Main / Jun1314

Jun 13 14 - The Enemy of My Enemy - Long Live the King

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Sun Jun 08 20:32:34 EDT 2014 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 13 18:48:07 EDT 2014 ====

[Master] I am organizing myself here, we will pick up one of the two story lines as soon as we have a handful of people in. TMO is a no show tonight.

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] [Hoffman]] moved 63'05".

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 18:55:58 EDT 2014

Lisa is receiving the map Temple...

Lisa has received the map Temple.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hello

[Master] Valedianna moved 59'07".

[Lisa] Hello

[Master] We have John and Mike to show up I do believe

[Master] unless you want to take on the Fire Elemental alone?

[Lisa] Eric's coming too

[Master] yes but he will be later I am guessing

[Lisa] we'll see how it goes

[John Anstett] has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:01:15 EDT 2014

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Temple...

[Lisa] reminds me that I have to install klooge on laptop over the weekend

[Master] smile

[Lisa] otherwise will forget entirely

Eric has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:01:49 EDT 2014

Eric is receiving the map Temple...

[Master] and it looks like a full house

Eric has received the map Temple.

[Lisa] see! :)

[Eric] hello all

[Lisa] Hello !

Eric is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

[Master] Hello there, John is still loading the extra sounds, etc from the other temple

Eric has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[John Anstett] has received the map Temple.

[Eric] ool

[Master] and there we are

Lisa is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

Lisa has received the map Catacombs secret section.

John Anstett hello all

[Master] so you have the choice of Fire Elemental cliff hanger or get out of the cavern to face red cloak cliff hanger

John Anstett did i miss much?

[Eric] either is fine with me bob

[Master] grins at John

[Lisa] I'm good with Tristan's

[Eric] ok lets try and survive the elemental

[Master] So John you are ready for a good old fashioned... head into the heart of the skull church hidden underground temple and it turns out to be a fight against a rampaging fire elemental with greeks, suomi and kayugan all working together

[Master] I bet no one saw that twist of Enemy of my Enemy coming did they? :)

John Anstett so does that mean I am not suposed to attack any priest?

[Eric] i did

[Eric] totally

[Lisa] not at all - all my spells were designed to kill humans

[Lisa] not to be the dragonslayer fire brigade

[Eric] lol so were all my planning

[Eric] well done

mikE has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:07:29 EDT 2014

mikE is receiving the map Temple...

mikE has received the map Temple.

[Master] excellent!

John Anstett so it is I do not have to outrun the fire elemental, I just have to out run you?

[Eric] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] exactly

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] outrun the clumsy priest

[Master] so everyone is on the right map

[Master] now hold on to your hats

[Lisa] or use the Kipyuttos as shields

[Master] I am going to click on the gong

[Lisa] oh no

[Master] see if everyone stays connected

[Master] ROUND: 1

[mikE] hey

[Lisa] Hi Mike btw :

[mikE] sorry about last week

[Master] UES!

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] hello

John Anstett i need int?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] yea

[Master] yes to John

[mikE] computer was being weird

[Master] no worries Mike

[mikE] and melinda's mom wouldn't shut up

[Master] it was also here

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] Initiative changed from 11 to 11.

[mikE] was hard to concentrate with her

John Anstett [Hoffman]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=5] 13

[Master] Val needs an Init also

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Attack: Morning Star:: is now ARMED.

[Master] then I will give everyone ten minutes to talk and plan

[mikE] Valedianna: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=10] 18

[Master] by my watch here

[Master] so GO

John Anstett [Hoffman]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=3] 11

[Master] Initiative changed from 13 to 11.

John Anstett i am trying

[Master] trying what john? talking and planning

[mikE] right, so giant fire elemental?

[Master] I will click next

[mikE] val's got nuthin

[Master] when the time is up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (does anyone have a way of breaking this fountain or sending the gazillions of gallons of water we are standing at the flame?)

[mikE] nope

John Anstett lag

John Anstett this water is higher than the flames?

[Master] not currently

[Master] there is a large pool of water there

[Master] the flames are currently up on a platform

John Anstett steps down into the water

John Anstett or just a wall

[Master] just a wall

John Anstett ok, sound like fun

[Master] any magic items? magic weapons? spells?

[mikE] so what's the deal with this elemental?

[Master] party pack,

[mikE] on a rampage, or just killing us?

[Master] on a rampage killing everything in the temple it appears

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I was looking at that party pack today... not much there for the fire elemental

[Master] so far there are five dead priests

John Anstett Hoffman thinks a magic club not any better than a metal ax

[Master] two of the suomi adherents that came with you have died

[mikE] and why are we stopping it?

[mikE] shouldn't we just be standing out of its way?

[Master] because it will kill you eventually most likely

[Master] you are in teh way between it and the exit

[mikE] hence the standing out of the way

[mikE] it's doing our job for us

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I don't have any spells that are useful against an elemental

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (my spells should work if it hits any creature I think)

[Master] but are they useful for helping others with stand?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (maybe :))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (magic missile, fire eating jaws of death)

[Master] 3 more minutes of planning

[mikE] just run?

John Anstett is anyine telling Hoffman, he needs magic to hit it?

[mikE] no prriest?

John Anstett or does he?

[mikE] we could use banish

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I cant cast it yet

John Anstett Dispell Magic?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Doesn't affect creatures

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] just spells and effects

[mikE] i don't know any of your abilities enough to come up with ideas

[mikE] how high is this room?

John Anstett I am back at the keyboard.

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] I will cove you Brawynn, till the end'

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Master] room is about 40 feet high

[mikE] okay

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Tristan Elaire

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] test

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] test

[Master] are you there Eric?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] test

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jun 13 19:21:04 EDT 2014

Eric has left the game on Fri Jun 13 19:21:08 EDT 2014

[John Anstett] has left the game on Fri Jun 13 19:21:11 EDT 2014

mikE has left the game on Fri Jun 13 19:21:14 EDT 2014

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:21:44 EDT 2014

Lisa is receiving the map Temple...

Lisa has received the map Temple.

Lisa is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

[John Anstett] has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:22:15 EDT 2014

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Temple...

Lisa has received the map Catacombs secret section.

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] (I throw clubs and axes, I can build a trough to move the water if you can hold it off for a while)

[John Anstett] has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:22:30 EDT 2014

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Temple...

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] (I throw clubs and axes, I can build a trough to move the water if you can hold it off for a while)

mikE has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:22:41 EDT 2014

mikE is receiving the map Temple...

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] (I throw clubs and axes, I can build a trough to move the water if you can hold it off for a while)

mikE has received the map Temple.

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] (I throw clubs and axes, I can build a trough to move the water if you can hold it off for a while)

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] (I throw clubs and axes, I can build a trough to move the water if you can hold it off for a while)

[mikE] Val yells "Auntie, Branwyn, grab ahold of me." and holds out her hands

[John Anstett] has left the game on Fri Jun 13 19:23:02 EDT 2014

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] (I throw clubs and axes, I can build a trough to move the water if you can hold it off for a while)

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] (I throw clubs and axes, I can build a trough to move the water if you can hold it off for a while)

[John Anstett] has left the game on Fri Jun 13 19:23:15 EDT 2014

[Master] Ok

[Lisa] (bob are everyone's icons here?)

[Master] so I deleted (after backing up)

[Master] the Long Live the King adventure

Eric has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:24:34 EDT 2014

Eric is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

Eric has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[John Anstett] has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:24:44 EDT 2014

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and it didn't help)

[Master] hoping that will fix this issue

[John Anstett] has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[Master] no I just did it

[Eric] back

[Master] I had to wait until people were not trying to get the maps from that adventure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (okay - we got the shield - mission accomplished on that one anyway :) )

[Master] LOL

[Master] so

[Master] hitting the next button again

[Master (to GM only)] INIT: 10 GOING: Start of Round

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Tristan Elaire

[Master] and that might have fixed it

John Anstett was it summoned with an item we can destroy?

[mikE] okay, so to repeat my message in case it got lost

[Master] you do not know John

[mikE] okay, so to repeat my message in case it got lost

[mikE] Val yells "Auntie, Branwyn, grab ahold of me." and holds out her hands

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We're running away?

