Main / Jun1209

Jun 12 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 12 18:20:31 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] ] Kit moved 24'01".

[BOB] ] Khan moved 12'05".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 35'08".

[BOB] ] Percival moved 37'11".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 42'08".

[BOB] ] Kira moved 26'07".

[BOB] ] Valedianna moved 18'11".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 13'00".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 40'03".

[BOB] ] Kwan Sun moved 19'10".

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 19'02".

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 10:00 AM. Day 21 Lad ___ se, Din {Mid Spring} 21st, 1260.

[BOB] I will be up and down working on things, grab me in IM if I do not answer here.

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Jun 12 18:29:22 EDT 2009

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Vicki] hi

BOB Laptop] has joined the game on Fri Jun 12 18:38:09 EDT 2009

BOB Laptop] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

BOB Laptop] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[BOB Laptop] hello

[John] glad you could make it tonight

[Vicki] I finally remembered

[Vicki] not to mention, it's been an awfully stressful 4 days

[John] only 4, must have been a good monday

[Vicki] monday I was with my hubby

[Vicki] I left tuesday morning and he left wed morning

[Vicki] we just got back together tonight

[John] by wife and kids have been gone all week so I have been alone

[John] all week

[Vicki] he went to his family's and I went to mine

[John] but that is ok for me

[John] you must still like your hubby

[Vicki] you could say that...

[John] any clue what is going on in the game?

[Vicki] nope

[Vicki] but that's fine

[BOB] You are one of only 4 characters still alive at this point

[BOB] the rest are all dead or turned to stone

[BOB] still fine?

[Vicki] Bob, we both know the only reason I'm still alive is because I haven't been here

[BOB] grins

[BOB] So John and I are here talking about things in the room,

[BOB] food is ordered

[BOB] beyond that we don't know

[Vicki] ok, so we're still where we were a month ago?

[BOB] in the desert

[Vicki] in a dream?

[BOB] not anymore

[Vicki] oh, so it's all real now

[John] wel not all are out of the "dream"

[Vicki] that's why I'm better not knowing

[Vicki] I'm confused

[Vicki] I'm more of a go with the flow type writer

[Vicki] some things I can plan, some I can't

[Vicki] roleplaying isn't one of the things I can map out step by step

[Vicki] but the mood has to strike me... and right now, I'm in the mood to strike something

[Vicki] Bob, how am I one of 4 when there's quite a few characters?

[John] well, I can't give away too much, but we will see

John] has left the game on Fri Jun 12 18:50:47 EDT 2009

[Vicki] um... ok

John] has joined the game on Fri Jun 12 18:52:48 EDT 2009

[BOB] there he is

John] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

John] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Vicki] John, are you playing peek-a-boo with us?

[John] Paul, Fin, Ant, Val, Kira and your character are all together

[Vicki] different place where I was last time...

[John] Kylia is here, tured to stone

[John] Rave is on another plane, Insane

[BOB] and blind

[Vicki] a blind pixie?

[Vicki] no wonder he's insane

[John] Morria is dead, and with Liam, turend to stone on the same plane

[Vicki] what of those who haven't been in here a while?

[Vicki] be back in a bit, gotta run a quick soda errand

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Jun 12 18:58:21 EDT 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[John] hey, dead man

[John] sorry, blind crazy pixy

[Fritz] Booga booga You Megalomaniac

[John] I am not a leader

[John] I just like power

[John] always have

[Fritz] You is THE LEADER NOW!!!!

[John] always will

[John] is Fritz start his new character now

[John] or wait to see if we can save Rave

[John] (at BOB's so trying to type what I am talking)

[Fritz] So you guys are not going to contact my henchmen in anyway? You guys need to figure out the why's on that one. I figured out how to save the party you guys need to figure why we save them

[John] we have to role play out for timming

[BOB] all sorts of possiblities

[BOB] and depending on who shows up etc.

[John] Kit is going to teleport them a note, once she knows something is up

[Fritz] need to teleport some money with that note...LOL

[John] well, Kit does not know that much about where you are or what you are doing

[John] and all the money is in the party pack

[John] we are eating so our typing will be slow

[John] if this is all we can start slowing rolplaying

[Vicki] ok, I'm back

[John] I think it starts with Kit Telporting a note to Paul to see if he is back

BOB (to GM only)] Begun receiving file gatecrasher.gif

BOB (to GM only)] Finished receiving file gatecrasher.gif to Received Files

[BOB] ok Fritz, but I have no idea where that file is right now, as I never set a location in preferences to recieve files

[BOB] I will sort that out later on

[Fritz] Oh that was for my character now if you were going to let me play a dwarf of John's

[BOB] I saw that

[BOB] but because there is no location set I have no idea where that file went to

[BOB] will be a while to track it down

[Fritz] can you send me a file? I will then tell you where it went to?

[BOB] we can do that later

[BOB] when there is a reason to have characters on the map

[BOB] right now

[John] Kit cannot teleport a note to another plane so she will try again every few hours until it gets through

[BOB] ok so roughly ever 8 hours?

[BOB] three times a day? 6 hours? four times a day?

[Fritz] Do smaller increments

[BOB] she does have to sleep

[BOB] it has already been days

[Fritz] 2-4 would be reasonable...and still sleep

[John] every 4 hrs except when she is sleeping

[BOB] 2-4 hours for how long?

[BOB] weeks? months?

[BOB] but ok

[BOB] so every 4 hours

[John] a day or two

[John] before she trys to contact anyone else

[BOB] ok, so at the end of day two there is still no response

[BOB] messages do not travel

[Fritz] Bob just so you know I did that for a week at a time during my residency

[BOB] yeah but there was a time you knew you would be done, and did you really make the best decisions?

[BOB] better if you sleep sometimes, etc.

[BOB] but ok

[John] after two full days I can see slowing down, like every 6 hours when awake

[BOB] ok

[Fritz] Yes I did...that is why I am the great doctor that I am now...I learned how to think and make decisions under stress. One week is a reasonable time to give her

[BOB] grins at Fritz

[John] she is concerend but what can she do that the rest of the DS can not

[Fritz] More and she becomes bitchy and cranky, and wishes people would die so she can sleep...good thing I never did it for more than a week...LOL...just kidding

[John] there is a reasons she stayed behind

[BOB] so on day three on the third message of the day it goes through

[Fritz] Fear of Kylia?

[John] that too

[BOB] and for Paul he gets a note falling in his lap about 3 hours after the fight with the Medusa

[BOB] is there anything you would be doing in that time frame as Paul?

[BOB] and or as Kwan

[BOB] as he is there too

[John] so she teleports a note to Kylia, saying Paul is back from where ever

[Vicki] Not sure what Kwan is doing

[Vicki] but she's nearly getting tired of being masculine all the time

[BOB] and the note to Kylia goes off with no issue

[Fritz] How can a note go to someone who is dead?

[Vicki] to the grave

[BOB] she is not dead

[John] it does not, that is why she knows something is wrong

[Fritz] I send a note with a tracer to Jimmy Hoffa Bob

[BOB] yes it does

[BOB] Kit is teleporting a note to Kylia

[BOB] Kylia is right there, points to the statue

[BOB] if she was Dead no

[BOB] but she is only turned to stone

[BOB] until Lorie logs in and makes her system shock roll

[BOB] but depending on what Paul does with his three hours or so

[John] then Kit thinks there is no issue, teleports to Gon, tells them Paul will be back soon

[BOB] grins

[John] if anyone needs her she will be in the memorial dungeon

[John] and jumps back in the pool

[BOB] what pool?

