Main / Jun2008

Jun 20 08 - Orcs with Pointy Ears

[BOB] ==== Gaming session has been running for 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 59 seconds ====

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 17:37:43 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Forest One...

Vicki has received the map Forest One.

[Vicki] hi

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 20 18:30:01 EDT 2008 ====

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 18:30:55 EDT 2008

Fritz is receiving the map Forest One...

Fritz has received the map Forest One.

[BOB] how are you Fritz

[BOB] Lorie and all are updating now

[BOB] to the newest version

[Fritz] Good. Could you upload the new picture I sent you for my avatar?

[Fritz] I will upload the new character sheets for christy and Vicki now as well.

BiBo has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 18:32:20 EDT 2008

BiBo is receiving the map Forest One...

BiBo has received the map Forest One.

[BOB] will do Fritz

[BOB] you want the glasses?

[Fritz] Yea

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ariella modified: character sheet imported.

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: character sheet imported.

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: character sheet imported.

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tori modified: character sheet imported.

[Fritz] I like the picture of you rather than the dragonslayer logo actually. That is a good picture.

[BOB] grins,

[BOB] thanks

[BOB] and yours is there now too

[BiBo] as good as a picture of bob can possibly be I suppose

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 18:36:15 EDT 2008

Kaz is receiving the map Forest One...

Kaz has received the map Forest One.

[Fritz] I don't see it

[BOB] I just put it in

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 18:36:32 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Forest One...

Lorie :O) has received the map Forest One.

[BOB] so you likely have to exit that menu and choose it again

[BiBo] probably need to reset klooge for it to know it's there

[Fritz] who me?

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 18:37:04 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Forest One...

Vicki has received the map Forest One.

[BOB] yes to Fritz

[BOB] adn hope not to have to reset Klooge again

[BOB] but if we must

[Fritz] It still isn't there. let me see if I need to log on again

[BOB] ok

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 18:37:49 EDT 2008

[BOB] you try that first

[Kaz] Hi Fritz and Lorie :)

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 18:38:23 EDT 2008

Fritz is receiving the map Forest One...

Fritz has received the map Forest One.

[BOB] and someone please try the Pause button now?

[BiBo] ::pause::

[Kaz] Hey, the pause button works now!

[BOB] typing typing typing

[BiBo] it works?

[BOB] and trying again now

[BOB] did it work?

[Gretchen (Lorie :O))] how do I dock the chat history?

[Fritz] ok see how this works

[BOB] edit preferences

[BOB] Lori

[Kaz] in preferences, Lorie

[BOB] and yes Fritz

[BOB] you can see that

[Fritz] yea you have to relog on to get the avatars sent to your computer.

[BOB] at least I can

[Vicki] Hi again

[BOB] how about the Pause button Marco?.

[Vicki] hi Fritz and Lorie

[BOB] and or Kaz

[Gretchen (Lorie :O))] I can show the history and not dock it

[BiBo] works

[Gretchen (Lorie :O))] :: waves ::

[BOB] great

[Fritz] Hi vicki I worked on and finished your character sheet the other night. It is all loaded onto bobs computer now

[Vicki] I'm docking it because before every time I didn't have it docked, I went to move mouse across the map to talk and only got map screen

[Mentor (Fritz)] Now I am talking as Mentor

[Vicki (to Fritz only)] no playing with your names this week?

[Fritz] and then all you have to do is click the chat icon and it is removed

[Mentor (Fritz)] and then click again and you are chatting as the character again

[Gretchen (Lorie :O))] problem is that I can type and see th echat history but I can't preview what i type

[Kaz] oooooh

[Gretchen (Lorie :O))] when I have the chat history I can't dock it

[Fritz] makes going back and forth from IC and OOC easy

[Gretchen (Lorie :O))] it's rather frustrating

[Vicki] maybe this will help with some IC and OOC idenitifications?

[Kaz] that's weird, I wonder why.

[BOB] hmm not sure Lor

[Vicki] For now, I'd rather have it docked

[Kaz] I haven't had that problem at all, so maybe it's something checked off in preferences?

[Vicki] makes it much easier

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Jun 20 18:42:54 EDT 2008

[Lira (BiBo)] woah... shiney dice panel

[Fritz] Bob change your avatar that one is so impersonal

[Vicki] hehe Marco

[BOB] lol

[BOB] that is sort of hte point Fritz

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 18:43:27 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Forest One...

Lorie :O) has received the map Forest One.

[Fritz] why be so impersonal you ain't that ugly

[BOB] lol

Vicki snickers

[Lira (BiBo)] Lira casts a spell against : Shield: My AC is 2 vs thrown missiles, 3 vs launched missiles, and 4 vs melee attacks for the next (5*5) 25 rounds. I also get +1 to saves from frontal attacks and am immune to magic missiles.

[Fritz] Oh and bob I see you have pending xp set up. does that include 10% bonus?

[Lira (BiBo)] that's kinda weird messaging

[Lira (BiBo)] course it doesn't

[Lira (BiBo)] we did away with 10% bonuses when we started klooge

[Lira (BiBo)] Lira: Attack: Short Sword: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 15

[Lira (BiBo)] Lira: Attack: Short Sword: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 11

[Vicki (to Fritz only)] why do I have blind fighting again?

[Fritz] Well that actually works for my characters since they don't get it because of the kit penalties

[Lira (BiBo)] ... wierd

[Lira (BiBo)] Lira: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5

[Fritz (to Vicki only)] so you can fight in darkness without alot of negatives

[Lira (BiBo)] Lira: STR check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Vicki (to Fritz only)] oh ok

[Lira (BiBo)] Lira: Open Doors check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 5!!

[Fritz] yea the roll looks funny now. it gives the die you rolled and automatically adds the bonus

[Fritz] I like the big MISS. But for some reason I don't get any sound

[Lorie :O)] Okay I think I'm in business

[Vicki] did you disable sounds?

[Vicki] I did

[Lira (BiBo)] Lira: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=31] 31 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 85!!

[Vicki] I like not having sounds

[Lira (BiBo)] the skill tab is almost invisible

[Lira (BiBo)] items too

[Vicki] although I like the dice pannel

[BOB] yes the sounds are iffy right now

[Fritz] My skill tabs seems to be messed up

[Fritz] I do not have sound disabled but I am still not hearing anything

[Fritz] ok gotta go. be back in about an hour....

[Vicki] Tori no longer targets Orc #8.

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 18:49:17 EDT 2008

[Vicki] an hour... that's about an hour after we start

[Vicki] :-S

[Vicki] I hope we don't have to log off and on every change we make

[BOB] ok, so Kaz you have to log out and back in to get the new Avatar

[Vicki] Bob, I'd like to have Tori's icon changed... but it doesn't have to be tonight

[BOB] ok

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 18:51:59 EDT 2008

[BOB] which one did you want to use?

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 18:52:12 EDT 2008

Kaz is receiving the map Forest One...

Kaz has received the map Forest One.

[Vicki] the one that looks realistic rather than a cartoon...

[Kaz] Bob, I need the icon browsing enabled.

[Vicki] you already have it on image sharing

[BOB] which on on there is it Vicki?

[BOB] and it should be alrady for you Kaz

[Kaz] it's not, though

[BOB] when you go to avatars? what do you see?

[BOB] in Edit and Avatar

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Rhys of Gilmairay modified: Combat - Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 29 (null).

[Lorie :O)] do we have to send it to you BOB to be uploded?

[BOB] yes to Lorie

[Kaz] okay, I'm a big fat liar, Bob :D

[BOB] you can upload it to the image sharing section

[BOB] on teh site

[BOB] or email

[BOB] but no pressure on anyone

[BOB] and by the way

[BOB] I can now see all teh whispers that go back and forth between players

[BOB] not only the ones that come to me

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] want to test how this works.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] la la la

[Lorie :O)] I'll send you my Mandy picture :O)

[Lorie :O)] that's a fair representation of me right?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] hrm

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] what do I have to click to speak as Kaz? Fritz said it was a button.

[BOB] sure

[BOB] up on teh top

[BOB] the stop chatting as

[Kaz] aha

[Vicki] Bob, it's the half orc female one

[Kaz] Yay!

[Kaz] Whispers should be private - that's why they're whispers.

[BOB] ok,

Vicki snickers

[BOB] you can use the message still

[BOB] with the little phone ringing

[BOB] those do not show up

[Vicki] oh

[Kaz] yeah, I dunno how.

[Kaz] Okay, I know how now

[Vicki] You go to the name on the left bar... and right click and send a message

[Kaz] *cough* brown cow

[Vicki] for those who don't know

[BOB] and Tori is updated now

[Lira (BiBo)] tori looks like a vampire now

[Lorie :O)] I use IM because I hate that phone ringing

[Vicki] thanks

[Lorie :O)] I listen to phones all day

[Lorie :O)] I hate it

[Lira (BiBo)] someone get the garlic

[Vicki] I turn off the sounds so I don't listen to it

[Kaz] I don't blame you Lorie

[Vicki] just see it flashing at me

[Kaz] I used to work in a call center. ::(

[BOB] and marco when is the Taco hunt?

[Lorie :O)] I keep sound on for regular IM

[Vicki] how goes that?

[Lorie :O)] we're past Taco Hunt

[Lorie :O)] we're at TACO PARTY!!!!!!

[BOB] ok

[Lorie :O)] :: smiles ::

[Vicki] I have that muted as well...

[Lira (BiBo)] yeah, what lor said

[Vicki] I just see windows flashing at me

[Vicki] Marco, did you find Tacos?

[BOB] and when is the party?

[Lira (BiBo)] oh yes

[Lira (BiBo)] tonight

[Kaz] Does this mean you're a happy, happy Marco now?

[Lira (BiBo)] I am

[Kaz] Yay!

[Vicki] You filling up on tacos now?

[Lira (BiBo)] for the first time since I got to japan, my fridge is full

[BOB] chuckles

[Vicki] hehe

[Kaz] Oh, wonderful :D

[Lira (BiBo)] it is a pagan shrine to the taco gods at the moment

[Vicki] stocking on tacos?

[Lira (BiBo)] filled from top to bottom with taco ingredients

[BOB] was picturing the Adam's Ribs episode of MASH

[Lorie :O)] ooh... you know. Penzey Spices makes FABULOUS Taco seasoning

[Lorie :O)] you might want to consider ordering from them

[Kaz] I don't think I remember that episode, Bob

[BOB] Hawkeye orders ribs from a place in Chicago

[BOB] has them shipped over

[Kaz] OH!!!!