[Eric] I am back at the keyboard.

John Anstett anyone who would know still alive?

[Master] Val is back on the stairs, Bran and Jen are in the pool right now

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] We could...

[Master] and Tristan is up

[Master] what are you doing?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No no

mikE is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

mikE has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire casts a spell against : Spiritual Hammer: I summon forth a magical hammer which flies around and hits things for (3+6) 9 rounds.

[Eric] Tristan Elaire targets Flames. Distance: 47'05"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Attack: Spiritual Morning Star:: is now ARMED.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Attack: Morning Star:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire: Attack: Spiritual Morning Star: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 17. MISSES Flames (AC FINAL: 2).

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: [Hoffman]]

John Anstett just cause he does not know

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Try and keep away from it. Use anything you can at range...

John Anstett [Hoffman]] moved 71'00".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] brb need to switch the laundry over

John Anstett [Hoffman]] targets Flames. Distance: 54'06"

John Anstett [Hoffman]]: Attack: Arrow; Flight: (14-(d20+1)) [1d20=20] -7. HITS Flames (AC FINAL: 2)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

John Anstett [Hoffman]]: Attack: Arrow; Flight: (14-(d20+1)) [1d20=10] 3. MISSES Flames (AC FINAL: 2).

John Anstett [Hoffman]]: Damage v L: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Flames

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Properis

[Master (to GM only)] Flames: No adjustments made.

[Master] no affect from the arrow from Hoffman

John Anstett (waste of a good roll)

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jun 13 19:30:12 EDT 2014

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:30:44 EDT 2014

Lisa is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

Lisa has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[Master] (checking a spell description for Properis)

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Properis targets Priest #9. Distance: 118'11"

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Properis casts a spell against Priest #9: Music of the Spheres: Up to (1/3) 0.3333333333333333 creatures within a 20' diameter circle cannot harm me and are vulnerable to a suggestion for the next (10+1) 11 rounds.

[Master] Flames: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: [Marisu]]

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Branwyn

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Flames. Distance: 59'02"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Flames: Manyjaws: Range: 10ft/lvl; Duration 6 rounds; Saving Throw: 1/2 Max 10 jaws. Spell brings 1 pair of clashing jaws per level of caster floating in midair. Jaws attack 1 creature per round at movement of 15. Jaws penetrate non-magic armour & automatically hit target each round. Magic armour is less 1 pt damage per jaw. Successful saving thorw is half damage but 1 pt damge minimum per jaw. Damage: (1d4*10) [1d4=3] 30

[Master] (Mike just lost power)

John Anstett oops

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] holy cow

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] nice spell

[Master] Flames: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Master] Flames's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 91 (-15) - Lightly Wounded

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (his saving throws are too good)

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Valedianna

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Aunt Jennevive

John Anstett SOMEONE SUMMINED a 100 hit pt elemental?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (mike lost power at his house?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Stupid archbishop of Hades

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He desserved to get burnt by his own creation

mikE has left the game on Fri Jun 13 19:37:50 EDT 2014

John Anstett (not a spell I know of, must be an item)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (does flame have to reroll his saving throw each round or is he good for all 6 rounds my jaws are munching?)

John Anstett (it was Mike with the wind servent, Eric do you have one?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] nope

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (no elemental access)

mikE has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:40:41 EDT 2014

mikE is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] one chance at this, she mutters

mikE has received the map Catacombs secret section.

John Anstett (HEY!)

[Master] Aunt Jennevive targets Flames. Distance: 71'02"

[mikE] god i hate my power grid

John Anstett and that is why it failed

[Master] Aunt Jennevive casts a spell against Flames: Mental Domination: For (7*3) 21 rounds I completely control the actions of the target if it fails a save.

[Master] Flames: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Master] INIT: 24 GOING: Flames

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] wow...

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] so Val can do something first

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] that would have been nice

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] was her only 4th level left though

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] so Mike

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] anything from Val?

John Anstett (and the wind servent was the other group, face slap)

[mikE] she'll fly in and hover i guess

[mikE] Valedianna moved 72'01".

[mikE] she's got nothing ot really attack with

[Master] Flames targets Bind. Distance: 15'10"

[Master] Flames: Damage v SM: Fist of Flame: (3d8) [3d8=7,7,3] 17 added to: Bind

[Master] Bind's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -23 (-17) - Dead

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Tristan Elaire

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire: Attack: Spiritual Morning Star: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 14. MISSES Flames (AC FINAL: 2).

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: [Hoffman]]

John Anstett droping bow, pulling out magic club, holding attack

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Properis

John Anstett Attack: Club:: is now ARMED.

[Master] Properis casts a spell against Priest #9: Animate Dead - Priest: Skeletons or zombies are created from corpses.

[Master] Zombie: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: [Marisu]]

[Master] Zombie moved 10'04".

[Master] Zombie targets Flames. Distance: 1'07"

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] flails at the flames ineffectively

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Branwyn

Branwyn (Lisa) waves her hand at the jaws to keep them attacking

[Master] Flames: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

John Anstett woot

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yay)

[Master] Flames's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 61 (-30) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Valedianna

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (it does that every round?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (6 rounds)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (that's a bad ass spell Lisa)

[mikE] Val lands next to Auntie

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] grins, yeah do not piss off Branwyn

[mikE (to Master only)] "I can fly us out of here if you want."

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what Branwyn does best)

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Aunt Jennevive

John Anstett why do you think Hoffman is defending her

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he doesn't want to get eaten?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Master] Aunt Jennevive casts a spell against Flames: Music of the Spheres: Up to (7/3) 2.3333333333333335 creatures within a 20' diameter circle cannot harm me and are vulnerable to a suggestion for the next (10+7) 17 rounds.

[Master] Flames: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Master] INIT: 24 GOING: Flames

John Anstett if the elemental moves Hoffman wants to move up to it

[Master] Flames moved 4'03".

[Master] Flames targets Zombie. Distance: 5'03"

[Master] Flames: Attack: Fist of Flame: (5-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] -6. HITS Zombie (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Flames: Damage v SM: Fist of Flame: (3d8) [3d8=3,5,3] 11 added to: Zombie

[Master] Zombie's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-11) - Massively Wounded

[Master] ROUND: 3

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: [Hoffman]]

John Anstett [Hoffman]] moved 21'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] STOP!!

John Anstett holding attack

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Tristan Elaire

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire: Attack: Spiritual Morning Star: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 7. MISSES Flames (AC FINAL: 2).

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Zombie

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] flail burning hands at it

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (well i'm pretty ineffective)

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Properis

John Anstett (feel like a zombie?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol

John Anstett (so far I have been a wolrd of good)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (youre a great meat shield)

[Master] Properis casts a spell against Zombie: Command: I command the target to follow a single round action. Those with 13 intelligence or more or 6 hit dice or more are entitled saves.

[Master] Flames: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Properis (Master)] GO OUT

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (out where?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (did you mean to say extinguish yourself?)

[Properis (Master)] (sorry thinking through all the various sides of this, darn funny that a 1 st level spell made it through)

John Anstett (I am not saying anything that will ruin this)

[Properis (Master)] Properis is not thinking in such intellectual language, as Branwyn the Mysterious

John Anstett (Go home, might have been better)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how about go jump in a lake)

[Properis (Master)] I am going to rule that the Elemental is shocked and stunned and is a normal flame for this round, until it goes again,

[Properis (Master)] so no magical weapon needed to attack

[Properis (Master)] but beyond that it stays in place

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: [Marisu]]

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Branwyn

John Anstett can hoffman throw an ax?

Branwyn (Lisa) waves her jaws on

[Properis (Master)] yes

[Master] Flames: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

John Anstett WOW

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Valedianna

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Aunt Jennevive

John Anstett [Hoffman]] no longer targets Flames.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sweet)

John Anstett [Hoffman]] targets Flames. Distance: 38'00"

[Master] Flames's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 31 (-30) - Heavily Wounded

John Anstett I think that is out of range

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] brb

[mikE] Valedianna: Looting check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] dog needs to go outside

John Anstett anyone know the range of throwing an ax?

