Main / Jun1909

Jun 19 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 19 17:24:58 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Jun 19 17:29:54 EDT 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Armor - Magic Resistance:: CHANGED: 58% (56%).

john2] has joined the game on Fri Jun 19 18:04:37 EDT 2009

john2] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

john2] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] Hi John woring on my henchmen

[john2] cool

[john2] hello

[Fritz] I have 2 slots for Val'Iant and I am trying to figure out what to do

[john2] Jumping?

[Fritz] He can pick from warrior, general or wizard without penalty...That is pretty wimpy if you go by the rules. Did Bob change it? Besides he wears armor

[john2] did you see the specail martia art type skills

[john2] Chonny had some

[Fritz] No where are they?

[john2] Instant stand

[john2] not sure

[Fritz] Ahhh yes forgot about them...Combat and tactics

[john2] attack while prone" I think

[Fritz] Danka will check 'em out

[john2] of course actual martial arts are good if you do any unarmed

[Fritz] He doesn't but my battlerager to only 2 weapon proficiencies. Pummeling/hand to hand, and warhammer.

[Fritz] He has 2 weapon style so he punches with one hand and swings his hammer with the other

[john2] well that is the book to look at

[Fritz] Doing so now...Again thanks

[Fritz] Hey there is trouble sense which is like danger sense for 1 slot

[john2] so many rules , so little time,

[john2] hope Mike shows up, lori would be nice

[Fritz] I already have a slot saved for weapon mastery when he gets to 5th level and there are masters in Semphar. I think I may add something that we rarely riding land based...or pummeling. I thought about observation but everyone has observation.

[john2] not everyone has that skill

[Fritz] Which one Observation or riding?

[john2] obversation

[john2] with the pool horses don't often come into play

[Fritz] No one has alertness maybe I will take that ... Ok... anyway off to dinner with the folks. Be back by 7. Not logging off.

[john2] enjoy

[Fritz] Ya that is why I said riding....

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Spells - CHANGED: Displace Self -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[john2] BoB, you understand my post was after Reincarnating Kaz, if she want it. More like foreshadowing

[john2] do you know if she is going to be here?

[john2] and if not can I cast deep freeze on her dead body without her being here?

[BOB] Ok

[BOB] back

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] food is ordered

[BOB] and you can cast Reincarnate on her with out her being here

[john2] (already eating)

[BOB] we will roll the dice when she is here

[BOB] Mike will not be here most likely

[BOB] not sure about Lorie

[john2] did she make the decission?

[BOB] not sure

[BOB] I am 90% positive she wants to come back

[BOB] rather than create a new character

[john2] that is why I may need to cast Deep freeze, in case with skip time

[BOB] but you can cast it on her no matter what

[BOB] to get it over with

[BOB] then we can work out the rolls later

[BOB] same as with Liam

[BOB] will have to roll when he is here

[BOB] and Kylia

[john2] sounds good but I am sure Guy does not want reincarnate

[BOB] nods

[BOB] they both do not need the system shock to come back

[BOB] because of the potions

[john2] I thight the potions did not require, that was why we did not make all the other rolls

[john2] or are you talking the turn to stone roll

[BOB] I am checking the truning into stone

[john2] i remember we used to have to save twice, but please check

[BOB] yes needs a system shock roll

[BOB] and no addititives back when they made it

[BOB] and no need for one when they come out of it

[BOB] so they are not stone, we do not know if they are alive or dead

[BOB] and you are doing the reincarnate

[john2] I am doing deep freeze until the party decides, reads wills and such

[john2] that should buy us time

[BOB] doing that on all three?

[john2] if not the first day, the second day and only if they are dead

[john2] ;)

[john2] if Kylia makes it, it will make things very diffrent then if she does not

[BOB] nods

[BOB] no telling what Lorie will want to do

[BOB] raise dead or reincarnate?

[BOB] or create a new character

[john2] i think she will go for option D) Resurect

[BOB] not available to Celtic people

[john2] OH

[john2] Ahhhh

[john2] ouch

[BOB] I have the reincarnate tables for Celtic People here and ready

[BOB] different things for Priests and Mage

[john2] and we are clear on the wizard version vs Priest?

[BOB] birds, bats, owls

[BOB] giant talking owl

[john2] or can Celtic not be reincarnated by mages?

[BOB] would that be a fun party members

[john2] I have always wanted

[BOB] Mages get the spell they can reincarnate

[BOB] but the religion controls what they come back as

[john2] but would Kylia's god be offended?

[BOB] Vikings would be different

[BOB] if you did a resurection yes, would invalidate her faith

[BOB] but not for doing what her faith requires

[BOB] I have unicorns on the Greek chart

[BOB] and pegasus

[BOB] cyclops

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Jun 19 18:55:32 EDT 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[john2] Hey, Hello Kaz

[BOB] I bet Kaz would be good at playing a Giant Talking Owl

[john2] who

[john2] kaz?

[john2] I wanted to be a parrot mage if you remember

[BOB] I have told that story

[BOB] I think a myna bird song mage would be interesting

[Kaz] Hi guys

[john2] :bows to lady:

[BOB] how are you tonight Kaz? and is Guy working ?

[BOB] Minotaurs are on the list for both Greek and Celtic

[BOB] can you imagine Kaz as one ?

[john2] be there

[john2] been there, done that

[BOB] Hawk

[BOB] lots of things

[BOB] wild boar

[BOB] hard to play that one

[john2] kaz could

[BOB] smile, we all have her with so much pressure now

[john2] snorts and points nose that way

[Kaz] Sorry, I was scrolled up. Guy is closing tonight :(

[Kaz] I'm not feeling so great, either. Grrr.

[Kaz] So, can you imagine me as what? Minotaur?