[BOB] in Gon

[BOB] soory

[BOB] ok,

[BOB] so at this point

[BOB] what is Paul doing?

[BOB] he has teh note from Kit

[BOB] what does it say?

[John] R U OK

[BOB] ok

[BOB] and what does the note to Kylia say?

[John] Paul is back, somewhere

[BOB] (and sorry Fritz and Vicki, not trying to make you watch John type all night)

[BOB] ok, good enough

[BOB] three hours? exploring the temple? looking outside?

[John] fist order of business is to try and get help

[John] I have my rings back, btw fritz

[Fritz] Bob the system shock roll isn't made until the stone to flesh spell is cast

[Fritz] What rings John

[Vicki] brb

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] ring of spell holding & wizardry

[BOB] brb

[Fritz] S'okay Bob...I am not like others that bitch alot when I do all the typing...I can let others play without getting megalomaniacal about it all

[Fritz] What cool.

[John] so I take off my ring of spell Holding cast Improved strength with the giant hair and put the ring back on

[Fritz] Too bad the wizardry isn't that helpful since you have no spell book, and you need to pick your spell hold very carefully as you won't be able to replace it for awhile

[BOB] back

[John] ] Paul Elvenstire casts a spell against : Improved Strength: Warior'a strength is increased by (d8+4) [1d8=7] 11 for (13) 13 rounds.

[BOB] and so what is your goal with that?

[John] so Paul'sstr is now 22 untill I take of the ring

[BOB] ok

[John] to be beter able to defend myself

[John] move things and such

[John] run faster?

[John] only spell I can cast that I can hold I think

[John] I guess Mike has to be here to examin the proiest wand

[BOB] is ok, just getting a feel for things

[BOB] yes,

[John] so then I examin the body to the priest

[John] holly sybol to take?

[BOB] but you can make a guess at wand of negation or something along those lines from the saves

[BOB] and yes

[BOB] small curved dagger, holy symbol

[BOB] robes

[BOB] mostly cut up now

[BOB] by large axe blows

[John] take holly symbol and dager

[John] cast reincarnate on him

[BOB] ok

[John] ] Paul Elvenstire casts a spell against : Reincarnation: I am reincarnated as a (1d100) [1d100=43] 43 -- halfling.

[John] takes a few turns

[BOB] ] Pharoh Paphoset's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 50 (100) - Unharmed

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] stands up

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] takes a step

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] and falls over flat

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Welsome back

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] looks down at his hands and feet

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] looks up at Paul

John] has left the game on Fri Jun 12 19:40:10 EDT 2009

John] has joined the game on Fri Jun 12 19:40:27 EDT 2009

[Fritz] Hah and kills paul with a banish spell

John] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

John] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] grins

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] grabs at his chest

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I need your help

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] and franticly starts looking for his holy symbol

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Help me and I will let you live

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] blinks at Paul slowly

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] The dwarf with the ax took it

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] I can kill him

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] pats him self

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you will not

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] I have not felt this good in years

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::wails flail::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] You will do as I say

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] eyes glitter

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] yes master

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] tell me whre the nearest established city is?

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] a city? weeks to the south

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] a week

[Fritz (to BOB only)] Did John think this out BEFORE he cast that spell? Does he realize that Paphoset still has ALL of his clerical powers???!!!!!

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] nearest town to get supplies?

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB) (to Fritz only)] half level, no holy symbol, no spells memorized,

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] the caravans stop by

[Fritz (to BOB only)] But still a cleric of Set and they have special powers...

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] those that travel along the edge of the mountains

[Fritz (to BOB only)] and why half level?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] how far to the mountains?

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB) (to Fritz only)] yes but he also sees the falil and the circlet right there, and if you come back that way you are half level why would he not be?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (where is the party pack)

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (scroll of shelter)

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] (Paul would have that, it was on Finglas)

[Fritz (to BOB only)] why do you lose half of your levels? The spell says that if you are of a race that can cast spells you get ALL your powers back. Not even raise dead makes you lose half you level.

[Fritz] Does Paul know what the powers of the flail are?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (was it today when Ant used it when entering the temple?)

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] yes to John

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (so we have to wait a day)

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB) (to Fritz only)] he still would need to memorize, etc. even if not half level

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] so Pap, I will call you Pap, any supplies you have here?

[Fritz (to BOB only)] you are correct I am sorry the spell does state half levels...I apoligize...You are indeed the Master of all that is DM'able

[Fritz] That would be "Paf" John. His name is pronounced Pa Foe set

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] I keep enough food and water for me for a week or so

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (fine Paf, even beter)

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] it will not last both of us that long

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] but if you dismiss some of your companions

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] You never said how long to the mountains

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] we are in the mountains

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] how did you come here?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I ask the questions

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] how close do the caravans come to this place

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] a day or so north

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] they avoid the haunted lands here

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (fritz, sorry no dwarf came, BOB screwed us on that)

[Vicki] (*cringes at the word 'Pap'*)

Christy] has joined the game on Fri Jun 12 19:50:41 EDT 2009

Christy] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Christy] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] but one day

[Vicki] (Hi Christy)

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] HEY!

[Fritz] Christy Hiya

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Any treasure left here Paf?

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] the temple has some excellent weaponry

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] it is upstairs

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] if you would like to go retrieve it

[Christy] hello!

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] You will take me so I may pick one out

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] So Christy

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] to catch you up

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] Paul reincarnated the Priest that Finglas killed about an hour ago

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] and is talking to him now

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] actual Ant

[Fritz (to John only)] the weapons were in the room where Moirra died and Rave went insane

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Fin was on diffrent plane

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] that too

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (I will foloow him to that room and he will go in, I will be safe then?)

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] no other torubble onthe way that I know of

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (not that anything can hurt me now)

[Fritz (to John only)] does Paul have religion? LOL

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] just a sec have to think

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((where am I again?))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (you are with Paul, in a tempple)

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ::stays with Paul::

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] (meaning I go where he goes)

[Christy] so where am I?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] 1 round behind

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] but not sure where

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] so you are here in the temple, yea

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Arilyn, do you have any spells or majic that can help us here?

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((while we're waiting for Bob... John, does Paul have sight of true seeing?))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (not currently)

[Christy] what d'ya need?

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((ok))

[Christy] I can burn stuff

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] well, flesh to stone or teleport is top of my wish list

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((do any of us still have our weapons?))

[Christy] no, no s2f

[Christy] sword can teleport

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (yes, any one who did not go to dream

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Can I borrow your sword?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] or rather, how often can your sword teleport?

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((so I'm weaponless?))

[Fritz] No vicki you have all your stuff

[Christy] 1/day

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] no Kwan cam with Ant and Val so has all her stuff

[Christy] along with 600 lbs

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] like he always did

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] hmmm, how much does stone Kylia weight

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((oh ok. Couldn't remember that far))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::looks at statue::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::think, think::

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] at least 4 times what Kylia weighed, and she was 200 pounds

[Fritz] Call me if you need someone to talk to. call me satisfaction guarenteed

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] *Blink* Kylia was 200 pounds?