[Master] Aunt Jennevive casts a spell against Flames: Dictate: Up to 6 creatures follow a single command for (7) 7 rounds.

[Master] Flames: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

John Anstett WTFm BIB are you cheating for us?

John Anstett sorry

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (HAH! Never

John Anstett what was I thinking

John Anstett all of a sudden I think I might need to attack Auntie

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] RETURN TO YOUR HOME

[Master] Combat has finished.

John Anstett at this point it may want to

[mikE] nice. that's like banish i suppose

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] well that works

Aunt Jennevive (Master) heaves a ddep sigh and slips down to sit in the water

Branwyn (Lisa) waves her jaws away

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] splash

[Master] WOW

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] you've proven yourself quite useful on this mission Aunt Jennevive

[Master] that wave a very unexpected ending

[mikE] ::pats Auntie on the shoulder:: "Good work."

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] I did not get a chance to hit anyting

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] let me hit something

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] is there a zombie left?

[Eric] Tristan Elaire targets [Hoffman]]. Distance: 11'08"

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Properis your zombie is on fire, you should let it resturn to the grave

[Eric] Tristan Elaire no longer targets [Hoffman]].

Branwyn (Lisa) slogs her way out of the fountain

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] go ahead, at least if I was hit

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 6'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 19'01".

[Master] Zombie's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-11) - Dead

John Anstett that is how we live and not die by the die

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Jennevieve. Don't you want to get out of that water?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] wry smile at Branwyn

Tristan Elaire (Eric) looks to Properis

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I think the cool feels very nice right now

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] considering the options

John Anstett hoffman retrieves bow and starts looking for his arrow

John Anstett ;)

[Master] Properis moved 25'08".

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

[Valedianna (mikE) (to Master only)] anything in here worth stealing?

[Valedianna (mikE) (to Master only)] i made that looting roll on val's last turn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 61'02".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Properis your church has been cleansed by your own leader's pride... We have come to do what you have done yourself

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Now is the time for you to leave. The followers of Hades no longer hold this temple

[Master] Valedianna XP award: 1428. Next level in 33925.

[Master] Tristan Elaire XP award: 2857. Next level in 13429.

[Master] [Hoffman]] XP award: 2857. Next level in 163.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 2857. Next level in 113618.

John Anstett are you kidding me?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master) (to mikE only)] nothing that you see here, apparently the greek priests smashed a bunch of the suomi stuff and the elemental demolished a bunch of the greek stuff

John Anstett just funny to me

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Tristan

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] You need to take a breath

John Anstett [Hoffman]] moved 50'07".

[Valedianna (mikE)] ::kicks some smashed up stuff:: "There isn't even anything here worth taking."

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Do I?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you are going to send this man on his way? to go talk with his superiors and tell them what happened here?

Aunt Jennevive (Master) raises an eyebrow

[Valedianna (mikE)] "Ought to finish the job,"

Tristan Elaire (Eric) thinks to himself

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hoffman, can you help bring Drestin and Bind off this altar? These silly little girls shouldn't be left here at the altar to Hades.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They did not have to die. If they had only waited for us ....

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] as he searchs for a burt arrow "Hey don't you all still have to decide who will take over?

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] sure thing

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] [Hoffman]] moved 7'00".

Branwyn (Lisa) starts to pull Drestin down towards the fountain

John Anstett [Hoffman]] targets Drestin. Distance: 0'06"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you

John Anstett Drestin targets [Hoffman]]. Distance: 0'06"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] If we kill him his superiors will now soon enough Jennevive when they do not report back.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe we can put them in one of the empty crypts?

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] [Hoffman]] moved 63'01".

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] [Hoffman]] moved 67'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We should ask Yellin when she comes down.

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] we do not want to spoil the water but puts body close

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] Drestin moved 59'05".

John Anstett Drestin no longer targets [Hoffman]].

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] [Hoffman]] moved 65'10".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 38'10".

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] [Hoffman]] moved 60'01".

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] Bind moved 65'06".

Branwyn (Lisa) thinks to herself that they weren't able to protect all of the last group of pilgrms either and shakes her head

[Properis (Master)] I did save your life son of Cahus

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I believe it was us that saved yours...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] But you did stand and fight beside us

Tristan Elaire (Eric) sighs

[Master] Aunt Jennevive moved 5'03".

[Master] Aunt Jennevive targets Properis. Distance: 8'09"

[Master] Aunt Jennevive casts a spell against Properis: Hold Person - Priest: Up to 4 target humanoids are held immobile for (7*2) 14 rounds unless they make a save vs spell.

[Master] Properis: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] oops

Tristan Elaire (Eric) looks to Jennevive

Branwyn (Lisa) turns back to see what Tristan and Jennevieve are doing

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Was that necessary?

[Properis (Master)] You need to decide what to do here,

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] sorry

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] You need to decide what to do here

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] he talks!

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] stop dithering

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I have

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] he will be released

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] at any moment he could have flicked out and did exactly what I did

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] If you are a true commander you need to stand your ground and make your choices

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] he will be sent with a message to the Greek Church to stay out of these parts or they will bring a holy war upon their church

Aunt Jennevive (Master) nods

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] He fought beside us all

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] he has earned his life... for what it is worth

Aunt Jennevive (Master) flicks a finger at Properis

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and he relaxes

Tristan Elaire (Eric) looks to Properis

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Leave this place at once

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Never return

[Hoffman]] ([John Anstett]) walks up to Tristan

[Hoffman]] ([John Anstett]) looking tough as if to say I got his back

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] tell your master that this land holds the people to the true faith.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] You are not welcome here

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] If you return it shall only bring more suffering to your people

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Now go before I change my mind

Properis (Master) nods curtly

[Valedianna (mikE)] ::asside to Jennevive:: "True faith? Seriously? Does he not know there is more than one god?"

[Master] Properis moved 35'04".

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] to Val, He is a missionary sort

[Hoffman]] ([John Anstett]) whisper to Tristan, you said I coould kill a priest, is Auntie off the list too?

[Master] Properis moved 41'02".

[Master] Properis moved 97'02".

Tristan Elaire (Eric) smiles back at Hoffman

Tristan Elaire (Eric) sighs deeply

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I'm afraid not Hoffman

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Although she has been insufferable she has held true and aided us in our mission

[Hoffman]] ([John Anstett]) whispersI ment the list of ones I could kill, if she is not off the I reading you correctly?

Tristan Elaire (Eric) whipsers for now she is. Until she gives us reason to think otherwise

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] just say the word

Tristan Elaire (Eric) nods

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (Bob there are none of the Soumi priests left are there?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)]

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] there never where any that you know of, just the four now two suomi adherents who came with you

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ah ok and they are charcoal

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (only 2 of the four)

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] (what about the greek?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and we have no idea what is actually inside the church)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (no we don't)

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] (we probbalbly do not want Auntie to have their toys

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (what are these statues?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire: Religion check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Valedianna (mikE)] i don't see why she's so bad. she's been pretty nice and halpful this adventure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was going to ask Yellin and Polinia what they would like to do with the bodies of Bind and Drestin

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] That is a good idea

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] brb dog again

[Master] Images of two female goddesses

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] (brawynn and who else?)

[Master] you believe the one on the right is Ilmatar

[Master] and the one on the left to be Tuonetar

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so what do kipyuotto cult people like to do with their dead?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (they were not enemies - I feel bad just leaving them lying around to rot)

[Master] There is no priestess

[Master] so someone would make a death mask for them

[Master] as soon as possible

John Anstett out of Wood?

[Master] what ever is available

[Master] mud, etc

John Anstett [Hoffman]]: Carpentry check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

John Anstett [Hoffman]]: Carpentry check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

John Anstett if we have wood?

Branwyn (Lisa) goes and gets Yellin and Polinia so they can take care of it and help Hoffman with what to do

John Anstett I am back at the keyboard.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (is the body of the archbishop still here?)