[BOB] or a wild boar

[BOB] I cna not imagine Guy having any comments on those ;P

[Kaz] Minotaurs are only male, unless you change that for your world.

[BOB] so

[Kaz] Question, did Kylia die, too?

[BOB] we do not know

[BOB] when she shows up

[BOB] she makes her check for turning to stone

[john2] she was turend to stone and back to flesh, this we know

[Kaz] ahh

[Kaz] and how did Liam end up dead?

[BOB] he is not dead yet

[BOB] just turned to stone

[john2] again, same

[Kaz] okay, I'm confused. Never mind me.

[BOB] Liam and Kylia are the same situation

[BOB] they make a save when turned to stone

[BOB] to see if they survived

[BOB] then they are turned stone to flesh by a potion that negates making that check

[BOB] it si not a save but a system shock roll

[BOB] Moirra on the other hand

[BOB] is flesh again, dead but flesh

[john2] she isead

[BOB] so when you are ready Kaz

[BOB] you can roll your percentage dice

[BOB] to see what you would come back as


[Kaz] So, I don't get to be raised, then.

[john2] tell her options first

[BOB] you can just create a new character and leave Moirra dead


[BOB] you could have the raise dead

[BOB] lose a point of Con

[john2] but otherwise unchanged

[Kaz] Yeah, because I'm rolling in HPs right now. lol

[Kaz] If the raise fails, can she be rezzed?

[Kaz] not rezzed

[Kaz] reincarnated

[BOB] hmmm

[BOB] that has never come up

[john2] good question

[Kaz] I had though t you said she could, but we are not always talking about the same thing.

[BOB] I would lean towards saying yes

[BOB] becuase the Reincarnation does not need a roll

[john2] i think you need to re read

[BOB] ok

[BOB] and?

[john2] what would stop them from casting raise again

[john2] is it the boddy or the soul

[BOB] because if the system shock is failed then the spell fails

[BOB] so it can not be tried again

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] a higher level spell could be

[Fritz] howza

[Kaz] Hiya Fritz

[john2] wb

[Kaz] I'll be back in a few. Feeling rather ugh. :(

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

Lorie] has joined the game on Fri Jun 19 19:07:21 EDT 2009

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map Folly.


[john2] overwheled her already

[john2] HEY!

[john2] Welome Lorie

[john2] back up to one girl minimum to play

[BOB] I can not remember the last time we did not have at least one woman at the table

[BOB] for a night

[BOB] has to be years

[john2] you should have it in the stats

[Fritz] Good thing this is a table top game and not a bed game...

[BOB] door brb

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] Bob why do they have to roll a system shock to be turned to stone? I thought it was only to come back

[john2] he read, he rulled

[Fritz] Just curious where he read?

[john2] his loft I think

[john2] no clue as to the book

[Fritz] It must be because there is no such thing in the book that I saw.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[john2] I had a character die because he was tuenred to stone and hit by a lighting bolt

[BOB] back

[john2] I made 3 saves

[Fritz] That can happen JOhn

[BOB] flesh to stone and the reverse require a system shock roll

[john2] I had to try three saves

[BOB] so you need a roll when you are turned to stone

[Fritz] it doesn't say that flesh to stone requires a system shock

[Fritz] only a save.

[Fritz] Stone to flesh does and that is where the survival part cmes in

[john2] sounds like her is reading the mage spell

[BOB] "although the survial fo the creatires is subject to teh usual system shock survival roll"

[Fritz] this spell restores life (and goods), although the survival of the creature is subject to the usual system shock survival roll.

[john2] quoting battle?

[Fritz] The reverse, flesh to stone, turns flesh of any sort to stone. All possessions on the person of the creature likewise turn to stone. The intended subject of the spell receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect.

[Fritz] Nothing else about a survival roll

[BOB] you are allowed a save to avoid the effect, if you make it you are not affected at all, if you fail then you are stone and need the system shock roll

[Fritz] That isn't what it says. It says that when you come back that is when you do the system shock. Like polymorph other.

[BOB] the part I quoted from earlier in teh spell "the usual system shock survival roll"

[BOB] and that is also mentioned in the system shock description

[BOB] changes

[BOB] your potion prevented a second roll coming out of stone to flesh

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] but they need teh roll for the initial transformation

[Kaz] back, sorry

[Kaz] Hiya Lorie :)

[john2] np

[Kaz (to Lorie only)] *hug*

[john2] Lori is extra quite tonight

[john2] her keyboard may be damaged

[Lorie (to Kaz only)] :: hugs ::

[Lorie] yes... clearly that is it

[Kaz] Or she may just not want to get into the middle of battle "System Shock Rolls", for which I couldn't possibly blame her.

[john2] that also

[john2] ;)

[BOB] I have said, those that turned to stone need to amke the rolls

[Lorie] another night...another round of rule debates... HOORAY

[BOB] turning back to flesh is no roll

[BOB] end of story

[BOB] moving on

[Kaz] Sounds good Bob.

[Lorie (to Kaz only)] :: sighs ::

[john2] so Lorie do you want to roll or just go ahead and retire Kylia

[john2] ;X

[Kaz (to Lorie only)] I know.

[Lorie] Why do I have to retire Kylia?

[Lorie] Aside from the fact that everyone wants her gone?

[Kaz] Oh, I was given that option, too :D

[john2] NO one wants her gone

[BOB] you can make the system shcok roll now

[BOB] so they can plan

[Lorie (to Kaz only)] Oh boy, I have to mind my temper tonight...I'm tempted to log off right now

[Lorie] plan what?

mikE] has joined the game on Fri Jun 19 19:24:24 EDT 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

mikE] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Fritz] Resurrection Survival lists a character's percentage chance to be successfully resurrected or raised from death by magic. If the recipient stone object was formerly living, this spell restores life (and goods), although the survival of the creature is subject to the usual system shock survival roll.