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] (sorry, that was ooc)

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] sorry 125

[Fritz] She was "big boned"

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I guess it will just have to be you and me Arilyn. We will teleport to Roadhaven while Fin and the rest protect Kylia

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] just checked her sheet

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] raises his hand, I can protect her Master

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] stone Kylia weighs 500

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I will rememorize teleport and or stone to flesh and towmoow we can retrun to bring them all back

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] (again, that was ooc)

[Fritz (to John only)] how can you do that if she has your spell book?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I expect you to Paf, as well as protecting my friends

[Paul Elvenstire (John) (to Fritz only)] copies at hope

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] home

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] other spell books

[Fritz (to John only)] Are you sure you know what you are doing with Paf? That doesn't seem "Wise" to me

[Paul Elvenstire (John) (to Fritz only)] he does not have his holy symbol, what would you sugest, kill him again?

[Paul Elvenstire (John) (to Fritz only)] I could always reincarnate him again

[Fritz (to John only)] remember that although he doesn't have his holy symbol he still has clerical powers and any special ones from Set. Plus alot of knowledge we don't have about hte area...Consider taking him withyou and imprisoning him.

[Fritz (to John only)] or does the flail have any powers you can use on him?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I have a second though

[Fritz (to John only)] what does the flail do?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paf, as my new assistant, I think you will come with us. You are small enough

[Paul Elvenstire (John) (to Fritz only)] Rod of Lordly Might

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] Paf blinks, go where?

[Fritz (to John only)] that has special powers doesn't it? Like charming or something? I don't remember...Bob should tell you what they are.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] with me, you owe me your life, you will assit me until I say otherwise

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] yes master

[Fritz] Bob can I see a map of the bottom lair of the temple?

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] so Kwan, you understand I am not abanding you. I am going so I can save Kylia and the rest of you

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Jun 12 20:10:41 EDT 2009

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] "Yes, I understand."

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Jun 12 20:11:12 EDT 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Fritz] Thanks Bob

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] (John is searching the site just a moment)

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] Christy you ready to go?

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] Paul, Paf and ?? is going with you?

[Christy] to go home?

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((I'm getting more and more tired the longer I sit.))

[Christy] sure

[Christy] there's no place like home

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((LOL))

[Christy] i really wanted those ruby slippers

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((I don't recall us being in Oz))

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] ok, so you links up and BLINK you are in Roadhaven

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((or living in Kansas for that matter))

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] it is evening

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] sorry you mistake it for evening, it is actually morning

[Fritz] Damn John do you know what a Rod of Lordly Might Does?

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] the time shift

[Christy] do tell

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] go on Frtiz you can tell them

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] the question is does Paul know

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] I am goign to rule that Percy came with Arilyn,

[Fritz] You can paralyze him, fear, drain hitpoints, +2 mace, Sword of flame +1, Battle Axe +4, Spear +3, Climbing pole

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] leaving Kwan, Finglas, Ant, Val and stone Kylia

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] but Paul is in Roadhaven

[Fritz] Each "power" other than weapons, uses a charge.

[Fritz] Is there anything else to this Rod Bob or is that it?

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] just normal rod

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] other than wanting to be more powerful than the Gods

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] but that just goes with the territory around here

[Fritz] Cool Beans.....Do we have to destroy it?

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] that was your mission, to destroy it


[Paul Elvenstire (John)] We had to "deal with it"

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] done

[Arilyn (Christy)] well, we could destroy it by using up all the charges

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] so the Roadhaven group

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((once again, we separate the party... LOL))

[Arilyn (Christy)] (after all these years with that as our number one rule)

[Fritz] Oh forgot 2 more things...tells magnetic north and depth under ground or height above ground

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] well I guess I have ot wait till morning to memorize spells

[Fritz] It was more of a guideline Christy

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] so the morning of the 22

[Pharoh Paphoset (BOB)] you are all rested

[BOB] everyone is still in Roadhaven

[BOB] Wilson was patient

[BOB] waited for Paul to recover

[BOB] but in the morning

[BOB] he wants to know what happened

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] keep a close on Priest

[BOB] he trusts Paul

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I will tell you the good news when it is official

[BOB] so a sort of Morning Report here in Roadhaven

[BOB] Arilyn is here

[BOB] Paul

[BOB] Wilson

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paf

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] Percy

[Wilson (BOB)] Sir Paul

[Wilson (BOB)] I know you are all very tired

[Wilson (BOB)] but it is worrying me that you returned with out Lady Kylia

[Wilson (BOB)] Lady Arilyn?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] She is comming ome today

[Wilson (BOB)] what happened?

[Wilson (BOB)] oh

[Wilson (BOB)] sigh of relief

[Wilson (BOB)] that is very good

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] long story, will let you know when it is over

[Fritz] Can I be some nobody body?

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 10:00 AM. Day 22 Ced ___ se, Din {Mid Spring} 22nd, 1260.

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Jun 12 20:25:30 EDT 2009

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Jun 12 20:25:51 EDT 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I need to re memorise my spells and then go fetch her

[Arilyn (Christy)] I think I'd like a bath and then I'll work on spells

[Fritz] Remember spell rememorization could take hours or days John

[Fritz] That is Total spell rememorization

[Arilyn (Christy)] do we need anything other than kill 'em all spells?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I am only memorizing 4 teleports

[Arilyn (Christy)] I can teleport again if we have passed a day

[Wilson (BOB)] roughly 3 hours, adn yes a day has passed

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Th epool is pointed outisde the templ to we can pool there correct

[BOB] yes

[BOB] but then you have to walk through the temple

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] there were other danger i the real world, not worth it

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] one teleport there then a total of four teleport back should do it

[BOB] ok,

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] put stone status in scroll, so each teleport brings one additonal person back

[BOB] only need each of you to teleport back

[BOB] that will cover the group

[BOB] 1 with the statue

[BOB] and the fairy

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I will take Paf back and leave him there

[BOB] the other with the rest of the group

[BOB] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] whisper for him to prepare for my return

[BOB] ok

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer, Paul Elvenstire, Kwan Sun, Kira, Percival, Arilyn, Pharoh Paphoset, Valedianna, Finglas and Antarias moved 260'03".

[BOB] ok, so after about an hour

[BOB] the group is all back in Roadhaven minus Paf

[BOB] you sure you don't want him with you?

[BOB] ok

Christy] has left the game on Fri Jun 12 20:33:19 EDT 2009

[BOB] christy will be back in a bit

[Fritz] What about me?

[Paul Elvenstire (John) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 5 (6). CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 10 (11). CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 2 (6). CHANGED: 4 -- Current: 2 (5). CHANGED: 6 -- Current: 1 (3). Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Charm Person -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: CloudKill -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Conjur Spell Comonet -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Enchant An Item -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Fly -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Improved Invisiblity -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Improved Spider Climb -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Improved Strength -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Item -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Reincarnation -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Remove Curse - Wizard -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Shadow Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 4 (1), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: See my new wall (I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.),

[Fritz] I mean Rave?

[BOB] Everyone is in Roadhaven again, except the three that are still in Hell

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul needs to learn FStone to flesh

[BOB] and later on in the afternoon on the 22

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we never made a copy officaly

[BOB] Mentor and Val return from training

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] i will have to go borow someone's spell book

[BOB] walking up to Roadhaven and checkking in with Wilson

[Fritz] Woot

[BOB] pure coincidental timing Fritz

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Mentor you ar mage right?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] kind of?

[Mentor (Fritz)] Yes. Why?

[Mentor (Fritz)] Where is Rave?

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] I need a shower

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] long story, we need a stone to flesh spell to save him

[Mentor (Fritz)] Yo Master RAve? Where are you?

[Mentor (Fritz)] Pardon? I don't understand

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] he is off on another plane

[Mentor (Fritz)] Where is he?

[Mentor (Fritz)] What?!?!

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we all were, he just did not make it back yet

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] it is a long story, do you want to hear the ending first?

