mharm-15549] See

[Carissa] Haha!

[MarioCS] and Carissa, Elves think that Arvanaith is so cool, they very rarely want to not go when its their time

[MarioCS] that was the issue finding a background story for Teb/Fryn

[MarioCS] however, if the elves miss their window, they are locked out gfor good

[Carissa] That's what I was thinking.

[Spring] hehehehe

[Spring] test

[Spring] test

[Carissa] So they'd probably just view raised dead as a weird choice.

[Carissa] Yes

[Master] something those "quick" races do becasue they do not get enough time in this world

[Lisa] and after living for 800 yrs you might not be too thrilled to come back

[Carissa] Pfft you younglings and your choices.

[Lisa] or however long elves live

[MarioCS] agreed

[Carissa] True

[mharm-15549] Don't knock it till you've tried it! Possible you'd get tired, but life is flying by now! It can only go quicker...

[Master] and so in character as you are gathering up in the mid day after the attack

[MarioCS] I am back at the keyboard.

[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Chat test

[Spring] i can't remember, did i fall asleep early last week?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] yep

[TMO] (how will we transport the body(s)?

[Master] yes to Spring, wry grin

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kel (MarioCS)] I cannot believe you risked your life for a wolf

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Yep

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Absence of Spring to describe the old tree.

[Spring] alas

[Master] grins at Carissa

[Spring] i have no idea when i am. am rarely fully awake

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I risked my life for my friend. He'd do the same.

[Kel (MarioCS)] we probably cannot keep it when we get to the ciry anyway

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] We'll find a way

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Being fully awake is overrated, except for driving)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we are very close to mining cabin - hope to find a cart)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Branwyn already said they could stay at the stables.

[Kel (MarioCS)] so you would lose your WHOLE life for them?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (brb)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I would

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) rolls eyes, "I wasn't that close to death. I'm not powerless."

[Kel (MarioCS)] I dont thik the cities of humans are the same. Humans would probably be fearful of these beasts

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] (did we recover Howard's body?)

[Master] yes

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Well we'll just find out, won't we? I'm not leaving them. They choose to stay and I welcome their company.

[Master] Indigo and Jilly did

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Yes via Jilly/Indigo)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Poor mangled Howard)

Shurkural (TMO)] (I knew they went down, but didn't recall if they were succesful)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Yeah, those things suck. At least we ddin't get paralzed though...

[Kel (MarioCS)] Shi, one strike from those claws, and you could be looking at your innards with your last gasp

[Master] He went down to negative 28 in one attack

Spring gawping

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (With two crits, though...)

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You exaggerate.

[Kel (MarioCS)] and staing between TWO fo them, no less

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Pff. Neith lost 35 health in one poisen blow. Beat that

Snezana (Spring) gawping actually

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] With the wolves keeping them distracted because I was helping them!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ouch true)

[Kel (MarioCS)] ugh! thers no getting in that head of yours, is there??

Kel (MarioCS) sulks off

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) huffs and returns to tending Ithil

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Such a brave boy you are. You'll be fine. I'll make sure of it.

Kel (MarioCS) muttering to himself, looking at shi occasionally

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] How far are we from the cabin?

[Shurkural]] (TMO) starts wrapping up Howard's body in her cloak and arranging a couple of saplings to act as stretcher poles.

[Master] half a say is SHur's guess

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (How many healing spells do you have left, spring?)

[Master] with luck you will make it there before nightfall,

[Snezana (Spring)] (if it's really the 18th, lots. 5 orisons and 5 cure moderates)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Key words: Luck)

[Master] yes to the 18th

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh right! You left before tree. Nice.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we already rolled 2 encounters so 1 more and we done?)

[Snezana (Spring)] (then night encounters)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Snee, do you mind patching up Shur and Branwyn? They took a few hits. Just until we reach the cabin?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but we will be in a cabin!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Yay mostly secure location!)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Night encounters? What night encounters? Who said anything about a night encounter?

[Snezana (Spring)] of course!

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] That's inconceivable

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shur first. She is worst off.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Please

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] No sorry, that's Incovefe able

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Snezana (Spring)] 18 for shur

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Snezana (Spring)] 9 for branwyn

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze casts a spell against Ithil: Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (8 for Anor)

[Snezana (Spring)] anor looks rather in need

[Snezana (Spring)] aha

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] If you have some to spare, it'd be nice. She fought hard.

Shurkural (TMO)] (I saw what you did there Hugh)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shi'Nynze modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Kel (MarioCS)] lol

[Snezana (Spring) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Sne

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha I missed that)

[Master] once you reach the hunting lodge you are roughly 52-55 miles from the knarr

mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 19:54:16 EDT 2017

mharm-15549 is receiving the map forest 4...

mharm-15549 has received the map forest 4.

Shurkural (TMO)] Thanks, honey.

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (9) - Lightly Wounded

[Snezana (Spring)] welcome. that looked pretty owie

[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 39 (18) - Lightly Wounded

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Sorry, got lost for a second on the game

mharm-15549 has left the game on Fri Jun 02 19:55:25 EDT 2017

[Master] Shi does how many to whom?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] uh no I haven't

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] 8 to Anor

Shurkural (TMO)] (lol)

[Master] Anor's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 26 (8) - Moderately Wounded

[Snezana (Spring)] Shi, i'll have another look at Anor once we get to the cabin if that is fine with you

Shurkural (TMO)] (An Imposter!!! Get him!!!)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Lol)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Yes. Thank you!

[Master] Doppelganger

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I hope we make it in one piece...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Clone?)

[Snezana (Spring)] (i love when servers fib)

[Master] SEEEESter

[Snezana (Spring)] LOL BOB

[Snezana (Spring)] (sestra)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Need the reference.

[Snezana (Spring)] (one of the clones from Orphan Black)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Thanks

[Snezana (Spring)] (the albino one, i forget where she's supposed to be from.)

[Snezana (Spring)] test

[Snezana (Spring)] oh good

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (One day I'll watch Orphan Black. Maybe)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (It's addicting)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Test

[Snezana (Spring)] (i changed wireless routers. one of mine is slow. the other one is burpy)

[Master] final season comeing up, I need to catch up

[Snezana (Spring)] (that is one hell of an actress. i have no trouble telling her characters apart)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I hear it's good; I just don't usually watch many shows)

[Snezana (Spring)] (and it's hysterical when they pretend to be each other because they are no good at it)

[Master] yeah

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Yeaaah. Game of Thrones and Westworld and Im set...

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Anyhoo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thought it was going to be just okay and then couldn't stop watching it and downloaded all the seasons)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] LOL. Bingewatch Good?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] most definitely

[Snezana (Spring)] (which is better because i took a break and now i'm all confused)

[Snezana (Spring)] (really complex plot)

[Master] trust us Michael and Carissa you need to watch it

[Master] but in any case

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Okay, I'm downlaoding season 1 as we speek

[Master] as Carissa pointed out on the site

[Master] leaving dead bodies around is not a good idea

[Master] and you have 5 dead ankhegs here

[Master] so time to organize and move or do something

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but we are not sleeping here)

[Snezana (Spring)] (are they edible?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I say, we gather stuff and move on

Shurkural (TMO)] (Howard is ready for transport)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] away from the bodies

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (We got gems and something else from them so we should be good to go)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Far..far from them)

[Master] Jilly is not doing anything about getting food

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We will get to the cabin tonight

[Snezana (Spring)] (surely we can leave their carcasses for the scavengers if we are not going to hang about)

[Snezana (Spring)] (and let's don't hang about)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] If the cabin is far enough, we should be able to leave them.

[Master] so someone can make a roll

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I rolled last week

[Master] lol

[Snezana (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=6] 6

[Master] and another d20 please spring

[Snezana (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=18] 18

[Master] and surprise roll from Shur, Indigo and JIlly

[Master] (1d12) [1d12=1] 1

Shurkural (TMO)] (Ankhegs in mgratory flying mode)

[Master] and yes Jilly is surprised

Shurkural (TMO)] (1d12) [1d12=1] 1

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=8] 8

[Master] and yes Shur is

[Snezana (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=14] 14

[Snezana (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=14] 14

[Snezana (Spring)] sorry, typing in wrong window

[Master] but Indigo is not

[Master] Shi'Nynze, Anor, Tinu, Ithil, [Ilero]] and Galad moved 41'04".

[Snezana (Spring)] 14 abd 14 is what you get if you type holy crap

[Master] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 12'02".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that is a surprise)

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 27'06".

[Master] Jilly moved 59'11".

[Master] Indigo moved 59'06".

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 18'03".

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray moved 22'08".

[Master] Howard Plum moved 49'04".

[Master] Branwyn moved 56'01".

[Master] Neith of Inholt moved 56'03".

[Master] Joseph Shortkin moved 68'08".

[Master] Wu Sen Cho and Joseph Shortkin moved 14'05".

[Master] Joseph Shortkin moved 66'08".

[Master] Wu Sen Cho and Joseph Shortkin moved 50'02".

[Master] Wu Sen is helping Joseph along, he is walking wounded

[Master] who is carrying Howard's body?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (branwyn and jilly started to talk about doing it then they guys offered)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I am

[Master] Snezana moved 107'07".

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray moved 19'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Spider #2 targets Jilly. Distance: 0'10"

[Master (to GM only)] Spider #3 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 0'00"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Tree trolls?)