[Lorie] what are we planning?

[Kaz] Heya Mike

[john2] HEY BOB was wrong


[BOB] I said so so it is

[BOB] tough

[BOB] we are doing what I said, end of story

[BOB] moving on

[john2] Hello Mike

[Lorie] /BOB I'll be over here when they are done

[Fritz] Bob if you look at the 2 definitions then you are not correct but if that is the way you want to play it fine

[BOB] shove it fritz

[BOB] I said we are done

[BOB] moving on

[john2] Lori we are planning n what to do if you fail your roll

[Lorie] ] Kylia Wolfslayer: System Shock check: (d100) [1d100=73] 73 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[BOB] so Kylia survived

[john2] ok ,so no issue

[Kaz (to Lorie only)] YAY!

[BOB] Kaz

[Lorie] So moving on John

[mikE] hello all

[Lorie (to Kaz only)] Wow... what drama

[Lorie (to Kaz only)] worse than women

[BOB] Fuck you too Lorie

[john2] who is the all person everyone keeps talking to and why was I not introduced

[BOB] tired of this shit

[Lorie] Excuse me?

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Jun 19 19:26:07 EDT 2009

[BOB] Kaz make your roll

[Lorie] I rolled.

[BOB] I say Lorie

[BOB] saw

[Lorie] Why is that directed at me

[BOB] no need for snide comments by anyone

[mikE] i say, the dartmouth rowing team is looking a bit slow on the pull there, wouldn't you say?

[john2] ::taking a step back::

[BOB] Kaz I need a roll from you pleae

[Kaz] Okay, is it the system shock roll for being raised?

[BOB] yes

[Kaz] Okay, I have to find it, give me a sec please.

[Kaz] ] Moirra: System Shock check: (d100) [1d100=93] 93 - ROLL FAILED against 88!!

[mikE] well crap.

[Kaz] sheesh!

[Kaz] lol

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so now a percentage

[Kaz] okie dokeys

[BOB] for the reincarnate

[mikE] nooooooooooooo

[Kaz] I don't know how to do a percentile on here

[Kaz] Someone tell me please?

[john2] open dice pannel

[BOB] curly bracket d100 curly bracket

[john2] or that

[Kaz] (d100) [1d100=28] 28

[Kaz] I'm a tree frog!

[Kaz] I'm a gopher!

[mikE] or worse, halfling

[Kaz] I'm a.... 28!

[mikE] almost the answer

[Kaz] Well, 28s don't have legs, so you might have to drag me around in a cart. :)

[john2] you can ride paul''s shoulder for awhile

[Kaz] Thanks!

[john2] unless your a pig

[john2] :0

[BOB] so Kaz, you now have a Gnome

[Kaz] Oh, if I'm a pig, I want to be butchered and slow roasted in an imu

[BOB] you can still be a Priest

[BOB] so you can continue in your vocation

[john2] yea!

[john2] Kylia may not like you as much

[Kaz] Woohoo

[john2] thank goodness your not a dwarf

[Kaz] But but but

[Kaz] I'll still be Moirra, so maybe she'll like me a little.

[john2] just do not carry any boxes

[BOB] so

[BOB] Liam is in deep freeze

[BOB] just in case

[mikE] wow. gnome.

[BOB] now what do you want to do?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] So if my work is done here, I need to rest

[mikE] i guess you could go live with the gnomes in greenborough

[Kaz] *gasp*

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::walks off::

[Kaz] Does Moirra still have all her skills and stuff, or is it like starting over?

[BOB] has everything except physcial stats

[BOB] need to reroll str dex con

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you might be stronger

[BOB] and Hit points

[Kaz] okay

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but you will most likly be shorter

[Kaz] sheesh, I feel way out of it. IS it 3d6 for the stats?

[BOB] 4 - 1

[BOB] while Kaz is working on that

[BOB] Kylia, Finglas

[BOB] anything? Paul has gone off

[BOB] taking the flail with him

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (to the lab)

[Kaz] while I'm rolling, Moirra goes off to re-work her clothing. Yay, tailoring!

[mikE] anything in the morning reports?

[BOB] no

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (is she still female?)

[BOB] yes

[Kaz] (4d6) [4d6=5,6,5,4] 20

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] woot

[mikE] 20 str!

[mikE] awesome

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] no, 16

[Kaz] (4d6) [4d6=5,4,1,6] 16

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but still

[mikE] it says 20

[mikE] with an underline even

[Kaz] lol, nice try

[mikE] it's like, whabam! 20 bizitches

[Kaz] (4d6) [4d6=3,6,3,5] 17

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] well done, nice stats

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] with no mods even

[Kaz] umm

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] /fri your not on the list?

[mikE] he left

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] missed that

[Kaz (to BOB only)] just roll 8d8 for the hps, right?

[BOB] yes to Kaz

[Kaz] (8d8) [8d8=8,3,6,1,7,2,7,7] 41

[john2] about average

[Kaz] that 1 and that 2 have no business in there. :D

[john2] they make up for teh 8 and three 7's

[BOB] and so?

[BOB] I am sure Kaz is a good enough roleplayer to run with what she has right now

[BOB] Paul is indisposed

[BOB] what are you doing?

[mikE] shaking my head over the fugly gnome in the group now.

[john2] she is still cute, just for a gnome

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 16 (10). STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 16 (10). Weight Allowance:: CHANGED: 70 (40). MUSC: (MU) : CHANGED: 16 (10). Damage Adjust: (DMG) : CHANGED: +1 (+0). Max Press:: CHANGED: 195 (115). Open Doors:: CHANGED: 9 (6). Bend Bars/Lift Gate:: CHANGED: 10 (2). DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 15 (9). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 15 (9). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 15 (9). Defensive Adjust: (DEF) : CHANGED: -1 (0). Personal Information - Race:: CHANGED: Gnome (Human).