[Mentor (Fritz)] (Just say you tell me the whole story or we role play it out your choice)

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you help us save him

[Mentor (Fritz)] Sure

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (sums up)

[Mentor (Fritz)] Ok...I wish to help save him. What do you need from me?

[Mentor (Fritz)] You were there without your things?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Stone to fles

[Mentor (Fritz)] Take me to his room please, and hurry

[Mentor (Fritz)] I may be able to find something to hellp

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] who's Rave?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] sure follow us

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Wilson, lead the way

[BOB] waves an accolyte to

[Mentor (Fritz)] ((I go to his room and collect his things))

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] I would like to clean up. Is there someplace where I can do so?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ok Kwan, make your self at home

[BOB] wilson waves an accolyte over for Kwan

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] just do not use the pool there

[Mentor (Fritz)] Ok can someone take me to him? If you can then I can rescue him. We need to do it before it is to late.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] We can not get there without my control crystal, and can not go without Stone to Flesh

[Mentor (Fritz)] How then did you get the others back without the control crystal?

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ::cleans up and refreshens herself::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we got back from the other plane but were seperate from Rave

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] it wss not on purpose

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] it was very desperate situation

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ::returns to the others::

[Mentor (Fritz)] Yes I believe you but if you can get me to the location I can get to him. YOu must have been able to get there and back with the others

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (can you make a potion of stone to flesh?)

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] so if I teleport you to where we return from that plane you can get us to another plane

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we do not even know what pkane it was

[Mentor (Fritz)] Yes I can

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I have an ides

[Mentor (Fritz)] If you say that you could see each other across planar boundaries then the passage fromone to the other should be a simple thing with concentration

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] Am I to sit here and wait while you two go off to play heros?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] brb

[BOB] Fritz just to clear up something, that connection was created and maintained by the Medusa, when Finglas and paul destroyed it that is what made those two snap back to this Plane

[Mentor (Fritz)] kk

[BOB] there is no current connection

[BOB] the only thing that Paul knows is that he was in teh Plane of Set's dominion

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] I repeat, am I to sit here and wait while you two go off and play heros?

[Mentor (Fritz)] Really that isn't what you have on the web site. I am reading the chat room now...Plus you said that she is still alive since she was only turned to stone.

[BOB] Kylia is still alive

[Mentor (Fritz)] I don''t know can you follow us

[Mentor (Fritz)] So is the medusa

[BOB] no

[Mentor (Fritz)] She was turned to stone as well.

[BOB] Ant killed the medusa

[BOB] then Finglas destroyed her

[Mentor (Fritz)] He turned her to stone

[BOB] nods, then Finglas destroyed her

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] I can't magically follow. I guess this means I must stay here.

[BOB] at this point

[BOB] the only fact that everyone knows is you were in Set's Realm, and that is only bcause Paul said so

[BOB] no one knows where Set's realm is

[BOB] etc

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] or how to get there

[BOB] right now you have the group in Roadhaven

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] with the control crysal we can get there

[BOB] the three missing people are away

[BOB] somewhere

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ::walks around impatiently::

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mentor (Fritz)] Bob what did I miss I just read the entire chat log and there is nothing there about the medusa being destroyed

[BOB] that is the only reason Finglas and Paul were moved to the Prime Plane

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] FIn hit the medusa and we poped back and the meduse was not there

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I thought it might be on the other plane

[Mentor (Fritz)] When was that? Was that done out of game because it isn't in the chat log

[BOB] it ws

[BOB] in the log, after ant killed the priest and before Paul and Finglas dropped in

[BOB] no one was at the house

[BOB] nothign was out of game

[BOB] and anyway just take mine and John's word on that

[BOB] that is what happened

[BOB] so we can move on

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ::stops walking, starts pacing back and forth::

[BOB] at this point, we have the group in Roadhevn

[Mentor (Fritz)]

[BOB] adn a stone kylia

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] it is there Fritz

[BOB] how are you dealign withthat

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we tryed to hit it again and it was not there

[Mentor (Fritz)] Fine So the medusae disappeared

[BOB] do you think you should deal with the stone kylia first? or with figuring out what plane the rest of the group is on

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] it as one of the things that was fustrating, becuase we did not know why

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we tried hitting other things with the flail to see if it brought them back

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I tried to hi where I though Moria was to hit her becase we thought the flair could cross planes

[Mentor (Fritz)] Bob how about if you give me a chance to rethink a plan that I wrote a week ago and you never responded to clarify that I couldn't find the plane or that the path was gone. If I had known I would have taken the time to think of something else. I believe that is fair to me.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] it is only when you read BOB's back stoy and see that the Medusa was more of a creation or a tool

[BOB] You can come up with any plans you waqnt

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] that make sence

[BOB] that is not the issue

[BOB] and I just carlified for you, because this is the first time people have been togther to actually piece things together

[BOB] and still

[BOB] do you deal with Kylia

[BOB] or figuring out the other plane?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we only need stone to flesh to start the second rescue

[Mentor (Fritz)] Do you give me a minute to think?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::waiting::

[BOB] ok

[Mentor (Fritz)] Ok IPaul you and or Kylia can locate other planes via the pools is that correct?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we can transport to other planes

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] with the control crystal

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] if they were not stone

[Mentor (Fritz)] Also the hafling you brought back should have some knowledge of where Set's plane is correct? or at least we hope so...Ok I create a potion that reverses Kylia's stone to flesh

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] thank you

[BOB] oik,

[BOB] so now lets roll a save verus magic for the control crystal

[BOB] just because Lorie is not here to roll a save for herself

[BOB] to see if one is even needed

[BOB] John you can roll for your crystal

[Mentor (Fritz)] (Now that I know a bit better what happened John I can play this out as well. ))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I get all the priests arround to chant and bless Kylia

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ::waits to participate again::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=8] 8

[Mentor (Fritz)] Wait a second Paul

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] what?

[Mentor (Fritz)] I give you another potion...A potion of Luck to guarentee success

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you cannot give me a potion of luck for an item I am not holding

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((you want to give a potion of Luck? Don't you know Luck can go either good or bad?))

[Mentor (Fritz)] I can give it to kylia if that would work

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] she is stone

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] pour it over her

[Mentor (Fritz)] ((It is good Luck Vicki))

[Mentor (Fritz)] I can do that

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((how can you be sure?))

[Mentor (Fritz)] I can also consume it with her DNA as you pour the stone to flesh on her and it will affect her

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] not sure it would work

[Mentor (Fritz)] Well usually these things arent' up to us...but just trying to help

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((okie dokie))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we got a lot farther tonight then I thought, thks to Christi

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] and with Mentor we are that much closer

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((night's not over yet John...))

[Mentor (Fritz)] Wait with the potion of restoration a system shock roll is not required

[Mentor (Fritz)] I just read it

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((can you do restoration on stone?))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] restoratioon fiexs stonny flsh?

[Mentor (Fritz)] Yes

[Mentor (Fritz)] That is why I chose it

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] BOB is reading

[Mentor (Fritz)] REstores crystallized creature and those turntd to stone by gaze attacks

[Mentor (Fritz)] It can negate more than one spell at a time

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((ok...))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::hugs the rule lawyer::

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((In the meantime... while we wait for Bob))

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((sorry if it seemed like I was questioning everything. Just wanted to make sure it can be done))

[Mentor (Fritz)] Not lawyering just wishing to be fair...If that is a part of the game still

[BOB] ok that does work

[BOB] so Kylia is flesh again

[BOB] Paul has his control crystal back

[BOB] and his spell books

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] and my sword

[BOB] Kylia goes to meditate

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] yea!