[Kaz] Yes, I do

[Lira (BiBo)] I've had to make my own taco seasoning

[Kaz] I don't know them by the names

[Lorie :O)] Penzey's is super yummy. Love their chicken taco mix

[Lorie :O)] and they are less expensive than the grocery stores

[BOB] where do you get them Lor?

[Lira (BiBo)] not if I have to have it shipped here it isn't :-P

[BOB] and everyone knows that Mike will not be there tonight?

[Lira (BiBo)] is that a definate?

[BOB] yes'

[Lorie :O)] I guessed

[Lira (BiBo)] k. I'll be seeing him in person pretty soon

[BOB] will be fun

[Lorie :O)] there is a shop in the Strip District here but they have a site ((looks at her new catalogue

[Lira (BiBo)] about 3 weeks I guess

[Lorie :O)] and he's bringing the woman too right?

[Lira (BiBo)] yep

[Lira (BiBo)] she's planning everything out for him

[Lorie :O)] sorry that's what HE calls her

[Lorie :O)] how *nice* of her

[Lira (BiBo)] how female of her :-P

[Lorie :O)] hey hey hey

[Lira (BiBo)] :)

[Lorie :O)] down off the ledge there Alphafa

[BOB] lol

[Lorie :O)] No He-Man Woman Haters here

[Vicki] lol

[Lira (BiBo)] sarah's the same way. plan every little breath of a trip

[Lorie :O)] :: sighs :: You probably have no clue what that means

[Kaz] LOL

[Lira (BiBo)] I'm all we get there and see what happens

[Lorie :O)] Bob, the nearest Penzey's for you is in J-Ville

[Kaz] I'm kinda between the two. There may be certain things I feel I MUST see, or people to visit. Anything after that is spontaneous.

[Vicki] I'm a plan everything...

[Lorie :O)] Peanut Butter Bars ... oooh :: drools over new recipes ::

[Vicki] but that doesn't make me a WOMAN per say... just makes me Obsessive with organization :-P

[Lorie :O)] I have children

[Kaz] I used to be that way

[Lorie :O)] flying by the seat of your pants is trickier

[Kaz] Now I just don't give a damn.

[Kaz] That's true, Lorie.

[Vicki] I go into anxiety attacks when things don't go as planned

[Lorie :O)] wow

[Lorie :O)] you'd hate my job

[Lira (BiBo)] weirdo

[Lorie :O)] nothing ever goes as planned

[Lorie :O)] we set timelines that never stick

[Lira (BiBo)] nothing in life goes as planned, so I just never plan

[Vicki] everything else in my life is chaotic... the one thing I can control is being organized

[Lorie :O)] I have a project that should have published three weeks ago

[Lorie :O)] I gave up that stress

[Lira (BiBo)] if you don't plan, then everything goes as planned

[Kaz] exactly, Marco.

[Vicki] you should have seen me 2 weeks prior to my wedding date

[Lira (BiBo)] and no stress about your plans failing :)

[BOB] by the way Christy and Hans are downloading and installing now

[Vicki] I had to find a whole new wedding party

[Lorie :O)] Marco do they have Turkey over there?

[Vicki] ok

[Lira (BiBo)] possibly

[BOB] they have square turkeys

[Vicki] LOL

[Kaz] I loved my wedding.

[BOB] ours was fun, we had a surprise wedding

[Kaz] We had a party, and when we felt like it during the party, we had the ceremony.

[Lorie :O)] slow-grilled pulled pork :: drool :: I love the new penzeys catalogues

[BOB] invited over the family

[Lira (BiBo)] I don't particularly like turkey so I don't particularly look for it

[BOB] told them all we were having dinner

[BOB] her family was in town

[BOB] in teh middle of it

[BOB] surprise, we are getting married

[Lorie :O)] LOL

[BOB] and Mom was a notary public

[Lorie :O)] Christy and Hans still surprised us more

[Vicki] I couldn't possibly do that

[Kaz] That's romantic, Bob.

[BOB] and did the paper work righ there and then

[Lorie :O)] Paul and I had a tiny wedding

[BOB] yes they did

[BOB] Christy and Hans got married on my birthday

[BOB] out fo the blue

[Lorie :O)] but...we are working on 12 years

[Lorie :O)] :: nods ::

[Vicki] I had a small wedding... but I didn't plan on the year

[Vicki] I knew I wanted it in the spring... likely in May... and it happened

[Kaz] I think that if you start off with a huge to-do, you're just starting off with major stress already.

[BOB] and money that could be spent on a trip

[BOB] or a house

[Kaz] exactly

[BOB] brb

[Vicki] oh geez... I looked at that and was like... there's no way I'm spending that much

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] my whole wedding only costed the person that paid for it 00

[Kaz] I once knew this man, he and his wife went to City Hall to be married, then had hotdogs from a street vendor for their wedding supper.

[Vicki] 600 dollars

[Kaz] Then they spent all the money they saved on furniture and put what they could into savings. It was a good start for them.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] sounds good Kaz

[Vicki] in fact, I got married out of state, so I had let his and my family know that we were planning on it in Dec.

[Kaz] brb

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] adn that is fixed now too

[BOB] it shows Kaz as being afk

Vicki grins

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Jun 20 19:18:05 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 19:18:34 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Forest One...

Lorie :O) has received the map Forest One.

Player has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 19:24:43 EDT 2008

Player is receiving the map Forest One...

Player has received the map Forest One.

[BOB] hello Player

[BOB] most likely Christy or Hans

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] wb

[Kaz] Hi there, Christy or Hans

[Kaz] and ty Bob

[Lorie :O)] :: waves at the Doeer family member behind the player ::

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] if anyone does have a request about the boxes in chat

[BOB] feel free to post it to the Klooge boards

[Lira (BiBo)] yeah, why do they exist?

[BOB] when I asked

[BOB] he said to make the chat history match the chat that flows over the map

[Lorie :O)] I hate these yellow boxes

[Kaz] gah

[Lorie :O)] I don't like the staggered look too hard to follow

[Kaz] that's not a good reason

[Lorie :O)] and takes up more of my screen than it needs to

[Kaz] I agree with Lorie 100%


[BOB] you can go there and add your comments

GMJames has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 19:34:25 EDT 2008

GMJames is receiving the map Forest One...

GMJames has received the map Forest One.

[BOB] hey there Sir

[GMJames] Hola BOB and crew

[Kaz] Hiya James

[Vicki] Hi James

[BOB] testing things out with teh new version

[BOB] all the chat things seem to be fixed

[Lorie :O)] Hi James

[Vicki] need a spell checker IMO

[BOB] yeah yeah yeah

[Vicki] I'm joking...

[Lorie :O)] I gave up on Spell Check

[Lorie :O)] in real time that's not feasible

[GMJames] Good. I tried converting my campaign but it was a no go. Gonna stick with 3.0.3 for a bit.

[Lorie :O)] I let it go

[BOB] ufff

[BOB] too many scripts?

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 19:38:12 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Forest One...

Christy has received the map Forest One.

[Vicki] Hi Christy

[GMJames] Yes. All actions in 3.5E are taken care of with flanking, dodge, etc.

[Lorie :O)] :: waves at Christy ::

[BOB] we want to convert some of those to our game

[BOB] but we were waiting for this update

[Christy] hello!

[GMJames] JPG may assist you. He did the 3.5E stuff. VERY QUICK code writer.

[BOB] grins,

[Kaz] Hey there, Christy!

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 19:40:27 EDT 2008

Fritz is receiving the map Forest One...

Fritz has received the map Forest One.

[Vicki] Hi again Fritz

[GMJames] BOB, I wanted to mention that Stef and I will not be able to play at GENCON with you. We will stop by, but our weekend is cut short this time around.

[Christy] that box thing is annoying

[BOB] oh sorry for that

[BOB] we will talk when it gets closer,

[BOB] what nights will you be there?

[Fritz] Hi vicki

[GMJames] We are as well. We were looking forward to it!

[BOB] maybe we can do dinner?

[BOB] I am there Monday night through Sunday night

[GMJames] I think we are coming just for SAT.

[Kaz] welcome back Fritz :)

[BOB] ok

[BOB] and wb fritz

[GMJames] I'll e-mail you before the event and we'll set up something.

[BOB] definately

[Player] Howdy, everybody!

[GMJames] OK, no need for me to be a voyeur this evening. Thanks for letting me stop in. Try not to kill the ENTIRE party.

[Vicki] Hi Hans

[BOB] heh, they are all 2 adn 3rd level this time

[BOB] is hard to judge those things

[Hansie] Test

[BOB] there you go Hans

[Vicki] He wants to kill all of us

[Fritz] do I need to read what I missed or has nothing major gon on since I left?

Vicki snickers

[Lira (BiBo)] oh I guarantee he won't kill us all because we wont get any gaming done tonight

[GMJames] Three well-placed 40' pits...

[BOB] no roleplaying Fritz, just organizing things

[Lorie :O)] We mostly talked about you Fritz so nope :O)

[Vicki] nothing major... just talked about tacos, and weddings that I recall

[Fritz] ha

[Lira (BiBo)] see where we are now? that's where we'll be 3 hours from now

[Hansie] Test

[GMJames] Buenos Tardes all.

[Vicki] /sighs

[BOB] waves

[Vicki] I hope not

GMJames has left the game on Fri Jun 20 19:44:32 EDT 2008

[Vicki] good night James

[Vicki] or see it later...

Vicki sighs

[Lira (BiBo)] come on, you know better than to hope for action

[BOB] I have plans for you

[Lira (BiBo)] we get nothing done on normal days, today we have new klooge shininess

[Vicki] uh oh

[Lira (BiBo)] we're going to get negative things done

[BOB] lol

[BOB] lol

[Vicki] lol

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Taurus (Hansie)] Why is the chat history minimizing?

[Lorie :O)] :: waves at Hansie ::

[Vicki] way to be optimistic Marco

[Lorie :O)] Ahhh! See

[BOB] Lorie jsut fixed hers Hans

[Vicki] need to dock chat Hans

[Lira (BiBo)] I lost all optimism for this game years ago

[Lorie :O)] No...He's a realist there is a difference

[BOB] lol gee thanks

[Lira (BiBo)] :)

[Taurus (Hansie)] Um. How do I "dock chat"?