[Kaz] lol John; Mike, you're a big meanie-head.

[john2] Khan is cute, for a troll

[mikE] yeah... no

[BOB] Fritz just texted me, the power is out there, he will be back when it comes back

[mikE] gnomes don't get to be cute.

[Kaz] *cries*

[mikE] you can always die again and maybe come back as a snail

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Jun 19 19:51:37 EDT 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[john2] wb

[Kaz] Okay, just because I've never dealt with the situation before and I want to make sure, since Moirra is in another intelligent humanoid body, she's still just Moirra, right? All memories and so forth still intact?

[Kaz] Welcome back Fritz

[BOB] yes to Kaz

[Kaz] Okay, thanks Bob.

[Finglas (mikE)] ::coughs:: "Welcome back Moirra..."

[Finglas (mikE)] "If you want to kill Paul, I'll understand."

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

Moirra (Kaz)] looks up from her sewing. "Why would I want to do that?"

[john2] (snicker snicker)

[Finglas (mikE)] "You're a gnome."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, I realise that I'm quite... small.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Yes... We could make arrangements for you."

Moirra (Kaz)] peers at Finglas.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Arrangements?

[Finglas (mikE)] "Perhaps you can take Paul's magic ring as pennance for his transgressions and we can permanently enchant you in your old form through it."

Moirra (Kaz)] sighs.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm still me, no matter what form I'm in, Finglas.

[john2] (so glad Paul did not hear that)

[Moirra (Kaz)] It's just a shell, even if a bit, well, short.

[john2] (she needs a new icon too)

[Finglas (mikE)] "Yes, but your old shell was so much nicer. No offence."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Let's say it looked more elven."

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Good point John, I didn't think of that))

john2] is receiving the map overland lake of mists...

john2] has received the map overland lake of mists.

[Moirra (Kaz)] But the most important thing is that I am still who I was, no matter what I look like.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Now my mother is going to want to set me up with that crazy woman in the next tree over again..."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Unless... She never sees you again."

[Finglas (mikE)] "That could work."

[Finglas (mikE)] ::taps his chin::

[john2] (so glad Paul did not hear that) too

[Moirra (Kaz)] Your mother knows we are just friends, Finglas.

john2] is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

john2] has received the map Robert-Overland01.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Yes, but she's hopeful. The hope of half elf grandchildren might throw her off for a few decades. Thank the gods she's so accepting of other races."

Moirra (Kaz)] shakes her head at Finglas as if at a naughty child.

[Finglas (mikE)] ::shrugs at Moirra:: "She's crazy for grandchildren. Ever since my aunt got grandkids my mother has been after me."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I told her to talk to Ant about that."

[Moirra (Kaz)] It is a mother's lot in life to be wishful of grandchildren.

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 7 (6). CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 6 (5). Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Blur -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Hypnotism -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Finglas (mikE)] "Val tried to convince her that half demons didn't have the necissary baby making parts."

[Moirra (Kaz)] And it is a child's lot in life to deal with the drama mothers put forth in the pursuit of grandchildren.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((ugh, brb again, sorry))

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[john2] must be something she ate

[Finglas (mikE)] "So how has Paul dealt with the mace? Is he going crazy?"

[john2] or she is really good at roleplaying

[john2] who are you asking?

[john2] you want find Khan?

[Finglas (mikE)] i was going to ask moirra, but she's gone

[john2] and Kylia has been mostly dead for a couple days, but so was Morria

[john2] Fin knows best

[Finglas (mikE)] i wasn't here last week, and didn't read the log

mikE] has left the game on Fri Jun 19 20:09:02 EDT 2009

[john2] was it something I said?

mikE] has joined the game on Fri Jun 19 20:09:35 EDT 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

mikE] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[john2] Fin knows Paul reincarnated the dead priest, then remembered Arilyn could teleport (christy showed up)

[john2] a few teleports later and a day later we were back in roadhaven

[mikE] what happened to the reincarnated priest?

[john2] he is back in the temple as a halfling, I have his dager and holy symbol

[john2] Paul thinks we may need to ask him some questions but not sure

[mikE] why do we keep leaving evil priests alive?

[mikE] does paul want to kill the gods and take over a crap ass desert still?

[john2] he probaly knows something

[john2] he is a halfling now, if that helps

[john2] Paul has shown no sign of that goal

[john2] he helped save the rest of the dragonslayers

[john2] then went to the lab

[mikE] okay, so are we now going back to the underdark?

[john2] that is my understanding

[john2] butwe had to see about Morria and Kylia if they were aline or not

[mikE] or worse than dead

[john2] hey , it was up to the GODS what she came back as

[john2] Paul is no god

[mikE] i think we should add that one under level drain. fate worse than death no. 2: coming back as a gnome

[mikE] someone better make her a big pointy hat

[john2] you rather her be a talking owl?

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Sorry, I"m back

[john2] sorry you left

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Orison, null, null, 2, $IU, +0.

[john2] glad your back

[john2] sorry you had to leave

[john2] glad you choose to come back

[john2] (realy wating to role play, sorry)

[mikE] "Moirra, I have heard of a new trend with the humans. Apparently they hire gnomes to sit on their lawns."

[mikE] "Their uniform is a tall, pointy red hat. I can have one made for you and enchant it to make you the best lawn gnome you can be."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Finglas, is that the best you can do?

[mikE] "They might also help the humans take vacations or some such. Carry the baggage."

Moirra (Kaz)] grins at Finglas

[mikE] "I guess it has to do with the human saying that there's gnome place like home."

[mikE] "Humans were always a strange lot."