[Master (to GM only)] Spider #3: Attack: Natural Attack: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 2. HITS [Shurkural]] (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Master (to GM only)] Spider #3: Attack: Natural Attack: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 8. MISSES [Shurkural]] (AC FINAL: 7).

[Master (to GM only)] Spider #3: Damage v SM: Natural Attack: (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 added to: [Shurkural]]

[Master (to GM only)] Spider #2: Attack: Natural Attack: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 15. MISSES Jilly (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master (to GM only)] Spider #2: Attack: Natural Attack: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 5. MISSES Jilly (AC FINAL: 1).

[Indigo (Lisa)] (test?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] your good on my end

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Indigo (Lisa)] SPIDERS!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Again?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=8] 6 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Jilly: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=9] 17

Shurkural (TMO)] (haaaaaate you)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=2] 12

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=7] 15

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Shelob!!!

Shurkural (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=8] 16

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Indigo managed to avoid the webs, Shur and Jilly have been swept up into the webs and are dangling 4 to 8 feet in the air right now

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Wolves are focused on Ithil so won't be rolling Init for them)

Shurkural (TMO)] (brb - soaked dog wants in)

[Master] SHur and Jilly can use small weapons but that is all, no swords, etc.

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Master] and they move last in the round

[Master] other than that, everything is good :)

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 6 GOING: Indigo

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Unless you're Jilly or Shur)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so I can see then in a big web net hanging over my head?)

[Master] yes to Indigo

[Master] and that is a good description, Indigo could walk right under it

[Master] it is about 5 to 6 feet up

[Master] the floor of the forest is clear

Indigo (Lisa) holds waiting to catch them if someone can get them down

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Neith of Inholt

[Master] so looking down for tracks, or mopping means you might miss it

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hey bob. Can I use Alertness to see if there are any spiders near us?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Don't have obs

[Master] yes

[Master] make that check

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

Shurkural (TMO)] (back)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (Bob, switching weapons counts as the action fo rthe round?

[Master] there are no spiders in the trees around you, the only ones you spot are those two in the webs, it seems to be more of a holding space for food than a space to capture things

[Master] yes to Mario

[Master] if you sheath it and then pull out another

Shurkural (TMO)] (that's us - getting caught in a not-an-actual-trap)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Is it possible to grab one of them without getting caught in the webbing? Like grab a leg or something?

[Master] you can drop it to the ground and yank you another and get one attack if you get two attackes

[Kel (MarioCS)] ok, tx

[Master] and no to Hugh, you can attempt to grab them but you risk getting snared by the webs

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'm going to hold this round to see fi they can get down without help

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but we can see the spiders this time, right?)

[Master] yes to Indigo

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hey bob. my klooge is Really lagging tonight? Any trouble on your end?

[Master] and then Micahel click done

[Master] and no to Michael

[Master] sorry

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I did click done. The icon is gone and everything

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Master] hmmm

[Kel (MarioCS)] mine is fairly laggy too

[Master] sorry I will stop soem of what I am doing

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I used hold animal on the centipedes. Can i use it on the spiders?)

[Master] I have Klooge MLB and Youtube running, just stopped Youtube

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Wait. Nevermind. I used that spell slot up)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And what was the decision for speak with animals for spiders?)

[Master] these are monsters not animals

[Master] for this moment

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well that's insulting ;) )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and they are going to die)

[Kel (MarioCS)] lol

[Master] but you are right we need a better overall ruling

[Master] LOL

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Damn. No way around this then.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Attack: Short Bow for Elves:: is now ARMED.

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Spider #3. Distance: 60'10"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Guessing called?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: [-4] Attack: Short Bow for Elves: ((18-(d20))-4) [1d20=11] 3 [MODIFIED (-4)]. HITS Spider #3 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (...giant monsters?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Short Bow for Elves: (18-(d20)) [1d20=13] 5. HITS Spider #3 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] 9think M)

[Master] L

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Damage v L: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Spider #3

[Master] Spider #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (-3) - Lightly Wounded

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Forgot called for the second; was it a hit?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wow - thought they were just big for spiders not giant size - wow)

[Master] yes you hit AC 3, add 4 is ac 7 and they are ac 7

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Damage v L: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Spider #3

[Master] the second was a miss

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (If they're like the others, they're 3 ft right?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh I thought you said yes. Okay take that one back :P)

[Master] these too are about 6 to 8 feet across

[Kel (MarioCS)] (may i ask how did you account fo rthe called shot -4?)

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Kel

[Master] I do it in my head,

[Master] I can do math

[Master] grins

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] lol

[Master] you can also do it in Temp Mods

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I don't think TMO always agrees with your math ;) )

[Master] and I can see that in the chat

[Kel (MarioCS)] ok, does Kel get one arrow or two for the first round? frst time using missile fire!

[Master] LOL

[Master] two

Shurkural (TMO)] (his math is fine. it's the math in Klooge that has issues)

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel will use the bow from the Keep, it may be magical...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Except that time you corrected him and we got more berries. That was pretty great!)

[Master] it is

[Kel (MarioCS)] Attack: Short Bow for Elves:: is now ARMED.

[Master] on both accounts

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 18'03".

[Master] and is the lag any better Michael?

[MarioCS] Kel targets Spider #2. Distance: 32'02"

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] a bit yes. Thanks.

[MarioCS] Kel targets Spider #3. Distance: 36'00"

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Chat pops up pretty quick now

[Master] sacraficing my music for you

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] NOT THAT!

[Master] LOL

[Kel (MarioCS)] called shot, pls

[Master] go give Delta Rae a plus or like or what ever

[Master] that will do

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: Damage v L: Short Bow for Elves: ((1d1-1)+6) [1d1=1] 6 [MODIFIED (+6)] added to: Spider #2

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: Attack: Short Bow for Elves: (16-(d20+3)) [1d20=2] 11. MISSES Spider #2 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Master] have to hit first Mario

[Master] grins

[Kel (MarioCS)] rofl

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Nah, just gonna dance in a graveytard or sometihnng

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: Attack: Short Bow for Elves: (16-(d20+3)) [1d20=8] 5. HITS Spider #2 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Details, details)

[Kel (MarioCS)] hit?

[Master] so with the called shot is a miss

[Branwyn (Lisa)] arrow

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Snezana

[Spring] Snezana targets Spider #2. Distance: 55'04"

[Master] Michael they have a new video out today, A Long and Happy Life

[Master] with TMO might recognize

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Poor spiders won't)

[Snezana (Spring)] (oh wow 55 feet?!

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Well, unitil we are done. I guess I'll sacrifice my music too. :( Or turn on my cell phone. One moment

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)


Shurkural (TMO)] (I'll take a look at it)

[Master] and yes to Snee

[Master] they are up in the trees

[Master] plus you are back farther in the group

[Snezana (Spring)] (sigh. too far)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] damn they have good rythem

[Master] yeah

[Snezana (Spring)] (trying to select me again and move me but having problems)

[Master] so anythign Spring?

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana moved 38'11".

[Snezana (Spring)] (did i move too far? i can't tell)

[Master] you can still attack

[Master] you moved 39 feet

[Master] can move up to 60

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against Spider #2: Summon Insects: For (6) 6 rounds a swarm of (1d100) [1d100=25] 25 -- crawling insects attacks the victim.

[Master] but no spells

[Snezana (Spring)] well hell

[Kel (MarioCS)] move up to 60 and still attack? cool

[Master] you can get that back

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Master] half your move and get half your attacks

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Summon the tarantula hawks!)

[Ilero]] (TMO) checks the surrounding trees for more spiders.

[Master] so if you have two in a round then yes to Mario

[Master] and yes to Ilero

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Shurkural]]

[Master] there are more spiders out there in the forest, large easy to see but they are not near

[Master] even with those bad rolls you can spot them now

Ilero (TMO)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is now ARMED.

[Master] they are waiting to see what food is for dinner

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Indigo will try to catch anyone who cuts themselves loose)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] LOL

[Master] if Shur has a small weapon can try to use it

[Master] other than that is out of luck

Ilero (TMO)] (short sword too big?)

[Master] can make a Muscle check to try to wriggle free of the webs

[Master] yes

Ilero (TMO)] Attack: Dagger/Dirk:: is now ARMED.

[Master] but then will drop to the forest floor

[Master] and into hopefully Indigo's arms

Shurkural (TMO)] (what does she need to roll to use the dagger?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Indigo is dancing about with his arms out BOB)

[TMO] [Shurkural]] targets Spider #3. Distance: 0'00"

[TMO] Anor targets Spider #3. Distance: 64'01"

[TMO] Hugh D'Ambray targets Spider #3. Distance: 47'04"

[TMO] Indigo targets Spider #3. Distance: 6'04"

[TMO] Jilly targets Spider #3. Distance: 4'06"

[TMO] Branwyn targets Spider #3. Distance: 38'11"

[TMO] Neith of Inholt targets Spider #3. Distance: 32'11"

[TMO] Tinu targets Spider #3. Distance: 62'05"

[TMO] Tebhoundrin targets Spider #3. Distance: 35'03"

[TMO] Ithil targets Spider #3. Distance: 64'03"

[TMO] Shi'Nynze no longer targets Spider #3.

[TMO] Snezana targets Spider #3. Distance: 14'11"

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Spider #3. Distance: 71'03"

[TMO] Kel no longer targets Spider #3.

[TMO] Galad targets Spider #3. Distance: 61'09"

[TMO] Lord Branadarus targets Spider #3. Distance: 23'03"

[Master] just a normal attack

Shurkural (TMO)] (what did I just do?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Gone for a second and what just happened?)