[Lorie :O)] Okay ... Hans resize your window...get rid of that awful icon tool bar then resize again you should be in business

[Lorie :O)] preferences --> put an X in the dock chat box

[Lorie :O)] make sure chat delay is 0

[Vicki] wait... John says he's a realist on the site and now I have Lorie telling me that Marco is... is there more realists out there too?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Good. That's better. Thanks-

[Lorie :O)] Mike

[Lorie :O)] Me

[Lorie :O)] Christy

[Lorie :O)] Hans

[Lorie :O)] BOB is our only real optimist I think

[Lorie :O)] :O)

[Fritz] brb gonna look over stuff

[Taurus (Hansie)] Heh heh heh...

[Taurus (Hansie)] Could Lorie smile any *more*?????

[Lorie :O)] NO :O(

[Lorie :O)] ;o)

[Vicki] well, I'm not sure IF I could possibly looked as a realist, but I know people tell me I'm a pessimist

[Taurus (Hansie)] With every entry, Lorie is smiling. Is this where perception becomes reality?

[Lorie :O)] hee hee

[Lorie :O)] I'm thinking happy thoughts

[Lira (BiBo)] no no, can't have lorie smile, I saw that episode of grim and mandy...

[Lorie :O)] I finally changed my icon on Facebook

[Lorie :O)] it's a picture of me and the girls now

[Lorie :O)] from far far away

[Lorie :O)] so you can't really tell it's me

[Lorie :O)] I'm mysterious that way

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::chuckles::

[Lorie :O)] I tried to pay Paul to pose instead but then he had to go and put that picture of him and his dad up

[Taurus (Hansie)] Okay, so is every chat entry going to get its own appropriately-sized little box surrounding it?

[Taurus (Hansie)] That's gonna be an issue for me...

[Lorie :O)] the evil yellow box of doom?

[Lorie :O)] Nope... that's just you

[Lorie :O)] none of us have that issue AT ALL

[Taurus (Hansie)] CHat is already difficult enough to read as it is...

[Lorie :O)] :: whistles innocently ::

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::pffffffffffbpt:: (at Lorie)

[Lorie :O)] :: hugs ::

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::more raspberries::

[Lira (BiBo)] why is it called a raspberry?

[Fritz] /bob are we playing tonight or just chatting?

[Taurus (Hansie)] I'll bet Lorie knows...

[BOB] grins

[Lorie :O)] because blueberry was taken

[Lira (BiBo)] and if you have so much issue reading, increase the chat size or something

Vicki snickers

[Lira (BiBo)] fritz I already ansered that question

[Fritz] I increased mine to 16

[Fritz] you did? I have a bit of lag so I must have missed it

[Fritz] What did you say?

[Lorie :O)] yes...Marco has a theory that because we installed a new version of klooge

[Lira (BiBo)] yep, were getting negative things done today

[Lorie :O)] that we'll accomplish nada tonight

[Vicki] I have mine to 14 for font size

[Vicki] or negative

[Vicki] because this is new

[Vicki] oh well

[Fritz] well if Bob doesn't have anything planned I will go and watch TV with my parents

[BOB] I have plans

[BOB] but want eveyrone to be ready

[Vicki] he said he had plans

[BOB] feel comfortalbe

[Lira (BiBo)] we just wont ever get to them

[Vicki] but Marco doesn't think we'll do them

[Lira (BiBo)] we are too comfy

[Fritz] why aren't we ready?

[Vicki] I'm ready... I've been ready

[Taurus (Hansie)] I'm ready.

[Vicki] I'm always ready

[Lira (BiBo)] we need some boat rocking

[Taurus (Hansie)] (enough)

[Fritz] Let's do this come on

[Fritz] game time

[Lira (BiBo)] we chat because you dont give us anything to do '-P

[Taurus (Hansie)] Fritz for Prez...

[Fritz] :)

Vicki snickers

[Lorie :O)] I've been on since before 6:30 Fritz

[Lorie :O)] I've been ready

[Vicki] I've been on about that time too

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::2 snaps and a twist::

[Fritz] ok bob lets go

[Lorie :O)] On with the show

[BOB] ok

[Chohen (BOB)] so where are we going to go now?

[Chohen (BOB)] do you really think we should go to that tower

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] searching the orc for weapons that may be hidden and now we will let him take us to thetower

[Lira (BiBo)] "you have a better option?"

[Taurus (Hansie)] "That sounds like a great idea!"

[Lira (BiBo)] "We dont. so to the tower we go."

[Kaz] What's on your mind, Chohen?

[Chohen (BOB)] I was worried that we don't know what is there

[Chohen (BOB)] an dit is a wizard's tower

[Taurus (Hansie)] Glabius moved 40'02".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Well as we get closer we can do some snooping unless you can turn into a bird or something and search it out

[Taurus (Hansie)] Glabius moved 9'09".

[Lira (BiBo)] "Yea well, nothing ventured nothing gained."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Well, we have dealt with wizards before, but maybe some scouting is a good idea.

[Chohen (BOB)] I know the elves are dangerous

[Lira (BiBo)] "So are humans."

[Tori (Vicki)] "They are?"

[Taurus (Hansie)] Glabius moved 1'08".

[Lorie :O)] :: scowls ::

[Lira (BiBo)] "But we deal with them anyway."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Sounds like you know something.

[Chohen (BOB)] I only know that they people in town say

[Chohen (BOB)] I have not known them

Tori (Vicki) looks around at her group and says I suppose a majority of you are dangerous

[Chohen (BOB)] but maybe the orc knows?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Well we have quite a few elves in the group maybe they should lead

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Why do the people in town say the elves are dangerous?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] wb christy

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] No they never see the elves

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Aside from what the orc said, that they are behind the raids and are conspiring with the wizard.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Hey Orc...what is your name or do I just call you "Orc"?

[Ariella (Christy)] neighbors were hanging outin our yard so I figured I should be neighborly and see what they were doing

[Lorie :O)] I can smell what my neighbors are doing

[Lira (BiBo)] "Hes an orc, why would we call him anything else?'

[Lorie :O)] :: can't stand the smell of mulch ::

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I need to check last week's chat to find the name))

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Let's continue towards the wizard tower. Maybe we'll meet some more orcs or some elves along the way."

[Orc #7 (BOB)] my name is Rold

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] I prefer to deal with individuals with respect

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Ok "Rold"

[Lira (BiBo)] "But not masses?"

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Okay, Rold. You can come along and help us."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] How far is the elf area from here?

[Tori (Vicki)] "Rold will be turned over to Val'Iant and Mentor"

[Lira (BiBo)] so the orc speaks common now or is this all being translated?

[Rold (BOB)] being translated

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Being translated

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie :O)] (( need to step away for a few moments ))

[Lorie :O)] I am away from the keyboard.

[Rold (BOB)] we are in teh elf area

[Tori (Vicki)] "He will follow them, and I will translate for them" ((that way I don't have to type in orc and common))

[Rold (BOB)] they are all around in these trees

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Ahhh...

[Tori (Vicki)] ((or bob can just type for me... that works too))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] ((Looks around in the trees))

[Ariella (Christy)] let's be on our way then. You have a plan to ensure our, uh saftey...right?

[Lira (BiBo)] "Well lets stop gabbing and go see these dangerous folk already."

[Rold (BOB)] no

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Yes my plan is that everyone be CAREFUL

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Sounds good. Let's continue. I feel as if we rested enough."

[Tori (Vicki)] ((can we get grouped again?))

[Fritz] Val'Iant Le Quella no longer targets Rold.

[Rold (BOB)] don't bother moving yoru icons

[BOB] and question for you when you log back in, are you seeing the full chat appear in the history?

[Ariella (Christy)] careful sounds good

[Tori (Vicki)] ((not full))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((miss a huge chunk when I logged back in earlier))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] I don't have any skills working for Val and only some of them working for mentor

[Ariella (Christy)] (iseeeverythingincludingthoseawfulboxes) [1d0.0=] -1

[Ariella (Christy)] uh, what?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] huh

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] wuh?

[Kaz] Christy, I have an awful time seeing what you're saying

[BOB] sorry something happened to my campagin try

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] of course the fact that I have a 3-5 sec lag doesn't help

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] ok the lag is down to 1 second now

[Ariella (Christy)] is this color better?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Yes, thank you

[Vicki] From last week's chat... [Tori (Vicki)] ::Translates:: His name is Shorg.

[BOB] sorry I lost my campaign tree, trying to get that back so I cna load the next encounter

[Vicki] for the orc

[BOB] and John is trying to log in

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] who's name is Shorg? I thought it was Rold?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Sorry, I tried to change my background instead, Christy, but then I couldn't see most of everyone else's

[Ariella (Christy)] yay!

[Vicki] I thought it was off this week

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Yea leave the background black is the best I found

[Taurus (Hansie)] (I think his name was Shorg last week. This week, it's Rold)

[Vicki] yep that's what it shows

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Ok his name is Rold Shorg

[Vicki] I went to last weeks chat

[Vicki] ok

[Taurus (Hansie)] (Maybe it's his last name)

[Vicki] works for me

[Kaz] Is he schizophrenic, perhaps?

[Vicki] haha

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] perhaps

[BOB] Yes to Fritz,

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] or Bob is LOL

[BOB] Shorg is the tribe name

[BOB] Rold his his name

[Vicki] LOL

[Vicki] ok

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Let's not go down that path, Fritz :D

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Rold of the tribe Shorg

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] snicker

[Tori (Vicki)] ((LOL))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Ok so which way to the tower chohen or rold?

[Vicki] Notice how Bob isn't real creative?

[Vicki] it was close to my actual last name ;)

[Fritz] notice? that is the normal state

[BOB] jsut a sec, have to find my notes on how to get the campaing tree back

[BOB] I can not do anything without it

Player has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:13:51 EDT 2008

Player is receiving the map Forest One...

Player has received the map Forest One.

Vicki snickers

[Taurus (Hansie)] "I don't have a problem exploring this whole forest if we have to, tree by tree. We'll find something sooner or later."

[Fritz] You have to go to preferences and click the box for the campaign tree again. then do it a second time after you hit ok

[BOB] ok, back to normal now

[Fritz] Hiya John

[BOB] is typing a 1 when you have the map in focus

[Taurus (Hansie) (to Vicki only)] I see. That's right, Vicki! Hah!

[Vicki] Hi John

[Ariella (Christy)] hi John!

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Hi there John

[Taurus (Hansie)] Yeay! John's here!!!!!!!

[Fritz] Bob I would prefer if we are going to use the Avatars that you use your picture not the dragonslayers Icon. If not then why bother with the avatars?

[BOB] Tori moved 2'02".