Moirra (Kaz)] laughs, her eyes twinkling.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, then, you should be glad I no longer am one.

[john2] good one

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((hee))

[mikE] "You should maybe just remember to not walk around nude anymore.'

Moirra (Kaz)] blushes, then frowns.

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified:

[Khan (john2)] ::walks from lab to inn::

[mikE] "You and Khan can have reincarnated babies."

[Khan (john2)] ::quick glance at new gnome::

[Finglas (mikE)] "Would they turn out human?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] Hello Khan!

Moirra (Kaz)] chuckles.

[Khan (john2)] ::comes out of in with food::

[Moirra (Kaz)] I would think not, Finglas. You seem to be feeling very existential.

[Khan (john2)] Hello, nice to meet you

[Khan (john2)] sorry I need to drop this off

[Khan (john2)] ::heads to lab::

[Finglas (mikE)] "Mages are so odd."

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Gold Coin -- Inventory/Charges: +3 (+2), DELETED: Wand of Destruction, Area of affect 60' radius around user. Everything is destroyed no saving throw., +19, 1.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Formerly or currently human ones doubly so."

[Khan (john2)] ::comes back from lab, a little more casual::

Moirra (Kaz)] shrugs at Finglas. "And formerly human priests? Are they odd, too?

[Finglas (mikE)] "I'm betting. Espeicially when the origional human was a bit off to begin with."

[Khan (john2)] Hello, Fin, how are things

[Finglas (mikE)] "Shorter."

Moirra (Kaz)] sighs

[Khan (john2)] We hae not been introduced, my name is Khan

[Finglas (mikE)] "Well they are."

[Khan (john2)] ::extends a hand to gnome::

[Finglas (mikE)] "This was-is Moirra."

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm Moirra, Khan.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Mini Moirra."

Moirra (Kaz)] takes Khan's hand. "I'm still Moirra, shorter or not."

[Khan (john2)] Oh, sorry er glad to have you back

[Khan (john2)] taller is not always better

[Khan (john2)] point to self

[Moirra (Kaz)] I guess I'm glad to be back. *looks pointedly at Finglas* Even if my friends are unhappy about my form.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I didn't know you before, but I think you're just fine the way you are.

Moirra (Kaz)] smiles at Khan.

[Khan (john2)] ::smiles back::

[Khan (john2)] did you want me to go with you guys this time?

[Finglas (mikE)] "It's a real crummy trip."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I don't want to go."

[Khan (john2)] I saw Rave's friends arround so , I know you don't need me

[Fritz] What day is this the same day that Liam and Moirra were returned from stone to flesh or the next day?

[BOB] two days

[BOB] from coming back

[Khan (john2)] from temple?

[BOB] nods

[Khan (john2)] so it's Monday?

[Khan (john2)] (sorry, I thought it was funny)

[Fritz] So is this the day AFTER Liam and Moirra were returned from stone or the SAME day?

[BOB] after

[Khan (john2)] So Moirra, you ready to go out again or do you need time to pray

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] I would like to sneak around and look for Paul. I should know where he is. Otherwise I try and sneak follow Khan. Tell me if I need to roll anything

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 25 Mid ___ se, Din {Mid Spring} 25th, 1260.

[BOB (to Fritz only)] you can follow Khan, but not sure what Paul has as guards

[BOB (to Fritz only)] you should just say it in the room

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] he doesn't want to know what I do. John told me

[Khan (john2)] Is Lady Kylia ok, I have not seen her today

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 0 -- Maximum: 4 (3), CHANGED: 0 -- Current: 4 (3). Spells - CHANGED: Grease -- # Memorized: 1 (0), DELETED: Orison, 0, 0, a, 3, 1, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 0 (1), Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Acid Flask -- Inventory/Charges: 6 (4), CHANGED: Incendiary Flask -- Inventory/Charges: 6 (4), CHANGED: Pyrotechnic Flask -- Inventory/Charges: 6 (4), CHANGED: Holy Water -- Inventory/Charges: 6 (4),

[Finglas (mikE)] "She's around, I guess."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Might be in the kitchen."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] but if you want me to say it in the room I will be glad to

[Khan (john2)] anything I can do for you while your gone?

[BOB (to Fritz only)] yeah to get them going more

[Finglas (mikE)] "Research a spell to make people happy."

[Khan (john2)] well it won't be true happyness but ok

[Moirra (Kaz)] I shall have to visit Willem, to apprise him of this new situation. However, I believe that can wait until I get back. Or perhaps Rhys will go and speak with him.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] When Khan was going in and out of the Kylia's palace I followed him invisibly to find out where Paul is located.

[Khan (john2)] Paul is in his lab, sleeping on the cot

[Khan (john2)] maybe a big comfy chair

[Khan (john2)] (lazy boy like)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I follow Khan closely and try to see if I can enter with him. Invisibly and moving silently

[Khan (john2)] (seperate building, next to the library)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=78] 78 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Khan (john2)] (not an issue for me, Khan is distracted)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I enter the room where Paul is sleeping and look to see if he is wearing the crown and the flail in hand

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] If he

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] says a password to get by a glyph

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I want to be close enough to hear him say it

[Khan (john2)] (i would say yes, like he feel asleep watching TV, with the remote inhis hand)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Cool.

[Khan (john2) (to BOB only)] anytime you want to correct me

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I hide in a distant corner and await for Khan to leave the room when Paul tries to eat

[BOB (to john2 only)] no problem

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Under a desk or something

mikE] has left the game on Fri Jun 19 20:48:41 EDT 2009

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Make it less likely when he wakes up for him to see me even if he has true seeing on.