[Snezana (Spring)] (suddenly we all target the same spider)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you made rge whole group target)

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets Spider #3.

Shurkural (TMO)] (I think I had everybody selected)

[Kel (MarioCS)] Its called Focused Fire

[Snezana (Spring)] (suddenly we all target the same spider)

[Kel (MarioCS)] you broke it, is what you did

[Indigo (Lisa)] lol

[Kel (MarioCS)] sorry, i was froze for a bit there

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] okay back

Shurkural (TMO)] (I'm talented)

[Kel (MarioCS)] lol

Snezana (Spring) impressed

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (-6) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] all caught up now

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] -1. HITS Spider #3 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Master] and Shur can attempt

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Damage v L: Dagger/Dirk: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Spider #3

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Branwyn

[Master] Spider #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 19 (-3) - Lightly Wounded

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Spider #3. Distance: 38'11"

Shurkural (TMO)] (1 attack/round, or 2?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Spider #3: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (1d4+1) points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. So assuming they are all going at one character for now, they deal (5d4+5) [5d4=3,1,1,3,1] 14 damage

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Hugh D'Ambray

[Master] Spider #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-14) - Massively Wounded

Shurkural (TMO)] (iirc thrown is 2/round, but melee is 1/rd)

[Master] yes to TMO

[Master] but cannot throw

Shurkural (TMO)] (yah, not trying to)

[Master] when entaglened like that

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Attack: Light Crossbow:: is now ARMED.

Shurkural (TMO)] (not a good idea to throw away your only weapon in this situation)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray moved 13'11".

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray moved 14'10".

[mharm-15549] Hugh D'Ambray targets Spider #3. Distance: 18'00"

[mharm-15549] Hugh D'Ambray no longer targets Spider #3.

[mharm-15549] Hugh D'Ambray targets Spider #3. Distance: 18'00"

[mharm-15549] Hugh D'Ambray no longer targets Spider #3.

[mharm-15549] Hugh D'Ambray targets Spider #3. Distance: 18'00"

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Called Shot Please

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray: Attack: Light Crossbow: (15-(d20)) [1d20=7] 8. MISSES Spider #3 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray: Damage v L: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: ((1d3)+1) [1d3=2] 3 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Spider #3

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Wow lag)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Gonna log out and log back in. Klooge is taking forever

[Master] sorry shutting off Youtube again

Shurkural (TMO)] (that song by Delta Rae was not familiar to me)

[Master] and yes to TMO is a new one off the new EP

[Master] sorry

mharm-15549 has left the game on Fri Jun 02 20:40:03 EDT 2017

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I thought it might be my end; I'm messing with the network card)

[Master] naw

[Master] I keep going back and restarting the stream

Shurkural (TMO)] (it was not bad, although I'm ont normally a country listener)

[Master] feeling more views,

[Master] they have some great stuff

mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 20:40:51 EDT 2017

mharm-15549 is receiving the map forest 4...

[Master] and are much better live than recorded

mharm-15549 has received the map forest 4.

[Kel (MarioCS)] i can vouch for that

[mharm-15549] test

[mharm-15549] okay

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Jilly

[Kel (MarioCS)] but i liked Liz Longley more. seen her web broadcasts twice now.


[Master] that shows them well as a live performance

[Master] and yes to Mario I dragged him to a concert and he pretended to enjoy it

[Kel (MarioCS)] no pretending necessary

[Master] and yes to Mario about LIz Longley very fun artist

Shurkural (TMO)] (the last concert I attended was Weird Al 10 years ago)

[Kel (MarioCS)] they were extremely energetic

[Kel (MarioCS)] seemed like a personal concert just for us

[Master] Jilly targets Spider #2. Distance: 0'10"

[Master] Jilly: Attack: Knife: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 12. MISSES Spider #2 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Lord Branadarus

[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 16'01".

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Indigo, if I toss you up into the webs can you get to the spiders?

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Test)

[Master] Jilly: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I feel classy. I saw Music of GOT live . Lol

[Kel (MarioCS)] Bob was like a 13 y.o. Belieber, all giddy eyed and electric

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] LOL

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] and Shur needs to make a save verus Poison please

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sure. Not sure why they aren't cutting themselves down

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Not more poison...)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes I want to stay with poison spider instead of falling into Indigo's little arms)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Unless these are the paralyzing types of spiders that prefer victims alive)

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] So Shur is alseep

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (To Indigo; not the poison)

Shurkural (TMO)] (dammit)

[Kel (MarioCS)] lol

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Jilly and Shur are both incapaciated

Shurkural (TMO)] (guess she should have tried to cut herself loose instead)

[Kel (MarioCS)] wait...JIlly stopped moving??

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] and the spiders going last start to roll them up in webs and move them to longer term storage

[Master] INIT: 6 GOING: Indigo

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I believe they both did.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (was branadarus going to toss him last round?)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] this round, he held

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so indigo holds again then)

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Neith of Inholt

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Indigo can be vaulted up if you want

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] OR can wait

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] your choice

[Indigo (Lisa)] I told him it was okay)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] then WHOOOOSH

[Kel (MarioCS)] Flying Halflings? now ive seen t all

[Master] Lord Branadarus: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Kel (MarioCS)] Shi, you SURE this is the group we want to follow?

[Master] Indigo moved 8'11".

[Master] Indigo no longer targets Spider #3.

[Master] Indigo targets Spider #2. Distance: 0'02"

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] and this round Indigo can use his two attacks

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] They're quiet entertaining.

[Kel (MarioCS)] that they are. we should sell tickets

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] We should!

Kel (MarioCS) pulls out a lawn chair and popcorn

[Snezana (Spring)] :-)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lost Indigo to target 3)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] sorry unpacking that for you

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) pulls out video and prepares to upload onto Youtube (or whatever they have here).

[Master] Spider #2 moved 3'08".

[Master] Indigo moved 3'06".

[Master] Spider #2 moved 7'10".

[Master] Spider #2 targets Indigo. Distance: 0'05"

[Master] Spider #2 targets Lord Branadarus. Distance: 6'01"

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] there you go

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but he can't move - that is where he was tossed?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok - will deal)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] yes can attack teh spider

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] or attempt to free Jilly

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] but not both

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+14-(d20+1)) [1d20=13] 0. HITS Spider #2 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v L: Goblin Sword: ((1d8)+3) [1d8=8] 11 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Spider #2

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (No one under her now, though...)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+14-(d20+1)) [1d20=10] 3. HITS Spider #2 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v L: Short Sword: ((1d8)+3) [1d8=8] 11 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Spider #2

[Master] Spider #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-22) - Massively Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] (both so close to dead...)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] and now Neith

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] end turn?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] ok

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] sorry. Klooge so slow

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Spider #3. Distance: 60'10"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: [-4] Attack: Short Bow for Elves: ((18-(d20))-4) [1d20=18] -4 [MODIFIED (-4)]. HITS Spider #3 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Damage v L: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Spider #3

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] ok

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] wow

[Master] Spider #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-3) - Massively Wounded

[Carissa] All targets for Shi'Nynze removed.

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Spider #2. Distance: 61'00"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Short Bow for Elves: (18-(d20)) [1d20=8] 10. MISSES Spider #2 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Kel

[mharm-15549] All targets for Shi'Nynze removed.

[MarioCS] Kel targets Spider #2. Distance: 31'09"

[MarioCS] Kel targets Spider #3. Distance: 36'00"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Target gremlins are abound)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) (to Master only)] Sorry. By End turn, when the turn ended for Indigo I asked so that I could go for my turn. But, with klooge moving so slow, you miust have thought that I was simply not playing and skipping my turn. I apologize. I'm doing my best to keep up with Klooge)

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: [-4] Attack: Short Bow for Elves: ((16-(d20+3))-4) [1d20=10] -1 [MODIFIED (-4)]. HITS Spider #2 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] /mich no problem

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: Damage v L: Arrow; Sheaf: ((1d8)+6) [1d8=7] 13 [MODIFIED (+6)] added to: Spider #2

[Lord Branadarus (Master) (to mharm-15549 only)] no problem, not much you can do until the spiders are dealt with

[Kel (MarioCS)] for my second attak, can i change the target?

[Master] Spider #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-13) - Dead

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] yes

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: Attack: Short Bow for Elves: (16-(d20+3)) [1d20=11] 2. HITS Spider #3 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (even Kel's arrows are insane damage! :) )

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (It's an elf thing?)

[Kel (MarioCS)] forgot the -4

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] you hit

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: Damage v L: Short Bow for Elves: ((1d1-1)+6) [1d1=1] 6 [MODIFIED (+6)] added to: Spider #3

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: Damage v L: Arrow; Sheaf: ((1d8)+6) [1d8=6] 12 [MODIFIED (+6)] added to: Spider #3

[Master] Spider #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -16 (-18) - Dead

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Catch!!

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I hae you

Indigo (Lisa) cuts Jilly down

Indigo (Lisa) crawls over to Shur

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ready?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze moved 48'06".

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I am

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) runs over to examine them once they're down.

Indigo (Lisa) cuts Shur down

[Master] no answer from Jilly or Shur

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana moved 14'08".

[Indigo (Lisa)] [Shurkural]] moved 6'09".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Jilly moved 7'11".

[Master] cuts them loose Branadarus catches them

[Kel (MarioCS)] can we cut the web down totally? can we use it for something? make a litter?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Venom Handling check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Now me?