[Vicki] oh wow a big peach blob

[Vicki] brb

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ariella (Christy)] gotta love the blobs

[Fritz] That is the name of our new adventure....Rold and the Giant Peach

[Ariella (Christy)] or Shorg

[BOB] Tori moved 3'06".

[Player] hello

[Fritz] hehee

[Kaz] LMAO Fritz

[Kaz] Eek! It's a peach snowman

[Ariella (Christy)] it is really annoying that the chat keeps disappearing

John (I think) is receiving the map Forest Two...

John (I think) has received the map Forest Two.

[Lira (BiBo)] wouldnt that make it a peachman?

[Fritz] Rold and the Giant Peach Snowman!!!

[John (I think)] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lira (BiBo)] theres no snow involved

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

Vicki snickers

[Fritz] 8*)

[John (I think)] the chat or the chat window

[Vicki] don't eat yellow snow... and question peach ones

[Vicki] lol

[John (I think)] I always use Chat history

[Fritz] ha

[Lorie :O)] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie :O)] Sorry back

[Fritz] Shorg and the Giant Peachman

[Lira (BiBo)] you are probablybest off not eating any snow

[Vicki] this snowman's upside down

[Vicki] btw I'm back if you couldn't tell

[Kaz] wb Lorie

Vicki is receiving the map Forest Two...

Vicki has received the map Forest Two.

[John (I think)] now that it is treated like a new window, I canot use it at the same time

[John (I think)] it keeps switching to the map

[Fritz] warning 23 secs since the last one from the Master!!!!

[Lira (BiBo)] ::poke::

Hansie has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:07 EDT 2008

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:07 EDT 2008

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:07 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:08 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:08 EDT 2008

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:08 EDT 2008

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:08 EDT 2008

[BOB] ok

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:14 EDT 2008

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:14 EDT 2008

BiBo has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:16 EDT 2008

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:24 EDT 2008

Fritz is receiving the map Forest Two...

Fritz has received the map Forest Two.

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:27 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Forest Two...

Lorie :O) has received the map Forest Two.

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:37 EDT 2008

Kaz is receiving the map Forest Two...

Kaz has received the map Forest Two.

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:20:41 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Forest Two...

Vicki has received the map Forest Two.

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:21:05 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Forest Two...

Christy has received the map Forest Two.

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:21:53 EDT 2008

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:21:53 EDT 2008

[John (I think)] was that my fault

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:22:08 EDT 2008

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:22:14 EDT 2008

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:22:14 EDT 2008

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:22:14 EDT 2008

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:22:19 EDT 2008

Fritz is receiving the map Forest Two...

Fritz has received the map Forest Two.

[BOB] I do not know why people are logging on and off

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:22:25 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Forest Two...

Hansie has received the map Forest Two.

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:22:41 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:22:49 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Forest Two...

Lorie :O) has received the map Forest Two.

Hansie has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:23:10 EDT 2008

[John (I think)] i find it hard to believe they are doing it on purpose

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:23:26 EDT 2008

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 20:23:26 EDT 2008

[John (I think)] brb

[BOB] I am tyring John

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:24:13 EDT 2008

Kaz is receiving the map Forest Two...

Kaz has received the map Forest Two.

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:24:33 EDT 2008

Fritz is receiving the map Forest Two...

Fritz has received the map Forest Two.

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:24:50 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Forest Two...

Vicki has received the map Forest Two.

[Fritz] well that was ugly

[BOB] trying to figure out what is happening Fritz

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:25:20 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Forest Two...

Christy has received the map Forest Two.

[BOB] ok

[Kaz] grr. How do I zoom in and out again?

[BOB] shift and arrows

[Christy] Hans will be back in soon-he's getting the kids some ice cream

[Kaz] thank you

[Kaz] huh, not working.

[John (I think)] it's the hokie pokie

[BOB] did you turn off keyboard shortcuts?

[John (I think)] that is what it is all about

[Kaz] well, that's what it's all about, John

[Kaz] lol

[John (I think)] smile

[Kaz] Yes, I did, Bob. Sheesh!! lol

[Fritz] you can scroll with the mouse wheel as well Kaz

BiBo has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:27:34 EDT 2008

BiBo is receiving the map Forest Two...

BiBo has received the map Forest Two.

[Christy] we didn't log out, we got the boot

[BOB] you can zoom with the small map on the icon bar as well

[BOB] yes to christy

[BOB] everyone did

[Christy] ah

[Fritz] why is there a circle around tori?

[BOB] that is her halberd range

[Vicki] uh huh

[BOB] Chohen moved 4'10".

[Vicki] gotta be careful when she swings that thing

[Fritz] How do you draw a circle around someone

[BOB] effects

[BOB] ring

[BOB] grabbinga drink, a strong one, brb

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] Well she can't use her halberd in the forest

Fritz has edited Tori's effects.

[Kaz] I don't have a mouse wheel, Fritz. I'm using one of those with a top roller.

[Fritz] ahhh

[Vicki] there's a little minimap on the left corner you can zoom with Kaz

[Lorie :O)] how do I toggle off the hand to be able to move things again?

[Fritz] Yea that is right. In the icon toolbar

[Kaz] no, there's not. I undocked it. :D

[Kaz] but that's okay, I've got it under control.

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen moved 37'03".

[Fritz] Mentor moved 5'00".

[Vicki] there's a magnifying glass up top you can sort of zoom with

[Fritz] Mentor moved 2'01".

[Lorie :O)] not what I needed but trhanks

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] um... we're missing an orc

[BOB] ok, so everyone has the map, can see their icons, etc.?

[Lira (BiBo)] think so

[Vicki] yes, yes, and don't know about the etc... hehe

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Val'Iant Le Quella and Mentor moved 13'09".

[Christy] yes, can't keep the chat but other than that...

[Kaz] Christy, did you dock it?

[Vicki] dock chat and you can

[John (I think)] not while chatting

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Val'Iant Le Quella and Mentor moved 2'08".

[Christy] how do you do that

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Mentor moved 4'00".

[BOB] yes you can John

[Vicki] preferences

[Kaz] edit preferences

[Kaz] in the top section

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Val'Iant Le Quella and Mentor moved 1'02".

[Vicki] undocked chat will have a difficult time with mouse going across the map to chat

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Do we need a marching order here Bob?

[Kaz] I hope they change that.

[Vicki] cute

[Christy] so it stays there on the bottom and takes up half the screen or it disappears every time you move the cursor. great choices.

[Kaz] I'm with you, Christy

[Vicki] the thing tells me what %-age I use for zooming in map

[Vicki] basically

[Fritz] Is Bob around?

[BOB] yes

[Fritz] what are we waiting for?

[Ariella (Christy)] I prefer to stay in a safe spot within the party. I do, however have a certain amount of um...skill...with traps and the like. If you have a need for something like that.

[BOB] I asked if eveyrone was happy with their icons on the map

[Ariella (Christy)] and by safe, I mean, surrounded by large people with large weapons.

[BOB] and christy just gave the last reponse

[Kaz] I'm fine

[Fritz] we are except I asked you if we need to set a marching order and you didn't say anything

[BOB] where you are on the map is the marching order

[John (I think)] Khan moved 16'03".

[Fritz] Val'Iant Le Quella and Mentor moved 10'03".

[BOB] that is why I asked if you were happy with where you were

[Fritz] why is Rhys disabled?

[Fritz] Mentor moved 3'01".

[Fritz] Ariella moved 6'04".

[Vicki] I'm not moving...

[Fritz] Tori moved 9'05".

[Vicki] someone can move me

[Fritz] Taurus moved 5'08".

[Fritz] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 4'11".

[Kaz] I have NO clue.

[Fritz] Glabius moved 5'10".

[Kaz] Bob?

[Fritz] Lira moved 4'11".

[Kaz] OH!

[BOB] what do you mean by disabled? it shows as normal here

[Kaz] Is it because of the Hitpoints?

[Fritz] single file or grouped Bob?

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 20:39:42 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Forest Two...

Hansie has received the map Forest Two.

[Kaz] his hps are n/a of 29

[BOB] how ever you want to walk through the forest Fritz

[Fritz] Hitpoints are NA

[Vicki] Rhys (Disabled) shows

[Fritz] Ariella moved 4'01".

[Fritz] Gretchen moved 2'00".

[Fritz] put Rold next to Valiant

[Fritz] and Cho infront of Areil

[John (I think)] can we al not move like we were not supoesd to last week?

[Kaz] ty Bob

[John (I think) (to Fritz only)] does this still work

[Fritz] I am putting people in order john

[BOB] and just to be clear to everyone

[Vicki] *snickers*

[Fritz (to John (I think) only)] I think

[BOB] yes the whisphers still work

[BOB] but I can see all of them now

[BOB] from player to player

[John (I think)] OH S&^@##

[Fritz (to John (I think) only)] Your

[Fritz (to John (I think) only)] Your brother is a butt head

[Hansie] I thought they always showed up in the chat log at the end of the night anyway...

[Ariella (Christy)] but only you can see the ones to you?

[Fritz (to John (I think) only)] Bob is a booby head

[BOB] no to Hans those were only the ones to and from the DM

[John (I think)] i guess I will have to make fun of him on AIM again

[Hansie] But you're saying you can see them as they're entered now?

[Lira (BiBo) (to BiBo only)] can you see this

[BOB] now the ones from player to playe rshow up too

[Lorie :O)] So... umm, why are you moving me?

[BOB] grins, yes Marco

[Lira (BiBo)] mutiny!

[Ariella (Christy)] so we all need to be on an IM

[Fritz (to John (I think) only)] Bob is a goober

[BOB] lol

[Fritz] I just move you in a straighter line Lorie

[John (I think) (to Fritz only)] it makes for some intresting possiblities

[Fritz] Gretchen moved 6'00".

[Lorie :O)] :: sighs ::

[Lorie :O)] okay

[Fritz] I was going to put you 10 feet in front of us so you can do the ranger thing

[Fritz] Gretchen moved 2'06".

[Fritz] Ok bob move Rold and Chohen

[BOB] Combat has begun!


[BOB] Chohen moved 14'08".

[BOB] Rold moved 16'01".

[John (I think)] Did with have to name the orc?

[BOB] Chohen moved 11'07".

[John (I think)] once you name it you get attached to it

[Lorie :O)] next time you could have just asked me

[Ariella (Christy)] so just to be clear, where exactly are the large people with the large weapons?