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((what of the others? How do we deal with that?))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] That is an adventure

[Mentor (Fritz)] Ok now Sir Paul can we go and save Master RAve?

[BOB] one miracle at a time Vicki

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] going to another plane is not done in a rush

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((hehe... no, they gotta be done all at once... lol))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] especial one ruled by Set

[Mentor (Fritz)] Hey Paphoset what can you tell us about the location of the plane of Set?

[BOB] he is not here

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I can assume I will be safe,

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((you mean, restoration doesn't take care of that too?))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (Paul wanted him in the temple)

[Mentor (Fritz)] Can we get him?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we can go to him, but I would like a few more spells, I do not like being defense less

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I want to make sure we do this right the first time

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] You have all your books, what more do you need Paul?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I need to read them

[Mentor (Fritz)] Wait didn't in the chat you said that the flail was on both planes? Could we use it like a spell focus to take us to that plane? And we wouldn't have to "travel through it" if we were already at the temple.

[BOB] not anymore

[BOB] they broke that when they killed the Medusa

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] it is not an issue geting to the plane, now we have the control crystals

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Jun 12 21:18:15 EDT 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] getting back without water is an issue

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((Hi Kaz))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] hello Kaz

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I get the impressionthis is not going to be a click click back with Rave, Morria and Liam

[Mentor (Fritz)] Hi Kaz. Trying to save you.

[Kaz] HI all, sorry I'm late

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] no big deal

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you were mostly dead all game

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((John... this is Bob that we're talking about, right?))

[Mentor (Fritz)] Well if there was a way to target the planar travel in a way that it focuses on that temple it shouldn't be to severe an issue but you know more about traveling the planes than I do

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] is it that obvious

[BOB] it is not a click thing

[BOB] you can use the pool to travel to "a place or a dimension"

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((Just a smidge, John, just a smidge))

[BOB] so you can use it to travel to the Temple

[BOB] OR to Set's realm

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I am not much of a plane travler, so I may know more, but not much more

[BOB] but not both

[Kaz (to John only)] Mostly dead out of game, too :(

[BOB] you can only go to that dimension, once there figure out how to get to the temple, etc.

[Paul Elvenstire (John) (to Kaz only)] soory to hear, I have a cookie for you if it maks you feel better

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((how about returning home again after going to the other plane?))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] here is a laugh to lighten the mood

[BOB] nope, that needs a pool of water

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] this actual happened.

[Mentor (Fritz)] Could we teleport to the temple once we are in the plane? It should be the same if you have been teleporting there from here?

[BOB] and teh control crystal

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Shin-Soo Choo hit a ball to Coco Crisp

[BOB] just making sure you did read the Bio bits for the things that happened on that Plane

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] sounds like the start of a plan

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((try saying that 5 times fast... lol))

[BOB] so that you see what was happening a turn or so after you left

[BOB] and you have been gone now more than 24 hours

[BOB] and Helo Kaz

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((How many of us are gone now?))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] thre

[BOB] everyone is in Roadhaven Except Moirra, Liam and Rave

[BOB] Moirra and Liam are stone

[BOB] Rave is blind and mad

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((no wonder Rave's mad... he's blind, he can't see... and he's a pixie, so he's probably either flying into everything, or crawling around on the floor))

[Mentor (Fritz)] Well How about a wish spell? Or even getting advice from a planar diety?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] technickly we have to wait a day to get Kylia out of the scroll

[Kaz] Actually, he was bonkers before he was blind, I think

[BOB] there was no need to use the scroll

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (fritz did you see my post about the wish?)

[BOB] but you do still need another day anyway for more spells, etc.

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((probably more so, now that he can't see))

[Mentor (Fritz)] Not if we can use a potion somehow to get there. I still have 2 more to make today

[BOB] mad = insane

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (i had said to wish Fin had sent the flail to the temple the first day after the dream)

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((Bob, would still have said the same thing... since he's a blind pixie))

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((I'd go insane too if I couldn't see where I was flying, and constantly thinking I'm going one place and really going another))

[Mentor (Fritz)] What will happen is that if we delay to long then Rave could potentially leave the area. That is what concerns me. Then we would potentially never be able to find him.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] flying blind is a bad combination, but being invisible and no one can tell you wehre you are, is a tripple threat

[BOB] it has already been more than 24 hours, what do you think of as a delay?

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((and from here on out, he could be known as Mad Rave, the blind pixie... lol))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] if we only had a wand of sumoning

[Mentor (Fritz)] If we are within 500miles of him I can cure him

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] on the same plane I would think

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so as players you need to think abou this

[BOB] you need to figure out how to get to a plane that you do not know where it is

[BOB] then how to find someone on that plane

[BOB] and knowing that with Player Knowledge it is full of devils, that can teleport mulitple times a day at will

[BOB] on an infinate plane

[BOB] it is possible

[Fritz] Bob do we need to know where the plane is if we have a well that transports us to planes at will

[BOB] I am not saying that

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((teleport there?))

[BOB] of course

[BOB] of coruse you need to know what plane you are going to

[Kaz] Now that Paul has been there, wouldn't he be able to just teleport through the pool? I've never been really sure how that works.

[BOB] the Pool works between dimension, no teleport needed

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I think if a wish can change the entire party to gnols, one wosh should bring a stone statue and a mad pixie home

[Fritz] So how do they planar travel without that knowledge. Is knowlege of what plane we are going to more than knowledge of what that plane is?

[BOB] Knowledge of what plane you want to go to

[BOB] you do not get to pick where you end up on that plane

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (like I wish rave and liam's statue plane shifted to the prime material plane?)

[BOB] every time Kylia does her Plane Shift to her own Gods home plane she ends up in a different place

[Fritz] For exaample we know it is the plane of Set. So can we therefor get to the plane wih the pool?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I have said that from the begining

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] but where on the plane and how to get back

[Fritz] You said it but does BOB say it?

[BOB] yes fritz, but then you are 'somewhere' on an infinate plane

[Vicki] then let's go to the stones and see if we can find the blind pixie from there

[BOB] and how are you getting back?

[Vicki] can't we teleport?

[BOB] teleport does not work across the planes

[Vicki] (yet again)

[Vicki] does the temple have water?

[BOB] it was in the desert

[BOB] no

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] the conrol crystal can bring us back with a natural body of water

[BOB] I am not sayign this can not be done,

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Fritz, did you see my wish idea?

[BOB] but it is not a 10 minute planning job and then jump click click to do it

[Vicki] and I take it spit, tears, and blood isn't "natural" water?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] not eought ot submurge the party

[BOB] this is the hardest rescue mission you have even undertaken

[Vicki] I don't know, John... blood can be pooled

[Fritz] Yes looking something up John give me a minute to respond.

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] so Kaz how are you

[Kaz] Not feeling so great

[Kaz] but alive! YAY!

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] what happened to you?

[Kaz] Just been stomach sick

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] sorry

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] Can we scry into another plane and see someone we know using a crystal ball or magic scrying pool bob?

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we do not have the abliyty to Scry

Christy] has joined the game on Fri Jun 12 21:41:55 EDT 2009

Christy] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Christy] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I think Mal had that ball

[BOB] you could try to figure that out Fritz

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] thank you christi, for showing up

[BOB] but the Pool finds places OR dimensions

[Vicki] wb Christy

[Kaz] Hiya Christy

[Fritz] WE do have the ability john the question is will it work.