Indigo (Lisa) jumps

[Kel (MarioCS)] Attack: Short Bow for Elves:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Master] everyone down

[Master] Time of Day: 04:06 PM. Day 18 See ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 18th, 1266 TGR.

Branwyn (Lisa) runs over to Jilly and Shur

[Master] the other spiders that Ilero saw are off in the trees, they are not coming closer

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Venom check for their symptoms?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shi, can you do anything?

[Master] b oth are sleeping

[Ilero]] (TMO) keeps guard

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 28'05".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 2'02".

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 47'07".

[Master] not permanently damaged, just sleeping, waiting to be eaten later on

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And idea for how long?)

Ilero (TMO)] (sweet dreams!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] They're just sleeping. It doesn't look to be poison.

[Kel (MarioCS)] (same for the bottom path; guard)

[Master] you can guess at least 6 to 24 hours

[Snezana (Spring) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It'll probably wear off in 6 hours. A full day at worst.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Otherwise I think they'll be fine.

[Snezana (Spring)] can we reach the cabin by nightfall? we'll need to make 2 more travois

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anything on the spiders?

[Snezana (Spring)] or stretchers

[Master] Shur was the one leading you to the cabin

Snezana (Spring) facepam

[Snezana (Spring)] palm, even

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Of course she was...)

Ilero (TMO)] (facepam is an amusing mental image)

[Master] and no to Shi, spiders do not collect treasure but there might be things in the forest beneath their webs

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anything under their web, Indigo?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You walked right underneath it.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Any chance of foraging/herbalism to find anything to wake them up?)

[Master] huh, and I need 6 d100 rolls please

[Master] ignore anythign higher than 25

[Kel (MarioCS)] if they are already wrapped up in webs, lets just stick them together and stick to Branadarus's back

Ilero (TMO)] (reroll them, or just ignore them?)

[Master] ignore them

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (6d100) [6d100=74,56,33,40,3,100] 306

Ilero (TMO)] (durn)

[Master] so

[Master] that is one

[Master] and crazy enough for you it is a magic item

[Master] add it to the list for later

Ilero (TMO)] (it was worth a short nap)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ahaha nice)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (So five more?)

[Master] no that is all

Ilero (TMO)] (nope)

mharm-15549 has left the game on Fri Jun 02 21:04:26 EDT 2017

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Okay just making sure)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the spider was carrying a magic item?)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (good try, tho!)

[Master] hidden in the leaves and dead bodies below the webs

Ilero (TMO)] (one of their victims dropped a magic item to the ground underneath the webs)

[Master] Michael will be back he said

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Wait, speaking of magic items, was Kel's insane damage his STR or the bow?)

Indigo (Lisa) tosses Jilly over his shoulder and says "Let's get out of here before more come!"

[Master] STR

[Master] magical bows allow damage bonuses sometimes

[Kel (MarioCS)] wanna see me flex?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Okay. Got it. Wish I'd had a little more STR now :P)

[Snezana (Spring)] so are we just going to continue the direction we were going?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tiberius, can you carry Shur please.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] of course

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] No, but I do want to see you arm wrestle.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If Ilero doesn't mind of course

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs.

[Kel (MarioCS)] Sigh, perhaps when we are not in grave perol?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] lol

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha!)

[Kel (MarioCS)] or peril

[Snezana (Spring)] (either of those)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so it could be a while)

[Kel (MarioCS)] still tops in my book

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] LOL

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Agreed)

[Snezana (Spring)] (i don't want to be in the grave regardless)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but we have been to the cabin before - hopefully we can find it)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] but double bonus for that

[Master] WOW already finished a bottle of wine and did not realize it

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (We drove you to drink that fast?)

[Master] that much

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha)

[Kel (MarioCS)] just toped of the second tumbler of beverage

[Kel (MarioCS)] and topped it, too

[Master] just went to pour and it is empty

[Master] OK

[Master] so hmmm

[Snezana (Spring)] (oh shoot i forgot to go to the safe deposit box)

[Master] navigation from anyone?

[Kel (MarioCS)] dont lie, you just dropped a straw in the bottle, and went to town

[Snezana (Spring)] (that's where the rum is)

[Master] and or?

Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero - Orienteering)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] any ideas to get to the cabin?

[Master] there you go TMO

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Direction Sense check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Orienteering check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Master] and bravo Lisa

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Boating check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Master] LOL

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Gaming check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

Ilero (TMO)] *headdesk

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Kel (MarioCS)] lol

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh good! Can swim at least!)

[Snezana (Spring)] LOL!

Ilero (TMO)] (he can keep usgoing in the same direction at least)

[Kel (MarioCS)] check the weather!

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) cloudy with 20% humidty and 100% doom.

[Master] I will say that you do find the hunting lodge but with a (1d4) [1d4=2] 2 hour delay

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana: Singing check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana: Omen Reading check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (seriously - Branadarus and Indigo have been there before)

[Master] Time of Day: 09:26 PM. Day 18 See ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 18th, 1266 TGR.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we ALL walked away from it)

[Snezana (Spring)] (geez where did five hours go?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (same place the wine went?)

[Master] lol

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Crazy straw)

[Master] grins

[Master] so you have a place to stay for the night

[Master] there is no one there

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (No dead bodies?)

[Master] no bodies

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we made it!!)

Ilero (TMO)] (just the ones we brought ourselves)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Thank goodness.

[Master] and yes to Lisa

[Master] grins at TMO

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (True. At least one is definitely dead)

Indigo (Lisa) lays Jilly down carefully

[Master] so you are there at the current posistion marker for Bag of Clouds

Spring is receiving the map forest 4...

Spring has received the map forest 4.

[Master] you are heading towards Corvash where your knarr is

Indigo (Lisa) whispers to Jilly "You better wake up soon. I let Branadarus throw me in a tree to save you and I don't let anyone throw me anywhere. So wake up now"

[Ilero]] (TMO) makes sure Shur is arranged comfortably.

[Master] for shur (1d24) [1d24=1] 1 and for Jilly (1d24) [1d24=1] 1 hours after they wake up

Spring is receiving the map search area...

Spring has received the map search area.

[Master] WOW

[Master] they both want to be alive

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Or at least awake!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that is incredible)

Ilero (TMO)] (woo!)

[Snezana (Spring)] (unbelievable)

[Jilly (Master)] Indigo?

[Jilly (Master)] I thought I heard you?

[Jilly (Master)] What happened?

[Jilly (Master)] where is

Jilly (Master) YAWN

[Jilly (Master)] I guess

[Jilly (Master)] YAWM

[Jilly (Master)] I

[Jilly (Master)] I think I was dreaming

[Jilly (Master)] it was bad

TMO has left the game on Fri Jun 02 21:18:35 EDT 2017

[Jilly (Master)] Joseph was hurt and Hugh was even worse

[Jilly (Master)] it was horrible

Spring has left the game on Fri Jun 02 21:18:56 EDT 2017

Carissa has left the game on Fri Jun 02 21:18:58 EDT 2017

[Jilly (Master)] is it time to make breakfast?

MarioCS has left the game on Fri Jun 02 21:19:38 EDT 2017

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jun 02 21:19:43 EDT 2017

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 02 21:20:28 EDT 2017 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 02 21:23:06 EDT 2017 ====

MarioCS has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 21:23:30 EDT 2017

MarioCS is receiving the map forest 4...

[Master] not sure what happened

[Master] I shut down all except Klooge and that did not help

[Master] it must be the ISP

MarioCS has left the game on Fri Jun 02 21:26:05 EDT 2017

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 02 21:27:44 EDT 2017 ====

MarioCS has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 21:29:33 EDT 2017

MarioCS is receiving the map forest 4...

[Master] Mario?

MarioCS has left the game on Fri Jun 02 21:31:52 EDT 2017

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 02 21:37:00 EDT 2017 ====

Spring has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 21:39:08 EDT 2017

Spring is receiving the map forest 4...

Spring has received the map forest 4.

[Spring] yay!

[Master] yeap

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 21:39:57 EDT 2017

TMO is receiving the map forest 4...

[Spring] my stupid dog

TMO has received the map forest 4.

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 21:40:09 EDT 2017

Carissa is receiving the map forest 4...

Carissa has received the map forest 4.

[Spring] losing her mind barking at the same gardener who has been here for a couple hours how

[TMO] I just got back to keyboard

MarioCS has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 21:40:20 EDT 2017

MarioCS is receiving the map forest 4...

[Spring] *no

MarioCS has received the map forest 4.

[Spring] *now, sigh

[Master] no clue what happened

[Master] I ended up resarting Klooge twice and my computer and router once

[MarioCS] Spring, is the gardener planing dogwood?

[Carissa] Gremlins.

[Master] it lost all connections to everything

[Master] not even Trillian

[Master] or the wifi in the house

[MarioCS] Drillian*

[Spring] LOL Mario

[Master] LOL

[Carissa] lol!

[MarioCS] ya to drink #3!

[Spring] gardner is ripping out the aromatic garden so johnny can install .... a lawn

[Spring] i'm opposed but it's not my property so i don't care very much

[MarioCS] hmm, togh call, id prefer the aromatics myself...

[TMO] (dog wants out - at least it's not storming still)

[Spring] me too but maintenance, and he's old and tired.

[MarioCS] the gardener?

[Spring] johnny :-)

[MarioCS] ;0)

[Spring] the gardener is one-off for this project

[MarioCS] .