[Lorie :O)] but thank you

[Fritz (to John (I think) only)] tell your But head brother to move chohen and rold...Since he can read these damn whispers you would think he would start doing something

[John (I think)] Hey we get a warnign on the lag

[Hansie] Yeah, Baby!!!!!!!

[Vicki] yes, we do

[Vicki] and why do we have combat up?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Initiative? That will give us the order in which we go?

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen's initiative changed from 0 to 0

[Fritz] ?

[Ariella (Christy)] ?? too

[Lorie :O)] got me

[Lira (BiBo)] just keeping track of rounds I guess?

[BOB] I am trying to find INit

[Fritz] Well rold is supposed to be next to Val'Iant not Troi

[BOB] on the new dice panels

[Lorie :O)] I didn't roll anything because I can't find the initiative dice roller

[Vicki] what the hay?

[BOB] Rold moved 19'00".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Exactly the prob I'm havin' here...

[Fritz] /bob that is Rhys not Valiant

[Vicki] there's a before and after

[Vicki] Tori moved 1'00".

[BOB] Rold moved 12'06".

[John (I think)] Khan's initiative changed from 0 to 0

[Vicki] Tori's initiative changed from 0 to 0

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus's initiative changed from 0 to 0

[Vicki] that's a before...


[Vicki] Tori's initiative changed from 0 to 0

[Vicki] and after

[Vicki] hmmm

[John (I think)] kind of a big oops

[Fritz] I am confused as shit

[Vicki] hmm...

[Fritz] or should I say shinolah?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Yeah. I have a feeling that when we try to attack, we won't be able to do that, either...

[Vicki] I'm looking

[Kaz] you and me both

[Vicki] actually attack we can

[John (I think)] Khan: Spellcraft check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[BOB] people tested teh attacks

[Vicki] I played with that

[BOB] and all the other rolls

[Kaz] where did you guys find init?

[BOB] it is not there

[Vicki] is it d10 bob?

[Vicki] or d20?

[John (I think)] you can set int on the main meani for the charater

[John (I think)] Khan's initiative changed from 0 to 0

[Vicki] I don't think I want a set Init...

[John (I think)] not well

[Vicki] but ok

[Lira (BiBo)] (1d10-4) [1d10=5] 1

[BOB] it is not a number that is important at this point Vicki

[BOB] it is where the choice disapeared to

[Vicki] Tori's initiative changed from 0 to 0

[John (I think)] Khan targets Gretchen. Distance: 19'03"

[Lira (BiBo)] Lira's initiative changed from 0 to 0

[BOB] what are you doing Vicki?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=2] 2

[Vicki] there are two sets you can set init i think

[BOB] no

[John (I think)] Khan no longer targets Gretchen.

[Taurus (Hansie)] Roll #1: (d10) [1d10=1] 1

[BOB] I would be the one who sets Init

[Vicki] ok...

[Lorie :O)] so can you set me initiative BOB?

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lira (BiBo)] we can change our init to before or after now

[Lira (BiBo)] but that's it

[Vicki] yep

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d10+1) [1d10=6] 7

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d10+1) [1d10=7] 8

[Fritz] first is valiant

[BOB] I am looking through things trying to find otu what happened

[John (I think)] no biggie,

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d10+4) [1d10=6] 10

[Lira (BiBo)] I see the roll dice menu disappeared entirely

[John (I think)] we can just roll play tonight

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d10+4) [1d10=9] 13

[Vicki] no it changed Marco

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d10+-4) [1d10=7] 3

[Lira (BiBo)] no no, it's gone

[John (I think)] I guess Mike skipped out on all the fun?

[Lira (BiBo)] just a dice panel now

[Lira (BiBo)] used to be both

[John (I think)] I like the dice pannel

[Fritz] ok the dice panels were confusing...Mentor's is a 3, Valiant is a 7 for initiative

[Ariella (Christy)] my attention span isn't this long

[Lira (BiBo)] I always used the dice panel, but it doesn't have init in it

[Vicki] Mine isn't either

[Kaz] Sorry, now. What isn't what?

[Kaz] *cough*

[Vicki] I was used to dice panel having init too... but this one doesn't

[Fritz] nobody's is...also so of the skills are missing

[Lira (BiBo)] nope, they're there

[Lira (BiBo)] just the icon is missing

[Vicki] the axe icon is attack and the middle button is damage sm... the last one is damage lg

[Lira (BiBo)] it's between the arm and the shield

[Lira (BiBo)] click that spot

[Lira (BiBo)] the gap

[Ariella (Christy)] what icons?

[Vicki] the shield is attack weapons

[Vicki] arm is your skills

[John (I think)] the icon on the dice pannel

[Vicki] str, stam actually

[Vicki] etc

[Fritz] what gap Bibo?

[Lira (BiBo)] I mean the one for saving throws

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus: Attack: Long Sword: (16-(d20+2+1+1+2)) [1d20=11] -1

[Lira (BiBo)] there's a gap between the saving throws tab and the stats tab

[Vicki] that's the 3rd from the two gears

[Vicki] shows two circles

[Fritz] I don't have a gap

[Lira (BiBo)] it's a small gap

[Vicki] a yellow/gold one inside a brown/bronze

[Vicki] I have tabs

[BOB] marco do you reemmber what the icon that used to be there is?

[Fritz] I have one for Mentor but it isn't complete and I have none for Val at all

[Fritz] hammer and anvil

[Lira (BiBo)] there's supposed to be an icon there, but it's not there anymore, I'm guessing because that was one of the ones we made

[Lira (BiBo)] the one for magic items is the same

[Fritz] the one for magic items was the wand

[Lira (BiBo)] it was like a wand

[BOB] ok

[BOB] I think what happened is that the icon is missing in the proper folder and so it can not display that tab in the dice pane

[Ariella (Christy)] only 2 of my proficiencies are there

[Fritz] only 6 of my 9 are there as well

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] change of encounters

[Fritz] for mentor and none for val

[Lira (BiBo)] I think mine are all there

[BOB] Fritz and marco are the best at the character sheet and def file info

[BOB] and you both have a copy of the current one

[BOB] if you can speculate on what to do

[Fritz] yea

[Vicki] not all mine are there

[BOB] to get that back

[Lira (BiBo)] I don't have a copy of the current one

[Fritz] ok let me go and look at it real fast

[Lira (BiBo)] I asked for it but you never sent it

[Fritz] brb

[BOB] fritz can you send that to him please

[BOB] I am sorry marco I thought I did

[BOB] Khan moved 15'07".

[BOB] Chohen moved 9'01".

[BOB] Ariella moved 8'00".

[BOB] Taurus moved 4'05".

[BOB] Tori moved 6'02".

[BOB] Gretchen moved 8'03".

[BOB] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 17'01".

[BOB] Taurus moved 20'06".

[BOB] Rold moved 4'07".

[BOB] in the mean time

[BOB] the rest of you can quiz Rold and Cohen more, and I will not be distracted by trying to solve other things

[BOB] Chohen moved 3'02".

[BOB] Rold moved 15'11".

[BOB] Khan moved 3'02".

[BOB] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 2'11".

[BOB] Tori moved 6'04".

[BOB] Gretchen moved 3'08".

[Lira (BiBo)] what else do we have to quiz them on?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Chohen, please tell me exactly what the folks in town are saying about the elves.

[Chohen (BOB)] I don't knwo of anyone who has seen them actually

[Chohen (BOB)] but there are those that say they hear them especially at night

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Hear them doing what?

[Vicki] ::translates in orc for Rold::

[Khan (John (I think))] does anyone talk to the wizard?

[Chohen (BOB)] and of course there was that bounty hunter who had a dead one

[Chohen (BOB)] but that doesn't count does it?

[Khan (John (I think))] to Tori: stop that

[Chohen (BOB)] and they hear them singing

[Khan (John (I think))] to tori: he is on a need to know basis

[Khan (John (I think))] was the bounty hunter in town this week?

[Chohen (BOB)] no a couple of months ago

[Khan (John (I think))] what was the bouty hunter's name?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] how did the bounty hunter die?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rather, how did the elf die?

[Ariella (Christy)] yeah, singing elves...sounds dangerous...

[Chohen (BOB)] I am not sure about who the bounty hunter was, I think they said he was hired by a caravan master

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] (as an aside to Ariella) That would depend upon what they were singing, no?

[Chohen (BOB)] singing elves could lure a man to his death

[Fritz] ok bob I see one of the problems...

[Lira (BiBo)] Elves?

[Chohen (BOB)] like the legendary sirens

[Lira (BiBo)] "You sure it's an elf you're talking about?"

[Khan (John (I think))] did anyone notice anything diffrent about the elf, or mention anything about it

[Chohen (BOB)] it had pointy ears

[Khan (John (I think))] (exactly)

[Chohen (BOB)] was dressed in green

[Fritz] as far as the dice tabs are concerned the tab icon is named "skills" but in the def file it is named "skillS"

[Lira (BiBo)] "Because there are many pointy eared green dressing things that sing you to your doom."

[Vicki] ::in Comm:: Khan, that question would have been useful to get answers from him as well, but I could just speak in orc and leave everyone else on a need to know basis if you wish

[Ariella (Christy)] well, there are OTHER creatures with pointy ears you know.

[Chohen (BOB)] they say it was an elf

[Lira (BiBo)] "Coulda been a nymph."

[Chohen (BOB)] (can you fix that please Fritz?)

[Lira (BiBo)] "Or a dryad."

[Fritz] Also if you don't have the icon for the staff of lazarus in the right folder it wont find it

[Fritz] sure bob

[Lira (BiBo)] "Or a harpy."

[Ariella (Christy)] who are "they" exactly?

[Khan (John (I think))] to Tori: The orc is the enemy until I say otherwize

[Chohen (BOB)] and pick a different icon or tell me where toput that icon

[Lira (BiBo)] "Or a witch."

[Chohen (BOB)] in fact that might be easiest Fritz

[Lira (BiBo)] "Or a fruit bat."

[Lira (BiBo)] "Lots of non elf options."

[Chohen (BOB)] well I think Elder Rol knew it was an elf

[Lira (BiBo)] "Based on what?"

[Chohen (BOB)] he did not seem happy that the Bounty Hunter was carrying it over his horse

[Ariella (Christy)] and elves don't necessarily wear green

[Chohen (BOB)] and he said that this would be trouble

[Chohen (BOB)] that the elves would not be happy

[Ariella (Christy)] you could toss lots of things over a horse that would make the elve unhappy

[Lira (BiBo)] "Like dead elves."