[Khan (john2)] (it is a magic labratory, khan keeps it clean, not cluttered, but no perch for an owl or pixie)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Since true seeing doesn't give infravision I don't believe

mikE] has joined the game on Fri Jun 19 20:49:30 EDT 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

mikE] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I mean xray vision

[Khan (john2)] wb mike

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Does Khan leave and Paul wake up?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Are Paul's spell books nearby?

[Khan (john2)] Khan leaves but Paul does not wake up right away

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I take a silent sigh.

[Khan (john2)] there are books but I do not know if you know if they are spell boks or research books

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Fair enough

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against : Gold Coin: Make any magic potion, oil, salve etc. 3 times a day

[Khan (john2)] (you want to skip to the part where he wakes up?)

[Khan (john2)] (guess not)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Actually I will.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Just getting prepared

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] :;breather deep::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I create a potion...Voodoo Master, drop a piece of pauls hair in it.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] anyone else doing anything ?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against : Gold Coin: Make any magic potion, oil, salve etc. 3 times a day

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[mikE] sure. fin will do some research on a quiver of holding

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::paul shakes his head as he notices there is food and grabs a bite::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I would have to fail my move silently wouldn't I John? What do you think?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i think that only works when that is all you are doing, once you act, there is a chance

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] So I should roll again?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Bob or you decide the minuses

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=32] 32 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] what do you have to do with the coin? What is the chance you hit metal on metal?

[BOB] it is the same as casting sublety

[BOB] when using the magic item

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] None ... Just like Bob said.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] My second potion is a potion of zombie blood and I swirl it with my finger

[BOB] so it is based on the inteligence of the person (Paul) and the sublety of the use

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I just dip the coin in the liquid

Lorie] has left the game on Fri Jun 19 20:58:01 EDT 2009

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] But let me check to make sure

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I would say in his state, it is a non issue, or severe penalty.He is clearly extreemly tired and it is still early

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I'm sorry Guys, I think I have to go.))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Take care

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] bye

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Night!!))

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Jun 19 20:58:42 EDT 2009

[mikE] ::gets bored and goes to the lab since everyone left::

[Finglas (mikE)] ::knocks on the door::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Touching the coin to or dropping it into a small quantity of liquid

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Khan is still here

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] he stops Fin

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Paul is trying to sleep

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I hold it in my hand like a drink and put away my coin.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Can't we just make sure he's asleep before you turn me away?"

[Khan (john2)] you do not want to disturb him Fin

[Khan (john2)] he is grouchy when is is this tired

[Finglas (mikE)] "Why is that?"

[Finglas (mikE)] "Can't be worse than Kylia."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I turn visible and say "Hiya Paul. Glad you are with the living again. Boy you sure were tired. Mind if I sit her and chat with you a minute

[Finglas (mikE)] "Besids, I was going to go and annoy him until he became grouchy anyway."

[Khan (john2)] Befre you all were rescued he cast Improed strength and held it with his ring

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I am watching him closely for any sudden moves or actions

[Khan (john2)] he just took it off and he will be groggy for a long time

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: -$RA (+10+$RA). Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: -$RA (+10+$RA).

[Khan (john2)] (paul takes a few bites and lays back in to the chair)

[Finglas (mikE)] "That's... informative."

[Finglas (mikE)] "So, let's go wake him up then."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (Do I believe I spoke loud enough to be heard?

[Khan (john2)] it's not a smart spell to cast and hold but he must have thought things were desperate

[BOB] yes

[Finglas (mikE)] "That's what I want to go check on."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Let's go."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I'll use you as a shield. You grow back."

[Khan (john2)] ok, it;s all you fin

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] huh

[Finglas (mikE)] ::knocks on the door again::

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::shakes head:: Rave?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well to one of the few who survived and for rescuing me I want to thank you once again

[Finglas (mikE)] ::calls out:: "Paul, wake up."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] yea Paul I just wanted to thank you.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] :;sighs:; not know Fin, I have company already

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I was going to wait till you woke up and not disturb you

[Finglas (mikE)] "Unless she's naked, we need to talk."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] no prob rave, you would do the same

[Finglas (mikE)] "And if that's the case, I'm going to go talk to your wife."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I NEED SOME SLEEP, KaaaaaaaaaaaaN

[Finglas (mikE)] snicker

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (you think your the only one who can quote ST)

[Finglas (mikE)] "Okay, I'll just go keep your wife company while you keep your friend company."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ok...Well here's looking at you buddy....(I drink the potion)...There is no save and he becomes a zombie under my control

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] We were leagly sepearated, but thanks for careing

[Finglas (mikE)] "Kahn, let's go find Mrs. Elvenstire."

[Finglas (mikE)] "You were? Since when?"

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (khann follows finn::

[Finglas (mikE)] ::opens the door unless it's locked::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I become invisible

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] no locks

[Finglas (mikE)] "Marriage should not be legally binding. It's supposed to be between the gods."

[Finglas (mikE)] ::pokes at Paul's forehead::

[Khan (john2)] fin, can we go now

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I make another potion. and drink it.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Oh, we can. I'm not done here yet."

[Finglas (mikE)] "So I won't."

[Khan (john2)] (what does Paul feel?)

[Khan (john2) (to BOB only)] BOB will protection form evil help avoid control?

[Finglas (mikE)] a finger poking him in the forehead?

[BOB (to john2 only)] no clue, would have to look up that potoin

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] I will tell you what I do and you can tell Mike and John what happens is that ok?

[Khan (john2)] (from RAVE's potion)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against : Gold Coin: Make any magic potion, oil, salve etc. 3 times a day

[Finglas (mikE)] paul feels it when rave takes a drink?

[Khan (john2)] (this is #3 right)

[Finglas (mikE)] that must make horrible hangovers

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Yes

[Khan (john2)] Rave, can we talk in like a week, when I wake up. I hate this feeling

[Khan (john2)] (that was Paul)

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] lays back down

[Finglas (mikE)] ::sits down::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] how far away is GON?