[Spring] aherm herm herm

[Master] not sure what is happening with Lisa

[Master] but you are at the cabin

[Carissa] (Sorry. Watching a video of a bulldozer putting out a car fire with flood waters. Wow)

[Master] and can plan for the night

[Spring] so every time the gardner has a question he rings the doorbell and the dog goes off again

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 21:46:58 EDT 2017

Lisa is receiving the map forest 4...

[Master] there she is

Lisa has received the map forest 4.

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Spring] oh wow carissa i should look that up

Ilero (TMO)] Wecome back. Have good nap

[Carissa] (Dallas - just happened recently)

[Carissa] (Pretty sure it's going viral because wow)

[Spring] hm haven't found it yet

[Carissa] (Check WFAA)

[Carissa] (Or let me find the link again...)


[Spring] "a very texas way of putting out a car fire"

[Spring] aha ok

[Carissa] (Aha yes! That one!)

[Master] so everyone in in sync?

[Carissa] Yep

[Lisa] yes

[Master] and so what are you doing at the cabin?

[Master] no signs of life, nothign wrong there, but no one seems to be around

[Carissa] (Watching Jilly talk to herself)

[Carissa] ;)

[MarioCS] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (see if we need any spells and then plan for sleep?)

[Spring] LOL!

[Carissa] (How likely are encounters in the cabin or is it like the cellar?)

[Spring] ok i showed the fire video to Captain Sexy Britches so i can play properly now

Branwyn (Lisa) pulls Branadarus aside "You know Greek priests who could help Howard in the City?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (LOL Spring)

[Carissa] (LOL)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] (laughs at SPring)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Hmmm

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I am not sure

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I know there are Priests in the city but not sure if they can .... or will help

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Priests will always help if you give them enough gold

Branwyn (Lisa) rolls her eyes

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] This is also true

[Ilero]] (TMO) sits next to Shurkural. "Welcome back. Have good nap?"

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Snezana (Spring)] Shur, can I offer a bit of healing?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Look what they made us go through just to get a name looked up in a book

[Shurkural]] (TMO) makes a face at Ilero. "Yes please, sugar. I don't feel so good right now"

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Snezana (Spring)] 9 for shur

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I'm sure you know someone...

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 42 (9) - Lightly Wounded

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I understand

[Snezana (Spring)] 6 for Anor, 3 for Shur

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I will do everything I can for you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 45 (3) - Lightly Wounded

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Anor's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 32 (6) - Lightly Wounded

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Thank you, Snee.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I will happily pay ... donate to the priests

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I will see if that is required

[Snezana (Spring)] most welcome

[Snezana (Spring) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I am not in their best of graces

Branwyn (Lisa) looks surprised

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] but I will see who I can find when we get back

[Shurkural]] (TMO) squeezes Snezana's hand. "Thanks, honey. I don't feel so much like hurling no more."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not because of me ...

Snezana (Spring) pats comfortingly

Lord Branadarus (Master) looks at Branwyna dn laughs loudly

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] OH No, I was a black sheep long before

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That makes me feel better

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] You just made me want to stay that way

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No we wouldn't want you being all respectable now

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] NEVER

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Indigo !

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Did you hear that? She was thinking I was respectable

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Fat chance of that!

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] exactly!

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] grins

Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head

[Master] (so much fun making Lisa go from wanting to not wanting inside of two minutes)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that came out strangely)

[Master] chuckles, you understand

[Master] and it is night fall

[Master] what are you doing for the night?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes - character switches are fun)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sleeping)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Still need for watches?)

[Master] yes

[MarioCS] Kel can do wherever he is needed

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shi on first; will finish using healing spells after it)

[Master] unless you all want to lseep and just see what happens

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Noooope)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so might as well keep it regular and have bran go 1 and indigo 2)

[Snezana (Spring)] (LOL!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can we bar the door?)

[Master] yes

[Master] it has a lock

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Please and thank you)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that came out strangely too :) )

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Close the curtains, turn off the lights except maybe a nightlight...)

[Master] so Bran 1 Indigo 2 Kel 3

[Master] anyone else?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (You have Shi 1?)

[Master] you can be

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you still lost the cabin map?)

[Master] yeah for now

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that was your one task today - find cabin maps)

[Master] I decided to nap

[Master] and fix the AC

[Master] :P

Shurkural (TMO)] (Ilero can take a shift)

[Master] Ilero on which one?

Shurkural (TMO)] (he's normally on 2, but Shur is normally on 3)

[Master] ok

[Master] so Bran can roll for watch 1

[Master] then Indigo then Shur

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=1] 1

Shurkural (TMO)] (so whichever shift can best use him)

[Master] really?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (jeez)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (apparently so)

Shurkural (TMO)] (the Night of Ones)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (One Hit Wonders)

[Snezana (Spring)] (oh dear)

[Master] a d12 please

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so everyone inside cabin but bran and shi)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=11] 11

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh fun)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she is not surprised she rolled so horribly)

Shurkural (TMO)] (11 kobolds)

Shurkural (TMO)] (11 garden slugs)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (A massive cat - wait no, that's mine)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I like those)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 44'04".

[Master] so Branwyn and Shi are walking around and then suddenly a dozen Stirges land on the roof

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (He really wants to play tonight apparently. Keeps stealing my mouse)

[Master] apparently settling in for sleep

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Those digging biting insect things?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shhhh ...

[Snezana (Spring)] (i really hate those)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] .me points at roof

Shurkural (TMO)] (crow-sized mosquitoes)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] .me whispers "no light"

Shurkural (TMO)] (burn down the house to make sure they die)

[Master] They seem full and happy

[Master] and LOL at TMO

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) whispers, "Let's hope they fall asleep and stay asleep..."

Branwyn (Lisa) nods

Branwyn (Lisa) takes out a cricket to get ready in case they decide to fly over

[Master] quiet

[Master] peaceful

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (You know I'm going to ask BOB: Invisibility to animals work for these?)

[Master] but every time you come within 20 feet of the cabin they start stirring

Shurkural (TMO)] (nothing like a 50lb puppy bounding around the house)

[Master] and no to Carissa

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (le sigh(

[Master] so your watch is ended

[Master] waht do you do?

Branwyn (Lisa) gets about 25 feet away and casts at stirges

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (All those hours and they didn't fall asleep/not stop stirring?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Sleep: (2d4) [2d4=4,2] 6 hit dice worth of creatures fall asleep, no save.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) quietly falls behind Branwny

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (some real magic sleep?)

[Master] that will handle 3 of the 12

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (they won't wake unless they get hit for a time being)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not enough)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (So time to burn the cabin?_

Branwyn (Lisa) will your invisibility get you inside?

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) shakes head, "No. It won't work for these.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can get in by magic and wake the next watch

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods, "I can wait out here. Not sure what else I can do."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then you can run in and sleep and the fighters can fight them

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Except maybe create a fog, but I might get lost in it...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Be back in a bit

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Be careful.

Branwyn (Lisa) thinks about inside of cabin

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Dimension Door: I can teleport up to (30*11) 330 yards away.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 42'10".

Shurkural (TMO)] (and she overshoots the cabin by half a kilometer)

Branwyn (Lisa) wakes Indigo and Ilero

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good morning gentlemen

[MarioCS] lol

Ilero (TMO)] gnf

[Branwyn (Lisa)] 9 stirges have decided to roost on the roof

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well 12, but I put 3 to sleep

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shi is stuck outside because as soon as we approach the cabin they start to wake up

[Ilero]] (TMO) sighs and gets out his knife.

Ilero (TMO)] Really hate t'is forest.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was hoping you could create a distraction so Shi could run inside perhaps?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh! Maybe I could cast a light on a tree down the way and the stirges would head for the light

Ilero (TMO)] T'ey sleepy? Or awake?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sleepy but they sense us when we are near

Ilero (TMO)] Hokay. I try sneak up.

Ilero (TMO)] *Hye

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So we will wake them to come out of the cabin

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They are right over our heads and there are 9 of them. What are you planning?

[Ilero]] (TMO) grins. "Genius plan. Sneak up, cut t'roats."

[Indigo (Lisa)] What if something goes wrong?

Ilero (TMO)] (is there a window he can climb out of?)

Ilero (TMO)] (something quieter than the door)

[Master] what coudl go wrong with a plan like that!

Ilero (TMO)] (or a chiimney flue)

[Master] there is a window yes on the back side of the cabin

[Master] opposite the door

[Master] where the flower pots are

[Ilero]] (TMO) inspects it to make sure it can open quietly.

[Master] does not open

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods. Not unexpected.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe I should wake Kel too

Ilero (TMO)] If t'ey wake, Shi run in.

Ilero (TMO)] Hye come in too, t'en we stay inside.

[Master] Shi is waiting outside

[Master] in the dark

[Master] all alone

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Elf vision!)

[Master] this is true

[MarioCS] (Sorry Bob, you made reference to flower pots. Do we have the cabin map?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That's what I told her. She should run in when you came to save the day

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And elf stealth?)

[Master] sorry no to cabin map

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he chose napping over mapping)

[MarioCS] ok, so we are visualizing the flower pots. Gatcha!)

[MarioCS] :0)

[Master] grins

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods. "Indigo, if hye fall off roof, try drag hye in, or kill ones attack hye."

[Snezana (Spring)] (perhaps you should scribble one and post a phot?)

[MarioCS] lol, Lisa

[Snezana (Spring)] *photo

Ilero (TMO)] We gots magic dagger, no light?