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] does anyone have any extra wood?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (lol)

[Master] there are several bodies there that might be the arch bishop

John Anstett (hee hee)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (i'll search the bodies)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so we are all busy with corpses as the day goes on :) )

[Master] smile

[Master] Time of Day: 12:04 PM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 5th, 343 SKR.

[Master] so after a little while

[Master] you manage to determine that one of two of the most badly burned bodies must have been the arch bishop

[Master] but they are burned to a crisp

John Anstett any thing to loot?

Tristan Elaire (Eric) nods in satisfaction

John Anstett Brawynn needs some teeth

[Master] Yellin and Polinia are trying to form a death mask over the two of the bodies

[Master] using wet cloths and some dirt to make mud

[Master] Aunt Jennevive moved 44'06".

[Master] Jennivie says she has Speak with Dead

[Master] but it is her last spell of that level till tomorrow

[Master] and it is only noon

[Master] or so

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] A fine idea Jennevive

John Anstett] ] Character sheet for [Hoffman? modified: Equipment - DELETED: Chain mail (on skiff), 75 gp, 40 lbs., AC 5. DELETED: Quiver, 8 sp, 1 lbs., null. Weapons - CHANGED: Club -- Armed: null (true), CHANGED: Club -- Kind of Weapon: Lizardman Bone (+2 War Club), CHANGED: Club -- Type: 0 (null), CHANGED: Club -- Speed: null (0), CHANGED: Club -- Range: -- (null), CHANGED: Club -- #: +0 (--), CHANGED: Club -- # Atks: 1 (--), CHANGED: Club -- Magical Adj: +0 (-2), CHANGED: Club -- Ability Adj: null (0), CHANGED: Club -- Damage v SM: 1d3 (1d6+2), CHANGED: Club -- Damage v L: 1d8 (1d3+2), CHANGED: Club -- Knockdown (KNCK) : $thac0 (1d8),

John Anstett] ] Character sheet for [Hoffman? modified: Equipment - DELETED: torches - 6 (after current one goes out), null, 6, null.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] who would you like me to try to speak with? gestrues at the two dead adherents being tended to and the other dead bodies scattered about

Tristan Elaire (Eric) smiles "I shall take care of it"

Tristan Elaire (Eric) walks to the "archbishop"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 83'01".

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] which of the two do you think it is?

John Anstett A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Heads

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I'm not sure. I have enough spells left we can determine that as well

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] What shall we ask of them?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Where they kept any cache?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] traps?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (trying to see how many questions I get)

John Anstett What is your favoriate color?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I think it is too powerful of a spell to risk without knowing what else we face

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] indeed

John Anstett we had a living priest to talk to and you let it go so now we have to talk to a dead one?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] He was a pwn

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] pawn

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] He wouldn't tell us the truth anyway

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] the dead are compelled to the truth

John Anstett in a round about way

[Valedianna (mikE)] if nothing else, this will make for a real interesting report back to Finglas by Val

[Valedianna (mikE)] i think i'll write it up on the site

John Anstett yea!

[Master] OK

[Master] pausing this here

[Master] I am going to give everyone a break for a moment

[Master] then while we have everyone in still

[Master] I will bring up the other story arc

[Master] and we can pick up that cliff hanger ?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] huh?

[Master] is that good with everyone?

[Valedianna (mikE)] oh, i'm not looking forward to finishing that one

John Anstett but we are close tot he end arn't we?

[Master] to which end John?

[Master] you have the entire church up above to explore still

[Master] so at least two or three sessions I bet

[Master] for this story arc

[Branwyn (Lisa)] interview with a dead guy

John Anstett smiles

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] im good with that Bob

[Master] and while most everyone is here I thought you might want to work out the get out of the tunnel and deal with Red Cloak for the other one

[Master] so that everyone (except TMO sadly) can be in on both cliff hanger finishes


[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sigh - I have not thought about that at all)

John Anstett wish I could say the same

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (i am afraid I am woefully unread on that arc)

[Master] so we will take a ten minute break again

[Master] no pressure on that one to start right away

[Master] you can take time to gather your selves

[Valedianna (mikE)] well in that one we have the shield and are ready to leave

[Master] organize thoughts, catch up, etc

[Valedianna (mikE)] but we're all beat to hell and will have a fight with red cloak when we go

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 13 20:58:18 EDT 2014 ====

[John Anstett] has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 20:58:33 EDT 2014

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Temple...

John Anstett back?

[Master] you are

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 21:01:27 EDT 2014

Lisa is receiving the map Temple...

Lisa has received the map Temple.

mikE has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 21:02:05 EDT 2014

mikE is receiving the map Temple...

mikE has received the map Temple.

[Master] I took all the sounds, all the images, etc off the map

[Master] only the characters are here now

Eric has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 21:03:35 EDT 2014

Eric is receiving the map Temple...

Eric has received the map Temple.

[John Anstett] has received the map Temple.

[Eric] Leatherus moved 65'02".

[John Anstett] has left the game on Fri Jun 13 21:04:42 EDT 2014

[Master] Leatherus moved 70'08".

[Master] Imari moved 66'11".

[Eric] lol or not

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 66'00".

[Master] Indigo moved 72'00".

Indigo (Lisa) looks over at everyone and takes a seat on the floor. Looks like the only ones not badly hurt are Leatherus and Miranda. They can take care of Red Cloak and then come get us :)

[Master] [Miranda Paige]], Brother Fotopoulos and [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 75'10".

[Eric] (do we need to rest or are we rushed)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (other than this place is a deathrap? no no rush)

[Eric] I am back at the keyboard.

[Leatherus (Eric)] fabulous

[mikE] we should rest

[mikE] need heals big time

[Indigo (Lisa)] no kidding

[mikE] and we have days worth of food, don't we?

[John Anstett] has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 21:07:19 EDT 2014

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Temple...

[mikE] plus, if we wait long enough, he'll send people in after us. and without the voices to tell them what to do on the map they'll all totally die

[John Anstett] has received the map Temple.

[mikE] less baddies for us to deal with

[Master] chuckles at Mike

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I thought red cloak lost all his men)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he might eat your hippogryph though)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and our mule)

John Anstett we are back at the entrance ?

[Indigo (Lisa)] We shouldn't be if we are spending the night

[Master] yes you are at the entrance

John Anstett [Miranda Paige]] moved 2'08".

[Master] you can go else where if you want to

[Master] reemmber you are acouple hundred feet inside still at this point

John Anstett I am just asking, was under the impression we were inside

John Anstett further in

[Master] Hrathgin moved 10'04".

[Master] Wapit moved 8'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Do any of you have a hold spell like he used on you? I don't think I want to kill Red Cloak.

[mikE] why not?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Because he didn't kill us when he could have.

[Indigo (Lisa)] It wouldn't be fair.

John Anstett I am back at the keyboard.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I do

[Leatherus (Eric)] Unless he had plans to kill you later Indigo

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] he uses people

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] he will only kill when they are of no use

[Indigo (Lisa)] How do you know?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I've never seen him kill anyone.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] that what he has done

[mikE] he's been to bob's house. he's seen theh gm notes

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (HEEE HEEE)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (I can seperate player knowledge from character knowledge)

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm not saying just give up and hand him the shield. I just don't want to kill him if we don't have to.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Not today.

[Leatherus (Eric)] /nods to Indigo "as you say Sir Indigo. I will show restraint..."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] so we rest the night, maybe tomorrow?

[Master] Time of Day: 05:23 PM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 12th, 343 SKR.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Or tomorrow but we can rest tonight here if you want.

Leatherus (Eric) looks around "we are in no shape for a fight"

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think Brother Foto has enough healing to help us all at this point anyway.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] thank you sir

[Leatherus (Eric)] Then it is settled?

Leatherus (Eric) sits down and pull out his pipe and starts to pack tobacco

[Leatherus (Eric)] Leatherus moved 1'05".

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] 45 pints for just the orisons but will cast a few others first

[Master] you are casting before resting?

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] yes!

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] I am not sure if we are moving first

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] but I have a lot of spells to cast

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] (do we want to move?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can we go in the office and pretend we all knelt and knocked again so we aren't just sleeping in a tunnel?)