[BOB (to Fritz only)] you are in Gon

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] don;t make me kill you finn

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I thought we were in Roadhaven?

[Finglas (mikE)] "I can wait."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (yes we are)

[BOB] Paul lives in Gon

[Finglas (mikE)] "Besides, I'm wondering if you'd try to kill me."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] we are not in Gon

[Finglas (mikE)] "That'd answer a question of mine."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] for keeping me up, for no reason, it is a thought

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] this potion works within a 50 mile radius...Is Paul within a 50 mile radius?

[BOB] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] unless you need someting, then by all means, tell me please so I can do it and get it over with

[Finglas (mikE)] "And what other thoughts are going through your mind?"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] He automatically becomes a zombie under my control. He has no other actions but what I tell him.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Well I thought I'd deal with you now while Kylia isn't around. Easier to send you into the sun if she's not around."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] there is no save.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] who wants to kill who now?

[BOB] (( and question for you Mike adn Fritz about version 3.5 how might a low level necromancer (UA variant, Skeletal minion) heal her skeletal companion with a party that does not have a cleric? Eg, are there any low level arcane spells that deal negative damage or any skills/abilities that one might utilize to do such a thing? )

[Finglas (mikE)] hell if i know.

[BOB] ok

[Finglas (mikE)] i don't play 3.5

[BOB] and what is the exact potion name fritz?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] It depends on the level of the caster Bob and yes there are spells.

[Finglas (mikE)] anyway, i might be heading off myself. tired and have some paperwork to sort through about the new house and tax returns and crap.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Dark Draft of the Voodoo Masters, and Zombie Blood

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Congratulation s on the house Mike

[Finglas (mikE)] thanks. i'd be happier if it wasn't so much work to get.

[BOB] any idea on what spells Fritz?

[Finglas (mikE)] should be like a burger. hi, i'd like a 2/2 with a garage.

[BOB] as I look up those potoins

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] For the healing of undead?

[Finglas (mikE)] drive up to the first window please

[Finglas (mikE)] night all

mikE] has left the game on Fri Jun 19 21:15:17 EDT 2009

[BOB] ys to Frtitz

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Night mike

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] you might want to read Imp str and make a rulling on how long I am actual tired for, Paul is playing it up

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ok. ONe sec and I will look it up as well for you.

[BOB] and on the Zombie Blook potion with the Dark Draft, Paul is under Rave's control for the next few days

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] I thought is was so many turns for each turn with strength

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] even with Protection from evil?

[BOB] actually that potion of zombe blook is a ravenloft thing Fritz, can not use that one

[BOB] the Dark Voodo would still work

[BOB] but

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] It has an option for ravenloft but it isn't a ravenloft potion. But if you rule it as such that is ok. I can still use zombie broth and he gets no save.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Because of the voodoo potion

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] still sound like Prot from evil should help. From a point it is evil intent

[BOB] zombie broth has a save versus poison

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I don't have evil intent. And it says no save.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I will tell you what my third potion is when this has been decided.

[BOB] ok, Fritz did you have any ideas on the 3.5 thing?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[BOB] then I can drop that and finish this potion battle

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I was looking it up. sorry. One sec

[BOB] nods

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] did you get a chance to read my spell

[BOB (to john2 only)] reading now

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::testing to make sure still connected::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] negative Energy Burst 3rd level necromancy sor/wiz. Component V,S. Cast 1 action, range close (25+5ft/2 levels. Effect 20 foot radius burst. Duration instantaneous. Save Will half. Spell resistance yes. "You release a silent burst of negative energy from a pont you indicate. The burst deals 1d8 points of damage to living creatures in the area +1 point per caster level (maximum 1d8 +10. ) . A successful will save reduces damage by half. Since undead are powerd by negative energy, this spell cures them of a like amount of damage, rather than harming them.

[BOB] thank you Fritz passed that on

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Quote

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] cool

[BOB] now back to our stuff

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] There is a first level version as well.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Negative energy ray

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i am sure necormancers could use cantrip

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] in that way

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] 1d6 per 2 levels 1d6 at first , ed6 at erd, etc. to 5d6 at 9th

[BOB] good enough

[BOB] passed that all along

[BOB] thank you

[BOB] so John

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Welcome

[BOB] the zombie potion

[BOB] if you drink it you get a save

[BOB] but the Dark Vodoo potion before that

[BOB] means you don't need to drink it

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] and you read the thrrd part of Protection from evil?

[BOB] that applies to extra planenar creatures

[BOB] what are you trying for?

[BOB] se

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Who me?

[BOB] the second part John talks about control

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I am not going to exercise control. He just cant do anything is fine by me.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] He is frozne with everything a 3

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] all stats

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] He loses all self motivation and will

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] If he just lies there and stares as if he has no control I am happy

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] any atempt to control is blocked by this spell

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I am not trying to control

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] But the affect on you should be the same

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] He should just sit there and stare off into space with no will to do anything

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so i can't do anything but you are not controlling me, that sound like control

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] No that is what the potion does. I then have to get you to do things

[BOB] the potion goes into effect, but Rave has no mental control over Paul

[BOB] so Paul is weak, but not controled

[BOB] and Rave can not make him do anything, including just sit there

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] And he has no motivation to do anything correct.

[BOB] no control pasess through the barrier, so can not make him lose motivation or motivate him to do something

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I don't make him lose motivation. It says the victims intelligence drops to 3

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] and how long am I under the reovery effect of Improved strength?