[Indigo (Lisa)] All right. Think I will wake Kel just in case

Indigo (Lisa) wakes Kel

Ilero (TMO)] Sleepy spiders be nice now.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] .............................

[Master] Anor, Tinu, Ithil and Galad moved 44'06".

[Master] Neith of Inholt, Wu Sen Cho, Joseph Shortkin and Howard Plum moved 40'01".

[Indigo (Lisa)] There are 9 stirges on the roof and Ilero is going to sneak up and kill them all while Shi waits to run in. Want to help?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Er, cat says hi apparently)

[Master] Neith of Inholt moved 42'03".

[Master] Jilly, Hugh D'Ambray, Indigo, Branwyn, [Shurkural]], Shi'Nynze and Lord Branadarus moved 48'06".

[Snezana (Spring)] (hi cat)

[Master] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 74'09".

[Master] Snezana moved 79'03".

[MarioCS] hmmph,..huh?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Some of his best typing compared to the usual)

[Snezana (Spring)] (for future reference ................ is Cat for Hi)

[MarioCS] lol

[Indigo (Lisa)] Need me to say it again?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (LOL, true, at least for tonight)

[MarioCS] ya, of course, i'll help

MarioCS puts on armor

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Don't forget your pants!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] So Ilero, we'll wait by the door

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 7'08".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Not sure where Shi would be positioned. Just outside the door, what, 25 ft or so?)

Ilero (TMO)] Heh. If had silence radius, could try bag each one.

[Master] Shi'Nynze moved 18'05".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Also, that is a beautiful cabin. Good job.)

[Master] LOL

[MarioCS] yes! Pants are at least -2 AC

[Ilero]] (TMO) makes sure his magic light cloak clasp is securely hidden.

Ilero (TMO)] No light from it

Ilero (TMO)] Al lights off?

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks around the room.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes they are all sleeping)

Ilero (TMO)] Kay. Hye ready.

[Ilero]] (TMO) tries to ease the door open silently.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Good luck

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Move silently* check:(d100) [1d100=28] 28 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 90!!

[Master] move silently rool

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) holding still behind foliage, waiting.

[Master] and there you go

[Master] Shi spots the door opening

[Master] and Ilero holding it open

[Master] the stirges have not stirred

[Ilero]] (TMO) squeezes out the narrow opening and silently starts climbing up the wall.

[Snezana (Spring)] (the stirges have not sitrred, while the whirges have yet whirred)

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Climb walls* check:(d100) [1d100=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 80!!

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) watches Ilero, but doesn't yet move.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (another 1)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Not a creature was stirring, not even a stirge)

[Master] and Ilero does what ever an Ilero does

[MarioCS] lol, Spring. Better than mine" Not a creature was stirring, not even..."

[Snezana (Spring)] (this rhyme may be absurd, while thirges yield a third)

[Ilero]] (TMO) is now 50' up in the air

[MarioCS] lol Carissa

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Okay that seems almost too much coincidence. More 1s?)

[Master] up on the roof

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks around to find the stirges.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha but now I'm inclined to say yours is better Mario because of that)


[MarioCS] "Cover your neck!"

mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Jun 02 22:36:01 EDT 2017

mharm-15549 is receiving the map forest 4...

mharm-15549 has received the map forest 4.

[mharm-15549] Are we good?

[Master] Stirges are there around the edges of the roof

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Nope. Stirges on the roof!)

[Master] hanging there fat and happy

[Indigo (Lisa)] (just in time for Ilero crazy plan number 37)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Only 37? I thought we would be in triple digits, minimum)

[Ilero]] (TMO) slides silently over to murderize the first sleepy stirge in its happy little dreams.

[mharm-15549] what burn down the cabin?

[Indigo (Lisa)] :)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (See? That's three who vote burn it down so...)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ;)

[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Really? lol

[Master] too bad everyone is sleeping in there

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Nah, the'yll be fine

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Details. Always those details)

[Master] LOL

[Master] so Ilero manages to sneak over and surprise the first one

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And this music is quite cheery. I just imagine Ilero walking by, stirges dropping, humming happily to himself as this plays in the background)

Ilero (TMO)] (insta-kill? /hope /hope /hope)

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #13 moved 6'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #12 moved 11'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #12 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 5'04"

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #11 moved 9'00".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #11 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 4'08"

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #10 moved 12'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #10 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 4'04"

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #9 moved 18'05".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #9 targets Hugh D'Ambray. Distance: 6'02"

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #9 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 4'09"

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #8 moved 15'05".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #8 targets Hugh D'Ambray. Distance: 3'02"

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #7 moved 13'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #7 targets Hugh D'Ambray. Distance: 1'09"

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #6 moved 6'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #5 moved 1'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #4 moved 9'05".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #3 moved 11'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #2 moved 25'08".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #2 targets Hugh D'Ambray. Distance: 2'01"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (tes)

[Indigo (Lisa)] t

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Yes)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] teo

Ilero (TMO)] (if it counts as a backstab instead of instakill, +4 hit, x4 dmg)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Yep

[Indigo (Lisa)] (if it is asleep it sould be instakill)

[Master] yes

[Master] Stirge #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-20) - Dead

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Wow. Good going :)

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 6'10".

[Master] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #13. Distance: 0'03"

[Master] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #12. Distance: 0'01"

[Master] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #11. Distance: 2'00"

[Master] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #10. Distance: 4'04"

[Ilero]] (TMO) checks the other stirges to make sure there's none wary

[MarioCS] (does Jilly know how to make wings?)

[Master] three sleeping ones there near you

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Use VATS

[MarioCS] VATS!! Yes!

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] for anyone who got that reference. I tip my hat

[Ilero]] (TMO) executes the three sound asleep ones next

[MarioCS] PressQ, then cycle through targets and body parts!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (No hat tips for me...)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Lol

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] from a game: Fallout

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

Ilero (TMO)] (thought about leaving them for last, but chances are that he might not get through them all)

[MarioCS] Playing Far Harbor currently

[MarioCS] DLC

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Good Add on

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Yeah just realized that from Mario's comment. Whoops! Should have known, but it's been years and I didn't play new one)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Still lover Nuka World though

[MarioCS] (ya, loving it)

[MarioCS] (havent played that one yet)

Ilero (TMO)] (need any rolls from me yet, Bob?)

[Master] no to TMO

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) yawns as she waits.

[Master] for the three sleeping ones

[Master] Stirge #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-20) - Dead

[Master] Stirge #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-20) - Dead

[Master] Stirge #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-20) - Dead

[Master] plop plop plop plop

Ilero (TMO)] (every once in a while, you should be afraid of Ilero. >:) )

[Master] as they fall to the ground

[Indigo (Lisa)] (uh-oh)

[Ilero]] (TMO) checks the others to make sure that wasn't too loud.

[Indigo (Lisa)] was worried about dropping them)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Well someone is getting a whole bunch of xp

[Ilero]] (TMO) decides that future ones will be pulled up and laid on the roof.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Until an acorn drops behind him)

[Master] speaking of which it is now Ilero's turn for an encounter roll

[Master] as the stirges were Shi's

Ilero (TMO)] (haaaaaate youuuuuuu.)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Are they stirring? Shi is hoping to get her 8 hours in...)

Ilero (TMO)] (1d20) [1d20=6] 6

Ilero (TMO)] (stirge-eaters swoop in)

[Master] nothing visible

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Just like that damn spell?)

[Master] but SHi is still outside and it is now into the second watch

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but we are in a cabin - can she sleep in?)

[Ilero]] (TMO) converts #13 to cooling carbon-based ex-lifeforms)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (or can neith cast nap on her?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] likely

[Master] up to the group

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Are we even going anywhere next day or spending day in cabin? She'd sleep in if she could)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Why is she outside?

[Master] Stirge #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-20) - Dead

Ilero (TMO)] (she can't come up to the cabin without waking the stirges)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Stirges stirred upon movement. Branwyn magicked herself into cabin, Shi had to wait outside for rescue/distraction)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Just sleep where she is

[Master] Time of Day: 01:41 AM. Day 19 Fin ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 19th, 1266 TGR.

Ilero (TMO)] (amongst the centipedes)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Seruiysky>

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Wiw

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I need a new keyboard

[Ilero]] (TMO) makes #12 his next target.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (That would meaning sleeping there for third possible enouncter, too, though)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Which depending on what it may or may not be...she might not get sleep anyways)

[MarioCS] (not a bad idea. can we carry her inside once she is napping?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I mean they did for Jilly and Shur...same thing, right?)

[Master] Stirge #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -12 (-21) - Dead

[MarioCS] (we can wrap up Shi in silk, carry her around, sounds legit)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Def legit)

Ilero (TMO)] (anything extraordinary catch Ilero's attention?)

[MarioCS] (Aight??)

Ilero (TMO)] (dragons, wyverns, centipedes, spiders, flying carpets?)

[Master] so far he is still silent and able to move quietly

Ilero (TMO)] (comets the size of Mt Olympus)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Oh my

[Master] he is obvlious to it all

Ilero (TMO)] (excellent!)

Ilero (TMO)] (on to #11!)

Ilero (TMO)] (he is halfway done)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Centipedes riding on a magic carpet are being attack by a dragon that is hit by a comet. Loud boom. Ilero doesn't notice)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) falls asleep waiting.

Ilero (TMO)] (he is very focused on his current Very Important Task)

Ilero (TMO)] (hey, you shoulda woke him up earlier then!)