[BOB] so you are needing something else

[BOB] and you never know if something Will work until you try

[Fritz] OK one sec BRB

[Vicki] sleep... we need sleep... lol

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we cannot scry to people

[Vicki] well, since they're turned to stone, couldn't we scry to stones?

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Christy] sorry, router issues but should be okay now

[Vicki] ok

[Fritz] If we can scry someone on another plane would it then be possible to focus the pool on that location Bob?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] if we can scry yes

[BOB] if you can find a way to scry a person

[BOB] 90% of scrying is location based

[Vicki] well, mentor has Rave's objects... couldn't that help?

[BOB] except a crystal ball

[BOB] welcome back christy

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] that is mostly what we are working off of

[Vicki] as for the others, I'm sure we'll find something among their belongings

[Vicki] keep in mind, they may not be together anymore... this is Bob we're talking about here... lol

Christy] has left the game on Fri Jun 12 21:46:45 EDT 2009

Christy] has joined the game on Fri Jun 12 21:47:34 EDT 2009

Christy] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Christy] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Fritz] I can create an oil of scrying. We/I know Rave personally and can therefore get 100% chance. Now doing it across planes drops it to 75%. We have his posessions so if Bob allows additives then that will make it go back to 100%. If not I can drink a potion of luck and make it a sure thing. I would prefer not to have to do that as I need that extra potion to heal Rave. Then we can wait a day and I can cure everyone and we can come home.

[Fritz] Yes I know they may no longer be together, but the longer we wait to get to Rave the more we risk losing him

[BOB] and when you scry Rave and jump into the middle of a devil's mansion

[BOB] the group is ready for that adventure?

[Christy] good times

[BOB] you can guess with 99% that they will not be where you left them

[BOB] live mortal creatures on that plane?

[BOB] that attracts attention

[Fritz] Well that will be up to you Bob...The scrying gives good view. If we see he is still in the temple then we can go. If he isn't in the temple then we don't go.

[BOB] Rave makes a fun pet

[BOB] ok

[Fritz] Oh well if in 2 days time then the chance of him still being in the temple is only 1% then we need to wait and be fully powered I guess.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] if only Rave was here, he could do it

[Fritz] It has been only 2 days correct Bob or 1 day?

[Kaz] lol John

[BOB] you woudl definately think that, it has been 3 days that he went mad, this is the 2nd day you have been back here

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] rave was crazy most of the day we were there

[Fritz] He was leashed by Finglass and lead around.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] paul came home ad took a day, this the is the of the third day and we still have not gotten all the spells back

[Kaz] And when did Finglas release his leash?

[BOB] during the fights

[Fritz] It would have been that when finglass made an action that brought him to this plane that separated them. It is the question of 2 days alone that we have to wonder what he has done

[Kaz] Blind and mad? I'm thinking not much.

[Fritz] I agree but Bob says that in an infinite plane in a lonely temple he would atract attention.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] othing good or constructive at least

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] that is always a discussion

[Fritz] I guess when demons come to our plane then they atract our attention immediately as well.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] but it makes a boring story if you go to another plane and do not have any visitors

[Fritz] I mean nasty evil creature poofs into a lonely forest...well I feel it now...Look...dEmon over there.

[Vicki] couldn't we lure a demon here to do as we will?

[Kaz] Why would we do that?

[Vicki] coax him to returning the rest of the party to us

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] i thought you were kidding

[Kaz] We have no knowledge of there being any demons on that plane, that I know of.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I think the point is someone was intrested in this quest with said flail

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] so someone might have been watching

[Fritz] Now John if we used your wish would Bob let us replay the dungeon or would the god SEt pervert the wish like he did Paphoset's spell?

[Fritz] Set=Bob

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] this was wish A

[BOB] grins

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] not wish B

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] wish b is wish rave and liam/morria status to this plane

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] simple wish to effect a plane shift

[Fritz] Oh then Set/Bob would put them in a volcano

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] seems simple enough to little old me

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] no, that would be a random roll at best

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] what are the odds

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you want to wish them here, no problem

[Fritz] 1% in our favor, 99% against

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] oh, btw, I do not have a wish

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I thought you did

[Fritz] This is fritz not Mentor speaking now

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I think the wish is a beter path to proceed

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] quicker and cleaner

[Vicki] well, let's try something

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] not that we throw wishes arrond

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Morria has one I think she would want us to use it, Kaz?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] andy ideas?

[Fritz] Well would someone be taking mentor to the Wishing well? He could wish something like I wish Rave and Moirra and Liam were here besides me now

[Kaz] Well

[Kaz] ooh, I forgot about the Wishing Well

[Vicki] kinda have to be careful with that... we may just end up with dopplegangers

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we need a LG character, player, here

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you see any

[Fritz] Val'Iant is LG

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] then let me know when you get back

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I will pool you there

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I guess I could go with you

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] teleport back

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] after I rememorise stoe to flesh

[Fritz] Oil of Mercury "when users anoint themselves with this oil, they are able to contact a vassal of one of the deities, ask the being a question that will be truthfully answered with a short phrase or word"

[Vicki] don't you want to do restoration?

[Fritz] I can reverse the stone to flesh again.

[Fritz] I mean Mentor could

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] so again, what should I do, oh master of the magics

[Fritz] You all need to help me with the wording of the wish people.

[Fritz] Do you think we should do the wishing well or something else?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] there are wish poeple? can I be a wish person?

[Vicki] lol

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] wishing well is beter from what I understand it is an entity we can talk with

[Fritz] John John John....I am not asking Paul...I am asking his better half

[John] I think wishing rave here now is short simple and to the point

[Fritz] I am asking EVERYONE'S opinion. I am trying to save everybody not just Rave

[Christy] if I die I am sooo coming back as a wish person

[John] wishing for Rave and the liam statue seems just as easy

[Fritz] Should I include the stone statues?

[Vicki] lol Christy

[Vicki] what of Moirra?

[John] with the advent of I wish the entire party to be gnolls, I say why not

[Fritz] Ok "I wish that Rave and the petrified statue of Liam with Moirra appear here beside me now."

[Kaz] Liam was holding Moirra, she's stone too.

[Fritz] Does that soun right?

[Kaz] And dead.

[John] MOrria is part of the liam statue

[Fritz] sound right?

[John] sould good to me

[Vicki] ok...

[Fritz] That is why I worded it as the" petrified statue of iam with Moirra"

[John] KAz?

[Fritz] Kaz what do you think?

[Kaz] I'm kind of thinking about the "petrified statue" part.

[Fritz] Bob were they petrified?

[John] just say statue of Liam and Moria, there is only one I think

[John] a petrified status is still a statue

[Christy] you never know

[Fritz] Or would "the stone statue of the petrified Liam with Moirra" better?

[John] too many words for my taste

[Kaz] yes

[Kaz] and too much...

[Kaz] does it need to be that descriptive?

[Christy] for Bob?

[Fritz] WEll usually the more specific the wish the less it is likely to be misinterpretted and peversed by the perverseness of Bob

[Kaz] I hesitate at calling them "the statue of"

[Christy] hmm...

[Kaz] would rather it be "the petrified forms of"

[Fritz] Well that sounds even better

[Vicki] especially when taking consideration they could very well be dopplegangers that appear rather than the actual characters

[Kaz] because somewhere, in some plane, there may exist a carved statue of Liam holding Moirra. You want the actual people.

[Fritz] Bob were the petrified or were the turned to stone?

[John] see that is where I question, they were not petrified, they were truned to stone, I see a diffrence

[BOB] turned to stone

[Fritz] AHAH

[John] do you think there is a Morria doll somewhere on some plane?