[Khan (John (I think))] true but it sould like someone did not talk enough to Elder Rol

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I don't believe that getting yourself into a lather over a perceived racial slight is going to help.

[Khan (John (I think))] Lets move on to the wizard

[Khan (John (I think))] anyine here from him regularly

[Lira (BiBo)] ((cant, we don't have initiative capabilities))

[Ariella (Christy)] brb-we're geeting kids ready for bed

[Khan (John (I think))] (talk about the wizard)

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lira (BiBo)] ((we can't leave this spot until we have initiative again))

[Chohen (BOB)] (lol at Marco)

[Chohen (BOB)] I don't know anyting about the wizard

[Lira (BiBo)] ((it'd be funny if it were a joke :-P))

[Chohen (BOB)] only that there is a wizard's tower in teh center of the forest

[Chohen (BOB)] I don't know anyone who has seen him

[John (I think)] as far as your concerned nothing has chaged

[Chohen (BOB)] Maybe Mage Uther would know

[Khan (John (I think))] of course

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Please ask Rold what he knows about the raids, Tori or Valiant?

[Tori (Vicki)] I can't unless Khan says so

[John (I think)] ooc is the timming of the bounty hunter before the start of the raids in this area?

[Rold (BOB)] (before the raids)

[John (I think)] to Tori: I did not say you cound not ask him things

[John (I think)] just not to tell him things

[Rold (BOB)] (at least the two raids you are concerned about with teh Dragonslayers, there have beenother raids)

[Tori (Vicki)] Ok...

[John (I think)] do not treat him ike a party memeber that needs o know what everyone says

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates in orc for Rhys::

[John (I think)] Sory if that was not clear

[Rold (BOB)] I don't know nothin about any raids

[Rold (BOB)] we been searching for food

[Rold (BOB)] hunting dear

[Rold (BOB)] deer

[Tori (Vicki)] ::in Comm:: "Wasn't telling him, was asking him the same question in orc."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates in Comm for the others::

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] So, you have not been near the roads?

[Tori (Vicki)] "He doesn't know about the raids, he's only been searching for food and hunting deer."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates in orc for Rhys::

[Rold (BOB)] we travel the roads a bit

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates in Comm::

[Rold (BOB)] if there is a group of weak travelers we try and make a grab

[Rold (BOB)] but mostly at night

[Rold (BOB)] they don't see so well

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] What about caravans?

[Rold (BOB)] caravans are tough

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates in Orc for Rhys::

[Rold (BOB)] have lots of fighters

[Rold (BOB)] sometimes horsemen

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates back and forth::

[Rold (BOB)] hard to steal much

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) listens carefully to the reply Tori translates for him.

[Tori (Vicki)] (*sigh*)

[Rold (BOB)] need big hunting party for that

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:29 EDT 2008

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:29 EDT 2008

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:29 EDT 2008

John (I think) has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:31 EDT 2008

John (I think) has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:31 EDT 2008

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:31 EDT 2008

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:31 EDT 2008

John (I think) has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:45 EDT 2008

BiBo has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:45 EDT 2008

Hansie has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:45 EDT 2008

Hansie has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:45 EDT 2008

BiBo has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:52 EDT 2008

BiBo is receiving the map Forest Two...

BiBo has received the map Forest Two.

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 21:18:59 EDT 2008

Kaz is receiving the map Forest Two...

Kaz has received the map Forest Two.

John (I think) is receiving the map Forest Two...

John (I think) has received the map Forest Two.

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 21:19:07 EDT 2008

[John (I think)] that was funny

[Rold (BOB)] no clue on why that happened

[BOB] what was John?

Vicki is receiving the map Forest Two...

Vicki has received the map Forest Two.

[John (I think)] I could not log back on becuase my name was still logged on

[Vicki] I had the same issue John

[John (I think)] then it showed 8 of 5 licences

[BOB] no two players can have the same name

[Vicki] mine at the time showed 8 of 8

[John (I think)] then 4 of 12

[Vicki] then 4 of 11

[BOB] ok

[BOB] goo info to have

[John (I think)] have we done enough bug testing for tonight?

[BiBo] he doesnt test much before releasing versions does he?

[John (I think)] he alrqady had 5 updates in a week

[BOB] well we use the Chat functions a lot more than most groups

[Vicki] apparently not John

[Vicki] yes

[BOB] and john is right 5 fixes this week

[Vicki] averages one a day from Mon. to Fri

[BOB] the linux people were screwed

[BOB] could not even load

[BOB] two of them were just for that

[BOB] one was for our chat issues that we had

[John (I think)] sounds a lot like windows, I always wait a year before I get the new version

[BOB] well that is what GMjames was in for

[BOB] to see how it looked

[Kaz] it's a game that requires chat. How could we possibly use it more than the other groups?

[John (I think)] what chat issues, like we needed boxes around our words

[BiBo] I wait until I get a computer that has the new version before I get the new version :-P

[BOB] he is staying on the old versoin because of their scripts

[BOB] and Kaz a lot of people use Klooge with voice

[BOB] or they are all in the same room

[Kaz] ahh

[Vicki] yep

[BiBo] if everyone is in the room, whats the point of klooge?

[Kaz] Thank you, Marco.

[BOB] as a combat manager

[BiBo] it certainly doesnt make things easier

[BiBo] combats go slower

[BOB] well in any case

[BOB] there are things we know we can fix on our end in the Def file,

[BOB] and there are others that we can ask him to change

[BOB] I already have

[John (I think)] combat would go quicker if people were more focused

[BOB] hopefully others will post about it

[John (I think)] I can see war gammers happy with this combat

[BOB] ok, so back to the conversation?

[John (I think)] I am done with both, I do not see what else we can learn

[Tori (Vicki)] ::continues to translate back and forth::

[BOB] ok

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 21:25:33 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Forest Two...

Christy has received the map Forest Two.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((with the Q's and A's))

[Lorie :O)] Okay gang, I'd like to stay

[John (I think)] wait,

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rold, have you ever seen any other groups raiding?

[Lorie :O)] But I'm really struggling to follow this chat and the technical stuff

[BOB] ok

[Lorie :O)] it's making my eyes hurt

[BOB] sorry Lorie

[Lorie :O)] not your fault BOB

[Lorie :O)] really

[Khan (John (I think))] Tori, ask green if anyting has changed with the Elf and Wizards recently

[Lorie :O)] I'm not upset, just frustrated

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates::

[Kaz] Yes, it's hard to get through some of the stuff. I totally lost track of my thought when we just got booted and I couldn't get back in.

[BOB] I will try to be here to set up klooge for everyone to test with later on thsi weekend too

[Kaz] cool, Bob

[Rold (BOB)] I think that the elves have been more active

[Rold (BOB)] there is no wizard

[Rold (BOB)] that is just a scary story to tell bad little orcs

[Lorie :O)] It's the yellow bar mostly

[Khan (John (I think))] is there a tower?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::in orc asks Rold:: "No wizard?"

[Lorie :O)] all the green and yellow hurt my eyes

[Tori (Vicki)] ::continues to translate::

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:27:55 EDT 2008

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) frowns.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Good night Lorie))

[Khan (John (I think))] (He may not know there is a wizard)

[Khan (John (I think))] the old guy in town may be the wizard

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Wasn't it Rold who said the elves were in league with the wizard?

[Khan (John (I think))] (yes)

[Rold (BOB)] (yes)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((yes))

[Kaz] LOL

[Kaz] that was an IC question

[Tori (Vicki)] "yes Rhys"

[Khan (John (I think))] So Tori, ask him when the incresed activity begain

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] So, the elves are in league with the wizard, but there is no wizard.

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates::

[Khan (John (I think))] or the orc is forgetting what he was suposed to say

[Rold (BOB)] the elves got angry about something

[Rold (BOB)] we stayed out of the forest more then

[Rold (BOB)] recently they seem to be less angry

[Rold (BOB)] so we are here more

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I don't think it'd be the problem with the orc as it would be the person playing the orc))

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates::

[Khan (John (I think))] like how recent are they less angry

[Rold (BOB)] (and I am trying to play him as teh confused low inteligence captive who is not supposed to be revealing anything)

[Rold (BOB)] in the last couple of weeks

[Rold (BOB)] they have not been as angry

[Khan (John (I think))] like the start of Winter?

[Rold (BOB)] they seems to not be in teh forest edge as much

[Rold (BOB)] yeah, when it got colder

[Tori (Vicki)] ((can understand now... if your intention is to confuse us all, it's working too ;)))

[Khan (John (I think))] boy he is full of helpful information

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Khan (John (I think))] (I can read between the lines)

[BiBo] well, the only reason we are talking with him at all is because we cant roll initiative

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:33:24 EDT 2008

[Khan (John (I think))] (we are suposed to get confirmation that this started when Bouty hunter killed the elf)

[Rold (BOB)] (actually this was the encounter from last week you all skipped over, when you said you wanted to go forward and attack something)

[BiBo] cant expect that much usefullness out of him

[Rold (BOB)] (same as with Chohn)

[BiBo] talking to a captive orc we didnt have captive yet?

[Kaz] speak for yourself

[Rold (BOB)] (was supposed to be the convo with Chohen, then the orc encounter, then capture, so tonight we are catching that all up)

[Ariella (Christy)] we never stick to a plan

[BiBo] well, our plans get derailed by klooge bugs

[Ariella (Christy)] yeah, that's for sure

[John (I think)] why would elves pretend to be orcs and Dragonslayers and attack caravans

[John (I think)] just because one bountyhunter killed an elf

[Ariella (Christy)] i'm too busy restarting and trying to get the stupid chat to dock so I can quit chasing it

[BiBo] so that they dont get in trouvble for causing trouble

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Why would they attack caravans to begin with?

[BiBo] money

[Ariella (Christy)] so what bountyhunter killed which elf?

[John (I think)] they do not know

[Tori (Vicki)] ((does anyone have the ability to see through disguises?))

[John (I think)] yes, Paul

[Rold (BOB)] chuckles

[Tori (Vicki)] ((someone here?))

[Rold (BOB)] brb

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[John (I think)] can I do a spell craft on the orc?

[John (I think)] to know one there

[John (I think)] Khan: Spellcraft check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[John (I think)] Khan: Cantrip check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[John (I think)] Khan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Lira (BiBo)] well its clearly prosthetic skin. we should carve it off to be sure

[Ariella (Christy)] so someone's upset about some unnamed bounty hunter killed an elf who no one's knows his or her name?