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] (or are we just here for ease?)

[Master] if that is what you would like sure

[Master] Imari moved 21'02".

[Master] Leatherus moved 29'11".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 5'04".

[Master] Indigo moved 29'06".

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 35'11".

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 27'01".

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos moved 30'04".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 16'01".

John Anstett Brother Fotopoulos targets [QuiFon Ruminell]]. Distance: 2'11"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you make it sound like it's a bad thing)

[Master] smile I am just trying to move things along

[Master] now that I know that part of the problem is this map

[mikE] now when we sleep, remember all the creepy crawlies that are still here

[Master] I think we eliminated all the issues now

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=5] -6 points.

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 19 (6) - Moderately Wounded

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=9] -10 points.

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (10) - Lightly Wounded

John Anstett Brother Fotopoulos no longer targets [QuiFon Ruminell]].

John Anstett Brother Fotopoulos targets Imari. Distance: 6'00"

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against Imari: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=2] -3 points.

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against Imari: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=6] -7 points.

[Master] Imari's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (10) - Moderately Wounded

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against Imari: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=3] -4 points.

[Master] Imari's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (4) - Moderately Wounded

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] that is all sencond level spells

John Anstett Brother Fotopoulos no longer targets Imari.

John Anstett Brother Fotopoulos targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 5'05"

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against [Shurkural]]: Repair Injury: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=10] -11 points.

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 37 (11) - Lightly Wounded

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against [Shurkural]]: Repair Injury: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=1] -2 points.

John Anstett Brother Fotopoulos no longer targets [Shurkural]].

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 39 (2) - Lightly Wounded

[Leatherus (Eric)] brb afk

John Anstett Brother Fotopoulos targets Indigo. Distance: 5'00"

[Eric] I am away from the keyboard.

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against Indigo: Repair Injury: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=3] -4 points.

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 25 (4) - Moderately Wounded

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] all 3rd level

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] so 45 points happens to equal all Brother's Indigo and Shur's damage

[Indigo (Lisa)] (shur will not be playing tonight)

[Master] so 45 points John, to brother then indigo then

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] so you think Miranda and Qui should be at full, leaving only Imari to heal in the morning?

[Master] you tell me who you are healing

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

[Imari (mikE)] that's fine

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] just asking

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] I do thushly

[Imari (mikE)] imari is dead weight. heal the fighters

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 48 (23) - Unharmed

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett]) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1st Level -- Current: 0 (+5). CHANGED: 3rd Level -- Current: 0 (+3). CHANGED: 2st Level -- Current: 0 (+5).

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 24 (14) - Unharmed

[Master] so the last 4 points go to ?

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] my match says 8 3 to Miranda 5 to Qui 45-23-14=8?

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] math

[Master] I thought you said 41 earlier

[Master] [Miranda Paige]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 26 (3) - Unharmed

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] f I did it was a typo

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] 5 x 9

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 34 (5) - Unharmed

[Master] there we go

[Master] so all spells are used up for the night?

[Master] you are in the office there for teh night?

[Master] watches?

[Brother Fotopoulos ([John Anstett])] one sec

[Indigo (Lisa)] Should we put the shield in the scroll?

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] is everyone in for the night?

[Eric] I am back at the keyboard.

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] ddoes anyone want a little extra protection tonight?

[Leatherus (Eric)] I would like to stand guard with Indigo

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] quick sleep, wyvern watch outside?

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's been a long day I think I want real sleep.

John Anstett [QuiFon Ruminell]] targets [Miranda Paige]]. Distance: 7'09"

John Anstett [QuiFon Ruminell]] no longer targets [Miranda Paige]].

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (so watches)

John Anstett Mirnada and Brother on first watch?

John Anstett Qui on third?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Miranda, you know more about this scroll than I do. Should we put it in tonight so we don't have to worry about it on watches?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Well I never actual had one, and we have not used it yet

[Indigo (Lisa)] I was just thinking about the night at camp when he cast the hold spell and stole all our stuff

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I would think you would want to put anything you want in it for safe keeping, but then do not loose it

[Indigo (Lisa)] Not having it out in the open might be safer.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I would think it is easier to hide a scroll

[Imari (mikE)] and if there's room, we should strip some tapestries

[Indigo (Lisa)] Please not the tapestries

[Indigo (Lisa)] Those are the guides to the temple

[Imari (mikE)] i bet they're worth a lot

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] not to the queen

[Imari (mikE)] but to some discerning collector somewhere

[Imari (mikE)] if nothing else they can pimp out the drab cabbin

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I mean the queen would not be pleased, I would not think

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] she seems a bit afraid of the past, of anything that reminds people there was a king

[Indigo (Lisa)] But the book will change all of that.

[Imari (mikE)] typical woman

[Indigo (Lisa)] We need to put the books in too

[Indigo (Lisa)] And the mace probably too

[Master] (I think someone needs to explain to Eric why the books matter)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] just remember it is all or nothing if anything hapens to the scroll

[Leatherus (Eric)] yes please

[Imari (mikE)] they are huge

[Imari (mikE)] a ton of pages

[Imari (mikE)] they could be used by a whole village as toilet paper for a year

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (not magical so of no interest to Miranda)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (one was a book Indigo took from the library - the other was a history of chandler cowles)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (the history was given us by the stone dragon to the one that would preserve the history and make sure it was passed down)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and had the initials WM in it)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (just also happens to be the initials of our queen)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and a former queen as well)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (indigo thinks this is destiny)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (the end)

[Leatherus (Eric)] (so these books are something the queen will find very interesting)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (extremely)

[Master] one other minor point from the books, one of them describes how Chandler Cowles picked someone to marry his daughter so she would be Queen

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] aaaaaaah

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so is all good)

[Leatherus (Eric)] sounds good

[Leatherus (Eric)] i'm ready when anyone else is

[Master] so two books, the Shield of King Chandler Cowels, two minature versions of the shield, the mace,

[Master] anything else?

[Master] is all of that going into the scroll?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (imari and shur wearing the robes?)

[Master] OH

[Master] right

[Master] they found two sets of robes, that give the wearer a +1 to their wisdom

[Master] while they are wearing them

John Anstett sweet

[Indigo (Lisa)] (my guess is shur will not wanting to be wandering back home in a chandler cowles priest robe)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (just a guess)

[Leatherus (Eric)] wow nice

[Master] but she does have it for now

[Leatherus (Eric)] (i can think of someone that woould like one)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (has the logo and everything)

John Anstett (drawing a blank)

[Master] smile

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hmmm wonder who?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (nope - no idea)

[Master] ok so first watch

John Anstett (Miranda and Brother)

[Master] are you putting the stuff in teh scroll prior to the watch starting?

John Anstett Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=10] 10

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes please)

[Master] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] (scroll in someone'

[Master] and then the second watch

[Indigo (Lisa)] 's boot overnight)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (want to roll eric?)

[Leatherus (Eric)] I can take 2nd

[Leatherus (Eric)] yikes

[Leatherus (Eric)] ok

[Leatherus (Eric)] [d20]

[Leatherus (Eric)] (d20) [1d20=7] 7

[Indigo (Lisa)] (uh-oh)

[Indigo (Lisa)] :)

[Leatherus (Eric)] YOU TOLD ME TO

[Leatherus (Eric)] :)

[Master] Indigo and Leatherus can make alertness and or observation checks

John Anstett (Its all BOB's fault for making him roll)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (indigo has neither)

[Leatherus (Eric)] Leatherus: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Leatherus (Eric)] (no obsrevation)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we are awake in a small room though - how surprised can we be?)

[Master] Ok, so Indigo is deep in thought about the morning

[Master] Leatherus is pacing a bit

[Master] and suddenly he almost stumbles

[Master] as a large rat runs out of the doorway

[Master] and out up the tunnel

John Anstett trap does not trigger?

[Master] no

[Indigo (Lisa)] Whoa! What was that?

[Leatherus (Eric)] Rats

John Anstett so all we need to do is change into rats

[Leatherus (Eric)] I"m sure they're everywhere down here

[Indigo (Lisa)] Better than the centipedes in the closet.