[BOB] (Fritz, they questioned where you found those two spells)

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] gee thanks

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] and he or she loses all self motivation and will power

[BOB (to john2 only)] it lasts for a couple of turns

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Tome and Blood. A guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Movement rate drops to 6

[BOB] thank you Fritz

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] The character is efectively a sluggish, midless automaton

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] how would you know at this point

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I can't tell him what to do. But the potion otherwise does take effect

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::paul sleeps for a couple turns::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I don't wait that long actually Bob...

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Can I do my next action?

[BOB] sure

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::tries to::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Also look at the part where he can't hold down normal food or drink

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (Sure JOhn I agree)

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (is this a case where the cure is worse then the curse)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I reach out to touch the flail...

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (your funeral)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I agree

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I can also tell you what potion I drank

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (i won't have the same ablity to "save" you, if that is what you call this)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Potion of Corrosive touch. This mixture gives the drinker the ability to dissolve material with a touch of the hands. I dissolve 1 cubic foot of non living material such as soft stone or wood per round. Tougher materails, such as gemstone, hard rock, or metal, dissolve at half the rate.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Enchanted items gain a saving throw vs. acid.

[BOB] (1d20) [1d20=1] 1

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] good luck

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Booya

[BOB] sigh

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] opps

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i thought this was tougher than that

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I then touch the crown or whatever it is called

[BOB] (1d20) [1d20=17] 17

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Carefully not to touch paul.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I touch it again

[BOB] that survives

[BOB] won't work, it is the same attack

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] the corrosive touch lasts for 2d12 rounds

[BOB] the flail disolves, the circlet survives

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] does it matter?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (2d12) [2d12=3,1] 4

[BOB (to john2 only)] was the flail and circlet combo that made you feel that way, now is nothing

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] thouoght so

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I would think that each attempt to touch it would be a save

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Like dropping something over and over in fire

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] or lava

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] If I save once, and then go in the lava a second time I have to save again

[BOB] each attemmpt with the spell

[BOB] so if you cast it again

[BOB] then will need another save

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] even if it is a continous spell?

[BOB] nods

[BOB] just like flaming touch

[BOB] etc

[BOB] only one save for such things per spell

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Chilll touch you have to save each time you are touched. Just want to make sure.

[BOB] nods

[BOB] it does break the curse,

[BOB] they were a pair

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you broke the wrong one damm it

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well I do try and remove the corronet or whatever it is from his head.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] the flail would have been fine

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] be itself

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Pick Pockets check:(d100) [1d100=95] 95 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] see what I do to your magic items next

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well JOhn I didn't know. Bob kept saying over and over again all through the web site we have to "destroy the flail"

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] thank you fritz for spolil my fun

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I know, that is what he wanted

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I am sorry JOhn. I was just following orders

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you are under his control

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] and you do not even know it

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] who is the zomie now

[BOB] smile

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i am going to post on line so we can move on next week.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] thank you fritz

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] at least we can move on

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Sorry John.

[BOB] nods

[BOB] I think we can wrap up here

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you did not here the best part

[BOB] oh?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] What?

[BOB] what john

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Fin could have ended it by just using all the charges the first day

[BOB] oh yeah

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] All what charges?

[BOB] the flail has charges for uses

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] the flail has charges, he could have used them

[BOB] use up all the charges,

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] had

[BOB] crumbles to dust

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] But you didn't know it was a Rod of Lordly Might even when he had it. So how could he have known to use the charges?

[BOB] he never tried to use it at all

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I thought you didn't find out until you wore the crown

[BOB] they did not know what it was

[BOB] they just kept it

[BOB] did not use it

[BOB] is ok

[BOB] is over now

[BOB] we will start the next day

[BOB] with the idea of heading back to the Underdark to meet with him one last time

[Fritz] So I guess once again I am the bad guy. I really am sorry John. No one actually listens to me anywa so I figured I had to do this on my own.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I think we wil want to go kill the priest, maybe

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I apprecaite it

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I would have liked to take on the Dragon Slayers

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I was all ready to teleport with you to the ocean and pool back by myself

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] or actual I was going to go to the lake in my area where they mate with you for a year

[Fritz] Ahhh well. I am sorry. I can go and do my wish now and wish you had the flail again if you want?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you would be ok but stuck for a year

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I would rather a staf of Magus or somthing like that

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] the flail was wimpy for me

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] command people, that is just what Paul wants

[Fritz] Now if Bob had said we had to dispose of the flail or said we had to figure out what to do with the flail then maybe I wouldn't have destroyed it. Of course I believe you mentioned destroying it as well.

[Fritz] Question JOhn.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I had

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] shoot

[Fritz] If I had had the flail and the crown, would you have gone after the crown first or the flail first?

[Fritz] Of course between us I don't think I should have known anything about the curse. Then you could have become the megalomaniac we know you always wanted to be

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] it is easy to say in hein sight, but the flail had no effect on Finn, or Paul until the corclet came along

[Fritz] WEll I wasn't there to know. I was insane at the time.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I do not have the options you have, I know

[Fritz] As well as no one ever let me touch it to figure that part out

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i was trying to play uneffected, get you all to leave. In and out of character

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but no you had to keep bringing up

[Fritz] Hey after the corrosion spell wore off could I have taken off pauls ring and made him run up and down the halls chattering like a monkey?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] If you were not here I bet I could have gotten fin and Kylia to leave

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] then he would kill you , but no control

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] the protection is permenant

[Fritz] I believe you are right. on both accounts...LOL

[Fritz] Oh....heh

[BOB] ok, so you two can work out a plan on the board,

[BOB] it has been 10 days so far

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] good night you two

[BOB] he was going to be there in the city for 28 days

[Fritz] Good night

[BOB] until they let him go

john2] has left the game on Fri Jun 19 22:08:47 EDT 2009

[BOB] so you have that to work with

[BOB] have a good night fritz

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Jun 19 22:08:58 EDT 2009