[John (I think)] or that is what they want us to think (ie BOB)

[Ariella (Christy)] that's some sketchy information there.

[Ariella (Christy)] brb

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((BOB, Fritz is working on def files and issues))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((he told me to tell you that))

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[John (I think)] can I do a spell craft on the orc?

[John (I think)] actualy I did already

[John (I think)] see above for the rolls

[Lira (BiBo)] he isnt castnig so its not useful

[Rold (BOB)] (yes to Vicki)

[BOB] and Rold looks like a real Orc

[Vicki] ok... just was told to inform you

[John (I think)] i give cohen the once over

[BOB] and the unnamed bounty hunter info can be had from the person who saw said bounty hunter which was not this Druid

[BOB] and yes to Cohen being a young Druid, human

[BOB] nothing that speaks out as "wrong" about either of them

[John (I think)] he is a druid

[BOB] with disquises and such

[John (I think)] er Druid

[John (I think)] or druid

[BOB] Druid

[BOB] on this side of the Great Mountains

[BOB] with a capital D

[John (I think)] khan makes a note not to tell Paul

[John (I think)] so I would normaly say we go back to town, but clearly there is an adventure here and we do not want to miss it

[Lira (BiBo)] but we cant do it without init

[John (I think)] Tori, sorry, ask him one more question

[John (I think)] Are there any other orc tribes in this area

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates::

[Lira (BiBo)] "and how big is this tribe"

[BOB] (the adventure is to solve the mystery, you very well may have to go back to town several times)

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates::

[John (I think)] the whole mystery?

[Rold (BOB)] there are two other tribes in the area

[Rold (BOB)] The incut tribe to the east

[Tori (Vicki)] :: Translates in Comm ::

[Rold (BOB)] and the rockjab tribe in the mountains to the West

[Rold (BOB)] (this part of the mystery yes John, who attacked the caravans in this area and why)

[Tori (Vicki)] ::then asks in orc:: "If there are only two tribes here, where do the Shorg tribe belong?"

[John (I think)] any changes in the way they interact recently

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates for others to know her question::

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates::

[Rold (BOB)] we hunt on the edge of this forest

[Rold (BOB)] and south

[Lira (BiBo)] how big are the 3 tribes

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] he didn't say there were two tribes in the area. He said there were two OTHER tribes.

[Rold (BOB)] we have about four fists of warriors in our tribe

[Rold (BOB)] the incut is smaller

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates in Comm:: then :: translates in orc::

[Rold (BOB)] and the rockjab is very strong

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates back and forth:: (tired of typing when translating))

[Lira (BiBo)] how big is a fist

[Rold (BOB)] holds up a hand adn clenches it

[Rold (BOB)] opens and clenches

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I'm thinking the number of fingers on his hand.

[Lira (BiBo)] gotta be more than 5.

[John (I think)] 4x5

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] that's twenty warriors

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] plus women, children, non-warriors

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jun 20 21:51:27 EDT 2008

Fritz is receiving the map Forest Two...

Fritz has received the map Forest Two.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((wb Fritz))

[Rold (BOB)] wb

BOB (to GM only) Begun receiving file stafflazerus.gif

BOB (to GM only) Finished receiving file stafflazerus.gif

[Rold (BOB)] ok, I put that in the main Klooge.werks folder

[John (I think)] i wish BOB would post more detail on the pre story he has been buiding

[Fritz] I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the init yet but I have an idea...

[John (I think)] I do not know who to trust

[Fritz] and now everyone has the icon again for the magic items

[BOB] nods at Fritz, that might fix it

[BOB] or not

[Vicki] as in the characters or between fritz and bob?

[Kaz] Thank you, Fritz

[Vicki] lol

[BOB] and John what questions do you have?

[Lira (BiBo)] no one, everyone is lying or doesnt know the truth

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Khan, I believe it may be necessary to visit the village again.

[Fritz] also I know what is wrong with the proficiencies

[BOB] you did amazingly little research before sending out these people to solve the mystery

[John (I think)] well like you implyed there have been raider posing as DS for some time

[BOB] yes to John

[Fritz] I will fix christy and vicki but for everyone else you need to put a number in the modifiers are wether it be a +0 or what ever

[Lira (BiBo)] you always tell us to do research, and when we do we get nothing, then after you say why didnt you do research

[BOB] not implied but definate

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] there have been many attacks on caravans

[John (I think)] forever

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ariella modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - CHANGED: Appraising -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Looting -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Rope Use -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Swimming -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Tumbling -- Modifier: +0 (null).

[Lira (BiBo)] we dont research because we dont expect to ever get useful info due to never getting useful info in the past

[Kaz] Not sure what you mean, Fritz.

[John (I think)] when did they start pretending to be DS

[Vicki] Fritz... I can do it if you tell me where, but thanks for doing it

[BOB] in the past several months

[Tori (Vicki)] Khan, do I need to translate it?

[BOB] it started in the summer

[Lira (BiBo)] at most we are told to look at the entry for a particular monster in the monster manual

[John (I think)] all over the silk road

[BOB] yes John

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - CHANGED: Anatomy -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Cantrip -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Healing -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Herbalism -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Orison -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Spellcraft -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Swimming -- Modifier: +0 (null).

[John (I think)] any on "great trade route"?

[BOB] no

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - CHANGED: Swimming -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Tumbling -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Cantrip -- Modifier: +0 (null). CHANGED: Orison -- Modifier: +0 (null).

[Ariella (Christy)] were thet dressed like DS or did they just say it?

[John (I think)] this area was the first to say they were orcs?

[John (I think)] thay had our card

[Vicki] aren't we along the spice road, or is this along silk road?

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tori modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - CHANGED: Swimming -- Modifier: +0 (null).

[Lira (BiBo)] they had ds symbols

[Fritz] ok brb

[Ariella (Christy)] we have cards?

[BOB] yes first that said they were Orcs

[Lira (BiBo)] little medals

[Lira (BiBo)] yeah

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 21:58:12 EDT 2008

[Lira (BiBo)] looks like bobs icon

[John (I think)] not look like BOB

[John (I think)] like BOB's icon

[John (I think)] ;)

[Vicki] LOL

[John (I think)] so this could be a copy cat

[Vicki] are you saying that bob doesn't look like his icon?

[John (I think)] yes

[Ariella (Christy)] so now people are saying that a bunch of ORC dragonslayers are causing trouble?

[BOB] some caravan masters are

[John (I think)] in this area only

[BOB] and they showed up at Roadhaven to be reimbursed

[BOB] for damages

[John (I think)] how stupid are they

[John (I think)] or do we think we would steal and give back

[Lira (BiBo)] seriously, who goes up to the people who attacked them and asks to be reimbursed for damages?

[BOB] the silk road travels right through roadhaven

[Lira (BiBo)] like, if we did that, we would just kill them

[Ariella (Christy)] i know that the DSers sometimes have a high rate of turnover (due to death and whatnot) but a whole bunch of orcs? No offense Tori, but orcs aren't exactly known for being DS quality

[BOB] which is what caught Wilson's attention, and when two attacks by Orcs happened, brought it up as a good place to start investigating

[John (I think)] ok, time to go to bed, good night all

[BOB] waves, thanks John

[Tori (Vicki)] ((night night John))

[Ariella (Christy)] so the orcs hear of bandits inpersonating the DS and think to themselves that sounds like a good idea?

[Kaz] Night John

[Ariella (Christy)] night John!

[BOB] is one possiblity Christy

[BOB] if you think these orcs are coordinated enough for that

[Kaz] Who actually said it was orcs? The caravan leaders?

[BOB] nods

John (I think) has left the game on Fri Jun 20 22:03:35 EDT 2008

[BOB] I think it was John or Kaz that said it was Elves pretending to be Orcs

[Kaz] I vote that we hunt down the caravan leaders, who are surely the most idiotic morons ever to live, and beat the living snot out of them.

[Ariella (Christy)] i wouldn't think orcs could appeciate that plan enough to pull it off

[Lira (BiBo)] They wouldnt be smart enough to do it, i said that weeks ago

[Lira (BiBo)] and every week since

[Ariella (Christy)] elves masquerading as orcs masquerading as DS??

[Kaz] I also think the orcs are straightforward enough to not pretend to be someone they're not.

[Tori (Vicki)] and here we have an orc and not getting much for answers out of him

[Kaz] Why would they want caravans to fear the Dragonslayers, and not the mighty orc tribe?

[Lira (BiBo)] we arent gonna get those answers out of an or or a druid who knows nothing

[Tori (Vicki)] is it possible that the wizard may be involved and getting these orcs under spells?

[Ariella (Christy)] maybe their goal isn't getting the caravans but discrediting the DS

[Lira (BiBo)] which is why I didnt want to talk to either of these people to begin with

[Tori (Vicki)] I was following Khan's orders to talk to the orcs

[Tori (Vicki)] which was why I didn't attack

[BOB] and you are trying to find the elves to question them

[Lira (BiBo)] which is why I said at the beginning of the night, lets hurry up and get to that wizards tower

[Tori (Vicki)] ::asks in orc, then translates for others:: "Rold, do you know what area the elves live?"

[Kaz] Why are we always in such a rush?

[BOB] which you don't know where it is

[Kaz] you miss out on stuff.

[Lira (BiBo)] no, we are at such a crawl that nothing gets done

[BOB] you are traveling mostly randomly through the forest right now

[Ariella (Christy)] it only seems like we're in a rush

[Lira (BiBo)] we say hurry up hurry up, then we spend the whole night doing nothing

[Ariella (Christy)] we just don't like talking to Bob's very unhelpful NPCs

[Ariella (Christy)] because you only get a sliver of info if you ask precisely the correct question

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Isn't that the whole purpose of Role Playing?))

[Ariella (Christy)] and it takes about 250 questions to find that exact question

[Ariella (Christy)] like I said earlier-attention span

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Well Tori asked a question and has yet to get an answer))

[Lira (BiBo)] every npc either knows nothing or never reveals what they know

[BOB] (what question?)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I don't have the patience or attention span either))

[Kaz] maybe you have to piece the information together.

[Tori (Vicki)] ::asks in orc, then translates for others:: "Rold, do you know what area the elves live?"