John Anstett hope that rat dos not work for red cloak

[Indigo (Lisa)] Wonder where it was going.

John Anstett which way down the tunnel?

Leatherus (Eric) points where the rat went

[Master] out towards the entrance

John Anstett (my characters are sleeping)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe that was the rat that Miranda heard in the school room before

[Leatherus (Eric)] perhaps....

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well if it comes back it should be easy to deal with

[Master] Ok so then the third watch

Leatherus (Eric) smiles "yes I've fought worse"

John Anstett Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=16] 16

Indigo (Lisa) grins

[Master] Time of Day: 07:05 AM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 13th, 343 SKR.

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: No adjustments made.

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos: No adjustments made.

[Master] [Miranda Paige]]: No adjustments made.

[Master] Leatherus: No adjustments made.

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 41 (2) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Indigo: No adjustments made.

[Master] Imari's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 35 (2) - Moderately Wounded

[[John Anstett] (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1st Level -- Current: 5 (0). CHANGED: 3rd Level -- Current: 3 (0). CHANGED: 2st Level -- Current: 5 (0).

John Anstett] ] Character sheet for [Miranda Paige? modified: Spells - CHANGED: Water Breathing - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Imari (mikE)] too bad we can't just polymorph someone into a rat and have them run out of the dungeon with the shield

John Anstett] ] Character sheet for [QuiFon Ruminell? modified:

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] a rat, maybe it is Red Cloak's familiar

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe.

John Anstett Brother Fotopoulos targets Imari. Distance: 6'00"

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against Imari: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=4] -5 points.

[Master] Imari's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (5) - Lightly Wounded

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] and one orrison to full - 9 pts

[Master] Imari's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 49 (9) - Unharmed

[Indigo (Lisa)] So who should carry the scroll? I think Red Cloak would suspect me more than anyone.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett]) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1st Level -- Current: 4 (5). CHANGED: 2st Level -- Current: 4 (5).

[Imari (mikE)] "Give it to me."

[Imari (mikE)] "I am not going to be of too much help in a pitched battle, but perhaps I can escape on Artiark."

[Indigo (Lisa)] And you will take it back to Pimson if we need to stay and fight?

[Imari (mikE)] "You should go out without me."

[Imari (mikE)] "Tell Red Cloak what you will. If he even remembers me than tell him Partik has me."

[Imari (mikE)] "And if there is a fight, perhaps I can slip out in the chaos."

[Indigo (Lisa)] If we can just hit him first he won't be able to cast right away and then we can fight him and tie him up or something.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We just need to keep hitting him so he can't cast spells at us.

[Indigo (Lisa)] But he could be hiding in a tree somewhere.

Indigo (Lisa) hands Imari the scroll

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I am worried he has another pumpkin head

[Indigo (Lisa)] He could

[Imari (mikE)] ::nods::

[Indigo (Lisa)] So I will walk out first and see what happens

[Imari (mikE)] "I could send a wind servant, but they are not too intellegent."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Then you can see what happens.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can the wind servant say whether Red Cloak is outside?

[Imari (mikE)] "Perhaps."

[Imari (mikE)] "I could also create a fortification right outside the cave and that might give us some cover for Artiark to get me out."

[Indigo (Lisa)] You can do that?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Anything that can protect us would be great.

[Imari (mikE)] "I will be visible."

[Imari (mikE)] "So he will know I'm here."

[Imari (mikE)] "There is good and bad to each plan."

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] does Obscurment help?

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] how about Lighten load for Artark?

[Imari (mikE)] maybe. you want him to fly everyone out?

[Imari (mikE)] not sure how that spell works

[Imari (mikE)] and how many characters are here

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (sorry,it works on equipment, we do not have much of that)

[Indigo (Lisa)] And if you see him can you cast a hold on him like he did on us?

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] not I but I have a few ideas

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Imari has it on her list)

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Imari (mikE) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Imari modified: Spells - CHANGED: Zone of Sweet Air -- Expression: Gas can't enter an area of up to 10' cubes for the next turns. (Gases are kept out of a {$L*10} ft cube for turns.), Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: +5 (+3). CHANGED: 2 -- Current: +5 (+4). CHANGED: 3 -- Current: +3 (+1).

[Imari (mikE)] yeah.

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] So what are your ideas Qui?

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] silence 15' radius

[Indigo (Lisa)] Like in the library?

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] I was thinking music of the spheres but than someone would have to try and charm him

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] I did not cast in the library

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh I meant where we all had to be quiet

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] well this would prevent him from casting

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] or any noise in the area

[Indigo (Lisa)] That would be good.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Then we can go and tie him uo

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] if you are close to him, maybe you will let me cast on you so he does not get a save

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] but then no one will be ableto hear your orders

[Indigo (Lisa)] So I can't talk?

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] you can talk

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] just noone will hear

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] if that is what you mean

[Indigo (Lisa)] Until we tie him up and then you can break the spell

[Indigo (Lisa)] I want to ask him some questions if we can capture him

[Indigo (Lisa)] so you cast on me and I can go to him and he can't do any casting?

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] well, it is possible he can cast some spells without speaking

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] he can use items

[Leatherus (Eric)] Can we talk inside?

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] some spells negate silence

[Indigo (Lisa)] he's really fast with that casting stuff

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we are inside)

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] yea the rat is gone right?

[Master] yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol - blonde moment)

[Indigo (Lisa)] The thing is ...

[Indigo (Lisa)] We don't know what he has planned.

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] I am thinking ambush

[Indigo (Lisa)] If he has another scarecrow we will get zapped

[Indigo (Lisa)] In his note he said all his men were dead

[Indigo (Lisa)] He has been waiting a really long time

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] oh, now you trust him

[Indigo (Lisa)] so we don

[Indigo (Lisa)] 't know where he will be waiting

[Indigo (Lisa)] he could let us go down the road a bit

[Indigo (Lisa)] so planning is difficult

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] I woould say

[Indigo (Lisa)] I think it is good for Imari to fly away with the scroll if she can

[Indigo (Lisa)] But Branwyn and Miranda can shoot spells at birds and things so it isn't completely safe either

[Indigo (Lisa)] We might just need to walk out of here and see what happens.

[Indigo (Lisa)] And know that we are all really good at what he do and if we do what we are good at, we should be fine.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we do)

[Master] Ok

[Master] so it seems like you are as ready as you can be

[Master] Indigo goes out first? then who

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] Miranda

[Master] together? or separate?

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] 10 feet back and 5 feet left

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 1'11".

[Master] Indigo moved 3'07".

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 3'10".

Lisa is receiving the map Mine Entrance...

Lisa has received the map Mine Entrance.

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 6'10".

John Anstett WHAT!

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Indigo!

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I found you

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yay! Our hero!)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you are ok!

[Indigo (Lisa)] SIR TOYBIN!!!!

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 10'04".

[[John Anstett] (to Master only)] miranda i dibeleaving

[Leatherus (Eric)] my screen just went black..

Indigo (Lisa) runs up excitedly

[Toybin of Castling (Master) (to [John Anstett] only)] make a save

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 12'07".

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos moved 30'03".

[Master] Leatherus moved 38'09".

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 28'03".

[Master] Imari moved 31'04".

John Anstett] ] [Miranda Paige?: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Imari (mikE)] he's a trap

[Imari (mikE)] he's an illusion

[Indigo (Lisa)] How did you know we were here? Did you see Red Cloak?

[Imari (mikE)] why would he be here?

[Imari (mikE)] imari disbelieves

[Leatherus (Eric)] Attack: Two-Handed Sword:: is now ARMED.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I was looking for you

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (no one else came out)

[Indigo (Lisa)] But how did you know where to find us?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (if you want to come out you can say so)

[Imari (mikE)] it doesn't matter! she disbelieves so hard it goes through stone walls

[[John Anstett] (to Master only)] did you get my roll?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I was trying to find you, but some hippogriff kept on trying to attack me

[Toybin of Castling (Master) (to [John Anstett] only)] yes you see Toybin

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I was keeping close here

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] have you seen Red Cloak? I heard he was in the area

[Indigo (Lisa)] Is Artiark okay?