[Master] Stirge #11's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-12) - Dying

Ilero (TMO)] (ouch - that was a weak blow)

Ilero (TMO)] (numbah 10 is next!)

[Ilero]] (TMO) ignores the marching elephant brass band going by.

[Master] Stirge #10's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-12) - Dying

[Master] Time of Day: 01:56 AM. Day 19 Fin ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 19th, 1266 TGR.

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 11'00".

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #8. Distance: 0'02"

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #7. Distance: 1'03"

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #2. Distance: 4'01"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Unicorn praces by followed by angry, bellowing bugbear. Ilero spots new target, ignores all).

[TMO] [Ilero]] no longer targets Stirge #2.

[TMO] [Ilero]] no longer targets Stirge #8.

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #8. Distance: 0'02"

[MarioCS] Totally false. Unicorns do not exist

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #9. Distance: 1'04"

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #2. Distance: 4'01"

[MarioCS] Ask anyone, live or dead

[Master] Stirge #9's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-12) - Dying

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (If they believed in themselves hard enough, they would exist!)

[Master] Stirge #8's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-12) - Dying

Ilero (TMO)] (I wonder if Shi has noticed she's become something's meal yet?)

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #7: No adjustments made.

[Master] Stirge #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-12) - Dying

[Master] Stirge #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-20) - Dead

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Dreameaters?)

[Ilero]] (TMO) gathers up all the bodies and drops them to the ground, then jumps down himself and motions for Shi to go inside.

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) snoring softly.

[Ilero]] (TMO) rolls his eyes and goes over to wake Shi up.

MarioCS walks out " did you need me?"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (So much for silk wrappings)

[MarioCS] I am back at the keyboard.

Kel (MarioCS) walks out " did you need me?"

[Ilero]] (TMO) indicates Shi. "Sleepy need go bed."

[Kel (MarioCS)] ok, ill take her inside. WHat happened?

Ilero (TMO)] Excitement watch me exterminate too much. Faint from joy.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Comets, elephant bands...the usual)

[Kel (MarioCS)] um, ok then. um,...thank you?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 7'03".

[Master] and to think that I saw it on mulberry street

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "Not hard."

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe we should get rid of these dead ones?

[Kel (MarioCS)] well, youre are something special, i'll say

Ilero (TMO)] (one of the fun books to read to the kids.)

[Kel (MarioCS)] i'm off to bed again, unless you need me. Wake me for third shift

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (It's a good book, almost forgot about it)

[Ilero]] (TMO) winks at Kel. "Not tell no one. Our secret."

[Master] It is the next shift

Ilero (TMO)] Yah, Indigo. Hye get t'em.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can't believe you killed them all and none woke up.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hugh can take your 3rd shift so you can sleep if you want

[Kel (MarioCS)] either or, i'd prefer to sleep. Maybe wake me if you need me. Thanks fo rthat

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "Hye awake now. T'ink Jilly make stirge-kabobs?"

[Kel (MarioCS)] (!!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Mmm, my favorite)

[Indigo (Lisa)] They're full of blood. Yuck!

[Ilero]] (TMO) collects all the bodies and puts them into a sack and ties it tightly shut and puts it inside the cabin behind the closed door.

[Kel (MarioCS)] Drillian Wings, w/ a pint of meade

[Ilero]] (TMO) frowns. "So is you. And a cow."

[Indigo (Lisa)] But it's other people's blood

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's different.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Like if you cooked a vampire?

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Yeah, what if It has AIDS or something. Ew

Ilero (TMO)] Going drain it all anyways. Not be t'ere when cooked.

Ilero (TMO)] Shi'Nynze moved 31'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 21'01".

Indigo (Lisa) wakes Hugh for 3rd watch

Indigo (Lisa) wakes Branadarus too

[Master] one final roll?

Ilero (TMO)] (1d20) [1d20=4] 4

[Indigo (Lisa)] (still want Shur?)

Ilero (TMO)] (sure! why not? *sigh*

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (*Shur why not?)

Ilero (TMO)] (I forgot this wasn't 3rd watch. ;) )

[Master] no encounter for the third watch

[Master] Time of Day: 07:09 AM. Day 19 Fin ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 19th, 1266 TGR.

[Snezana (Spring)] (LOL)

Ilero (TMO)] (he was feeling bad for not helping with the spiders at all, so he tried to make up for it with the stirges)

Snezana (Spring) stretches and yawns

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Seeing how he took them all out singlehandedly, I'd say success!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (very successful and awesone Ilero crazy plan)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Well to be fai, my computer is seriuosly lagging.

[Snezana (Spring)] slept like the dead. how was it last night?

[Ilero]] (TMO) cuts one of the stirges open and guts and cleans it, then mounts the corpse on his Hand and flies it around the inside of the cabin.

[Snezana (Spring)] ew

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shi fell asleep outside. Does she still need to sleep for full spells?)

Ilero (TMO)] Squeak! Squeak!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ilero!

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] That's us.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] uh

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] uh

[Snezana (Spring)] ew ew ew

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ahaha)

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) turns and gaggs

[Master] no spells for Shi

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Hurls

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Even falling asleep outside? Damn...)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] all over the floor

[Ilero]] (TMO) chases Branwyn with the Stirge-puppet.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) watches sleepily and shakes her head.

Branwyn (Lisa) ducks off into a corner

Kel (MarioCS) drwosy " wow, puppets made of breakfast? eww..." tries to nod off again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That really what anyone wants to see first thing in the morning

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not what

Ilero (TMO)] Wonder if good stuffer in Dryad Lair? T'ese fun puppets.

[Jilly (Master)] Howard,

[Jilly (Master)] You need to help

Jilly (Master) looking around

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes. We need to get home

[Snezana (Spring)] :-(

[Snezana (Spring)] oh JIlly

[Jilly (Master)] wait

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Neith, does your nap spell work on others or just you?

Kel (MarioCS) sighs " Hopeless. Ok, i'm up already,..."

Ilero (TMO)] (going to put kids to bed. brb)(

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] one sec

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I left Shi out too long last night

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am so sorry Shi.

[Jilly (Master)] What happened?

[Jilly (Master)] I was asleep, then I went to sleep

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) stifles a yawn, "It's fine. They didn't attack me so at least there was that."

Jilly (Master) looking around

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Poison, Jilly.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] A spider attacked you.

[Jilly (Master)] but you woke me up

Jilly (Master) looking

[Jilly (Master)] HOWARD

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Nope, sorry. It says me

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It only lasted an hour. Weak poison.

Jilly (Master) looks at Shi

[Jilly (Master)] you have to wake up Howard

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (For Nap)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Jilly ...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Sorry, Jilly. I told you, I can't.

[Jilly (Master)] She said it is only a poison

[Jilly (Master)] she is good at that

[Jilly (Master)] she can fix that

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] His isn't poison, though...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You and Shur were poisoned. Howard was...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Well, attacked. It's not poison.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Look Jillie. I'll check on Howard for you okay?

[Jilly (Master)] We need to save him

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] ?me Sighs

[Jilly (Master)] that is what we do

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] ?me Unwraps howard and feels for a pulse

[Jilly (Master)] (long cold dead)

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) "See Jilly. He'sl dead.

[Kel (MarioCS)] Jilly, Howard is right now sleeping n three different sacks. So, maybe, um, he's not ready to wake up?

[Kel (MarioCS)] ( too harsh??)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Nahh)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] She's gonna have to face it sooner or later. All we can do is love her I guess

[Kel (MarioCS)] Group Hug!!

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] /Me Hugs Jilly

[Snezana (Spring)] /hugs Jilly

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] "we'll figure it out. Eh?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Jilly I will try to save Howard.

[Kel (MarioCS)] /poders, " OH Hugh is from North of the border..."

Jilly (Master) swallows nods

Kel (MarioCS) ponders

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Branadarus "Should I take him home? Do you think I could find someone on my own?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of course I can

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But it means leaving you all here

[Jilly (Master)] Go GO GO

[Jilly (Master)] I can take care of them

[Jilly (Master)] you save Howard

[Jilly (Master)] go

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at the others

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Shurgs

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] 'weve made it this far."

[Kel (MarioCS)] Do what you must. Life is precious

[Kel (MarioCS)] We can get home, as a team

[Snezana (Spring)] it is worth a try. he is worth it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you want to put the rest of the valuables in the room scroll and I can take it home?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I vote yes

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Might as well.

[Snezana (Spring)] that is a good idea

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Or you can carry it. From here it is simply a matter of getting to the knarr

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Do you plan on rejoinging us or meeting us back home

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are now on Brandish's lands and so I hope your travels the rest of the way will be less evenrtful

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will see where you are when I have taken care of Howard and rejoin you when I can

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Joseph, stay out of trouble today please

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] If you go back to the city, could you please grab a potion of Cure Poisen for Neith?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are still very injured

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Leave it on the counter or someting?)

Joseph Shortkin (Master) nods, Jilly will take care of me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Jennevive can do that I believe. Neith should be good for four more days or you have the potion in the chest don't you?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] *Hope so)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thought that was manageable - is it not? that is why I haven't had Branwyn worried about it)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (We have one potion left, Neith was going to do hold poison again - it was kept as a just in case Ilero again scenario hit)

Branwyn (Lisa) puts room scroll on the wall and puts the majority of the loot in the scroll

[Snezana (Spring)] (i didn't realize joseph was full of ouch)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Sorry Lisa. LOl. It's just like having a boulder over your head waiting to hit you when you least expect it. I'm paranoid after Howard died. Sorry

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Walking wounded can or can't be healed today?)