[Lira (BiBo)] we have to get the information to piece it together

[BOB] he said earlier they live through out the forest

[Tori (Vicki)] ((^^ that one))

[BOB] it s their forest

[Tori (Vicki)] ((ok))

[Lira (BiBo)] I thought we had clear directions to ths wizard tower and that the elves were likely to find us there

[Kaz] we had no directions to the tower

[Lira (BiBo)] thats what I was under the impression from the old lady that wasnt an old lady

[BOB] no you know there is a wizard's tower in the middle of the forest

[BOB] and that if you travel through the forest the elves will find you

[BOB] and you ahve spend a whole HOUR in the forest so far

[Tori (Vicki)] ::asks and translates:: "if it's the elven forest, why are you running into here if you hunt at the edge?"

[Lira (BiBo)] okay, so why are we talking to an orc who knows nothing and a druid who has never been in a forest?

[BOB] who do you want to talk to/

[BOB] that you know where they are?

[Tori (Vicki)] (( I was speaking to Rold))

[Ariella (Christy)] the theory is that if we walk on, the elves will come to us?

[Lira (BiBo)] yep

[Rold (BOB)] we hunt on the edge of the forest

[Ariella (Christy)] so let's mutitask and walk and talk at the same time

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Because we have an orc willing to talk to us and not attack us))

[Rold (BOB)] we are only a few hundred yards into the forest

[Rold (BOB)] (you are Chrsty)

[Lira (BiBo)] and the whole reason teh druid who has never been in a forest decided to come with us was that he could lead us through this forest to the tower

[Lira (BiBo)] thats what he said his selling point was

[Tori (Vicki)] "If we are only a few hundred yards into the forest, can you take us in further to where you stop hunting?"

[Tori (Vicki)] ((does that help?))

[Tori (Vicki)] ::asks in orc and translates in Comm::

[Tori (Vicki)] ((make the orc lead us further rather than wandering in their territory without a clue))

[Lira (BiBo)] I was totally under the impression that we knew where to fnid this tower, or at least had people with us who knew and that was the whole purpose of being here

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Nope, we wandered in clueless))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((because we were in a hurry to get this over with))

[Lira (BiBo)] granny said hey, the towers there, druid said hey theres a tower

[Rold (BOB)] from the previous session [Chohen] want me to show you the closest path into the forest?

[Rold (BOB)] and when asked if he knew the way to the tower

[Rold (BOB)] he responded

[Rold (BOB)] [Chohen] you are just a cute girl

[Lira (BiBo)] all the mentions of the tower kinda implied that it would be easy to find

[Kaz] Well, I hope he was talking to Lira and not to Khan.

[Rold (BOB)] everyone has said that it is in the middle of the forest

[Lira (BiBo)] a major landmark in the forest

[Rold (BOB)] chuckles

[Lira (BiBo)] and by middle I thought like literally the dead center

[BOB] yes to both Marco

[Lira (BiBo)] so.... why cant we get there?

[Lira (BiBo)] we have a ranger and a druid

[BOB] you can eventually walk around and find the center of the woods yes

[Lira (BiBo)] one of the two must be able to navigate us there

[Ariella (Christy)] okay, now that we've verified the tower, what say we go to said tower and bring the orc for further interrogation?

[BOB] and once again for Christy, how are you going to find teh tower? by searching and looking and finding other people who live in the forest to tell you

[Lira (BiBo)] so, like I said, we arent clueless, the orc and druid are useless for info and lets get to the tower "-P

[Kaz] why are we going to the tower?

[Ariella (Christy)] why not?

[BOB] it not a why but a how at this point

[Ariella (Christy)] walk?

[Kaz] do we think the wizard is going to tell us about the supposed DS raids?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Just to be crystal clear... what we know as players isn't what our characters know. The characters are clueless how to get to the tower))

[BOB] yes to Vicki

[BOB] so far you have not talked to anyone about how to get to the tower

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, I knew that... just wanted to help clarify))

[Lira (BiBo)] then lets just start setting fire to trees until angry elves show up or all thats left is a wizardstower

[BOB] the two people here do not know

[Ariella (Christy)] okay Cho, do you or do you NOT know how to get to this tower in the forest/

[Kaz] I'm sure the ranger and the druid will love that

[Tori (Vicki)] ((and now Marco sounds like Mike))

[Chohen (BOB)] I know there is a wizard's tower in the middle of the forest,

[Chohen (BOB)] I have never been there,

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Do you know anyone who has been there?

[Ariella (Christy)] do you have a general idea about the middle of the forest?

[Chohen (BOB)] we would have to follow the game trails, explore adn hope to find some of the nicer creatures of the forest

[Chohen (BOB)] talk to them

[Chohen (BOB)] and hope they can guide us

[Lira (BiBo)] so why have we spent the last 3 hours here instead of doing that?

[Ariella (Christy)] well let's go find some kindly forest creatures then.

[Chohen (BOB)] like the blink dogs?

[Lira (BiBo)] blink dogs dont talk

[Ariella (Christy)] yeah, sure.

[Chohen (BOB)] the lawful good creatures that hung around

[Lira (BiBo)] they are useless

[Chohen (BOB)] ok

[Chohen (BOB)] so continueing to walk through the forest

[Lira (BiBo)] give me a hamster or badger and we can get some info, but blink dogs dont talk

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I was very interested in meeting the blink dog. I've never met one.

[Lira (BiBo)] leave the animals alone.

[BOB] Time of Day: 02:00 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[BOB] Time of Day: 03:00 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[Tori (Vicki)] "I can only talk to orcs, but not animals"

[BOB] Time of Day: 04:00 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[BOB] so walking and talking

[BOB] slowly making your way through the woods

[Lira (BiBo)] "I can talk to some animals."

[BOB] you know you have made it at least a half mile into the woods now

[BOB] over soem ridges

[BOB] and down into some gullies

[Ariella (Christy)] over the river and through the woods...

[BOB] you can hope to find your way back out

[Lira (BiBo)] thats what the rangers for

[BOB] it is getting to be late afternoon

[Lira (BiBo)] what terrible ranger would get lost in the woods?

[BOB] and you need to worry about setting up a camp for the night

[BOB] you know you can not make it back out of hte woods before night fall

[BOB] did you want to camp

[Lira (BiBo)] find a clearing, start a fire and pull out the bedrolls

[BOB] or try to push on in the growing dark

[Tori (Vicki)] "It's up to you, as I can see in the dark, as well as Rold can."

[Lira (BiBo)] cant make a proper camp in the dark

[Lira (BiBo)] so, camp is made. huzzah! watches?

[Lira (BiBo)] Ill take first

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I shall take the second watch.

[BOB] there is decent clearing at the bottom of one of the ravines

[Lira (BiBo)] okay, and the 2 orcs take last

[Tori (Vicki)] ok

[Lira (BiBo)] sleep time

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] at the bottom of a ravine?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] there's an ambush waiting to happen.

[BOB] you are on teh new map

[BOB] if you want to look at it

Kaz is receiving the map Forest Edge Two...

Kaz has received the map Forest Edge Two.

[Ariella (Christy)] and we're letting our new friend take a watch?

[Tori (Vicki)] with Tori

[Lira (BiBo)] well hes on it with tori

[Tori (Vicki)] ((ooc))

Vicki is receiving the map Forest Edge Two...

Vicki has received the map Forest Edge Two.

[Lira (BiBo)] so sleep time

[Lira (BiBo)] hey bob

[BOB] yes?

[Lira (BiBo)] during my watch, I wanna cast spectral force to make it look like there is no camp here

[Ariella (Christy)] i'll sit in on first wtach also

[Lira (BiBo)] Ill concentrate on it for my watch

[BOB] ok

[Lira (BiBo)] okay, and does anything happen?

[BOB] so Rhys is on watch alone?

[Ariella (Christy)] i'll spend my watch sneaking around :)

[BOB] or do you want to wait till next week and we have more people here?

[Kaz] I'd prefer to wait until there are more people

[Ariella (Christy)] that's a good idea

Tori (Vicki) rests until her watch

[Kaz] One person on watch alone is unwise

[BOB] we did make good progress tonight

[Lira (BiBo)] well, more have an nitative roller

[BOB] despite the Klooge issues

[Lira (BiBo)] we have enough people

[Ariella (Christy)] Hans will be there. Klooge was too much for him tonight

[BOB] Marco can you please post about the chat boxes

[BOB] and what people thought about them

[Kaz] who has an initiative roller?

[BOB] there is already a thread in the feature request

[Lira (BiBo)] why me? I was the only one who didnt care about them

[Vicki] chat boxes didn't bother me...

[BOB] and I have to find out if that is a bug or something that is broken on our end Kaz

[BOB] ok Marco

[BOB] sorry I thought you did not like them

[Vicki] I rather like them there

[Lira (BiBo)] nope, dont care

[Lira (BiBo)] everyone else hated them

[BOB] I know Lorie and Christy did not

[Lira (BiBo)] makes no difference to me

[Ariella (Christy)] i don't mind the boxes as much as the chat disappearing everytime something moves

[Lira (BiBo)] hans hated them too I think

[Vicki] that's why I docked chat

[Vicki] that was the only thing Christy, Kaz, and I had issues with

[Ariella (Christy)] and yes, in theory you can dock the chat but I haven't been able to do that

[Kaz] I would prefer to be able to put the chat box wherever I want it

[Vicki] having to dock chat or lose chat a lot

[Kaz] not have to dock it

[Ariella (Christy)] my box is checked and the chat isn't docked

[Kaz] huh

[Ariella (Christy)] the box is unchecked and the chat doesn't dock

[Kaz] that's messed up, Christy

[BOB] ok,

[Vicki] close it and open it again

[BOB] undock it christy

[BOB] then close otu of it

[Ariella (Christy)] tried that

BiBo has left the game on Fri Jun 20 22:37:02 EDT 2008

[BOB] then go back and chage to dock

[Vicki] yep

[Ariella (Christy)] tried that

[Vicki] that's how I docked mine

[BOB] and then view chat history

[Vicki] well good night Marco...

[BOB] shoud be a small box on teh bottom

[Vicki] *sheesh*

[BOB] ok

[BOB] we will see what happens

[Vicki] *snickers*

[Vicki] can see where Bob gets his maps

[BOB] nods I should make a link to his site on ours

[Kaz] Christy, please say good night to Hans for me. And goodnight to you all!

Kaz waves

[Vicki] yes

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 20 22:39:05 EDT 2008

[Vicki] Good night

[Vicki] despite the issues... we did well

[Ariella (Christy)] night!

[Vicki] night night

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 20 22:39:58 EDT 2008

[Vicki] Bob, before I go... anything else you want to test?

[BOB] nah

[Vicki] ok... good night

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jun 20 22:40:40 EDT 2008