[Indigo (Lisa)] You didn't kill him did you?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I have not gotten a chance to hit the hippogriff

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you know it?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] are you safe?

[Indigo (Lisa)] NO! You can't kill it.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] did you get what you came for?

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's our friend

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you have dangerous friends Sir Indigo

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] it is a friend of a friend

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

[Indigo (Lisa)] Of course I do. We are all very dangerous.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Even you.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] smiles at Indigo

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] so did you find the shield?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Anyone who can kill a hydra all by himself.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Of course we did.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] good

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] keep it safe

[Indigo (Lisa)] It almost killed all of us.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well the shield didn't.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am sure you will have a good tale to tell

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you need to get that home

[Indigo (Lisa)] But the death pits and the spikes and the blocks and the ants.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] ants?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I hate ants

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] why did it have to be ants

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I trust you will be ok

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I should go track down red cloak

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] see if I can find out where he went to

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will try to catch up to you in town

[Indigo (Lisa)] We need to get that home now that you're here.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Wait... you didn't see him?

[Indigo (Lisa)] He left a note. See?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I was tracking him to here

[Indigo (Lisa)] He said he would be waiting for us.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I saw the note, I did not understand it

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] maybe I scared him off

[Indigo (Lisa)] But you know him.

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you shoudl go

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will go track him down

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 7'06".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you need to stay safe

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] get that home

[Indigo (Lisa)] You were the one that got him to help with the queen.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Where are you going?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] smiles at Indigo

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] to go see if I can find him

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you will go towards the village

[Indigo (Lisa)] Where is your horse?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will catch up as I can

Toybin of Castling (Master) cocks his head, listening

Toybin of Castling (Master) holds finger to his lips

[Indigo (Lisa)] But it would be easier to fight Red Cloak if we all stayed together

Indigo (Lisa) is quiet

Toybin of Castling (Master) gestures at Indogo to go down the path

Toybin of Castling (Master) gestures he is going up the steps

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 5'07".

Toybin of Castling (Master) pauses, listening

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) stays with Indigo

Toybin of Castling (Master) points up into the sky

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Miranda and then moves down a bit watching Toybin curiously

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Indigo, do you mind if I go with Toybin

Indigo (Lisa) looks up

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Indigo and Miranda see Artiark swooping down

Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head no

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 8'00".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Toybin runs up the steps

Indigo (Lisa) relieved he waves at Artiark

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and disapears behidn the mine equipment

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 5'01".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that was a no I don't mind)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I'll go get Amari

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) goes to get Imari

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Hey Imari, your Hypogrif needs to be controled

[Imari (mikE)] "What is he doing?"

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] he is attacking Tobyn

[Indigo (Lisa)] He flew over. You'll never guess who's here!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sir Toybin!!

[Imari (mikE)] ::narrows her eyes:: "Why would he be here."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] sorry SIR toybin

[Indigo (Lisa)] But he is acting very strangely.

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) shrugs

[Imari (mikE)] "If Artiark is attacking him, then there must be a reason."

[Imari (mikE)] "I trust Artiark."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I thought it was an illusion but apparently not

[Imari (mikE)] "It must be a trap."

[Indigo (Lisa)] A Toybin trap?

[Master] Miranda can make a knowledge check

[Indigo (Lisa)] Why would Toybin trap us?

[Imari (mikE)] "Think, little one."

[Imari (mikE)] "Why would he be way out here? Alone?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] He's our friend.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]]: KNO check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Imari (mikE)] "You did no tanswer my question."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Because the Queen sent him? He is her husband now.

[Master] Necromancy and Illusion are opposites, specialists cannot cast the other school of magic

[Imari (mikE)] "Why would the Queen's husband, the King be out here alone?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well, he's not really a King. Kind of a consort.

[Imari (mikE)] "This is not right. And Artiark should not be attacking."

[Indigo (Lisa)] And he is a knight.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] could be an item, I do not know what other spell it could be

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] or how to know for sure

[Imari (mikE)] "So are you. You have a whole party of people helping you to reach this place."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I want to talk to him some more

[Imari (mikE)] "You need to use your head more and trust your eyes less if you wish to stay a knight."

[Indigo (Lisa)] But it looks and sounds like Toybin

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) runs after tobin

[Imari (mikE)] "There is no way something else could look and sound like him?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] You think he polymorphed into Toybin like what Branwyn can do?

[Imari (mikE)] ::nods curtly:: "Now you begin to use it."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] you can not polymorh into a specific person

[Imari (mikE)] ::pats Indigo on the head::

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] but mybe some spell like that

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn turned Ilero back into Ilero

[Imari (mikE)] "So if this is his trap, you must lure him away."

[Imari (mikE)] "make him think you believe that he is actually Toybin."

[Imari (mikE)] "Give me time to get out afterwards on my own."

[Master] Miranda runs up the stairs but Toybin is not around

[Imari (mikE)] "I can then watch you from above."

[Master] There are the remains of what looks to be a mule

[Master] mostly eaten

[Indigo (Lisa)] Our mule is dead?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (or different mule?)

[Master] there is no sign of another mule

[Indigo (Lisa)] (how about our cart?)

[Master] hard to tell if this one is/was yours or not

[Master] yes the cart is stillhere

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] qui and brother come out

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]] moved 19'02".

Indigo (Lisa) gulps "I told him I got the shield"

[Imari (mikE)] We're inside, right?

[Imari (mikE)] not outside?

[Imari (mikE)] "Of course you did."

[Master] you are at the entrance to the tunnel

[Imari (mikE)] "You need to spend time with the snake priests."

[Imari (mikE)] "They will teach you the ways of deception."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh, I didn't like them at all.

[Imari (mikE)] "You have never met one. How would you know?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can you put a protection spell around artiark when you fly away?

[Indigo (Lisa)] We helped Foriso do a favor for his mento that led us to the Yuan Ti priests

[Indigo (Lisa)] (mentor)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] miranda starts casting

[Indigo (Lisa)] And then there were the ones that can in the middle of the night ....

[Indigo (Lisa)] I wasn't supposed to say anything about that. But it wasn;t bad then. They were sort of hiring me.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]] casts a spell against : Fly: I fly for the next (1d6+5) [1d6=4] 9 turns.

[Imari (mikE)] oops, its the fox who is the tridster

[Imari (mikE)] trickster

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] and flys up to see either the hipogriffen or "Tobyn"

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] [Miranda Paige]] moved 28'10".

[Master] The hippogriff is right there with the group

[Master] there is no sign of toybin

[Imari (mikE)] "You should go out and call for Toybin."

[Imari (mikE)] "I will keep Artiark here."

[Imari (mikE)] "Make him think you believe what he is."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Toybin said to go down the road to the village and he would meet us there.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] she flys a cpupple rounds the whay he went

[Imari (mikE)] ::Holds out the scroll of protection from therianthropes::

[Master] is a bit of a maze of mine entrances, tunnels, shafts, etc

[Indigo (Lisa)] So if he was really Red Cloak he will probably be down the road too

[Imari (mikE)] "Take this and say you have the shield in your scroll of storage."

[Imari (mikE)] "You cannot open it again today, remember."

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] good one

[Imari (mikE)] "So tomorrow you will opein it for him and allow him to carry the shield to the queen."

[Indigo (Lisa)] He won't want to look at it? You can't even unroll it until tomorrow?

[Imari (mikE)] ::smiles:: "I may not be of Confabulus, but I will take a page from his book."

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] if only we could paint a croll

[Imari (mikE)] ::shakes her head:: "You know how it works."

Indigo (Lisa) takes scroll and puts it under his shirt.

[Imari (mikE)] "Now, you go quick, before he gets suspicious."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Not really.

[Imari (mikE)] "Partik watch over you.'

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you Imari.

Indigo (Lisa) looks around "Are we ready?"

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (so the group has to go the same way as Toybin did?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Is Miranda back?)