[John] ;x

[Vicki] John, it's possible...

[Kaz] John, this is Bob's world. You just never know.

[Vicki] remember... we're talking about Bob's possibilities here...

[Fritz] So the wish would go "I wish that Rave and the turned to stone forms of Liam with Moirra appear here beside me now."

[John] I am ok with that

[Vicki] you might just wind up with stone forms of Liam and Moirra

[Vicki] and restoration may do nothing

[Fritz] no I said the "turned to stone forms"

[Kaz] I do think that's better, Fritz

[Vicki] and you may just end up with doppleganger rave

[Fritz] So the wish would go "I wish that Rave and the turned to stone forms of Liam with Moirra would appear here beside me now."

[John] wait, " appear" could be just a vision

[John] just say were here

[Christy] :attention looks good right now...:

[Fritz] So the wish would go "I wish that Rave and the turned to stone forms of Liam with Moirra were here beside me now."

[John] sure, thind times a charm

[BOB (to Christy only)] just wait if they come back then you stilll have Paul who wants to take over

[Fritz] What do you think Kaz?

[Vicki] ok, but I'm not sure that will guarantee Rave, Liam, and Moirra

[Vicki] over dopplegangers anyway

[Fritz] The only thing guarenteed is that I use a wish. The rest is up to Bob Vicki

[Kaz] I think you're obsessed with dopplegangers.

[Vicki] no

[Fritz] Yea just because one killed you and took your place is no reason to freak out

[Fritz] hehehehe

[John (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 6 (5). CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 11 (10). CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 6 (2). CHANGED: 4 -- Current: 5 (2). CHANGED: 6 -- Current: 3 (1). Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Charm Person -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Clairvoyance -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: CloudKill -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Conjure Earth Elemental -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Control Weather -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Fly -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Improved Invisiblity -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Improved Spider Climb -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Improved Strength -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Lance of disruption -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Lightning Bolt -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Polmorph Self -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 2 (4), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: See my new wall (I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.),

[Kaz] lol

[Vicki] not obsessed, looking at possibilities of having those cuz it's Bob we're talking about here

[Fritz] That's like when my first character i ever played was killed by gnolls I was scared to death of them no matter what level I played

[Vicki] and actually, I haven't thought about them until I saw dopplegangers on Star Trek

[Vicki] recently

[Fritz] Gnolls and Vampires the 2 most deadly creatures every created

[John] it is the path of least resistance

[Kaz] lol Fritz

[Christy] hmm, can we have a pc vamp?

[BOB] quasips, the giant rat things, those are the most dangerous

[Vicki] and as John said, it could just be visions too

[John] if you use the word apear

[Vicki] holograms

[Fritz] Someone turn off Vicki's computer please...She is going to get us Bobalized!!!

[Christy] materialize

[Kaz] I really really hate vampires

[Vicki] lol

[Christy] someone get a thesaurus

[Fritz] 8*)

[Vicki] I'm overly tired, and thinking of all possibilities

[BOB] ok, so Val is going in with Paul and Mentor

[BOB] anyone else going?

[Fritz] Why do we need a dinosaur Christy?

[Christy] that's a thesaures Rex

[Kaz] That would be a really cool pet, Fritz.

[Christy] we need the big book of words

[Kaz] Plus, we'd be able to slide out of our windows down to the ground :)

[Fritz] Not as cool as a Flameskull...Isn't that right Bob?

[BOB] shakes my head

[Vicki] Christy, you don't want to know what I thought of just now...

[Christy] so we can figure out 10 ways to say the thing Bob knows we want

[Vicki] now... Kwan's going...

[BOB] ok

[Fritz] Could we then slide into our waiting car and hoof it to work Kaz?

[Vicki] lol Christy, good point

[BOB] so Kwan, Val, Mentor and Paul

[BOB] all telporting in

[Kaz] absolutely Fritz, and ten points for getting the refernce.:)

[John] pooling in

[Christy] who's going where?

[Fritz] :)

[Christy] to fetch Lorie?

[Christy] I mean Kylia

[BOB] Lorie is already back and de-stonified

[Vicki] lol Christy, to fetch Rave, Liam, and Moirra

[Fritz] Nah I saved Lorie already...LOL

[BOB] this is the rescue mission to get the people left behind in Hell

[John] and stoned

[John] or crazy, blind and invisible

[Christy] see, with the wish debate and the worrying over the wording, my attention has...

[Fritz] Rescue 101...when in doubt chicken out and wish 'em home!!!!

[John] ouch

[BOB] so pooling in

[Vicki] lol Fritz

[BOB] make your wish Kwan

[BOB] and Mentor

[Fritz] I wish I had a friendly flameskull named Abigail

[John] ::paul stands guard::


[Vicki] ((lol))

[John] THAT is not funny

[Christy] hey-my daughter's name is Abigail

[John] your skull tuend into a flamming skull named Abigail

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((wait, now why do I need to make a wish?))

[Christy] and her skull is not flame-y at all

[BOB] you said you wanted to

[BOB] a bit ago

[BOB] if you don't want to then why did you want to go?

[John] to Keep Paul company

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((to help attack anything that may not be what Mentor really wants))

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((just being prepared :D))

[BOB] ok

[Fritz] Bob before I do I combine a potion of..... with a potion of the voo doo masters with Rave's Hair sample in it.

[John] can you wish me a staff of Magus to go with my Flair (hint hint)

[John] can I sugest the Kwan wish the flail destroyed as that is something Paul does not want?

[Fritz] Mind restoration Bob...Cures any form of normal or magical insantity and resotres a feeble minded character to health

[BOB] ok

[Fritz] I don't drink it until AFTER the wish

[John] don't spill it

[John] (bob looking up another magic item)

[Mentor (Fritz)] Ready Bob?

[John (to Vicki only)] spell

[BOB] sure

[Kwan Sun (Vicki) (to John only)] spell what?

[John (to Vicki only)] that wa odd

[Mentor (Fritz)]

[John] just put / spell and it whispered to Vicikie

[Mentor (Fritz)] "I wish that Rave and the turned to stone forms of Liam with Moirra were here beside me now."

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan, Rave Starfire and Moirra moved 293'02".


[BOB] there they are

[Mentor (Fritz)] I drink the potion

[BOB] ok

[Mentor (Fritz)] He is still blind but not insane I hope

[Kwan Sun (Vicki) (to John only)] yeah that was odd

[Mentor (Fritz)] Master Rave are you there? Are you ok?

[BOB] yes

[Mentor (Fritz)] Whew... Thank goodness.

[John] bob reading more

[Mentor (Fritz)] Ok...Tomorrow I can cure your blindness and restore Liam and Moirra

[Kwan Sun (Vicki) (to BOB only)] of all the things you could have done... you didn't do anything...

[BOB] wait

[BOB] your second potion was?

[Mentor (Fritz)] Then we shall need someone to Raise her from the ....OH HELL!!!

[Mentor (Fritz)] First potion was Dark Draft of the voodoo Masters.

[Mentor (Fritz)] Second Potion was Potion of Mind REstoration

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((oh nice...))

[BOB] it works as expected

[John] you are drinking two potions back to back?

[BOB] was checking for the wording

[Mentor (Fritz)] ((Whew Whew...wipes urine off of seat))

[John] ;)

[Mentor (Fritz)] ((Pass a sponge please))

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((pissing your pants now Fritz?))