[Master] can be healed today but Shi has no spells

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no - it's ok - just want to know what status is)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (None at all? I didn't use them all up :P )

[Master] ahh then yes you can use those

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Not that I have many. More a question in general)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Okay about five more minutes for me. Can I heal for the day?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Please)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Branwyn before she leaves)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] seven to Hugh

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] seven to Bran

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 31 (7) - Unharmed

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Seven to Shur

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Seven to Ithil

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 36 (7) - Lightly Wounded

Ilero (TMO)] (I read them Mulberry Street)

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 52 (7) - Unharmed

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] \Howard is dead so skip him

[Master] Ithil's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (7) - Lightly Wounded

Ilero (TMO)] (callous uncaring brute!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Thank you, Neith.

[Master] Joseph is at 1

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Rest ot Joseph

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Burning Hands -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Chaos -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Dimension Door -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Manyjaws -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Otto's Silver Tongue -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Polymorph Other -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Polymorph Self -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Ray of Fatigue -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Spook -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Telekinesis -- # Memorized: 1 (2), CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 2 (0),

[Snezana (Spring)] (how many does he need?)

Ilero (TMO)] (224)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) pats Ithil caringly.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] 7

[Master] Joseph Shortkin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (7) - Heavily Wounded

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] want some cure wounds?

Ilero (TMO)] (I bet Joseph is happy to know the dog got healed first)(

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] LOL

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well the wolf IS cuter...)

[Snezana (Spring)] 7 to joseph, 2 to Anor

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo, take care of Jilly for me please.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Shows my prioritis)

[Master] Joseph Shortkin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 15 (7) - Lightly Wounded

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I would say your priorities are well placed ;) )

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] My dogs are the only things that love me unconditionally and don't care when I srew up

[Master] Anor's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 34 (2) - Lightly Wounded

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Jilly, know that I will do my very best. Take care of everyone for me

[Snezana (Spring)] wait i thought joseph needed 7

[Jilly (Master)] I will

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Do you want to take some berries with you, Branwyn?

[Snezana (Spring)] how many is he down now?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Everyone else, please stay safe and get home quickly

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And thank you, Snee.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) scratches Anor's ears.

[Jilly (Master)] ANot by 4, jospeh by 3 bran by 1

[Jilly (Master)] ithil by 2

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Shi, but we shall be fine once we get home. Just take care of yourselves

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods, "As you wish."

Branwyn (Lisa) takes her second spell book from Indigo and rolls up the scroll again

[Snezana (Spring)] Anor 4, Jodeph 2, BranW 1 and Ithil 1

Branwyn (Lisa) tugs on Branadarus' shirt "As for you..."

[Master] Kel: No adjustments made.

[Master] Neith of Inholt: No adjustments made.

[Master] Lord Branadarus: No adjustments made.

[Master] Tebhoundrin: No adjustments made.

[Master] Shi'Nynze: No adjustments made.

[Master] Tinu: No adjustments made.

[Master] Anor's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (4) - Unharmed

[Master] [Shurkural]]: No adjustments made.

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray: No adjustments made.

[Master] Jilly: No adjustments made.

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 37 (1) - Unharmed

[Master] [Ilero]]: No adjustments made.

[Master] Indigo: No adjustments made.

[Master] Snezana: No adjustments made.

[Master] Galad: No adjustments made.

[Master] Ithil's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (2) - Unharmed

[Master] Joseph Shortkin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 18 (3) - Unharmed

[Snezana (Spring)] typo

[Snezana (Spring)] i meant to say joseph 3

[Snezana (Spring)] i see you read what i meant instead of what i said :-)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I can help Indigo

Lord Branadarus (Master) kisses

[Snezana (Spring) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "I will see you soon"

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] promise

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Always

Ilero (TMO)] (decided that Branwyn would teleport home?)

Kel (MarioCS) makes smoochie noises in the corner and snickers

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Alright guys. I gotta go. Lol

Branwyn (Lisa) goes over to Howard and holds him and she closes her eyes and thinks of the courtyard

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I love you all

[Snezana (Spring)] gnite michael!

[Master] roll a d100

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Goodnight Michael!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goodnight Michael)

[Master] night

Ilero (TMO)] (g'nite Michael)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Thatks for your patience bob. I appreciat it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Teleport: I teleport where ever I wish to go.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=18] 18

mharm-15549 has left the game on Fri Jun 02 23:34:18 EDT 2017

[Master] and Branwyn appears in the courtyard

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kel (MarioCS)] Bye Michael

[Branwyn (Lisa)] with Howard

[Kel (MarioCS)] Bye Howard

Jilly (Master) sighs

Jilly (Master) straightens her shoulders

[Kel (MarioCS)] (what?!)

Jilly (Master) looks around

Lisa is receiving the map forest 4...

Lisa has received the map forest 4.

[Jilly (Master)] Why are we waiting?

[Jilly (Master)] Indigo do you know where we are going?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I think Ilero was hoping you'd cook those...things.

[Jilly (Master)] we do not have time for that

[Jilly (Master)] we need to go catch up with Branwyn

Ilero (TMO)] My puppets!

[Jilly (Master)] we cannot stay behind

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) mutters, "Thank goodness. Those look disgusting."

[Jilly (Master)] we need to go

Kel (MarioCS) to Shi " do we have any of that spiked wine left over?" nods towrds Jilly

[Indigo (Lisa)] We just need to go the way we came here to get to the knarr

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) laughs, "Sadly not. Perhaps I should look for more roots before we leave..."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Wasn't there a kind of road?

[Jilly (Master)] that is what you were doing

[Jilly (Master)] I was busy with the wagon and the mule

[Jilly (Master)] and you lost both of them

[Kel (MarioCS)] yes, there was. I recall I went flying over a cliff trying to stop a giant

[Jilly (Master)] we need to be going now

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Is this forest? Berries/foraging?)

[Master] different track Mario

[Master] no to berries

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kel (MarioCS)] (seriously? sorry!)

[Master] more of edge of woods, farmlands here

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) shrugs, "Well, no reason to stay really."

[Master] this space is before you and Carissa joined the group this time

[Master] Anton was here .......

[Kel (MarioCS)] (ahhhhhh, cool. tx

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Not even a berry farm? Darn)

[Kel (MarioCS)] eww

[Master] this is a hunting lodge for the Duke

[Kel (MarioCS)] i bet is was overcast with winds, right?

[Master] he let Branwyn use it

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha)

[Master] so you head off towards the river

[Master] through the Duke's lands

Ilero (TMO)] (hi ho! hi ho!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Off to werk we go!)

[Master] I think this is a good spot to pause

Ilero (TMO)] (twerk! twerk!)

[Master] we pick up with Branwyn in the City

[Master] and the rest in Domvile

[Master] someone can check for how long it took you to get here

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can try to post if my week turns out better than this one)

[Snezana (Spring)] root beer float is very different with fudge marble ice cream

[Master] and Branwyn can try to find a priest to try to raise dead

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (But still delicious I assume)

[Master] and Carissa has a story to write up

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Yes, yes. Same reply as Lisa: if my week turns out better as well :P )

[Snezana (Spring)] delicious

[Master] by the way Galatea is adventure number 98

[Master] and the birthday game in September will be number 99

[Snezana (Spring)] i will try to write something about kenna if my week goes ok

[Master] if things go as planned

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (100 better be Mt. Olympus size awesome)

[Master] I have some ideas on what to do, grins

[Kel (MarioCS)] or just 100000x xp to all current players

[Carissa] Mario's idea is better.

[Carissa] I vote that one.

[Kel (MarioCS)] yes!

[Master] grins

Ilero (TMO)] (if you don't earn it, you won't appreciate it. :P)

[Kel (MarioCS)] there is MUCH truth to that

[Carissa] I doubt lottery winners would agree...

[Master] Good night everyone, was fun, see you all next week

[Kel (MarioCS)] agreed

Ilero (TMO)] thanks for the game!@

[Snezana (Spring)] goodnght!

[Kel (MarioCS)] bye all!

[Lisa] goodnight!

[Carissa] Goodnight all!

Carissa has left the game on Fri Jun 02 23:44:10 EDT 2017

Spring has left the game on Fri Jun 02 23:44:11 EDT 2017

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jun 02 23:44:11 EDT 2017

Ilero (TMO)] night!

TMO has left the game on Fri Jun 02 23:44:17 EDT 2017

MarioCS has left the game on Fri Jun 02 23:44:23 EDT 2017

[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 200. Next level in 9349.

[Master] [Shurkural]] XP award: 100. Next level in 20082.

[Master] Snezana XP award: 200. Next level in 9375.

[Master] Shi'Nynze XP award: 200. Next level in 9955.

[Master] Neith of Inholt XP award: 100. Next level in 806.

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray XP award: 200. Next level in 14701.

[Master] Kel XP award: 200. Next level in 3602.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 100. Next level in 13376.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 200. Next level in 308949.

[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 200. Next level in 9149.

[Master] [Shurkural]] XP award: 100. Next level in 19982.

[Master] Snezana XP award: 200. Next level in 9175.

[Master] Shi'Nynze XP award: 200. Next level in 9755.

[Master] Neith of Inholt XP award: 100. Next level in 706.

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray XP award: 200. Next level in 14501.

[Master] Kel XP award: 200. Next level in 3402.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 100. Next level in 13276.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 200. Next level in 308749.

XP awarded