[Imari (mikE)] now that the evil DM heard all our plans

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] She is couting ahead, we can go if everyone is ready

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no I think we should just go back to Primsen like we would have)

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] s

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he will find us when he is ready)

QuiFon Ruminell ([John Anstett])] (BTW the DM is not evil, Chaotic Nuetral)

Indigo (Lisa) takes his swords out and carries a length of rope over his shoulder

[Master] Toybin went up the stairs, the way back down is the way to the path back to the village, etc

[Indigo (Lisa)] (the way down the path is where toybin told us to go)

[Master] yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] (is eric still here?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (is eric still here?)

John Anstett so Miranda gives up if she does not see anything after a few rounds and heads back down to catch up with the group

Lisa is receiving the map campsite...

Lisa has received the map campsite.

John Anstett and I will head out to bed, so disapointed

[Master] night John

John Anstett good night all

[Indigo (Lisa)] (No priests or necromancers to kill today)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he will show up as soon as you log off)

John Anstett promise?

[Indigo (Lisa)] :)

John Anstett you know I would stay for that

[Master] [Hoffman]] XP award: 200. Level-up!

[Master] Tristan Elaire XP award: 300. Next level in 13129.

[Master] Valedianna XP award: 200. Next level in 33725.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 300. Next level in 113318.

[Imari (mikE)] yay random xp

John Anstett funny

[Indigo (Lisa)] (So we are at the 'campsite' but no tents there, correct?"

[John Anstett] has left the game on Fri Jun 13 23:09:14 EDT 2014

[Indigo (Lisa)] Congratulations! :)

[Master] correct

[Master] unless you carried some of your stuff from the cart

[Master] that was left at the mine entrance

[Indigo (Lisa)] (do we have the rental cart?)

[Master] you can drag that with you if you want

[Master] then you have tents, etc

[Indigo (Lisa)] (why would we do that?)

[Master] no one said they were bringing it

[Imari (mikE)] as soon as they go just out of sight imari will make her move

[Master] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] (the mule was totally gone)

[Master] so tell me what happens

[Master] correct

[Master] no live mule around

[Master] Artiark is not hungry

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we make leatherus take the cart because he is too quiet)

[Master] lol

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh man - the bird ate our ride!)

[Master] so if Indigo and or others want to drag that cart down the path

[Master] you can

[Master] and have tents here at the campsite

[Master] Time of Day: 10:36 AM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 13th, 343 SKR.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (the problem with dragging the cart is I can't have weapons ready

[Master] very true

[Master] life is full of tough choices

[Master] grins

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so forget the cart and we will pay lost renatl cart fee)

[Master] ok so you are all at the campsite then

[Imari (mikE)] is that out of view of the cave?

[Imari (mikE)] or is that right outside?

[Master] a mile or three down the path now

[Imari (mikE)] so can imari and artiark safely take off?

[Master] couple of miles

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we are really far from primsen)

[Master] it is totally up to you

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you would go to lady lord place first?)

[Imari (mikE)] she will try

[Master] 260 miles

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I don't think it safe for Imari to sleep alone out in middle of nowhere

[Imari (mikE)] she'll fly to the town we passed through

[Indigo (Lisa)] Lady Lord place is next big stop I believe.

[Master] yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] With the talking pony

[Imari (mikE)] i don't even want her meeting up with you guys in the immediate area

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can we make it there by nightfall?)

[Master] yes you can

[Imari (mikE)] how long would it take artiark to fly back home?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (days if not weeks)

[Master] Lisa is right

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you would be all alone for a long time)

[Master] it took you four? days from Primsen to get to the temple

[Imari (mikE)] walking.

[Master] flying would cut that in half

[Imari (mikE)] so two days?

[Indigo (Lisa)] primsen is not home

[Master] but Imari and Art would still need to have encounters, etc

[Master] home is much much longer

[Imari (mikE)] yeah. i guess she'll just fly to the town

[Indigo (Lisa)] and red cloak knows we are going there

[Indigo (Lisa)] is very dangerous

[Master] how about everyone meets up at the campsite

[Indigo (Lisa)] (still may be some werewolves out there too)

[Master] then can decide from there to split up or not

[Imari (mikE)] eeeeeeh

[Imari (mikE)] but that's where red cloak will ambush us

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we're already at the campsite aren't we?)

[Imari (mikE)] he's waiting for me

[Indigo (Lisa)] ah

[Imari (mikE)] he wants us all together

[Imari (mikE)] then bam

[Indigo (Lisa)] but as long as you are flying....

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think you should go farther than we can find you to a night.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Going to the village might be a good thing. and you can go to the tower and wait.

[Indigo (Lisa)] EXCEPT, he said to go to the village.

[Indigo (Lisa)] If he meant that village he could attack you there when you are alone.

[Master] (he also told you to go home)

[Indigo (Lisa)] that too

[Indigo (Lisa)] Other than saying he "didn't have time to hit the hippogryph" he didn't sound too weird

[Indigo (Lisa)] (except he didn't want to talk much)

[Imari (mikE)] you know, i bet artiark alone could get home just fine

[Imari (mikE)] i doubt many creatures voluntarilly mess with a hypogryph

[Imari (mikE)] plus, he can sleep way up high in safe places

[Imari (mikE)] we could always try just sending him home alone with the shield

[Master] swamps, there are no high places

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh - I don't know about that)

[Imari (mikE)] god i hate this corner of the wrold

[Imari (mikE)] it's the worst.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Why don't we all stay together and if there is trouble you fly away when I distract Toybin.

[Imari (mikE)] if that's what you want to do

[Indigo (Lisa)] If it isn't a polymorph spell, I woulnder how long he could keep that up anyway.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I just feel like I need to protect the shield and I am scared to let it fly away.

[Indigo (Lisa)] And I don't want you to face Red Cloak alone.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Mages can fly around and stuff too. Look at Miranda.

[Indigo (Lisa)] What is something happpened and no one was there to help.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't like it.

[Imari (mikE)] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] I couldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to you.

[Indigo (Lisa)] You don't know how much you scared me when you fell in that pit and looked dead.

Eric has left the game on Fri Jun 13 23:29:42 EDT 2014

[Indigo (Lisa)] goodnight Eric

[Master] he just disapeared did not say anythging,

[Master] my guess is he fell asleep and someone shut off his computer, grins

[Indigo (Lisa)] could be

[Master] so we are going to pause here at the campsite?

[Indigo (Lisa)] sounds good

[Master] a quick pitstop perhaps for Art adn Imari

[Master] or they could continue along with you

[Master] and next week we pick up on either fo the two

[Master] and hope the problems have solved themselves

[Master] by deleting all these other maps and effects

[Lisa] you can blast out all remnants of the temple

[Master] already did

[Lisa] hope so

[Master] let me test that

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Lisa] and that is a sad thing

[Master] and no problems

[Master] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=9] 7 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

[Lisa] because the sound effects clues were really fun

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Master] yeah

[Master] Leatherus XP award: 100. Level-up!

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] XP award: 100. Next level in 2975.

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos XP award: 150. Next level in 24489.

[Master] Imari XP award: 200. Next level in 8638.

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] XP award: 100. Next level in 14469.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 200. Next level in 38064.

[Lisa] I was really excited to see Toybin when we came out of the cave

[Master] glad

[Lisa] lol

[Imari (mikE)] so next week?

[Master] yeap

[Lisa] I really want it to be toybin

[Master] well it cannot be an illusion

[Imari (mikE)] alright. good session

[Imari (mikE)] night all

[Master] if it is red cloak

[Imari (mikE)] could be an item

[Master] as necromancers cannot use illusion spells

[Master] or items

[Imari (mikE)] or an ability of some other kind

[Lisa] so sad

[Lisa] see you next week

[Master] hope so

[Master] have a great night

[Lisa] I will try to be in as soon as I can

[Master] nods

[Master] post to tell them

[Master] please

[Lisa] goodnight! :)

[Lisa] okay - have to tell eric since I am staying at his house

mikE has left the game on Fri Jun 13 23:35:53 EDT 2014

[Master] LOL

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jun 13 23:36:54 EDT 2014

XP awarded