[Mentor (Fritz)] ((Only when Bob said "Wait"))

[BOB] and now Paul can teleport you all back

[Mentor (Fritz)] (( "Now" I am going to change))

[John] now does Morria want to use her wish to be reincarnated or Resurected

[Mentor (Fritz)] She is dead she can't wish

[John] oh yes, Paul teleports all back first

[Mentor (Fritz)] She can wish that I get my wish back....that would be nice

[John] does Kaz want the party to use Morria's wishing coin

[BOB] so you are all back in Roadhaven again

[BOB] you have Liam and Moirra

[Mentor (Fritz)] Moirra has a wishing coin?

[Kaz] It's not specifically Moirra's. It was handed to her, but given to the party.

[John] not that Mentor knows

[Mentor (Fritz)] A wishing Coin? A wishing coin!! Moirra has a Wishing coin and Mentor didn't know. ((Sing it with me))

[Mentor (Fritz)] A wishing Coin? A wishing coin!! Moirra has a Wishing coin and Mentor didn't know.

[Kaz] Moirra can't be resurrected, either. Only Raised or Reincarnated.

[Mentor (Fritz)] HAy!!!

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] ((LOL Fritz))

[Mentor (Fritz)] A wishing Coin? A wishing coin!! Moirra has a Wishing coin and Mentor didn't know.

[Kaz] lol Fritz

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] if you all can handle this now I ned some rest please, then do some research on the flail

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I will have Kit go with you back to the underdark

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] by the time you get back, I will have figure this thing out

[Mentor (Fritz)] Sure thing Paul...Tomorrow I will remove Rave's blindness, turn Liam and Moirra to flesh. And then we shall just need someone to raise her from the dead.

[Mentor (Fritz)] Bob is she at 0 hitpoints dead or -10 hitpoints dead?

[BOB] -10 dead

[BOB] anytime you die you automatically drop to -10

[Kwan Sun (Vicki)] In that case, I better head out for the night. I'm tired and need to make another errand since we have no pain relievers

[BOB] night Vic

[Mentor (Fritz)] Ok. And it is WAAAAY to late to reverse her poison correct?

[BOB] yes

[Vicki] night night y'all

[Mentor (Fritz)] Night Vicki

[Christy] night

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Jun 12 22:44:16 EDT 2009

[BOB] ok, so that was on the 23rd

[BOB] next day is the 24th

[BOB] Paul is off whereever

[BOB] Rave

[BOB] and that group

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] yes sir?

[BOB] working on the stone to flesh

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] buy all

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] by all

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] bye all

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I use a potion of Restoration on them

[Kaz] Night John

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Wait John

[Christy] night John

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] no I was saying bye to who ever was leaving

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Who would cast the "Raise dead spell"?

[Kaz] oh, lol John

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul knows Moria would not want that

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] he is prepared to reincarnate her

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] She would want raise dead john

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] he wants it, she wants it

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] raise dead or reincarnate

[Christy] I think I'm off for the night too - it's past my bedtime. great to see y'all again. I'll try to log in next week!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] just not resurection correct Kaz?

[Kaz] right, just not Resurrect

[BOB] HUGS, night Christy

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] thanks again

[Christy] no prob

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Sight Christy and thanks

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Night

[Christy] :)

Christy] has left the game on Fri Jun 12 22:47:02 EDT 2009

[Fritz] Can you do Raise Dead john?

[Kaz] night Christy

[Kaz] missed her

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] no I am not a priest

[Kaz] Can't the priests in Roadhaven do it? There are enough of them.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] nor a necromancer

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] only Kylia can

[Kaz] ahh

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] if Lori were here

[Fritz] They or Kylia or Finglas?

[Kaz] I think Finglas would need to be Lifted to be able to Raise

[Fritz] Ok. Then hopefully Lorie will return so we can get Moirra Raised

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I do not thnk Finsglass can

[BOB] Kaz do you want to wait?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] she wants reincarnation, it is the Keltic way

[BOB] or do you want John to do the Reincarnate now

[Fritz] She doesn't live in Boston

[Kaz] I dunno. I'm not sure what are the ramifications of waiting, Bob. I'm sure you'll have time Marching on, so what happens then?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] does Kaz understand the diffrence

[BOB] no ramifications

[BOB] just if you want to know tonight or not

[Fritz] Reincarnate you lose half your level

[BOB] you can do it now

[BOB] OR you can wait till next week and hope Mike or Lorie are here

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] xp not level

[BOB] until they show up it can not be done

[Fritz] raise dead just a constitition point

[Kaz] Reincarnate I come back as.... whatever Bob picks.

[Fritz] Half your levelSSSSS sorry

[BOB] based on a roll

[Fritz] But you lose half your experience Kaz...that is alot

[Kaz] I know, Bob.

[Fritz] You would be a 4th leve

[Fritz] 4th level cleric

[Kaz] Fritz, you don't need to smash it in my face. :D

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] i am not sure, depends on what you come back as

[Fritz] Sorry just want you to know what the ramifications are. [Kaz] I'd actually prefer to be Raised first, Reincarnated if Raising doesn't work.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] 1/2 xp general y means one level lower

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] BOB reading again

[Fritz] It says half previous levels and hitpoints

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Mage diffrent than priest

[BOB] John is right

[BOB] Mage no lost levels

[BOB] Priest there is

[Fritz] . If the reincarnated character returns as a creature eligible to be the same class as he was previously (i.e., a human fighter returns as an elf), the reincarnated character has half his previous levels and hit points. If the character returns as a new character class, his hit points are half his previous total, but he must begin again at 1st level. If the character returns as a creature unable to have a class, he has half the hit points and saving throws of his previous incarnation.

[BOB] ok Kaz

[BOB] you have the Priest version there Fritz

[BOB] but in any case

[Fritz] oh sorry

[BOB] that is for next week

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] yea, good night all.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Thanks to Fritz for saving the day

[Kaz] Night John.

[BOB] and christy

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I already thanked her

[Kaz] Yes, thank you Fritz, and actually Thank You to everone who helped.

[BOB] chuckles

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::strokes Fritz's ego::

[Fritz] LOL

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ttfn

John] has left the game on Fri Jun 12 22:55:08 EDT 2009

[Fritz] Don't need to I only aim to make people happy and help the group

[Kaz] damn, brb

[Fritz] Bob can you tell me how many xp's my henchmen are at so I can work on them this week?

[BOB] I need to check the calendar

[Fritz] Ok.

[BOB] so not quite ready

[Fritz] I guess next week is character building week?

[BOB] we will see

[BOB] depends on who shows up

[BOB] etc

[BOB] the Raise first if possible

[BOB] then moving on

[Fritz] Ask John if he wants me to sneak over and destroy the circlet and flail for him? LOL

[BOB] chuckles, you will have to ask that on the site

[Fritz] Do we actually know he is a megalomaniac?

[Kaz] sorry, back

[Fritz] Did they ever go back and search for treasure?

[BOB] no to both

[BOB] well

[BOB] you heard Paul muttering those things in the temple

[BOB] at least Finglas did

[Fritz] Ok...Well Kaz we may have to go back and clean out the temple together when you are raised. Grab Liam and we can go "A'treasure hunting"

[Kaz] Fritz, seriously. Treasure?

[Kaz] You think we're actually getting any? :D

[Fritz] Yes...I am a thief after all. I do have my priorities...No but if you don't look you don't get.

[BOB] ok, night guys

[Fritz] Night all

[Kaz] NIght night

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Jun 12 23:01:44 EDT 2009

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Jun 12 23:01:52 EDT 2009